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Subject: ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC and Module: 1 Week: 1

Lesson: Academic Language
• Content Standard: The learners acquire knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better
understanding of academic texts
• Performance Standard: The learners shall be able to produces a detailed abstract of information
gathered from the various academic texts read
• Competency (Code): The learners differentiate language used in academic texts from various disciplines
A. Differentiate academic texts from non-academic texts;
B. Examine an academic text to establish its nature and characteristics;
C. Recognize the characteristics of language used in academic texts;
D. Analyze academic texts according to its language use; and
E. Evaluate academic texts based on its use of language.
September 6-10, 2021


I. Directions: Fill out the table to differentiate academic text from non-academic text. Choose your
answers from the box.

Formal To inform and/or validate idea

To entertain Subjective
Related literature Research papers, Reports
Contains slang and colloquialisms Diaries, Informal essays
Introduction-Body-Conclusion Objective
No fixed structure Public
Scholarly audience Everyday events

Characteristics Academic Text Non-Academic Text

Source of Content

II. Directions: Read the following sentences and check the box that best fit the category.

My essay will make it clear that the use of marijuana as a medicinal drug is not good.

The present paper will clarify that the use of marijuana as a medicinal drug proves to
be unorthodox.

The researchers found out the leading factor of students’ absenteeism.

My classmates and I found out the leading factor of students’ absenteeism. PRECISE
Approximately 75% of the group agreed to join the rally.

Around half of the group agreed to join the rally.

In my opinion, the method involved to obtain the needed information was frustrating.

The method involved to obtain the needed information proved to be challenging.


A. Directions: Read the passages below. Then, identify whether each passage can be
an academic text or non-academic text. Write AT for academic text and NAT for
non-academic text.

______1. Just as the sun rises and peeps from the east, and as the roosters of the neighborhood
crow, the man gathered his be longings and left his house.
______2. When synthesizing information, a new understanding about a topic is developed by using
information from more than one source.
______3. Depression is one of society’s prevailing issues that requires attention. One’s mental
health is as important as one’s physical health.
______4. I want to obtain answers to the questions that are swarming in my mind. But it seems
everything in life is just a cycle of questions with no answers in sight.
______5. He saw the pure crystal water turned crimson red as the monster devoured the victim. He
cried for help but it was too late.
______6. Statistics show that the higher percentage of the population prefer dogs over cats.
______7. Yesterday was a beautiful day. It was warm enough to feel comfortable in shorts. A nice
breeze made the air feel fresh. The flowers vibrated with color. It felt good to be alive.
______8. Antibiotics are prescribed to fight infections. Sore throats, earaches, and other symptoms
may be caused by the growth of bacteria in your body. As the antibiotics fight to destroy
the bacteria, the bacteria struggle to become stronger.

B. Directions: Read and examine an excerpt of a book review written by a Grade 11

student for her Reading and Writing class.

...I don’t think that the author of the book gave justice to the characters. I was appalled with the idea
that Sienna died at the end. It was heart-breaking. I cried my heart out as I finished reading the
book. The book became my new favorite and I don’t think I will be able to love another book as much
as I love this one...

1. Is her choice of words appropriate for a book review? Why or why not?
2. Point out 3 words that are inappropriate. Suggest a more appropriate alternative for each word.
3. What do you think should she do to improve her writing task?


A. Directions: Carefully read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Using celebrities in advertising dates back to the late nineteenth century, and this common
advertising practice has drawn a considerate amount of academic and practical attention (see
Erdogan 1999 for an extensive review). Most academic investigations of celebrity endorsement have
been contextualized in the realm of source credibility and attractiveness models, and suggest that
celebrities exert their influence on consumers through perceived attributes such as expertise,
trustworthiness, attractiveness, familiarity and likeability (Ohanian 1990, 1991).

Another stream of research on celebrity endorsement, which is labeled the “match-up

hypothesis,” has examined the fit or match between a celebrity and the product being endorsed, and
maintains that celebrity endorsement is more effective when the images or characteristics of the
celebrity are well matched with the endorsed products (Kahle and Homer 1985; Kamins 1990;
Kamins and Gupta1994; Till and Busier 2000). In similar vein, McCracken suggests that a “celebrity
who best represents the appropriate symbolic properties” of the product should be selected, thus
highlighting the importance of the cultural meanings of the celebrities in the endorsement process.
Celebrities embody a collection of culturally relevant images, symbols, and values. As images of the
celebrities become associated with products through endorsement, the meanings they attach to the
products are transferred to consumers through purchase and consumption (McCracken 1989, 316).
Therefore, the practice of celebrity endorsement should be closely related to the cultural context in
which the images of celebrities are formed and individual celebrities are selected to be linked with
particular products.

For advertising practitioners, employing an appropriate celebrity endorser to promote a product is

important but a difficult task. For instance, in the theoretical literature, professionals at advertising
agencies and their client companies in the United States and the United Kingdom cited celebrity
attributes such as image, trustworthiness, and familiarity, as well as the fit between the celebrity and
the product, as important factors for choosing the appropriate endorsers (Erdogan, Baker, and Tagg
2001; Miciak and Shanklin 1994).

Other highly ranked decision factors include celebrity/target-audience congruence, costs of

securing the celebrity, the celebrity’s risk of controversy, and the celebrity’s prior endorsement. As
suggested by Erdogan, Baker and Tagg (2011), the perceived importance and the actual use of
endorser selection criteria may vary from culture to culture. Differences in the entertainment industry
and agency business, and more broadly, in the cultural environments are likely to influence the
execution of the celebrity endorsement strategy across countries.

Arguing for standardized advertising across countries, some contend that consumer demands
and tastes have become similar on a global scale (Levitt 1983; Taylor and Johnson 2002) and that
using celebrities with worldwide recognition in advertising is an effective means of overcoming
cultural difficulties (Erdogan 1999; Kaikati 1987; La Ferla 2001). Others claim that despite some
observed convergence among consumers around the world, fundamental values still remain
divergent across cultures. Therefore, international advertisers cannot assume that the same
advertising technique should be uniformly applied or that it will be equally effective in different
counties (De Mooji 1998, 2003; Onkvisit and Shaw 1999). Yet research on similarities and
differences between cultures in the use of celebrity endorsement in advertising is scarce, despite the
potential cultural influence on this technique as speculated in the literature.

Seijung Marina Choi, Wei Na Lee, Hee-Jung Kim, LESSONS FROM THE RICH AND FAMOUS: A
Cross-cultural Comparison of Celebrity Endorsement in Advertising. Journal of Advertising. Summer
2005, vol. 34, Iss 2.

1. What is the tone and purpose of the text? 2. Who is the target audience of the text?
3. How would you describe the language used in the text?
4. What is the impact of citing references in a text?
5. How does the structure of the text help you to understand more about celebrity endorsement in
different countries?

B. Directions: Match the informal language vocabulary with the more appropriate formal

1. Look at ____ A. confirm, determine, verify

2. Show _____ B. demonstrate, indicate, illustrate
3. Begin ____ C. consider, monitor, analyze
4. Make sure ____ D. commence, initiate, undertake
5. Go over ____ E. revise, review

C. Directions: Put a check before the phrases that are appropriate for academic texts.

_____1. We used a standard graphical representation to…

_____2. A survey of the literature revealed that…
_____3. I researched the questions to the problems…
_____4. The results indicate that…

D. Directions: Pick out all the precise words from the box on the left and write them to the
box on the right.

Twice the size of…

Julienned vegetables
A smaller part of the population…
Police stake out
Very hungry
Not allowed

E. Directions: Underline the subjective wording on the text below.

The results are as I expected. Majority of the class agreed to join the field trip. I think the students
agreed to join because of the low projected expenses of the field trip destination. Personally, I am
glad that most of us can join the field trip.

Nature and Characteristics of an Academic Text

An academic text is a reading material that provides information which include concepts and theories that
are related to the specific discipline.

The following are considered as academic texts: Research Paper, Conference Paper, Feasibility Study,
Thesis/Dissertation, Reviews, Essay, Academic Journals, Reports.


Unlike fiction or journalistic writing, the overall structure of an academic text is formal and logical
(Introduction, Body, Conclusion). It must be cohesive and possess a logically organized flow of ideas; this
means that various parts are connected to form a unified whole.

The overall tone refers to the attitude conveyed in a piece of writing. The arguments of others are fairly
presented and with an appropriate narrative tone. When presenting a position or argument that disagrees with
one’s perspectives, describe the argument accurately without loaded or biased language. Language
It is important to use unambiguous language. Clear topic sentences enable a reader to follow your line of
thinking without difficulty. Formal language and the third person point-of view should be used. Technical
language appropriate to the area of study may also be used, however it does not mean using “big words” just
for the sake of doing so.


Citing sources in the body of the paper and providing a list of references as either footnotes or endnotes is
a very important aspect of an academic text. It is essential to always acknowledge the source of any ideas,
research findings, data, or quoted text that have been used in a paper as a defense against allegations of


An academic text addresses complex issues that require higher-order thinking skills to comprehend.

Evidence-based Arguments

What is valued in an academic text is that opinions are based on a sound understanding of the pertinent
body of knowledge and academic debates that exist within, and often external to a specific discipline.


The starting point of an academic text is a particular perspective, idea or position applied to the chosen
research problem, such as establishing, proving, or disproving solutions to the questions posed for the topic.

Characteristics Academic Text Non-Academic Text

Audience Academia Mass public
Purpose Inform the readers with solid Inform, entertain or persuade
evidence the readers
Style Formal and impersonal Personal, impressionistic,
emotional or subjective
Structure Standard structure No rigid structure
Language Formal language avoids Informal and casual language,
colloquialisms may contain
Subject/Content Shared historical events or Personal life and everyday
literature or other forms of events

Academic Language
Academic Language refers to the oral, written, auditory, and visual language proficiency required to learn
effectively in schools and academic programs. It is also the language used in classroom lessons, books,
tests, and assignments. It is the language that students are expected to learn and achieve fluency in.
Why is academic language so important?

- Students who master academic language are more likely to be successful in academic and professional

What is difference between academic language and social language?

Social language is the simple, informal language we use when talking face to face with family members
and friends. It allows us to use contemporary or slang terms like “cool,” “awesome,” or “dude.” We can also
communicate feelings, needs, and wants using symbolic hand gestures for drink, eat, hot, cold, hurt, or tired.
Social language also includes writing emails, friendly letters, and texts or retelling stories. Academic language
is different from everyday social language. It is the vocabulary students or adults must learn to succeed in the
classroom or in the workplace. We use academic language to describe and comprehend complex ideas,
process higher-order thinking, and understand abstract concepts.

Academic language is what students read in textbooks and on tests and what they hear during instruction
in the classroom. Students with limited or low academic language skills are more than likely to have low
academic performance in classroom settings. Source:

Some of the differences between social and academic language that students should look for include:

Social Language Academic Language

repetition of words variety of words, more
sophisticated vocabulary
sentences start with “and” and “but” sentences start with transition
words, such as “however,”
“moreover,” and “in addition”
use of slang: “guy,” “cool,” and No slang


It should not be conversational and casual. Avoid colloquial and idiomatic expressions, slang, and
X dig in
X cup of tea
X dude
X don’t
Do not refer to yourself as the performer of actions. Do not use personal pronouns.
For example:
“It is commonly said that”… instead of “Many of my friends and colleagues say that…”
“Research revealed that…” instead of “I discovered that”
The facts are presented accurately. The choice of words are appropriate. The use of technical
terms to achieve precision is applied.
For example:
“85% of the population”, “The results are okay(satisfactory).”, asphyxiation (medical term)
It is unbiased, based on facts and is not influenced by personal feelings.
For example:
“The essay on… is distressing.” instead of “I do not like the essay”


Directions: Read the sample academic texts below and identify the errors in the use of the academic

1. I decided to write an extended essay on how hip-hop works as protest of the lower classes because I think
the music is cool and really gets people dancing, inspiring those people who wouldn’t normally think there’s
any point in being against anything to listen to the message. Being an enthusiastic hip-hop dancer myself, I
really wanted to find out some more about this.
2. Biology has always been a passion of mine. Ever since I was searching for frogspawn in my grandparent’s
pond as a four-year-old and annoying my mom with a battery of jam jars on the window sill in which I was
trying to raise tadpoles I have been fascinated with observing nature in detail. Even in English, reading Death
of a Naturalist Seamus Heaney, I found myself thinking up an experiment to do with dragonflies and fireflies. I
have a fish tank at home with three different sorts of fish. I've noticed that they all respond differently when I
feed them. I'm wondering what else is different in their behavior so, in this extended essay, I'm going to find
out how they react to light.

3. When I go into a supermarket there is always gentle background music playing, although in the clothes
shop I like it is always pop music. At breakfast my dad likes to listen to Apo Hiking Society, while my little
brother has rock songs on his phone and will head bang his way through the dining area. My essay is trying to
research why people rely on certain types of music to influence their mood and how music is used in this way
for advertising. I am not sure if there is a connection and whether the music does affect, for example, people’s
shopping habits, but it will be interesting to try to find out, especially to see if different peoples’ brains are
wired differently when it comes to music.

2. 3.


1. How can academic texts affect your life as a student?

2. Why is learning to appropriately use the academic language vital in uplifting your socio-economic
status in life?


Directions: Using the criteria, evaluate the language of the following sample of academic texts from
various disciplines.

A. This essay intends to investigate whether there is a causal relationship between music listened to and the
mood of individuals. Additionally, it will seek to explore whether this relationship is used in advertising to
encourage people to spend money.

B. This essay on how the lyrics of hip-hop developed as a form of protest against a society segregating the
working classes based on the premise of the music having a distinct and energizing rhythm that really inspires
people to move, thereby reaching out to audiences who wouldn’t normally believe in protest, let alone speak
out in public. Thus, the music becomes a vehicle for words of protest that can and indeed have changed the

C. The researcher found out that the male population has a higher chance of being hired compared to the
females. Eighty percent of the employers stated that since females are privileged with maternity leave, they
leave their work for some time resulting to a decline on the overall production of the company. I think this is
very judgmental on the part of the employers. It goes against the Women Empowerment Movement. I strongly
urged the employers to rethink their choices because women are great workers.

D. This essay is focused on investigating the photo tactic responses of three different species of fish that
occupy different areas of an aquarium: danios (Danio rerio), which group near the surface of the water, black
skirt tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi), which swim in the middle of the tank, and kuhli loach (Pangio kuhlii),
which swim near the bottom of tank. It is anticipated that they will respond differently to light according to their
niche with the tank.
E. As a student, I want to understand how Multiple Intelligences Theory affect students’ learning. For
example, I learn better when I listen to music while my circle of friends learn best when they discuss the
lesson together. I believe that all of us are unique. We have our own ways to excel in school. That’s why I
want to conduct a study on this particular matter.

Characteristics of A B C D E
Academic Language
Does the text use a
formal language?
Is the language
impersonal? (Yes/No)

Are the choice of words

appropriate for an
academic text? (Yes/No)
Does the text use
technical terms? (If yes,
write 1 term found in the
Is the academic text
objective? (Yes/If No,
write 2 phrases that
indicate subjectivity.)

I. Directions: Read each statement carefully and identify whether each statement is true or false.
Write T if it is true and F if it is false.

____1. An academic text should clearly state its thesis, argument or proposition.
____2. It is acceptable to include one’s judgment but should be supported by evidence.
Is the academic text objective? (Yes/If No, write 2 phrases that indicate subjectivity.)
____3. Both academic and non-academic texts can be used to inform.
____4. Both academic and non-academic texts employ the use of informal language.
____5. Academic texts can use first person point-of-view and include one’s emotional attachment to the
____6. The language used in academic texts should be conversational.
____7. Language used in academic texts employ technical terms specific for each field and/or discipline.
____8. Academic language should be objective, precise, impersonal and formal.
____9. Slangs and colloquialisms are used in academic texts.
____10. Students who master academic language are more likely to be successful in academic and
professional settings.

II. Directions: Using the Venn diagram, compare and contrast the characteristics of academic texts
from non-academic texts.

III. Directions: Read the academic texts from various disciplines and evaluate each text using the
table provided.

A. Infection after consumption of fresh duck blood and undercooked poultry products has been suspected in
some cases of illness. Indeed, transmission to felids was observed after experimental feeding of infected
chickens to domestic cats, and feeding tigers raw infected chicken led to outbreaks of illness in Thai zoos, in
which felid-to-felid transmissions were also implicated. Infected birds shed high concentrations of virus in
feces. Direct intranasal or conjunctival inoculation while swimming in contaminated water or, perhaps,
inhalation or ingestion of water could have been potential modes of transmission to some H5N1– infected
patients. As for human influenza, hand contamination from fomites and self-inoculation into the eye or upper
respiratory tract remain possible modes.
B. The number of calories burned during an exercise depends on various factors including body weight and
the type of exercise. For example, an individual weighing 59 kilograms (130 pounds) would expend roughly
500 calories per hour swimming or playing basketball. However, this same person would burn an estimated
200 walking or playing table tennis. In order to survive and maintain body weight, the average individual
requires approximately 2000 to 2500 calories per day. Gaining or losing weight is a simple process. Add and
subtract 7,700 calories over the course of time to gain or lose a kilogram. Nutrition has nothing to do with it. It
is all about calories.

C. Wrigley’s chewing gum was actually developed as a premium to be given away with other product rather
than as a primary product for sale. As a teenager, William Wrigley Jr. was working for his father in Chicago
selling soap that has been manu-factured in his father’s factory. The soap was not very popular with
merchants be-cause it was priced at 5 cents, and this selling price did not leave a good profit margin for the
merchants. Wrigley convinced his father to raise the price to ten cents and to give away cheap umbrellas as a
premium for the merchants. This worked successfully, confirming to Wrigley that the use of premium was an
effective sales tool.

D. As a learner-centered process to second language (L2) writing, peer response has been widely adopted
and studied since the 1990s (Hyland &Hyland, 2006). The dialogic nature of peer response seems to foster
multiple support systems (Hyland, 2000) and communicative behaviors (Villamil & de Guerrero, 1996). L2
research has shown that peer response can increase chances for meaning negotiation and language practice
(Lockhart & Ng, 1995; Mendonca & Johnson, 1994), encourage collaborative reading and writing (Tsui & Ng,
2000), and promote writing revisions (Berg, 1999; Mendonca & Johnson, 1994;; Min, 2006, 2008; Stanley,
1992). These interactive practices appear to draw upon and enhance interactional and writing skills.

E. The results show that there is a lack of awareness in Singaporean Muslim towards Islamic banking
products and services in Singapore. However, Singaporean Muslims, on average still accept the operation
and believe that it is crucial to have more Islamic banking in Singapore in the future. Factors of bank selection
also are as indicators to gauge which services needed to be improved so that local Muslims are attracted to
set up an Islamic banking account.

1.In what discipline could
this text belong to?
2. What type of language
does the article use?
3. Who are the target
audience of the text?
4. Is the text objective or
5. What is the purpose of
the text?

Directions: Write a short essay on your thoughts about the use of language in academic texts for
various disciplines. Please be guided by the rubrics below.


9-1 7-8 6 4-5 1-3
• Well written • Writes fairly. • Minimal effort. • Somewhat • Lacking effort.
and very • Good • Good grammar unclear. • Very poor
organized. presentation mechanics. • Shows little grammar
• Excellent and • Fair effort. mechanics.
grammar organiation. presentation. • Poor grammar • Very unclear.
mechanics. • Sufficient effort • Few supporting mechanics. • Does not
• Clear and and detail. details. • Confusing and address topic.
concise choppy, • Limited
statements. incomplete attempt.
• Excellent effort sentences.
and • No
presenatation organization of
with deatil. thoughts.
• Demonstrate a
of the topic

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