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of Comparison
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English language is an integral part of various Government exams like SSC CGL,
SSC CPO, RRB ALP, RRB Group D, UPSC and more. Questions related to error
spotting are common in the English section. Awareness of the rules of degree
of comparison will help you in tackling these questions.

In competitive exams, as little as 1 mark can make a lot of difference. For your
assistance, we bring to you a Free eBook on degree of comparison. The
following pages of the eBook lists down all you need to know about: Degree of

Degree of comparison is used to compare a person or a thing with another.

Degree of comparison is a grammatical concept which is used to describe,

modify or quantify adjectives or adverbs.

There are 3 varying degrees of comparison :

1. Positive degree
2. Comparative degree
3. Superlative degree
Degrees of Comparison Free PDF

1. Positive degree :

Positive degree does not offer any comparison. It only describes the quality that

Example :
i) Jeff Bezos is rich.
ii) Cheetah runs fast.

2. Comparative degree

As suggested by the name, it compares the quality between 2 people or things.

Example :
i) Jeff Bezos is richer than Bill Gates.
ii) Cheetah runs faster than most land animals.

3. Superlative degree

The superlative shows the greatest degree of comparison.

Example :
i) Jeff Bezos is the richest person in the world.
ii) Cheetah is the fastest land animal.

Degree Of Comparison rules :

1. A single syllable adjective is made comparative by adding ‘er’ ‘r’ ‘ier’ and
superlative by adding ‘est’ ‘st’ ‘iest’.

Positive Comparative Superlative

Cold Colder Coldest

Fine Finer Finest

Happy Happier Happiest

Degrees of Comparison Free PDF

2. Adjectives with more than one syllable or ending with ‘ed’ ‘ing’ ‘ous’ ‘ful’
are made comparative by adding ‘more’ ‘less’ and made superlative by
adding ‘the most’ ’the least’.

Positive Comparative Superlative

Beautiful More / less beautiful The most / least beautiful

Dangerous More / less dangerous The most / least dangerous

3. There are certain adjectives where the word changes completely while
changing the degree of comparison.

Positive Comparative Superlative

Bad Worse Worst

Good Better Best

Many More Most

4. There are also some adjectives that can be modified using either form we
looked at above. The following are some of the most common:

Positive Comparative Superlative

Clever Cleverer or more/less clever Cleverest or most/least clever

Likely Likelier or more/ less likely Likeliest or most /least likely

Narrow Narrower or more/less narrow Narrowest or most narrow

Simple Simpler or more/less simple Simplest or most/least simple

5. ‘More’ is used to compare two qualities of a single thing/person

Degrees of Comparison Free PDF

o She is wiser than brave. ✘

o She is more wise than brave. ✓

6. Double comparative adjectives or superlative adjectives must not be


o Jeddah tower is more taller than Burj Khalifa. ✘

o Jeddah tower is taller than Burj Khalifa. ✓

7. ‘More or most’ must never be used with adjectives that give absolute

o This diamond is most unique. ✘

o This diamond is unique. ✓

8. Some adjectives are accompanied by ‘to’ and not ‘than’.(e.g., senior,

junior, superior, inferior, preferable, prefer, elder)

o Prashanth is senior than Ravi. ✘

o Prashanth is senior to Ravi. ✓

9. When comparing two things, similarity should be there, i.e. similar things
should be compared.

o The design of this bridge is better than the other one. ✘

o The design of this bridge is better than that of the other one. ✓

10. When the comparative degree is used in the superlative degree sense :

• Use ‘any other’ when thing/person of the same group is compared -

o Ritu is taller than any girl in her class. ✘
o Ritu is taller than any other girl in her class. ✓

• Use ‘any’ if comparison of things/person is outside the group -

o Tokyo is denser than any other city in Russia. ✘
Degrees of Comparison Free PDF

o Tokyo is denser than any city in Russia. ✓

11. When two adjectives in the same sentence are used in different degrees
of comparison, both should be complete in themselves.

o The king is as good if not worse than his father. ✘

o The king is as good as if not worse than his father. ✓

12. Quantifiers can be used to show whether the difference between the
compared thing/person is small or big (e.g., A bit, a little, a lot, far, much,
a great deal, significantly, etc)

o Belarus fared slightly better than India at the Olympics.

o His game has improved a lot since last season.
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