Learning Activity Sheet 7

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Name: Jucie May A. Vargas

Time/day: 4:43 AM/Sunday

Section: AS-4



Part 1: Direction: Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What is the role of indigenous knowledge in the development of indigenous

science? (20 points)

Indigenous knowledge, in particular, has played a significant role in giving

cumulative wisdom passed down from generation to generation when it comes to
comprehending ecological linkages and natural resource management.
Understanding and documenting natural processes has led to the development
of indigenous knowledge. Products and procedures that are based on good
scientific concepts have emerged as a result of iteration of techniques over time.
Take, for example, plant extracts.

2. What is the role of indigenous science in the development of science and technology
in the Philippines? (20 points)

Indigenous peoples have been responsible for the invention of several

technologies and have made significant contributions to science throughout history.
The search for knowledge is what science is all about. The methods used to obtain
the information vary by culture. Traditional knowledge and Indigenous viewpoints are
included in Indigenous science, whereas non-Indigenous scientific approaches are
usually referred to as Western science. They make a significant contribution to
modern science when they work together.

In the Philippines, indigenous science is critical to the advancement of science

and technology. Indigenous science, like ancient civilization, paved the way for the
formation of science and technology as a field and discipline. Indigenous science
aided individuals in comprehending the natural world and coping with daily life.

3. How do society and culture influence the development of science and teachnology?
(20 points)

Society has a hand in deciding how its resources are allocated to fund scientific
study, favoring some and discouraging others. Similarly, scientists are impacted
directly by societal interests and needs and frequently aim their research toward
areas that will benefit society.

Science has an impact on society because of its knowledge and worldview. Many
people in society are influenced by scientific information and techniques in how they
think about themselves, others, and the environment. Science's impact on society is
neither totally positive nor entirely negative.

Science and technology have progressed thanks to the contributions of many

different people from many cultures and periods throughout history. Science and
technology have made significant contributions to economic growth and productivity
in societies and among groups of societies.

Part: 2

A. Identify Filipino indigenous knowledge. (20 points)

Prediction of Weather

 Puwek ni Kiling (storm of the killing)

 Shining moon with a rainbow encircling or a bloody red sunset
 Kasili (mythical fish)
 During new year, when the cow or horse eat grass, wail, it meant drought
 When the goats repeatedly wail, there will be a landslide

Preserving Food

 Etag


 Herbal plants
 Herbolarios
 Tuob


 Pottery
 Weaving
 Fine metal craft


 Banaue rice terraces

 Swidden farming
 Agricultural cycle: pendupi, miyan, pemeres
 The constellation orion

Producing wines

 Tapey

B. Research on the connection of indigenous knowledge to science and technology.

Indigenous peoples have a wealth of knowledge about the environment and the
ecological relationships within it, owing to their decades of personal experience mixed
with that of their ancestors. There are numerous ways in which such information
might help modern science and natural resource management.
Understanding and documenting natural processes has led to the development
of indigenous knowledge. Products and procedures that are based on good scientific
concepts have emerged as a result of iteration of techniques over time.

Take, for example, plant extracts. Communities took extracts and tested them for a
variety of uses after noticing that animals didn't eat some plants and believed it was
because they were dangerous. Many were and still are used as insecticides in
agriculture, as bait for catching fish, and to cure cattle maggot infestations.

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