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Extra grammar practice revision B2 Unit

Reported speech − statements, 4 Complete the text with the correct form of the
verbs given.
questions, other reporting verbs and
other reporting structures The singer was very difficult to work with. First of all, he
(1) promised to sing (promise/sing) mainly
1 Circle the correct alternative.
songs from his first album. Then he changed his mind.
1 Mike said that the train had stopped/has stopped at He said his agent had spoken to him. She
Birmingham for an hour which was why he was late. (2) had advised him to sing (advise/sing) more songs
2 They told us that the theatre wouldn’t/won’t open from his new album. We (3) suggested performing
until 7.15 pm. (suggest/perform) a mix of old and new songs, but he
3 I told him that I can’t/couldn’t go to the cinema (4) refused to listen (refuse/listen). He
because I was feeling a bit under the weather. (5) criticised us for trying (criticise/try) to tell him
4 You said that the book had been/was very good, but what to play. The show wasn’t very successful. Afterwards,
I found it very boring. he (6) (apologise for/not listen)
5 We said that we were doing/will do our homework in to us. apologised for not listening
the library.
6 Becky told Ron that she was being/was busy because
she didn’t want to go to the cinema with him. 5 Complete the dialogue with these words.

2 Complete the questions in reported speech. told me that her  • ​she had seen  • ​claimed  • ​it was  • ​
which band she thought  • ​confessed to buying  • ​
1 Tom: ‘Why don’t you like reading very much?’
of taking up  • ​invited me to go  • ​
Tom asked me why I didn't liked leading very much. complained about  • ​explained
reading very much.
2 Tina: ‘Which screen is the film showing on?’ Rachel: Have you ever been to Glastonbury?
Tina asked him which screen the film was Sara: No, I haven’t. Have you?
showing on. Rachel: No. Katie has though. She went with Jackie.
3 Pete: ‘Where was the music festival that you went to She said (1)it was
last weekend?’ brilliant. She (2) invited me to go
Pete wanted to know where the music festival was with her, but I was busy that weekend.
that we went to last weekend. Sara: Katie likes rock music, doesn’t she?
4 Lisa: ‘Have you heard Taylor Swift’s new single?’ Rachel: Yes, she does. I asked her (3) which band
Lisa wanted to know if I had heard she thought was the best. She
Taylor Swift’s new single. (4) told me that her favourite was
5 Andy: ‘Do you like hip-hop music?’ Florence and the Machine. She said their gig
Andy asked me if I liked was fantastic.
hip-hop music. Sara: What else did she tell you?
6 Ann: ‘Where will you stay when you go to the festival?’ Rachel: She said (5) she had seen lots of
Ann asked me where I would stay good bands. She (6) explained
when I went to the festival. that she didn’t always watch the groups on the
main stage. She (7) claimed
3 Circle the correct option. she met a member of the group Rudimental,
1 He with us that the play wasn’t very good. too, but I don’t know if I believe her!
a admitted b agreed c promised Sara: What about the camping? Did she like
sleeping in a tent?
2 They that the festival tickets were already sold out.
Rachel: She (8)complained about the mud,
a agreed b refused c explained
but she admitted enjoying it more than she
3 I about the cost of the tickets because the show thought. She accused Jackie
was only 30 minutes long. (9) of taking up too much space
a complained b promised c announced in the tent, but I don’t think it was really a
4 The actor that he was retiring after his next film. problem!
a agreed b announced c reminded Sara: I was going to go with my brother next year.
5 The singer said he liked my songs. He that he He (10)confessed to buying tickets
wanted to record one. last weekend, just for him and his best friend
a announced b promised c added though!
Rachel: That’s a shame. It’s sold out now, isn’t it?
Sara: Yes, so I’ll have to wait another year!

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