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Countries of many races, ethnicities, faiths, and regions frequently practice consociational
democracy. Because it emphasizes the sharing of power between the elite and social groups, it
is also a democratic system with a solid framework. Since its independence in 1957, Malaysia
has practiced consociational democracy. This is because, Malaysia has diversity in terms of
race, ethnicity, religion, and region. Therefore, there are four characteristics of
consociationalism in Malaysia’s context of politics.

The first characteristic of consociational democracy is grand alliance of elites. This feature
refers to cooperation between elite groups regardless of ethnicity in the parliamentary system
in Malaysia. The coalition party in Malaysia is the Barisan Nasional. This party has played a
role in uniting the three ethnic groups in Malaysia, namely Malays, Chinese, and Indians.
Therefore, under the Barisan Nasional party has established parties such as the United Malays
National Organization (UMNO), the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), and the
Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC). So, the parties will work together in developing the country
and play a key role in the parliamentary system in Malaysia. With the involvement of the three
parties, it can benefit the people regardless of ethnicity because it not only focuses on the
Malays but also on the people of China and India.

Besides, second characteristic of consociational democracy is mutual veto. This characteristic

allows each group to protect its advantages and disadvantages while also promoting conditional
equality when dealing with sensitive problems. However, from time to time, the concept of
mutual veto is eroding among politicians in Malaysia. This is due to the fact that the balance
between the Malay, Chinese and Indian parties is increasingly uneven. This is a major factor
that the concept of mutual veto has become increasingly eroded and no longer used.

Other than that, third characteristic is segmental autonomy. It is a platform for each group to
exercise its autonomy in matters related to matters such as rituals, beliefs, education, moral
values and so on. Malaysia, which has a diversity of races and religions, contributes to each
group in managing it. For example, the Malays will be managed by certain groups in terms of
education, religion and so on. With this, it can ensure the survival and help the group in passing
on ideas and agendas to future generations.
Next, fourth characteristic is proportion. These features are to offer each group about an equal
distribution in the electoral system, positions in public office, resources and power sharing. It
is to prevent the occurrence of power struggles between groups and can lead to quarrels. As
has happened where UMNO is no longer financially dependent on MCA during elections and
spending. So this can disrupt the relationship between the two parties due to the occurrence of

To sum up, consociational democracy in Malaysia can be beneficial in the beginning but the
longer it goes on it becomes chaotic and can lead to inter-racial strife. Therefore, each party
must play their respective roles and avoid power struggles so that national harmony can be

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