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Task GRAMMR Ex.1 Robert is travelling in North America. He sends

an email to a friend in Winnipeg (Canada). Put
the verb into the most suitable form.
(1) I’ve just arrived (I / just / arrive) in Minneapolis. (2)
I’ve been travelling for more than a month now, and (3) I am beginning to
think about coming home. Everything (4) I’ve seen so far
(5) is really interesting, and (6) I have met some
some really kind people.
(7) I left Kansas City a week ago. (8)
I was staying there with Emily, the aunt of a friend from college. She was really helpful and
hospitable and although (9) I’d planned to stay only a couple of
days, (10) I ended up staying more than a week.
(11) I enjoyed the journey from Kansas City to here.
(12) I took the Greyhound bus and (13) met
some really interesting people – everybody was really friendly.
So now I’m here, and (14) I’m going to stay here for a few days before
(15) I continue up to Canada. I’m not sure exactly when
(16) I get to Winnipeg – it depends what happens while
(17) I’m here. But (18) I will let you
know as soon as (19) I know myself.
(20) I’m staying with a family here – they’re friends of some
people I know at home. Tomorrow (21) we are visiting some people
they know who (22) are building a house by a lake. It isn’t
finished yet, but (23) it will be interesting to see what it’s like.
Anyway, that’s all for now. (24) I will be in touch again soon.
Ex.2 Put in one of the following: at on in during for since by until
1.Jack has gone away. He’ll be back in a week.
2 We’re having a party on Saturday. Can you come?
3 I’ve got an interview next week. It’s on Tuesday morning at 9.30.
4 Sue isn’t usually here at weekends. She goes away.
5 The train service is very good. The trains are nearly always on time.
6 It was a confusing situation. Many things were happening at the same time.
7 I couldn’t decide whether or not to buy the sweater. In the end I decided not to.
8 The road is busy all the time, even at night.
9 I met a lot of nice people during my stay in New York.
10 I saw Helen on Friday, but I haven’t seen her then.
11 Robert has been doing the same job for five years.
12 Lisa’s birthday is at the end of March. I’m not sure exactly which day it is.
13 We have friends staying with us at the moment. They’re staying until Friday
14 If you’re interested in applying for the job, your application must be received by Friday
15 I’m just going out. I won’t be long – I’ll be back in ten minutes.

TASK II. ESSAY. On real chances of economic prosperity for Moldova.(120words)

Economic reform in Moldova has over the last decade proceeded more hesitantly than in most
other transition countries. As a result, living standards have eroded while the economy developed
slowly or even contracted, with the level of investment being insufficient to sustain growth.
More recently the country has achieved a degree of political stability and economic prospects are
now improving.
Moldova, a traditional agrarian economy and with agricultural land making up three-quarters of
the total land area, depends heavily on agriculture which accounts for about a fifth of the
country’s GDP and employs a quarter of the country’s workforce. Favourable climate and soil
conditions enable the country to produce a wide range of crops, including fruit, vegetables, grain,
sugar beet, sunflower seeds, tobacco, as well as wine (many of which are recognised as among
the finest in the market), beef and milk. Today, manufacturing accounts for around 80% of total
industrial output.
In conclusion, reforms and policies of the past few years have yielded positive results as regards
macro-economic stabilisation, privatisation and economic restructuring, and have led to a modest
economic recovery, so agriculture is the only chance for Moldova to prosper.

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