Term Limit Legislation

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H. J. RES. ll

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to limit

the number of terms that a Member of Congress may serve.


Mr. CAWTHORN introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred
to the Committee on lllllllllllllll

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United
States to limit the number of terms that a Member
of Congress may serve.

1 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives

2 of the United States of America in Congress assembled
3 (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the fol-
4 lowing article is proposed as an amendment to the Con-
5 stitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all
6 intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when
7 ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several
8 States within seven years after the date of its submission
9 for ratification:

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2 ‘‘SECTION 1. No person who has served six terms as
3 a Representative shall be eligible for election to the House
4 of Representatives. For purposes of this section, the elec-
5 tion of a person to fill a vacancy in the House of Rep-
6 resentatives shall be included as one term in determining
7 the number of terms that such person has served as a Rep-
8 resentative if the person fills the vacancy for more than
9 one year.
10 ‘‘SECTION 2. No person who has served two terms
11 as a Senator shall be eligible for election or appointment
12 to the Senate. For purposes of this section, the election
13 or appointment of a person to fill a vacancy in the Senate
14 shall be included as one term in determining the number
15 of terms that such person has served as a Senator if the
16 person fills the vacancy for more than three years.
17 ‘‘SECTION 3. This article shall not apply to any per-
18 son serving a term as a Member of Congress on the date
19 of the ratification of this article.’’.

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