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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1740 (2005) 202 – 205


Role of lycopene and tomato products in prostate health

Maria Stacewicz-SapuntzakisT, Phyllis E. Bowen
Department of Human Nutrition, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1919 West Taylor St. Chicago, IL 60612, USA

Received 15 September 2004; received in revised form 27 January 2005; accepted 4 February 2005
Available online 13 March 2005


Epidemiological evidence associating the decreased risk of prostate cancer with frequent consumption of tomato products inspired us to
conduct a small intervention trial among patients diagnosed with prostate adenocarcinoma. Tomato sauce pasta was consumed daily for 3
weeks before their scheduled prostatectomy, and biomarkers of tomato intake, prostate cancer progression and oxidative DNA damage were
followed in blood and the available prostate tissue. The whole food intervention was so well accepted by the subjects that the blood lycopene
(the primary carotenoid in tomatoes responsible for their red color) doubled and the prostate lycopene concentration tripled during this short
period. Oxidative DNA damage in leukocytes and prostate tissues was significantly diminished, the latter mainly in the tumor cell nuclei,
possibly due to the antioxidant properties of lycopene. Quite surprising was the decrease in blood prostate-specific antigen, which was
explained by the increase in apoptotic death of prostate cells, especially in carcinoma regions. Prostate cancer cell cultures (LNCaP) were also
sensitive to lycopene in growth medium, which caused an increased apoptosis and arrested the cell cycle. A possible explanation of these
promising results may reside in lycopene effects on the genes governing the androgen stimulation of prostate growth, cytokines and on the
enzymes producing reactive oxygen species, all of which were recently discovered by nutrigenomic techniques. Other phytochemicals in
tomato may act in synergy with lycopene to potentiate protective effects and to help in the maintenance of prostate health.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Carotenoid; Cancer; Oxidative stress; Apoptosis

The prostate, a major male accessory gland, is a tence. These perspectives cause many doctors and patients
potential source of serious disorders affecting health and to accept a bwatchful waitingQ strategy, since cancers of the
the quality of life in older men. The walnut-size gland prostate are relatively slow growing, especially in older
envelops the urethra just below the bladder, and several men.
pathological conditions have a tendency to obstruct the Prostate cancer is a worldwide health problem, most
flow of urine which may damage the bladder and kidneys. common in northwestern Europe (Scandinavian countries)
Prostate disorders include inflammation (prostatitis), and North America, but rare in East Asia (China, Japan). An
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. estimated 230,000 new cases will occur in the US in 2004,
While acute or chronic prostatitis may afflict any adult with 30,000 deaths in the same year, placing prostate cancer
male, by the age of 70 years, more than 40% of men as the second leading cause of cancer death in US men [1].
develop an enlargement of prostate due to BPH, and by the Incidence rates are the highest in African American men and
age of 80 years, most will have prostate cancer. The Caribbean men of African descent. Besides age, ethnic
treatment for cancer may involve radiation, various origin, and family history (genetic predisposition), the risk
surgical procedures, anti-androgen hormonal therapy, with factors for prostate cancer include smoking, high intake of
possible side effects of urinary incontinence and impo- fat, obesity and lack of exercise [2]. Therefore the
prevention of prostate diseases is one of the pressing health
issues in the developed countries. An exploration of many
T Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 312 996 1210; fax: +1 312 413 0319. lifestyle factors, including dietary compounds and their
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis). mechanism of action, is underway through epidemiological
0925-4439/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis, P.E. Bowen / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1740 (2005) 202–205 203

surveys, clinical trials and experiments with animals, cell Table 1

and tissue cultures. Tomato sauce supplementation effects in prostate cancer patients
Epidemiological evidence of the protective role of Biomarker Before After No
intervention intervention intervention
tomatoes in diet emerged from careful evaluation of large
U.S. cohort studies [3,4]. Men who consumed the most Serum PSA (ng/mL) 10.9 F 1.1 8.7 F 0.9 13.8 F 2.4
Serum lycopene (nM) 638 F 60 1258 F 95
tomato products had significantly lower risk of developing
Prostate tissue lycopene 0.28 F 0.045 0.82 F 0.12
prostate cancer. Therefore our research group at the (nmol/g)
University of Illinois embarked on a program of investigat- Leukocyte 8OHdG/105dG 0.61 F 0.05 0.48 F 0.04
ing prostate health issues related to dietary intake of Prostate tissue 0.76 F 0.10 1.06 F 0.17
tomatoes and their red pigment, a carotenoid named 8OHdG/105dG
8OHdG immunodensity 22.1 F 2.7 13.2 F 2.7
lycopene after the genus Lycopersicon. Tomatoes are the
(% optical density)
main source of lycopene in American diet and the presence Carcinoma apoptotic 0.84 F 0.13 2.76 F 0.58 1.91 F 0.32
of lycopene in serum can be considered a marker of tomato index (%)
consumption. The bioavailability of lycopene is increased Results are mean F S.E.
by cooking [5] and the presence of fat in the same meal, All bafter interventionQ means are significantly different from the bbefore
which favors the formation of carotenoid containing interventionQ means.
micelles and their absorption in the intestine [6]. In Prostate tissue 8OHdG/105dG ratio is significantly lower after intervention
when compared to prostatectomy specimens from untreated (no interven-
epidemiological studies the incidence of aggressive prostate tion) patients.
cancer declined with increasing plasma lycopene concen-
tration [7].
In order to investigate the feasibility of a whole food biopsy obtained before the treatment due to the shortage of
intervention and its efficacy, we conducted a pilot project tissue, so we compared the prostatectomy specimens from
[8], recruiting patients suspected of harboring prostate our subjects to the tissue from seven similar patients who
cancer, because of rising prostate specific antigen (PSA) did not consume our daily tomato sauce dishes. There was a
levels in serum, or due to abnormality of prostate detected significant difference ( P = 0.03) between the mean 8OHdG/
by digital examination. Thirty- two patients were diagnosed 105dG ratio in our subjects and controls (0.76 vs. 1.06).
with adenocarcinoma of the prostate and agreed to consume These results were confirmed by an 8OHdG histochemical
tomato pasta every day during 3 weeks before their staining method which was used on slides from biopsy and
scheduled prostatectomy. The dishes were prepared by our surgical paraffin blocks for each patient [9]. Cancer cells
staff and contained 30 mg lycopene from commercial had the highest density staining, hyperplastic cell nuclei
spaghetti sauce. The patients reported good adherence to varied from none to moderate staining, while stromal nuclei
the diet, consuming on average 81.7% of the total dose, were usually not stained. Microscopic observation scoring
which amounted to 26.8 mg lycopene/day, compared with by two pathologists found shifts to less staining for each
their usual mean intake of 5 mg/day. The assessment of their patient from biopsy to the resected tissue slides. The more
serum lycopene by high performance liquid chromatogra- objective digital image processing also revealed decreased
phy (HPLC) confirmed the excellent compliance to tomato 8OHdG immunodensity of cancer cell nuclei after tomato
sauce regimen (Table 1), because the mean lycopene sauce supplementation ( P b 0.01). The increased intake of
concentration doubled during this short intervention, from tomato products seemed to have antioxidant effects in our
638 nM to 1258 nM ( P b 0.001). subjects, but were the changes in any way affecting the
We have also measured the lycopene content of their development of malignant cells in their prostates?
prostate tissue, in biopsy performed at the time of cancer Serum PSA was measured before the start and at the end
diagnosis before the intervention, and in the resected tissue of the treatment. It decreased significantly from 10.9 to 8.7
obtained during the scheduled prostatectomy. The mean ng/mL ( P b 0.001). Other randomly selected prostatectomy
lycopene concentration tripled from 0.28 to 0.82 nmol/g patients had PSA of 13.8 just before their operation. Serum
( P b 0.001). PSA is not tumor specific and may also increase in cases of
Could this significant increase in serum and tissue prostatitis and BPH. However, it is used in the screening and
lycopene concentrations have any effect on the oxidative assessment of the risk of prostate cancer, although recently
stress of the subjects? We found indications of decreased doubts were raised about the alarm point of 4 ng/mL [10],
oxidative damage to DNA, as evidenced by the ratio of 8- since in some cases prostate cancer develops without raising
hydroxy-2V-deoxyguanosine(8OHdG) to 2V-deoxyguanosine PSA above this limit. Usually, lower PSA levels indicate
(dG), measured by HPLC with electrochemical and UV better health of prostate tissue and the significant 17.5%
detection after the extraction and hydrolysis of DNA from decrease in our subjects seems promising in this respect,
leukocyte nuclei. The 8OHdG/105dG ratio decreased from consistent with a possible decrease in the number of PSA
0.61 to 0.48 ( P = 0.005) during the trial interval. The secreting cells.
resected prostate tissue had higher levels of oxidative DNA In order to test this hypothesis, we investigated the
damage than leukocytes. We could not assess 8OHdG in the prevalence of apoptosis (by TUNEL assay) in prostate tissue
204 M. Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis, P.E. Bowen / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1740 (2005) 202–205

sections from our subjects, both in hyperplastic and tumor tissue, after 18 days of tumor growth. The gene chip
neoplastic cells. The apoptotic index (AI) of cancer areas analysis of tumor tissue revealed that lycopene supplemen-
more than tripled during the supplementation interval, from tation upregulated 101 genes and suppressed 261 genes. The
0.8% to 2.7%. A comparable group of patients, who did not most significant was the decrease of steroid 5-a-reductase
consume tomato sauce dishes, had 1.9% AI in their expression, because of the role of 5-a-dihydrotestosterone
prostatectomy specimens [11]. Hyperplastic areas seemed (DHT) in prostate cancer development [17]. DHT blocks
to double their AI during the intervention (from 0.7% to LNCaP apoptosis in cell cultures [18], which could explain
1.4%), but a similar result (1.4%) was obtained from the the effect of lycopene on apoptosis in the same cell strain in
prostatectomy tissue of patients who did not consume our our study. A whole set of androgen target genes was
tomato sauce dishes. Great variability in the distribution of significantly downregulated in the lycopene-treated group,
apoptotic cells for BPH and cancer areas was found in both as well as those for two cytokines, insulin-like growth factor
biopsy and resected prostate tissues, but in five of our I (IGF-I) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), both implicated in
subjects among the 26 examined, the AI ranged as high as prostate cancer development [19,20]. Two important
4.7%–13.3% for the most apoptotic cell areas after tomato enzymes generating reactive oxygen species (ROS)
sauce supplementation. Thus, it is possible that tomato exhibited decreased expression, the inducible nitric oxide
sauce intake may induce apoptosis in some tumor cells and synthase and NADPH oxidase. Similar supplementation of
arrest cancer progression. young healthy rats with lycopene for 8 weeks resulted in a
Which of the many phytochemicals in tomatoes could be significant accumulation of lycopene in prostate, with an
responsible for the observed apoptotic effects? We turned to accompanying reduction in the gene expression of inflam-
cell culture studies of human prostate cancer LNCaP to matory signaling (cytokines, immunoglobulins and their
investigate the cell cycle, viability and apoptosis in the receptors), IGF-I, and decreased androgen activation.
presence and absence of lycopene in the growth medium Lycopene did not interfere with normal prostate growth
[12]. Water soluble 10% lycopene beadlets were used as a but seemed to modulate the expression of genes crucial to
source of lycopene against placebo beadlets of matched prostate health. These findings should be confirmed by
composition. Four levels of lycopene in the culture medium using the same techniques to investigate gene regulation in
were investigated (0.1, 0.5, 1, and 5 AM), which correspond prostate cancer tissue of human subjects, with concurrent
to 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 5 nmol/mL, to encompass the average measurement of androgens and lycopene concentrations in
lycopene concentration in the serum of our subjects (1.26 prostate and plasma.
AM) and in prostate tissue (0.82 nmol/g) after tomato sauce A small clinical trial of lycopene supplementation (30
intervention. Lycopene was absorbed by LNCaP cells mg/day, tomato oleoresin extract) was conducted on 15
during the first 24 h and significantly inhibited their growth prostate cancer patients, who were compared with 11
at each dose level. Flow cytometry indicated significant cell unsupplemented cases [21]. The results were mostly
cycle arrest at a physiologically feasible 1 AM dose. The inconclusive, because the plasma lycopene levels of
incidence of apoptosis increased with time in a dose- supplemented patients did not increase significantly after 3
dependent manner, reaching 20.6% at the highest 5 AM weeks of treatment. However, the researchers noticed a
concentration. Similar effects were obtained by other relative decrease in the extension of prostate cancer to
researchers with various lines of human prostate cancer surgical margins and extra-prostatic tissues, as well as in the
cells (PC-3, DU 145) incubated with 5 AM lycopene [13]. extent of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
These results are consistent with the data from our subjects (PIN). There is also a startling case report of a patient with
and support the role of lycopene as a possible bioactive metastatic prostate cancer, whose formal treatment, includ-
compound in tomatoes, preventing and controlling the ing prostatectomy, was unsuccessful [22]. He entered
development of prostate cancer [14]. hospice care and began treating himself with lycopene (10
The observed multiple effects of lycopene in prostate mg/day) and saw palmetto (900 mg/day) supplements. His
physiology demand a specific action on the molecular level PSA decreased from 365 ng/mL to 8 mg/mL within 2
of gene expression to explain the mechanism of cell months, stabilizing at 3–8 ng/mL, his bone metastases
proliferation arrest, apoptosis and the decrease in oxidative improved and he was asymptomatic after 18 months of this
stress. Strong support for the bioactive properties of self-administered supplementation.
lycopene in prostate health was recently found in animal Although lycopene appears to be a bioactive compound
studies [15,16]. When MatLyLu Dunning prostatic adeno- in cell culture and animal studies, we cannot exclude the
carcinoma cells are injected into the ventral prostate of possibility of a synergistic action with other phytochemicals
Copenhagen rats, they quickly develop into lethal tumors. in tomato, especially glycoalkaloids (tomatine), phenolic
Although laboratory rats absorb lycopene very poorly compounds (quercetin, kaempferol, naringenin, and chloro-
compared to humans, sufficient amounts (200 mg lyco- genic acid), salicylates, and carotenoids other than lycopene
pene/kg diet) were incorporated in their diet during the 4 (phytoene and phytofluene). Salicylates are well known for
weeks before tumor cell injection to produce a 1 AM their anti-inflammatory action, and quercetin inhibits the
lycopene concentration in plasma, and 0.4 nmol/g in the prostate androgen receptor [23]. Boileau et al. [24] found a
M. Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis, P.E. Bowen / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1740 (2005) 202–205 205

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