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Chapter 1



“Laro Muna, Aral Mamaya: Student Gamers in Accomplishing their learning modules

amidst covid-19 pandemic. These statements were frequently uttered to all student gamers who

are active players of the legendary online game “Mobile Legends”.

The Corona Virus Disease outbreak has heightened the use of mobile phones across the

globe. According to Watsons (2020), the data revealed from a global survey held in March 2020,

70 percent of responding internet users worldwide were using their smartphones or mobile

phones more as a direct result of the coronavirus outbreak. In addition, due to the threat brought

by CoVid-19, the Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines implemented modular

distance learning through Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) which made self-

learning modules (SLMs) available in print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever is

appropriate in the learner's context, as well as other learning tools such as Learner's Materials,

textbooks, activity sheets, study guides, and other supplemental activities (DepEd, 2020). This is

the Department’s response to the challenges posed by CoVid-19 in the field of basic education.

“I have always maintained that education must continue, whatever the changes and even dangers

we confront now and in the future”, Leonor M. Briones (Secretary of the Department of

Education). Meanwhile, according to Elliot (2020) in his published article entitled “The

Philippines’ Games Market: Data and Insights”, 74 percent of the Philippines’ online population

play games on mobile where 75 percent of men and 72 percent of women play mobile games,

while 70 percent of men and 61 percent of women play computer games. It has also been shown
in the statistics presented in the Philippines Mobile Game Market that the smartphone

penetration has increased to 27.6 percent from 2015-2021. One of the most popular online games

in the Philippines is Mobile Legends. It is mostly played by people around 12-35 years old. For

the record, it has over one billion installs and 100 million monthly active users in November

2020, according to a report by Business World. During the same time, the Philippines alone had

100 million registered users and 25 million monthly active users. While Mobile Legends

according to some studies poses positive effects among gamers, negative impacts are remarkable

most especially to the academic performance of those players who are enrolled in school during

this CoVid-19 pandemic wherein most schools offer Distance Learning Modality as a way of

educating learners. Hence, spending ample time playing mobile games constitutes adverse

outcomes to the behavior, health, lifestyles, and most importantly study habits among learners

(Aviso et al., 2020)

Thus, this research aimed to highlight the experiences of student gamers who are habitual

Mobile Legend gamers and the impact of their addiction to their Learning Modules

accomplishment and submission. Furthermore, this research undertaking explored the problems

and challenges experienced by the student gamers on their academic performance. This study

also helped the parents, teachers, and the community address this issue regarding this addictive

online game.
Statement of the Problem/Objectives of the study

This study aimed to describe the student gamers’ experiences during the CoVid-19


Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile variable of the respondents in terms of

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

1.3. Modality of Learning

2. Why do mobile legends seem to be appealing among the students?

3. How may the study habits of the student gamers be described and analyzed?

4. How does the academic performance of the students be affected before and after

playing Mobile Legends?

5. What are the problems and challenges they have experienced in accomplishing and

submitting learning modules?

6. How do they cope up and overcome their problems and challenges?

7. What gainful insights may be drawn based on the findings

8. What is the proposed plan of action to address the findings of the study?
Conceptual Framework

The pandemic - Covid 19 has increased the use of mobile phones among students all

across the world. As a result, the number of students who became interested and quickly became

addicted to playing mobile games, whether pre-installed, offline, or online, has increased

dramatically. This addiction may be linked to students' academic achievement, particularly

during the pandemic's deployment of the new learning modality. This Novel Corona Virus 2019

has spread over the globe. The epidemic is forcing education around the world to shift from face-

to-face to Blended Learning, which combines online and modular learning.

According to some studies, Mobile Legends has positive effects on gamers; however, the

negative effects are obvious, particularly on the academic performance of those players who are

enrolled in school during the CoVid-19 pandemic, when most schools offer Distance Learning

Modality as a method of educating students.

Elliot (2020). 74 percent of the Philippines’ online population play games on mobile

where 75 percent of men and 72 percent of women play mobile games, while 70 percent of men

and 61 percent of women play computer games. It has also been shown in the statistics presented

in the Philippines Mobile Game Market that the smartphone penetration has increased to 27.6

percent from 2015-2021.

Aviso et al., (2020). Spending too much time playing mobile games has negative

consequences for students' behavior, health, lives, and, most crucially, study habits.

Fernando (2020).  learners must read and reread; modular learning is difficult. This is

something that many of our students nowadays find unappealing, thus they will almost certainly

ask their parents or guardians to answer their modules for them.

Another extensive framework is to showcase the experiences of student gamers who are

regular Mobile Legends players, as well as the influence of their addiction on their completion

and submission of Learning Modules Furthermore, this research project looked into the concerns

and challenges that student gamers have in terms of their academic performance. This research

also aided parents, teachers, and the community in addressing the problem of this compulsive

online game.

Learners who are ML

Extensive Description of their
Player/Online Gamer
Experiences in playing Online games

Profile Variables of the Respondents

Reasons of Engagement on Online

Games of the Respondents

Coping Mechanisms of the Respondents

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Learners who are Online gamers and the
Extensive Description of their experiences in playing online games, their profile variables,
their reasons of engagement in online games, and their coping mechanisms
Theoretical Framework/Research Paradigm


1. Profile of the 1. Assessing the
respondents in Profile Variables
terms of: of the
1.1 Age Respondents
1.2 Gender 2. Assessing the
1.3 Modality of experiences and
Learning responses of the
2. Reasons why respondents
ML seems 3. Assessing the
appealing to effect of playing Provide extensive
learners online games to descriptions on
3. Description and the academic experiences of student
analyzation of performance of gamers who are habitual
student’s study the respondents Mobile Legend gamers
habits 4. Describing the and the impact of their
4. Effect of before problems and addiction to their
and after playing challenges Learning Modules
of ML to the experienced in accomplishment and
academic accomplishing submission
performance of and submitting
learners learning Proposed measures to
5. Problems and modules of the reduce the ML addiction
Challenges respondents of the respondents
experienced in 5. Assessing the
accomplishing coping
and submitting mechanisms of
learning the respondents
6. Coping
Mechanisms of
the Respondents


Figure 2. Research Paradigm showing the Input, Process, and Output of the Research.
The study dealt with the experiences of student gamers who are habitual Mobile Legend

gamers and the impact of their addiction to their Learning Modules accomplishment and


Hence, to be guided in fulfilling this study, the researchers used the Input, Process,

Output (IPO) model.

The inputs were the profile of the respondents as to their Age, Gender, and Modality of


The process started as the researchers assessed the profile of the respondents as to their

Age, Gender, and Modality of Learning followed by the experiences and responses of the

respondents, the effect of playing online games on the academic performance of the respondents,

describing the problems and challenges experienced in accomplishing and submitting learning

modules of the respondents, and the coping mechanisms of the respondents.

In the third frame, the outcome of the Input and Process were shown such as Provide

extensive descriptions on experiences of student gamers who are habitual Mobile Legend gamers

and the impact of their addiction to their Learning Modules accomplishment and submission and

the proposed measures to reduce the ML addiction of the respondents

Significance of the study

This study will serve as a reference and source of information about students’ gamers and

how can affect their education in accomplishing their learning modules. The findings of the

study will educate the youth, especially those addicted to online games in terms of priority. Also,

encourage the students to manage their time and use it with the purpose.

Department of Education. The findings of the study could be used to guide the DepEd

to provide adequate strategies to the teachers to help aid the challenges faced by the students in

terms of the addiction of the learners to online games.

Teachers. The findings of the study could be used to help the teacher to make their ways

to help their students. They could provide pieces of advice to motivate their students to reduce

their addiction to playing online games.

Parents. The findings of the study will help the parents to have their way to monitor the

performance of their children even if it is Blended Modality

Students. The findings of the study will help the learners/students to assess their selves

and find their way to reduce their addiction to online games.

Researchers. Future Researchers can use the finding of this study to conduct more on

this topic, provide actions that are beneficial to stakeholders.

Scopes and Delimitations

The study focuses on the experiences of student gamers who are habitual Mobile

Legend gamers and the impact of their addiction to their Learning Modules accomplishment and

submission. Furthermore, this research undertaking explored the problems and challenges

experienced by the student gamers on their academic performance. This study also helped the

parents, teachers, and the community address this issue regarding this addictive online game.

Internet surfing and library works are done on the campus.

Definition of Terms

Mobile Legends.

Academic Performance.

Learning Modules.

Case Study Philippines.

Mobile Games Addiction.

Chapter 2


This chapter contains a summary of relevant literature and studies that the researchers

have read to gain a better understanding of the subject and to help them perform their research.

Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) developed, published, and

released in 2016 by Shanghai Moonton Technology, which is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The game has reportedly accumulated 500 million downloads and 75 million active players

where Southeast Asia accounts for a large portion of its popularity (Chua, 2019). It has been

found in the studies of (Dananjaya & Kusumastuti, 2019) Students’ Perception on Online Game

Mobile Legends for Vocabulary Development, that playing Mobile Legends could increase the

students’ vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, and translation of newfound words being heard

while engaging in the said game. Similarly, they exclaimed that playing ML is a great tool in

developing their communication skills for they would have to communicate well with foreign

players to understand the game’s system and to achieve victory since the game relies on

teamwork. Relative, to this, based on the study findings of Cations and Brahmana (2018),

character choice is influenced by self-fashion congruence, and the relation between and among

the players is deep and inseparable. This demonstrates that, even though players can select

different heroes and skins for each battle from time to time, self-fashion congruence is a

significant factor in making decisions. However based on the studies conducted by several

researchers, playing mobile legends poses various negative effects among players such as: harm

the interaction process in the real world that makes them passive and dependent on the game
Mawalia (2020); get addicted and had a lot of self-changes since starting and continuing to play

and joining the community of Mobile Legends; Sunarto et al (2019); affect the mental health and

academic performance among students Aviso et al (2020), and worst-case scenario, it can lead to


Self-Learning Modules

The Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines offered modular distance

learning which allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital

format/electronic copy, whichever is appropriate in the learner's context, as well as other learning

tools such as Learner's Materials, textbooks, activity sheets, study guides, and other study

materials (DepEd, 2020). A Self-Learning Module is a set of material that is presented in a

logical order and may be used to support most essential learning competencies, course aim,

purpose, topic, idea, or theme Blackboard Help (n.d.). Furthermore, Hambre, (2019) defined

Self-Learning Module as one of the most popular methods devised by teachers to meet the needs

of students in mastering concepts in different subjects. The SLK is a tool that uses manipulative

methods and thought skills to improve learning and innovation. It also helps students gain self-

confidence in the subject by connecting the lesson to the real world. Modular learning is a form

of distance learning that employs the use of self-learning modules. These self-learning modules

are based on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) provided by DepEd. The

modular learning approach is hanging by a thread, and it's not the teachers' or the students' fault.

The plan seems to be flawed from the start. With so many students, especially in public schools,

it would be hard to give each one equal and undivided attention. Teachers also struggle to reach

out to all of their students but fall short because economic and social factors stand in their way

Meanwhile, Cariño said in a virtual press briefing that one of the major challenges

experienced by the teacher, of course, would be the distance of the houses of these learners and

the kind of road that they have to pass through, some have to cross rivers,". He also said some

learners do not have parents that could help them in studying their lessons at home while there

are parents who answer the SLMs for their children. Thus, to resolve these issues, the DepEd in

Cagayan Valley is coordinating with local officials and law enforcers to help teachers in

distributing the SLMs. Furthermore, distribution and retrieval of SLMs will be done quarterly in

coastal areas and monthly in the mainland to avoid constantly exposing teachers to the threat of

COVID-19. Schools also assigned "para-teachers" to guide learners at home while teachers

living in certain barangays or parks were instructed to tutor the learners in their community. He

also appealed to parents to refrain from answering the self-learning modules so their children

could truly learn, Cariño in a virtual press briefing as cited in ABS-CBNNews.

Academic Performance

The academic performance of the students was significantly affected based on the

revealed study findings of Cornillez Jr. (2020) relative to playing online mobile games. The poor

performance of the students in their academics was linked to playing online mobile games. Due

to reduced contact hours brought by Covid-19 for learners and a lack of communication with

teachers when learning/understanding challenges, students' level of academic performance is

likely to suffer in classes held for both year-end and internal examinations (Sintema,2020). In

connection to the above-mentioned statement the academic performance of students when being

linked to playing online mobile games such as Mobile legends and the like has been significantly

interpreted as less favorable (Delos Santos et al., 2020). In addition, according to Arockiyasamy

(2016), the average time spent in playing online mobile game engagement per week and the
history of gaming when the learners were kids is significantly correlated to their academic

performance. Meanwhile, the study of Rahayu (2020) revealed that the academic performance of

the grade 11 students particularly in writing skills has significantly increased which means that

the use of mobile legend as a learning medium can improve student learning outcomes in the

procedure text. Similarly, the use of gamification elements indirectly affected the academic

achievement due to their positive effects on engagement in the classroom (Çakıroğlu,,2017)

Study Habits

Study habits are important for students to enhance a learning style or suitable studying

habits that will help them keep focused on their ultimate goal which is academics. Similarly,

Atieno (2019) in her published article released in The New Times, Rwanda, teachers can help

students since they are the ones who know the strengths and weaknesses of all students,

Aminadhad Niyonshuti, an English teacher at Apapper Complex School, Kicukiro, adding that

this can be achieved by identifying areas in a student’s life that need more attention. However, in

the study findings of Mozeliuz, (2016), the study habits among digital gaming natives’

gaming habits were strong enough, and students’ study habits have collided in many situations.

This supports the findings of Cornillez, Jr. (2020) which states that the study habits of the

students were greatly affected due to playing mobile games.

According to Jafari, Aghaei, and Khatony (2019), the status of study habits was at a

moderate level for most students. Therefore, it is recommended to consider and assess students’

study habits at the time of entry into university, in addition, specific training should be offered to

students to help them learn or modify study habits to increase their academic achievements. This

means that study habits among students are innate and that they should be developed among

themselves with the help of the teachers as teaching and learning is happening.
Problems Encountered

According to Fernando as cited in Sunstar Baguio (2020), “modular learning is

challenging because learners are required to read and reread. This is a thing that does not appeal

to many of our learners today so they will surely ask their parents or guardians to answer their

modules for them. Learners understand that it is their role to work on their modules but if parents

and other persons do not adhere to this value, the learners will soon ignore the rule. This might

even become a practice”. On the same note, he also added that some learners may not also

submit their modules in due time, so parents initiate to answer these modules for their children.

Or they do the work simply because they want their children to obtain a high mark. The virtue of

honesty in these cases is ignored. The practice of dependence on parents is promoted. Laziness is

supported and lack of motivation is not being addressed. In addition, Estrada (2020) as cited in

Rappler, states that there are a lot more challenges concerning modular learning, but these are the

most prevalent. Both the students and the teachers are at a disadvantage. The quality of

education, however hard it is to admit, may have dropped. But because we're still in the middle

of a pandemic, it's not their fault. Learning is hard when done on your own. Similarly, The

modular learning approach has several weak spots. If DepEd refuses to address them, both

students and teachers will have an even harder time adjusting to the new normal. In addition,

there is little to no feedback regarding what they have learned and if their answers are correct.

Therefore, the modular approach becomes an endless stream of paperwork for both the student

and the teacher with no way of knowing its effectiveness. The main challenges that emerged

were lack of school funding in the production and delivery of modules; students struggle with

self-studying, and parents' lack of knowledge to academically guide their child/children (Pe
Dangle and Sumaoang 2020). This means that the role of teachers is vital in the academic

success of the students. In addition, as far as distance learning is concerned, the following

problems occurred in the process of the students taking the online exams, the student’s level of

computer literacy, the test environment being new to the students, the presentation of the

questions in a computer environment and technical difficulties (Karal 2020)

Coping Mechanism

With students unable to socialize and make connections as easily as they could before the

pandemic, many are experiencing increased feelings of isolation and depression (Sherren, 2020).

Hence, students might do something to minimize stress to avoid the negative consequences of

long-term stress William (2017). The Corona Virus Disease outbreak has heightened the

use of mobile phones across the globe. According to Watsons (2020) in an article published at, the data revealed from a global survey held in March 2020, 70 percent of

responding internet users worldwide were using their smartphones or mobile phones more as a

direct result of the coronavirus outbreak. This means that most people are coping up through the

use of mobile phones. Coping techniques are the methods people employ to master, diminish, or

minimize the effects of a stressful situation. Coping is multi-faceted and requires a variety of

tactics, some of which are more effective than others Gnilka, Chang, and Dew, (2017). Chao

(2017) distinguishes between two types of stress management: social support and dysfunctional

coping strategies. People naturally seek social support, such as from their family and friends, to

help them manage their stress. Focusing on and venting emotions, as well as behavioral and

mental detachment, are examples of dysfunctional coping methods. According to research by

Sideridis (2018), students' most common coping mechanisms are internet browsing, sleeping and

resting, watching TV shows or movies, and instant messaging. Moreover, communication

through the use of social media is also another way to cope up with stress in terms of relationship

problems De Guzman, et. al (2020) Similarly, the results of the studies entitled “Stress and

Coping Strategies Among Distance Education Students” conducted by Kwaah, and Essilfe

(2017), showed that ‘academic workload’, ‘high frequency of examinations’, financial problems,

family/marriage problems were the major causes of stress among the students. Students used

multiple strategies, mainly praying/meditating, self-distracting activities such as watching TV

and listening to music to cope with stress. Other important stresses coping strategies were

emotional and instrumental support from family, friends, and lecturers.


The above-mentioned authorities emphasized that Covid 19 brought drastic changes not

only in different institutions but also in the lives of the students. The cause of being engaged with

using mobile phones and other electronic devices which can relieve stress among students is the

result of isolation due to community lockdown. Moreover, browsing the internet, communicating

using different social media platforms, and playing online games are some of the coping

mechanisms of the students which could negatively affect the completion and submission of their

learning modules that could lead to academic failure.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents a description of the research design selection and description of

respondents, research instruments, data collection procedure, and statistical treatment used.

Research Design

The research design used in this study was the Descriptive Qualitative Method.

This descriptive method will describe the experiences of student gamers who are habitual Mobile

Legend gamers and the impact of their addiction to their Learning Modules accomplishment and

submission. Furthermore, this research undertaking explored the problems and challenges

experienced by the student gamers on their academic performance. This study also helped the

parents, teachers, and the community address this issue regarding this addictive online game.

Respondents of the Study

Chosen student gamers will be the respondents to this study. There is no exact total of

respondents, but the target is at least 30 student gamers who are currently enrolled in this

academic year 2021-2022.

They are chosen through the following criteria; enrolled at this current academic year

2021-2022 and found to be an online gamer. They are going to be interviewed and observed in

certain circumstances to meet the data and information needed.

Research Instruments

The data were gathered by obtaining the results through the survey questionnaire and be

administered through an online survey. The administered questionnaire was made by the

researchers answering the following sub-objectives:

1. Reasons why ML seems appealing to learners

2. Description and analysis of student’s study habits

3. Effect of before and after playing of ML on the academic performance of learners

4. Problems and Challenges experienced in accomplishing and submitting learning


5. Coping Mechanisms of the Respondents

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers seek first the approval of the professor to administer the questionnaire.

Researchers will provide questionnaires to input in google docs and the link will be

forwarded to the chosen participants.

The researcher asked the permission of the respondents to honestly answer the

administered questionnaire to them. The researchers delivered the questionnaires to the

concerned respondents via an online survey.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data were gathered and analyzed to answer the formulated questions in Chapter I,

particularly in the Statement of the Problem. Reasons why ML seems appealing to learners,
Description, and analyzation of student’s study habits, Effect of before and after playing of ML

to the academic performance of learners, Problems, and Challenges experienced in

accomplishing and submitting learning modules, and Coping Mechanisms of the Respondents

Thematic analysis was used in this study due to its flexibility to be used in different

frameworks and to identify patterns of meanings that can provide answers to research questions.

To complete the data analysis, the researchers started with the familiarization of data where it

was heard repeatedly to acquaint with its content. Second, is the identification of common

answers and taking them down. Third, the researchers searched for themes. Fourth is reviewing

followed by defining and lastly, is naming. These processes are essential to establish the

potential for merging data and Theory Development.

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