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Learning Area TLE (Animal Production) Poultry Grade Level 7/8

Quarter 4 Date
I. LESSON TITLE Using Farm Tools and Equipment (UFTE)
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING LO 1Select and use farm tools and equipment
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) LO 2. Perform preventive maintenance of tools and equipment
TLE_9- 12UT-0a-1
TLE_AFAC9 -12MT-0c-3
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT The learners demonstrate an understanding of the underlying theories in using farm
tools and equipment for poultry production.
I. Introduction (Time Frame: (30 mins)
Farmers provide us with foods through domesticated animals. Farmers work in rigorously day in and day out: they wake up
early in the morning and go home late in the afternoon; work during sunny and rainy days. Despite these working conditions,
farming is one of the many needed skills in our country and the world. There are a lot of opportunities
for farmers here and abroad. In other countries, Filipino farmers earn higher than what ordinary employees receive in the
Farmers know the tools and equipment in the farm and how to use them properly. Before you perform some farm activities,
determine the areas of concern for safety. This lesson will help you to identify various tasks on the farm, determine the places
for application of safety measure, determine the appropriate time for employing safety measures and
identify appropriate tools and equipment in animal production.

Learning Task I : Words on the box

I. Name Me!

Directions: Name the following tools and equipment. Choose your answer inside the box and write the selected
answers on your answer sheet.

Spade Bolo Shovel Feeding Troughs Rake Spading Fork

1 2 3

4 5

II. Answer me!

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write your answers briefly on your answer sheet.

1. What can you say about the pictures?

2. Based on what you see in the picture have you seen it yet in actual?
3. Do you have any idea where the pictures are used?
D. Development (Time Frame: (80 mins)
Most farmers use basic tools, equipment and fixtures in poultry production nowadays keep on improving for time and easy
management. Poultry production is very lucrative aspect of agriculture under livestock farming.
Every small farm needs a flat spade and a pointed spade for digging. A good digging fork is a multipurpose tool, used for
breaking up and turning soil in the garden, harvesting, and for manure cleanup around the barn.
A. Spade - is used for removing trash or soil, digging canals or ditches and mixing soil media.
B. Shovel- are used for cleaning ditches, digging and moving soil and other granular material. They are also used for leveling
a base for sill rocks, steps, is used in removing trash, digging loose soil, moving soil from one place to another and for mixing soil
C. Rake - is used for cleaning the ground and leveling the topsoil.
D. Bolo - A bolo is a large cutting tool of Filipino origin similar to the machete. The bolo is called an itak in Tagalog.
E. Spading fork - is used for loosening the soil, digging out root crops and turning over the materials in a compost heap.
There are dozens of electric power tools available at hardware and home stores, but there are two must-haves for any type of
around-the-farm construction project:
1. a circular saw; and
2. a drill/driver (preferably the rechargeable battery-operated type).
III. HAND TOOLS – used for conducting simple repair and maintenance operation such as;
1. pliers
2. claw hammer
3. adjustable wrenches
4. screwdrivers
5. socker and driver set
IV. FENCING TOOL – devices for fence construction and layout of animal houses such as;
1. steel tape
2. carpenters’ level
3. stretching clamp
4. fencing pliers
5.power digger

Learning Task 2: Identify Me!

Direction: Read each item carefully. Select and write the letter of the best answers on your answer sheet.
1. It refers to domesticated birds or fowls.
A. poultry B. livestock C. amphibians D. mammals
2.These are devices that make the work of man easier and faster.
A. bolo B. shovel C. spade D. tools
3. It refers to one or more domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities such as food, fiber
and labor They are usually four legged animals. _________.
A. livestock B. poultry C. mammals D. amphibians
4. This is a large cutting tool of Filipino origin similar to machete, used particularly in the jungles.
A. shovel B. spading fork C. bolo D. pruning shears
5. It is a hand tool used for digging and moving soil and granular materials.
A. bolo B. spading fork C. rake D. shovel
6. This is a hand tool used for loosening the soil and turning over the materials in a compost heap.
A. spading fork B. shovel C. rake D. bolo
7. Refers to a two-wheeled transport tool pushed or pulled by one or more people or animals.
A. hand cart B. wheelbarrow C. spading fork D. hoe
8. It is a tool used to clean and level the ground.
A. rake B. hoe C. bolo D. spading fork
9. Which of the following tools is used to collect animal manure from the ground?
A. bolo B. hoe C. rake D. shovel
10. Which of the following tools is the most appropriate tool in cutting branches of trees?
A. hammer B. bolo C. rake D. spading Fork
1. Dropping board- These fixtures should be provided in the laying house to facilitate collection of manure
2. Perches - These are horizontal poles where birds can sit and rest especially during nighttime. Sufficient perches should be
constructed to prevent the birds from crowding at night.
3. Nest - Hens or layers lay their eggs in a nest. A nest could be either open or close
4. Feeding troughs - These should be constructed so as to keep the hens from scratching the feeds and wasting it especially
when the birds are laying eggs.

5. Drinking troughs - Drinking jars should be large and sufficient enough to supply the water needs of the birds for the whole
6. Feed bins - These are containers where feeds are stored for future use.
7. Incubator - a device for maintaining the eggs of birds to allow them to hatch.
8. Brooder - A brooder is a heated container that can have its temperature controlled in at least one area.
Learning Task 3: Based on the picture below, assess your personal knowledge in various farm tools and equipment by giving a
simple definition or function.

1. . 2. 3.


Farming activities are exposed to a lot of hazards, before you try to perform some activities on the farm. Determine the areas
of concern for safety. This will help you to identify various work tasks in the farm; determine the places for application of safety
measures; determine the appropriate time for employing safety measures and identifying appropriate tools and equipment in
animal production. Safety can also be defined to be the control of recognized hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk.
The following protection of people or of possessions.
1. Safety glasses 6. Tools inspection
2. Protection for the ears 7. Cleanliness in the work area
3. Knowing the right tools for the job 8. Care with particular tools
4. Correct methods of using tools 9. Keep tools in place
5. The right clothes 10. Lighting
Learning Task 3: True or False
Directions: Write the word True if the statement performs preventive maintenance and the word False if it is not. Write your
answer on your answer sheet.
________1. In mixing feed ingredients, wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from irritation.
________2. In doing farming activities, right tools for the right task should be observed.
________3. Extra care should be taken while using nail guns and power belt sanders.
________4. While handling a tool connected to a power source, fingers should be kept away from the on/off switch.
________5. Power tools should be returned to their cabinets after use to prevent them from being used by an unauthorized and
incapable person.
E. Engagement (Time Frame: (40_mins)
Learning Task 4:
Direction: Give at least one (1) example of each of the following and state the uses: Write your answer on your answer sheet
1. Garden Tools 2. Electric Tools 3. Hand Tools 4. Fencing Tools
Learning Task 5
Directions: Draw the following equipment needed in poultry production. Write your answer on your answer sheet
1. Incubator 2. Perches 3. Drinking troughs
Learning Task 6: Crossword Puzzle
Directions: Answer the puzzle based on the equipment and facilities used in poultry production. Write your answer on your
answer sheet

A. Assimilation (Time Frame: (40 mins)

Demonstrating the use of spade, shovel and rake
Learning Task 7.
Directions: With the help of your family, create your own video showing the proper use of shovel., spade and rake. Send your
video in our group chat. Your grade will be based on the following Rubrics
Activity Poor (1) Satisfactory (2) Very Satisfactory (3)
The student can demonstrate on how to use:
1. Spade
2. Shovel
3. Rake

V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: (30 mins)

Learning Task 8:
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write your answers briefly on your answer sheet.

1. Draw and name 5 examples of farm tools.

2. What are the importance of safety practices during operation of farm tools?
3. Why it is necessary to know the common equipment and facilities used for poultry production?
4. How will you maintain the tools and equipment that are used in poultry production?
(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)

VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: (20 mins)

• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
 - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8

VII. REFERENCES References: K to 12 Agri-Fishery Arts – Animal Production page 4-36

Prepared by: JOSEPHINE R. BELISON Checked by: SDO Reviewer

Jenna Joy Dela Rosa
Florendo S. Galang
August M. Jamora
RO Reviewer
Arnel C. Anonical

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