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Presented to the

Faculty of Leyte National High School


Tacloban City


Miccah Kate Yvone S. Esos

Ma. Ericka L. Alejan

Alona Joyce Aguirre

Gerah Mae M. Reyes

Kevin Louis M. Rosal

March 2019


1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY………………………………………………………….3
3. TECHNOLOGY CONSIDERATION………………………………………………4
5. MARKETING STRATEGY………………………………………………………...4
6. ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING…………………………………….………....5
7. SCHEDULE……………………………………………………………………….....5
8. FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS……………………………………………………....6

Executive Summary:

SKL is an online business which is perfect for all ages and all occasions. It

is a homemade delicacy that is truly made by own recipe. SKL offers the best

Kamote Lumpia and it is available in the online marketplace. SKL delivers the

orders in the costumer’s doorsteps. It is very convenient to order and less hassle.

SKL will make the product catchy and advertise it to the online world. SKL also

gives discounts to its valued customers. SKL aims to be productive and

competitive. SKL will hire 2 cooks, 2 helpers, 1 delivery boy and 1 online seller.

It is expected to take 2 months and 2 weeks to lunch the business because of some

preparations. Since SKL is an online business, therefore, there’s a need for

secured internet connection and a secured transactions.

Description of Products and Services:

SKL is a delicious homemade delicacy which is made by own recipe. The

main ingredient of the recipe is the Camote which is said to be wholesome. The

Camote filling are rich source of fiber and contains an array of vitamins and

minerals and a good source of Vitamins B and C. SKL is perfect for all ages

because of the nutrients it gives to our body. Also, SKL gives you the taste that

you will surely never forget. A taste that will satisfy you and a taste that suits in

all occasions. Kamote Lumpia is very addicting because of its sweetness and


Technology Considerations:

SKL will require computers in selling the products online. Since people

nowadays are using social media, it will be more convenient to advertise the

product to the costumers. SKL will make a page or web site for the product’s

information and for the transactions. SKL will require transportation for the

delivery of the orders. The payment will be cash on delivery to prevent bogus

buyers. SKL will secure a high speed internet connection and a secured website to

prevent problems in terms of online transactions.

Product/Service Marketplace

SKL will be available in the online marketplace which the costumers will

place their orders online. The expected competitors of the business are these who

sell delicacies. SKL will deliver the order to the costumer’s doorsteps. By this, the

costumers will not be hassle in purchasing the product and it will be easy for

them. The product is also available in the house wherein the products are being


Marketing Strategy:

In order the business to be competitive, SKL will be unique from its

competitors. SKL will make some advertisements to the online world and will

make the product catchier to the eyes of the costumers. SKL will also do some

promos that will attract the costumers to buy the product. SKL will give discounts

for those who will promote or recommend the product to other people and also for

those customers who have many orders. Also, SKL will conduct a research to

determine the preferred taste o the costumers. Through these different strategies,

SKL will be able to meet the standards of the costumers and the business will be


Organization and Staffing:

The positions of the workers who will work to make the business to be

productive and competitive are the following:

1. Cook: This position will be the head of the kitchen.

2. Helper: This position will be the one who will help the cook in making the


3. Delivery boy: This position is the one who will deliver the costumer’s orders.

4. Online seller: This position is the in charge of online selling of the products and

the one who will do the online transactions.


SKL is expecting to take 2 months and 2 weeks to lunch the business

because of the preparations it will make. The following are the schedules of the


January 6, 2020: Registration of the business in the Government

February 10, 2020: Purchasing of equipments

February 24, 2020: Hiring of workers

March 9, 2020: Construction of online sale site

March 19, 2020: Lunching of the business

Financial Projections:

Measure Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 5 Years


Online 50,000 85,000 120,000 150,000 200,000 605,000



Additional 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 75,000



Findings and Recommendations:

According on the information presented in this study, it is recommended

that SKL will have a secured high speed internet connection and a skilled seller

agent for which these recommendations has a big impact of the business since it is

an online business. The findings of this feasibility study shows that the said plans

will be a great help in launching the business.

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