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Academic Session: Biochemistry

Bioenergetics 1.01
Allan Hilario, MD, MHA, MSc, FPCS | 4th of September 2020

# Question Rationale

1 What is the principal donor of methyl group during metabolic Answer: Methionine - SAM
reactions? • Glycine - produces kink in polypeptide
A. Cysteine • Cysteine - sulfide-containing AA
B. Glycine
C. Methionine
D. Serine

2 What effect is dependent on the capacity of CO2 to prevent Answer: Bohr effect
marked changes in blood pH? • Haldane - interaction of oxygen in deoxygenated form in lungs
A. Bohr effect when oxygen levels are high
B. Haldane effect • Isohydric buffering- Balancing of acid base paring
C. Isohydric buffering • Chloride shift - Effect of chloride is negated by carbonates
D. Chloride shift

3 Which of the following compounds is an electron transport Answer: 2, 3 – dinitrophenol

uncoupler? • Dinitrophenol allows entry of protons which uncouple electrons
A. Carbon dioxide from ETC
B. 2,3-dinitrophenol
C. Oxygen
D. Amytal

4 What is the effect of negative free energy change? Answer: All are correct
A. Keq is >1.0
B. Concentration of product > reactant
C. Reaction can occur spontaneously
D. All are correct

5 What does the second law of thermodynamics state? Answer: A. Any spontaneous process increases the entropy of the
A. Any spontaneous process increases the system
entropy of the system • First law: Conservation of energy
B. Enthalpy increases as the process proceed • Second Law: Entropy [S] of the universe increases in every
C. The entropy change in a spontaneous process is spontaneous process.
always negative • Third Law: Entropy of a pure crystalline substance at absolute 0 is
D. The total entropy change in a spontaneous zero.
process is always negative

6 What part of the ETC is involved in the oxidation of Answer: Complex II

succinate by FAD?
a. Complex V
b. Coenzyme Q
c. Complex II
d. Cytochrome oxidase

7 What is the free energy change of the reaction in Answer: Zero

equilibrium? • Negative free energy (-△G)= spontaneous reaction
a. 0 • Positive free energy (-△G) = no reaction
b. 1
c. 10x
d. 100x

Trans # 1| Drs Buhayo, Concepcion, Dimanlig, Locando, Ravalo 1 of 3

Academic Session: Biochemistry
8 Which of the following DOES NOT cause a shift of the Answer: Increase blood pH
oxygen dissociation curve to the right?
a. Increase in blood pH
b. Increase in temperature
c. Increase in 2-3 BPG
d. Increase in CO2 in blood

9 What acid base imbalance will result from severe vomiting Answer: Metabolic Alkalosis
from scarred pylorus? • Vomitus contains the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, removing
a. Metabolic alkalosis acid results to alkalosis
b. Metabolic acidosis
c. Respiratory alkalosis
d. Respiratory acidosis

10 Oxygen from the atmospheric air has to be delivered in Answer: Krebs Cycle
tissues to be used in what metabolic pathway? • Metabolic pathway = Krebs cycle
a. Anaerobic glycolysis
b. Beta oxidation
c. Electron transport chain
d. Krebs cycle

11 Which of the following statements regarding exergonic Answer: It is spontaneous in nature

reactions is correct? • Exergonic reaction is always spontaneous, negative free energy
a. It has positive free energy change change is catabolic
b. It needs input of energy
c. It is spontaneous in nature
d. It is exemplified by anabolic reactions

12 What does the 1st law of thermodynamics state? Answer: A. Energy of the universe remain constant.
A. Energy of the universe remain constant • First law: Conservation of energy – energy cannot be created nor
B. Energy cannot be transformed from one form to destroyed
another • Second Law: Entropy [S] of the universe increases in every
C. Increase entropy allows reaction to proceed spontaneous process.
D. Endergonic reaction can occur if it is coupled to • Third Law: Entropy of a pure crystalline substance at absolute 0 is
an exergonic reaction zero.

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Academic Session: Biochemistry
13 What is the rate limiting step and much regulated step in Answer: Citrate Synthase
TCA? • Rate limiting step in TCA: Citrate synthetase catalyzes formation
a. Aconitase of Citrate from acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate. Increased citrate
b. Citrate synthetase (product) will eventually inhibit TCA (reaction).
c. Isocitrate dehydrogenase • Succinate dehydrogenase can convert to other intermediates
d. Succinate dehydrogenase

14 ATP synthase (aka Complex V) consists of 2 domains, F1 Answer: F1 domain catalyzes ATP synthesis
and F0, which is correct about ATP synthase? F0 is only a channel while F1 contains catalytic enzyme
A. F1 and F0 are both integral membrane protein of
the outer membrane
B. F1 domain provides a channel for translocation of
proton across the membrane
C. F1 domain catalyzes ATP synthesis
D. Only the F0 domain contains more than one sub

15 Which of the following compounds need a transporter in the Answer: Acetyl CoA
inner mitochondrial membrane? • Acetyl CoA is large and needs to be transported for TCA
b. Acetyl CoA
c. GTP
d. ATP

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