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Four Stages of HRD Framework | Aimmaker

 January 18, 2016  by admin  15

For every organization, it is crucial to have well trained and motivated staff. To handle this purpose, the companies develop a
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strategic HRD framework that works in alignment with the objectives of the organization. For getting success in the business, a
rm should always take initiatives to sharpen the skills and talent of the employees. Here, we will learn about the 4 Stages of
HRD Framework that works excellent for every organization.

What is HRD Framework? Recent Posts

Human Resource Development (HRD) is a framework, designed to serve the company employees. It helps to develop their
personal and organizational skill-set, abilities, and knowledge criteria. HRD is one of the essential forms of a system that
retains and motivates employees. It used to regain their enthusiasm towards work while performing at par for the success
JULY 7, 2021
of the rm.
Payroll Management
Why is HRD Framework Important?
HRD framework is essential because it provides necessary training and support to the employees of the company. The
main focus is to enhance the e ciency for better performance. On the other hand, it aims to develop the most e cient FEBRUARY 29, 2016

workforce for the organization to accomplish the targeted goals while serving the customers. Employee Relations

How does HRD Framework Works?

FEBRUARY 29, 2016
The Human Resource Framework can implement as formal classroom training or informal employee mentoring by his boss
or subordinate staff. Both have their signi cance in some or the other way. Employee Provident Fund
Formal training can add more value to the workplace by making the employee sit and learn more about the company
culture and customs while understanding the work. Whereas, informal training involves coaching from the manager or the
FEBRUARY 29, 2016
internal staff, related to work culture and other essential aspects. That creates and maintains the relationship between
employees and other staff members and thus enhances productivity. Change Project

The objective of the HRD Framework

The HRD Framework includes the processes and activities to develop and maintain the skills and competencies of the FEBRUARY 26, 2016
employee. The core objective is to ensure the availability of a highly trained and talented set of employees. It will help Performance Management
to meet future needs. Nowadays, the technical advancements, improvement in the education system, and economic
development in communication have broadened the scope of human resource capabilities. Companies are taking
bene ts from such promotions to training the employees in a much better way.

So Here are the Objectives of HRD

Human asset alludes to the abilities and energies of individuals accessible to an association as expected
supporters of the creation and acknowledgment of the organization’s central goal, vision, qualities, and objectives.
Development alludes to a cycle of dynamic gaining, as a matter of fact, prompting deliberate and intentional
development of the entire individual, body, brain, and soul. Accordingly, HRD is the coordinated utilization of
preparing, hierarchical, and vocation development endeavors to improve individual, gathering, and authoritative
adequacy. So soon we will learn the Four Stages of HRD Framework.

Meanings of HRD:
The American Society for Training and Development characterizes HRD as follows: ‘human asset development is the
way toward expanding the human asset limit through development. It is consequently the way toward enhancing
people, groups, or an association as a human framework’.

Objectives of Human Resources Development

Targets of HRD can be clari ed when we feature human resources’ signi cance following the assessment cycle of the
‘Baldridge Award’, which is given at a worldwide level to a quality association. Destinations of HRD rehearses in an
association should be invested in energy to create/and understand the labor force’s maximum capacity, including the
administration. Four Objectives of Human Resources Development are:

To give a complete stage to the development of Human Resources In the association:

Each HRD customized begins with giving a structure inside the association, so representatives create all alone at
work. Workers would be offered the opportunity to communicate their inclination with the bosses. The bosses also
regard representatives’ sensations and recommend them (not in a basic tone), so they create.

To give an atmosphere to representatives to find, create, and utilize their insight for the
advancement of association:
Another essential goal of HRD developers is to establish a work atmosphere where the representatives contribute
their best in the association. In an HRD software engineer, each worker is given full opportunity to display his abilities,
gifts, and information to help venture. Creative thoughts and plans would be supported and acknowledged in the
association. July 2021  (1)

To hold, pull in, and spur the capable workers:

February 2016  (13)
An association closing the HRD program has the propensity of pulling in and holding the gifted workers. Individuals
would feel that the association is giving an advantageous stage to extend their abilities completely. The skilled
January 2016  (10)
individuals would get persuaded when their insight and information get perceived and recognized by the association.
Associations ailing in HRD projects would least persuade the pro table and powerful representatives.

To encourage orderly age of data: Categories

An HRD program encourages the association to gain admittance to data on human resources for arranging,
development, position, vocation arranging, and progression arranging. HRD is an e cient and arranged methodology
through which the effectiveness of workers is improved. The future objectives and goals are set by the whole
Select Category 
association, which are all around arranged at individual and hierarchical levels. HRD implies the capacity, abilities, and
skills of a person to look for pro table business anyplace. Along these lines, HRD should target improving the
aptitudes of representatives to rouse them to work with viability.

Diagrammatic Representation of HRD Framework Tags


4 Stage of HRD Framwork

Four Stages of HRD Framework

The Human Resource Development or HRD provides a framework for the employees of the company to help in the
development of their professional and personal skills. Along with this, it focuses on the career development of the
employee and the organizational development overall. Meanwhile, HRD is one of the most critical factors a rm practices
to enhance the e ciency of the workforce to become more competitive and pro table. A highly motivated staff tends to
retain for longer as well; therefore, the company follows Four Stages of HRD Framework, namely:

1. Assessment
2. Design
3. Implementation
4. Evaluation

Below is the elaborated description of every HRD Framework Stage:

1. Assessment

The Assessment in the HRD Framework involves prioritizing the need, understanding and examining the
performance of the employees, job tasks and organizational environment. Above all, the need to acknowledge the
gap between current competencies and skills needed for the production of a particular task is to ascertain. This is
the rst most stage out of four stages of HRD framework.

Assessment is the rst step that requires identifying the speci c skill-set requirement as per the job performance.
For as a result after understanding the de ciencies, the prospective employee skill is developed based on
measurable knowledge and performance objectives.

Analyzing or assessing the training need depends upon what the organization expects from the staff and what it
gets. It also discovers to whom should the training is to be provided, that is whether it be the new employee or the
current employee.

Need Assessment
The organization goals and process of reaching those goals determine through the Need Assessment. It
articulates the gap between current skills in the company and the skill required for better performance. The
difference between employee’s existing skills and the skills necessary for successful job completion and the
situations when the HRD can be applied.

A need de ne as either a current de ciency or entirely a new challenge that demand changes in the
organization. Identi cation of the requirement consists of evaluating the individual, job tasks, environment
and preferences.

Gap Analysis
The Gap Analysis involves comparing the actual performance with the desired performance. The foremost step
is to assess the organizational performance and that of the workforce of the company. It has two parts,
namely; current situation and desired situation. The difference between these two is the actual gap analysis
that will identify the needs, purpose, and objectives.

2. Design

The designing of effective HRD program consists of the integration of business plans and goals of the rm with the
HRD process. It involves designing the HRD program and intervention that includes training and development
methods. After successfully understanding the needs, there comes the designing of the training program. It involves
the training content and the delivery method.

With a clear objective, the HRD program designed such that it can deliver through online or o ine training sessions.
To Sum up following are the process of integrating HRD in training the employees:

De ne objective–The objective to implement a training session should be mentioned beforehand. It is related

to the goal of the rm and the skills required to achieve.

Develop Lesson-plan – The next step involves the development of the lesson plan. It includes a detailed
description of the training course and instructions.

Develop/Acquire Material – Acquiring or accumulating the training material is the next step of the HRD
program. These materials are related to classroom training or online training etc.

Select Trainer/Leader – The selection of the right trainer or leader is essential to enhance the skills of
employees. It could be the immediate boss or a professional trainer.

Selecting Methods and Techniques – The training could be delivered using any method or technique like a
lecture, role play, conference or group discussion or online training technique.

Schedule the Program/Intervention – The scheduling of the nal training program done after the
accumulation of resources. It based upon the organizational norms.

3. Implementation

The implementation involves the successful delivery of the assessment and design phase as effective HRD programs
or interventions. The plans or response must be implemented using the most appropriate and reliable methods. The
implementation of HRD program is done by delivering most appropriate training sessions as per the requirements of
the rm and thus creating a productive learning environment for on-going improvement in the employees. This way,
it enables the workforce to perform e ciently towards company goals and objectives. In addition to the above two,
this also plays an important role in four stages of HRD framework.

Methods of delivering the training

Once the training needs and goals decided, the implementation of the training program will begin. The purpose of
providing training leads to determining the methods of imparting effective HRD interventions. The content of the
training program is of prime importance. It is supposed to encourage employee engagement and thus to improve
productivity by making them learn new skills or polishing their knowledge. Following are the methods of the training

On-the-job Training (OJT) This method leads to the employee to learn the job by actually performing it. The types
of OJT are Job Instruction Training (JIT), Job Rotation, Coaching, and Mentoring.
Of-the-job Training – This method involves the employee to be shifted away from their place of work to provide
training. Types of Off-the-job Training are Case Study Method, Management Games, Distance learning, Sponsored
higher education courses.
Apprenticeship Training – This is a combination of classroom training and OJT. It is a structured process to
enhance the skills of an employee with a set of instructions.
Distance/Internet-Based Training – This is a prevalent type of training method that doesn’t require the trainer or
trainee to meet at one place. Through video-conferencing, telephonic training and over the internet, the practice
has done.
Simulated Training – This method involves the use of simulator equipment where the employee can feel the actual
environment and work accordingly.
Computer-Based Training (CBT) – This method leads to training the employee as per his time availability. CBT can
also provide a progress report from time to time for better engagement.

4. Evaluation

Evaluation of the program is the nal step of the HRD process and training sessions. The effectiveness of the HRD
intervention measured during this phase. It is a signi cant and vital activity, so should be performed carefully. The
attentive evaluation of the employee’s Reaction towards the training program leads to gather information about the
effectiveness of the program. The emphasis on measuring Human Resource Development’s impact, it is a crucial and
the essential step to be performed. This is one of the most stages out of four stages of HRD framework.

Evaluation Purpose
The purpose of the evaluation lies upon the identi cation of the program meets intended objectives and employee
engagement throughout the session. However, It leads to strengthen the stronger points in the worker and to
overcome the weaker aspects within him. Another purpose is to motivate employees to work with more enthusiasm.
It will gather the information related to future participants and further improvement in the program.

Measurement of the Effectiveness of the HRD Program

The HRD program’s effectiveness measurement ensures the effectiveness of the program against the costing
occurred. The application should lead to encourage the employees to work with more engagement and excitement
at the same time using the new or the polished skills they have just learned during the sessions. It is also important
because it leads to understanding whether the desired goal after training is achieved or not.

How to Evaluate Effectiveness

The effectiveness of the HRD program can be measured by evaluating the skills of the employee before training,
during training and after training sessions. Other than this, there are few points to be considered for the appropriate
evaluation of the HRD program as follows:

Select Evaluation Criteria – The evaluation criteria involves the Reaction of the participants, noticeable changes
in participants attitude, skills and knowledge, the difference in performance standard of the participant and at the
same time the organizational performance overall.
Determine Evaluation Design – Designing the evaluation study is the second and vital step in making an accurate
evaluation of the program. The rst method is Time Series Design method that involves a series of measurements
made before and after the HRD program. In addition, The second method is called Controlled Experimentation
method that is the most used and formal method of evaluation. Above all in this method, a controlled group
organized, and data is collected from training and controlled group both before and after training, and then the
review is done accordingly.

Conduct Evaluation of Program or Intervention – The evaluation of the HRD program is through measuring three
basic categories. They are Reaction of the participants by understanding their liking or disliking about the session.
Learning of the participants related to skill development and knowledge after the meeting. Behavior change is
also a noticeable factor. The evaluator should nd out how is the employee’s overall behavior after participating in
the training.
Interpret Result – This is probably the most awaited category of evaluation of the program. The nal result evaluat
based on the objectives and goals set by the organization. The evaluator interprets whether the outcome matches
with the desired effect or not. It would depend upon the behavior of the participant after the training if a
complaint came related to workability after training, Reaction of subordinates and manager and motivation
towards the work.

The evaluator will interpret the result on the scale of the Reaction, learning, and behavior of the participant. In
addition, if by any chance, it is not matching with the desired outcome, it probably hasn’t achieved its desired goals.

The Human Resource Development is a process of enabling the workforce in an organization to make things happen using their
maximum skills and knowledge. Similarly, every rm wants to grow high and at the same time, wants to have a happy team of
employees. If the employees feel connected, engaged and motivated, they will give their best outcome to the company. For this,
the rms time to time run such HRD programs to enhance and polish the skill-set of the staff and make them feel more
motivated for the work. Four Stages of HRD Framework play important work.

In conclusion, HRD is, therefore, a set of planned and systematic activities that are designed to provide the workforce with
necessary skills-set to meet current and future goals. Human Resource Development is a combination of education and training
program that ensures continual growth and improvement of the individual. The organizations should sensibly make the use of
these HR techniques for getting the maximum outcome and desired results from the employees.

HRD    


GERALDINE GARI  December 18, 2019 at 4:59 am

very helpful and understandable.

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Anubha Singh  January 2, 2020 at 10:36 am

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Zubeir zuber  July 29, 2020 at 2:15 pm

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