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Name: Jemma L.

Who among the candidates for the presidency is the most qualified to lead the country?

Why do I think Bongbong Marcos is the most qualified presidential candidate? In my opinion, he is the most
qualified candidate among the candidates because he has the ability to delegate, self-awareness, influence, and
empathy. These qualities are essential and are consistently possessed by the best leaders. He is the prominent
candidate in the election being the son of the late Pres. Ferdinand Marcos Snr. Despite the memories of his late
father, the fact that his appointment was treated with suspicion shows how far the country has come since the
despised dictator was ousted during a popular uprising in 1986.
In addition, The issue now is the so-called Marcos legacy. Marcos was a strongman, a dictator, a thief and a
human rights violator. He borrowed to excess, from $700 million he became president in 1966 to $24 billion by
the time he was ousted in 1986. He plundered between $5 billion and $10 billion and killed his arch political
rival. He was evil. That is, after all, one aspect of the story. Which is despite Cory Aquino's and her only son,
Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III's lack of preparedness for the position, the Aquino family has gained
two presidential terms totaling 12 years and six months.
In other hand, there's another story, Marcos was a powerful and determined leader who brought the country
together and instilled a sense of history in his people. He averted a communist takeover of the nation and the
breakup of the archipelago by Muslim separatists. Following two big oil shocks, Marcos saved the Philippines
from economic catastrophe. Marcos presided over the country's most challenging era. It's amazing that the
country was still reasonably intact when he was deposed by so-called People Power in 1986.

According to Pulse Asia, which is thought to be a mind-blowing voting that is inconsistent with the mind and
heart of humanity. the young Marcos is only the third choice of the people for their chief executive if elections
were held in June, the time of the poll. BBM is behind Sara Duterte, 28 percent; and Manila Mayor Isko
Moreno, 14 percent, with a 13-percent rating. A rating of 14 and 13 are the same, with a survey error margin of
2.5 percentage points. As a result, Bongbong is the runner-up. With Sara certain that she will not run for
president, Marcos is the frontrunner, with Isko Moreno circling behind him.

On top of that, Bongbong was Governor of Ilocos Norte, where he served three times during the series. He had
to discontinue his studies when he was elected Deputy Governor in 1981, at the age of 23. While in office, he
helped transform Ilocos Norte into a world-class province known for its natural and cultural attractions. Under
his leadership, the province has also been a pioneer in wind power technology. Bongbong was elected to the
ANC in 2007 and was elected Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives in 2008. During this time, one
of the most important pieces of legislation he wrote was the Philippine Archipelagic Baselines Law (Republic
Act No. 9522). In 2010, he finished in seventh place in the elections for the Senate.

Duterte-Marcos, or Marcos-Duterte, a coalition has been widely discussed. The remains of the former dictator
were buried heroically by Duterte, so the families have had a long political party since the 1960s. Bongbong has
said that Duterte's war, which has claimed the lives of about 8,000 people since 2016, will continue under his
control, and he will defend any defendants in the international court investigation into Duterte's human rights
cases, which have been lawful. Approved in September. He successfully portrays himself as a progressive
person, embracing Duterte's ideas and actions while also carrying the Marcos surname.
In my opinion, he is the most qualified candidate among the candidates because he has the ability to delegate,
self-awareness, influence, and empathy. These qualities are essential and are consistently possessed by the best
leaders. In 2010, Bongbong was elected Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and finished in
seventh place in the elections for the Senate. He helped transform Ilocos Norte into a world-class province
known for its natural and cultural attractions. Under his leadership, the province has also been a pioneer in wind
power technology. one of the most important pieces of legislation he wrote was the Philippine Archipelagic
Baselines Law (Republic Act No. 9522). Let’s remember the line in the bible Ezekiel 18:19-20 “Yet you say,
‘Why should not the son suffer for the iniquity of the father?’ When the son has done what is just and right, and
has been careful to observe all my statutes, he shall surely live. The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not
suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the
righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself”.



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