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App Inventor

MITApp Inventor
The official guide from
Your Guide to Designing, Building,
and Sharing Apps
Copyright © 2022 by Karen Lang and Selim Tezel

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored
in an information retrieval system in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic,
or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, and recording, without prior
written permission from the publisher.

The MIT Press, the colophon, and MITeen are trademarks of

Massachusetts Institute of Technology and used under license from The MIT Press.
The colophon and MITeen are registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

First edition 2022

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2021939777

ISBN 978-1-5362-1914-2 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-5362-2408-5 (paperback)

APS 26 25 24 23 22 21
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Printed in Humen, Dongguan, China

This book was typeset in Avenir Next.

MITeen Press
an imprint of Candlewick Press
99 Dover Street
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144
App Inventor
MITApp Inventor
The official guide from
Your Guide to Designing, Building,
and Sharing Apps

Karen Lang and Selim Tezel

MITApp Inventor Project
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Foreword 6
Introduction 8

Chapter 1: Let’s Get Started 12

Two Sisters 30
Chapter 2: Hello, It’s Me! 34
Apa Pura 50
Chapter 3: Translation App 54
Vanessa’s Story 72
Chapter 4: My Piano 74
Potholes of Malden 102
Chapter 5: Find the Gold 104
Arjun’s Story 136
Chapter 6: Tour Guide 138
Hello Navi 184
Chapter 7: Chat App 186
Chinmayi’s Story 206
Conclusion 210

Acknowledgments 216
Bibliography 218
Index 220
Photo Credits 224

Developing solutions is fun, especially but don’t know where to start or

when the solution involves a mobile don’t have a teacher or expert to guide
application. However, developing them. Recently, I was contacted by a
mobile applications used to require girl who had an idea for creating an
special programming skills and time. app for dyslexic students like her but
All of that changed for me when I did not know how to start or code.
first started using MIT App Inventor. I recommended that she use MIT
It allowed me to focus on solving a App Inventor. This book is an ideal
problem rather than spending time companion for anybody like her who
on complex code. I wish I’d had this is passionate about developing mobile
book when I first started playing with apps. 
App Inventor. With easy instructions The book starts with simple apps,
that take readers from downloading and each chapter is organized to build
the MIT AI2 Companion application on the one before and help readers
to creating their own chat app, this create progressively more interesting
book is a beneficial friend for all the apps. My brother struggled to make
young changemakers who have ideas a weather app as part of a school

assignment. After spending just a book for anybody looking to develop
few minutes exploring App Inventor mobile apps using MIT App Inventor.
and reading through the first chapter, I want to thank the authors, Ms.
he soon had a prototype ready to Lang and Mr. Tezel, for providing
go. The book not only allows anybody a step-by-step guide for all young
to build apps relatively quickly, but it students. This book should be in
also enables teachers and educators every library, school, and STEM and
to introduce their students to easy coding club, and I hope it will inspire
mobile app development without a new generation of inventors and
having to develop advanced skills innovators.
themselves. Given that App Inventor
allows more time to focus on problem- Gitanjali Rao
solving, teachers and educators can Time magazine’s 2020 Kid of the Year
now include this in their curriculums
for a problem-based learning
Each chapter also features
heartwarming true stories of young
innovators and changemakers
who used App Inventor to solve
problems. It was great to read
about their journeys from vision to
implementation, all using the varied
features App Inventor provides.   
As a prolific user of MIT App
Inventor, I strongly recommend this


Have you ever played a game on a tablet But where do apps come from? They’re
or watched a video on your phone? If built by people called programmers.
so, you probably used an app to do it. Programmers create a set of instructions
Mobile applications, or apps for short, are that tells a device what to do. They write
programs designed for use on a device the instructions in a special language,
like a phone or tablet. Apps can help you called a programming language, so
check the weather, look up information a computer can understand it. The
online, and share photos with friends. instructions are also known as code, and
another name for programmers is coders.


A computer is a machine that can follow a set of instructions. Computers

come in all shapes and sizes. Desktop computers, laptops, tablets,
smartphones, smartwatches, security systems, and many car engines and
refrigerators are examples of computers. The instructions they follow are
called programs, and programs that run on mobile devices like phones
and tablets are often called apps.

MIT App Inventor is a kind of programming
language that uses blocks, which look like
puzzle pieces with words on them. The
blocks fit together to make instructions
that get translated into computer language
so a mobile device can follow them.

App Inventor blocks


If you’re looking for some App Inventor innovation workshops to share her
inspiration, meet Gitanjali Rao, a teen from knowledge and scientific method with
Lone Tree, Colorado, who was named other young people around the globe. She
Time magazine’s first-ever Kid of the has already mentored thirty thousand kids
Year in 2020. She’s an amazing scientist through her workshops.
and innovator and an accomplished app
What about you? Do you have something
inventor. In 2017, she demonstrated
that you are passionate about? Does that
her invention Tethys, which measures
passion lead you to ideas for new apps?
lead levels in water. She was inspired
Or maybe you have thoughts about ways
to create Tethys by the Flint, Michigan,
to improve an app that already exists.
water crisis, in which the city’s drinking
Awesome! This book will teach you how
water was highly contaminated by lead
to use MIT App Inventor to take your ideas
and was poisoning children. Her device
and turn them into apps for your phone or
uses carbon nanotubes to detect lead
tablet. Soon you’ll be able to share your
levels and report that information through
apps with friends and family and even
Bluetooth to an app she created with MIT
publish them for people around the world
App Inventor. Since then, Gitanjali has
to download and use. Soon you’ll be an
continued to learn and invent. Her latest
app inventor too.
project is Kindly, an app that helps prevent
cyberbullying. The app detects words
associated with bullying, notifies the user,
and gives them the opportunity to edit
their language.

Gitanjali believes that innovation happens

when you’re inspired and motivated to
create something meaningful. Hoping
to encourage others, Gitanjali offers


Let’s Get Started

There are a few steps you’ll need to take If you’re using an Android device, open
before you can dig in and start writing the Play Store app and search for MIT AI2
apps. First, you’ll need a computer or Companion. You can also type this link into
laptop on which to design and write the a browser (like Google Chrome): http://
code for your apps. Then you’ll want to try If you are using an
out your apps with a mobile device. To do iOS device, open the App Store app and
that, you’ll need to install an app called search for MIT AI2 companion. You can
the MIT AI2 Companion on your phone or also use the link
tablet so you can load your projects onto Click the button to install the MIT AI2
your device and test them. Companion on your device. The icon for
the app will show the mascot, Codi the Bee.

You’ll need to install the MIT AI2

Companion only once and then leave it on
your phone or tablet for whenever you
use App Inventor.


Android users: If you choose not to go through the Play Store

and instead load the app directly by using the website link (aka
“side load”), you will need to change your device’s settings
to allow it to install apps from “unknown sources.” To find this
setting on versions of Android before 4.0, go to Settings >
Applications and check the box next to Unknown Sources.
For devices running Android 4.0 or above, go to Settings >
Security or Settings > Security & Screen Lock and check the
box next to Unknown Sources and confirm your choice.

If you don’t have access to a mobile device to your computer with a USB cable.
device, or don’t have a good Wi-Fi To get instructions for these other options,
connection, there are other ways to test open the AI2 Getting Started page (http://
your apps. If you don’t have a mobile in a web browser
device, you can use the emulator that App and click on the instructions for the option
Inventor provides, which looks like a you’d like to use.
phone but runs in your computer’s
Once you have set up your mobile device,
browser. You can also create and test App
open a browser like Google Chrome or
Inventor projects with a Chromebook. If
Mozilla Firefox on your computer.
Wi-Fi is an issue, you can connect a mobile

Chapter 1 — Let’s Get Started

Logging in with a
Gmail Account
If you have a Gmail account, type this
address into the URL field:

Now all the projects you create will be

saved under your account.

Logging in without a
Gmail Account
If you don’t have a Gmail account and can’t
make one, use this address: Just press the button
Continue Without An Account , and you
can log on to the server.

Once you press the button, you’ll be given

a revisit code, which will help you save
your projects.

Make sure to copy the r

keep it somewher
it, you won’t be able to get your pr
back! The next time you log in to
type in your code r
Continue Without An Account

Chapter 1 — Let’s Get Started

Once You’re Logged In

When you log in, you’ll see a screen with
the latest information about MIT App
Inventor and a link to setup instructions.
Press the Continue button.

On the next display, which has links

to some starter tutorials, press the
button on the bottom left labeled
Start a Blank Project .

You’ll be asked to name your new project.
For your first app, you can name it


You can’t have spaces in your project names. Removing

the spaces and capitalizing the first letter of each word
is called “camel case” because each capital letter looks
like a hump on a camel!

Click OK . You will see your blank project

in the App Inventor IDE. IDE stands for
interactive development environment, and
it’s what you’ll use to make your apps.


What does the IDE name mean? You are developing

apps in an interactive way because you’ll work with
buttons and menus. And it’s a special environment—in
this case a workspace for building things.

Chapter 1 — Let’s Get Started

The Designer
Palette Viewer
choose and add components arrange components

Components Properties
list added components change component settings

his IDE window is called the Designer.

e you’ll decide how your apps
look and how users will interact with them.
ou’ll do this by adding and arranging
components. Components include visible
things like buttons and text boxes, as well
as invisible things like sounds and sensors.

There are four panels in the Designer:

Palette, Viewer, Components, and

Chapter 1 — Let’s Get Started

The Palette Panel

On the left in the Designer is the Palette.
The Palette lists all the components you
can add to your app, organized in drawers
according to their type. If you click on a
drawer, it will expand so you can see the
components inside.

The Viewer Panel
To select a component, click on it, drag it,
and drop it onto the phone screen image
that appears in the second panel, the

Chapter 1 — Let’s Get Started

The Components Panel The Properties Panel

As you drag components to the Viewer to You can select a component by clicking on
add them to your app, they also appear in it in the Viewer or in the Components panel.
a list in the Components panel. Once a component is selected, you can
change its settings in the Properties panel.

For example, if you select Button1,
you can make changes to things like its
background color, font size, shape, text,
and text color!

Chapter 1 — Let’s Get Started

The Blocks Editor

Once you’ve added your components in
the Designer, you can switch to the Blocks
Editor by clicking on the  Blocks button in
the upper-right corner.

In the Blocks Editor, instead of dragging

components the way you do in the
Designer, you’ll drag out various code
blocks that fit together like puzzle pieces.
These blocks are the instructions that tell
your app what to do. The main difference
between the Designer and the Blocks
Editor is that the Designer controls the
look and feel of your app, whereas the
Blocks Editor controls the behavior of
your app. You’ll need them both to build
a successful app.

The Blocks Palette
On the left in the Blocks Editor is the
Blocks palette. This is where you can find
all the blocks, divided into two sections—
Built-in blocks and Component blocks.

Built-in Blocks
Built-in blocks are organized by category.
Clicking on the category makes its blocks
appear. For example, clicking on Math
shows all math-related blocks, like the +
block, which lets you add numbers, and
the / block, which lets you divide them.

Chapter 1 — Let’s Get Started

Component Blocks
Component blocks match up with the
components that you’ve added. As soon
as you add a component in the Designer,
it will automatically appear here too,
with its own set of blocks that control the
component’s behaviors, properties, and
actions. Click on a component to make
its available blocks appear. For example,
clicking on Button1 shows all the blocks
you can use that control the behavior of
that button, or what should happen when a
user clicks or touches the button.

If you click on Label1, you’ll see that
it doesn’t have any gold event blocks,
because you can’t click or touch a label to
make it do something the way you can with
a button. But you’ll see that labels do have
green blocks, which set their properties.

Chapter 1 — Let’s Get Started

For both Built-in blocks and Component

blocks, click and drag them into the Viewer
panel to make them part of your app.

By adding blocks and snapping them Now that you know the basics, are you
together, you’ll create a set of instructions. ready to get started?
And that’s how you’ll build apps.

Two Sisters

Bethany: Hi there, coders! We are called the computer! I was overjoyed

sisters. I’m Bethany, and I’m fifteen. and immediately I loved it. Whenever
I found some new apps or websites, I
Ice: I’m Ice, and I’m twelve. When explored ways to use them without
I was small, I loved exploring the the user manual. When I was about
machines and devices at home. nine, I was introduced to coding. We
Sometimes I break stuff when I’m made a robot car move around by
exploring. tapping a button! I thought it was
seriously cool—and then I joined the
Bethany: Oh, so you were the one CoolTh ink@JC competition and was
who broke the radio by putting a coin introduced to App Inventor 2 (AI2) by
into it. my IT teacher in April 2019.

Ice: That’s not the point. I fixed some Bethany: At that time, Ice got to
of the other machines before you or learn how to code on AI2, and when
our parents even noticed. Anyway, she got home, she proudly showed
then we got this really cool machine us her apps. I got interested in AI2

Ice: Life was all right, but then the
COVID-19 pandemic spread across
the globe. We couldn’t go to school or
go out, so we gradually became bored
and unmotivated. “What can we do
during this pandemic?” we pondered.
One afternoon, I scrolled through
the App Inventor website—they had
Bethany and Ice
announced a monthly Coronavirus
as well. I asked her to teach me the App Challenge! We were like, whoa!
basics that summer. In a few days,
I had become a level 1 beginner AI2 Bethany: That same night, we
coder. brainstormed some concepts for the
challenge, and suddenly a great idea
Ice: That summer, we created an app popped into our minds. Why not
together with five games to play on our create an app with games to defeat
vacation. It was awesome! Although virtual viruses? That would be fun to
our games were very basic and simple, make and also raise users’ awareness
we felt extremely triumphant because of hygiene! We squealed in excitement
we created them ourselves and it was and gave each other high fives.
fun to work together.
Ice: The next few weeks we started
Bethany: After that, whenever we to make our app. It has a checklist
were free, we also experimented with of habits to keep clean and healthy,
some other functions of AI2 and which gets you points; a small game to
carried on with creating new games. get more points; and a “Virus Battle”

page to kill virtual viruses with some Bethany: Our success didn’t come to
spray you can buy with your points. us overnight. In fact, we faced a lot of
It also has pages for seeing all the problems while making the app. For
viruses you defeated and for facts instance, we were frustrated when
about the pandemic. Plus there’s a we spent almost three hours trying
detailed user manual. to figure out some calculations for
the game! At that point, we stopped
Bethany: We planned to add a lot of working on that part for a while and
colorful illustrations and interesting had a little rest. Then we went back
cartoons in the app, but we were and eventually thought of a solution!
worried that we couldn’t finish all
of them in time! We worked out a Ice: We submitted our app to the MIT
huge plan where we would draw the App Inventor website and we became
illustrations with our phones and the MIT App Inventor Coronavirus
code a little after we had finished our App Challenge Young Inventors of the
online homework. Month! We were absolutely ecstatic!

Ice: After drawing all of the pictures, Bethany: Later we did a brief
we had already coded nearly a quarter reflection of our app-making process.
of the app. We worked together in We concluded that we learned more
front of our computer, dragging AI2 techniques and functions, and
components and blocks across the to never to give up because there is
screen while calculating the required always a way to solve our problems.
values and testing out the app using
the emulator. Finally, after two weeks, Ice: More important, we understood
our app was completed! how to work as a team. We got past

our differences and respected the advice: relax! Don’t let it make you
other person’s opinions because we angry or tired. Instead, take a rest,
were eager to finish our app together. give your brain time to think about
Our sisterly bond has been enhanced the problem, go through your codes
greatly! Our minds are practically in calmly, and maybe have a snack or
sync these days! two . . .

Bethany: To sum up, we are Bethany: Then ta-da! Inspiration

incredibly grateful to have this chance strikes! You snap your fingers and say,
to express our ideas through coding. “I know what’s wrong now!” and find
a solution to your bug. Debugging
Ice: We would like to thank our complete!
parents, who gave us encouragement
and support, as well as my IT teacher Ice: Happy coding!
for introducing me to App Inventor,
coding, and STEM.

Bethany: And we sincerely thank

MIT for giving us an App of the
Month award. It means a lot to us and
it has motivated us to continue coding
on App Inventor 2!

Ice: If any frustrated coder is flipping

through these pages and trying to
solve a bug in your app, here is some


Hello, lt’s Me!

Prepare Your Assets
Do you have relatives and friends who live Assets are extra files, like images and
far away? They might enjoy seeing your sounds, that are part of an app. For this
face and hearing your voice when you app, you will be adding two assets:
can’t be with them. In this app, HelloItsMe, an image (of yourself) and a sound
your picture will appear, and when the user (your voice). Start by finding a good
clicks on it, they’ll hear you greeting them! digital picture of your face and saving it
somewhere on your computer where you
can find it later, like your desktop. If you
don’t have one already, you can take a
picture with your computer. If you’re on a
Mac computer, use the Photo Booth app.
Take a picture, then under the File menu,
choose Export and save it to your desktop.
When you save the file, name it so you can
easily find it again. If you’re on a Windows
computer, use the Camera app. When you
take a picture, it’s automatically saved in
the Camera Roll folder inside the Pictures
folder on your computer. Don’t forget to
smile for the camera!

The second thing you need is a recording If you don’t have MIT App Inventor already
of your voice. Think of a good greeting open from chapter 1, use a browser on your
or message for your friends and family. It computer to open it up by going to either
can be something simple like “Hi, it’s me! (with your
Wanted to say hello and wish you a happy Gmail account) or
day!” or you can record something a bit (with your return code).
longer: “Hello, my name is Codi. I am a big
fan of biking, skating, and programming
apps. This is my first app. I hope you like
it!” Feel free to get creative! If you use a
Mac, the QuickTime application is an easy
way to record your voice. Just go to the
File menu and choose Audio Recording.
If you use a Windows computer, you
can record your voice using the Sound
Recorder app. In both cases, make sure
to save your recording on your computer
where you can find it later.

Chapter 2 — Hello, lt’s Me!

Open Your Project

1) If your HelloItsMe project isn’t already
open, go to the Projects menu and
select My pr

2) Click on HelloItsMe in the project list to

open it.

Your project should open in the

Designer window, but if it doesn’t,
just click the Designer but
button in the
upper-right corner.

3) If you have any components left over
from following along in chapter 1, you’ll
need to delete them by clicking on
each component in the Components
panel and then clicking the Delete
button. You’ll be asked to confirm that
you really want to delete them.

Chapter 2 — Hello, lt’s Me!

Add the Components

4) Add a Button and a Label
component to your app by dragging
them from the User Interface drawer in
the Palette to the Viewer.

5) Now click on the Media tab in the
Palette and drag a Player component
onto the Viewer.


See how the Player component drops

below the phone image and appears under
Non-visible components? That’s because
the Player doesn’t show up on your app
screen. But it’s still an important component
in the app because it plays sounds.

Chapter 2 — Hello, lt’s Me!

Add Image and Voice Files

to Your App
Now it’s time to upload your picture and
voice recording to App Inventor.

6) Find the Media panel, which is below

the Components panel. Click on the
Upload File ... but
button. Then click the
Choose File but
button, locate the image
of yourself on your computer, and click
OK to upload it. Then repeat those
steps for your voice recording. Both of
your files will then appear in the Media
panel as assets.

Change the Component // NOTE
Remember, properties are different
Let’s change some of the properties of the characteristics of a component that
components to make the app look better. you can change to alter how the

7) Click on Button1 in the Components component looks. Properties include

panel and change the Button1 things like width, height, color, and

properties in the Properties panel like visibility.

Height: 300 pixels
Width: Fill parent


You can tell which component is the parent by looking at the

Components panel. See how Button1, Label1, and Player1
are all indented under Screen1? That means that Screen1
is the parent, and Button1, Label1, and Player1 are
Screen1’s children. You can think of a container as a parent and
any components inside the container as children.

Fill parent means to make the property,

in this case the width of Button1, the
same as its parent. Button1’s parent is
Screen1, because Button1 is contained
within Screen1. So you are setting the
width of Button1 to the same width as

Chapter 2 — Hello, lt’s Me!

8) The next step is to find Image in the

Properties panel and click None….
Choose the image file that you
uploaded earlier, then click OK to
use your image as the background
for Button1. Once you choose the
image file, the image will appear on the
button in the Viewer.

9) Choose Player1 from the

Components list and set its Source
property to the voice recording file that
you uploaded earlier. Then click OK
to use your sound file as the source
when it plays. This will attach the sound
file to the Player, so when the Player
is started in the app, it knows which
sound to play.

10) Click on Label1 in the Components
list and change the Label properties:
oundColor: Choose a color
FontSize: 30
Text: Press Me
TextColor: Choose a color


For background and text color, choose

whatever colors you like!

You’ve completed the Designer portion

of your app! Now that you’ve added your
components and set their properties so
the app looks good, it’s time to make the
app work.

Chapter 2 — Hello, lt’s Me!

Code the Blocks
Your app has all its components, but it Remember, the Designer takes
doesn’t do anything yet. Now is your care of the look, and the Blocks
chance to code the app so it works when Editor takes care of the behavior.
the user runs it.

11) Click on the Blocks but

button in the
upper-right corner of the screen to
switch to the Blocks Editor.

In the app, you want your voice recording For example, in the following code blocks,
to play when the user presses on your when the user clicks on Button1, the text
picture, which is displayed on Button1. for Label1 is set to Hello World! You can
Clicking or pressing a button is called an add as many blocks as you want inside the
event. When an event happens, it should when Button1.Click event block.
trigger an action. In this case, the event All the blocks inside will run whenever the
of clicking on your picture should make user clicks on the button.
your voice recording play. In the Button1
blocks, the gold ones with an empty area
in the middle are called event handlers.
Event handlers do just that—they handle
events. When an event happens in an app,
the code blocks inside the event handler
tell the app what actions should happen.


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