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2022 Global

Achieving growth through people,
purpose and technology

A message from the EY Global Insurance leadership team.......................3

Market overview 2022.........................................................................4

Strategic and tactical imperatives, 2022–23

1. Open insurance and ecosystems: a new customer-driven basis of competition ..................................5

2. Workforce transformation: the promise of a human-centered, tech-enabled enterprise...................15

3.Sustainability: a historical opportunity to lead, innovate and grow purposefully...............................21

Authors and contributors.................................................................................................28

About the EY Global Insurance Outlook

The annual EY Insurance Outlook represents our point of view on key issues shaping the near-term future
of the industry. This year’s report was developed based upon the collective experiences and insights of our
global insurance practice and inputs from selected clients and external analysts. We are pleased to hear that
so many clients and industry stakeholders value these reports. Please reach out if you would like to discuss
these or other EY views of the significant topics shaping the industry.

2 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

A message from the EY Global
Insurance leadership team
In a time of great uncertainty and keen societal need, the insurance industry
is stepping up.

The 2022 edition of the annual EY Global Insurance Outlook nontraditional players and, potentially, big tech. And yes,
series reflects the dynamic and purpose-driven moment for significant disruptions — epic storms, pandemic outbreaks,
the industry. Our focus this year is on three of the biggest geopolitical strife, social unrest — must be factored into both
megatrends reshaping the industry: short- and long-term strategic plans.

1. Ecosystems and open insurance But all of those factors demonstrate why the insurance
industry is essential — not only to foster global economic
2. Workforce transformation
health and increased financial wellness, but also to protect
3. Sustainability and the greening of the global economy what people value most. They also highlight why there
As senior leaders seek to address these critical issues, we has never been a better or more interesting time to be in
believe urgency, creative thinking and bold action will be richly insurance. The risk-reward equation is uniquely compelling.
rewarded. The decisions and actions leaders take today can meaningfully
influence the future of the industry — and the lives and
After the dramatic developments of the last few years, the livelihoods of billions of people around the globe.
industry is ready for unexpected developments and major
changes. Certainly, insurers have shown they can undertake As much as insurers have accomplished since early 2020,
large-scale change at a faster pace than many industry they must strive to live their purpose every day if they are
veterans thought possible. Yes, macroeconomic and structural to meet the demands of 2022 and beyond. We welcome the
challenges — low interest rates and now inflation — remain opportunity to discuss your perspective on these issues and
daunting. Yes, competition is fierce, particularly from your company’s unique matrix of risks and opportunities.

Isabelle Santenac Sun Young Bong Ed Majkowski Peter Manchester

EY Global Insurance EY Asia-Pacific Insurance EY Americas Insurance EY EMEIA Insurance
Leader Leader Co-Leader Leader

3 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Market overview 2022
For this year’s Global Insurance Outlook, we chose to focus on three of the most
powerful forces shaping the market. However, there are several other areas where
insurers are encountering compelling opportunities and potentially severe threats.

We recognize that the following drivers are intricately Role of purpose: the insurance industry’s response to the
related with ecosystems, workforce transformation and COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the power of purpose
sustainability. For instance, there will be no building and the industry’s capacity to live up to its most aspirational
successful ecosystems without transforming the workforce promises. Insurers had to be there for customers and undertook
with new skills and an enriched employee experience. Similarly, large-scale change quickly to make sure they could serve people
only by fully embracing and living their purpose and innovating in need.
their product offerings can insurers lead the way to a more
Looking ahead, purpose can — and should — inspire insurers as
sustainable economy. Gaining competitive advantage on any of
they seek to lead the transition to a greener economy; promote
these fronts requires insurers to optimize their cost structures
financial wellness and inclusion; and protect society against
and capital allocation strategies.
cybercrime, the next pandemic or other threats we can barely
Strong technology and data capabilities are another conceive of today.
unifying theme among the forces and trends we describe
throughout this paper. Beyond enabling connectivity and New competitive realities: As we highlight throughout
scalability, digitizing the core of the business and migrating this paper, the current competitive landscape is notable
to the cloud are necessary to compete successfully with new for its fragmentation, mix of nontraditional players and
product development or ecosystem business models (not widespread collaboration. “Co-opetition” (i.e., competing
to mention meet new reporting and accounting standards and collaborating at the same time) will become a mainstay
efficiently). of insurers’ strategies as they build ecosystems and deal
with convergence with other sectors. Consolidation among
Cost and capital allocation: the combination of low interest incumbents, some of which are associated with new entrants,
rates, thin margins, mostly flat premium growth and the need proliferating joint ventures, and private equity’s large and
to make big investments were pinching most insurers. However ongoing investments are also reshaping the landscape.
COVID-19 was clearly the biggest “protection event” in decades,
Banks, asset managers and credit card companies will offer
and a chance for the industry to demonstrate its relevance
more protection products and seek to differentiate on holistic
and value.
financial wellness value propositions, forcing insurers to
Some large life carriers have made strategic divestments, choose between collaboration or competition. Top automotive
exiting non-core businesses and geographies in seeking a brands, airlines, retailers and others are looking to enhance
tighter strategic focus. Such moves are often designed to free their customer relationships by embedding more insurance
funds for necessary large investments in digital transformation offerings, in multiple ways. For forward-looking insurers,
programs and to boost growth in core businesses. In this sense, there is no shortage of potential partnerships to explore.
innovation and cost efficiency support each other.
Carriers will look to partner with or acquire the most
In P&C lines, the perennial goal of cost optimization has promising InsurTechs, but some will grow too large too quickly;
fallen just behind growth on the C-suite agenda, thanks these “super apps” will become influential players in the
to a hardening market. Rising interest rates and inflation ecosystem landscape now taking shape. The same is true of
are a concern in some markets. But private equity and big tech platforms; even if they decide not to take on any risk,
other capital providers continue to make big bets across the they will be embedding insurance products in more transactions
insurance business. Plenty of capital is available, but it will and thus will need partners, either incumbents or InsurTechs.
demand strong returns, meaning insurers’ cost and capital
objectives remain closely intertwined.

4 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Open insurance and ecosystems:
a new, customer-driven basis of

The rise of open finance, along with the ecosystems of

The ecosystem era
financial solutions that it enables, has emerged as one of
the defining financial services trends of the 2020s, primarily Ecosystems are made possible by the tech-driven structural
in response to changing customer needs and expectations. shifts of the sharing economy. Within a fragmented value
Insurers’ value propositions are dramatically changing as chain, there’s less need for vertical integration within a single
they approach the day when most of today’s products are organization among underwriting, product development and
commoditized and precious few offerings can be distributed at distribution. Players that specialize in any one link in the value
high margins. chain (e.g., digital distribution, claims) can serve multiple
companies, which are also free to horizontally orchestrate new
Across all lines of business, there is increased demand for capabilities and partnerships.
more affordable, transparent and customized insurance that
better suits evolving conditions and can be easily adjusted It’s all down to which firms can best meet customer needs
as the needs change. Customers are increasingly willing to through frictionless experiences. To make that happen,
buy that insurance from other companies (e.g., retailers, insurers must retool their platforms around microfunctions
other financial institutions, tech platforms) that offer intuitive and microservices to enable secure and seamless connections
personalized experiences. among partners. There will also be opportunity for firms
that can dominate one part of the value chain for multiple
As a consequence, the industry’s main grounds for competition ecosystems.
are being reoriented around a few primary capabilities:
Based upon current trends, we expect ecosystems will become
• Offering seamless experiences with ready access to holistic
a major business model in the relatively near future. Certainly,
and personalized solutions
ecosystems have been a common topic of discussion among
• Reaching more customers and engaging them more board directors and C-level executives in insurance for the
meaningfully past several years. As “open insurance” gains traction in
markets around the world, with an assist from regulators
• Acquiring, managing and using different data signals more
motivated to bridge the protection gap and prompt more
competition, ecosystem development will accelerate and
expand dramatically.

5 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Implementation is very dependent upon a local context,
Defining our terms however. Jurisdictions with relatively light consumer
regulation in financial services have seen innovation and
We view open insurance as a subset of open finance. consumer engagement; however, many are now scrambling
It generally refers to the sharing and management of to retrofit strong consumer protections, ensure a level
insurance-related data and other types of personal playing field and open up point-to-point data sharing between
information among different organizations through established players and new entrants. Markets with more
application programming interfaces (APIs) that connect stringent regulation may try to compel established players
disparate systems; open insurance would grant consumers to share data while encouraging broader participation
“ownership” of their data and the ability to specify which and innovation.
businesses can use their information for which purposes
(e.g., personalized experiences and other forms of value). There’s little reason for insurers to wait for regulations to
be fully decided and implemented. After all, banks have
We define ecosystems as networks of companies that
developed many APIs even though open banking standards
collaborate to serve a broad set of customer needs,
are far from being finalized or widely adopted. Further, the
typically by offering a rich service experience around a
principles behind open insurance speak directly to strategic
core offering or providing multiple financial products and
priorities and opportunities that insurers have been wrestling
services through one centralized hub.
with for years:

• Rising demand from consumers for more personalized

solutions and experiences, which increases the need for rich
The overlapping regulatory and and consistent customer data
strategic agendas
• Expanded direct and digital sales channels, as COVID-19
It might be tempting to view open insurance as primarily made imperative, while still supporting agent and
a regulatory issue – that is, insurers will be required to broker networks
make customer data portable. Regulators in the EU and
UK have mandated such sharing for banks. But legislative • The need to create broader service propositions for
and regulatory outcomes are still far from clear. The only commercial clients, including the addition of smart
certainty is that different markets will follow different paths. preventive services to enhance protection products
See open insurance initiatives around the world.
• Restoring and sustaining growth in the life and
pension markets
Most governments and regulators agree that the benefits
of open finance are substantial. There is also widespread • Increased product commoditization in personal lines
consensus regarding the end goal: an environment where
consumers can share financial information seamlessly and • Full digitization of the existing value chain and
securely, with any firm, to gain better visibility into their business models
overall finances. The belief is that open insurance will thus
• Increased collaboration with — and competition from —
help consumers access better products, pricing and rates, and
transact more easily.
Ecosystem business models represent an important way for
insurers to simultaneously navigate the challenges and seize
the opportunities.

6 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

At a glance: open insurance initiatives around the world

Interestingly, some emerging markets are taking a more

aggressive approach in establishing open finance and open European Union: Recent EU policy initiatives
insurance standards, largely to bridge significant protection recognize the importance of data-driven innovation
gaps by making it easier to buy insurance. Open insurance is and data flows. The Commission will present
primarily regulation-driven in some countries and market-driven a legislative proposal for a new open finance
in others. framework by mid-2022, building on and in full
alignment with broader data access initiatives.
UK: A standard-setter through its Open Banking
regime, the UK’s regulators are looking to expand China: In 2020, the People’s Bank of China issued
across all financial services. security, design and other specifications for open
banking APIs, but no specs have been released
US: Though regulatory activity has been limited
yet for open insurance. Financial authorities are
to date, the group insurance and workforce
planning new regulations and policies for open
benefits market increasingly relies on APIs and
banking, while the private sector is pursuing the use
open platforms. Insurers are also integrating with
of open APIs, including on insurance platforms.
InsurTechs and, in some cases, investing in them.

India: An open finance platform has

Mexico: This was one of the first been established within a strong and
markets to expand open banking’s supportive regulatory framework.
Singapore: The Monetary
data-sharing principles to all financial
Authority of Singapore
services companies.
launched its open finance
Malaysia: Public consultation papers on initiative in December 2020.
open data usage for financial institutions The first phase included banks
have been released, with API specifications and government bodies, with
for select products (e.g., credit cards, small insurers and wealth managers
business loans and motor insurance). expected to be incorporated in
a second phase.

7 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Spotlight on Brazil the products, there will be plenty of growth opportunities,”
Coriolano said. “The regulator has been seeking to bring
The outlook for open insurance in Brazil illustrates the more innovation and competition to the market, which is
unique market dynamics involved in the shift to ecosystems. positive, but companies are concerned about the indefinite
The insurance regulator SUSEP is working actively with scope, the potential speed of adoption, and size of the
top carriers and the insurance industry association on necessary investments.”
governance and data-sharing standards with the goal of a
Another major insurance group in Brazil is experimenting
2023 implementation. The efforts are focused on expanding
with new strategies for revenue growth, in light of increased
insurance penetration and bridging the protection gap via
awareness of the need for insurance. These solutions allow
increased digital access in a market long dominated by
customers to start purchases in digital channels, but receive
in-person sales and distribution. All stakeholders, including
consultation and complete transactions in bank branches
banks, are making investments in ecosystems.
(as is the norm in Brazil). In this way, they can prepare
According to Marcio Coriolano, President of CNSeg, the for increased competitiveness from fast digital players.
confederation of insurance companies in Brazil, ecosystem Open insurance and ecosystems may allow it to attract a
growth will depend on several factors, including innovative more sophisticated and digital-ready client first, with room
solutions, access to customers, and regulatory activity. remaining for human interaction.
“The market has a lot of potential in Brazil, and if we master

8 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

What customers (and CEOs) However, insurers will face increased competition because
consumers can more easily receive offers from multiple
are looking for insurers. Agents and brokers can also enrich their value
propositions if they are plugged into open insurance and
Rising consumer interest in insurance coverage and more
ecosystem platforms, such as those that have emerged for
personalized solutions, especially relative to health and
group insurance enrollment platforms.
financial well-being, is a powerful catalyst for open insurance
and ecosystems. The pandemic caused a significant spike in Rising customer interest certainly caught the notice of C-level
demand for life insurance and other protections, with strong leaders across the industry. Even pre-pandemic, CEOs saw
life insurance premium growth in several markets worldwide. rising customer expectations as the most impactful trend in
A full 75% of consumers worldwide intend to make changes to the industry, just ahead of tech-driven innovation.
their finances in response to the pandemic, according to EY
research. This is one of the clearest growth opportunities that
insurers have witnessed in years, particularly among younger Top trends impacting insurance CEOs

62% changing customer

expectations and experiences
Global consumer interest in

insurance products accelerating technology and
digital innovation

77% products that pay for

hospitalization expenses Source: EY CEO Imperative Study, 20212

74% life insurance features that allow

access to funds in case of emergencies
Mastering the necessary tech
to drive value
66% income protection in
case of job loss More robust data sharing and analysis based on more
extensive use of application programming interfaces (APIs)
provide a foundation. Microfunctions enabled by microservices

customized rates in exchange for are key to delivering the functionality and personalization
more personal health data customers are looking for. The largest insurers have developed
APIs in some parts of their businesses, following the lead
Source: Global EY Insurance Consumer Survey 20211 of InsurTechs that use sophisticated APIs to get closer to
their customers. Strategies for microservices and APIs
(e.g., passive, active, opportunistic) are an important sub-
But most insurers struggle to develop and launch products component of ecosystem strategies because of the benefits
that new buyers can easily access and afford. Open insurance they can produce.
platforms can simplify product delivery and make it easier to
source solutions from other partners, which will help insurers
control distribution costs. Data sharing by consumers will give
insurers an edge in tailoring their offerings to suit consumer
needs and objectives at specific times in their lives.

The study, conducted between May and August 2021, surveyed 4,200 consumers in both developed (US, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands)
and emerging (Brazil, South Africa, the Philippines) markets.
The study is based on a global survey of over 300 chief executives, including 21 insurance CEOs of Forbes Global 2000 companies to understand their
perspectives on the DNA of the future enterprise.

9 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

For insurers, analytics and insights generated from their own
data and drawn from their ecosystems can help transform the Prudential embraces ecosystems
customer experience through:
Prudential Financial, a global financial services company and
• Personalized solutions based on clear visibility into active global investment manager, has developed long-term
customer needs strategies aimed at promoting financial well-being. One
example is in North America, where Prudential developed
• Scaling usage-based insurance, product bundling and
a curated and unified digital financial wellness experience
subscription models
to provide consumers with access to information, tools and
• “Right-timing” offers to customers as their needs change multiple products and services. InsurTechs plugged into the
over time ecosystem offer complementary solutions.
• Access to ancillary services from “certified” providers Another example is in Brazil, where they launched the
Prudential Vitality platform to stimulate health habits and
Customer information is only one part of insurers’ huge
adoption of regular medical care and physical activity, which
inventory of potentially valuable data. With third-party data are rewarded based on weekly goals reached over time. The
and transactional information, insurers can use machine goal is to reach millions of Latin American customers via the
learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to a much greater extent platform over the next two years.
than they do today. Specifically, they can go beyond traditional
Since launching, the Prudential Vitality platform has led
underwriting and actuarial approaches to find new ways to
to higher customer satisfaction as measured by the net
understand data and generate value from it.
promoter score and persistency. Prudential was able to
establish distribution partnerships with health insurers
Whether insurers cultivate these capabilities in house
and other former competitors that saw value in the Vitality
or engage partners to provide them is a less important
question than being able to perform them and having access
to advanced architectures for data access and sharing. In meeting the needs of both employers (the company’s main
In some cases, external technology companies can enable an customer set) and employees, the ecosystem succeeded
ecosystem by providing specific services tied to unique value based on:
chain links. By plugging into such platforms, insurers can turn • A clear strategy to address the increased consumer
to InsurTechs and startups to drive innovation in underwriting interest in life insurance since the pandemic and maintain
engagement over time
and other functions.
• A customer engagement approach that offers access to
company financial advisors, as well as featuring financial
education tools, “how-to” videos and other helpful
content that promotes good outcomes
How ecosystems create • Clearly defined metrics and KPIs around customer
incremental value engagement, positive financial actions, incremental
product sales and more
Service fees from the provision of additional services • A robust partner management strategy based on high
linked to coverage: standards for participation with clear value for all
ecosystem participants – employers, employees, service
• Upselling and cross-selling to expand share of wallets providers that join the platform, and the company itself
• Incremental growth from attracting new customers
“New customer preferences are quickly changing the life
• Increased retention and loyalty insurance distribution landscape and producing new business
• Reduction of new business acquisition costs models. For incumbents, it is time to be more open-minded
• Enhanced conversion rate at maturity (e.g., with pension and learn what emerging players are doing,” says Federico
Spagnoli, Regional President, Latin America, Head of Product
& Ecosystems, Prudential International Insurance.
• Loss ratio and claims reduction through increased
prevention activities and proactive risk management “The pandemic sensitized employers to the financial needs of
employees and helped employees realize the risks they face.
(e.g., healthy life style incentives, worker safety
Through our financial wellness ecosystem, we aim to engage
employees with services they need and create opportunities
• Improved pricing based on smarter individual risk to fulfill other future needs,” says Vishal Jain, Head of
assessment, enabled by AI models Financial Wellness Strategy and Development, Prudential

10 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

From open insurance to ecosystem and level of technology sophistication. Niche insurers and
those with less brand recognition can certainly benefit from
innovation: addressing the big engaging with ecosystems led by higher-profile companies,
questions either from insurance or outside the industry. Still, others will
build their ecosystem business case on cost-efficient access to
We know from the first generation of insurance ecosystems new customer segments or regions.
that sharing data enables a better customer experience, and
Despite the clear upside, most insurers are still working to
those insurers that deliver the right products and services and
develop the necessary tech and data capabilities, navigate
engage the right partners will achieve competitive advantage.
distribution constraints and address organizational and
Senior executives should apply the lessons learned from the
cultural impacts. That is why there is urgency to define the
experiences of their peers in banking, starting with the notion
right strategy and invest in initial pilots.
that they needn’t wait for regulatory clarity to go to market
with ecosystems. What’s the right model? Should we build our own
Our market experience has found that successful ecosystem ecosystem, join others or both? These are the most
owners have been able to increase their products per common and important questions to ask. The orchestrators
customer from 1.5 to 2.5–3.0 within 24–36 months of of ecosystems control the lion’s share of the revenue. Further,
ecosystem launch. That promising upside makes the hard EY market experience suggests that customer relationships
effort of answering the following existential questions well represent up to 75% of the overall ecosystem value. But there
worth the effort. is little point being an orchestrator unless you can access
and attract a large enough pool of customers to make the
What’s the strategy and business case? Well-designed and ecosystem sustainable.
executed ecosystem strategies are already unlocking a range
of revenue opportunities for insurers that monetize data
streams, engage new customers and deploy new underwriting
strategies. Among key players, a few distinct ecosystem
strategies are most viable:

• Ecosystem orchestrator: a player with strong relationships

with one or more customer segments that can credibly
convene and orchestrate an ecosystem to serve them

• Product provider: a manufacturer capable of offering

competitive products that can deliver sustainable margins
even when distributed through an ecosystem led by others

• Distribution integrator: an organization that works closely

with specific client segments to design and support tailored
risk and service propositions

These approaches will evolve based on market activities and

experiments. For example, a number of insurers and reinsurers
are looking to create B2B2C models founded on a broader
marketplace where InsurTechs and other players can provide
products and services.

With a wide range of opportunities to engage, insurers will

determine the right ecosystem strategy based on their current
market position, brand value, business models, talent pool

11 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

The upside is greatest for the firms that are bold enough Embedded insurance market value, US
to lead, and only the strongest policy manufacturers can
succeed through participation alone. However, there are
opportunities for insurers to develop IP-based wellness
tools or niche experiences that would allow them to sustain
profitable margins.
US$5 billion

Who will be the best partners? In the ecosystem era,
competition for partners may be nearly as intense as
competition for customers. InsurTechs with effective solutions
in any part of the value chain (e.g., claims, distribution) are
being targeted for acquisition. Big tech firms will likely have
US$70.7 billion (projected)

their pick of partners, though their reluctance to add risk to 2025

their balance sheets will give insurers some leverage. Indeed,
big tech may find insurance regulation very difficult to deal Source: Lightyear Capital
with, just as they did in their attempts to disrupt the banking,
credit card and payments markets.

What are the tech and data requirements? How do we

Many other firms will be involved. Retailers with access to
navigate the technology debt? An efficient IT and data
open finance platforms can integrate insurance into their
infrastructure is required for open insurance and ecosystem
customer experiences, offering protection coverage and
business models. By digitizing so many operations during the
risk prevention at the point of sale; "embedded" insurance
pandemic, insurers demonstrated that they can modernize
products offer these companies new sources of revenue.
their tech when forced to do so. But the technology challenge
Automotive companies can take the pole position by blending
for insurers should not be underestimated. In some cases,
insurance with financing within mobility-as-a-service and
insurers have developed strong APIs only to see underlying
subscription models.
legacy systems fail to cope with new demands — ecosystems
Finding the right ecosystem collaborators is critical. The can’t deliver process efficiency and intuitive experiences if
key criteria for evaluation include the ability to fulfill batch processing windows remain necessary.
specific business and customer needs, willingness to
contribute innovative ideas and cultural fit. In assessing
potential collaborators, insurers are also assessing potential

12 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

No matter which ecosystem model insurers adopt, they must What are the talent and cultural implications? Rethinking
be able to consume microfunctions via microservices, which business models and reorienting the business on customer
may require some insurers to re-platform to achieve. Indeed, value require new talent and new ways of working. Among
microfunction and microservice capabilities are a critical the skills insurers need are agile development, customer
requirement for effective engagement whether carriers experience design, behavioral economics, data analytics and
develop and lead their own ecosystems or participate in those partner management. Nimbler work styles, a test-and-learn
led by others. Advanced technical architectures also enable mindset and focus on minimally viable products are among
smoother changes when necessary; new partners can be the key cultural attributes of ecosystem winners. Insurers that
integrated more rapidly and those leaving the ecosystem can expand or enhance their business models through ecosystems
do so less disruptively. create interesting problems for digital teams to solve, which
can help attract and retain scarce talent.
Of course, every insurer will match its own tech infrastructure
and toolset to its unique growth strategies, product portfolios As with sourcing technology, insurers must think creatively
and target market segments. Some insurers will have to buy in getting access to the skills they need. Innovative
or borrow tech and tools from their partners to strengthen workforce and sourcing strategies may include offshoring,
digital engagement capabilities, securely integrate and move outsourcing and managed services for more routine
data, and achieve scale with AI, machine learning, robotics and processes, as well as partnerships with InsurTechs and others.
cloud-based solutions. See chapter 2, workforce transformation, for more details.

A platform for innovation

To satisfy ever-rising consumer needs and accelerate
new product development, more insurers are turning
to new development approaches and platforms.
EY Nexus for Insurance is a digital, cloud-native
platform providing plug-and-play access to many of
the most advanced technologies and InsurTechs on the
market today, as well as the underlying infrastructure
necessary to innovate across the insurance enterprise.
Entire processes and microservices in key disciplines
(e.g., underwriting, pricing) are ready to deploy.

What are the impacts on distribution networks and channel

strategies? The trajectory of ecosystem growth will be
determined to some extent by the influence of agents, brokers
and other intermediaries. That’s especially true in those
markets where agents and brokers have a strong voice with
regulators and legislators. Third-party distributors will not look
kindly on carriers launching ecosystems that provide direct
consumer access.

Of course, those same distributors may well be planning

ecosystem moves of their own and looking for ways to leverage
open insurance to boost their own businesses. Insurers
will need to examine which relationships can be sustained,
which might assume new forms of co-opetition and which
will ultimately be lost. Insurers must also consider the right
moment to trigger those shifts. Timing is everything.

13 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Imperative actions for open insurance and ecosystems
As is often the case, what feels innovative today will become a baseline tomorrow. That certainly will be the case
with ecosystems, which are already a competitive imperative, in our view. The winners will be the firms that
develop their strategies early, engage proactively with the regulatory agenda, and take tactical steps to execute
on their ecosystem visions. As ecosystems transform the traditionally linear value chain, carriers that fail to act
quickly or boldly enough face a real risk of being commoditized.

1. Commit from the top: successful ecosystems are driven market opportunities. Given the nascent state of standards
by a consistent commitment at the highest levels in the around the world and the openness of regulators to inputs,
organization. Leadership advocacy will help mitigate the insurers have a unique opportunity to shape the dialogue
risk that insurers have to play catch-up as their financial and — ultimately — the rules of the game.
services peers and nontraditional competitors forge boldly
4. Prepare for organizational impact: new business models
ahead with ecosystems.
will struggle to succeed if legacy org charts, compensation
2. Think big, start small: once insurers identify the customers models and metrics remain in place. Reporting lines, P&L
they want to serve via ecosystems, they can identify structures and incentives will need restructuring to reflect
the use cases and products most suited to ecosystems. that top-performing ecosystems are designed exclusively
The experiences of first movers and early adopters can around creating value for customers, rather than aligned to
also provide valuable lessons about which initial steps traditional product lines or business units.
to take and how. Once a strong ecosystem foundation is
5. Build the tech and data foundation: in terms of ecosystem
established, insurers can think bigger — expanding their
success, the importance of strong data management
offerings with more complementary services and features
capabilities, consistent, high-quality data and integrated
(e.g., financial planning, behavioral tools). They should also
data infrastructures cannot be overstated. Seamless and
look to tighten operational integration across ecosystems.
secure data sharing is essential in everything from picking
3. Actively engage with regulators: rather than waiting for the right partners to personalizing customer offerings to
regulators to define the rules, insurers should engage to performance reporting.
achieve a level playing field. Further, they can see where
and how regulatory priorities map to their own strategic

14 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Workforce transformation:
the promise of a human-centered,
tech-enabled enterprise

A profound shift was underway before the COVID-19 that has emerged. The consensus among forward-looking
pandemic, with business leaders working to address skill gaps, executives is that human talent is every bit as important
update their talent practices and instill more dynamic and to future success as AI, machine learning and modernized
agile ways of working. Since the pandemic, competition has processing platforms.
intensified for the most talented workers, who are now more
However, within insurance, workforce transformation is not
empowered to work when, where and how they want. Insurers
necessarily atop the C-suite agenda. In the 2021 EY CEO
quicky adjusted to remote working and online collaboration
Imperative study, 26% of all participants said people and talent
when they were forced to do so.
were a top-three priority for change during the next three
But now organizations face new challenges as they seek years, versus fewer than 5% of insurance CEOs.
to strengthen their cultures and enhance the employee
Other factors are also causing the overhaul of talent
experience. Insurers are still negotiating a huge technology
strategies. The scarcity of key skills and the "Great
debt, which makes it more difficult to automate, integrate and
Resignation” mean that insurers must address the
optimize operations. Thus, they are adopting new strategies
traditional view of the industry as slow-moving and dull if
and tactics to make the most of their investments in both
they are to become employers of choice. They will have
human talent and advanced technology.
to take stronger positions on the social issues that matter
most to rising generations of workers (e.g., diversity and
inclusion, sustainability) and provide meaningful work, as
Solving for the complex well as enhance their benefits, performance recognition and
tech-talent dynamic compensation models. Developing innovative new products
and solutions to protect against climate risks and leading the
Not that long ago, the conventional wisdom in insurance held shift to a greener economy will also help elevate insurers’
that workers would lose their jobs as insurers adopted more reputation among younger workers.
technology and automated more processes. Direct digital sales

would reduce the number of agents, and straight-through
of US employers with at least
processing would eliminate most claims positions.
1,000 employees plan to offer more
Today, that thinking has evolved significantly, reflecting the benefits in the next five years
more nuanced and interdependent human-tech dynamic Source: EY-LIMRA research, 20213

The study, conducted between June and September 2021, included surveys of employers and employees, as well as interviews with brokers, benefits
administration companies and technology providers.

15 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Remote working has globalized the labor market. Employee Surveys conducted in 2020 and 2021, insurance industry
expectations have risen as fast and as high as consumer employees expect to work remotely most of the time. Workers
expectations. Thus, insurers must think through the workforce in insurance and banking expressed the highest preference for
experience — including hybrid working models — as carefully remote working compared with those in other industries.
and holistically as they do the customer experience.
Overwhelming majorities of insurance industry workers
But even if offices were still open and there were enough say it is important to have flexibility in where they work
data scientists, beta underwriters, business analysts, cloud and when they work. Significant percentages of workers
specialists, experience designers, customer acquisition across generations would prefer to be fully remote after
pros and scrum masters to go around, other forces would the pandemic restrictions are lifted.
necessitate significant investments in the workforce. Consider:
Insurers that have had the most success to date in setting
• Demographic shifts mean that the workforce now consists
up a flexible workforce experience have taken a data-driven
of five generations, with more contract, part-time and gig
approach in defining their policies. Many have embraced
workers involved.
parallel working structures, where specific teams of workers
• Diversity and inclusion has become a prominent issue, that benefit from in-person interactions are scheduled to be in
not just in building the workforce but also in defining the office at the same time.
organizational purpose.
Insurers that want to make “work from anywhere” a reality for
• Perennial cost pressures and constant tech advancement put as many employees as possible must be aware of associated
a premium on productivity and generating optimal returns risks and requirements relative to tax policy, social security
from every investment. schemes, immigration status and pay and compensation.

The implications of automation

Multiple paths for talent access
For most insurers, the talent agenda is closely intertwined
The biggest question for nearly every insurer remains: where
with cost optimization, technology modernization, data
to find the talent they need. There is no single answer. Most
management and other critical strategic initiatives. Consider
insurers will have to adopt combinations of:
the role and impact of process automation and cloud
migrations. These steps are helping insurers manage costs • Internal development programs (especially for hybrid and
and upgrade their tech. Some insurers are also using AI remote working)
to complete administrative tasks and process transactions
previously handled manually, which has the additional benefit • External hiring
of freeing resources for retraining. • Acquisitions for talent, so-called “acqui-hires”

Of course, to realize these benefits, insurers also need to find • Partnerships, joint ventures and collaborations with
and hire AI, machine learning and technology experts who InsurTechs, tech platforms and other groups
can re-engineer processes and connect data sources to enable • Digital innovation and increased automation
intelligent automation at scale. Access to such talent is an
increasingly important pillar in strategies for business model Insurers are not alone in needing to upskill their workforce. But
innovation (e.g., ecosystem development). The complicated given that very few employees work in digital roles, they need
interplay of these issues and opportunities is forcing insurance to move more urgently than other types of firms.
executives to think about them more systemically.
External collaborations are certainly going to be part of the
equation. EY market research has found that 44% of initiatives
Giving employees what they want of the top 20 global insurers were focused on collaboration
with technology firms, up by 2% from 2019.
EY research shows that employees within the insurance
sector are looking for flexibility and are willing to quit if
their needs are not met. According to our Work Reimagined

16 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Among insurance workers Instilling talent liquidity to address
talent scarcity
say flexibility in where
they work is important No matter how insurers find the workers they need, we
believe talent liquidity is the right vision for today’s talent
management challenges. Talent liquidity refers to the ability to

say flexibility in when they work is move skills and resources around the organization as dictated
important by business needs and value creation opportunities. The
goal is to enhance the agility of core skills (e.g., data science,
user experience design, product development) that multiple

business units or functional areas need.
are likely to quit if their preferences
for flexibility are not met

average number of days per week
they expect to work remotely

Intensity of remote working preference

(scale of 1 to 3)

South America
North America,
Middle East,
Europe, Africa,

Preference to be fully remote after

pandemic limits are lifted

45% Generation Z

39% Generation X

38% Millennials

Source: EY Work Reimagined Survey4

The two-part global study surveyed 4,000 employers and employees in 2020 and 16,000 employees in 2021.

17 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Interestingly, the traditional “build, buy or borrow” conundrum
Markel transforms the workforce that has long applied to technology adoption is now highly
germane to talent acquisition. Zurich Insurance Group
Markel, a global specialty insurer headquartered in the has embraced a range of such strategies. Even before the
US, was focused on profitable growth, expanding its global pandemic, it had developed its own workforce planning
presence and reshaping its workforce for the future when methodology. It designed and implemented in-house talent
the pandemic struck. The company has added many new marketplaces to address critical business requirements and
capabilities to its global workforce, bringing on over 900 prioritize in-house hiring and developed technical academies to
new employees in 2021, with plans to add more. support current and future skilling requirements for employees
at all levels.
The company has traditionally prioritized technical skills
(including data science and analytics) and cultural fit, Sarah Kirby, Zurich Insurance Group Head of Organization
with an emphasis on collaborative and collegial team Design and HR Strategy, says, "The future of work is already
players. The HR team is focused on developing and here. Zurich is supporting our people in their skills evolution
integrating capabilities. For instance, its “underwriter of and their development journeys, with transparency on the
the future” program is designed to build the necessary skills needed for different career opportunities."
skills and provide the right experience for individuals to
grow into these key roles. The company’s future vision This skills-based approach to managing talent makes the right
for underwriting includes stronger portfolio management resources and capabilities more mobile and readily accessible
capabilities and more flexible roles that work across across the organization. In this sense, it’s perfectly suited to
multiple lines of business. remote and hybrid working models and should be a target
outcome of workforce transformation efforts.
Markel has also adjusted its organizational model for
better access to talent; with data analysts embedded Maximizing talent liquidity requires accessing and exploring
within the business groups. The company is also new talent pools. HR and business leaders must collaborate
considering new sourcing strategies to access external to navigate organizational barriers that limit visibility into
talent, including relationships with InsurTechs. opportunities or prevent agreement about where people can
contribute the most value across the organization. Talent
Succession planning and leadership development are liquidity will also help insurers to establish and benefit fully
additional priorities, given Markel’s ambitions and from new business models, such as ecosystems.
the scope of change underway in the industry. The
company takes a data-driven approach to HR, conducting

engagement surveys and using metrics to determine the workers across industries
right model for hybrid working. will need to be reskilled

“We are dealing with an intense war for talent, and it Source: World Economic Forum
can be challenging to attract people into insurance.
However, we are using new approaches and finding very

of full-time employees in insurance
good people who fit the Markel culture and the kind of
organization that we are,” says Sue Davies, Chief Human have digital roles
Resources Officer, Markel.
Source: Glassdoor

18 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Culture in the era of hybrid working Leadership must establish and advocate for a clear sense of
purpose in the organization. Consumers are looking to do
Since the onset of the pandemic, boards and C-suites across business with firms that make clear their positions on social
the industry have been increasingly focused on their cultures, issues. Employees are, too, especially younger generations
and not just from a risk management perspective. Remote who seek meaning in their work, not just a paycheck
and hybrid working necessitate new behaviors, so it’s a matter from a job.
of sustaining the best of current cultures and thoughtfully
Given the importance of corporate culture and today’s more
identifying the practices and work styles that are needed
distributed workforces, business leaders must pause to assess
for the changed environment and formally reinforcing those
the current state of their cultures and deliberately evolve in
through compensation and incentive models.
ways that support business and customer objectives. Those
Culture can no longer be considered fulfilled by simply who keep humans at the center of their efforts will find ample
stating values and doing an employee engagement survey. opportunity to align business goals with the needs of people
With a more distributed global workforce, keeping people through values and practical behaviors. With a deliberate
and culture both front and center has never been more blueprint in hand and a commitment to drive change, leaders
important for senior leaders and boards. After all, new talent can effectively shift culture, even in times of crisis.
working in new ways has an indelible impact on culture. Those
firms that undergo the most transformation will see their
cultures redefined.

New leadership approaches are required. Senior executives

and middle management are critical to setting the right tone
from the top and modeling the right behaviors (e.g., data-
driven decision-making, cross-functional collaboration).
Leaders must also demonstrate more innovative mindsets and
a willingness to embrace change.

19 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Imperative actions for workforce transformation
Workforce transformation will be a long-term journey, not a one- or two-year project. Nor is it something to be
led or handled exclusively by HR. In the immediate term, leaders across the business must come together to
reframe the talent strategy at the highest level and take specific actions to instill talent liquidity and enhance
the value of people, which remain insurers’ most valuable asset.

1. Assess demand — both current talent and future needs: protection and retirement savings gaps, promoting diversity
effective workforce transformation starts with the demand and protecting against climate change are all ways insurers
side. Leaders need clear and detailed understanding of the can live their purpose — and attract socially minded workers
skills and competencies they have today. They must also at the same time.
define “must-have” skills and capabilities for reshaping
product portfolios, launching new offerings and building 4. Identify opportunities to differentiate by combining
new business models in the future. The end goal is to define the human touch with high tech: mixing human touch
the size, shape and cost of the workforce and the friction and advanced tech in key processes can produce superior
points between the current and future operating models. customer experiences and business outcomes. Cross-
functional innovation teams should design new offerings
2. Master the supply side: insurers will build the right and experiences to take advantage of this powerful
future workforce by expanding internal capabilities in core combination, especially relative to moments that matter
areas, buying from external providers and borrowing via (e.g., certain types of claims, key life events where expert
collaborations with partners (e.g., InsurTechs, managed advice is valuable).
services providers). Increased automation and more
extensive use of AI will also be a source of “talent” — that is, 5. Rethink performance management and people metrics:
the ability and capacity to perform necessary work — while performance measurement and compensation and incentive
human resources focus on the highest-value activities. structures must account for increased emphasis on the
customer experience, hybrid working models and more
3. Understand the impact of purpose on talent strategies: collaborative ways of working. Policies should encourage
younger workers are looking for more purposeful work, the sharing of skills and talent across the organizational
which gives an advantage to insurers that can articulate chart. Leading practices and insights from customer-centric
a clear story about how their products and services sectors (e.g., retail and consumer goods) can provide
benefit society as a whole. Helping address the worldwide applicable lessons for insurers.

20 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Sustainability: a historic
opportunity to lead, innovate
and grow purposefully

Climate change and sustainability have re-emerged atop Previous discussions about sustainability were largely
board and C-suite agendas as the direct impacts of the theoretical and centered on making public pledges of support.
COVID-19 pandemic have receded. Certainly, COP26 Today, however, leading insurers are taking tangible steps
refocused the minds of insurance leaders and emphasized and adopting hard metrics as they seek to address the full
necessary steps for the transition to a lower-carbon economy. range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues
Leading insurers and reinsurers announced at COP26 the and opportunities. These steps are necessary because
formation of the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance, with the goal sustainability will have significant impacts across all operations
of transitioning their underwriting portfolios to net-zero and the entire insurance value chain. EY market research in
emissions by 2050. Germany demonstrates how rapidly those impacts will evolve.

Sustainability and the value chain

Areas of sustainability’s greatest Areas to see the largest increases in
impact today impact during the next two years

1 Capital investments 1 Pricing

2 Corporate infrastructure 2 Customer service/sales
3 Corporate communication 3 Passive reinsurance
4 Human resources/leadership 4 Performance management
5 Risk management 5 Claims processing
6 Product development

21 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

For most insurers, the focus is squarely on the “E” in ESG,
Environmental impacts dominate
as climate change will have the biggest and most immediate
impact on the industry’s financial performance. But social the near-term agenda
issues — financial inclusion, the massive retirement savings,
health and protection gaps, racial justice and gender equality — Climate-related losses continue to mount for insurers, and the
are now nearly as urgent. numbers will continue to get worse. Less than half of climate-
related losses are typically insured. These figures are poised to
Additionally, they are being pressed by employees who want grow as hurricanes, floods and wildfires seem to occur more
to work for companies that share their values, demonstrate frequently and do more damage every year. These drastic
strong commitments to corporate social responsibility (CSR), numbers have led forward-looking insurers to rethink the
and offer meaningful work, rather than simply providing a scope of the threats and to seek collaboration on long-term
paycheck. As a result, many insurers have pledged to promote solutions with other companies and government authorities.
diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) across their businesses, in
addition to their environmental commitments. Hiring practices Climate risks are so great that no one industry can address
and workforce strategies are DEI priorities, but underwriting them on its own. Conversely, the task of greening the global
and pricing can also help foster financial inclusion. We economy requires a huge degree of collaboration among the
expect boards and senior leaders to sustain this focus for private and public sectors, as COP26 discussions confirmed.
years to come. Insurers, with their huge capital reserves and unsurpassed
ability to assess and model risks, are central to designing a
more sustainable economy and investing in the infrastructure
to create it.

US$354 billion
insured climate-related losses globally, 2017–20
Source: Swiss Re

US$93 billion
estimated natural catastrophe loss, 1H2021
Source: Aon Benfield

Insured losses as a proportion of

economic losses, 2020

67% North America

34% Europe

12% Asia

Source: Swiss Re

22 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Beyond the massive societal threat posed by climate change, • Investment strategies: as large institutional investors
insurers have multiple reasons to act: with assets of more than US$30 trillion, insurers can
direct capital to accelerate the transition to a greener
• Regulatory pressures economy via innovation and behavioral change. It is difficult
• Negative impacts on their own bottom lines and stock prices to overestimate the potential upside — opportunities
extend across the entire global economy, from energy
• Restricted future access to capital and transportation, to agriculture and construction, to
Sustainability strategies can be as much about purpose consumer goods and packaging. Many insurers have
(protecting society from the most severe risks) as profits already made a commitment to make their investment
(growing both the top and bottom lines). The upside portfolios net zero, which will require a delicate balancing
opportunities are particularly compelling for insurers that can act, given the difficulty of cutting off funding and coverage
demonstrate visionary thinking and strong leadership. ESG is for “brown” sectors.
no longer a feel-good initiative or branding exercise, but rather
a market requirement and strategic imperative.

But whatever their primary motivations, insurers should act Source of high or significant stakeholder
with urgency on several fronts.
pressure regarding sustainability
• Reporting regimes: with reporting standards emerging

from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
(TCFD), COP26 and other groups, insurers will soon be legislators/regulators
making more detailed disclosures. With both regulators and
investors looking for deeper and more detailed metrics than

insurers have reported to date, insurers face a high bar for
compliance. At COP26, the IFRS Foundation launched the investors
International Sustainability Standards Board with the aim
to create a comprehensive global baseline for disclosures.

The first draft set of standards is expected to be released for
comment in Q1 2022, a major step forward in sustainability ratings agencies

• Regulatory requirements: increasing scrutiny by regulators

Source: AM Best survey of senior insurance executives, 2020
on risk management approaches drives the need for
quantitative analysis (e.g., long-term stress testing and
scenario modeling). In fact, climate risk is now featured
in Solvency II ORSA stress testing, while the New York
Department of Financial Services has issued guidance
for insurers on managing the financial risks from climate Challenges to ESG implementation
change. Further, the UK has mandated that large companies
disclose climate-related risks, the first G20 nation to do so.

• Political agendas: COP26 is just the latest manifestation of

the UN’s expanding focus on climate issues. Governments
69% access to reliable, standardized data

are sensing more urgency to act, which pressures insurers to

act to fulfill their commitments and meet the goals outlined availability of products aligned to
by various initiatives.
investment objectives
• Underwriting policies: insurers must account for a wide
range of risks, considerable uncertainty and indirect ESG
Source: Goldman Sachs survey, 2020
implications as they determine what kinds of products
and incentives they offer. Intelligent use of emerging tech
and new risk modeling techniques will play a critical role
going forward, given the lack of historical information for

23 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Where insurers are today CSR considerations from global
insurance consumers
Today, insurers are at different stages of their ESG journeys,

with most still working to define or refine their strategies. consider insurers’ commitments to
While a handful of insurers have gone “all-in” on ESG, the environmental issues in purchasing
industry as a whole is lagging other sectors. Insurers must decisions
work to raise their ESG ratings and secure inclusion in rapidly

growing index funds, despite their legitimate concerns about know their insurers' stance on CSR at
their proliferation and underlying methodologies.
least somewhat well
Consider that, according to EY analysis:

took some CSR-related action involving
• Fifty out of 66 insurers in the MSCI World are excluded from
insurance or other financial products
the MSCI World SRI due to low ESG ratings.

• Eight out of 23 insurers in the S&P 500 are excluded from

the S&P 500 ESG due to an average ESG score of 18.
have chosen one insurance brand over
another due to its CSR reputation
• In some markets (e.g., Europe), greater sensitivity toward
ESG considerations has given insurers a head start in Source: EY Global Insurance Consumer Survey, 2021
formulating and executing ESG strategies. EY analysis shows
that European insurers have a greater proportion of leaders
in the MSCI ESG index (40%) versus Asia-Pacific (27%) and
Americas (12%).
Zurich designs and executes its
It is still too early to assume a direct correlation between ESG
ratings, inclusion in ESG indices and total shareholder return
sustainability strategy
(TSR). But, historically, index participation has a profound Zurich Insurance Group has a bold agenda when it comes
impact on share price over time. Thus, boards and senior to sustainability. Beyond its goal to be one of the most
leaders must closely monitor institutional investors’ appetite responsible businesses in the world, its three corporate
for and attitude toward unrated companies. In some cases, strategic priorities are climate change, work sustainability
companies with poor or no ESG ratings may find themselves and confidence in a digital society. It reports detailed KPIs
on “banned” or “do not invest” lists. on each of these pillars annually. The company has also
launched new offerings to help all types of customers
The consumer and brand impacts of ESG should not be
adjust to climate-related risks and transition to net zero.
overlooked. Consumers are expressing their preference
for doing business with greener companies, which helps Zurich Resilience Solutions provides a range of climate-
outline how insurers can differentiate and gain competitive related services, alongside cyber and supply chain
advantage by demonstrating leadership in sustainability. offerings. The data-driven solutions can predict threats
That perspective extends to the full range of ESG and and evaluate the vulnerability of different types of sites
corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues. EY research shows and facilities. They also bundle investment products
that consumers — and younger generations in particular — are for companies planning to “green” their operations.
increasingly aware of companies’ purpose and commitments The company has updated its underwriting guidelines
relative to diversity and inclusion and income inequality, in and added exclusions for certain types of high-carbon
addition to climate change. Thus, insurers have an opportunity businesses. It also plans to grow its renewable energy
to engage a socially active, energized audience by amplifying business.
their CSR efforts. Ultimately, insurers can do well by doing
“There is no disconnect between our sustainability
good, standing behind great values and great products.
ambitions, our strategic priorities and the products and
services we deliver,” says Linda Freiner, Group Head
of Sustainability, Zurich Insurance Group. “Thus, there
is opportunity for Zurich to modify existing solutions
with features and incentives that help drive change and
encourage sustainable behaviors.”

24 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Driving toward standardization of
ratings and disclosures US$3.1–$5.8 trillion

Industry groups are working to address the widespread estimated annual investment through 2050 for the
concerns about inconsistent taxonomies and frameworks for energy industry to achieve net zero
ESG ratings. During COP26, the G20 Sustainable Finance Source: Bloomberg
Working Group adopted the G20 sustainable finance road
map to identify institutional and market barriers to green

finance. The road map is designed to help mobilize private annual increase to global GDP from
capital for green investment by improving the comparability,
investments in clean energy
interpretability and consistency of sustainability disclosures
and, ultimately, ESG ratings. Specifically, the road map
proposes a set of common principles, voluntary use of a

common taxonomy and collaboration between ESG rating
growth in global GDP by 2030 under
a net-zero pathway
Standardized disclosures will allow insurers to tell a clear
and persuasive story to capital markets and the general Source: International Energy Agency, International Monetary Fund

public about how their actions and results align to their

commitments. They can also help insurers avoid increasingly
common charges of “greenwashing.” But, while standard
measures will be very helpful, insurers still have a long way
to go in adopting them and gathering the data necessary to
accurately report metrics and improve their ESG ratings.

Insurers within the big picture of

Though many insurers are in the early stages of ESG strategy
development, leaders are pivoting from the why to the how
of execution. Those efforts are keyed to the huge potential
upside of “the greatest commercial opportunity of our age,”
as Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and
Finance, has called the transition to a greener economy.
Trillions of dollars will be invested to build the infrastructure
for cleaner energy, transportation and agriculture. Companies
across industries will need capital and support to reduce
their carbon footprint and establish sustainable operations.
Insurers can play a catalyzing role in engaging with regulators
and businesses in other industries, both investing directly and
protecting the investments of others.

25 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

The job starts with providing protections against the
considerable physical risks of climate change, including Product innovation in action
second-order implications such as wildfires, flooding, crop
yield losses and shifting disease patterns. Incentives to Innovative renewable energy products cover business
accelerate the transition to a lower-carbon economy are also interruption, liability, technical failure, weather-related
critical. Premium discounts for reduced commuting, electric losses, construction defects and human errors. Additional
vehicles (EVs), solar panels and environmentally friendly features provide for replacement of equipment and offer
construction are among the first steps. contingent coverage for new purchases, locations or
enhancements, as well as coverage for financial losses
Some insurers are adapting to the new world of mobility with due to discrepancies between expected and actual
incentives for reduced driving and unique EV protections. For energy output.
instance, Zurich covers theft of and damage to high-voltage
batteries and private charging stations, as well as the loss or Crop insurance powered by smart contracts allows
unauthorized use of charging cards and apps. farmers to take out policies on small plots of land and
set predefined conditions for coverage (e.g., amount of
Proactive insurers are seeking more creative and innovative rainfall, wind speed) with claims automatically triggered
solutions, such as parametric policies and those featuring when those thresholds are crossed.
carbon offsets. In these endeavors, they can build on the
lessons learned from the development of catastrophe bonds in
the 1990s. Consider how advanced analytics and sophisticated
scenario modeling can lead to “risk-prevention-as-a-service” Within commercial lines, insurers can help “brown” businesses
models and coverage for risks that are uninsurable today. As and industries define pathways to reduced carbon usage –
a first step, insurers must target the sustainability of core and provide a range of incentives as they transition. Both
underlying asset classes both by: underwriting policy and investment strategies will play a role,
often in reinforcing ways. On the underwriting side, some
• Improving pricing to accurately account for emerging risks
insurers are refusing to cover some types of businesses or
• Rewarding or aiding policyholders in enhancing the provide homeowners policies in high-risk regions. Businesses
sustainability of their assets will also need capital to upgrade machinery and equipment,
retrofit property and facilities and adopt new technology.
More insurers are involved in the push for green infrastructure
to replace existing damaged infrastructure. Differential But it’s not just a matter of addressing the increased risk
coverage for green homes and commercial facilities has and volatility from existing climate risks; some insurers and
rapidly expanded and is now nearly ubiquitous. Support for reinsurers are also acting to mitigate and underwrite certain
renewable and alternative energy has also matured rapidly. immature risks in ways that will allow traditional capital
Some industry observers worry about larger-than-expected providers to invest. Indeed, insurers’ unique ability to model,
losses in this space, partially due to the absence of reliable underwrite and cover new risks is key to unlocking capital
data. This area will remain a focus for P&C insurers and will flows. Forward-looking insurers are also planning to invest in
likely see greater industry collaboration and the development capital-intensive projects, such as clean energy plants, carbon
of improved risk management frameworks. capture technology and other breakthrough green innovations.

Parametric insurance is turning mainstream, thanks to

Lastly, insurers are offering new services to help customers
advanced, sensor-based solutions that can assess and manage
understand and manage their unique risk profiles and define
climate-related claims in real time. A hardening commercial
transition strategies. Proactive risk prevention consulting can
pricing market has made typical catastrophe coverage more
help affect smooth transitions for all types of businesses and
complex for insurers, which makes parametric offerings even
drive growth in new market niches. Working with commercial
more compelling. Within a week of the Haitian earthquake
customers to set realistic targets and timelines and identify
in August 2021, a parametric insurance policy underwritten
necessary operational changes will also help insurers
by Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility paid out
accurately scope the risks in their own portfolios and refine
US$15 million to the Haitian government.
their investment plans.

26 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Imperative actions for sustainability
Insurers can take many meaningful steps in the near term to help advance the transition to a greener economy.
While climate change is a strategic and regulatory risk, it cannot be managed solely by risk management or
regulatory affairs teams. The agenda must be owned and executed operationally across the entire business.

1. Connect sustainability to overall purpose and business 3. Engage to be part of the solution: insurers must work
strategy: insurers have leaned into their purpose during the with their peers in other sectors, as well as regulators, to
last few years, and leading on sustainability is another way find holistic solutions for uninsurable risks and smooth the
they deliver value beyond their own bottom lines. Mapping path to a greener economy. The greater the collaboration
action plans to specific targets and establishing quantifiable across industries and between businesses and regulators,
performance metrics relative to sustainability are two ways the faster and smoother the transition to a greener
insurers can live their purpose. Such alignment is essential economy will be.
in allowing companies to tell a consistent story about
4. Define the metrics, embrace transparency and
sustainability, whether they are speaking to capital markets,
benchmark continuously: when it comes to ESG, what
regulators or the general public.
gets measured will be what gets managed. In tracking
2. Define a road map: within a broader ESG strategy, insurers performance against sustainability targets, insurers should
must identify priority focus areas, clarify why they are monitor risk exposures, value creation and progress
allocating resources to them, and determine what benefits toward specific goals. As reporting and disclosures become
they expect to achieve. A clear road map must include standardized, the most transparent companies will benefit
both short-term and mid-term milestones, and reflect the from easier access to capital, increased customer loyalty
impacts on different parts of the business. Specifically, and better share price performance. They should also
it should spell out how ESG strategies will be executed in monitor external developments and other sectors with an
terms of underwriting policies, investment and portfolio aim to adopt leading practices.
management strategies, and within internal operations.
5. Improve ESG ratings and secure index inclusion: senior
leaders and boards must understand the criteria behind the
ratings being developed by different agencies, as well as the
requirements for inclusion in ESG funds. The criteria may be
complex and inconsistent, but, given their critical impact on
access to capital and stock prices, insurers must do what it
takes to improve ratings and secure inclusion.

6. Embed ESG strategies within operations: ESG strategies

must be operationalized across the business. That means
embedding sustainability principles into underwriting and
pricing models, incorporating transition and portfolio
risks into the overall risk framework, and retooling the
investment portfolio by both reducing “brown” exposures
and betting on green innovations.

7. Embrace product innovation to address

the protection gap: as with cybersecurity, climate
change represents both a huge threat to insurers and
a massive growth opportunity. Traditional policies that
protect against flooding, wildfire and other natural
disasters are being enhanced and replaced with more
sophisticated offerings, such as risk prevention services,
parametric policies, products that include carbon offsets
and attractive incentives that drive behavioral change.
With more consumers interested in insurance, insurers
that can develop more affordable and accessible products
will be best positioned to build relationships with a rising
generation of consumers.

27 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

Sun Young Bong David A. Connolly Caroline Dellaway Lorenzo Fattibene
EY Asia-Pacific EY Global Insurance EY Global Insurance EY Global Sustainable
Insurance Leader Nexus Leader Workforce Insurance Leader
L Transformation Leader

Isabelle Santenac
EY Global Insurance Leader Anna Hurynovich Ed Majkowski Peter Manchester Bernhard Klein
[email protected] EY Global Insurance EY Americas Insurance EY EMEIA Insurance Wassink
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Key contributors A special thank you to the following EY

Louisa Blain
executives for their valuable insights
EY EMEIA People Advisory Services Associate Partner
Krista Bakor Christoph Thoma

Verena Kraus Jean-François Gagnon

Patricia Davies
EY Global Insurance Knowledge Leader Nathan Sasto Nicole Michaels

Kabari Bhattacharya Philip Vermeulen

J Penney Frohling
Nilabh Kumar Federico Guerreri
EY-Parthenon UK Insurance Consulting Leader
Teresa Schrezenmaier Andrew Parton

John Santosuosso Charul Charma Andrea Wolfson

EY Americas Insurance Co-Leader
David Lambert Armin Henatsch

Martin Spit Preetham Peddanagari

Kirsten Vasey
EY EMEIA People Advisory Services Associate Partner Tze Ping Chng Nikhil Jain

Matthew Latham Walter Poetscher

Abigail Viljoen
David Storey
EY Asia-Pacific Financial Services Consulting Partner
Thom Cranley

Nuno Vieira Henry Li

EY Latin America South Insurance Leader
Matthew Stover

Janice Deganis
Jason Whyte
EY EMEIA Financial Services Markets Leader James Maher

28 | 2022 Global Insurance Outlook

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