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Bengisu Güneş, Ceyda Dizin, Elif Domurcuk, Eslem Elif Sığırcı, Fatma Berra Akın, Kamergül
Sert, M.Said Bozkurt, Nisa Melis Atıcı

Team Coach: Dr. Burak Bilki


The test beam facilities worldwide such as the ones at CERN [1], DESY [2] and Fermilab [3]
have allowed scientists to test their particle detectors for years. These detectors had solid,
liquid and gas active media and as a result, the tests have revealed extensive information
about the interaction between the beam particles and these three states of matter. On the other
hand, the interaction of beam particles with plasma has not been investigated yet. We are here
to fill in this gap and explore the beam-plasma interaction.


We are a group of high school students from all over Turkey who organize and get together in
regular meetings to discuss popular scientific topics. We have an active and lively interest in
particle physics and we follow the achievements of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
closely. In the future, we plan to become scientists who steer the future of science. We have
always been in contact with scientists from Turkish universities for mentoring, but we think
that it is time for us to get our hands into real physics with the unmatched kickstart offered
through BL4S. Being in a scientific facility like DESY, interacting with particle physics
experts and performing a real physics experiment would bring us way forward on our path.
We are also sure to bring this unique experience to the awareness of our friends and the high
school community, and furthermore, the national and international scientific discussion

3. Experiment

3.1 Theoretical Background

The interaction of particles with matter is a broad topic that is also intrinsically related to our
everyday life. The in-depth understanding of the interactions is a crucial component of
development in many areas. This includes the development of modern medical imaging and
treatment techniques, design of aircrafts and spacecrafts, and design of various particle
detectors to be used in the large-scale particle physics experiments that enable us to explore
the unknown.

The physics of the interactions of particles through various solids, liquids and gases has been
under study for long and is relatively well understood [4]. Based on this knowledge, various
solid state detectors and active media e.g. silicon sensors [5], scintillators [6], Cerenkov
detectors [7], etc.; liquid active media e.g. cryogenic noble liquids, Ar, Xe, etc. [8], and liquid
scintillators [9]; and gaseous detectors e.g. gas electron multipliers [10], resistive plate
chambers [11], multiwire proportional chambers [12], etc. have been developed. Together
with the advancements in electronics and data processing, this knowledge of particle-matter
interactions forms the basis of the construction of large-scale collider and non-collider high
energy physics experiments.

The interaction of particles with plasma, the fourth state of matter, on the other hand, has
never been studied. In the laboratory, a plasma can be generated simply by applying high
voltage across e.g. argon confined at sub-atmospheric pressures. For example, argon
contained in a 15 cc plasma tube at 100 mbar would contain approximately 4x1019 atoms. If
ionization can be obtained at 50 % efficiency, electron/ion densities of 1018/cm3 can be
achieved. This is a considerably high density, hence the interaction of particles with plasma is
worth investigating.

3.2 Research Questions

Since the investigation of the interaction of particles with plasma is an unexplored territory,
the extent of information that can be obtained during the BL4S experiment is rather difficult
to assess. Here is the starting list of questions we will be seeking answers for:

• Can we measure the interaction of electrons and positrons with plasma? How is it
characterized (a simple deflection in the beam, elastic/inelastic collisions with plasma
electrons/ions, something dramatically new, …)?
• Can this interaction form the basis of a new generation of particle physics experiments
such as a fixed target Higgs factory with positrons on plasma?
• What is the material budget of the plasma in terms of radiation lengths?
• What is the effect of the traversing beam on the plasma properties?

3.3 Experimental Setup
The experimental setup we will use is shown in Fig. 1. We will use a small argon plasma tube
(e.g. a cylinder of 20 mm diameter and 50 mm length) and cover the lateral sides of the tube
with scintillators to measure large angle scatterings and leakage energy of showers. The
upstream and downstream ends will be equipped with beam telescopes to measure small angle
deflections of the beam, and charged particle multiplicity in case of interactions. Fast
scintillators for time of flight measurements will be used to calculate the energy loss of the
beam particles going through the plasma, hence the material budget of the plasma for the
beam. We will also validate this with the lead crystal calorimeter, the most downstream
detector of the experiment.

Figure 1:Experimental setup for the measurement of beam-plasma interaction.

We would like to take measurements with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 GeV electrons and positrons. We
will investigate all possible scenarios and measure the relevant probabilities. The plasma
structure is quite complex and it is difficult to come up with a functional form that can
describe the spatial features of it with high precision. Therefore, we will need relatively large
statistics at each energy and particle type to infer the probabilities of various possibilities. To
name a few, such possibilities include no interaction at all, annihilation, the production of
light mesons and a full cascade of electromagnetic interactions.

4.What we hope to take away?

We would like to make our first step into the real physics world by doing an unprecedented
particle physics experiment in a world-class facility with high-level scientists. With this
experiment, we hope to make a big accomplishment in our ability to use scientific methods
and equipment, and communicate scientific results. We would like to carry this experience to
our future projects and academic life. We would like to share our impressions out of this
experience of our lifetimes with the rest of the world to reinforce the interest in science.

5. Acknowledgements

We would like to thank Dr. Markus Joos, Dr. Paul Schütze, Ayşe Uçak, and Dr. Şeyda Ipek
for answering all of our questions promptly; to Margherita Boselli and Prof. Dr. Serkant Ali
Çetin for the information they provided about the competition; and to Fatih Yıldırım for
helping us editing the video.


hysics_experiments and references therein.
8. B. Abi,, “First results on ProtoDUNE-SP liquid argon time
projection chamber performance from a beam test at the CERN Neutrino
Platform”, JINST 15, P12004, 2020.
9. M. Amouzegar,, “Liquid scintillator tiles for calorimetry”, JINST
11, P11018, 2016.
10. F. Sauli, “The gas electron multiplier (GEM): Operating principles and
applications”, Nucl. Instr. And Meth. A 805, 2, 2016.
11., link to an
international conference entirely dedicated to the RPCs.

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