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LPG tanker
Products tanker
SHIPS OF 1991 ASUKA Cruise liner 8
BUNGA KENARI Container ship 10
John Lingwood, MRINA BUNGA SIANTAN Palm oil tanker 13
CSSOVEREIGN Cable ship 15
Tim Knaggs CHIQUITA DEUTSCHLAND Refrigerated cargoship 17
Assistant Editor:
CONGER Chemical tanker 21
Nancy Turner, BA Hons DIXIE MONARCH Wood chip carrier 24
EUROPEAN SEAWAY Roll-on/roll-off ferry 26
Andrea McMordie FANDANGO Multipurpose tanker 28
Advertisement Manager:
FERRY LAVENDER Roll-on/roll-off ferry 31
Gill,an Smyth FRONT DRIVER aBO carrier 34
Advertisement Consultant:
HAKURYU MARU Steel coil carrier 36
John Labdon HALLA No .l Cement carrier 39
Advertisement Assistant:
HANJIN BANGKOK Container ship 42
Debbi Bonner HANNOVER EXPRESS Container ship 44
HELENA Roll-on/roll-off forest products carrier 46
Published by: HELICE LPG tanker 48
RINALtd ISHIKARI Roll-on/roll-off ferry 50
Editorialand Advertisement OffIce: JAKOB MAERSK LPG tanker 52
10 Upper Belgrave Street,
London SW I X 8BQ,
JAMES CLARK ROSS Antarctic survey ship 55
England. JO ALDER Chemical tanker 58
Telephone: 071-235 462214.
Telegrams: Sinai. London.
KATARINA Chemical/caustic soda tanker 60
Telex: 265844 SINAI G KNOCK ALLAN Crude oil tanker 62
Telefax: 071-245-6959. KOTA WIJA Y A Container ship 64
KRASNOGRAD Roll-on/roll-off cargoship 67
LANDSORT Crudeoil/products tanker 70
MONARCH OF THE SEAS Cruise liner 72
NEDLLOYD EUROPA Container ship 74
OLYMPIC SERENITY Crude oil tanker 77
PEARL VENUS Wood chip carrier 80
PRINS FILIP Roll-on/roll-off ferry 82
SALAMINA Products tanker 84
SIRIMAU Passenger/cargoferry 86
SOLIDARNOSC Bulk carrier 90
STENA CHALLENGER Roll-on/roll-off ferry 93
The Royal Institution
of Naval Architects STOLT MARKLAND Chemical tanker 96
TS PROSPERITY Crude oil tanker 98
© 1992: The Royallnstitulion of Naval Architects.
THEODORA Bitumen tanker 100
This publication is copyright under the Berne
Convention and the International Copyright
TIRUMALAI Phosphoric acid tanker 103
Convention. All rights reserved. No part of this
publicationmay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
TRANS ARCTIC Chemical tanker 105
system or transmitted without the prior permission TYCHO BRAHE Double-endedferry 108
of the copyright owners. Permission is not.
however, required to copy abstracts of articles on VLADIVOSTOK Container ship 110
condition that a full reference to the source is
shown. WAKANATSU OKINAWA Roll-on/roll-off ferry 112
Multiplecopying of the contents without permission
is a/ways Ii/ega/. WESTERN BRIDGE Self-unloading bulk carrier 115
Printed in Wales by
YEOMAN BURN Self-unloading bulk carrier 117
Pensord Press.Blackwood. Gwent. General index 119
ISBN 0 903055 I 3 9 Advertisers' index 120
JUDGING from readers' response, the first yet fully in place. Consequently, whilst most self-discharging bulk carrier. Analysts expect
edition of Significant Ships (1990) would of the tankers described in these pages have the numbers of this type of vessel to double
seem to have satisfied our hopes of filling double skins, no consensus of opinion yet in the next five years as their operation be-
a niche in technical libraries. Interestingly exists on just how wide those side skins comes a significantly more cost-effective al-
enough, it has also found a place on the en- should be, or indeed if double skins are the ternative to the building of terminal facilit-
thusiasts' bookshelves, perhaps by providing correct remedy. The industry therefore ies. Whilst most of our examples are of the
for them a line on how ship design is devel- awaits the outcome of IMO's deliberations larger sized vessels, including the truly
oping, and, who knows, maybe showing just with great interest. specialist cement and wood chip carriers, the
why those 'awful looking' ships they so decry Passenger vessels, and in particular ferries, principle is equally suitable for smaller ton-
really look as they do! are perhaps a little further down the road nage, typically the 9,000dwt Mornes which
Seventy years ago, the editor of one of to safety reform. Regulations are already in just failed to catch our print deadline.
our leading shipping magazines had this to place to counter many of the shortcomings For the same reason, Costa Classica, the
say about safety at sea. 'Shipowners must be of earlier designs, and most are incorporated largest Italian passenger ship to be built since
allowed to pursue designs which give com- in the vessels illustrated. the Conte di Savoia of 1932, misses the op-
parative safety' (the operative word being Safety was, no doubt, uppermost in the portunity of appearing alongside Monarch of
'comparative'). He continued, 'ships are minds of many of our readers, seeing the in- the Seas and Society Adventurer, also the
built for the purpose of transporting passen- novative open-hatch container vessel Bell 'mini-cruiser/ferries' which mark an increas-
ger and cargo at reasonably economic cost; Pioneer for the first time last year, although ed involvement with this class of vessel by
that objective would fail if preventatives for the concept also has time-saving origins. Ab- Japanese builders.
every possible contingency were required to sence of news of contracts for the projected As with Significant Ships of 1990, a rough-
be arranged for. Some high ideals must be options to follow trials in service, might well ly drawn lower limit of 100m length has been
put on one side in favour of practical polic- have cast doubts on the feasibility of the idea used to satisfy inclusion in this edition, with
ies'. That those views can no longer be sus- a few months ago, but two further orders those smaller vessels now finding coverage
tained, results - in no small measure - are now confirmed at Teraoka Shipyard. The in our companion publication Significant
from the public outcry following, typically, first deep sea container ships without hatch Small Vessels of 1991. Grateful thanks are
the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster, with covers, Nedlloyd Asia and Nedlloyd Europa, directed to all those shipbuilders and owners
its heavy loss of life, and the pollution effects are also now in service, and take their special who have kindly provided the information
of the Exxon Valdez grounding. place as Significant Ships of 1991. Maybe we for our reports, also to all the photographic
Significant Ships of 1991 shows just the are witnessing the dawn of a new era in con- sources used, including FotoFlite, of New
beginnings of the measures now being taken tainer transportation? Romney, Kent, UK.
in ship design, as a result of these pressures, The safety spotlight is now firmly focussed
to make the carriage of passengers and cargo on the bulk carrier, and the impact of the
safer in the future. 'Beginnings', because in many unaccounted-for disasters of recent John Lingwood, MRINA
many cases, the international rules and regu- times will doubtless be seen in future de- Sunderland
lations to cover these eventualities are not signs. An important development here is the December 1991

In the tables which form part of each ship description, all dimensions, deadweight and displacement tonnages are metric, unless otherwise stated.
Machinery powers have been specified as 'Bhp' or 'kW' in accordancewith information received from the shipbuilder. Emergency alternators are
not included in the number of alternators. Where a dash (-) has been included against an item, this generally denotes lack of information, but
where it is known that features have not been included, this is indicated by 'nil'. This year, the number of sister ships completed or on order does
not include the ship presented.Some ships shown as 'on order' may have been delivered by the time this publication appears.

Furtherinformation on certain vessels included in Significant Ships can be found in the following editions of the RINApublication, The Naval Architect.
Asuka October 1991 Nedlloyd Asia October 1991 Trans Arctic November 1991
CS Sovereign To be published in February 1992 Salamina November 1991 Tycho Brahe January 1992
European Seaway November 1991 Solidarnosc April 1991 Wakanatsu Okinawa November 1991
Fandango/Flamenco July/August 1991 and September 1991 Stena Challenger July/August 1991 Western Bridge October 1991
Hakuryu Maru October 1991 Theodora November 1991
Katarina November 1991 Tiruma/ai July/August 1991


ANNAPURNA: an Hyundai-built gas tanker for India
Shipbuilder: HyundaiHeavy bunker tanks between the engine room and Manufacturer Hyundai Heavy industries
cargo space, and in an upper deep tank aft of Number 1
Industries Co ltd. Pitch -
the fore peak. The lower section of this tank,
Korea and another above the aft peak, is arranged for
Diameter 5,700mm
Shaft-driven alternator
Vessel's name: Annapurna fresh water. Number 1
Owner/operator: Shipping Corporation A Hyundai-built MAN B&W 6SS0MC main Make HEECO HFC6 504-44l-01
of India Ltd. India engine is fitted, having an mer output of Output 920kWn50rev/min

Designer: Hyundai Heavy 9,SOObhpat lllrev/min. Electrical supply is de- Diesel-driven alternators
Number 3
rived from three diesel-driven HEECO
Industries Co Ltd alternators, each producing 1,OOOkW,with a
Engine make -
Alternator make HEECO HFC5 634-84K-Ol
Flag: India main-engine shaft-driven machine contributing Output 3 x 1,000kW/750rev/min
Number of sister 920kW. Boiler \
ships already Number 1
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Type Vertical cylindrical
completed: length, oa 160.00m water tube CPDB-15
Number of sister length, bp 153.50m Make Gadelius Sunrod
Breadth, moulded 25.90m
ships on order: Depth, moulded to main deck 15.40m
Output l.5 tonne/h sat steam
Gross 17,778gt Number 2 x hose handling
THIS single-deck LPG tanker has a cargo space Displacement 25,686 tonnes Make Hyundai-Nor-Marine
divided into three holds of 'bulk carrier' con- Lightweight 8,124 tonnes Capacity/speed 7.5 tonne/15m/min
figuration, with top and bottom wing tanks, the Deadweight, design 17,562 dwt Mooring winches
latter forming part of the double bottom struc- Draught, design 8.30m Make , Hyundai-Norwinch
ture. Each hold accommodates a free-standing Speed, service (at 8,550bhp, 15% sea Number 2 x winch/windlass
and self-supporting prismatic cargo tank, de- margin, shaft generator engaged) 15.0 knots 4 x mooring winch
Cargo capacity Type Electro-hydraulic
signed for a maximum vapour pressure of 0.28 Liquid volume 22,937m3 Cargo Tanks
bar and a lowest temperature of -SO°c. Each Bunker capacity Number 6

tank is centrally divided to give a total of six
compartments. An interesting comparison is of- :.1:~b~~~
Coated Tanks
Stainless Steel
fered with Jakob Maersk (see page S2). Water ballast capacity 10,077m' Cargo pumps
Cargoes which can be carried include Fuel consumption Number 6
Main engine only 25.6 tonneS/day
anhydrous ammonia, butadiene, butane (ISO Classification .....Lloyd's Register + 1OOA1 Liquefied Gas
Type Deepwell
and normal), propane/butane mixtures, Make Kosar- Svanehe] ND500/200-5-K;
Carrier, Ship Type 2G, Anhydrous ammonia; butane; . centrifugal 5-sta,jle
butylenes, propane (pure) and propylene. propane; propane/butane mixtures; butadiene; Capacity 6 x 530m /h
Other products may be carried provided their butylene; propylene in independent Type A tanks. Pump room
toxicity, aggressiveness, pressure, temperature Suitable for SG up to 0.7, max pressure 0.28 bar G, Number 1 + compressor room
and specific gravity are within the limits of the "min temp -50°C, +lMC, +RMC (lG). Position Upper deck
design. Cargo handling is by means of six Kosan Other Regulations complied with . Complement
Indian Register of Shipping, Officers 12
Svanehej deepwell pumps, one in each tank, Indian Merchant Shipping
each with a capacity of S30m3/h, giving a dis- Petty officers 2
Rules. ICll 1966, 1971, 1975, Crew 21
charge time of approximately 10 hours. Loading 1976 amendment Spare Owner-2
is accomplished in about the same time at ap- Main engine PiioH
proximately 800m3/h, from a fully refrigerated Design MAN B&W Stability calculation
atmospheric storage tank with a vapour return Model 6S50MC equipment 2 loading computers (cargo
line. Manufacturer Hyundai control room and deck office).
Number 1 Contract date 9 February 1989
The double bottom, with associated lower Output 9,500bhpl111 rev/min
wing tanks, and the topside wing tanks, are di- launch/float out date 20 January 1991
Propeller Delivery date 3 April 1991
vided to form four pairs of water ballast tanks, Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze
and fuel is carried in centrally-divided cross (Grade Cu3)





ARBAT: a high-capacity products tanker from Halla
features Double bottom/double skin construction
Shipbuilder: Halla Engineering & Cargo discharge is by means of Frank M"~_•• Main engine
Heavy Industries Ltd. hydraulically-driven submerged pumps i.. each
tank, having a total discharge rate of 3,400m3/h, ~';~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~Jt
Manufacturer Hyundai
and enabling the vessel to be unloaded in 16
Vessel's name: Arbat hours. Two similar pumr.s of 3S0m3/h each, Number 1
Output 10,150bhp/117 rev/min
Owner/operator: Bergen Tankers serve the slo£s tanks, whilst ballast is handled Propeller
International Ltd. by two 7S0m Ih pumps. Each cargo tank is fitted Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze
with a deck-mounted heater capable of raising Manufacturer Ostermann
Norway Number 1
the temperature from 44°C to 66°C in 96 hours,
Designer: Halla Engineering & and of maintaining that temperature with a sea
Pitch Fixed
Diameter 6.0m
Heavy Industries Ltd temperature of SoC, and an ambient of 2°C. Rev/min 117
Flag: Liberia A Hyundai-MAN B&W 6SS0MC main en- Diesel-driven alternators
gine is fitted, developing 1O,lS0bhp (mer) at 117 Number 3
Number of sister Engine make Yanmar
ships already rev/min, and driving an Ostermann four- Alternator make -
bladed, fixed-pitch propeller of 6.0m diameter. Output.. 3x600kWn20 rev/min
completed: 2 Service output is 9,13Sbhp at 113 rev/min, giv- Boilers ,
Number of sister ing a speed of 14.S knots, with a 10% sea mar- Number 1
Type Vertical water tube
ships on order: 5 gin. Three Yanmar diesel-driven alternators Make Aalborg
each produce 600kW and there is also a 120kW Output 18,000kg/h
emergency set. Bridge control equipment and Cranes
the Integrated Ship Control System have been Number 1xhose handling
ARBATis the lead ship in a class of eight prod- Make Hagglunds MTT
uct tankers for which a number of interesting supplied by Norcontrol, and allow automatic Capacity/speed 10 tonne/12m/min
claims are made, notably, that cargo tank vol- control and monitoring of machinery, pumps Mooring winches
ume exceeds that of existing, comparably sized and valves from bridge or engine control room. Make Friedrich Kocks GmbH
A five-tier deckhouse provides accommoda- Number 2 xwinch/windlass
vessels by more than 40%, and of current 4xmooring winches
newbuildings by lS%. As a consequence, when tion for 30 persons, plus a six-man Suez crew, Type Hydraulic
carrying cargoes of low specific gravity, cargo with a gymnasium, hobbies room, sauna and Cargo tanks
intake IS stated to be much greater than with swimming pool amongst the leisure facilities on Number 8+2 slops
offer. Grades -
competitive designs. Product range Clean & dirty products
The hull is double-skinned in way of the cargo Coated tanks Ves
spaces, with the side tanks (just over 1m wide), Type of coating Pure epoxy
linked with centrally divided double bottom Length, oa 183.20m Stainless steel nil
Length, bp 174.00m Cargo pumps
tanks, and with the deep stools under trans- Breadth, moulded 32.20m Number 8+2
verse, corrugated bulkheads, to carry water bal- Depth, moulded to main deck 18.00m Type Submerged
last. A feature of the hull cross-section is a Gross 28,250gt Make Frank Mo£n
straight-line camber over the cargo tanks of ap- Deadweight, design
Deadweight, scantling
Capacity ~~~~g~,;~
proximately 1.6m, which contributes to the ad- Draught, design 10.97m
ditional carrying capacity of the vessel. Stiffen- Draught, scantling 12.19m Com8~~~~t 15
ing for these tanks is external, that for the Speed, service (90% mcrl 14.50 knot~ Crew 15+6 Suez
deckhead being on deck, and taking the form Cargo capacity, liquid volume 56,OQOm Repair crew -
Bunker capacity Single/double rooms 2811
of transverse webs, in conjunction with three
deep longitudinal girders which extend from
deckhouse to forecastle on the centre line, and
Water ballast capacity 18,000m'
Brid~ak~~tr~.I ~.~t.~.~
Auto Chief III
6.Sm to port and starboard. Fuel consumption Special electronic equipment Norcontrol integrated
Main engine only 27.76 tonnes/day ship control system: alarm & monitoring of
There are eight cargo, and one pair of slops Classification Det norske Veritas + 1A 1 machinery, generator control, temperature
tanks, in the centre space, enclosed by four Tanker for Oil, +MV, Inert, COW, EO, Ice C control, pump and valve control,
pairs of water ballast side/double bottom tanks. Other regulations complied with ........ USCG foreign flag stand-by pump control
The former have a pure epoxy coating, and the vessels; OCIMF recommendations for Stability calculation
tanker manifolds equipment On-line loading calculator
latter tar epoxy, all applied over an alkyd Percentage of hi~h-tensile steel Contract date 17 June 1989
primer system. External surfaces are protected used in construction 56% Launch/float out date 4 February 1990
by a chlorinated rubber anti-corrosive coating. Pollution avoidance and damage survivability Delivery date 21 April 1991


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ASUKA: the largest Japanese-flag cruise liner
Shipbuilder: Mitsubishi Heavy rection instruments, to provide automatic head- Other regulations complied with ....... USCG foreign-flag
ing, as well as manual control. Anti-heeling vessels
Industries Ltd, Japan Percentageof high-tenstile steel used in
Vessel's name: Asuka tanks are fitted, and a pair of 7.5m2 fin construction Nil
stabilisers counteract rolling. Heel control equipment Heelinq tanks
Owner/operator: Nippon Yusen Kaisha The number of passengers carried, 584, is Roll stabilisation equipment Fin;.~~ijl~~~~
(NYK Cruise Co Ltd), small in comparison with many similar-sized
Main engine
Japan cruise ships, and allows all cabins to be situated Oesign , MAN B&W
Designer (ship): Mitsubishi Heavy at the ship's side. Five styles of accommodation Model 7L58164
Industries Ltd, Japan are provided, ranging from two Royal Suites Manufacturer Mitsubishi
of 60m2 area, to 'staterooms' of 17m2. Some Number 2
Designer (interior):Kenmochi Design 35% of the 292 cabins, which are of modular Output 2x 11,770bhpl400 rev/min
Gearboxes -
Associates, Japan; design, have verandahs, and all have baths in Propellers
Robert Tillberg AB, preference to showers. The living rooms are Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze
situated in the forward half of the ship, ranged Manufacturer Lips
Sweden Number 2
Flag: Japan over seven decks, with public spaces aft, laid Pitch Controllable
out in a 'vertical' arrangement. Diameter 4.6m
Number of sister In line with modern practice, a focal point Rev/min 138 at mcr
ships already has been provided by a reception hall and five- Engine-driven alternators
Number 2
completed: Nil storey high atrium, and there are more than 20 Make Taiyo
Number of sister 'named' public areas and entertainment facilit- Output 2x 1,700kW
ships on order: Nil ies. Some of these have particular Japanese as- Diesel-driven alternators
sociations, such as a sushi bar, Washitsu, where Number 3
Engine make Oaihatsu
tea drinking ceremonies are held, and a Grand Alternator make Taiya
Spa, with large public baths, jacuzzi, and sauna. Output 3x 1,700kW
THIS is the largest luxury cruise liner operating Although Asuka is Japanese, she has been Boilers
under the Japanese flag, and only the sixth designed to comply fully with the requirements Number 2
vessel of this type ever to have been built in of the United States Coast Guard, with regard Type Vertical cylindrical
Japan. For propulsion, her owners have opted Make Mitsubishi
to foreign-flag vessels. Output... 2x 4 tonnes/day
for a medium-speed diesel installation, using Passengers
two Mitsubishi-MAN B&W 7L58164main en- Capacity 584
gines, resiliently mounted to minimise vibra- PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Classes 5
tion. Each has an output of 1l,270bhp at Length. oa 192.82m Number of cabins 292 (all outboard)
Length, bp 160.00m Complement approx 240
400rev/min and drives a pair of highly skewed, Bow thruster
Breadth, moulded 24.70m
Lips controllable pitch propellers. Depth, moulded to upper deck (No 6) 15.95m Make Lips
A 1,700kW alternator is driven from each Gross 28,OOOgt Output 1,450kW (21 tonne thrust)
shaft, and together with three diesel sets of the Deadweight. scantling 3,596dwt Number 1
same output, provides the electrical supply, Draught, scantling 6.60m Stern thruster Nil
Speed, 90% mcr with 15% sea margin 21.00 knots
which is controlled by a computerised power Bunker capacity BridR.:'a~~""'. Lips
management system. The propellers, twin rud- Type Joystick control
ders and 1,450kW (21 tonne thrust) bow thrust- ~feas"e)~II:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.1:m~; Special electronic equipment Power management
er, are all operated by a Lips joystick control Fuel consumption 64 tonnes/day system
Classification Nippon Kaiji Kyokai NS' Contract date 28 September 1989
system which is linked into the wind sl?eedldi- Launch/float out date 6April1991
rection instruments, to provide automatic head- ~~sS~.n~e~.~hiP). Delivery date -October 1991

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BUNGA KENARI: a Taiwan-built container ship
Shipbuilder: China Shipbuilding erated containers, and another 100 reefer units Manufacturer Hitachi Zosen
can be carried on deck. All other holds are fit- Number 1
Corp, Taiwan Output.. 13.500bhp/98 rev/min
Vessel's name: Bunga Kensr! ted with mechanical ventilation. In common Gearbox Nil
with other container vessel designs, heel control Propelier
Owner/operator: Malaysian International equipment is fitted, in this case using No 3 Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Shipping Corp Sdn Bhd tanks, port and starboard, for the transfer of Manufacturer Nakashima
Number ! 1
(MISC),Malaysia water ballast whilst working cargo. Pitch Fixed
Designer: United Ship Design and Bunga Kenari is fitted with a MAN B&W Diameter 6.700mm
Development Centre, 6S60MC main engine, built by Hitachi Zosen. Rev/min 98
Developing 13,500bhp at 98rev/min, it allows Engine-driven alternators Nil
Taiwan a service speed of 18 knots. Electrical power Diesel-driven alternators
Number 3
Flag: Malaysia is derived from three Yanmar/Nishishiba diesel Engine make Vanmar 1.200bhpl720 rev/min
Number of sister alternator sets. CO2 fire extinguishing is provid- Alternator make Nishishiba
ed for holds and engine room, and control sys- Output -
ships already 2 Boilers
tems fitted include remote monitoring of reefer
completed: containers, and a computerised loading and
Number 1
Type Oil fired
Number of sister cargo planning system. Make Gadelius CPDB-20
ships on order: Output 1.500kglh
Note: Illustration depicts Bunga DeLima Mooring winches
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Make Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries
Number 2 winch/windlasses
JUST a flavour of the immense diversity of op- Length. oa 176.80m 4 mooring winches
eraiions of MISC is demonstrated by the inclu- Length. bp 165.00m Type Hydraulic
sion in Significant Ships of 1991 of a palm oil Breadth. moulded 27.30m Hatch covers
Depth. moulded to main deck 13.90m Make MacGregor-Navire (Kayaba)
tanker (Bunga Siantan) and this l,201TEU ca- Gross 17.215gt Type Weathertight steel pontoon
pacity container vessel. The third of four sister Displacement 30.858 tonnes Containers
vessels built, or building, for service in the Far Lightweight 7.234 tonnes Lengths 20ft and 40ft
East/Australia trade, Bunga Kenari has five Deadweight. design 21.571 dwt Cell guides Ves
Deadweight. scantling 23.624 dwt TEU capacity 1.201
holds, fitted with container guides, forward of Draught. design 9.50rn Reefer plugs 150
the machinery space and deckhouse, with addi- Draught. scantling 10.02m
tional capacity for containers on the poop deck, Speed. service 85% mcr 15.50 knots com8~~~~t 12
and also forward of No 1 hatch. MacGregor- Speed. at mcr 18.00 knots
Navire (Kayaba) pontoon hatch covers are fit- Cargo capacity See containers ~~~';;'i~·~~~:.:;·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1.:
Bunker capacity
ted to all holds. Nos 2, 3 and 4 holds each have
four hatches (two port, two starboard), with No ~r:s';,)~I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.1:~~~~ ~rna;~~~~c~~
5 served by only one hatch, port and starboard, Water baliast 7.057m3
Fuel consumption Brid~~';~~~~.~.I..~~~~.~.~~ Nabco
and No 1 hold having a single hatch. Main engine only 38tonneslday Type M-800B
The vessel is arranged to carry 40ft containers Auxiliaries 2 tonnes/day Special electronic equipment WE10C engine control
as well as 20ft types, and 78 of these can be Classification American Bureau of Shipping console
loaded into Nos 3 and 4 holds, and 150 on all +Al E.+AMS.+ACCU Stability calculation equipment.. ....... Mitsubishi loading
Percentage of high tensile steel used in construction Nil computer
designated deck positions, except above No 1 Main engine
hold. No 5 hold is arranged wah mechanical
supply and exhaust circulation to 50TEU refrig-
6S60MC Delivery date
30 January 1991


BUNGA SIANTAN: a palm oil tanker for Malaysia
Shipbuilder: Sabah Shipyard Sdn up to 70°C, with temperatures remotely moni-
Pollution avoidance and damage
Bhd, Malaysia tored, with high and low alarms, in the cargo survivability features Double bottom
control room. A Musasino M-LMY ullage Main engine
Vessel's name: Bunga Sian tan measuring system is installed. Design Mitsubishi
Owner/operator: Malaysian International The upper deck area is protected by a sea Model 6UEC45LA
Manufacturer Akasaka
Shipping Corp Sdn water and fixed foam fire extinguishing system Number 1
Bhd, Malaysia with a total capacity of 6,900 litres. Cargo tank Output 6.300bhplI39rev/min
Designer: cleaning is by means of seven Winner Gearbox NiI
ETA45SSK fixed machines in the centre tanks, Propeller
Flag: Malaysia with portable ET A30SS units serving the wing Number 1
Pitch Fixed
Number of sister tanks. Engine-driven alternators Nil
ships already The main engine is an Akasaka-Mitsubishi Diesel-driven alternators
6UEC45LA type with an mer of 6,300bhp at Number 3
completed: Engine make Daihatsu 6DL20
Number of sister 139 rev/min. Service output is 5,670bhp at 134 Alternator make Taiyo
rev/min, giving a service speed of 13.5 knots. Output. 3x560kW
ships on order: 2 Three DaihatsulTaiyo diesel alternator sets Boilers
each with an output of 560kW provide the elec- Number 2
Type Sunrod oil fired
BUNGA SlANT AN, and a sister tanker com- trical supply, and there are two Gadelius Make Gadelius
pleted in December 1990, are especially notable Sunrod oil-fired boilers and an exhaust gas Output. 2x8 tonnes/h
as the first ships to have been built in Malaysia economiser to satisfy steam requirements. Crane
Number 1 hose handling
for what is the country's largest shipping line. Make Sekigahara Seisakusho SHCD-0517
They are designed primarily to meet the needs PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Capacity 5 tonne
of the palm oil trade (Malaysia is the world's Mooring winches -
Length. oa 143.oom Cargo tanks
largest producer) but are also suitable for the Length. bp 133.oom Number 21
carriage of light chemicals, edible oil products, Breadth. moulded 22.40m Grades 6 simultaneously
alcohol, wine, molasses, caustic soda and refin- Depth. moulded 11.80m Coated tanks Yes
ed petroleum products. The palm oil cargoes Gross 9.990gt Type of coating lnterguard TH700
Displacement 21.739 tonnes Stainless steel Piping
include both crude and processed grades. Lightweight 4.815 tonnes Cargo pumps
There is a double bottom throughout, and the Deadweight. summer 16.924dwt Number 6
cargo spaces are divided into wing and centre Draught. summer : 9.oom Type Screw
tanks by two longitudinal bulkheads, which, Draught. design 9.10m Make Taiko Kikai CSL-400MSJ
Speed. service 90% mcr 13.50 knot~ (3 coupled t~ alternalpr diesel engines)
with transverse bulkheads, form 21 tanks, in- Cargo capacity. liquid volume 100% 19.733m Capacity 6x400m /h/2OOm /h and 1.50011.800
cluding slop tanks. Six independent ~roups of Bunker capacity rev/min
main cargo oil systems are fitted, using grade
SUS304TP stainless steel pipelines, and capable ~r:s':X~I/~gg~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.I:m~~
Water ballast 3.268m 3
of loading six differing kinds of cargo by double Fuel consumption Crew ..'; 19
valve segregation. Main engino 18.ootonnes/day Repair crew -
The six cargo pumps have a capacity of Auxiliaries 1.50tonnes/day Spare -
400m3/hl200m3fh, with three of them driven Classification N8'ir~~a~~ij~~~~k~~I~;·6~Cn~~d Bowthruster Nil
Stern thruster Nil
through an Airflex clutch off the three Chemicals type II & III). MNS·. MC Contract date -
alternator engines. Stainless steel heating coils Percentage of high tonsile steol Launch/float out date -
(SUS 316L) in all tanks have a heating capacity used in construction - Delivery date -



CS SOVEREIGN: Dutch-built cable ship for BT (Marine)

Shipbuilder: van der Giessen-de cable and rope within the ship from tank to Model 2 x 12SW280
Noord. The tank, and to haul cable from shore depots. 1 x 16SW280
Netherlands Manufacturer Stork-Werkspoor
CS Sovereign is fitted with a dynamic posi- Alternator
Vessel's name: CS Sovereign tioning system meeting requirements for cable Number 3
Owner/operator: BT (Marine) Ltd. UK laying, sub-sea work, plough and other under- Make Brush
water vehicle operations. Reference links are Output 2 x 3.045kW1750rev/min
Designer: BT (Marine)/Hart. 1 x 4. 105kW1750rev/min
provided to hydro-acoustic Simrad HP309; Propellers
Fenton & Co Ltd/van Artemis Mk4 and taut-wire installations, with Material Copper-nickel-aluminium
der Giessen-de Noord interfaces to other relevant equipment. The Manufacturer Lips
Flag: UK propulsion system utilises twin Lips steerable Number .. . 2Isteerable thrusters)
Pitch . Controllable
Number of ships thrusters, each absorbing 2,500kW and of 3.1m Diameter 3.100mm
already diameter, positioned aft and having diesel-elec- Rev/min 2081104
tric drives. Two lateral bow thrusters by Diesel-driven alternator
completed: Nil Ulstein-Liaaen assist the vessel to maintain sta- Number . 1
Number of sister Engine make Stork-Werkspoor 6FHD240
tion and heading during jointing and ploughing Alternator make. .. Brush
ships on order: Nil operations. Output................. . 750kW1750rev/min
Electrical power for propulsion and ship use Cranes
is derived from three Stork-Werkspoor/Brush Number . 3ljib)
BUILT for operation within the Atlantic Cable Make Hydraulik & Maschinenbau
Maintenance Agreement, CS Sovereign incor- alternator sets: two of 3,045kW, and one of Capacity........... . 1 x 5 tonne/0-25m/min
porates a number of significant differences from 4,105kW, plus an additional 750kW set. Power 2 x 2 tonne/0-40m/min
traditional cable ship design, notably the provi- distribution is arranged to obtain a high degree Number . ..4lgantry)
of redundancy with regard to propulsive, auxili- Make................ . Traas
sionof large areas of open deck space aft. With Capacity 4 x 5tonne
a loading capacity of 10 tonnes/m", this deck ary, domestic and emergency requirements, and Mooring winches
can be used to deploy a variety of remote- a Brush Prismic power management system en- Make . . Hydraulik Branvaag
controlled vehicles (ROVs), such as ploughs sures efficient use of the available alternators. Number . .. 2 x windlass
2 x capstans
and trenchers, now increasingly used in cable 2 x buoy recovery
laying. This working deck runs continuously PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Type .. . Hydraulic
through the enclosed centre castle, being closed Length. oa . 130.09m Cable machinery
length. bp . 106.94m Make ......................................... Kley
at the aft end by a guillotine type watertight Breadth. moulded 21.00m Number
door, and forward by a sliding door. Depth. moulded to main deck INo 4) 13.00m Forward ...... 2 x 3.5m dia 40 tonne capstans
Access for cable is by way of the bow and Depth. moulded to No 3 deck 9.50m 2 x four pairs draw-off/hold
stern sheave arrangements, leading into the Gross 11.242gt back units
Displacement. scantling draught 13.057 tonnes Aft 1 x 4.0m dia 40 tonne capstan
centre castle where the bight-slots to the five Lightweight 5.603 tonnes 5m/sec braking
cable tanks are located. Various service spaces .Deadweight. design 5.060dwt 1 x three pairs draw-off/hold
are provided at the sides of the centre castle, Deadweight. scantling 7,454dwt back units
and on No 3 deck, whilst on No 5A deck for- Draught. design 5.90m Sheaves
Draught. scantling 7.00m Forward . . 2 x 3.0m dia
ward, there are facilities for operating a Scarab Speed. service 85% mcr 14.00 knots Aft . ... 1 x 3.5m dia
ROY. A 5 tonne hydraulic crane operates over Bollard pull 80 tonnes Cable tanks
the bow from this position, and there are two Cargo capacity Number/coiling capacity . ... 2 x 1,385m3
similar, 2 tonne cranes positioned on the aft Cable coiling 3.320m3 2 x 224m3
Bunker capacity 1 x 102m3
deck handling rigid-inflatable workboats. Three
overhead travelling cranes cover the centre
castleworking area, and strengthening has been Fuel consumption
wat~:~~~lla~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Officers . 14
Crew................................. . 22
provided aft for the future fitting of a 100 tonne Main f;Jenerator engines 42.50 tonneS/day Supernumaries .. 40
Classification Lloyd's Register + 100Al. Ice lC. CG. Spare 2
A-frame, operating over the stern. Cable laying Ship. + lMC. UMS. Single/double rooms Supernumaries double
Cable pick-up and pay-out (repair work) is DPIAM). PCR Bow thruster
carried out over the two 3m diameter bow Other regulations complied with SOLAS ·1992; Make . Ulstein-Liaaen 375TV
sheaves, using the forward, port and starboard USCG foreign Pitch . Controllable
flag vessels Number . 2
40 tonne, 3.5m diameter cable capstans with Percentage of hillh-tensile steel Output...................... ......2 x 1.050kW/280 rev/min
built-in dynamometry and built-on fleeting used in construction Nil Stern thruster . Nil
knives.Each unit has four pairs of draw off/hold Heel control equipment Nil
back units. Cable laying (new work) is accom- Roll stabilisation equipment Flume tank system BridK.," . lips
plished over the stern, by way of a single 3.5m Pollution avoidance and damage Type Ancos 2000
survivability features Compliance with SOlAS Special electronic equipment
diameter sheave, from the aft laying capstan. 1992 damage stability Power management system Brush Prismic
Two taut-wire machines are installed in the requirements. Double Alarm and Monitoring system Decca ISIS 250C
aft hold for measuring travelled distances with shell in all accessible Dynamic positioning system GEC
high accuracy, and a towing sheave for the spaces below bulkhead deck Stability calculation equipment CPCsystem
Propulsion system Contract date l November 1989
ploughcable is fitted at the transom. A mobile Engine launch/float out date 30 May 1991
cable transporter is used to assist in moving Design Stork-Werkspoor Delivery date . -October 1991




CHIQUITA DEUTSCHLAND: a flexible reefer ship design
Shipbuilder: Danyard A/S, Denmark or 149FEU/43ft units on deck, reefer sockets Main engine
Design .. MAN B&W
Vessel's name: Chiquita Deutschland being available for 100 of these. Container ca- Model............. .. 8S60MC
pacity in the holds is 140TEU, or 70FEU/43ft, Manufacturer , .
Owner/operator: Ditko A/S (Great White and 70 reefer sockets are provided. Cargo han- Number .. 1
Fleet Inc), USA dling is by means of three Liebherr hydraulic Output 20,400bhp/l 02rev/min
Gearbox...................................................... . Nil
Flag: Bahamas cranes, two of these being single 36 tonne ca- Propeller
Number of sister pacity, the third being a twin crane, each unit Manufacturer ,",.................. . Ups
ships already having a swl of 20 tonne. Outreach is 20m in Number................... .. 1
all cases. The hatches are MacGregor-Navire Pitch Controllable
completed: Nil Rack-Back and Link-Link hydraulic designs, Diameter ...6,750mm
Rev/min .. 102
Numberof sister with clear openings of 13.7m x 1O.5mand insu- Diesel-driven alternators
ships on order: 5 lated or not, according to location. Number .4
One MAN B&W 8S60MC main engine devel- Engine make 2 x MAN B&W Holeby
oping 20,400bhp at 102rev/min (mer) is fitted, 5L28132A, 1,430bhp
2 x MAN B&W Holeby
FIRST in a series of six refrigerated cargo directly coupled to a Lips five-bladed skewed, 8L28132A, 2,280bhp
vessels designed primarily to operate in fixed-pitch propeller. Electricity is generated by Alternator make .. Leroy-Somer
Chiquita Brands' Central/South America-Eur- four MAN B&W Holeby auxiliary engines; two Outpul........... .. 2 x 1,000kW
type 5L28/32A units are coupled to 1,000kW, 2 x 1,610kW
ope services, Chiquita Deutschland is notable Cranes
for the high degree of cargo handling flexibility and two type 8L28132A to 1,61OkW Leroy- Number .... .... 3 hydraulic
afforded by her large container and pallet in- Somer alternators. A Lanng & Steiman mari- Make ......Liebherr
take. There are four refrigerated holds, Nos 2, time engine monitoring, alarm and control Capacity ....... 2 single cranes
(MEMAC) system is installed for control and 36/8 tonne
3 and 4 each having five tweendecks. No 1 hold, 1 twin crane
with fuel deep tanks under, has three intermedi- monitoring of the propulsion system, power 2 x 20 tonne
ate spaces, making a total of 18 compartments generation and safety. Unlike the earlier Ditlev Mooring winches
arranged in seven insulated sections. Lauritzen class reefer ships from Danyard, on Make Maskinfabrikken Dan
which these Chiquita ships are based, there are Number 2 x winchlwindlasses
Each space has two separate air coolers circu- 2 x mooring winches
lating air on the ductless system, up to 90 no Danish Project Ship super-automation fea- Type Hydraulic
times/hour in an empty hold. The bulkhead- tures on board. Hatch covers
mounted coolers are supplied from a single
Sabroe automatic refrigeration plant using R22 PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS K~k:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~::~Ii~i~~~~
as primary, and brine as secondary refrigerants. Length,oa. .. 158.13m Cell guides N0
This reduces the amount of freon in the system, Length, bp ...... .. 145.00m TEU capacity Holds: 140
which is capable of cooling to -29°C for the Breadth, moulded .. 24.40m Decks/hatches: 299
Depth, moulded to upper deck 15.70m Reefer plugs Holds: 70
transport of frozen goods; O°Cor above for re- Free deck height in cargo holds 2.20m Deck/hatches: 100
frigerated cargo; and + 13°C for bananas. Gross 13,049gt (Alternative):
The cargo spaces are fully computer monitor- Deadweight, summer .. 13',500dwt 40ft/43ft units Holds: 70
ed and controlled by means of a Sabroe refriger- Draught, summer .. 10.00m Deck/hatches: 149
Speed, trial, banana draught 22.25 knot~ Bow thruster
ated control and management (RCM) system, Cargo capacity, refrigerated 18,280m
with the required temperatures and alarm limits Bunker capacity ~:ckhe::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'c~~i';~ii;~~
set centrally, and actual temperatures control- Heavy oil 2,020m3 Number 1
led by remote computer units. Control and Dieseloil............................................. . .. 133m3
Water ballast capacity . .. 2,495m3 Br~~'!'~~~i·;~i·~·,;;~i~;;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.l.:()()a.k~
monitoring of the refrigerated containers is han- Classification Lloyd's Register +100Al, +LMS, Special electronic
dled by a Lanng & Steiman Refcon system. In- UMS +RMC, SDS(LR) equipment Sabroe RCM system
sulation of the cargo spaces has been designed Other regulations Lanng & Steiman MEMAC,
for a K value of 0.45kcal/m2, °C/h, and insula- complied with ......USCG for foreign flag vessel; REFCON and Loadmaster
USCG Pollution Prevention 1972; systems
tion material is sheathed with aluminium sheets. USDA installation measurements Contract date -
Total standard pallet capacity is 5,600, and and record of temperature Launch/float out date -
this intake can be supplemented by 299TEU, in refrigerated holds; GMDSS Delivery date 16 September 1991



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van der Giessen-de Noord shipbuilding-division B.V.
P.O. Box 1 2920 AA Krimpen aan den IJssel The Netherlands
Tel.: +31-180712144 Telex: 22428 Telefax: +31-180718180

Kvrerner Masa-Yards SHIP NOS. 479, 480, 484, 487. For Carnival Cruise Lines

More than 1500
other Ships
Equipped with


Tunnel Thrusters
Azimuth Thrusters
Control Systems
3 x 1500 KW STERN THRUSTERS 3 x 1500 KW BOW THRUSTERS Low noise Thrusters


CONGER:a chemical tanker with COll5 notation

Lindenau GmbH, more than 4UUtypes of chemicals anQ oils to used in construction .
Shipbuilder: Pollution avoidance and damage'
Germany be transported. Two Aalborg boilers (oil fired survivability features Marpol PLand SBT status
and oil fired/exhaust gas) provide steam for the
Vessel'sname: Conger heating coils, operating on a secondary circuit
Main engine
Design MAN B&W
Owner/operator: Partenreederei 'Conger' and maintaining a temperature of 65°C, or heat- Model 6L58I64
(Carl Buttner GmbH & ing cargo from 55°C to 650C in 48 hours. A Manufacturer MAN B&W Diesel
Co), Germany steam-heated Butterworth heater is connected Number 1
to 24 fixed, and two portable Dasic tank wash- Output. 7,440kW/400 rev/min
Designer: Lindenau GmbH, Gearbox
ing machines, and a Whessoe cargo tank level
Germany gauge system is installed.
Make Renk Tacke
Model HSU1000C
Flag: Germany Cargo tank valves are of the manually operat- Number 1
Number of sister ed gate type, supplied by VAG-Armaturen. Output. 131rev/min
ships already The water ballast tanks are coated with Propeller
Tenaxon 570N, and each has a separate pipeline Manufacturer KaMeWa
completed: Nil Number ,1
with valves hydraulically controlled from the
Number of sister pump room, where remote reading level gauges Pitch Variable
Rev/min 131
ships on order: are also fitted. The two 480m3/h pumps have Engine-driven alternator
also been supplied by Bornemann. Number 1
THIS chemical tanker, designed for the carriage An MAN B&W 6L58/64medium-speed main Make Systemtechnik Nord
of cargoes with specific weight up' to 1.55 engine is fitted, developing 7,440kW at 400 Output 1,048kVA
tonne/m", is the largest vessel yet built by what rev/min at full power. Service power is Diesel-driven alternators
6,600kW, transmitted through a Vulkan coup- Number 3
is one of Germany's smaller shipyards. She is Engine make Yanmar
notable for her attainment of Germanischer ling and a Renk Tacke HSUl00C gearbox to Alternator make Systemtechnik Nord
Lloyd's highest anti-collision notation (COLL a KaMeWa four-bladed variable-pitch propeller Output.. 3x 850kVNl ,000rev/m in
5), and for being the first German flag tanker of 5.20m diameter running at 131 rev/min. A Boilers
capable of carrying IMO Type I products. Con- rower-takeoff shaft and second Vulkan coup- Number 2
f;er has also been built in compliance with Finn- hng dnves a 1,048kVA Systemtechnik Nord Type 1 oil fired
Ish Ice Class lA regulations, which cover navi- alternator; this is supplemented by three 1 oil fired/exhaust gas
gation in flat ice up to 80cm thick, and features Yanrnar/Systemtechnik Nord 850kVAll,OOO Number 2 hose handling
a special stem form with good icebreaking capa- rev/min diesel-driven sets. A Jastram 735kW 1 spares/lifeboat handling
bihty. In addition, an ice abrasion-resistant electric bow thruster is fitted. Make Maskinfabrik Acta NS
coating (Inerta 160), has been applied to the Accommodation is provided for 28 persons, Capacity 2x2.0tonneat 10m
underwater hull. with lifesaving appliances including a 28-person 1x6.6 tonne at 10m
The hull has a double bottom and double side free-fall lifeboat and a rescue boat. Also fitted Mooring winches
shell, with all structures contained within the are an Alta-Laval 25 tonne/day fresh water gen- Make Ulstein Norwinch
Number 4xconstanttension
side spaces, which are used for water ballast, erator, Hamworthy sewage plant, foam fire- double drum mooring winch
the segregated ballast status (SBT) allowing a fighting equipment on deck and CO2 system for 2xdouble drum mooring
reduction of 14% in international gross ton- machinery and pump room, and a manoeuvring winch
nage. There are 17 cargo tanks, comprising 12 manual with computer simulated data, in ac- Type Hydraulic
side tanks (including two slops tanks), and five cordance with IMO A601 (15), and approved Cargo Tanks
centre tanks. Type I chemicals are carried only by Germany's SBG. Number 17
Grades 5
in these centre tanks (each partially filled to Product range IMO Types I and II
1,250m3), which by their construction and posi- PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS chemicals, oil products,
tion - Protective Location (PL) - qualify for Length, oa 169.93m crude oil. SW up to 1.55
the COLL 5 notation. The remaining tanks can Length, bp 160.00m tonnelm3
be used for Type II products and have a COLL Breadth, moulded 24.60m Type ofcoating Camrex Camkote N
2 notation. Five segregations of cargo can be Depth, moulded to main deck 13.50m Stainless steel Fittings only
handled simultaneously at a maximum load- Gross Cargo pumps
London 14,332gt Number 6
ing/discharging rate of 3,375m3/h, utilisi'¥i five SBT deducted 12,299gt Make Sxscrew Bornemann
Bornemann electric screw pumps of 675m /h ca- Deadweight 23,400dwt . 1xdeepwell Frank Morn
pacity, and a Frank Mohn portable deep-well Draught 10.33m Capacitv 5x675m /h
pump of 70m3/h. A stripping system, using a Speed, service (89%mcr) 14.50 knots lx70m3/h
Bornemann 10.5m3/h pump, is designed to Cargo capacity, liquid volume 27,740m3 Pump room
leave no more than 100 litres of oil in each tank Bunker capacity ; Number 1
Heavy fuel (IF 380) 1,062m3 Position Forward of engine-room
after discharge. Diesel oi I 475m3 Com plement 28
A centralised pump room is arranged forward Water ballast capacity 7,480m3 Stern appendages or special rudder -
of the machinery room, and there is also a cargo Fuel consumption Bow thruster
control room equipped with a Deckma OIly Main engine only 30 tonneS/day Make Jastram
water discharge monitoring system, overflow Classification Germanischer Lloyd + 100 Number 1
alarms, cargo loading computer, and controls A4 E3 Chemical Tanker, Output.. 735kW
for the Kvaerner-Eureka inert gas plant which Type I oil tanker, Special electronic equipment Manoeuvring
CaLL 5 (Centre Cargo manual with computer simulated data
has a capacity of 3,375m3/h, and produces gas Tanks), CaLL 2 (Wing Special navigation equipment -
with a maximum oxygen content of 4%. Cargo Tanks), + MC, E3, AUT, Stablility calculation equipment.. Loading computer
All the cargo tanks and piping are coated with INERT. Contract date: -
Camrex Camkote N3, with fittings, ladders and Other regulations complied with ..... Finnish Ice lA Class Launch/float out date 21 July 1990
heating coils of stainless steel, thus allowing Percentage of high-tensile steel Delivery date 9 March 1991



DIXIE MONARCH· a Sanoyas-built wood-chip carrier
Shipbuilder: Sanoyas Hishino charge ashore with a 5m outreach. Model 6RTA52
As unloading progresses, bulldozers are used Manufacturer Diesel United
Meisho Corp. Japan Number 1
Vessel'sname: in the holds to move cargo to the grabs, and Output I 0,800bhp/l 21rev/min
Dixie Monarch provision is made for a portable rubber mat to Propeller
Owner/Operator: Cygnet Bulk Carriers be laid on the starboard side of the upper deck, Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze
SA (Mitsui OSK). abreast Nos 2, 3 and 4 holds, on to which the Manufacturer Nakashima Propeller Co
Number 1
Panama bulldozers can be deposited, moved and picked- Pitch Fixed
Flag: Panama up again by any crane, and placed into the re- Diameter 5,900mm
quired working hold. Discharge is accomplished Rev/min 121
Numberof sister at 975 tonneslh. Diesei-driven alternators
shipsalready Number 3
The hull is flush-decked, with accommoda- Engine make Daihatsu
completed: 8 tion for 28 persons (including three spare), ar-
Total number of ranged aft above the compact engine-room. ~~~~~:t~'.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·3·~·760kWi7'20';~Jt':Z~
sisterships on Propelling machinery compnses a single Sulzer
Number 1
6RTA52 engine manufactured by Diesel Unit-
order: ed, with an output of 1O,800bhpat 121rev/min
Type Vertical smoke and water
tube composite
and directly coupled to a fixed pitch 5,900mm Make Osaka Boiler Mfg Co
diameter propeller. Three DaihatsulTaiyo Cranes
TYPICALof the growing number of wood chip Number 3
carriersoperating in Pacific waters and charac- 760kW alternators are fitted, and the installa- Make Tsuji (grab)
terised by the excessively deep hull and full tion is automated to qualify for unmanned oper- Capacity 3 x 14.7tonnes
body necessary to accommodate maximum ation. 25.9m outreach
Unloading system
deadweight of the low-specific-gravity cargo, PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Make -
Dixie Monarch has six cargo holds, (one of Length, oa 199.99m Number .. 4 x hoppers (discharge)
which,No 4, can be flooded for ballast pur- Length, bp 194.00m 1 x deck conveyor
poses).Each hold is closed by Tsuji end-folding, Breadth, moulded 32.20m 1 x transverse (discharge) conveyor
Depth, moulded to main deck 22.35m Capacity 975 tonnelh
hydraulicallyoperated hatch covers, and with Gross 39,023gt Mooring winches
structuredesigned to facilitate the loading and Deadweight .. 44,679dwt
dischargeof wood chips. Draught 10.70m ~~~et;~;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~.iPf~~X~JJ~~~
The latter is accomplished using grabs attach- Speed, service (85% mcr) 14.30 knots 3 x mooring winch
Cargo capacity Hatch covers
ed to three, 14.7 tonne, 25.9m outreach deck Grain 99,704m3
cranes.These deposit cargo into four fixed hop- Bunkers 3 ~y~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·HYd·;~~ii~·i-.;·I~~~~
pers on the centreline: at the fore end of No
I hold,between Nos 2 and 3, and 4 and 5 holds,
and at the aft end of No 6 hold. From these
Fuel consumption
Single/double rooms
points,cargo is transferred to a conveyor belt Main engine only 28.10 tonneS/day Bridge control
runningalong the port side of the upper deck.
This,in turn, transfers to a transverse conveyor
I .70 tonneS/day
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai NS', MNS' MO
Percentage of high-tensile steel used in construction Nil
Contract date 12June 1990
belt, running below deck at the forward end Main engine Launch/float out date 28 March 1991
of No 1 hold, with extensions to enable dis- Design Sulzer Delivery date 3 July 1991




EUROPEAN SEAWAY: a new-generation freight ferry
Kluver 1,000m3/h pump
Shipbuilder: Schichau spaces, corridors and cabins are fitted with fire
detectors and sprinklers. A Salwico alarm sys- Roll stabilisation equipment ...Two BI?;~~ ~4V:,;,'!~~~~
Seebeckwerft, Germany tem utilises more than 470 ionisation detectors, Pollution avoidance and damage
Vessel's name: European Seaway with Minimax sprinklers serving four separate survivability features. . IMO STAB-90 rules
Owner/operator: P&O European Ferries complied with
sections in the accommodation, and 11 more Main engines
(Dover) Ltd, UK on the vehicle decks - the latter fed from a Design...................... . Sulzer
Designer: Knud E Hansen/P&O 320m3/h pump. Model......................... . 8ZA40S
Vehicle access is by way of twin-level ramps Manufacturer ".... . Jugoturbina
Flag: UK at bow and stern, with doors of the clamshell Number . .4
Number of sister Output 4x 5,280kW/51Orevlmin
design, initially developed by Cargospeed. The Gearboxes
ships already patent is now owned by P&O, and the doors Make . ........Lohmann & Stolterfoht
completed: Nil have been built by Hydraulic Marine Services, Model . .... Navilus GVA 1400C 1500
twin input/single output
Number of sister Greenock. An inner, two-part door is fitted aft Number . ......................... 2
of the bow door, and a vertically lifting door Output speed . ........ 156rev/min
ships on order: 3 closes the superstructure front access at the up- Propellers
per (E) deck. The clear openings are 8.5m high Material . .......Stainlesssteel
Manufacturer . . Lips4CI3
x 5.0m wide. The aft end of this deck, beyond Number ,.. ....2
THIS first vessel in a class of four mainly-freight the accommodation block, is open, and is allo- Pitch ......... Controllable
ferries, forms part of an extensive investment cated for the carriage of up to 55 dangerous Diameter . ..............4,500mm
programme by P&O, designed to compete with goods vehicles; a Minimax foam installation Revlmin . ..................... ....156
the challenge of the Channel Tunnel. The com- with two foam monitors, two tanks and two Engine·driven alternators
Number . 2
pany's assessments of traffic p'atterns after 1993 seawater pumps of 120m3/h capacity, covers the Make Siemens 1FC6
have indicated that freight will still be attracted area. Total capacity for 15m vehicles is 63 on Output........ . 2 x 1,450kW
to the sea crossing, and that Zeebrugge will ex- the main deck and 61 on the upper deck, with Diesel-driven alternators
pand its current popularity as a ro-ro terminal. 36 reefer sockets on reels, available at the deck Number . 3
Accordingly, all four new vessels have been Engine make '..,Jugoturbi~~fL~~e~
designed specifically for the Dover/Zeebrugge Maintaining two round trips of four hours Output 3 x 1,632bhpl1,000 revlmin
service, whilst maintaining the option to oper- duration daily necessitates a service speed of Alternator make. .. Siemens
ate to Calais, or any other port where double- 21 knots, specified to be attainable on 75% mer. Output. . 3 xl, 142kW
levellinkspans are available. Sufficient stability To satisfy this, a four-engine/twin-propeller ar- Number ........................ 1
has, however, been built into the design to rangement has been adopted using Jugoturbina- Type . .........Hot water boiler
allow for a deckhouse extension, with provision Sulzer eight-cylinder ZA40S units, each devel- Make . .........Danstoker
for an internal ramp to serve the upper deck, oping 5,280kW at 150rev/min (mcr). Output . . 1,454kW
Mooring winches
if operations to a port without the necessary Pneumaflex clutches link with two Lohmann & Make . ....... Ulstein-Norwinch
linkspan were to be contemplated. Stolterfoht Navilus twin-input/single-output Number . ..... 2 x windlass/winches
Recognising that drivers accompanying ve- gearboxes, each of which has a power take-off 6 x mooring winches
hicles on freight ferries are demanding improv- shaft to drive a Siemens 1,500kW alternator for Type ..... .............................. Hydraulic
ed facilities, European Seaway offers 43 outside the sea load and the twin Lips 20 tonne thrust, Number ............... 1 x bow door
cabins accommodating 86 persons, and a further cp bow propellers. The thrusters are housed in 1 x inner bow door
38 inside cabins which can sleep three by the separate compartments with an unusual 1.3m 1 x superstructure door
addition of a pullman berth. All cabins are lo- diameter tunnel between them, aimed at pro- 1 x stern door
Designer ..... Bow & stern door; Cargospeedpatent
cated on D Deck and are of prefabricated con- ducing increased side thrust when both units are Passengers
struction with shower/toilet unit included. in operation. Capacity . . 200
On C Deck above, public rooms include a The 4.5m diameter main propellers are posi- Class .. , Drivers
self-service I52-seat restaurant, a lounge/bar for tioned at each side of a central skeg, and are Number of cabins 43 x 2 berth
38 x (2 + I) berth
121 persons fitted for TV and video entertain- of Lips stainless steel, cp design, running at Number inboard ..38
ment, and a duty free shop. All furnishings arc 156rev/min. The twin rudders are of a new, high Vehicles
to passenger ferry standard. The galley, addi- lift type, developed by Schichau Seebeck, ca- Lane length .
tionally serving the officers and erew messes, pable of independent operation at angles up to Capacity 124 x 15m trucks
is also on C Deck, with cabins for the 50 com- ±70 deg, using Frydenbo rotary vane steering Com8~~~~~.. ..10
plement on the two decks above. gears. Crew......... . 40
European Seaway is one of the first driver- Stern appendages or special
type ro-ro vessels built to comply with the latest PRINCIPALPARTICULARS rudders single skeg; two Schichau-
Length, oa. . . 179.40m Seebeck high-lift rudders
IMO stability requirements (STAB-90), and Length, bp . 170.00m Bow thrusters
fire protection proposals. With no buoyancy Breadth, moulded . 27.80m Number . ........................... 2
chambers envisaged above it, the freeboard Depth, moulded to main deck.. . 9.00m Make . .......Lips CT16-2P
deck has been positioned rather high above the Gross . 22,986gt Output .. .................2 x 1,200kW
Deadweight . 7,550dwt (20 tonne thrust)
waterline. In addition, the design has high intact Draught, design 6.00m Stern thrusters Nil
stability; however rolling, inherent in the result- Speed, service, at 75% mcr and 6m draught 21.00 knot~ Bridge control system.... .. ..
ant stiff ship, has been reduced by 80% at 2q Special electronic equipment RacallSIS alarm system;
knots, not only by Blohm & Voss 14.4m- ~ya~~~~~~I~~~i~~p~~·iiy:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·2·,~3g~3 Philips CCTV system
Fuelconsumption . Special navigation
stabiliser fins, but by the resistance to wave Classification Lloyd's Register + 100Al equipment Racal MIRANS 4000 navigation system;
motion offered by the sheer bulk of the vessel. Passenger & Vehicle Ferry Racal MNS 2000 navigator;
Below the main deck the bulkheads are + LMC, CCS Racal CVP 3500 colour video planer
closely spaced, forming 17 watertight compart- Other regulations compiled with IMO STAB-90 Stability calculation equipment Olivetti M290-30
Percentageof high-tensile steel computer
ments, of which nine are used for machinery, used in construction .. Main deckplating; AH36 Contract date ..
with no access between them at tank top level. material Launchlfloat out date ApriI1991
In line with IMO recommendations, all public Heelcontrol equipment Anti-heel tanks with Delivery date September 1991

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FANDANGO: a multi-role tanker from Spain
Shipbuilder: Astilleros EspanolesSA 200m>/h available for cargo duties,and two type Diameter 6,800mm
CK-125 (200m3/h) pumps serving the slops Rev/min .. 102
(SestaoShipyard), Engine-driven alternator
tanks. The hydraulic power for all pumps is de- Number......... .. 1
Spain rived from three power packs, two driven off Make .. ABB HSG400MF4
Vessel's name: Fandango alternator diesel engines, with the third pow- Output 700kW/l ,800rev/min
Owner/operator: Partrederiet for M/T ered by electric motor. Diesel-driven alternators
An AESA-MAN B&W 5S60MC main engine Number.... .. 3
Fandango/Laurin Engine make... .. 2 x Bergen Diesel KRG-9
Maritime AB, Sweden is fitted, developing 9,359kW at 102 revlmin 1,900bhpn2 rev/min
(mer), and directly connected to a 6,800mm di- (engines also drive hydraulic pumps)
Designer: Astilleros Espanoles ameter copper-nickel-aluminium propeller. 1 x Bergen Diesel KRG-5
SA, Spain Driven from the main engine is an ABB Alternator make ..2 x ABB usi~gg~8~722~r~tOk~
Flag: Panama HSG400MF4 generator with an output of 1 x ABB HSG500SD10;650 kW
Number of sister 700kW, while two ABB USG500SD Boilers
alternators, powered by Bergen Diesel KRG-9 Number .. . 1
ships completed: engines, each develop 600kW. A third set com- Type .... . Composite
Number of sister prises a Bergen KRG-5 diesel engine coupled
Make.. ...................... Senior-Green/Spanner
Output.. ..... .. 1,000kg/hl1,700kg/h
ships on order: Nil to an ABB HSG500SDJO alternator producing 6.5kg/cm' gauge
650kW. Cranes
Note: Illustration shows sister ship Number .. ..................2 x hose handling
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Make........ .. Hagglund MTT HH250-1017
Flamenco Length,oa.. . 182.85m Capacity .. . 10tonnes at 5m from
Length, bp . 173.00m ship's side (16m max outreach)
THE DESIGNERS of Fandango and her earl- Breadth, moulded .. 32.20m Mooring winches
ier sister Flamenco were faced with the need Depth, moulded to main deck 17.80m Make... .............Rauma-Repola
Gross 28,256gt Number . .2 x windlass/mooring
to meet the varying demands of cargoes as di- Displacement 56,853tonnes 4 x mooring winches
verse as crude oil, petroleum products, and Lightweight 10,767tonnes Type ....Hydraulic
IMO Type III chemicals and caustic soda. The Deadweight, design 46,087dwt Cargo tanks
result is a vessel with a double bottom and Draught 12.25m Number .... . 8
Speed, service (85%mcr) 14.50knots Grades ........Crude oil; petroleum
double skin hull, the midship section configur- products; IMO Type III
Cargo capacity,
ation most closely resembling that of a bulk car- liquid volume (100%) 52A37m3 chemicals; caustic soda
rier. Cargo is carried in the eight centre tanks, sloptanks(100%) 1,052m3 Type of coating ......Devoe Devchemepoxy
which are without centre division, with the side Bunker capacity, heavy oil (100%) 2,146m3 phenolic
tanks (incorporating top and bottom wing Bunker capacity, diesel oil (100%) 273m3 Stainless steel .. .... Piping only
Water ballast capacity . 21,779tonnes Cargo pumps
tanks) and double bottom tanks being used for Industrial water capacity l ,022tonnes Number ................................... 9
water ballast, with the exception of two double Fuel consumption Make.... .. Kvaerner Eureka
bottom tanks designated for so-called industrial Main engine .................32 tonnes/day hydraulic submersible
water. Two slop tanks arc positioned at the aft Classification .. ...... Det norske Veritas +lAl Type . .. 8 x CK-300
Tanker for Chemicals and Oil, 1 x porta~le
end of the cargo space, each side of a fuel HL (1, 6 tanks Nos 2, 4, 6, 8), INERT, Capacity 8 x 875m Ih
bunker. COW, EO,Wl-0/C, bis, TMON, 1 x 200m3/h
All stiffening is arranged outside the cargo Ship type III, E.T.C. Pump rooms .. ..............................Nil
spaces; at the top, this takes the form of trans- Other regulations complied with USCGrules for Complement
vapour returns Total . . 28
verse beams and longitudinal frames mounted Percentage of high-tensile Single/double rooms ......... .. 2213
externally on the upper deck. Transverse bulk- steel used in construction 7.6% Stern appendages or special rudder ... .. Nil
heads arc of the corrugated and plated type, Pollution avoidance and Bowthruster . .. Nil
the resultant smooth surfaces being coated (3 damage survivability features Double skin, double Bridge control system
bottom; vapour discharge to shore whilst Make........... Seren T. Lyngsj1!
x 100 microns) with Devoe Devchem 253 epoxy loading/unloading Type ........ ... . DMS-900
phenolic composition. The water ballast tank Main engine Special electronic equipment ..... Kvaerner Eurekacargo
coating is Sigma Multiguard. Design....... . MAN B&W pump control system
Both cargo and - unusually - water ballast Model 5S60MC Saab temperature/level gauges
Manufacturer AESA Jenson & Rhoden alternator automation
systems utilise Kvaerner Eureka h~draulically- Number......... . 1, BaelzlJanson & Rossing
driven, submerged pumps of 875m Ih capacity. Output.... .. 9,359kW/l 02 rev/min temperature control
The former are type CK-300 units located in Gearbox Only for alternator drive Stability calculation equipment ..... Saab/Consultasload
the bulkhead corrugations of each of the eight Propeller computer
Material...... . Copper-nickel-aluminium Contract date .......... ...................22July 1988
cargo tanks, with two CGE-300 units positioned Manufacturer Navalips Launchlfloat out date .. ................80ctoberI990
in No 7 double bottom tank, for ballast pur- Number... .. 1 Delivery date .......20 September 1991
poses, In addition, there is a portable pump of Pitch Fixed


FERRY LAVENDER: a new Japanese long-haul ferry
Shipbuilder: Ishikawajima-Harima alternator with an output of 1,700kW is fitted. Model... . SPTN1SS0SE
The arrangement (between the propeller shafts, Number 2
Heavy Industries Co Ltd, Output 2x172.4rev/min
as shown in tha accompanying general arrange-
Japan ment plan) is notable for its application of IHI's
Material .
Vessel's name: Ferry Lavender super-economical shaft generator (SSG) Mk5 Manufacturer Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Owner/operator: Shin Nihonkai Ferry Co system, using both waste heat steam turbine and Number 2
Ltd,Japan power recovery gas turbine drives; excess power Pitch . Controllable
IS fed back to the propeller shafts. This concept Diameter 4,4S0mm
Designer: Ishikawajima-Harima Rev/m in . 2x 172.4
is now standard on most IHI-built tankers, bulk
Heavy Industries Co Ltd carriers and container ships but this is one of Engine-driven alternators
Number 1 (IHI SSG MkS system)
Flag: Japan the first installations on a ferry. SSG systems Make Nishishiba Electric
Number of sister are normally fitted to individual propeller shafts Output 1,700kWI1,800 rev/min
ships already but for Ferry Lavender, in order to achieve Diesel-driven alternators
simple operation, one alternator was provided Number 2
completed: 3 Engine Make Diahatsu Diesel
for the twin shafts in order to minimise numbers
Number of sister of sets. A second alternator would have re- Alternator make Nishishiba Electric
ships on order: Nil Output 2x1,SOOkW
quired more complicated engineering with addi- Mooring winches
tional starting/stopping, load transfer and simi- Make Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries
lar operations. Both cost and space were thus Number 2xwinch/windlasses
saved. 4xwinches
THIS ro-ro passenger/vehicle ferry offers a high There are also two DiahatsuiNishishiba die- Type . Hydraulic
degree of comfort to its 796 passengers during sel-driven alternator sets of 1,500kW each. Two Doors/ramps
a 30 hour voyage through domestic waters. Kawasaki tunnel-type thrusters of 1,100kW Number .1 xbow ramp 1Xstern ramp
Special attention was paid at the design stage Designer Kyoritsu Kikai Seisakusho
each output are installed, one forward and one Passengers
to the stability of the vessel, and to all aspects aft, and a pair of fin stabilisers control rolling. Capacity . 796
of safety, an automatic collision prevention aid Classes . 4
being fitted. Passenger accommodation is ar- PRINCtPAL PARTtCULARS Number of cabins . 86
ranged in four classes, with two suites having Length, oa 192.91m Number inboard -
the benefit of private balconies, 18 de-luxe Length, bp 181.00m Vehicles
rooms, 41 first class and 24 second class rooms. Breadth, moulded 29.40m Lane length 2,880m
In addition, a drivers' room is provided. Public Depth, moulded to main (C) deck 14.S0m Cars 80
rooms include lounges (two of which overlook Gross 19,904gt Trucks or trailers . 186
Deadweight, design 2,689dwt Complement
the fore deck) restaurant, party room, bars, Draught, design 6.7Sm Officers . 11
sports room and gymnasium, sauna, swimming Speed, service 90% mer, 15% sea margin 21.80 knots Crew.................................... . 42
.pool,games room, promenade, sports deck and Bunker capacity Repair crew Nil
children's room. Spare rooms 4
There are two vehicle decks, with 18 lanes ~II.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Water ballast 6,380 tonnes
~~g~~ Single/double/quadruple rooms 29/6/4
offering2,880m lane length. Design capacity is Bow thruster
Fuel consumption, main engine only 66.30 tonnes/day Make Kawasaki Heavy Industries
80 cars and 186 trucks or trailers. Access is by Classification Japanese Government Output 1,100kW/1,160rev/min
wayof bow and stern ramps to the second deck, Percentage of high-tensile steel used in construction Nil Stern thruster
with a side door in the starboard quarter open- Heel control equipment . Make Kawasaki Heavy Industries
ing on to the upper deck. Roll stabilisation equipment 1 pair fin stabilisers Output... 1,100kW/1,160rev/min
Two SEMT-Pielstick 8PC40L in-line me- Main engine Bridge control systems
dium-speed main engines, built by Diesel Unit- Design SEMT-Pielstick Make Tokimec
ed Ltd, have been installed. Each develops Model 8PC40L Type PR-82S7-DW
Manutacturer Diesel United Special electronic equipment ..",., Automatic collision
13,200bhpat 350rev/min mcp, and drives a con- Number 2 prevention
trollable-pitch propeller at 172.4rev/min, Output 2x 13,200bhp/3S0rev/min Contact date 9 March 1990
through an IHI gearbox. Gearboxes Launch/float out date 1 March 1991
One Nishishiba Electric shaft-driven Make Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Delivery date 21 September 1991





FRONT DRIVER: leading a new generation of aBO ships

Shipbuilder: driven pump of 200m3/h and a stripping eductor Manufacturer ...........Hyundai
Hyundai Heavy Number ............ " ... 1
Industries Co Ltd, rated at 450m3/h. For ballasting purposes two Pitch ........" ...Fixed
Korea Shinko 2,OOOm3/h pumps are provided, one Diameter . ....... 8,100mm
steam turbine driven and the other electrically Rev/min .. .... ",,88
Vessel's name: Front Driver powered. All piping is of steel, coated internally Engine-driven alternators ........ Nil
Owner/operator: Bonfield Shipping Ltd Diesel-driven alternators
and externally, and a gas monitoring system Number ....... .." ....,,3
(Frontline AB, Sweden) covers all water ballast tanks. Engine make Ssangyorig-Wiirtsilii
Designer: HyundaiHeavy The main engine is a Hyundai-MAN B&W 2 x 6R22126
6S70MC slow speed model with an mcr output 1x 6R32D
Industries Alternator make .. Heeco
of 20,940bhp at 88rev/min, driving an 8,100mm Output... 2 x 750kW1720rev/min
Flag: Liberia diameter propeller. The bridge control system 1 x 1,985kW/720 rev/min (can also drive a cargo pump)
Number of sister of type HBS-M88B, being installed by the Boilers
ships already Nippon Air Brake Co. Number ................................ .... ~
Type .. Cylindrical
completed: Nil The structure includes a moderately high per- Make ............................. Sunrod
Number of sister centage of high-tensile steel, mainly in the side Output... ............................... 1 x 45 tonne/h
shell, and is classed as strengthened for heavy 1 x 5 tonne/h
ships on order: 2 cargoes, with Nos 2,4,6 and 8 holds designed Cranes
(5 sister ships building Number ..... .........2 x hose handling
to be left empty or used for carrying oil cargoes. Mooring winches
at Daewoo Nos 1,3,5,7 and 9 holds are arranged for loading Make .. ...... Fukushima
Shipbuilding) ore or oil cargoes. The cargo holds are closed Number .......................... 2 x winch/windlass
by MacGregor-Navire (Kayaba) side-rolling! 8 x mooring winches
Type ... .......... Electro-hydraulic
rack and wire operated covers. Hatch covers
Make .. ............ MacGregor-Navire
FOLLOWING disastrous losses involving com- PRtNCtPAL PARTICULARS (Kayaba) Ltd
bination oillbulkJore carriers in 1975 and 1979, Length, oa 284.97m Type ...... ..... Side-rolling/rack-wire
few large vessels of this type have been built. Length, bp .. 275.00m Cargo tanks
Breadth, moulded 45.00m Number .... ......... 9 + 3 slops tanks
With modern design overcoming the likely Depth, moulded to main deck 25.90m Grades
cause of those earlier catastrophes, owners and Gross .. 89,004gt Product range.. .. ..
builders have, once again, shown interest in the Displacement (scantling) 192,651 tonnes Coated . .. Yes
dual-role concept, Frontline (a relatively new Lightweight .. 23,473 tonnes Type of coating Bleached tar epoxy
Deadweight (scantling) 169,178 dwt Stainless steel No
company formed in 1989 from the rump of the Deadweight (design) .. 152,001 dwt Cargo pumps
Salen and Uddevalla Shipping concerns) dem- Draught, scantling............. .. 18.50m Number. .. ..".. . . 3
onstrated its particular faith by ordering a class Draught, design. .. 17.00m Type .......Vertical. centrifugal, single
of eight sister ships, of which Front Driver is Speed, service at 18,850bhp 14.73 knots stage, double suction
Cargo capacity 2 x steam turbine driven
the first in service. grain volume . .... 175,289m3 1 x diesel engine driven (alternator engine)
Cargo is carried in nine holds, with three liquid volume. .... 178,335m3 Make.... .. " Shinko
slops tanks (port, starboard and centre) posi- Bunker capacity Capacity. 3 x 4,000m'ih
tioned between the engine-room and cargo Heavyfuel. ... ....4,621m3 Pump room
Dieseloil ..,. ....... 258m3 Number ... . 1
space. The hull is double-skinned in way of the Water ballast ,,81,354m3 Position . Forward end of
holds, with the side tanks common with double Fuel consumption engine room
bottom and upper wing tanks, forming five pairs Main engine only.. ..56.3 tonneS/day
of water ballast tanks. Additional water ballast Classification... .. Lloyd's Register + 100A1 Com8~~~~~. . 16
Oil or Bulk Carrier, Crew 13
capacity is available if required, by using No Strengthened for Heavy Repair crew .. 6
4 hold as a floodablc compartment. Three dif-
ferent oil cargoes may be handled simultaneous-
Cargoes, Hold Nos 2, 4, 6
and 8 may be empty, Pt HT, rn... . Nippon Air BrakeCo
ly, maximum loading rate being about + LMC, UMS, IGS, COW, Type..... .. HBS-M888
IWS,SPM Special electronic equipment Hyundai-Norcontrol
14,800m3/h, with a maximum discharge of Percentage of high-tensile steel Damatic
12,OOOm3/h possible using all three Shinko main used in construction... .. 52.7% monitoring and alarm
cargo pumps. These are of the vertical centrifu- Pollution avoidance and damage system for machinery
gal type with a capacity of 4,OOOm3/h each, two survival features.... .....Double bottom, double skin space
Main engine Special equipment not
being driven by steam turbines with the third Design . .. MANB&W listed ......... ......Radio equipment for
coupled to the prime mover of one of the Model ......6S70MC future fitting of GMDSS
Ssangyong-Wartsila-powered diesel-alternator Manufacturer ......Hyundai Stability calculation
sets. Three of these are fitted, two main ones Number ....... . 1 equipment.. On-line-type loading
Output (mcr) ..... 20,940bhp/88 rev/min computer by Kockumation
each developing 750kW, and one set 1,985kW Propeller Contract date 19April 1989
(this set being the one coupled to a cargo Material. . Nickel-aluminium-bronze Launchlfloat out date 20 January 1991
pump). Cargo stripping is handled by a steam' (Grade CU 3) Delivery date. . 3 April 1991


HAKURYU MARU: a specialised steel coil transporter

Shipbuilder: NKK Corp (Tsurumi allow the carriers to move between them. A Water ballast capacity 2,396m'
total of 29 pallets can be carried, 14 forward Fuel consumption
Shipyard). Japan Main engine only ............... 17tonne/day
and 14 aft, with one remaining on the lift when
Vessel's name: Hakuryu Maru loading is complete.
Classification " ... Nippon Kaiji Kyokai NS'
(CS). MNS'
Owner/operator: Fuyo Kaiun Kaisha The complete loading/unloading system has Main engine
(owner)/Senba Kaiun been designed by NKK, in conjunction with Design .. .. MAN B&W
MacGregor-Navire (Kayaba); from the posi- Model . .. 8L35MC
(owner and operator). Manufacturer . ......Hanshin Diesel Works
Japan tioning of the pallet on the lift to its final stow- Number . . 1
age (after which the carriers return to the lift Output.. .. . 6,080bhpI200rev/min
Designer: NKK for reloading) the operation is entirely control- Gearbox .... ...Nil
Flag: Japan led by a computer located in the cargo control Propeller
Material .. KA1BC3
Number of ships room. Changes in inclination and position of Manufacturer.................. . Nakashima
already the ramp and lift due to tide or draught, or heel Number 1
caused by the movement of the transporters, Pitch Controllable
completed: Nil are automatically carried out, the operator sim- Diameter......................... ..... 3,700mm
Number of sister Rev/min .. 200
ply monitoring the process. Engine-drive alternators . Nil
ships on order: The particular requirements of the system Diesel-driven alternators
have necessitated a special hull design, and it Number... .. 3
will be noted from the accompanying arrange- Engine make Yanmar
Alternator make " Taiyo
ment plan that the cargo area lies above a very Output.................... .. 3 x 300kW/1,200rev/min
UNQUESTIONABL Y one of the most unusual deep double bottom, most of which forms a Boiler
vessels to enter service this year, Hakuryu Maru void space. A total of 1,400 tonnes of perma- Number .. ............. 1 x thermal
has been built specifically to carry steel coils nent iron and concrete ballast has been distri- Type .. ......... NHM-40S
from the NKK steelworks at Fukuyama, on the Make .. Takuma
buted to provide good sea motion, and to limit Mooring winches
Japanese Inland Sea, to transit bases elsewhere heel during loading/unloading to 3deg. Make Kitagawa Kogyo
in the country. The aim is not only to speed Main propulsion power is provided by a Number . . 2 x winch/windlass
up delivery, but to provide completely protect- Hanshin-built MAN B&W 8L35MC engine, de- 2 x mooring winch
ed all-weather loading and transport, with less veloping 6,080bhp at 200revimin and driving a Containers 29 x standard steel coil
pallets of approx 90 tonnes
damage than is achieved with conventional controllable-pitch propeller. Three Doors/Ramps
methods using open cargo ships. Basically a ro- YanmarlTaiyo 300kW diesel alternator sets Number . 1 x side ramp/door
ro freight carrier, the principal feature of the supply the electrical requirements, and 1 x lift table
design is that cargo is loaded solely through a manoeuvring is assisted by a Schilling rudder two pairs of pallet carriers
Designer MacGregor-Navire (Kayaba)
large combined door and ramp on the port side and a 360kW bow thruster. Accommodation is
of the vessel, amidships. A sister ship, Ohryu arranged at upper deck, bridge and navigating com8~~e~~~................ . 6
Maru, will be delivered early in 1992. bridge deck levels (or a crew of 12. Crew............................ .. 6
The new procedure starts at the mill, where Spare .. 2
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Single/double rooms Single
steel coils are loaded on to covered pallets of Stern appendages or
approximately 90 tonne capacity. Special multi- Length, oa........................ 115.00m special rudder.. . Schilling rudder
wheeled transporters carry these on to the ship Length, bp .. 11O.OOm Bow thruster
where they are transferred to a lift table, sus- Breadth, moulded 18.00m Make Hanshin Diesel works
Oepth, moulded to main deck 10.22m Output 360kW
pended from four hydraulic cylinders. This is
then lowered until the pallet is shouldered by Gross .. 5,195gt
Deadweight, design 2,510dwt BridK:a~~~~~.~.I
..~:.~~.~.~ Hanshin Diesel Works
travelling pallet carriers. Two of these, running Draught, design............................... .. 5.00m Type Electro-pneumatic
side-by-side, serve the forward cargo space, and Speed, service (20% sea margin) . .. 15.00 knots Automation equipment.. Ro-Ro loading/unloading
control system
two aft, and they move each load to its allocated Carg~al:.~acity 3,968m3 Stability calculation equipment Loading computer
stowage position in these areas. Here the pallets Bunker capacity Contract date .. 15 February 1991
arc supported on three massive longitudinal Heavy oil 265m3 Launch/Float out date 6 August 1991
beams (port, starboard and centre), spaced to Diesel oil .....26m3 Delivery date 31 October 1991



wtE!L H. TOP

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HALLA No 2: a self-unloading cement carrier
The bottoms of the holds are built up above Water ballast 2,2BOm3
Shipbuilder: Hanjin Heavy Industries Fuel consumption
Co Ltd. Korea the tank top, and sloped towards the centre of Main engine only 12.90tonneslday
the ship. It IS fitted with aeration panels to allow Auxiliaries 0.90 tonneslday
Vessel's name: HallaNo2 air to be blown through the cement, causing Classification ···+··KRS··i··ii·~~oC~~~i:..e8~~;~~ s.htt~n~
Owner/operator: Halla Shipping Co Ltd. it to flow to the conveyors. Main engine
Korea Loading of the cargo uses a separate installa-
Designer: Hanjin Heavy Industries tion. Cement from the shore facility passes into ~"o"~~r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~:"6~3~t~
Co Ltd a distribution tank on deck, and is then piped Manufacturer Ssangyong
by four distributing air slides to the port and Number 1
Flag: Liberia Output (mer) 4,560bhp/200 revlmin
starboard sides of the two holds. Handling op- Propeller
Number of sister erations are controlled from the car!\o control Material Manganese-bronze
ships already room on deck, unloading being possible at the Manufacturer Shln-ll
rate of 500 tonnes/h and loading at 1,000 Number 1
completed: Nil Pitch Fixed
Number of sister
tonnes/h. Diameter 3,600mm
The main engine is a Ssangyong-MAN B&W Revlmin 200
ships on order: 2 6L35MC slow-speed model developing Diesel-driven alternators
4,560bhp at 200rev/min. It is directly coupled Number 2
Engine make Mitsubishi DEMP
to a fixed-pitch manganese-bronze propeller for Alternator make Stamford
THE principle behind the carriage of cement a service speed of 13 knots. Electrical power Output 2 x 220kWI1,BOOrevlmin
in bulk is that when air is pumped through the comes from two Mitsubishi DEMP/Stamford Boilers
material, it acts as if it were liquid, and the diesel driven alternator sets, each producing Number 1
Type Composite
cargo handling equipment fitted to Halla No 2 220kW. Total complement is 21. Make Osaka
by Japanese manufacturer Supero Seiki makes . Output 600kg/h
use of this property for both the loading and Self-unloading equipment
unloadingfunctions. The bulk cement is carried PRtNCIPAL PARTICULARS Number 1 x loading
Length, oa 111.B6m 1 x unloading
in two enclosed holds, separated at midships by Length. bp 106.00m Make Supero Seiki
the unloading machinery room (positioned be- Breadth, moulded 17.BOm Capacity Loading: 1,000tonnesih
tween port and starboard wing ballast tanks). Depth. moulded to main deck 9.10m Unloading: 500 tonneslh
The holds are centrally divided by a non- Gross 4,8B1gt Mooring winches
Displacement 10,427 tonnes Make Tong Myung
watertight bulkhead, at the bottom of which Number 2 x windlasslwinches
runs a full-length trunk. Within this, forward
and aft chain conveyors move the cargo from
Draught, extreme 7.03m
2 x mooring winches

each hold to the machinery room, where it is Speed, service (90% mer, 10% sea margin) 13.00 knot~ Com81:i~~~t 9
Cargo capacity, grain 7,216m Crew 12
transferred to a bucket elevator and lifted to Bunker capacity 3 Contract date 20 April 1990
.the overside discharge boom, supported from Launchlfloat out date 22 January 1991
a lattice tower, some 22m above the main deck. ~i:
~reasv,,) Delivery date 15 June 1991



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HANJIN BANGKOK:a new Korean feeder container ship
Shipbuilder: Hanjin Heavy Industries A complement of 18 is accommodated in the Propeller
Co Ltd. Korea deck house aft, above the machinery space, in Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Vessel's name: Hanjin Bangkok which a Ssangyong-built MAN B&W 6L35MC Manufacturer ,', Sil~La
main engine IS fitted. Developing 4,560bhp at Number 1
Owner/operator: Hanjin Shipping Co Ltd. 200rev/min (mer), this is directly coupled to a Pitch Fixed
Korea Diameter 3,700mm
fixed-pitch propeller to give a service speed of Rev/min 200
Designer: Hanjin Heavy Industries 14 knots at 90% mer and with a sea margin Diesel-driven alternators
Co Ltd of 15%. Ssangyong-Niigata diesel engines Number 3
power the three 340kW alternator sets and Engine make Ssanqvonq-Niiqata 6L16XC
Flag: Korea Alternator make Ssangyong
steam requirements are served by a Gadelius Output.. 3x 340kW/l ,200rev/min
Number of sister CPDB-I0 oil fired boiler, in conjunction with Boilers
ships already an exhaust gas economiser. The complete in- Number 1
Type Oil-fired vertical tube
completed: Nil stallation is designed for periodic unmanned op- Make Gadelius
Number of sister eration. A Brunvoll 270kW bow thruster is fit- Output 1,000kg/h
ships on order: ted, and the stern frame incorporates a propul-
Nil MOO~~~e~~~~~~~ Aquarnaster-Rauma
sion bulb.
Number 2xwindlass/winch
DESIGNED as as feeder ship to link with Length,oa 121.00m Hatch covers
Hanjin Shipping's international routes, Hanjin Length, bp 114.00m Make Wakata MAC
Bangkok is nevertheless herself capable of world Breadth, moulded 20.00m Type Pontoon
Depth, moulded to main deck 8.80m Containers
wide service if required. Container capacity is Lengths 20ft and 40ft
Gross 5,833gt
414TEU, of which 168 are carried in the three Displacement 10,829tonnes Cell guides Ves
holds, and 246 on deck, including 14 on a plat- Lightweight 2,754 tonnes TEU Capacity Deck: 246
form above the aft mooring deck. Cell guides Deadweight 8,075 dwt ............................................ Holds: 168
Draught........................................ . 6.61m ............................................ Total: 414
are fitted in the holds to suit 40ft containers Speed, service (90% mcr, 15% sea margin) 14.00 knots Reefer plugs 30FEU
with guide plates on the longitudinal central box Cargo capacity................. . See Containers Other lengths................................. .. No
girder, which runs from the engine-room to the Bunker capacity Heights .. 8.5ft
forward end of No 2 hold, to assist the loading
of 20ft units. Reefer sockets are provided to ~r:s~~
Water ballast 3AOOm'
Upper deck
serve 30 self-contained refrigerated 40ft con- Fuel consumption Aft mooring deck 2fl
tainers. Main engine only 12.9 tonneS/day
The hull is double skinned in way of the cargo Auxiliaries 1.4 tonneS/day Com8~~~~~,' 13
Classification Korean Register of Shipping +KRS 1 Crew 5
hold, the lower part of the space thus formed ........... Container Ship, +KRM " UMA Stern appendages or special rudder Semi-balanced
being allocated to water ballast tanks, with the Other regulations complied with ..... IMO A167 and A206 (hanging) rudder;
upper section, port and starboard, forming fore for loading ships; IMO ...............stern bulb
and aft passageways. High-tensile steel has been ...... weather criteria for Bow thruster
used for parts of the deck and hatch coamings, ............ container ships Make Brunvoll
Percentageof high tensile steel used in construction Number .. 1
and for the longitudinal box girder. Heavy oil .................................................................................... 9% Output 270kW/430rev/min
bunkers are carried in centre double bottom Main engine
tanks under Nos 2 and 3 holds, with water bal- Design MAN B&W BridR.;'a~~~tr.o.I'T1 NABCa
last elsewhere in this space, as well as in the Model 6L35MC Type M-800S
Manufacturer Ssangyong Contract date 20 December 1989
peaks, and a deep tank under the fore part of Number 1 Launchlfloat out date .. 28 March 1991
No 1 hold. Output. 4,560bhp/200revImin Delivery date 14August 1991


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HANNOVER EXPRESS: more capacity for Hapag-Lloyd
Shipbuilder: tion, starboard side of the operation centre, Water ballast capacity 16,768m3
Samsung Heavy Fuel consumption
Industries Co Ltd, where a multi-purpose officer has all ship and Main engine only 13t .90 tonneslday
machinery controls at hand, together with Auxiliaries (without reefer containers) 4.50tanneS/day
Korea monitoring systems for all major functions. Else- Classification Germanischer Lloyd + 100A4 E,
Vessel's name: Hannover Express where within the eentre there is a back-up posi- +MC, AUT, IW, Container Ship, NAV-OC
Percentage of high-tensile steel used in construction -
Owner/operator: Hapag-Lloyd AG, tion, with a chart table and similar equipment. (Hull, upper box-girder, tanktop, part wing
Germany Working and living areas have been separat- longitudinal bulkhead)
Designer: Hapag-Lloyd and ed, with the rest of the ship operation system Heel control system. ...... Yes
housed at upper deck level in a Board Manage- Pollution avoidance features ... Extensive waste/sewage
Samsung ment Centre which includes general and techni- collection and disposal systems
Flag: Main engine
Germany cal offiees, conference room and wireless sta- Design .. MAN B&W
Number of sister tion. From here a complete data interchange Model 9K90MC
ships already with the owner's office is possible. Within the Manufacturer.. ", Hyundai
Nil Number 1
completed: next two higher deck house levels, galley, Output 36,500kW/93rev/min
messrooms, lounge and bar, and provision for Gearbox.. . ....Nil
Number of sister leisure and sporting activities, are arranged, Propeller
ships on order: 4 leaving three decks solely for accommodation Material . ..... Aluminium-capper-nickel
THE lead ship in a series of five, which con- purposes. All 15 regular crew have single rooms Manufacturer.. .. Ostermann
Number ... . t
tinues the progression of design evident in earl- with private toilet facilities, this complement re- Pitch ................................. Fixed
ier Hapag-L1oyd newbuildings, Hannover ducing to 12 when six trainees, plus an instruc- Diameter . .8,250mm
Express is notable for her increased container tor are carried. Cabins are also provided for Rev/min .. ............93
capacity, totalling some I,OOOTEU in compari- repair and Suez Canal crews. Lifesaving is by Main enqine-driven alternators ................. Nil
Diesel-driven alternators
son with similar sized vessels, resulting from im- means of a free-fall Ernst Hatecke 34-person Number ......... . 4
proved use of available spaee. By integrating lifeboat, carried over the stern in a Schat slip- Engine make.. .................. 2 x Daihatsu 8DL32
hatch-side coamings more closely into the ship way. 2 x Daihatsu 6DL32
girder. and narrowing side passages. the ship- The machinery installation uses a Hyundai- Alternator make ... .. ...... 2 x Taiyo 2,200kW
2 x Taiyo 1,650kW
yard was able to makc greater use of high-ten- MAN B&W 9K90MC main engine with a Boilers
sile steel and to make space for II rows of con- turbo-compound system, having an output of Number 2
tainers (instead of 10) below decks in a hull 36,500kW at 93rev/min, and driving a six- Type .. t x AQ-2 exhaust gas
nevertheless limited. like that of earlier 'sisters', bladed, fixed-pitch propeller. A Lips 33 tonne 1 x AR-4C oil-fired
Make Aalborg
to Panamax breadth. Also, by omitting longitu- (2,500kW/893rev/min) bow thruster is fitted. Output 1 x 5 tonneslh
dinal beams between the three-panel hatch Electrical power is derived from four main t x 7 tonneslh
covers. it has been made much easier to use alternators: two Daihatsu eight-cylinder 8DL- Cranes
the holds for break-bulk and heavy-lift cargoes. 32/Taiyo 2,200kW sets and two six-cylinder Number 2 x store cranes
Make Hagglunds MD
The other four ships in the series are 6DL-32/Taiyo 1,650kW sets. A 350kW emerg- Capacity 2 x 9 tonnes
Leverkusen Express, Dresden Express, ency alternator is also installed. Remote engine Mooring winches
Hoechst Express and Ludwigshntcn Express. control is possible from the bridge and wings, Make .. ....... Brohl
Total TEU capacity is 4.407, with 2.282 units using a DMT system which is fully integrated Number ... , ,. .. 2 x windlass
6 x mooring winch
carried below decks. In No 5 hold. 104 eon- with the Krupp-Atlas, Anschiitz and Shipmate Type Electric
tainers can be connected to reefer sockets, with navigation controls. Hatch covers
another 348 positions on deck. All holds. except Environmental services ensure that clean and Design MacGregor-Navire (Kayaba)
Nos 5 and 7, are designated for the carriage oily bilge water is separated, with the latter Type Pontoon
of dangerous goods, allowing greater separation stored on board until port discharge is possible. Length 20ft and 40ft
of these cargoes. Hannover Express is also ca- Special storage tanks are provided in case of Cell guides .. Ves
pable of carrying 40ft containers: the numerical leakage to the bilges from containers carrying TEU capacity 4,407
'mix' ranges between maxima of 3,657TEU with Reefer plugs 452
dangerous cargoes. A biological sewage plant Tiers/across
376FEU. or 1.631 FEU and 1.134TEU. is fitted, and dry refuse is baled for offloading Upper deck.. .. 5113
Six holds are arranged forward of the machin- as convenient, along with glass, collected sepa- Holds 8113
ery space and one aft. the squared-off deck rately in a portable container. Wet (galley)
allowing 13 rows of containers to be carried Com8~~~~~ 8
waste is crushed and pumped overboard at sea, ~w 7
from right aft, to the foremost hatch. The hatch- in aceordance with Marpol rules. Repaircrew .. 6
es are closed by MacGregor-Navire pontoon Spare .. .4
covers. arranged in three transverse sections. PRtNCIPAL PARTtCULARS Apprentices .. 4
and suitable for stack loads of 80 tonnes (TEU), Length,oa 294.00m Single/double rooms Single
Length, bp . .. 281.60m (apprentices/repair crew double rooms)
or 100 tonnes (FEU). All holds are mechnically Breadth, moulded . 32.25m Stern appendages or special rudder ........ Nil
ventilated, and, with the exception of No 5 Depth, moulded to main deck 21.40m Bow thruster
(refrigerated container) hold, receive two air Gross.. . 53,783gt Make .. Lips
changes hourly. Displacement 76,330 tannes Number... . .. 1
Lightweight 20,740 tonnes Output.. 2,500kW/893rev/min
A major feature of these Hapag-L1oyd Deadweight, design... .. 55,590dwt Stern thruster... .. Nil
newbuildings is the ship operation system, using Deadweight, scantling .. 67,680dwt Bridge control system
officers trained in engineering and deck func- Draught, design 12.50m Make Krupp AtlasiAnschutzlDMT/
tions. Ship control is effeeted from a 'ship oper- Draught, scantling 13.52m Type Shipmate integrated system
Speed, service 90% mer 23.80 knots Stability calculation equipment Loadcomputer
ation centre', replacing the eonventional bridge, Bunker capacity Contract date - February t989
and is arranged for one-man watchkeeping. The Launchlfloat out date 27 October 1990
Heavy oil..... . 7..,336525mm;
control position is located in a forward projec- Dieseloil . Delivery date. .. 6 February 1991


HELENA: a new generation freight ro-ro design

port and starboard, within the vessel's double Percentage 01 high tensile
Shipbuilder: Daewoo Shipbuilding skin, for the transfer of water using air pressure. steel used in construction ,.. 9.8%
Heel control equipment Intering anti-heeling system
and Heavy Machinery Also operated from here are ballast pumps and Roll stabilisation equipment. 2 Intering stabilising
Ltd. Korea valves; hydraulics for ramps and doors; ventila- tank systems; max. 977 tonne m/l.831 tonne m
tion and lighting, with repeat displays in wheel- Main engine
Vessel's name: Helena Design . . Wartsila
Owner/operator: Mo och Domsjo AB. house and engine control room. Closed circuit Model . Vasa 6R46 and 4R46
TV is provided to monitor the cargo spaces. Re- Manufacturer ...................... Wartsila
Sweden duction of rolling and acceleration forces at sea Number . . 2
Designer: Daewoo Shipbuilding is achieved through an Intering active stabilising Output. ......5,430kW/450rev/min (6R46)
3.620kW/450rev/min (4R46)
and Heavy Machinery system, using two tank pairs placed in the fore Gearbox
Ltd body at main deck level, and remotely control- Make ... Renk Tacke
Flag: Sweden led from the bridge. Model .... ASL2X180
The machinery installation comprises a 'fa- Number .............1
Number of sister ther and son' system using six and four-cylinder Output ........140rev/min
ships already Propeller
versions of the Wartsila Vasa R46 engine. Material . ..Stainlesssteel
completed: Nil These develop 7,380bhp/4,920bhp respectively Manufacturer . . KaMeWa
Number of ships at 450rev/min, and drive a KaMeWa four- Number . ..................... 1
bladed, controllable pitch propeller through a Pitch . ..... Controllable
on order: Nil Renk Tacke twin-input/single output gearbox, Diameter . ..... 4,400mm
Rev/min . . 140
THIS ro-ro cargo vessel has been designed in from which is also driven a 1,300kW shaft gen- Main engine-driven alternator
conjunction with her owner, for the transporta- erator. Two 760kW diesel generator sets com- Number ........... 1
plete the electrical installation. KaMeWa also Make. . .
tion of paper products, trailers, small cars and Output........ . 1.300kW/l.800rev/min
containers between Sweden and European supplied the single bow, and two stern thrusters Diesel-driven alternators
ports; her construction is specially interesting of 1,OOOkW/400kW/400kW (each) output, and Number . . 2
as she is a replacement for the Vinca Gorthon a Schilling high efficiency rudder is fitted. Engine make .. . Wartsila 6R22126
The wheelhouse extends to the bridge wings, Alternator make ...
which capsized in the North Sea a few years Output ......... 2x760kW
ago. Helena is built with a full length double and includes a console with combined Boilers
bottom, and a double skin in the lower cargo manoeuvring lever and telegraph, propeller Number . . t oll flred
areas and engine-room; cargo is carried on four pitch control and main engine controls. Main 4 exhaust gas
engine revolutions, thruster and propeller con- Make . . Gadelius
levels: top deck, upper deck, main deck and Output . ..1 x 2 tonnelh
tank top. A Kvaerner stern ramp/door, con- trols are duplicated at the bridge wings, as is 2 x 1.200kg/h
structed for a total load of 156 tonnes (ie, two- the integrated electronic manoeuvring system, 2 x 250kg/h
way traffic of a 40ft roll trailer with load, plus with joystick control of thrust and movement. Mooring winches
tugmaster tractor, each weighing 78 tonnes), Accommodation has been provided to typical. Make ..........Aquamaster Rauma
Type ............. Electric
gives access to the main deck. From here, Swedish high standard, with all officers and Containers
hoistable ramps connect with the tank top and petty officers having suites, and crew rooms ar- Length ..... 20ft
upper deck, whilst at the extreme fore end, a ranged with private toilets. There are two own- Cell guides .. .No
half-cylindrical ramp way enables vehicles to be ers suites. with private salon and dining room, TEU capacity . .......................24
Reeler plugs ......................................... .4
driven from the upper to top deck. ln addition, separate officers' and crew mess and day rooms, Tiers/across .....
provision is made for the carriage of 24 TEU also two sauna suites, recreation and conference Doors/ramps/cargo lifts
on the top deck. rooms. Number 1 stern door/ramp
The stern ramp is operated by hydraulic drum 18m (length) x 17m (breadth) x 5m
2 internal ramps
winch and cylinders from a local control stand, 1 hall-cylinder rampway
with indicator lamps registering both there and PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS 1 watertight bulkhead door
on the bridge. It can be opened or closed in Length. oa 169.00m Designer . ...........Kvaerner
five minutes, excluding cleating time. Operating Length. bp 157.20m Vehicles
Breadth. moulded. . 25.60m Lane length 2.278.5m
time for the internal ramps, which use jigger Depth. moulded Cars, number ..
winches, is three minutes, whilst the vertically to main deck . 7.25m Trucks/trailers, number 186
lifting cargo door at the forward end of the main to upper deck..... . 13.15m (40ft roll trailers or road trailers)
deck, which closes the ramp way, can be operat- to top deck 18.50m
Gross 22.193gt Com8~~e~~~.... .. 16
ed in one minute. Three electro-hydraulic Deadweight. design . II.843dwt Crew....... . 9
pumps are provided for the operation of the Deadweight. scantling . 12.968dwt Repair crew... . 1
complete installation. Draught. design.................... . 6.70m Spare 4 (lor Suezcrew)
A cargo hold ventilation system with 35 fans Draught. scantling................ . 7.00m Stern appendages or special rudder Schilling rudder
Speed. service. at 6.250bhp . 14.60 knots Bow thruster
and a total capacity of 1,752,OOOm3/h,give 35 Cargo capacity.... . See 'vehicles' Make . . KaMeWa
air changes hourly in port. For dehumidifying Bunker capacity Number . . 1
purposes, each of the three cargo spaces is serv- Heavy oil..... . 1.000m3 Output . . 1.000kW
ed by two 19kW air dryers, positioned on top Dieseloil...... . 235m3 Stern thruster
Water ballast capacity 6.695m3 Make . KaMeWa
of the fan houses arranged at the sides of the Fuel consumption ... Number . 2
top deck, and trunked to their respective loca- Classification Output........................ . 2 x 400kW
tion down the ship's side. Cargo operations are L1oyd's Register 01 Shipping.
..S.y.st_e~ Sperry
supervised from a room positioned aft between + 100A1. R~lMC~UI~S~ 1~:rC~s~hi~: Stability calculation equipment MCTS On-line system
the main and upper decks, overlooking the with the descriptive notation, Pt.H.T. Contract date 19 February 1989
ramp. From here, the intering anti-heeling sys- Other regulations compiled with Swedish National Launchlfloat out date 15 December 1990
tem is controlled. This makes use of a side tank, Maritime Associations Delivery date August 1991



HELICE: Kvaerner's first ship from Govan

Shipbuilder: Kvaerner Govan Ltd, supplier of the cargo vaporiser and superheater. for Liq~efied Gas (-50'C; 0.25bar;
The combustion-type inert-gas system has been 0.97/0.68tonnesim,,), Inert, EO,Ice C, bis, IMO
UK Type II G ship.
Vessel's name: Helice supplied by Kvaerner Moss Rosenberg; located Percentage of high-tensile steel used in construction
in the engine room, it has a capacity of Main engine
Owner/operator: Spey Marine Ltd 5,OOONm2/h. Discharge is led through a 'block Design.. . Sulzer
(HelgeR. Myhre A/S), and bleed' system to interface with the vent Model 6RTA62
Manufacturer KvaernerKincaid
Norway header on deck for inerting the tanks and holds. Number 1
Designer: KvaernerGovan Ltd, There are two Nyborg vent fans delivering Output 11,400kw/l06rev/min
UK air to cargo tanks and holds through a ventila- Gearbox Nil
tion header, and providing eight hourly air Propeller
Flag: Norway changes to the largest hold. Air supply to the Material.. . Nickel-aluminium
Manufacturer Stone ManganeseMarine
Number of sister tanks is by way of perforated internal pipes, Number.... . 1
ships already with similar pipes in the hold bottoms serving Pitch.. .. . .. . Fixed
those spaces. When cargo is carried, the hold Diameter 6.75m
completed: Nil Rev/min 106
Number of sister spaces are normally filled with inert gas. Engine-driven alternator... . Nil
Propulsion machinery comprises a Kvaerner Diesel-driven alternators
ships on order: 4 Kincaid-Sulzer 6RTA62 engine which develops Number 3
11,400kWand drives a fp propeller at Engine make Bergen DieselKRG8
Alternator make.. . Siemens
106rev/min for a speed of 16 knots. Electrical Outpu!..... . 3 x 1,200kW/720rev/min
supply is derived from three Bergen/Siemens Boilers
THIS first vessel to be completed at Govan 1,200kW diesel-alternator sets. A Brunvoll Number 2
shipyard since its acquisition by the Kvaerner 882kW bow thruster is fitted. The engine-room Type. . 1 x oil-fired TypeAQ-12
x exhaust gas economiser Type AV-6N
Group, marks the entry of the re-constituted is arranged for periodically unattended and un- Make ............................. Aalborg
company into a sophisticated market where manned operation, and, together with the cargo Output ... . 1,800kg/h/2,000kg/h at 7.0 bar
other, Norwegian members of the group, no- system, It is governed by an Autronica Cranes
tably Moss Rosenberg (now Kvaerner Moss), KDlOS20 centralised alarm monitoring and Number ............ 1 x MCV1610 hose handling
2 x MCV1077 stores
have long been dominant forces. Designed to control system with VDUs in engine and cargo Make ... ................................................... Hydralift
carry a wide range of LPG cargoes, Helice has control rooms, and on the bridge. 1 x 5 tonne at 17m/min
four cargo holds into each of which a free-stand- Linked with this system are a range of associ- 2 x 3.5 tonne at 28m/min
ing prismatic tank, constructed from fine- ated equipment, including power management, Mooring winches
Make . ............................Norwinch
grained carbo-manganese steel, has been built. extension and 'dead man' alarms for bridge and Number. ...2 x winch/windlass
In addition, two pressure vessel purge tanks engine-room, gas and fire detection. Autronica 4 x winches
have been fitted on deck. was also responsible for the GL-90 radar-based Type . . Hydraulic
The cargo tanks have been insulated with tank gauging equipment. The main engine is Cargo tanks
100mmthick rigid polyurethane foam, clad with controlled by a Sulzer SBC7.1 remote system. Number .4
Grades.. . 3
0.7mm galvanised steel sheeting. Water ballast Fire-fighting equipment includes water spray Product range Ammonia, butane, propane,
is carried in the upper wing tanks and in the for the bridge front, cargo tank domes, cross- butadiene, propylene,VCM, C4-stream,
full-length double bottom, as well as in the peak over manifold and deck tanks, with foam and naphtha, propane and butane mix
dry powder systems covering tank deck areas. Cargo pumps
tanks, and there are fuel side bunkers in the Number. . 8
engine-room. Three separate cargo piping sys- Halon total-flood is provided for machinery Type Deepwell
tems are arranged, designed to operate with spaces. Accommodation is arranged for a crew Make . KvaernerEureka
temperatures of -50°C. One serves Nos I and of 26 (including one spare), wiih an extra cabin Capacity Bx 500m% at 130MLC
4 tanks, the others, Nos 2 and 3 tanks respect- for four repair crew. Facilities include a swim- Complement
Officers 10
ively. As a result, three compatible refrigerated ming pool and a captain's conference room. Crew.......... . 15
cargoes can be carried simultaneously, although Repair crew. . .4
only two can be loaded at one time. Spare.......... . 1
Handling these varied cargoes are eight Single/double rooms 21 Single,5 suites, 1 x 4 berth
Bow thruster
Kvaerner Eureka 500m3/h deepwell centrifugal Number .................................... 1
pumps, arranged two to each tank with electric Make ..... . Brunvo1l5PR-VP
motors fitted on top of the tank domes. Prod- Output .... . 882kW/297 rev/min
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Bridge control system
ucts with a specific gravity up to 0.70 can be Length, oa 205.00m Make New SulzerDiesel
discharged at the full rate; with higher values Length, bp 193.60m Type.. . SSC7.1
pumping rates are reduced. Two booster pumps Breadth, moulded 32.20m Special electronic equipment Autronica: KD-l0S20
of the same capacity and make are installed Depth, moulded to main deck.. . 20.00m alarm/monitoring and control system;
on deck near the crossovers to provide increas- Depth, moulded to 2nd deck.. . 17.00m KR-20 bridge/accommodation extension alarm system;
Gross.. . 34,974gt KR-13 dead man alarm system; KDF-99 fire detection
ed discharge head to shore tanks. Also located Deadweight, design.. . 35,600dwt system; and GL-90 radar based, tank level gauging
in this position is a shell and tube heater used Deadweight, scantling 49,500dwt system. Belam Cers: Engine-room signal system;
when cargo temperatures are less than shore Draught, design 10.50m Seatron 4/S fuel economy system; NK5 diesel
tanks require. Draught, scantling 13.00m engine condition/performance monitoring system;
Speed, service (85%mcr) 16.00 knots and DAAC diesel-alternator power management
The cargo is cooled by four Sulzer re- Cargo capacity Special equipment not listed above Radioand
liquefaction compressors, designed for direct liquid volume.. . 57,000 m3 communication equipment to meet GMDSS
condensation of cargo against seawater. With Bunker capacity Stability calculation equipment Consultas AlS CLC25C
three compressors in service, the plant is suffi-
cient to keep a full cargo of propane at atmos-
Water ballast capacity...
• ~,~~g;::;
. 16,140m3
Contract date . .
loading computer
11August 1988
...........7 September1990
Launch/float out date
pheric pressure. Kvaerner Eureka is also the Classification Det norske Veritas + lAl, Tanker Delivery date .. ................................ 5 April 1991




ISHIKARI: luxury for a long haul

Shipbuilder: Mitsubishi Heavy Passenger comfort has been to the fore in the Roll stabilisation equipment.. .... 1 pair of Sperry Gyrofin
execution of the design, and accommodation is stabilisers
Industries Ltd Pollution avoidance and damage survivability features
(Kobeshipyard), Japan fully air conditioned. Computer-controlled fin ...........................Two-compartment floodi,ng standards
stabilisers have been fitted, and noise and vibra- Main engine
Vessel's name: Ishikari tion protection techniques adopted. Cabins are Design ................MANB&W
Owner/operator: Tai-Heiyo Ferry Co, arranged in various classes and equipped in a Model .... .............." 14V52155B
Japan mixture of Western and Japanese styles. For lei- Manufacturer ..", .. ... Mitsubishi
sure activities, a 202-seat restaurant forms an Number . , , ,.,.,,2
Designer: Mitsubishi Heavy Output... ..2x 14,770bhp/450rev/min
Industries/Nikken observatory at the aft end of B deck, with the
main Starlight Lounge forming a double-deck Make .......Niigata
Sekkei (Interior), Japan entertainment centre for 150 passengers. Other Model .....
Flag: Japan bars, lounges and a shopping area open from Number .................. 2
Number of sister the main entrance hall, where an elegant, circu- Output speed ........................ 141rev/min
ships already lar staircase, three decks high, surround per- Propellers
haps the most unusual of cruise liner focal Material . .............AIBC3
completed: Nil points - a large growing tree! A traditionally Manufacturer . . Nakashima
Number of sister Number .. .................. 2
Japanese recreation is served by the provision Pitch Controllable
ships on order: Nil of two Grand Baths, together with saunas and Diameter........ ...4,800mm
jacuzzis. Rev/min. . 141
Twin Mitsubishi-MAN B&W 14V52155B Enqine-driven alternators. .............................. nil
IN line with the Japanese trend to improve the main engines are fitted. Each develo-ps Diesel-driven alternators
image of long-haul ferries, Ishikari operates as 14,770bhp (mcr) at 450rev/min, and drives a Number .. 3
a passenger and vehicle cruise ferry, offering Engine make Daihatsu
4,800mm diameter controllable-pitch propeller Alternator make .. Taivo
facilities described as 'super-deluxe', to some by way of a Niigata gearbox, which reduces en- Output.. ax 1,200kWn20rev/min
850 travellers on the regular link between gine speed to 141rev/min. Electrical supply is Boilers
Nagoya and Sendai, on the main island of derived from three DaihatsulTaiyo alternator Number .. .......... ,,1
Honshu, and Tomakomai on Hokkaido island sets producing 1,200kW each. The installation Make ....Gadelius
to the north. is designed for unmanned operation, and engine Output.. ......3,500kg/h
The hull form has been designed for both revolutions and propeller blade angles can be Mooring winches
high speed and reduced fuel consumption, with Make . ..... Nippon Pusnes
simultaneously controlled from a combined Number . .... 2xwinch windlass
twin, highly skewed controllable-pitch propel- control system. An electrically driven, control- ..........5xmooring winches
lers and twin rudders. There is a transom stern, lable pitch, Techno Nakashima bow thruster Doors/ramps/cargo lifts
and above the waterline much of the hull and with a thrust of 16 tonnes has been fitted to Number of each ... ..................... Sx shore ramps
superstructure is box shaped, within which aid berthing and unberthing. .... 3xfolding internal ramps
there are nine decks; a navigation bridge and .........2xfixed internal ramp~
decks A to H (numbered from the top). Decks Designer .. ................... TsuJI
A to C contain the passenger and crew accom- Passengers
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Capacity ......................... ,..,854
modation, D and E carry lorries and trailers ... 192.50m Classes...... ...... Suite class8
and F, G and H are allocated to cars. Vehicle Length, bp . ..............:.. 175.00m Special class 60
access is by way of Deck E, where there are Breadth, moulded .. 27.00m First class 192
five external rampways. Depth, moulded to main deck ....... 9.90m Second class 534
Aft, loading can be carried out over the stern, Gross (International) ....... ...... 31,953gt Driver class60
or by way of port and starboard quarter ramps. Deadweight, design .. ... 6,146dwt Number of cabins .71 (first class and above)
Forward there is a bow visor, with ramp/door Deadweight, scantling ... ..... 6,938dwt Vehicles
Draught, design ..... ... 6.7m, Lane length .
behind. and a starboard quarter door. Supplied Draught,scantling. ....... 6,9m Cars , , . ..............................151
by Tsuji, this eguipment is hydraulically operat- Speed, service. ... 21.5 knots Trucks/trailers , .. ...., 165
ed by jigger winch or cylinder, and is supple- Bunker capacity Crew .. ........................,., ,,76
mented by three sets of hinged, and two sets Heavyoil . ........ 827m3 Bow thruster
of fixed, ramps, giving internal access to the Dieseloil . ... 149m3 Make ................ Techno Nakashima
other vehicle decks. A trim and heel control Water ballast .. ........... 4,723m3 Thrust .... ............................. 16tonnes
Fuel consumtion Number . ........................................... ,,1
unit is fitted, designed to counter any variation Main engine only........ .. 75.9 tonneS/day Bridge control system
in these motions which might affect ramp posi- Classification ...JapaneseGovernment Make Hanshin
tions during loading/unloading, by transferring Other regulations complied with ..... Senpaku-Anzen-HO Contract date .. 24 October 1989
water from fore and aft tanks, or between heel- Heelcontrol equipment Trim and heel control unit Launch/Float out of date 8 November 1990
ing tanks. with tanks Delivery date 18 March 1991





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11 :1 :
JAKOB MAERSK: a LPG tanker for A P Moller
The machinery installation comprises a Number 1
Shipbuilder: Hyundai Heavy Pitch . Fixed
Hyundai-MAN B&W 6S60MC main engine de-
Industries Co Ltd, veloping 15,300bhp (mcr) at 102rev/min, but
Diameter 6,700mm
Rev/min 102
Korea the csr rating is 13,OOObhpat 96.6rev/min, giv- Diesel-driven alternators
Vessel's name: Jakob Maersk ing a service of 17.3 knots without sea margin. Number 3
Electric power is supplied by three 980kW die- Engine make Ssangyong
Owner/operator: A P Moller, Denmark Alternator make Hyundai Electrical
Designer: Hyundai Heavy sel alternator sets, with an emergency unit of Engineering IHEECO)
99kW. Bow and stern controllable pitch thrust- Output 3x980kW1720 rev/min
Industries Co Ltd ers (the latter unusual on a tanker but perhaps Boilers
Flag: Denmark typical of Moller's advanced thinking) are fitted Number 1
Number of sister to assist manoeuvrability. Accommodation; all Type Fully automatic, forced
draught water tube
ships already in single rooms with private bathroom is arrang- Make Aalborg
completed: 2 ed for 23 crew members and 1 pilot. Output -
Number of sister PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Number 2xhose handling
ships on order: Nil Length, oa 185.00m Make Hyundai-Nor-Marine
Length, bp 173.40m Capacity/speed 7.5 tonnell Om/min
Breadth, moulded 27.40m Mooring winches
Depth, moulded to main deck 18.00m Make Friedrich KocksGmbH
THIS example of a Hyundai LPG tanker design Gross 23,878gt Number 2xwinchlwindlass
differs from that of Annapuma (see page 4), Displacement, scantling 42,523 tonnes 5xmooring winches
primarily by having four cargo holds instead of Displacement, design 34,345 tonnes Cargo tanks
Lightweight 11,363 tonnes Number 8
three, as preferred for the Indian vessel. Within Product range SG 0.583·0.972
these holds (which again have a top and bottom Deadweight, scantling 31,160 dwt
Coated tanks ·No
wing tank configuration, in conjunction with g;:~;:,~:;~~~~~i8~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~'~~~5~~ Type of coating Primer loutside)
double bottom tanks), four centrally divided, Draught, design 9.40m Stainless steel No
free standing, self-supporting prismatic cargo Speed, service 185%mer, no sea margin) 17.30 knots Cargo pumps
Cargo capacity Number 8
tanks are positioned. Designed for a maximum Liquid volume 35,559m3 Type Multi-stage, vertical centrifugal
vapour pressure of 0.28 bar, and a minimum Bunker capacity deepwell
operating temperature of -50°C, they are manu-
factured from low temperature, carbon manga- ~reas':X ~~I~I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.2:~~g~~ ~:~:~itY:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ii·:;t~~
nese fine grain steel. The same grade of steel Water ballast capacity 10,953m3
Fuel consumption com8~~~~t 12
is used for the secondary structural barrier, i.e. Main engine only 42.0 tonnes/day Crew 11
tank top, watertight transverse bulkheads, Auxiliaries 9.5 tonnes/day Repair crew ,-
upper and lower wing tanks. Classification Lloyd's Register + 100A1 Spare llPilot)
Liquefied Gas Carrier Single/double rooms Single
Polyurethane foam (PUF) insulation of anhydrous ammonia and VCM Stern appendages or special
120mm thickness, covered against mechanical in independent tanks rudder Semi-balanced stream line rudder
damage, has been applied to the tanks, which suitable for SG up to Bow thruster
are suitable for the carriage of a range of carg- 0.97, maximum vapour Make Lips
pressure 0.28 bar, min Output 720kW
oes, including anhydrous ammonia, propane cargo temp -50"C,+LMC, Number 1
with an ethane content of 7.0 mole/%, butane UMS, RMC, IGS. Stern thruster
(ISO and normal), pure propane, butadiene, Other regulations complied with International code for Make Lips
propylene, butylenes, VCM and other materials the construction and Output 720kW
equipment of ships Number 1
within the limits of the design. carrying liquefied Engine control system
Cargo is handled by eight Svanehej multi- gases in bulk Make Lyngsl1l-ValmetMarine
stage, vertical centrifugal deepwell pumps, and Percentageof high tensile steel Type DMS900
the system is designed to load, reliquefy and used in construction 13% Special electronic equipment Malling Control:
Main engine Monitoring and alarm system SYS845
discharge two cargoes at a time, with full segre- Design MAN B&W Special equipment not listed Inert gas system,
gation. With a total pump capacity of 2,800m3/h Model 6S60MC Cargo heater, Cargo vaporiser,
(8x250m3/h), the time of discharge is approxi- Cargo compressor
mately 12.5 hours. The system also includes an ~~~'t:;;t~r.~.r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~.:.~.~~~li Stability calculation equipment.. .......... Loadstar loading
Output 15,300bhp/l02 rev/min computer
inert gas generator and drying plant with a ca- Propeller Contract date 5 December1988
pacity of 4 ,OOOm3/h , cargo heater, cargo Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze Launch/float out date 30 March 1991
vaporiser and compressor. Manufacturer Hyundai Delivery date 24 May 1991








JAMES CLARK ROSS: a new Antarctic research ship

Shipbuilder: Swan Hunter the holds, tanks are arranged for the carriage Diesel-electric system:
of aviation and diesel fuel for the Antarctic sta- Main enqlnes .. . ..
Shipbuilders, UK Desiqn Wartslla
tions. Two small refrigerated cargo compart- Model " "".""""".2 x 8R32Eat 750rev/min
Vessel's name: James Clark Ross ments, and magazine capacity for seismic ex- 2 x 6R22126at 1,000rev/min
Owner/operator: National plosives, are also provided. A total of 15 x 20ft Manufacturer WartsHa
Environmental containers can be carried in No 2 hold and Number """".""" """",, ,,",, Total 4
ResearchCouncil! tween deck, and on the hatch cover. Cargo han- Number , , ,"""', ,""', ..,.,"", .." ..,.." 4
British Antarctic dlin~ is by means of a Hagglunds MTT articulat- Make ,"', ,"'"", ,",., .. GEC
ed-jib, hydraulic crane lifting 20 tonnes, with Output " "."",2 x 3,100kW
Survey, UK a similar crane of to-tonnes lift serving the en- 2 x 1,000kW
Designer: Burness, Corlett and Propulsion motor
gine-room and aft deck, Number " .."., " ".".,""" 1
Partners, UK The machinery installation is based on the Make.i..; ..".,., ,.., , ,",.,' GEC
Flag: UK (Falkland Islands) power station system, and utilises four Output ., " 8,500hp maximum
WaitsiliilGEC alternator sets, Two of these Speed between 160rev/min and 200rev/min
Number of sister have type 8R32E diesel engines running at Propeller
ships already Material Stainless steel
750rev/min, with an electrical output of Manufacturer Stone Manganese Marine
completed: Nil 3,100kW, and two more, with 6R22/26 engines Number ", .." ".,', ,"""'" """', , 1
Number of sister producing 1,000kW. These provide the electri- Pitch , ,..,.,"'''''''',., ..,''''',.,'', , "." Fixed
Diameter 4m
ships on order: Nil cal power for the entire vessel, including the Rev/min , , , ,.,.,', ".,', .." 200 (maxi
diesel-electric propulsion system where a GEC Boilers
motor, operating between 160 and 200rev/min, Number ...."." .." ..." ..."." 2 x thermal fluid heaters
develops a maximum output of 8,500hp, Type """, ..,"""', ..,',.,." ,.., " 2000BThermopac
Make""., ..,., "., ,." , , Wanson
Because of the need to meet a low under- Output """ 2 x 1,500kWat 75% rating
THIS vessel has been specially designed with water radiated noise level, over 100major items Cranes
an operational capability down to -40°C, in or- of equipment have been built on resilient ~mb.", _ "' .., """'._"""""",2
der to carry out oceanographic research in the mounts or rafts, and sound levels, Make.................. ..".,,""""""""" Hagglunds MIT
Antarctic, and to transport personnel and Capacity/speed .....""" ..,,"",, .., 1 x 20tonnesl30m/min
The vessel is fitted with Elliott White Gill 1 x 10tonnesl30m/min
suppliesto the shore stations of the British Ant- thrusters, forward and aft. These have static Mooring winches
arcticSurvey in that region, The hull has there- thrusts of to tonnes and 4 tonnes respectively, Make.." """" """""".,,,,.,,' NEIClarkeChapman
fore been constructed to allow navigation in and are operated as part of the joystick control Number 2 x winch/windlasses
broken pack ice up to L5m thick and 'porridge' 2 x winches
system, to allow good station keeping, Hatch covers
ice conditions of over 3m thick. It was also a Accommodation is provided for 12 officers Make,..", ,., , , MacGregor-Navire
requirement that the vessel could break 'first- and 15 crew, all with suites, or single rooms Type, upper deck No 1 Hold: wire-operated single leaf
year' ice up to 0,8m thick, whilst maintaining with private toilets. In addition up to 50 scien- No 2 Hold: hydraulic folding
a speed of 2 knots, this being related to a bol- tween deck No 2 Hold: hydraulic folding
tific staff can be carried in 21 cabins. Separate Cargo tanks
lard pull of 65 tonnes. messrooms and lounges are provided for offic- Number ,,.., """.""",2
To assist with movement through the ice, an ers/scientists and crew, and recreational facilit- Grades ,., ,"", ,'" Aviation fuel
Interingheeling system has been fitted, in which ies include a gymnasium and sauna. Coated tanks " " " ..""."" "" """ .."." ......,,.. Yes
compressedair is used to force water from one Type of coating " ..""."""".,, Interguard
side of the ship to the other, causing it to rock Length, oa. . 99.04m Number , ,'"",,2
to-and-fro, to prevent ice from closing in. The Length, bp .. .. 90.00m Type 2TB80
requirements of Lloyd's Register's Ice Class lA Breadth, moulded 18.85m
Super notation have been complied with and Depth, moulded to upper deck
tween deck.. ..
form a basis for the design; however Canadian lower deck"... .. 4,20m Capacity ,..,.,..,"""', ..,",.,", ..,""", ,"'"""""",50
CASPPR2 requirements and Finnish practices Gross . , 5,732gt Classes , " ..,.,."""'"",,.AII scientists
have also been studied, with the result that Displacement .. ,7,439tonnes Number of cabins """, ..""""'''''''''" ...."."",, ...,,..21
some scantlings are considerably above rule. Lightweight .. .4,850tonnes Complement
Deadweight, design .. 2,589dwt Officers.i... ,.. ,', ..,.,., _ 12
James Clark Ross has been elaborately equip- Deadweight scantling .. 2,917dwt Crew""""""''''',, . 15
ped to sustain scientific research programmes, Draught, design....... ...6.30m Single/double rooms 27
during which she operates away from her UK Draught, scantling ........ 6,51m Stern appendageslspecial rudder" lce knife
base for 10 months of each year. Over 400m2 Speed, service .. 12.00knots Bow thruster
Cargo capacity Make " Elliot White Gi1l50T35
of laboratories are provided for chemistry, biol- bale ,... ..".1,367m3 Thrust.. 1O-tonnestaticl542rev/min
ogy and microbiology/radioactivity disciplines; liquid (98% full I... .".,,364m3 Number """"" ,, 1
in addition, portable containerised laboratories refrigerated. ..".".63m3 Stern thruster
can be carried as required on the aft deck, un- Bunkers Make,,,..,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,..,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,Elliot White GiIl40/1HJP
heavy oil. . ......." ....".Nil Thrust . .4-tonne staticl600rev/min
der which a scientific hold is arranged for the diesel oil (98% full) .. ."" .. 1,393m3 Number " "" .." "" " 1
storageof equipment and samples. Refrigerated Water ballast , .."." 1,208m3 Bridge control system
rooms are also provided for scientific storage. Fuel consumption Make " Sperry Marine
For heavy coring and hydrographic work, a Main engine and auxiliaries .....14.50tonnes/day Type Integrated bridge
Classification Lloyd's Register +100Al Antarctic Special electronic equipment Cegelec: joystick controls
20-tonne articulated A-frame is mounted over
the stern, and there is a 30-tonne gantry amid-
LogisticsiResearch Vessel, Ice Class 1A Super, + 0~~ and hydraulic pump motor starter
Rexroth: hydraulic motor controls
ships. The cantilevered traction winches work- Other regulations complied with IMO Resolution Elliot/Husbands: thruster control panels
ing with these have been supplied by Anderson A534(131Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (steering control)
Percentage of high-tensile steel used in construction Stability calculation equipment.. ...... Loading computer
Caley. ",.,.,',. . ~% Contract datev..; ....21 March 1989
Cargo is carried in two holds forward, closed Heel control system ..Intering Launchlfloat out date. .. 1 December 1990
by MacGregor-Navire hatch covers. Beneath Roll stabilisation equipment...... . Intering Delivery date.. .. 28 September 1991





JO ALDER: an advanced IMO Type 1/11chemical tanker

Shipbuilder: Societa Esercizio and valves can be controlled on the screen, and used in construction ..
Pollution avoidance and damage
Cantieri, Italy pressures and valve positions monitored. A survivability features Double skin, double bottom
Vessel's name: JoAlder Saab TankRadar level gauging system covers Main engine
cargo. slops and ballast tanks. An inert gas sys- Design Wartsila
Owner/Operator: Petronavi SRL(Cameli tem supplies gas with carbon dioxide less than Model . SR32D
Group), Italy Manufacturer "......... . Wartsl1a
1,OOOppm,and three manifolds are provided for Number.............................................. . 2
Designer: Societa Esercizio pumping dangerous gases ashore. Tank clean- Output 2 x 4,OSObhpnSOrev/min
Cantieri mg is carried out with Toftejorg fixed machines, Gearbox
fed from two independent systems using sea and Make.................................................... . RenkTacke
Flag: Italy fresh water. Pumps and manifolds are also Model..................................... . NDSL2S00
Number of sister Number 1
manufactured in stainless steel, as are the heat- Output .
ships already ing elements in the tanks, which are fed by pres- Propeller
completed: surised water. Material -
Manufacturer , Lips
Number of sister The engine-room is designed to run unman- Number 1
ships on order: Nil ned, and IS equipped with two Wartsila 8R32D Pitch Controllable
medium-speed engines, each developing Engine-driven alternators
4,080bhp at 750rev/min. These are coupled to Number 2
Make Marelli MXR500
a single Renk Tacke type NDSL 2500 reduction Output 2 x 1,6S0kW
THIS specialist chemical tanker, one of a pair gear by means of clutches and elastic couplings Diesel-driven alternators
building for long-term charter to J. Odfjell Tan- to drive a controllable-pitch propeller for a ser- Number 2
kers, Norway, features cargo tanks built from vice speed of 14.5 knots. Also driven from the Engine make Wartsila 6R22126
Avesta 2205stainless steel. This AISI 31803ma- Alternator make .
gearbox are two Marelli 1,650kW alternators Output 2 x 1,000kW
terial has a minimum 3% molybdenum content, which, with two Wartsila-powered diesel Cranes
and is suitable for the carriage of food products alternator sets. satisfy electrical requirements. Number 2 x hose-handling midships
and non-contaminable chemicals. as well as Normal procedure when discharging is to run 1 x hose-handling stern
general petroleum products. Make .
one main engine and one shaft generator to Capacity 3 x 2 tonne
The vessel is double skinned with double bot- supply the pumps. Two thermal oil boilers ser- Mooring winches -
tom, and within the cargo space, is divided by vice cargo heating (by means of a separate pres- Make .
troughed longitudinal and transverse bulk- surised water circuit), tank washing and auxili- Number 2 x winch/windlasses
4 x mooring winches
heads, into 25 tanks. At each end of the space, ary heating. Brunvoll bow and stern thrusters, Cargo tanks
these comprise port and starboard tanks. in be- each of 450kW, are provided. Number 25
tween, the divisions provide wing and centre Grades IMO I and II
tanks. All tanks can handle IMO II cargoes. PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Product Range -
but two centre tanks forward. separated from Length, oa 139.00m Coated tanks No
Length, bp 126.40m Stainless steel Yes (Avesta 2205)
each other and adjacent tanks by transverse Breadth moulded 21.2Sm Cargo pumps
cofferdams, can carry IMO I liquids. Depth, moulded to main deck 10.4Sm Number 25
The tanks are completely segregated and 25 Gross 7,990gt Type Variable speed, hydraulic submersible
cargoes can be handled by individual Frank
Mohn 250m3/h deepwell pumps, with separate

Service speed, SS% mcr with shaft generator

S.06m ~:~:~iiY·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·i~r~~~
Complement -
loading/discharge manifolds. Twelve pumps can engaged and lS% sea margin 14.S0knots Bow thruster
operate simultaneously. When single cargoes Cargo capacity 3 Make Brunvoll
Liquid volume 14,300m Number ............•...........................................................1
are carried. the pumps operate via two mani-· Bunker capacity Output 4S0kW
folds, with stern and midships connections .. Heavy oil 7S0 tonnes Stern thruster
Complete emptying of the tanks is achieved by Make Brunvoll
a system of small bore piping linked to a com- W~;:~~~~~~i·~~;;~~;"iy::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~~~~o"~~
Fuel consumption
Output 450kW
pressed air or pressurised Inert gas circuit. Strip- Main engine only 23.3 tonneS/day Bridge control system
ping pumps are installed to empty the 355mm Classification ... Registro Italiano Navale 1OOA1.1, lAQ1, Make -
manifolds. lCst (LR), Cst (LR+)P, NAV lL also Special electronic equipment Saab MaC/SOlcargo
As Saab MaC/501 computer system is fitted American Bureau of Shipping+Al [EI. system and Tank-
+AMS,+ACCU Radar level gauging
for cargo control; in this equipment the normal Other regulations Contract date .
bulky operating console is replaced by a colour complied with USCG Foreign flag vessels Launch float out date .
screen, keyboard and light pen. Pump speeds Percentage of high-tensile steel Delivery date -




/ \ /

KATARINA: built in Singapore for Norwegian owner
Shipbuilder: Argos Engineering Pte
Ltd. Singapore sel-alternator sets provide electrical power, Propelier
each producing 437.5kVA at I,SOOrev/min.An Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Vessel's name: Katarina emergency set of similar make with an output Manufacturer Uistein Propeller AlS
Number : 1
Owner/operator: Mai ShIPping K/S of 123.SkVA is also provided. A Brunvoll bow Pitch Controllable
(Hansen-Tangen). thruster is fitted and steering is assisted by a Rev/min 204
Schilling rudder. Engine-driven alternators , , Nil
Norway Diesel-driven alternators
Designer: ConanWu& Accommodation is arranged in the deckhouse Number . 3
aft for the 19 complement, the total including
Associates. Singapore three travelling repair men. All are accommo- ~~t~~~~~~~~k~·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Flag: Norway dated in single rooms with private facilities, 3x437.5kV All ,BOO
Number of sister with public rooms including mess room and sa- Number 1 (thermal oil)
ships completed: 2 loon, common to all ranks, and a gymnasium. Type Thermopac 2000B
Number of sister Katarina is equipped with a full range of naviga- Make Wanson
tional aids and communication systems, includ- Output 2,320kW
ships on order: Nil ing satellite navigation and communication, and Cranes
Number 1, hose handling
a loading computer is installed. Make Aukra Industrier AlS
KATARINA is typical of the small, specialised Capacity 2 tonnes at 50m/min
and sophisticated vessels currently being con- PR'INCIPALPARTICULARS Mooring winches
structed in the Republic of Singapore for the Make Hydraulik Brattvaag
world-wide market as the result of an overnight t:~g~: b~·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.lg~:~~~
Breadth, moulded 17.50m
Number 2 x windlass/winch
1 x mooring winch
contracting boom in 19S9.Designed locally, she Depth, moulded to main deck 8.00m Type Hydraulic
is classed for the carriage of oil products and Gross 4,094gt Cargo tanks
caustic soda, with a specific gravity up to 1.5. Displ.acement 8,642 tonnes Number 10 cargo tanks
There are five centrally divided cargo tanks, Lightweight 2,312 tonnes 2 slop tanks
Deadweight, design 6,000 dwt Product range Upto S.G.l.5
with two slop tanks, port and starboard, at the Deadweight, scantling 6,330dwt Coated tanks Ves
aft end of the cargo space. The pump room is Draught, design 6.10m Type of coating Sigma Coultroriet Kemguard
fitted centrally, between these two tanks, and Speed, service (85%mcr) 10.20 knot~ Stainless steel No
is equipped with three 500m3/h IMO cargo Cargo capacity, liquid volume (100%) 7,440m Cargo pumps
Bunker capacity
pumps and a Bornemann SOm3/h stripping
pump, controlled from the cargo control room. ~i:s'Z~lIllgg:Z1 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~~; ~~\;'e~~:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~
Type ..: 2 centrifugal, 2 scr~w
A full-length double bottom carries water bal- Water baliast capacity 1,749 tonnes Capacity of each pump Cargo: 500m /h
last, with additional capacity in fore and aft Classification Det norske Veritas + lAl Tanker for Stripping: BOm'lh
peaks, and in forward deep tanks, arranged port Oil Products and Caustic Soda, Ice C, EO
Other regulations complied with IMO (lBC Code); Pum~~~obr;;r 1
and starboard above the bow thruster compart- Norwegian International Ship Registry; USCG (DnV Position Aft of cargo tanks
ment. Bunkers are arranged in engine-room letter of compliance).
double bottom and in side tanks. All cargo Percentage of high-tensile Com8if;~~~t 9
steel used in construction ." Nil Crew 7
tanks have been coated with Sigma Coultroriet Pollution avoidance and damage Repair crew ,.3
Kemguard. survivability features Double bottom tanks Single/double rooms 19
The machinery installation is designed for re- Main engine Stern appendages or special rudder Schilling rudder
mote control from the bridge and machinery Design Bergen Diesel Bow thruster
Model BRMB Make Brunvoll
control room, and is centred on a Bergen Diesel Manufacturer Bergen Diesel A/S Power _ 410kW
BRMS main engine developing 4,OOObhpat Number 1 Bridge control system Terasaki ElectricCo
750rev/min. An Ulstein package comprises a Output 4,OOObhpI750rev/min Special electronic
1500AGSC gearbox and a cp propeller turning Gearbox equipment Terasaki monitoring alarm system
Make Uistein Propeller A/S Stability calculation equipment Loading computer
at 204rev/min. Cargo heating utilises a thermal Model 1500AGSC Contract date BJuly 1989
oil system supplied by a Wanson Thermopac Number , 1 Launch/float out date July 1990
2000B boiler. Three Caterpillar/Stamford die- Output speed 204rev/min Delivery date March 1991


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KNOCK ALLAN: Harland & Wolff's first Suezmax tanker
An inert gas generator produces 13,200Nm3fh, Manufacturer ·.. Stone Manganese Marine
Shipbuilder: Harland & Wolff Number """ ,,,1
Shipbuilders, UK and a crude oil washing (COW) system is in- ",Fixed
stalled, Water ballast is handled by five revers- Diameter ........ """"""""",8,450mm
Vessel's name: Knock Allan ible submerged pumps, four having a discharge Rev/min... ............ """"""",70
Owner/operator: Fred Olsen Group, capacity of 600m3fh, and one operating at Diesel-driven alternators
Norway 200m3fh, Hoses are handled by two hydraulic Number """""""'" """""""",,3
Enginemake"""", ""MANB&W
Designer: Kawasaki Heavy cranes of 15 tonnes SWL each, Alternator make
The main engine is a MAN B&W type Output.i.. , 3x840kW
Industries, Number ..
6S70MC, built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries """""""""'" """,,,,1

Japan/Harland & Wolff, and developing l4,960bhp at 70 rev/min. Elec- Boilers

Number '"
UK trical supplies are derived from three MAN Tvpe.i...
"""""""""'" """"",2
Flag: Liberia B&W-powered alternators, each producing Make""" ' """""""" Aalborg
Number of sister 840kW, the machinery installation being auto- Output... , """,2x35tonnelh
ships already Nil mated to meet Lloyd's Register's unmanned re- Number .. "" 2, hosehandling
quirements, Accommodation is provided for 26 Make"""
completed: persons, arranged in cabins with private wash- Capacity/speed."
"""""""",15 tonne/20m/min
Number of sister rooms and toilets, and air conditioned to main- Mooring winches
Make Pusnes
ships on order: 2 tain temperatures of 27°C and 20°C, with ambi- Number 2xwindlass/mooring winches
ent temperatures of +35°C and -lOoC respect- 6xmooring winches
ively, Type """,,,,"""'''''''' """Hydraulic
Cargo tanks
Number .. '''" II,plus2slops
THIS Suezmax crude oil tanker has been built Product range ..... "",Crude oil
to a conventional arrangement based on an Length,oa""" """"" 274,00m Coated " No 3 and slopsonly
Length,bp '''''''''''''' 267,00m Type of coating "" Tar epoxy
existing Kawasaki design, without double bot- Breadth,moulded """" """ 44,40m Cargo pumps
tom in the cargo spaces, which are divided into Depth,moulded to main deck "" 24,10m Number .. """""""""""""""",,3
centre and wing tanks by two longitudinal bulk- Gross . "" 78,400gt Type'''''''''''' .........Steam turbine driven
heads, The centre section is sub-divided into Deadweight,design """"""",135,000dwt Make"""", """""""Shinko KV450
Deadweight,scantling '" 145,000dwt Capacitv.r...; """,,,,,,,,,3x3,500m'lh
five cargo tanks, and the wings into three pairs """" 15,60m Pump rooms
Draught, design """"""""""",.
of cargo tanks, two pairs of segregated ballast Draught, scanttinq.i.; """"""",16,53m Number """"""""""""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1
tanks and two slops tanks, A cofferdam and Speed, service 85% mcr . """"'" 14.40knot~ Position.. .. Forward of engine room
pumproom separates these spaces from the en- Cargo capacity, liquid volume . """""" 167,600m
Bunker capacity Com8~~~~~ 9
gine room, Some 57% high tensile steel has Heavv oil.i... Crew""", "",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,16
"","""'" "" 3,500m3
been used in construction of the hull, which is Dieseloil """ """,270m3 Repair crew.. .. 4 plus 6 Suezcrew
completely flush decked, without forecastle, Water ballast """ ,,54,000m' Spare """"""""""",,' """,,2
and protected externally by tar epoxy and mod- Fuel consumption Single/double rooms """"""""'" "",,29/2
Main engine only", """""".44,34 tonneS/day Stern appendages or special
ified epoxy (aluminium) paints, lntcrnally, bal- Classification"""""" Llovds Register+100A1 Oil Tanker rudder Kawasaki semi-duct stern
last, slops and No 3 cargo tanks are coated with (Part H,T, Steel), +LMC Bow thruster" ""'" ",,",' """ ,,"""" "'''"''''''''''''''",'''''',, Nil
high build tar epoxy paints, COW, IGS, SBT, IWS Sternthruster """"""""""""""" """""""""""Nil
The cargo pump room is equipped to handle Percentage of high-tensile steel used in
construction ... ..... 57% BrjdKfak~~~~.~.I
..~:.~~.~.~ Nor-Control
three segregations of cargo and contains three Main engine Type"""",,,,,,,,,,, """""""",Autochief III
Shinko KV450 vertical centrifugal steam tur- Design """""MAN B&W Special electronic equipment ... Monitoring and control
bine driven pumps, each having an output of Model """"" """",,"""""'"'' "'" """,6S70MC system
3,500m3fh at 14,5 bar. The pumps also drive Manufacturer Kawasaki Heavy Industries Special navigation equipment.. .... lntegrated navigation
Number "" """"""""""" 1 system
two cargo stripping eductors, each handling Output., '" 14,960bhpnOrev/min Contractdate"""" """""""""'" """"",September 1989
I,OOOm3fh, and there is a steam driven, duplex Propeller Launch/floatout date '" """"September 1991
piston type cargo stripping pump of 300m3fh, Material", """"""""'" ...... Nikalium Delivery date '"'' """"""" November1991

" ~.

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" I


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KOTA WIJAYA: a feeder container ship from Japan
the cargo space and fore peak. Cable/pipe tun- Material KA 1BC3 nickel-aluminium-bronze
Shipbuilder: KanasashiShipbuilding Manufacturer Nakashima Propeller Co
Co Ltd. Japan nels are arranged in the tops of each side tank, Number 1
whilst at the bottom, the tanks are hopp'er sid- Pitch Fixed
Vessel's name: Kota Wijaya ed. In order to reduce weight, high-tensile steel Diameter 6.60m
Owner/operator: Gardenia Shipping has been used in the construction of the upper Rev/min 100
Engine-driven alternators Nil
Company (Pte) Ltd. deck. Diesel-driven alternators
Singapore The Mitsubishi low-speed main engine has Number 3
Designer: been built by Kobe Diesel Co Ltd and is of Engine make Yanmar Diesel Engine Co

Flag: Singapore
the 6UEC60LS type with an output of
14,400bhp at 100rev/min. Three YanmarlTaiyo
Number of sister diesel alternators are fitted, each producing' Number 1
ships already Nil 850kVA for the electrical supply.
Number of sister
ships on order: Nil Length,oa 184.51m Number ..4 x 12tonnes at 15m1min
Length, bp 174.00m 2 x 17tonnes at 9m1min
DESIGNED as a 'new generation feeder con- Breadth moulded 27.60m Type Electro-hydraulic.
Depth, moulded to main deck 14.00m Hatch covers .
tainer ship', Kota Wijaya can carry 1,186TEU Make MacGregor-Navire
and has a service speed of 19.1 knots. There
are six cargo holds, five forward of the machin-
Deadweight, scantling 22,695dwt
(Kayaba) Ltd
Steel weathertight
ery space, the nine. hatches for which are fitted Draught, design 9.02m pontoon type
with MacGregor-Navire Kayaba pontoon Draught, scantling 9.52m Containers
Speed, service (90%mcr) 19.10 knots Lengths 40ft and 20ft
covers. Each bay in the holds can accept mixed Bunker capacity Cell guides Ves
stowage of 20ft and 40ft containers, and there TEU capacity 1,138(+24FEU)
is provision for 200 refrigerated units to be carr- ~r:s':X~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.2:~~~~~
Water ballast capacity 5,81Om3
Reefer plugs
200 (220Vand 440V)
ied on the upper deck. At midships, five tiers Fuel consumption Upper deck 3/11
of eight rows of containers can be accommodat- Main engine only .40.80 tonnes/day Holds 518
ed in the holds, with 11 rows of three tiers on Auxiliaries 2.00 tonneS/day
deck. Classification Nippon Kaiji Kyokai NS', Container Com8}l;~~~t 10
The hull is double skinned over the midship Carrier, MNS Crew 14
Heel control system Automatic with heeling tanks Repair crew Nil
body, and the side tanks are used for fuel, and Main engine Spare NiI
as port and starboard water ballast heeling Design Mitsubishi
tanks during loading/unloading. A double bot- Model 6UEC60LS Bow~~nr~I.:i~r~.~.b.I.~
tom extends from aft at normal height, increas- Manufacturer Kobe Diesel Co Ltd Stern thruster Nil
Number 1 Stability calculatlon equipment Hitachi Loadometer 700
ing in depth at the fore end. Except under the Output 14,400bhpll00 rev/min Contract date 5 December 1989
engine room, this is used for water ballast, for Gearbox NiI Launch/float out date 9 February 1991
which there is also a deep tank located between Propeller Delivery date 28 May 1991




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KRASNOGRAD: a ro-ro ship from Warnowwerft
Number . .. 3
Engine make .. .. SKL
Shipbuilder: Neptun-Warnowwerft and develops 9,540kW at 127 rev/min. A step- 2x SVDS 26120 AL2
up gearbox from the same works increases the 1x 6VDS 26120 AL2
GmbH, Germany Alternator make ... ......"",, ...Elmo Dessau
Vessel's name: Krasnograd speed to 1,000 rev/min to provide the drive for 2x890kVA (712kW)
an Elmo Dessau alternator, producing 1x665kVA (532kW)
Owner/operator: Baltiiceskoje 1,lOOkW.The diesel-driven alternator sets com- Boilers
Parochodstwo, USSR bine Karl Liebknecht (SKL) engines with Elmo Number .........1xAuxiliary
Dessau alternators, two having an output of 1x Exhaust gas·
Designer: Neptun-Warnowwerft Make ...... ........Dampfkesselbau
GmbH, Germany 712kW and one of 532kW. The DMR propeller Dresden-Ibigau
Flag: USSR has a controllable pitch, and manoeuvering is Cranes
assisted by an 800kW bow thruster - also from Number .. . 1xsingle crane
Number of sister DMR. z xtwln cranes
Make .... .. KGWSchwerin
ships already Capacity/speed ............1x 1x 25 tonne/21.4m/min
completed: 5 PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS 2x2x25 tonne/21.4m/min
Length,oa .. 173.50m Mooring winches
Number of sister Make .... KGWSchwerin
Length, bp... 161.00m
ships on order: 4 Breadth, moulded 23.05m Number ...... .........2xwinch/windlass
Depth, moulded to main deck 13.70m 5xmooring winch
Depth, moulded to second (vehicle) deck 8.30m Type .... .. Electric
THIS is an example of the builder's LORO Gross. .. 16,075gt Hatch covers
18/11 class of multi-purpose cargo vessel, Displacement, to scantling draught 26,630tonnes Make .Schiffswerft Oderberg
characterised by a MacGregor-Navire three- Lightweight .. 9,120tonnes Type Upper deck Hydraulic jack-knife Foldtite
Deadweight, scantling ..17,510dwt Second deck No 1: Hydraulic hinged
sectionstern quarter ramp, giving access to the Deadweight, design .. 14,308dwt No 2-4: Wire-pull jack-knife
second of two cargo decks, on which vehicles Draught, scantling... .. 10.02m Containers
can be carried through to the forward end of Draught, design................................. .... 9.00m Length......... ..........20ft and 40ft
No 2 hold. The design features a hull form in- Speed (8.50m draught; 85%mcr) 18.80knots Cell guides .. .. No
Cargo capacity TEU capacity . .. 728
corporating bulbous bow and stern bulb, and Bale .. ............22,860m3 Heights . ................8ft,8ft6in
includesa long forecastle, poop, and four cargo Grain . ............20,311m3 Reeferplugs. . 30
holds forward of the engine-room and Bunker capacity Tiers/across
deckhouse. Hold No 5 is, in reality, the Upper deck ............Hatch 1 1/4
~f:svJ ~~Iel.•••••••••.........•••••••••.•••••••••••••••••.••••••
2:2j~~; Hatch 2 & 3 419
tweendeck space under the deckhouse, and Water ballast 4,404m3 Hatch 4 416
formsa vehicle alley along each side of the cen- Fuel consumption Other decks ....Tank deck 1 212
tral casing. Main engine only 34.6tonneslday Main deck 1 213
Belowthe second deck there is a double skin Auxiliaries 4.4 tonneslday DB hatch 2-4 sn
(excluding refrigerated containers) Doors/ramps
within holds 2, 3 and 4, and these spaces are Classification .........USSRRegister of Shipping KM 2 Al Number .. . 1x stern (quarter)
suitable for the carriage of heavy cargoes such Heel control equipment Stability control system and Designer .. . MacGregor-Navire
as iron ore. When grain is loaded, the second automatic Elling balancing equipment Passengers
deck hatch covers can be raised to form Pollution avoidance and damage survivability Number ... 2
features .." Double-skin structure in lower holds Vehicles
tweendeckbulkheads. These covers, on hatches Main engine Cars, number .. ........242
2 to 4, are of the wire operated jack-knife type. Design....... .. Sulzer Trucks/trailers .39x40ft+14x20ft
No 1, second deck cover, is hydraulically hing- Model... .. 6RTA58 Lorries... ............................S3
ed, and all upper deck hatches are closed by Manufacturer Dieselmotorenwerk Rostock Complement
Number 1 Officers . .. 15+1 pilot
hydraulicjack-knife covers. Output.. 9,540kW/127rev/min Crew .. ..........19
Both 20ft and 40ft containers can be carried, Gearbox . Single/double rooms .... ...............33/3
the TEU capacity being 728, with facilities for Make Dieselmotorenwerk Rostock Stern appendages or special
30 of these to be refrigerated. Car capacity is (for alternator drive only) rudder ......Semi-balanced underhung rudder
242,and combinations of 39x40ft and 14x20ft Number .. . 1 and stern bulb
Output speed.. ....................1,000rev/min Bow thruster
trailers; or 83 motor lorries can be loaded on Propeller Make Dieselmotorenwerk Rostock
the vehicle deck. Cargo is handled by three Material. . Copper-manganese-aluminium ~m~ 1
KGW Schwerin cranes: a single 25 tonne ver- Manufacturer Dieselmotorenwerk Rostock Output SOOkW
sion between holds I and 2, with twin 25 tonne Number .. 1
Pitch.. .. Controllable BridK%ak~~~~.~.I..~:.~~.~.~ Schiffselektronik Rostock
units between Nos 2 and 3, and 3 and 4 holds. Diameter.. .. 5.30m Type........................ .. AFA 5011
Dangerous goods of classes I, 3, 4 and 9 may Rev/min ...... .. 127 Automation equipment.; ..
be loaded in No 1 hold, and classes 4 and 9 Engine-driven alternator Special navigation equipment.,
Number 1 Stability calculation equipment ..
in Nos 2 to 4 holds. Make .......... Elmo DessauDGASO5621-6 Contract date .....
The Sulzer 6RTA58 main engine has been Output.. l,375kVA (1,100kW)/1,000rev/min Launchlfloat out date
built by Dieselmotorenwerk Rostock (DMR), Diesel-driven alternators Delivery date .



J1),I", DECK

moo ~8



LANDSORT: a new-generation Suezmax tanker
Shipbuilder: Daewoo Shipbuilding & our graphic computer system. Also operated Main engine
from here arc start/stop and speed control of Design . . MAN B&W
HeavyMachinery Ltd, Model. . 6S70MC
all pumps and hydraulic power packs; opening Manufacturer ... . Korea Heavy Industries &
Korea and closing of valves: level (Saab TankRadar), Construction
Vessel's name: Landsort pressure and temperature gauging and alarms. Number 1
Owner/operator: Miranda & Co (Nynas Cargo heating is by means of deck-mounted Output 20,940bhp/88rev/min
Gearbox.. . Nil
Petroleum AB), heat exchangers (one for each tank). Propeller
Sweden A KHIC-built MAN B&W 6S70MC main en- Material Copper-nickel-aluminium
gine is filled, which, at a normal continuous rat- Manufacturer.. .. Lips BV
Designer: Daewoo Shipbuilding & ing of 18,850bhp and 85rev/min, gives a loaded Number.. . 1
HeavyMachinery Ltd Pitch.. . Fixed
service speed of 14.7 knots. Three HEECO Diameter.. . 8,200mm
Flag: Liberia alternators, one of I ,200kW and two of 900kW, Rev/min. . 88
all driven by Ssangyong-MAN B&W diesel en- Engine driven alternator Nil
Number of sister Diesel driven alternators
ships already gines. provide the electrical power. The larger Number.. . 3
engine is also connected, by a clutch and flex- Engine make , , ", ,', .
completed: Nil ible coupling, to one of the hydraulic power 1 x Ssangyong MAN-B&W 8L28132H
Number of sister packs; clutch operation is controlled from the 2 x Ssangyong MAN-B&W 5L28132H
Alternator make HEECOIHyundai)
ships on order: cargo room. Two Sunrod oil-fired auxiliary Output 1x1,200kWI720rev/min
boilers provide steam for the simultaneous op- 2 x 900kWl720rev/min
LANDSORT is believed to be the first double- eration of the two steam turbine-driven hydrau- Boilers
lic power packs during cargo discharge, whilst Number.. . 3
hulled Suczrnax oil tanker to be completed Type 2 x oil fired water tube, 1x exhaust gas
which meets the USCG double hull regula- requirements at sea are satisfied by a Sunrod ~~. ... ...... S~~
tions for the US Oil Pollution Act 1990; she exhaust gas boiler. Output .
has been designed for the world-wide trans- Accommodation is arranged in a five-tier . i··~·25·t~~~~;;jh:··i·6kgi~;;
deckhousc served by a lift. A built-in swimming 2 x 1.8 tonne/h; 6kg/cm2
portation of crude oils and oil products of heav- Cranes, hose handling
ier specific gravity. There are nine. full width, pool, sauna and gymnasium are provided, to- Number . 2 hydraulic
centre cargo tanks and two slops tanks. The gether with a cabin for six Suez crew. The Make , , "",,... .. Norwinch
2.5m space within the double hull is connected wheelhouse allows a panoramic view and con- Capacity " 20 tonnes at 15m/min and 16m radius
tains the main engine remote control system. Mooring winches
to the double bottom, and incorporates top and Make .."..... .. Norwinch
bottom wing tanks. forming five pairs of water A Becker flapped rudder (with an overall area' Number 2 x windlass/mooring. 6 x mooring
ballast tanks. The corrugated transverse bulk- of 58m2, believed to be the largest ever manu- Type Hydraulic
heads arc built on hoppered stools, the space factured) has been fitted to enhance course- Cargo tanks
keeping and manoeuvrability. Number .. . .. 9 plus 2 slops
within these being linked with the double-bot- Grades ..
tom tanks. Product range Max sg 1.025
Three cargo segregations can be carried, and PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Coated tanks.. . No
Length, oa 274.00m Stainless steel. . No
one tank in each segregation has been strength- Length, bp . . 264.00m Cargo pumps
ened for partial filling, in accordance with a dy- Breadth, moulded. . 48.00m Number.. . 11
namic sloshing calculation carried out in associ- Depth, moulded to main Type........... Hydraulic submersible centrifugal
ation with Det norske Veritas. With only deck deck. . 23.00m Make . FrankMohn
Gross... . 81,110gt Capacity.
stiffening within the tanks. the cargo spaces Deadweight, design .. . 141,844dwt ······9·~··i:56ii;;;1h·i·~~;g~
present a plain surface which can easily be Deadweight, scantling 163,038dwt 2 x 300m /h (slops)
cleaned. Landsort is one of the first ships to Draught, design.. . 15.20m
Draught, scantling.. . 17.00m Pump rooms .................................. ...... Nil
comply with Det norske Vcritas' EC (Environ- Complement
Speed, service at csr with 15% sea margin .. 14.70knot~
mental Class) notation. Cargo capacity, liquid volume.. ... 172,850m Officers 15
Pumping arrangements are centred on the use Crew 8
Bunkers Repair crew Nil
of Frank Mohn hydraulic submerged pumps, of Heavy fuel.. .....4,200m3
........................................... 285m3 Spare 61Sue2Crew)
which nine of 1,560m'/h serve the cargo tanks. Dieseloil .. Single/double rooms 23 single/1 x 6 berth
Water ballast .. ... 57,710m3
and two of 300m'/h cover the slops tanks. For Stern appendages or special rudder ,,, ..
Fuel consumption Becker flapped rudder
operational flexibility and reliability. a variety Main engineonly. ....56.30tonneS/day Bow thruster ,........................... , Nil
of prime movers has been selected for the four Classification Stern thruster ,. . Nil
hydraulic power packs; thus two of these arc Det norske Veritas +1A1 Tanker for Oil, +MV, EO, Bridge control system Japan Radio Company
COW, INERT, bis, TMON, PP3, EC Special electronic equipment Saab MaC/501cargo
steam turbine driven. one has a diesel drive and Other regulations complied with ... Swedish National
one is powered by electric motor. Ballast is han- control system
Maritime Associations
dled by two hydraulic pumps of 2,600m3/h each, Percentage of high tensile used in construction 62.4% Stability calculation equipment. .... Saab Electronics AB
Heel control equipment .. . Nil on-line system
positioned in No 4 water ballast tank. Cargo Roll stabilisation equipment.. . Nil Contract date............. ..13 November 1989
handling is remotely controlled and monitored Pollution avoidance and damage survivability Launch/float out date 8 June 1991
from a special room, using a Saab Mac/SOl col-, features.. . Double bottom and double hull Delivery date . - October 1991



MONARCH OF THE SEAS: newest cruise liner for RCCL
a panoramic view for 231 people from a height Roll stabilisation equipment Sperry Gyrofin stabilisers
of 40m above sea level. (2 pairs)
Shipbuilder: Chantiers de Main engine
L'Atlantique, France The machinery installation comprises four Desig n SEMT-Pielstick
SEMT-Pielstick 9PC20L diesel engines, each Model 9PC20L
Vessel's name: Monarch of the Seas developing 5,460kW at 475 rev/min and con- Manufacturer Atlantique
Owner/operator: Royal Caribbean Cruise nected in pairs, by way of Lohmann & Number 4
Output 4x5,460kW/475 rev/min
Line Inc, USA Stolterfoht gearboxes, to KaMeWa controllable Gearbox
Designer: Chantiers de pitch propellers. Electrical power is derived Make Lohmann & Stolterfoht
L'Atlantique, France from six Wartsila/GfiC Alsthom 2,11OkW die- Model -
sel generator sets. As well as two oil-fired Number 2
Flag: Liberia boilers, waste heat boilers operate in conjunc- Output speed 2x 142.5 rev/min
Number of sister tion with each of the four main, and six auxiliary Material Ccpper-nlckel-aturnlnlum
ships already diesel engines, with outputs of 2 and 1 tonnes/h Manufacturer KaMeWa
respectively. Number 2
completed: Pitch Controllable
Number of sister A Norcontrol installation controls automatic Diameter 4.9m
running, alarm processing and monitoring of all Rev/min 142.5
ships on order: engine systems for unattended running, and Engine-driven alternator Nil
Honeywell has supplied the controls for the air Diesel-driven alternators
~mb _ _ _ _.~
SOME relatively small modifications made in conditioning plant. Main engine remote control Engine make Crepelle-Wiirtsilii
the light of operating experience, to meet equipment is by the engine builder. Two Alternator make GECAlsthom
changes in regulations. and to achieve a better KaMeWa 1,nOkW bow thrusters have been fit- Output 6 x 2,11OkW1720rev/min
ted and there are two sets of Sperry Gyrofin Boilers
performance, mark the differences between Number _.2
Monarch of the Seas, a sister ship under con- stabilisersj as well as a heeling tank system with Type FMS
struction (to be named Majesty of the Seas), two 300m /h pumps. Make Babcock Entreprise
and the now four-year-old Sovereign of the Two flash-type fresh water generators each Output.. 2x7 tonneslh
produce 300 tonnes/day for domestic use, and Note: Exhaust-gas boilers also fitted to all main and
Seas. Designed primarily to meet the needs of auxiliary engines.
the Caribbean cruise market, this liner has ac- a low-noise vacuum garbage treatment plant in- Cranes
commodation for 2,744 passengers (which in- corporating three pulpers is installed. There are Number 2xHiigglund MIT
cludes rooms for handicapped travellers) and two incinerators of 1,000kW each for automatic 2 x 2.50 tonnes
burning of wet and dry garbage, both fitted for 2xHaschroder
826 crew spread over 14 decks. 2 x 0.75 tonnes
Within the main hull, the passenger cabins waste heat recovery. Sewage treatment meets Mooring winches
have been arranged in the fore part of the with the latest requirements. Lifesaving equip- Make Brissonneau et Lotz
vessel, away from the sources of noise and vi- ment includes 18x 150 person lifeboats, and Number 2xwindlass/mooring winches (forward)
there are also two rescue boats. 1xwindlass/mooring winch (aft)
bration, with the indoor public spaces aft. Out- 4xmooring winches
door activities, including two swimming pools, Type Electric
are centered on decks 11 and 12, where the PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS
open Sun Deck is surrounded by aJromenade Capacity 2,744
Length, oa 268.00m Number of cabins l,177
balcony, with protection afforde by glass Length, bp 236.00m Percentage inboard Less than 40%
panels. A major change from the earlier vessel Breadth, moulded 32.20m .Complement
has resulted in the provision of balconies to the Depth, moulded to freeboard deck (Deck 1) 9.70m Officers 89
luxury cabins on deck 10.
The focal point of the passenger spaces is The
Draught. design 7.53m
Bow thrusters
Make KaMeWa

Centrum (pioneered on Sovereign of the Seas), Number 2

an atrium with open staircases and two decor- ~~~~~~\~g:;.n~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-i'i"'(i(/k~~~
Bunker capacity
Output 2x1,72OkW
ative lifts, extending over five 'tweendecks, Brid~a~~~~~.~.I..~:.~~.e.~ Sperry NMS 3000
from which opens, at various levels, the two ~ieas'Z~I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~:030~0r;;,',atJ';;;,x~ Special electronic equipment
main restaurants, shopping mall, casino and Water ballast capacity 3,000m approx
3 Monitoring and control
bars. The show lounge, towards the stern, is Fuel consumption (approx) system Norcontrol Automatic
three decks high and seats 1,150 persons. Other Main engine only 30 tonneS/day HVAC automation Honeywell
Auxiliaries 30 tonnes/day Fire detection Cerberus Guinard
facilities provided for passengers' entertainment Classification Det norske Veritas+ 1A 1 Remote control of engines SEMT-Pielstick
include a 200-seat cinema, cardroom and li- Passenger ship Manoeuvre recorder Moland
brary, discotheques, saunas, sports centre and (unlimited service), EO,BIS Stability calculation equipment.. ..Norcontrol Automatic
jogging track, and what is now regarded as the Other regulations complied with USCG and USPH on-line computer
Percentage of high-tensile steel Contract date November 1988
hallmark of the RCCL fleet, the Viking Crown used in construction 2% Launch/float out date -
Lounge surmounting the funnel and providing Heel control equipment Heeling tanks Delivery date October 1991



NEDLLOYD EUROPA: containers without hatch covers
Shipbuilder: Mitsubishi Heavy are fitted in these holds, which are allocated alternator connected) l 01.00 tonnes/day
Industries to the carriage of dangerous cargoes. These Classification ......... .... Lloyd's Register + 1OOA1,
guides do not extend to the deck above, where CC, + LMC, UMS
(Kobe Shipyard) Japan Percentage of high-tensile steel
the new longer (45ft, 48ft and 49ft) containers used in construction ,....... . .
Vessel'sname: Nedl/oyd Europa can be carried. The structure of the UCC was Heel control equipment Automatic heel control
Owner/Operator: Nedlloyd Lijnen BV, determined from computer analysis and, as a system
The Netherlands result, special cross beams have been introduc- Main engine
Design.......... .. Sulzer
Designer: Nedlloyd/Mitsubishi ed between each hold, and some high tensile Model....... .. 8RTA84C
Heavy Industries steel has been included in the hull. Manufacturer Mitsubishi
In all, there are seven cargo holds, two of Number .. 1
Flag: The Netherlands which are aft of the machinery space, with a Output, mcr 30,600kW/l00 rev/min
Numberof sister Propeller
raised hold bottom formed by the shaft tunnel' Material . .......... Copper-nickel-aluminium
ships already and wing ballast tanks. The specially designed Manufacturer ............ Mitsubishi
completed: self-standing cell guides which are fitted in the Number .. ............. 1
five open holds, extend to the fourth tier of con- Pitch ...... .. Fixed
Numberof sister Diameter . .. 8,100m
tainers above deck; those in Nos 3, 4 and 5 Rev/min .. .. 100
ships on order: 3* holds can be shifted should 40ft units be carried. Engine-driven alternator
Provision is also made for 200 integral refriger- Number 1
* Two more from Mitsubishi and one ated containers to be carried in holds 4, 5 and Make Nishishiba
Output. 2,450kWnO-l OOrev/min
from IHI. Illustration depicts Nedl/oyd 6 and deck positions. In the open holds, the Diesel-driven alternators
Asia, completed by IHI at its Kure yard. bottom row of containers sit on 200mm high Number .. . 2
stools to avoid any water penetration, although Engine make . ....... Daihatsu 8DK32
it is considered that any water ingress into the Alternator make ................ Nishishiba
Output .. .....2 x 2,500kW/720 rev/min
cargo spaces will be minimal. Heating system
Removal of water from the holds is a priority Type . .. Thermal oil
in the hatchless vessel, and is accomplished here Heaters . .. 1 x oil fired
by a unique Nedlloyd IHIIMHI system with two x exhaust gas
NED LLOYD has designated this class of five Make . .......... Wiesloch
sisters (to be followed by two similar, but larger separate bilge pump arrangements, one drain- Output .. ..... 1 x 2,907kW
vessels), the Ultimate Container Carrier ing aft and the other forward. Wells are fitted 1 x 2,325kW
in the four corners of each hold, fed from port Cranes
(UCC). This has evolved from more than 20 Type.................. .. Monorail hoist for
years of operating experience as a means of and starboard gutters. Two automatic drain stores (main deckhouse)
overcoming many of the problems inherent in pumps (one in the engine room and one in the Make .. Sekigahara Seisakusho
conventional container ship design, particularly forecastle) are activated by level controllers in Capacity/Speed . .....9 tonnenm/min
with regard to the handling, stowage and safety the bilge wells. 2 tonnel14m/min
The main engine is a Sulzer 8RTA84C low- Mooring winches
of the containers. It also provides built-in flexi- Make .. Fukushima
bility to accommodate whichever of the many speed model manufactured by Mitsubishi (the Number .. 2 x winch/windlass
varying sizes of container now in use, is chosen IHI vessels will have Diesel United-Sulzer en- 6 x mooring winch
as a future standard. Although the series has gines). The mcr output is 30,600kW at Type low-pressure hydraulic
100rev/min with direct drive to the fixed-pitch Hatch covers
been ordered from two yards (Mitsubishi and Make MacGregor-Navire
IHI), all ships are identical. propeller. A Nishishiba 2,450kW thyristor-con- Type Pontoon
Nedlloyd considered that an answer to the trolled alternator turns with the shaft and, in (Nos 1 & 2 hatches only)
increasing cost of securing containers carried on addition, two 2,500kW DaihatsuiNishishiba die- Containers
sel sets are provided. There is no steam on Length...... .. 20ft; 40ft; 45ft; 48ft; 49ft
deck, manually, and of those lost or damaged Cell guides............... .. Yes
in transit, was to extend the use of cell guides board, heating being by means of a thermal oil TEU capacity............ .. 3,568
and, in so doing eliminate hatch covers (since system supplied from an exhaust gas Reefer plugs.. .. 200
they were not contributing to strength), thus economiser and an oil fired heater. A Kawasaki Heights.. .. 8ft 6in
1,600kW bow thruster is fitted to assist berth- Tiers/across
allowing the guides to be continued upwards to Upper deck . .. 4113
embrace containers carried above the hull. To ing. Holds . .. 9/11
accomplish this, special dispensation had to be PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Com8~~~~t ..(.~.~r~.a.I.).. H 7
obtained from the regulations of the Interna- Length. oa 266.00m Crew.......... ..
tional Convention on Load Lines, and extensive Length, bp 253.00m Repaircrew Nil
model tests were carried out by Marin, Breadth, moulded 32.24m Spare 12
Wageningen, and by Mitsubishi at Nagasaki, to Depth, moulded to main deck 23.25m + 4 Suez Crew
Gross 48,000gt Single/double rooms 2014(+ 1 x 4 berth)
establish the seakeeping qualities of the vessel, Deadweight, design 36,400 dwt Bow thruster
with emphasis on the amount of water likely Draught, design 11.00m Make Kawasaki
to be shipped on board. Draught, scantling 13.00m Number .. 1
The UCC does not dispense with convention Speed, service (85% mcr) 21.50 knots Output 1,600kW/900 rev/min
completely, and, dictated by the shape of the Speed, service (90% mcr;
main enqine-driven Brid~a~~".tr~.I"'. NASCO-ABS
ship, No 2 and the small No 1, holds are fitted alternator not connected) 23.00 knots Type............................ .. FAHM 200
with pontoon hatch covers. For No 2 hold these Bunker capacity Special equipment Video display system for
are arranged in three athwartship sections with Heavy oil. 5,730m3 Terasaki monitoring and control system
Diesel oil...... .. 447m3 Navigation planning system
two longitudinal girders between them (the only Water ballast .. 14,255m3 Contract date ......... ....... December 1989
such strength members in the cargo space), Fuel consumption Launch/float out date .. ..............September 1991
while No 1 hold has a single cover. Cell guides Main engine only (main engine- Delivery date . ........... December 1991

OLYMPIC SERENITY: a large double-hulled tanker
cargo space, surrounding which there are four Manufacturer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
water ballast tanks. A pump room is located Number.... .. 1
Shipbuilder: Sumitomo Heavy Pitch .. Fixed
Industries, Japan at the forward end of the engine room, at the Diameter...................... .. 7.2m
sides of which are the oil fuel bunkers. Rev/min . 103
Vessel's name: Olympic Serenity A Diesel United-Sulzer 6RTA62 main engine Engine-driven alternators Nil
Owner/operator: Dover Marine Panama is fitted, developing 14,200bhp at 103rev/min. Diesel-driven alternators
Number .. . 3
SA Electrical supply is derived from three Engine make .. ................ Daihatsu
Designer: Sumitomo Heavy DaihatsulTaiyo 670kW diesel-alternator sets, Alternator make. ............ Taiyo Electric
Industries, Japan and a Mitsubishi oil fired, two-drum water tube Output... ....... 3 x 670kWn20rev/min
boiler produces steam at a rate of 35,OOOkglh Boilers
Flag: Greece which includes supply to four Naniwa steam tur- Number 1
Type Oil fired, two drum water tube
Number of sister bine-driven cargo pumps. Bridge control of the Make Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
ships already machinery installation is provided by a Diesel Output......... .. 35,000kg/h
United N-3 system, and a data logger is fitted. Cranes, hose handling
completed: Nil Number 1
Number of sister
There is a cargo control room in the main Make Fukushima
deckhouse and an engine control room at the Capacity..... . 15tonnesat10m/min
ships on order: 5 forward end of the machinery space. Mooring winches
Make ....... ............................. Fukushima
Number .. .... 2 x windlass/mooring
CONTRACTED as a conventional single-hull PRtNCIPAL PARTICULARS 4 x mooring winches
crude oil tanker, the design of Olympic Serenity Length. oa .. 232.04m Type ..... ..... Electro-hydraulic
Length, bp . .. 222.12m Cargo tanks
was changed to a double hull configuration, to Breadth, moulded .. 42.00m Number .. 7 plus 2 slops
meet the owner's wish to follow the United Depth, moulded to main deck.... .. 20.30m Grades............... ............4
States movement in that direction, aimed at the Gross. .. 52,127gt Coated tanks .Slops tanks only
prevention of marine pollution (The 1990 Oil Deadweight, design... .. 96,733dwt Type of coating Tar epoxy
Draught, design 14.2m Stainless steel No
Pollution Act). Because of its building pro- Speed, service, 90%mcr with 15% sea margin Cargo pumps
gramme, Sumitomo had to finalise the design Number .. 4
before the US authorities made public their C~;g~capacity, liq~id·~~i~;;;·~ : :::.?i~~5~~~~ Type...................... ......... Steam turbine,
NVIC 2-90 standard for such vessels, and in as- Bunkers 3 vertical centrifugal
sociation with the owner decided upon a double
bottom height of 2.0m, and side tank breadth
~ieasvJ ~!:......... . ::::::::::::::::::::::::.2:~~~~3 ~:::~iiy:::::: :::::::::.:.:::::::::
Water ballast. .. 35,730m3 Pump room
of 2.5m. Fuel consumption Number .. 1
Additionally, attention was focused upon the Main engine only approx 37.00 tonnes/day Position Between cargo space and engine-room
Auxiliaries.. . approx 2.00tonneslday
stability and structural aspects of the new de- Classification Nippon Kaiji Kyokai NS·, Tanker, Com8~~~~~ 10
sign. In particular, the inner bulkhead of the oils flash point below 60°C, MNS·, (MO) . Crew..... .. 15
double-skin side tank is inclined inwards at the Percentage of high-tensile steel used in Repair crew 6
top, to prevent sloshing and to improve stabil- construction . approx 70% Spare 3
Heel control equipment... .. Nil Single/double rooms 28 single, 1 x 6-benh room
ity, whilst at the bottom, a hopper tank shape Roll stabilisation equipment... .. Nil Stern appendages or special rudder Nil
has been introduced to reduce stress concentra- Pollution avoidance and damage survivability Bow thruster.... .. NiI
tions. There is also a longitudinal swash bulk- features .......... Double skin and double bottom structure Stern thruster.. .. Nil
head in the cargo tanks to reduce the slosh ef- Main engine
Design..... .. New Sulzer Diesel BridKfa~~~t~~.I..~v.~t.e.~ Diesel United
fect, and to give hull girder shear and transverse Model................... .. 6RTA62 Type.......... . N-3
strength. Overall, the adoption of a double-hull Manufacturer............. .. Diesel United Special electronic equipment Data logger
concept has meant less structural obstacles in Number .. 1 Stability calculation equipment Cargo loading
the tanks and consequently, easier cleaning. Output..... .. 14,200bhp/103 rev/min computer
Gearbox ... NiI Contract date... .. 7 June 1989
Cargo is carried in seven centre tanks, with Propeller Launch/float out date 20 January 1991
two slops tanks arranged at the aft end of the Material .. Special stainless steel Delivery date... .. 27 March 1991


NO}, I CARGO:-CII 'A .. ~rCJ

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f----- _!_ _~._.



PEARL VENUS: a self-unloading wood-chip carrier
Shipbuilder: Mitsubishi Heavy spaced, deep, transverse web frames, and by Gearbox . ........ Nil
positioning pipes and ladders in protected Propeller
Industries Ltd, Japan Material.. ....Nickel-aluminium-bronze
spaces. The deck cranes are operated from con- Manufacturer Mitsubishi HeavyIndustries
Vessel's name: Pearl Venus trol rooms mounted on each crane, and the con- Number ....1
Owner/operator: Sunny Hurst Shipping veyor system and feeders can be controlled Pitch Fixed
Corp (NYK Line), Japan either from the cranes, or from the tally office Diameter . 5.7m
Rev/min. . 109
Designer: Mitsubishi Heavy in the main deckhouse. Engine-driven alternator . Nil
Industries Ltd During ballast voyages, No 4 hold may be Diesel-driven alternators
used as a water ballast tank and provision is Number ..... ....................... 3
Flag: Liberia made for Nos I and 6 holds to be ballasted in Engine make ... .....Daihatsu
Number of sister Alternator make .. ........................ Nishishiba
port to obtain minimum air draught. A Mitsu- Output ..... 3x560kW
ships already bishi reaction fin has been fitted to the stern Boilers
completed: Nil in order to improve propulsive efficiency. Number ... . 2
The main engine is a Mitsubishi 6UEC52LS Type ..... .. ..... .... 1xcomposite
Number of sister 1xexhaust gas economiser
slow-speed design, developing 8,860bhp at 109 Make .... Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd
ships on order: Nil rev/min and three Daihatsu/Nishishiba 560kW ... 1x4.0tonnes/h
alternators provide the electrical power. 1xO.9 tonneslh
Number.. . 3
THE importation of wood chips into Japan is Make.. . Tsuji Heavy Industries
a tradc which has produced its own particular Capacity .
design of self-unloading bulk carrier, found Mooring winches
trading mainly between North America!Austra- Make ... ..Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd
lia and Japan. The cargo has a spccific gravity Type .. .................... Electro-hydraulic
of between 0.385 and 0.45 tonnes/m', and in Length,oa . 227.00m
Length, bp . 217.00m Hatch covers
order to carry a full deadweight, Pearl Venus Breadth, moulded. . 32.20m Make .. .. Tsuji Heavy Industries
has been designed with increased depth. This Depth, moulded to main deck 22.50m Type . .................... End folding
Belt feed conveyors
increased dimension has been especially necess- Gross .. . . 44,802gt
Number . 5
ary in her case since the overall length has been Deadweight, design .... ..48,495dwt
Deadweight, scantling. ..53,679dwt Make . Tsuji Heavy Industries
restricted to 227m, to suit trading ports. Draught, design 10.00m Complement
Cargo is carried in six holds, and is loaded Draught, scantling. . 10.80m Officers.. . 10
by shore facilities. Unloading is handled by the Speed, service 90% mcr 13.50 knot~ Crew. . 12
Cargo capacity, grain. .. . 114,470m Repair crew Nil
ship's equipment, which comprises three fixed Bunkers Spare . 2 (oHicers); 1 (crew); 1 (pilot)
deck cranes, serving Nos I and 2; 3 and 4; 5 Single/double . All single
and 6 holds. These use 'orange-peel' type grabs, ~feas~~ ~:: ..... :::: ::.2:m~; Stern appendages... ............ Mitsubishi reaction fin
and discharge into moveable hoppers on the Waterballast.. 14,411m3 Bow thruster..... ...Nil
starboard side of the vessel. A conveyor trans- Classification Nippon Kaiji Kyokai NS', MNS' (MO) Stern thruster .. Nil
Other regulations complied with ....USCG (Foreign Flag) Special equipment
ports the chips to a shuttle-conveyor at the fore Percentage of high-tensile steel Moveable hoppers 3 sets
end, and thence to shore; the vessel's unloading used in construction .. Belt feeders, 438 tonneslh each
capacity is 975tonnes/h. Within the holds, cargo Main engine Rotating un loader 1 set, 1,314tonneslh
is moved by bulldozers, and the internal struc- Design.. . Mitsubishi Stability calculation equipment...... . Nil
Model. . 6UEC52LS Contract date 25 December 1989
ture has been designed to be as clear from ob- Manufacturer ......... Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd Launch/float out date 15 May 1991
structions as possible, notably by using wide Output.. ....8,860bhp/1 09 rev/min Delivery date . 30 July 1991

en ,I
"TI "
:: 1'Il.1I CARGO HOLD ~ ::
~ '. Ll;' ENGINE \ ,: ,'II :"1 :: :: : IV, ===,_: ..
''''~O-M--\-------':----- --__ II f:lVATER BALLAST TANK/' II II __ ---------- .1
•. I 'j

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PRINS FILIP:a new Belgian ferry for RMT

Water ballast (inc heeling tanksl 1,314m3
Shipbuilder: Boelwerf NV, The central casing contains engine uptakes, Fuel consumption , , .
Belgium ventilation ducts and similar services, and pro- Classification Bureau Veritas +13/3 E, Passenger Ferry,
vides lifts and stairways to the passenger areas Deep Sea, PF, + Mach, AUT, MS
Vessel's name: Prins Filip Other regulations complied with Belgian Maritime
Owner/operator: Regievoor Maritiem on decks 7 and 8. Two-berth cabins are provid- Inspection
Transport (RTM), ed at the forward ends of these locations for Percentage of high-tensile steel used in
252 passengers, in de-luxe, standard and econ- construction 25%
Ostend, Belgium omy classes, with two special cabins for disabled Heel control equipment Two pairs anti-heeling tanks
with Frank Mohn pumps
Designer: Elomarine, Finland, and passengers. All have private toilet facilities. Roll stabilisation equipment .... 1 pair Blohm & Voss
others Lifesaving equipment includes four ISO-per- folding fins
Flag: Belgium son, semi-enclosed motor lifeboats, two Main engine
waterjet-powered rescue boats, and two pneu- Design , .... Sulzer
Number of sister matically operated marine escape systems Model .. . :8ZA40S
Manufacturer ...... . Jugoturbina
ships already (MES), with a capacity of 500 persons each, Number ... . _-
completed: Nil located port and starboard on deck 7. The ac- Output .4 x 5,280kW/510 revlmin
commodation is divided into four fire zones, Gearboxes
Number of sister Make . . RenkTacke
ships on order: Nil and ~ computer-based detection system can Model ........................... NDSH-2500
Identify the precise location of any fire on Number ........ 2 x double input/single
board. output
The two pairs of main engines, reduction Output speed .................. 141 revlmin
gearing and alternators are all housed in separ- Material , " ,,, Copper-nickel-aluminium
ate compartments below the main (No 6) deck. Manufacturer ". , .Lips
DESIGNED for the Ostend-Dover link, Prins The shafting from the forward pair of Sulzer Number.. . 2
8ZA40S main engines is led outboard of that Pitch . Controllable
Filip is a ro-ro passenger/vehicle ferry with 10 Diameter .. 4,700mm
decks and watertight subdivision to two-com- from the aft pair, to connect with two double Rev/min . 141
partment standard. Passenger capacity is 1,200, input/single output reduction gearboxes, from Engine-driven alternators
and 80 erew are carried. There are two perma- whence the final drive to the twin, highly Number 2
skewed controllable-pitch propellers is taken. Make .. A Van Kaick
nent vehicle decks, Nos 3 (main) and 5 (upper), Output 2 x 2,400kW/1,500 rev/min
each offering four vehicle lanes to starboard of Remotely controlled elastic clutches allow a Diesel-driven alternators
the central casing, and three to port; total lane power take-off to be operated from each gear- Number , 4
length on each deck is approximately 890m. box to drive 2,400kW shaft alternators power- Engine make A8C
ing the two, I,SOOkWbow thrusters. Alternator make ....A Van Kaick
Both decks are basically dedicated to the car- Output ..4 x 1,520kW/720 rev/min
riage of trailers and offer minimum clear heights The machinery installation is arranged for re- Doors/ramps/cargo lifts
of 4.5m, since in the lower vehicle space, No mote control from wheelhouse or engine con- Number " 2 x bow doors
4 deck does not extend throughout the vessel, trol room. A YDU-based machinery monitor- 2 x stern doors
109 system (MAC) is fitted, enabling monitor- 1 x starboard bow door
and in the upper space, No 6 is formed from 2 sets (P & SI hoistable
a hoistable platform. When this is lowered from ing, alarm and control functions to be carried car decks, including ramps
its stowed position, it provides an additional 850 out from positions throughout the ship, and this Designer ....." .. . Schoenrock Hydraulic
lane metres, and a total car carrying capacity is linked, together with inputs of shaft power Passengers
and log readings, with a 'performance Capacity............. . 1,200
on all three decks of 600. Classes (Cabins] . De Luxe 12
Access to both vehicle decks is simultaneous, optimiser' designed by C-Tech Systems. From Standard 72
by means of a double landing bridge through data related to anticipated voyage conditions Economy 164
and limits, this produces a predicted voyage Disabled _
hydraulically operated bow and stern doors. Number of cabins . ............................ 121
Additional access is provided through a side plan for optimised fuel consumption, which is Number inboard . . 76
door in the starboard forward quarter, direct re-calculated throughout the voyage to allow for Vehicles
on to deck 5. The platform deck (No 6) is form- necessary adjustments. lane Length .. .... Deck3 889m
Deck 5 895m
ed in sections, the forward and aftmost, port PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Deck 6 850m
and starboard, and the central pieces (port), length,oa ... 163.40m Cars (all 3 decksl.......... . 600
serving as hydraulically operated ramps, ca- length, bp 150.00m Trucks or trailers " .."".
pable of being raised when fully loaded with Breadth, moulded . 27.00m Stern appendage or special rudder 2 x Barkemeyer
Breadth, over beltings............................ . 27.60m high-lift flap rudders
cars. All doors fulfill the latest regulations and Depth, moulded to main deck (No 31 9.20m Bow thrusters
are fitted with indicator lights and closed circuit Depth, moulded to upper deck (No 51 14.40m Make . Lips
TY surveillance. In addition, No 3 deck is fitted Gross . Number . 2
with two sets, port and starboard, of hemi-cyclic Displacement 15,519 tonnes Output.............. . 2 x 1,500kW
lightweight ... 11,620 tonnes Stern Thrusters ., ,., ,"", .. ,.,"',., " nil
doors which divide the vehicle space into three Deadweight, design 3,899 tonnes Bridge control system Lips Ancos 4000 and Lips-Stick
watertight compartments in case of flooding. Draught, design 6.20m Special electronic equipment C-Techperformance
Prins Filip is believed to be the first new ferry Draught, scantling 6.50m optimiser
to include these features on a primary vehicle Speed, service 85% mer; shaft generators Autronica MAC (machinery monitoring system)
disconnected; stabilisers out...... .... 21.00 knots Special equipment not listed Trim control system
deck. Both main vehicle decks are provided Bunker capacity Contract date . December 1989
with electrical connections to supply the cooling Heavyoil.. . 524m3 Launch/float out date.. . March 1991
equipment of refrigerated trailers. Diesel oil . 211m3 Delivery date . .


(2500 ,ROM Bl)


SALAMINA: Hitachi's first Epoch Mk2 tanker
Shipbuilder: Hitachi Zosen deck positioned within. Gross. . 29,506gt
Apart from the central portion of the Deadweight, design . 40,280dwt
Corp,(Maizuru yard) Deadweight, scantling .45,425dwt
deck head space which is a void, all the double Draught, design 11.00m
skin is available, together with the peak tanks, Draught, scantling.. . 12.00m
Vessel's name: Salamina for segregated water ballast, and steelwork has Speed, service.. . 14.00knots
Owner/operator: Salamina Shipping been treated with a 250 micron coatmg of tar Cargo capacity
Liquid volume ...56,407m3
Corp (Eletson Corp), epoxy. Maintenance of the inner structure is ef- Bunker capacity
Greece fected by the use of lightweight inspection Heavy and diesel oils ..
trollies which can be run on, or between the Water ballast capacity
Designer: Hitachi Zosen Corp longitudinals. Another interesting feature of the Fuel consumption -
Flag: Liberia Classification Lloyd's Register + 100Al Oil Tanker,
Epoch concept is the use of large-radiused cor- + LMC, UMS, IGS, COW, PL, SBT,
Number of sister ners at top and bottom of the cargo tanks. SBM
ships already Those at the top are designed with an optimum Percentage of high-tensile steel used
shape to eliminate structural damage from in construction 60-65%
completed: Nil Pollution avoidance and damage survivability
Number ')f sister sloshing cargo. features .......Double hull structure, segregated ballast
Salam ina has been built with seven cargo Main engine
ships on order: 3 tanks, without central division and arranged for Design . MAN B&W
the carriage of petroleum products and crude Model...... . 6S50MC
HITACHI Zosen launched its unique Epoch Manufacturer.. . .. Hitachi Zosen
oils. Since these tanks present an entirely Number.. . 1
(Easy handling/maintenance Products Oil Car- smooth surface coated with 300 microns of pure Output Imcr) 9,200bhp/l 06 rev/min Ide-rated)
ricr by Hitachi) Mk2 design in 1984, and al- epoxy. it is considered that only one fixed tank Propeller. . ..
though only four orders have been received to cleaning jet is required for each tank, the instal- Diesel-driven alternators
date, the concept docs represent a radical Number .. .................................. 3
lation being served by a 120m3/h pump. Cargo Engine make ..
change in tanker construction, incorporating handling is facilitated by the structure-free Alternator make .. .. .
features aimed at satisfying the growing demand tanks and uses a steam turbine pumping system, Output. ..3 x 420kW
for double-skin structure from the safety and with two Kosaka screw pumps and two Shinko Boilers
environmental points of view, easier construc- Number 2 x auxiliary boilers
centrifugal pumps, all of 1,200m3/h duty: Hi- 1 x exhaust gas economiser
tion methods, simplified maintenance in service tachi had planned to use European individual Cranes
and improvements to many aspects of cargo submerged pumps but appreciation of the Yen Number 1 x hosehandling
handling. currency prohibited this. For heating, alumin- Cargo tanks
The basis of the design is the adoption of a Number . 7
ium-bronze steam heated coils are fitted, the Grades..
totally longitudinally framed cargo section (the double hull adding an insulation factor to the Product range .. . , ::::::::: ·f;~t~~i ~~~. 'p'~~d ucts,
fore and aft ends of the vessel being convention- efficiency of the system. Skarpenord pressure- crude oils
ally constructed), with girders spaced 0.85m Coated tanks .. ............................Yes
type level gauges are fitted, with three gauges Coating .. .........Pure epoxy 1300microns)
apart. All this framing is contained in a double in each tank. Stainless steel . No
skin arrangement which completely surrounds The main engine is a Hitachi-built MAN Cargo pumps
the cargo tanks, providing spaces 2m deep at B&W 6S50MC with a de-rated output of Number ... ............................ .4
the bottom, 0.8m deep at the deck head and 9,200bhp at 106rev/min, giving a service speed Type .... .............Steamturbine
1.3m wide at the sides. The only transverse Make.. .........2 x Kosakascrew
of 14.0 knots, the fuel efficiency being assisted 2 x Shinko centrifugal
structural members in this area arc the division- by the fitting of a Hitachi Zosen Super Stream Capacity 4 x 1,200m/h
al bulkheads. These arc also double skinned, Duct. Three diesel alternator sets each produce Pump room .
having a width of O. 7m, with the internal stiffen- 420k Wand steam requirements are served from Complement..... . 30
ing continuing the un i-directional girder system. Stern appendages Hitachi Zosen Super Stream Duct
two auxiliary boilers of 14 tonnes/h output, and Bow thruster Nil
The bulkheads arc built with substantial top and an exhaust gas economiser. Stern thruster . Nil
bottom stools to eliminate structural Bridge control system -
discontinuity at the junction of longitudinal and PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Special equipment not listed Skarpenord pressure-type
transverse elements, and also form part of the Length,oa... . 183.00m level gauges
Length, bp .. . 174.00m Contract date ....
access and ventilation arrangements for the Breadth, moulded 32.2m Launch/float out date .... . .iii·s~p·i~;"ber 1990
double-skin spaces, with trunks from the upper Depth, moulded .. . 19.00m Delivery date ... .............22 March 1991








- - - - - .

, ' ...._ .

'~;>;1' ; ,;..; -, -:-,k"-

, ....

; No.7 ,No.6 .. NO.5 : No.4 ill. NO.3 . No.2 . No.1 .

. C.O.T.. . C.OT: : C.OT . C.OT : : C.O.t.: : C.O.T. ~.C.O.T.


SIRIMAU: a passenger-cargo ferry for Indonesia
Shipbuilder: Meyer Werft, Germany 700kglh Aalborg boiler. Model . 6MU453C
There are two sewage disposal plants and an Manufacturer.... . MaK
Vessel's name: Sirimau Number 2
Owner/operator: Directorate General of incinerator to handle the vessel's waste, and the Output 2 x 2.176bhpl600rev/min
air conditioning system, which has a cooling ca- Gearboxes
SeaCommunication, pacity of 1,161 ,000kcal/h, is designed for an out- Make Heintjes
Indonesia side temperature of 32°C with relative humidity Model VAL2742
Number ...............................•.................................... 2
Designer: Meyer Werft, Germany of 85%, inside conditions being 26°C and 60% Output speed 214rev/min
Flag: Indonesia humidity. Propellers
Number of ships Eight motor lifeboats and 23 liferafts, with Material Copper-nickel-alurniniurn
a total capacity of 1,341 persons are carried, Manufacturer .. " Lips
already and for fire safety the vessel is divided into two Number . 2
completed: fire zones, with similar boundaries to the air Pitch . Fixed
Diameter............. . 2.800mm
Number of sister conditioning plant. A smoke and fire detection Rev/min . 214
ships on order: system serves the machinery spaces, cargo holds Engine-driven alternators" Nil
and air conditioning rooms, with the first two Diesel-driven alternators
locations served by a CO2 installation, Number . .4
Engine make............... . Daihatsu
A GOOD relationship between shipbuilder and sprinklers being fitted elsewhere. Fire alarms Output 4 x 620bhp/l.000rev/min
shipowner has resulted in 10 passenger ferries throughout the Sirimau display audibly and Alternator make . Taiyo
having been built at the Papenburg shipyard of visually on the bridge. There are 11 watertight Output............. . 4 x 525kVA
Meyer for Indonesian inter-island services, with compartments, with all doors being capable of Boilers
Number 1
contracts for five more (at the time of writing) operation electro-hydraulically from the bridge, Make . Aalborg
awaiting finalisation of financing details. or hand-hydraulically from the bulkhead deck Output..................... . 700kg/h
Sirimau is the second vessel of her particular and both sides of the doors themselves. Cranes
class, and has accommodation for 969 passen- Number 2
gers: 14 of these are carried in first-class double Make Schroder
Capacity 5 tonneslO-20m/min
cabins with private facilities, 40 in 10 second- PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS
class berths, also with private facilities, with the Moo~~~e ~i~~~~~~i.".~I~" Hatlapa
remainder (915) sailing economy class. Length.oa... . 99.80m Number. . 3
Passenger cabins are forward on Deck 5, with Length. bp . 90.50m Type....... . Hydraulic
Breadth. moulded 18.00m Hatch covers
a restaurant and bar amidships, connected by Depth. moulded to weather deck (Deck 4) 9.40m Make MacGregor-Navire
lift to the galley on the deck below. The crew Gross 6.041gt Type Hydraulic hinged
have outside cabins on Decks 6 and 7 (officers), Displacement .4.709 tonnes Doors, passenger access
and 2 (crew). Their rnessrooms, and additional Lightweight 3.312 tonnes Number 4
Deadweight. design 1.397 dwt Designer Meyer Werft
pantries, are all served from a central galley. Draught. design................. . 4.20m Passengers
A special feature of the accommodation, which Speed. service (90% mcr) . . 15.00 knots Capacity 969
has interior decoration by Indonesian archi- Cargo capacity Classes 3
tects, and utilises national designs, is the provi- Bale............................... . 492m3 Number of cabins 54
Grain . 534m3
sion of a mosque on Deck 6. Deck 4 is the re- Bunker capacity. diesel oil . 360m3 Com8)f;~~~t 35
ception deck, with two access doors each side Water capacity 798m3 Crew 52
of the vessel. A 492m3 (bale) cargo hold is situ- Fuel consumption Cabins 17 single-berth
ated forward. Main engines only.. . 13 tonneslday 9 double-berth
Auxiliaries 4 tonneslday 2 three-berth
Sirimau is propelled by twin MaK 6MU453C Classification Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia + 100A41 10 four-berth
diesel engines, each with an output of 2, 176bhp Passenger Ship. + SMO 1 six-berth
at 600rev/min, driving fp propellers turning at Other regulations complied with Indonesian Merchant Bow thruster
214rev/min through Reintjes VAL2742 gear- Marine Rules Make Lips
Percentage of high-tensile Output 480kW/353rev/min
boxes. A Lips bow thruster is installed, devel- steel used in construction . Thrust 7.2tonnes
oping 653hp and a thrust of approximately 7.2 Heel control equipment . Number 1
tonnes. Electrical power is provided by four Roll stabilisation equipment - Special electronic equipment Rolf Janssen engine
Pollution avoidance and damage monitoring system
Daihatsu/Taiyo diesel alternator sets, each with survivability features Sewage plant and incinerator Contract date 13 September 1989
a capacity of 525k V A and running at Main engines Launch/Float out date 9 February 1991
1,0OOrev/min. Steam is produced from a Design MaK Delivery date 22 March 1991

SOCIETY ADVENTURER: a luxury expedition ship
Shipbuilder: Rauma Yards Oy, Explorer Lounge has a bar, wine bar and dance Heavyoil. .. ......... 570 tonnes
Dieseloil .. ...... 50 tonnes
Finland floor, whilst the forward Observation Lounge, Water ballast capacity ......................... 640tonnes
Vessel's name: Society Adventurer positioned on the deck above the wheelhouse, Classification . ....... Det norske Veritas +IAl,
IS equipped with a chart table, radar monitor Ice IN, Passenger Vessel,
Owner/operator: Society Adventurer and repeaters for the main navigational instru- Naut-B, bis, EO
Shipping Ltd, Germany ments, to allow passengers to follow the route. Other regulations complied
wilh USCG (Foreign Flag)USPH
Designer: Rauma Yards Oy, The sheltered, open Lido Deck aft has a Lido Heel control equipment Heelingtanks
Finland Cafe with galley/pantry, serving buffet break- Roll stabilisation equipment Blohm & Voss
fasts, and other passenger amenities include a fin stabilisers
Flag: Bahamas swimming pool, saunas and gymnasium. For Pollution avoidance and damage
Number of sister shore excursions there are four Waterman ten- survivability features No heavyfuel oil tanks
on side shell
ships already der/lifeboats, carried under Schat davits, each Main engine
completed: Nil with a capacity of 50 persons (78 as lifeboats), Design . MaK
and 14 Zodiac IS-person rubber boats. Model 8M453C
Number of sister Manufacturer MaK
ships on order: Nil Society Adventurer is believed to be the first Number 2
cruise liner capable of operating for 25 days Output ... . 2x2,940kW/600 rev/min
DESCRIBED as a 'luxury expedition cruise without discharge of waste or sewage. Thus, a Gearboxes
Deerberg garbage handling system is fitted, to- Make . ......... RenkTacke
vessel', Society Adventurer is designed for voy- Model .
ages of up to eight weeks duration, to areas gether with a 500kW Seebeck-Techno Product Number . . 2
of special interest such as Antarctica, the Arc- incinerator and a Salzkotten biological sewage Output speed
tic, the Amazon river and the South Pacific. disposal unit. Propellers
The machinery installation, which features an Material . .. Stainlesssteel
With a range of 8,500 miles, this liner has the Manufacturer. ... KaMeWa
ability to operate in any of these regions without AEG/DMT integrated control and monitoring Number . ......................... .2
need to bunker, or take provisions on board. system, comprises two MaK 8M453C medium- Pitch . . Controllable
She complies with the latest IMO/MARPOL speed diesel engines, each developing 2,940kW Rev/min .
at 600rev/min and connected, via Renk Tacke Engine-driven alternators
regulations, as well as those of the US Coast Number . ..2
Guard and US Public Health Department, also reduction gearboxes, to KaMeWa 3m diameter Make..... . A van Kaick
international requirements for safety and public stainless steel cp propellers. Service speed is ap- Output 2 x t ,300kVNl ,800 rev/min
health. To reduce the possibilities of pollution, proximately 17 knots on full draught, at 85% Diesel-driven alternators
mcr and without using the two A van Kaick Number . 2
no heavy fuel oil tanks have been positioned Engine make . MaK
at the ship's side. 1,300kVAll ,800rev/min shaft alternators. Two Alternator make A van Kaick
Accommodation is provided for 188 passen- MaKivan Kaick diesel-powered sets are also Output .. ...2 x 1,450kVN900 rev/min
gers, in spaces designed by German interior provided. producing 1,450kVA each. There are Boilers
two Sunrod 3,000kglh boilers, and the pumps Number ............ 2
architect Willfried Kohnemann. All 90 standard Make ........ Sunrod
suites are outside staterooms of 21.7m2 area, are of Allweiler make. A KaMeWa 770kW bow Output ....2x3,000kg/h
with separate bed and dayroom areas and a thruster is fitted, and a pair of 4.5m2 Blohm Mooring winches
marble-fitted bathroom. Closed-circuit televi- & Voss fin stabilisers, together with a heeling Make ..... . Aquamaster RaumaOY
tank system, are installed. Passengers
sion systems allow passengers to watch lectures, Capacity ...............188
or transmissions from diving teams from their Classes... . All luxury
cabins, although a lecture theatre (Darwin 4 suites
Room) is also provided, fully equipped with the Number of cabins ..............94
Number inboard ..... .........nil
latest audio/visual aids. Each cruise is accom- Complement
panied by experienced lecturers. There are four Number . . 116
luxury suites (43.8m2) on the Bridge Deck, and PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Number of cabins .. . 73
two cabins are specially designed for disabled Length, oa . ..122.74m Bow thruster
Length, bp . .105.50m Make KaMeWa
persons. The prefabricated cabin units have Breadth, moulded . ... 18.00m Number 1
been manufactured by Parma Marine. Crew ac- Depth, moulded to main deck . .........9.70m Output 770kW
commodation is provided for 115 personnel in Gross . ...........8,378g1 Special electronic equipment............ AEG/DMT integrated
73 cabins. Displacement... . control and monitoring system
Deadweiqht, design. . ................. 1,100dw1 Special navigation equipment........... -
The 'one sitting' Marco Polo Restaurant is Draughl, design . ............. 4.70m Contract date..................... . 20 December 1989
connected to the main galley, and also provides Speed, service. ..... 17.00 knots Launch/float out date. . 5 January 1991
a 24h buffet service. On the deck above, the Bunker capacity ·Deliverydate. . 10 June 1991



SOLIDARNOSC:the first BCT70 standard bulk carrier
Shipbuilder: Burmeister & Wain 14.lOm. Cargo capacity
The BCT70 design shows another departure Grain . .......................................... 85,525m3
Skibsvaerft A/S. Bunker capacity
from current practice, by dispensing with the
Denmark distinctive bulbous bow used in the earlier HeavyOil . ................. 2,146m3
Vessel's name: Solidarnosc BC60E2 bulk carrier and CPTS4E products tan- DieseIOil . .................... 345m3
Water ballast capacity . ...... 28,745m3
Owner/operator: K/S Difco LXVIII. ker, in favour of a new forebody hull form with Fuel consumption
Denmark/Polish a straight stem. The fuller lines also contribute Main engine only.. . approx 30.5 tonnes/day
Steamship Co. Poland to the increased capacity, as well as improving Classification Det norske Veritas+ 1Al
access to the forward hold, without reducing Bulk carrier, Hc/EA. EO, Wl-0/C, bis, ib (+ I,
Designer: Burmeister & Wain performance standards achieved by earlier ....... also Polski Rejestr Statkow 'KM, A24,
Flag: Poland Burmeister & Wain designs, the aft body shape ............. ru/mas, ZMIZP, CHW, OPW, 'PRM
Number of sister of which has been retained. Cargo is carried Percentage of high-tensile steel
ships already in nine holds which are uncoated, except for used in construction -
coal tar epoxy applied to the undersides of Main engine
completed: * Design MAN B&W
decks, hatch covers and wing tanks.
Number of sister Solidarnosc is the first vessel to receive the
Model 5S60MC
Manufacturer Hyundai
ships on order: * Det norske Veritas HC/EA notation which Number 1
Note: Illustration shows sister ship Szare Szeregi allows heavy cargoes to be carried at full Output (mer) l0,900bhp/95 rev/min
* Six ships originally ordered; at least two now draught, with specified combinations of empty Gearbox Nil
delivered Propeller
holds, thus allowing greater flexibility of load-
ing than was possible under earlier bulk carrier Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Manufacturer Stone Manganese
THE delivery of Solidarnosc marks the return rules. All necessary water ballast can be carried Number 1
of Burmeister & Wain to the Panamax bulk car- within the double skin, peaks, and the two bal- Pitch Fixed
rier market, after a period concentrating on the last trunks which run, port and starboard, with- Diameter 6,900mm
construction of products tankers. The design in the central duct keel, and connect with the Rev/min (csrl 92
which the yard has evolved for this switch in pump room aft where the two l,SOOm3/hballast Engine-driven alternators Nil
pumps are positioned. Diesel-driven alternators
emphasis in its series-building philosophy is the Number 3
BCnO, which retains a strong link with the pre- The machinery installation comprises an Engine make MAN B&W Holeby 5L23130
vious tanker era by offering the possibility of MAN B&W SS60MC main engine built by Alternator make HEECOHFC6-506-14K
OBO and product tanker variants. The key to Hyundai, developing 9,800bhp at 92rev/min Output 3 x 550kWn20rev/min
these available 'bolt on' changes lies principally (csr) and returning a daily fuel consumption of Boilers
with the hull structure, which features a com- 30.S tonnes/day. Service speed on a draught of Number 2
plete double-hull configuration with 0.9m side- 12.S0m is 13.8 knots. Three MAN B&W Type l xoil/sludge/solid waste
Holeby SL23/30diesel engines are coupled with ................................................... 1x exhaust gas
skins and includes the use of double-plated, Make Aalborg Ciserv AQ-10/12
plain transverse bulkheads. With the exception HEECO alternators, and each can supply ......................................... Aalborg Ciserv AQ-2
of these, all stiffening is longitudinal and con- SSOkWto the electrical system. Output 1x 1,500kg/h
tained within the double skin_ thus offering a Solidarnosc is equipped for one-man bridge ................................................... lxl,100kg/h
completely smooth surface ideal for any role operation along the lines developed by Mooring winches
conversions. At a time when most Panamax- Burmeister & Wain for its earlier tanker de- Make Friedrich Kocks
signs, with the Veritas notation Wl-O/C, al- Number 2xwinch/windlass
class ships are built in the Far East, Burmeister .................................... 4xmooring winches
& Wain's sales success with its original BC60E2 though her present complement is in line with
Hatch Covers
bulk carrier, CPTS4E tanker and now the traditional manning levels. A Norcontrol alarm Make Macgregor-Navire
BCnO and its derivatives stands as a shining system informs the watchkeeper of any mal- Type Side-rolling
example of what can be achieved in a high-cost function, as well as notifying other crew mem- ..................... ~ with hydraulic chain drive
European country. bers if he does not acknowledge the signal. Pump room
The design claims significantly increased cu- Number 1 (ballast system1
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Position Forward of engine-room
bic capacity by comparison with similar sized Length, oa 228.60m Complement
vessels, resulting from a cross-section which Length, bp 224.60m Officers 11+ 1 pilot; 2 owners
utilises smaller top and bottom wing tanks than Breadth, moulded 32.24m Crew 15+2 apprentices
are usual, but more particularly includes a con- Depth, moulded to main deck 19.00m Bowthruster Nil
tinuous trunk deck 2.3m high, into which the Gross 41,252gt Stern thruster Nil
topside tanks are incorporated, and upon which Lightweight, approx 13,575 tonnes Bridge control system -
Deadweight, design 63,000dwt Special electronic equipment Norcontrol alarm
the MacGregor-Navire side-rolling hatch covers Deadweight, scantling 74,000dwt system; Per Hornsved tank gauging
are directly fitted, without coamings. These ar- Draught, design 12.50m Contract date -
rangements allow a full deadweight grain cargo Draught, scantling.............. . 14.10m Launch/float out date -
of 74,OOOdwtto be carried on a draught of Speed, service, 90%mcr, 13.80knots Delivery date 22 March 1991


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u.s . 16.0 m

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STENA CHALLENGER: a new-generation ferry

6.9m wide x 4.5m high vertically sliding door used in construction.. . .
Shipbuilder: Fosen Mek Verksteder
AIS, Norway
(hull sub-contracted to
closes the entry to the upper deck.
In ports where only one-tier access is poss-
Heelcontrol equipment ,.,. ..
Roll stabilisation equipment ..... 1 pair of
ible, vehicles can be moved between the two Pollution avoidance and damage
FEAB/BrucesVerkstad, decks by using an innovative internal 'see-saw' survivability features STAB90 requirements
Sweden) including buoyancy tanks on main deck
ramp at main deck level. This can be hinged Main engine
Vessel's name: Stena Challenger at either forward or aft end, and tilted to allow Design Sulzer
Owner/operator: Sealink Stena, UK passage to the upper deck to suit traffic entering Model 8ZA40S
from bow or stern. All access equipment has Manufacturer Wartsila
Designer: Nordvestconsu It, been designed by Kvaerner. The aft end of the Number 2
Norway Output.... .. 2 x 5,280kW/510rev/min
upper deck vehicle space is open, and can be Gearboxes
Flag: UK used to stow up to 13 vehicles carrying danger- Make ... . Ulstein
Number of sister ous goods. Megadoor concertina type PVC/alu- Model .. . 2500AGC
minium doors form a gas-tight, fire-resistant Number ....... 2
ships already 1 (Turkish Cargo Lines) Output rev/min.
separation from the rest of the garage structure. Propellers
completed: In the other three vessels of the class. the Manufacturer Ulstein-Liaaen
Number of sister space between main deck and tank top is avail- Number.. . 2
ships on order: 1 (Turkish Cargo Lines) able, via a lift, for the loading of up to 16 x Pitch . Controllable
Diameter 4.2m
1 (Stena) + 2 (options 15m trucks. However, in Stene Challenger, this Engine-driven alternator
forStena) a void, and as such contributes to the vessel's Number 1
compliance with the latest IMO STAB 90 stabil- Ma~.................... . .
ity rules (understood to be the first British-flag Output 960kW/-
STENA CHALLENGER, and a sister sched- Diesel driven alternators
uled for completion at the end of 1991, form ferry to do so). Also, to meet the requirements Number.. . .4
part of a four-ship series contracted with Fosen, of these rules for stability range after damage, Engine make.. . 3 x Mitsubishi S6R2MPTK
buoyancy tanks have been built into otherwise 1 x Wartsila 4R32E
the other two ships being to the account of Tur- Alternator make ... ... 3 x Leroy-Somer
kish Cargo Lines. The hull was originally laid redundant spaces at the aft end of the main 3 x 637kVA
down as the second Turkish ferry, but a re-ar- deck. 1 x-
rangement of deliveries resulted in Stena ac- Two Wartsila-Sulzer SZA40S main engines 1,640kWl750rev/min
arc fitted, each developing 5,2S0kW at Mooring winches
cepting hulls two and three, and Turkish Cargo Make . Norwinch
Lines, one and four. The basic design is that 510rev/min and driving Ulstein-Liaaen control- Number.. . 2 x windlasses
of a dedicated freight carrier, with accommoda- lable pitch propellers through Ulstein 2500AGC 8 x mooring winches
tion for 120 truck drivers. However, to supple- gearboxes, to give a service speed of 18 knots. Doors/ramps
The electrical installation comprises three Mit- Number ......................................1 x bow visor
ment the regular passenger car ferry services x 8.3m x 8.6m long
on its Anglo-French routes at peak times, subishi S6R2MPTKlLeroy-Somer generator bow door/ramp
Sealink Stena (the company which eventually sets, each having an output of 637kVA, whilst x 6.9m x 4.5m high
became the operator) introduced a late change at sea, the load is handled by a 960kW gener- vertical sliding
ator driven from the starboard gearbox. In addi- bow door
to the design by taking up the inbuilt provision x 8.0m x 4.9m high
for 500 passengers to be carried. One deck is tion. Stena has also included a I ,640kW gener- sliding stern door
allocated for this purpose, with self-service res- ator powered by a Wartsila 4R32E diesel en- (in halvesl
taurant. bar, lounges, play room and duty-free gine, to cater for peak loadings, notably that 1 x 35.8m long x 3.5m
from a second bow thruster. This Brunvoll wide internal ramp
shop positioned around a central 'piazza'. Designer ..... KvaernerShips Equipment
Drivers arc accommodated on the 1st Bridge I ,500kW unit supplements a similar 760kW ma- Passengers
Deck, in two-berth cabins fitted with show- chine, to give a combined thrust of 33.3 tonnes. Capacity 120trucks drivers plus
er/toilet modules, and are provided with their A pair of Sperry Gyrofin 9m2 stabilisers are fit- 500 passengers when
ted, and the two rudders are of the Becker flap operating in relief mode
own restaurant facilities. Number of cabins 60 (for drivers only)
The hull form is of the twin-skeg type, utilis- type. Vehicles
ing basically U-shaped skcgs with an almost flat Lane Length 1,800m
bottom shell between them. By way of differ- ~~ •••.....................................................
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Trucksor trailers 95 x 15m long
ence from the Turkish vessels, the Stena pair Length, oa t 54.00m Complement
incorporate icc strengthening requirements to Length, bp . .. 142.00m Berths 12 officers
class I B. Above the waterline the hull is virtual- Breadth, moulded .. 24.00m 24 crew
ly box shaped and allows three vehicle lanes, Depth, moulded to main deck 7.90m Stern appendages/special rudder .... Twin skeg hull form
Gross 18,523gt 2 x Becker flap rudders
each side of the central casing, on each of two Deadweight 4,598dwt Bow thrusters
vehicle decks. Two tier bow and stern access Draught....... . 5.50m Make .. .. Brunvoll
is provided. Aft, this takes the form of an 8.0m Speed, service 18.00 knots Number .................................................. 2
wide x 4.9m high side-sliding door, arranged Bunker capacity . . Output .. . 1 x 760kW.
Water ballast capacity.. . . 1 x 1,500kW
in two halves. and opening on to the main deck. Fuel consumption. Total thrust.. . 33.3 tonnes
There is no stern ramp, use being made of Classification Det ~~~~k~\i~~;t~~·+··i·A 1 Stern thruster Nil
shoreside linkspans from which there is direct General Cargo Carrier Bridge control system
access to the upper deck. Forward there is a (Ro-Rol. Car Ferry A, EO, Specialequipment .....2 sets RFD·~~·~i·~~·~·~~ape
SC, Ice 1B, bis, slides
bow visor. behind which a watertight bow Contract date . .. October 1990
ramp/door (8.3m wide x 8.6m long) can be Other regulations complied with ~~~sl'iJ8eST~~~eri Launch/float out date .26 September 1990
lowered to provide the main deck opening. A Percentageof high-tensile steel Delivery date .................... July 1991



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STOLT MARKLAND: a new parcel tanker from Norway
system is installed, and high level alarms oper- Diameter . . 6,000mm
Shipbuilder: Kvaerner Kleven Floro ate at 95%/98% capacity. Kvaerner Eureka Rev/min . . 111
A/S, Norway Moss has supplied a 2,875nm3/h inert gas gener-: Engine-driven alternators
Number 1
Vessel's name: Stolt Markland ator, with two Flcbu Ticon air blowers. A nitro- Make ... A Van Kaick
gen system is also provided. Output.. . 1,450kVAll,BOO rev/min
Owner/operator: Stolt Markland Inc The machinery installation features a Diesel-driven alternators
(Stolt-Nielsen Incl. USA Bryansk-built MAN B&W 6L60MC main en- Number.. . 3
Engine make 8ergen Diesel
Designer: Ankerlokken Consult gine developing 12,480bhp at Ll Irev/rnin. A Alternator make ABB Stromberg
Floro, Norway Renk Tacke type BW 1Il L60/BL l100 step-up Output 3 x 1,OB7kVAI720 rev/min
Flag: gear is fitted to drive an A van Kaick shaft gen- Boilers
Liberia Number . ..... . 2
erator producing 1,450kV A at 1,800rev/min,
Number of sister and there are also three diesel generators com- Type ... . oil fired vertical
water tube
ships already prising Bergen Diesel/ABB Stromberg Make ..... .................... Sunrod
completed: 1,087kV A1720rev/min units. Ulstein Liaaen Output ........ 2 x 15.2tonneslh
Number of sister supplied the cp propeller and a 1,OOOkW bow Cranes
Number .. . 1 x stores
ships on order: 2 thruster. The rudder is a Schilling 2 X 65deg x hose handling
type, operated by a Porsgrunn 425-80 steering Make ..
gear. Capacity. ....... , x 2.5 tonnes
THIS latest addition to the Stolt parcel tanker 1 x 3.5 tonnes
Accommodation is arranged for a total of 40
fleet has no less than 41 fully segregated cargo Mooring winches
persons, including owner, pilot, three spare
tanks. To accommodate these, the hull (which Make ............... Norwinch
cabins and four Suez crew. Operational control Number ....... ...2 x windlass/winches
has a double bottom throughout), is divided by
of the vessel is centered on a suite comprising 4 x mooring winches
three longitudinal bulkheads to form four Type .. ........................... Hydraulic
cargo control room and offices for captain, en-
athwartship tanks: wing, port and starboard, Cargo tanks
gineers, ship and deck use, and there is also
and centre, port and starboard, Nos 3 and 7 Number .. .................................. 41
an on-board training centre. Grades .
centre tanks are further divided by transverse
and longitudinal bulkheads to provide three Product range .... " , .., ..
PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Coated tanks. ........ Wing tanks only
spaces, port and starboard. In addition, two cy- Length,oa 174.70m Type of coating ... ... Devoe Catha-coat 305F
lindrical tanks are positioned on the fore deck. Length, bp . 167.20m Stainless steel. ..Centre and deck tanks
The compartments thus available to a shipper Breadth, moulded . 29.50m only: AISI 316LN
Depth, moulded to main deck . 13.25m Cargo pumps
range from around 320m3, for the small, sub- Gross . 18,494gt Number.. . .41 fixed
divided Nos 3 and 7 tanks, to 2,200m3 for the Displacement. . 38,985 tonnes 1 portable
two midship centre tanks, and 300m3 for each Lightweight . 8,986tonnes Type Hydraulic high pressure submerged
of the deck tanks. The centre and deck tanks Deadweight, design .. . 29,999 dwt
Draught, summer 9.79m Make ::::::: :::::::: '3~r:~~~~~~
(total 25), are constructed from AISI 316LN Capacity of each pump ... 2 x 80m'th
Speed, service 10,893bhp 15.50 knot~
grade stainless steel, whilst the side tanks have Cargo capacity, liquid volume (100%) 38,070m x 150m3/h (portable)
been coated with Catha-coat 305F zinc silicate Bunker capacity Complement
paint, manufactured by Devoe Coatings. Heavy oil (100%).. . 2,472m3 Officers. .. 10 + owner & pilot
Diesel oil (100%) 295m3 Crew....... .. 21 + 4 Suez crew
Cargo handling is by means of Frank Mohn Water ballast 5,622m3 Repair crew nil
high pressure, hydraulically driven, stainless Fuel consumption Spare . 3
steel Rumps, 39 of which have a capacity of Main engine only: speed 15.5 knots Single/double rooms 22114 + 1x 4 berth
300m Ih, with two delivering 80m3/h; in addi- with shaft alternator, 750kW 36.03tonneslday Stern appendage or special rudder Schilling rudder
Auxiliary engines, each . 4.15tonneslday Bow thruster
tion there is a portable unit of 150m3/h. The Classification. . Det norske Veritas + lAl Make. . Ulstein
hydraulic power for these pumps, and for two Tanker for chemicals and Number . 1
Frank Mohn pumps of 500m3/h serving the fore oil products, EO, Inert Output............. . 1,000kW/l ,800 rev/min
peak and double bottom ballast tanks, is deriv- Percentage of high tensile steel Stern thruster . Nil
used in construction" .. .. 13% AISI316LN
ed from five power packs (three of 335kW and Pollution avoidance and damage Brid~a~~".tr~.I ..s.y.ste"'. Ulstein
two of 160kW), located in the hydraulic room survivability features . . Double bottom Type....................... . .
in the forecastle. Control is remote, from the Main engine Special electronic equipment Valmet Damatic computer
cargo control room. Design . . MANB&W based monitoring and
Model . . 6L60MC alarm system;
For hose handling and other duties, a 3.5 Manufacturer ........ Bryansk Norcontrol Autochief
tonne travelling crane runs the full length of Number ........... 1 automation system
the main deck on a gantry. Heating coils are Output ... 12,480bhp/lll rev/min Special navigation equipment ..
filled, No 7 centre tank port2 which is designat- Propeller Stability calculation equipment .. Consultas type CLC45
Material , " Nickel-aluminium-bronze loading computer
ed a slop tank, providinfo, 1ft 1150ft3 of volume; ........... Ulstein Uaaen Contract date ..
Manufacturer ..
other centre tanks, 1ft 1160ft3,and wing tanks Number .. ......................................1 Launch/float out date ..
Ift2/lOOft3 A Saab TankRadar level gauging Pitch .. ..... Controllable Delivery date

TS PROSPERITY: an energy-saving VLCC
Shipbuilder: NKK Corp (Tsu ing exhaust gases from the main engine, con- Gearbox Nil
Shipyard), Japan tributes to the overall low fuel consumption. Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze
The hull structure meets the latest require- Manufacturer Mitsubishi
Vessel's name: TS Prosperity ments of applicable international rules with its Number 1
Owner/operator: Alps Maritime Inc, SBT/PL tank arrangements to minimise oil spill. Pitch Fixed
Diameter 10.6m
Panama (Showa Line, The cargo space is divided into port, starboard Rev/min 62
Japan) and centre tanks by two longitudinal bulkheads, Engine-driven alternator
Designer: NKK which, with transverse bulkheads, form 11 oil Make Taiyo
tanks, two slops tanks and two pairs of wing Number 1
Flag: Panama ballast tanks. The cargo handling system, utilis- Output. 300kW
Number of sister Diesel-driven alternators
ing cast steel I?ipingand three 5,OOOm3/h centri- Number 2
ships already fugal pumps, IS designed to ensure that unload-
completed: Nil ing time, including crude oil washing and strip- ~~t~~~~~~~~.k~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Output 2 x 6BOkW/900rev/min
Number of sister ping is within 24 hours. Boilers
The main engine is a Sulzer 7RTA84M unit, Number 1
ships on order: Nil manufactured by Diesel United and developing Type Water tube
26,850bhp at 62rev/min, and driving a fixed- Make Mitsubishi
Output 9Otonneslh
pitch propeller of lO.6m diameter. Electrical Cranes
TO suit the requirements of her charterer, TS supply is maintained by a Taiyo 300kW engine- Number 2 x hose handling
Prosperity has been built with overall length drive alternator, supplemented by two Make Fukushima
and draught restricted by port conditions. More Yanmar/Taiyo 680kW diesel-powered sets. Capacity/speed 2 x 20tonnesl10mlmin
particularly, her design includes two special en- Mooring winches
Make Fukushima
ergy-conserving features developed by her PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Number 10
builder, known as NOPS and SURF. The NKK Length, oa 33B.BOm Type Hydraulic
Off-centre Propeller Ship is said to achieve a Length, bp 321.00m Cargo tanks
reduction in required main engine output by be- Breadth, moulded 58.00m Number 11 + 2 slops
Depth, moulded to main deck 28.74m Grades -
tween 3% and 9%, by moving the propeller Gross 151,591gt Product range Crudeoil
shaft from the centreline. Ships with large block Deadweight, design 25B,OBOdwt Coated tanks No
coefficients generate a pair of bilge vortices at Deadweight, scantling 271,20Bdwt Stainless steel No
their sterns. These increase viscous resistance Draught, design 1B.48m Cargo pumps
Draught, scantling 19.20m Number 3
and create a non-uniform wake, in turn reduc- Speed, service (average) 16.00 knots Type Centrifugal
ing propeller and fuel efficiency. Cargo capacity
NOPS makes use of these vortices by moving Liquid volume
Bunker capacity
322,B15m3 ~:Pk,:'~i·iY::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:i·~·5:iigt~t~
Pump rooms
the propeller to the right, on a single-screw
Heavy oil 6,322 tonnes Number 1
vessel with symmetrical stern and clockwise ro- Diesel oil 312 tonnes Position Between engine room
tating propeller. This arrangement increases in- Water ballast capacity - and cargo space
flow velocity to the propeller in a direction op- Fuel consumption
posite to its rotation, thus increasing propulsive Main engine only 69.2 tonneslday com8if;~~~t 12
Classification Nippon Kaiji Kyokai NS' Crew 16
efficiency without detriment to manoeuvrabil- (Tanker, Oils Flashpoint Repair crew 6
ity. below 60°C) MNS', MO.A Single rooms 28
The second innovation, NKK's SURF, refers Main engine Stern appendages or special
to a Swept-back Up thrusting Rudder Fin, Design Sulzer Rudder NOPSand SURF
Model 7RTA84M Stability calculation equipment.. Loading computer
which, together with a long-stroke main engine, Manufacturer Diesel United Contract date 11 November 1989
low revolution/large diameter propeller, turbo- Number 1 Launchlfloat out date 25 January 1991
generator and shaft generator/motor system us- Output 26,B50bhp/62 rev/min Delivery date 2BJune 1991


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TIRUMALAI: a specialist Indian acid-carrying tanker

Shipbuilder: Astilleros Espanoles all steel had welds ground smooth before Manufacturer Astilleros Espanoles
SA, Sestao Shipyard, sandblasting to SA2.5 standards, and applica- Number 1
tion of a 20 micron coating of rubber pnmer. Output 12,560bhpll02 rev/min
Spain Any fittings which it is not possible to cover, Gearbox For alternator drive only off free end
Vessel's name: Tirumalai Propeller
have been fabricated (as is the cargo piping) Material Copper-nickel-aluminium
Owner/operator: The Shipping Corp of from high grade AISI 317L stainless stee . Manufacturer Navalips
India, India Since the vessel is expressly for the carriage Number 1
of non-flammable cargoes, electrically driven Pitch Fixed
Designer: Astilleros Espanoles Diameter 6,600mm
pumps have been specified. These are Rev/min 102
SA, Spain Svanehej deepwell units with deck-mounted Engine-driven alternators
Flag: India motors, positioned in each cargo/slops tank. Number 1
Number of sister The pumps have two speeds, allowing them also Make Alconza
Output 800kW1750rev/min
ships already Nil to be used to recirculate cargo through a dif- Diesel-driven alternators
completed: fuser at the bottom of each tank, to prevent Number 2
sediment build-up. Engine make Yanmar T240L-EX
Number of sister The machinery installation is centred upon an Output 1,200bhpl750 rev/min
ships on order: 2 Alternator make Alconza
AESA-MAN B&W 6S60MC main engine, fit- Output 2x 800kW
ted with a turbo-compound energy recovery sys- Boilers
tem, and developing 12,560bhp at 102 rev/min. Number 2
There is a gear drive to a 800kW Alconza Type l vertical oil-fired
1vertical exhaust gas
SPECIALIST tankers are by no means uncom- alternator, and two Yanmar/Alconza 800kW Make Senior Green
mon these days, but within that category, this diesel alternator sets are installed. A comple- Output 1X7,OOOkg/h
trio of SCI vessels are of particular interest. ment of 40 is carried, including two cadets. In 1x t ,500kg/h
Their task is primarily to carry phosphoric acid addition, six Suez crew and a five-man repair
from Morocco, Florida and East Africa to In- crew can be accommodated, and there are
dia, for use by the fertiliser industry. It is a berths for owner (2) and pilot. For recreation,
cargowhich presents many difficulties; not only there is a games room, gymnasium and swim-
is it highly corrosive, but it also leaves a sedi- ming pool.
ment. In addition to catering for these prob-
lems, the designers were also required to make Cargo tanks
the vessel suitable for the carriage of other non- Length, oa 175.25m ~~ar;;~:r.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.~.~.~I~~~
flammable chemicals. Length, bp 165.00m Product range IMO II and III non-flammable
Two longitudinal bulkheads divide the Breadth, moulded 31.30m Coated tanks Yes
TirumaJai into wide, wing ballast tanks, and a Depth, moulded to main deck 13.20m Type of coating Durabilt rubber sheet 4-5mm
centre space containing seven cargo tanks and Gross 21,035gt Stainless steel Unlined structures and cargo
piping AISI317L
a slops tank. These are separated from one an-
other by cofferdam voids. Between Nos 4 and
Deadweight, design 31,045 dwt
Cargo pumps
Number 8
5 tanks, at about midships, the centre tank is Deadweight, scantling 33,088 dwt Type DWI25-4-K electric deepwell
linkedwith the adjacent wing tanks by openings Draught, design 9.12m Make 'y" Svanse]
Draught, scantling 9.55m Capacity 8x150m /h at 80mlc
in the transverse bulkheads, the resultant Speed, service 85% mcr 15.00 knot~ Pump rooms
'across' tank being used in conjunction with a ~~~~~~:pacity, liquid volume 19,235m Number 1
Flume stabilisation system. This device is con- ; Position Forward of engine room
sidered necessary because of the combined ef-
fect on stability of the entire double bottom un-
Classification ....(Det norske Veritas and .Indian Register)
der the cargo tanks forming a deep void space, Det norske Veritas + lAl Tankerfor Repair crew 5+6 Suez crew
and consequently, creating a higher than usual Chemicals, +MV, BIS, Centre tanks K, Spare Owner (2), pilot (1)
centre of gravity3and also the high specific grav- A2, Bl, C2, F2, V2, SG 1.9 Bow thruster Nil
Percentage of high-tensile steel Special electronic equipment Autronica:
ity (1.9 tonne/m ) of phosphoric acid. used in construction Nil Central alarm system
The cargo and slop tanks are notable for hav- Roll stabilisation equipment Flumetank system Level gauge system
ing a complete rubber lining. Supplied by Pollution avoidance and damage Jensen & Roden power
Clouth Gummiwerke, the Durabilt chloroprene survivability features .... Void double bottom space, management system
water ballast wing tanks Stability calculation equipment Consultas
is glued in overlapped sheet form to the steel Main engine Contract date 30June 1989
structure, 4mm thick on bulkheads and Design MAN B&W Launch/float out date 15 January 1991
deckheads, 5mm on the tank top. Prior to this, Model 6S60MC Completion 7 October 1991



TRANS ARCTIC: an innovative chemical tanker

Shipbuilder: Hermann Surken housed in the forecastle and supplies the Diameter 4,7OOmm
200m3/h Frank Mohn submerged cargo pumps Rev/min 110
GmbH & Co, Germany fitted in each tank (total 13), and the single Engine-driven alternator
Vessel's name: Trans Arctic portable 120m3/h unit. Also supplied from the Number 1
Make A van Kaick
Owner/operator: A/S Euro-Trans KS, system, which comprises one 365kW and two Model DKBN 1000M/l030-4
Norway 183kW power packs, are two 300m3/h Frank Output. 71OkVIVI ,BOOrev/min
Designer: Hermann Surken Mohn VH200/150 ballast pumps, also a (can be used to supply back-up propulsion power)
Brunvoll FU-45-LTA-1375 bow thruster with Diesel-driven alternators
GmbH&Co fixed-pitch propeller, 15 winches for the tank
Number 2
Engine make Caterpillar 350B DI-TAu
Flag: Norway (NIS) cleaning system, and the forward mooring 2 x 604kW/l,BOOrev/min
Number of sister winches and deck service cranes. Alternator make A van Kaick
A Selma Marine automation system is fitted, Model DKBN 1OOOM/I030-4
ships already Output... 2 x 710kVIV1,BOOrev/min
completed: Nil providing engine monitoring and alarms, with Boilers
Number of sister
displays In the cargo control room, engine con- Number 1
trol room and bridge. Other control systems fit- Type Oil fired/exhaust gas
ships on order: ted include a Skarpenord Cargomaster plant Make Halvorsen
Capacity 7,000kg/l ,090kg saturated steam/h
with computer and colour monitor, and a com- Cranes
puter programmed Intercontrol tank-cleaning Number 1 x provision/service 2 tonne
ANOTHER example of an increasingly popular Installation. A TV monitoring system has eight 1 x hosehandling 2 tonne/14m
type of tanker designed to carry a range of oil cameras covering cargo area, engine room and 2 x service cranes 1 tonne
1 x Suez boat handling 4 tonne
and chemical cargoes, Trans Arctic also con- aft deck, with monitors in the wheelhouse, Make .
forms with current practice by having a double bridge wings, cargo and engine control rooms. Mooring winches
bottom and double skin hull but features a num- Make.. Norwinch
ber of technical innovations. Propulsive econ- PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Number 3 x windlass/mooring
Length, oa 116.BOm 2 x mooring winches
omy was an important facet of the design brief Length, bp 10B.40m Type Electro-hydraulic
and, as a result, a bulbous bow, suitable for Breadth, moulded 17.50m Cargo tanks
ice navigation, and an assymetrical afterbody Depth, moulded to upper deck 9.60m Number 13 (including 2 slops)
havebeen provided. A large diameter slow-run- Gross 4,757gt Grades -
Deadweight 7,000dwt Product range Oils and IMO Type II chemicals
ning skewed propeller has also been fitted. Draught 7.71m Stainless steel Ves (Avesta 2205)
Cargo is carried in 13 centre tanks, with the Speed, service (B5% mcr) 15.00 knot~ Cargo pumps
side spaces (which incorporate a small wing Cargo capacity, liquid volume (9B%) 7,553m Number 14
tank at the bottom) joined with the double bot- Bunker capacity . Make Frank Mohn
Water ballast capacity . Type 13 x fixed hydraulic submersible
tom tanks to provide the ballast spaces. Nos Fuel consumption 1 x portable hydraulic submersi~le
1,2, 3, 8 and 9 cargo tanks have no centre divi-
sion, whilst the remainder, which constitute the
main engine
13.50 tonneS/day
Det norske Veritas + lA 1 Tanker for
Capacity of each pump \3 : ~gg~~~
midship tanks, are fitted with a longitudinal chemicals and oil, flash point below 60°C, Ship IMO Pump room
Type II, EO, Ice lA, Wl-0C, with notation ss, ship Number 1, ballast system only
centreline bulkhead. The smaller Nos 3 and 8 type II, a2, b3, c3, v3, f2, strO.l, K. Position Central,forward of engine room
tanks are designated as slop tanks, and Other regulations complied with St Lawrence
cofferdams are arranged at each end of the Seaway, USCG Com8~~e~~~ 5
cargo space. The tank bulkheads are troughed Percentage of high-tensile steel used in Crew .4
construction . Spare 2, (owner's suite, pilot)
and cargo spaces longitudinally framed. With Pollution avoidance and damage survivability Single/double rooms 10/1
side stiffening arranged within the double skin, features Double skin, double bottom Stern appendagesor special rudder Asymmetric
and the top structure fitted above deck outside Main engine ; stern; Becker flap rudder
the tanks, the cargo tanks present a smooth in- Design Bergen Diesel Bow thruster
Model . BRMB Make Brunvoll FU-45-LTA-1375
ternal surface, although an interesting polyhe- Manufacturer Bergen Diesel Output 440kW
dron shape has been given to the plating to ease Number 1 Number 1
fabrication. Transverse framing has been adopt- Output 3,000kWn50rev/min Stern thruster Nil
ed at the forward and aft ends. Gearbox
Make Renke Tacke BridK.\'a~~~t~.~.I
..~:.~t.~.~ ABB-Stromberg
Stainless steel has been used for the boundar- Model HSNll00 Type Selma Marine
ies of the cargo tanks, and for fittings. The ma- Number 1 Major electronic equipment... Intercontrol tank washing
terial used is Avesta 2205, a high quality steel Output 110 rev/min Skarpenord cargo monitor
with nitrogen additive and a high chrome and Propeller Moss gas detection system
Material Stainless steel Stability calculation equipment -
molybdenum content which makes it particular- Manufacturer Ulstein Contract date -
ly resistant to corrosion and pitting. Number 1 Launch/float out date -
A Frank Mohn hydraulic power plant is Pitch , Variable Delivery date ..


TYCHO BRAHE: an automated 0resund train ferry
Shipbuilder: Langsten Slip and which drive the KaMeWa thrusters. These are capable of handling 400 persons in 30 minutes,
Bittbyggeri AlS. positioned on a slanting axis at the four and incorporating 8 x 50 person liferafts.
extremities, symmetrically around the skeg rud-
Norway ders, and arc designed to be removed/replaced PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS
Length, oa 111.00m
Vessel's name: TychoBrahe for maintenance or repair, from inside the Length, bp 106.00m
Owner/operator: DanskeStatsbaner vessel, in six hours. Breadth, extreme over fender 28.20m
Tycho Brahe is highly automated, based on Breadth, moulded 27.60m
(owner). ScandLines Depth, moulded to main vehicle deck 7.75m
(operator). Denmark the Danish "Projekt Skib" principles. Three in- Depth, to entrance deck 13.88m
dependent computerised systems are used, with Gross 10,700gt
Designer: Dwinger Marine- all ship and machinery systems controlled and Deadweight 2,500dwt
consult A/S. (outline monitored by an ABB redundant, integrated Draught, design 5.50m
Draught, scantling 5.70m
concept by Knud E ferry control system (IFC). Displays in the two Speed, service 13.5 knots
Hansen)Denmark bridge cockpit consoles and the machinery con- Bunker capacity
Flag: Denmark trol room provide alarm presentation, data log- Diesel oil 200m'
ging, and planned maintenance. An ASS Gena Water ballast lincluding heeling tanksl 800m'
Number of sister Power Management System ensures availability Classification ...... Det norske Veritas + lA 1, R45,Car and
Train Ferry B, EO, Ice lC, MCDK, NAUT-C
ships already of power for propulsion and hotel services, Other regulations complied with .........GMDSS Sea Area
completed: Nil whilst a KaMeWa propulsion control system of- Al, Baltic Convention, IMDG, Memorandum of.
fers three levels of operation. The highest level understanding for transponation of dangerous
Number of sister goods in ro-ro ships in the Baltic.
ships on order: has a computerised joystick controlling pitch, Heel control equipment ......... Frank Mohn heeling tanks
rotation and revolutions of the four thrusters, Pollution avoidance and damage survivability
allowing the ferry to move in all directions, and features Double skin 15.5ml in way of machinery
THE 2.7 mile ferry link across the northern also compensating for failure of up to two units. space; double bottom; IMO A265 damage stability
Propulsion system (diesel-electric)
0resund. between Heisinger (Denmark) and An independent manual dual lever controls for- Main engines
Hclsingborg in Sweden, is claimed to be the ward and aft thrusters in unison, and a back-up Design Wartsila
busiest in the world. and Tycho Brahe, describ- system independently operates each thruster. Model 6R32E
ed as 'the world's largest double-ended train The main vehicle deck is designed for use by Number 4
Output.. 4 x 2,460kWn50rev/min
ferry'. brings a totally new concept to the route trains, lorries and cars. It is arranged with side Alternators
as a replacement for some of the older ships casings, and a slightly offset centre casing, con- Number 4
in service. The crossing is now operated by taining passenger lifts and staircases, stores and Alternator make Brush
ScandLines, a new joint Danish/Swedish com- engine-room uptakes. Access is by way of the Output 4 x 2,930kVA
pany. but the ship is owned by Danske bow visors at each end of the vessel. As shuttle Material Nickel-aluminium-bronze
Statsbaner (Danish State Railways). A sister ferries, the terms 'north' and 'south' side have Manufacturer KaMeWa
ship, to fly the Swedish flag. when delivered been used instead of port and starboard. It is Number 41azimuth thrustersl
early in 1992. will be owned by Scandinavian therefore the north side of the main deck which Pitch Controllable
Diameter 2.40m
Ferry Lines. a subsidiary of Swedish Railways. is fitted with two rail tracks, with one on the Electric motor Brush, 4 x 1,500kW
The route allows only a 75 minute turn round south side. Special buffer systems have been Rev/min 235
time; 2 x 17.5 minute crossings. 2 x 17.5 min- provided by Macor for securing the railway Boilers
utc periods in port, and 2 x 2.5 minute mooring wagons. When not in use, those for the outside Number 2
Type EL6A350P
times. To maintain this tight schedule, the new tracks are raised to provide 5.4m clearance over Make Ello
ferry is designed to reach maximum speed after the tracks. For the centre track, the buffers are
only 1,500m of sailing. and to decelerate 800m turned through 90deg to allow passage. MOo~~~e""i~~~~~ Hydraulik Branvaag
from shore. Thc fast mooring depends on a During daytime operations only the north Number 4
Type Hydraulic
shore based semi-automatic system, remotely side is allocated to rail traffic, but with fewer Doors/ramps
controlled from the deck of the ferry. Two hy- road vehicles travelling at night, all tracks are Designer Macar Marine Systems
draulic mooring cylinders in the sides of the available, and a complete nine-coach passenger Type Visors only at both ends IMacor also
shore ramp pull the ship in, and a mooring de- train can be carried. A suspended vehicle deck supplied buffer stops, hoistable car decks,
passenger doors]
vice locks into the ship's ramp. In addition, a is arranged over the south side of the main Passengers
hydraulic mooring hook arrangement automati- deck, with access from quarter ramps at each Capacity 1,250
cally catches a spring-loaded wire. located at end of the vessel. This is divided longitudinally, Vehicles
fender level, and pulls the 'free end' of the ship allowing the inner part (above the single rail Lane capacity: lorries 535m
trains 260
into the quay. track), to be raised and stowed independently. Cars 240
To meet the manoeuvrability and reliability Passenger accommodation occupies two Trucks or trailers -
requirements of the service, diesel-electric pro- decks in the superstructure, and includes res- Rail coaches 9
pulsion, using four azimuth thrusters, is used. taurant, cafeteria and duty-free supermarket. com8)f;~~~t ..I.~~.i.p
..~~~r.a.ti.~~I 5
Forward and aft diesel-generator rooms each Crew cabins, and raised cockpit wheelhouses Crew 6
contain two Wartsila 6R32E diesel engines driv- are positioned on the uppermost deck. For fire Single/double rooms 513
ing Brush 2,930kVA alternators. The four sets safety the vessel is divided into three main verti- Bridge control system ... KaMeWa for thrusters; ABB for
(one normally acts as spare) satisfy the total cal fire zones with remote-controlled fire doors. ship and machinery system
Contract date March 1990
electrical demand of the vessel, and supply the Evacuation is by means of four Viking Marine Launch/float out date -
Brush 1,500kW vertical shaft electric motors MES (marine evacuation slide) stations, each Delivery date October 1991








_.----------___1!1<9.~ _



VLADIVOSTOK: continuing the SdZ theme
Shipbuilder: Bremer Vulkan AG, is designated a void space. Heel control equipment .... Anti-heel tanks
Pollution avoidance and damage survivability features
Germany The hull meets Panamax constraints, and ........................ Heavy oil bunkers within double bottom/
Vessel's name: Completed as within its box-shape, can accommodate 10 rows double skin structure
of containers, carried in cell guides, in most Main engine
Vladivostok (now parts of the cargo space, There are six holds Design MAN B&W
sailing as DSRSenator) forward of the deckhouse and one aft, with the Model 7L80MC
Manufacturer , BremerVulkan
Owner: Far Eastern Shipping width split into three sections by deep longitudi- Number 1
Co,USSR nal girders. The hatch covers therefore com- Output 21 ,700kW/88 rev/min
prise port, starboard and centre sections, and Propeller
Designer: Bremer Vulkan/HDW, Material Aluminium-copper-nickeI8F62
are of MacGregor-Navire pontoon design.
Germany Above deck, containers can be stacked 13 wide
Manufacturer Ostermann Metallwerke
Number . 1
Flag: Liberia and four tiers high generally, including aft of Pitch . Fixed
Number of sister No 7 hatch, with lashing bridges provided at Diameter.................................... . 7.70m
Rev/min . 88
ships already the end of each space. Engine-driven alternators
completed: The SdZ influence is particularly apparent in
-* the wheelhouse (command centre), with a con-
Make.......................... .

Number of sister sole of Krupp Atlas Elektronik (KAE) radar Output....... . 1,200kW/88 rev/min
ships on order: -* and information displays, ABB-Selma main ma- Diesel-driven
*Note: exact state of progress not known chinery controls and a steering tiller. A Engine make MAN B&W Holeby
but 10 ships ordered originally, five at centreline wheel steering position is provided Alternator make A Van Kaick

Bremer Vulkan and five at HOW. for river and canal navigation, and bridge wing Output 3x910kW/900 rev/min
positions duplicate instrumentation, as well as MOO~~~e~~~~~~~............ . Brohl
including controls for the 1,300kW Lips bow Number 2xwindlasslwinch
THIS contract for 10 vessels, shared equally be- thruster. Of special interest is the first KAE 4xmooring winch
tween the BY and HDW shipyards, has been Nautical Consulting and Information System Type . ........................ Electric
caught up by the recent changes in the Soviet (NCIS 800) to go into service. Hatch covers
Union. It was originally intended that the Make . ......MacGregor-Navire
vessels would be operated by three major Soviet PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Type . ..... Pontoon
shipping lines and financed from central funds, Length, oa 237.00m Containers
Length, bp . 225.25m Length.......... . 20ft and 40ft
but these companies, by achieving some Breadth, moulded 32.20m Cell guides. . Yes
measure of independence, do not now have the Depth, moulded to main deck 18.80m TEU capacity.... . 2,668
resources to complete the deal. Consequently, Gross 37,071gt Reefer plugs . 100
Vladivostok has been taken on five-year char- Displacement 61,605 tonnes
Lightweight . 14,485 tonnes com8~~~~~.... . 7+2 pilots, 1 owner
ter by Deutsche Seereederei, Rostock (DSR), Deadweight, scantling 47,120dwt Crew................... . 22
with the name DSR Senator. Deadweight, design .40,250dwt Repair crew Nil
The design incorporates a number of features Draught, scantling 12.00m Spare .
from the German Ship of the Future (SdZ) pro- Draught, design 11.00m Single/double rooms. ..............................
(Suez crew 6-berthi
Speed, max. on 11.00m draught 22.00 knots
gramme. Structurally, these include the Siting Bow thruster
~~~~~ 3
of the four main heavy oil cross bunker tanks Grain n,027m ~~ .•............•••.••••••...................•...••..•••.•••••.• ~
about midships, between Nos 4 and 5 holds. Bunker capacity 3 Number
Encased in the double bottom/double skin hull
configuration, they require reduced energy for ~~:s':X ~ II:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.3:g~~~3
Water ballast capacity 19,200m3
Stern thruster
Bridge control system ABB-Selma
heating, and trim is not appreciably changed as Fuel consumption Automation equipment ABB-Selma
fuel is consumed. Except for two small diesel Main engine only (85%mcri 76.10 tonnes/day Special navigation equipment Krupp Atlas Elektronik
fuel tanks, the side tanks are used for water Classification ....USSR Register of Shipping KM*, [11AL, NACOS and NCIS 1800
A3, Ice El, also Germanischer Lloyd Stability calculation equipment.. Vessel's PCsystems
ballast, supplemented by a deep tank forward, +100A4 Container ship, +MC, AUT Contract date 11 August 1989
under No 1 hold; the aft peak; and wing tanks with amendment for Ice Class E7 Launch/float out date 3 February 1991
at the aft end of the engine-room. The fore peak Percentageof high-tensile steel used in construction - Delivery date . 27 May 1991


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WAKANATSU OKINAWA: a ferry for Taiwan service
Shipbuilder: Saiki Heavy Industries has facilities for the carriage of a small amount Number 3
of loose car~o. Engine make Daihatsu
Co Ltd. Japan Output 3 x 1,350bhpl720rev/mm
The machinery installation comprises a single
Vessel's name: Wakanatsu Okinawa SEMT-Pielstick 9PC40L main engine, built by
Alternator make Nishishiba
Owner/operator: Ryukyu Kaiun Co Ltd. Diesel United, and developing 16,200bhp at Number 1
Japan 360rev/min. This speed is reduced to
Designer: Onomichi Dockyard Co 143.5rev/min through an IHI gearbox to drive Output 1,600kglh
Ltd. and Saiki Heavy a controllable pitch propeller, giving a service
speed of 21 knots. Three DaihatsulNishishiba MOO~~~e~~~~~~~shikawajima_Harima
Heavy Industries
Industries Co Ltd. diesel alternators provide the electrical power Number 2 x windlass
Flag: Japan 3 x mooring winches
and, having complied with the Japanese ~overn- Type Hydraulic
Number of sister ment recommendation MO-A for reducing ma- Containers
ships already chinery tasks to zero, the installation, together Lengths 20ft x 8ft x 8ft
with the propeller, is controlled from the wheel- 12ft x 8ft x 8ft
completed: Nil Capacity 42 x 20ft
house by lever. As aids to safe vehicle handling 167 x 12ft
Number of sister and manoeuvrability, a ballast control system
ships on order: Nil counteracting heel, and Kawasaki bow and
stern thrusters are fitted. Twin fin stabilisers are TiJ:~:i~~~~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i~~~:i~i:
D deck 2 tiers
also installed. C deck 2 tiers
THIS interesting vessel has been designed for Doors/ramps/lifts
operation between Okinawa and Taiwan, in 1 x stern ramp
waters where, despite their inclusion in what
is described as the Japanese coastal area, ~;~~]~~~~·~~i~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:~i:gg~
Depth, moulded to main C deck 13.70m
1 x cargo lift
MacGregor Far East Ltd
weather conditions can be especially severe. Depth, moulded to D deck 8.60m
Unlike the inter-island ferry Ishikari (see pa~e
50), where emphasis was placed on the 'cruis-
Gross 14,122gt gf~~~!:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s·p~~·i~iFi;!;~
First 44
ing' aspect of the voyage, Wakanatsu Okinawa g~:~;r,~i~~t.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~:3~~~~ Second 100
Speed, service (csr), 20% sea margin 21.00 knots Number of cabins 24
is mainly a freight carrier, although one deck Cargo capacity 3 Vehicles
(A deck) has been allocated to accommodating Bale : 300m Lane length B deck 35.75m
150 passengers in three classes, with provision Bunker capacity 3 C deck 65.00m
for restaurant, bars and saloons arranged
around an entrance hall which occupies the full ~f:s~~
Fuel consumption
~g~~3 Cars
~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: D deck 103.35m
Trailers, 40 foot 42
width of the vessel. Saiki Heavy Industries is Main engine only 42.8 tonnes/day
an associate of one of Japan's leading medium- Classification Japanese Government com8lli~~~t 10
sized shipbuilders, Onomichi Dockyard, which Percentage of high-tensile steel used in Crew 18
construction 14%
assisted with much of the design work for this
new ferry.
Heel control equipment Ballast control system ..;~~;;;~·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::26i~
Roll stabilisation equipment Twin fin stabilisers Stern appendages, special rudder Stern bulb
Vehicles are carried on three decks, with ac- Pollution avoidance and damage control Hanging rudder
cess by way of MacGregor Far East bow and features IM0 A·265 rule, and Bow thruster
Japanese Government Make Kawasaki
stern quarter ramps, positioned on the star- recommendations Number 1
board side of D deck. Internal ramps link with Main engine Output 920kW/29611,160rev/min
C deck, which has an open space at the aft end,
and thence to the B half-deck forward. The ~"o,,~~p::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.s.~~~.-PJ~~~8~
Manufacturer Diesel United
Stern thruster
Make Kawasaki
main and auxiliary machinery rooms, Number 1
Number 1 Output 770kW/32611,160rev/min
stabilisers, ballast and bunker tanks are located Output 16,200bhp/360rev/m in
beneath D deck, together with a midships cargo Gearbox Brid~a~~~t~.~.I..~.y.~~.~.rn Nippon Air Brake Co Ltd
hold, designed for 20ft and 12ft containers. Make Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Type Main engine electric and air
Model SPGN 1550SD Contract date 21 September 1989
These are conveyed from D deck by cargo lift Number 1
and finally positioned by fork-lift truck. Fifty Launch/float out date 21 October 1990
Output speed 143.5rev/min Delivery date 8 February 1991
reefer plugs are provided, and the ferry also Diesel-driven alternators


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WESTERN BRIDGE: a self-discharger for British Steel
Shipbuilder: Hashihama polythene (UHMWpe) lining to the non-verti- Gross . ......55,695gt
cal hold surfaces. The lOmm thick sheets are Displacement. ......... 115,473 tonnes
Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Deadweight.. . . .....96,725dwt
stud-welded to the structure and give a . ................... 15.019m
Japan coefficient of friction about half that of steel.
Speed, service . .............. 15.00 knot~
Vessel's name: Western Bridge In addition, hydraulic vibrators are provided at Cargo capacity, grain ................. 89,897m
Owner/Operator: British Steel pic, UK each gate, and in the transfer chute, to loosen Bunker capacity
heavy oil... ..... 3,158 tonnes
Designer: Tsuneishi Shipbuilding sticky cargoes. Maximum discharge rates are diesel oil . 118 tonnes
Co Ltd, Japan (in 6,000/4,250 tonnes/h for ore and coal respect- Water ballast capacity 45,875 tonnes
ively, based on a material lump size of 200mm Classification Lloyd's Register + 100A1, + LMC, UMS
association with owner in any direction. Percentage of high-tensile steel used in
and manager) Cargo handling is supervised from a control construction - (shell and deck locations)
Pollution avoidance and damage .
Flag: Bahamas room, with an observer on deck, and three gate survivability features . .
Number of sister operators in the conveyor tunnels. The oper- Main engine
ation is computerised, with conveyor speed Design . MAN B&W
ships completed: Nil Model........... . 6S70MC
evaluated by inputting cargo density and re- Manufacturer . Kawasaki
Number of sister
quired discharge rate. A traffic light signalling Number 1
ships on order: system Instructs a gate operator to increase/de- Output (mcr) . 20,950bhp/88 rev/min
crease cargo flow to the belt by opening/closing Propeller
Material . .... Nickel-aluminium-bronze
BRITISH Steel's choice of self-unloading bulk the gate, and an emergency-pull switch can stop Manufacturer .. Mitsubishi
earners to overcome the problem of berth con- the system if a jam occurs. Shore-interlocking Number .... .. 1
gestion at its Port Talbot terminal has resulted is provided to effect a shut-down in the event Pitch .. Fixed
of failures ashore. Closed-circuit television Rev/min .... ............................ 88
in two of the largest vessels of this type yet built, Engine-driven alternators .................. Nil
entering service during 1991. Designed primar- monitors operations in each conveyor tunnel Diesel-driven alternators
ily to transport iron ore with a density of 3.0 and in the lift casing, and a remote controlled Number ................................................... 4
tonnes/m", and coal of 0.85 tonnes/rrr', they fea- camera is fitted at the end of the discharge Engine make ........................... 2 x Daihatsu 8cyl
boom. 2 x Daihatsu 6cyl
ture a self-unloading equipment package suppl- Alternator make ..........2 x Nishishiba 1,500kW/720 rev/min
ied by Consiliurn Materials Handling Marine A Kawasaki-MAN B&W 6S70MC main en- 2 x Nishishiba 800kW/720 rev/min
AB. gine is fitted, developing 17,800bhp at Cranes
The hull is basically that of a single-deck bulk 83.4rev/min (csr) and driving a five-bladed nick- Number ..1 (hatch cover transversing)
el-aluminium-bronze propeller to give a service Make.. .. Tsuji Heavy Industries
carrier with the cargo hold bottom arranged Capacity .. 44.5 tonnes
above the tank top, forming V-shaped hoppers speed of approximately 15 knots. The installa- Mooring winches
over the three conveyor lines. The cargo space tion IS designed for 24h unmanned operation, Make ............................... Fukushima
is divided into five holds by four transverse With remote control from both wheelhouse and Number ....... 2 x winch/windlasses
control room, and is monitored by computers 6 x auto-tension winches
bulkheads which, although built to watertight Type ...... .....Hydraulic
standard, cannot be classed as such because of which also handle engine-room maintenance Sell-unloading system
the continuous conveyor tunnels running and spare gear requirements, via satcom links Make Consilium Materials
through them. Each cargo hatch is fitted with With the ship manager's office in the UK. Four Handling Marine AB (package)
DaihatsuiNishishiba nOrev/min alternator sets Number 3 hold conveyors each 2,000 tonneslh
two MacGregor Far East 9.35m x 26.40m pon- 2 cross conveyors 4,000 tonneslh (starboard),
toon covers, handled by a Tsuji electric travel- are installed: two of 1,500kW and two of 2,000 tonneslh (port)
ling gantry crane propelled along a rack-and- 800kW, together with a 120kW emergency unit. 1 lift conveyor, 6,000 tonneslh
pinion track on deck. A Kawasaki cp bow thruster develops a thrust 1 boom conveyor, 6,000 tonnes/h
of 28 tonnes, and aft, the Mariner type rudder Type ....... Hold conveyor hydraulic, remainder electric
A total of 181 Nordstrom basket-type tunnel Hatch covers
gates are fitted under the hold hoppers. These IS operated by a four-ram Mitsubishi steering Make .. .. MacGregor Far East
are hydraulically operated, but manually and in- gear. Type .............. One-panel pontoon
dividually controlled, and discharge on to the Water ballast capacity is 45,875 tonnes, with Complement
total de-ballasting specified at 8h. The ring main Otticers... .. 18
port, starboard and centre conveyors. Their . Crew.......... ....15
electro-hydraulic drive gives variable speeds up piping system uses two Shinko 2,500m3/h pumps • Repaircrew -
to 3m/sec, and they each have a maximum ca- and a 450m3/h eductor. The valves are electro- Spare................... ..5+4 Suez crew
pacity of 2,000 tonnes/h. At the aft end of the hydraulically controlled from the cargo control Bow~i~r~~~rOUblecabins Single (Suez4 berth)
cargo space, two transverse conveyors transfer room, where remote tank level gauges are also
Make .. NishishibaiKawasaki
the load to a Trellex Flexolift cross-stabilised, installed. Thrust .. 28 tonnes
pocket-belt lift conveyor. Hydraulically driven Western Bridge and her sister are managed ~~........... . 1
and housed in a structure integral with the for British Steel by Ropner Shipping Services, Bridge control system Kawasaki
which was closely involved with the design. Special electronic equipment.. Computerised machinery
dcckhouse, this has a 35m lift and discharges, alarm/monitor system and spare gear/maintenance
via a chute, on to the 83.9m long boom con-
veyor. This can be slewed through 180deg and PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS Special navigation equipment ..1I~~.~'~.~~t~~rTl.~i.t~.~~o~
has a luffing range of 0-18deg. Length.oa ...249.90m Loading calculator ...... .. Mitsubishi
Length, bp .. .. 239.00m Contract date. .. 13 June 1989
Flow of the cargo to the tunnel gates is as- Breadth. moulded 38.00m LDaulnchifloatout date 8 September 1990
sisted by fitting an ultra-high-molecular weight Depth, moulded to upper deck 21.50m e Ivery date 21 January 1991


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