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Learning theories

Behaviourism Cognitivism Constructivism

Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, David
Main representatives J.B. Watson and B.F. Skinner Ausubel, Robert Gagné, Howard Jean Piaget, Lev Vigotsky.
Gardner, Lev Vigotsky, Erick Erickson
 Emphasis on the active
 It is a theory of learning involvement of the learner in
 An emphasis on the identification of the
based on the idea that all the learning process.
context in which the skills will be
behaviors are acquired  Use of hierarchical analyses to
learned and subsequently applied.
through conditioning. identify and illustrate
 An emphasis on learner control and the
 Information is transferred prerequisite relationships.
capability of the learner to manipulate
from teachers to learners  Emphasis on structuring,
Principles of Learning from a response to the organizing, and sequencing
 The need for information to be
right stimulus. information to facilitate optimal
presented in a variety of different ways.
 Only observable behavior processing.
 Supporting the use of problem-solving
should be considered—  Creation of learning
skills that allow learners to go “beyond
cognitions, emotions, and environments that allow and
the information given.” on transfer of
moods are far too encourage students to make
knowledge and skills.
subjective. connections with previously
learned material.

Behaviourists don’t give a lot of Learning results when information is

Memory is always under construction as a
What´s the role of memory attention at how habits are stored stored in memory in an organized,
cumulative history of interactions
in memory. meaningful manner.

T gives SS the information as an

element of stimulus-response. T To ensure their students feel safe to learn freely
Guides students through learning
T´s role use behaviorism to show students and are supported in their individual learning
how they should react and respond styles.
to certain stimuli.

SS are active participants in the learning

SS´ role SS are passive participants SS are in control of what and how they learn.

Can you think of any method

who might use some of these
principles as an example?
Cherry, K. (n.d.). Why Behaviorism Is One of Psychology’s Most Fascinating Branches. Verywell Mind. Retrieved September 4, 2021, from
Ertmer, P. A. (2017, January 1). Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism – Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology. Pressbooks.
Western Governors University. (2021, March 23). What Is the Behavioral Learning Theory?

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