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se wing school instructions WINTER WOOL CAPE

Sew the lining together the same way, however, you may find that because the lining is a lighter
0.6m of 150cm wide woollen or similar suiting fabric. weight it might not make a smooth cupped shape, but instead have a gathered look (this is ok).
0.8m of 120cm wide silky lining fabric.
50cm of matching soft shiny cord such as rattail or readymade rouleau. If Press both outer and lining capes, with the seam allowances open from the notch down and
you want a perfect match you can make rouleau from bias strips of your facing the sleeve from the notches up. Let the seam allowance find its own way where they
lining fabric. There are several good tutorials on the internet. change direction, no need to clip anything.

BEFORE YOU START Put the outer and inner capes together with the

right sides facing each other and pin around the

Print out and assemble the pattern pages, following the pale grey grid
outer edge, matching edges and the
1. Sew seams.
darts by joining the cut edges
guide. Each square should be 10cm x 10cm. then tapering to the dot. Neaten with a
zigzag stitch or overlocker.
The pattern has 1cm seam allowances included. 11 2. S
Sew carefully from the front neck edge all the then
Please read the instructions carefully before starting and follow along way around to the other side. Leave the neck
carefully. edge open. Turn the cape right side out and press
the edges carefully so the join rolls a little to the
inside of the cape.
Reach into the neck between both layers and adjust the seam allowances on the shoulder so
Cut out cape pattern pieces in both main fabric and lining. Make sure the back panel is cut on they lay outwards. Use a handsewing needle and thread to join the lining to the outer fabric
the fold of the fabric, and make sure the grain line is parallel to the selvedges for each piece through all layers. Hide the stitches in the machine sewn seam.
so the cape will sit nicely when it’s finished.
Once all the layers are the right way out again and it’s sitting smoothly, sew the two layers
3. Open the prefolded bias and sew to the neck edge
Follow the dotted line for the top of the sleeve section when cutting the lining, so you don’t together at the neck so and
they armhole
don’t shiftedges,
about asright
you sew the together.
binding on.
have too much ease for the lighter weight fabric. 4. O
14 ver
Now you need to use the matching cord to make a chinese ball button and loop. There
You will also need a strip cut on the bias (exactly diagonal to the grain) to bind the neckline are many tutorials on the internet for sewing chinese ball buttons, try this one here:
with. The length and width depend on the thickness of the fabric, but a good starting size
would be 50cm x 6cm.
Put the button aside until you are ready to finish the ends of the binding.
Mark notches with a shallow clip. In thick fabric,
clip a small V out of the seam alllowance. Make sure To make the bound neck, pin the bias strip to the RIGHT SIDE
the clip isn’t deeper than your 1cm seam allowance. inside of the neckline without stretching it. Sew OF GARMENT
with a very accurate seam allowance, as this will
5 determine how smooth and even the5.binding
Sew the is. side seam with the underarm
6. Se
binding opened out.
Sew the shoulder seams together, and press them Neaten with a zigzag stitch or an overlocker
of th
6 Roll the binding to the outside, tucking in the ends neatly and trimming the width if you need
Use a long stitch to sew two rows of gathering stitches on the sleeve panel to in order to make a smooth roll around the neckline. Pin in place, then handsew the binding
from the double notches on the back to the single front notch. One row is just over the joining seam.
on the stitching line, and the other is closer to the cut edge. Leave long
8. topstit
thread tails and don’t backstitch. 17
the neck
Just before sewing the ends shut, slip the “legs” of the button into the roll and secure with
7 7. Turn
handstitches. Make a loop the
just big binding
enough to the
for the inside
button on theand topstitch
other side. The button usually At centre
about 5mm from the edge, folding the raw edge back nea
Pin the panels together, mathing the notches goes on the left front and the loop on the right.
of the binding under as you go. the open
and pulling the two rows of stitching up until
the sleeve panel is the same length as the body 18 Sew on a
panels over the shoulder. It should make a gentle You can use a fairly wide binding to make the binding look very soft and rounded, which suits
cupped shape that will hug the top of the arm. Sew the thicker fabric. It may be worth testing a few widths on a scrap of the fabric first to see
carefully, stitching over the gathering threads. what will give you the effect you want. Enjoy!

to m
An original design by
Sewanista Fashion Workshops 8.P
An original design for Peppermint Magazine
by Sewanista Fashion Workshops

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