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Ukraine, Cherkasy +380 (63) 396-72-06 [email protected]

Product R&D Manager / Product Manager / Product Analyst

20 years of experience in the software development field (desktop software, web apps, APIs, mobile apps), 8 years of
managerial experience (CTO, Product Manager, Product R&D Manager) in product companies & startups. Expert in system
analysis, design and development of software products through efficient use of resources and applying modern approaches.

R&D, Business Analyst Sep 2021 - Jan 2022
GoIT / contract
The company is in the top 3 of the Ukrainian market for teaching programming, has branches in Poland
and Mexico, develops its own learning management system (LMS).
– Conducted research on gamification mechanics, prepared documentation and developed a unique
gamification concept for LMS with its own narrative and set of game mechanics.
– Conducted research on the market of training products for ZeroCode in the CIS and proposed a
concept of the structure for own product that takes into account the needs of the market and the
specifics of the company.
– Conducted market research of mobile applications for teaching programming, prepared a set of
documentation, and formed a product concept with its own positioning, taking into account the needs of
the company.
– Conducted research on modern adaptive learning technologies, prepared documentation and
designed an adaptive learning algorithm for the learning methodology used in the company's LMS.

R&D, Solution Engineer Mar 2021 - Aug 2021

ZNOUA / contract
The company is the leader of the Ukrainian market in preparation for External Independent Testing.
– After studying competitors, analogs for other markets and ready‑made solutions I led the development
and commissioning of the customer cabinet for all company's services, which covers all the needs of
teachers, students and their parents.
– I carried out the design, prototyping, writing specifications, coding, deployment, integration with
external services (like Creatio CRM and the company's training platform) and supported this solution for
defined in the contract service period.
Technology stack: PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL, JS.

Product R&D Manager May 2020 - Mar 2021 / full-time
The company provides AI voice bot services to automate business tasks.
– Conducted in‑depth research of competitors, markets, and all necessary technologies.
– Formed the distributed development team and designed all the necessary processes for its
– Designed the architecture, led the development and commissioning of the voice bot platform.
– Developed the client's portal for the independent management of voice bots.
– Prepared all necessary product documentation
Technology stack: Asterisk, NodeJS/PostgreSQL (backend), NestJS (API), PHP (CodeIgniter) /
MySQL/JS (customer portal).

Product Manager Dec 2017 - Jan 2019

PVD Technology / full-time
The company's products are in the top 5 in the gaming industry market in the CIS.
– Coordinated the work of the product and service departments (5 directly reporting employees, 50
employees in 3 countries in the product R&D / service / support / customer care teams).
– Coordinated the development of a new company product with unique game mechanics.
Provided a full analysis of competitors with the definition of the company's positioning and growth points.
– Defined a set of metrics for all products and automated their calculation, which gave a complete
understanding of the company's finances.
– Identified customer segments, developed retention methods for each of the segments, analyzed and
optimized the work of the call center and support, which led to increased loyalty and greater retention of
paying customers.

CTO Oct 2014 - Aug 2017

MBA Strategy / full-time
Group of test prep companies providing full cycle in the market (from EIT to MBA and beyond).
– With a small team, created from scratch, designed, developed and launched in 6 months a B2C
adaptive learning platform (similar to KhanAcademy by used approach) for K12 graduates to
help them get prepared for External Independent Testing. The main features of the platform were
innovative adaptive learning algorithms and unique learning analytics, which even modern products do
not currently have.
– Developed API and mobile apps (ios/android) for adaptive learning platform (with the same small
– Designed, coordinated the development and conducted experimental testing of B2B SaaS for
recruiters with a scoring algorithm for selecting candidates through Linkedin using a minimum set of
incoming data. After receiving a response from the market, the product was transformed into a separate
startup (EduLeadGen) that helps to find suitable candidates for business schools using a scoring
– Designed, coordinated the development and conducted experimental testing of B2B PaaS search
engine aggregator of contacts from many services + OSINT into one convenient API for connecting to
business systems.
– Created several internal products for different departments of the company, as well as a common
intra‑corporate employees training platform, which is used for onboarding employees and training
Technology stack: PHP/MySQL/JS (platform), NodeJS (API), DevExtreme/Cordova (mobile apps).

Technical Product Manager Mar 2013 - Nov 2013

SARL Santé Toujours / full-time
French startup in the field of healthy living.
– Formed the vision of the product, together with the company's founders
– Designed, managed, launched and further serviced web applications and a network of sites about
improving the quality of life through an individual selection of diet, healthy eating and sports at home.
– An adaptive algorithm was developed that took into account many factors to form advice to the user of
the service.
Technology stack: PHP/MySQL/JS.

Technical Product Manager Apr 2012 - Mar 2013

GoGMAT / full-time
International test‑prep startup.
According to the formed vision of the product, I conducted a series of market and competitor studies,
formed a development team, managed the development and commissioning of a unique product for
self‑preparation for the GMAT test. Later, I also coordinated the transformation of the product from b2c
to b2b white‑label SaaS, which became apparent after a number of unsuccessful attempts to launch a
b2c version in different markets.
Technology stack: PHP/MySQL/JS.

Web Master / Web Developer Oct 2007 - Mar 2012

Entrepreneurial activity
During this period, with the maximum use of ready‑made solutions, I have developed and commissioned
more than 100 web projects, from one‑page websites to online stores, portals and complex web
Technology stack: PHP/MySQL/JS.

Assistance lecturer Sep 2005 - Aug 2013

Cherkasy State Technological University / part-time
Leading technical university in the region.
Development and teaching of disciplines to students of 4‑6 courses: "System programming and
operating systems", "Web development", "Web design", "Fundamentals of system analysis", "Software
Projects Management", "Technology of software products development" and etc.
Work on a dissertation.
Postgraduate 2005 - 2008
Cherkasy State Technological University
Specialization "Information technologies".
Working on a dissertation about models and methods of system analysis for optimizing the activities of
transport companies.

Master of Computer Applications - MCA 2000 - 2005

Cherkasy State Technological University
Computer Software Engineering.

Google Cloud Digital Leader Training Specialization 2021
Organizational Change and Culture for Adopting Google Cloud Specialization 2021
Leadership in 21st Century Organizations 2017
Managing the Company of the Future 2017
Machine Learning 2016
Software Product Management Specialization 2016
Leading People and Teams Specialization 2016
Thomas Systems Management Training 2015
Jansen Capital Management
Gamification 2015
Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence 2015

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