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Case Name National Marketing Corporation v. Federation of Namarco Distributors, Inc.

49 SCRA 238
Topic Payment or Performance / 1249
G.R No. / Date G.R. No. L-22578 Date: January 31, 1973
Doctrine: The clause of Art. 1249 relative to the impairment of the negotiable character of
the commercial paper by the fault of the creditor, is applicable ONLY to
instruments executed by third persons and delivered by the debtor to the creditor,
and does NOT apply to instruments executed by the debtor himself and paid to
the creditor.
Case Summary:


DISTRIBUTORS, INC. G.R. No. L-22578 Date: January 31, 1973


To deliver the items merchandise Obligation to pay

Who failed to do their obligation: FEDERATION refuses to pay acknowledge the domestic letters of
credit until full delivery is done by NAMARCO.
What was not done: NAMARCO to make the delivery
On November 16, 1959, plaintiff, hereinafter to be called NAMARCO; and the defendant, hereinafter to be
called FEDERATION, entered into a Contract of Sale of goods. Among the goods covered by the Contract
of Sale were 2,000 cartons of PK Chewing Gums, 1,000 cartons of Juicy Fruit Chewing Gums, 500 cartons
of Adams Chicklets, 168 cartons of Blue Denims, and 138 bales of Khaki Twill.
To insure the payment of those goods by FEDERATION, NAMARCO accepted three domestic letters of
credit in favor of NAMARCO for the account of FEDERATION, available by draft up to the aggregate
amounts of P277,357.91, P135,891.82, and P197,804.12, respectively, covering the full invoice value of
the goods mentioned above, each to be accompanied by a statement of account of buyer issued by the
NAMARCO, accepted draft and duly executed trust receipt approved by the Philippine National Bank.
Upon arrival of the goods in Manila, NAMARCO submitted to FEDERATION three statements of account
for covering the above mentioned shipment for FEDERATION to pay. NAMARCO presented to PNB,
Manila, for payment the sight drafts earlier accepted by NAMARCO to cover the full payment of the goods,
all duly accompanied with supporting papers. However, the Philippine National Bank informed
NAMARCO that it could not negotiate and effect payment on the sight drafts as the requirements of the
covering letters of credit had not been complied with.
The common condition of the three letters of credit is that the sight drafts drawn on them must be duly
accepted by FEDERATION before they will be honored by the Philippine National Bank. But the said
drafts were not presented to FEDERATION for acceptance. 14 NAMARCO demanded from
FEDERATION the payment of the total amount of P611,053.35, but the latter failed and refused to pay the
said amount, or any portion thereof. NAMARCO instituted the present action praying that FEDERATION
be ordered to pay the sum of P611,053.35, representing the cost of merchandise.
The lower court ruled in favor of NAMARCO and ordered FEDERATION to pay. FEDERATION contends
that it has incurred no liability, as NAMARCO has neither alleged nor proved that it has complied with the
conditions contained in the three domestic letters of credit, that the sight drafts drawn upon them be
presented to FEDERATION for acceptance before they can be honored by the Bank.
ISSUE: Whether or not FEDERATION was discharged from its obligation to NAMARCO due to the
failure of the latter to comply with the requirements of the domestic letters of credit

RULING: NO, FEDERATION was not discharged from its obligation. Under Art. 1249 of the New Civil
Code, the delivery of promissory notes payable to order, or bills of exchange or drafts or other mercantile
document shall produce the effect of payment only when realized, or when by the fault of the creditor, the
privileges inherent in their negotiable character have been impaired. The clause of Article 1249 relative
to the impairment of the negotiable character of the commercial paper by the fault of the creditor, is
applicable only to instruments executed by third persons and delivered by the debtor to the creditor,
and does not apply to instruments executed by the debtor himself and delivered to the creditor

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