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Select the Mark for Review

ts of the
ODA Base. (1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Guest VM
ASM/Grid Infrastructure (*)
Databases (*)
VM Management (*)
System Disk

Incorrect, the ODA Base contains the Grid

Infrastructure, ASM, VM Management and the

2. What storage is used for the Application VMs in Dom U? Mark for

(1) Points

Any Sun Storage

Shared Repository (*)
System Disk
Local Disk

Correct, DomU uses shared storage

3. When deploying Domain U applications, select the first step. Mark for

(1) Points

Start the application VMs

Create VM instance in repository
Configure the VM properties
Download the application template to the VM Storage repository

Incorrect, the first step is to download the

application template to the VM Storage

4. Where is Dom0 installed? Mark for

(1) Points
Inside the Guest VMs
Dom0 is not installed
Local storage of the server nodes (*)
Shared Storage

Correct, Dom0 is installed on the local

storage of the server nodes

5. Your customer already has an ODA deployed and would like to deploy Mark for
the virtualized platform. They have downloaded the ODA Virtualizaed
image file from MOS and would like you to take over. What is the
next step you should take? Review
(1) Points

Re-image the ODA (*)

Run the ODA Configurator
Download ODA_Base template from MOS

Incorrect, the next step you should take is to

re-image the ODA
Deploying RAC
(Answer all questions in this section)

6. What file is required prior to starting a RAC deployment on the ODA? Mark for

(1) Points

IP List
Offline Configuration File (*)
ASR Configurator File

Incorrect, you need the Offline Configuration File prior to deploying

RAC on the ODA

7. Which command is used to confirm that the deployment of RAC is Mark for

(1) Points

./oakcli show deploy -h

./oakcli show databases (*)

Correct, oakcli show databases confirms that the deployment of RAC is


ASR Configuration
(Answer all questions in this section)

8. You customer likes the idea of using ASR for hardware monitoring but does Mark for
not want to use the ODA server to do this. What are the configuration
options for this situation?
(1) Points

ASR can only be configured directly on the ODA

Configure ASR through Enterprise Manager
Configure an External ASR Server during deployment (*)
Configure an Internal ASR Server during deployment

Incorrect, configure an external ASR server during deployment

9. Select some of the benefits of setting up ASR for ODA. Mark for

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Transmits any licensing issues to support for resolution

Allows MOS engineers to log into your ODA to diagnose issues
Reduces time to remediation (*)
Speeds the diagnostic and resolution process (*)

Incorrect, ASR speeds the diagnostic and resolution process and

reduces time to remediation

Offline Configurator
(Answer all questions in this section)

10. What information will you need for the Offline Configurator Mark for

(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

EMAgent password
Number of Databases that will be deployed
Oracle/Partner Sales Person Contact Info
Disk Group Redundancy (*)
System Name (*)

Incorrect, you need system name and disk group

11. What is the Mark for Review
r? (1) Points

A java application that collects information for the ODA

deployment (*)
A java application that collects information for the ASR
deployment on ODA
A java application that collects information for the Enterprise
Manager deployment
A way to invoke the ODA Manager remotely

Incorrect, the offline configurtaor is a java

application that collects information for the
ODA deployment

12. If you are unable to kick off the configurator, what could be the Mark for

(1) Points

You rae running the tool remotely

You do not have the appropriate java libraries in your
You do not have the latest version downloaded

Correct, if you have issues kicking off the

configurator, you may not have your
CLASSPATH set properly

(Answer all questions in this section)

13. What are the two ways to connect to the ODA when you are setting Mark for
it up?

(1) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Connect Keyboard, Mouse, Display to the Storage Shelf

Connect Keyboard, Mouse, Display to Node 1
Connect Keyboard, Mouse, Display to Node 0 (*)
Connect via ILOM (*)

Incorrect, you can connect to the ODA

during initial setup by conecting a
Keyboard, Mouse and Display to Node 0 or
connecting via ILOM

14. Once the End User Bundle has been downloaded and copied to the Mark for
ODA, select the next step from the following choices

(1) Points

Issue an oakcli deploy -conf

Copy the End User Bundle to the ODA
Unpack the Bundle (*)
Configure the Network
Copy the End User Bundle to a USB Drive

Correct, the next step is to unpack the bun

Issue an oakcli deploy -conf

Copy the End User Bundle to the ODA
Unpack the Bundle (*)
Configure the Network
Copy the End User Bundle to a USB Drive

Correct, the next step is to unpack the


15. Where can you find the correct End User Bundle to deploy to the Mark for

(1) Points

MOS Note 888888.1 (*)

CD ROM included in the packaging
Oracle Tech Network
Engineered Systems Resource Center on OTN
Correct, the correct end user bundle to
deploy is in MOS Note 888888.1
16. When Mark for Review
the ODA
for (1) Points
nt, select
the first
step out of

Copy the End User Bundle to a USB Drive

Connect via xterm to the ODA
Copy the End User Bundle to the ODA
Issue an oakcli deploy -conf
Configure the Network (*)

Incorrect, the first step is to configure the


Racking, Cabling, Powering the ODA

(Answer all questions in this section)

17. Which cable connects the storage shelf to the server nodes? Mark for

(1) Points

Interconnect TwinX Cable

SAS Cable (*)
ILOM cable
Power cable

Correct, the SAS cable connects the storage

shelf to the server nodes

18. How should the power be connected to the server nodes. Select the Mark for
two that apply.

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Connect the power cable to one of the power outlets on the

server node
Connect the power cable to the server nodes first
Connect the power cable to the server nodes after the storage
cell (*)
Connect the power cable to both of the power outlets on the
server node (*)

Incorrect, connect the power cable to both

power outlets on the server nodes after the
storage shelf is connected

19. Which cable connects server node 1 to server node 2? Mark for

(1) Points

Power cable
Interconnect TwinX Cable (*)
ILOM cable
SAS Cable

Correct the Interconnecxt TwinX cable

connects both nodes

20. What is Oracle ILOM? Select the two that apply. Mark for

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Integrated Lights Out Manager for running the Enterprise

Manager agent
Integrated Lights Out Manager that allows you to interact with
a web based tool for monitoring the ODA (*)
Intergrated Lights Out Manager for managing and monitoring
the ODA remotely (*)
Integrated Lights Out Manager used for Automated Service

Correct, ILOM manages and monitors the

ODA remotely and lets you interact via a
web based tool
(Answer all questions in this section)

21. Once you have downloaded and copied the patch files to both nodes what Mark for
is the next recommended step in patching?

(1) Points

Upgrade the Database

Upgrade the Grid Infrastructure
Upgrade the Infrastructure (OS, Storage, FW, BIOS) (*)
Upgrade OVM

Correct, the next step is to upgrade the infrastructure incluing the OS,
Storage, Firmware and BIOS)

22. Where can you get detailed information on how to apply your ODA Bundle Mark for

(1) Points

OTN Tech Network

ODA Documentation
Readme file (*)
Patchme OSApply file

Correct, detailed information on how to apply your ODA bundle patch

is in the readme

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