Engendering Policy and Programmes

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An Engendered Policy is one that recognizes the needs of women, without ignoring the
importance of including men in their policies. Engendering policy and programmes visions or a
society where women can attain their full potential and are able to participate as equal partners in
all spheres of life with the mission to create an effective framework to enable the process of
developing policies and programmes that ensure equal rights and opportunities.


i) Creating a conducive socio-cultural, economic, and political environment to enable

women enjoy de jure and de facto fundamental rights and realize their full potential.
ii) Mainstreaming gender in all-round development processes/programmes/projects/
iii) A holistic and life-cycle approach to women’s health for appropriate, affordable, and
quality health care.
iv) Improving and incentivizing access of women/ girls to universal and quality education.
v) Increasing and incentivizing work force participation of women in the economy
vi) Equal participation in the social, political, and economic spheres including the
institutions of governance and decision making.
vii) Transforming discriminatory societal attitudes, mindsets with community involvement
and engagement of men and boys.
viii) Strengthen monitoring, evaluation, audit, and data systems to bridge gender gaps.


In health sector, maternal and peri-natal mortality remained a priority to bring down the high
rates of MMR and IMR. The outreach and capacity of the frontline workers like ASHAs, ANMs,
Anganwadi workers will be increased in remote and backward areas. Apart from maternal health,
the focus of other health problems of women including communicable and non-communicable
diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease, HIV/AIDS will be given prioritized attention with
appropriate strategies and interventions. Traditional knowledge of women including healing
practices will be promoted for indigenous treatment systems in remote areas.

In education sector, priority will be accorded to increased enrolment and retention of adolescent
girls in schools, at post primary level it will be done through provision of gender friendly
facilities like functional girls’ toilets, and higher recruitment of women teachers. Efforts will be
made to provide a supportive environment in schools and colleges through a responsive
complaint mechanism to address discriminatory attitudes.
In employment sector, relation between gender and poverty dynamics will be addressed and all
poverty eradication programmes will give focus to women participation. Fiscal and monetary
policies will be analyzed from gender perspective since they have impending impact on the lives
of women. Identification of differently abled women through support of family, community,
schools etc. and other stakeholders will be promoted along with family counselling and
education to enable them to assist their differently abled members.

In agricultural sector, efforts will be made to support women farmers in their livelihoods, their
visibility and identity, secure their rights over resources, ensure entitlements over agricultural
services, provide social protection cover. Legal provisions of the relevant Acts will be effectively
implemented to ensure the rights of women to immovable property. Steps will be taken to
involve women farmers in on-farm participatory research for agricultural technology and
development of women friendly implements/ tools.

The service sector will encourage equal employment opportunity through jobs/enterprises for
women especially in high paid jobs to postgraduates and professionally qualified women. Enable
women to access the formal banking system with their own collateral and develop a strategy for
the financial institutions to address the significant gender gap by removing the constraints for
accessing private finance.

For violence against women, policies will identify and combat violence and abuse through a
combination of laws, programs, and services with the support of diverse stakeholders. Efforts to
improve Child Sex Ratio (CSR) will be continued. Requisite steps for prevention of trafficking at
source, transit, and destination areas for effective monitoring of the networks of trafficking will
be given a priority. Strict monitoring of response of enforcement agencies to violence against
women will be put in place.

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