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P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 1


Eusebio, John Jefferson
Ong, Froiland M.
Piangco, Mark Lorence
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 2


A document is a form of information. A document can be put into an

electronic form and stored in a computer as one or more files. Proper maintenance
of source documentation is a key and often overlooked factor to ensure proper and
accurate transactions. The presence of documentation helps keep track of all
aspects of an application and it improves on the quality of a software product.
In general, a document is a record or the capturing of some event or things
so that the information will not be lost. Usually, a document is written, but a
document can also be made with pictures and sound. A document usually adheres
to some convention based on similar or previous documents or specified
requirements. Examples of documents are sales invoice, wills and deeds,
newspaper issues, individual newspaper stories, oral history recordings, executive
orders, product specifications.
Specifically, a document is also applicable in academic records, such as
grades, report cards, certificate of good moral, no tuition fee, enrollment,
registration form and etc., provide insight about student progress and help parents
and teachers make important decisions regarding students learning needs.
Attendance records also help teachers and school staff to maintain accountability
for student matter.
In line with this, the proponents would like to create a website that will cater
students request of documents to the university offices without going there and
also to prevent long queue and wasting a lot of time waiting. The proposed study
system will enable the admin to determine which request will be approved or
denied. The proponents of the system believe that it will help a lot and would very
beneficial both the PUP Parañaque students and administrators.
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II. Theoretical Framework

According to Hediyeh Baban, Salimah Mokhtar (2010) electronic systems

enable the rapid creation and distribution of documents. Therefore, people
replace paper documents with electronic documents, in academic area
electronic documents as information sources have increased in number and
retrieving the information among huge number of documents become a
problem. A recent study shows positive feedback from students towards
establishing a document management system in local universities new
innovative tools are necessary to access relevant information, in faculty of
university student are very interested to have a system to manage, retrieve
and sharing documents. Document management system in faculty can
improve efficiency and effectiveness of research and also can improve
knowledge sharing among students and get new idea from other
researches. students need a well-organized knowledge repository in order
to reuse information throughout the research, is creating new opportunities
for collaboration, coordination, and information exchange among students
that work on a construction project. and consequently reduce costs and
response times. The entire service is delivered through INTERNET browse
so in any location can access documents.

The system aims to help PUP Paranaque Campus to maximize the

utilization of the document request needed by the students, and the admin
will notify students if the request are in process, void and printed. The
campus is subject in developments in terms of increasing its population.
Issuance of documents is part of daily process in inside campus. In the
current system, student request document manually, often take several days
to get the requested document/s and the reason for these problems are;
first, having long queues in the school office taking too much time to process
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 4

the request. Second, there are often mistakes in requested documents that
keeps the student coming back and queuing again. Third, occasionally the
registrar head are quiet busy for other school matters and so the requests of
the students are forgotten. The proposed system aims to innovate the
process of issuance of school documents in the campus that is appropriate
to the modern technology today. It is the hardest to imitate and duplicate
(Avivah Litan). The technology is now spread all over the because of its use.
It is being applied in different institutions. Adapting to the new technology is
is a must. Philip Green said that " Good, bad or indifferent, if you are not
investing in new technology, you are going to be left behind." The world is
constantly changing in terms of technology. The proposed system is very
modern and effective. The proposed system will be the solution to the
manual process of issuance of school documents and address to the future
problems in the campus.
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 5

III. Conceptual Framework

To present clearly the purpose of the system, the proponents used IPO
chart to present and describe the proposed system of PUP Paranaque
Campus Online Document Request System.


 Planning

System 1.Interview and

Requirement: Observation
2. PHP 2.System Analysis CAMPUS
3. MySQL Find possible
4. WAMP/XAMP and appropriate DOCUME
5. CSS solution NT
6. JAVASCRIPT 3.System Design SYSTEM
Hardware System
Requirement: Designing and
1. Laptop/PC



Test the system


Deployment of
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 6

IV. Statement of the Problem

1. What system may propose in order to lessen the time in requesting a
document from PUP Paranaque Campus?
2. How would the experts evaluate the propose system in terms of:
2.1 Technicality
2.2 Reliability
2.3 Accuracy
3. How would the users evaluate the purpose system in terms of:
3.1 User friendliness
3.2 Functionality
3.3 Reliability
3.4 Usability

V. Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The coverage of the system occurred only on the school’s registrar of PUP
Parañaque Campus where it covers up the said operation of creating a system that
will automate the manual process of requesting documents. The proposed system
aims to build an online document request system for campus students to easily
request for school documents whenever they need it. Will make changes and
improvement to the process in terms of Reliable, Usability and Accuracy of the
requesting documents.
The following limitations are applied in the current research:
 The system would only cater the current and graduating students by year
the system is implemented.
 The system would only use reference number for the security purpose.
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VI. Significance of the Study

The proposed system will reduce the documents traffic since it will provide an easy
way of requesting documents. This will also be beneficial to the following:

 Students of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP)-Parañaque

Campus: The student is one of the beneficiaries of the system to lessen the
hassle of requesting documents in the campus.

 Registrar of the PUP Parañaque Campus: The registrar is one of the benefi-
ciaries of the system to make the transaction of documents easier and

 Future Researchers: The proposed system will be a useful guide for the stu-
dents and it may provide new ideas, concepts and designs that can be im-
proved by the future researchers.

VII. Definition of Terms

Admin – authorize to manage the proposed system

USER – request a document using build system
CSS – stands for Cascading Style Sheet and is used by web pages to help keep
information in the proper display format. CSS is a plain text file format used for
formatting content on web pages.
Data – is information processed or stored by a computer. This information may be
in the form of text documents, images, audio clips, software programs or other
types of data.
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Database – is an electronic system that allows data to be easily accessed,

manipulated and updated. A database is used by an organization as a method of
storing, managing and retrieving information.
HTML – stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is a text-based approach to
describing how content contained within an HTML file is structured.
Javascript – is a programming language commonly used in web development.
MySQL – is a relational database often used to store data for websites working in
conjunction with PHP.
Query – is a request for data or information from a database table or combination
of tables.
PHP – is a server side scripting language that is used to develop static websites,
dynamic websites or web applications.
Portal – a term, generally synonymous with gateway for a World Wide Web site
that is or proposes to be a major starting site for users when they get connected to
the Web.
XAMPP – stands for “Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP. WAMP is a variation of
LAMP for Windows system and is often installed as a software bundle. It is often
used for web development and internal.
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Review of Related Literature and Studies

This literature is closely related to the current study as it is about innovating

the process of manual issuance of documents of the students of the Polytechnic
University of the Philippines. The literature also made profiling system of the
records of students for the generation of reports. The records of can also be used
for monitoring, reference, and evaluation. the proposed system will require records
of each of the student in a pup Paranaque campus. Increasing digitalization has
lead to an exponential growth in business content. And, managing this sea of data,
often unstructured, is no mean task. Newgen OmniDocs Document Management
system is a one-stop solution for all your document management needs. It enables
you to create, capture, manage, distribute, and archive different forms of content.

Local Studies

According to Binay, Angon and Lopez (2011) from De La Salle University

Dasmariñas, the software is specially designed for handling the student’s medical
records, edit necessary corrections to the current records, and update records that
are being added or edited. The system consist different modules, Report
Generation Module, Student File Module, History Module and Student Registration
Module. In Student Registration Module, the system will allow the administrator to
input relevant data to record all necessary files of the registering student. In History
Module, the system will display all the record in the database storage and for
Report Generation Module; the system will produce different reports as well as the
individual student report for easier verification. The software was implemented
using the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. The software is flexible and easy to use
especially in manipulating required databases in building the system with the use
of Xampp Server. The methodology used in creating the system is the prototyping
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method, a process that creates a prototype model on which the developers can
base the final system to be used.
Since the researchers’ proposed system is database dependent the researchers
gave importance to the database. The idea of being flexible and easy to use of the
database in terms of data manipulation in adding, editing or updating data is easier

According to Bambilla and Nono (2010) of De La Salle University of Dasmariñas,

the system is expected to reduce errors made when inputting the necessary data
for the forms it accepts as well as the computation of the necessary data. It covers
the acceptance of Service Record and the Application for Leave, and outputs the
summary-Form 7 and also outputs the service record of a particular employee. The
software is free and faster since the user interface has been made simpler and the
user can do more work in a shorter span of time, thus, increasing their productivity.
The system covers different modules; one of this is the Employee Module and
Report Module, wherein all the records of employees are manipulated in this
module. It could also produce different kinds of report for basis of employee’s
performance. Spiral methodology was used in the study.

The researchers get the idea of user friendliness from the study. Since the system
is user friendly the researchers kept in mind that aside from the functionality which
is easy to use the interface must be kept simple so the management will be able to
do work in a shorter span of time.

According to Daniel San Pascual, Gabriel Salazar, Anne Marie Belleza, and
Roselle R. Bengco (2016) The study focused on the development of a web-based
document tracking and management system that would provide ease in handling,
securing, and tracking the documents in the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) Laguna II District Engineering Office. It would help the said
department on keeping track of their records, storing the data and providing an
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easy retrieval of document. The client/sender could also submit his/her request
using the system.

According to Lincoln Eman I. Moguies, (2012) This study develops a system that
focuses mainly on Student Information and Record System. This study created a
database that provides updated records for primary updates done with regards to
student’s information and registrar’s reports, this includes updates to student
information and grades. Additionally, this system is capable to handle and generate
printed copies of Registrar’s primary reports sent to CHED and CHMSC main

Furthermore, this system is limited to storage and generation of student grades

and registrars reports only. Thus, reports that are not usually or normally requested
for the registrar to provide or issue are not included into the system as well. The
Student Information and Record System, can store and provide the needed
information in a faster and more convenient way by storing a file of the student
records in a computer system.

According to Lovely Professional University,( 2011) This study promotes a culture

of paperless University. The day to day administration and most of the University
procedures are carried out online. The University Management System (UMS), an
online portal of University, is one such innovative step of the University to provide
vital information regarding academics and other University logistics for assisting
the University students, their parents and the staff.

Local Literature

According to the article from Cavite state university entitled Record management
system (2016, aug 23) Retrieved from
management-system-essay, student records are often viewed as paperwork
produce for the education accreditations. However, a well-designed student record
system, whether using paper documents or automated system, produce many
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benefits. The most important of these is the ability to report information for decision
making about individual students, schools and programs.

According to (2013), the purpose of the Academic

Thesis Management System is to manage Bachelor and Master (maybe even
Phd.) thesis inside a University/Faculty/Institute. It consists of two parts: candidate
and the professor modules. An additional (independent) module will be the thesis
management module.
General Feature Include:
 a calendar view until the thesis defence;
 search through past theses with the same areas of research (from that
 the system will recognize students & professors belonging to a that
institution (same e-mail and password used to login in the institution account
but with the option toinclude allow other members);
 the system will also verify that the final (and intermediary) submissions
respect certain(formatting, quality) standards (latex, pdf, source code
 The system will automatically notify the candidate of new assignments and
deadlines via e-mail.

According to PUPWebSite (1998) continues to evolve dramatically as it gives its

visitors information and online services that is relevant and useful to them. And
PUPWebSite has matured into one of the University's most important promotion
medium. New Internet and Web technologies allow the delivery of personalized
and relevant information to our clienteles, who respond by telling us about
themselves. That customer information helps us focus our content and provide
services that assist visitors in quickly finding the information they need.
PUPWebSite is replacing more expensive, traditional methods of doing things with
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 13

a more streamlined and efficient online solution. Through this means, we are able
to reduce paper, printing, and postal costs by distributing information online instead
of on paper. And we are reducing media production and distribution costs by
distributing relevant files online.

According to the Republic Act No. 10175 known as the Cybercrime Law(2012) The
State recognizes the importance of providing an environment conducive to the
development, acceleration, and rational application and exploitation of information
and communications technology (ICT) to attain free, easy, and intelligible access to
exchange and delivery of information; and the need to protect and safeguard the
integrity of computer, computer and communications systems, networks, and
databases, and the confidentiality ,integrity, and availability of information and data
stored therein, from all forms of misuse, abuse, and illegal access by making
punishable under the law such conduct or conducts. In relation to this, the input,
alteration, or deletion of any computer data without right resulting in inauthentic
data with the intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes as if it
were authentic, regardless whether or not the data is directly readable and

Retrieval System (2016) a

system to help the health workers from Negros Oriental Provincial Hospital reduce
their time spending on doing paper retrieval transactions for patients. The retrieval
system help the health workers to work more accurate and efficient regarding
retrieval transaction in the hospital. This also resulted to better job performance of
the health workers as they will have more time on other tasks assigned to them.
This literature eliminated the manual process of retrieval in the hospital. Same with
the proposed system of the proponents. The system will also eliminate manual
processes that take place document request system that will result to more
accurate and efficient work of barangay employees.
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Foreign Literature

Ishikawa (2012) explained that Information storage and retrieval are the systematic
process of collecting and cataloging data so that they can be located and displayed
on request. Computers and data processing techniques have made possible the
high-speed, selective retrieval of large amounts of information for government,
commercial, and academic purposes. There are several basic types of information-
storage-and-retrieval systems. Document-retrieval systems store entire
documents, which are usually retrieved by title or by key words associated with the
document. This permits full text searching, enabling retrieval on the basis of any
words in the document. In others, a digitized image of the document is stored,
usually on a write-once optical disc. Database systems store the information as a
series of discrete records that are, in turn, divided into discrete fields records can
be searched and retrieved on the basis of the content of the fields. The data are
stored within the computer, either in main storage or auxiliary storage, for ready
access. Reference-retrieval systems store references to documents rather than the
documents themselves. Such systems, in response to a search request, provide
the titles of relevant documents and frequently their physical locations. Such
systems are efficient when large amounts of different types of printed data must be
stored. They have proven extremely effective in libraries, where material is
constantly changing.

Gia Nghia Vo, Richard Lai (2014) A method for simplifying the submission of an
online request for an E-Government service to encourage citizens to use the E-
Government system more widely, the number of innovative research topics in this
area has grown tremendously to bridge the information gap between citizens and
the government. However, recently, concerns have been increasing, especially in
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 15

developing countries, as to how to simplify the submission of a request for an E-

Government service and how to link these requests to build an online application
without asking the citizen to input the data more than once or run around to submit
their information in person. Thus, the challenge for the Government in this situation
is to provide an e-system which is fast and simple for the citizen to use.
This research proposes a method for simplifying the information retrieval process
from the E-Government system. This method uses Natural Language Processing
(NLP), concept indexing and data integration methods for data analyzing and
building. To assist the retrieval of information, the government concept is used to
match everyday language to the formal language which is used in the
government's E-Documents. As well, the mapping is based on the enriched
citizen's requests to structure a multi-layered E-Document. To demonstrate its
usefulness, we applied our methodology to sample data of an online request for a
vehicle registration procedure.

Abidin, Husin (2018) Improving accessibility and security on document

management system Document management
system is an essential approach that should be managed well to ensure an
effective and faster overall working process in an organization. Hardcopy
documents has been one of the items that most organizations need to manage in a
safe and secure manner due to the high dependency on most of their working
procedure especially in government organizations.

Yong Ming Wang, Shao Peng Wang (2013) UML Modeling of Diagram Document
Online Approval Process. A Network-based diagram document online approval
management is imperative. Focusing on the development of an enterprise diagram
document online management system, this paper defined the task node of diagram
documentation approval process, and analyzed the corresponding diagram
document approval process. According to the change demand, the diagram
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 16

document change approval process was subdivided into three sub process:
problem report approval, change request approval and change approval, and each
main node task of the three sub process has been designed. On this basis, the
UML activity diagram model of the document change and approval process was
established, which is useful to develop the diagram document online approval
management system.

According to (Minnesota Historical Society, 2012). Electronic document

management system (EDMS) helps in managing documents electronically EDMS
provides security of information while it still allows easy access of the users to the
electronic document (Oakleigh Consulting Ltd, 2007). The process of EDMS has to
do with capturing, storing, indexing and retrieval. It improves the accessing of
information by the users of the organization wherein they can easily search
and retrieve the documents needed. Also, there will be security in such a way that
the only authorized users are allowed to access the particular documents.

According to Hediyeh Baban and Salimah Mokhtar, (2011), Nowadays, electronic

systems enable the rapid creation and distribution of documents. Therefore, people
replace paper documents with electronic documents, in academic area electronic
documents as information sources have increased in number and retrieving the
information among huge number of documents become a problem. A recent study
shows positive feedback from students towards establishing a document
management system in local universities new innovative tools are necessary to
access relevant information, in faculty of university student are very interested to
have a system to manage, retrieve and sharing documents. Document
management system in faculty can improve efficiency and effectiveness of
research and also can improve knowledge sharing among students and get new
idea from other researches. students need a well-organized knowledge repository
in order to reuse information throughout the research, is creating new opportunities
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 17

for collaboration, coordination, and information exchange among students that

work on a construction project. and consequently reduce costs and response
times. The entire service is delivered through INTERNET browse so in any location
can access documents.

Foreign Studies

According to Lin Sun (2010). The aim of the project is to develop a document
management system that is able to deliver access to anyone authorized anytime,
anyplace on any device. The system developed makes use of rich internet
technology to replace desktop application with rich internet application. The system
shares the advantage of both web application and desktop application, and
removes the most disadvantages of both. The problems solved in this system
The researcher makes a system that will help to the department of information
technology. The system helps the head and faculty members to easy access
reports anytime and anywhere using internet.
According to Yousif Nabeil Yousif (2010) of University of Malaysia, The purpose of
his thesis is to develop a doc ument management system for the departments in
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT) in University of
Malaya, this system enables administering and managing of students files more
efficient. This system can also use in many other departments in the faculty or
university. The system developed is called Electronic Filing System (EFS). This
system consists of scanning, storing, indexing, archiving, retrieval, and accessing
of original documents. Electronic Filling System EFS also help users to save time
in searching document. The system can prevent lost document or damage from
the effects of disasters such as burn. The system also increases the user
productivity of FCSIT and enhances the efficiency of using information,
communication and technology. This study employs qualitative research method
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 18

that includes observation, document analysis and interviews for data collection
process. The finding of the data analysis is use as system function requirement in
The researcher will create a filing system for the Department of information
technology to easy retrieving of reports and storage for data.
Sawyer and Williams (2012) explained that a database is an organized collection
of related (integrated) table (files) that is stored on a computer and organized in a
manner enabling information to be retrieved as needed. A database may be small,
contained entirely within a personal computer, or it may be massive, available
through online connections or supercomputers. Such massive databases are of
particular interest, because they offer phenomenal resources that until recently
were unavailable to most ordinary computer users.
(2014) Management Information Systems (MIS), although not clearly understood
and defined in the student affairs discipline, is employed in student affairs offices
throughout all colleges and universities. The benefits of using MIS to handle such
tasks in student affairs as degree checking, classroom scheduling, transcript
processing, and financial aid processing is now realized and appreciated by
college or university administrators. This paper will briefly define MIS, and the
impact of MIS on student affairs will be discussed. This paper also reviews past
and present MIS applications, and suggests some possible future trends in the
area of student affairs. Additionally, this paper examines the benefits and
drawbacks of MIS applications in the student affairs area and outlines the
techniques that can be employed to design and implement MIS in the student
affairs environment.
(2013) Storage of records has always been a fundamental objective of information
systems. However, in the past decade managing sensitive information throughout
its lifecycle from creation to destruction "or archival has become of significant
importance. She increasing awareness of the impact of technology on privacy has
added momentum to the need to have better enforcement of records retention
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 19

policies. Organizations today not only have to comply with regulations but also
have to maintain a balance between operational record keeping requirements
minimizing liability of storing private information and customer privacy preferences.
This work will not attempt to define the term record in the broad content, instead
the term will be treated in all its generality and then applied to the world of
relational databases. Without attempting to differentiate terms such as data
knowledge information and record! It is recommended that the reader maintain a
simple but consistent definition of a record throughout this thesis.
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Chapter 3

This chapter will discuss the research design, source of data, and data
gathering procedure used by the proponents to in order to develop the Automated
Barangay Issuance of Documents using Biometrics System.

Research Design
The proponents used the descriptive and explanatory as the research design
of the study. Descriptive is a type of research method where the problems are
being solved through generalization from the data that were gathered and
analyzed. The type of descriptive research method used by the proponents was
interview and observation method as it is the best approach in writing a descriptive
research. Explanatory design, the researcher’s ideas and thoughts are key as it is
primarily dependent on their personal inclination about a particular topic.
Explanation about unexplored aspects of a subject is provided along with details
about what, how and why related to the research questions.

Sources of Data
The sources of the study will be classified into two categories which are the
primary resources and secondary resources. The primary sources were the
information gathered through the use of interview methods which are conducted by
the proponents. Next were the information and perspective gained from the
observations made by the proponents that gave relevant and factual information on
how the proponents will make solutions to the existing problem of requesting
documents in the campus.
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The secondary sources were the ideas and thoughts of the proponents that gave
valuable information and better understanding on how to create the system.
Research Instrument
The proponents used interview methodologies as the research instrument.
The interview and observation methods is used in descriptive research in which
information is obtained by asking the possible admin to respond the questions.
Interview involves an interviewer, who coordinates the process of the conversation
and asks questions, and an interviewee, who responds. Interview is an appropriate
method when there is a need to collect in-depth information on people's opinions,
thoughts, experiences, and feelings.
The proponents also used the observation method which is a systematic data
collection approach. In this type of method, the proponents will have to use all of
their senses to examine people in natural settings or naturally occurring situations.
This type of method gives direct necessary information to the proponents, as the
proponents will be able to the actual process of the research. The data that are
being collected are more accurate and reliable.

Data Gathering Procedure

The proponents will prepare questionnaires that contain questions that are
necessary to identify the problems that exists to the process of traditional request
system in the campus. The proponents will study the answers of the respondent
and eliminate weak questions to make the purpose of the questionnaire more
accurate. Then the proponents will make revision to the questionnaires so that it
will ensure its reliability and effectiveness. The proponents also made sure that
their questions during the interview will be useful to the study. The proponents
made a permission to the respondent and conduct observation in the office. The
proponents oriented the respondent that their participation to the interview will
appreciated and useful to the research. The proponents conducted an observation
to see exactly the process of requesting school documents in the office. The
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observation that will be done by the proponents will give specific answers to their
specific questions in creating the PUP Parañaque Online Document Request
System (PUPPQDR).

Ethical Consideration
The data gathering that will be done by the proponents through interview and
observations will only be executed once the approval from office of the respondent
is given. The proponents will choose respondent/s who are related to the research.
The questions that will be asked in the questionnaires and interviews are
structured for the purpose of the study. No personal information will be asked to
the respondent/s for their privacy. The data that will be gathered from the
respondent/s will be analyzed and interpreted for identifying the problems and
making solutions in innovating the traditional way of requesting school documents
in order to develop the traditional way of requesting school documents through

Data Case Analysis

The data gathered by the proponents from the respondent/s through
interview and observations will be interpreted and analyzed to answer the
problems stated by the proponents. Questionnaires will also be provided to the
people who will use the system made by the proponents. The respondent/s has
chosen by the proponents and make sure that the respondent/s are possible admin
who will use the PUP Parañaque Online Document Request System. The data that
will be provided by the respondent/s will be analyzed and validated. The
proponents will make calculations with the gathered data from respondent/s and
proponents observation in order to find facts, trends, and patterns. Then these will
be analyzed and converted to information necessary for the proponents in
developing the Automated Barangay Issuance of Documents using Biometrics
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 23

A. Use Case Diagram

The proponents made a use case diagram to provide the model of the
functionality of the proposed system
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 24

Proposed System Architecture

The proponents provided a system architecture to illustrate the structural design

and components of the system. This architecture will serve as the demonstration
on how the components will interact with each other in the system.

The PUP Parañaque Online Document Request System can only be accessed by
the school registrar head. The administrator can access the sytem for doing the
task of issuing documents. The registrar head is the only administrator that can
manage the issuance of a school documents. The user will be able to register by
providing necessary information that will be needed to create accounts.
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 25

The registered user will input information needed in the system to

set up his/her account using the computer provided by the school registrar. The
system will make the account of the user from the database. Once the account is
made the student/user can request what type of document to be printed by the
system administrator by just the click the button. The system will notify about the
updates of the documents being requested by the student/user and the process
will be done.
The proposed system aims to simplify the process of the traditional
way or manual process of releasing of school documents in the campus. The
proposed system innovates the traditional process and adapts the releasing
system to the modern world.

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