Climate Action Project Week 6

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Climate Action Project

Week 6

Topic: Climate Actions

Questions for the week:
- How can I build on prior learning to connect to new ideas?
- How can one individual person/class design to make a difference
through action? (continued)
- How will you craft your stories of action for impact?

Collective action: Join together with a community of changemakers to share,

learn, build, and act.

Teacher note: All activities and resources should be reviewed for content and
developmental appropriateness for age levels. Some activities/resources will need to be
modified for younger children.


➔ Climate Action Booklist for Classrooms:

➔ EarthProject App:
➔ Nominate student changemakers (age 17-22): LINK

Climate Action Day: November 4th LIVE FROM COP26!

Save-the-date for Climate Action Day on November 4, 2021! Free, online event for all
welcoming top climate experts, global leaders, and innovative classrooms.
Registration is open now:
Speaker announcement: We are excited to announce two new speakers to the program.
Check out the full program at:

Prince William Nandi Bushell

Duke of Cambridge Musician, Activist

Pause and notice

Goal 1: Connect prior learning to new ideas.

1. Reflect on causes and effects of climate change.

Before proceeding to Climate Change Actions, revisit and review (1) your definition of
climate change, (2) established causes and effects of climate change at both local and
global levels, and (3) personal connections to climate change. Use your Class Climate
Action Box/Digital Board for reference.

2. Draw lines of global connections.

Return to the The Ultimate List of Causes of Climate Change, the Global Map of
Climate Change Effects, and your virtual exchange experience. Consider the lines of
connection (to both ideas and people) you are creating. Add in any new connections to
your box (side 3).

Explore possibilities

Goal 2: Prepare Climate Action Projects for sharing with the world.

Now that projects are complete, determine ways you will share your message. Will you
create awareness videos, websites, printed flyers, performances for schools?

Design with optimism

Goal 3: Join in a global celebration of ACTION!

You and your students are invited to join for Global Student Climate Action Day.

Here are all the details:

● Day: Thursday, November 4th

● Time: 8am - 2pm ET
● Registration link:
● Speakers:

Collective action

Let’s connect ideas, information, and opportunities! All students and teachers are invited
to share. Please submit your final solutions with THIS FORM.


Extension activities for the classroom:

● Create a plan for extending the Climate Action Project in your class to become a
year long initiative. If you are selecting to do this, please contact Koen and Jen as
we have opportunities available for a select number of classrooms.

Share out via social media:

● Be sure to share on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram using the hashtag
#ClimateActionEdu tagging in @ClimateActionED and @TakeActionEdu.

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