Helpers of Catan Rules 190228

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Ages 14+

~60-90 min.




3-6 players
A Scenario for 3-6 Players
THE STORY After Using a Helper’s Advantage
Come meet some of the most influential and helpful people on Once you have used your helper’s advantage, you have 2 options:
Catan. They are offering their skills and experience to help you with • Keep the helper: This option is only available if your helper
your building plans. This small expansion is suitable for use with is “A” side up. Turn the card over to its “B” side and keep it
Catan® and with Catan: Seafarers®. in front of you. You can use the helper a second time on a
subsequent turn. If your helper is already on its “B” side, you
SCENARIO RULES must use the second option.
• Exchange the helper: Return the helper to the display and
Except where noted here, use Catan® rules. choose one of the other available helpers from the display (no,
NEW COMPONENTS you cannot take back the one you just placed on the display).
Place your new helper “A” side up in front of yourself.
You will need all the components included in Catan base game.
Helpers of Catan™ contains the following components: Example: Mike has the helper “Jean.” He uses Jean’s advantage
during his turn. The card is on its “A” side, so Mike can either
• 10 double-sided helper cards flip Jean to the “B” side or exchange her for a different helper. He
• 1 rules sheet decides to exchange. Mike places “Jean” into the display and takes
SET-UP the “Marianne” card from the display, placing it “A” side up in
front of himself.
Set up The Settlers of Catan as normal.
Each helper card has a blue “A” side and a red “B” side. Six of Prohibitions
the helpers have a number in addition to the letter on their “A” • You can never use a helper card during the same turn that you
side. Make a stack of the six numbered cards, “A” side up. The top receive it.
card is A1 and the remaining cards follow in numerical order (A2, • You can never use the helper more than once during a turn.
A3, etc.). • When playing with 5-6 players, you may never use a helper
Place the remaining helpers beside the board to form a display. during the Special Building Phase.
NOTE: Helper cards in the display are always A-side up.
Taking Your First Helper
Design: Klaus Teuber
As soon as you build your second settlement and road in the set-
Artwork: Michael Menzel
up phase, take the helper card from the top of the stack and place it
Production & Rules Development: Catan Studio
in front of you with the “A” side up.
Copyright © 2013, 2019 Catan, GmbH and Catan Studio. Catan, The Helpers
Once everyone has their starting helper card, add any remaining of Catan, The Settlers of Catan, the character images, the “Catan Board” mark
helpers from the stack to the display beside the board. and the “Catan Sun” mark are trademarks of Catan GmbH and are used under
license by Catan Studio. All rights reserved. Published by Catan Studio, 1995 W.
USING HELPERS County Rd. B2, Roseville, MN 55113.
First, it is important to remember that you will always have Distributed in Europe by: Asmodee UK, Unit 6,
Waterbrook Rd., Alton, Hampshire, GU43 2UD,
one (and only one) helper in front of you at all times during the EU Phone: +44 01420 593593
game—no more, no less. ®
Distributed in the US by: Asmodee North America,
1995 W. County Rd. B2, Roseville, MN 55113,
Each helper offers you a special advantage. You can use this MADE IN USA US Phone: +1.651.639.1905
[email protected]
advantage whenever you wish, as long as you follow the
0 0 8 0 0
specific rules for each helper as explained on the back
of this rule sheet. The helpers’ advantages are also Studio
summarized on their respective cards.

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Here is a full description of all of the helpers and the advantages Louis—Use this advantage only 1 time during your
they each give you. The rules printed here are the full rules for turn. You may remove 1 of your roads from the board
each helper. The text on each helper card is merely a summary of and rebuild it for free. Louis can only move a road where
1 of its 2 ends is not connected to any of your other
these rules.
pieces (ignore opponents’ pieces when you are checking
The “After use” text at the bottom of each card is identical for all connections).
helpers. It reads as follows:
When playing with Catan: Seafarers: If one of your
“A” Side: After use: You may turn this helper over or exchange
roads is connected at 1 end to one of your ships (as long as this ship
him/her with 1 from the display. was built from the other direction), this road may also be removed and
“B” Side: After use: You must exchange this helper with 1 from rebuilt. This road and this ship are only considered “connected” when
the display. your own settlement is built between them.
Candamir—Use this advantage only 1 time during
your turn. When you buy a development card, you Marianne—Use this advantage on any turn. If
may substitute 1 of the 3 resources with any 1 other any production roll is not a “7” and you receive no
resource of your choice (for example, wool, grain, and resources, take any 1 resource card of your choice. You
lumber). Additionally, when taking that development get to use this advantage before any other helper is used
card, instead of drawing 1 card at random from the top by one of your opponents.
of the development card deck, draw the top 3 cards and
choose 1 of them to keep. Return the 2 cards you did not
choose and reshuffle the development card deck.
Nassir—Use this advantage only 1 time during
Hilde—Use this advantage only 1 time during your your turn. First declare a resource card type (wool,
turn. After your production roll has been resolved, for example). Next choose 1 or 2 opponents. Those
choose an opponent who has more victory points opponents must each give you 1 card of the declared
showing on the board than you do. You may look type (if they have it). Finally, for each resource card you
at that player’s hand of resource cards and take received in this way, you must give the player that gave it
1 resource card of your choice. to you 1 resource card of your choice in return.

Jean—During your turn, choose 1 resource type. You Sean—Use this advantage on any turn. When any
may exchange that resource type with the supply at a 2:1 production roll results in a “7,” you may immediately
rate as often as you like during this turn (for example, use either of these advantages:
if you choose ore, you can give 2 ore to the supply and –If you have more than 7 resource cards in your hand,
take any 1 other resource of your choice). you do not have to discard any cards.
–If you have 7 or fewer resource cards in your hand, you
may take any 1 resource of your choice from the supply.

Lin—Use this advantage only 1 time during your turn. Vincent—Use this advantage only 1 time during your
You may use it before or after resolving your production turn. You may discard 1 knight card to reduce your
roll. If the robber is on a terrain hex, you may move building costs as follows:
the robber to the desert. After moving the robber this • Either build 1 settlement for 1 lumber plus 1 brick
way, you receive 1 resource of the type produced by the • or upgrade a settlement to a city for 2 ore plus 1 grain.
vacated hex (for example, if the robber vacated a hills The knight card that you discard must be one that you
hex, you receive a brick). have already played.
Note 1: After using Lin’s advantage, you do not get
to take a resource from a player with a settlement William—Use this advantage only 1 time during
or city adjacent to the desert. your turn. When building a road you may alter the
Note 2: “Before or after resolving your production resources required to build that road. Instead of the
roll” means that once you roll the dice for usual 1 lumber plus 1 brick, you may substitute
production, you cannot use Lin’s advantage until either the lumber or the brick with any 1 other
after you take your resource cards or completely resolve resource of your choice (for example,
a “7” roll (depending on what you roll). 1 lumber plus 1 wool).

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