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Oracle® Cloud

Administering Financial Consolidation and


Oracle Cloud Administering Financial Consolidation and Close,


Copyright © 2016, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Author: EPM Information Development Team

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1 Financial Consolidation and Close Overview

Overview of the Home Page 1-1
Integrating with Other Services 1-6

2 Creating an Financial Consolidation and Close Application

Application Prerequisites 2-1
Workflow for Creating an Application 2-1
Creating an Application 2-1
Enabling Application Features 2-3
Application Feature Descriptions 2-4
Consolidation and Supplemental Data Features 2-9
Enabling Ownership Management in Applications 2-10
Copying Local Rate Account Data 2-16
Migrating to Extended Dimensionality 2-17

3 Managing Security
Security Overview 3-1
Managing Artifact and Data Access 3-2
Assigning User Access to Artifacts 3-3
Assigning User Access to Data 3-3
Enabling or Disabling Security for Dimensions 3-4
Assigning Security to Dimension Members 3-4
Data Source Dimension Security 3-6
Managing Forms Security 3-6
Assigning Access to Forms and Folders 3-7

Default Form Security 3-8

4 Managing Applications
Application Overview 4-1
Restrictions for Dimensions, Members, Aliases, and Forms 4-2
Managing Dimensions 4-5
Importing Metadata 4-6
Creating the Metadata Import File 4-6
Example: Entity Dimension Import File 4-7
Other Supported Delimiter Characters 4-7
Loading the Metadata Import File 4-9
Exporting Metadata 4-10
Validating Metadata 4-11
Metadata Validation Messages 4-12
Importing Data 4-17
Creating the Data Import File 4-18
Data Import File Format 4-18
Load Methods 4-18
Load Method Examples 4-19
Loading the Data Import File 4-21
Example: Data Import File - Periodic View 4-22
Example: Data Import File - YTD View 4-22
Example: Data Import File - YTD Input and Replace Mode 4-23
Example: Data Import File - Closing Balance Input and Replace Mode 4-24
Example: Data Import File - Overrides 4-25
Example: Data Import File - Exchange Rates 4-25
Exporting Data 4-26
Viewing Data Import and Export Status 4-27
Importing Data Using Data Management 4-27
Exporting Data Using Data Management 4-28
Data Integrations 4-29
Copying Data 4-30
Using Copy Data Profiles 4-32
Clearing Data 4-33
Using Clear Data Profiles 4-34
Refreshing the Database 4-35
Restructuring Cubes 4-37
Removing an Application 4-38
Scheduling Maintenance 4-38
Using the Inbox/Outbox 4-39

Working with Activity Reports and Access Logs 4-39

5 Managing Application and System Settings

Specifying Application Settings 5-1
Uploading Fonts in Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Deployments 5-6
Specifying a Default Alias Table, and Setting Member and Alias Display Options 5-6
Specifying Number Formatting Preferences 5-7
Defining User Variables 5-8
Customizing Your Application Appearance 5-8
Making Announcements 5-9
Specifying Artifact Labels 5-10
Working With the Artifact Labels Grid 5-10
Adding Languages and Defining Localized Artifact Labels 5-11
Exporting and Importing Artifact Labels for Editing 5-11
Reviewing Artifacts 5-12

6 Connecting Environments in EPM Cloud

About Connecting EPM Cloud Environments 6-1
Considerations for Migrating EPM Cloud Connections 6-3
Creating, Editing, and Deleting Connections to Other EPM Cloud Environments 6-4
Connecting to External Web Services 6-6
Specifying Advanced Options for External Connections 6-7
Navigating Across EPM Cloud Environments 6-7
Customizing Navigation Flows to Access Other EPM Cloud Environments 6-8
Grouping Cards from Other EPM Cloud Environments into Clusters 6-9
Configuring Cards with Tabs from Multiple EPM Cloud Environments 6-12
Using Direct URLs to Integrate Connected Environments 6-15

7 Designing Custom Navigation Flows

Understanding Navigation Flows 7-1
What Can Be Customized in the Business Process Interface? 7-1
Navigation Flow Customization Categories 7-2
Navigation Flow Permissions 7-2
Predefined Navigation Flows 7-2
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows 7-3
Creating and Duplicating Navigation Flows 7-4
Editing a Navigation Flow 7-4
Activating and Deactivating Navigation Flows 7-5
Customizing Labels for Cards, Tabs, and Clusters 7-6

Customizing Icons for Cards and Vertical Tabs 7-7
Hiding and Unhiding Cards and Tabs 7-7
Changing the Display Order of Cards on the Home Page 7-8
Adding Cards 7-8
Adding Tabs to a Tabular Page 7-10
Removing Navigation Flows, Cards, and Tabs 7-12
Grouping Cards into Clusters 7-13
Reloading a Navigation Flow 7-14
Switching Navigation Flows at Runtime 7-14

8 Designing Infolets
About Infolets 8-1
Anatomy of an Infolet 8-3
Determining Infolet Content 8-6
Designing Forms for Infolets 8-7
Designing Charts for Infolets 8-7
Using the Infolets Designer 8-8
Creating Infolets 8-10
Working with Infolets 8-11
Customizing the Interface to Access Infolets 8-12

9 Designing Financial Dashboards

Designing Dashboards 9-1
About Your Dashboard's Layout 9-2
About the Gauge Chart Type 9-3
About the Tile Chart Type 9-5
Customizing Dashboard Colors 9-7
Setting Line Width in Line and Combination Charts 9-7
About Global and Local POVs 9-8
Dashboard POVs and Valid Intersections 9-10

10 Working with Dimensions

Dimensions Overview 10-1
Account 10-2
Period 10-2
Data Source 10-3
Consolidation 10-5
Currency 10-7
Entity 10-7

Intercompany 10-7
Movement 10-8
Scenario 10-10
Year 10-10
View 10-10
Multi-GAAP 10-11
Viewing and Editing Dimensions 10-11
Working with Dimension Hierarchies 10-12
Expanding and Collapsing Dimension Hierarchies 10-12
Navigating Dimension Hierarchies 10-12
Finding Dimensions or Members 10-13
Sorting Members 10-13
Moving Members Within the Dimension Hierarchy 10-13
Viewing a Member’s Ancestors 10-14
Showing Member Usage 10-14
Adding Custom Dimensions 10-15
Aggregation Options 10-16
Aggregation Options for Intercompany Entities 10-17
Data Storage Options 10-21
About Dynamic Calc 10-22
Store Data Storage 10-22
Shared Data Storage 10-22
Never Share Data Storage 10-22
Label Only Data Storage 10-22
Setting Dimension Properties 10-23
Setting Dimension Evaluation Order 10-23
Defining Accounts 10-24
Account Types 10-28
Time Balance Property 10-29
Summary of Account Types and Time Balance 10-29
Aggregation (Consolidation Operator) 10-29
Account Types and Variance Reporting 10-31
Saved Assumptions 10-31
Data Types and Exchange Rate Types 10-32
Defining Account Properties 10-32
Setting Account Attribute Values 10-35
Defining Entity Members 10-36
Intercompany Property for Entities 10-37
Base Currency 10-37
Creating Alternate Hierarchies 10-38
Financial Consolidation and Close Data Model Overview 10-39

Working with Members 10-41
Seeded Dimension Members 10-41
Built-in Calculations 10-53
Adding or Editing Members 10-56
Deleting Members 10-59
Making Selections 10-59
Member Relationships 10-61
Deleting Parent Members 10-62
Viewing Member Properties from Forms 10-62
Working with Shared Members 10-62
Creating Shared Members 10-63
Setting Up Currencies 10-64
Working with Multiple Currencies 10-65
Number Formatting 10-66
Viewing Currency Usage 10-66
Creating Currencies 10-67
Editing Currencies 10-68
Deleting Currencies 10-69
Setting Up Scenarios 10-69
About Scenarios 10-69
Time Periods 10-69
Access Permissions 10-70
Creating Scenarios 10-70
Editing Scenarios 10-70
Deleting Scenarios 10-71
Copying Scenarios 10-71
Customizing Application Years 10-72
Adding Years to the Calendar 10-72
Editing Year Information 10-72
Working with Attributes 10-73
Understanding Attribute Data Types 10-74
Deleting Attributes 10-74
Working with Attribute Values 10-75
Creating Attribute Values 10-75
Assigning Attribute Values to Members 10-75
Modifying Attribute Values 10-76
Deleting Attribute Values 10-76
Working with User-Defined Attributes (UDAs) 10-77
Creating UDAs 10-78
Changing UDAs 10-78
Deleting UDAs 10-78

Working with Member Formulas 10-78
Viewing Details of Formula Verification 10-79
Solve Order in Member Formulas 10-79
Applying SolveOrder for Metadata 10-81
Working with Alias Tables 10-82
About Aliases 10-83
About Alias Tables 10-83
Creating Alias Tables 10-84
Editing or Renaming Alias Tables 10-84
Deleting Alias Tables 10-84
Clearing Alias Tables 10-84
Copying Alias Tables 10-85

11 Editing Dimensions in the Simplified Dimension Editor

About Editing Dimensions in the Simplified Dimension Editor 11-1
Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor 11-2
Working with the Simplified Dimension Editor Grid 11-2
Switching to Another Dimension 11-2
Customizing the Column Layout 11-3
Viewing Ancestors 11-3
Showing Member Usage in an Application 11-3
Focusing Your Editing 11-4
Finding Members 11-4
Sorting Members 11-5
Moving Members to Another Hierarchy 11-5
Working with Member Formulas 11-5
Copying Member Names from Microsoft Excel 11-6
Editing Dimension Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor 11-6
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor 11-8
Adding Members in the Simplified Dimension Editor 11-16
Editing Members in the Simplified Dimension Editor 11-17
Deleting Members in the Simplified Dimension Editor 11-17
Adding Shared Members in the Simplified Dimension Editor 11-18

12 Managing Jobs
Jobs Overview 12-1
Viewing Pending Jobs and Recent Activity 12-1
Scheduling Jobs 12-2

Editing and Deleting Jobs 12-4

13 Auditing Tasks and Data

Configuring Audit Tasks 13-1
Auditing Information Overview 13-1
Viewing Audit Details 13-3
Viewing Task Manager Audit Details 13-4

14 Defining Valid Intersections

Understanding Valid Intersections 14-1
Valid Intersection Groups 14-1
Valid Intersection Rules 14-2
Anchor and Nonanchor Dimensions 14-2
Valid Intersection Examples 14-3
Example: Anchor and Nonanchor Dimensions 14-3
Example: Required Dimension 14-4
Example: Unselected Members are Valid 14-4
Example: Redundant or Overlapping Valid Intersection Rules Within the
Same Valid Intersection Group 14-5
Example: Redundant or Overlapping Valid Intersection Rules in Different
Valid Intersection Groups 14-5
Redundancy or Overlap in Valid Intersection Rules 14-6
Shared Members and Valid Intersection Rules 14-6
Substitution Variables and Valid Intersection Rules 14-6
Evaluation Order 14-6
Creating Valid Intersections 14-7
Managing Valid Intersections 14-8
Viewing Valid Intersections 14-8
Changing the Valid Intersection Group Evaluation Order 14-8
Disabling and Enabling Valid Intersection Groups 14-9
Editing Details for a Valid Intersection Group 14-9
Duplicating Valid Intersection Groups 14-10
Deleting a Valid Intersection Group 14-10
Suppressing Invalid Data in Forms 14-10
Working with Valid Intersections in Forms 14-11
Managing Invalid Intersection Reports 14-12
Creating an Invalid Intersection Report 14-13
Editing an Invalid Intersection Report 14-13
Duplicating an Invalid Intersection Report 14-13
Running an Invalid Intersection Report 14-14

Deleting an Invalid Intersection Report 14-14

15 Managing Forms
Predefined Forms 15-1
Form Components 15-3
Point of View 15-4
Page Axis 15-4
Rows and Columns 15-4
Form Design Considerations 15-4
Forms and Access Permissions 15-4
Forms and Currencies 15-5
Forms and Versions 15-5
Forms and Attributes 15-5
Forms and Shared Members 15-5
Forms and Calculations 15-5
Creating Simple Forms 15-5
Setting Form Layout 15-6
Setting Form Grid Properties 15-8
Setting Form Dimension Properties 15-9
Setting Display Properties 15-10
Setting Printing Options 15-11
Including Data Validation Rules in Forms 15-12
Setting Form Precision and Other Options 15-14
Creating Asymmetric Rows and Columns 15-15
Adding Formula Rows and Columns 15-15
Defining Simple Form Page and Point of View 15-16
Working with Forms and Form Components 15-17
Opening Forms 15-17
Previewing Forms 15-17
Editing Simple Forms 15-18
Moving, Deleting, and Renaming Forms 15-18
Working with Substitution Variables 15-18
About Substitution Variables 15-19
Creating and Assigning Values to Substitution Variables 15-19
Deleting Substitution Variables 15-19
Working with User Variables 15-19
About User Variables 15-20
Managing User Variables 15-20
Creating User Variables 15-20
Deleting User Variables 15-21

Working with Smart Lists 15-21
Synchronizing Smart Lists in Reporting Applications 15-22
Adding or Changing Smart List Properties 15-22
Adding or Changing Smart List Entries 15-23
Previewing Smart Lists 15-24
Displaying #MISSING with Smart Lists 15-24

16 Managing Journals
Creating Journal Groups 16-1
Deleting Journal Groups 16-1
Managing Journal Periods 16-2
Setting Journal Options 16-2
Journal Referential Integrity 16-3

17 Consolidating Data
Consolidation Process 17-2
Data Flow 17-2
Consolidation Process Flow 17-7
Intercompany Eliminations 17-12
Consolidation Dimension 17-15
Translation Process 17-17
Translating Data 17-18
About Exchange Rates 17-20
Entering Exchange Rates 17-21
Entering Override Rates 17-23
Specifying Default Translation Settings 17-24
Consolidation and Translation Security Access 17-25
Calculation Status 17-26
Consolidating Data 17-28
Viewing Consolidation Progress 17-29
Running a Consolidation Report 17-29
Consolidation Examples 17-33
Example 1: Reconsolidating Data from a Form 17-33
Example 2: Consolidating Data from the Data Status Grid 17-34
Example 3: Consolidating Data for Multiple Periods 17-34
Advanced Consolidation Overview 17-34
Consolidation Logic 17-35
Managing Consolidation Methods 17-35
Modifying Consolidation Methods 17-37

Adding Consolidation Methods 17-38
Importing and Exporting Consolidation Methods 17-39
Recomputing Ownership Data 17-41
Managing Ownership 17-41
Changing Manage Ownership Settings 17-42
Importing and Exporting Ownership Data 17-44
Ownership Settings Year to Year 17-46
Ownership Settings in Forms and Configurable Calculation Rules 17-47
Advanced Consolidation Rules 17-49
About Configurable Consolidation Rules 17-51
Managing Consolidation Rule-sets and Rules 17-55
Creating Consolidation Rule-sets 17-55
Creating Consolidation Rules 17-61
Consolidation Strings 17-65
Viewing Rule-Sets 17-65
Deploying and Undeploying Rule-Sets 17-66
Duplicating and Deleting Rule-Sets 17-67
Re-ordering Rule-sets and Rules 17-68
Seeded Consolidation Rules 17-69
Investment Rule-Set 17-70
Investment PP Rule-Set 17-72
Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) Rule-Set 17-73
Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) PP Rule-Set 17-75
Owner's Equity (Equity) Rule-Set 17-78
Owner's Equity (Equity) PP Rule-Set 17-79
Owner's Equity (Holding) Rule-Set 17-81
Net Income (Subsidiary) Rule-Set 17-82
Net Income (Equity) Rule-Set 17-83
Seeded Consolidation Rule Examples 17-85
Seeded Consolidation Rules - Example (January) 17-85
Seeded Consolidation Rules - Example (February) 17-88
Seeded Consolidation Rules - Example (March) 17-95

18 Working with Rules

Consolidation and Translation Rules 18-1
Selecting Business Rules 18-2
Assigning Access to Rules 18-3
Disabling View Calculations 18-3
Updating View Calculations 18-4
Working with Override Translation Rules 18-5

Creating Override Translation Rules 18-8
Deploying Override Translation Rules 18-9
Creating Rate Accounts for Translation Overrides 18-10
Editing User-Defined Rate Accounts 18-12
Deleting User-Defined Rate Accounts 18-13
Working with Configurable Calculations 18-13
Creating Configurable Calculations 18-14
Enabling Auto Create Blocks for Configurable Calculations 18-16
Configurable Calculation Rules 18-17
System Calculations 18-21
System Calculation Option for Custom Dimension Top Member 18-21
Opening Balance Carry Forward 18-23
Opening Balance Override Rules 18-23
Balance the Balance Sheet Calculation 18-26
Ratio Calculation 18-27
Working within Calculation Manager 18-28
Configurable Calculations Best Practices 18-29
Best Practices for Calculations in Extended Dimensionality Applications 18-51
Calculate Movements (from Closing Balance Input) 18-56
Equity Pickup Overview 18-57
Enabling Equity Pickup 18-59
Equity Pickup Processing 18-66
Working with On-Demand Rules 18-70
Guidelines for On-Demand Rules 18-71
Creating On-Demand Rules 18-73
Adding On-Demand Rules to Data Forms 18-75
Importing and Exporting On Demand Rules 18-77
Launching On-Demand Rules 18-77
Calculation Status for On-Demand Rules 18-79
Debugging On-Demand Rules 18-80
Renaming On-Demand Rules 18-82
Deleting On-Demand Rules 18-82
Working with Essbase Calc Script 18-83
Supported Essbase Functions 18-89
Financial Consolidation and Close Custom Functions 18-96
FCCSImpact Status Function 18-96

19 Managing Approval Unit Hierarchies

Creating Approval Unit Hierarchies 19-1
Setting Up the Approval Unit Hierarchy 19-2

Selecting Approval Unit Hierarchy Members 19-3
Assigning Approval Unit Owners and Reviewers 19-4
Assigning Approval Unit Hierarchies to Scenarios 19-5
Editing Approval Unit Hierarchies 19-6
Viewing Approval Unit Hierarchy Usage 19-6
Synchronizing Approval Unit Hierarchies 19-7
Deleting and Renaming Approval Unit Hierarchies 19-8
Exporting Approval Unit Hierarchies 19-8
Importing Approval Unit Hierarchies 19-9

20 Managing the Approval Process

Approval Process Overview 20-1
Enabling Approvals 20-1
Starting the Approval Process 20-2
Approval Unit Promotional Path 20-3
Creating Approval Unit Annotation Reports 20-4
Creating Approval Status Reports 20-4
Data Validation Rules 20-5
Locking and Unlocking Entities 20-6
Troubleshooting Approval Process Issues 20-9

21 Setting Up Task Manager

Task Manager Terms 21-1
Task Manager Overview 21-2
Sample Task Flows 21-3
Managing Task Manager System Settings 21-4
Managing Global Integration Tokens 21-4
Creating a Global Integration Token 21-5
Deleting a Token 21-6
Managing Task Manager Organizational Units 21-6
Adding Organizational Units 21-6
Importing Organizational Units 21-7
Selecting an Organizational Unit 21-8
Managing Holiday Rules for Tasks 21-8
Creating Holiday Rules 21-8
Applying a Holiday Rule to an Organizational Unit 21-9
Applying a Holiday Rule to a Schedule Template 21-9
Importing Holiday Dates 21-9
Editing Holiday Rules 21-10

Duplicating Holiday Rules 21-10
Deleting Holiday Rules 21-11
Changing Configuration Settings 21-11
Allowing Comment Deletions 21-11
Allowing Task Deletions 21-11
Displaying Upcoming Tasks 21-12
Enabling Email Notifications in Task Manager 21-12
Setting Task Manager Governors 21-13
Allowing Reassignment Request Approvals 21-14
Reopening Tasks 21-14
Specifying Task Display in Smart View 21-15
Managing Task Manager Attributes 21-15
Defining Task Manager Attributes 21-15
Defining Calculation Attributes 21-16
Importing List Attributes 21-20
Editing Attributes 21-21
Duplicating Attributes 21-21
Deleting Attributes 21-21
Viewing Attributes 21-22
Searching for Attributes 21-22

22 Managing Teams for Task Manager

Adding Teams and Members for Task Manager 22-1
Editing Teams and Members for Task Manager 22-2
Searching and Filtering Teams and Members 22-2
Deleting Teams and Removing Members 22-3
Managing Backup Assignments 22-3
Requesting a Reassignment in Task Manager 22-3

23 Managing Task Types

Task Types 23-1
Creating Task Types 23-1
Setting Task Type Properties 23-2
Setting Task Type Parameters 23-2
Specifying Task Type Instructions 23-3
Specifying Task Type Questions 23-4
Assigning Task Type Attributes 23-5
Working With Task Type Rules 23-7
Viewing Task Type History 23-8

Editing Task Types 23-9
Viewing Task Types 23-9
Searching for Task Types 23-10
Importing Task Types 23-10
Exporting Task Types 23-11
Deleting Task Types 23-12

24 Managing Task Templates

Creating Task Templates 24-1
Setting Template Properties 24-2
Specifying Template Instructions 24-3
Assigning Viewers to Templates 24-4
Applying Template Attributes 24-5
Specifying Day Labels 24-5
Embedding Templates 24-6
Working With Template Rules 24-7
Viewing Template History 24-9
Opening Templates 24-9
Adding Tasks to Templates 24-9
Editing Templates 24-10
Importing Tasks into Templates 24-10
Task Import File Format 24-12
Exporting Tasks to Microsoft Excel 24-15
Reassigning Users in Templates 24-15
Creating Schedules from Templates 24-16
Manually Validating Templates 24-18
Viewing Task Manager Templates 24-19
Searching for Templates 24-19
Deleting Templates 24-20

25 Managing Tasks
Creating Tasks 25-1
Setting Task Properties 25-2
Setting Task Parameters 25-3
Specifying Task Instructions 25-4
Selecting the Workflow 25-5
Adding Task Questions 25-7
Setting Task Access 25-9
Setting Task Predecessors 25-10

Applying Task Attributes 25-11
Working With Task Rules 25-12
Viewing Task History 25-14
Working with the Task Dialog Box 25-14
Importing and Exporting Tasks 25-15
Editing Tasks 25-16
Adding Attachments 25-17
Sorting Tasks 25-18
Searching for Tasks 25-18
Moving Tasks 25-18
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Tasks 25-18
Reopening Tasks 25-19
Submitting Tasks 25-20
Approving or Rejecting Tasks 25-20
Managing Task Reassignments 25-20
Aborting Tasks 25-21
Deleting Tasks 25-21

26 Managing Schedules
Manually Creating Schedules 26-1
Setting Schedule Properties 26-2
Adding Instructions to Schedules 26-3
Assigning Schedule Viewers 26-3
Applying Schedule Attributes 26-4
Adding Day Labels 26-5
Working With Schedule Rules 26-5
Setting Required Task Parameters 26-7
Opening Schedules 26-7
Editing Schedules 26-7
Adding Tasks to Schedules 26-7
Importing Tasks into Schedules 26-8
Updating Tasks in Schedules 26-10
Reassigning Users in Schedules 26-11
Authorizing Process-Automated Tasks 26-11
Setting Schedule Status 26-12
Viewing Schedule History 26-14
Validating Schedules 26-14
Locking Schedules 26-14
Viewing Schedules 26-15
Searching for Schedules 26-15

Deleting Schedules 26-16

27 Managing Task Manager Integrations

Creating Integrations 27-1
Setting Integration Properties 27-2
Setting Integration Parameters 27-3
Editing Integrations 27-3
Validating Integrations 27-4
Deleting Integrations 27-5
Managing Connections 27-5
Adding Connections 27-5
Editing Connections 27-6
Deleting Connections 27-6
Viewing Integrations 27-7
Searching for Integrations 27-7
Creating Custom Task Manager Integrations 27-8
Creating Custom Process Automation Integrations 27-8
Creating Custom Event Monitoring Integrations 27-12

28 Managing Alert Types for Task Manager and Supplemental Data

Creating Alert Types 28-1
Setting Alert Type Properties 28-2
Specifying Alert Type Instructions 28-3
Selecting the Alert Type Workflow 28-4
Assigning Alert Type Viewers 28-5
Adding Questions for Alert Types 28-5
Applying Alert Type Attributes 28-7
Viewing Alert Type History 28-8
Viewing Alert Types 28-8
Editing Alert Types 28-9
Searching for Alert Types 28-9
Deleting Alert Types 28-10

29 Using Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager Reports

Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager 29-1
Creating a Task Manager Query 29-2
Creating a Supplemental Data Query 29-5

Creating a Template 29-9
Setting Up a Report Group 29-9
Creating a Report 29-10
Searching and Filtering Queries, Report Groups, or Reports 29-12
Generating the Report 29-13
Using Task Manager Report Binders 29-14
Generating Report Binders 29-14
Viewing Report Binders 29-15

30 Managing Supplemental Data

Supplemental Data Process Overview 30-1
Managing Supplemental Data System Settings 30-2
Setting Email Notifications in Supplemental Data Manager 30-3
Setting Preferences for Supplemental Data 30-3
Setting Supplemental Data Governors 30-4
Working with the Supplemental Data Analysis Dashboard 30-4
Managing Dimension Attributes in Supplemental Data Manager 30-5
Adding Dimension Attributes 30-6
Editing Dimension Attributes 30-7
Deleting Dimension Attributes 30-7
Working with Collection Intervals 30-8
Creating Collection Intervals 30-8
Configuring Data Collection Periods 30-9
Working with Supplemental Data Collections 30-10
Creating Collections 30-10
Creating Sub-Collections 30-11
Adding Collection Attributes 30-11
Importing Collection List Attributes 30-18
Viewing Collection History 30-19
Deleting Collection Attributes 30-19
Editing Collections 30-19
Copying Collections 30-20
Deleting Collections 30-20
Creating Supplemental Data Manager Form Templates 30-20
Specifying Form Template Instructions 30-21
Working with Supplemental Data Manager Form Sections 30-22
Form Template Sections: Columns Tab 30-23
Form Template Sections: Group By Tab 30-24
Form Template Sections: Mapping Tab 30-25
Deleting Form Templates 30-26

Form Template Sections: History Tab 30-26
Assigning the Workflow 30-26
Specifying Form Template Questions 30-27
Setting Form Template Access 30-28
Viewing Form Template History 30-29
Editing Form Templates 30-29
Duplicating Form Templates 30-30
Deleting Form Templates 30-30
Deploying a Form Template to a Data Collection Period 30-30
Un-Deploying a Form Template to a Data Collection Period 30-32
Re-opening Supplemental Data Forms 30-33
Validating Supplemental Data Total Against an Account Balance 30-33
Working with Supplemental Data in Smart View 30-35
Using Currency Translation 30-36
Selecting Default Currency for Entity Members 30-37
Setting Up Currency Attributes for Translation 30-37

31 Managing Supplemental Data Manager Teams

Adding Teams and Members for Supplemental Data Manager 31-1
Importing and Exporting Teams and Members for Supplemental Data Manager 31-2
Exporting Supplemental Data Manager Users 31-4
Editing Teams and Members for Supplemental Data Manager 31-4
Deleting Teams and Removing Members for Supplemental Data Manager 31-5

A Task Manager Integrations with EPM Cloud Services

Setting Up an Integration A-1
Uploading and Downloading Files Within EPM Services A-2
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations A-3
End User Integrations for EPM Cloud A-18

B Task Manager Integrations with Cloud and On-Premises

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Cloud B-1
Event Monitoring Integration Tasks for Oracle Fusion General Ledger B-5
End User Integrations for On-Premises Applications B-10
Setting Up an Integration B-19
On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Integration B-22

C Financial Consolidation and Close Best Practices

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the
Oracle Accessibility Program website at
Access to Oracle Support
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
if you are hearing impaired.

Documentation Feedback

Documentation Feedback
To provide feedback on this documentation, click the feedback button at the
bottom of the page in any Oracle Help Center topic. You can also send email to
[email protected].

Financial Consolidation and Close
Financial Consolidation and Close is a subscription-based consolidation and reporting
solution built for and deployed on Oracle Cloud.
Financial Consolidation and Close is a subscription-based consolidation and reporting
solution built for and deployed on Oracle Cloud. It provides a simple and quick
deployment for users who want fast implementation with no hardware and minimal
IT support. It provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface along with built-in
functionality for consolidation and close process tasks.

This guide is designed for administrators implementing and maintaining the
Financial Consolidation and Close application.

Financial Consolidation and Close provides these features:

• Simplified tablet user interface
• Native dashboarding and analysis
• Predefined dimensions for detailed analysis
• Flexible application configuration with pre-built forms and reports
• Currency translations and FX adjustment calculations
• Automated cash flow
• Dynamic out-of-box calculations with limited need for customization
• Simplified Consolidation dimension for easy audit
• Business process task management and workflow
• Supplemental schedule data management
Watch the following video for a feature overview:

Getting Started

Overview of the Home Page

After you create the business process, the Home page is the launch point for
accessing your business process tasks.
The interface provides an intuitive user experience and an overview for quick access
to commonly used functions. For example, users can access their tasks, work with

Chapter 1
Overview of the Home Page

data, view reports, and control settings. Service Administrators can manage and
customize the business process, create forms, dashboards, and infolets, import
and export data and metadata, schedule jobs, define valid intersections, make
announcements, and create cross-environment connections.
You can change the general look and feel of your Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud environment on the Appearance page. The Theme setting
enables you to choose from a list of predefined themes with different background
colors, icon styles, and so on. You can also add a branding logo and background
images to the Home page. To change the Theme setting, see Customizing Your
Application Appearance.

Example Home Page Displaying the Default Redwood Theme

Global Header
The global header is the area that stretches across the top of the user interface. It
contains navigation icons as well as access to accessibility settings and the Settings
and Actions menu. You can also switch between navigation flows from the global

Parts of the global header from left to right:

Global Header Part Description

The Navigator icon opens the Navigator
menu, which serves as a sitemap of the
business process and displays links to all of
the business process pages to which you have
Note: Some of the links in the Navigator
menu are available only if you're accessing the
business process from the desktop.

Chapter 1
Overview of the Home Page

Global Header Part Description

Click the Oracle logo to return to the Home
page while working elsewhere in the business
The name of the current business process.

The Home icon refreshes the Home page or

returns you to the Home page while working
elsewhere in the business process.
Click the Accessibility Settings icon to enable
accessibility features.
If you belong to multiple groups or if a
navigation flow is assigned to a role, click the
navigation flow icon to switch navigation flows
at runtime.
Click your user name to access the Settings
and Actions menu.

Work Area
The work area on the Home page displays icons that link you to each functional area
of the business process to which you have access. The three dots above an icon label
denotes that the icon opens a grouping of sub-icons, called a cluster.
The Academy icon links you to a variety of resources about using the business

Infolet Navigation
If your business process uses infolets to show high-level, essential information, you
can explore them by clicking the dots that appear beneath the global header. Arrows
are also available on the sides of the Home page to help you navigate easily between
the Home page and infolet dashboard pages.

Chapter 1
Overview of the Home Page

Announcements Panel
The Announcements Panel displays your user name and profile picture (if set), any
system announcements entered by the Service Administrator, and helps you track
your activity.

Chapter 1
Overview of the Home Page

Chapter 1
Integrating with Other Services

• You can set your profile picture to display at the top of the Announcements
panel of the Home page. To set your profile picture, click Tools, and then User
Preferences. For more information, see Setting Your Profile Picture in Working
with Financial Consolidation and Close .
• Activity—Summarizes system announcements (the most recent announcement,
sorted by effective date, appears at the top) and lists your open tasks. Click
Announcements to flip the panel and view announcements. Click Tasks Due
Today to flip the panel and view your tasks.
• Recent—Displays a list of links to recently visited forms and dashboards (up to 15
items). Clicking a link will launch the item in a secondary window. Clicking the star
next to a link will tag it as a favorite.
• Favorites—Displays a list of links to forms or dashboards that were tagged as
favorites, and prevents them from being overwritten. Click a link in Favorites to
launch the item in a secondary window. To add items to Favorites, click Recent to
view your recent user activity, and then click the star to the right of the item.

• — Click the Tour icon to launch a video about key features in the business


Your Goal Watch This Video

Explore the default Redwood theme.

Overview: Announcing EPM Cloud's

new Redwood Theme
Learn how to customize the interface to
streamline workflow.
Overview: Customizing Workflow in
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud

Integrating with Other Services

Financial Consolidation and Close integrates with Financial Reporting Web Studio,
EPM Automate, Data Management, Oracle Smart View for Office, Task Manager,
and Supplemental Data Manager. These integrations make your consolidation and
businesss processes more effective and efficient.
Watch the following video for information about other services:

Integrating with Other Services

Financial Reporting Web Studio

Use Financial Reporting Web Studio to build highly-formatted and book-quality
production and financial management reports. You access financial reports from the
Navigator menu. You can make changes to a report and when you finish editing it, you
can run it from the Reports list on the Home screen. You can run reports in HTML or
PDF format.

Chapter 1
Integrating with Other Services

EPM Automate
EPM Automate is a command-line utility that Service Administrators can use to
schedule jobs such as importing and exporting data and metadata from an application,
or executing business rules. You access EPM Automate from the Navigator menu, and
then execute commands from a command prompt.

Data Management
You use Data Management to integrate data from an enterprise resource planning
source system to an enterprise performance management target system. You access
Data Management through the Navigator menu. From the Setup tab, you create import
formats, locations, and mappings, and establish your source and target systems. From
the Workflow tab, you execute data integrations.

Smart View
Use Smart View to integrate with Microsoft Office applications such as Excel, Word,
and PowerPoint. You install it from the Download menu. If you want to edit your
dimensions in Smart View, you can also download the add-on for Administrators. After
you install Smart View, you can access your data directly in an Office application. For
example, you can open data forms directly in Excel.

Task Manager
Use Task Manager to define your templates, schedules, and tasks. You can specify
basic properties about a template or task, such as the name and period, as well as
instructions, attributes, labels, and rules.

Supplemental Data Manager

Supplemental Data Manager enables you to ad a greater level of granularity to your
application. You can use it to set up your dimensions, collections and collection
intervals, and form templates. When you finish editing a form template, you can
access the form from your Tasks menu. You can also view supplemental data in

Creating an Financial Consolidation and
Close Application
An application is a set of related dimensions and dimension members that are used
to meet a set of consolidation and close process needs. Each application has its own
accounts, entities, scenarios, and other data elements.

Application Prerequisites
• After analyzing available historical data, you have created a set of requirements
and developed an application design that supports your requirements.
• Security components have been set up. See "Managing Users and Roles" in
the Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for
Administrators guide.
• At least one user is granted the Service Administrator role of the service instance.

Workflow for Creating an Application

Table 2-1 Workflow to Create an Application

Task Description More Information

Create application structure Create an application. See Creating an Application.
Load metadata and refresh the Load dimensions and their members See Importing Metadata.
application into the application from load files.
Load data Load data from a flat file. See Importing Data.
Set up forms folders and forms Create forms folders and forms and See Managing Forms.
specify who can access them. Users
use forms to view or enter application
Set up task lists and tasks Create task lists and tasks, and See Managing Tasks.
specify who can access them.
Create reports Design and develop reports that See the Building Reports topic in
display the data available in the Designing with Financial Reporting
application. Studio for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud .

Creating an Application
Financial Consolidation and Close is a multi-dimensional consolidation application. By
default, the system provides a required set of pre-defined dimensions to store the
consolidation detail data. During application creation and configuration, you can select
additional optional dimensions based on your application needs.

Chapter 2
Creating an Application

Before you create your application, you can click Take a quick tour to access useful
information about designing and getting started with the application.
To create an application, you must be the Service Administrator.
After you create an application, you cannot rename it. For example, you cannot
rename your "xxx" Test application to "xxx" in Production. You must recreate and
rebuild your application.
To create an application:
1. Log on to Financial Consolidation and Close as a Service Administrator.
2. Under Finance, click Start.
3. Click Financial Close.
4. Click New.
5. On the Create Application: General page, enter a Name for the application.
The Application name cannot contain these characters:
Ampersand (&), Apostrophe ('), Asterisk (*), At sign (@), Backslash (\), Caret (^),
Colon (:), Comma (,), Curly brackets ({}), Dollar sign ($), Double quotation marks
("), " Equal sign (=), Exclamation mark (!), Forward slash (/), Greater than (>), Less
than (<), Line (|), Minus sign (-), Number sign (#), Parentheses ( ), Percent sign
(%), Period (.), Plus sign (+), Question mark (?), Semi-colon (;), Spaces, Square
brackets ([]), or Tabs.
6. For Description, enter an application description.
7. Click Next.
8. On the Details page, select the calendar and currency options for the application.
After you create an application, you cannot change or enable these options.
• Time Period - Number of Months: Select the number of months to include in
the year: 12 months or 13 months.
If you select 12 months, by default, the periods are January to December. You
can always add an alias to the period name if you want it to be different.
If you select 13 months, select the period Distribution for each quarter. The
default distribution is 3-3-3-4. You can select a prefix, and the numbers 1 to 13
will be added to the prefix, for example, P1 through P13.
• Start and end year: Select the period range for which you want to include
data in the application.
You can adjust the period range that you want for your application. You can
also add additional years to your application by creating additional members in
the Year dimension after the application is created.
• First month of fiscal year: From the drop-down, select the first month to use
for the fiscal year. For 12 months, the default is January. For 13 months, the
default is P1.
• Optional: Create HYTD Members: By default, the application provides the
following views of data: Periodic, YTD, QTD. To also include Half Year to Date
(HYTD) time periods, click Enable.
• Main Currency: From the drop-down, select the main currency for your
application. The system provides the standard ISO codes. The default
currency is USD.

Chapter 2
Enabling Application Features

• Multicurrency: Select this option if your application contains data for more
than one currency. If the Multicurrency option is not enabled, the Currency
dimension is not created for the application.
9. Click Next to enable application features. See Application Feature Descriptions.
10. After you select the features that you want to enable, click Next, and from the
Review page, review the selected application details.
11. To create the application, click Create, or to change any settings, click Back and
make changes.
When you click Create, the system creates the application shell and generates the
applicable dimensions and members for your application based on your selections.
12. From the Application Creation Status message, click OK.

Enabling Application Features

You can enable features using two methods:
• During the application creation process, you use the Features tab in the Create
Application Wizard.
• After you create an application, you can enable features at any time from the
Application Configuration page.
The Features page displays the features available to be enabled. After you create an
application, it displays the features that you selected as part of application creation.

You cannot disable features after application creation.

Watch the following video for information on configuring features:

Configuring Applications

Enabling Features During Application Creation

1. In the Create Application Wizard, navigate to the Features tab.
2. Select the features that you want to enable, and click Next.
3. From the Review page, review the selected application details.
4. Select an option:
• To create the application, click Create.
• To change any settings, click Back and make changes in the previous screen.
5. From the Application Creation Status message, click OK.

Enabling Features from Application Configuration

1. On the Home page, click Application, and select Configuration.

Chapter 2
Enabling Application Features

2. From the Configure screen, click Enable Features.

3. Select the features that you want to enable.
See Application Feature Descriptions.
4. Click Enable.
5. When the system displays a message that the functionality has been enabled,
click OK.
After you enable a new feature in an existing application, you must reload the
navigation flow.
6. On the Home page, click the down arrow next to the user name.
7. On the Setting and Actions menu, click Reload Navigation Flow.

Application Feature Descriptions

Financial Consolidation and Close provides a set of consolidation features that
includes out-of-the-box translations, consolidation, eliminations and adjustments.
When you create an application, the system creates these dimensions:
• Year
• Period
• View
• Currency (Only if multi-currency is selected)
• Consolidation
• Scenario
• Entity
• Intercompany (Only if Intercompany is selected in Enable Features)
• Account
• Movements
• Data Source
Depending on the functionality required for your application, you can enable additional
features, dimensions, and members that you need. For example, you can enable
journal adjustments or tracking of intercompany eliminations. After a feature is
enabled, you cannot disable it.
You can select these features:
• Consolidation
If you do not enable the Consolidation module, the Balance Sheet Hierarchy
option and other consolidation-related features are not available. See
Consolidation and Supplemental Data Features.
• Multi-GAAP Reporting
Select this option if you need to report your financial statements in both local
GAAP and in IFRS or other GAAP. This option tracks the local GAAP data input as
well as any GAAP adjustments.

Chapter 2
Enabling Application Features

You can rename members to reflect the correct GAAP adjustment if needed. You
can also include additional members and hierarchies for other GAAP adjustments
if needed.
If the Multi-GAAP option is enabled, you can have one additional custom
dimension for your application.
If the Multi-GAAP option is not enabled, the system does not create the Multi-
GAAP dimension, so you can add two custom dimensions for your application.
– Enter Adjustment—Select this option to enter GAAP adjustments manually.
– Calculate Adjustment—Select this option to allow the system to calculate the
adjustment amount based on the Local GAAP and IFRS amount entered.
• Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA) Account
This option is only available for multi-currency applications.
The CTA account is used to store the Foreign Exchange (FX) calculation values
for historical accounts.
You can configure the application to include the CTA Account in the Balance Sheet
or in Comprehensive Income. For more information, see the "CTA and CICTA
Accounts" section in Seeded Dimension Members.
– Balance Sheet
– Comprehensive Income
After you enable either of these options, you cannot change them. You must
recreate the application to change the option.
Local GAAP
The system automatically uses the same option for Local GAAP.
For example, if you select CTA (Balance Sheet), the system selects CTA
(Balance Sheet) for Local GAAP. If you select CICTA (Comprehensive Income),
the system selects CICTA (Comprehensive Income) for Local GAAP.
• Accounts Reporting
Balance Sheet Hierarchy: Select the Balance Sheet hierarchy that is most
suitable for your application. You can also manually create additional hierarchies in
addition to the ones created by the system.
– Traditional Balance Sheet Approach—This option provides the account
hierarchy with Total Assets as a parent member and Total Liabilities and Equity
as a separate parent member. The aggregation of these two parent members
should be zero as Total Assets = Total Liabilities and Equity.
– Net Asset Approach—This option allows you to track your Net Assets
separately within the Balance Sheet hierarchy as Net Assets = Total Assets
- Total Liabilities.
– Basic—Available only for Extended Dimension applications. This option
provides a simplified hierarchy of the minimum required set of Account
and Movement dimension members based on the enabled features and a
minimum set of seeded forms. Note that Indirect cash Flow is an optional
enablement when the Basic option is selected but not when either Traditional
or Net Assets are selected.
Include Ratio Calculations

Chapter 2
Enabling Application Features

Select the applicable ratio calculations that you want to include in your application.
A separate Ratio hierarchy will be created in the Account dimension with
the specific ratio groups that you selected. Individual ratio accounts and the
corresponding calculations will be created as part of the application. You can add
additional ratio calculations to each group.
– Liquidity Ratio
* Current Ratio
* Quick Ratio
* Cash Ratio
– Asset Management Ratio
* Inventory Turnover
* Asset Turnover
* Days Sales in Receivables
* Days Sales In Inventory
– Profitability Ratio
* Gross Profit Margin
* Return on Sales
* Return on Equity
– Leverage Ratio
* Debt To Equity Ratio
* Debt Ratio
• Intercompany Data
Select this option if your application includes intercompany data. If enabled, the
system creates an Intercompany dimension containing system members. The
Entity dimension displays a property for members that specifies if the member
should be included in the Intercompany dimension. If the property is selected, a
member with the same name is created in the Intercompany dimension.
If you do not enable the Intercompany Data option, the Intercompany Dimension is
not displayed in your application.
Track Intercompany Elimination— If you select the Intercompany Data option,
you can additionally select this tracking option. This option enables you to track
your intercompany elimination data separately by data source. If this option is not
selected, then the total elimination value from all data sources is stored as one
total in the application rather than by the data source detail.

Both of these options are required to use the Ownership Management

Intercompany Entities Aggregation— If you select the Intercompany Data

option, select an aggregation option for aggregating Intercompany entities to the

Chapter 2
Enabling Application Features

Intercompany Top member: Addition, Subtraction, or Ignore. See Aggregation

Options for Intercompany Entities.
• Journal Adjustments
Select this option if your application includes journal adjustment data. If you select
this option, the Journals menu displays in the application for you to manage
your journal entries. Journals can be manually entered or loaded. If Journal
Adjustments is enabled, the system adds an additional member named Journal
Input in the Data Source dimension to track the adjustment amount separately
from regular data input.
Journal Workflow— If Journal Adjustments are enabled, you can additionally
select a workflow for the journal process. When Journal Workflow is enabled, all
journals must first be submitted for approval before they can be posted to the
If you do not enable Journals, the Journals menu does not display in the
application, and there are no journal-related metadata or reports.
• Ownership Management
Select this option to manage Ownership Management data and consolidation
This option is only available if you also enable Intercompany Data and Track
Intercompany Elimination.

Before you enable Ownership Management for an existing application,
you must review the migration considerations to avoid potential conflicts
with new seeded members. See Enabling Ownership Management in

• Equity Pickup
Select this option to enable the Equity Pickup method of recording the value of
investments in subsidiaries.
• Partner Elimination
Select this option to enable rules to write data to a partner member. The
Partner Elimination rule writes data to the Elimination consolidation member
of a sibling of the entity being processed. See Creating Consolidation Rules.
When this option is selected, almost all entities (including parent entities) should
be flagged as Intercompany Partners in the metadata (select "ICP_Entity_Yes"
in the"Intercompany Entity" attribute). If these entities are not flagged as
Intercompany then Partner Elimination rules might fail. The only exceptions should
be the top Entity label ("Entity") and its immediate children, including "Global
Assumptions" and "Total Geography".
• Indirect Cashflow
If you select the Basic Accounts Reporting option, select this option to add the
Indirect Cashflow hierarchies into the Closing Balance hierarchy, and add the
Cash Flow hierarchies.
If you select the Traditional Balance Sheet Approach or Net Asset Approach for
Accounts Reporting, this option is selected by default and cannot be deselected.

Chapter 2
Enabling Application Features

• Track Multi-Source Data Input

A Data Source system dimension is provided as part of the application. In the
Data Source dimension, the Data Input member is created by default to track data
manually entered or loaded from a .csv file. If you have multiple sources of data
input and adjustments that you want to track, you can use this option. For each
selection, a corresponding member is added to the Data Source dimension.
Other Data—Select this option if you want to collect data from another source.
An additional member named "Other Data" will be created in the Data Source
dimension for tracking purposes.
• Custom Dimensions
Using Custom dimensions can provide a more detailed view of consolidated
data. These dimensions enable you to specify additional details associated with
accounts, such as products, markets, channels, and so on. For example, Custom
dimensions could include Product Line, Region, Channel, or Customers.
Select this option to add Custom dimensions, then enter a name for the
You can add a maximum of four Custom dimensions to an application. If your
application is enabled with the Multi-GAAP reporting option, you can create three
Custom dimensions.

The ability to add four Custom dimensions (or three if you enable
the Multi-GAAP reporting option) is available in all new provisioned
Two Custom dimensions are available in environments provisioned
before June 2019. If you want to use more than two Custom dimensions
in those environments, you must request the Extended Dimensionality
update from Oracle Support. After you apply the update, you must create
a new application. You cannot modify the number of dimensions in an
existing application.

• Additional Consolidation Members

– Translated Currency Input—When you enable Translated Currency
Input, the system creates an additional member in the Consolidation
dimension named FCCS_Translated Currency Input. You can select the
FCCS_Translated Currency Input member when you create journals, journal
templates, and journal reports, export and import journals through the Journals
module, and create On-Demand Rules.
– Parent Input—The Parent Input option provides for data entry to the Parent/
Child combination in the currency of the parent.
– Contribution Input—The Contribution Input option provides for data entry that
has already been proportionalized and re-classified as required.
Parent Input and Contribution Input data can be entered through data entry
forms, Oracle Smart View for Office, data load or journal entry and can be
written to through Configurable Calculation rules. See Consolidation.
• Supplemental Data Collection

Chapter 2
Enabling Application Features

Select this option if you want to collect additional supplemental details from
Supplemental Data. When it is enabled, you can configure your data collection
workflow using Supplemental Data Manager, and the approved data is stored in
a separate member of the Data Source dimension named "Supplemental Data"
for tracking purposes. You can drill back to the source to view all the supporting
details. If you do not enable Supplemental Data Collection, some supplemental
data-related features are not available. See Consolidation and Supplemental Data

Consolidation and Supplemental Data Features

Financial Consolidation and Close provides a centralized monitoring of all business
process tasks by defining your business process activities for the period. You can
enable the Consolidation feature to calculate and aggregate data throughout the
organization. You can then calculate and adjust data, perform currency translation and
run consolidation rules. Additionally, when you enable the Supplemental Data feature,
you can organize, update and manage supplemental transaction details for financial
analytics and disclosure.
When you create an application, by default, Task Manager, Consolidation, and
Supplemental Data features are enabled.
Consolidation and Supplemental Data features are optional. You can enable them
during or after you create an application.
The Task Manager feature is always enabled and you cannot disable it.
To enable features, see Enabling Application Features.

Consolidation Features
The following features are only available if the Consolidation module is enabled. If it
is not enabled, you cannot access these features from either the Home page or the
• Balance Sheet Hierarchy
• Financial Dashboards
• Journals
• Approvals
• Rules
• Valid Intersections
• Data Management Integration
• Action Menus
• Smart Lists
• Variables
• Financial Reporting Web Studio
• Workflow

Chapter 2
Enabling Ownership Management in Applications

Supplemental Data Features

The following features are only available if the Supplemental Data feature is enabled.
If it is not enabled, you cannot access these features from either the Home page,
Downloads page, or the Navigator.
• Create and Manage Supplemental Data
• Oracle Smart View for Office
• Smart View Add-on for Administrator
• Smart View Extension for Task and Supplemental Data Management

Enabling Ownership Management in Applications

When you create an application, you can enable the Ownership Management feature,
which allows you to assign ownership percentages and consolidation methods.
When you create an application, you can enable the Ownership Management feature,
which allows you to assign ownership percentages and consolidation methods. You
can also enable the feature for an existing application.
For details on this feature, see Managing Ownership.
This section lists the requirements to enable Ownership Management, and the
metadata changes that the system implements when it is enabled.

If you do not enable Ownership Management, there is no impact to your
existing application.

Before you enable Ownership Management, review these sections:

• Ownership Management Requirements for New Applications
• Ownership Management Requirements for Existing Applications
• Intercompany Dimension Members for Ownership Management
• Member and Alias Considerations for Ownership Management
• Ownership Management Metadata Changes

Ownership Management Requirements for New Applications

To select the Ownership Management option for a new application:
• You must enable the Intercompany Data and the Track Intercompany
Elimination options.
If both are enabled, the Ownership Management option is available for selection.
• If you do not select Ownership Management during application creation, you can
enable the feature later if both of these options are enabled.

Chapter 2
Enabling Ownership Management in Applications

Ownership Management Requirements for Existing Applications

To enable the Ownership Management option for an existing application:
• The Intercompany Data option must be enabled.
If you do not have the Intercompany dimension enabled, you must re-create the
application in order to use the Ownership Management feature.
• The Track Intercompany Elimination option must be enabled.
You can enable this option in an existing application if the Intercompany dimension
is enabled. See Enabling Application Features.
After you enable a new feature in an existing application, you must reload the
navigation flow.
– On the Home page, click the down arrow next to the user name.
– On the Setting and Actions menu, click Reload Navigation Flow.

Intercompany Dimension Members for Ownership Management

When you enable the Intercompany Data and Track Intercompany Elimination
options, the system creates these dimension members:
• Intercompany Dimension
• FCCS_Elimination member of Consolidation Dimension
• FCCS_Intercompany Elimination member of Data Source Dimension

Member and Alias Considerations for Ownership Management

When you enable Ownership Management, the system adds new seeded Accounts
and Movement members with aliases, to support the seeded consolidation rules. This
may result in a "Duplicate Alias" error with the existing members in the application.
The following tables list the new Member Names and Aliases for the Account
and Movement dimensions. For details all of the metadata changes, including the
Consolidation and Data Source dimensions, see Ownership Management Metadata
Before you enable the Ownership Management feature, you must do the following
• Review the lists of new seeded members. If you have already defined some
members that serve the same purpose, you must delete them to avoid a conflict
with the new seeded members.
• Review your existing Accounts and Movement members to ensure that there is no
conflict with the Alias for the new members.
Note that there will not be a conflict with names for the new members, as the new
seeded members have a prefix of FCCS_xxx.
• If there is a conflict, you should modify your Alias prior to enabling the feature.
Otherwise, you will encounter errors during migration or when refreshing the
• If you modify an Alias, you should also modify any existing artifacts in which it is

Chapter 2
Enabling Ownership Management in Applications

• You should either remove duplicate members from the referenced artifacts, or
update the artifacts to reference the proper member.
After enabling Ownership Management, if you encounter errors with members and
Aliases, check the Jobs console to see the details on which member Alias is in conflict.

Table 2-2 Account Dimension - New Members

Member Name Alias

FCCS_Dividends Receivable Dividends Receivable
FCCS_Investment in Equity Companies Investment in Equity Companies
FCCS Investment in Equity Companies Investment in Equity Companies - Investment
FCCS_Investment in Equity Companies Equity Investment in Equity Companies - Equity
Pickup Pickup
FCCS_Investment Link Investment Link
FCCS_Intangible Assets Intangible Assets and Goodwill
FCCS_Goodwill Goodwill
FCCS_Goodwill Input Goodwill - Input
FCCS_Goodwill Offset Goodwill - Offset
FCCS_Minority Interest Minority Interest
FCCS_Owners Equity Owner's Equity
FCCS_Other Equity Other Equity
FCCS_Revaluation Reserves Revaluation Reserves
FCCS_Dividends Declared Dividends Declared
FCCS_Retained Earnings Current - Pre Retained Earnings Current - Pre Ownership
Ownership Change Change
FCCS_Owners Income Owner's Income
FCCS_Minority Interest Income Minority Interest Income
FCCS_Net Discontinued Operations Income Net Discontinued Operations Income
FCCS_Discontinued Operations Income Discontinued Operations Income
FCCS_Discontinued Operations Tax Discontinued Operations Tax
FCCS_Continuing Operations Income Continuing Operations Income
FCCS_Equity Company Income Equity Company Income

Table 2-3 Movement Dimension - New Members

Member Name Alias

FCCS_Mvmts_Acquisitions Acquisition of companies and businesses
FCCS_Mvmts_Disposals Disposal of companies and businesses

Ownership Management Metadata Changes

When the Ownership Management option is enabled, the system implements these
changes to metadata.
Account Hierarchy Changes
When Ownership Management is enabled, seeded system Accounts will be created to
support consolidation rules.

Chapter 2
Enabling Ownership Management in Applications

In addition, the Data Storage property of the existing "FCCS_Percent Consol" member
is changed from "Store" to "Dynamic Calc". This account will be dynamically calculated
based on the entered Ownership information.
The updated FCCS_Total Assets hierarchy is shown below with these additional
• FCCS_Dividends Receivable
• FCCS_Investment in Equity Companies
• FCCS_Investment in Equity Companies Investment
• FCCS_Investment in Equity Companies Equity Pickup
• FCCS_Investment Link
• FCCS_Intangible Assets
• FCCS_Goodwill
• FCCS_Goodwill Input
• FCCS_Goodwill Offset

The updated FCCS_Total Equity hierarchy is shown below with these additional
• FCCS_Minority Interest
• FCCS_Owners Equity
• FCCS_Other Equity
• FCCS_Revaluation Reserves
• FCCS_Dividends Declared
• FCCS_Retained Earnings Current - Pre-Ownership Change
• FCCS_Owners Income
• FCCS Minority Interest Income
• FCCS_Net Discontinued Operations Income
• FCCS_Discontinued Operations Income
• FCCS_Discontinued Operations Tax

Chapter 2
Enabling Ownership Management in Applications

• FCCS_Continuing Operations Income

• FCCS_Equity Company Income

The updated FCCS_Drivers hierarchy is shown below with these additional accounts:
• FCCS_Percent Elim
• FCCS_Consol Method
• FCCS_Control
• FCCS_Control Input
• FCCS_Consol Method Input
• FCCS_Percent Consol Input
• FCCS_Percent Ownership Input
• FCCS_Percent Min Input
• FCCS_Percent Consol Prior Input
• FCCS_Percent Consol Change Input
• FCCS_Percent Consol- Property changed to Dynamic Calc
• FCCS_Percent Consol Prior
• FCCS_Percent Consol Change
• FCCS_Percent Owners
• FCCS_Percent Min

Chapter 2
Enabling Ownership Management in Applications

Consolidation Dimension Changes

• The Data Storage property of the existing "FCCS_Proportion" member is changed
from "Dynamic Calc" to "Store".
• The "FCCS_Proportion" member is no longer the parent member for "FCCS_Entity
Total". Instead, this member is now a sibling for "FCCS_Entity Total".
• The Data Storage property changes require a reconsolidation for all existing
data within the application. The Calculation status is changed to Impacted for all
entities. You must reconsolidate all existing data in your application so that the
Proportion amount will be calculated and stored in the Consolidation dimension.

If any periods are locked, you must unlock them and then reconsolidate
the data.

The FCCS_Contribution hierarchy is shown below with these additional members:

• FCCS_Proportion
• FCCS_Entity Elimination Adj

Movement Member Changes

These new seeded Movement members will be added to support consolidation rules
for ownership management:
• FCCS_Mvmts_Acquisitions
• FCCS_Mvmts_Disposals

Chapter 2
Copying Local Rate Account Data

Data Source Member Changes

These new seeded Data Source members will be added:
• FCCS_Intercompany Eliminations is used for tracking Intercompany Eliminations
required for Ownership Management.
• FCCS_Source Entities hierarchy will be used for Ownership Management.
The FCCS_Total Data Source hierarchy is shown below with these additional
• FCCS_Intercompany Eliminations
• FCCS_Source Entities hierarchy
• S_Parent Source
• S_Current Source
• S_Entity
• S_FCCS_Total Geography

Copying Local Rate Account Data

If you are using the Local Rates functionality, to upgrade your existing local rate data,
a Configuration Utility is provided to copy the Local Rate account data from the Entity
Currency intersection to the Input Currencies intersection. You must manually run this
Copy Local Rate Account Data utility to copy the local rate data. Once the data
has been copied from the Entity Currency to the corresponding Input Currency of the
primary parent, there is no need to run this process again.
For a shared entity with multiple parents having different currencies, the system will
copy the entity currency rate data only to the currency of the primary parent. You will
need to manually enter the corresponding input currency rate data for other parents
with different currencies.
You copy the Local Rate account data from a Configuration task.
To copy the Local Rate account data:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Configuration.

Chapter 2
Migrating to Extended Dimensionality

2. Click Copy Local Rate Account Data.

3. Click Launch, then from the warning message, click OK.
4. To view the status of the job, navigate to the Jobs console.

Migrating to Extended Dimensionality

When you create a new Financial Consolidation and Close application, it is enabled
with Extended Dimensionality, which is the ability to add additional Custom dimensions
using an Essbase version that supports Hybrid cubes. In addition to the system
predefined dimensions, you can create a maximum of four Custom dimensions based
on your application needs. If your application is enabled with the Multi-GAAP reporting
option, you can create three Custom dimensions.
If you are using a Legacy Non-Hybrid application that only allows two Custom
dimensions, you can migrate the application to Legacy Hybrid using the Enable
Hybrid Mode Application option.
Note: Be sure to follow the supported migration paths. See "What Applications Can
I Migrate to EPM Standard Cloud Service and EPM Enterprise Cloud Service?"
in Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for
To use this migration procedure, you should have one pod with a Legacy SKU and
another pod with an Enterprise SKU.
To enable this option, follow these steps:
1. On the Legacy pod, using the Migration process, create a full backup snapshot of
the application.
2. On the Legacy pod, using EPM Automate, execute the recreate command,
setting the value of the EssbaseChange parameter to Upgrade.

epmautomate recreate -f EssbaseChange=Upgrade

This will upgrade the Essbase version and will also delete the application. See "
EPM Automate Commands " in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud.
3. On the Legacy pod, import the application from the backup.
After you complete these steps, the Essbase version will be upgraded and the
Enable Hybrid Mode Application option will be available.
4. On the Home page, click Application, select Overview, and from the Actions
menu drop-down, select Enable Hybrid Mode Application.
Before the migration task runs, the system displays a warning that this action
cannot be undone and a validation screen showing a summary of changes. Before
launching the migration, click the Summary/Download link to view the changes.
Note the insertion rules and on-demand calculations that will be affected. You must
review these after the migration process.
5. Click Launch to start the migration task.
This task can take a long time to complete based on the amount of data that
needs to be migrated. You can view the status and job details in the Jobs console.
6. Make sure that the migration task completed successfully. If the task fails for some
reason, you can re-run the task from the Application Overview screen.

Chapter 2
Migrating to Extended Dimensionality

7. After the application has been migrated, export the application from the Legacy
pod and import it into the Enterprise pod.
When you run the Enable Hybrid Mode Application option, the migration process
results in the following changes in metadata:
• The DataStorage property for seeded Movement, Intercompany, and Multi-
GAAP top members changes to DynamicCalc.
• In the View Dimension, QTD, HYTD, YTD change to Stored members and
new members QTD_Rule, HYTD_Rule, YTD_Rule are seeded. In a custom
calculation such as an Insertion Rule (Configurable Calculation rule) or an On-
Demand rule, references to FCCS_YTD are converted to FCCS_YTD_RULE,
FCCS_QTD is converted to FCCS_QTD_RULE, and FCCS_HYTD is converted
• There is a change in Performance order for Dimensions.
• SolveOrder: Period, View, Movement, DataSource, Consolidation (only when
Ownership Management is disabled) dimension members are seeded with default
SolveOrders defined.
• For Multi-GAAP (if it exists) and Custom Dimensions(for example, Product): The
DataStorage properties for all the user-defined upper-level members are changed
to DynamicCalc.

Managing Security
Related Topics
• Security Overview
• Managing Artifact and Data Access
• Managing Forms Security

Security Overview
Financial Consolidation and Close implements several security layers to ensure
security. Infrastructure security components, which are implemented and managed
by Oracle, create a highly secure environment for the service. The service ensures
security with password-protected single sign-on, and role-based access to data and
Setting up security requires these steps:
• Create users and assign them access to the application. See the Getting Started
with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for Administrators guide.
The Identity Domain Administrator creates the users and assigns them access to
the application.
• Assign users role access to the application. See the Getting Started with Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for Administrators guide.
The Identity Domain Administrator assigns users role access to the application.
• Assign users access to artifacts. See Assigning User Access to Artifacts.
Users are assigned access to artifacts in the application. These artifacts include
forms, journals, task lists, and report. This access is given to users by the creators
of the artifacts or by the Service Administrator.
• Assign users access to data. See Assigning User Access to Data.
Users are assigned access to artifacts in the application. These artifacts include
forms, journals, task lists, and report. This access is given to users by the creators
of the artifacts or by the Service Administrator.
The Administrator assigns access to data through access to dimension members.
Users are assigned either Modify, View, or None access to members of a
Watch the following video for an introduction to security:

Understanding Security

Chapter 3
Managing Artifact and Data Access

Managing Artifact and Data Access

As an administrator, you can configure security on these application elements:
• Forms
• Journals
• Task Lists
• Financial Reporting reports
• Dimensions
• Integrations
– Oracle Smart View for Office
– Migration
– Data Management
– Oracle Hyperion Financial Close Management
The following table shows the functionality for each role.

Table 3-1 Functionality by Role

Functionality Viewer User Power User Service

View data through Yes Yes Yes Yes
View Data through Yes Yes Yes Yes
Data Analysis tools
(FR, Forms, Smart
View, Journals, Ad
hoc Grids)
Enter data through Yes Yes Yes
Enter data through Yes Yes Yes
Load data through Yes Yes
Submit data for Yes Yes Yes
approval (journal and
Drill through to Yes Yes Yes Yes
source system
Consolidate data Yes Yes Yes
Create and maintain Yes Yes
Create Smart View Yes Yes Yes
Create and start the Yes Yes
approval process for
Process Control units
and journals

Chapter 3
Managing Artifact and Data Access

Table 3-1 (Cont.) Functionality by Role

Functionality Viewer User Power User Service

Perform actions on Yes Yes Yes
Process Control
Approval units and
Perform all functional Yes
activities for the
application (except
create and assign
user roles)
Dimension Yes
Member Formula Yes
Start and close Yes
Journal periods

Assigning User Access to Artifacts

As an administrator, you assign security to artifacts, including forms, journals, task
lists, and Financial Reporting reports. You can assign these access rights:
• Modify
• Read
• None
For example, to view a form, the only requirement is Read access. Modify rights give
the user the right to modify a form (Power User or Administrator only).
The default security access is None for any artifact.

Assigning User Access to Data

Security access (None, Read, Write) are assigned to members of dimensions. As an
administrator, you define which dimensions have security.
By default, security is enabled for these dimensions.
• Scenario
• Entity
• Account
• Data Source
The default security access is None.
You can disable security for any of these dimensions, but security is mandatory
for at least one dimension. You can assign security at a parent level for all of its
descendants, and you do not need to assign security to each dimension member

Chapter 3
Managing Artifact and Data Access

Data level security is based on the intersection of the security access to each
dimension. The most restrictive security access is the one used by the system.
For example, security is assigned to Scenario and Entity. A user has the following
access to individual members of the dimensions:
Actual - Write
Budget - Read
UK - Write
France - Write
With the above access, the user can enter and load data to Actual/UK, but has Read
only access to Budget/UK and Budget/France.

Enabling or Disabling Security for Dimensions

You can enable security for dimensions, including user-defined Custom dimensions. If
you do not set security on a dimension, all users can access the dimension members.
By default, the Account, Entity, Scenario, and Data Source dimensions are enabled for
access permissions. Optionally, you can assign access to Year and Periods.
You can assign security to dimension members for user and groups. You can assign
security at a member level or parent level.
To enable or disable security for a dimension:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. From Dimensions, select a dimension and then click Edit.
4. From the Edit Dimension Properties page, select an option:
• To enable security, click Apply Security.

If you do not select this option, there is no security on the dimension,
and users can access its members without restriction.

• To disable security, clear Apply Security.

5. Click Save.

Assigning Security to Dimension Members

Before you can assign access to members of user-defined custom dimensions, you
must select the Apply Security check box on the dimension’s Property tab.
You can assign security to dimension members at a member level or at a parent level.

Chapter 3
Managing Artifact and Data Access

To assign security to dimension members:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select a member.
4. Click Assign Access.
5. Click Add Access.
6. Select the users and groups to access the selected member.
Click Users to display all users; click Groups to display all groups.
7. From Type of Access, select an option:
• Read
• Write
• None
8. Optional: Select a member level:
For example, select Children to assign access to the children of the selected
• Member
• Children
• Children (inclusive)
• Descendants
• Descendants (inclusive)
9. Click Add.
10. Click Close.

To modify access:
1. Click Edit Access.
2. For the selected member, select the type of access for the displayed users or
3. Optional: Select a member level:
For example, select Children to assign access to the children of the selected
• Member
• Children
• Children (inclusive)
• Descendants
• Descendants (inclusive)
4. Click Set.
5. Click Close.
To remove access:

Chapter 3
Managing Forms Security

1. Select the users and groups for whom to remove access to the selected member.
2. Click Remove Access, and then click OK.
3. Click Close.

Data Source Dimension Security

During application creation, these steps occur:
• The DataSourceDefaultAccess user group is automatically created in Application
• The default security role assigned for the group is Viewer.
• The system enables security on the DataSource dimension.
• Access rights are automatically assigned.

The Administrator should ensure that all the users in the application are part
of the DataSourceDefaultAccess user group, so that you do not need to
manually assign security on the Data Source dimension.

Table 3-2 Data Source Dimension Access Rights

Dimension Member Group Access Access Rights Relation

No Data Source DataSourceDefaultAccess Write Member
Total Data Source DataSourceDefaultAccess Write Descendant
Journal Input DataSourceDefaultAccess Read Member
SDM Input DataSourceDefaultAccess Read Member
FDMEE Input DataSourceDefaultAccess Read Member
System Types DataSourceDefaultAccess Write Descendant

You should not enter data directly in forms or Oracle Smart View for
Office to Journals, Supplemental Data Manager (SDM), and FDMEE input
members (for example, Journal Input, SDM Input and FDMEE Input). It is
recommended to enter data through Journals, Supplemental Data Manager,
or FDMEE, respectively.

Managing Forms Security

As an administrator, you can assign user access to individual forms and form folders.
You can assign access to individual users, or to user groups.

Chapter 3
Managing Forms Security

• Users and Power Users can view or enter data only into forms to which they have
access (and can work only with members to which they have access)
• Service Administrators and Power Users can design forms.
• Power Users can access forms they created or to which a Service Administrator
assigned them access.
• Service Administrators have Write access to all dimension members and to all
Form Folders
• Users who are assigned access to a form folder can access the forms in that
• When you assign access to a folder, all folders under it inherit that access.
• If you assign specific access (for example, None or Write) to a form folder, that
access permission takes precedence over its parent folder’s access permissions.
For example, if a user has Write access to Folder 1 that contains Folder 2 to which
the user has None access, the user can open Folder 1, but does not see Folder 2.
• If a user has None access to a form folder called Folder 1 that contains a form
called Form 1 to which the user has Write access, the user can see Folder 1 and
Form 1.

Assigning Access to Forms and Folders

To assign security to forms and form folders:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Forms.
3. Select the form or form folder and then click Assign Access.
You can assign access to only one form or folder at a time.
A screen displays all the users with access rights.
4. From the Users tab or Groups tab, select a user or group to assign access.
Click Users to display all user names; click Groups to display all groups.
5. Click Add Access.
6. From Type of Access, select an option:
• Read
• Write
• None
7. Click Add.
8. Click Close.
To change which users can use or change forms or folders:
1. Select the users or groups for which to change access, and click Edit Access.
2. For Type of Access, select the type of access that the users or groups have to
the form or folder.
3. Click Set.

Chapter 3
Managing Forms Security

4. Click Close.
To remove access from forms or folders:
1. Select the users or groups for which to remove access, and click Remove
2. Click OK.

Default Form Security

These forms are provided by default when you create an application. By default, the
Service Administrator and Power User have Modify access rights to these forms. A
User or Viewer can launch the form, but cannot modify the form layout.
For information on managing forms, see Managing Forms.

The forms that are displayed by default may depend on the features that are
selected for the application.

• Data Status
• Enter Exchange Rates - Multi Period
• Enter Exchange Rates - Single Period
• Exchange Rates
• Override Rates
• Percentage Consolidation

Managing Applications
Related Topics
• Application Overview
• Restrictions for Dimensions, Members, Aliases, and Forms
• Managing Dimensions
Dimensions enable you to categorize data values. For example, the Entity
dimension represents the organizational structure of the company.
• Importing Metadata
• Exporting Metadata
• Validating Metadata
• Metadata Validation Messages
• Importing Data
• Exporting Data
• Viewing Data Import and Export Status
• Importing Data Using Data Management
• Exporting Data Using Data Management
• Data Integrations
Data Integration is the mechanism by which integration processes are performed
in Financial Consolidation and Close.
• Copying Data
• Using Copy Data Profiles
• Clearing Data
• Using Clear Data Profiles
• Refreshing the Database
• Restructuring Cubes
• Removing an Application
• Scheduling Maintenance
• Using the Inbox/Outbox
• Working with Activity Reports and Access Logs

Application Overview
After you create an application, you can view and manage it by accessing Application
from the Home page.
To manage applications, you must be the Service Administrator.

Chapter 4
Restrictions for Dimensions, Members, Aliases, and Forms

The Application overview shows the application properties and application statistics,
such as the number of tasks, forms, rules, and approval hierarchies in your
It also lists the dimensions used by the application. To manage dimensions, see
Managing Dimensions.
To view the Application overview, on the Home page, click Application and then
select Overview.

Restrictions for Dimensions, Members, Aliases, and Forms

When naming dimensions, members, and aliases, follow these rules:
• For dimensions, members, or aliases, use no more than 80 characters.
• Do not use HTML tags in member names, dimension names, aliases, and
• Do not use quotation marks, brackets, backslashes, or tabs. Brackets are
permitted but not recommended in block storage outlines. They cause errors when
converting to aggregate storage outlines.
• To begin dimension or member names, do not use these characters:
– at signs
– backslashes
– brackets
– commas
– dashes, hyphens, or minus signs
– equal signs
– less than signs
– parentheses
– periods
– plus signs
– quotation marks

Chapter 4
Restrictions for Dimensions, Members, Aliases, and Forms

– underscores
– vertical bars
• Do not place spaces at the beginning or end of names. Such spaces are ignored.
• Do not use forward slashes in member names.
• For time periods in custom calendars, do not use spaces in prefixes.
• The ICP member label only supports up to 76 characters.
• Do not use these words as dimension or member names:
– Calculation script commands, operators, and keywords.
– Do not prefix an object name with any of the following: OEP_, OFS_, OCX_,
OWP_, OPF_, FCCS_, TRCS_, ARCS_, OQP_, OGS_. For example, the
prefix "FCCS_A" is invalid. However, you can use the acronyms within the
object name, for example, A_FCCS, BFCCS, or FCCSB.
– Function names and function arguments.
– Names of other dimensions and members (unless the member is shared).
– If Dynamic Time Series is enabled, do not use History, Year, Season, Period,
Quarter, Month, Week, or Day.
– These words:
* EQ

Chapter 4
Restrictions for Dimensions, Members, Aliases, and Forms

* GE
* GT
* ID
* LE
* LT
* NE
* OR

Chapter 4
Managing Dimensions

* TO
* #MI

Managing Dimensions
Dimensions enable you to categorize data values. For example, the Entity dimension
represents the organizational structure of the company.
Dimensions categorize data values. These dimensions are provided with Financial
Consolidation and Close:
• Account
• Period
• Data Source
• Consolidation
• Currency (Only if Multi-currency was selected during application creation)
• Entity
• Intercompany (Only if Intercompany was selected during application creation)
• Movement
• Scenario
• Year
• View
You can create additional Custom dimensions. See Adding Custom Dimensions.
The Dimensions page lists dimensions in order of precedence. The order of
dimensions is critical for the structure and performance of an application and
determines how data calculations will perform.
To manage dimensions:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Overview, and then click the Dimensions tab.

Chapter 4
Importing Metadata

3. Perform a task:
• Click the name of the dimension that you want to view or modify to open Edit

Dimension Properties .
• To import metadata, click Import. See Importing Metadata.
• To export metadata, click Export. See Exporting Metadata.

Importing Metadata
You can import metadata from a file in a comma-delimited, tab-delimited, or other
format. These artifacts are supported in imports:
• Dimensions
• Smart Lists
• Exchange rates
To import metadata, perform these tasks:
• Create an import file for each artifact that you want to import. See Creating the
Metadata Import File.
• Load the import file or files (you can import multiple dimension files at the same
time). See Loading the Metadata Import File.

Creating the Metadata Import File

Before you begin loading, you must create an import file for each artifact that you want
to import (dimensions, smart lists, and exchange rate tables). The import file must
contain a header record, and then below the header record, a list of metadata records
that you want to import or update. The file format can be .csv (comma-delimited),
or .txt (tab-delimited or other delimiter characters).
The file consists of these sections:
1. A header record, the first line in the file:
• Lists the dimension and any member properties used by subsequent metadata
records; the header record and subsequent records do not need to include
all properties; properties that are not included are inherited from the
corresponding parent’s default property value
• Is case-sensitive
• Can list properties in any order, as long as the subsequent metadata records
are in the same order
• Can use comma or tab delimiters. Other delimiter characters can be used if
they are supported and the same delimiter character is used throughout the
file. For a list of supported delimiter characters and exceptions, see Other
Supported Delimiter Characters.
2. After the header record, a list of metadata records that you want to import update.
Each metadata record contains a delimited list (comma, tab, or other) of property
values that matches the order designated in the header record. A metadata record
can skip a property that is specified in the header record; in this case, the default
property is assumed.

Chapter 4
Importing Metadata

For an example import file, see Example: Entity Dimension Import File.

Example: Entity Dimension Import File

In this example, the import file loads an Entity dimension with the required header
record and three data records. This example is comma-delimited. The header record
specifies the member to be imported (Entity), the parent member (Parent) into which to
import the member, and the Data Storage property to assign to the member.
Entity, Parent, Data Storage

e1, Entity

e2, ,

e1, e2, Shared

Using this import file would result in this outline, assuming that no other members



e1 (Shared)

The first data record (e1, Entity) imports Entity member e1 as a child under the root
member Entity. Unspecified values assume the default. For example, if data storage
is not specified, it assumes the default value, Never Share. The next data record
(e2, ,) imports Entity member e2 under the dimension root member because no
parent is specified, and sets data storage to Never Share. The last data record (e1,
e2, Shared) imports a shared member of e1 under member e2, and sets the data
storage to Shared.

Other Supported Delimiter Characters

In addition to commas and tabs, Financial Consolidation and Close supports these
delimiter characters in import and export files:
• tilde (~)
• grave accent (')
• exclamation point (!)
• number sign (#)
• question mark (?)
• dollar sign ($)
• percent sign (%)
• caret (^)
• ampersand (&)
• asterisk (*)
• parentheses ( )

Chapter 4
Importing Metadata

• hyphen-minus (-)
• plus (+)
• colon (:)
• semicolon (;)
• angle brackets (< >)
• backslash (\)
• forward slash (/)
• vertical bar ( | )
• apostrophe (')
• braces ({ })
• underscore (_)
• brackets ([ ])
• at sign (@)
• period (.)
Only one character is supported for use as a delimiter. For example, one vertical bar
( | ) is supported, but two vertical bars (| |) are not supported.

Not all of the characters listed can be used for all import and export
scenarios. Note the following exceptions.

Import and Export Metadata Delimiter Exceptions

Do not use these delimiter characters in metadata import and export files.

Table 4-1 Import and Export Metadata Delimiter Exceptions

Delimiter Character Reason for Exception

double quotation mark ("") Creates an empty file
plus (+) Causes an error if the metadata import file
minus (-) contains consolidation properties that use
forward slash (/) these characters
percent sign (%)
angle brackets (< >) Causes an error if the property uses the value

Any character that conflicts with a character in a member name causes an

Chapter 4
Importing Metadata

Table 4-2 Import and Export Data Delimiter Exceptions

Delimiter Character Reason for Exception

parentheses ( ) Causes an error if used in a data import file
double quotation mark ("") Creates an empty file
hyphen-minus (-) Causes an error if used in a data import file

Loading the Metadata Import File

To load the metadata import file:
1. Create an import file for each artifact (dimensions, smart lists, and exchange rate
tables) that you want to import. See Creating the Metadata Import File.
2. On the Home page, click Application.
3. Click Overview, then click the Dimensions tab, and then click Import.
4. On the Import Metadata page, click Create.
5. Select the location of the import file or files:
• Local—Loads the import file or files from a location on your computer. For
Import File, click Browse to select the import file on your computer for the
artifact that you’re importing.
• Inbox—Loads the import file or files from the server. Enter the name of the file
in Import File.
6. For File Type, select an option:
• Comma delimited
• Tab delimited
• Other. Enter the delimiter character that is used in the import file. For a list of
supported delimiter characters and exceptions, see Other Supported Delimiter
7. Select Clear Members to delete members not explicitly specified in the load file
before performing the import.
Note the following guidelines:
• If Clear Members is not selected, the import process will only add or update
existing members. You can first load the metadata file without selecting Clear
Members to make sure that the file loads successfully. Then, select Clear
Members and execute the import process again.
• Any member not specified is deleted from the outline after importing the
dimension unless it is an ancestor of a member that was specified, or it is
a base member of a shared member that was specified.
• If you add accounts manually in a metadata load file with the Exchange Rate
Type as Amount Override or Rate Override, make sure the Clear Members
option is not selected, so that the shared entries are created correctly under
Historical accounts.
8. Optional: If the selected location is Inbox, click Save as Job to save the import
operation as a job, which you can schedule to run immediately, or at a later time.

Chapter 4
Exporting Metadata

Saving an import operation as a job is useful to batch a load sequence; for

example, import metadata, then import data, and then run rules when the data
load is complete.
9. Optional: If the selected location is Local, click Validate to test whether the
import file format is correct.
10. Click Import to run the import operation.

11. If the import process is successful, the Refresh Database dialog box prompts you
to refresh the database. To refresh, click OK.
You can view the import status in the Jobs console. See Viewing Pending Jobs and
Recent Activity.

Exporting Metadata
You can export metadata to a file in a .csv (comma-delimited) or .txt (tab-delimited or
other delimiter character) format. These artifacts are supported in the export process:
• Dimensions
• Smart Lists
• Exchange rates
The system creates an export file for each artifact (.csv or .txt, depending on the file
type), and all export files are consolidated into one zip file. You must extract the .csv
or .txt files from the zip file if you want to use the files as import files (for example,
when importing into another application).
When you export seeded members, these member properties are exported:
• Account
• Parent
• Data Storage
• Operation
Customizations that you make for seeded members, such as Alias changes, and
re-ordering of seeded members, are not exported as part of the metadata export.
These changes are exported through Customizations. See the "Exporting Module
Customization" procedure.
To export metadata to a file:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Overview, click the Dimensions tab, and then click Export.
3. On the Export Metadata page, click Create.
4. Select the target location of the export file:
• Local—Saves the export file to a location on your local computer.
• Outbox—Saves the export file to the server.
5. Select the artifact or artifacts to export.
6. For File Type, select an option:
• Comma delimited—Creates a comma-delimited .csv file for each artifact.

Chapter 4
Validating Metadata

• Tab delimited—Creates a tab-delimited .txt file for each artifact.

• Other—Creates a .txt file for each artifact. Enter the delimiter character that
you want to use in the export file. For a list of supported delimiter characters
and exceptions, see Other Supported Delimiter Characters.
7. Optional: If the selected location is Outbox, click Save as Job to save the export
operation as a job, which you can schedule to run immediately, or at a later time.
8. Click Export, and then specify where to save the export file.
Exporting Module Customization
You can export metadata customization using the Migration process.
1. On the Home page, select Tools, and then select Migration.
2. From Categories, select Core.
3. From the Artifact List, select Configuration.
4. Expand Module to show Consolidation, and then expand to show Module
5. Click Export to export all the changes to the seeded metadata, and specify where
to save the export file.

Validating Metadata
Incorrect or or inappropriate metadata properties can cause errors during
consolidation and cause poor performance.
Examples of metadata property validation include the default and Consol cube data
storage properties, whether the Consolidation operator is valid, and whether a Parent
member is Dynamic Calc or Label Only, or has a member formula.
A Best Practice is to validate metadata by running an on-demand Metadata Validation
report, and by checking metadata in the Dimension Editor.

If you have problems with your application, be sure to validate metadata and
correct all errors before contacting Oracle Support.

To ensure that your metadata is valid, you can run the Metadata Validation report at
any time. The Validate Metadata screen displays validation results in three categories,
with the count for each category:
• Error—These are errors that are expected to cause problems in the application
and must be fixed.
• Warning—These are warning messages of issues that might cause problems in
the application.
• Information—These messages are for informational purposes only.
The report displays the dimension name, the member name in [Parent].[Child] format,
and the validation description. After validating, you can expand the messages on

Chapter 4
Metadata Validation Messages

screen, or click Export to extract the messages to a CSV file. You can use the
Dimension Editor to modify metadata or correct errors.
For example, if an error occurs that an Entity dimension member has a Consolidation
Operator of other than Ignore in the Dimension Editor, select the member and change
the Consolidation Operator property to Ignore.
To validate metadata from the Metadata Validator:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Overview, then from Actions, select Validate Metadata.
3. Click Run to validate the metadata.
The Validate Metadata screen displays a list of validation results. The number of
messages is listed next to each category: Error, Warning, Info.
4. Click on a tab (Error, Warning, or Info) to view the messages in each category.
5. Expand the dimension name to display the messages. The results are displayed
in [Parent].[Child] format with the error description. To review further details, see
Metadata Validation Messages.
6. To export and view the details for all messages in a CSV file, click Export and
then specify where to save the export file.
7. Navigate to the Dimension Editor to modify metadata.
To view a list of valid member properties, see Editing Member Properties in the
Simplified Dimension Editor.
8. Re-run the consolidation and check performance.
To validate metadata from the Simplified Dimension Editor for a single dimension:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click the Dimensions tab.
3. Click the Edit Member Properties tab on the left.
4. Select a dimension and, click the Zoom in All Levels icon on the toolbar.
5. From the top Actions menu, select Validate Metadata definitions.
6. The system displays the validation results in the currently selected dimension.
7. Modify the metadata as needed.
To view a list of valid member properties, see Editing Member Properties in the
Simplified Dimension Editor.
8. Re-run the consolidation and check performance.

Metadata Validation Messages

Metadata Validation checks are applied against specific relationships within metadata
in order to warn against situations that can cause data integrity issues, performance
issues or other issues. It is recommended that all validation message are cleared to
ensure that metadata design problems are not the cause of other problems.

Chapter 4
Metadata Validation Messages

Primary Members Must Exist Before Shared Members

Primary members must exist before shared members ("above" the shared member in
the hierarchy) for the following dimensions:
• Scenario
• Period
• Account
• Intercompany
• Movement
• Data Source
• Multi-GAAP (if exists)
• User-created Custom dimensions
Example validation message:
Shared member should not exist before the primary member.

Move the shared member to a position below the primary member.

Level 0 Member Data Storage Types Must Be Valid

The Data Storage type must be valid for all level 0 members:
• Entity, Movement dimensions: Store, Never Share, or Shared
• Account, Data Source, Multi-GAAP, User-created custom dimensions: Store,
Never Share, Shared, or Dynamic Calc
Example validation message:
The Data Storage should be Store Never Share, Shared or Dynamic Calc for
Level 0 members.

Change the Data Storage selection as described above.

Currently the Metadata Validator will display an error for any Level 0
Dynamic Calc members of the Movement Dimension except for seeded
In future releases, "Dynamic Calc" will be allowed except for FCCS_Closing
Balance hierarchy, as long as they have a valid Member Formula. As a first
step towards this change, Dynamic Calc is added to the list of valid Data
Storage selection options for Level 0 Movement members in the Simplified
Dimension Editor (SUIDE).

Chapter 4
Metadata Validation Messages

Level 0 Members Should Not Be Dynamic Calc Without Formulas

Any valid level 0 Dynamic Calc member must have a valid Member Formula for the
following dimensions:
• Multi-GAAP (if exists)
• User-created Custom dimensions
Example validation message:
Level 0 members should not be Dynamic Calc without member formulas in Rate
data storage.

Level 0 members should not be Dynamic Calc without member formulas in

Consol data storage.

Add a valid formula to the Dynamic Calc member, or change the Data Storage
properties to Store, Never Share or Shared. For Rate Cube accounts, check whether
the account is needed in the Rates Cube. If it is not needed, then delete the account
from the Rates Cube using the Dimension Editor, or change "Rates Consol op" to "Not
Used for Cube" from the Simplified Dimension Editor.

Parent Members Should Not Have Member Formulas

Parent members should not have Member Formulas for the following dimensions:
• Entity
• Account
• Movement
• Data Source
• Multi-GAAP (if exists)
• User-created Custom dimensions
Example validation message:
Parent member should not have member formula.

Remove the Member Formula from the parent member.

Aggregation Operators for All Children of Dimension Names Must Be Ignore or

The aggregation operator should be Ignore or Never if a member is a child of a
dimension name.
• Entity dimension: Ignore for both Consol cube and for Rates cube
• Other dimensions: Ignore or Never for Consol cube and Ignore for Rates cube
Example validation message:
The Consol Operator for all children of the dimension name should be

Chapter 4
Metadata Validation Messages

The Consol Operator for all children of the dimension name should be
Ignore or Never.

Change the aggregation operator as described above. Note that the aggregation
operators for seeded members should already be correct.

Account Type and Aggregation Operators Must Match

Within the balanced Balance Sheet in the Account dimension, the account types of
the parent and child accounts must match with the appropriate aggregation operator.
The combination of parent account type and child account type determines whether
the aggregation operator should be Addition or Subtraction. Ensuring that the
account types and aggregation operator match will ensure that the balance sheet data
aggregates properly to a balanced Balance Sheet.
If the "normal sign" (that is, Debit or Credit) is the same for the parent account and
child account then the aggregation operator must be Addition. If the "normal sign" is
different for the parent account and child account, then the aggregation operator must
be Subtraction.

Parent Account Type Child Account Type Aggregation Operator

Revenue (Credit) Revenue (Credit) Addition
Revenue Expense (Debit) Subtraction
Revenue Asset (Debit) Subtraction
Revenue Liability (Credit) Addition
Revenue Equity (Credit) Addition
Revenue Saved Assumption Addition
Expense (Debit) Revenue Subtraction
Expense Expense Addition
Expense Asset Addition
Expense Liability Subtraction
Expense Equity Subtraction
Expense Saved Assumption Addition
Asset (Debit) Revenue Subtraction
Asset Expense Addition
Asset Asset Addition
Asset Liability Subtraction
Asset Equity Subtraction
Asset Saved Assumption Addition
Liability (Credit) Revenue Addition
Liability Expense Subtraction
Liability Asset Subtraction
Liability Liability Addition
Liability Equity Addition
Liability Saved Assumption Addition
Equity (Credit) Revenue Addition
Equity Expense Subtraction

Chapter 4
Metadata Validation Messages

Parent Account Type Child Account Type Aggregation Operator

Equity Asset Subtraction
Equity Liability Addition
Equity Equity Addition
Equity Saved Assumption Addition
Saved Assumption Any type Addition

Example validation message:

Account Consol Operator should be Addition based on parent and child
account types.

Account Consol Operator should be Subtraction based on parent and child

account types.

Change the Account Type of parent or child or change the aggregation operator.
Note that the seeded balance sheet hierarchy must reflect the following structure:
The seeded balance sheet "grouping" account (FCCS_Balance Sheet) must be the
first member following the seeded system accounts and exchange rate accounts.
The first child of FCCS_Balance Sheet must be the seeded balanced Balance Sheet
top member. Currently either:
FCCS_Total Balance Sheet-Net Asset Approach
FCCS_Total Balance Sheet-Traditional Approach
The aggregation operator for these accounts can be Addition, Subtraction, or
Ignore. Ignore is suggested (but not required) unless you intend to report from the
"grouping" member.
The aggregation operator for any other children of the FCCS_Balance Sheet grouping
should ideally be Ignore but can be Addition or Subtraction if reporting from the
"grouping" member is required.
Any descendants of the immediate children of FCCS_Balance Sheet must be
"Addition" or "Subtraction" and must match the combination of the child and parent
account types.
Note that this validation is applied to all hierarchies within the FCCS_Balance Sheet
grouping member (with the exception of the seeded Cash and Non-Cash hierarchy). If
you wish to create an alternative hierarchy that is not subject to this validation check,
the hierarchy can be placed under the FCCS_Income Statement grouping account.

Parent Store or Never Share Members of a Custom Dimension Should Not Be

Used as a Shared Member
Parent members that are Store or Never Share data storage should not be used as a
Shared member in the custom hierarchy. Applicable to the following dimensions:
• Multi-GAAP (if exists)

Chapter 4
Importing Data

• User-created Custom dimensions

Example validation message:
A Store or Never Share primary parent member should not be used as a
Shared member.

Remove the shared member from the alternative hierarchy, create a new parent in the
alternative hierarchy and share the level 0 members under the new parent.

All Parent Members in the Multi-GAAP and Custom Dimensions Should Be

Dynamic Calc Data Storage
The Parent members in the Multi-GAAP and Custom Dimensions should have the
Dynamic Calc Data Storage property.
If they are not set to Dynamic Calc, a Warning message is displayed to alert you that
this issue might cause problems in the application.

Intercompany Elimination Members and Total Eliminations Members Should Not

Be Moved in the Hierarchy
The Intercompany Elimination member should not be moved out of the Total
Eliminations hierarchy.
The Total Eliminations member should not be moved out of the Total Data Source
Example validation message:
Intercompany Elimination member should not be moved outside of Total

Total Eliminations member should not be moved outside of Total Data


Move the Intercompany Elimination or Total Eliminations members to the correct
location in the hierarchy.

Importing Data
After you import dimensions, you can populate data by importing data files.

When importing data, no validation is performed on intersections to
determine which are valid, and data is loaded to all intersections. To
review data that has been loaded into invalid intersections, run the
Invalid Intersection report before importing data to see and clear invalid
intersections. See Creating an Invalid Intersection Report.

To import data, you must be a Service Administrator or Power User.

Chapter 4
Importing Data

You can load data using a text file with sections that map the file data to dimensions.
When you load multiple data files, they are loaded in sequential order.

You should not run reports, books, or batches while data is being loaded.

To import data, perform these tasks:

• Create an import file for each artifact that you want to import. See Creating the
Data Import File.
• Load the import file or files (you can import multiple dimension files at the same
time). See Loading the Data Import File.

Creating the Data Import File

Before you begin loading, you must create an import file for each artifact that you
want to import (data, smart lists, and exchange rate tables). The import file must
contain a header record, and then below the header record, a list of data records that
you want to import or update. The file format can be .csv (comma-delimited), or .txt
(tab-delimited or other delimiter characters).
For examples of Data Import files, see Example: Data Import File - Periodic View,
Example: Data Import File - YTD View, Example: Data Import File - Overrides, and
Example: Data Import File - Exchange Rates.

Data Import File Format

The file format consists of rows and columns. The first row consists of Column
Headers. The first Column Header is the Dimension name of the import dimension.
After that, there can be members from one other dimension called the driver
dimension. The next Column Heading is the Point-of-View, and the last Column
Heading is Data Load Cube Name.
Each row contains the member of the Load dimension as the first column. The next set
of columns is the data value for each of the driver members. The Point-of-View column
has members of the remaining dimension to uniquely identify the cell to which data is
being imported. The last column is the Cube name - either Consol or Rates.

Load Methods
These options are available for loading a data file into an application.
• Merge—Use this option to overwrite the data in the application with the data in the
load file. Each record in the data load file is imported into the cell, replacing the old
value, if any.
• Replace—Use this option to replace data in the application. In Replace mode,
before the first record for a specific Scenario/Year/Period/Entity/Mapped Data
Source is encountered, the entire combination of data for that Scenario, Year,
Period, Entity, and Mapped Data Source is cleared, whether manually entered or
previously loaded.

Chapter 4
Importing Data

You can load a data file that contains only the Closing Balance Input data to
reverse the prior period non-zero Closing Balance amounts. When you load a
data file in Replace mode that contains only the POV with Closing Balance Input,
the system will write a reversal of the prior period Closing Balance to the default
movement. See Example: Data Import File - Closing Balance Input and Replace
• Accumulation Type—Select one of these options to accumulate the data in the
application with the data in the load file:
– None—Each record in the data import file replaces the existing value in the
database for the record.
– With Database—The data is added to the existing value of the cell.
– Within File—The system accumulates the cell values that are within the file.

Load Method Examples

The following examples show how the load options work. Suppose the following data
exists in the application:

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Sales: 20,000

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, COGS, 10,000

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Expenses: 5,000

A load file has the following data:

Entity, Sales, COGS, Point-of-View, Data Load Cube Name

California, 10000, 15000, ("Actual","FY15","Jan"), Consol

California, 25000, 5000, ("Actual","FY15","Jan"), Consol

These examples how the data after the import using these option combinations:

Merge, None

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Sales : 25,000 (second record wins)

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, COGS : 5,000 (second record wins)

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Expenses : 5,000

Chapter 4
Importing Data

Replace, None

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Sales : 25,000

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, COGS : 5,000

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Expenses : #MI (Replace clears

everything in SYPE combination)

Merge, With Database

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Sales : 55,000 (Accumulate two records

with existing value in database)

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, COGS : 30,000

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Expenses : 5,000

Replace, With Database

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Sales : 35,000

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, COGS : 20,000

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Expenses : #MI (Replace clears all the
data before the import)

Merge, Within File

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Sales : 35,000

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, COGS : 20,000

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Expenses : 5,000

Chapter 4
Importing Data

Replace, Within File

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Sales : 35,000

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, COGS : 20,000

Actual, FY15, Jan, California, Expenses : #MI

Loading the Data Import File

As a best practice, do not load zero values.
To import the data file:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Overview and from Actions, select Import Data.
3. Click Create.
4. Select the location of the data import file:
• Local—Imports the data import file from a location on your computer.
• Inbox—Imports the data import file from the server.
5. For File Type, select an option:
• Comma delimited
• Tab delimited
• Other—Enter the delimiter character that is used in the import file. For a list of
supported delimiter characters and exceptions, see Other Supported Delimiter
6. From Import Mode, select a mode:
• Merge - Overwrite data in the application. Each record of data is imported into
the cell, replacing the old data, if any.
• Replace - Replace data in the application. In Replace mode, before the first
record for a specific Scenario/Year/Period/Entity is encountered, the entire
combination of data for that Scenario, Year, Period, and Entity is cleared.
7. From Accumulation Type, select a type:
• None - Replace the existing value in the database for the record.
• With Database - Add the data to the existing value of the cell.
• Within File - Accumulate the cell values that are within the file.
8. Enter or select the source file:
• If you selected Local, click Browse to navigate to the file.
• If you selected Inbox, enter the name of the file in Source File.
9. From Date Format, select a format.

Chapter 4
Importing Data

10. Optional: If the selected location is Inbox, click Save as Job to save the import
operation as a job, which you can schedule to run immediately, or at a later time.
11. Optional: If the selected location is Local, click Validate to test whether the
import file format is correct.
12. Click Import.

13. From the information message that the data was submitted successfully, click OK.

14. To view details about the import process, click Application, click Jobs, view
Recent Activity, and then click the link for the import to view the details.

Example: Data Import File - Periodic View

You can import periodic data in a monthly frequency. Suppose the following data exists
in the application for the Sales account:

Sales...Jan: 100, Feb: 150, Mar: 120

A data import file would have these rows. The first row is the required file Column

Period, Sales, Point-of-View, Data Load Cube Name

Jan, 100, "FCCS_Entity Input, ENTITY CURRENCY, England, FCCS_Data

Input, FCCS_No Intercompany, FCCS_No Movement, Actual, FY14, Periodic,
FCCS_Local GAAP", Consol

Feb, 150, "FCCS_Entity Input, ENTITY CURRENCY, England, FCCS_Data

Input, FCCS_No Intercompany, FCCS_No Movement, Actual, FY14, Periodic,
FCCS_Local GAAP", Consol

Mar, 120, "FCCS_Entity Input, ENTITY CURRENCY, England, FCCS_Data

Input, FCCS_No Intercompany, FCCS_No Movement, Actual, FY14, Periodic,
FCCS_Local GAAP", Consol

Example: Data Import File - YTD View

Data can be loaded to Financial Consolidation and Close on a Year-to-date (YTD)
basis. If data is loaded to the FCCS_YTD_Input View dimension member instead of
the FCCS_Periodic member, then Financial Consolidation and Close will populate the
periodic member such that the YTD amount matches the input amount. In all periods
except the first period, the prior period YTD amount is subtracted from the YTD Input
amount and the result is written to the Periodic View. In the first period, the YTD Input
amount is written to the Periodic View. The YTD Input amount is then cleared. Note
that this population of the periodic amount is based on a YTD input amount and NOT
a Closing Balance input amount (although for Income Statement accounts only, these
are the same).

Chapter 4
Importing Data

When you load data in YTD_Input, if the current period value is the same as the prior
period value, the system does not store a zero (0) Periodic value, which helps to
improve the performance of the data load.
Closing Balance includes the impact of Opening Balance while YTD excludes Opening
Balance and encompasses movements for the current year only, excluding Opening
Balance. For Closing Balance Input, see the section on the Closing Balance Input
Hierarchy in Seeded Dimension Members.
Also, note that if you load data on a Quarterly basis in the YTD View, if there are
periods with NoData status between the current period and a period where data was
entered, the in-between periods with NoData calc status are changed to Impacted at
the start of the consolidation process and changed to OK on completion. All of the
ancestor's status are changed to Impacted for those periods if their status was NoData
prior to consolidation.
Suppose the following data exists in the application for the Sales account:

Sales...Jan: 100, Feb: 250, Mar: 370

A data import file would have these rows. The first row is the required file Column

Period, Sales, Point-of-View, Data Load Cube Name

Jan, 100, "FCCS_Entity Input, ENTITY CURRENCY, England, FCCS_Data

Input, FCCS_No Intercompany, FCCS_No Movement, Actual, FY14, FCCS_YTD
Input, FCCS_Local GAAP", Consol

Feb, 250, "FCCS_Entity Input, ENTITY CURRENCY, England, FCCS_Data

Input, FCCS_No Intercompany, FCCS_No Movement, Actual, FY14, FCCS_YTD
Input, FCCS_Local GAAP", Consol

Mar, 370, "FCCS_Entity Input, ENTITY CURRENCY, England, FCCS_Data

Input, FCCS_No Intercompany, FCCS_No Movement, Actual, FY14, FCCS_YTD
Input, FCCS_Local GAAP", Consol

Example: Data Import File - YTD Input and Replace Mode

When you load data using the Replace mode, the combination of data for that
Scenario, Year, Period, and Entity is cleared and replaced with the data in the load
When you load data to YTD_Input and use Replace mode for the load file, the system
loads the data from the load file and reverses the YTD values for the Flow accounts
that are not specified in the data load file.
For the first period of a year, there is no YTD data to reverse, so the system applies
this method for Periods 2-12 or 2-13.

Chapter 4
Importing Data

This feature is supported for Administrator, Power User and User data loads. If a
Power User or User performs the data load, the system will reverse the YTD values for
which the user has Write access.
This example shows a data load file to the YTD_Input member in Replace mode. The
first row is the required Column Headers:

Period, Sales, Point-of-View, Data Load, Cube Name

Feb, 100, "FCCS_Entity Input, ENTITY CURRENCY, England,

FCCS_Data Input, FCCS_No Intercompany, FCCS_No Movement, Actual, FY14,
FCCS_YTD_Input, FCCS_Local GAAP", Consol

Feb, 100, "FCCS_Entity Input, ENTITY CURRENCY, Ireland,

FCCS_Data Input, FCCS_No Intercompany, FCCS_No Movement, Actual, FY14,
FCCS_YTD_Input, FCCS_Local GAAP", Consol

The system reverses the YTD values for all the unspecified accounts (that is, all
accounts except Sales that have a value in Prior Periods) in the data load file.

Example: Data Import File - Closing Balance Input and Replace Mode
You can load a data file that contains only the Closing Balance Input data to reverse
the prior period non-zero Closing Balance amounts. When you load the data file, you
use the Replace mode.
In order for the system to execute the reversal:
• The file must contain only Closing Balance Input.
• It must be loaded using the Replace mode.
• The prior period must not have a status of Impacted. It should have a calculation
status of OK or System Change.
If the prior period is Impacted, the system displays a warning message that "No
reversal of the prior period Closing Balance will be executed" and it does not perform
the reversal.
If the Closing Balance Input data file contains data for multiple periods, the reversals
of the prior period Closing Balances will only be applied to the first period loaded,
because only the first period will have a prior period that is not impacted.
You can view the data load status and any error messages in the Jobs console.

Chapter 4
Importing Data

This example shows a Closing Balance Input data load file in Replace mode. The first
row is the required Column Headers:

Entity, Period, Point-of-View, Data Load Cube Name

Base Entity,40000,"Actual,FY19,FCCS_Periodic,Entity
Currency,Cash,FCCS_No Intercompany,FCCS_ClosingBalance_Input,FCCS_Data
Input,FCCS_Local GAAP,FCCS_Entity Input",Consol

Base Entity,4000,"Actual,FY19,FCCS_Periodic,Parent
Currency,Cash,FCCS_No Intercompany,FCCS_ClosingBalance_Input,FCCS_Data
Input,FCCS_Local GAAP,FCCS_Parent Input",Consol

Base Entity,400,"Actual,FY19,FCCS_Periodic,Parent Currency,Cash,FCCS_No

Intercompany,FCCS_ClosingBalance_Input,FCCS_Data Input,FCCS_Local
GAAP,FCCS_Contribution Input",Consol

Example: Data Import File - Overrides

If you are using a multi-currency application, you can load different override rates
or amounts to different source members. You use the following system members,
which are automatically created for a multi-currency application in the Consolidation
• FCCS_Overrides
• FCCS_Rate Override
• FCCS_Amount Override
A data import file could have these different amounts:

Entity, Jan, Point-of-View, Data Load Cube Name

E03, 100,"Actual,FY14,FCCS_Periodic,USD,FCCS_Common Stock,FCCS_No

Intercompany,FCCS_Mvmts_IssueOfStock,No Product, FCCS_Data
Input,FCCS_Local GAAP, FCCS_Amount Override",Consol

E03, 200,"Actual,FY14,FCCS_Periodic,USD,FCCS_Common Stock,FCCS_No

Intercompany,FCCS_Mvmts_IssueOfStock,No Product, FCCS_Managed
Data,FCCS_Local GAAP, FCCS_Amount Override",Consol

E03, 300,"Actual,FY14,FCCS_Periodic,USD,FCCS_Common Stock,FCCS_No

Intercompany,FCCS_Mvmts_IssueOfStock,No Product, FCCS_Other
Data,FCCS_Local GAAP, FCCS_Amount Override",Consol

Example: Data Import File - Exchange Rates

For multiple-currency applications, you import rates to the Rates cube.

Chapter 4
Exporting Data

A data import file could have these rows. The first row is the required file Column

Period, Average Rate, Ending Rate, Point of View, Data Load Cube Name

Jan, 1,1,"USD, FCCS_Global Assumptions, From_USD, Actual, FY16,

FCCS_Periodic", Rates

Feb, 1,1,"USD, FCCS_Global Assumptions, From_USD, Actual, FY16,

FCCS_Periodic", Rates

Mar, 1,1,"USD, FCCS_Global Assumptions, From_USD, Actual, FY16,

FCCS_Periodic", Rates

Jan, 2,2,"USD, FCCS_Global Assumptions, From_CAD, Actual, FY16,

FCCS_Periodic", Rates

Feb, 2,2,"USD, FCCS_Global Assumptions, From_CAD, Actual, FY16,

FCCS_Periodic", Rates

Mar, 2,2,"USD, FCCS_Global Assumptions, From_CAD, Actual, FY16,

FCCS_Periodic", Rates

Jan, 3,3,"USD, FCCS_Global Assumptions, From_AUD, Actual, FY16,

FCCS_Periodic", Rates

Feb, 3,3,"USD, FCCS_Global Assumptions, From_AUD, Actual, FY16,

FCCS_Periodic", Rates

Mar, 3,3,"USD, FCCS_Global Assumptions, From_AUD, Actual, FY16,

FCCS_Periodic", Rates

Exporting Data
You export data from the Applications page.
As an alternative, you can export data using Data Management. Create a custom
application as the source using Financial Consolidation and Close, then export the
data and save the export file from within Data Management.
To export data:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Overview, and from Actions, select Export Data.
3. Click Create.

Chapter 4
Viewing Data Import and Export Status

4. On the Export Data page, select the target location of the data export file:
• Local—Saves the data export file to a location on your local computer.
• Outbox—Saves the data export file to the server.
5. For Cube Type, select either Consol or Rates.
6. For File Type, select an option:
• Comma delimited—Creates a comma-delimited .csv file for each artifact.
• Tab delimited—Creates a tab-delimited .txt file for each artifact.
• Other—Creates a .txt file for each artifact. Enter the delimiter character that
you want to use in the export file. For a list of supported delimiter characters
and exceptions, see Other Supported Delimiter Characters.
7. For Smart Lists, specify Export Labels or Export Names.
8. For Dynamic Members, select whether to Include or Exclude.
9. Select the slice of data to be exported.
The Account dimension, which is the only dense dimension in the system, must be
in the Column.
10. Optional: If the selected location is Outbox, click Save as Job to save the export
operation as a job, which you can schedule to run immediately or at a later time.
11. Click Export, and then specify where to save the data export file.

To reduce the size of data export file, if a form has an entire row of #missing
values, the row will be omitted from the data export file.

Viewing Data Import and Export Status

The Import and Export Status page displays details of recent jobs.
To view the status of a data import and export:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Jobs.
3. From Recent Activity, click the name of the import or export job to view the
4. From Show, select an option:
• Errors
• Warnings
• Information
• All

Importing Data Using Data Management

Data Management enables you to integrate data from an external source system
with Financial Consolidation and Close. Data from your source system is exported
to flat files or Microsoft Excel files. You map the data in your flat files to your
Financial Consolidation and Close dimension structure and then import the data
to your application. For example, you can define Period mappings to map source

Chapter 4
Exporting Data Using Data Management

system Period names and Keys to your application Periods and Years. Category
mappings map source system data categories to your application data categories and
Before using Data Management to load data from an external system, administrators
perform these setup tasks:
• Define Import Formats to define the layout of the source data files. Specify how
to map columns or fields in your data source to your Financial Consolidation and
Close data structure.
• Create Locations to associate with the data integration. Each location has its own
Data Load Mappings and Data Load Rules.
• Define Data Load Mappings for each location, which map source system member
names for each dimension to the corresponding application member names.
• Create Data Load Rules, which specify a data file to load into a selected Category
and Period. If you want to the Data Load Rule to run at a later time, you can select
from Schedule options such as Daily or Weekly.
The Setup process enables you to import the data to Data Staging tables so that you
can verify that your settings and member mappings are correct before loading into
your application.
After you define Data Management mappings, you can update the mappings and Data
Load Rules as needed. For example, if new accounts or dimension members have
been added for a Location, or if member names have changed, you can update the
mapping of source system member names to your application member names.
You can load data from Data Management if you have the Service Administrator or
Power User role.
After the data import process is finished, you can open a data form to verify that the
data was loaded correctly. You can Drill Through from a cell in the data form to view
the source data that was loaded into the cell.
To access Data Management:

1. Click the Navigator icon , and then under Integration, click Data Management.
2. Click the Setup tab, and follow the procedures in the Administering Data
Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud guide.
Watch the following videos for information on data integrations:

Setting Up Data Integrations, and Running and Updating Data Integrations.

Exporting Data Using Data Management

You can export data from your application for analysis or for import into other systems.
You can extract data using Data Management, stage it in Staging Tables, and then
export it to a delimited flat file.
You can export data from Data Management if you have the Service Administrator
Service Administrators must first set up the data export by performing the Setup tasks
in Data Management:

Chapter 4
Data Integrations

• Add a Custom Target Application. The data that you extract is stored in the Target
Application before export to a flat file.
• Specify Application Details and Dimension Details for the extract process.
• Define Import Formats to map data from the Source system to the dimensions in
your Target application.
• Create Locations to link the import formats to Data Load rules.
• Define Data Mappings for each location, which map source system dimension
member names for each dimension to the corresponding Target application
• Create Data Load Rules to run the data extract process.
After you run the data export process, the Status column displays the current status.
The data is staged in Data Management. You can download the data file from the
Process Details page and save the data file.
To access Data Management:

1. Click the Navigator icon , and then under Integration, click Data Management.
2. Click the Setup tab, and follow the procedures in the Administering Data
Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud guide.
Watch the following video for information on exporting data using Data Management:

Extracting Data Using Data Management.

Data Integrations
Data Integration is the mechanism by which integration processes are performed in
Financial Consolidation and Close.
Data Integration is the mechanism by which integration processes are performed in
Financial Consolidation and Close. You can define file-based and direct integration
sources, create mapping rules to translate source data into the required target format,
and execute and manage the periodic data loading process. Common integration
tasks are done using an easy-to-navigate interface that supports and conforms to how
you work.
You can access Data Integration directly from Financial Consolidation and Close. From
the Data Integration page, you can create an integration. You can also run an existing
integration to extract data from the source and load it to target based on any filter
See Administering Data Integration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Cloud, and the "Customers Using Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud"
section in Administering Data Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud.
To access Data Integration, you must be a Service Administrator, Power User, or User.
To access Data Integration:
1. On the Home page, select Applications, and then select Data Exchange.
The Data Integration page is displayed.

Chapter 4
Copying Data

2. To search for an integration, click Search and search by Name, Location, Source,
or Target.
3. To sort the list of integrations, specify a condition. Sort results can be listed in
Ascending order (A to Z) or Descending order (Z to A).
4. To create an integration, click Create Integration

, and use the Create Integration wizard to specify the integration details.
5. To edit an integration, double-click an integration from the list and edit integration
details as needed.
6. To run an integration, select an integration from the list and click Run

Copying Data
You can copy data from a source POV to a target POV to assist with your business
planning and analysis. You can copy specific Scenario, Year, Period, and Entity
dimension members to target dimension members. This enables you to perform a bulk
copy of data along with the supporting details such as journals and Supplemental Data
Manager details. For example, you can copy Actual data into a Budget or Forecast
scenario to start your planning process. You can copy data from one or more periods,
from one scenario to another, and from one or more entities. You cannot copy data to
a locked entity.
To copy data, you must be a Service Administrator with Write access to the data.
You can copy these types of data:
• Regular Data (including journals)
• Override Data— rates and amounts entered on the Override Rates form for
historical rate override accounts
• Rate Data— data for global currency rates
For Regular data, you can specify whether to merge or replace the data during the
copy process. You select Merge to add the source data set to the target data set, or
Replace to replace the target data set with the Source data set. If you select Replace,
data that does not exist in the source data set is cleared in the target. For example, if
the Sales account for January does not have data in the source data set, then existing
data in Sales for January will be cleared in the target data set. You can copy data to
level 0 Target members only.
You can include journal detail in the copy process for Regular Data if you select a
journal Data Source member. When you copy data that includes posted journals, the
system creates the journal in the target POV and automatically posts the journal.
You must select members for Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Data Source.
You can optionally select members for the Account, Movement, Intercompany, Multi-
GAAP and Custom dimensions. If you do not select members for these dimensions, all
level 0 members are included.

Chapter 4
Copying Data

For the Data Source dimension, the target member is always the same as the source
member; it cannot be redirected. An exception is the Supplemental Data member.
The Supplemental Data member allows drill through from the summarized data in
Financial Consolidation and Close to the underlying detail in Supplemental Data
Manager. Because the underlying detail is not copied from the source to the target
POV during the Copy process, and therefore is not available for drill through, when
you select Supplemental Data as a source, you must select a target member other
than Supplemental Data to store the copied value. The member that you select as a
target for Supplemental Data cannot also be selected as a source.
After you select members for the Copy Data process, you can save them as a Copy
Data Profile. This enables you to later retrieve the information for the Copy Data
process without needing to make member selections again. See Using Copy Data
The following members in these dimensions are fixed and not available for selection in
the Copy process:
• View - Periodic
• Currency - Entity Currency
• Consolidation - Entity Input
After the Copy process, the Calculation Status for all target entity data changes to
Impacted. You must run consolidation to update the values.
The system does not include entities with NoData as part of the Copy process.
To copy data:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Overview, then from Actions, select Copy Data.
3. Select the items that you want to copy:
• If you previously saved your Copy Data member selections as a profile, the
Copy Data Profiles list displays the available profiles. You can select a profile,
update it if need be, or click Run to run the saved Copy Profile.
• If you do not have any saved Copy Data Profiles, select the type of data, and
specify the Source and Target members.
4. Select the type of data to copy:
• Regular Data
• Override Data
• Rate Data
5. For Regular Data, from Copy Options, select an option:
This option is only available for Regular Data. Rate Data and Override Data are
always copied using Replace mode.
• Replace—All target data cells are replaced by the source data cell values.
• Merge—The source data cell values are merged into the target data cell
values. Any existing target data cells that are not part of the source copy will
remain after the merge.
6. For Source, select the members to copy, and click OK.

Chapter 4
Using Copy Data Profiles

If you copy a range of periods, the number of source periods must equal the
number of target periods. Only Input base members below "FCCS_Total Data
Source" are available for selection.
If you copy Rate Data, you do not need to select any Entity members.
7. Optional: To copy Supplemental Detail, select one or more Supplemental Detail
Data Source members to copy, then from Supplemental Data Member, select
a base Data Source member other than Supplemental Data for the target. The
member selected as a target for Supplemental Data cannot also be selected as a
8. For Target, select the members to which to copy data.
9. Click Run to submit the Copy Data task, and at the prompt, click Yes to continue.
The system displays a message that the Copy Data task is submitted. You can
monitor the task status from the Jobs console. From the Application page, click
Jobs, and then click on the job for more details.

Using Copy Data Profiles

After you select members for the Copy Data process, you can save them as a Copy
Data Profile. This enables you to later retrieve the information for the Copy process
without needing to make member selections again.
When you select Copy Data, the system displays a list of profiles that you have saved.
You can select a profile and run the Copy Data process, edit a profile and save it,
or save as a modified profile. You can duplicate an existing profile, and delete any
profiles that you no longer need.

Creating a Copy Data Profile

To create a Copy Data Profile:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Overview, then from Actions, select Copy Data.
3. Select the items that you want to copy.
4. Click Save.
5. From Save Copy Profile, enter a profile Name and Description, then click Save.
The Name must be a unique name with a maximum of 30 characters. The
Description has a maximum of 128 characters.
6. From the saved confirmation message, click OK.
The profile is displayed on the Copy Data Profiles list.

Editing a Copy Data Profile

To edit a Copy Data Profile:
1. From the Copy Data Profiles list, select a profile to open it.
2. Edit your selections as required.
3. Click Save.
You can save the profile with the same name, or change the name as needed.

Chapter 4
Clearing Data

4. Click Save As to save the modified profile as a new profile, then enter a Name
and Description.

Duplicating a Copy Data Profile

1. From the Copy Data Profiles list, select a profile.
2. From the Actions menu, select Duplicate.
The duplicate profile is displayed on the Copy Data Profiles list, with the suffix
"_Copy". For example, if you duplicate the HQ profile, the duplicate profile is
named HQ_Copy.

Deleting a Copy Data Profile

To delete a Copy Data Profile:
1. From the Copy Data Profiles list, select a profile.
2. From the Actions menu, select Delete.
3. From the confirmation prompt to delete the selected profile, click Confirm.
4. From the profile deleted confirmation, click OK.

Clearing Data
You can clear data for selected entities from a specific Scenario, Year, and period or
range of periods. You cannot clear data for a locked entity.
To clear data, you must be a Service Administrator with Write access to the data.
You can clear these types of data:
• Regular Data (including journals)
• Override Data— rates and amounts entered on the Override Rates form for
historical rate override accounts
• Rate Data— data for global currency rates
To clear data with journal detail, select the "Journal Input" data source member for
Data Source. The system unposts the posted journal and clears the data cell value.
It does not delete the supporting unposted journal. If you want to later remove the
unposted journal, you can do so manually.
If you select the Supplemental Data member for data source, any data posted from a
Supplemental Data form reverts to an unposted status.
You must select members for Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Data Source.
You can optionally select members for the Account, Movement, Intercompany, Multi-
GAAP and Custom dimensions. If you do not select members for these dimensions, all
level 0 members are included.
After you select members for the Clear Data process, you can save them as a Clear
Data Profile. This enables you to later retrieve the information for the Clear Data
process without needing to make member selections again. See Using Clear Data
The following members in these dimensions are fixed and not available for selection in
the Clear process:

Chapter 4
Using Clear Data Profiles

• View - Periodic
• Currency - Entity Currency
• Consolidation - Entity Input
After the Clear process, the Calculation Status of the entities changes to Impacted.
You must run consolidation to update the values. The status of a parent entity also
changes to Impacted if you clear data of its children. The system does not include
entities with NoData as part of the Clear process.
To clear data:
1. On the Home page, click Application
2. Click Overview, then from Actions, select Clear Data.
3. Select the items that you want to clear:
• Regular Data
• Override Data
• Rate Data
4. For Target, select members for which to clear data, and click OK.
5. Click Run to submit the Clear Data task, and at the prompt, click Yes to continue.
The system displays a message that the Clear Data task is submitted. You can
monitor the task status from the Jobs console. From the Application page, click
Jobs, and then click on the job for more details.

Using Clear Data Profiles

After you select members for the Clear Data process, you can save them as a Clear
Data Profile. This enables you to later retrieve the information for the Clear Data
process without needing to make member selections again.
When you select Clear Data, the system displays a list of profiles that you have saved.
You can select a profile and run the Clear Data process, edit a profile and save it,
or save as a modified profile. You can duplicate an existing profile, and delete any
profiles that you no longer need.

Creating a Clear Data Profile

To create a Clear Data Profile:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Overview, then from Actions, select Clear Data.
3. Select the items that you want to clear.
4. Click Save.
5. From Save Clear Profile, enter a profile Name and Description, then click Save.
The Name must be a unique name with a maximum of 30 characters. The
Description has a maximum of 128 characters.
6. From the saved confirmation message, click OK.
The profile is displayed on the Clear Data Profiles list.

Chapter 4
Refreshing the Database

Editing a Clear Data Profile

To edit a Clear Data Profile:
1. From the Clear Data Profiles list, select a profile to open it.
2. Edit your selections as required.
3. Click Save.
You can save the profile with the same name, or change the name as needed.
4. Click Save As to save the modified profile as a new profile, then enter a Name
and Description.

Duplicating a Clear Data Profile

1. From the Clear Data Profiles list, select a profile.
2. From the Actions menu, select Duplicate.
The duplicate profile is displayed on the Clear Data Profiles list, with the suffix
"_Copy". For example, if you duplicate the HQ profile, the duplicate profile is
named HQ_Copy.

Deleting a Clear Data Profile

To delete a Clear Data Profile:
1. From the Clear Data Profiles list, select a profile.
2. From the Actions menu, select Delete.
3. From the confirmation prompt to delete the selected profile, click Confirm.
4. From the profile deleted confirmation, click OK.

Refreshing the Database

On the Application page, you can refresh the application database, which is used
to store data in the application. Databases are structured according to dimensions,
hierarchical members, attributes, and other data specified in an application.
You must refresh the application database whenever you change the application
structure. Changes made to an application aren’t reflected to users performing data
entry and approval tasks until you refresh the databases for the application. For
example, when you modify properties of an Entity member, add a Scenario, or change
access permissions, these changes are stored in the relational database until you
refresh the application database.
Before refreshing the database, you can choose whether to enable all users or just the
current administrator to use the application in maintenance mode during the refresh
process. You can also log off all users, and you can terminate any active application
requests. After the database refresh, you can enable users to use the application.
To improve performance for Database Refresh scenarios, you can add a Substitution
Variable called DeltaDBRefresh and set it as "True". Using this Substitution Variable
improves database refresh performance by doing only the necessary actions based on
metadata changes. When you set the variable, the system will recognize the changes
resulting from a metadata load and the associated Refresh Database operation.

Chapter 4
Refreshing the Database

Depending on what changed in the metadata, it might not be necessary to execute

some processes. Note that this option is only available for Extended Dimension
applications. It is not applicable for Legacy Non-Extended Dimensionality applications.
• If there has been no change to the Entity structure, it will no longer be necessary
to "Recompute Ownership" on the Manage Ownership screen. Recomputing
ownership is now only required if there has been an Entity structure change, and
will therefore no longer be required after the Database Refresh executed during
each monthly version update.
• If there has been no change to the Entity structure and Entity
currency property, it will no longer be necessary to push rate data
to the Rates cube or Supplemental Data Manager, so the system
will skip the relevant rules "RefreshDataBase_PostProcess_Rates" and
"RefreshDataBase_SDMCurrencyRates". You can check the Jobs log to see
whether these rules were executed.

Before you refresh, a best practice is to back up your outline file and export
data from all databases.

To refresh the database:

1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Overview, then from Actions, select Refresh Database.
3. On the Refresh Database page, click Create.
4. Make selections for before and after the database refresh:
• Before Refresh Database
– Enable use of the application for—Allows All users or Administrators
(or the current logged-in administrator) to access the application in
maintenance mode during the refresh.
– Log off all users—Logs off all users before starting the refresh
– Kill all active requests—Terminates any active requests in the
application before starting the refresh
• After Refresh Database
Enable use of the application for—Allows All users or Administrators to
use the application after the refresh
5. Choose an option:
• To refresh the database now, click Refresh Database, review the confirmation
message, and then click Refresh.
• To schedule a database refresh job, click Save as Job, name the job, and
then click Save.

Chapter 4
Restructuring Cubes

If you schedule a recurring refresh database job, the refresh job
options that you select are applicable each time the job is run. To
edit your selections, click the name of the job in the Jobs console,
and then click Save.

Restructuring Cubes
You can run the Restructure Cube job to perform a full restructure of a block storage
cube to eliminate or reduce fragmentation. This will also remove empty blocks.
This feature is not applicable for an Aggregate Storage cube (ASO).

You should not run this job during the application maintenance time. You also
should not launch a consolidation process while the Restructure Cube job is

When you perform this operation:

• Users will be prompted to log out.
• You must manually set the application to Maintenance mode.
• After the Restructure Cube job is run, you must manually turn off Maintenance
• Users will then be informed that the application is available.

Running the Restructure Cube Job

To restructure a cube:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Jobs.
3. Click Schedule Jobs.
4. Select Restructure Cube, then select Run Now, and click Next.
5. Select when to run the job:
• Run Now
• Schedule starting from, and then select the date, time, and time zone.
6. Enter a Name for the job.
7. For Recurrence pattern, select how often to run the job, and optionally, select an
End Date.
8. Click Next to continue.
9. Select a Cube from the drop-down list, then click Next.
10. Review your selections and then click Finish.

Chapter 4
Removing an Application

The Restructure Job is submitted on the Jobs page. Make sure that the job is
completed by periodically refreshing the page.

Determining When to Restructure a Cube

To determine when to restructure a cube:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, click a user-editable rule, for example, Final
A user-editable rule is indicated by the User icon. When you click a rule, it
launches Calculation Manager in a separate tab in the browser.
3. In Calculation Manager, click the Database Properties toolbar button.
4. From Database Properties, expand the "Planning" folder, and the application
name, and check if the application's databases are running. There should not be a
red box for the database.
5. Click on Consol database and navigate to the Statistics tab.
6. Check the Average clustering ratio property.
• If the value is close to 1 (1 is the maximum), there is no need to restructure the
• If the value is not close to 1, for example, 0.0132828, you should restructure
the cube.

Removing an Application
Removing an application deletes it and all of its contents. Any scheduled jobs for the
application will also be deleted. This action cannot be undone. As a best practice, you
should back up the application first.
To remove an application:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Overview, then from Actions, select Remove Application.
3. Review the confirmation message. To continue, click Yes.

Scheduling Maintenance
By default, Financial Consolidation and Close automatically performs daily
maintenance starting at midnight local time. During the nightly maintenance window,
the system performs backups, applies any patches, recycles the application, and so
on. If you prefer, you can schedule daily maintenance to occur at another time.
During daily maintenance, the service automatically creates a backup snapshot of data
and artifacts. When daily maintenance executes, it replaces the prior backup snapshot
with a new backup snapshot. You should schedule the execution of the EPM Automate
Utility on a daily basis to download the backup snapshot to a local computer.
To schedule maintenance:
1. On the Home page, click Tools.

Chapter 4
Using the Inbox/Outbox

2. Click Daily Maintenance.

3. Select the local time zone and the time of day for maintenance.
4. Click Save.

Using the Inbox/Outbox

The Inbox/Outbox enables you to upload files to the server/inbox and download the
files from the server to your local computer. It also enables you to view the files that
are in the Inbox/Outbox and then use the files to schedule import and export jobs. You
can filter by name, refresh the listing, and upload files from the server.
To view files in the Inbox/Outbox:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Overview, then from Actions, select Inbox/Outbox Explorer.
3. Optional: To filter the list of files, click Filter, enter a name, and then click Apply.
4. Optional: To refresh the list of files, click Refresh.
To upload a file:
1. Click Upload.
2. In the Upload File box, click Browse to select a file.
3. Optional: Click Overwrite file.
4. Click Upload File.

Working with Activity Reports and Access Logs

About Activity Reports
The Activity Report, which is automatically generated for each day, enables Service
Administrators to understand application usage. It also helps streamline application
design by identifying calculation scripts and user requests that impact application
performance. Additionally, the report may be used to compare service usage and
performance to a prior report. Information contained in this report includes:
• The number of users who accessed the service
In addition to the average usage duration for the number of users on a specific
day, the report provides the number of users who logged on each day over the last
week, the last seven days, and the last 30 days.
• Percentage of UI requests that took more than 10 seconds to finish, and top 7
requests that took the most time to complete
A UI request is a user action such as signing in, loading data, working with forms,
and validating rules. The section on the top 30 worst performing user actions
identifies the user, duration of the action, activity that the user was performing, and
the screen that the user was on.
• Top 15 user interface requests by execution
• Average service response time by hour and the number of users by usage

Chapter 4
Working with Activity Reports and Access Logs

• Top 10 most active users and top least active users by duration
• Top 5 worst performing calculation script commands over 1 minute
• Top 10 calculation scripts by duration
This table identifies the business rules that took the longest time to run. Available
information includes the name of the calculation script, the number of times the
script was run, and the duration.
• Unsupported browser versions and the number of users who used them
• Browser versions that were used to access the service and the number of users
who used them
• Application design changes that occurred during the report period
This section provides an audit trail of application design changes, if any.
Information includes application name, type and name of the modified design
artifact, identity of the user who modified the artifact, and the time the changes
were made. Data changes are not reflected in this table.
• Oracle Smart View for Office versions being used and the number of users who
use them
• 10 most active Smart View users who not use the current version of Smart View

The Application Activity Report uses the administrator’s time zone, which is
set in the Maintenance Window screen.

About Access Logs

You can download a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file that provides detailed
information on the IP Addresses that accessed the service and their activities. The
access log is generated each day. Information contained in the access log includes
date and time, the resources that users accessed, duration of user activity, the IP
addresses from which users connected to the service, and the actions that users
performed in the service.

Activity Report and Access Log Retention Policy

Oracle retains Activity Reports and Access Logs for the last 60 days only.
Use the downloadfile command to download activity reports and access logs
from the Outbox to a local computer if you need them for audit purposes. See
the Command Reference in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud .
To view Activity Reports and to download Access Logs:
1. Access the service.
2. Click Application, then Overview, and then Activity Reports.
3. Perform an action:
• To open an activity report, click View under Activity Report in the row that
indicates the day for which you want to view the report.

Chapter 4
Working with Activity Reports and Access Logs

• To download an access log, click Download under Access Log in the row
that indicates the day for which you want to download the log.

Managing Application and System Settings
Related Topics
• Specifying Application Settings
• Uploading Fonts in Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Deployments
Oracle recommends that the report designer upload any TrueType fonts that
your company uses to produce reports. You can upload individual font files or
zipped files containing multiple TrueType fonts to the Fonts folder via Application
• Specifying a Default Alias Table, and Setting Member and Alias Display Options
• Specifying Number Formatting Preferences
• Defining User Variables
• Customizing Your Application Appearance
• Making Announcements
• Specifying Artifact Labels
• Working With the Artifact Labels Grid
• Adding Languages and Defining Localized Artifact Labels
• Exporting and Importing Artifact Labels for Editing
• Reviewing Artifacts

Specifying Application Settings

You can control many aspects of the application and the system, such as:
• How to display thousands, decimals, and negative numbers in forms
• Approvals actions to be taken when you're out of the office
• Actions about which you want to be notified
• Display the full names of users rather than user IDs

Administrators specify defaults for the current application. However, users
can override these application defaults by setting preferences to control
many aspects of the application, such as their profile photo and how
numbers display in the application.
To set user preferences, see " Setting Your Preferences " in Working with
Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud.

Chapter 5
Specifying Application Settings

1. Click Application, and then click Settings.

2. Specify defaults for the following application settings:
• Alias Setting—For option descriptions, see Specifying a Default Alias Table,
and Setting Member and Alias Display Options
• Number Formatting—For option descriptions, see Specifying Number
Formatting Preferences
• Approvals—Select whether to display aliases, show the approval units that
are not started, and show approval units as aliases in approvals notifications
• Notifications—Enable notifications for task lists, approvals, and job console
– Task Lists - select this option if you want an email notification when you
need to perform actions on a task list.
– Approvals - select this option if you want an email notification when you
need to perform actions on Approvals.
– Job Console - select this option if you want an email notification when a
job that you launch is completed or generates an error.
You can specify task notification types and frequency from User Preferences
under Tools. See " Setting Up Email for Notifications " in Working with
Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud.
• Digital Assistant Settings—Specify configuration settings for the Oracle
EPM Digital Assistant.
Note: These settings are part of a larger configuration process to enable
you to work with the Digital Assistant. You must complete the configuration
steps before using the Digital Assistant. See Getting Started with the Digital
Assistant for Oracle Cloud Enterprise Performance Management.
– Channel ID - enter the channel ID used when you created the Oracle Web
channel for the Digital Assistant.
– Service Name - enter the Digital Assistant URL, which is the Oracle
Digital Assistant Service URL that you see when you log on to the service.
Enter the URL without either http:// or https:// preceding it.
• Page—Set defaults for indenting members on a page and setting the number
of items on the page drop-down.

The Number of Items on the Page Drop-down option lets you
shorten the member list so that the Search box can be more easily
seen. If the list is shortened to 10 members, for example, then you
won't need to scroll to see the Search box.

• Other Options—Set options for date format, attribute dimension date format,
partial grid fetch size ,whether to suppress application management options
in Oracle Smart View for Office, whether to enable data loads for ad hoc
read-only roles, and whether to enable Consolidation Rules Logging.
– Date Format—Select a date format, or select Automatically Detect to
use your system's locale settings.

Chapter 5
Specifying Application Settings

– Attribute Dimension Date Format—Select a date format for attribute

– Partial Grid Fetch Size—If large forms require significant time to open,
select this option to open part of a form. Enter the number of rows and
columns to open, separated by a comma (,).
– Suppress Application Management Options in Smart View—When
a new application is created, all application management options are
displayed by default to administrators in Smart View. You can choose to
hide or display the application management options. If you select Yes,
application options are not displayed in Smart View. If you select No,
application options are displayed in Smart View.
– Enable Data Load for Adhoc Read Only Role—Default is No. Select
Yes to enable data load for users with Adhoc read-only role.
– Enable Consolidation Rules Logging—Select to enable logging for
consolidation rules.
– Set Number of Seconds Before Rules Run in Background—Enter a
value between 0 and 600.
– Disable To-Date View Calculations—Default is No. Select Yes to disable
To-Date View calculations.
This option is only available for applications with Extended Dimensions.
To improve performance, you can disable To-Date View calculations for
data load and other processes.
If the option is set to Yes, the system does not calculate To-Date View
calculations (YTD, HYTD, QTD) after data is saved through the following
processes: data load, Data Management load, form data changes, Smart
View data changes, journal posting, and Supplemental Data posting. After
you run the consolidation process, the system creates the "To Date" data
and stores it in the corresponding members for retrieval (FCCS_YTD,
If you want to view the "To-Date" data without first consolidating, you can
retrieve the data from the applicable Dynamic Calc system member in
the View dimension, such as FCCS_YTD_RULE, FCCS_QTD_RULE,and
If the option is set to No, the system automatically runs calculations for all
applicable View members.
– Filter Out Excluded Members in Segment Drop-down—Default is Yes.
Choose No to display the excluded members in the row drop-down POV
in forms.
3. Specify options for the following system settings:
• Display Users’ Full Names—If selected, the system displays the user's full
name (for example, Victoria Hennings). If cleared, the system displays the
user's ID (for example, VHennings).
• Include Shared Members in Cube Refresh—When selected, shared
members will inherit the security access assigned to the base member.
When cleared, shared members will inherit the highest security access based
on a combination of the access assigned to the base member and parent of
shared member.

Chapter 5
Specifying Application Settings

• Email Character Set, for example, UTF-8 or Regional Setting.

• Business Rules Notification—If set to Yes, notifies users or groups
when rules (which are enabled for notification in Calculation Manager) are
completed or encounter errors.
In Notify These Users, select the users or groups to notify.
• Allow Drill Down on Shared Members in Ad Hoc Form—Yes enables
drilling on shared members in an ad hoc grid. No disables drilling on shared
members in an ad hoc grid.
• Minimize Approval Process Emails—Reduces the number of emails a user
receives when using Approvals. The default is No.
If Yes is selected, only one email notification (for the approved parent entity) is
sent to the new owner of the approval unit. Separate email notifications aren’t
sent for every child entity in the approval unit hierarchy. If No is selected,
owners that are set at parent nodes will receive emails for the selected node
as well as an email for each child node.
• Enable Use of the Application for—Determines whether users can access
the application in administration mode, such as during backups. When you
select Administrators, if any nonadministrative users are logged on to the
application, they are forced off the system and will not be able to log on. To
restore access to an application for all users, select All users.
• Assign Application Owner—Assign ownership of the application to another
• Enable the Display of Substitution Variables—Set how substitution
variables display in the Member Selection dialog box when users respond
to runtime prompts in business rules. Display All displays all substitution
variables. Display None displays no substitution variables. Enable Filtering
displays only substitution variables that are valid for the runtime prompt.
• Smart View Suppression Behavior—Choose a suppression behavior in
Smart View for cases where rows and columns contain missing data or
– Legacy (default)—Suppresses rows, or columns, or both that contain No
Data/Missing or Zero, but not both.
– Standard—Suppresses rows, or columns, or both that contain both No
Data/Missing and Zero.
• Smart View Ad Hoc Behavior—Choose to enable enhanced ad hoc features
and behaviors.
– Native (default)—Does not enable enhanced ad hoc features.
– Standard—Enables enhanced ad hoc features.
The enhanced ad hoc features and behaviors are:
– In-grid POV—POV members are placed on the grid instead of in the POV
– Submit without refresh—Using the default Submit Data button in the
Smart View ribbon, all cells in a grid are submitted, including all data cells
that have been explicitly modified (made dirty) and those that were not
modified. For this operation, all data cells are marked dirty and submitted.
Once the submit operation is complete, the entire grid will be refreshed.

Chapter 5
Specifying Application Settings

– Free-form support—Supports empty columns and rows anywhere in a grid

and changing the alias table. Additionally, supports member auto-refresh
where deleted members are returned to the grid upon refresh.
– Multiple-grid ad hoc—Supports multiple ad hoc grids on the same Excel
worksheet. With multiple-grid ad hoc, you can submit data from any grid
on the sheet. Grids based on aggregate storage cubes and block storage
cubes are supported on the same sheet. Each grid is independent; for
example, if required, you can change the alias table for only one grid on
the sheet.
• Export EPM Cloud Smart List textual data during daily maintenance for
incremental data import—Choose whether to perform a complete export
during the daily maintenance process or to create an application backup:
– Yes (default)—Performs a complete export, such that data, including
Smart List data, can be incrementally imported to an application (this
option may lengthen the maintenance process duration)
– No—Creates an application backup during the maintenance process, such
that data can be used as part of a full restoration.
• Link Accounts by Default—For block storage (input) cubes, select whether
to XREF linked account members by default.
– Yes (default)—XREFs will be created on account members, and the
application will work the same way it has in earlier releases.
– No—XREFs will not be created for account members, which may improve
the application’s performance. With No selected, after Cube Refresh is
run, all existing XREFs on account members will be deleted, and non-
source cubes will no longer show data from the source cube.

HSP_LINK and HSP_NOLINK UDAs on specific account members
override the XREF setting for those account members. For example,
if this option is set to No and you use the @XREF function to look up
a data value in another cube to calculate a value from the current
cube, you can add theHSP_LINK UDA to such members to create the
@XREF function only for these specific members. If this option is set to
Yes, HSP_NOLINK works the same way it worked in earlier releases
and prevents XREFs from being created on specific members.

• Set Reporting Options—Click Report Settings. From Report Settings, you

can upload the TrueType fonts that you use to produce reports. See Uploading
Fonts in Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Deployments.
4. Click Save to save the application settings.

Chapter 5
Uploading Fonts in Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Deployments

Uploading Fonts in Enterprise Performance Management

Cloud Deployments
Oracle recommends that the report designer upload any TrueType fonts that your
company uses to produce reports. You can upload individual font files or zipped files
containing multiple TrueType fonts to the Fonts folder via Application Settings.
The font file must be a TrueType font and cannot already exist in the font folder
structure. If you do upload a duplicate font, you will receive an error message
indicating the duplicate (or invalid) font file. If you uploaded multiple fonts in a zip
file, all other valid files are loaded.
To upload fonts in Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Deployments:
1. From an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud service, click
Application, and then click Settings. For more information, see Application
2. To specify the reporting options, from Set Reporting Options, click Report
3. From the Settings dialog, click Manage Fonts.

4. In the Fonts dialog, click , and then select Upload File.

5. Click Browse in the Upload File dialog to navigate to the TrueType fonts that you
want to upload, and then click OK.

If more than one font is to be uploaded, create a zip file.
Be aware that it may take some time to perform the upload depending on
the size of the font file.

Specifying a Default Alias Table, and Setting Member and

Alias Display Options
If you create alias tables with aliases for dimensions and members, you can select a
default alias table for the application. You can set preferences for which set of aliases
(stored in an alias table) to use for displaying member and dimension names.
To select the application’s default alias table:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Settings.
3. From Alias Table, select a default alias table.
4. In Member Name/Alias Display, select the option that enables the type of
member data to be displayed on the Member Selector throughout your application:

Chapter 5
Specifying Number Formatting Preferences

• Default—The data determined by the form, grid, or dimension settings

• Member name—Only member names
• Alias—Only member aliases, if defined
• Member name : Alias—Names followed by aliases, if defined
• Alias:Member name—Alias, if defined, followed by the names
5. Click Save.

Specifying Number Formatting Preferences

You can specify number formats, such as how to display thousands, decimals, and
negative numbers in forms. Your selections apply to all currencies, in all forms that you
have access to in the current application.
You can set these options:
• The thousands separator (None, Comma, Dot, or Space)
• The decimal separator (Dot or Comma)
• The display of negative numbers (A Minus sign before the number (Prefixed), or
after the number (Suffixed), or the number surrounded by parentheses)
• The displayed color for negative numbers (Black or Red)
To change the format of displayed numbers:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Settings.
2. From the Application Settings page, under Number Formatting, select format

Option Example
Thousands Separator None: 1000
Comma: 1,000
Dot: 1.000
Space: 1 000
You can enter values with or without a
thousands separator.
Decimal Separator Dot: 1000.00
Comma: 1000,00
You can enter values with or without a
decimal separator.
Negative Sign Prefixed Minus: -1000
Suffixed Minus: 1000-
Parentheses: (1000)
Negative Color Black: Negative numbers are black
Red: Negative numbers are red

3. Click Save.

Chapter 5
Defining User Variables

Formatting selections take effect when you click outside the cell. If you
select a setting other than Use Application Defaults for the Thousands
separator or the Decimal separator, you must change both separators.
You cannot select the same option for the Thousands and Decimal

Defining User Variables

You can set user variables to limit the number of members displayed on a form,
helping users focus on certain members. For example, if you create a user variable
called Division for the Entity dimension, users can select a member for their own
The User Variables page lists the user variables that are defined for the application,
with their name and dimension members.
To set up user variables, see Working with User Variables.
To view user variables:
1. On the Home page, click Tools and then click User Variables.

2. Click the Member Selector next to the variable to change.

3. On Member Selection, select members, and then click Save.

Customizing Your Application Appearance

On the Appearancepage, you can change the general look and feel of your Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud environment. Enabling the Redwood
Experience not only provides a new application look and feel, but it also includes
certain features, such as dynamic tabs, that are not available in the other themes. If
you opt not to use the Redwood Experience, you can choose instead from a list of
predefined classic themes with different background colors, icon styles, and so on. You
can also add a branding logo and background images to the Home page and hide the
business process name.

You can set your profile picture to display at the top of the Announcements
panel of the Home page in User Preferences. Click Tools, and then User

To customize the appearance of your display:

1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Appearance.
2. Choose from the following customization options:

Chapter 5
Making Announcements

• Enable Redwood Experience—Select to enjoy our latest user experience

and to take advantage of features only available in the Redwood experience. If
this option is disabled, the Theme option is displayed.
• Theme—Only available if you clear the Enable Redwood Experience option.
Select an option from the list of predefined classic themes.
• Logo Image and Background Image—Replace the predefined Oracle logo
and theme-based background image with your own images. Select File to
choose a locally stored custom image file, or select URL to choose a custom
image URL. Supported graphic formats are .jpg, .png, or .gif and the file
upload is limited to 5MB. Select Predefined to choose the theme-based logo
and background images.
• Display Business Process Name—By default, the business process name is
displayed next to the logo on the Home page and on the tab when a browser
tab is opened. If No is selected, the business process name is hidden on the
Home page and Oracle Applications is displayed on browser tabs.
Note the following:
– You can't edit or delete predefined themes or create custom themes.
– Both the logo and background image can be customized. Any logo image
smaller than 125px wide and 25px high can fit without scaling. For large
image logos, Oracle recommends that you maintain a 5:1 ratio so the
image is scaled without distortion.
The default size for the background image is 1024x768. You can use a
larger background image, however the image is scaled to fit the resolution
setting of your display and the image is centered horizontally. If you want
your background image to fit both a browser and a mobile device, Oracle
recommends that you size the image so that it fits your biggest screen (or
highest resolution device).
– When switching to a new theme, customers using a custom background
image might need to ensure that the color contrast for icons and labels is
appropriate. To remedy, consider choosing a different theme or a suitable
3. Click Save.

Making Announcements
Administrators can create and send announcements to users about upcoming events,
such as system maintenance. Announcements are displayed in the Announcements
area on the application's Home page.
To create an announcement:
1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Announcements.
2. Click Create.
3. Enter the announcement information:
Subject - the purpose of the announcement
Start Date - when to send the announcement.
End Date - optional.

Chapter 5
Specifying Artifact Labels

Content. You may need to select an editing mode (rich text or source code) before
entering text.
4. To save the announcement, click Save and Close.

Specifying Artifact Labels

The Artifact Labels page on the Tools cluster enables administrators to customize
artifact labels (artifact names, descriptions, and so on) based on the user's browser
A few examples:
• If you create a form with a cryptic name that you don't want displayed to the user,
you can define a meaningful name for the form that is displayed in the language of
the user.
• If you want to create a useful instruction for an artifact that only displays in the
language of the user, for example:
"This formula calculates the number of regular employees away on a Leave of

Related Links
• Working With the Artifact Labels Grid
• Adding Languages and Defining Localized Artifact Labels
• Exporting and Importing Artifact Labels for Editing

Working With the Artifact Labels Grid

The Artifact Labels page displays an Excel-style spreadsheet grid that is filtered by
artifact and property type.
The row axis of the grid displays the artifacts and their properties.
The column axis of the grid displays the following columns:
• Artifact—The type of artifact (for example, Task List or Rule)
• Property—The artifact's property type (for example, Name, Description, and so
• Default—Displays the artifact labels that were defined when the artifact was
When a language is added, a new column displays to the right of the Default column.
To view and filter the Artifact Labels grid:
1. Click Tools, and then click Artifact Labels.
2. To filter:

a. Click , and then select the artifacts you want to work with. For some
artifacts, you can further filter by property type.
b. Click Apply to close the Filter window and display the artifact grid filtered by
artifact type and property type.

Chapter 5
Adding Languages and Defining Localized Artifact Labels

Adding Languages and Defining Localized Artifact Labels

Administrators can add a language for a given artifact to the Artifact Labels grid from
a list of supported languages. You can select only one language at a time. When you
add a language, a new column for that language is added to the grid to the right of the
Default column. The cells in the language-specific column are editable.

Use this method to add labels directly in the artifact labels grid. This method
is ideal if you only need to add or update a few labels at a time. For bulk
changes or edits on artifact labels; for example, terminology changes that
affect multiple labels, use the export feature to edit in Excel, then import. See
Exporting and Importing Artifact Labels for Editing.

To add a language:
1. Click Tools, and then click Artifact Labels.

2. Click , and then select the artifacts you want to work with. For some artifacts,
you can further filter by property type.
3. Click Apply.
4. Click Add Language.
5. Select from the list of supported languages.
6. In the language-specific column, enter artifact labels into the editable cells for each
artifact property (Name, Description, and so on).
7. Click Save.

When you define a localized artifact label for the Default navigation flow
(for example, editing the name of an icon on the Home page), your update
will automatically propagate to all navigation flows. However, if you define a
localized artifact label for another navigation flow that isn't the Default flow,
then that update will override the label coming from the Default flow.

Exporting and Importing Artifact Labels for Editing

You can export all the artifact labels in a specific language to edit them. The labels are
exported in an Excel file format (XLSX). After you edit the labels, you can import them
back into the application.

Chapter 5
Reviewing Artifacts

Use this method for bulk changes or edits on artifact labels by language;
for example, terminology changes that affect multiple labels. For updates to
individual artifact labels, you can edit them directly in the artifact grid.

To export and import artifact labels for editing:

1. Click Tools, and then click Artifact Labels.

2. Click , and then select the artifacts you want to work with. For some artifacts,
you can further filter by property type.
3. Click Apply.
4. Click Actions.
• To export artifact labels:
a. Click Export.
b. Select the target environment of the export file:
– Local—Saves the export file to a location on your local computer.
– Outbox—Saves the export file to the server.
c. Choose a language.
d. Click Export.
• To import artifact labels:
a. Click Import.
b. Select the location of the import file:
– Local—Loads the import file from a location on your computer. For
Source File, click Browse to select the import file on your computer
for the artifact you're importing.
– Inbox—Loads the import file from the server. Enter the name of the
file in Source File.
c. Click Import.

Reviewing Artifacts
To review the artifacts in your application:
1. Click Application, then Configure, and then select a business process.
2. From the Actions menu, select Review Modified Artifacts.

3. Click Filter to select different artifact types.

The system displays the predefined artifacts, and you can see if modifications
have been made to the artifacts.

Chapter 5
Reviewing Artifacts

4. To undo customizations to predefined artifacts, select the artifacts, and then click

Connecting Environments in EPM Cloud
Related Topics
• About Connecting EPM Cloud Environments
• Considerations for Migrating EPM Cloud Connections
• Creating, Editing, and Deleting Connections to Other EPM Cloud Environments
• Connecting to External Web Services
• Specifying Advanced Options for External Connections
• Navigating Across EPM Cloud Environments
• Customizing Navigation Flows to Access Other EPM Cloud Environments
• Using Direct URLs to Integrate Connected Environments

About Connecting EPM Cloud Environments

Service Administrators can connect multiple EPM Cloud environments of the following
• Planning
• Financial Consolidation and Close
• Tax Reporting
• Profitability and Cost Management
• Account Reconciliation
• Narrative Reporting
• Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud
Once Service Administrators set up the connections, users who have access across
EPM Cloud environments can navigate across them from a single access point with
one login. Also artifacts such as forms and dashboards, from across environments can
be co-mingled within a cluster or within tabs on a card in navigation flows. Artifacts in
the target environment are accessible based on the user's role.

Chapter 6
About Connecting EPM Cloud Environments

You can also connect directly Oracle Analytics Cloud Enterprise Edition or
Professional Edition 5.6 to EPM Cloud Platform, provided you have both
services. When you've configured the connection, you can visualize data
from EPM Cloud business processes in Oracle Analytics Cloud. You no
longer have to model EPM data in a metadata repository (RPD) file to create
visualizations and dashboards in Oracle Analytics Cloud.
See the following topics in the Oracle Analytics Cloud documentation:
• Connect to Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud in
Connecting Oracle Analytics Cloud to Your Data
• Add Authentication and Embed Your Content in Other Applications in
Visualizing Data and Building Reports in Oracle Analytics Cloud

Which EPM Cloud environments can I connect?

The source environment is the environment from which you're creating the connection.
The target environment is the environment to which you're connecting from the source
You can connect these source environments (these environments can also be target
• Planning
• Financial Consolidation and Close
• Tax Reporting
Source environments can also connect to these target environments (these
environments can't be source environments):
• Account Reconciliation
• Profitability and Cost Management
• Narrative Reporting
• Strategic Workforce Planning

What are the ways I can connect to other EPM Cloud environments?
• Toggle between the source environment and the target environment on the
Navigator menu. See Navigating Across EPM Cloud Environments.
• Customize navigation flows in the source environment to access clusters, cards,
and artifacts in other target environments from the Home page. See Customizing
Navigation Flows to Access Other EPM Cloud Environments.
• Use direct URLs to seamlessly integrate connected environments. See Using
Direct URLs to Integrate Connected Environments.

• Only Service Administrators create cross-environment connections.

Chapter 6
Considerations for Migrating EPM Cloud Connections

Users click a navigation link to open the linked environment. Access within the
linked environment is determined by the predefined role and access permissions,
if any, assigned to the user.
• For cross-environment navigation to be seamless, all environment instances to
which cross-environment navigation flows are setup must belong to the same
identity domain.

If the target and source environment instances are not on the same
identity domain, then you'll not be able to establish a connection between

• Service Administrators cannot configure cross-environment connections using

corporate SSO (identity provider) credentials.
If your environments are configured for SSO, ensure that identity domain
credentials are maintained for the Service Administrators who configure cross-
environment connections. See Enabling Sign In With Identity Domain Credentials.
• Migrating cross-environment connections between test and production
environments can cause issues in certain use case scenarios. For more
information, see Considerations for Migrating EPM Cloud Connections.
• Vanity URLs are not supported in cross-environment connections.


Your Goal Watch This Video

Watch this video to learn how to customize an
EPM Cloud workflow.
Overview: Customizing Workflow in
EPM Cloud

Considerations for Migrating EPM Cloud Connections

Oracle recognizes that it's common practice for Service Administrators to try out new
features, such as connecting environments, on test environments and then migrate
to production environments. However, in doing so, it could cause some issues after
migration. Here are some use case scenarios that you need to be aware of.
In the following scenarios, assume you have environments for Financial Consolidation
and Close and Planning.

Use Case Scenario 1: Test to Production

When migrating connections from test environments to production environments,
ensure that connections that were defined in the test environment are changed to
point to the corresponding production environments.
For example, a Service Administrator has defined a connection between the test
environments of Planning and Financial Consolidation and Close. The Service
Administrator then uses this connection to build a navigation flow in Planning that
refers to a card in the Financial Consolidation and Close. The snapshot that the

Chapter 6
Creating, Editing, and Deleting Connections to Other EPM Cloud Environments

Service Administrator creates for migrating the Planning test environment will include
connections and navigation flows, including the connection to Financial Consolidation
and Close test environment.
On migrating the snapshot into the Planning production environment, Planning
will have an undesirable connection to the Financial Consolidation and Close
test environment. You must manually change undesirable connections to point
to the corresponding production environment either before or after migrating the

Use Case Scenario 2: Production to Production or Test to Test

This scenario doesn't have any caveats.

Use Case Scenario 3: Production to Test

In this scenario, the Service Administrator might be trying to migrate a snapshot from
a production environment into a test environment to resolve an issue. Because the
connections created in the test environment still points to a production environment,
it is important for the Service Administrator to modify connections so that they point
to a test environment. Connections in test environments that point to a production
environment may inadvertently tamper with the production environment.

Creating, Editing, and Deleting Connections to Other EPM

Cloud Environments
Before you can create connections to other EPM Cloud environments, you must
ensure you have access to the source and target environments you're connecting. You
must also have URLs for the other environments you're connecting and login details
for each environment such as user ID (Service Administrator) and password.
To create, edit, duplicate, and delete connections:
1. Login to the source environment.
2. From the Home page, click Tools, and then click Connections.
3. Choose an action:
• To add a connection:
a. On the Manage Connections page, click Create.
b. On the Select Provider to Create Connection page, select the target
environment you want to add.
c. Enter the target environment connection details:
– Click Change Provider to select a different target environment.
– In Connection Name enter name for this navigation link; for example,
Consolidation Application.
– Enter an optional description for the link.
– In URL, enter the URL of the target environment instance; for
example, http(s):// This is the URL
that you normally use to sign in to the target environment instance.

Chapter 6
Creating, Editing, and Deleting Connections to Other EPM Cloud Environments

– Use Service Administrator and Password to specify the credentials

of a Service Administrator.

These credentials are used only to define and validate the
navigation link. When a user logs in, their own role and
access will be applied to access the target environment.

– The Domain field is automatically populated based on the URL you

enter. If there is no domain in the URL, then the Domain field is left
d. Click Validate.
e. If the validation is successful, click Save and Close.
• To edit connections:
a. On the Manage Connections page, click the name of a connection.
b. Edit connection details.

If you edit the URL to connect to a new service type, you could
cause navigation flows to break. If you want to connect to a
different service, Oracle recommends creating a new connection

c. Click Validate.
d. If the validation is successful, click Save and Close.
• To duplicate a connection:
a. On the Manage Connections page, in the Action column next to the
connection you want to duplicate, click .
b. Click Duplicate.
c. Enter a name for the duplicate connection, then click OK.
• To delete a connection:
a. On the Manage Connections page, in the Action column next to the
connection you want to delete, click .
b. Click Delete.
When target environments are connected to an EPM Cloud source environment, they
are listed in the My Connections pane on the Navigator menu of the source
environment. The My Connections pane on the Navigator menu is where you
can navigate across environments. See Navigating Across EPM Cloud Environments.
For troubleshooting assistance, see Handling Issues with Cross-Environment
Connections in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Operations Guide .

Chapter 6
Connecting to External Web Services

Connecting to External Web Services

Service Administrators can also connect to external Web services for the purpose of
reading data from and writing to an external Web service.
This connection can be referenced or used in a Groovy script to create a
communications link between the Groovy script and the external HTTP/HTTPS
resource. For more details and examples of how this connection can be used
in a Groovy script, see the Java API documentation for the Connection and the
HttpRequest objects in the EPM Groovy object model.

The Other Web Service Provider connection type is only available for use
with those business processes that allow Groovy Rules to be created. See
the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud, Groovy Rules Java
API Reference.

Before you can create connections to external Web services, you must ensure you
have access to the Web service you're connecting. You must also have URLs for the
Web service and any login details, if required.
To create a connection to an external Web service:
1. Login to the source environment.
2. From the Home page, click Tools, and then click Connections.
3. On the Manage Connections page, click Create.
4. Click Other Web Service Provider.
5. Enter a Connection Name and a Description for the connection.
6. Enter the URL for the target connection.
7. Enter optional advanced options for the URL.

The optional advanced options enable you to specify query or header
parameters when defining an external connection. See Specifying
Advanced Options for External Connections.

8. Enter User and Password login credentials for the connection, if required. In
some cases, such as connecting to Oracle Cloud services, the domain name may
need to be prefixed to the user name; for example, <Identity Domain>.<User
9. Click Save and Close.

Chapter 6
Specifying Advanced Options for External Connections

Specifying Advanced Options for External Connections

The optional advanced options enable you to specify query or header parameters
when defining an external connection.

The ability to define query parameters for an external connection is only
available for use with those business processes that allow Groovy Rules
to be created. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud,
Groovy Rules Java API Reference.

To specify advanced options for external connections:

1. Create an external connection or open an existing external connection.
See Connecting to External Web Services.
2. Enter connection details, and then click Show Advanced Options.
3. Specify query details as follows:

• —Add query

• —Delete query
• Type—Select Header or Parameter.
Header sets a default header that will be sent on every request made for this
connection. Parameter sets a default query parameter that will be sent on
every request made for this connection.
• Secure—If selected, the value entered in the Value field will be encrypted.
Clearing the Secure check box for a row will remove the value.
An example header that one would secure is the Bearer Token for external
Web services that supports Bearer Authentication, or the API Key query
parameter for external Web services that supports API keys for authentication.
• Name—Enter a name for the header or query parameter.
• Value—Enter the value for the header or query parameter.

Navigating Across EPM Cloud Environments

Once a Service Administrator creates connections to other EPM Cloud environments,
the connections are listed in the My Connections pane on the Navigator menu.

Chapter 6
Customizing Navigation Flows to Access Other EPM Cloud Environments

You can toggle between the environments from this location. You must have access to
the other environments in order to open them. Artifacts are accessible based on the
user's role.
To open another Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud environment:

1. From the Home page, click Navigator .

2. If environments are connected and you have access to those environments, you'll
see a list of connected environments in the My Connections pane. Click an
environment to open it.

Click the icon to the right of the environment name to open the
environment in a new window.

Customizing Navigation Flows to Access Other EPM Cloud

You can customize the business process interface to access other EPM Cloud
environments from the Home page of a source environment. For example, you can
add artifacts to the Home page, such as forms or reports, from other EPM Cloud
environments. You can group these artifacts (called cards) into clusters by customizing
navigation flows. Clusters and cards from target EPM Cloud environments can be
directly included in the navigation flows of source EPM Cloud environments. You can
also use the Navigation Flow Designer to customize cards to have tabular pages
where each tab is an artifact from a different environment.
These two use cases describe in detail how to customize navigation flows to access
other EPM Cloud environments:
• Grouping Cards from Other EPM Cloud Environments into Clusters
• Configuring Cards with Tabs from Multiple EPM Cloud Environments

Chapter 6
Customizing Navigation Flows to Access Other EPM Cloud Environments

To learn more about designing navigation flows, see "Designing Custom Navigation
Flows" in your EPM Cloud Administering guide.

Grouping Cards from Other EPM Cloud Environments into Clusters

You can group cards from various EPM Cloud environments into a cluster that is
accessible from the Home page of a source environment. For example, you can create
a cluster within Financial Consolidation and Close consisting of cards with pre-built
external reports from Narrative Reporting.

Cards from multiple environments can also be included within the same cluster on a
source environment. For example, a Tax Reporting user can launch a Journals icon
from Financial Consolidation and Close without leaving Tax Reporting.

Chapter 6
Customizing Navigation Flows to Access Other EPM Cloud Environments

You create clusters and add cards to clusters by customizing navigation flows. For
general information about navigation flows, see "Designing Custom Navigation Flows"
in your EPM Cloud Administering guide.
To create a cluster made up of cards from other EPM Cloud environments:
1. Launch the Navigation Flow page and create a navigation flow or edit an existing
navigation flow:

To create a navigation flow, you must first select an existing navigation
flow and make a copy of it. Then edit the duplicate navigation flow details
and save them.

a. Click Tools, and then click Navigation Flows.

b. To create a navigation flow, select the navigation flow you want to duplicate,

then in the upper right-hand corner of the page, click , and then select
Create Copy. Enter a name for the navigation flow, and then click OK.

New flows are marked Inactive until they are activated by the
Service Administrator. To activate or deactivate a navigation flow,
in the Active column, click Active or Inactive. Only one navigation
flow at a time can be active.

c. To edit an existing navigation flow, click the name of the navigation flow you
want to edit.

Chapter 6
Customizing Navigation Flows to Access Other EPM Cloud Environments

Editing is only possible if the navigation flow is inactive. If the
navigation flow you want to edit is active, ensure you mark it
Inactive before editing.

2. Create a cluster or add an existing cluster:

a. If it isn't already open, from the Navigation Flow page, click the name of the
navigation flow in which you want to add a cluster.
b. To create a new cluster, click Add Cluster, enter or select the cluster details,
and then choose an icon for the cluster.
c. If there is an existing cluster you want to add from another environment,
click Add Existing Card/Cluster, select the target environment under My
Connections, and then choose the cluster you want to add to your navigation
Note the following:
• Clusters can't be directly selected from Narrative Reporting and
Profitability and Cost Management using the Add Existing Card/Cluster
• Clusters that are added from another navigation flow or from another
environment will display the localized labels that were defined in the
source navigation flow. To update the cluster labels in your navigation
flow, on the Home page, click Tools, and then click Artifact Labels. See
"Specifying Artifact Labels" in your EPM Cloud Administering guide.
3. Select the cards to include in the cluster:
a. From the Navigation Flow page, navigate to the card you want to add to the
cluster. If the card is within another environment, first select the environment
under My Connections, and then navigate to the card in that environment.

b. To the right of the card that you want to move, in the Order column, click .
c. Select the cluster, and then click OK.
The cards will appear in the listing as children of the cluster. Use the up and down
arrows next to the cards to reorder the cards within the cluster, if needed.
4. Click Save and Close.
You must activate the navigation flow and reload it to view your design time changes.
To reload a navigation flow, click the down arrow next to your user name. Then on the
Setting and Actions menu, click Reload Navigation Flow.

Chapter 6
Customizing Navigation Flows to Access Other EPM Cloud Environments

If you can't see your referenced artifacts after activating and reloading the navigation
flow, see Why Is My Referenced Card, Tab, or Cluster Not Visible?

Configuring Cards with Tabs from Multiple EPM Cloud Environments

You can also customize cards in navigation flows to have tabular pages where each
tab is an artifact from a different environment. For example, a Planning user can click
a Revenue icon which launches a card with horizontal tabs showing reports from
Narrative Reporting.

You create tabular cards by customizing navigation flows. For general information
about navigation flows, see "Designing Custom Navigation Flows" in your EPM Cloud
Administering guide.
To configure a card made up of tabs and sub-tabs from other EPM Cloud
1. Launch the Navigation Flow page and create a navigation flow or edit an existing
navigation flow:

Chapter 6
Customizing Navigation Flows to Access Other EPM Cloud Environments

To create a navigation flow, you must first select an existing navigation
flow and make a copy of it. Then edit the duplicate navigation flow details
and save them.

a. Click Tools, and then click Navigation Flows.

b. To create a navigation flow, select the navigation flow you want to duplicate,

then in the upper right-hand corner of the page, click , and then select
Create Copy. Enter a name for the navigation flow, and then click OK.

New flows are marked Inactive until they are activated by the
Service Administrator. To activate or deactivate a navigation flow,
in the Active column, click Active or Inactive. Only one navigation
flow at a time can be active.

c. To edit an existing navigation flow, click the name of the navigation flow you
want to edit.
2. Add a tabular card with artifacts from various target environments:
a. If there is an existing card you want to add from another environment, from
the Navigation Flow page, click Add Existing Card/Cluster, select the target
environment under My Connections, and then choose the card you want to
add to your navigation flow.
Note the following:
• Cards can't be directly selected from Narrative Reporting and Profitability
and Cost Management using the Add Existing Card/Cluster option.
• Cards that are added from another navigation flow or from another
environment will display the localized labels that were defined in the
source navigation flow. To update the card labels in your navigation flow,
on the Home page, click Tools, and then click Artifact Labels. See
"Specifying Artifact Labels" in your EPM Cloud Administering guide.
b. To add a new tabular card to the navigation flow, from the Navigation Flow
page, click Add Card, and then select details for the card:
• Name—Enter a label for the card.
• Visible—Select whether the card is visible to users on the Home page.
• Cluster—If clusters exist, select a cluster for the card or select None.
• Icon—Select the icon that will be displayed for the card you're creating.
Choose from the available icons provided in the icon library.
• Content—Select from the following options:
– Page Type—Select a multiple page (tabular) format.
– Orientation—Select Vertical or Horizontal.

Chapter 6
Customizing Navigation Flows to Access Other EPM Cloud Environments

3. Add tabs and sub tabs to the tabular card:

a. To add an existing tab, click Add Existing Tab.
b. To add a new tab, click Add New Tab, and then edit tab details.
c. Click Add New Sub Tab or Add Existing Sub Tab, and then edit sub tab

d. For Artifact, click to select an artifact in the Artifact Library; for example,
if the artifact is a form, then select the specific form from the artifact listing.
Available artifacts include forms, dashboards, and reports. To select an
artifact from another environment, select the target environment under My
Connections, and then choose the artifact you want to add to your tab.
e. Repeat adding tabs and sub tabs until the card is complete.
4. Click Save and Close.


• For cards with multiple tabs or sub tabs, the last tab accessed by a user
will be retained the next time the user accesses the card in the same
session. If the user logs out and then logs back in, the default tab will be
• Tabs or sub tabs that are added from another navigation flow or from
another environment will display the localized labels that were defined in
the source navigation flow. To update the tab labels in your navigation
flow, on the Home page, click Tools, and then click Artifact Labels. See
"Specifying Artifact Labels" in your EPM Cloud Administering guide.

You must reload the navigation flow to view your design time changes. To reload a
navigation flow, click the down arrow next to your user name. Then on the Setting and
Actions menu, click Reload Navigation Flow.

If you can't see your referenced artifacts after reloading the navigation flow, see Why
Is My Referenced Card, Tab, or Cluster Not Visible?

Chapter 6
Using Direct URLs to Integrate Connected Environments

Using Direct URLs to Integrate Connected Environments

About Direct URLs
Other source systems like Oracle ERP Cloud can embed URLs to directly link to
artifacts contained in cards, tabs, and sub-tabs within connected Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud environments.
Other Cloud environments like Oracle ERP Cloud use direct URL links to open
connected EPM Cloud content like forms, dashboards, and infolets. To make the
integration between EPM Cloud and other systems seamless, you can use an export
option, called Export URLs, to create a CSV file that provides the unique URLs for
each card, tab, or sub-tab within a connected EPM Cloud business process. URLs
are grouped by navigation flow and cluster, so the URLs are easier to find within the
CSV file. You can open the CSV file with a text editor or Microsoft Excel and embed
the relevant URL within the source system pages to serve as a launch point into EPM

Exporting URLs
To export EPM Cloud URLs to a CSV file:
1. Log into an EPM Cloud environment.
2. From the Home page, click the down arrow next to the user name (upper right
corner of the screen).
3. On the Settings and Actions menu, click Export URLs, and then click Save.
The system saves a CSV file to the default download folder on your local machine,
and the filename is automatically generated with the current date and time of the
server; for example, 19_Feb_2021 13_15_38 Navigation Flow URLs.csv. Find the file
in your download folder, and open it with a text editor or with Microsoft Excel.

Viewing the Exported URLs File

The CSV file lists all of the URLs in the business process. Each card, tab (vertical
tab), and sub-tab (horizontal tab) has a unique URL. When viewed in a text editor like
Notepad or in Microsoft Excel, it identifies the URL for each card, tab, and sub-tab, so
the URLs for each artifact can be more easily found. URLs are grouped by navigation
flow and by cluster.

Only cards, tabs, and sub-tabs have URLs. Navigation flows and clusters
don't have URLs.

See the following example direct URLs export file as viewed in Notepad:

Chapter 6
Using Direct URLs to Integrate Connected Environments

The URLs export file provides the following information separated by a vertical bar or
pipe ( | ) delimiter character:
• Navigation Flow Name
• Status
• Type
• Name of the cluster, card, tab, or sub-tab
• Visible
• Role/Group
• Description
To view the URLs export file in Microsoft Excel:
1. Open Excel, and then click the Data menu.
2. Click New Query, then From File, and then click From CSV.
3. Find and select the CSV file you exported, and then click Import. A new window
displays the data in the CSV file.
4. To make the first row of the CSV file the header row, click Edit, click Use First
Row as Headers, and then click Close and Load.
The resulting Excel file will look like the following example:

Find and copy the unique URL for the card, tab, or sub-tab that you wish to have
integrated into the other connected environment. Only the URL target will open and
users with access to the targeted artifact can perform the same actions as if they're
working within the target business process.

Designing Custom Navigation Flows
Customize the business process interface using navigation flows. Navigation flows
enable designers to control how roles or groups interact with the business process.
Related Topics
• Understanding Navigation Flows
• Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

Understanding Navigation Flows

Navigation flows give business process designers control over how various roles, or
groups, interact with the business process. The Navigation Flow Designer enables you
to customize the business process interface. For example, you can change the names
of the cards and clusters that display on the Home page and the order in which they
are displayed. You can hide cards, create new cards, and group cards into clusters.
You can also customize the vertical and horizontal tabs that display on a card.


Your Goal Watch This Video

Learn how to customize navigation flows.

Designing Navigation Flows in

View the highlights of customizing workflows.

Overview: Customizing Workflow in

EPM Cloud

Related Topics
• What Can Be Customized in the Business Process Interface?
• Navigation Flow Customization Categories
• Navigation Flow Permissions
• Predefined Navigation Flows
• Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

What Can Be Customized in the Business Process Interface?

• Labels for cards or tabs
• Icons that are used for cards or tabs
• Hide and unhide cards and tabs
• Display order of cards and tabs

Chapter 7
Understanding Navigation Flows

• Add new cards

• Add existing cards
• Add new horizontal or vertical tabs
• Remove navigation flows, cards, and tabs
• Group cards into clusters
• Add existing clusters
See Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows.

Navigation Flow Customization Categories

Navigation flows are categorized as follows for customization:
1. Global—Navigation flows are seen by all users
2. Role—Navigation flows are seen only by users in a specific role; for example, User
or Power User
3. Group—Navigation flows are seen only by users belonging to a specific group
Navigation flows can be defined at any of these levels. In cases where navigation
flows exist at multiple levels, updates are applied in the order of highest (global) to
lowest (groups).
For example, if you create a navigation flow that displays an icon on the Home page
named "My Tasks", and then another Service Administrator duplicates the navigation
flow, makes the following changes to the card, and then associates the navigation flow
with a group:
• At the global level, they rename "My Tasks" to "Company Tasks"
• At the group level, for a group named Sales, they rename "My Tasks" to "Sales
Users who belong to the group called Sales will see the label "Sales Tasks" in the
navigation flow instead of "My Tasks," and all other users will see the label "Company

Navigation Flow Permissions

The business process offers three levels of permissions for navigation flows:
• Role-based—Permissions are granted to users or groups assigned to a specific
role; for example, a User will see different cards displayed on the Home page than
a Service Administrator
• Artifact-based—Permissions are granted to users or groups who can see certain
artifacts; for example, a User will see only the forms to which they have been
assigned permission
• Global—Permissions are granted to all users

Predefined Navigation Flows

The business process comes with one predefined navigation flow, called Default. The
Default navigation flow is read only; therefore, you can't make any modifications to it.

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

These are the operations you can and cannot perform on the Default navigation flow:
• Name—You can't modify the name.
• Delete—You can't delete the navigation flow.
• Edit—You can view the navigation flow details, but you can't change anything.
• Activate or Deactivate—You can activate or deactivate the navigation flow.
• Duplicate—You can make a copy of the navigation flow.

Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

Service Administrators can view a list of navigation flows, including the predefined
navigation flow, within the Navigation Flow page.
The Navigation Flow page lists each navigation flow by name, indicates the role or the
group that has access to the navigation flow (if assigned), and provides a description
of the navigation flow (if provided). The listing also indicates whether the navigation
flow is active or not.

There are naming restrictions for navigation flows, cards, clusters, tabs, and
infolets (if your business process uses infolets) in navigation flows. You
cannot use these special characters:
• ampersand ( & )
• less than sign ( < )
• greater than sign ( > )
• quotation mark ( " )
• backslash ( \ )
• plus sign ( + )

To view the navigation flow:

1. Click Tools, and then click Navigation Flows.
2. To work with a navigation flow, perform an action:
• To create and duplicate navigation flows, see Creating and Duplicating
Navigation Flows.
• To edit a navigation flow, see Editing a Navigation Flow.
• To activate or deactivate a navigation flow, see Activating and Deactivating
Navigation Flows.
• To rename cards and tabs, see Customizing Labels for Cards, Tabs, and
• To customize the graphics used for cards and tabs, see Customizing Icons for
Cards and Vertical Tabs.
• To hide and unhide cards and tabs, see Hiding and Unhiding Cards and Tabs.

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

• To change the display order of cards on the Home page, see Changing the
Display Order of Cards on the Home Page.
• To add cards, see Adding Cards.
• To add tabs, see Adding Tabs to a Tabular Page.
• To remove navigation flows, cards, and tabs, see Removing Navigation Flows,
Cards, and Tabs.
• To group cards into clusters, see Grouping Cards into Clusters.

Creating and Duplicating Navigation Flows

To create a navigation flow, you must first select an existing navigation flow and make
a copy of it. Then edit the duplicate navigation flow details and save them.
To create and duplicate a navigation flow:
1. Open the Navigation Flow page. See Viewing and Working with Navigation
2. Select the navigation flow you want to copy, then in the upper right-hand corner of

the page, click , and then select Create Copy.

3. Enter a name for the navigation flow, and then click OK.

Ensure that you adhere to the navigation flow naming restrictions
outlined in Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows.

4. Edit details for the navigation flow. See Editing a Navigation Flow.

New flows are marked Inactive until they are activated by the
Service Administrator. To activate a navigation flow, see Activating and
Deactivating Navigation Flows.

To reload a navigation flow to view design time changes, see Reloading a Navigation

Editing a Navigation Flow

To edit a navigation flow:
1. Open the Navigation Flow page. See Viewing and Working with Navigation
2. Click the name of the navigation flow you want to edit.

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

The predefined navigation flow isn't editable. However, you can create a
copy of a predefined navigation flow and edit the copy. See Predefined
Navigation Flows.

3. Edit details of the navigation flow:

• Name—The name is editable if the navigation flow isn't a predefined
navigation flow.

Ensure that you adhere to the navigation flow naming restrictions
outlined in Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows.

• Assign To—Click to assign the navigation flow to a group of users or to a

• Visible—Indicates whether a card in the navigation flow is visible on the Home
page to the users in the group.
• Order—The cards within the navigation flow are listed in the order in which
they are displayed on the Home page, if visible. Selecting an up or down arrow
option repositions the cards in the listing and changes the display order of the
cards on the Home page. Selecting the right arrow moves a card into a cluster.
• Remove—Removes a card or cluster from the navigation flow.
• Add Card—Adds a new card to the navigation flow. See Adding Cards.
• Add Cluster—Adds a new cluster to the navigation flow. See Grouping Cards
into Clusters.
• Add Existing Card/Cluster—Adds an existing card or cluster to the
navigation flow.
To reload a navigation flow to view design time changes, see Reloading a Navigation

Activating and Deactivating Navigation Flows

You can create multiple navigation flows for each category (global, role, or group),
but only one navigation flow can be active in each category. Whenever you make a
navigation flow active, the other navigation flows in the same category will become

Each business process requires one active global navigation flow. To make
a different global navigation flow active, select another global navigation flow
and activate it.

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

For information about categories, see Navigation Flow Customization Categories.

These are the operations users can and cannot perform on an active navigation flow:
• Name—Users can't modify the name.
• Delete—Users can't delete the navigation flow.
• Edit:
– Users can view the navigation flow definition, but they can't change anything.
– If the business process is in administration mode, then users can save any
• Activate or Deactivate—Users can activate or deactivate a navigation flow.
• Duplicate—Users can make a copy of a navigation flow.
To activate or deactivate a navigation flow:
1. Open the Navigation Flow page. See Viewing and Working with Navigation
2. In the Active column, click Active or Inactive. An active flow will be marked
inactive. Conversely, an inactive flow will be marked active.

Customizing Labels for Cards, Tabs, and Clusters

You can customize the labels for cards (the icons that display on the Home page),
tabs, and clusters. Labels are limited to 25 characters or less. For vertical tabs, there
is no character limitation since the label for vertical tabs displays as hover text.
To customize labels for cards, tabs, and clusters:
1. Open the Navigation Flow page and click the name of the navigation flow you
want to edit. See Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows.
2. If customizing the label for a card or cluster:
a. Click the name of the card or cluster you want to edit.
b. Enter a new name and save it.


• You can edit the label here. However, if the label is defined in
the Artifact Labels page on the Tools cluster, that definition will
take precedence and will display during runtime. To change a
label permanently, redefine it in the Artifact Labels page. See
"Specifying Artifact Labels" in your EPM Cloud Administering
• Ensure that you adhere to the naming restrictions outlined in
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows.

3. If customizing the label for a tab:

a. Click the name of the card you want to edit.

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

b. In the tab listing on the Manage Tab page, click the name of the tab you want
to edit.
c. Enter a new name for the tab and save it.
To reload a navigation flow to view design time changes, see Reloading a Navigation

Customizing Icons for Cards and Vertical Tabs

You can change the icons used for cards and vertical tabs. You must pick from the
available icons provided in the icon library.
To customize the icons for cards and vertical tabs:
1. Open the Navigation Flow page and click the name of the navigation flow you
want to edit. See Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows.
2. If customizing the icon for a card:
a. Click the name of the card you want to edit.
b. Click the icon for the card, select a new icon from the library, and then save it.
3. If customizing the icon for a tab:
a. Click the name of the icon you want to edit.
b. In the tab listing on the Manage Tab page, click the name of the tab you want
to edit.
c. Click the icon for the tab, select a new icon from the library, and then save it.
To reload a navigation flow to view design time changes, see Reloading a Navigation

Hiding and Unhiding Cards and Tabs

You can't hide the following navigation elements:
• The Application cluster and the Settings icon in the Application cluster.
• The Tools cluster and these icons in the Tools cluster:
– Access Control
– Navigation Flows
– Daily Maintenance
– Migration
To hide and unhide cards and tabs:
1. Click the Navigation Flow icon and click the name of the navigation flow you want
to edit. See Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows.
2. If hiding or unhiding a card:
a. Click the name of the card you want to edit.
b. Set Visible to Yes or No.
3. If hiding or unhiding a tab:
a. Click the name of the card you want to edit.

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

b. In the tab listing on the Manage Tab page, click the name of the tab you want
to edit.
c. Set Visible to Yes or No.
To reload a navigation flow to view design time changes, see Reloading a Navigation

Changing the Display Order of Cards on the Home Page

You can change the display order of cards in the Navigation Flow Designer. Cards
display on the Home page in the order they appear within the listing
To change the display order of the cards on the Home page:
1. Open the Navigation Flow page. See Viewing and Working with Navigation
2. In the listing, use the up and down arrows in the Order column to move cards up
or down in the navigation flow order.
To reload a navigation flow to view design time changes, see Reloading a Navigation

Adding Cards
The icons you see on the Home page are called cards. Cards are specific to
each functional area of the business process. Each card navigates users to the
corresponding area, where other information is displayed as one or more tabbed
pages. You can create single page or multiple page (tabular) cards.
You can also group cards into clusters. See Grouping Cards into Clusters.
To add cards to a navigation flow:
1. Open the Navigation Flow page and click the name of the navigation flow you
want to edit. See Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows.

2. To add an existing card to the navigation flow, click , click Add Existing Card/
Cluster, and then select a card. If there is an existing card you want to add from
another environment, click , click Add Existing Card/Cluster, select the target
environment under My Connections, and then choose the card you want to add
to your navigation flow.
Note the following:
• Cards can't be directly selected from Narrative Reporting and Profitability and
Cost Management using the Add Existing Card/Cluster option.
• Cards that are added from another navigation flow or from another
environment will display the localized labels that were defined in the source
navigation flow. To update the card labels in your navigation flow, on the Home
page, click Tools, and then click Artifact Labels. See "Specifying Artifact
Labels" in your EPM Cloud Administering guide.
• A reference card is a card that is already referenced from another navigation
flow. References to already referenced cards are not supported in navigation
flows and will not be available for selection in the Object Library when adding
an existing card; for example:

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

– A card referring to a remote artifact or remote tab will not be available from
the Object Library when adding an existing card.
– A card referring to a tab from another navigation flow will not be available
from the Object Library when adding an existing card.

3. To add a new card to the navigation flow, click , click Add Card, and then
select details for the new card:

Table 7-1 New Card Details

Label Description
Name Enter a label for the card.
Ensure that you adhere to the naming
restrictions outlined in Viewing and Working
with Navigation Flows.
Visible Select whether the card is visible to users on
the Home page.
Cluster If clusters exist, select a cluster for the card
or select None.
Icon Select the graphic that will be displayed for
the card you're creating. Choose from the
available graphics provided in the graphics
Page Type Select Single Page or Tabular Page format.
Content Source If you selected the Single Page format,
select Artifact or URL:

• For Artifact, click to select

an artifact in the Artifact Library; for
example, if the artifact is a form,
then select the specific form from
the artifact listing. Available artifacts
include simple forms, dashboards, and
reports. To select an artifact from
another environment, select the target
environment under My Connections,
and then choose the artifact you want
to add.
Note that composite forms are not
supported in navigation flows. Oracle
recommends that you create a
dashboard instead.
• For URL, enter a complete URL; for
example, a URL to embed an Oracle
Analytics Cloud dashboard in a card,
then click Preview to validate the URL
in a popup window.
Insert only external site URLs starting
with the https:// security protocol.
Don't use internal or relative URLs or
URLs for unconsenting third party sites.

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

Table 7-1 (Cont.) New Card Details

Label Description
Orientation If you selected the Tabular Page format,
select Vertical or Horizontal, and then add
new or existing tabs and sub tabs. See
Adding Tabs to a Tabular Page.

4. Click Save and Close.

To reload a navigation flow to view design time changes, see Reloading a Navigation

Adding Tabs to a Tabular Page

Tabs can be horizontal or vertical. For example, the Valid Intersections card (under
the Application cluster) is a tabular page with two horizontal tabs at the top of the
page: Setup and Reports.
You can also create tabular pages with vertical tabs. Vertical tabs display a graphic
and text appears when the cursor is hovered over the tab. Horizontal tabs display
labels with text only or text with icons.
To add tabs to a tabular page:
1. Open the Navigation Flow page and click the name of the navigation flow you
want to edit. See Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows.
2. Add a new card by clicking Add Card or edit an existing card by clicking the name
of the card you want to edit.
3. On the Manage Card page, for Page Type, select Tabular Page.
A tab listing displays at the bottom of the Manage Card page.
4. To edit an existing tab, click a tab name from the tab listing, and edit tab details.
5. To add a new or existing tab:
a. To add an existing tab, click Add Existing Tab.

A reference tab is a tab that is already referenced from another
navigation flow. References to already referenced tabs are not
supported in navigation flows and will not be available for selection in
the Object Library when adding an existing tab; for example:
• A tab referring to a remote artifact or remote sub-tab will not be
available from the Object Library when adding an existing tab.
• A tab referring to a sub tab from another navigation flow will not
be available from the Object Library when adding an existing tab.

b. To add a new tab, click Add New Tab, and then edit tab details.
c. Select the content for the new tab:

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

• For Artifact, click to select an artifact in the Artifact Library; for

example, if the artifact is a form, then select the specific form from the
artifact listing. Available artifacts include simple forms, dashboards, and
reports. To select an artifact from another environment, select the target
environment under My Connections, and then choose the artifact you
want to add.
• For URL, enter a complete URL; for example, a URL to embed an Oracle
Analytics Cloud dashboard in a tab, then click Preview to validate the
URL in a popup window.
Insert only external site URLs starting with the https:// security
protocol. Don't use internal or relative URLs or URLs for unconsenting
third party sites.
6. To add new or existing sub tabs to a tab:
a. Click the name of a tab in the in the tab listing.
b. For Page Type, select Tabular Page.
c. Click Add New Sub Tab or Add Existing Sub Tab, and then edit sub tab
d. Select the content for the new sub tab:

• For Artifact, click to select an artifact in the Artifact Library; for

example, if the artifact is a form, then select the specific form from the
artifact listing. Available artifacts include simple forms, dashboards, and
reports. To select an artifact from another environment, select the target
environment under My Connections, and then choose the artifact you
want to add.
• For URL, enter a complete URL; for example, a URL to embed an Oracle
Analytics Cloud dashboard in a sub tab. Click Preview to validate the URL
in a popup window.
Insert only external site URLs starting with the https:// security
protocol. Don't use internal or relative URLs or URLs for unconsenting
third party sites.
7. Click Save and Close.
To reload a navigation flow to view design time changes, see Reloading a Navigation

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows


• For cards with multiple tabs or sub tabs, the last tab accessed by a user
will be retained the next time the user accesses the card in the same
session. If the user logs out and then logs back in, the default tab will be
• Tabs or sub tabs that are added from another navigation flow or from
another environment will display the localized labels that were defined in
the source navigation flow. To update the tab labels in your navigation
flow, on the Home page, click Tools, and then click Artifact Labels. See
"Specifying Artifact Labels" in your EPM Cloud Administering guide.

Removing Navigation Flows, Cards, and Tabs

You can't remove the following navigation elements:
• The Application cluster and the Settings icon in the Application cluster.
• The Tools cluster and these icons in the Tools cluster:
– Access Control
– Navigation Flows
– Daily Maintenance
– Migration
To remove navigation flows, cards, and tabs:
1. Open the Navigation Flow page. See Viewing and Working with Navigation
2. If removing a navigation flow:
a. Select the navigation flow you want to remove.

b. In the upper right-hand corner of the page, click , and then select Delete.

You can't delete the predefined navigation flow, called Default.

3. If removing a card:
a. Click the name of the navigation flow you want to edit.

b. In the Remove column for the card you want to remove, click .
4. If removing a tab:
a. Click the name of the navigation flow you want to edit.
b. Click the name of the card you want to edit.

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

c. In the tab listing at the bottom of the Manage Tab page, in the Remove

column for the tab you want to remove, click .

To reload a navigation flow to view design time changes, see Reloading a Navigation

Grouping Cards into Clusters

A cluster is a grouping of cards. You must first create a cluster and then you can
assign cards to it. You can also add existing clusters to navigation flows.
To group cards into clusters:
1. Create a new cluster or add an existing cluster:
a. Open the Navigation Flow page and click the name of the navigation flow in
which you want to add a cluster. See Viewing and Working with Navigation

b. To create a new cluster, click , click Add Cluster, enter or select the cluster
details, and then choose a graphic for the cluster.

Ensure that you adhere to the naming restrictions outlined in Viewing
and Working with Navigation Flows.

c. To add an existing cluster, click , click Add Existing Card/Cluster. If there

is an existing cluster you want to add from another environment, click ,
click Add Existing Card/Cluster, select the target environment under My
Connections, and then choose the cluster you want to add to your navigation


• Clusters can't be directly selected from Narrative Reporting

and Profitability and Cost Management using the Add Existing
Card/Cluster option.
• Clusters that are added from another navigation flow or from
another environment will display the localized labels that were
defined in the source navigation flow. To update the cluster
labels in your navigation flow, on the Home page, click Tools,
and then click Artifact Labels. See "Specifying Artifact Labels"
in your EPM Cloud Administering guide.
• A reference cluster is a cluster that is already referenced
from another navigation flow. References to already referenced
clusters are not supported in navigation flows and will not be
available for selection in the Object Library when adding an
existing cluster.

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

d. Click Save and Close.

The newly added cluster displays in the listing.
2. Select the cards to include in the cluster:

a. To the right of each card that you want to move, in the Order column, click .
b. Select the cluster, and then click OK.
The cards will appear in the listing as children of the cluster. Use the up and down
arrows next to the cards to reorder the cards within the cluster, if needed.
To reload a navigation flow to view design time changes, see Reloading a Navigation

Reloading a Navigation Flow

To display design changes while you're working with a navigation flow, you can reload
the navigation flow.
To reload a navigation flow after making design changes:
1. From the Home page, click the down arrow next to the user name (upper right
corner of the screen).
2. On the Settings and Actions menu, click Reload Navigation Flow.

Switching Navigation Flows at Runtime

If you belong to multiple groups or if a navigation flow is assigned to a role, you might
have access to more than one navigation flow.
To switch navigation flows at runtime:

1. From the Home page, click .

2. Select the navigation flow you want to view.

Chapter 7
Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows

Designing Infolets
Related Topics
• About Infolets
• Anatomy of an Infolet
• Determining Infolet Content
• Using the Infolets Designer
• Creating Infolets
• Working with Infolets
• Customizing the Interface to Access Infolets

About Infolets
Infolets enable users to view and interact with high-level, essential information
generated from different sources so that they can quickly assess where to direct their
attention. Service Administrators create, redesign, delete, and assign permissions to

What is an Infolet?
An infolet is a self-contained, interactive box-shaped container used to display
information using text and charts. Infolets are interactive and use progressive
disclosure to display high-level, aggregated, essential information for quick
consumption at a glance, and then can be acted upon as needed. Infolets can be
flipped and resized to display up to three charts or sets of values.

For more information about infolets, see Anatomy of an Infolet.

Chapter 8
About Infolets

How Can I Use Infolets?

Use infolets to:
• Promote essential, easily consumable information
• Provide answers to your most critical questions:
– What is new or what has changed?
– What is the most important information that supports my work?
• Group key information by user role in a way that helps users quickly assess and
prioritize their work
• Progressively display essential details and actions
Display these additional details in the various infolet views accessed by flipping or
expanding an infolet. However, a single infolet view is acceptable.
• Provide a visually rich means of displaying essential or summary information
Do not use infolets to feature highly complex information, such as reporting functions,
or to present detailed visuals.
See Determining Infolet Content.

What is an Infolet Page?

An infolets page is a page that contains one or more infolets. It houses a container that
manages the space occupied by the infolets and rearranges them depending on the
size of the browser and the size of the infolets. Each infolet you create belongs to an
infolet page. The Infolets card on the Home page provides a list of infolet pages.

Not all features pictured in the preceding image are supported in this update.
Oracle plans to support these features in a later update.

Chapter 8
Anatomy of an Infolet

See Working with Infolets.


Your Goal Watch This Video

Learn how to design infolets.
Learn how infolets give different users and
groups quick, functionally-tailored access to Overview: Creating Custom, Interactive
the key data that they need to prioritize their Views of Key Data in Planning Using Infolets
immediate activities and guide their decision

Anatomy of an Infolet
Infolet Views
An infolet supports up to three views:
1. Front view (required)

2. Back view (optional)

3. Expanded view (optional)

Chapter 8
Anatomy of an Infolet

The front view is required, and:

• Provides a quick look or glimpse at high-level information that has a direct effect
on your work; for example, the front view can display status, counts, totals, or the
most recent updates
• Promotes a glancing action that helps you identify important information that you
may want to explore a bit more
• Uses all infolet sizes except 3x2 (see information about infolet sizes below)
• Returns the expanded view to its original size in the front view or back view
• Includes an Actions menu icon available only on hover and either a (optional) flip
to back icon or an expand icon in the lower-right corner

If only one view is presented, it must be a front view.

The back view is optional, and:

• Presents analytical information (for example, a graph)
• Promotes a scanning action that helps you explore or become more familiar with
the information represented on the front view
• Is sized the same as the front view
• Includes an Actions menu icon available only on hover, a flip to front icon in the
lower-left corner, and an (optional) expand icon in the lower-right corner
The expanded view is optional, and:
• Presents even more detailed information about the single data point or
interdependent data set presented in the front and back views; for example, the
expanded view can display more details about an object or a list of recent items
than what's displayed on either the front or back view

Chapter 8
Anatomy of an Infolet

• Provides enough information to help you decide if you're ready to take action and
move to a focused context on a work area page
• Transitions smoothly from other views. You see a smooth, seamless expansion, as
one infolet pushes others into new positions.
• Must be sized bigger than the front or back views
• Includes an Actions menu icon available only on hover, and a collapse icon in the
lower-right corner
Infolet views honor the access permissions assigned to the underlying forms and
dimensions. Therefore, the same infolet may display varying views from user to user if
they have different access permissions.

Infolet Sizes
Infolets can be sized as follows:

1x1 refers to a box that spans one column and row width (170 pixels).

• 1x1
• 2x1
• 3x1
• 2x2
• 3x2 (expanded view only)
The size of the front and the back views are always the same. Changing the size of
the front view will automatically reset the size of the back view. Because the size of the
expanded view must always be greater than the size of the front/back views, if the size
of the front/back view of an infolet is enlarged, the expanded view automatically resets
to a larger size than the front/back view.

Front and back views cannot use the 3x2 size. This size is applicable for the
expanded view only.

The size, title, and subtitle of a view is set by the designer in the properties panel. See
Using the Infolets Designer.

Navigating Between Infolet Views

An infolet can be created with one of the following view combinations:
1. Front view only
2. Front and back views
3. Front and expanded views

Chapter 8
Determining Infolet Content

4. Front, back, and expanded views

Switching from one view to another is controlled by clicking a flip icon, an expand
icon, or a collapse icon available in the bottom-right or bottom-left corner of the infolet.
Hovering your cursor over the bottom corners reveals a flip, expand, or collapse icon.

Determining Infolet Content

Consider the following general tips when determining infolet content:
• Look to existing dashboards and work area pages.
Dashboards and work area pages are excellent starting points because they
display collections of information summaries.
• Apply the 10/90/90 principle.
Seek out the most essential, easily consumable information that addresses
frequently asked questions garnered from the top 10 percent of use cases. These
use cases can come from across your enterprise—from business intelligence,
social, transactional, external, and so on.
Then focus this information to reveal what 90 percent of your users would benefit
from viewing 90 percent of the time. You can apply this 10/90/90 percent principle
to existing dashboard content, to existing work area page content, or generally, to
percolate eligible information for an infolet.
• Restate your top use cases in the form of frequently asked business questions.
Present the corresponding infolet content in such a way as to answer these
business questions; for example, how many orders are in jeopardy, listed by
• Look for one point or a tightly related, interdependent set of points, instead of
multiple points of information.
The process of determining content for an infolet is similar to the process that
is used to yield dashboard content—but to a deeper level of analysis. Look for
information within a data point or data set that is suitable to be displayed in
no more than three views of information hierarchy and that answers a critical
business question.
• Start with the single most important point.
An infolet displays aggregated information about a single data aspect or point of
information in relation to an event that the user needs to know about or a task that
the user needs to address.
If a dashboard contains multiple aspects about one or more objects (for example,
numeric totals and currency totals), start with the single most important point and
add that as a simple overview (for example, as a total using a stylized numeric
value) to the front view of an infolet. Then determine the content for the back view,
if needed. Finally, determine the content for the expanded view, if needed.
An infolet should have no more than three views. If there is only a single data point
or only one tightly related, interdependent data set to display on an infolet, use
only the front view.

Related Links
Designing Forms for Infolets

Chapter 8
Determining Infolet Content

Designing Charts for Infolets

Designing Forms for Infolets

Use only simple forms with small data sets in infolets. Permissions that are set for
forms are honored in infolets.
You can create forms that are specifically used in infolets:
• Forms used in infolets should have fewer cells than a traditional data entry form;
for example, forms used in infolets should only have up to 12 cells.
• Forms used in infolets should have no more than 12 rows and columns. If a form
has more than 12 rows and columns, the infolet will only display the first 12 rows
and columns.
• Infolets currently don't support Page dimensions or POVs, therefore forms used in
infolets should not contain Page dimensions.
• If a form that is used in infolets contains a grid with members that expand, the
infolet will display all the members in the form, including the expanded members.

Designing Charts for Infolets

Use the title and subtitle in charts to show static context.
There are six types of charts that you can use in infolets:
• Bar—Displays a graphical summary of multiple data values for comparison
purposes. Bar charts can be plotted vertically or horizontally. Up to eight bars
are recommended for bar chart infolets.
• Column—Displays stacked bars that represent different data sets on top of each
other. The height of the resulting bar shows the combined result of the data sets.
• Doughnut—A circular graph which is divided into segments to compare data sets
to one another. The blank center displays the sum of all data sets. Up to six
segment values are recommended for doughnut chart infolets.
• Line—Use to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time.
• Pie—A circular graph which is divided into slices to compare data sets to one
another. Up to six slices are recommended for pie chart infolets.
• Tile—Lets you select specific values from a data set to display. No more than three
values are recommended for tile chart infolets.

Tile charts can only use the 1x1 size. You cannot resize an infolet using
the tile chart until the chart type is changed. If you drag and drop a
tile chart to an infolet that is greater than 1x1, you will be prompted to
change either the size of the infolet or the chart type.

Chapter 8
Using the Infolets Designer

Using the Infolets Designer

Service Administrators use the Infolets Designer to create infolets and infolet pages.
The Infolets Designer enables easy toggling between runtime and designer views. To
access the Infolets Designer, launch the Infolets icon on the Home page and click
Create, or click the Actions icon next to an infolets page in the listing, and then click
Edit. Clicking the infolet name in the listing, launches the runtime version of the infolet

page. You can toggle from runtime view to designer view by clicking .

Infolets Designer

Infolets Toolbar
On the upper right is the Infolets Toolbar.

—Adds a new infolet to the Infolets Designer

—Hides and unhides the Properties panel

—Click to perform these actions:

• Reset—Resets the Infolets Designer to a previously saved state
• Refresh—Refreshes the data from Essbase and updates the infolet definition from
the database
• Runtime—Hides all Infolets Designer elements and displays the infolet as it would
appear to users during runtime

Chapter 8
Using the Infolets Designer

—From runtime mode, displays the Infolets Designer

Infolets Designer Palette

On the left is the Designer Palette. The Designer Palette has two tabs: Forms and
Chart Types. Highlight objects in the Designer Palette and then drag and drop them
onto the drop zone.

Designer Palette objects:

• Forms—Select simple forms to include in the infolet by scrolling through the forms
or by searching for them by name. For details about forms, see Designing Forms
for Infolets.

The access permissions set for forms are honored in infolets.

• Chart Types—Select the chart types to include in the infolet. Infolets display
sample data in the charts until you associate the chart with a form as its data
source. When you link a chart to a form, users can see the impact of changing

Chapter 8
Creating Infolets

data in the form on the associated charts. To associate a chart with a form,
highlight a chart and drag and drop it onto the drop zone, in the Properties panel,
click Sample, and then click Forms to select the data source. For details about
charts, see Designing Charts for Infolets.

Infolet Menu
The infolet menu contains the infolet delete and clear actions. To view the infolet
menu, hover over the upper right corner of the infolet, and then click the down arrow to
display the menu options:
• Delete—Removes the infolet from the page
• Clear—Clears infolet details

Properties Panel
The properties panel on the right side of the Infolets Designer enables you view and
work with these infolet properties:

The header you specify is the same for all views of an infolet, but you can
specify a different subtitle for each view; for example, the front, back, and
expanded views of an infolet can each have different subtitles, but they must
have the same header.

• Header
• Subtitle
• Size—Displays the infolet in the selected size
• Chart Type—Displays the infolet data as the selected chart type
• Data—Displays the associated data source (Sample or Form)
• Form—Displays the selected infolet form
Actions such as delete and clear are on the infolet menu.
By default, the front view of an infolet is displayed in the properties panel. You can
see the other views by selecting them from the drop-down. If you flip or expand an
infolet to view the back or expanded views, the properties for those views display in
the properties panel. In addition, the properties for the corresponding chart type are
also displayed in the properties panel.

Creating Infolets
To create infolets:
1. From the Home page, click Infolets, and then click Create.
2. Click Infolets Page Name, and enter a title for the new infolets page you are

Chapter 8
Working with Infolets

3. From the designer palette on the left, choose either the Forms tab or the Charts
Type tab, highlight an object, and then drag and drop it onto the infolets drop
4. Customize the infolet using selections made in the properties panel, and then click
You can easily duplicate and modify an infolet using the Copy As action on the Infolet
list page. From the list page, click the Actions icon next to the infolet you want to copy,
and then click Copy As.

Working with Infolets

Once you've created an infolets page, it is displayed in the infolets listing on the
Infolets card.
The listing page for infolets supports folders. Folders enable you to assign permissions
to all infolets within a folder rather than assigning permissions to each individual
infolet. The infolets listing page uses the same folder hierarchy as dashboards and
data entry forms and all artifacts and folders reside under a root folder called Library.
To view and work with infolets:
1. From the Home page, click Infolets.
2. To work with infolets, perform an action:
• On the listing page for infolets, you can toggle between viewing infolets by a

flat view or a tree view:

Then you can search for infolets using Search . The flat view displays
only the artifacts that meet the search criteria, not the folders that contain
them. The tree (or hierarchical) view displays artifacts in the context of the
folders that contain them.
To search on another keyword, clear the search criteria by clicking X in the
Search box.
• To refresh the infolets listing, click Refresh.
• To create infolets, click Create. See Creating Infolets.
• To perform the following actions on infolet pages, click the Actions icon next
to the infolet page, and then select:
– Create Folder—Creates a folder in the listing
– Edit—Opens the infolet page in the Infolets Designer
– Rename—Renames the infolet page
– Copy As—Duplicates an infolet page
– Delete—Deletes the infolet page from the listing
– Move To—Moves an infolet page to another folder
– Default or Unmark—Default marks an infolet page as default and makes
it accessible directly from the Home page by clicking the second infolet dot
that is displayed beneath the global header on the Home page. Unmark
removes the default designation from the infolet page.

Chapter 8
Customizing the Interface to Access Infolets

You can mark either an infolet page or a dashboard as default.
If a dashboard is marked as default first and then you mark an
infolet page as default, the default dashboard will be overwritten.
Conversely, if an infolet is marked default first, then any
dashboard marked default later will overwrite the default infolet.

– Assign Permission—Enables you to assign Read, Write, and None

access permissions to infolet pages and folders for individual users or

Customizing the Interface to Access Infolets

You can customize the business process interface to add links to infolet pages
from the Home page using the Navigation Flow Designer. When you customize
your interface to access infolet pages, dots will appear on the Home page beneath
the global header and arrows will display to help you navigate easily between the
Home Page and infolet dashboard pages. Each dot that appears on the Home page
represents an infolet page and hovering over each dot displays the name of the infolet
page. Clicking an infolet dot launches the infolet page associated with that dot. You
can define up to seven infolet dots on the Home page. If you've created connections to
other EPM Cloud environments, you can also add links to infolet pages in other EPM
Cloud environments.

Users will only see dots displayed on the Home page for infolet pages to which they
have access. The types of infolet dots displayed are as follows:
• Home dot—This dot always appears first and it links to the Home page. There can
only be one home dot. If you are not viewing the Home page, clicking the home
dot will bring you back to the Home page.
• User dot—Links to an infolet page marked by an end user as the default infolet
page. There can only be one user dot and it always appears after the Home
dot on the user's Home page. User dots cannot be added using the Navigation

Chapter 8
Customizing the Interface to Access Infolets

Flow Designer. For more information about marking an infolet as the default, see
Working with Infolets.
• Customizable dot—Links to infolet pages created by Service Administrators.
Customizable dots can be integrated into navigation flows and their visibility and
the order in which they appear is determined by the navigation flow designer.
There can be up to seven customizable dots and they always appear after the
home and user dots.
To add infolet dots to your business process interface using the Navigation Flow
1. From the Home page, click Tools, and then click Navigation Flows.
2. Select an inactive navigation flow in the listing, and then click the Infolets tab on
the Navigation Flow Designer.

3. Click .

4. In Manage Infolet, name the infolet dot, set visibility, and then click to select
an infolet in the Artifact Library.

You can select an infolet from another EPM Cloud environment if
you've created connections to other environments. First select the
environment under My Connections, and then navigate to the infolet
in that environment.

5. Click Save and Close.

Infolets can also be associated with a tab or a card in a navigation flow.
While adding or updating a tab or a card, select an infolet in the Artifact

To view design time changes to the navigation flow, activate the navigation flow, and
then from the Home page, click the down arrow next to the user name (upper right
corner of the screen) and click Reload Navigation Flow.
To learn more about designing navigation flows, see "Designing Custom Navigation
Flows" in your EPM Cloud Administering guide.
To learn more about connecting EPM Cloud environments, see "Connecting
Environments in EPM Cloud" in your EPM Cloud Administering guide.

Designing Financial Dashboards
Related Topics
• Designing Dashboards
• About Your Dashboard's Layout
• About the Gauge Chart Type
• About the Tile Chart Type
• Customizing Dashboard Colors
• Setting Line Width in Line and Combination Charts
• About Global and Local POVs
• Dashboard POVs and Valid Intersections

Designing Dashboards
Financial dashboards typically provide an overview by showing summary data. The
versatility of dashboards enables you to chart, evaluate, highlight, comment on, and
even change key business data. For example, you can change a driver such as
Volume in a form that is in a dashboard and immediately see its impact in other forms
and charts:
You can create a dashboard by selecting existing data forms and external artifacts
such as comments or an external URL. You can specify a chart type to display the
data, for example, a Pie chart, bar chart, or other chart type.

For details on Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager Overview
and Compliance dashboards, see "Monitoring Dashboards" in Working with
Financial Consolidation and Close .

To create a Financial dashboard:

1. On the Home page, from Dashboards, click Financial.
2. Click Create.
3. Enter a dashboard name.
• To change the default dashboard name, click its name, and enter a new name
in the input box.
• To give the dashboard a title with custom formatting, click Settings, clear Use
name as title, and then enter the title and set formatting the dialog box.

Chapter 9
About Your Dashboard's Layout

• When a new dashboard is created, the borders are hidden by default. To show
borders, in Settings, change the Borders setting to Show.
4. From the design palette on the left, drag and drop objects onto the dashboard
Select from these objects:

Table 9-1 Dashboard Objects

Object Description
Forms Select simple forms to include in the dashboard by navigating
the forms folders or by searching for them by name.
The access permissions set for forms are honored in
Chart Types Select the chart types to include in the dashboard. When first
added, a selected chart has sample data. You then associate it
with a form as its data source. When you link a chart to a form,
users can immediately see the impact of changing data in the
form on the associated charts.
The Combination chart type alternates displaying row data with
vertical bars and lines in the chart. For example, the data in
row 1 of a form is displayed as a bar and the data in row 2 as
a line, with alternating chart types for even and odd-numbered
rows. Although the Combination chart type can display up to 20
rows of data, it’s particularly useful when you want to compare
two categories of data. For example, you want to compare
Germany and France’s average exchange rates over several
years, so the form has Germany rates in row 1 of the form, and
France’s rates are in row 2.
For information on the Gauge chart type, see About the Gauge
Chart Type.
Tile Sometimes called performance tiles, a tile is a chart type that
lets you select specific values from the cube to display. See
About the Tile Chart Type.
Commentary Select External Artifacts, and then Commentary. Enter text
that explains the data or charts.
URL Dynamic web page summary. Select External Artifacts, and
then URL. Insert only external site URLs starting with the
https:// security protocol. Don't use internal or relative
URLs or URLs for unconsenting third party sites such as

5. Customize the dashboard using the dashboards settings and the objects’ hover
toolbar, and then click Save.
See About Your Dashboard's Layout.
You can easily duplicate and modify a dashboard using Copy As on the Dashboard
list page. Select the dashboard, and then click Actions.

About Your Dashboard's Layout

About setting up a dashboard layout:
• The first object you drag occupies the whole canvas.

Chapter 9
About the Gauge Chart Type

• Then drag objects to the left, the right, the top, or the bottom of the existing object.
• The dashboard canvas provides two types of drop zones: One to place two objects
next to each other, each occupying half the space, and the other to place three
objects, each occupying a third of the space.
• You can design a dashboard with objects to display vertically, horizontally, and
each can have its own size.
• To resize an object that uses Flexible layout, drag the object’s border.
• To resize an object that uses Fixed layout, set its width or height percentage in
• The form layout can be asymmetric.
• In runtime mode, if a user doesn't have access to a form or if the form is missing,
then an adjacent object takes its space. In designer mode, all empty objects are
displayed so that the designer can choose to remove them.

About the Gauge Chart Type

Gauge chart types are handy for showing whether data values fall within an
acceptable range or not. You set the maximum value, the range maximums, and the
gauge displays ranges as red, yellow, and green to help you quickly assess a current
value. So, gauge chart types help you identify problems in important data points or
measures. For example, you could use a gauge to display the current sales, where the
thresholds are set to represent the sales targets.
If the form has multiple values, you can display multiple gauges, up to a maximum of
36 (the values in the first 6 rows and the first 6 columns in the form). The remaining
values in the form are ignored. If you want the gauge chart to display only one value,
then associate it with a form that has only one cell value.
You can select either a dial gauge or a status meter gauge. You can display a status
meter gauge using either horizontal or vertical bars.
Dashboard designers can set:
• Maximum Value: The highest value on the gauge. The dashboard designer sets
the Maximum Value as a default, and then planners can temporarily change
it at runtime. If the dashboard designer doesn't specify a maximum value, the
application automatically sets the maximum value as greater than the value on the
• Thresholds:
– Low, Medium, and High thresholds: To visually indicate whether a measure
lies in the acceptable range or not, these thresholds enable you to display the
gauge in red, yellow and green based on the specified values.
– Thresholds where low values are desirable.
– Appropriate labels for the thresholds that are displayed when hovering over
the thresholds in the gauge.

Chapter 9
About the Gauge Chart Type

For example, here's a form's data:

Here's the resulting dial gauge:

Chapter 9
About the Tile Chart Type

Here's the resulting status meter gauge with vertical bars:

If a cell in the form is missing a value, no gauge is displayed for that cell.
Also, you must specify at least 2 consecutive thresholds. The application
needs the middle threshold value to calculate the chart.

About the Tile Chart Type

A tile is a chart type that lets you select specific values from the cube to display. In
addition to using a form as a data source, you can directly enter a cell intersection that
provides the value for a tile. You can have up to 6 tiles across, and 4 rows down in a
dashboard, and give them a title. Until you associate a tile with data, it displays sample
With a form as the data source for a tile:
• You can have up to six tiles per object.
• The values in the first column (up to the sixth row) are used to create the tiles.

Sometimes in a form, the first column may be collapsed (hidden) when
viewed as a grid. But the collapsed column is still considered when the
tile gets its values from the form.

• The tile’s title is the row’s title, and it gets its values from the first column, then by
• You can set the tile’s title, the tile’s height percentage, legend, and can select
which axes from the form to include. For example, if you select a form with three
rows, the tile displays three values.
With a cell intersection as the data source for a tile, you can have only one tile per

Chapter 9
About the Tile Chart Type

To select a tile chart type, expand the list of chart types by clicking the link at
the bottom of the list.

Here are options you can set for a tile chart type. Note that you can set whether the
displayed value is horizontally aligned in the tile to the left, the center, or the right.

Scaling Large Numbers

Especially useful for large numbers, you can scale how a currency value is displayed.
For example, if the tile value is 1,689,000 and you select K as the scaling option, the
tile displays the value as 1689K. Your scaling options:
• None—No scaling is applied.
• Auto—The value is displayed based on its range. For example, 1,500 displays
as 1.5K, 1,689,000 displays as 1.69M, 42,314,531,21l displays as 42.31B, and
1,234,567,891,234 displays as 1.23T.
• K—The value is displayed as thousands units. For example, 1689000 displays as
• M—The value is displayed as millions units. For example, 12,3456,789 displays as
• B—The value is displayed as billions units. For example, 12,345,678,912 displays
as 12B.
• T—The value is displayed as trillions units. For example, 1,234,567,891,234,567
displays as 1,234T.

Chapter 9
Customizing Dashboard Colors

Customizing Dashboard Colors

Maybe your company uses a standard set of colors in charts to denote different types
of data. For example, dark blue might represent actual data versus light blue for
budget data. When you customize dashboard colors, you select colors in the order of
rows on the form. Series 1 represents the first row of data, and so on. You can assign
each row in the form a color that represents its data in the chart.
You can customize dashboard colors in Bar, Line, Area, Bubble, Column, Combination,
Doughnut, Pie, Radar, and Scatter chart types.

1. With the chart on the dashboard's design palette, click Settings .

2. Click Colors.

3. Clear the Default check box, and then click the down arrow for the Series you
want to change.
Check the chart in the background to see the data type that each series
4. Click the colors you want for the selected Series, and then click Close.

To select more shades of colors than the ones initially displayed, click
Custom Color....

Your selections apply only to the current chart. Follow these steps to change the colors
of other charts in the dashboard.

Setting Line Width in Line and Combination Charts

You can set how thin or thick that lines display for Line and Combination chart types in
a dashboard.
1. With a Line or Combination chart on the dashboard's design palette, click Settings

2. Click the Line Weight counter to set the line width.
You can see the effect of your setting on the chart in the background.

Chapter 9
About Global and Local POVs

The default width of lines in a Line and Combination chart type is 5
pixels. You can select from 1 to 12 pixels.

About Global and Local POVs

A local POV on a form reflects the dimension members the form designer selected for
that form. Dashboards and composite forms also support global POV bars, so that the
local POVs that are common are combined in the global POV bar to avoid repeating
them in each object. Here's a dashboard that shows a global POV bar (showing Entity,
Product, and Year) and a local POV (the Plan drop-down list showing Q2):

Chapter 9
About Global and Local POVs

With a global POV bar, if you change a page in the global POV bar and then click
GO, the page changes for all objects that are based on forms. The global POV bar
displays at the top of the dashboard above all the objects, while the local POV bar
displays within the object. User variables are supported in both global and local POVs
in dashboards.
In dashboard Settings, you can set whether to show or hide POVs and whether to
enable or disable global POV bars. (If you select Hide for POV Bars, and Enable for
Global POV Bar, the Hide option overrides the Enable option.) The global POV bar is
enabled by default; if you disable it, the complete POV is displayed for each local POV
as applicable.
About global POV bars:
• The POV Bar is made up of local POV dimensions, Page dimensions and user
• Depending on the local POV and page of each form on the dashboard, the global
POV bar is automatically calculated.
• They are reflected in the other objects using forms in that dashboard. That is, they
apply to forms in a dashboard, to charts that are linked to forms, and to tiles that
use forms as a data source. So if the dashboard doesn’t include a form as a data
source, then neither the local nor global POV bar is available.
Here's an example of how the global POV bar is calculated, based on the local POV
dimensions for two forms:
The global POV bar is disabled:
• Form A local POV: Year, Entity, Product
• Form B local POV: Year, Entity, Project
The global POV bar is enabled:
• Global POV bar: Year, Entity
• Form A local POV: Product
• Form B local POV: Project
Because not all dimensions and page selections may be common to all forms on a
dashboard, the complete POV for a dashboard object may get split between the local
and global POV bar. The global POV bar and the local POV together contain the
complete intersection information for each form on a dashboard.
If there is only one object on the dashboard that uses a form as a data source, then
the entire POV/page of the form can be moved to the global POV bar.
If there is more than one object on a dashboard that use forms as a data source, then
this is how the application determines which dimensions go in the global POV bar or
stay in the local POV:
• If the dimension is in the POV or page of all the forms, and the member selection
is the same in all the forms, the dimension goes in the global POV bar.
• If the dimension is in the POV on one form and in the page of another form, then
the dimension stays in the local POV.
• If the dimension is in the POV, then the same members must be selected in all the
forms for the dimension.

Chapter 9
Dashboard POVs and Valid Intersections

• If the dimension is a page dimension, then the selected page members must be
the same and display in the same order in all the forms.
The POVs in dashboards honor valid intersections by hiding invalid Page members.
See Dashboard POVs and Valid Intersections.

Dashboard POVs and Valid Intersections

The POVs in dashboards honor the valid intersections by hiding invalid Page
members. Just like in forms, the Page drop-down list is filtered for all selected
members in the POV and Page dimensions. Because dashboards support both global
and local POVs, the context for filtering the Page drop-down list depends on which
POV the members are located. If the Page drop-down list is on a global POV, the
filtering context is only the global POV dimensions. If the Page drop-down list is on the
local POV, the filtering context is all the global dimensions plus the dimensions on a
chart’s local POV.
See also About Global and Local POVs.

Working with Dimensions
Related Topics
• Dimensions Overview
• Viewing and Editing Dimensions
• Working with Dimension Hierarchies
• Adding Custom Dimensions
• Defining Accounts
• Defining Entity Members
• Creating Alternate Hierarchies
• Financial Consolidation and Close Data Model Overview
• Working with Members
• Setting Up Currencies
• Setting Up Scenarios
• Customizing Application Years
• Working with Attributes
• Working with Attribute Values
• Working with User-Defined Attributes (UDAs)
• Working with Member Formulas
• Working with Alias Tables

Dimensions Overview
Financial Consolidation and Close provides a set of consolidation and close features
that includes out-of-the-box translations, consolidation, eliminations and adjustments.
Depending on the functionality required for the application, the system enables only
the dimensions that are needed for the features.
By default, when you create an application, the system creates dimensions in this
• Account
• Period
• Data Source
• Consolidation
• Currency (Only if Multi-currency is selected)
• Entity
• Intercompany (Only if Intercompany is selected during application creation)

Chapter 10
Dimensions Overview

• Movement
• Scenario
• Year
• View
• Multi-GAAP (Only if Multi-GAAP is selected during application creation)
The order of the dimensions has an impact on the performance of the consolidation.
Any change to the dimension order should first be carefully evaluated.
In addition to these dimensions, you can create custom dimensions. Add Custom
dimensions after the Intercompany dimension and before the Movement dimension.
You cannot make changes to the default properties of dimensions. The default
properties are used in seeded calculations. Each dimension is seeded with a set of
members. See Seeded Dimension Members.
The following sections describe the system-defined dimensions.
Watch the following video for information on dimensions:


The Account dimension represents a hierarchy of natural accounts. Accounts store
financial data for entities and scenarios in an application. Each account has a type,
such as Revenue or Expense, that defines its accounting behavior. Every application
must include an Account dimension.
You define properties for Account dimension members, such as the Account type, the
number of decimal places to display, and whether the account is an Intercompany
Partner account. See Defining Accounts.

The Period dimension represents time periods, such as quarters and months. It
contains time periods and frequencies by displaying the time periods in a hierarchy.
For example, if the Actual scenario maintains data on a monthly basis, 12 periods of
data are available for the year.
The system provides these options for the Period dimension:
• 12-months. If you select 12-months, you must then specify the first period of the
Fiscal Year. The default value is 12 months, with January as the beginning of the
Fiscal Year. If you use 12 months, all periods default to the calendar months with
period labels of January, February, March, and so on.
• 13-period. If you select 13-periods, all periods default to period labels P1, P2, P3,
and so on.
The system also creates Quarterly periods for both 12-month and 13-period options.
You can create Half-Yearly periods during application creation.
Depending on the fiscal year information, the system builds the Period hierarchy for
the application.

Chapter 10
Dimensions Overview

To specify periods for an application, see Creating an Application.

Data Source
The Data Source dimension is used to track the source of data, to determine whether
data is manually entered or loaded from a General Ledger, journal posting, or from
supplemental detail.
The system stores the different types of input in the Data Source dimension. It includes
journals input to provide a better audit trail when entity data is consolidated in the
consolidation path. You can view the separate data input journals input in both the
Proportion and Elimination members of the Consolidation dimension.
Watch this video to learn more about the Data Source dimension.

Viewing and Entering Data Using the Data Source Dimension

Data Source Members

By default, the system creates these Data Source members:
• FCCS_Total Data Source
• FCCS_NoDataSource
• FCCS_TotalInputAndAdjusted—A dynamic calculation member that is the parent
of various data source inputs (Data Input, Supplemental Data, Other Load, Journal
Input). If you want to track other sources of data, you can manually create
additional members under this Parent member.
• FCCS_Data Input—Stores all manual data entry or ASCII data load values
• FCCS_Total Eliminations
• FCCS_Intercompany Eliminations (Child member of FCCS_Total Eliminations.
Optional - Only if tracking intercompany eliminations is selected during application
creation). Stores the intercompany elimination to track elimination by entity.
You can add siblings of FCCS_Intercompany Eliminations (descendants of
FCCS_Total Eliminations) to create more detailed tracking of consolidation
adjustment and elimination entries. When you view the data in the Contribution
member, you can view the data from Data Input separately from the Intercompany
Eliminations Data Source member, even though the Total Data Source could be
• FCCS_Supplemental Data (Optional - Only if selected during application creation).
Stores all Supplemental detail data entered and posted through Supplemental
Data Manager
• FCCS_Journal Input (Optional - Only if selected during application creation). Used
for data generated from posting of journal adjustments
• FCCS_PCON—Used for storing the Percent Consolidation
The optional members are created based on the options that you specify during
application configuration. To specify input members during application creation, see
Creating an Application.
You can create additional Data Source members as needed to use for input currency
journals and data entry, and determine the data type and type of currency for the new

Chapter 10
Dimensions Overview

members. You can create Data Source members for journal entry, supplemental data
and data entry, and select Entity Currency or Input Currency for the new members.

The Currency dimension must be created prior to new members being added
to the Data Source dimension. See Setting Up Currencies.

You cannot remove any of the system-created members, or change the attrbutes for
seeded members under FCCS_TotalInputandAdjusted.

Data Source Member Attributes

When you add new members to the Data Source dimension, two attributes are
available for each level 0 member under the FCCS_TotalInputandAdjusted member.
The attributes are "Source Data Type" and "Source Currency Type."

When you create a new member under FCCS_TotalInputandAdjusted, you
must assign these attributes to the member.

The "Source Data Type" has three valid selections:

• Data Entry
• Journal
• Supplemental Data
The "Source Currency Type" is only applicable for multi-currency applications. This
attribute has two valid selections:
• Entity Currency
• Any Input Currency (Each new member is restricted to a single input currency)
The seeded Data Source dimension members have the following attributes assigned,
and cannot be modified.

Table 10-1 Data Source Seeded Dimension Member Attributes

Member Source Data Type Source Currency Type

FCCS_Data Input Data Entry Entity Currency
FCCS_Managed Data Data Entry Entity Currency
FCCS_Other Data Data Entry Entity Currency
FCCS_Supplemental Data Supplemental Data Entity Currency
FCCS_Journal Input Journal Entity Currency

If there is no data or journal associated with the new member, then the attribute
selections can be modified. However, if data has been entered anywhere to a member,
or a journal has been created using a member, the attribute selections are read only.

Chapter 10
Dimensions Overview

If data is cleared from the application for that member or journals are deleted, then the
attributes can be modified.

Adding Data Source Parent Members

You can create additional parent members under FCCS_TotalInputandAdjusted as
needed. You can add multi-level parent members, and there is no restriction on either
the Source Data Type or Source Currency Type within a parent. Parent members will
not have a Source Data Type or Source Currency Type assigned. They have a storage
type of Dynamic Calc.

Adding Data Source Member Hierarchies

You can add Data Source member hierarchies as siblings to Total Data Source.
Note these guidelines for adding hierarchies:
• In new hierarchies, parent-level members can only be of the type "Label" or
"Dynamic Calc".
• Base/Leaf-level members can be either "Dynamic Calc" or "Never Share".
• You can only enter data to leaf-level "Never Share" members.
• Leaf-level "Never Share" members that are outside of the Total Data Source
hierarchy are not considered for aggregation to Total Data Source or Total Input
and Adjusted. They are also not considered for Intercompany Elimination.
• Only Translation and Movement calculations are performed on the leaf-level
"Never Share" members that are outside of the Total Data Source hierarchy.
• Dynamic-calc leaf-level members are not considered in the consolidation or
reporting translation process.

The Consolidation dimension enables you to report on the details used to perform
the different stages of the consolidation process. It provides an audit trail of
the transactions applied to data during the consolidation process. It shows the
consolidation path for an entity reporting to its parent, from Entity Input to Contribution.
When you create an application, the system creates the Consolidation dimension with
the following hierarchy:
• Entity Input—This member represents input data and non-consolidation -related
business logic (for example, member formulas).
• Entity Consolidation—This is only available for a Parent entity. The amount in
this member represents the total of the Contribution from each of its child entities.
This is a system-calculated amount as a result of the consolidation process.
• Entity Elimination Adjustment— This is only available for a Parent entity. Entity
Elimination Adjustment entries are generated by the system if the aggregated
Entity Consolidation data requires adjustment. This could occur if the cumulative
consolidation % of a source level 0 entity increases due to the merging of shared
instances of the entity. Equity consolidations could then be required to change to
Proportional or Subsidiary at an intermediate parent entity.
• Translated Currency Input (optional) —This provides for data entry in an Input

Chapter 10
Dimensions Overview

• Entity Total—The summation of data of an entity, including both input and

adjustment data stored in the Entity Input and Translated Currency Input
members, any Entity Elimination Adjustment calculated data and the total
contribution stored in the Entity Consolidation member (only for a parent entity).
• Parent Input (optional) —This provides for data entry in parent currency,
and specific to an entity / parent combination. This data is included in
• Parent Total (if Parent Input is enabled) —The summation of Entity Total and
Parent Input.
• Proportion—The proportionalized values of the Entity Total (or Parent Total)
member of a single entity, for a specific parent entity during a consolidation
of a consolidation hierarchy. There is one Entity Proportion member in the
Consolidation dimension for every Parent/Child entity relationship.
• Elimination—Consolidation adjustment and elimination data for a specific Parent/
Child entity is generated and stored in this member.
• Contribution—The consolidated result of a single entity for a specific Parent
Entity. This includes the aggregation of the Proportion data and Elimination data
for the Parent/Child entity.
• Contribution Input (optional) —This provides for data entry in parent currency,
and specific to an entity / parent combination. This data is entered post-
• Contribution Total (if Contribution Input is enabled) —The summation of
Contribution and Contribution Input.
Note: * The Entity Consolidation and Entity Elimination Adjustment members are
system calculated members and are only applicable to Parent entities.
The Consolidation dimension enables you to report on the details used to perform the
different stages of the consolidation process. It stores intermediate results during the
consolidation process to record how the system adjusted the consolidated members.
It provides an audit trail of the transactions applied to data during the consolidation
The Consolidation dimension enables you to report on the details used to perform the
different stages of the consolidation process. It stores intermediate results during the
consolidation process to record how the system adjusted the consolidated members.
It provides an audit trail of the transactions applied to data during the consolidation

You cannot add members to this dimension except through the Enabling
Features option. After you add members, they cannot be removed.
The list of Consolidation dimension members is also dependent on
whether Advanced Consolidations are to be used by enabling Ownership
Management. If Advanced Consolidation is enabled, then an additional
child of Entity Total is created named Entity Elimination Adjustment. See
Managing Ownership.

Chapter 10
Dimensions Overview

Currencies store translated values for entities. Every application must include a
Currency. The Currency dimension must include a currency for each default currency
assigned to an entity in the Entity dimension.
When you create an application, the system creates the Currency dimension.
However, it is only displayed if the application is a Multi-currency application. See
Creating an Application.
You can create members in the Currency dimension for each currency needed in your
application. For each application, you specify a currency to use as the Application
See Setting Up Currencies.

The Entity dimension stores the entity hierarchy and represents the organizational
structure of the company, such as the management and legal reporting structures.
Entities can represent divisions, subsidiaries, plants, regions, countries, legal entities,
business units, departments, or any organizational unit. You can define any number of
The Entity dimension is the consolidation dimension of the system. Hierarchies in the
Entity dimension reflect various consolidated views of the data. Various hierarchies
can correspond to geographic consolidation, legal consolidation, or consolidation
by activity. All relationships among individual member components that exist in an
organization are stored and maintained in this dimension. Entities in an organization
can be categorized as base, dependent, or parent entities. Base entities are at the
bottom of the organization structure and do not own other entities. Dependent entities
are owned by other entities in the organization. Parent entities contain one or more
dependents that report directly to them.
You define properties for Entity dimension members, such as the default currency,
and specify whether the entity allows adjustments and stores intercompany detail. See
Defining Entity Members.

The Intercompany dimension represents all intercompany balances that exist for
an account. It is used to store the Entity members for Intercompany transactions.
If you enable this option when you create an application, the system creates an
Intercompany dimension containing system members.

If you do not enable Intercompany Data when you configure features for the
application, the system does not create the Intercompany dimension. See
Creating an Application.

Chapter 10
Dimensions Overview

Entity dimension members have a member property called Intercompany that specifies
if the member should be included for intercompany transactions. If you select Yes
for this property, a member with the same name is created in the Intercompany
When you create intercompany transactions, each group must have at least one
intercompany account and one plug account. A plug account is an account that, when
eliminations are completed, stores the difference between two intercompany accounts.
To set up an application for intercompany transactions, you must perform these
• When defining accounts, specify the accounts that perform intercompany
transactions and specify a plug account for each intercompany account
• When defining entities, specify the entities that perform intercompany transactions
By default, the system creates these Intercompany members:
• No Intercompany - This member is used in member intersections to store
information such as currency rates. It cannot be renamed or edited.
• Intercompany Entities - This member is the parent member under which all ICP
entities are created.
• Total Intercompany - This member is the top-most member in the hierarchy.
When an entity is enabled for Intercompany, the system automatically adds a new
member in the Intercompany dimension. You cannot manually add new members.
You cannot modify or delete Intercompany members.

The Movement dimension captures the movement details of an account. By default,
the system provides members in the Movement dimension to capture the Opening
Balance, Closing Balance, changes, and FX calculations.
See Seeded Dimension Members.
It is also used for Cash Flow Reporting. System members named
"FCCS_Mvmts_Operating", "FCCS_Mvmts_Investing", and "FCCS_Mvmts_Financing"
are created as parent accounts to enable you to create additional movement details as
needed for Cash Flow reporting.
The Movement dimension enables you to perform these tasks:
• View details of the cash flow movements when viewing the Balance Sheet
• Automatically generate the Cash Flow due to the segregation of movements
based on cash flow categories
When you create an application, the Movement dimension is created by default with
seeded members, and adds system members based on the optional features that
you enable. During application creation, the system creates cash flow members and
hierarchies for Cash Flow Reporting in the Movement and Account dimensions.
You can create your own Movement members, but only within the
FCCS_Mvmts_Subtotal parent, not within the FCCS_Mvmts_FX_Total parent.
Watch this video to learn more about setting up the Movement dimension.

Chapter 10
Dimensions Overview

Setting Up the Movement Dimension

Adding Movement Dimension Members

If you add Movement members, make sure that every new Movement member
(Mvmts_) is added to both the FCCS_ClosingBalance and the FCCS_CashFlow
• Parents added to the FCCS_ClosingBalance hierarchy must have the Data
Storage property Never Share.
• Parents added to the FCCS_CashFlow hierarchy must have the Data Storage
property Dynamic Calc.
• Under the FCCS_ClosingBalance hierarchy, the new Movement member should
have a Consolidation Operator of Addition.
• Under the FCCS_CashFlow hierarchy, the new Movement member should have a
Consolidation Operator of Subtraction.

As a best practice, it is not recommended that you create member formulas
for Movement dimension members, as they will have a significant impact on
consolidation performance.

Cash Flow - Movements Sign Reversal Logic

Indirect Cash Flow presents cash flow in terms of the movements of non-cash
accounts (that is, the sources and uses of cash). When you record a movement on
a non-cash account, any increase in assets or expenses (DR "normal sign" accounts)
causes a matching decrease in cash. Equally, any increase in liabilities, equity or
revenue (CR "normal sign" accounts) causes an increase in cash.
When you present the change in cash (operating, investing, financing) in terms of the
non-cash account movements, the sign of the cash movement is opposite to the sign
of the related non-cash account movement for assets and expenses and the same
sign for liabilities, equity and revenue.
When you present the Cash Flow statement, you use the Movement dimension
members to detail the rows in the report. You also need to specify an account. You
can use the top-level Balance Sheet account against which to report all movements
in the Cash Flow report, because the Cash Flow report rows are sufficient to define
the detail. You only need one Balance Sheet account to "gather" all movements.
Generally, the top-level Balance Sheet account (which should always net to zero) is
set as an Asset account.
When you report a movement posted to an Asset account as a change in cash, you
need to reverse the sign, because an increase in an Asset represents a decrease
in cash. When you report a movement that was posted to a Liability account as a
change in cash, you also need to reverse the sign, because you are reporting against
a single Balance Sheet top member that is an Asset account. An amount posted as
an increase to a base Liability account will be reported at the top Balance Sheet Asset
account with the opposite sign and therefore as a decrease in the total Balance Sheet

Chapter 10
Dimensions Overview

amount (because as the Liability account movement entry aggregates up through the
account hierarchy, the Account Type changes from Liability to Asset and therefore the
sign of the data is flipped). You need to flip the sign of all non-cash movements when
presenting cash flow, regardless of the Account Type on which the original posting was

The Scenario dimension represents a set of data such as Actual, Budget, or
Forecast. For example, the Actual scenario can contain data that reflects current
business operations. The Budget scenario can contain data that reflects targeted
business operations. The Forecast scenario typically contains data that corresponds
to predictions for upcoming periods. A Legal scenario can contain data calculated
according to legal GAAP format and rules.
By default, the system creates the Actual system Scenario member. You can create
additional Scenario members.
See Setting Up Scenarios.

The Year dimension represents the fiscal or calendar year for data.
When you create an application, you specify the range of years for the application.
The system builds the Year dimension based on the range that you specified. You
can increase the range of years after the application is created. However, you cannot
decrease the range. See Customizing Application Years.

The View dimension represents various modes of calendar intelligence such as
Periodic, Year-to-Date, and Quarter-to-Date frequencies. If you set the View to
Periodic, the values for each month are displayed. If you set the View to Year-to-Date
or Quarter-to-Date, the cumulative values for the year or quarter are displayed.
You load data into the system at the base-level view. Data is stored in the Periodic
By default, when you create an application, the View dimension has these members:
• Periodic - Each period shows the data entered, calculated or derived for this
specific period.
• YTD - Year-to-Date view. Periods within a year are cumulative.
• QTD - Quarter-to-Date view. Periods within a quarter are cumulative.
• HYTD - Half-Year-to-Date view. Periods within a half-year are cumulative. HYTD is
only created it if you selected it during application creation.
You cannot remove any View dimension members or create new members. You can
edit member properties, such as Alias.

Chapter 10
Viewing and Editing Dimensions

The Multi-GAAP dimension is an optional dimension that is used if you need to
report your financial statements in both local GAAP and in IFRS or other GAAP. This
dimension tracks the local GAAP data input as well as any GAAP adjustments.
If you select the Multi-GAAP dimension during application creation, you can select
from these additional options:
• Enter Adjustment—You can select this option to enter GAAP adjustments
manually. You enter data in the "FCCS_Local GAAP" member. Adjustments to
local GAAP for IFRS are entered in the "FCCS_Adjustments" member. The IFRS
amount will be calculated.
• Calculate Adjustment—Select this option to allow the system to automatically
calculate the adjustment amount based on the Local GAAP and IFRS amount
entered. You enter data in the "FCCS_Local GAAP" and "FCCS_IFRS" members.
The Adjustments amount will be calculated in the Adjustments member.
You can include additional members and hierarchies for other GAAP adjustments. You
can modify member aliases, but not member labels.
By default, if you select this dimension, the system provides the following dimension
• FCCS_Adjustments
To specify Multi-GAAP reporting during application creation, see Creating an

Viewing and Editing Dimensions

You can view and edit dimension properties using either the Classic or the Simplified
dimension editor.
The Simplified dimension editor enables you to check for invalid dimension member
properties and take action to correct the properties. Invalid properties are bordered in
red in the Simplified dimension editor grid.
Users with the security roles to view and edit dimensions in the Classic dimension
editor can perform similar actions in the Simplified dimension editor.
See the following sections:
• To edit dimension properties using the Simplified dimension editor (accessed from
Application Overview), see About Editing Dimensions in the Simplified Dimension
• To edit dimension properties using the Classic dimension editor (accessed from
the Navigator), see Managing Dimensions.

Chapter 10
Working with Dimension Hierarchies

Working with Dimension Hierarchies

Dimension hierarchies define structural and mathematical relationships, and
consolidations between members in the database. Relationships are represented
graphically in a collapsible hierarchy diagram. Upper-level dimension members are
called parent members, and a member immediately below a parent member is referred
to as its child. All members below a parent are referred to as descendants. The
bottom-level hierarchy members are called base-level members.
Data is entered into base-level members of dimensions and not into parent members.
Values for parent-level members are aggregated from the children of the parent-level
members. In some cases, data for base-level members is calculated.

As a best practice, a limit of 20 levels of hierarchy depth is recommended.

Expanding and Collapsing Dimension Hierarchies

To expand dimensions or members:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. For Dimension, select the dimension and member to expand.
4. Perform an action:
• Click Expand.
• Click Expand .
• Click the closed folder.
To collapse dimensions or members:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. For Dimension, select the dimension to collapse.
4. Perform an action:
• Click Collapse.
• Press the Left Arrow.
• Click Collapse .
• Click the open folders.

Navigating Dimension Hierarchies

• Press the Up Arrow to move to the previous member.
• Press the Down Arrow to move to the next member.

Chapter 10
Working with Dimension Hierarchies

• In Page, enter the page to view and click Go or press Enter.

• Click Start, Prev, Next, or End to view other pages.
By default, 14 members are displayed per page. You can change this by setting
preferences for Show the Specified Members on Each Dimensions Page

Finding Dimensions or Members

To find dimension members in dimension hierarchies:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. For Dimension, select the dimension for the member.
4. For Search, select Name, Alias, or Both.
5. Enter the member name, alias, or partial string for which to search.

6. Click Search Down or Search Up .

Sorting Members
You can sort members in ascending or descending order, by children or descendants.
Sorting members affects the outline.
To sort members:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. For Dimension, select the dimension for the members.
4. On Dimensions, select the members whose children or descendants you want to
5. For Sort, select children or descendants.
Sorting by children affects only members in the level immediately below the
selected member. Sorting by descendants affects all descendants of the selected

6. Click Sort Ascending to sort by ascending order or Sort Descending to

sort by descending order.
7. Click OK.
The next time you create or refresh the database, the outline is generated with
members in the order that is displayed.

Moving Members Within the Dimension Hierarchy

You can move one member or a group of members in the same branch.
To move members or branches among siblings:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.

Chapter 10
Working with Dimension Hierarchies

3. For Dimension, select the dimension for the members to move.

4. Select the member or branch to move.
5. Perform an action:

• Click Move Up to move the member up one position.

• Click Move Down to move the member down one position.

To move members, including parents and children:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. For Dimension, select the dimension with the members to move.
4. Select the member or branch to move.
5. Click Cut.
You cannot Cut members after adding or editing dimensions, navigating to
different pages, deleting members, or logging of. Cut is not available for root
dimension members.
6. Click the destination level under which to move the members.
7. Click Paste.
8. Click OK.
9. Update and validate business rules and reports.

Viewing a Member’s Ancestors

To view a member’s ancestors:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. For Dimension, select a dimension.
4. Select the member in the dimension hierarchy.
5. Click Show Ancestors.
6. Click Close.

Showing Member Usage

To view where members are used in an application:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select the dimension whose member usage you want to view.
4. Click Show Usage.
5. At the bottom of the Member Usage window, select where in the application to
view the member's usage.
6. Click Go.

Chapter 10
Adding Custom Dimensions

7. Click Close.

Adding Custom Dimensions

In addition to the system predefined dimensions, you can create Custom dimensions
based on your application needs. Custom dimensions are associated with the Account
dimension and provide additional detail for accounts.
You can create a maximum of four Custom dimensions. If the application is enabled
with the Multi-GAAP reporting option, you can create three Custom dimensions.

If you are not using an Extended Dimension application, you can only create
a maximum of two Custom dimensions.

The Dimensions list displays all of the dimensions for the application. When you create
a dimension, the system adds it to the end of the Dimensions list.
When you add Custom dimensions, you define their properties, including name, alias,
security, and attributes.

Table 10-2 Properties for Custom Dimensions

Property Value
Dimension Enter a name that is unique across all
The Custom Dimension name cannot contain
these characters:
Ampersand (&), Apostrophe ('), Asterisk (*),
At sign (@), Backslash (\), Caret (^), Colon
(:), Comma (,), Curly brackets ({}), Dollar sign
($), Double quotation marks (" " Equal sign
(=), Exclamation mark (!), Forward slash (/),
Greater than (>), Less than (<), Line (|), Minus
sign (-), Number sign (#), Parentheses ( ),
Percent sign (%), Period (.), Plus sign (+),
Question mark (?), Semi-colon (;), Square
brackets ([]), or Tabs.
Alias Optional: Select an alias table. Enter a unique
alternate name for the dimension.
Description Optional: Enter a description.
Plan Type Select the application types for which the
dimension is valid. Clearing this option makes
all members of the dimension invalid for the
deselected type.
Apply Security Allow security to be set on the dimension
members; must be selected before assigning
access rights to dimension members.
Otherwise, dimensions have no security and
users can access members without restriction.

Chapter 10
Adding Custom Dimensions

Table 10-2 (Cont.) Properties for Custom Dimensions

Property Value
Data Storage Select a data storage option. The default is
Never Share.

Aggregation Options
You can define calculations within dimension hierarchies using aggregation options.
Aggregation options determine how child member values aggregate to parent
• + Addition
• - Subtraction
• * Multiplication
• / Division
• % Percent
• ~ Ignore
• Never (do not aggregate, regardless of hierarchy)

For aggregation options for Intercompany Entities, see Aggregation Options
for Intercompany Entities.

All immediate children of the dimension name member must be set with an
aggregation option of Ignore or Never. Seeded dimension members should already
have the Consolidation Operator set as Ignore. Use the top dimension member rather
than the dimension name in forms and reports.
Children under a Parent member that has the Label Only data storage property must
have the aggregation operator set to Ignore.
Financial Consolidation and Close has a consolidation script that performs the
consolidation of one entity into another. Do not change the consolidation operator on
Entities. If this Entity property is anything other than Ignore, the results are incorrect.
You can change the Consolidation Operator for seeded members of the Account
dimension to customize them as needed. You can only change the members in the
Consol cube. Ensure that you run Metadata Validation after making the changes to
confirm that the changes are valid.
When you make changes to the seeded members, you cannot export or import them
using a dimension export CSV file. You must use the Module Customization Migration
artifact. Exporting and then importing CSV files will not retain your attribute changes
for seeded members.

Chapter 10
Adding Custom Dimensions

Aggregation Options for Intercompany Entities

Aggregation options determine how child member values aggregate to parent
members. During application creation, if you enable Intercompany Data, three
Aggregation options are available for aggregating Intercompany entities to the
Intercompany Top member:
• + Addition (default value)
• - Subtraction
• ~ Ignore
To enable features during application creation, see Application Feature Descriptions.

If you do not enable Intercompany Data, these options are not available.

The Consolidation Operator for FCCS_Intercompany Entities in the Intercompany

Dimension is based on the aggregation option that you select, and the Standard
Elimination system rules run as required by the aggregation option.
Aggregate Intercompany Entities to Intercompany Top (Addition)
If you select to aggregate intercompany entities to the Intercompany Top member, you
select the Addition option.
• The Consol Operator for the "FCCS_Intercompany Entities" member becomes
• The Standard Eliminations system rules execute using the default Standard
Eliminations process:
If the plug account is flagged as "Is I/C Acct", then there are two entries. Both the
entry posted to the plug account and the reversal of the source amount use the
source Intercompany member.
When an Intercompany entry is eliminated, the source POV amount is reversed
and an offsetting entry is made to the plug account.
– If the plug account is flagged as "Is I/C Acct", then there are two entries. Both
the entry posted to the plug account and the reversal of the source amount
use the source intercompany member.
– If the plug account is NOT flagged as "Is I/C Acct", then there are also
two entries. The entry posted to the plug account uses the "FCCS_No
Intercompany" member while the reversal of the source amount uses the
source intercompany member.
Do not aggregate Intercompany Entities to Intercompany Top (Ignore)
If you do not want to aggregate Intercompany entities to the Intercompany Top
member, you select the Ignore option.
• The Consol Operator for the "FCCS_Intercompany Entities" member becomes

Chapter 10
Adding Custom Dimensions

• Standard Eliminations execute using the default Standard Eliminations process,

but post either three or four entries instead of the existing two entries, depending
on whether the plug account is flagged as "Is I/C Acct" or not:
If the plug account is flagged as "Is I/C Acct", then there will be four entries during
elimination. The first two reverse the source entry using the source intercompany
member and post to the plug account using the source intercompany member,
then two more entries reverse the same amount at "No Intercompany" and post to
the plug account at "No Intercompany".
If the plug account is NOT flagged as "Is I/C Acct", then there would only be three
entries. The first entry reverses the source entry using the source intercompany
member, then two more entities reverse the same amount at "No Intercompany"
and post to the plug account at "No Intercompany".

Chapter 10
Adding Custom Dimensions

Aggregate Intercompany Entities to Intercompany Top as Subtract

If you want to aggregate Intercompany entities to the Intercompany Top member using
the Subtract option:
• The Consol Operator for the "FCCS_Intercompany Entities" member becomes
• Standard Eliminations execute under the same conditions as they do currently, but
post either three or four entries instead of the existing two entries, depending on
whether the plug account is flagged as "Is I/C Acct" or not:
If the plug account is flagged as "Is I/C Acct", then there will be four entries during
elimination. The first two reverse the source entry using the source intercompany
member and post to the plug account using the source intercompany member,
then two more entries reverse the same amount at "No Intercompany" and post to
the plug account at "No Intercompany".
If the plug account is NOT flagged as "Is I/C Acct", then there would only be three
entries. The first entry reverses the source entry using the source intercompany
member, then two more entities reverse the same amount at "No Intercompany"
and post to the plug account at "No Intercompany".

Chapter 10
Adding Custom Dimensions

Chapter 10
Adding Custom Dimensions

Data Storage Options

Table 10-3 Data Storage Options

Option Impact
Store Stores data values of members.
Dynamic Calc Calculates data values of members, and
disregards the values.
Never Share Ensures that stored parent members always
store data from the aggregation of child
Shared Allows members in the same dimension to
share data values.
Label Only Displays the data of the first child member
regardless of the aggregation setting of the

Chapter 10
Adding Custom Dimensions

Modifying Data Storage Properties

You can modify these Data Storage properties for dimension members in Configurable
Consolidations, Translation Overrides, Insertion Rules, and Journals.
The following modifications are allowed:

Original Data Storage Property New Data Storage Property

Store Never Share
Never Share Store
Dynamic Calc Store
Dynamic Calc Never Share

About Dynamic Calc

With dynamically calculated members, the system calculates data values of members,
and disregards these values. The limit is 100 children under a Dynamic Calc parent.
Changing a member's storage to Dynamic Calc may result in loss of data, depending
on how the data was originally derived. You may need to update outlines, calculations,
or both to get the dynamically calculated value.

Store Data Storage

Do not set parent members to Store if their children are set to Dynamic Calc. With this
combination, new totals for parents are not calculated when users save and refresh

Shared Data Storage

Use Shared to allow alternate rollup structures in the application.

Never Share Data Storage

The default data storage type is Never Share when you add user-defined custom
dimensions. You can use Never Share for parent members with only one child member
that aggregates to the parent, to apply access to the child member.

Label Only Data Storage

Label-only members are virtual members; they are typically used for navigation and
have no associated data. Note:
• You cannot assign level 0 members as label-only.
• Label-only members can display values.
• Making dimension members label-only minimizes database space by decreasing
block size.
• You cannot assign attributes to label-only members.
• In a multicurrency application, you cannot apply label-only storage to members
of these dimensions: Entity, Versions, Currencies, and user-defined custom
dimensions. To store exchange rates, use Never Share.

Chapter 10
Adding Custom Dimensions

• Data Storage for children of label-only parents is set to Never Share by default.

Do not design forms in which label-only parents follow their first child
member, as you cannot save data in the first child member. Instead,
create forms with label-only parents selected before their children, or do
not select label-only parents for forms.

Setting Dimension Properties

Table 10-4 Dimension Properties

Property Value
Dimension Enter a dimension name.
Description Optional: Enter a description.
Alias Optional: Select an alias table and enter an
alternate name of up to 80 characters.
Plan Type Select application types for which the
dimension is valid.
Apply Security Allow security to be set on dimension
members. If you do not select this option, there
is no security on the dimension, and users can
access its members without restriction. Must
be selected before assigning access rights to
dimension members.
Data Storage Select data storage options:
• Store
• Dynamic Calc
• Never Share
• Shared
• Label Only
See Data Storage Options.
Display Option Set application default display options for
the Member Selection dialog box. Select
Member Name or Alias to display members
or aliases. Member Name:Alias displays
members on the left and aliases on the right.
Alias:Member Name displays aliases on the
left and members on the right.
Enable custom attribute display Display available and selected attributes for
dimensions with associated attributes. Enable
custom attribute display for dimensions with

Setting Dimension Evaluation Order

Evaluation Order enables you to specify which data type prevails when a data
intersection has conflicting data types. For example, if Account members are set to

Chapter 10
Defining Accounts

the Currency data type, and Product members are set to the Smart List data type, you
can set whether the Currency or Smart List data type prevails at an intersection.
To set the dimension evaluation order:
1. Select Application, then Overview, and then Dimensions.

CAUTION: To modify the dimension Evaluation Order, do not use the
Dimension Editor under the Navigator menu. You must modify the
Evaluation Order only from the Application Overview Dimensions tab.
In addition, the Service Administrator must always ensure that the
evaluation order for the Status Replacement Type dimension is set
to 2. This is required so that the seeded Data Status form displays
consolidation statuses.

2. Click the button on the Evaluation Order column next to a dimension to set the
order of precedence.

Defining Accounts
The Account dimension defines the chart of accounts for an application. When you
create an application, the system creates the Account dimension with a hierarchy
of system and seeded members, some based on the features that you enable for
the application. Seeded accounts are created with the prefix FCCS, for example,

You cannot change the member properties for most seeded members.
However, you can change the Account Type and Consolidation Operator
properties for seeded members of the Account dimension to customize them
as needed. You can only change the members in the Consol cube. Ensure
that you run Metadata Validation after making the changes to confirm that the
changes are valid.
When you make changes to the seeded members, you cannot export or
import them using a dimension export CSV file. You must use the Module
Customization Migration artifact. Exporting and then importing CSV files will
not retain your attribute changes for seeded members.
See Account Types and Aggregation Options.

By default, the system creates these types of Account members:

• Seeded members
The basic Balance Sheet and Income Statement are created as seeded members.

Chapter 10
Defining Accounts

The structure of the Balance Sheet is created with Dynamic Calc parent members.
Two formats are available, the "Traditional" format (Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s
Equity) and the "Net Assets" format (Assets + Liabilities = Owner’s Equity).
It is recommended that the initial upper level structure of the Balance Sheet (down
to and including Total Assets, Total Liabilities and Total Equity) not be changed,
although lower level accounts can be re-organized. Other seeded artifacts (such
as seeded consolidation rules) rely on the basic Balance Sheet structure as
created by the system.

• Optional seeded members

These members are created based on application features that you enabled. For
example, Ratio accounts required to perform the ratio calculation are optional
system members. Depending on which ratios you want to include as part of the
application, those accounts will be seeded. Other examples include Return on
Sales and Gross Profit Margin.
If the Ownership Management feature is enabled, the basic balance sheet
structure is extended to ensure that base (level 0) accounts required by the
seeded consolidation rules exist.
• Shared members
Some seeded members are also added to an alternate hierarchy as shared
members. For example, all the Account members listed under Income Statement
or Balance Sheet system members which are set for a Cash Flow category have a
shared instance created under the selected category in Cash Flow.

System Accounts
These accounts are provided by default when you create an application:
• FCCS_CSTATUS—Stores the calculation status value used by the system
• FCCS_CSTATUS FILTER—Stores the calculation status text for display in a data

Income Statement Accounts

The Account dimension provides a pre-built hierarchy for the Income Statement. The
hierarchy is seeded with system members used for built-in calculations. You can add
child members to the parent members or additional sibling members to the seeded
Note that the Income Statement is created as a hierarchy within the Owner’s Equity
Retained Earnings Current account.

Chapter 10
Defining Accounts

Balance Sheet Accounts

The Account dimension provides an initial pre-built hierarchy for the Balance Sheet.
The hierarchy is seeded with members used for built-in calculations.
Two Balance Sheet formats are available for selection when the application is first
• "Traditional" format (Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity)
• "Net Assets" format (Assets + Liabilities = Owner’s Equity).
All Balance Sheet and Income Statement accounts must have the Flow Account
type assigned. All of these accounts must have an opening balance calculated and a
Movement member associated with them to reflect the change for the period. FCCS
system rules populate the Opening Balance movement member for all Flow type
accounts. See Movement.
The Traditional and Net Assets seeded account dimensions include Level 0 members
that are defined as Dynamic Calc. These members must have at least one member
added as a child.
• FCCS_Cash And Cash Equivalents
• FCCS_Acct Receivable
• FCCS_Inventories
• FCCS_Fixed Assets
• FCCS_Other Long Term Assets
• FCCS_Acct Payable
• FCCS_Long Term Liabilities
• FCCS_Other Equity
• FCCS_Sales
• FCCS_Cost of Sales
• FCCS_Operating Expenses
• FCCS_Provision for Income Tax
For each of the above members, you must add a dummy account member with these
• Data Storage Default = Store
• Data Storage Consol = Store
• Consol Operator: +

Historical Accounts
The Historical Accounts group contains accounts that are considered Historical
Override accounts. Historical accounts are translated at a weighted average of the
movements over time rather than being translated at the current period ending rate.
Override accounts are designated as either a Rate Override or an Amount Override
for translation. Override accounts allow the user to enter either a Rate or an Amount
to override the default translation. These historical override accounts are created by
the system in the Historical Accounts grouping as shared members based on the

Chapter 10
Defining Accounts

Exchange Rate Type selected for the primary member. There might not be any seeded
Historical Override accounts depending on the application creation settings selected,
so there might initially only be "placeholder" accounts in this hierarchy. Placeholder
accounts are base members populated to ensure that the parent accounts are treated
as parent accounts and are not mistaken as base accounts. FCCS_Investment In Sub
is an example of an optional seeded Rate Override account.
If an account is a Historical Account, but does not contain an Override (for example,
FCCS_Retained Earnings Prior), it is not included in the Historical Accounts hierarchy.
To specify that an account is a Historical Override Account, you must assign the
"Historical Rate Override" or "Historical Amount Override" as the Exchange Rate Type.
If an Amount Override or a Rate Override is specified for the Historical account, the
system uses the applicable override entry for the account during translation. If you
do not enter an override rate or amount, the Historical Override account is translated
using the rate specified for default translations. This gives the same translated results
as for Historical (non-override) accounts.
A pre-built system form named Override Rates is generated from the Historical
account hierarchy to enable you to enter either the override amount or override rate for
each entity for each currency. See Predefined Forms.

Ratio Accounts
Ratio accounts are created under a separate account hierarchy if this option
is enabled during application creation. All associated member formulas for the
calculations are also created for the accounts. Additionally, you can create your own
ratio accounts.

Intercompany Account
For any Intercompany accounts that will be used for standard system eliminations,
you must assign attribute values to identify them as Intercompany accounts, as well
as selecting the Plug account to be used for elimination. The accounts that are to be
selected as Plug accounts must first be designated as Plug accounts by selecting the
Plug accounts attribute.

Account Hierarchy Order

The Balance Sheet group should be the first hierarchy below the FCCS_System
Account, Exchange Rates, Entered Exchange Rates and Exchange Rates System
Members hierarchies.

You can add additional hierarchies in the Account dimension to include shared
Balance Sheet accounts or any additional accounts required. For example, the seeded
Balance Sheet Cash and NonCash hierarchy is an additional hierarchy containing
shared copies of the Balance Sheet accounts.

As a best practice, a limit of 20 levels of hierarchy depth is recommended.

All additional hierarchies of the Balance Sheet that you create should be created after
FCCS_Total Balance Sheet - Cash and NonCash.

Chapter 10
Defining Accounts

All alternate hierarchies of Income accounts can be placed in the Income Statement

Account Types
Each account is associated with an Account Type that represents the accounting
nature of the account.
Each account is categorized as either Flow or Balance. Flow Account types
accumulate over time. Balance Account types represent a balance at a specific period
and therefore do not aggregate over time.
• Flow account types: Revenue, Expense
• Balance account types: Asset, Liability, Equity

Table 10-5 Account Types

Account Type Description

Expense Costs incurred by a company to generate
revenue. Examples of expenses are: cost of
sales, salary expense, travel expense.
Revenue Income received as a result of the sale
of goods or services. Examples of revenue
include Trade Sales, Income from Sales of
Fixed Assets
Asset A resource that has economic value and
from which the company expects to generate
income over time. Examples of assets are
inventory, fixed assets, accounts receivable
and pre-paid insurance.
Liability Legal debts and obligations that companies
owe to third parties as a result of business
operations. Examples of liabilities include
accounts payable, accrued payroll, and notes
Equity The value of ownership in a company and
equal to the amount of assets remaining after
all debts are satisfied. Examples of equity
accounts include common stock, preferred
stock, and retained earnings.
Saved Assumption Non-financial items used by a company for
statistical analysis and reporting purposes.
Examples are square footage and headcount,
units sold, miles traveled, and patients

You can change the Account Type for seeded members of the Account dimension to
customize them as needed. You can only change the members in the Consol cube.
Ensure that you run Metadata Validation after making the changes to confirm that the
changes are valid.
When you make changes to the seeded members, you cannot export or import them
using a dimension export CSV file. You must use the Module Customization Migration
artifact. Exporting and then importing CSV files will not retain your attribute changes
for seeded members.

Chapter 10
Defining Accounts

Time Balance Property

The Time Balance property specifies how the system calculates the value of summary
time periods.

Table 10-6 Time Balance Properties

Time Balance Property Description Example

Flow Aggregate of all values for a Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 45
summary time period as a period
Balance Ending value in a summary time Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 20
period as the period total.

Summary of Account Types and Time Balance

Each account is associated with an Account Type and is categorized as either a
Flow or Balance Time Balance. Flow accounts accumulate over time through the
aggregation of associated Movement entries. Balance accounts represent a balance at
a specific period-end and do not aggregate over time.

Table 10-7 Summary of Account Types and Time Balance

Account Type Time Balance for Time Balance for Variance Reporting
accounts inside accounts outside
Balance Sheet of Balance Sheet
hierarchy hierarchy
Revenue Flow User-defined Non-Expense
Expense Flow User-defined Expense
Asset Flow User-defined Non-Expense
Liability Flow User-defined Non-Expense
Equity Flow User-defined Non-Expense
Saved Assumption Flow User-defined User-defined

Note that the Opening Balance movement of Flow accounts is calculated as the
Closing Balance of the prior periods. Closing Balance is an aggregation of Opening
Balance and all movement amounts for the period. No Opening Balance is calculated
for Balance accounts.

Aggregation (Consolidation Operator)

The Aggregation (Consolidation Operator) determines how child accounts aggregate
to the parent account. Note that while this metadata aggregation property does not
depend on, and is independent of the account type property, a relationship is required
in order to apply the aggregation logic displayed in Table 10-8.
See Aggregation Options.

Chapter 10
Defining Accounts

Financial Consolidation and Close has a consolidation script that performs
the consolidation of one entity into another. Do not change the Consolidation
Operator on Entities. If this Entity property is anything other than Ignore, the
results will be incorrect.

The following table indicates how each Account Type behaves when totalled into
a specific type of parent account within the balanced Balance Sheet hierarchy. For
example, when aggregated, Asset account values are aggregated into parent Asset
and Expense accounts, and subtracted from parent Liability and Revenue accounts.

Table 10-8 Required Aggregation (Consol Operator) between Child and Parent Accounts

Account Type Parent Account

Child Account Asset Liability Equity Revenue Expense

Asset Addition Subtraction Subtraction Subtraction Addition
Liability Subtraction Addition Addition Addition Subtraction
Equity Subtraction Addition Addition Addition Subtraction
Revenue Subtraction Addition Addition Addition Subtraction
Expense Addition Subtraction Subtraction Subtraction Addition
Saved Addition Addition Addition Addition Addition

Note that Saved Assumption accounts should not be used within the balanced
Balance Sheet because they are non-financial accounts. Saved Assumption accounts
can be added or subtracted when aggregating to their parent accounts as required.
This example illustrates how different account types are aggregated into parent

In this example, Total Assets is an Asset account and the parent of Fixed Assets
(an Asset account) and Amortization (a Liability account). When the accounts are
aggregated into the parent account, the Fixed Assets value of 100 is added, the
Amortization value of 20 is subtracted, and the resulting value for Total Assets is 80.
Changing the default Account Type and Consol Operator Settings
The default configuration of Financial Consolidation and Close assumes that for
Assets and Expenses, a positive value represents a DR and a negative value
represents a CR. For Revenue, Liabilities and Equity, a positive value represents a
CR and a negative value represents a DR. This is the "normal sign" of the account.
The system uses the combination of Account Type and Consol Operator in many of
the system calculations to ensure correct aggregation for different client configuration
requirements. The posting of journals (assigning DR and CR entries to a positive or

Chapter 10
Defining Accounts

negative value) also relies on the Account Type entry. Table 10-8 displays the default
settings applied to seeded accounts.
In order to load data where a positive value is always a DR and a negative
value is always a CR regardless of account (for example, a G/L extract), you will
need to change both the Account Type and the Consol Operator. So change all
"Revenue" accounts to Account Type "Expense" and change all "Liability" and "Equity"
accounts to Account Type "Asset". Then change all Consol Operators to "Addition."
For consistency, you should also change the parent accounts including the seeded
members. Then run Validate Metadata again to verify that all settings are consistent
and that system calculations will not be compromised.

Account Types and Variance Reporting

An account’s variance reporting property determines whether it is treated as an
expense when used in member formulas:
• Expense: The actual value is subtracted from the budgeted value to determine the
• Non-Expense: The budgeted value is subtracted from the actual value to
determine the variance.
• When you are budgeting expenses for a time period, the actual expenses
should be less than the budget. When actual expenses are greater than budget
expenses, the variance is negative. For example, if budgeted expenses are $100,
and actual expenses are $110, the variance is -10.
• When you are budgeting nonexpense items, such as sales, the actual sales
should be more than the budget. When actual sales are less than budget, the
variance is negative. For example, if budgeted sales were $100, and actual sales
were $110, the variance is 10.

Saved Assumptions
You use saved assumptions to identify key non-financial business drivers and ensure
application consistency, by selecting time balance and variance reporting properties.
• Variance reporting determines the variance between budgeted and actual data, as
an expense or non-expense.
• Time balance determines the ending value for summary time periods.
Examples of how time balance and variance reporting properties are used with saved
assumption account members:
• Create a saved assumption of an expense type for variance reporting, assuming
that the actual number of employees is less than the number budgeted. To
determine the variance, the system subtracts the actual amount from the budgeted
• Make an assumption about the number of units sold at the end of the time period.
Determine the final quantity for the summary time period by aggregating the
number of units sold across time periods.

Chapter 10
Defining Accounts

Data Types and Exchange Rate Types

The Data Type determines how values are stored in account members, and the
exchange rates used to calculate values. Available data types for account member
• Currency - Stores and displays in the default currency.
• Non-currency - Stores and displays as a numeric value.
• Percentage - Stores a numeric value and displays as a percent.
• Date - Displays as a date.
• Text - Displays as text.
For accounts with the Currency data type, these are exchange rate types:
• No Rate– Closing Balance of translated data is adjusted to an Ending Rate
translation by calculating Foreign Exchange variation on Opening Balance and
• Historical – Closing Balance accumulated as a weighted average of the translated
movements with no net Foreign Exchange variation. Foreign Exchange variation is
calculated but then transferred to Cumulative Translation Adjustment / Unrealized
Gain or Loss on Translation.
• Historical Amount Override – Override amounts can be entered and the account is
otherwise treated as a Historical account.
• Historical Rate Override – Override rates can be entered and the account is
otherwise treated as a Historical account.

Defining Account Properties

You define properties for accounts, such as account types, and data types, and
whether they are Intercompany accounts.
For Intercompany accounts, see Setting Account Attribute Values.
To define account properties:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. From the Dimension list, select Account.
4. Select Action, then select Add Child or Add Sibling.
5. On the Member Properties tab, enter account properties.

Table 10-9 Account Properties

Property Description
Name Enter a name that is unique across all
dimension members.
Description Optional: Enter a description.

Chapter 10
Defining Accounts

Table 10-9 (Cont.) Account Properties

Property Description
Alias Table Optional: Select the alias table to store the
alias name.
Alias Optional: Enter an alternate name for the
Account Type Select the account type:
• Expense
• Revenue
• Asset
• Liability
• Equity
• Saved Assumption
See Account Types.
Variance Reporting Select an option:
• Expense
• Non-Expense
See Account Types and Variance Reporting.
Time Balance Specify how the system calculates the value of
summary time periods:
See Time Balance Property.
Exchange Rate Type Indicates the translation options for the
financial accounts.
• Historical
• Historical Amount Override
• Historical Rate Override
• No Rate (for non-historical accounts)
By default, the system uses Average Rate
for Flow accounts, and Ending Rate for
Balance accounts. The default settings can be
Source Cube Specify the source cube for the member.
Data Storage Select data storage options:
• Store
• Dynamic Calc
• Never Share
• Shared
• Label Only
See Data Storage Options.
Two Pass Calculation Select whether to calculate values of members
based on values of parent members or other
Allow Upper-Level Entity Input Specify whether parent Entity input is allowed
for this account.
When you create a Local Rate account
and refresh the database, this attribute is
automatically enabled so that you can enter
Local Rate data for a base or a Parent entity
on the seeded Local Exchange Rate form.

Chapter 10
Defining Accounts

Table 10-9 (Cont.) Account Properties

Property Description
Plan Type Indicates the application type for which the
member is valid.
Data Type Select a data type:
• Unspecified
• Currency
• NonCurrency
• Percentage
• Date
• Text
• Smart Lists
See Data Types and Exchange Rate Types.
Smart Lists Optional: Select a Smart List to associate with
the member.
Enable for Dynamic Children Enables users to create children for this
member by entering a member name in
the runtime prompt for a business rule that
has been configured with a dynamic parent
Number of Possible Dynamic Children This option is available if Enable for Dynamic
Children is selected. Enter the maximum
number of dynamically-added members that
users can create. The default is 10.
Access Granted to Member Creator This option is available if Enable for Dynamic
Children is selected. Determines the access
that member creators have to dynamic
members that they create with a runtime
• Inherit—The member creator will inherit
the closest parent's access to the newly-
created member.
• None—The member creator will not be
assigned any access to the newly-created
member. (An administrator can later
assign the member creator access to the
• Read—The member creator will be
assigned Read access to the newly-
created member.
• Write—The member creator will be
assigned Write access to the newly-
created member.
If an administrator changes these settings,
they affect only future dynamic members; they
do not retroactively affect dynamic members.

Chapter 10
Defining Accounts

Setting Account Attribute Values

Specifying Intercompany Account Attributes
You specify Intercompany account attributes on the Attribute Values tab for level 0
accounts. Note that these settings are not applicable to parent accounts.
When you set the Intercompany Account property to Yes, you must specify a Plug
To set Intercompany Account attributes:
1. Select an existing level 0 Account member, click Edit and select the Attribute
Values tab.
2. Enter this information:

Table 10-10 Intercompany Account Attributes

Attribute Description
Intercompany Account Specify if the account is an Intercompany
account. If set to Yes, a level 0 Plug account
must also be specified for this account in
order for eliminations to be executed.
Note: This option is only available if
Intercompany is enabled for the application.
Is Plug Account Specify if this level 0 account can be a Plug
Plug Account For the accounts that have Intercompany set
to Yes, and IsPlugAccount is not set, you
can specify a Plug account. Accounts with
this property set to Yes can be selected as
Plug Accounts.

3. Click Save.
4. To add a Plug account:
a. Select the Account dimension member and select the Custom Attributes
b. Select the attribute Plug Account and click the Synchronize button.
The newly added Plug account will be displayed in the list of Plug Accounts on
the right side of the Plug Account Attribute Values tree.

Specifying Comprehensive Income Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CICTA)

Account Attributes
You specify Comprehensive Income Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CITCA)
account attributes on the Attribute Values tab for level 0 accounts. Note that these
settings are not applicable to parent accounts.

Chapter 10
Defining Entity Members

Table 10-11 Comprehensive Income Cumulative Translation Adjustment

(CICTA) Account Attributes

Attribute Description
Is CICTA Account Specify if this account is a replacement for the
seeded FCCS_CICTA account.
CICTA Redirection Account To redirect the FX-To-CICTA posting to an
account other than the seeded FCCS_CICTA
account, specify the account to use. Available
accounts will have the "Is CICTA Account"
setting (above) enabled.

Specifying Default Movement Account Attributes

The Calculate Movements system rule calculates movements from Closing Balance
Input based on metadata Account and Movement dimension attributes. After you
update the metadata attributes, and enable the Calculate Movements system rule from
the Consolidation: Process screen, any "Closing Balance Input" entry will generate
a calculated movement amount that will be posted to the designated movement.
A global default movement for all level 0 accounts can be selected and different
movements can also be selected for each individual level 0 account. See Calculate
Movements (from Closing Balance Input).
The required Movement dimension members are set as "Default_Mvmt_Yes".
You can apply one of the default movements to level 0 accounts.
If a default movement is applied to the Balance Sheet grouping member (for example,
"FCCS_Balance Sheet"), then all level 0 accounts within the Balance Sheet will inherit
the selected movement unless they have their own individual selection.

Specifying Indexed Attributes

When you create Custom Attributes for a dimension, you can specify that it is an
Indexed attribute.
An indexed attribute dimension is the same as a traditional attribute dimension. It is
sent to the database as an attribute dimension during cube refresh. It is not valid for
dense dimensions, and requires all assignments for a given dimension to be at the
same level.
A non-indexed attribute dimension is primarily a metadata construct used for filtering,
although it can be materialized in the database during cube refresh in various ways,
typically as a prefixed user-defined attribute. Since it does not materialize as an
attribute dimension in the database, it can be assigned to multiple levels, and to
dense and sparse dimensions. However, since it is not indexed, it cannot be added
as a member to a form to see dynamic data values like traditional indexed attribute

Defining Entity Members

By default, the Entity dimension includes a Global Assumptions member in the entity
hierarchy. The Global Assumptions member is used to store information such as
currency rates. You cannot edit or rename it.

Chapter 10
Defining Entity Members

The system also creates the Total Geography member by default. This member is
used for system forms. You can create new members as siblings to Total Geography,
and you can create a hierarchy under it. You then need to change the Entity member
selector in the forms appropriately.
Shared entities must be entities that are also Intercompany Partners. If you share a
parent of an entity that is an Intercompany Partner, eliminations will not occur.
You define attributes for Entity dimension members, such as the default currency.
By default, the Consolidation Operator for the Entity dimension is Ignore. A seeded
consolidation script performs the consolidation of one entity into another. If the
Consolidation Operator property is anything other than Ignore, the results are
incorrect. See Aggregation (Consolidation Operator).
To define Entity properties, see Adding or Editing Members.

You define Entity properties in the same way as other dimensions. However,
for Entity names, you cannot include a combination of the period (.) and
square bracket ( [ ) characters. This combination of characters is reserved by
the system to denote a parent entity. For example:
EN_CONS4040.[CONS4040] EN_4040_TI.[CONS4050]

You can use either the period (.) or square bracket ( ]) individually, but not
combined consecutively in an Entity member name.

Intercompany Property for Entities

For Entity members, you specify if the member stores Intercompany detail. If you set
the Intercompany property for an Entity member, a member with the same name is
created in the Intercompany dimension with the name ICP_<Entity Name>. The alias
for the Default Alias Table for the new member is automatically set as the alias for the
Entity. If an alias is not defined, it is automatically set as the name of the added Entity.
For example, when an entity named UK is marked as Intercompany, a member named
ICP_UK is automatically created. If an alias is defined for UK, the same alias is
automatically set to the new Intercompany member ICP_UK. If an alias is not defined
for UK, the alias is automatically set to UK.

Base Currency
For a multicurrency application, specify each entity member’s base currency. The
default base currency for entity members is the currency specified when creating the
application. For example, if U.S. Dollars is the default currency, you may specify Yen
as the base currency for the Japan entity and U.S. Dollars for the United States entity.
When you use forms that have values for the Japan entity, if the display currency
is set to U.S. Dollars, values are converted to U.S. Dollars using the rates in the
exchange rate table (assuming Yen is the local currency and U.S. Dollars is the
reporting currency).

Chapter 10
Creating Alternate Hierarchies

Creating Alternate Hierarchies

In the Entity dimension, you can create alternate hierarchies, where a single entity can
have multiple parents and contribute differently to each parent. The parent members
can be in different currencies and the translation that happens in the parent currency
member will be different for these entities. To accomplish this, you use partially shared
members, where only a part of input data is shared across all instances of the entities.
The following example shows a leaf-level entity that has more than one parent.

In this example:
• Entity E111 is a child of both P11 and P12.
• Input data that is entered for E111 at either P11 or P12 is replicated to the
other entity after Save. You can enter the data at any of P11.E111 and P12.E111
• After consolidation, the calculated values at P11.E111 and P12.E111 can be
different. For example, suppose the application is a multi-currency application,
where the currency of E111 is GBP. P11 currency is USD and P12 currency is
EUR. When entering data to E111, data is always entered in the entity currency
member of the Currency dimension. The parent currency member is calculated
and the values for Parent currency for P11.E111 and P12.E111 will be different, as
the exchange rates between GBP and USD, and GBP and EUR can be different.
You can also create an entity hierarchy where a parent level entity has more than one
parent. However, a hierarchy where the parent level has multiple parents that have
different children is not supported.
You build an alternate hierarchy by creating partial share Entity members, and
selecting "Shared" as the Data Storage member property. See Creating Shared
You can use shared hierarchies to meet your reporting needs, however, the number
of shared hierarchies affects performance, as they increase the database size and
consolidation times.
As a best practice:
• The top member of alternate hierarchies must have the Consol operator set as
Ignore, to avoid duplicate values.

Chapter 10
Financial Consolidation and Close Data Model Overview

• Shared members must be added after non-shared members in the hierarchy.

• Alternate hierarchies are allowed outside the Closing Balance, but they should roll
up to Total Movements.
In the Member Selector, you can view the parent and child relationships. When you
select an entity, the member selector displays it as Parent.Child, for example, North
America.USA. You can then select the entity you want, or if an entity has multiple
parents, you can select each occurrence of the entity under different parents.
When you enter transaction data, you only need to enter data once, either for the
Primary or Shared member.
You can also enter data once in data forms. For example, suppose E111 is a partially
shared entity that has two parents, E11 and E12. In a data form, if you enter the
amount 100 in E11.E111 and save it, 100 is immediately shown in E12.E111. If you
change the amount to 150 in E12.E111 and save it, the same amount is reflected in
E11.E111. In data forms, you can select whether to display the members of the Entity
dimension as Parent.Child, and whether to display their currencies. See Setting Form
Dimension Properties.
When you export data, the same data is exported for partially shared entities and the
data is exported in the Parent.Child format. If you import data to one of the partially
shared entities in a data file, the data is imported to the other one also.
When a journal entry is posted to one of the partially shared entities, the values are
posted to all instances of that entity.
Any change that is made to one partially shared entity that results in a change of
calculation or process management status will be reflected in other instances of the
entity. For example, if one instance is consolidated and its status changes to OK, the
status of the other instances changes to OK. The same rule applies for locking and
unlocking of partially shared entities.
Security and valid intersection rules defined for an entity also apply for its partially
shared instances.
Watch the following video to learn more about alternate hierarchies:

Configuring Alternate Hierarchies for Entities

Financial Consolidation and Close Data Model Overview

The Financial Consolidation and Close "data model" starts with applying some basic
rules, for example that Opening Balance = Closing Balance Prior Period, account-by-
This rule is amended in a balanced manner in several specific instances:
• First period of the year — Retained Earnings Total/ Closing Balance / Prior Period
is carried forward to Retained Earnings Prior / Opening Balance.
As a result, base members of Retained Earnings Total have no Opening Balance.
• Period 2 through 12 / 13 — Net Income (or Owner's Income if Ownership
Management is enabled) / Closing Balance / Prior Period is carried forward to

Chapter 10
Financial Consolidation and Close Data Model Overview

As a result, base members of Net Income (or Owner's Income) have no Opening
• All periods — Total Other Comprehensive Income / Closing Balance / Prior Period
is carried forward to FCCS_OR_OBFXCICTA / Opening Balance for Revenue and
Expense type accounts.
As a result, base Revenue/Expense members of Total Other Comprehensive
Income have no Opening Balance (other Asset / Liability / Equity accounts do
have a Closing Balance to Opening Balance carry forward on an account-by-
account basis).
So within the total Other Comprehensive Income hierarchy, accounts can be added
using the appropriate account type setting, based on how you expect the account to
be treated in terms of Closing Balance to Opening Balance carry forward. Revenue
and Expense will carry forward to one single account (FCCS_OR_OBFXCICTA), while
the remaining accounts will carry forward account-by-account. If Asset / Liability /
Equity are used, and parent / subtotal accounts are created in the hierarchy to provide
groupings (creating a "matrix" of data across the Account/Movement dimensions), then
a combination of the Account and the Movement member can provide any variation of
reporting that is required.
Movement members:
• FCCS_TotalOpeningBalance — provides the opening balance (including any prior
period adjustments posted in the current period)
• FCCS_Mvmts_Total — provides the changes for the current reporting period
(including the net effect of the FX calculations)
• FCCS_ClosingBalance — provides the "life-to-date" balances for all accounts that
have their own opening balance
FX Opening and FX Movements are calculated on all accounts (but written
to the OBFXCTA / OBFXCICTA for Revenue Expense accounts within the Net
Income / Total Comprehensive Income hierarchies). For any account flagged as
"historical" (Historical, Historical Rate Override, Historical Amount Override), the FX
is calculated but is then transferred to the Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA)
or Comprehensive Income Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CICTA) account. Note
that Revenue and Expense accounts within the Net Income / Total Comprehensive
Income hierarchies are assumed to be Historical accounts, translated at Average Rate,
and with any FX variation calculations transferred to CTA/CICTA. These metadata
Rate Type entry on these accounts is ignored and can be left as the default "No rate"
These FX calculations can be viewed by displaying the relevant movements:
• FCCS_Mvmts_FX_Opening
• FCCS_Mvmts_FX_Movement
• FCCS_Mvmts_FX_to_CTA
• FCCS_Mvmts_FX_to_CICTA
Closing Balance for all non-historical accounts will be brought to an Ending Rate
translation by the FX Opening and FX Movements calculations. Closing Balance of
all historical accounts at a translated currency will be a weighted average of the
periodic movements translated at Average Rate on a period-by-period basis. The FX
Opening and FX Movement are calculated on these accounts (to ensure that the
B/S still balances) but is then transferred to the CTA/CICTA account. The total of the

Chapter 10
Working with Members

FX-to-CTA/FX-to-CICTA system entries across the entire B/S (that is, viewed at the top
B/S account) must equal zero.
For reporting, Financial Reporting is a very powerful tool, and with a combination of
Account and Movement in the rows, any of the data points in the "matrix" of data
can be retrieved as required. The Movement dimension can be hidden from view for
presentation and if necessary, either direct over-typing or the use of "memo" (Label
Only) accounts can be used to provide alternative descriptions.

Working with Members

You can add or edit members, assign access rights to members and rearrange the
dimension member hierarchy.
For optimal performance, Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud provides limits on
the maximum number of dimension members allowed in each dimension. Financial
Consolidation and Close Cloud will stop you from saving non-compliant metadata
with error messages explaining that you have exceeded the acceptable number of
dimension members.
See these topics:
• Seeded Dimension Members
• Adding or Editing Members
• Deleting Members
• Deleting Parent Members
• Working with Shared Members
• Creating Shared Members

Seeded Dimension Members

Each dimension is seeded with members to allow for flexible application
configuration. Seeded members are created with the prefix FCCS, for example,
FCCS_IncomeStatement or FCCS_TotalAssets.

The system also includes built-in calculations. See Built-in Calculations.

Guidelines for Seeded Members

There are specific properties that you cannot change or remove:
• You cannot remove seeded members.
• You cannot rename seeded members.
• You cannot change the member property.
• You cannot change the built-in member formula.

Chapter 10
Working with Members

You can modify these properties:

• You can modify the member Alias.
• You can modify the Account Type for seeded members of the Account dimension
to customize them as needed.
You can modify the Exchange Rate type on accounts.

Adding Children to Seeded Base Members

Within the Account, Data Source, Movement, and MultiGAAP (if used) dimensions,
there are FCCS_seeded members.
• If these members have a Data Storage property of Dynamic, you can add children
to them.
• If the Data Storage property is Store or Never Share, you cannot add children to
See Data Storage Options.

Moving Seeded Members in Dimensions

If you do not want to use all of the seeded members, then you need to create
user-specific members where appropriate. If you want to create additional parents
for seeded members, you can create alternate hierarchies. You can move seeded
members to the new parent members.
You can reorder seeded members under a parent member. For example, this is the
default order for FCCS_Operating Income with only seeded members:

If you want to add an Other Operating Income account, you can place it between the
two seeded members.

Rearranging Seeded Account Members

Financial Consolidation and Close has a seeded Balance Sheet and Income
Statement structure consisting of about 60 accounts (both parents and base). It is
possible to change the structure of the seeded hierarchy and add additional parent
and base members to suit your requirements.
The following guidelines apply:
• The member names of the seeded accounts cannot be changed, but the aliases
can. An additional alias table can be added for a separate account description.
Data can be loaded, viewed and searched (in a member selector) by alias as well
as by member name.

Chapter 10
Working with Members

• Multiple alternative hierarchies can be created for differing reporting needs. These
alternative hierarchies should include all base members in the primary hierarchy,
but can otherwise be organized differently.
• Be aware that various system and seeded calculations will be lost if the seeded
account hierarchy is ignored. Many calculations have been incorporated into the
system that rely on the account structure. As a minimum, the following calculations
rely on, and are applied to the seeded account members:
– Year-end transfer of prior period Retained Earnings Closing Balance to
Retained Earnings Prior Opening Balance
– Period end transfer of P&L Closing Balance to FCCS_REC_OBFXCTA
Opening Balance
– Period end transfer of Other Comprehensive Income (Revenue / Expense) to
– Balance the Balance Sheet (can be disabled)
– Foreign Exchange (FX) transfer to Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA)
or Comprehensive Income Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CICTA)
– Seeded consolidation rules (can be un-deployed / disabled)

You should ensure that all base accounts are included in the seeded account
structure, whether that structure is used for reporting or not.

If you know that changing the account structures of dimensions with dynamic calc
parents will result in unwanted changes to the historical data, then you should not
change the structures. If however, you want to change the aggregation/calculation
to reflect the new hierarchies, then you should unlock the entities, reconsolidate,
and re-lock. If you want history to remain as it is, but use new aggregation/
calculations for future data, then you should create alternative hierarchies to provide
for both variations, change their rules if necessary (to make them time-specific) and
reconsolidate wherever applicable.
Watch the following tutorial for more information about modifying attributes for seeded

Modifying Seeded Account Attributes in Financial Consolidation and Close

Basic Required Balance Sheet Members

If you are creating an Extended Dimension application, during application creation,
you can select the Basic Accounts Reporting option. This option provides a simplified
hierarchy of the minimum required set of Account and Movement dimension members
based on the enabled features and a minimum set of seeded forms.
Initial Required Balance Sheet Account Members

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Balance Sheet Account Members with Multi-Currency Enabled

If you enable the Multi-Currency option, the system adds these currency related

Balance Sheet Accounts with Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA) Enabled

Accounts with Comprehensive Income Cumulative Translation Adjustment

(CICTA) Enabled

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Balance Sheet Accounts with Ratios Enabled

If you enable the Ratios option, the system adds the Ratio hierarchies and related
source accounts depending on which Ratio options are selected.

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Balance Sheet Accounts with Intercompany Data with Tracking and Ownership
Management Enabled
If you enable the Intercompany Data with Tracking option, additional options such as
Ownership Management are then available. If you enable Ownership Management,
the system adds the Ownership Management accounts and adds the CTA/CICTA
accounts if not already added, then adds the Driver accounts.

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Basic Account Reporting - Indirect Cashflow Option

For the Basic Accounts Reporting option, if you enable the Indirect Cashflow option,
the system adds the Cash Flow accounts and additional Cash Flow hierarchy.

Initial Required Movement Members

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Note that two base (level 0) movements are created in addition to the Opening
Balance hierarchy. You can add any additional base movements as required.
Movement Members with Multi-Currency Enabled
If you enable the Multi-Currency option, the system adds the foreign exchange related

Movement Members with Intercompany Data with Tracking and Ownership

Management Enabled
If you enable the Intercompany Data with Tracking option, additional options
such as Ownership Management are then available. Enabling Ownership
Management enables the "Opening Balance Ownership Change" system rule which
requires additional members (FCCS_Mvmts_Acquisitions, FCCS_Mvmts_Disposals).
The enablement of Ownership Management also seeds the standard
configurable consolidation rules which use FCCS_Mvmts_Acquisitions_Input and

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Movement Members with Indirect Cash Flow Enabled

For the Basic Accounts Reporting option, if you enable the Indirect Cashflow option,
the system adds the Indirect Cash Flow hierarchies into the Closing Balance hierarchy.

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Closing Balance Input Hierarchy

The seeded Closing Balance Input hierarchy enables you to load or enter Closing
Balance data and compare it to the derived Closing Balance.
Closing Balance data can be loaded to the FCCS_ClosingBalance_Input member of
the Movement dimension. The purpose of loading data to this Movement member
is to identify any discrepancy between the aggregation of the Opening Balance
plus periodic movements to the parent Closing Balance member and the required
closing balance amount at entity currency. Closing Balance Input is not translated or
consolidated. This member can, however, be used at a data entry level in a data
entry form to compare with the aggregated Closing Balance member, and can also
be used in Configurable Calculation rules to populate a default Movement member
with the difference between the current and required closing balance (for example,
<default movement> = Closing Balance Input - Closing Balance + <default movement).
Closing Balance Input can be loaded to either FCCS_Periodic or FCCS_YTD_Input,
but will ultimately be stored in FCCS_Periodic, from which any calculations should be
FCCS_ClosingBalance_Variance is a parent member. The children
of FCCS_ClosingBalance_Variance are FCCS_ClosingBalance_Input and
Note that FCCS_ClosingBalance_Input is not valid to validate the system-calculated
data and source data for Profit and Loss accounts.

CTA and CICTA Accounts

Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA )Account
By default, the system allows you to capture Foreign Exchange (FX) information in a
separate CTA account for all of the historical accounts. This CTA member represents

Chapter 10
Working with Members

the total CTA adjustments. Calculation logic is included in the consolidation script for
the re-direction of the FX from the source historical accounts to the CTA account.
With one CTA account, all FX-CTA calculation results are accumulated to the single
CTA account. The CTA account is part of Owner's Equity on the Balance Sheet for
US-GAAP reporting purposes.
Comprehensive Income Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CICTA) Account
You can select to capture CTA adjustments in a single Comprehensive Income
CTA account (CICTA) as part of the Statement for Comprehensive Income for IFRS
reporting purposes. This account aggregates to the balance sheet Other Reserves
You may want to report historical FX adjustments in a different account and in a
different section of the financial statements. This could be an account that is presented
as part of the Income Statement, and aggregates to Net Income and then to Retained
Earnings - Current. The seeded FCCS_CICTA account includes an optional CICTA
Redirection Account setting. By default, if CICTA is the selected method, then the
FX calculation from historical accounts is written to the FCCS_CICTA account. If you
select a different destination account by entering this account in the CICTA Redirection
Account attribute of FCCS_CICTA, then the destination for the FX to CICTA rule will be
the specified account. See Setting Account Attribute Values.
During application creation, both the FCCS_CTA and FCCS_CICTA accounts are
created. When you enable application features, you must specify which account to

By default, the CTA (Balance Sheet) option is selected. If you change this
option to Comprehensive Income, you must run consolidation to move the
data to the CICTA account.

See Application Feature Descriptions.

Foreign Exchange (FX) Calculations in Net Income Hierarchy

The seeded Net Income hierarchy in the Account dimension includes a base member
named FCCS_REC_OBFXCTA, Retained Earnings Current - Opening Balance - FX -
CTA. It is a sibling of Net Income and a child of Retained Earnings Current.
This member is populated with the sum of the Opening Balance of the Income
Statement accounts, and a single FX and single FX-to-CTA entry is made to this
account based on a calculation of the values for the total Income Statement.
If you want the Income Statement FX to be transferred to CTA, then
FCCS_REC_OBFXCTA should be set as a Historical account. If not, then it should
be set as "No Rate".
The FCCS_REC_OBFXCTA account consists of Opening Balance Carry Forward
(OBCF) for all level 0 accounts that are descendants of any siblings of OBFXCTA
(for example, the Income Statement). The system calculates the FX Variance, but
this account is a "Historical" account, so after calculating the FX Variance on the
OBFXCTA account, the FX Variance is transferred to the CTA (or CICTA) account.

Chapter 10
Working with Members

The system applies the Opening Balance Carry Forward to all Level 0 accounts with a
time balance property of Flow, with these exceptions:
• All accounts that are Level 0 of Retained Earnings Total: OB Carry Forward are
re-directed to Retained Earnings Prior in the first period of the year only.
• All accounts that are Level 0 of the siblings of FCCS_REC_OBFXCTA: OB Carry
Forward are re-directed to FCCS_REC_OBFXCTA in all periods except the first
period of the year.
• Revenue and Expense type accounts that are Level 0 siblings or Level 0
descendants of the siblings of FCCS_OR_OBFXCTA: OB Carry Forward are re-
directed to FCCS_OR_OBFXCICTA in all periods.
For FX Variance calculations (FX Opening, FX Movements), the system applies the
Opening Balance Carry Forward to all Level 0 Flow type accounts, except Saved
Assumption accounts which are not translated.
For CTA calculations:
• Transferring FX Variance out of the individual accounts: OBCF is applied to all
Historical, Historical Amount Override and Historical Rate Override accounts.
• Transferring FX Variance into CTA or CICTA accounts: OBCF is applied to
all Historical, Historical Amount Override and Historical Rate Override accounts
within the balanced Balance Sheet hierarchy (that is, within Total Balance Sheet-
Traditional, Total Balance Sheet-Net Assets or the Basic version).

Foreign Exchange (FX) Calculations in Other Comprehensive Income Hierarchy

The seeded Other Comprehensive Income hierarchy in the Account dimension
includes a base member named FCCS_OR_OBFXCICTA, Other Comprehensive
Income - Opening Balance - FX - CICTA. It is a sibling of Total Other Comprehensive
Income and a child of Other Reserves.
This member is populated with the sum of the Opening Balance of the Other
Comprehensive Income accounts, and a single FX and single FX-to-CICTA entry
is made to this account based on a calculation of the values for the Total Other
Comprehensive Income statement.
If you want the Income Statement FX to be transferred to CICTA, then
FCCS_REC_OBFXCICTA should be set as a Historical account. If not, then it should
be set as "No Rate".

Setting Up Cash Flow for Negative Cash Accounts

You may want Cash accounts for negative cash items such as Bank Overdrafts, to
reduce cash in the Cash Flow Statement, but include in the Liabilities section of the
Balance sheet. To do this, you can modify the accounts in the FCCS_Total Non Cash
section of the seeded Balance Sheet hierarchy.
Watch this video for details about setting up cash flow.

Setting Up Cash Flow for Negative Cash Accounts

Built-in Calculations
• Opening Balance

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Opening balance is calculated from the prior period's Closing Balance. Opening
Balance of First Period of the year is retrieved from the Last Period of the Prior
Year's Closing Balance.
The Opening Balance Adjustment is translated at the same effective rate as the
Closing Balance from which the Opening Balance is carried forward. The Closing
Balance for Historical accounts is effectively a weighted average of the rates
applied to all of the past movements.
The Effective Rate equals the Entity Currency Closing Balance from the prior
period divided by the Parent Currency Closing Balance from the prior period. Note
that this effective rate must be calculated on an account-by-account basis because
the ratios will differ.
This translation applies to all Historical accounts and to any Historical Rate
Override accounts for which an override rate has not been entered, and to any
Historical Amount Override accounts for which an override amount has not been
The method of the translation calculation is based on the method set as the
Default Translation settings for the Flow type (either Flow or Balance). The method
is either Periodic or Year-to-Date. If the default translation method is Periodic,
the translation calculation applies the Periodic entity currency amount against the
effective rate and writes to the Periodic translated cell. If the default translation
method is Year-to-Date, the translation applies the Year-to-Date entity currency
amount against the effective rate, then subtracts the Year-to-Date translated
amount of the prior period and writes the result to the Periodic translated cell.
The prior period from which the effective rate is calculated also takes into account
any Opening Balance Carry Forward overrides. If the Opening Balance for the
current year Budget scenario is carried forward from the Actual scenario, then the
effective rate is calculated from the Actual scenario.
The translation of Opening Balance Adjustments based on the calculated effective
rate requires that Entity currency and Parent currency Closing Balance data exists
in the prior period. If Entity currency and Parent currency Closing Balance data
does not exist in the prior period, then the Ending Rate for the prior period is used.
If neither Closing Balance data nor Ending Rate data exists, then no translation is
carried out.
For Historical Rate Override or Historical Amount Override accounts, if an override
has been entered, the override rate is used before reverting to the effective rate,
then Ending rate and then no translation.
Due to the cumulative nature of some translation calculations, it is recommended
that any translation to a Reporting Currency that is neither an entity's Entity
currency or Parent currency be executed from the first period of the year.
• Opening Balance for Periodic View
For the First period of the year, Opening (translated) = Closing (translated) of Last
period of Prior year.
For any subsequent periods, Opening (translated) = Closing (translated) of Prior
period of current year.
• Opening Balance for YTD View
Opening (translated) = Closing (translated) of Last period of Prior Year.
Total Opening (translated) = Closing (translated) of Last period of Prior Year plus
year-to-date current year Opening Balance Adjustments.

Chapter 10
Working with Members

• Opening Balance for Retained Earnings Prior

Opening Balance for Retained Earnings Prior is the Closing Balance of Total
Retained Earnings from the end of the Prior Year for the first period of the year, for
the YTD member of each period of the year, and for the QTD member for the first
For all other views and periods in the year, the Opening Balance is pulled from the
Closing balance of Retained Earnings Prior of the previous period for periodic and
quarter for QTD.
For example, for the Periodic View:
– Opening Balance January = Closing Balance of the last period of the prior
– Opening Balance February through December = Closing Balance of the prior
period of the current year
For Income Statement accounts, the Closing Balance at year-end is transferred to
the Retained Earnings Prior account. This is carried out by carrying forward the
Closing Balance of the Retained Earnings (Total) to Retained Earnings Prior.
From period to period other than over the year-end, the Closing Balance is carried
forward to the Opening Balance of the next period. However, the Closing Balance
of the Income Statement parent account is carried forward to the "Retained
Earnings Current - Opening Balance - FX - CTA" (FCCS_REC_OBFXCTA)
• Closing Balance
Closing Balance is always an aggregated total where Closing Balance = Total
Opening Balance + Movements Subtotal + FX Variance and CTA Adjustment.
• Movements
The details of movements are stored in separate members as needed and all
movements are translated based on the global translation default settings of
method and rate account.
• FX Variance Calculations
Exchange differences are calculated by calculating the translation of the opening
balance and movement source data at Ending Rate and comparing to the actual
translated opening balance and movement values.

Do not perform FX calculations on Net Income Level 0 members.

• Historical Accounts
If an override amount or override rate is entered for a historical account, the
override entry is applied to the translation. Otherwise, the account is translated
using the application default method and rate.
• FCCS_Days Sales In Receivables and FCCS_Days Sales In Inventory
The following table shows where data is stored for FCCS_Days Sales In
Receivables and FCCS_Days Sales In Inventory. Both of these seeded
calculations are calculated at the following POV. Note that the table has the POV

Chapter 10
Working with Members

of Calculations. The other column shows options for reporting. Intercompany and
Custom dimensions must be displayed at the "No" members.

Table 10-12 Seeded Calculations for FCCS_Days Sales In Receivables and

FCCS_Days Sales In Inventory

Dimension Calculated POV Optional POV

Scenario All
Year All
Period All
View All
Entity All where data exists
Consolidation Entity Input, Entity Entity Total
Currency Entity Currency, Parent
Currency, Reporting
Account FCCS_Days Sales In
FCCS_Days Sales In
Intercompany No Intercompany
Movement No Movement Total Movement
Data Source No Data Source Total Data Source
Multi-GAAP Local GAAP, IFRS (other parent
FCCS_Adjustments members)
Custom No Custom

Adding or Editing Members

You define properties for dimension members using these values.
In addition to the member properties in this list, some dimensions require additional
member properties.
• For account properties, see Defining Accounts.
• For entity properties, see Defining Entity Members.
• For currencies, see Setting Up Currencies.
• For scenarios, see Setting Up Scenarios.

Table 10-13 Member Properties

Property Value
Name Enter a name that is unique across all
dimension members.
Description Optional: Enter a description.
Alias Table Optional: Select the alias table to store the
alias name.

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Table 10-13 (Cont.) Member Properties

Property Value
Alias Optional: Enter an alternate name for the
For Entity members only: Base Currency Select the base currency for the Entity
Data Storage Select a data storage property. The default
is Never Share for new custom dimension
members (except root members).
• Store
• Dynamic Calc
• Never Share
• Shared
• Label Only
Two Pass Calculation Specify whether to recalculate values of
members based on values of parent members
or other members. Available for Account and
Entity members with Dynamic Calc properties.
Allow Upper-Level Entity Input Specify whether parent Entity input is allowed
for this member.
When you create a Local Rate account
and refresh the database, this attribute is
automatically enabled so that you can enter
Local Rate data for a base or a Parent entity
on the seeded Local Exchange Rate form.
Plan Type Select the application type for which the
member is valid.
Data Type Select a data type:
• Unspecified
• Currency
• NonCurrency
• Percentage
• Date
• Text
• Smart Lists
See Data Types and Exchange Rate Types.
Smart Lists Optional: Select a Smart List to associate with
the member.
Enable for Dynamic Children Enables users to create children for this
member by entering a member name in
the runtime prompt for a business rule that
has been configured with a dynamic parent
Number of Possible Dynamic Children This option is available if Enable for Dynamic
Children is selected. Enter the maximum
number of dynamically-added members that
users can create. The default is 10.

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Table 10-13 (Cont.) Member Properties

Property Value
Access Granted to Member Creator This option is available if Enable for Dynamic
Children is selected. Determines the access
that member creators have to dynamic
members that they create with a runtime
• Inherit—The member creator will inherit
the closest parent's access to the newly-
created member.
• None—The member creator will not be
assigned any access to the newly-created
member. (An administrator can later
assign the member creator access to the
• Read—The member creator will be
assigned Read access to the newly-
created member.
• Write—The member creator will be
assigned Write access to the newly-
created member.
If an administrator changes these settings,
they affect only future dynamic members; they
do not retroactively affect dynamic members.

To add or edit members:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. From the Dimension list, select a dimension.
4. Perform an action:
• To add a child member, select the parent level of the dimension hierarchy to
which to add a member and click Add Child.
• To add a sibling, select the level of the dimension hierarchy to which to add a
sibling and click Add Sibling.
• To edit a member, select that member from the dimension hierarchy and press
Enter or click Edit.
5. On Member Properties, set or change member properties described in the table
If you do not see the new member on the page, click Next.
6. Click Save to save information to the relational database and see changes in the
dimension hierarchy.
7. Refresh the database so that edited members are visible to users entering data.
8. After creating a dimension member, you typically complete these tasks:
• Assign access. See Managing Security.
• Specify attributes. See Working with Attributes.

Chapter 10
Working with Members

• To ensure that your metadata is valid, you can run the Metadata Validation
report at any time. See Metadata Validation Messages.

Deleting Members
Each data value is identified by a set of dimension member values and an application
type. Deleting dimension members or deselecting the application type results in data
loss when refreshing an application.

Before starting this procedure, perform a backup. See the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management System Backup and Recovery Guide .

Before deleting members, understand where in the application they are used (in which
forms, exchange rates, and so on) by using Show Usage.
To prevent a referential integrity problem with journals from occurring in the
application, Financial Consolidation and Close verifies and prevents the deletion of
any metadata member that is referenced in a journal. See Journal Referential Integrity.
You must delete the entity member throughout the application before deleting it from
Dimensions. For example, if the entity member is used in a form, you must delete it
from the form before deleting it from Dimensions.
To delete members:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. From the dimension hierarchy, select the entity member to delete.
4. Click Delete.
Deleting a base member also deletes its shared members.
5. Click OK.
6. Update and validate rules and reports.

Making Selections
Only members, substitution variables, and attributes to which you have access are
displayed. The Selections pane only displays if you invoke the member selector for
multiple member selection.
To make selections:
1. Click

2. Optional: Perform these tasks:

Chapter 10
Working with Members

• To enter search criteria (member name or alias only), press Enter (from the
desktop) or click Search (on mobile).
The search isn't case-sensitive. You can search for a word, multiple words, or
wildcard characters.
• To change display options such as viewing variables and attributes, showing
alias names, showing member counts, sorting alphabetically, refreshing the

member list, or clearing selections, click next to Search, and then select
from the list of display options.

• To filter the members that are displayed in the member list, under next to
Search, select Add Filter, and then select from the list of filter options.
3. Make selections by clicking a member in the member list.
To understand how related members are selected, see Member Relationships.
Selected members display a check mark and are moved to the Selections pane, if
To expand a parent member to see its child members, click the expansion icon to
the right of the parent member name. Clicking the expansion icon will not select
the parent member.

To clear selections you have made, click and then select Clear Selection.
At times, you may find that a point of view and page axis member you want to
select is suppressed. This occurs because a dimension selection in the point of
view and page axis has invalidated other dimensions due to valid intersections
that were applied. To resolve this issue, use the Clear Selection option to clear
the Point of View and page axis members you previously selected. Then you can
use the Point of View and page axis again to select members that were previously
To show all the members that are suppressed due to valid intersection rules,

click and then select Show Invalid Members. Invalid members are displayed
but are unavailable for selection.
4. Optional: Perform these tasks:
• To further refine which related members are selected in the Selections pane,
click to the right of the member.
• If substitution variables or attributes are defined, below the member selection
area, click next to Members, and then select Substitution Variables or
Attributes to select members for substitution variables or attributes. Members
are displayed as children. Only members to which the user has read access
are displayed in forms.

• To move or remove members in the Selections pane, click next to

• To highlight the location of a selected member within the dimension hierarchy,
double-click the member name in the Selections pane.

Chapter 10
Working with Members

To highlight the location of a selected member on a mobile device, tap the

member name in the Selections pane, and then tap Locate under next
to Selections.
5. When you're done making selections, click OK.

Member Relationships
This table describes which members and related members are included during
member selection.

Table 10-14 Member Relationships

Relationship Members Included

Member The selected member
Ancestors All members above the selected member,
excluding the selected member
Ancestors (inc) The selected member and its ancestors
Children All members in the level immediately below the
selected member
Children (inc) The selected member and its children
Descendants All descendants of the selected member,
excluding the selected member
Descendants (inc) The selected member and its descendants
Siblings All members from the same level in the
hierarchy as the selected member, excluding
the selected member
Siblings (inc) The selected member and its siblings
Parents The member in the level above the selected
Parents (inc) The selected member and its parent
Level 0 Descendants All descendants of the selected member that
have no children
Left Siblings The members that appear before the selected
member with the same parent
Left Siblings (inc) The selected member and its left siblings
Right Siblings The members that appear after the selected
member with the same parent
Right Siblings (inc) The selected member and its right siblings
Previous Sibling The member that appears immediately before
the selected member with the same parent
Next Sibling The member that appears immediately after
the selected member with the same parent
Previous Generation Member The member that appears immediately before
the selected member within the same

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Table 10-14 (Cont.) Member Relationships

Relationship Members Included

Next Generation Member The member that appears immediately after
the selected member within the same

Deleting Parent Members

Data values are identified by a set of dimension member values and an application
type. Deleting dimension members or deselecting the application type results in data
loss when refreshing the application.

Before starting this procedure, perform a backup. See the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management System Backup and Recovery Guide .

To delete a parent member and all its descendants from the dimension hierarchy:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. From the Dimension list, select the dimension whose member, descendants, or
branch that you want to delete
4. Click Delete.
5. Click OK.

Viewing Member Properties from Forms

To view member properties from forms:
1. On the Home page, click Data and then select a form.
2. In the form, select a row or column member and right-click.
3. Optional: Select Edit to view the member's properties, then click Cancel.

Working with Shared Members

Sharing members allow alternate rollup structures within an application. The shared
member values can be ignored to avoid double-counting values when you roll up the
You can create multiple shared members for the primary member.

Chapter 10
Working with Members

Primary members must exist before shared members ("above" the shared
member in the hierarchy) for the following dimensions: Scenario, Account,
Intercompany, Movement, Data Source, Multi-GAAP (if it exists), and
user-created Custom dimensions. The Entity dimension can have shared
members prior to primary members.
The Period dimension does not support alternate hierarchies.

Shared members share some property definitions with primary members, such
as member name, alias name, base currency, and application types for which
members are valid. Shared members must have unique parent members and different
rollup aggregation settings. Custom attributes, custom attribute values, and member
formulas are not allowed for shared members. Renaming primary members renames
all shared members.
Shared members cannot be moved to another parent member. You must delete
shared members and recreate them under different parent members.
You cannot share a parent member in Custom dimensions.
Shared members must be at the lowest level (level zero) in the hierarchy and cannot
have children. The primary member need not be level zero. You can enter data in
shared members, and values are stored with primary members.
Shared members are displayed similarly to primary members in the dimension
hierarchy for member selection in Oracle Smart View for Office.
See Creating Shared Members.

Creating Shared Members

You create shared members the same way as other members, with these differences:
• The base member cannot be the parent of the shared member.
• You cannot add a shared member as a sibling to the base member.
• You must give the shared member the same name as its base member. It can
have a different description.
• You must select Shared as the Data Storage for the shared member.

Period dimension members cannot have shared members.
You should not create shared members for the FCCS_No Data Source

Shared members must be added after the non-shared member. For example, in the
following Account dimension, Cash and Cash Equivalents are under FCCS_Current
Assets as a non-shared member, and under FCCS_Total Cash as a shared member.

Chapter 10
Setting Up Currencies

Note that the non-shared member is first in the hierarchy and the shared member is

Setting Up Currencies
Input Currencies
The Input currencies include the application currency and any currencies enabled for
the application. These currencies are used to assign as valid functional currencies for
the Entity and to enter exchange rates against.
When you create a currency for the application, the system provides a list of standard
ISO currency codes for selection. By default, the system creates Input currencies such
as USD, EUR, GBP, and so on. You should only enable the currencies that you need
for your application.
When you add a new currency to the Currency dimension, a new member is
automatically created under From Currency. The alias for the Default Alias table for
the new member must be set as the alias for the currency. If an alias is not defined, it
must be set as the name of the added currency.
For example, when a currency named GBP is added to the Currency dimension,
a new member called From_GBP is automatically created in the From Currency
dimension. If an alias is defined for GBP, the same alias must be set to From_GBP
also. If an alias is not defined for GBP, it must be set as GBP for From_GBP.
If the alias of a Currency member changes, the alias of the associated From Currency
member must also be changed to the new alias.
If a Currency member is removed, the associated From_Currency member must be

Reporting Currencies
A Reporting currency is the currency in which your company prepares financial
statements. When you create a currency for the application, you can enable it for
reporting purposes. You can also disable a currency as a Reporting currency.
The system supports currency conversion from local currencies to one or more
Reporting currencies. Converted Reporting currency values are stored and read-only
for all users. An application’s default currency is the default Reporting currency.

Chapter 10
Setting Up Currencies

Only Reporting currencies are available for translation in the application. All Reporting
currencies have a suffix of _Reporting, for example, USD_Reporting.
See Translation Process.
Each application is limited to 180 currencies, and each currency that is selected as a
Reporting currency counts as two currencies (Input currency and Reporting currency).
A Reporting currency has two mandatory members:
• Entity Currency—Used for data entry, when you manually enter data or load
data into the application. If your entity's functional currency is USD, and you
enter data for the Entity Currency member, when you want to report using the
Reporting currency member USD for the entity, you must perform a translation
to USD_Reporting, because there is no data stored in USD_Reporting until
translation occurs.
• Parent Currency—Used to store the translated data as related to its parent. It is
generated after consolidation and is a read-only member.
Reporting currency members are dynamic calculation members where the translation
occurs dynamically when the data is retrieved. The values are never stored for
Reporting currency members. The system only stores the Entity Currency and Parent
Currency values.

You cannot edit or delete the Entity Currency and Parent Currency members.
You can only specify an Alias.

Working with Multiple Currencies

If an application supports multiple currencies, you can enable multiple currencies per
entity on forms.
If multiple currencies are enabled, users can see values converted from the local
currency to a reporting currency and can override a cell’s base currency.
• When the local currency is selected on forms, the default stored and displayed
currency for cells is the entity’s base currency (which you specify). Users can enter
data values only into local currency members. If the local currency member is
selected, all currencies specified for the application are available as input types.
• You can set dimension properties for each currency in the Edit Currency dialog
box. In preferences, users can select different display options, and can select
Currency Setting to apply the properties set by the administrator.
• Currencies can be converted only to reporting currencies. Users cannot enter data
into cells displayed in reporting currencies. The application’s main currency is
by default a reporting currency. You can change which currencies are reporting
• Currencies defined for the application are valid currencies for data entry. Valid
currencies for data entry are displayed in a list that users access by clicking the
Currency link during data entry.

Chapter 10
Setting Up Currencies

• Currency codes associated with input values are stored as numeric values. These
codes are calculated in dimension formulas and business rules. The calculated
values of these currency codes may translate to currency codes that are incorrect
or invalid. Where there are children with mixed currencies, review calculated
results on the upper levels.
• If a parent has multiple children, of whom only one child has an overridden
currency, the parent inherits the overridden currency code (which is not displayed
on forms).
• In certain cases, parent entities display #MISSING when trying to convert to a
selected currency. Ensure that a currency rate is entered for each combination
of local currencies and selected currencies on forms or reports. Currency
combinations must exist for all mixed-currency children entities and parent

Number Formatting
You can determine the initial display of numerical values for non-currency and
currency data types in forms:
• Thousands separator:
– None: 1000
– Comma: 1,000
– Dot: 1.000
– Space: 1 000
• Decimal separator:
– Dot: 1000.00
– Comma: 1000,00
• Negative number sign:
– Prefixed minus: -1000
– Suffixed minus: 1000-
– Parentheses: (1000)
• Negative number color:
– Black
– Red

Viewing Currency Usage

You can view how an application uses a currency: whether a currency is the default,
is used for triangulation currency or by an entity, or has a conversion or exchange
relationship with other currencies.
To see how currencies are used:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select Currencies.

Chapter 10
Setting Up Currencies

4. Select the currency for which you want information.

5. Click Show Usage.

Creating Currencies
You can create members in the Currency dimension for each currency needed in your
Select from a predefined list or create your own. You can specify:
• The three-letter code
• The symbol
• A description of up to 256 characters
• The scaling factor to use when values are displayed
• The alias table to use to display aliases
• Number formatting, including thousands separator, decimal separator, negative
sign, and color
• Whether it is a reporting currency

The Triangulation currency to use for currency conversion is set from the
application currency.

To create currencies:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select Currency.
4. Click Add.
5. From Create Currency:
• To add a predefined currency, select Select standard Currencies.
• To create a currency, select Create new currency and specify properties:
– For Code, enter an abbreviation or identifier of up to three characters.
– Optional: For Description, enter a name, such as Japanese yen.
– For Symbol, enter a symbol or select a symbol from the list.
– Optional: For Scale, select how to enter and display the currency. For
example, 3 yen represents 3000 yen if scaling is set to thousands.
– Optional: For Alias Table, select the alias table to use.
– Optional: For Alias, enter a name for the currency alias.
6. Optional: Select Reporting Currency.

Chapter 10
Setting Up Currencies

7. Optional: For Thousands Separator, select how to display the thousands

separator (it must differ from the decimal separator).
8. Optional: For Decimal Separator, select how to display numbers with decimal
values (it must differ from the thousands separator).
9. Optional: For Negative Sign, select how to display negative numbers:
• Prefixed minus: -1000.
• Suffixed minus: 1000-
• Parentheses: (1000)
10. Optional: For Negative Color, select the display color.

11. Optional: Select the type of Data Storage.

12. Optional: Select Two Pass Calculation.

13. Optional: Select the Data Type.

14. Optional: Select a Smart List.

15. Click Save.

Editing Currencies
To edit currencies:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select Currency.
4. Select the currency to edit.
5. Click Edit.
6. Modify properties:
• To select from the predefined symbols, select one from the Select from
Predefined Symbols drop-down list.
• To change the currency’s symbol, for Symbol, enter or select the symbol.
• For Scale, set how to enter and display the currency.
• For set currency precision (the number of digits to the right of the decimal
place), select a number from 1 to 10 from the Precision drop-down list.
None is the default.
• To specify the currency as a reporting currency, select Reporting Currency.
• For Thousands Separator, select how to display the thousands separator (it
must differ from the decimal separator).
• For Decimal Separator, select how to display numbers with decimal values (it
must differ from the thousands separator).
• For Negative Sign, select how to display negative numbers:
– Prefixed Minus: -1000
– Suffixed Minus: 1000-
– Parentheses: (1000)

Chapter 10
Setting Up Scenarios

– Use Default Setting: Apply the default setting for the currency.
• For Negative Color, select the display color.
7. Click Save.

Deleting Currencies
You cannot delete the default currency.
To delete currencies:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. For Dimension, select Currencies.
4. For Currency, select the currency to delete.
5. Click Show Usage to determine if the currency is the default currency, a
triangulation currency, or associated with an entity. You cannot delete a currency
that meets these criteria.
If you delete a currency defined in the exchange rate table, it is deleted from the
6. Click Close, OK, Delete, and OK.
7. Update and validate business rules and reports.

Setting Up Scenarios
Each scenario contains data for accounts and other dimensions of each entity. After
users enter data for an entity for a scenario, they can submit or promote the data for
the entity to other users for review and approval.

About Scenarios
Use scenarios to:
• Create forecasts.
• Enter data into scenarios.
• Associate scenarios with different time periods or exchange rates.
• Assign user access rights by scenario.
• Report on scenarios.
• Compare and analyze scenarios.

Time Periods
Assign each scenario a range of years and time periods, and specify the Beginning
Balance time period. When users access forms, they can enter into that scenario only
years and periods within the range. Years and periods outside of the range display as
read-only. You can modify the time range.

Chapter 10
Setting Up Scenarios

Access Permissions
Specify access permissions to Scenario dimension members for groups or users to
determine who can view or modify data. A user or group can have only one of these
access permissions: Read, Write, or None. Access permissions for a user can be
combined based on groups to which the user belongs.

Creating Scenarios
To create scenarios:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select Scenarios.
4. Click Add Child.
5. For Scenario, enter a name.
6. Optional: For Description, enter a description.
7. For Start Yr., Start Period, End Yr., and End Period, select the time period to
associate with the scenario.
8. Optional: For Exchange Rate Table, select an exchange rate table to associate
with the scenario.
If an application uses multiple currencies, associate a scenario with an exchange
rate table to enable currency conversions.
9. Optional: For Alias, select an alias table to associate with the scenario, and enter
a description.
10. Optional: Select Include BegBal as Time Period to include the BegBalance time
period in this scenario for currency conversion.
11. Optional: Select Enabled for Process Management to include this scenario in
12. Click Save.

Editing Scenarios
To modify scenarios:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. For Dimension, select Scenario.
4. Select the scenario to edit.
5. Click Edit.
6. Optional: For Scenario, enter a name.
7. Optional: For Description, enter a description.

Chapter 10
Setting Up Scenarios

8. For Start Yr., Start Period, End Yr., and End Period, select the time period to
associate with the scenario.
9. Optional: For Exchange Rate Table, select an exchange rate table to associate
with the scenario.
If an application uses multiple currencies, associate a scenario with an exchange
rate table to enable currency conversion.
10. Optional: For Alias, select an alias table to associate with the scenario, and enter
the description.
11. Optional: Select Enabled for Process Management to use this scenario in
12. Click Save.

Deleting Scenarios
When you delete scenarios, all references to the scenario are deleted. You cannot
delete scenarios assigned to an axis on a form. You must first remove references to
scenarios from forms and assign different scenarios.
To delete scenarios:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select Scenarios.
4. Select the scenarios to delete. At least one scenario must remain in the
5. Click Delete.
6. Click OK.
7. Update and validate business rules and reports.

Copying Scenarios
Only scenario properties are copied. Data values and access rights associated with
the original scenario are not copied to the new scenario.
To copy scenarios:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select Scenarios.
4. Select the scenario to copy.
5. Click Copy Scenario.
6. For Copy to Scenario, enter a name.
7. Optional: For Description, enter a description.
8. For Start Yr., Start Period, End Yr., and End Period, select the time period to
associate with the scenario.

Chapter 10
Customizing Application Years

9. Optional: For Exchange Rate Table, select an exchange rate table to associate
with the scenario.
If an application uses multiple currencies, associate a scenario with an exchange
rate table to enable currency conversion.
10. Optional: For Alias Table, select an alias table to associate with the scenario, and
enter a description.
11. Optional: Select Enabled for Process Management to include this scenario in
12. Click Save.

Customizing Application Years

When you create an application, you specify a range of years. After the application is
created, you can increase the number of years used in the application.

Adding Years to the Calendar

You can add years to the application calendar, but you cannot decrease the number of
years in the application.
To add years to the calendar:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. From Dimensions, select Years.
4. Click Add Years (+).
5. In Add Years, enter the number of years to add to the calendar.
6. Click OK.
You can add a range of years either onto the end of the last defined year, or before
the first defined year.
When you click OK, the confirmation dialog asks you to confirm the following: "Do
you wish to add years to the end?"
To add years after the End year, click Yes.
To add years before the Start year, click No
You cannot add an All Years member.

Editing Year Information

You can add or update the description and alias for a year.
To edit years:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select Years.
4. Click Edit.

Chapter 10
Working with Attributes

5. Enter a description for the year.

6. For Alias Table, select the alias table to use, and then enter an alias name.
7. Click Save.

Working with Attributes

Use attributes to group members using the same criterion. You can assign attributes to
sparse dimensions only. You cannot assign attributes to label-only members. Attribute
dimensions do not have aggregation properties because parents are dynamically
The Account dimension is usually defined as dense, so you cannot assign attributes
to it unless it is changed to sparse for all application types. If you change a dimension
from sparse to dense, all attributes and attribute values for that dimension are
automatically deleted.
Attributes can have data types of text, date, Boolean, and numeric. When attributes
are defined, you can use the Member Selection dialog box to select attribute functions,
such as Equal and GreaterOrEqual.
To create and change attributes, attribute values, and aliases:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select a sparse dimension for which to define an attribute, attribute value, or alias.
Only sparse dimensions can contain attributes.
4. Select the top level in the dimension hierarchy, and click Edit.
5. In the Dimension Properties dialog box, click Custom Attributes.
If the dimension is not sparse, Custom Attributes is not available.
6. Select options:
• To create attributes, click Create. Type an attribute name, and select a data
type: Text, Date, Boolean, or Numeric. You cannot modify the data type after
the attribute is created.
• To modify attributes, click Modify, and update the attribute name.
• To set aliases for attributes, select an attribute and an attribute value, click
Alias. Select an alias table, type an alias name, and click Close.
7. Click Close.
When you click Close, the hierarchy is validated and an error displays if issues are
detected. For example, date attribute values must be entered in the correct format,
and numeric and date attribute dimensions must have at least one attribute value
8. Update and validate rules and reports.

Chapter 10
Working with Attributes

Understanding Attribute Data Types

Attribute dimensions can have a data type of text, numeric, Boolean, or date that
enables different functions for grouping, selecting, or calculating data. The attribute
type applies only to level 0 members of the attribute dimension.
• Text attributes enable basic attribute member selection and attribute comparisons
in calculations. When you perform such comparisons, characters are compared.
For example, a package type Bottle is less than a package type Can because B
precedes C in the alphabet.
• Numeric attribute dimensions use numeric values for the names of level 0
members. You can include the names (values) of numeric attribute dimension
members in calculations. For example, you can use the number of ounces
specified in an Ounces attribute to calculate profit per ounce for each product.
You can also associate numeric attributes with ranges of base dimension values,
for example, to analyze product sales by market population groupings.
• Boolean attribute dimensions in a database contain only two members. When a
Boolean attribute dimension is added, two attribute values, True and False, are
created for this attribute dimension by default. A base dimension, such as Account
or Entity, can be associated with only one attribute dimension that has the Boolean
data type.
• Date attributes can specify the date format as month-day-year or day-month-year,
and sequence information accordingly. You can use date attributes in calculations,
for example, comparing dates in a calculation for product sales since a specified
date. Users can set the date format by selecting an option in Attribute Dimension
Date Format in Application Settings preferences.

Deleting Attributes
When you delete an attribute, all attribute values associated with the attribute are
also deleted. Attribute values are removed from members to which they had been
assigned, and the attribute is removed from dimensions to which it was assigned.
To delete attributes:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select the sparse dimension for which to delete an attribute, and click Edit.
4. Click Custom Attributes.
5. Select the attribute to delete.
6. Above the Attributes column, click Delete.
7. Click OK.
8. Update and validate rules and reports.

Chapter 10
Working with Attribute Values

Working with Attribute Values

Attribute values provide users with another way of selecting dimensions members
when using forms. Data values for attribute values are dynamically calculated but not

Creating Attribute Values

You can define attribute values for sparse dimensions, which are typically the Entity
and user-defined custom dimensions. After you define an attribute value for a
dimension, you can assign it to members of that dimension.
You can create attribute values in either the Classic Dimension Editor, or the Simplified
Dimension Editor.
To create attribute values in the Classic Dimension Editor:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select the sparse dimension for which to create an attribute value.
4. Select the top level in the dimension hierarchy.
5. Click Custom Attributes.
6. On the Manage Attributes and Values page, select the attribute for which to
specify a value.
7. Above the Attribute Values column, click Create. If the options are available, you
can click Add Child or Add Sibling.
8. On Create Attribute Value, in Name, enter a name.
9. Click Save.
To create attribute values in the Simplified Dimension Editor:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Overview.
2. Click the Dimensions tab.
3. For Cube, select All.
4. Select a dimension.
5. Click the Edit Dimension Properties tab on the left.
6. Under Custom Attributes at the bottom right, click Create.
7. Enter an attribute name, and click Save.

8. To edit or delete an attribute, click the Actions ellipsis icon next to the

Assigning Attribute Values to Members

You can assign attribute values members of a dimension that are defined as sparse
for all application types. Attribute values must be assigned to the same-level sparse
dimension members. Otherwise, errors display during refresh.

Chapter 10
Working with Attribute Values

To assign attribute values to members:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select the sparse dimension for whose member you want to assign an attribute
4. In the Dimension hierarchy, select a member to which to assign an attribute
5. Click Edit.
For members assigned attribute values: Click View to change a member’s
attribute value.
6. Select Attribute Values.
7. Select attribute values to assign to the member.
8. Perform an action:

• To assign the value to the selected member, click Add .

• To remove a value from the selected member, select the value to remove and
click Remove .

• To remove all values from the selected member, click Remove All .
9. Click Save.

Modifying Attribute Values

To modify attribute values:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select the sparse dimension for which to modify an attribute value.
4. Select the top level in the dimension hierarchy.
5. Click Custom Attributes.
6. For Attributes, select the attribute containing the value to modify.
7. For Attribute Values, select the attribute value.
8. Above Attribute Values, click Modify.
9. On Modify Attribute Value, in Name, enter a name.
10. Click Save.

Deleting Attribute Values

When you delete an attribute value, it is removed from custom dimension members to
which it is assigned.
To delete attribute values:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

Chapter 10
Working with User-Defined Attributes (UDAs)

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.

3. Select the sparse dimension containing the attribute for which to delete a value.
4. Select the top level in the dimension hierarchy.
5. Click Custom Attributes.
6. For Attributes, select the attribute containing attribute values to delete.
7. For Attribute Values, select attribute values to delete.
To select all attribute values for deletion, select Attribute Values.
8. Above the Attribute Values column, click Delete.
9. Click OK.
10. Update and validate rules and reports.

Working with User-Defined Attributes (UDAs)

You can use user-defined attributes (UDAs) within member formulas and reports.
UDAs return lists of members associated with the attribute. For example:
• For a Product dimension with several product members, you can create a UDA
called New Products and assign this UDA to the new products in the Product
dimension hierarchy. Then you can base certain calculations on the New Products
• If you use the @XREF function to look up a data value in another database to
calculate a value from the current database, you can add the HSP_NOLINK UDA to
members to prevent the @XREF function from being created on all application types
that are not the source type selected for that member.
UDAs are specific to dimensions. For example, creating a UDA for an Account
member makes it available for non-shared Account members. Deleting it removes
it for all Account members. To make UDAs available for multiple dimensions, create
the same UDA for multiple dimensions. For example, create a UDA named New for the
Account and Entity dimensions to make it available for Account and Entity members.
To select UDAs for members:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select the dimension for whose members to associate the UDA.
4. From the dimension hierarchy, select a member and click Edit.
5. Select UDA.
6. Optional: To create a UDA, click Create.
7. Select UDAs for the member by moving them to Selected UDA and clicking Save:

• Add moves the selected UDAs to the Selected USA panel.

• Remove removes selected UDAs.

• Remove All removes all UDAs.

Chapter 10
Working with Member Formulas

Creating UDAs
To create UDAs:
1. Navigate to the UDA tab in Dimensions.
2. On UDA, click Create.
3. Enter a name and click Save.

Changing UDAs
To change UDAs:
1. Navigate to the UDA tab in Dimensions.
2. On UDA, select a UDA and click Edit.
3. Change the name and click Save.

Deleting UDAs
Deleting a UDA removes it for the dimension.
To delete UDAs:
1. Navigate to the UDA tab in Dimensions.
2. Select the UDA and click Delete.
If you delete UDAs, you must update all member formulas, calculation scripts, and
reports that reference them.

Working with Member Formulas

You can define member formulas to combine operators, calculation functions,
dimension and member names, and numeric constants to perform calculations on
members. Member formulas can also include:
• Operator type, function, value, member name, UDA, and so on allowed in
• Predefined formula expressions, including Smart List values, that expand into a
formula or value upon database refresh.
To define member formulas:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
3. Select the dimension for whose member to add or change a formula.
4. Select the member and click Edit.
5. Select the Member Formula tab.
6. Select options for the following fields:
• Cube

Chapter 10
Working with Member Formulas

A formula entered for the default cube is applied to all cubes unless
it is overridden by a different formula entered for a specific cube.
To move the formula from the default cube to a specific cube, you
can use Smart View. Find the formula and cut it from the default
cube and paste it into a specific cube, for example, Consol.

• Data Storage—Select a data storage option. The default is Store.

• Solve Order—For Extended Dimensionality applications, solve order
determines the order in which formulas are evaluated. To set this property,
you use the Application Configuration page. See Applying SolveOrder for
7. In the text box, define formulas for the member.
8. Optional: To check the validity of the member formula, click Verify Syntax.
9. Click Save.
Before you click Save, clicking Reset restores the previous member formula

Viewing Details of Formula Verification

To view details of the member formula syntax verification:
1. On Member Formula, click Verify Syntax.
2. If the member formula is not valid, click Show Details.
If the member formula is valid, Show Details is not selectable.
3. Click Save.

Solve Order in Member Formulas

SolveOrder is a metadata property that can be set either for a dimension or a member
that defines the order of member evaluation. The solve order is applied during query
SolveOrder can impact the performance of the query. The value of the SolveOrder
property determines the priority with which the member formula is calculated. The
formula on the members that have a specified Solve Order are calculated in order
from the lowest Solve Order to the highest. When a member formula is dependent on
the value of another member, the member with the formula must have a higher Solve
Order than the member on which it depends.

Table 10-15 Default Solve Order Settings

Dimension Type Default SolveOrder Value

Stored member 0
Sparse dimension 10
Dense dimension - Account 30

Chapter 10
Working with Member Formulas

Table 10-15 (Cont.) Default Solve Order Settings

Dimension Type Default SolveOrder Value

Dense dimension - Time 40
Dense dimension – Two Pass Account 60
Dense dimension – Two Pass Time 70
Two Pass 100
Attribute dimension 90

If a sparse member formula references a dense member with ‘DynamicCalc’ data

storage, the reference is ignored because by default, sparse dimensions are
calculated first (Sparse default solveOrder – 10, Dense Account default SolveOrder
- 30). This behavior can be changed by assigning a custom Solve Order to the sparse
dimension that is higher than the dense dimension’s Solve Order.
Consider the following example with members of different SolveOrders and
corresponding valuation.
• Accounts
• A1
• A2
• Ratio – Member Formula [A1 / A2]
• DataSource
• DataInput
• CustomInput
• Variance – Member Formula [DataInput - CustomInput]
Consider the following dataset for the intersections for the January period:

Calculations with different SolveOrders for Ratio and Variance

Case 1: Ratio with a higher SolveOrder than Variance
In this case, Variance will be calculated first, and then corresponding Ratio.

Chapter 10
Working with Member Formulas

Ratio of Variance will be calculated as (Variance->A1)/(Variance->A2).

Case 2: Ratio with a lower SolveOrder than Variance

In this case, Ratio will be calculated first, and then corresponding Variance.

Variance of Ratio will be calculated as (Ratio->DataInput) – (Ratio->CustomInput).

Applying SolveOrder for Metadata

SolveOrder is a metadata property that can be set either for a dimension or a member
that defines the order of member evaluation. The solve order is applied during query
execution. When a cell is evaluated in a multidimensional query, the order in which the
calculations should be resolved depends on the SolveOrder property.
See Solve Order in Member Formulas.
When using Extended Dimensionality, SolveOrder is set for the DynamicCalc
members in certain dimensions. This helps in improved query performance when
creating forms and adhoc-grids. All the Dynamic Calc ancestors of members that have
the SolveOrder property should be set with the same SolveOrder.

Chapter 10
Working with Alias Tables

In Financial Consolidation and Close, when using Extended Dimensionality,

SolveOrder is set for the following dimensions:
• Movement
• Consolidation
• DataSource
• Period
• View
For all the required seeded members of the above dimensions, the SolveOrder
metadata property is seeded by default. You can add members to the DataSource
and Movement dimensions. If you add any DynamicCalc in these dimensions under
the seeded parent members that use SolveOrder, then you must set the SolveOrder
on the new members.
You apply the SolveOrder for metadata from a Configuration task. You select a
dimension, and then select the SolveOrder. After you apply the SolveOrder property, a
summary is displayed which lists all the members modified with the new SolveOrder,
and both old and new values. Since setting the SolveOrder is a metadata change, you
must then run the Refresh Database task for the changes to take effect.
To apply the SolveOrder metadata property:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Configuration.
2. Click Apply Metadata SolveOrder.
3. From the Dimension drop-down list, select a dimension.
4. From the SolveOrder drop-down list, select a SolveOrder value.
The minimum SolveOrder value is 0 and the maximum value is 127.
5. Click Launch, then from the warning message, click OK.
6. After the task completes, review the summary page of the values for the modified
7. On the Home page, click Application, then click Overview.
8. From Actions, select Refresh Database, and click Refresh.

Working with Alias Tables

Related Topics
• About Aliases
• About Alias Tables
• Creating Alias Tables
• Editing or Renaming Alias Tables
• Deleting Alias Tables
• Clearing Alias Tables
• Copying Alias Tables

Chapter 10
Working with Alias Tables

About Aliases
You can assign alternate names, or aliases, to system dimensions and user-defined
dimension members. The application allows up to 30 aliases per dimension member,
including the default alias. Aliases can have the same name within an alias table and
across alias tables.
Aliases can also have:
• The same name as a member
• The same alias on members that are parent and child
• The same name for members from different dimensions or from the same


• You can't have the same alias for two members that are siblings because
there would be no way to uniquely identify the member. This rule
is enforced by the application for base members, but not for shared
This rule isn't enforced for shared members because you can't directly
set aliases for shared members; shared member aliases are inherited
from the alias of their base member. It's possible to create an alternative
hierarchy where you can have two shared members that have the same
alias and are siblings. However, this situation is discouraged if you
want to reference these members by their aliases from an adhoc grid
because, when you type the alias into the grid and submit it to the
application, the application can't uniquely resolve this member and it will
return an error. If you're using the alias for display purposes only then
there will be no issue, but this design is discouraged because, visually,
there is no way to differentiate between these two members.
• Although aliases can have the same name as a member, be careful not
to set the alias of member1 to be the same name as member2. This can
lead to unintended results and will cause confusion on the form grids.
• Member names must be unique so that they can be used in rules and
form designs.

About Alias Tables

You can assign alternate names, or aliases, to dimension members. You can create
and update alias tables, and set a default alias table for the application.
Multiple alias tables support, for example, these language combinations:
• English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian
• Japanese and English
• Korean and English

Chapter 10
Working with Alias Tables

• Turkish and English

You can set alias tables to display members in an application. To specify
Alias Table settings, see Managing Application and System Settings.

Creating Alias Tables

To create alias tables:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage click Alias Tables.
3. On the Alias Tables page, click Add.
4. In Add - Alias Table, enter a name.
5. Click OK.

Editing or Renaming Alias Tables

To edit or rename alias tables:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Alias Tables.
3. On the Alias Table page, select the alias table.
4. Click Edit.
5. For Edit - Alias Table, enter a name.
6. Click OK.

Deleting Alias Tables

To delete alias tables:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Alias Tables.
3. On the Alias Table page, select the alias table that you want to delete.
You cannot delete the default alias table.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click OK.

Clearing Alias Tables

You can clear the contents of alias tables.
To clear alias tables:

Chapter 10
Working with Alias Tables

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Alias Tables.
3. On the Alias Table page, select the alias table to clear.
Clearing the alias table removes the contents of the table but does not remove the
4. Click Clear Values.
5. Click OK.

Copying Alias Tables

To copy alias tables:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Alias Tables.
3. On the Alias Table page, select the alias table to copy.
4. Click Copy.
5. Select the destination alias table.
The destination alias table must exist. Copying does not create tables.
6. Click Copy.

Editing Dimensions in the Simplified
Dimension Editor
Related Topics
• About Editing Dimensions in the Simplified Dimension Editor
• Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor
• Working with the Simplified Dimension Editor Grid
• Editing Dimension Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor
• Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

About Editing Dimensions in the Simplified Dimension Editor

The Simplified dimension editor displays dimensions and members in a grid format.
With the grid format, dimensions and members are editable on a single page. You can
edit member properties directly on the grid and you can perform ad hoc operations
such as zooming in, zooming out, keep selected, remove selected, and freeze.
Users with the security roles to view and edit dimensions in the Classic dimension
editor can perform similar actions in the Simplified dimension editor.
The Simplified dimension editor enables you to check for invalid dimension member
properties and take action to correct the properties. Invalid properties are bordered in
red in the dimension editor grid.
For a detailed list of member properties, see Editing Member Properties in the
Simplified Dimension Editor.

Related topics:
• Dimensions Overview
• Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor
• Editing Dimension Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor
• Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor
Watch the following video to learn more about adding and updating metadata using the
Dimension Editor:

Chapter 11
Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor

Adding and Updating Metadata Using the Dimension Editor.

Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor

To access the Simplified dimension editor:
1. From the Home page, click Application, and then click Overview.
2. Click Dimensions.
3. Click the down arrow to the right of Cube to filter the list of dimensions by cube.
4. Click the name of the dimension that you want to view.
5. Select from the following tabs:
• Edit Dimension Properties—Click to view and edit dimension details. See
Editing Dimension Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor.
• Edit Member Properties—Click to view and edit dimension members. See
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor.
To use the Classic dimension editor (accessed from the Navigator), see Managing

Working with the Simplified Dimension Editor Grid

Related Topics
• Switching to Another Dimension
• Customizing the Column Layout
• Viewing Ancestors
• Showing Member Usage in an Application
• Focusing Your Editing
• Finding Members
• Sorting Members
• Moving Members to Another Hierarchy
• Working with Member Formulas
• Copying Member Names from Microsoft Excel

Switching to Another Dimension

To switch to another dimension while viewing the Simplified dimension editor grid:
1. View Edit Member Properties.
See Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor.
2. Click the down arrow next to the dimension name at the top of the page.

Chapter 11
Working with the Simplified Dimension Editor Grid

Customizing the Column Layout

Each column in the Simplified dimension editor grid represents a member property
(Member Name, Parent Member, Default Data Storage, and so on). The columns
that initially display on the grid can be different based on which dimension type you
are editing. You can customize the layout of columns in the Simplified dimension editor
grid by hiding, unhiding, or resizing columns. You can also display the complete set of
properties (all columns) by clearing the Default mode option.
To customize the column layout in the Simplified dimension editor grid:
1. View Edit Member Properties.
See Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor.
2. On the dimension grid, right-click any column heading.
A checklist of columns displays. Also displayed are column or grid resizing
3. Select or clear the check boxes for the columns you want to hide or unhide on the

To view all property columns in the grid, clear the Default mode check
box. Default mode is selected by default, and limits the properties that
are displayed. Clearing this option displays a larger (complete) set of
properties (as columns).

4. To change the size of the grid or the columns that are displayed on the grid, select
or clear the following resizing options:
• Force fit columns—Resizes the columns so that all columns are visible on
the grid without scrolling.
• Synchronous resize—Resets the size of the grid to original settings.

Viewing Ancestors
Ancestors are all the members above the selected member in the dimension hierarchy.
To view the ancestors for the selected member in the Simplified dimension editor grid:
1. View Edit Member Properties.
See Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor.
2. Select a member on the dimension editor grid.
3. Click Show Ancestors.

Showing Member Usage in an Application

Before performing such operations as deleting members, it's important to understand
where in the application the members are used (in which forms, approval units,
exchange rates, and so on) by using Show Usage.

Chapter 11
Working with the Simplified Dimension Editor Grid

To view where members are used in an application using the Simplified dimension
1. View Edit Member Properties.
See Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor.
2. Select a member on the dimension editor grid.
3. Click Show Usage.

Focusing Your Editing

Use zoom in, zoom out, keep selected, remove selected, and freeze to focus your
editing while working in the Simplified dimension editor grid.
To perform these operations while viewing the dimension editor grid:
1. View Edit Member Properties.
See Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor.
2. To focus your editing on specific members in the grid, select a member, and then
click one of the following zoom operations:
• Zoom In Next level—Displays all members one level below the selected
• Zoom In All levels—Displays all descendant members below the selected
• Zoom In Bottom level—Displays all descendant members of the selected
member that have no children
• Zoom Out—Displays the member one level above the selected member
3. To focus your editing on specific rows or columns in the grid, select a row or
column, and then choose from the following operations:
• Keep Selected—Displays only the selected row or column on the grid
• Remove Selected—Removes the selected row or column from the grid
• Freeze (Columns only)—Keeps the selected column and all columns to the
left of the selected column stationary so the column or columns cannot be
scrolled. Only columns to the right of the frozen column can be scrolled. For
example, you can freeze the first column that includes the member name so
that you can scroll and edit that member's properties and still see the member
name. To unfreeze columns, click Freeze once again.

Finding Members
To find dimension members in the Simplified dimension editor grid:
1. View Edit Member Properties for a dimension.
See Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor.
2. For Search, select Name, Alias, or Both.
3. Enter the search text (member name, alias, or partial string) for which to search.
4. Click Search Up or Search Down.

Chapter 11
Working with the Simplified Dimension Editor Grid

Sorting Members
You can sort members in ascending or descending order, by children or descendants.
Sorting members affects the outline.
To sort members using the Simplified dimension editor:
1. View Edit Member Properties.
See Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor.
2. On the dimension grid, select the members whose children or descendants you
want to sort.
3. For Sort, select Children or Descendants.
Sorting by children affects only members in the level immediately below the
selected member. Sorting by descendants affects all descendants of the selected
4. Click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.

Moving Members to Another Hierarchy

To move members to another hierarchy in the Simplified dimension editor:
1. View Edit Member Properties.
See Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor.
2. In the Parent Member column of the grid, type a new parent name for the member
you want to move.
3. Click Save.

Working with Member Formulas

You can define or edit member formulas directly in the Simplified dimension editor grid,
in the formula bar, or in the Member Formula dialog where you can validate member
You can define member formulas to combine operators, calculation functions,
dimension and member names, and numeric constants to perform calculations on
members. Member formulas can also include:
• Operator type, function, value, member name, UDA, and so on allowed in
• Predefined formula expressions, including Smart List values, that expand into a
formula or value upon database refresh.
Best Practice:
• Use member formulas for Level 0 members only.
• Avoid using member formulas on Custom dimensions, unless required for
• Avoid using member formulas on the Movement dimension, due to consolidation
performance considerations.

Chapter 11
Editing Dimension Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

• Two-pass calculations are recommended to be used on the Account dimension

To define or edit member formulas in the Simplified dimension editor:
1. View Edit Member Properties.
See Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor.
2. In the Default Formula column of the grid, select the member for which you want
to define or edit a formula. Define or edit the formula for the member using one of
the following options:
• Click the cell once more in the dimension editor grid to enter or edit the
• Click within the formula bar above the dimension editor grid, and then enter or
edit the formula.

• Click next to the formula bar, and then enter or edit the formula.

To include member names in formulas, keep the focus on the formula
cell in the grid. Press Ctrl while clicking the member name you want to
include in the formula. The member name will display in the formula bar.

3. Optional: To check the validity of a member formula, click next to the formula
bar, and then click Validate.
4. Click Save.

Copying Member Names from Microsoft Excel

To copy and paste member names from Microsoft Excel:
1. In Excel, highlight the member names in one cell or in a range of cells, and press
Ctrl+C to copy the data onto the clipboard.
2. Highlight and select the target cell or cells in the Simplified dimension editor, and
then press Ctrl+V.
3. When the Clipboard helper is displayed, press Ctrl+V again. The data is pasted to
the Clipboard helper.
4. Click Paste to paste the data into the Simplified dimension editor.

Editing Dimension Properties in the Simplified Dimension

To access the Edit Dimension Properties tab in the Simplified dimension editor, from
the Home page, click Application, and then click Overview. Click Dimensions, and
then click the name of the dimension for which you want to view dimension properties.

Chapter 11
Editing Dimension Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

Table 11-1 Dimension Properties

Property Value
Dimension Enter a name that is unique across all
Description Optional: Enter a description.
Alias Table and Alias Optional: Select an alias table. Enter an
alternate name for the dimension.
See Working with Alias Tables.
Cube Select the cubes for which the dimension
is enabled. Clearing this option disables all
members of the dimension for the deselected
Two Pass Calculation Recalculate values of members based on
values of parent members or other members.
Available for Account and Entity members with
Dynamic Calc properties.
Apply Security Allow security to be set on the dimension
members; must be selected before assigning
access rights to dimension members.
Otherwise, dimensions have no security and
users can access members without restriction.
Data Storage Select a data storage option. The default is
Never Share.
• Store—Stores data values of members.
• Dynamic Calc—Calculates data values of
members, and disregards the values.
• Never Share—Prohibits members in the
same dimension from sharing data values.
• Label Only—Has no data associated with
the member.
• Shared—Allows members in the same
dimension to share data values.
See Data Storage Options.
Display Option Set application default display options for
the Member Selection dialog box. Select
Member Name or Alias to display members
or aliases. Member Name:Alias displays
members on the left and aliases on the right.
Alias:Member Name displays aliases on the
left and members on the right.

Chapter 11
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

Table 11-1 (Cont.) Dimension Properties

Property Value
Hierarchy Type Available for dimensions bound to an
aggregate storage cube. Aggregate storage
dimensions are automatically enabled to
support multiple hierarchies. The first hierarchy
in a multiple hierarchy dimension must be
For members with a Stored hierarchy type,
the only valid cube aggregation options are
Addition or Ignore. In a stored hierarchy, the
first member must be set to Addition. For
members with a Dynamic hierarchy type, all
cube aggregation options are valid. Stored
hierarchy members that are not children of
Label Only members must have Addition
set as the consolidation operator. Children of
Label Only members can be set to Ignore.
Custom Attributes Click to Create or Synchronize custom
attributes for a dimension.

Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension

To access the Edit Member Properties tab in the Simplified dimension editor:
1. From the Home page, click Application, and then click Overview.
2. Click Dimensions, and then click the name of the dimension for which you want to
view member properties.
3. Click Edit Member Properties.
4. To edit member properties in the Simplified dimension editor grid, click within a
grid cell to edit text or to view a drop-down menu from which you can choose
member properties. You can also drag and drop member property values over to
rows and columns to fill in properties that are the same.
See Working with the Simplified Dimension Editor Grid.

Each column in the Simplified dimension editor grid represents a member
property. The list of properties (columns) that initially displays on the grid
can be different based on which dimension type you are editing. You can
customize the layout of columns by hiding, unhiding, or resizing columns.
You can also display the complete set of properties (all columns) by clearing
the Default mode option. To customize the column layout in the Simplified
dimension editor grid, see Customizing the Column Layout.

The following tables list the default dimension member properties.

Chapter 11
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

For more information on member properties, see Working with Dimensions.

Table 11-2 Account Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Account Type Expense, Revenue, Asset, Expense
Liability, Equity, Saved
Variance Reporting Expense, Non-Expense Non Expense
Exchange Rate Type No Rate, Average, Ending, No Rate
Historical, Historical Rate
Override, Historical Amount
Average and Ending are
considered as No Rate.
Consol Consol op Addition, Subtraction, Addition
Multiplication, Division,
Percent, Ignore, Never
Rates Consol op Addition, Subtraction, Addition
Multiplication, Division,
Percent, Ignore, Never
Consol Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Label Only Child Member: Never Share
Child Member: Never Share,
Dynamic Calc, Label Only,
Default Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Label Only Child Member: Never Share
Child Member: Never Share,
Dynamic Calc, Label Only,
Rate Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Label Only Child Member: Never Share
Child Member: Never Share,
Dynamic Calc, Label Only,
Two Pass Calculation No, Yes No
Smart Lists None None
Data Type Currency, Non Currency, Currency
Unspecified, Percentage,
Smart List, Date, Text
Time Balance Flow, Balance Flow
CICTA Redirection Account None None
Is CICTA Account None None
Intercompany Account None None
Plug Account None None
Is Plug Account None None
Default Movement None None
Is Indexed Attribute None None

Chapter 11
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

Table 11-2 (Cont.) Account Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Alias Table Default Default
Enable for Dynamic Children No No
Number of Possible Dynamic 10 10
Access Granted to Member Inherit Inherit

Table 11-3 Consolidation Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Access Granted to Member Inherit Inherit
Alias Table Default Default
Consol Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Label Only Child Member: Store
Child Member: Store
Default Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Label Only Child Member: Store
Child Member: Store
Rates Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Label Only Child Member: Store
Child Member: Store
Two Pass Calculation No No
Consol Consol op Addition, Never Addition
Rate Consol op Addition, Never Addition
Data Type Unspecified Unspecified
Smart Lists None None
Enable for Dynamic Children No No
Number of Possible Dynamic 10 10
Access Granted to Member Inherit Inherit

Table 11-4 Currency Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Alias Table Default Default
Default Data Storage Store, Dynamic Calc, Never Store
Share, Label Only
Two Pass Calculation No, Yes No
Data Type Unspecified Unspecified
Smart Lists None None

Chapter 11
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

Table 11-4 (Cont.) Currency Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Symbol Predefined List None
Scale Predefined List 1
Precision Predefined List None
Reporting Currency No, Yes No
Thousands Separator Predefined List None
Decimal Predefined List Period
Negative Sign Predefined List Prefixed Minus
Negative Color Black, Red Black

Table 11-5 Custom Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Alias Table Default Default
Consol Data Storage Never Share, Shared, Never Share
Dynamic Calc
Default Data Storage Never Share, Shared, Never Share
Dynamic Calc
Rates Data Storage Never Share, Shared, Never Share
Dynamic Calc
Two Pass Calculation No No
Consol Consol op Addition, Subtraction, Addition
Multiplication, Division,
Percent, Ignore, Never
Data Type Unspecified Unspecified
Smart Lists None None
Enable for Dynamic Children No No
Number of Possible Dynamic 10 10
Access Granted to Member Inherit Inherit

Table 11-6 DataSource Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Alias Table Default Default
Consol Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Shared, Label Child Member: Store
Child Member: Shared, Store,
Dynamic Calc

Chapter 11
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

Table 11-6 (Cont.) DataSource Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Default Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Shared, Label Child Member: Store
Child Member: Shared, Store,
Dynamic Calc
Rates Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Shared, Label Child Member: Store
Child Member: Shared, Store,
Dynamic Calc
Two Pass Calculation No, Yes No
Consol Consol op Addition, Subtraction, Addition
Multiplication, Division,
Percent, Ignore, Never
Data Type Unspecified Unspecified
Smart Lists None None
Enable for Dynamic Children No No
Number of Possible Dynamic 10 10
Access Granted to Member Inherit Inherit

Table 11-7 Entity Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Base Currency Currencies in the Rates Cube Currencies in the Rates Cube
(cannot be set to None) (cannot be set to None)
Consol Data Storage Never Share, Share Never Share
Default Data Storage Never Share, Share Never Share
Rates Data Storage Never Share, Share Never Share
Two Pass Calculation No, Yes No
Consol Consol op Ignore Ignore
Rates Consol op Ignore Ignore
Data Type Currency, Non Currency, Unspecified
Unspecified, Percentage,
Smart List, Date, Text
Smart Lists None None
Intercompany (Attribute Parent Member: None, Yes Parent Member: None
Dimension) Child Member: None Child Member: None
Enable for Dynamic Children No No
Number of Possible Dynamic 10 10
Access Granted to Member Inherit Inherit

Chapter 11
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

Table 11-8 Intercompany Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Alias Table Default Default
Consol Data Storage Never Share Never Share
Default Data Storage Never Share Never Share
Rates Data Storage Never Share Never Share
Two Pass Calculation No No
Consol Consol op Addition Addition
Data Type Unspecified Unspecified
Smart Lists None None
Enable for Dynamic Children No No
Number of Possible Dynamic 10 10
Access Granted to Member Inherit Inherit

Table 11-9 Movement Member Properties

Property Default Value Valid Values

Alias Table Default Default
Consol Data Storage Parent Member: Never Share, Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Dynamic Calc, Shared, Label Child Member: Never Share
Child Member: Never Share,
Shared, Label Only
Default Data Storage Parent Member: Never Share, Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Dynamic Calc, Shared, Label Child Member: Never Share
Child Member: Never Share,
Shared, Label Only
Two Pass Calculation No No, Yes
Consol Consol op Addition Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication, Division,
Percent, Ignore, Never
Data Type Unspecified Unspecified
Smart Lists None None
Enable for Dynamic Children No No
Number of Possible Dynamic 10 10
Access Granted to Member Inherit Inherit

Chapter 11
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

Table 11-10 Period Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Alias Table Default Default
Consol Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Shared Child Member: Store
Child Member: Store, Shared
Default Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Shared Child Member: Store
Child Member: Store, Shared
Rates Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Shared Child Member: Store
Child Member: Store, Shared
Two Pass Calculation No, Yes No
Data Type Unspecified Unspecified
Consol Consol op Addition Addition
Rates Consol op Addition Addition
Smart Lists None None
Enable for Process Parent Member: No Parent Member: No
Management Child Member: Yes Child Member: Yes

Table 11-11 Scenario Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Alias Table Default Default
Start Year All the years in the application First Year
Start Period Select from valid values Select from valid values
End Year All the years in the application Last Year
End Period Select from valid values Select from valid values
Include BegBal as Time Yes, No No
Enabled for Process Yes, No Yes
Exchange Rate Table None None
Consol Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Shared Child Member: Never Share
Child Member: Never Share,
Default Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Shared Child Member: Never Share
Child Member: Never Share,
Rates Data Storage Never Share Never Share
Two Pass Calculation Parent Member: No, Yes Parent Member: No
Child Member: No Child Member: No

Chapter 11
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

Table 11-11 (Cont.) Scenario Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Consol Consol op Addition, Subtraction, Addition
Multiplication, Division,
Percent, Ignore, Never
Rates Consol op Addition, Subtraction, Addition
Multiplication, Division,
Percent, Ignore, Never
Data Type Currency, Non Currency, Unspecified
Unspecified, Percentage,
Smart List, Date, Text
Smart Lists None None
Enable for Dynamic Children No No
Number of Possible Dynamic 10 10
Access Granted to Member Inherit Inherit

Table 11-12 View Member Properties

Property Valid Values Default Value

Alias Table Default Default
Enable for Process Yes Yes
Consol Data Storage Never Share, Dynamic Calc Never Share
Rates Data Storage Never Share Never Share
Two Pass Calculation No No
Consol Consol op. Ignore Ignore
Data Type Unspecified Unspecified
Smart Lists None None
Enable for Dynamic Children No No
Number of Possible Dynamic 10 10
Access Granted to Member Inherit Inherit

Table 11-13 Year Member Properties

Property Default Value Valid Values

Alias Table Default Default
Consol Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Store, Shared Child Member: Store
Child Member: Store, Shared

Chapter 11
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

Table 11-13 (Cont.) Year Member Properties

Property Default Value Valid Values

Default Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Store, Shared Child Member: Store
Child Member: Store, Shared
Rates Data Storage Parent Member: Dynamic Parent Member: Dynamic Calc
Calc, Store, Shared Child Member: Store
Child Member: Store, Shared
Two Pass Calculation No No
Data Type Unspecified Currency, Non Currency,
Unspecified, Percentage,
Smart List, Date, Text
Smart Lists None None

Adding Members in the Simplified Dimension Editor

To add members in the Simplified dimension editor:
1. From the Home page, click Application, and then click Overview.
2. Click Dimensions.
3. Click the down arrow next to Cube to filter the list of dimensions by cube.
4. Click the name of the dimension that you want to update.
5. Click Edit Member Properties.

To choose a different dimension, click the down arrow next to the
dimension name at the top of the page.

6. Add members:
• To add a child member, select the parent level member, and then click Add
• To add a sibling member, select a member, and then click Add Sibling.
7. To set or change member properties, click a cell in the Edit Member Properties
grid and make updates. See Editing Member Properties in the Simplified
Dimension Editor.
8. To undo the last change you made before saving, click Undo.
9. To undo all changes that were made since the last save, click Refresh.
10. To save your changes, click Save.

11. To apply your changes across the application after a save, click Refresh
12. After creating a dimension member, you typically complete these tasks:

Chapter 11
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

• Assign access. Click Actions, and then click Assign Permissions.

• Assign custom attributes.
• To ensure that your metadata is valid, you can run the Metadata Validation
report at any time. See Validating Metadata.

Editing Members in the Simplified Dimension Editor

You can edit members directly in the Simplified dimension editor grid.
To edit members:
1. From the Home page, click Application, and then click Overview.
2. Click Dimensions.
3. Click the down arrow next to Cube to filter the list of dimensions by cube.
4. Click the name of the dimension that you want to edit.
5. Click Edit Member Properties.

To choose a different dimension, click the down arrow next to the
dimension name at the top of the page.

6. Take an action:
• To add members, see Adding Members in the Simplified Dimension Editor.
• To navigate the dimension editor grid and to focus your editing on certain
members, rows, or columns, see Working with the Simplified Dimension Editor
• To modify member properties, click within a cell on the dimension editor grid
and select an option from the drop-down list. For example, to edit the Account
Type for an Account dimension member, click within a cell in the Account Type
column. Click the down arrow that appears within the cell, and then select
an Account Type option. For descriptions of member properties, see Editing
Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor.
• To delete members, see Deleting Members in the Simplified Dimension Editor.
7. To undo the last change you made before saving, click Undo.
8. To undo all changes that were made since the last save, click Refresh.
9. To save your changes, click Save.
10. To apply your changes across the application after a save, click Refresh

Deleting Members in the Simplified Dimension Editor

Each data value is identified by a set of dimension member values and a cube.
Deleting dimension members or deselecting the cube results in data loss when
refreshing an application. Deleting entity members deletes all approval units (including
data) associated with them.

Chapter 11
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

Before deleting members, understand where in the application they are used (in
which forms, approval units, exchange rates, and so on) by using Show Usage. See
Showing Member Usage in an Application.
You must delete the entity member throughout the application before deleting it from
dimension. For example, if the entity member is used in a form, you must delete it from
the form before deleting it from dimensions.
When deleting a large subtree of entities, you can improve performance if you first
exclude approval units for the subtree (by excluding the root member) for all scenarios
and versions.
To delete members:
1. From the Home page, click Application, and then click Overview.
2. Click Dimensions.
3. Click the down arrow next to Cube to filter the list of dimensions by cube.
4. Click the name of the dimension that contains the member you want to delete.
5. Click Edit Member Properties.

To choose a different dimension, click the down arrow next to the
dimension name at the top of the page.

6. From the dimension editor grid, select the member to delete.

7. Click Delete Member.

Deleting a base member also deletes its shared members.

8. In the Delete Member query, click OK.

9. Update and validate business rules and reports.

Adding Shared Members in the Simplified Dimension Editor

Sharing members allow alternate rollup structures within an application. A base
member must exist before you can create a shared member. You can create multiple
shared members for the base member. A base member must display before its shared
members in position from top to bottom.
Shared members are available for Entity, Account, and user-defined custom
dimensions. Shared member values can be ignored to avoid double-counting values
when you roll up the outline.
Shared members share some property definitions with base members, such as
member name, alias name, base currency, and cubes for which members are valid.
Shared members must have unique parent members and different rollup aggregation

Chapter 11
Editing Member Properties in the Simplified Dimension Editor

settings. Custom attributes, custom attribute values, and member formulas are not
allowed for shared members. Renaming base members renames all shared members.
Shared members cannot be moved to another parent member. You must delete
shared members and recreate them under different parent members. The base
member need not be level zero. You can enter data in shared members, and values
are stored with base members.
To add shared members in the Simplified dimension editor:
1. View Edit Member Properties.
See Accessing the Simplified Dimension Editor.
2. Add shared members:
a. Add a child member with the same name as the base member.
b. For Parent Name of the new member, type a new parent name.
c. For Default Data Storage of the new member, select Shared.
3. Click Save.
Data storage properties for all other cubes will automatically be set to Shared.

Managing Jobs
Related Topics
• Jobs Overview
Jobs are actions, such as exporting data or refreshing the database, which you
can start right away or schedule to run at intervals.
• Viewing Pending Jobs and Recent Activity
• Scheduling Jobs
• Editing and Deleting Jobs

Jobs Overview
Jobs are actions, such as exporting data or refreshing the database, which you can
start right away or schedule to run at intervals.
Jobs are actions, such as exporting data or refreshing the database, which you
can start right away or schedule to run at intervals. The Jobs console enables
administrators to manage jobs in a central location.
You can manage these types of jobs in the Jobs console:
• Run rules
• Import data
• Import metadata
• Export data
• Export metadata
• Refresh the database
• Run Invalid Intersection Reports
• Restructure a block storage cube (BSO)
• Import journals
• Import journal templates
• Export journals
• Export journal templates
• Non-consolidation jobs such as Task Manager and Supplemental Data jobs

Viewing Pending Jobs and Recent Activity

The Jobs console lists jobs that are in a pending state under Pending Jobs. Jobs that
are processing, have run and are completed, or have errors are listed under Recent

Chapter 12
Scheduling Jobs

Jobs are retained in the Jobs console for 90 days.

To view the job listings in the Jobs console:

1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Jobs.
3. Perform a task:

• To filter the list of pending jobs and recent activity, click the Filter icon ,
select filter options, and then click Apply.
• To search for a job, enter text in the Search field, and then click the Search

icon .
• To view details for jobs, click the name of the job.
• To view details for Task Manager and Supplemental Data jobs:
a. Select the Non-Consolidation Jobs tab on the left.
b. Optional: Filter the Jobs list by Name, Job ID, Source, Status, Created
By (or Modified By), Start Date, or End Date.

Scheduling Jobs
You can schedule when to run jobs (now or at a future time) and how often (once,
daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly).
To schedule jobs:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Jobs.
3. Click Schedule Jobs.
4. On the Schedule Job page, General tab, select the type of job:

Chapter 12
Scheduling Jobs

• Rules—Launches a business rule. The Business Rules page lists the

business rules that were created for the application.
• Import Data—Performs a data import operation that was saved as a job.
• Import Metadata—Performs a metadata import operation that was saved as a
• Export Data—Performs a data export operation that was saved as a job.
• Export Metadata—Performs a metadata export operation that was saved as a
• Refresh Database—Refreshes the application database.
• Invalid Intersection Reports—Runs a report that shows where data exists at
invalid intersections.
• Restructure Cube—From Cube, select the cube to restructure. Performs
a full restructure of a Block Storage cube (BSO) to eliminate or reduce
fragmentation. This will also remove empty blocks. It is not applicable for an
Aggregate Storage cube (ASO). See Restructuring Cubes.
• Import Journal—Performs a journal import operation.
• Import Journal Template—Performs a journal template import operation.
• Export Journal—Performs a journal export operation.
• Export Journal Template—Performs a journal template export operation.
• Run Intercompany Report—Runs an Intercompany Report.
• Run Consolidation Trail Report—Runs a Consolidation Trail Report.
• Administration Mode—Changes the login level for an application. If you
select Administrators, all non-administrative users will be logged off from the
application after job execution. To restore access to an application for all
users, select All users.
• Execute Bursting Definition—Runs a saved bursting definition for Reports.
You can run a single report or book for more than one member of a
single dimension for one data source, and publish a PDF output for each
member. See the "About Bursting" section in Designing with Reports for
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud .
5. Select when to run the job:
• Run Now
• Schedule starting from, and then select the date, time, and time zone.
6. Enter a Name for the job; for example, MyWeeklyCubeRefresh.
In the job listing in the Jobs console, the name that you enter displays along
with a system-generated job name; for example, MyWeeklyCubeRefresh: Refresh
7. For Recurrence pattern, select how often to run the job:
• Run Once
• Daily
• Weekly
• Monthly

Chapter 12
Editing and Deleting Jobs

• Yearly
8. Optional: To enter an end date, click the End Date checkbox, and then select the
date and time.
9. Click Next to continue.
10. The Job Details page lists the operations that were saved as a job. Select a job,
and click Next.
11. From the Review page, review your selections.

• To continue, click Finish.

• To make changes, click Previous.
• To cancel the job, click Cancel.

Editing and Deleting Jobs

You can only edit pending jobs, and delete only jobs that are pending or completed.
You can delete one job or multiple jobs at once. If a job is in a processing state, you
cannot edit or delete it.
To edit or delete a job:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Jobs.

3. To the right of a pending job, click the Actions icon, , and then select Edit or
4. To edit a job:
a. On the Edit Job page, make selections for when to run the job and how often,
and then click Next.

You can only edit the schedule of the job. You cannot edit the job
type or the job name.

b. Review your selections, and then click Finish.

5. To delete one or more jobs at once, select the check box next to the job or jobs
that you want to delete, and then click Delete.

Auditing Tasks and Data
Related Topics
• Configuring Audit Tasks
• Auditing Information Overview
You can use the Audit Information feature to view tasks performed by users and
filter audited tasks by Task Group, Action, user ID, start time, and end time.
• Viewing Audit Details
• Viewing Task Manager Audit Details

Configuring Audit Tasks

By default, audit tracking is always enabled for all task groups. You can configure and
change the audit option for any task group.
To enable task auditing for a task:
1. On the Home page, click Tools.
2. Click Audit.
3. From the Audit Information page, click Configure.
4. From the Configure page, select a Task Group and click Apply.
Auditing will be started for the selected Task Group.

Auditing Information Overview

You can use the Audit Information feature to view tasks performed by users and filter
audited tasks by Task Group, Action, user ID, start time, and end time.
You can use the Audit Information feature to view the tasks performed by users. You
can filter audited tasks by Task Group (for example, Metadata Administration, Forms
or Data), Action (such as Add or Modify), user ID, start time and end time.
You must be a Service Administrator to view and export task audit information.
By default, the system logs these user activities in the task audit:
• Data
• Metadata Administration
• Data Form definition
• Rules
• Journals, including journal actions and open and close period tasks
• User administration
• Security

Chapter 13
Auditing Information Overview

• Clear Cell Details

• Copy Data and Clear Data details
• Approvals
• Task Manager history
The Audit Report page displays the following information:
• Task—The task name
• Time—Date and time
• Action—For example, Add or Modify
• Property—Audit properties
• Value
The Task Manager Audit page displays history records for Task Manager related
objects. These Task Manager objects are tracked:
• Alert
• Attribute
• Filter (Public only)
• Holiday Rules
• List (Public only), including the list filter condition and column selection
• Organizational Unit
• Schedule
• Setting
• Task
• Task Type
• Team
• Template

Chapter 13
Viewing Audit Details

Viewing Audit Details

To view task audit details:
1. On the Home page, click Tools.
2. Click Audit.
3. Optional: Click the Task Manager Audit tab to view history records for Task
Manager related objects. See Viewing Task Manager Audit Details.
4. By default, the Audit Information page displays all tasks. To filter tasks, click
Filter, and select filter criteria:
• Task Group - select one or more, or All. Default is All.
– If you select Metadata Administration, the system displays a list of
subgroups where you can select sub-tasks for metadata:
* All
* Custom Dimension
* Member
* Year
* Alias
* Period
* View
* Currency
* Consolidation
* Scenario
* Entity
* Account
– If you select Data Form, the system displays a list of subgroups where
you can select sub-tasks for forms:
* All
* Form
* Form Folder
– If you select Data, the Intersection box is displayed, where you can
enter the member intersection. You can enter the full or partial member
intersection and the system can perform a wildcard search based on the
criteria that you specify.
• Action - select one or more, or All.
• User - enter a user ID. You can enter full or partial user ID information and the
system can perform a wildcard search based on the criteria that you specify.
• Start time - click the calendar to select a start date.
• End time - click the calendar to select an end date.

Chapter 13
Viewing Task Manager Audit Details

You can select Clear to clear your selections and return to the default

5. When you are done selecting filter criteria, click Apply.

The grid displays the top 1,000 records from the audit table that match the filter
criteria. You can scroll to view all the records.
6. Optional: To export the audit information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click
Export, and follow the download instructions.
When you select the Export option, the system exports all of the records that
match the filter criteria to a CSV file.
Best Practice:
The best practice is to manually export and truncate the audit tables. Otherwise,
table size can become too large and users cannot log in to the application.
Schedule regular archiving and purging of the audit log data, for example, at
the end of every quarter. This prevents the audit log data in the system from
growing over time. Maintain archived audit log files according to internal document
retention policy.

Viewing Task Manager Audit Details

To view Task Manager audit details:
1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Audit.
2. Select the Task Manager Audit tab.
3. Optional: To search for an object, enter search criteria in the Search text box.
4. Optional: From the Filter bar, select filter criteria from these categories:
• Object
• Name
• Modified On
• Modified By
• Modification

To hide the filter bar, click the Filter

icon . To clear all filters, click the

icon at the right of the filter bar.

5. To display all columns, select View, then Columns, and then select Show All.

Chapter 13
Viewing Task Manager Audit Details

6. To display specific columns, select View, then Columns, and select or deselect
the column names.
7. To reorder columns, select View, and then Reorder Columns, select the columns
and use the Up or Down arrows or drag them to change the order.
8. Optional: To export the audit information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click
Export, and follow the download instructions.
When you select the Export option, the system exports all of the records matching
the filter criteria to an xlsx file (format for Microsoft Excel versions 2007 and later).
The best practice is to manually export and truncate the audit tables. Otherwise,
table size can become too large and users cannot log in to the application.


• Audit information is maintained for 6 months. If you want to access

audit information beyond 6 months, download it and maintain a copy
of the audit records.
• If data auditing is enabled, users can see what data has changed by
selecting Actions, and then Change History.

Defining Valid Intersections
Related Topics
• Understanding Valid Intersections
Valid intersections enable you to define rules, which filter certain cell intersections
to users when they enter data or select runtime prompts.
• Creating Valid Intersections
• Managing Valid Intersections
• Suppressing Invalid Data in Forms
• Working with Valid Intersections in Forms
• Managing Invalid Intersection Reports

Understanding Valid Intersections

Valid intersections enable you to define rules, which filter certain cell intersections to
users when they enter data or select runtime prompts.
Valid intersections enable you to define rules, called valid intersection rules, which filter
certain cell intersections to users when they enter data or select runtime prompts. For
example, you can specify that certain programs are valid only for some periods or
After valid intersections are defined, cells containing invalid data are read-only. This
restriction speeds the consolidation process and optimizes the information available to
To better understand how valid intersections affect behavior in forms and in runtime
prompts, see Working with Valid Intersections in Forms.
To define valid intersections, you must become familiar with these valid intersection
• Valid intersection groups. See Valid Intersection Groups.
• Valid intersection rules. See Valid Intersection Rules.
• Anchor and nonanchor dimensions. See Anchor and Nonanchor Dimensions.

Valid Intersection Groups

Valid intersection groups define:
• Dimensions to be included
• One of those dimensions as the anchor dimension
• Whether nonanchor dimensions are required or not
• Whether the anchor dimension members not specified or referenced will be valid
or invalid

Chapter 14
Understanding Valid Intersections

Valid Intersection Rules

Valid intersection rules:
• Must use the same dimensions that were defined within their valid intersection
• Define only valid intersections
• Valid intersection rules within the same valid intersection group that produce
an apparent conflict or overlap, are marked valid if either valid intersection rule
condition is met
See Example: Redundant or Overlapping Valid Intersection Rules Within the Same
Valid Intersection Group.
• Valid intersection rules in different valid intersection groups that produce an
apparent redundancy or overlap, are marked valid if they satisfy the requirements
of all valid intersection groups
Thus, if any valid intersection group marks an intersection invalid, regardless of
other valid intersection groups making it valid, the system will mark the intersection
invalid. Invalid groups override valid group results.

If you want to remove valid intersections regardless of what other valid
intersection groups allows, then this rule must be in a different valid
intersection group.
See Example: Redundant or Overlapping Valid Intersection Rules Within
the Same Valid Intersection Group.

Anchor and Nonanchor Dimensions

Anchor and nonanchor dimensions:
• Anchor dimensions are always required dimensions in the type that is used in the
valid intersection evaluation.
See Example: Required Dimension.
• Nonanchor dimensions are either required or not required:
– If a nonanchor dimension is required, any type that does not use that
dimension will ignore any valid intersection group where that dimension is
tagged as required as it evaluates the valid intersections.
– If a nonanchor dimension is not required, any type that does not use
that dimension will still evaluate any valid intersection group that includes
that dimension as not required and evaluate the intersections of any other
dimensions in the valid intersection group in the type.
• Unselected anchor dimension members are valid by default, but you can mark
them invalid by clearing the Unselected Members are Valid option. This option
marks all intersections with anchor dimensions not selected in this rule as invalid.

Chapter 14
Understanding Valid Intersections

See Example: Unselected Members are Valid.

Valid Intersection Examples

This section provides valid intersection group and valid intersection rule examples to
illustrate a few simple, complex, and edge-case scenarios.

Example: Anchor and Nonanchor Dimensions

The choice of the anchor dimension is critical. Consider the following example, which
produces a different result based on the anchor dimension definition:
• Valid intersection group 1 defines Entity as the anchor dimension and Product as a
nonanchor dimension.
• Valid intersection group 2 reverses this definition with Product as the anchor
dimension and Entity as the nonanchor dimension.

Table 14-1 Example - Anchor Dimension is Entity

Valid Intersection Group Anchor Dimension - Entity Nonanchor Dimension -

1 DESC(500-Manufacturing) - DESC(P_TP1 - Computer
Unselected members are Equipment)

Group 1 means entities that are descendants of Manufacturing are valid only
with descendant products of Computer Equipment. No other products are valid
with descendants of Manufacturing. All other entities besides descendants of
Manufacturing are valid with all products, including descendants of Computer

Table 14-2 Example - Anchor Dimension is Product

Valid Intersection Group Anchor Dimension - Product Nonanchor Dimension -

2 DESC(P_TP1 - Computer DESC(500-Manufacturing)
Equipment) - Unselected
members are valid

Group 2 means products that are descendants of Computer Equipment are only valid
with descendant entities of Manufacturing. No other entities are valid with descendants
of Computer Equipment. All other products besides descendants of Computer
Equipment are valid with all entities, including descendants of Manufacturing.

The choice of anchor dimension is significant. You will get dramatically
different results if you choose the wrong anchor dimension.

Chapter 14
Understanding Valid Intersections

Example: Required Dimension

In the following example, if a nonanchor dimension is not required, then the system
evaluates all remaining dimension intersections in the valid intersection group for a
type that does not contain the nonrequired dimension. This behavior could result in the
evaluation of a valid intersection group with only one effective dimension.

Table 14-3 Example - Required and Non-Required Nonanchor Dimensions

Valid Intersection Group Anchor Dimension - Entity Nonanchor Dimension -

1 DESC(500-Manufacturing) - DESC(P_TP1 - Computer
Unselected members are valid Equipment) - Not required

In Group 1, the product dimension is not required, and unselected entities are valid.
Therefore, if the type of the form or business rule, at runtime, does not include the
product dimension, the system evaluates the entity dimension selections to mark all
entities as valid for a type that doesn’t contain the product dimension.

Table 14-4 Example - Required and Non-Required Nonanchor Dimensions

Valid Intersection Group Anchor Dimension - Entity Nonanchor Dimension -

2 DESC(500-Manufacturing) - DESC(P_TP1 - Computer
Unselected members are Equipment) - Not required

In Group 2, the product dimension is not required, and unselected entities are invalid.
Therefore, if a type does not include the product dimension, the system evaluates the
entity dimension selections to mark all entities except descendants of Manufacturing
as invalid. Thereafter, any type that doesn’t use the product dimension will only allow
data entry in the descendants of Manufacturing entities.

Carefully consider whether a nonanchor dimension is required or not,
especially if the result leaves a valid intersection group with only one
effective dimension. Additionally, selecting the Unselected Members are
Valid option for anchor dimension members also plays a significant role
in the system behavior for valid intersections. See Example: Unselected
Members are Valid.

Example: Unselected Members are Valid

In the following example, two intersection groups are valid. In one group, the anchor
dimension unselected members are invalid (this option is cleared). In the other group,
the anchor dimension unselected members are valid (this option is selected).

Chapter 14
Understanding Valid Intersections

Table 14-5 Example - Unselected Members are Valid

Valid Intersection Group Anchor Dimension - Nonanchor Dimension -

Account Entity
1 IDESC(BS - Balance Sheet) 000 - No Department
- Unselected members are
2 IDESC(GP - Gross Profit) - IDESC(403 - Sales)
Unselected members are valid

Because Group 1 defines all unselected members are invalid, the system marks
noninclusive descendants of Balance Sheet invalid. Gross Profit is not an inclusive
descendant of Balance Sheet. So even though Group 2 explicitly states inclusive
descendants of Gross Profit are valid with inclusive descendants Sales entities, the
invalid definition from Group 1 overrides any further valid intersections of the same
anchor dimension member set.

Example: Redundant or Overlapping Valid Intersection Rules Within the Same

Valid Intersection Group
When valid intersection rules are within the same valid intersection group and produce
any redundancy or overlap, the system marks an intersection valid if either of the valid
intersection rule conditions are met.

Table 14-6 Example - Redundant or Overlapping Valid Intersection Rules

Within the Same Valid Intersection Group

Valid Intersection Rule Anchor Dimension - Nonanchor Dimension -

Account Entity
1 IDESC(GP - Gross Profit) IDESC(403 - Sales)
- Unselected members are
2 IDESC(GP - Gross Profit) - IDESC(TD - Total Department)
Unselected members are valid

Because Gross Profit is a descendant of Net Income and Sales is a descendant of

Total Department, inclusive descendants of Gross Profit are valid with any inclusive
Descendant of Total Department. Rule 1 is a subset of Rule 2, so Rule 1 is effectively
a "No operation" rule and is unnecessary. There is no restriction on inclusive
descendants of Gross Profit accounts only being valid for inclusive descendants of
Sales Entities.

Example: Redundant or Overlapping Valid Intersection Rules in Different Valid

Intersection Groups
When valid intersection rules are in different valid intersection groups and produce any
redundancy or overlap, the system marks an intersection valid only if it satisfies the
requirements of all valid intersection groups.
In the following example, there are redundant or overlapping rules in different groups:

Chapter 14
Understanding Valid Intersections

Table 14-7 Example - Redundant or Overlapping Valid Intersection Rules in

Different Valid Intersection Groups

Valid Intersection Rule Anchor Dimension - Nonanchor Dimension -

Account Entity
1 IDESC(GP - Gross Profit) - IDESC(403 - Sales) -
Unselected members are valid Required
2 IDESC(NI - Net Income) - IDESC(TD - Total Department)
Unselected members are valid - Not required

Because Group 1 is further restrictive for inclusive descendants of Gross Profit

accounts being valid with inclusive descendants of Sales entities, the system enforces
this group for these intersections. Other, non-Gross Profit accounts can still use all
inclusive descendants of Total Department entities, but inclusive descendants of Gross
Profit accounts must use inclusive descendants of Sales entities.

Redundancy or Overlap in Valid Intersection Rules

Valid intersection rules within the same intersection group, which produce any
apparent conflict or overlap, are marked valid if either valid intersection rule condition
is met.
If different valid intersection groups share the same attributes, including the
anchor dimension, required and nonrequired nonanchor dimensions, and Unselected
Members are Valid attribute, they will be treated as rules of the same valid
intersection group.

Shared Members and Valid Intersection Rules

Shared members are supported in valid intersection rules. If a base member is
selected for a valid intersection rule, any shared members are also included in the
rule. Conversely, if a shared member is selected for a valid intersection rule, the base
member is also included in the rule.

Substitution Variables and Valid Intersection Rules

You can use substitution variables in valid intersection rules. User variables are not
supported. Substitution variables can be set on the server, application, or database
level. The same substitution variable can exist on multiple levels; the system uses the
first one it finds as it searches in this order:
1. Database
2. Application
3. Server

Evaluation Order
Evaluation order for valid intersection groups orders invalid results sets as quickly
as possible, increasing the speed and efficiency of the overall valid intersection

Chapter 14
Creating Valid Intersections

For example, the system evaluates the first valid intersection group in the list, then
the second group, and so on. If the system finds an invalid intersection in the second
group in the list, it will stop evaluating the rest of the list because, once an intersection
is defined as invalid, it will override other valid intersection rule results.
To change the order in which groups are evaluated, see Changing the Valid
Intersection Group Evaluation Order.

Creating Valid Intersections

To create a valid intersection:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Valid Intersections.
3. Create the valid intersection group:
a. Click Create.
b. Enter a name and description for the valid intersection group.

c. To select the anchor dimension, click the Down arrow, next to Select
Anchor Dimension.
d. Optional: By default, the anchor dimension members that are not specified in
the valid intersection rule are marked valid. To clear this option, click the Down
arrow, next to the anchor dimension, and then click Unselected members
are valid.
e. To select additional dimension (called nonanchor dimension), click Add
f. Optional: By default, nonanchor dimensions are not required. To make
a nonanchor dimension required, click the Down arrow, next to the
nonanchor dimension, and click Required.
4. Define the valid intersection rule:
a. Click Add Rule.
b. To select the range of members to include, exclude, or remove in the valid
intersection, click the Down arrow, next to the new rule:
• Click Edit to open the Select Members page and select members to
include in the valid intersection rule.
• Click Add Exclusion to define an exclusion in the rule. You can exclude a
subset of what is included for that dimension.
• Click Clear to clear the selection.

To delete a rule, click Delete .

5. Click Save and Close.
The new valid intersection group is added to the end of the valid intersections
list. To reorder the rules in the list, see Changing the Valid Intersection Group
Evaluation Order.

Chapter 14
Managing Valid Intersections

Managing Valid Intersections

Related Topics
• Viewing Valid Intersections
• Changing the Valid Intersection Group Evaluation Order
• Disabling and Enabling Valid Intersection Groups
• Editing Details for a Valid Intersection Group
• Duplicating Valid Intersection Groups
• Deleting a Valid Intersection Group

Viewing Valid Intersections

To view valid intersections:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Valid Intersections.
3. Perform a task:
• Create a valid intersection group. See Creating Valid Intersections.
• Reorder valid intersection groups. See Changing the Valid Intersection Group
Evaluation Order.
• Disable and enable valid intersection groups. See Disabling and Enabling
Valid Intersection Groups.
• Edit details for a valid intersection such as adding or removing dimensions in a
valid intersection group. See Editing Details for a Valid Intersection Group.
• Duplicate an existing valid intersection group so that you can quickly create a
new one. See Duplicating Valid Intersection Groups.
• Delete valid intersection groups. See Deleting a Valid Intersection Group.

Changing the Valid Intersection Group Evaluation Order

Evaluation order for valid intersection groups orders invalid results sets as quickly
as possible, increasing the speed and efficiency of the overall invalid intersection
To learn ore about evaluation order, see Evaluation Order.
To change the position of a valid intersection group in a list:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Valid Intersections.

3. To the right of the valid intersection, click the Actions icon, .

4. Select Move Up or Move Down.

Chapter 14
Managing Valid Intersections

You can also drag valid intersection groups to move them up and down
in the list.

Disabling and Enabling Valid Intersection Groups

Valid intersection groups, by default, are enabled at the time of creation. If you do not
want a valid intersection group to be evaluated or used, you can disable it on the Valid
Intersections tab. When a valid intersection is disabled, the valid intersection rule for
that group no longer applies when viewing forms or business rules. You can reenable
a disabled valid intersection group.
To disable and enable a valid intersection group:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Valid Intersections.
3. In the Enabled column of the valid intersection list, click the check mark next to the
valid intersection group that you are disabling or enabling.

The check mark is green if the group is enabled.

4. Ensure that any remaining groups that are enabled are still listed in the correct
evaluation order in the valid intersections list. If they are not, move them up or
down in the order.

Editing Details for a Valid Intersection Group

To edit valid intersection group details, you work with dimension members in the
member selector. You can also define exclusions in valid intersection rules.
To edit valid intersection group details:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Valid Intersections.
3. Click the name of the valid intersection group that you want to edit.

• To edit dimension details, next to the dimension, click the Down arrow,
to select the members to include, exclude, or remove in the valid intersection
– Click Edit to open the Select Members page and select members to
include in the valid intersections rule. You can also type in the members or
– Click Add Exclusion to define an exclusion in the rule. You can select
members to exclude; for example, you can select or include all children of
YearTotal except children of Q1 by excluding children of Q1.

Chapter 14
Suppressing Invalid Data in Forms

– Click Clear to clear the selection.

• To delete a dimension from a valid intersection group, next to the dimension,
click the Down arrow, and then click Delete .

• To remove a rule from a valid intersection group, click Delete .

• To add a dimension or rule to a valid intersection group, click Add Rule or
Add Dimension.
4. Click Save and Close.

Duplicating Valid Intersection Groups

To speed valid intersection group creation, you can duplicate an existing valid
intersection and then edit it.
To duplicate a valid intersection group:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Valid Intersections .

3. Click the Actions icon, to the right of a valid intersection group that you want
to duplicate, and then select Duplicate.
4. Open the valid intersection group and edit it.
5. Reorder the valid intersection groups, if needed. See Changing the Valid
Intersection Group Evaluation Order.

Deleting a Valid Intersection Group

After a group is deleted, the valid intersection groups are reordered. If there are three
valid intersection groups, and the second one in the order is deleted, the third valid
intersection group becomes number two.
To delete a valid intersection group:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Valid Intersections.

3. Click the Actions icon, , to the right of a valid intersection group that you want
to remove, and then select Delete.
4. Reorder the remaining valid intersections, if needed. See Changing the Valid
Intersection Group Evaluation Order.
To delete a valid intersection rule from a valid intersection group, see Deleting a Valid
Intersection Group.

Suppressing Invalid Data in Forms

Suppressing invalid data hides rows or columns in forms that contain invalid data. If
this option is not selected, the system displays rows or columns that contain cells with
data that are invalid. Cells with invalid data are read-only.

Chapter 14
Working with Valid Intersections in Forms

To suppress invalid data in forms:

1. On the Home page, click Data.
2. Open the form and then click Layout.
3. Under Grid Properties, select Suppress invalid data - Rows and/or Suppress
invalid data - Columns.

Working with Valid Intersections in Forms

Using valid intersections prevents data entry for invalid intersections as defined in the
applicable valid intersection group. The affected cells in the form display as read-only
following standard, read-only color coding. If you hover the cursor over an invalid
intersection, a tool tip displays indicating that the cell is read-only because it is defined
as a invalid intersection.
The valid intersection group applies first to the form point of view and page axis. If the
point of view intersections are all invalid, then a warning message is displayed, and
the form does not render a data grid until a valid intersection is selected.
If the point of view has valid intersections, then the rows and columns are filtered
to restrict data entry at invalid intersections. If the Suppress Invalid Data option for
the form is enabled, then the form suppresses invalid rows, columns, or both, as
Any rows or columns, which consist of a mix of valid and invalid intersections,
display those intersections as valid or invalid, as appropriate. Invalid intersections are
displayed with standard, read-only shading and preclude data entry.
You can reset the point of view to the default, unfiltered list without closing and
reopening the form by clearing the selections. You can also clear a selection, thus
opening up more selections for other dimensions. You cannot render a form with a
dimension cleared, because valid members must be selected for each dimension.
In the member selector, invalid members are suppressed due to valid intersection
rules. You can display invalid members in the member selector using the Show
Invalid Members option. Invalid members are displayed but are unavailable for

Valid intersection groups do not grant access to dimension members.
Valid intersection groups further restrict the valid intersections of dimension
members already granted to a user.

Table 14-8 Form Behavior if Valid Intersections are Applied

Action Behavior
Open a form The form renders with member selections as
defined in the form definition, adhering to
the user’s access rights for dimensions, and
applies valid intersection groups with the most
recently used as current selections.

Chapter 14
Managing Invalid Intersection Reports

Table 14-8 (Cont.) Form Behavior if Valid Intersections are Applied

Action Behavior
Select members from a point of view • Enables you to select a member on the
dimension point of view
• In the member selector for a point of view
dimension, enables you to select from a
filtered list of remaining valid intersections,
which is based on the members that
were selected for the other point of view
• Ignores the order in which point of
view dimension members are selected
because selecting a member from
any dimension included in a valid
intersection group dynamically filters the
remaining dimension member lists for
those dimensions included in the valid
intersection group, as appropriate, when
that dimension is selected
• Provides the option to hide invalid
members from dimension lists or display
them as unselectable in the point of view
• Provides the ability to reset the point of
view to the fully unfiltered list without
closing and reopening the form by
clearing the selections
Ad hoc forms, both in Web and Smart View,
will not filter page or point of view members
according to valid intersection groups.
Select Go to render a form based on point of The form renders as defined based on the
view selections. You can also click the right valid point of view intersection.
arrow in the form point of view.
Enter and save data The form data is entered and saved.

Managing Invalid Intersection Reports

You can define reports that enable you to identify invalid intersections. You define the
scope of the database that you want to scan for invalid intersections that contain data.
When the report is run, it displays the results of your last two scans.
To manage Invalid Intersection reports, you must be a Service Administrator.
See these tasks:
• Creating an Invalid Intersection Report
• Editing an Invalid Intersection Report
• Duplicating an Invalid Intersection Report
• Running an Invalid Intersection Report
• Deleting an Invalid Intersection Report

Chapter 14
Managing Invalid Intersection Reports

Creating an Invalid Intersection Report

To create an Invalid Intersection report:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Valid Intersections, and then click the Reports tab.
3. Click Create.
4. Enter a name for the report.
5. Enter a report description.
6. From Cube, select Consol or Rates.
7. For Entity, Scenario, and View, click to select members, and then click OK.
8. Optional: To select a member from another dimension, click Add Dimension,
select a dimension member, and click OK.


To remove an optional dimension, click Delete next to the dimension.

9. Select an option:
• Save and Run now - to run the report immediately.
• Save and Run later - to save the report as a job to be run at a later time. The
Schedule Job dialog box displays. Select when to run the job and how often,
and then click Submit.

Editing an Invalid Intersection Report

You can edit an Invalid Intersection Report and change the name, description, and
report criteria.
To create an Invalid Intersection report:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Valid Intersections, and then click the Reports tab..
3. From the list of reports, select a report.

4. Click the Actions icon, and then select Edit.

5. Optional: Edit the report name or description.
6. Optional: Select different report criteria.
7. To save your changes, click Save and Close.

Duplicating an Invalid Intersection Report

To create an Invalid Intersection report:

Chapter 14
Managing Invalid Intersection Reports

1. On the Home page, click Application.

2. Click Valid Intersections, and then click the Reports tab.
3. From the list of reports, select a report.

4. Click the Actions icon, and then select Duplicate.

5. In the Duplicate dialog box, enter a Name for the new report and then click OK.

Running an Invalid Intersection Report

To create an Invalid Intersection report:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Valid Intersections, and then click the Reports tab..
The Invalid Intersection Reports page displays a list of existing reports.

To search for a report, enter search criteria, and then click Search.

3. From the list of reports, select a report.

4. Click the Actions icon, and then select Run.

Deleting an Invalid Intersection Report

To create an Invalid Intersection report:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Valid Intersections, and then click the Reports tab..
3. From the list of reports, select a report.

4. Click the Actions icon, and then select Delete.

Managing Forms
Forms are grids for entering data that you can design to meet your needs.
See these topics:
• Form Components
• Form Design Considerations
For information on form security, see Managing Forms Security.

Predefined Forms
When you create an application, the system provides these forms. By default, the
Service Administrator and Power User have Modify access to these forms. A User or
Viewer can launch the form, but cannot modify the layout.

The forms that are displayed by default may depend on the features that are
selected for the application.
If you selected the Basic Balance Sheet option when you created the
application, all forms under the Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, and Income
Statement folders are excluded. Other seeded forms are retained.

FCCS_Balance Sheet

Form Name Description

FCCS_Balance Sheet by Consolidation View the Balance Sheet accounts by
consolidation status.
FCCS_Balance Sheet by Movement Detail View the movement of each Balance Sheet
FCCS_Balance Sheet by Period View the Balance Sheet accounts by period.
FCCS_Balance Sheet Key Balances by View View key balances by View.
FCCS_Balance Sheet Movement Summary View a summary of the movement of Balance
Sheet accounts.

FCCS_Cash Flow

Form Name Description

FCCS_Cash Flow Period by Entity View Cash Flow Period by Entity by View.
FCCS_Monthly Cash Flow by Entity View Monthly Cash Flow by Entity.
FCCS_Quarterly Cash Flow by Entity View Quarterly Cash Flow by Entity.

Chapter 15
Predefined Forms

FCCS_Income Statement

Form Name Description

FCCS_Income Dashboard Tile Chart View the Income Statement Dashboard
FCCS_Income Statement by Period View the Income Statement accounts by
FCCS_Monthly Net Income by Entity View Monthly Net Income by Entity.
FCCS_Monthly Sales by Entity View Monthly Sales by Entity.
FCCS_Quarterly Net Income by Entity View Quarterly Net Income by Entity.
FCCS_Quarterly Sales by Entity View Quarterly Sales by Entity.

User-Defined Forms

The predefined Rate forms are only provided if the Multi-currency option was
selected during application creation.

Form Name Description Dimension Members

Data Status View calculation and approval status, Rows = Entity - Hierarchy
translate and consolidate data. Columns = Periods
Scenario - <selectable>
Year- <selectable>
Enter Exchange Rates - Single Enter exchange rates for the single Rows = Currencies - From Currency,
Period period selected in the Point of View Account - Average Rate, Ending
Columns = To Currency
Scenario - <selectable>
Year - <selectable>
Enter Exchange Rates - Multi Period Enter exchange rates for multiple Rows = Currencies - From Currency,
periods to a single To Currency Account - Average Rate, Ending
selected in the Point of View. Rate
Columns = Periods
Scenario - <selectable>
Year - <selectable>
To Currency

Chapter 15
Form Components

Form Name Description Dimension Members

Exchange Rates Manage exchange rates. The form is prepopulated with
currencies. You enable the
currencies applicable for the
You also identify which currency to
use as the application currency. By
default, the currency rate data is
entered in relation to the application
Rows = All enabled currencies for the
application (From Currency).
Columns = Periods (all base periods)
Scenario - <selectable>
Year - <selectable>
Entity- Global
Currency - To Currency <selectable>
Local Exchange Rates When you create new Local Rate You can enter the rate data using
accounts, this seeded system Rate an Input currency or Entity Currency.
form automatically includes the newly For Entity, you can select a base or
defined accounts. Parent entity.
Rows = Currencies - From Currency,
Account - Average Rate, Ending
Columns = Periods
Scenario - <selectable>
Year - <selectable>
To Currency
Override Rates Manage override rates. Some Balance Sheet accounts are
specified as Historical Rate accounts
(for example, Common Stocks,
Investment in Subs). For Historical
Rate accounts, you can enter either
an Override rate or Override amount
for the account.
Rows = All accounts specified as
Historical Rate accounts
Rows = From Currency
Columns = Periods
Columns = To Currency
Scenario - <selectable>
Year - <selectable>
Entity- <selectable>
Account - Override Rate

Form Components
Related Topics
• Point of View
• Page Axis

Chapter 15
Form Design Considerations

• Rows and Columns

Point of View
Select members for the Point of View to determine the context for pages, rows, and
columns. For example, if the Scenario dimension is set to Budget in the Point of View,
all data entered in pages, rows and columns is entered into the Budget scenario. The
Point of View is set to one member, which a user cannot change, for each Point of
View dimension.
To simplify the form, in the Point of View you can specify only relevant members or
include user variables.

Page Axis
Use the page axis to specify combinations of members that may span dimensions so
users can work with data in smaller, more logical views. Each item on the page axis
can have members selected from one or more dimensions. Users see only members
that they can access.
You can specify multiple page drop-down lists, and select members using relationship
functions or attributes. Switch between member sets by selecting them from the page
You display member names or aliases on the page axis. You can specify the number
of members in a page dimension that enables a search drop-down list on the data
entry page, which is useful if the dimensions contain many members.

Rows and Columns

Rows and columns define the grid into which users enter data. For example, you can
assign Unit Sales to the row axis and January to the column axis. When users access
forms, they can enter data into the cell where the Unit Sales row intersects with the
January column.
By default, forms have one set of rows and columns. You can add rows and columns
to create asymmetrical combinations of members.

Form Design Considerations

When you create a form, you associate it with a cube type, which determines the
form’s valid members. You cannot change the cube type after assigning it.
You can edit form accounts if their source type matches the form’s cube type.

Forms and Access Permissions

By assigning access to a form, you control which users can change its design (for
example, its layout and instructions) and input data. Users can select only members
to which they have Read or Write access. Users can edit forms only if they have
access to at least one member of each secured dimension. For example, if users have
Read-only access to the Europe entity, the rows and columns on forms that include the
Europe entity are displayed as Read-only. Users can change data only for members to
which they have Write access.

Chapter 15
Creating Simple Forms

Forms and Currencies

For a single-currency application, all entities use the currency selected when the
application was created. For a multicurrency application, the selected Currency
member on forms determines the currency in which values display.

Forms and Versions

Rows and columns with level 0 members allow data entry. Rows or columns set to
a parent member are read-only. The Point of View must also be set to the level 0
member to allow data entry.

Forms and Attributes

You can select members by selecting a shared attribute, for example, the South
attribute. Values can be entered and saved into rows and columns that use attributes.

Forms and Shared Members

You cannot select shared members individually; instead, select them using a
relationship function. For example, you could select an alternate functional rollup to
include all members under that rollup. Values can be entered into rows or columns that
display shared members and are saved to the base members in the database. Shared
members display in the same format as base members in forms.

Forms and Calculations

To optimize calculations, select row members using relationships (such as
Descendants or Children) instead of selecting children individually. Calculating totals
for the parent of individually selected children could take several passes, depending
on the number of hierarchy levels.

Creating Simple Forms

Creating simple forms involves these steps:

Table 15-1 Simple Form Creation Checklist

Task See This Topic

Set form layout, including: • Setting Form Layout
Adding form rows and columns • Setting Form Grid Properties
Assigning dimensions to columns and rows • Setting Form Dimension Properties
Selecting dimension members for forms • Setting Display Properties
Setting grid properties for the form • Setting Printing Options
Setting dimension properties
Adding formula rows and columns
Setting display properties for the form
Setting printing options for the form
Adding and updating validation rules in forms

Chapter 15
Creating Simple Forms

Table 15-1 (Cont.) Simple Form Creation Checklist

Task See This Topic

Define page axis and Point of View Page Axis and Point of View
Set form precision, context menu associations, Setting Form Precision and Other Options
and whether to enable dynamic user variables
Define access permissions See Assigning Access to Forms and Folders.
Design formula rows and columns Adding Formula Rows and Columns

To create simple forms:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Forms.
3. Click Actions, and then select Create simple form.
4. On the Properties tab, provide a form name of up to 80 characters, and an
optional description of up to 255 characters.
5. Select the Cube associated with the form.
6. Optional: Provide instructions for working with the form.
7. Click Next to specify the form layout.

Setting Form Layout

When you create forms, the Layout tab initially contains one row and one column, and
all dimensions are in the Point of View. When creating or editing forms, you can add
rows and columns to a form, as necessary.
When setting row and column layout:
• Assign at least one dimension to the row and column axis.
• You cannot select the same dimension for multiple axes. (You can have
dimensions on multiple axes if you set user variables in the Point of View).
• Select a dimension from any axis and drag it to the destination axis to move a
dimension form one axis to another.
• Select display properties.
To set or update the form layout:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Forms.
3. Click Actions, and then select Create simple form.
4. On the Properties tab, specify the form properties.
The required fields on the Properties tab must be completed before you can move
to the Layout tab.
5. Click Layout.
6. Optional: Select a dimension, and then drag it to Rows or Columns, or within a
row or column.

Chapter 15
Creating Simple Forms

Initially, all dimension are in the form Point of View. You can drag
dimensions from the Point of View to rows, columns, or to pages. You
can also drag dimensions from any area in the grid (row column, Point of
View, or page) to any other area.

7. Optional: Select another dimension, and then drag it to Rows or Columns, or

within a row or column.
8. Select each dimension’s members.
9. Select a row header (such as 1 or 2) to set row properties, or a column header
(such as A or B) to set column properties, using the information in this table:

Table 15-2 Segment Properties

Option Description
Apply to all rows Apply settings to all rows; available when
there are two or more rows. Clear this option
to set different properties for each row.
Apply to all columns Apply settings to all columns; available when
there are two or more columns. Clear this
option to set different properties for each
Hide Hides the column or row on the form.
Read-only Creates a read-only row or column, enabling
comparison of old, read-only data with new,
editable data
Show separator Creates a bold border before the segment to
visually distinguish it.
Suppress hierarchy Suppresses indentation
Suppress missing data Hides rows or columns without data. Clear
to display rows or columns with "#MISSING"
in cells when data is missing.
Column width • Default: Use the column width
defined at the grid level (under Grid
• Small: Display seven decimal places.
• Medium: Display 10 decimal places.
• Large: Display 13 decimal places.
• Size-to-Fit: Force all columns to fit in
the displayed space based on the top
data cell value.
• Custom: Select a custom size to
display more than 13 decimal places,
up to 999 places.

Chapter 15
Creating Simple Forms

Table 15-2 (Cont.) Segment Properties

Option Description
Row height • Default: Use the row height defined at
the grid level (under Grid Properties)
• Medium: Display standard row height.
• Size-to-Fit: Force all rows to fit in the
displayed space.
• Custom: Select a custom size in pixels
for the row height.
Global Assumptions Form To enable transferring global assumptions
from a test to a production environment for
a simple form, select Global Assumptions
Form. Then update the form to store global
assumptions such as a tax rate.

10. Optional: Add formula rows or columns.

11. Optional: Add or update data validation rules.

Setting Form Grid Properties

To set form grid properties:
1. Open the form, and then click Layout.
2. In Grid Properties, set general row and column properties using the information in
this table:

Table 15-3 Form Grid Properties

Option Description
Suppress missing blocks (Rows only) Improves the performance of
the Suppress missing data setting when
suppressing many rows, for example, 90%
or more. The Suppress missing blocks
setting can degrade performance if few or no
rows are suppressed. Test forms before and
after using this setting to determine whether
performance is improved. Also test forms
whenever you make significant changes to
your application.
Suppress missing data Hides rows or columns without data. Clear
to display rows or columns with "#MISSING"
in cells when data is missing.
Suppress invalid data Hides rows or columns with invalid data.
Clear to display rows or columns that
contain cells with data that is invalid. Cells
with invalid data are read-only.
Default row height • Medium
• Size-to-Fit: Force all rows to fit in the
displayed space
• Custom: Select a custom size in pixels
for the row height

Chapter 15
Creating Simple Forms

Table 15-3 (Cont.) Form Grid Properties

Option Description
Default column width • Small: Display seven decimal places
• Medium: Display 10 decimal places
• Large: Display 13 decimal places
• Size-to-Fit: Force all columns to fit in
the displayed space based on the top
data cell value
• Custom: Select a custom size to
display more than 13 decimal places,
up to 999 places
Global Assumptions Form To enable transferring global assumptions
from a test to a production environment for
a simple form, select Global Assumptions
Form. Then update the form to store global
assumptions such as a tax rate.
Suppress invalid Scenario/Time Periods Hides invalid Scenario/Time Periods.
Suppress Missing also Suppresses Zero When this option is selected along with the
Suppress missing data option for forms, all
rows or columns containing both #Missing
and zeroes are suppressed.
When selected, this setting overrides the
runtime suppression selections made for
suppressing missing data or zeroes in
Oracle Smart View for Office

3. Click Save to save your work and continue, or click Finish to save your work and
close the form.

Setting Form Dimension Properties

You can set and edit form dimension display properties, including whether to display
the member name or alias in the form, hide the row or column, and permit users to
view the member formula. These properties apply to row, column, page, and Point of
View dimensions.
To set dimension properties:
1. Open the form, and then click Layout.
2. Click in a Point of View, page, row, or column to set dimension properties.
3. Select Dimension Properties:

Table 15-4 Form Dimension Properties

Property Description
Apply to all row dimensions Applies properties to all row dimensions
Apply to all column dimensions Applies properties to all column dimensions
Apply to all page dimensions Applies properties to all page dimensions
Apply to all POV dimensions Applies properties to all Point of View
Member Name Displays the member name

Chapter 15
Creating Simple Forms

Table 15-4 (Cont.) Form Dimension Properties

Property Description
Alias Displays the member alias
Member Formula Displays member formulas
Hide dimension Hides the dimension
Show consolidation operators Displays consolidation operators
Start expanded Available only for dimensions on rows
or columns, choosing this option initially
displays the dimension member list
Enable custom attributes Available only for dimensions on rows or
columns; enables custom attributes
Drill on Shared Members For row or column dimensions. Enable
drilling on shared members when the shared
member is on a parent member for the main
Show Currency Available for multi-currency applications;
displays currencies
Show Qualified Name Displays the members of the Entity
dimension as Parent.Child.
Select Never, As Needed, or Always.
Selecting this option together with the
Show Currency option displays the entity
member as Parent.Child (ParentCurrency,
Child Currency).
This option is retained when the form is
used in Oracle Smart View for Office.

4. Click Save to save your work and continue, or click Finish to save your work and
close the form.

Setting Display Properties

You can set and edit options for form display, such as hiding forms or displaying
missing values as blank, in the Layout tab.
You can also enable account-level annotations. Users can add annotations to
accounts in forms if they have Write access to the account, entity, scenario, and view
members. Account-level annotations can vary by different combinations of Scenario,
View, and Entity dimensions.

• The Account dimension must be assigned to a row axis.
• Account, Entity, View and Scenario dimensions cannot be assigned to the column
• The Entity dimension can be assigned to the row, page, or Point of View axis.
• View and Scenario dimensions must be assigned to the page or Point of View
To set display properties:
1. Open the form, and then click Layout.

Chapter 15
Creating Simple Forms

2. Select Display Properties, and then select form options:

Option Description
Make form read-only Use this option to make the form read-only.
Hide form For example, hide forms that are accessed
from menus or task lists.
Display missing values as blank Leave form cells empty where data does not
exist. If this option is not selected, empty
cells display the text "#MISSING".
Enable account annotations This option is only available if the Account
dimension is on the row.
Allow multiple currencies per entity If the application supports multiple
currencies, allow entities to support multiple
currencies, regardless of base currency.
Users can select the currency for displayed
cell values in forms.
Enable Mass Allocate Users must have the Mass Allocate role to
use this option.
Enable Grid Spread Use this option to enable grid spread.
Enable cell-level document (Default) Enable users to add, edit, and view
documents in cells in the form, depending
on access permissions. To prevent users
from using documents in a form, clear this
Message for forms with no data Enter text to display in form rows for queries
without valid rows. Leave blank to display
the default text: There are no valid
rows of data for this form.
3. Click Save to save your work and continue, or click Finish to save your work and
close the form.

Setting Printing Options

You can set and edit preferences for printing form information in the Layout tab.
To set printing options:
1. Open the form, and then click Layout.
2. Select Printing Options, and then set preferences for printing form information:

Chapter 15
Creating Simple Forms

Table 15-5 Form Printing Options

Option Description
Include supporting detail Include supporting detail as extra rows in
PDF files. Specify display format:
• Normal Order: Prints supporting detail
in the same order as on the Supporting
Detail page, after the member it is
associated with
• Reverse Order: Prints supporting detail
in reverse order, before the member
associated with it. Supporting detail for
children displays above parents, and
the order of siblings is preserved.
Show comments Display text notes associated with cells
Format data Apply number format settings from the form
to the displayed data
Show attribute members If attribute members are selected in the
form, display them in PDF files
Apply precision Apply form precision settings (desired
number of decimal points) to the displayed
data in PDF files
Show currency codes If the form supports multiple currencies,
display currency codes in the form and in
PDF files. Whether currency codes display
depends on whether currency codes are
present on any member in the form.
If a currency code is present on any
member contained in the form, currency
codes display in the form regardless of the
selection for this check box. If currency
codes are not present on members in the
form, they are not displayed.
Show account annotations If account annotations are enabled for the
form, select to display account annotations
in PDF files

3. Click Save to save your work and continue, or click Finish to save your work and
close the form.

Including Data Validation Rules in Forms

In the Layout tab, you can add and update validation rules to the grid, column,
row, or cell. When rules are processed, they can change the color of cells, provide
validation messages to users during data entry, and can change the promotional path
for Approval units. Validation rules are saved with the form.
Before adding data validation rules, it is important to consider the function the rule will
perform and to plan the rule scope.
To include data validation rules in forms:
1. Open the form, and then click Layout.
2. Select Validation Rules, and then select an option:

Chapter 15
Creating Simple Forms

The menu options that display are context-sensitive, and depend on
whether rules have already been added, and if you previously selected
a menu option. For example, if you right-click a cell that contains a rule
and select Copy Validation Rules, the Paste Validation Rules menu
option is displayed when you right-click another cell.

Table 15-6 Form Validation Rules Options

Option Description
Add/Edit Validation Rules Add or edit existing rules in the condition
builder are of the Data Validation Rule
Builder dialog box.
Copy Validation Rules Copy the selected rules to be pasted to a
new location.
Paste Validation Rules Paste the previously copied rules to a new
Validate only for users with access to If the currently logged-in user does not
this form have access to the form, do not execute
validations associated with the form when
validating the Approval unit.
Validate only for pages with existing When enabled, the system figures out which
blocks page combinations have potential blocks
and runs the validations only for those page
combinations. There are a few exceptions to
this. If a page combination has any Dynamic
Calc, Label only, or Store with one child
member, then that page is always loaded.
Validate only for cells and pages the user When enabled, validations are run as
has access to the currently logged-in user and not as
the administrator, which means the user’s
security will be applied to the form members.
Validate with each possible value for user When enabled, the form will be validated
variables from approval unit dimensions multiple times by replacing the user variable
from the approval dimension with every
possible value for the user variable. If not
enabled, the form will be validated once with
the user variable replaced with all possible
values for the user variable. It is not enabled
by default.
Validate with current approval unit When enabled, the user variable for the
members as values for user variables approval dimension on the form will be
replaced by the approval unit member
before the validations are run. If not
enabled, the user variable will be replaced
with all possible values for the user variable.
It is not enabled by default.

3. Build and validate the rules.

4. In the form, click Next to continue building the form, and then validate and save
the form.

Chapter 15
Creating Simple Forms

Setting Form Precision and Other Options

In Other Options, you set data precision, associate context menus with the form, and
enable dynamic user variables.
You control data precision by applying minimum and maximum values for different
account types. For example, you can truncate and round the decimal portion of longer
To set form precision and other options:
1. Open the form, and then click Other Options.
2. In Precision, select options to set the number of decimal positions displayed in a
cell for Currency Values, Non-Currency Values, and Percentage Values.
Specify Minimum values to add zeros to numbers with few decimal places.
Specify Maximum values to truncate and round the decimal portion of longer
numbers. For example:

Table 15-7 Form Data Precision Examples

Value Minimum Precision Maximum Precision Displayed Value

100 0 Any 100
100 3 Any number greater 100.000
than or equal to 3 or
100.12345 Any number less None 100.12345
than or equal to 5
100.12345 7 None 100.1234500
100.12345 Any number less 3 100.123
than or equal to 3
100.12345 0 0 100
100.12345 2 4 100.1234
100 2 4 100.00

• By default, the precision settings that you select here override the precision
set for the currency member. If instead you want the currency member’s
precision setting to apply for the form, select Use Currency member
precision setting.
• Precision settings affect only the display of values, not their stored values,
which are more accurate. For example, if Minimum Precision is set to 2, and if
the system spreads the value 100 from Q1 into the months January, February,
and March, the month cells display 33.33 when they are not selected. When
they are selected, they display their more accurate values (for example,
3. In Context Menus, associate menus with the form by selecting them from
Available Menus and moving them to Selected Menus, using the right and left
4. If you select multiple menus, use the Up and Down arrows to set the order in
which they display.

Chapter 15
Creating Simple Forms

5. Select Enable Dynamic User Variables to allow dynamic user variables in the
6. Click Save.

Creating Asymmetric Rows and Columns

Asymmetric rows and columns contain different sets of members selected across the
same dimensions. For example:
Row/Column A: Scenario = Actual, Time Period = Q1
Row/Column B: Scenario = Budget, Time Period = Q2, Q3, Q4
To create asymmetric rows or columns:
1. Open the form, and then click Layout.
2. Click the Dimension Selector to select the dimension to modify.
3. Click the Member Selector to the right of the dimension name, and then modify
the members selected for this dimension.
4. Click Save to save your work and continue, or click Finish to save your work and
close the form.

Adding Formula Rows and Columns

Formula rows contain formulas that apply to form rows. Formula columns contain
formulas that apply to form columns. For example, you can create a formula column
(column D) that computes the percentage variance between the January sales
(column A) and February sales (column B). The formula defined for a formula row or
column applies to all row or column dimensions. To define or assign existing formulas
to forms, select the appropriate row or column on the Layout tab and then display
formula building options under Segment Properties.

Consider adding a formula row between two other rows to create a blank
row. Blank rows are useful, for example, for visually separating subtotals and
totals within a form.

To add formula rows and columns:

1. Open the form, and then click Layout.
2. On the Layout tab, right-click Rows or Columns.
3. Select Add Formula Row or Add Formula Column.
4. Click the new Formula Label that is displayed in the row or column, and then
enter the formula name.
5. Click the row or column number and specify any of the following displayed in the
Segment Properties pane to the right:
• Hide hides the row or column

Chapter 15
Creating Simple Forms

• Show separator displays the row or column separator

• Display formula on form displays the formula on the form when you click that
option in the row or column header
6. For each dimension in Formula Data Type in the right pane, select a data type for
the formula result:
• Currency
• Non-Currency
• Percentage
• SmartList
If you select SmartList, select a Smart List from the drop-down list next to the
data type.
• Date
• Text
7. Define the formula to use for the row or column by entering the formula name in
the Formula field, and then clicking Edit.
8. Click Validate to ensure that the formula does not contain any errors.
9. Click OK to save the formula and to close the Formula window.

Defining Simple Form Page and Point of View

You can select dimensions and members for the page axis and Point of View. The
Point of View dimensions and members must be valid for the form type and not
assigned to a page, column, or row axis. The Point of View sets the unique dimension
members that define intersections of data.
When you set user variables for forms, the variable name displays in the Point of View.
To define page axis and Point of View:
1. Open the form, and then click Layout.
2. Click the Dimension Selector and then drag the dimension to Page to add it to
the form page axis.
3. Click the Member Selector for each page axis dimension and select members.
4. Repeat these steps to assign multiple dimensions to the page axis.
Assigning multiple dimensions to the page axis enables users to select
dimensionality while entering data. Users can select Display Options to specify
whether the system sets the page selection to the most recently used selection.
5. In Dimension Properties, select or clear options for page dimensions.
6. Optional: Click the Dimension Selector and then drag the dimension to the Point
of View to add it to the form Point of View. Repeat this action for each dimension
that you want to move to the Point of View.
7. In Point of View, click the Member Selector for each dimension and then select
8. In Dimension Properties, select or clear options for Point of View dimensions.

Chapter 15
Working with Forms and Form Components

9. Click Save to save your work and continue, or click Finish to save your work and
close the form.

Working with Forms and Form Components

Related Topics
• Opening Forms
• Previewing Forms
• Editing Simple Forms
• Moving, Deleting, and Renaming Forms

Opening Forms
To open a form for editing:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Forms.
3. Select the tab for the type of form that you want to open.
4. Click the name of the form.
The form opens in edit mode in a new tab.
To open and view a form:
1. On the Home page, click Data.
2. Select the tab for the type of form that you want to open.
3. Click the name of the form.

Previewing Forms
While you are designing forms, you can preview the dimensions that are assigned
to the Point of View, columns, rows, and page axes. Previewing displays member
attributes, alias, and data associated with forms, although new data cannot be
Previewing completes regular form design validation checks, and checks for proper
evaluation of any data validation rules included in the form. Data validation rules must
be properly completed before the form can be saved. In addition, data validation
rules are saved as part of the form. If you do not save changes to a form, any data
validation rule changes made after the form was last saved are lost.
To preview a form’s design:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Forms.
3. With a form open, click Preview.
The form opens in edit mode in a new tab.
4. Resolve any issues reported during the design validation checks, including any
issues with data validation rules.

Chapter 15
Working with Substitution Variables

5. Save the form to ensure that updates are saved, including any changes to data
validation rules.

Editing Simple Forms

You can edit the layout, members, and properties of forms. For example, you can add
formula rows or columns to a form.
To edit simple forms:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Forms.
3. Select the form, then click Edit.
4. Select:
• Properties to edit the form name, description, and instructions.
• Layout to edit form layout.
• Other Options to edit form precision and to change which context menus are
associated with the form.
5. Click Finish to save your work and close the form.

Moving, Deleting, and Renaming Forms

To move, delete, and rename forms:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Forms.
3. Select the form.
4. Select a task:
• To move a form, click Move, and then select the destination folder.

You can move multiple forms simultaneously if they are in the same

• To delete a form, click Delete.

• To rename a form, click Rename, and then enter the new name.
5. Click OK.

Working with Substitution Variables

Related Topics
• About Substitution Variables
• Creating and Assigning Values to Substitution Variables

Chapter 15
Working with User Variables

• Deleting Substitution Variables

About Substitution Variables

Substitution variables act as global placeholders for information that changes regularly.
For example, you could set the current month member to the substitution variable
CurMnth so that when the month changes, you do not need to manually update the
month value in the form or the report script.

Creating and Assigning Values to Substitution Variables

To create and assign values to substitution variables:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Variables.
3. Select the Substitution Variables tab.
4. Click Actions, then select Add.
5. On the Add Substitution Variable page, select the Cube.
6. For Name, enter the name of the substitution variable.
7. For Value, enter a value for the substitution variable.
8. Click OK.

Deleting Substitution Variables

To delete substitution variables:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Variables.
3. Select the Substitution Variables tab.
4. Select the substitution variable to delete.
5. Click Actions, then select Delete.
6. Click Yes.

Working with User Variables

Related Topics
• About User Variables
User variables act as filters in forms, enabling users to focus only on certain
members, such as a department.
• Managing User Variables
• Creating User Variables
• Deleting User Variables

Chapter 15
Working with User Variables

About User Variables

User variables act as filters in forms, enabling users to focus only on certain members,
such as a department.
User variables act as filters in forms, enabling users to focus only on certain members,
such as a department. Before you can associate a user variable with a form, you must
create the user variable.

Managing User Variables

You can set user variables to limit the number of members displayed on a form,
helping users focus on certain members. For example, if you create a user variable
called Division for the Entity dimension, users can select a member for their own
division. You can create any number of user variables for each dimension, and select
user variables for any axis in the form.
The typical sequence of steps:
1. If necessary, create the appropriate parent-level members in the dimension
2. Define user variables for each dimension that you want users to be able to filter.
3. When designing the form, associate the user variable with the form.
4. Instruct users to select a member for the user variable associated with the form.
Before users can open forms that have user variables, they must select a member
for User Variable Options in preferences. After selecting an initial value, they can
change it in the form or in preferences.

Creating User Variables

To create user variables:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Variables.
3. Select the User Variables tab.
4. Click Actions, then select Add.
5. In the User Variables window, for Dimension Name, select the dimension for
which to create a user variable.
6. For User Variable Name, enter the name of the user variable.
7. Optional: Select Use Context to allow user variables to be used in the Point of
View. With this setting, the value of the user variable changes dynamically based
on the context of the form.
8. Click OK.
You can now associate the user variable with a form.

Chapter 15
Working with Smart Lists

Deleting User Variables

To delete user variables:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Variables.
3. Select the User Variables tab.
4. Select the user variable to delete.
5. Click Actions, then select Delete.
6. Click Yes.

Working with Smart Lists

Administrators use Smart Lists to create custom drop-down lists that users access
from form cells.
Administrators use Smart Lists to create custom drop-down lists that users access
from form cells. When clicking in cells whose members are associated with a Smart
List (as a member property), users select items from drop-down lists instead of
entering data. Users cannot type in cells that contain Smart Lists. Smart Lists display
in cells as down arrows that expand when users click into the cells.
Perform these tasks to create and administer Smart Lists:
• Define Smart Lists
• Associate Smart Lists with members.
• Select dimensions for which Smart Lists are displayed.
• Optionally:
– Use Smart List values in member formulas.
– Set how #MISSING cells associated with Smart Lists display in forms.
– Synchronize Smart Lists in reporting applications
To create or work with Smart Lists:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Smart List.
3. Perform one action:
• To create a Smart List, click Create, enter the name, and click OK.
• To change a Smart List, select it and click Edit.
• To delete Smart Lists, select them, click Delete and OK. Deleting Smart lists
also deletes any associated mappings with dimension members and reporting
Data cells can display only one Smart List. If multiple Smart Lists intersect at
cells, set which one takes precedence.

Chapter 15
Working with Smart Lists

• Optional: Click Synchronize to synchronize Smart Lists in reporting

application. See Synchronizing Smart Lists in Reporting Applications.

Synchronizing Smart Lists in Reporting Applications

You can synchronize Smart Lists to map them to dimensions in reporting applications.
To synchronize Smart Lists in reporting applications:
1. Refresh the application database.
2. Refresh the reporting application mapping.

3. Click the Navigator icon .

4. Under Create and Manage, click Smart List.
5. Click Synchronize, then click OK.
During synchronization, values from reporting applications in all existing mappings
are appended after the last Smart List item in the appropriate Smart list. If a Smart
List is mapped to two dimensions, all members from the first mapping are inserted
first, and then members from the second mapping are inserted. If a member
already exists in a Smart List, it is not added again.
6. If Smart List items are mapped to more than one dimension, create a new Smart
List with a new name, and then manually transfer related data.

Smart List names cannot have spaces in them. If you are synchronizing
Smart Lists in a reporting application, ensure that any new members do not
have spaces in the name.

Adding or Changing Smart List Properties

Use the Edit Smart List Properties tab to set Smart List properties
To set Smart List properties:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Smart List.
3. Select a Smart List and click Edit.
4. Define Smart List properties on Properties:

Table 15-8 Smart List Properties

Property Description
Smart List Enter a unique name containing only
alphanumeric and underscore characters
(for example: Position) and no special
characters or spaces. Smart List names can
be referenced in formula expressions.

Chapter 15
Working with Smart Lists

Table 15-8 (Cont.) Smart List Properties

Property Description
Label Enter the text to display when the Smart List
is selected. Spaces and special characters
are allowed.
Display Order How Smart Lists are sorted in the drop-
down list: by ID, Name, or Label
#MISSING Drop-Down Label Enter a label (for example, "No Justification")
to be displayed as an entry in the Smart List
whose value is #MISSING.
It displays as the first selection in the Smart
List drop-down, allowing #MISSING as a
selection in the form.
When the cell is not in focus, this label
displays only if Drop-Down Setting is
selected in the next option. Otherwise,
#MISSING or a blank cell is displayed,
depending on the Display Missing Values As
Blank selection for the form.
#MISSING labels determine only the display
of cells with #MISSING data; #MISSING
remains the stored value.
#MISSING Form Label Determines how #MISSING values are
represented in cells associated with Smart
Lists. Options:
• Drop-Down Setting: Displays the label
set in #MISSING Drop-Down Label.
• Form Setting: Displays #MISSING
or leaves cells blank, depending on
the Display Missing Values As Blank
selection for the form. This selection
determines what is displayed in the cell
when it is not the focus. When the
cell is in focus, the Smart List item
that is selected from the drop-down is
Automatically Generate ID Generate a numeric ID for each Smart List
entry. If you do not select this option, you
can customize Smart List ID values.

5. Click Save.
6. Select Entries.
Use the Entries tab to define selections on Smart Lists.

Adding or Changing Smart List Entries

Use the Edit /Add Smart Lists Entries tab to define the selections in the Smart List.
To define Smart List entries:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Smart List.

Chapter 15
Working with Smart Lists

3. Select a Smart List and click Edit.

4. On Entries, define drop-down list items:
• For first items only: enter information into the first row.
• To add an item, click Add and enter the information.
• To delete an item, select it and click Delete.
• To edit an item, change the information in its row:

Table 15-9 Smart List Entries

Entry Property Description

ID Unique number that sets the order for
the displayed entry. Customizable only
if Automatically Generate ID is not
selected on the Properties tab.
Name Unique alphanumeric name containing
alphanumeric and underscore characters
(for example: Customer_Feedback) and
no special characters or spaces
Label Displayed text for the Smart List entry on
the drop-down list (for example: Customer

Items highlighted in red are duplicates.

5. Perform one action:
• Click Save.
• Select Preview.

Previewing Smart Lists

Preview the defined Smart List on the Preview tab. The tab shows the Smart List as
displayed in a drop-down list or a table.

Displaying #MISSING with Smart Lists

Administrators set values displayed in Smart Lists and data cells, including the display
when no data is in the cell. Cells can display no value, #MISSING, or (for cells
associated with Smart Lists) a specified value.
Use these options to control the display of #MISSING when cells are not in focus:

Option Guideline
Blank When designing forms, select Display
Missing Values as Blank.
When setting Smart List properties, select
Form Setting.

Chapter 15
Working with Smart Lists

Option Guideline
#MISSING When designing forms, do not select Display
Missing Values as Blank.
When setting Smart List properties, select
Form Setting.
A custom label, such as "No Change" When setting Smart List properties, enter the
custom label in the #MISSING Drop-Down
Label field (for example, No Change). Select
Drop-Down Setting.

Managing Journals
Related Topics
• Creating Journal Groups
• Deleting Journal Groups
• Managing Journal Periods
• Setting Journal Options
• Journal Referential Integrity

Creating Journal Groups

As a Service Administrator, you can create journal groups to classify journals and filter
journal lists.
For information on working with journals, see Working with Financial Consolidation
and Close .
You can create journal groups to classify journals by type, and to filter journal lists. You
can add or delete groups, edit group descriptions, and load groups during a journals
When you create a journal and specify a journal group, the system validates the group
against the list of groups and displays an error message if the group that you specify is
To manage journal groups, you must be the Service Administrator.
For information on working with journals, see the Working with Financial Consolidation
and Close .
To create journal groups:
1. On the Home page, click Journals, then select Manage Journals.
2. From the Actions menu, click Groups.
3. Click Create.
4. Enter a name for the journal group.
5. Optional: Enter a journal group description.
6. Click Save.

Deleting Journal Groups

You can delete a journal group if you are the Service Administrator and if there are no
journals associated with the group.
To delete journal groups:

Chapter 16
Managing Journal Periods

1. On the Home page, click Journals, then select Manage Journals.

2. From the Actions menu, click Groups.
3. Take one of these actions:
• Select one or more journal groups to delete, click Delete Selected, and then
click Confirm at the confirmation prompt.
• To delete all journal groups, click Delete All, and then click Confirm at the
confirmation prompt.

If the group has any journal references in the application, the system
displays an error message that it cannot delete the group.

Managing Journal Periods

Before you can work with journals, you must open the time periods for the journals. By
default, all periods have an initial status of Unopened. You can open and close periods
at any time, but you cannot change an opened period to unopened.
To manage journal periods, you must be the Service Administrator.
To post journals, you must open the time periods for each scenario to which you want
to post. You cannot post journals to an unopened or closed period.
If there are Approved journals in the period, you cannot close it. If you select to close
a period that contains Working or Submitted journals, a warning message is displayed
that non-posted journals were found for the period, but you can close it.
You cannot close a period if there are unposted auto-reversal journals in the period.
For information on working with journals, see the Working with Financial Consolidation
and Close .
To open or close periods:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Manage Periods.
3. For Scenario and Year, select members of the periods that you want to open.
4. Select the periods to open or close.
5. To open the selected periods, from the Actions drop-down, select Open, or to
close them, click Close.

Setting Journal Options

Administrators have the ability to allow users with the User role to approve journals.
This option is only displayed for administrators, and it applies to all journals.
If you disable this option, when a User tries to approve a journal, the system displays
an error message that they are not authorized to perform the task.

Chapter 16
Journal Referential Integrity

To enable or disable journal options:

1. On the Home page, click Journals, then select Manage Journals.
2. From the Actions menu, select Journal Options.
By default, Allow users with User role to approve journals is enabled.
3. To disable the option, and not allow users with User role to approve journals,
uncheck the checkbox, and then click Save.

Journal Referential Integrity

To prevent referential integrity problems from occurring in journals, Financial
Consolidation and Close verifies and prevents the deletion of any metadata member
that is referenced in a journal.
The system verifies member deletion from these dimensions for referential integrity:
• Account
• Currency
• Entity
• Movement
• MultiGAAP
• Period
• Scenario
• View
• Year
• When you delete a dimension member from the application (using either the
Simplified or Classic Dimension Editor), the system displays a confirmation
message asking you to confirm that you want to delete the member.
• If the member is referenced in a journal, the system displays the following error
message and the member is not deleted.
Failed to delete member XXX because member is referred to in
Journal(s) XXX.
The system also verifies and prevents updates to the Account Type property.
• You cannot update the Account Type property for a member if the member is used
in a Submitted, Approved, or Posted journal.
• You can switch between the Asset and Expense Account Type properties,
and switch between the Revenue, Liability, and Equity properties of a member
referenced in a journal, regardless of the journal state (working or non-working).

Consolidating Data
Related Topics
• Consolidation Process
Consolidation is the process of gathering data from descendant entities and
aggregating the data to parent entities.
• Data Flow
• Consolidation Process Flow
• Intercompany Eliminations
• Consolidation Dimension
• Translation Process
• Translating Data
• About Exchange Rates
• Entering Exchange Rates
• Entering Override Rates
• Specifying Default Translation Settings
• Consolidation and Translation Security Access
• Calculation Status
• Consolidating Data
• Viewing Consolidation Progress
• Running a Consolidation Report
• Consolidation Examples
• Advanced Consolidation Overview
• Consolidation Logic
• Managing Consolidation Methods
• Modifying Consolidation Methods
• Adding Consolidation Methods
• Importing and Exporting Consolidation Methods
• Recomputing Ownership Data
• Managing Ownership
• Changing Manage Ownership Settings
• Importing and Exporting Ownership Data
• Ownership Settings Year to Year
• Ownership Settings in Forms and Configurable Calculation Rules

Chapter 17
Consolidation Process

• Advanced Consolidation Rules

• About Configurable Consolidation Rules
• Managing Consolidation Rule-sets and Rules
• Creating Consolidation Rule-sets
• Creating Consolidation Rules
• Consolidation Strings
• Viewing Rule-Sets
• Deploying and Undeploying Rule-Sets
• Duplicating and Deleting Rule-Sets
• Re-ordering Rule-sets and Rules
• Seeded Consolidation Rules

Consolidation Process
Consolidation is the process of gathering data from descendant entities and
aggregating the data to parent entities.
Consolidation is the process of gathering data from descendant entities and
aggregating the data to parent entities. After you enter or load data into base-level
entities, calculate and adjust data, you run a consolidation for a selected Scenario,
Year, Period and Entity to aggregate the data throughout the organization.
You launch the Consolidation process from forms or from data grids. You must have
first loaded or entered data in base entities. See Consolidating Data.
Launching consolidation runs the consolidation rules for the specified scenario, period,
and entity. The translation process is run as required to convert data from the child
entity currency to the parent entity currency. If the child and parent entity use the same
currency, the translation process is not run.
After you select the parent entity into which the dependent entities consolidate, the
required processes run automatically.
• The system runs calculation rules for all descendants of the entity.
• If the data for the child entity and the data for the parent entity are in different
currencies, the system translates data based on the exchange rate.
• You can enter adjustments to data through journals.
• The consolidation process begins. You can make further adjustments to
contribution data through journals.

Data Flow
Financial Consolidation and Close provides several dimensions through which data
"flows" from an input point to a consolidated point. These dimensions are the Entity,
Consolidation and Currency dimensions.
Entity Dimension

Chapter 17
Data Flow

The Entity dimension allows a multi-level hierarchy of entities, generally representing

the ownership structure of one or more owning (holding) companies and the
companies in which the holding company has either direct or indirect ownership. Direct
ownership is ownership of shares of an owned company, while indirect ownership is
ownership of a company through another company. For example, if company A owns
shares in company B, and company B owns shares in company C, then A has direct
ownership of B, B has direct ownership of C, and A has indirect ownership of C.
Parent entities in Financial Consolidation and Close are generally expected to
represent the consolidated financial results of a holding company. Consolidated
financial statements are the "Financial statements of a group in which the assets,
liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the parent (company) and its
subsidiaries are presented as those of a single economic entity" (IAS 27, IFRS 10).
Consolidated results are the aggregation of the results of the reporting company (a
legal entity) and the companies that it owns, either directly or indirectly (all of which
are legal companies). Notably, consolidated results are not the aggregation of the
previously consolidated results of other holding companies.
Consolidation / Currency Dimensions
Data flows from a child entity to a parent entity in a multi-currency application through
the Consolidation and Currency dimensions. For a single-currency application, the
Currency dimension does not exist and data flows through only the Consolidation
Base Entity Data Entry
At a base (level 0) entity, the Entity Input member is used to enter data through
data forms, Smart View, Data Management, Journals, or Supplemental Data Manager
in Entity Currency. The actual currency that Entity Currency represents in a multi-
currency application is defined on an entity-by-entity basis.
Data can also be entered to Entity Input in an Input Currency (currently only by Journal
Entry). The entered data is "reverse translated" at the Ending Rate into Entity Currency
as part of the Consolidation process and is then processed in the same manner as
data entered directly in Entity Currency. A separate Data Source member is required
for each Input Currency to which data is to be entered. The reverse translation is
processed at Ending Rate to ensure that the net impact on Closing Balance when
translated back to Parent Currency or a Reporting Currency (including any calculated
FX Variance) is the same as the originally entered Input Currency values.
The Opening Balance movement member is never entered directly to Entity Input
but is carried forward from the Closing Balance of the prior period. Some Closing
Balances are carried forward to the Opening Balance of a different account (Retained
Earnings, Owner's Income, Total Other Comprehensive Income), but all Closing
Balances are carried forward.
Entity Input / Entity Currency is translated to Entity Input / Parent Currency in a multi-
currency application. If the currency of the child and parent is the same, then the
translation is at a rate of 1. Otherwise, the translation is carried out by applying
the required exchange rate and translation method to the untranslated data. This
translation from Entity Currency to Parent Currency is completed as part of the
Consolidation process.
Data can also be entered to Translated Currency Input in an Input Currency (currently
only by Journal Entry). The entered data is copied to Parent Currency if the Input

Chapter 17
Data Flow

Currency is the same currency as Parent Currency, and also to any matching
Reporting Currency. The entered data is not copied to Entity Currency even if Entity
Currency matches the Input Currency to which the data was entered. There are no
translation calculations applied because the data is treated as "translated" data. A
separate Data Source member is required for each Input Currency to which data is to
be entered.
If required, the Entity Input and Translated Currency Input data can be applied to
one or more reporting currencies through the Translation process. If the reporting
currency is the same currency as represented by either the Entity Currency or the
Parent Currency, then the data is copied from the relevant source to the reporting
currency. If the reporting currency is not the same currency as represented by either
the Entity Currency or the Parent Currency, then the data is translated using the same
process as translation from Entity Currency to Parent Currency. Note that Translated
Currency Input data is never translated and only copied to Reporting Currency from
Parent Currency.
Opening Balances are never translated but are carried forward from the translated
Closing Balances of the prior period.
Entity Input and Translated Currency Input aggregates to Entity Total. For a multi-
currency application, this aggregation occurs for Entity Currency, Parent Currency and
any populated reporting currencies.
Entity Total and Parent Input aggregate to Parent Total (if Parent Input is enabled) in
Parent Currency only.
Data is proportionalized to the Proportion member from Entity Total or from Parent
Total (if Parent Input is enabled). Proportionalization applies the Consolidation %
defined for the child/parent combination to all source data points.
Data can be entered to Parent Input in the currency of the parent. Parent Input
is therefore specific to the entity / parent combination and aggregates only to the
specified parent entity. If an entity is shared and has more than one parent then
there will be more than one Parent Input point available. Parent Input is an optional
Consolidation dimension member and must be enabled in order to be used.
Opening Balances are never proportionalized, but are carried forward from the Closing
Balances of the prior period of the Proportion member. If the Consolidation % changes
from one period to the next, the Opening Balance Ownership Change system rule
generates adjustment entries to adjust the Opening Balance to the required current
period Consolidation %.
Entity Total data or Parent Total data (if Parent Input is enabled) can be eliminated
and adjusted to the Elimination member. The Standard Elimination system rule adjusts
intercompany entries based on the account Intercompany and Plug Account settings.
Additional adjustments can be generated from Configurable Consolidation rules.
Opening Balances are always carried forward from Closing Balances of the prior
period of the Elimination member.
Contribution to Parent
Proportion data aggregates with Elimination data to Contribution.

Chapter 17
Data Flow

Data can be entered to Contribution Input in the currency of the parent. Contribution
Input is therefore specific to the entity / parent combination and aggregates only to
the specified parent entity. If an entity is shared and has more than one parent then
there will be more than one Contribution Input point available. Contribution Input is an
optional Consolidation dimension member and must be enabled in order to be used.
Contribution and Contribution Input aggregate to Contribution Total (if Contribution
Input is enabled) in Parent Currency only.
Contribution or Contribution Total (if Contribution Input is enabled) aggregates to Entity
Consolidation of the parent entity, combining with similar data from the siblings (the
other children of the parent).
Opening Balances are always carried forward from Closing Balances of the prior
Parent Entity Data Entry
At the parent entity, additional data can be introduced in the Entity Input and
Translated Currency Input members (currently through Journal entries only).
Entity Elimination Adjustment entries are generated by the system if the aggregated
Entity Consolidation data requires adjustment. This could occur if the cumulative
consolidation % of a source level 0 entity increases due to the merging of shared
instances of the entity. Equity consolidations could then be required to change to
Proportional or Subsidiary at an intermediate parent entity.
Entity Consolidation, Entity Elimination Adustment, Entity Input and Translated
Currency Input are then aggregated to Entity Total entity currency values and
translated to Parent and Reporting currencies as required. Additional data can be
entered to Parent Input and Contribution Input. The consolidation process then
continues through the Consolidation / Currency dimensions from each child entity to
its parent.

Chapter 17
Data Flow

There are two settings for the behavior of the top members of the Entity dimension.
Preferred behavior (applied by default): No substitution variable
"ProportionalizeTopEntityMembers" or set this substitution variable to False
Data is not translated to parent currency or consolidated to Contribution / Contribution
Total for the "top" entities in the Entity dimension ("Total Geography" and any siblings).
This is because there is no valid parent entity for which a default currency is defined,
and no valid parent entity to which to contribute (the "Entity" member of the dimension
is deemed to be a dimension label rather than an entity). Data entry to Translated
Currency Input, Parent Input and Contribution Input is also restricted for these top
entity members. However, the entity dimension label ("Entity") can be selected when
invoking a consolidation process. This will allow all hierarchies in the entity dimension
to be consolidated at one time.
Alternative behavior: Create and set substitution variable
"ProportionalizeTopEntityMembers" to True.
Data is translated to parent currency for the "top" entities in the Entity dimension
by applying the system currency. Parent Currency data is also consolidated to
Contribution / Contribution Total but no further. Data entry to Translated Currency
Input, Parent Input and Contribution Input is restricted for these top entity members.
Watch the following video for details about consolidation data flow:

Overview: Data Flow and Consolidation

Chapter 17
Consolidation Process Flow

Consolidation Process Flow

Financial Consolidation and Close processes data through the Consolidation
dimension, beginning with local currency ("Entity Currency") data in the Entity Input,
Entity Consolidation and Entity Elimination Adjustment members, then progressing to
the same members for translated currency (for multi-currency applications only) and
finally the Proportion and Elimination consolidated data.
At each level of processing, various system calculations are executed. Some system
rules will always run while others can be disabled or configured. Custom rules can be
also added in pre-defined "insertion points".
The Consolidation: Process screens, accessed from the Consolidation card,
shows the sequential flow of consolidation activities for each of the Local Currency,
Translated and Consolidated levels, displayed as selected from the horizontal tabs.

Local Currency

Opening Balance Carry Forward

At each level of the Entity, Consolidation and Currency dimensions, the Closing
Balance of the prior period is carried forward to the Opening Balance of the current
period for all Flow type accounts.
The local currency Opening Balance is retrieved from the local currency Closing
Balance of the prior reporting period of the same scenario. If the current period is
the first period of the year, then the Opening Balance will be retrieved from the last
period of the prior year.
For all Balance Sheet accounts (account type Asset, Liability or Equity), the Opening
Balance is retrieved for all periods. For Income Statement accounts (account type
Revenue or Expense), the Opening Balance is retrieved for all periods except the first
period of the year.
The Opening Balance is retrieved:
• In the Periodic reporting view, from the Closing Balance of the prior period
• In the Quarter-to-date reporting view, from the Closing Balance of the prior quarter
• In the Half-year-to-date reporting view, from the Closing Balance prior half-year
• In the Year-to-date reporting view, from the Closing Balance of the prior year

Chapter 17
Consolidation Process Flow

After Opening Balance Carry Forward

Any deployed custom calculation rules created in the seeded "FCCS_10_After
Opening Balance Carry Forward_LocalCurrency" Calculation Manager rule will
See Working with Configurable Calculations.
Equity Pickup
The Equity Pickup system rule provides a built-in sequential calculation of Equity
Pickup for holding companies.
The Equity Pickup system rule will display only if Equity Pickup has been enabled,
either during application creation or subsequently.
This rule will alter the sequencing of entity processing during a consolidation to
ensure that all holding companies are calculated after their siblings. The amended
sequencing can be turned off and on as required. The correct calculation of Equity
Pickup also requires the deployment of Equity Pickup consolidation rules (see Equity
Pickup Overview for further details of the Equity Pickup feature).
Balance the Balance Sheet
The next system rule executed at Local Currency is "Balance the Balance Sheet".
This rule is optional and can be enabled or disabled for all scenarios or on a
scenario-by-scenario basis. If the rule is enabled, an out-of-balance Balance Sheet
will be balanced by the posting of a balancing amount to the seeded "FCCS_Balance"
Final Calculations
Any deployed custom calculation rules created in the seeded "FCCS_20_Final
Calculations_LocalCurrency" Calculation Manager rule will execute.
See Working with Configurable Calculations.
If "Asset Management Ratios" option has been selected, then the "FCCS_Days Sales
In Receivables" and "FCCS_Days Sales In Inventory" ratios are calculated.
Watch the following video for an overview of Local Currency Calculations:

Local Currency Calculations.


Chapter 17
Consolidation Process Flow

Note that the Translated tab is not available for single-currency applications.
Opening Balance Carry Forward
At each level of the Entity, Consolidation and Currency dimensions, the Closing
Balance of the prior period is carried forward to the Opening Balance of the current
period for all Flow type accounts.
Note that Opening Balance is never translated. Opening Balance is always carried
forward from the Closing Balance of the prior period for the Applicable Consolidation
Members and at Parent Currency.
The translated currency Opening Balance is retrieved from the translated currency
Closing Balance of the prior reporting period of the same scenario. If the current period
is the first period of the year, then the Opening Balance will be retrieved from the last
period of the prior year.
For all Balance Sheet accounts (account type Asset, Liability or Equity), the Opening
Balance is retrieved for all periods. For Income Statement accounts (account type
Revenue or Expense), the Opening Balance is retrieved for all periods except the first
period of the year.
The Opening Balance is retrieved:
• In the Periodic reporting view, from the Closing Balance of the prior period
• In the Quarter-to-date reporting view, from the Closing Balance of the prior quarter
• In the Half-year-to-date reporting view, from the Closing Balance prior half-year
• In the Year-to-date reporting view, from the Closing Balance of the prior year
Default Translation
Default Translation applies the default translation settings to the translation of periodic
movement members. The default translation settings can be configured from the
Manage Defaults button on the Translation Overrides screen.
Any "Amount Override" and "Rate Override" entries are also applied to the translated
See these topics:
• Translation Process
• Translating Data

Chapter 17
Consolidation Process Flow

• About Exchange Rates

• Entering Exchange Rates
• Entering Override Rates
• Specifying Default Translation Settings
Translation Overrides
Translation Override rules can be configured and deployed. The Entity Currency
values of a selection of data-points defined as the scope of the rule, applied against
the specified exchange rate and translation method (Periodic or Year-to-Date) can
either replace or accumulate with the default translation results.
See these topics:
• Working with Override Translation Rules
• Creating Override Translation Rules
• Deploying Override Translation Rules
Before Foreign Exchange (FX) Calculations
This rule executes after translations, but before the Foreign Exchange/Cumulative
Translation Adjustment (CTA) calculations. This allows you to create rules that modify
previous system translation calculations, but are still subject to the "balancing" effects
of the system Foreign Exchange and CTA calculations.
Foreign Exchange (FX) Calculations
The foreign exchange variation includes the calculation for both Opening Balance and
total movements.
FX Opening stores the difference between the translation of Total Opening Balance
at the Ending Rate for the current period and the Total Opening Balance retrieved
from the prior period's translated Closing Balance and Opening Balance Adjustment in
current period.
FX Movements stores the difference between the translation of total movements at
the Ending Rate for the current period and the translated total movements using the
Average rate or historical rate or amount overrides for the current period.
Foreign Exchange (FX) to Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA)
Historical accounts will always be translated using the default rate for the account
unless the account has the exchange rate type of "Historical Amount Override" or
"Historical Rate Override". The FX Opening and FX Movements will be calculated for
the historical accounts using the appropriate override rate or amount if applicable.
The reverse of the total FX Opening and FX Movements amount will then be stored
in the FX to CTA or FX to CICTA Movement member so that the FX Total for
the historical accounts will be zero. The same amount will also be posted to the
designated CTA or CICTA account, depending on the setting for the application.
After Opening Balance Carry Forward
Any deployed custom calculation rules created in the seeded "FCCS_30_After
Opening Balance Carry Forward_Translated" Calculation Manager rule will execute.
See Working with Configurable Calculations.
Watch the following video for an overview on Translations and Calculations:

Chapter 17
Consolidation Process Flow

Overview: Translations and Calculations

Final Calculations
Any deployed custom calculation rules created in the seeded "FCCS_40_Final
Calculations_Translated" Calculation Manager rule will execute.
See Working with Configurable Calculations.
If "Asset Management Ratios" option has been selected, then the "FCCS_Days Sales
In Receivables" and "FCCS_Days Sales In Inventory" ratios are calculated.


Opening Balance Carry Forward

At all levels, the first process is the "Opening Balance Carry Forward". At each level
of the Entity, Consolidation and Currency dimensions, the Closing Balance of the prior
period is carried forward to the Opening Balance of the current period for all Flow type
Note that Opening Balance is never consolidated, but always carried forward from the
Closing Balance of the prior period.
For all Balance Sheet accounts (account type Asset, Liability or Equity), the Opening
Balance is retrieved for all periods. For Income Statement accounts (account type
Revenue or Expense), the Opening Balance is retrieved for all periods except the first
period of the year.
The Opening Balance is retrieved:
• In the Periodic reporting view, from the Closing Balance of the prior period
• In the Quarter-to-date reporting view, from the Closing Balance of the prior quarter
• In the Half-year-to-date reporting view, from the Closing Balance prior half-year
• In the Year-to-date reporting view, from the Closing Balance of the prior year

Chapter 17
Intercompany Eliminations

All data is posted to the "Proportion" Consolidation dimension member at the

Consolidation percent.
Standard Eliminations
See Standard Elimination Consolidation Rules.
Opening Balance Ownership Change
See Opening Balance Ownership Change Consolidation Rules.
Configurable Consolidations
See About Configurable Consolidation Rules.
After Opening Balance Carry Forward
Any deployed custom calculation rules created in the seeded "FCCS_50_After
Opening Balance Carry Forward_Consolidated" Calculation Manager rule will execute.
See Working with Configurable Calculations.
Final Calculations
Any deployed custom calculation rules created in the seeded "FCCS_60_Final
Calculations_Consolidated" Calculation Manager rule will execute.
See Working with Configurable Calculations.
If "Asset Management Ratios" option has been selected, then the "FCCS_Days Sales
In Receivables" and "FCCS_Days Sales In Inventory"ratios are calculated.

Intercompany Eliminations
Standard Eliminations Overview
Companies record the results of transactions with other companies. Those other
companies might be related companies or unrelated (that is, third party) companies.
When reporting consolidated financial results, the impact of any transactions for which
the legal companies within the scope of the consolidation have common control
must be removed /eliminated from the consolidated results. The net results must be
presented as if the group of legal entities were a single economic unit.
Transactions with unrelated companies do not require elimination. Transactions with
related companies might need to be eliminated or partially eliminated depending on
whether the related company is in the scope of the consolidated results and the
accounting requirements applied to the consolidation arithmetic.
The nature of the relationship between the related parties will determine the manner
in which information from the in-scope companies is aggregated and eliminated to
produce the consolidated results. Different accounting standards will require some
different aggregation methods, but most standards follow similar general principles.
When an application is enabled for Intercompany accounts and contains Intercompany
account data, eliminations take place as part of the consolidation process.

Chapter 17
Intercompany Eliminations

Processing of Intercompany Eliminations

Data that are a result of transactions between two entities (that is, Intercompany
transactions), both being consolidated into a common parent entity, must be eliminated
in order to present the parent entity consolidated results as a single economic unit.
The intercompany transaction amounts are initially recorded twice. Each of the two
parties (companies) involved in the transaction records their view of the transaction.
The transaction is recorded separately by each entity, with the other entity as the
"Intercompany partner". Note that the entries recorded by both entities represent
the same transaction, but are entered separately by the two entities involved in that
The amounts to be eliminated are the amounts controlled "in common" by the parent
entity at which common ownership is represented in the organization hierarchy. The
net effect of the eliminations must be zero (that is, debits must equal credits),
but the data is reclassified in order to net out at the parent entity. If the source
data from both entities involved in the transaction is proportionalized at 100%, then
the full proportionalized amount must be eliminated. If the amount proportionalized
by either entity is less than 100%, then only the lowest proportional amount is
eliminated because only the lowest proportionalized amount is controlled in common.
Therefore an eliminated amount cannot exceed the proportionalized amount under any
circumstances. If the Consolidation % for either of the companies involved is 0% then
no elimination is processed.
Each elimination entry consists of two entries in the "FCCS_Intercompany
Eliminations" Data Source dimension member in the Elimination Consolidation
dimension member. The first entry reverses (or partially reverses) the original
intercompany amount. All dimension members to which the reversal is applied are
taken from the source POV with the exception of the Consolidation and Data source
dimensions. An offsetting second entry is posted to the "Plug" account, as defined
in the metadata for the source intercompany account. As with the reversal entry, the
Plug entry is posted to the "FCCS_Intercompany Eliminations" Data Source dimension
member in the Elimination Consolidation dimension member. All dimension members
to which the Plug entry is applied are taken from the source POV with the exception
of the Consolidation and Data source dimensions. If the Plug account is not set as an
Intercompany account, then the Plug entry is posted to "FCCS_No Intercompany" in
the Intercompany dimension.

Conditions for Intercompany Eliminations

The Entity structure(s) for an application can be created as a "Flat" structure (one
parent entity with all directly owned and indirectly owned entities as immediate
children). The parent entity represents the consolidated results of the ultimate Holding
company. Alternatively, one or more multi-level (or "staged") structures can be created.
In a multi-level structure, the sibling entities of each Holding company are those
companies directly owned by the Holding company. If those directly owned companies
themselves own other companies, then the sibling of the owning Holding company is
the consolidated parent of the owned Holding company.
In a Flat structure, the logic for determining whether an elimination is to be processed
is simple. The following logic is applied:
Data is a candidate for elimination if:
1. The account is an intercompany account and has a valid Plug (clearing) account

Chapter 17
Intercompany Eliminations

2. The data has an Intercompany dimension entry of other than "FCCS_No

Intercompany" (that is, contains a valid partner)
3. The entity to which the intercompany transaction has been posted, and the partner
referenced in the data definition (POV) both consolidate to the parent at greater
than 0%
If these conditions are met, then the data is re-classified to the Plug account in the
Elimination dimension member at the lower of the entity Consolidation % and the
partner Consolidation %.
In a multi-level structure, the logic for determining whether an elimination is to be
processed is in principle the same as in a Flat structure. However, the nature of a
multi-level structure introduces additional potential complications. The following logic is
Data is a candidate for elimination if:
1. The account is an intercompany account and has a valid Plug (clearing) account
2. The data has an Intercompany dimension entry of other than "FCCS_No
Intercompany" (that is, contains a valid partner)
3. The entity to which the intercompany transaction has been posted, and the partner
referenced in the data definition (POV) both consolidate to a common parent or
ancestor at greater than 0%
• a. The entity and partner might not both consolidate to an immediate common
parent either or both the entity and partner might consolidate to a common
ancestor via one or more intermediate parents.
• b. The relevant consolidation % used in the evaluation and posting of the
elimination is the cumulative consolidation % derived by multiplying the level-by-
level % from the entity or partner to the contribution to the common ancestor (that
is, the cumulative factor specific to a branch of the hierarchy culminating at the
common ancestor). The cumulative Consolidation % represents the contribution
from the source entity / partner to the common ancestor for each contributor.
• c. The "lower of entity or partner consolidation %" is applied to the sum of the
entity cumulative %, aggregated across all siblings of the entity and the sum of the
partner cumulative %, aggregated across all siblings of the entity. In a multi-level
hierarchy, both the entity and the partner could exist in more than one branch
of the hierarchy and could therefore aggregate to the common ancestor through
multiple children of the common ancestor.
• d. The data point could be a candidate for elimination at more than one level of
the hierarchy, immediately below more than one common ancestor. If the partner
exists in more than one branch of the hierarchy, then the entity’s consolidation
path up through the structure could encounter more than one common ancestor.
If immediately below the first (or a subsequent) common ancestor, the full
entity amount is eliminated, then further elimination will not occur because the
elimination amount cannot exceed the proportionalized amount. If no elimination
(or only a partial elimination) occurred at previous levels of the hierarchy, then
a further elimination could be required immediately below the current common
If these conditions are met, then the data is re-classified to the Plug account in
the Elimination dimension member at the lower of the sum (across sibling entities /
branches) of the cumulative entity Consolidation % and the sum (across sibling
entities / branches) of the cumulative partner Consolidation %. If the aggregated

Chapter 17
Consolidation Dimension

partner Consolidation % is lower than the aggregated entity Consolidation %, then

the partner % is applied.

Ensuring that Eliminations do not exceed Proportionalization

As previously noted, based on the concept of eliminating commonly controlled
transactions, the cumulative elimination amount of an intercompany transaction cannot
exceed the proportionalized amount. The system must therefore ensure that if the net
contribution amount of an intercompany account has been reduced to zero, no further
eliminations can occur.
It is possible that a computerized system cannot and does not record an accumulation
to zero accurately*. This is due to a "decimal precision" issue common to all computer
systems. As a result, a situation might arise such that the net contribution of a source
intercompany amount is not reduced to exactly zero when it does logically equal zero.
The test as to whether further intercompany eliminations should be processed can
therefore not depend on the net contribution being equal to zero, but must instead be
based on the net contribution being "approximately equal" to zero.
The test for whether a net contribution amount is "approximately equal" to zero can
depend on the magnitude of the data in the system. By default, FCCS applies "decimal
precision" of four decimals when applying the test. In this case, any net contribution
of less than 0.0001 will be considered as zero and further eliminations will not be
applied to the data. In most cases and for most currencies this level of precision
should provide sufficient accuracy. However, if unexpected eliminations still occur, a
Substitution Variable can be added to the application to modify the decimal precision
applied to the test.
To add a substitution variable, navigate to the Variables card and select the
Substitution Variables tab. Click on the plus symbol to add a new substitution
variable. For "All Cubes", enter DecimalPrecision as the Name (no space between
Decimal and Precision). Enter the required number of decimals to consider when
applying the "approximately equal" test. The greater the magnitude of data values
entered (that is, the number of significant digits to the left of the decimal point), the
lower the decimal precision entry might need to be.
Note that the decimal precision variable entry must be an integer (zero or a positive
or negative whole number) or subsequent consolidations might fail. A positive entry
will round the net contribution amount to the specified number of decimal positions,
zero will round to an integer and a negative entry will round to a multiple of 10 (so for
example, a decimal precision of -2 will round 1,234,567.89 to 1,234,600, rounding to
the nearest 100).
*For the specific conditions relating to FCCS, please see "The Limits of Data
Precision in Essbase" at:

Consolidation Dimension
The Consolidation dimension provides an additional layer to the financial information,
which enables you to view details on input values, adjustment, and contribution
information. It includes entity data, such as the input value and any related
adjustments to the entity’s data. As a dependent entity’s values roll up into its
parent during consolidation, the system stores consolidation detail including Proportion
and Elimination detail. Proportion detail contains the balances resulting from the

Chapter 17
Consolidation Dimension

execution of the proportionalization consolidation rule. This reflects the application of

the consolidation percentage on the source data. Elimination detail contains the results
of all other consolidation and elimination rules.
The Consolidation dimension includes the following members:
• Entity Input—This member represents input data and non-consolidation -related
business logic (for example, member formulas).
• Entity Consolidation—This is only available for a Parent entity. The amount in
this member represents the total of the Contribution from each of its child entities.
This is a system-calculated amount as a result of the consolidation process.
• Entity Elimination Adjustment— This is only available for a Parent entity. Entity
Elimination Adjustment entries are generated by the system if the aggregated
Entity Consolidation data for eliminations requires adjustment. This could occur
if the cumulative consolidation % of a source level 0 entity increases due to the
merging of shared instances of the entity. Equity consolidations could then be
required to change to a Proportional or Subsidiary method at an intermediate
parent entity.
• Entity Proportion Adjustment—This is only available for a Parent entity. Entity
Proportion Adjustment entries are generated by the system if the aggregated
Entity Consolidation data for proportionalization requires adjustment. This could
occur if the cumulative consolidation % of a source level 0 entity increases due
to the merging of shared instances of the entity. Equity consolidations could then
be required to change to a Proportional or Subsidiary method at an intermediate
parent entity.
Note: If you encounter unexpected data at Entity Elimination Adjustment, this can
be suppressed by applying a substitution variable DisableEEA = True.
• Translated Currency Input (optional) —This provides for data entry in an Input
• Entity Total—The summation of data of an entity, including both input and
adjustment data stored in the Entity Input and Translated Currency Input
members, any Entity Elimination Adjustment calculated data and the total
contribution stored in the Entity Consolidation member (only for a parent entity).
• Parent Input (optional) —This provides for data entry in parent currency,
and specific to an entity / parent combination. This data is included in
• Parent Total (if Parent Input is enabled) —The summation of Entity Total and
Parent Input.
• Proportion—The proportionalized values of the Entity Total (or Parent Total)
member of a single entity, for a specific parent entity during a consolidation
of a consolidation hierarchy. There is one Entity Proportion member in the
Consolidation dimension for every Parent/Child entity relationship.
• Elimination—Consolidation adjustment and elimination data for a specific Parent/
Child entity is generated and stored in this member.
• Contribution—The consolidated result of a single entity for a specific Parent
Entity. This includes the aggregation of the Proportion data and Elimination data
for the Parent/Child entity.
• Contribution Input (optional) —This provides for data entry in parent currency,
and specific to an entity / parent combination. This data is entered post-

Chapter 17
Translation Process

• Contribution Total (if Contribution Input is enabled) —The summation of

Contribution and Contribution Input.
The Consolidation dimension enables you to report on the details used to perform the
different stages of the consolidation process. It stores intermediate results during the
consolidation process to record how the system adjusted the consolidated members.
It provides an audit trail of the transactions applied to data during the consolidation
The following figure shows the Consolidation dimension with Intercompany
eliminations and all optional members enabled:

Note: * The Entity Consolidation and Entity Elimination Adjustment members are
system calculated members and are only applicable to Parent entities.

Translation Process
Financial Consolidation and Close provides currency translations for a multi-currency
application. The default translation process applies the Periodic translation method to
Flow accounts and the Year-to-Date method to Balance accounts.
See Translating Data.

Translation During the Consolidation Process

When you consolidate data, currency translation occurs if the parent entity has a
different default currency than the child entities. Translation to Parent Currency is
performed as part of the consolidation process. The parent currency for any entity
that is a child of the dimension name ("Entity") is assumed to be the system currency
selected when the application was created.
When the system performs translation, if the source data is not consolidated or if data
is impacted, it automatically consolidates the data before translating.

Translation to Reporting Currencies

If you want to translate data into a specific Reporting Currency, you select the target
Reporting Currency and perform translation. Only currencies enabled for reporting are

Chapter 17
Translating Data

available for Reporting Currency translation. All Reporting Currencies have a suffix of
_Reporting, for example, USD_Reporting.
Translation to Reporting Currencies is required for all periods. If prior periods in the
current year have not yet been translated, they will be translated before the selected
period. If there are prior years that have not been fully translated, you will need to
translate in sequence each year that has not yet been translated and then translate
the current year.
Each entity is translated independently of each other.
• If the default currency of the entity is the same as the Reporting Currency, then the
entity currency is moved to Reporting Currency.
• If the default currency of the entity is not the same as the Reporting Currency, then
if there is a Parent Entity with a default currency that is the same as the Reporting
Currency, the Parent Currency is copied to the Reporting Currency.
• If neither the default currency for the entity nor the parent entity is the Reporting
Currency, then the entity currency is translated to the Reporting Currency.
Due to the cumulative nature of some translation calculations, it is recommended that
any translation to a Reporting Currency that is neither an entity's Entity currency or
Parent currency be executed from the first period of the year.
Note that only entity input and entity consolidation are translated. Proportion,
Elimination and Contribution will not show up in Reporting Currency.

Exchange Rates
The Rate Cube contains all the exchange rate data with respect to any source
currency to any destination currency. If there is no Override rate or amount for a
Historical Rate account, the system uses the global exchange rate for translation.
You can view the exchange rates used for calculations in a pre-defined data form. You
can also use pre-defined forms to enter exchange rates and to enter override rates.
See these sections:
• Entering Exchange Rates
• Entering Override Rates
• Predefined Forms

Translating Data
Currency translation converts data from one currency to another. You can translate
data from the entity’s input currency to any other reporting currency that has been
defined in the application. When you consolidate data, currency translation occurs if
the parent entity has a different default currency than the child entities.
Financial Consolidation and Close provides default currency translations for a multi-
currency application. By default, the translation process uses the Periodic Value (PVA)
method for Flow accounts, and the Value at exchange rate (VAL) method for Balance
accounts. The default method and exchange rate accounts used can be modified. See
Specifying Default Translation Settings.
Translation is performed using calculation scripts and based on stored consolidated
data. When the system performs translation, if data is not consolidated or if data
is impacted, it automatically consolidates the data before translation. The system

Chapter 17
Translating Data

translates the stored consolidated amount to the Reporting currency by applying the
applicable exchange rates.
Translation to Parent currency is performed as part of the consolidation process. If
you want to translate data into a specific Reporting currency, you select the target
Reporting Currency and perform translation. Only currencies enabled for reporting are
available for Reporting currency translation.
All accounts within the Balance Sheet grouping ("FCCS_Balance Sheet") except for
"Saved Assumption" accounts are translated. The default translation is based on
the default translation settings that you have selected from the Translation Overrides
screen (Periodic Translation at Average Rate is used by default unless modified).
All Movement dimension base (level 0) members are translated at the selected
translation settings except for the Opening Balance and Opening Balance Adjustment
member. Any override account entries for accounts specified as Historical Amount
Override or Historical Rate Override Exchange Rate Type accounts are then applied,
replacing the default translations. If no override entries were made, then the Historical
accounts remain translated at the default settings. Any deployed translation override
rules are then applied, adjusting or replacing the default translation results.
Opening Balance is always carried forward from the Closing Balance of the prior
period for all stored levels of data and is never translated. Opening Balance
Adjustment entries are deemed to be related to the prior period (for example, prior
period adjustments). Opening Balance Adjustment entries are therefore translated at
the prior period Ending Rate. Historical accounts are translated at the prior period
"effective rate" (the ratio of the prior period Closing Balance translated amount
divided by the prior period Closing Balance untranslated amount) on an account-
by-account basis. It is possible that small extraneous amounts might create an
invalid (unreasonable) effective rate that can incorrectly distort subsequent translation
calculations. To avoid this issue, if the ratio of the calculated prior period effective rate
to the prior period Ending Rate (or the reciprocal) exceeds 10, then the Ending Rate
will be used for the translation (for example, if effective rate / ending rate < 0.1 or
effective rate / ending rate > 10, then translate using the ending rate).
Foreign Exchange Variances (FX Opening, FX Movements) are then calculated to
bring the aggregated Closing Balance to the equivalent of the untranslated Closing
Balance translated at Ending Rate. Then for all accounts that are defined with an
Exchange Rate Type of Historical, Historical Rate Override or Historical Amount
Override, the calculated FX is reversed in either the FX-to-CTA or FX-to-CICTA
movement members. The accumulation of these reversals for all accounts within
the Balance Sheet top member (not the "FCCS_Balance Sheet" grouping, but the
"FCCS_Total Balance Sheet" Traditional or Net Assets member) are then posted to the
CTA or CICTA account (within the Balance Sheet, the reversal of the calculated FX
and the posting to CTA / CICTA is a balanced entry).
After the translation process is complete, the translated data is stored. Adjustments
can be made to the stored data using Configurable Calculation rules.
You can view the exchange rates used for calculations in a pre-defined data form. You
can also use pre-defined forms to enter exchange rates and to enter override rates.
See these sections:
• Entering Exchange Rates
• Entering Override Rates
• Predefined Forms

Chapter 17
About Exchange Rates

To translate data:
1. On the Home page, click Data.
2. From the Forms list, click Data Status.
3. Select the point of view.
4. Select a cell for which to run translation rules.
5. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Business Rules.
6. From the Business Rules dialog, click Translate.
7. When the translation process successfully completes, the system displays a
confirmation message. Click OK.
Note that if a translation is interrupted, it might be necessary to run a Force
Translate to reset the system and complete the required translation.

About Exchange Rates

You use exchange rates to convert values from one currency to another. You can enter
rates from any source currency to any destination currency. To specify exchange rates,
you must set up multiple currencies when creating an application.
See Creating Currencies and Translating Data.
Financial Consolidation and Close supports two system exchange rates - Average and
Ending. The system translates Flow accounts using the Average rate and the Balance
account using the Ending rate.
Financial Consolidation and Close provides the ability to enter direct exchange rates,
indirect exchange rates and cross-rates.
See Entering Exchange Rates.

Direct Exchange Rates

A direct exchange rate is the rate by which an untranslated amount is multiplied in
order to calculate the translated amount.
GBP to USD: 2.00
GBP 100 x 2.00 = USD 200
Note that the direct rate between a currency and itself is always assumed to be 1.

Indirect Exchange Rates

An indirect exchange rate is the reverse of a direct exchange rate. The untranslated
amount is divided by the rate to calculate the translated amount. The indirect rate for
currency 1 to currency 2 is also the direct rate for currency 2 to currency 1.
USD to GBP = 0.50
GBP 100/ 0.50 = USD 200
USD 200 x 0.50 = GBP 100

Chapter 17
Entering Exchange Rates

To view Indirect Exchange Rates, on the Home page, click Data, and from
the Forms list, open the Exchange Rates form.

Generally, exchange rates are quoted and entered in terms of a common or system
currency. When a translation is to be calculated with that system currency, the direct
or indirect rate is applied. When a translation is to be calculated between two other
currencies (for example, neither currency is the system currency), then the required
cross-rate can be triangulated through the system currency.
Using USD as the system currency:
GBP to USD: 2.00 direct rate
EUR to USD: 0.80 direct rate
USD to EUR: 1.25 indirect rate
GBP to EUR = GBP to USD/ USD to EUR = 2.00 / 1.25 = 1.60
If only direct rates are entered to Financial Consolidation and Close, based on the
system currency, the system will calculate the indirect rates and all of the cross-
rates used in translations. If indirect rates or cross-rates are entered, Financial
Consolidation and Close will not overwrite the entered rates.
It is recommended that only direct rates be entered to Financial Consolidation and
Close in order for the most accurate indirect and cross-rates to be generated. If for
example, an indirect rate is entered and it is not the reciprocal of the direct rate, then
a translation from currency 1 to currency 2 and then back to currency 1 will incorrectly
not yield the original amount. A similar issue can occur if cross-rates are entered.

Entering Exchange Rates

Financial Consolidation and Close provides the ability to enter direct exchange rates,
indirect exchange rates and cross-rates. It is recommended that only direct rates
be entered to Financial Consolidation and Close for the most accurate indirect and
cross-rates to be generated.
See About Exchange Rates.
You can enter Exchange Rate data using two pre-built system Exchange Rate forms:
• Enter Exchange Rates - Single Period: Enter exchange rates for the single
period selected in the Point of View.
• Enter Exchange Rates - Multi Period: Enter exchange rates for multiple periods
to a single To Currency selected in the Point of View

Chapter 17
Entering Exchange Rates

The predefined Rate forms are only provided if the Multi-currency option was
selected during application creation. See Predefined Forms.
To view Indirect Exchange Rates, from the Forms list, open the Exchange
Rates form.

After you save data in forms, the following two rules are automatically executed:
• Form_PostProcess_Rate
• Form_PostProcess_SDMCurrencyRates
These rules automatically compute rates if any cell has been edited on a form
targeting the Rates cube. If you have created your own Exchange Rate entry forms
with the old rules "Compute Rates" and "RefreshSDMCurrencyRates", you should
remove them to avoid duplicate rate computation. If the Compute Rates dialog
appears after saving data, you must manually remove the old rules from the form.
You can also import Exchange Rates. See Example: Data Import File - Exchange
To enter direct rates in a data form:
1. On the Home page, click Data.
2. From the Forms list, click Enter Exchange Rates - Single Period, or Enter
Exchange Rates - Multi Period.
3. From the POV, select the Scenario, Year, and Periods.In the rows, select the level
0 descendants in the "From Currency" dimension, excluding the currency defined
as the system currency:ILvl0Descendants(From Currency) excluding USD
4. In the rows, select the level 0 descendants in the "From Currency" dimension,
excluding the currency defined as the system currency:
ILvI0Descendants(From Currency) excluding USD
5. In the columns, select the level 0 descendants of "Entered Exchange Rates" in the
Account dimension:
ILvI0Descendants(Entered Exchange Rates)
6. Enter the direct rates and click Save.
7. From Actions, select Compute Rates.
To view all rates in a form:
1. From the Home page, click Data, and then open the Exchange Rate form to
review the rates.
2. In the rows, select the level 0 descendants in the "From Currency" dimension:
ILvI0Descendants(From Currency)
3. In the columns, select the level 0 descendants of "Input Currencies" in the
Currency dimension:
ILvI0Descendants(Input Currencies)

Chapter 17
Entering Override Rates

4. In the columns, select the level 0 descendants of "Entered Exchange Rates" in the
Account dimension:
ILvI0Descendants(Exchange Rates)

The system will automatically compute rates if any cell has been edited on a
form targeting the Rates cube.

After you have entered all the direct rates and the system has executed the rules, all
direct, indirect and cross-rates will be displayed.
The direct rate entry and all rates display can be combined into one form for a single
period if required.
In this example, direct rates for USD, BRL, CAD, CHF and GBP are entered in the first
two columns against a system currency of EUR. All indirect and cross-rates are then

Entering Override Rates

Most accounts use the standard translation method with the default exchange rates.
Some Balance Sheet accounts are specified as Historical Rate accounts (for example,
Common Stocks, Investment in Subs).
Accounts specified as Historical Rate accounts are translated using the override rate
or override amount that you specify. If there is no override rate or amount for a
Historical Rate account, the system uses the global exchange rate for translation.
For Historical Rate accounts, the system provides a pre-built form for you to enter
either an override rate or override amount for the account. All accounts using Historical
Rate overrides are also automatically created as shared members under the Historical
Account hierarchy. See Defining Accounts, and Predefined Forms.

The predefined Rate forms are only provided if the Multi-currency option was
selected during application creation.

Chapter 17
Specifying Default Translation Settings

When you enter an override amount or rate to an Intercompany entry that has
already been eliminated, the override will also be applied to the elimination entry. The
eliminated amount in Data Source "Intercompany Eliminations" will be adjusted by the
same ratio as the original source entry in one or more of the "Total Input and Adjusted"
You can also import Override Rates. See Example: Data Import File - Overrides.
To enter override rates:
1. On the Home page, click Data.
2. From the Forms list, click Override Rates.
All accounts specified as Historical Rate accounts are listed in the rows.
3. From the POV, select a Scenario, Year, and Entity.
4. For an account, enter the amount or rate for the override, and click Save.

Specifying Default Translation Settings

By default, the system provides standard translation methods on all accounts with
either a time balance property of Flow or Balance. You can select to change these
settings and specify a default translation method and rate account for the application.
Security rights for Default Translation Settings
• Only service administrators can modify Default Translation Settings.
• Power users can view Default Translation Settings.
• Users and Viewers cannot modify Default Translation Settings.
System Default Translation Settings
When an application is first created, the system creates the following settings by
Balance account
• Translation method: Periodic
• Rate Account: Ending
Flow account
• Translation method: Periodic
• Rate Account: Average
You can select different translation settings for the application to use by default.
Default translation methods are applied throughout the application unless Point of
View specific overrides exist.

Any changes to the default translation settings impact existing data in the
application. The calculation status changes from OK to System Change,
and the status for all reporting currency changes to Needs Translation. This
applies to both locked and unlocked entities.

Chapter 17
Consolidation and Translation Security Access

To specify default translation settings:

1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Translated tab.
3. From the list of rules, select Translation Overrides.
4. Click Manage Defaults.
5. When you open the Default Translation Methods page for the first time, it is
populated with the system-provided default values. Select translation options for
Balance and Flow accounts as needed.
Balance account
• Translation method: Periodic or Year To Date
• Rate Account: Average or Ending
Flow account
• Translation method: Periodic or Year To Date
• Rate Account: Average or Ending

Although you can create additional rate accounts for an application, you
can only select Average or Ending for the default translation accounts.

6. Click OK to save your changes.

Consolidation and Translation Security Access

The following security access is required to consolidate or translate data:
• You must be an Administrator, Power User, or User.
• You must also have Write access to the Parent entity selected to be consolidated
or translated.

Entities that are locked are excluded from the consolidation process.

As an Administrator, you assign access to the Consolidate and Translate actions

by assigning users access to the appropriate rule. When you assign a user Launch
access to the Consolidate Business Rule, the user also has access to the Consolidate
action menu. When you assign a user Launch access to the Translate Business Rule,
the user also has access to the Translate action menu.

Administrators have default access to all the rules in the application.

Chapter 17
Calculation Status

Calculation Status
Oracle Financial Consolidation Close Cloud maintains the calculation status for
each Scenario, Period, Entity and Parent entity combination. The calculation status
indicates whether data needs to be translated or consolidated. The calculation status
can change as a result of several actions:
• Changing the organization structure
• Adding or deleting accounts
• Modifying entity attributes
• Entering data in data grids, or loading data from external sources
• Posting or unposting journals
• Reloading rules
• Changing percent consolidation
• Changing currency rates
• Changing override amount data

Table 17-1 Consolidation Statuses

Status Description
OK Data is OK - none of the data for the specified
dimensions has changed.
No Data No data exists for the specified dimensions.
Impacted Data has changed since last generated, which
requires a reconsolidation to change its status
to OK. This occurs when a change to a base
entity data impacts a parent entity.
Needs Translation The selected dimension member is not the
entity’s default currency and its translated
values may not be current.
System Change A change has occurred that may affect
the data for the specified dimensions. For
example, a new rules file or metadata file
has been loaded, or the currency rate has

You can view the calculation status in forms and grids and then take action as
necessary. The following tables list available actions for forms and grids.

Table 17-2 Entity Input/ Entity Currency - Base Entity

Status Description Action

No Data No data has been entered or None
OK None of the data has None

Chapter 17
Calculation Status

Table 17-3 Entity Consolidation / Entity Currency - Parent Entity

Status Description Action

OK None of the data has None
Impacted A parent entity has been Consolidate
impacted by a change to a
child entity.

Table 17-4 Entity Input/ Reporting Currency - Base Entity

Status Description Action

OK None of the data has changed. None
Needs Translation Data needs to be translated because Translate
it has never been translated or
data has changed since the last

Table 17-5 Entity Consolidation/ Reporting Currency - Parent Entity

Status Description Action

OK Consolidation has been done, and None
data has been translated.
Needs Translation Data needs to be translated for the Translate
following reasons:
1. The system will first consolidate
1. Parent entity needs and then translate.
consolidation first to generate
the Entity Consolidation data 2. The system will first consolidate
and then translate. and then translate.

2. Parent entity needs to 3. Translation is required by user.

reconsolidate first because child
data has changed and then
3. Parent entity data is OK so only
need to translate.

Table 17-6 Proportion or Elimination / Parent Currency - Base Entity

Status Description Action

No Data No data has been generated Consolidate
from Consolidation.
OK Data is OK. None
Impacted Data has changed since last Consolidate
generated, which requires
reconsolidation to change its
status to OK.

Chapter 17
Consolidating Data

Table 17-7 Proportion or Elimination / Reporting Currency - Base Entity

Status Description Action

No Data No data has been generated from Translate
Consolidate and no translation has
been done.
OK Proportion and Elimination data has None
been generated from Consolidation
and data has also been translated.
Need Translation Data needs to be translated for the 1. The system will reconsolidate
following reasons: and then translate data.
1. Proportion data needs to be re- 2. The system will translate only
generated before translation. the Proportion data.
2. Proportion data has been
generated and is OK, but
translation has not been run.

Consolidating Data
You can launch the Consolidation or Translation process from a form, and you can
view the data status in a data grid. Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud
provides a predefined Data Status grid, which contains entities in the rows, and
periods in the columns. The data in the grid is based on the Scenario/Entity/Period/
Currency information from the form.

Translation is performed as part of consolidation. For details on the
translation process, see Translating Data.

To consolidate data, you must be a Service Administrator, Power User or User, and
must also have Write access to the Parent entity to be consolidated.
When you select a base entity to consolidate, the system performs the calculation for
the entity only. It does not consolidate to its parent entity.
When you select a parent entity, all descendants of the parent are also consolidated.
If you consolidate data for a period and the data for prior periods has not been
consolidated, the data for the prior period is also consolidated. If you select to
consolidate the December period and any prior periods are impacted, the system
starts consolidation from the first impacted period.
The consolidation process runs for entities that are Impacted. When the process is
complete, the status of each successfully consolidated entity changes to OK.
You can use the Force Consolidate option to force consolidation to run on selected
cells. For example, if the consolidation process did not properly complete due to
an external factor (a database crash, or the user stopped the process), it will leave
entities in a processing status. The system may also display an error message that a

Chapter 17
Viewing Consolidation Progress

"failed consolidation needs to be reset". In these cases, you use the Force Consolidate
option, which consolidates all entities with data.
You can view the consolidation status in the Jobs console. If you want to run
consolidation but there is already a consolidation process running, you can run Force
To consolidate data:
1. On the Home page, click Data.
2. From the Forms list, click Data Status.
3. Select the point of view.
4. Select a cell for which to run consolidation.
5. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Business Rules.
6. From the Business Rules dialog, click Consolidate.
7. Optional: To force the consolidation process to run for all selected cells, click
Force Consolidate.
You can also run Force Consolidate from the Rules card. See Consolidation and
Translation Rules.
If running from a form, you can add Force Consolidate to the Business Rules
option of the Form design. See Selecting Business Rules.
8. When the consolidation process successfully completes, the system displays a
confirmation message. Click OK.
9. To check consolidation status, open the Jobs console. See Viewing Consolidation

Viewing Consolidation Progress

When you consolidate data, you can monitor the status of the task from the Jobs
console. You can view pending jobs, or recent activity, including the completion status,
date and time.
To view consolidation progress:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Jobs.
3. Review Pending Jobs and Recent Activity to check the status of the
4. Click the name of the job to view Job Details.

Running a Consolidation Report

Report Overview
You can run a Consolidation report that provides a detailed audit trail of the
consolidation process. The report is available for multi-currency and single currency
For the report format type, you can select HTML, PDF or XLS.

Chapter 17
Running a Consolidation Report

When you run the report and save it as an Excel report type, you can use a
Substitution Variable to automatically display the values in number format, rather than
cell text. The substitution value is called EnableExcelNumberFormat, and when set to
True, when you save the report as an Excel report type, the values are automatically
displayed in numeric values.
The Consolidation report provides the following information for a selected parent
• List of accounts (displayed in Columns)
• List of child companies within the selected consolidation group contributing to each
displayed account (displayed in Rows)
• Original reported closing balance (normally general ledger balance) for Assets and
Liabilities and Equity, and current YTD balances for Profit and Loss
• Adjustments to the reported balance during consolidation, including manual
journal entries, Multi-GAAP adjustments and automatic eliminations generated
by Intercompany elimination and consolidation rules. These include Intercompany
eliminations, Acquisitions or Disposal entries (such as Investment Eliminations,
Share Capital Eliminations, Reserves Eliminations), valuation adjustments, NCI,
Equity accounting, and so on.
– Manual journals are displayed with both the journal label and description
– Automatic eliminations are displayed with Life-To-Date amount (Opening
Balance) and YTD amount on a rule-by-rule basis
– Adjustments are displayed in Entity currency of the selected Parent entity
• Net contribution of each immediate child entity for each account in the selected
• Any Variance - the total net contribution with consolidated group results

Setting Up the Report

The report displays one level of child entities for a parent entity with a multi-level
For example, suppose you have the two-level entity structure shown below. APAC is
the top level group. There is one holding company (H Com), and one subsidiary (S
Com), under the APAC group. There is a also a Subgroup under the APAC group, with
a holding company (H LTD), and the S LTD company.
You would first run the Consolidation report using the APAC Group as the Parent
Entity. The report would display results for the APAC group, including the holding
company (H Com), the subsidiary (S Com), and the Subgroup total.
To drill down into more detail, you would run the same report using "Subgroup" as the
Parent Entity, which would provide the total consolidation trail of the APAC group.

Chapter 17
Running a Consolidation Report

You can display Journal details instead of a Summary amount when you use a Parent
GAAP member or Parent accounts in the POV. Journal amounts are displayed on their
own accounts on a row named Manual Journals, but if you use a Parent account, the
amount is displayed in the parent account in the row of the journal labels. If you select
a Parent GAAP member, all journals can be displayed label by label.

Creating the Report

To create a Consolidation report, you must be a Service Administrator or Power User
and have security rights to the data for the report.
For Number Formatting, the report can use the preferred number formatting style
that you specify in Application Settings or User Preferences. See Specifying Number
Formatting Preferences.
To create a Consolidation report:
1. On the Home page, click Reports.
2. Click Consolidation Reports.
3. From the Consolidation Reports Jobs page, click Create.
4. From Report Filtering:
• Click on the Member Selector, select a Parent Entity for which to run the
report, and then click OK.
You can select only one entity. It must be Parent entity with at least one
child entity. The report rows display all the entities in the next level under the
selected parent entity.
• From the Member Selector, select one or more Accounts for which to run the
report, and then click OK.
You can select multiple accounts.
• From the Member Selector, select the Multi-GAAP dimension members for
which to run the report, and then click OK.
You can select multiple Multi-GAAP members. This selection is only available
if the Multi-GAAP dimension is enabled for the application.
5. From the POV bar, select a Scenario, Year, and Period for the report, and then
click OK.
6. From Display Options, edit the Report Title, or leave it blank.

Chapter 17
Running a Consolidation Report

If you leave the title blank, the report is generated with the "Consolidation Trail
Worksheet" title.
7. For Column Display, select Account or Movement.
If you select Movement, the report displays all of the movements in level 0 under
FCCS_ClosingBalance in the Columns. However, if the zero line display option
is "No", the zero column will not be displayed in the report. Selecting Movement
displays the movement details on a specific POV, and as a result the column will
display all the movement.
If you select multiple accounts in the POV, each account will be a sub-report. If you
select multiple accounts and then select the XLS output option, the XLS file will
have multiple sheets to display the result of different accounts.
The report displays the following information (if any) in Rows:
• Entity Name
• Original Balance
• Manual Journal
• Intercompany Elimination
• Auto-Elimination
• Subtotal
8. For Hierarchy Display, and Multi-GAAP Display, the report uses the default
values, and you cannot change them.
9. For Zero Line Display, select Yes to display zero data lines, or leave the default
setting of No to suppress rows with only zero data.
10. For Member Display, select an option:

• Member Name
• Alias
• Name and Alias
11. From Report Type, select an option:

12. To run the report immediately, click Run Report and then select to open or save
the report.
13. Optional: To save the report as a Job, which you can schedule to run immediately
or at a later time, click Save as Job, enter a job name and optional description,
and click Submit to save the job.
After you save a report, the report name and description are displayed in the
reports list on the Consolidation Reports Jobs page.
14. To run a report that was saved as a job, use one of these methods:

• From the Consolidation Reports Jobs page, select the report from the list of
reports, select an Output Format, and click Run Report. You can download
the report file to a local path.

Chapter 17
Consolidation Examples

• To submit a report as a job, from the Consolidation Reports Jobs page,

select the report and select an Output Format. From the Actions menu on
the right, click Submit, and then click OK.
Note that the default values for Scenario, Year, Period and Entity are the
values you saved when you created the report. You can change the Parent
Entity, Scenario, Period, or Years before submitting the job.
After submitting the report, navigate to the Job console and find the report in
the Jobs list. When the job status turns to completed, open the job and from
the Job Details page, click View/Download to download the report.
• To schedule a report job, from the Schedule Jobs page, select the option to
Run Consolidation Trail Report, then select Run Now, or schedule a time
and frequency to run it. You can select a saved report from a list of saved jobs
on the Job Details page.
15. Optional: To delete a report, from the Consolidation Reports Jobs page, select
the report from the list of reports, and from the Actions menu on the right, click
Delete, then click Confirm.

Consolidation Examples
Related Topics
• Example 1: Reconsolidating Data from a Form
• Example 2: Consolidating Data from the Data Status Grid
• Example 3: Consolidating Data for Multiple Periods

Example 1: Reconsolidating Data from a Form

In this example, data has been loaded or entered in base entities and parent entities
have also been consolidated. However, subsequently there has been a change to the
base entity data which causes an Impacted status at the parent entity. Consolidation is
launched from a form, after first reviewing the status grid and selecting the impacted
parent entity for consolidation. After consolidation, the status changes to OK.

Chapter 17
Advanced Consolidation Overview

• Reconsolidating at the intermediate parent entity only impacts the upper-level

parent entities.
• Reconsolidating the top-level parent entity consolidates all parent entities below.

Example 2: Consolidating Data from the Data Status Grid

The Data Status grid contains all entities in the rows and periods in the columns. It
displays Calculation status, Approval status, and Lock status in the column for each
period. Consolidation is launched for the top parent or the intermediate parent from the

Example 3: Consolidating Data for Multiple Periods

In the Data Status Grid, consolidation is launched for the following periods:
• Consolidate first period (January)
• Consolidate last period (December)
• Consolidate intermediate period (April)
• Consolidate April when the January to February calculation status is OK, but
March is impacted.

Advanced Consolidation Overview

Statutory reporting requires the presentation of consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated financial statements are the "Financial statements of a group in
which the assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the parent
(company) and its subsidiaries are presented as those of a single economic entity"
(IAS 27, IFRS 10). So consolidated results are the aggregation of the results of the
reporting company (a legal entity) and the companies that it owns either directly or
indirectly (all of which are legal companies). Notably, consolidated results are NOT the
aggregation of the previously consolidated results of other holding companies.
Financial Consolidation and Close provides for a consolidation process through a
combination of the Entity, Consolidation and Currency dimensions. The structure of
the organization in the Entity dimension can be represented in a multi-level hierarchy.
When this is the case, the consolidated results at any parent member that is not
the immediate parent of the legal entities, must generate the same results as if the
member was the immediate parent of those legal entities.
Data is introduced to entities in an Entity Input Consolidation dimension member, at
Entity Currency. Entity Input is a child of Entity Total and has two siblings, Entity
Consolidation and Elimination Adjustments, but these siblings are only valid at a
Parent Entity level.
In a multi-currency application for all entities with one or more parents, the data in
each of the children of Entity Total is translated to Parent Currency. If the currency
of the Parent Entity is the same as that of the Entity, then an exchange rate of 1 is
applied. Otherwise, either the Average Exchange Rate or the Ending Exchange Rate
is applied depending on whether the Time Balance property of the account is Flow or
Balance respectively. The translated data is posted to the Parent Currency member for
each of the base members of Entity Total.

Chapter 17
Consolidation Logic

Entity Total / Parent Currency aggregated data then provides the source data for
consolidation to the contribution to the Parent entity. All data is proportionalized to the
Proportion Consolidation dimension member. A factor (multiplier) is applied to each
data value. The factor applied is the Consolidation % defined for the specific Entity /
Parent combination. All data at Entity Total / Parent Currency is proportionalized
except for the Opening Balance Movement dimension member. Opening Balance is
always carried forward from the Closing Balance of the prior reporting period for each
level in the Entity / Consolidation / Currency dimensions. Note that the prior period
from which the Closing Balance is drawn is dependent on the reporting view. For the
Periodic View, for example, Opening Balance is drawn from the Closing Balance of the
prior period / month, while for the Quarterly View, Opening Balance is drawn from the
Closing Balance of the prior quarter.
In addition to proportionalization, some Entity Total / Parent Currency data is
eliminated or adjusted as required by consolidation logic. Any data that is required
to create elimination or adjustment entries is multiplied by an appropriate factor and
posted to the Elimination Consolidation dimension member. Multiple elimination and
adjustment entries will usually be created from the Entity Total / Parent Currency
source entries, and will be grouped into balanced sets of entries, constituting a
Consolidation Journal entry.
Proportion and Elimination data then aggregates to the Contribution member.
Additional data can be entered to the Contribution Input member and aggregates
with Contribution to the top level Consolidation dimension member, Contribution Total.
Contribution Total of each Entity/Parent combination then aggregates with Contribution
Total of sibling entities into Entity Consolidation/Entity Total of the parent entity.

Consolidation Logic
Data is proportionalized from the Entity Total / Parent Currency Consolidation
dimension member to Proportion. The factor applied is always the Consolidation %
defined for the Entity/Parent combination.
Data eliminated or adjusted might have the Consolidation % applied, or might use
the Ownership % or Minority Interest (Non controlling interest) %. Other ratios might
also be applied, such as the change in Ownership % or the lower of the entity
Consolidation % and the Intercompany Partner Consolidation %.
The factors applied will be based on the Ownership Management of each Entity/Parent
combination for each Scenario, Year and Period. Ownership Management records the
ownership percentage for which a legal entity (an owning company) directly owns all or
part of another legal entity.
Ownership Management
Ownership management consists of managing global consolidation settings and the
application of those consolidation settings to each entity hierarchy on a scenario-
by-scenario, year-by-year and period-by-period basis. For details, see Managing

Managing Consolidation Methods

In order to provide for advanced consolidations and eliminations, various parameters
must be established for each entity in the Entity dimension, in relation to its
parent(s). Multiple consolidation methods are established to facilitate consolidation
and elimination rules, each with preset or configurable parameters including:

Chapter 17
Managing Consolidation Methods

• Ownership %
• Consolidation %
• Minority (Non controlling) Interest %
A Control setting is also available to help determine the other settings for the
The consolidation methods are then applied to the consolidating parent entity and
its hierarchical descendants during the execution of consolidation, adjustment and
elimination rules.
Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud provides several system methods:
• Holding
• Subsidiary
• Proportional
• Equity
• Not Consolidated
• Inactive
• Discontinued

Holding method
The Holding method is applied to the legal entity for which its immediate parent
represents the consolidated results of that legal entity. The Holding method always
applies an Ownership % of 100% and a Consolidation % of 100%. Control is Yes.
There can be only one Holding method entity for each parent entity.

Subsidiary method
The Subsidiary method is applied to legal entities owned by the holding company and
for which the holding company exercises control. The Ownership % of a Subsidiary
company generally ranges from 50% to 100%. Control is Yes and the Consolidation
% is therefore 100%. Minority (Non-controlling) Interest equals 100% minus the
Ownership %.

Proportional method
The Proportional method is applied to legal entities owned but not controlled by the
holding company but requiring proportional consolidation. This generally applies to
Joint Ventures. Control is No and the Consolidation % is equal to the Ownership %.

Equity method
The Equity method is applied to legal entities owned by the holding company and
for which the holding company exercises significant influence but not control. The
Ownership % of an Equity company generally ranges from 20% to 50%. Control is
No and the Consolidation % is therefore 0%. Minority (Non-controlling) Interest
also equals 0%.

Not Consolidated method

The Not Consolidated method is applied to legal entities owned by the holding
company and for which the holding company exercises neither control nor significant

Chapter 17
Modifying Consolidation Methods

influence. The Ownership % of a Not Consolidated company generally ranges from

0% to 20%. Control is No and the Consolidation % is therefore 0%. Minority (Non-
controlling) Interest also equals 0%.

Inactive method
The Inactive method is reserved.

Discontinued method
The Discontinued method is reserved for future use when system consolidation rules
are created for discontinued operations.

Ownership Range
Each of the methods can be assigned an Ownership % range that is used to populate
the method for an Entity parent/child combination based on the entered Ownership %
for each Scenario, Year and Period. The range across the applicable methods must
be a continuous range from 0% to 100%. Methods not assigned a range will not be
applied to an Entity parent/child combination by the system, but can be selected as
required, overriding the range-based system-assigned entry.
The system methods comprising the 0% to 100% range are:
• Not Consolidated >= 0% to <=20%
• Equity >20% to <=50%
• Subsidiary >50% to <=100%
All other system methods have no range assigned.

Modifying Consolidation Methods

If you are a Service Administrator, you can change some of the settings for system
methods and add new methods.
To open the Manage Consolidation Methods screen:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
The Manage Ownership page opens by default.
2. From the Actions menu on the Manage Ownership page, select Manage
Consolidation Methods.

Changing System Method Ranges

The methods that comprise the 0% to 100% range are displayed at the top of the
Manage Consolidation Methods screen in ascending order of ranges, from Subsidiary
(>50% to <=100%) to Equity (>20% to <= 50%) to Not Consolidated (>0% to
You can change the ranges by increasing or decreasing the upper or lower range
settings. For example, to change the Equity lower range from >20% to >25%, click
on the increment (Up arrow) button next to the lower range percentage field until it
reaches 25%. As the lower range of the Equity method is increased, the upper range
of the Not Consolidated method below will also change to 25%, preserving the 0% to
100% continuous range.

Chapter 17
Adding Consolidation Methods

Removing Ranges from a System Consolidation Method

To remove a range from a method with a range assigned, click Actions (...) and select
Remove Range.
The range will be removed and the method will be re-positioned below the range-
based methods. The upper range of the method previously below the method from
which the range has been removed will be adjusted to maintain the continuous 0% to
100% range.

Adding Ranges to a System Consolidation Method

To add a range to a method that has no range applied:
1. Click Actions (...) in the relevant method row and select Add Range.
A range from "=0" to "=0" will be added to the method and the method row will be
repositioned at the bottom of the range-based methods.
Note that this will now overlap with the lowest method with a range (">=0)" and the
settings cannot be saved at this point.
2. Drag the method row and drop it onto the method row above which the method
with the newly assigned range should be inserted.
For example, drag the Proportional row and drop it onto the Equity row.
3. Adjust the upper and lower range entries of the newly positioned method as
For example, change both the lower and upper range entries from 0% to 50%.
Then change the operator of the upper range of the method below from <= to <.
You can only save the changes when the range is continuous from 0 to 100.
Note that no other changes can be made to the system method settings. The Control
and Consolidation % settings are pre-determined and cannot be modified. If the
pre-set settings are not suitable, create a new method, add it to the range-based
methods and remove the range from the system method.

Adding Consolidation Methods

If you are a Service Administrator, you can add new consolidation methods.
To add a new consolidation method:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. Click Manage Ownership.
3. From the Actions menu, select Manage Consolidation Methods.
4. Click the Actions ellipsis (...) on a method row above or below the position in
which the new method should be inserted.
5. Select either Add New Method Below or Add New Method Above.
If the new row is added within the range-based rows or immediately below the last
range-based row, then a range-based new method will be added.
If the new row is inserted elsewhere, the new method will have no range assigned.
6. Required: Enter a name for the method.

Chapter 17
Importing and Exporting Consolidation Methods

7. The Control setting will default to Yes and the Consolidation % will default to
100%. You can modify these settings as required.
If Control is changed to No, then Consolidation % will change to 0% but can
then be amended.
If Control is changed back to Yes, then Consolidation % will change to 100% but
can then be amended.
8. If the new method displays the Ownership % Range, select the operator and
ownership % for the lower and upper ranges. The settings of the lower range
of the method above and the upper range of the method below will change as
required to maintain a continuous range from 0 to 100.
9. If the new method displays the Ownership % Range and a range entry is not
required, click Actions (...) and select Remove Range.
10. If the new method does not display a range slider bar and a range entry is
required, click Actions in the relevant method row and select Add Range. Follow
the steps described in "Adding a Range to a System Method".
11. Click Save to save your changes.

When you click Save, the settings will be validated and you must correct any
errors before the changes are saved and you close the screen.

It is recommended that you save your changes after completing changes
for a single method rather than making multiple method changes and
then saving.

12. After you make changes to the Consolidation Methods range settings, you must
recompute the POV-specific ownership data. A warning message will be displayed
at the top of the Manage Ownership screen if the data has not been re-computed.
See Recomputing Ownership Data.

Importing and Exporting Consolidation Methods

You can import and export Consolidation Method details.
You can import Consolidation Method data from a comma-delimited file that contains
the following columns.
• Method Name (required).
• Lower Limit Operator (required). EQ (=), LT (<), LE (<=), GT (>), GE (>=), EQ if
RangeOn= false
• Lower Limit (required). From 0 to 100. 0 if RangeOn equals false.
• Upper Limit Operator (required). Lower Limit Operator (required). EQ (=), LT (<),
LE (<=), GT (>), GE (>=), EQ if RangeOn= false
• Upper Limit (required). From 0 to 100. 0 if RangeOn equals false.
• Control (required). YES or NO.
• Percent Consolidation (required). From 0 to 100 or POwn (Ownership

Chapter 17
Importing and Exporting Consolidation Methods

• RangeOn (required). true or false.

Following is an example of Consolidation Method file contents:

Method Name, Lower Limit Operator, Lower Limit, Upper Limit Operator,
Upper Limit, Control, Percentage Consolidation, RangeOn

SUBSIDIARY, GT, 70, LE, 100, YES, 100, true

NewMethod, GT, 50, LE, 70, YES, 100, true

PROPORTIONAL, EQ, 50, EQ, 50, NO, POwn, true

EQUITY, GT, 20, LT, 50, NO, 0, true

EQUITY, GT, 20, LT, 50, NO, 0, true

NOT_CONSOLIDATED, GT, 0, LE, 20, NO, 0, true

IN_ACTIVE, EQ, 0, EQ, 0, NO, 0, true

HOLDING, EQ, 0, EQ, 0, YES, 100, false

DISCONTINUED, EQ, 0, EQ, 0, NO, 0, false

To export Consolidation Methods:

1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. Click Manage Ownership.
3. From the Actions menu, select Manage Consolidation Methods.
4. Click Export and select a destination.
To load Consolidation Method data:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. Click Manage Ownership.
3. From the Actions menu, select Manage Consolidation Methods.
4. Click Import.
When Consolidation Method data is imported, the system validates the data to ensure
that the same conditions are applied as for on-screen entry. If any validations fail, the
system provides an error message. If an import process fails, correct the source file
and then re-import.

Chapter 17
Recomputing Ownership Data

Recomputing Ownership Data

After you make changes to Consolidation Methods range settings, you must
recompute the POV-specific ownership data. A warning message will be displayed
at the top of the Manage Ownership screen if the data has not been recomputed.
To recompute Ownership data:
1. On the Home page, click Application, then Consolidation, and then click
Manage Ownership.
2. Select Actions, and then select Recompute Ownership Data.
3. Select the Scenario, Year and Period(s) to recompute.
Note that recomputation will be applied to the selected period and all subsequent
Also note that if a recomputation of a POV is necessary, a consolidation of that
POV will not complete until the Ownership data is recomputed.
4. Click Recompute.
5. From the Recomputation success message, click OK.

When the ownership data is recomputed, if the process takes longer than
60 seconds, then the remainder of the process will be continued in the
background and you can navigate to other screens if required. To view the
progress of the process, open the Jobs console.
You must also recompute ownership data after the Database is refreshed,
regardless of whether changes were made to the entity structure, unless the
DeltaDBRefresh Substitution Variable has been created and set to "True".
If the DeltaDBRefresh Substitution Variable has been set to "True" and
changes are made to the entity structure, then after the required Database
Refresh you must recompute ownership, but recomputation will not be
required for other metadata changes.

Managing Ownership
Ownership management consists of managing global consolidation settings and the
application of those consolidation settings to each entity hierarchy on a scenario-by-
scenario, year-by-year and period-by-period basis.
Ownership settings are applied to each Entity parent/child combination for each
Scenario, Year and Period combination.
To access the Ownership Management screen:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. Click Manage Ownership.
3. Select the Entity parent member for which to view the hierarchy.

Chapter 17
Changing Manage Ownership Settings

4. Select the Scenario, Year and Period.

5. Click the Update arrow button ( ) to update the screen to the selected POV.
You can expand or collapse the hierarchy as required.
6. Click the Parent/Child button to view the full hierarchy.
7. Click the Parent/Legal Entity button to see the ultimate ownership settings for
each parent with each of its descendant legal entities (note that currently all base
entities are deemed to be Legal Entities).

Parent/Child View
Initially, all members will inherit the following settings:
• Ownership %: 100
• Control: Yes
• Consolidation Method: Subsidiary
• Consolidation %: 100
• Minority Interest %: 0
The only exception will be any shared entities (for example, where an entity exists
more than once in a single hierarchy). The first instance will inherit the settings noted
above while each subsequent instance will have the following settings:
• Ownership %: 0
• Control: No
• Consolidation Method: Not Consolidated
• Consolidation %: 0
• Minority Interest %: 0

Changing Manage Ownership Settings

• Ownership %
You can change the Ownership % entry for any Entity parent/child combination as
After you change a percentage entry and exit the field, the system updates
the Control, Consolidation Method, Consolidation % and Minority Interest
% to the entries for the method assigned to the range into which the entered
Ownership % falls.
• Control
The Control entry is assigned by the system based on the entered Ownership %
and the method ranges. If required, you can change the system-assigned Control
To change the Control entry, select the required entry from the drop-down list.
If the Control entry has been changed from the system-assigned entry, the color
of the field will change to a yellow background.
To remove an override entry and revert to the system-assigned entry, from
Actions (...), select Clear.

Chapter 17
Changing Manage Ownership Settings

• Consolidation Method
The Consolidation Method entry is assigned by the system based on the entered
Ownership % and the method ranges. If required, you can change the system-
assigned Consolidation Method entry.
To change the Consolidation Method entry, select the required entry from the
drop-down list. The methods available in the drop-down list are dependent on the
Ownership % and Control settings. The Holding method will only be available for
selection with 100% Ownership and Control = Yes. Other methods will be available
for selection based on their Ownership Method Control settings. So if Control =
Yes, only those Methods with a Control setting of Yes will be displayed. To change
the available Methods in the drop-down list, first change the Control selection.
If the Consolidation Method entry has been changed from the system-assigned
entry, the color of the field will change to a yellow background.
To remove an override entry and revert to the system-assigned entry, from
Actions (...), select Clear.
Note that the combination of Control and Consolidation Method selected must
match the method settings. If Control is Yes, the selected Consolidation Method
must be one of the methods for which Control has been defined as Yes.
• Consolidation %
The Consolidation % will be displayed based on the method settings.
You cannot modify this entry.
• Minority Interest %
The Minority Interest % will be displayed based on the method settings.
You cannot modify this entry.
• Subsequent Changes to Ownership %
If you make changes to system-assigned Control and/or Consolidation Method
entries and then you enter a revised Ownership%, any user-selected entries will
be retained.
If the Control and/or Consolidation Method should be updated based on the
new Ownership%, then you must either clear the override entries or select new
override entries.

Parent/Legal Entity View

After you complete the required changes in the Parent/Child view, click on the Parent/
Legal Entity button to view and modify the ultimate ownership settings.
Each parent in the hierarchy selected in the POV will be listed, with a flat list of each
Legal Entity descendant of that parent. You can expand or collapse the hierarchies as
• Ownership %
The Ownership % displayed is the calculated percentage based on the series of
the individual parent/child entries from the current parent to each legal entity. For
example, if the Ownership % for P1.P2 is 80% and for P2.LE1 is 50%, then the
calculated cumulative Ownership % for P1.LE1 is 40% (80% * 50%).
You cannot modify this entry.
• Control

Chapter 17
Importing and Exporting Ownership Data

The Control entry is assigned by the system based on the entered Ownership %
and the method ranges. If required, you can change the system-assigned Control
entry. The behavior of this field is the same as in the Parent/Child view.
• Consolidation Method
The Consolidation Method entry is assigned by the system based on the entered
Ownership % and the method ranges. If required, you can change the system-
assigned Consolidation Method entry. The behavior of this field is the same as in
the Parent/Child view.
• Consolidation %
The Consolidation % will be displayed based on the method settings.
You cannot modify this entry.
• Minority Interest %
The Minority Interest % will be displayed based on the method settings.
You cannot modify this entry.

Importing and Exporting Ownership Data

You can import and export ownership data.

Importing Ownership Data

The import ownership file must be a comma-delimited file that contains the following
• Scenario (required)
• Year (required)
• Period (required)
• Entity (required)
• Parent (required)
• POwn (optional). Ownership will default to 100 except for duplicate (shared)
members in the same hierarchy, which will default to 0.
• Control (optional). Control will default to Yes if Ownership % is greater than 100,
and to No otherwise.
• Method (optional). Method will default to Subsidiary except for duplicate (shared)
members in the same hierarchy, which will default to Not Consolidated.

Chapter 17
Importing and Exporting Ownership Data

Following is an example of Ownership file contents.

Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, Parent, POwn, Control, Method








Note that Ownership % (POwn) is a required entry for all Parent/Child rows but should
not be entered for Parent / Legal Company rows where the Legal Company is not the
immediate child.
To import ownership data:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. Click Manage Ownership.
3. Select a Scenario, Year and Period to which to import data.
Note that the Scenario, Year and Period in the import file must match the POV
4. From the Actions menu, select Import Ownership Data.
5. Click Browse and select the import file.
6. Click Import.
7. When you enter or import ownership settings, the system validates the
dependencies between the related fields:
• The Method and Control combination must match the global settings.
• If the Method selected is Holding, then the Ownership % must be 100.

Chapter 17
Ownership Settings Year to Year

When the ownership data is imported, if the process takes longer than
60 seconds, then the remainder of the process will be continued in the
background and you can navigate to other screens if required. To view the
progress of the process, open the Jobs console.

When ownership data is imported, it will be merged with any existing data. There
might therefore be invalid ultimate ownership entries created. If an entity is present
in more than one branch of a hierarchy, data entered on-screen cannot be saved if
the combined ownership exceeds 100%. When loaded from a file, the ownership data
is not rejected so the combined ownership % of an entity could exceed 100%. If this
occurs, an error message will be displayed at the top of the Manage Ownership screen
in the period in which the discrepancy occurs:
Ownership data for certain Parent/Legal Company combinations are invalid.
Please identify the incorrect ownership % in the Parent/Legal Company view
and then correct it inthe Parent/Child view.

In subsequent periods, a similar message will be displayed:

Ownership data for certain Parent/Legal Company combinations are invalid
for prior periods. Please identify the period and correct the period.

Navigate to the period in which the data is incorrect and select the Parent/Legal
Entity view. Review the Parent/Legal Entity Ownership % entries. Any errors will be
highlighted in red text. Note the entity (entities) with errors, return to the Parent/Child
view and correct the necessary parent/child ownership % to ensure that the combined
ownership does not exceed 100%.

Exporting Ownership Data

To export ownership data:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. Click Manage Ownership.
3. Select a Scenario, Year and Period for which to export data.
4. From the Actions menu, select Export Ownership Data.
5. Select a location in which to save the .csv file.
Note that any ownership data that was populated by the system as default data will not
be included in the export file. Only data that was entered by the user to override the
default settings will be included in the export file. For details of default data settings,
see Parent/Child View settings in Managing Ownership.

Ownership Settings Year to Year

Initial default and override ownership settings will automatically be carried forward
from period to period within the same year but not to subsequent years. By copying
ownership data, you can carry the most current settings from the last period in one
year to the first period of the next year.

Chapter 17
Ownership Settings in Forms and Configurable Calculation Rules

Note that this option is only available in the last period of each year.
To copy ownership data to next year:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. Click Manage Ownership.
3. Select the last period of the current year in the POV.
4. From the Actions menu, select Copy Ownership Data to Next Year.
If ownership settings have not yet been copied to the first period of each subsequent
year, the entity structure will not be displayed in the subsequent years and an
Information message will be displayed:
No ownership data in the current year. Try "Copy ownership data to next
year" action in the prior year last period.

When the ownership data is copied, if the process takes longer than 60 seconds,
then the remainder of the process will be continued in the background and you can
navigate to other screens if required. To view the progress of the process, open the
Jobs console.

Ownership Settings in Forms and Configurable Calculation

You should only enter or update Ownership Settings in the Ownership Management
screens. The settings should never be updated by direct entry or through rules.
However, these settings can be displayed in data forms and can be referenced in
Configurable Calculation (Calculation Manager "insertion point") rules.
Ownership Settings in Data Forms
The POV to be used to retrieve the settings is as follows:
• Scenario
• Year
• Period
• Entity
• Account (descendants of FCCS_Drivers)
– FCCS_Consol Method (Current Period Consolidation Method)
– FCCS_Consol Method Prior (Prior Period Consolidation Method)
– FCCS_Percent Consol (Current Period Consolidation %)
– FCCS_Percent Consol Prior (Prior Period Consolidation %)
– FCCS_Percent Consol Change (Change in Consolidation % from Prior to
Current Period)
– FCCS_Percent Ownership (Current Period Ownership %)
– FCCS_Percent Ownership Prior (Prior Period Ownership %)

Chapter 17
Ownership Settings in Forms and Configurable Calculation Rules

– FCCS_Percent Ownership Change (Change in Ownership % from Prior to

Current Period)
– FCCS_Percent Min (Current Period Minority Interest %)
– FCCS_Percent Min Prior (Prior Period Minority Interest %)
– FCCS_Percent Min Change (Change in Minority Interest % from Prior to
Current Period)
• Data Source (descendants of FCCS_Source Entities)
– S_Parent Source (Parent entity in the primary entity hierarchy for direct
ownership settings)
– S_<entity name> (Parent entity in a non-primary entity hierarchy for direct
ownership settings and ancestor for ultimate ownership settings)
• Consolidation: FCCS_Entity Input
• Currency: No Currency
• Intercompany: FCCS_No Intercompany
• Movement: FCCS_No Movement
• Multi-GAAP: FCCS_No Multi-GAAP (if applicable)
• View: FCCS_Periodic
• Custom: No <custom name>
Ownership Settings in Configurable Calculation Rules
Ownership Settings are displayed:
• Against immediate parent in primary hierarchy
"FCCS_Consol Method" > "S_Parent Source" > "FCCS_Entity Input" > "No
Currency" > "FCCS_Periodic" > "FCCS_No Movement" > "FCCS_No Multi-GAAP"
> "FCCS_No Intercompany" > "No Product"
• Against immediate parent in non-primary hierarchy and for any Ancestor:
"FCCS_Consol Method" > "S_<Ancestor Entity Name>" > "FCCS_Entity Input"
> "No Currency" > "FCCS_Periodic" > "FCCS_No Movement" > "FCCS_No Multi-
GAAP" > "FCCS_No Intercompany" > "No Product"
Consolidation Method Values and Smart Lists
Consolidation methods are stored as Smart List entries. If you add a new consolidation
method, the method name is appended to the ConsolidationMethod Smart List. You
can see the index values associated with each consolidation method on the Smart
Lists "entries" tab for ConsolidationMethod. The ConsolidationMethod Smart List is
available only when Ownership Management is enabled.

Chapter 17
Advanced Consolidation Rules

Advanced Consolidation Rules

Financial Consolidation and Close will proportionalize all source data, populating the
Proportion Consolidation dimension member. The source data is proportionalized at
the Consolidation % defined for the parent/child entity combination.
Configurable consolidation rules are used to generate additional entries to populate
the Elimination Consolidation dimension member. The Proportion and Elimination
members aggregate to the Contribution member. The source data comprises the
same data set as is proportionalized. See About Configurable Consolidation Rules.
There are two system consolidation rules that will always run in addition to optional
configurable consolidation rules. While system consolidation rules cannot be modified
by the user, configurable consolidation rules can be created, modified, activated
(deployed) and deactivated (un-deployed). Several seeded configurable consolidation
rules are provided.

Chapter 17
Advanced Consolidation Rules

Standard Elimination Consolidation Rules

The system standard elimination rules are based on account dimension settings and
the point-of-view of entered data. These elimination rules will reclassify relevant data
to a clearing (plug) account such that the data offsets with similar data from other
So for example, Accounts Receivable data recorded by entity A with an Intercompany
Partner of entity B should offset Accounts Payable data recorded by entity B with
an intercompany partner of entity A. In order for this offset to occur, the Accounts
Receivable and Accounts Payable accounts must be set as "Intercompany" and a
common "plug" account must be assigned.
Data for either of these accounts is considered for elimination if the intercompany
partner of the data is a descendant of the parent of the entity currently being
processed. If the conditions are met, then a two-sided entry is posted to
the Elimination Consolidation dimension member. The first entry is a "reverse
proportionalization". Data is posted to Elimination with a negative value of the original
source data-point multiplied by a Consolidation %. The Consolidation % applied is the
lower of the entity Consolidation % and the partner Consolidation %. The source data
was proportionalized (to the Proportion member) at the entity Consolidation % so the
net effect of the elimination entry is to reverse all or part of the proportionalized entry.
The balancing entry is then posted to the plug account in the Elimination Consolidation
dimension member. The net effect of this two-sided entry is to re-classify all or part of
the intercompany data from the original account to the plug account.
The reclassified data is then aggregated to the Entity Consolidation member of the
parent entity. If matching entries are aggregated from both the Accounts Receivable
and Accounts Payable accounts then at Entity Consolidation of the parent entity, the
net data value will be zero. If mismatched amounts are reclassified and aggregated,
then the data value in the plug account at Entity Consolidation will represent the
In an organization structure with shared entities, the aggregation of elimination entries
processed in relation to each of the branches in which the shared entity resides is
not always the result required when all instances of the shared entity are combined.

Chapter 17
About Configurable Consolidation Rules

For example, an entity might be owned at 40% by one immediate parent and 40% by
another, with the Equity method being applied in both cases. The lower of the entity
and partner consolidation % is applied to the elimination. In this case, no eliminations
occur because the Consolidation % for the Equity method is 0%. When the two shared
entities consolidate into their first common parent however, the combined ownership
is 80% and the Subsidiary method should be applied, with a Consolidation of 100%.
An adjustment is made at the first common parent at which the aggregated results
of the lower level eliminations are incorrect for the current consolidation method. This
adjustment is made in the Entity Elimination Adjustments Consolidation member of the
first common parent.

Opening Balance Ownership Change Consolidation Rules

Ownership Management introduces the ability to change the Ownership % and the
Consolidation Method for an Entity/Parent combination on a period-by-period basis.
With a change in Ownership % and/or Consolidation Method, the Consolidation % can
also change from period-to-period.
Opening Balance is always carried forward from Closing Balance of the prior period
for each Consolidation dimension member. Opening Balance is not proportionalized.
Opening Balance therefore represents the prior period proportionalization at the prior
period Consolidation %. All other movements aggregating to Closing Balance are
proportionalized at the current period Consolidation %.
In order to ensure that the Closing Balance of the current period reflects the
Consolidation % of the current period, an adjustment is posted to reflect the change
in Consolidation% of the unconsolidated prior period Closing Balance. If the change in
the Consolidation % is greater than zero, the entry is posted to "Acquisitions", and if
the change is less than zero, the entry is posted to "Disposals".
Note that the seeded Movement members "FCCS_Mvmts_Acquisitions" and
"FCCS_Mvmts_Disposals" are for system use only and any data entered to
these members will be cleared. Members "FCCS_Mvmts_Acquisitions_Input" and
"FCCS_Mvmts_Disposals_Input" can be used for data entry.

About Configurable Consolidation Rules

The purpose of the consolidation rules in populating the Elimination member is to
create journal entries from the source data in order to re-classify, adjust and eliminate
reported data. When these journal entries are applied to financial accounts (Balance
Sheet and Income Statement), the journal posting results should generate balanced
Consolidation rules provide for the creation of "rule-sets". Each rule-set can contain
one or more rules. The rule-set represents a journal and each rule represents one
journal posting entry (a single journal detail row).
For details on creating rule-sets and rules, see these topics:
• Creating Consolidation Rule-sets
• Creating Consolidation Rules
Watch the following video for information on configurable consolidation rules:

Managing Configurable Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
About Configurable Consolidation Rules

Several parameters can be applied to the rule-set:
1. Condition
A condition under which the rule-set is executed
The condition can be based on:
• The consolidation method applicable to the entity dimension parent/child
combination being processed
• Some combination of dimension members or dimension member attributes -
the dimensions applicable for a rule-set condition are the "page" dimensions:
Scenario, Year, Period, Entity (S/Y/P/E) and the "sub-cube" dimensions:
Account, Intercompany, Movement, Data Source, Multi-GAAP (if applicable),
plus any user-created custom dimensions
• A data value
The condition defaults to "Always run".
2. Factor
A factor to which to apply to the source data values
Source data is multiplied by the selected factor, the entity or partner
Consolidation %, Ownership %, Minority Interest %, change from period-to-
period of any of these percentages, the lower of Entity or Partner values of any of
these percentages, the prior period value of any of these percentages or a specific
3. Source Data-Set
The source data-set that is to be processed by the consolidation rule-set defaults
to the "page" dimension members of Current Scenario, Current Year, Current
Period, level 0 members of the "FCCS_Entity Total" Consolidation dimension
member and "Parent Currency". The source data-set can be modified to a different
POV within certain limitations. In general, the source data-set cannot be a data-set
that will be impacted by the posting of data-points by the current consolidation
process. See Creating Consolidation Rule-sets for further details.
4. Scope
A source data POV to filter the data-set to which to apply the rule-set on a
dimension by dimension basis. The default source POV includes all level 0
members of the sub-cube dimensions: Account, Intercompany, Movement, Data
Source, Multi-GAAP (if applicable), plus any user-created custom dimensions.
One or more selections of base (level 0) members can be made for sub-cube
dimensions, including lists. The sub-cube dimension selections in the Source POV
filters and limits the execution of the rule from the total data set to only those data-
points that fall within the sub-cube filter definitions. So the Source POV could, for
example, specify one single account to which to apply the rule-set. If a dimension
is not added to the Source POV, then all base members of that dimension are
included in the data-set.
The page dimensions of Scenario, Year, Period and Entity can also be added
to the Scope of the rule-set. Filtering on a page dimension will prevent the rule-
set from running against any dimension members not included in the scope of
the rule-set regardless of whether the member is in-scope for the consolidation

Chapter 17
About Configurable Consolidation Rules

process. Note that this method of excluding page dimension members from the
scope of the consolidation is more efficient than using the condition field, but will
not cater for selections that are conditional on more than one dimension.
5. Partner Elimination
If the Partner Elimination feature has been enabled for the application, and if one
or more rules within the rule-set is to write a Partner Elimination entry, click on
the Create Partner Elimination button. When selected, three dimensions will be
added to the scope of the rule-set if not already added by the rules-writer.
The Factor entry and Scope are optional at the rule-set level, but if defined, then these
settings will be inherited by each of the rules within the rule-set.

One or more rules can be created within the rule-set. The Condition, Factor and Scope
created at the rule-set level will be inherited by each rule and cannot be modified.
If the rule-set has been defined as a Partner Elimination rule-set, then individual rules
can then be set to write Partner Elimination data. Not all rules in a Partner Elimination
rule-set must write partner eliminations.
In addition to parameters inherited from the rule-set, additional parameters can be
defined for each rule:
1. A factor to which to apply to the source data values (if not defined at the rule-set
2. A Processing option of "Add" or "Subtract"
3. One or more Target "Redirection" dimension members
One or more target redirection members can be defined on a dimension-by-
dimension basis (one redirection entry per dimension) for sub-cube dimensions.
If no target redirection dimension members are defined, then the source data will
be written to the target Elimination Consolidation dimension member using the
source dimension members. If a redirection member is defined, then the source
data will be written using the defined redirection member.
Note that if the "#Source POV entity#" entry is selected for redirection of the
Intercompany dimension, then the redirection will be applied to the Intercompany
"ICP_<Source POV Entity>" member.
Also note that if the Source POV Entity has not been designated as a valid
intercompany member (and the "ICP_<Source POV Entity>" member does not
exist), then the redirection will be ignored and the data will be written to the Source
POV Intercompany member.
If the rule is a Partner Elimination rule, the redirection for the Entity, Intercompany
and Data Source dimensions will be pre-set and cannot be changed.
4. Target "Redirection" conditions
Multiple target redirection members can be specified using one or more conditions
to determine when each redirection member is to be applied. A "condition block"
can be created in the form of:
If <condition1> Then
<redirection member 1>
ElseIf <condition2>

Chapter 17
About Configurable Consolidation Rules

<redirection member 2>

Same as Source
If a condition is met during the execution of the rule, then the data is written using
the redirection member of the source POV member as defined.
The target redirection condition allows multiple redirection members to be defined
for different conditions. The condition can be based on the dimension members of
the source data point or a data value.
Example 1:
Source POV = Base members of Balance Sheet accounts

Account redirection 1 condition = Account is base member of the Net Income


Account redirection 1 = Equity Company Income account

Account redirection 2 = Investment Elimination account

The above example would result in:

If the source account is a base member of the Net Income account then

Redirect to the Equity Company Income account


Redirect to the Investment Elimination account

End If

Example 2:
Source POV = Base members of Balance Sheet accounts

Account redirection 1 condition = Account is base member of the Net Income


Account redirection 1 = Equity Company Income account

Account redirection 2 condition = Account is base member of the

Comprehensive Income account

Account redirection 2 = Investment Elimination account

The above example would result in:

If the source account is a base member of the Net Income account then

Redirect and write to the Equity Company Income account

Else if the source account is a base member of the Comprehensive Income

account then

Redirect and write to the Investment Elimination account


Chapter 17
Managing Consolidation Rule-sets and Rules

Write to the source dimension member

End If

Managing Consolidation Rule-sets and Rules

You can create new rule-sets and rules, or copy existing items, either seeded system
rule-sets or user-created rule-sets.
To manage consolidation rule-sets and rules:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Consolidated tab, and then
select Configurable Consolidation.
Seeded system rule-sets are initially available in an un-deployed state. These rule-sets
can be deployed or un-deployed as required. You can view seeded rule-sets and rules,
but you cannot modify them. You can, however, copy a seeded rule-set and then
modify and deploy the copy.

See these topics:

• Creating Consolidation Rule-sets
• Creating Consolidation Rules

Creating Consolidation Rule-sets

You can create new rule-sets or copy existing items, either seeded system rule-sets or
user-created rule-sets.
Watch the following video for information on creating consolidation rule-sets:

Creating Rule-Sets for Configurable Consolidations

To create a consolidation rule-set:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Consolidated tab, and then
select Configurable Consolidation.

Chapter 17
Creating Consolidation Rule-sets

3. Click the Create Rule Set icon.

4. From the new Rule Set screen, enter the Name of the rule-set.
5. Optional: Tap description to enter the description of the rule-set.
6. The Condition determines the conditions under which the rule-set will execute
and will initially display "<None>Always Run". Click the link next to Condition to
change the condition, then select an option:
• Select one or more of the conditions in the drop-down list.
• Select the Advanced option to add condition blocks, or to group rule-set
To add condition blocks, see Adding Condition Blocks.
To group conditions, see Grouping Conditions
• For Factor, set a rule-set factor to which to apply to the source data value
when calculating the data to be written to the destination.
7. If the Partner Elimination feature has been enabled for the application, and if one
or more rules within the rule-set is to write a Partner Elimination entry, click on the
Create Partner Elimination button. The Entity, Intercompany and Data Source
dimensions will be added to the Scope of the rule-set.
• Entity
"Descendants of Total Geography" will be populated by default but can be
• Intercompany
– "#Sibling/Descendant of a Sibling#" will be populated and cannot be
– Only data-points with an Intercompany Partner entry of a sibling or
descendant of a sibling of the current entity being processed can generate
Partner Elimination entries
• Data Source
Level 0 descendants of Total Data Source will be populated by default and can
be changed
8. For Rule-set Scope, specify members to restrict the data set to which the rule-set
will be applied.
9. To save the rule-set, click Save and Close, or to continue creating rule-sets, click
Save and Continue.

Best practice: Where possible, exclude dimension members not required
in the source data set using the Rule-set Scope settings instead of using
the Condition . This design technique will provide for better processing
performance. The Condition logic might be required for complex or multi-
dimensional conditions but should be minimized where possible.

Chapter 17
Creating Consolidation Rule-sets

Adding Condition Blocks

When you create a rule-set and click the Advanced Condition dialog box, you can click
the Add (+) icon to add a condition block, or click the Delete (x) icon to remove a
condition block.
Each condition block will initialize with these four fields:
• Dimension
Select a metadata dimension for which to set a condition, or select Data Value to
apply a data value condition.
• Attribute
If you selected a metadata dimension for the <Dimension> field, select the
attribute of that dimension required in the condition. The Member Name attribute is
available for all dimensions. The Entity and Intercompany dimensions also provide
Ownership settings such as Method, Consolidation %, Ownership %, Minority
Interest %, "Change" percentages, "Lower of entity and partner" percentages and
"Prior period" percentages. The "Change" selections provide the change in the
attribute from the prior period to the current period.
If you selected Data Value for the <Dimension> field, you can select a partial POV
to define the data-point for which to apply the condition. If no entries are selected,
then the Source POV is used as the data-point definition. A member of each
dimension can be selected in order to define a data-point other than the Source
• Operator
Select the condition operator. The available operators will depend on the
<Dimension> and <Attribute> selections. Valid operators include:
– Equals
– Does Not Equal
– Is Greater Than
– Is Not Greater Than
– Is Less Than
– Is Not Less Than
• Value/Method
Enter or select the value required against which the condition operator is applied.
If you selected Member Name in the <Attribute> field, the Member Selector for
that dimension will be available from which to select an entry or a "consolidation
string". Consolidation strings are available for the Entity and Intercompany
dimensions. You can select these strings from the Member Selector by clicking the
Members link at the bottom of the Select Members dialog box and then selecting
Consolidation Strings. See "Consolidation Strings".
• If you selected an Entity or Intercompany Consolidation Method, then a list of
methods will be available.
• If you selected Consolidation %, Ownership %, Minority Interest % or Data Value,
then you can enter a numeric value.

Chapter 17
Creating Consolidation Rule-sets

After you create a condition block, to add another condition, click the Add (+) icon. The
conjunction between the conditions is "And" by default, but you can change it to "Or",
"And Not", or "Or Not".

Grouping Conditions
After you add multiple condition blocks, you can group selected conditions. Grouping
conditions determines required combinations of conditions.
To group conditions:
1. Click on the row of the first condition to include in the grouping, then hold down
Ctrl and select the required adjacent conditions.

2. After you select all adjacent conditions for the grouping, click and select
Group from the drop-down list.
For example, if Condition A and Condition B are grouped, and Condition C and
Condition D are grouped:
Then the condition is applied as:
(Condition A and Condition B) or (Condition C and Condition D).
In this case, the rule-set will execute if conditions A and B are met, or if conditions C
and D are met.
Note that only "Equals" and "Does Not Equal" are available for the Years and Period
dimensions. You cannot apply "before" or "after" logic. Use a list or multiple block
conditions to apply this type of logic.
Example 1:
Years | Member Name | Equals | FY16, FY17, FY18

Example 2:
Period | Member Name | Equals | Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec

Example 3:
Years | Member Name | Does Not Equal | FY16, FY17


Years | Member Name | Equals | FY17


Period | Member Name | Equals | Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec

Rule-set Factor
The rule-set factor will by default display None. If this entry is retained, then the factor
should be set in each of the related rules. If this entry is changed, then the factor
selected will apply to all rules in the rule-set.
Select one of the options in the first drop-down box:
• Current
• Change In

Chapter 17
Creating Consolidation Rule-sets

• Lower of entity or partner

• Specific %
• Prior
Then select one of the options in the second drop-down box:
• Entity Consolidation %
• Entity Ownership %
• Entity Minority Interest %
• Partner Consolidation %
• Partner Ownership %
• Partner Minority Interest %

Rule-set Source Data-set Definition

The source data-set to which the rule-set will be applied is by default drawn from the
Entity Total data of the current Scenario, Year, Period and Entity, and View. For a
multi-currency application the data will be Parent Currency. From within this data-set,
the scope of the data to be processed by the rule-set can be further filtered by setting
the scope (see "Setting the scope of the data-set").
The data-set can be taken from a different scenario, year, period, view, or
consolidation member, and for a multi-currency application from either Parent
Currency or Entity Currency. At present, the data must be taken from the current entity.
Changing the source POV for the Data-set
For each of the dimensions for which the source data-set can be drawn:
• Current Scenario (default selection)
• A specific scenario
• #Previous Scenario#
If #Previous Scenario# is selected then the scenario from which the first period
Opening Balance carry forward is drawn will be used during rules execution.
• Current Year (default selection)
• A specific year
• Current…
If Current… is selected, also select an offset. The offset number can be from 0
(no offset) up to one less than the number of years in the application (so -9 for a
10-year application). The offset number will count backwards from the current year
being processed and draw the data set from that year. For example, in Apr FY18,
an offset of -2 will draw data from Apr FY16.
The combination of Year offset and Period offset allows an offset of up to the total
number of periods in the application less one.
If the Year and / or Period offset selections, when combined with the current POV for
which the consolidation is being run, cause the source POV to be outside of the limits

Chapter 17
Creating Consolidation Rule-sets

of the application (that is, a period or year before the first period and year defined in
the application), then the rule-set will not execute for that current POV. This will be
noted in the Job Console but will not cause the consolidation to fail.
Currently, only the Current Entity is available.
Entity Total (default)
• Entity Input
• Entity Elimination Adjustment
• Entity Consolidation
• Proportion
• Elimination
• Contribution
Note that the Consolidation dimension members Proportion, Elimination or
Contribution cannot be selected unless a different Scenario is selected, or if a Year
or Period non-zero offset is selected. This restriction is intended to ensure that the
data-set to be used as the source of the rules is not dependent on the results of the
You can use the results of Opening Balance Carry Forward, Proportionalization,
Standard Eliminations and Opening Balance Ownership Change system rules of the
current entity. To do so, select the "Contribution" Consolidation dimension member
instead of the default "Entity Total". This will then apply the consolidation rules to the
post-proportionalized net data set, including the results of the system rules.
• Parent Currency (default)
• Entity Currency
Note that this selection is not available for a Single-Currency application.
Also note that for multi-currency applications, Entity Currency is not available if
Proportion, Elimination or Contribution has been selected for the Consolidation
dimension member.
• FCCS_Periodic (default)
The source data will reflect the View member selected, but the rule will still write the
calculated results to the Periodic view.
Setting the Scope of the Data-set
Click the Add (+) icon below the Scope bar to add a dimension to the Source POV
filter definition. Select one of the available dimensions. Select the Member Selector

Chapter 17
Creating Consolidation Rules

icon, , from the right side of the new dimension row or type in the name of the
required dimension. From the Member Selector, select one or more members or lists.
Specifying members in the Source POV will restrict the data-set to which the rule-set
will be applied. The Entity and Intercompany dimensions also provide a Consolidation
String selection for #Legal Company# and the Intercompany dimension provides for
#Any ICP that is a descendant of the current parent#. See Consolidation Strings.
The rule-set Source POV will be inherited by any rule that is created within the rule-
set. You cannot edit the inherited Source POV in the individual rules.

Creating Consolidation Rules

To create a consolidation rule:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Consolidated tab, and then
select Configurable Consolidation.
3. Select the rule-set within which to create the rule.
All rules must be in a rule-set.
4. Click the Create Rule (+) icon.
5. In the new rule screen, enter the Name of the rule.
6. Optional: Tap description to enter the description of the rule.
7. Condition: This is inherited from the rule-set and cannot be modified in the rule.
8. For Factor: If the factor was set at the rule-set level, then that condition is
inherited and cannot be modified in the rule. If the factor was not set at the rule-set
level, then you should enter the factor for each rule.
Select one of these options in the first drop-down box:
• Current
• Change In
• Lower of entity or partner
• Specific %
• Prior
Then select one of the options in the second drop-down box:
• Entity Consolidation %
• Entity Ownership %
• Entity Minority Interest %
• Partner Consolidation %
• Partner Ownership %
• Partner Minority Interest %
9. For Processing Option, select Add or Subtract from the drop-down list. The
Rule Processing option specifies whether to add or subtract the calculated data

Chapter 17
Creating Consolidation Rules

value to any data value already posted to the destination. See Rule Processing
10. Rule Source POV: This is inherited from the rule-set and cannot be modified in
the rule.
11. Optional: To define a redirection of the data, click Redirect Members. See Rule
12. Optional: If Partner Eliminations has been enabled for the rule-set, after selecting
Redirect Members, select Enable Partner Elimination.
13. To save the rule, click Save and Close, or to continue creating rules, click Save
and Continue.

Rule Processing Option

The Add option will post the processed data to the Elimination Consolidation
dimension in the same manner as proportionalization, applying the factor to the source
data value. The Subtract option will also apply the factor to the source data value but
will post the "reverse" value.
For example, to "reverse" the effect of proportionalization of an account, you would
apply the Subtract option.
Note than when a data-point is "redirected" to a different account member, the account
type is taken into account when the posting is processed. For example when:
• A positive amount sourced from a Revenue account is not redirected, or is
redirected to a different Revenue account with the Add processing option, then
a positive amount is posted to the Revenue account.
• A positive amount source from a Revenue account is not redirected, or is
redirected to a different Revenue account with the Subtract processing option,
then a negative amount is posted to the Revenue account.
• A positive amount sourced from a Revenue account is redirected to an Expense
account with the Add processing option, then a negative amount is posted to the
Expense account.
• A positive amount sourced from a Revenue account is redirected to an Expense
account with the Subtract processing option, then a positive amount is posted to
the Expense account.
• A negative amount sourced from a Revenue account is redirected to an Expense
account with the Add processing option, then a positive amount is posted to the
Expense account.
• A negative amount sourced from a Revenue account is redirected to an Expense
account with the Subtract processing option, then a negative amount is posted to
the Expense account.
The general rule is:
• Multiply the source amount by -1 if the "normal sign" of the Source Account Type
is different than the "normal sign" of the Target Account Type.
• If the selected Processing Option is Subtract, multiply again by -1.
The "normal sign" of the Account Types are:
• Revenue - Credit balance (-)
• Expense - Debit balance (+)

Chapter 17
Creating Consolidation Rules

• Asset - Debit balance (+)

• Liability - Credit balance (-)
• Equity - Credit balance (-)
• Saved Assumption - Balance (+)
The rule Source POV is inherited from the rule-set and cannot be modified in the rule.

Rule Redirection
When the data defined by the Source POV is processed, the data values are multiplied
by the factor and posted to the Elimination Consolidation dimension member. If no
redirection is defined, then the POV of the Destination will be the same as the
Source (other than the Consolidation member). The posting of the data can, however,
be redirected to a different member of one or more of the sub-cube dimensions:
Account, Intercompany, Movement, Data Source, Multi-GAAP (if applicable), or any
user-created Custom dimension.
To define a rule redirection:
1. From the Create Rule screen, click Redirect Members.
The Source POV section of the screen will be split into the inherited Source POV
on the left, and a Redirection column on the right.
2. In the Redirection column, the default redirection member is displayed as "Same
as source". You can add a redirection member by selecting a base member of the
dimension from the member selector.
When posting to the Elimination Consolidation dimension member, the member from
the Source POV will be replaced by the selected redirection member.
The Intercompany dimension also provides a Consolidation String selection for
#Source POV Entity#. If you select this string, then the Intercompany member used
for redirection will be the Intercompany equivalent of the Entity in the Source POV
("ICP_<Source POV Entity>"). See Consolidation Strings.
You can apply different redirect members based on one or more conditions.
To add a condition to a redirection dimension:
1. Click the Add (+) icon at the right side of the column.
2. Create a condition to which to apply to a data point in order to determine the
• If the condition is met, then the data is posted to the first redirection member.
• If the condition is not met, then the data will be posted to the second
redirection member.
Select the redirection members from the Member Selector or leave as "Same
as Source", as required.
3. Continue to add conditions and redirection members as required by selecting the
Add (+) icon, or remove existing conditions by selecting the Delete (x) icon.
The conditions for each of the redirection entries are created using the same method
as the rule-set condition. See Creating Consolidation Rule-sets.

Chapter 17
Creating Consolidation Rules

Partner Eliminations
If the rule is to write data to a partner, first select the Redirect Members button and
then select Enable Partner Elimination. For a Partner Elimination rule, the redirection
entry for the Entity, Intercompany and Data Source dimensions will be pre-set and
cannot be changed.
Entity redirection
#Source POV Intercompany#
Intercompany redirection
#Source POV Entity#
Data Source redirection
Partner Eliminations
When the entity is processed and an eligible data-point is encountered, the Partner
Elimination rule will write a data-point to the Elimination consolidation member of a
sibling of the entity being processed. If the intercompany partner itself is a sibling
of the current entity, the data will be written to the partner but if not, will be written
to any ancestor of the partner that is a sibling of the current entity. The POV of the
data-point written will include the entity of the source data-point as the intercompany
partner and will always be written to the Partner Eliminations Data Source member
("FCCS_Partner Eliminations").
When Partner Elimination data is written to the Elimination member of a sibling,
the calculation status of that sibling is not impacted in the current period, but is
impacted in future periods. When the entity creating the partner elimination entry is
re-consolidated, any data written to any sibling from that entity is first cleared and then
re-posted as required. The posting and clearing of data in the Partner Elimination Data
Source member of the Elimination Consolidation member is in effect "owned" by the
entity that writes that data (identified by the intercompany entry) and not by the entity
in which the data resides.
Note that if the partner of a data-point exists in multiple places in the entity hierarchy
(that is, shared ownership) then one source data-point might generate multiple
partner elimination entries, at a single generation of the source entity or at multiple
Watch the following video for information on creating consolidation rules:

Creating Consolidation Rules

Watch the following video for information on creating consolidation rules with partner

Creating Configurable Consolidation Rules with Partner Eliminations

Chapter 17
Consolidation Strings

Consolidation Strings
The following sections list the consolidation strings that can be used in consolidation
rule-sets and rules. Consolidation strings provide logical references and can be
selected from the dimension member selector.
To include consolidation strings:
1. Create a rule or rule-set.
See Creating Consolidation Rule-sets and Creating Consolidation Rules.
2. From the bottom of the Member Selector dialog box, select Members.
3. From the drop-down options, select Consolidation Strings, then select a string.
• #Legal Company#
The Legal Company string determines whether the current Entity or Intercompany
member represents a Legal Company. All base entities are Legal Companies.
You can use the Legal Company string for the Entity or Intercompany dimensions
in a rule condition or in the Source POV.
• #Any ICP that is a descendant of the current parent#
This string can be used in the Intercompany dimension Source POV and restricts
the in-scope data-set to those data-points that have an Intercompany dimension
entry that represents a descendant of the parent entity of the Entity currently being
• #Source POV Entity#
This string can be used in the Intercompany dimension redirection. The
Intercompany member used to write the data will be the Intercompany equivalent
to the Entity in the Source POV ("ICP_<Source POV Entity>").
If the Source POV Entity has not been designated as a valid Intercompany
member (and the "ICP_<Source POV Entity>" member does not exist), then
the redirection will be ignored and the data will be written to the Source POV
Intercompany member. If the Source POV Intercompany member is a parent
member, then the rule and consolidation process will fail.

Viewing Rule-Sets
From the Configurable Consolidation page, you can view rule-sets and rules.
You can also deploy and undeploy rule-sets, and duplicate or delete rule-sets and
rules. See these topics:
• Deploying and Undeploying Rule-Sets
• Duplicating and Deleting Rule-Sets
To access the Configurable Consolidation page:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Consolidated tab, and then
select Configurable Consolidation.

Chapter 17
Deploying and Undeploying Rule-Sets

To view the Rule-sets by Status, select the appropriate option from the Status drop-
down list:
• All Rules
This option displays all rule-sets. If a rule-set has been deployed and then
changed but not yet redeployed, the Changed status icon is displayed next to
the rule-set name.
You can open and view any of the displayed rule-sets.
System rule-sets: You can view, duplicate, deploy and undeploy.
Non-system rule-sets and rules: You can view, modify, duplicate, deploy and
If you open a Changed rule-set, the changes not yet deployed are displayed and
you can make additional changes.
If you open and modify a deployed and not changed rule-set, a "changed" copy of
the rule-set is created when saved.
• Deployed
This option displays all deployed rule-sets. If a rule-set has been deployed and
then changed but not yet redeployed, the Deployed status icon is displayed next to
the rule-set name and the details of the deployed rule-set are displayed.
You cannot make any changes to deployed rule-sets in this view. To modify a
rule-set that has been deployed, open the rule set in the All Rules view.
You can undeploy rule-sets from this view.
• Undeployed
This option displays all rule-sets that are not deployed. If a rule-set is undeployed
and then changed, the status icon remains unchanged.
You can deploy rule-sets from this view.
• Changed After Deploy
This option displays all rule-sets that have been deployed and then changed but
not yet redeployed. The details of the rule-sets and rules reflect the changes made
since the previous deployment. You can make additional changes in this view.
You can deploy changes to rule-sets and rules from this view. If the changes are
not deployed, then the previously deployed version will remain active.

Deploying and Undeploying Rule-Sets

To deploy rule-sets:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Consolidated tab, and then
select Configurable Consolidation.
There are three possible "states" for any rule-set:
• A rule-set that has been created but never deployed is "Undeployed" (identified by
a blue circle)

Chapter 17
Duplicating and Deleting Rule-Sets

• A rule-set that has been created and deployed is "Deployed" (identified by a green
circle with a check-mark)

• A rule-set that has been created and deployed and then changed is "Changed, yet
to be redeployed" (indicated by a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark)

Any rule-set that has been deployed and then changed, but not yet redeployed,
also exists in its original deployed state. When the changed rule is deployed, then
it replaces the previously deployed version.


• The background "gear" icon indicates that it is a system Rule-set.

• The background "person" icon indicates that it is a user-created Rule-set.

To deploy an undeployed or changed rule-set:

1. Select the rule-sets by selecting the checkbox to the left of the rule-set name.
You cannot deploy or undeploy individual rules.
2. Click Deploy or Undeploy.

Duplicating and Deleting Rule-Sets

From the Configurable Consolidation page, you can view, duplicate and delete rule-
sets and rules.
To access the Configurable Consolidation page:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Consolidated tab, and then
select Configurable Consolidation.

Duplicating Rule-Sets
To duplicate a rule-set, or rule within a rule-set:

1. From the Configurable Consolidation list of rule-sets, select the row and click .
2. To duplicate a rule-set or rule, click Duplicate.
3. To duplicate both a rule-set and the rules within that rule-set, click Duplicate with

Chapter 17
Re-ordering Rule-sets and Rules

To change the name of a rule-set or rule, the rule-set must be undeployed.
Changes to other fields do not require that the rule-sets be undeployed.

Deleting Rule-Sets
To prevent a referential integrity problem with configurable consolidation rules from
occurring in the application, Financial Consolidation and Close verifies and prevents
the deletion of any metadata member that is referenced in the rule.
When you delete a dimension member from the application, if the member is
referenced in a configurable consolidation rule, the system displays a Failure error
and the member is not deleted.
To delete a rule-set, or rule within a rule-set:

1. From the Configurable Consolidation list of rule-sets, select the row and click .
2. To delete the item, click Delete.
If the rule-set or rule has been deployed and then changed, both the deployed and
changed items will be deleted.

Re-ordering Rule-sets and Rules

You can re-order your user-defined rule-sets within the Manage Consolidation Rules
screen and re-order the rules within each user-defined rule-set. Changing the order
of the rule-sets will change the order of execution of these rule-sets so it is possible
to read data into a rule-set that has been written by a previously executed rule-set.
Changing the sequence of the rules within the rule-set will have no impact.
The seeded rule-sets are always displayed before the user-defined rule-sets, and you
cannot change their sequence.

When you change the sequence of the user-defined rule-sets, it might
have an impact on the results if the source data for one or more of the
rule-sets includes the current period Elimination data, and the source data
of a subsequent rule-set includes the target data of a previously executed

Guidelines for Re-ordering Rule-sets and Rules:

• Sequence changes can be executed from all of the filtered views except the
Deployed view (All Rules, Un-deployed, and Changed after deploy). If a
sequence change is attempted in the Deployed view, a warning message will be
displayed that you cannot move a rule in the Deployed view.
• The sequence of the user-defined rule-sets does not change until you deploy

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

• The first custom rule-set cannot be moved up.

• The last custom rule-set cannot be moved down.
• The first custom rule in a rule-set cannot be moved up.
• The last custom rule in a rule-set cannot be moved down.
• If deployed user-defined rules are re-sequenced, the rules that have changed
sequence will change to "Changed but un-deployed" status and the rule-set will
change to "Changed but un-deployed" status. If a sequence change involves only
one or more un-deployed or changed rules, then there will be no status changes.
If a sequence change involves both deployed and un-deployed or changed rules,
then the status changes will be based only on the re-sequencing of the deployed
To re-order consolidation rule-sets and rules:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Consolidated tab, and then
select Configurable Consolidation.
3. Select the rule-set or rule that you want to move.
4. From the top menu bar, click the Move Up button

, or Move Down button

, or use the right-click menu to select Move Up or Move Down.

Seeded Consolidation Rules

Several seeded consolidation rule-sets provide generic Ownership Elimination
You cannot modify these rule-sets. The rule-sets are initially un-deployed, but can be
deployed or duplicated, and the copy can be modified and deployed.
Alternatively, you can create new rule-sets and rules. See Creating Consolidation
Rule-sets and Creating Consolidation Rules.
Nine seeded system rule-sets have been defined:
• Investment
• Investment PP
• Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional)
• Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) PP
• Owner's Equity (Equity)
• Owner's Equity (Equity) PP
• Owner's Equity (Holding)
• Net Income (Subsidiary)
• Net Income (Equity)
The first six rule-sets (Investment, Investment PP, Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/
Proportional), Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) PP, Owner's Equity (Equity),

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

and Owner's Equity (Equity) PP) provide adjustment/elimination entries between the
Investment of a holding company in a subsidiary and the Owner's Equity of that owned
company, whether consolidated by the Subsidiary method (recognizing Minority/Non-
Controlling Interest), the Proportional method or the Equity method.
The Goodwill - Offset asset account is used as the clearing/plug account between
the investment and owner's equity adjustments. If the holding company investment
amount and the owned company pre-acquisition Owner's Equity amount(s) do not
match, the difference will be recorded as Goodwill.
The Owner's Equity (Holding) rule-set prepares the Owner's Equity data of a Holding
company for subsequent elimination if the Holding company becomes a subsidiary at a
higher level in the organization structure.
Net Income (Subsidiary) and Net Income (Equity) rule-sets record the ongoing Net
Income impact for a Subsidiary (Minority interest) and an Equity company (Equity
Pre-conditions for the Seeded Rule-Sets
The seeded rule-sets use the Intercompany dimension to track the legal entity
(currently the base entity) to which elimination entries are related. All base entities
must therefore be designated as Intercompany entities (select the "ICP_Entity_Yes"
attribute in the Entity dimension level 0 members) so that they exist in the
Intercompany dimension in the form "ICP_<entity name>".
The data entered for Investment in Subsidiaries in the Holding Company must include
an Intercompany dimension entry that identifies the owned entity. Data entered to
Owner's Equity accounts do not need an Intercompany entry.
Watch the following video for information on seeded consolidation rules:

Seeded Consolidation Rules

Investment Rule-Set
The Investment rule-set consists of two rules/journal detail lines.
This rule-set transfers current period Investments to Goodwill for all Intercompany
partners representing siblings. The Goodwill entry will offset with the elimination of
Owner's Equity from the partner, leaving a net Goodwill value (if any).
Data posted to the Investment in Subsidiaries ("FCCS_Investment in Sub") account
must include an Intercompany partner representing the company in which the
investment is held in order for this rule to execute. The account can be set as an
"Intercompany" account through metadata maintenance but no "plug" account should
be selected. If a "plug" account is entered to the Investment in Subsidiaries account,
then both the Standard Eliminations and Investment rule will execute, doubling the

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Table 17-8 Investment (Rule-set)

Entry Description
Condition( (Entity Current Method = Holding Or Entity
Current Method = Subsidiary Or Entity Current
Method = Proportional And FCCS_Total Data
Source < > 0 And Intercompany Consolidation
> 0 Or Intercompany Consolidation % Change
< > 0 Or Partner Current Method = Equity)
Factor Current \ Entity Consolidation %
Dimension Source POV
Account "FCCS_Investment in Sub"
Intercompany #Any partner that is a descendant of the
current parent#
Movement Base of "FCCS_ClosingBalance" Excluding
Data Source Base of "FCCS_TotalDataSource"

Table 17-9 Investment - Reverse Proportionalize (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Subtract
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited
Intercompany inherited
Movement inherited
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Table 17-10 Investment - Goodwill Offset (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Add
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Goodwill Offset"
Intercompany inherited
Movement inherited IF: "FCCS_Total Movements"
> "FCCS_Total Data Source" >

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Table 17-10 (Cont.) Investment - Goodwill Offset (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Investment PP Rule-Set
The Investment PP rule-set consists of two rules/journal detail lines.
This rule-set transfers accumulated prior period (or more specifically current Opening
Balance) Investments to Goodwill for all Intercompany partners representing siblings.
The Goodwill entry will offset with the elimination of Owner's Equity from the partner,
leaving a net Goodwill value (if any).
Data posted to the Investment in Subsidiaries ("FCCS_Investment in Sub") account
must include an Intercompany partner representing the company in which the
investment is held in order for this rule to execute. The account can be set as an
"Intercompany" account through metadata maintenance but no "plug" account should
be selected. If a "plug" account is entered to the Investment in Subsidiaries account,
then both the Standard Eliminations and Investment rule will execute, doubling the

Table 17-11 Investment PP (Rule-set)

Entry Description
Condition (Entity Current Method = Holding Or Entity
Current Method = Subsidiary Or Entity Current
Method = Proportional And FCCS_Total Data
Source < > 0 And Intercompany Consolidation
> 0 And Intercompany Prior Consolidation % =
Factor Current \ Entity Consolidation %
Dimension Source POV
Account "FCCS_Investment in Sub"
Intercompany #Any partner that is a descendant of the
current parent#
Movement "FCCS_OpeningBalance
Data Source Base of "FCCS_TotalDataSource"

Table 17-12 Investment PP- Reverse Proportionalize (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Subtract
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited
Intercompany inherited

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Table 17-12 (Cont.) Investment PP- Reverse Proportionalize (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Movement inherited IF: Intercompany Ownership
% Change > 0
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Table 17-13 Investment PP- Goodwill Offset (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Add
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Goodwill Offset"
Intercompany inherited
Movement inherited THEN:
IF: "Intercompany Ownership "FCCS_Mvmt_Acquisition_Inp
% Change > 0 ut"
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) Rule-Set

The Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) rule-set consists of three rules / journal
detail lines.
This rule-set applies the current period Ownership % and Minority Interest % to
the current period Owner's Equity changes excluding Retained Earnings Current
and Other Reserves. This assumes that the changes in Owner's Equity accounts
excluding Retained Earnings Current and Total Comprehensive Income are deemed
to be pre-acquisition//pre-divestment changes and that the Retained Earnings Current
and Comprehensive Income changes are post-acquisition/post-divestment. Current
year pre-acquisition/pre-divestment Retained Earnings should be transferred from the
Retained Earnings Current account to the Retained Earnings Current Pre-Ownership
Change account in order to be eliminated. This rule-set offsets with Investment in Subs
(from Investment rule-set) and the two rule-sets use the Goodwill Offset account as the
clearing account.
This rule does not rely on any Intercompany data entry in order to execute. It will run at
the first consolidation level (that is, the immediate parent).

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Table 17-14 Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) (Rule-set)

Entry Description
Condition Entity Current Method = Subsidiary,
Proportional and Total Data Source < > 0
Factor None
Dimension Source POV
Account Base of "FCCS_Total Equity" Excluding Base
of "FCCS_Retained Earnings Current", Base
of "FCCS_Other Reserves", "FCCS_CTA"
Intercompany Base of "FCCS_Intercompany Top"
Movement Base of "FCCS_ClosingBalance" Excluding
Data Source Base of "FCCS_TotalDataSource"

Table 17-15 Owners Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional)- Reverse Proportionalize


Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor Current \ Entity Consolidation
Processing Option Subtract
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited
Intercompany inherited
Movement inherited
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Table 17-16 Owners Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) - Goodwill Offset (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor Current / Entity Ownership %
Processing Option Add
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Goodwill Offset"
Intercompany inherited IF: Entity = #Legal Company#
THEN: #Source POV Entity#
Movement inherited IF: Entity Ownership %
Change > 0

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Table 17-16 (Cont.) Owners Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) - Goodwill Offset


Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Table 17-17 Owners Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional)- Minority Interest (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor Current \ Entity Minority
Interest %
Processing Option Add
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Minority Interest"
Intercompany inherited IF: Entity = #Legal Company#
THEN: #Source POV Entity#
Movement inherited IF: Entity Ownership %
Change > 0
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) PP Rule-Set

The Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) Prior Period rule-set consists of four
rules / journal detail lines.
This rule-set applies an ownership change to the Owner's Equity accumulated to the
end of the prior period (or more specifically to the current period opening balances).
This assumes that the owned company is an ongoing entity in the application and that
only the ownership relationship has changed. The prior period Owner's Equity should
therefore be eliminated to the extent that the Ownership % has changed from the prior
period. This rule-set offsets with Investment in Subs (Investment rule-set) and the two
rule-sets use the Goodwill Offset account as the clearing account.
This rule does not rely on any Intercompany data entry in order to execute. It will run at
the first consolidation level (that is, the immediate parent).

Table 17-18 Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) PP (Rule-set)

Entry Description
Condition Entity Current Method = Subsidiary,
Proportional and Total Data Source < > 0 And
Entity Ownership % Change < > 0

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Table 17-18 (Cont.) Owner's Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) PP (Rule-set)

Entry Description
Factor None
Dimension Source POV
Account Base of "FCCS_Total Equity"
Intercompany Base of "FCCS_Intercompany Top"
Movement "FCCS_OpeningBalance"
Data Source Base of "FCCS_TotalDataSource"

Table 17-19 Owners Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) PP - Reverse

Proportionalize (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor Change In \ Entity
Consolidation %
Processing Option Subtract
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited
Intercompany inherited
Movement inherited IF: Entity Ownership %
Change > 0
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Table 17-20 Owners Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) PP — Goodwill Offset +


Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor Change In/ Entity
Consolidation %
Processing Option Add
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Goodwill Offset"
Intercompany inherited IF: Entity = #Legal Company#
THEN: #Source POV Entity#

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Table 17-20 (Cont.) Owners Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) PP — Goodwill

Offset + (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Movement inherited IF: Entity Ownership %
Change > 0
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Table 17-21 Owners Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) PP — Goodwill Offset -


Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor Change In/ Entity Minority
Interest %
Processing Option Subtract
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Goodwill Offset"
Intercompany inherited IF: Entity = #Legal Company#
THEN: #Source POV Entity#
Movement inherited IF: Entity Ownership %
Change > 0
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Table 17-22 Owners Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) PP- Minority Interest


Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor Change In\ Entity Minority
Interest %
Processing Option Add
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Minority Interest"
Intercompany inherited IF: Entity = #Legal Company#
THEN: #Source POV Entity#

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Table 17-22 (Cont.) Owners Equity (Subsidiary/Proportional) PP- Minority

Interest (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Movement inherited IF: Entity Ownership %
Change > 0
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Owner's Equity (Equity) Rule-Set

The Owner's Equity (Equity) rule-set consists of two rules/journal detail lines.
This rule-set applies the current period Ownership % to the current period Owner's
Equity changes excluding Retained Earnings Current. This assumes that the
changes in Owner's Equity accounts excluding Retained Earnings Current are
deemed to be pre-acquisition/pre-divestment changes and that the Retained Earnings
Current changes are post-acquisition/post divestment. Current year pre-acquisition/
pre-divestment Retained Earnings should be transferred from the Retained Earnings
Current account to the Retained Earnings Current Pre-Ownership Change account in
order to be eliminated.
This rule-set offsets with Investment in Subs (Investment rule-set) and the two rule-
sets use the Goodwill Offset account as the clearing account. The other side of
the entry recognizes the Investment in Equity Companies. There is no "Reverse
Proportionalization" entry because the Consolidation % is zero and nothing is
proportionalized from an Equity method company.
This rule does not rely on any Intercompany data entry in order to execute. It will run at
the first consolidation level (that is, the immediate parent).

Table 17-23 Owner's Equity (Equity) (Rule-set)

Entry Description
Condition Entity Current Method =Equity And Total Data
Sources < > 0
Factor Current / Entity Ownership %
Dimension Source POV
Account Base of "FCCS_Total Equity" Excluding Base
of "FCCS_Retained Earnings Current", Base
of "FCCS_Other Reserves", "FCCS_CTA"
Intercompany "FCCS_No Intercompany"
Movement Base of "FCCS_ClosingBalance" Excluding
Data Source Base of "FCCS_TotalDataSource"

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Table 17-24 Owners Equity - Goodwill Offset (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Add
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Goodwill Offset"
Intercompany inherited #Source POV Entity#
Movement inherited IF: Entity Ownership %
Change > 0
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Table 17-25 Owners Equity - Investment in Equity Company (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Subtract
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Investment in Equity
Companies - Investment"
Intercompany inherited #Source POV Entity#
Movement inherited IF: Entity Ownership %
Change > 0
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Owner's Equity (Equity) PP Rule-Set

The Owner's Equity (Equity) Prior Period rule-set consists of two rules/journal detail
This rule-set applies an ownership change to the Owner's Equity accumulated to the
end of the prior period (or more specifically to the current period opening balances).
This assumes that the owned company is an ongoing entity in the application and that
only the ownership relationship has changed. The prior period Owner's Equity should

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

therefore be eliminated to the extent that the Ownership % has changed from the prior
This rule-set offsets with Investment in Subs (from Investment rule-set) and the
two rule-sets use the Goodwill Offset account as the clearing account. The other
side of the entry recognizes the Investment in Equity Companies. There is no
"Reverse Proportionalization" entry because the Consolidation % is zero and nothing
is proportionalized from an Equity method company.
This rule does not rely on any Intercompany data entry in order to execute. It will run at
the first consolidation level (that is, the immediate parent).

Table 17-26 Owner's Equity (Equity) PP (Rule-set)

Entry Description
Condition Entity Current Method = Equity And Total
Data Sources < > 0 And Entity Ownership %
Change < > 0
Factor Current / Entity Ownership %
Dimension Source POV
Account Base of "FCCS_Total Equity"
Intercompany Base of "FCCS_Intercompany Top"
Movement "FCCS_OpeningBalance"
Data Source Base of "FCCS_TotalDataSource"

Table 17-27 Owners Equity PP- Goodwill Offset (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Add
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Goodwill Offset"
Intercompany inherited #Source POV Entity#
Movement inherited IF: Entity Ownership %
Change > 0
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Table 17-28 Owners Equity PP- Investment in Equity Companies (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Subtract

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Table 17-28 (Cont.) Owners Equity PP- Investment in Equity Companies (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Investment in Equity
Companies - Investment"
Intercompany inherited #Source POV Entity#
Movement inherited IF: Entity Ownership %
Change > 0
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Owner's Equity (Holding) Rule-Set

The Owner's Equity (Holding) rule-set consists of two rules / journal detail lines.
This rule-set applies the legal company entity name as the Intercompany Partner (ICP)
entry for Owner's Equity accounts. The Owner's Equity of a Holding company does not
eliminate but the Holding company might become a Subsidiary at the next level in the
Entity hierarchy. In order to recognize the source of the elimination of Owner's Equity
at that next parent level, the label of the original entity must be captured as the ICP at
the legal company level.
This rule does not rely on any Intercompany data entry in order to execute. It will run at
the first consolidation level (that is, the immediate parent).

Table 17-29 Owner's Equity (Holding) (Rule-set)

Entry Description
Condition Entity Current Method = Holding And Total
Data Sources < > 0
Factor Current / Entity Ownership %
Dimension Source POV
Entity #Legal Company#
Account Excluding base of "FCCS_Retained Earnings
Current", base of "FCCS_Other Reserves",
Intercompany "FCCS_No Intercompany"
Movement Base of "FCCS_ClosingBalance" Excluding
Data Source Base of "FCCS_TotalDataSource"

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Table 17-30 Owners Equity - Reverse Proportionalize (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Subtract
Dimension Source POV
Entity inherited
Account inherited
Intercompany inherited
Movement inherited
Data Source inherited

Table 17-31 Owners Equity - Proportionalize with ICP (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Add
Dimension Source POV
Entity inherited
Account inherited
Intercompany inherited #Source POV Entity#
Movement inherited
Data Source inherited

Net Income (Subsidiary) Rule-Set

The Net Income (Subsidiary) rule-set consists of two rules/journal detail lines.
This rule-set splits the ongoing post-acquisition income of the Subsidiary between the
Owner's share and the Minority Interest share. The entry splits out the Minority Interest
share in the Income Statement at the Minority Interest % and records the other side
of the entry in the Minority Interest Equity account. The unadjusted remainder of the
Net Income (the amount representing the Ownership %) is aggregated to the Owners'
This rule does not rely on any Intercompany data entry in order to execute. It will run at
the first consolidation level (that is, the immediate parent).

Table 17-32 Net Income (Subsidiary) (Rule-set)

Entry Description
Condition Entity Current Method = Subsidiary and Total
Data Sources < > 0
Factor Current / Entity Minority Interest %
Dimension Source POV

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Table 17-32 (Cont.) Net Income (Subsidiary) (Rule-set)

Entry Description
Account Base of "FCCS_Retained Earnings
Current", base of "FCCS_Other Reserves",
Intercompany Base of "FCCS_Intercompany Top"
Movement Base of
Excluding "FCCS_OpeningBalance"
Data Source Base of "FCCS_TotalDataSource"

Table 17-33 Net Income (Subsidiary) - MI Net Income (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Subtract
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Minority Interest
Intercompany inherited #Source POV Entity
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Table 17-34 Net Income (Subsidiary) - Minority Interest (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Add
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Minority Interest"
Intercompany inherited #Source POV Entity#
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Net Income (Equity) Rule-Set

The Net Income (Equity) rule-set consists of two rules / journal detail lines.
This rule-set records the ongoing post-acquisition income of the equity method
company as Equity Company Income in the Income Statement and records the
other side of the entry in the Investment in Equity Companies Investment Income
account. Note that this Equity Companies Investment Income account (in the Non-
Current Assets section of the Balance Sheet) is distinguished from the "Equity Pickup"
recorded at a legal company level. This entry is the equivalent of Equity Pickup but at
a consolidated reporting level instead of a legal company reporting level.

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

This rule does not rely on any Intercompany data entry in order to execute. It will run at
the first consolidation level (that is, the immediate parent).

Table 17-35 Net Income (Equity) (Rule-set)

Entry Description
Condition Entity Current Method = Equity and Total Data
Sources < > 0
Factor Current / Entity Ownership %
Dimension Source POV
Account Base of "FCCS_Retained Earnings
Current", base of "FCCS_Other Reserves",
Intercompany Base of "FCCS_Intercompany Top"
Movement Base of
Excluding "FCCS_OpeningBalance"
Data Source Base of "FCCS_TotalDataSource"

Table 17-36 Net Income (Equity) - Equity Company Income (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Add
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Equity Company
Intercompany inherited #Source POV Entity
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Table 17-37 Net Income (Equity) - Investment in Equity Company Income (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member

Condition inherited
Factor inherited
Processing Option Subtract
Dimension Source POV
Account inherited "FCCS_Investment in Equity
Companies - Income"
Intercompany inherited #Source POV Entity#
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Seeded Consolidation Rule Examples

The data displayed in the following examples use positive numbers to represent
debit entries and negative numbers to represent credit entries. This should make
the calculations in the examples easier to understand without having to reference
metadata attributes, and will be valid regardless of the account type and consolidation
operators in the metadata.
The negative entries shown for the Common Stock accounts would actually be loaded
as positive numbers to an application for which Common Stock is an "Equity" type
account. Credit balances for Common Stock, represented in the examples by negative
numbers, would be loaded to an application as positive amounts because credits in an
Equity type account are represented by positive numbers.

Seeded Consolidation Rules - Example (January)

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Seeded Consolidation Rules - Example (February)

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Seeded Consolidation Rules - Example (March)

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Chapter 17
Seeded Consolidation Rules

Working with Rules
Related Topics
• Consolidation and Translation Rules
Financial Consolidation and Close provides pre-built calculation scripts to handle
consolidation and translation.
• Selecting Business Rules
• Assigning Access to Rules
• Disabling View Calculations
• Updating View Calculations
• Working with Override Translation Rules
• Working with Configurable Calculations
• Equity Pickup Overview
• Working with On-Demand Rules
• Working with Essbase Calc Script
Essbase Calc Script is the language available to you to write your own custom
business logic in Financial Consolidation and Close.
• Supported Essbase Functions
• Financial Consolidation and Close Custom Functions

Consolidation and Translation Rules

Financial Consolidation and Close provides pre-built calculation scripts to handle
consolidation and translation.
Financial Consolidation and Close provides pre-built calculation scripts to handle
consolidation and translation. In addition, the system provides pre-built scripts and
member formulas for some of the standard calculation processes. These rules are
provided by default:
• Consolidate
• Force Consolidate
• Translate
• UpdateViewCalculations
• Force Translate
• DataLoad_PreProcess_Consol
• DataLoad_PostProcess_Consol
• DataLoad_PostProcess_Rates
• MetadataLoad_PostProcess_Consol

Chapter 18
Selecting Business Rules

• FCCSFormStatusProcessor
• RefreshDatabase_PostProcess_Consol
• RefreshDatabase_DelegatePostProcess
• ComputeRates
• RefreshDatabase_PostProcess_Rates
• ClearEmptyBlock
You can filter the list of rules by Cube and Rule Type.
To view the list of rules:
1. On the Home page, click Rules.
2. To filter the list of rules, click the Filter icon.
3. From the Cube drop-down list, select a Cube: Consol or Rates, or use the default
of All.
4. From the Rule Type drop-down list, select a type, or use the default of All:
• Scripts
• Rules
• Rulesets
• Templates
5. Click Apply to apply the filter.

Selecting Business Rules

You can associate business rules with a form, by cube. Users can launch associated
business rules from the form to calculate values. You can set whether each business
rule associated with a form automatically launches when the form is opened or saved.
To select business rules for forms:
1. Take an action:
• To update the current form, click Actions, and then click Business Rules.
• To open a form for editing, go to the Home page and click the Navigator icon
, and then under Create and Manage, click Forms. Select the form, click

, and then click Business Rules.

2. From the Cube drop-down menu, select the cube.
3. From the Business Rules list, select the business rules to associate with the
form, and move them to Selected Business Rules.
By default, the Calculate Form business rule is selected. Calculate Form is
automatically created for forms to calculate subtotals. You can clear Calculate
Form to prevent users from calculating data in forms.
In addition, you can access the Calculate function from Configurable Calculations.
See Working with Configurable Calculations.
a. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Consolidation.
b. Select a user-configurable rule, such as Final Calculation.

Chapter 18
Assigning Access to Rules

Calculation Manager opens in a different browser tab.

c. From the Actions menu, select Database Properties, expand and select the
Consol cube, then click Calculation.
4. To change the order of selected business rules (the order in which rules display
and launch), select a business rule in Selected Business Rules and click the up
or down arrow to move it up or down in the list. The rule listed first displays and
launches first; the rule at the bottom of the list displays and launches last.
5. To set business rule properties, click Properties.
6. Click Save to save your work and continue creating or editing the form, or click
Finish to save your work and close the form.

Assigning Access to Rules

To assign access to rules:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Rules Security.
3. Under Business Rule Folders, select the folder containing the rules, and then
select the rules.

4. Click .
5. Perform a task:

• To add access, click Add , and then select from the list of available users
and groups.
For Type of Access:
– Select Launch to allow the selected users and groups to launch the
selected rules.
– Select No Launch to prevent the selected users and groups from
launching the selected rules.

• To edit access, click , and then select the applicable Type of Access.
• To remove access, select the users or groups for which to remove access, and
then click .

Disabling View Calculations

Financial Consolidation and Close provides an Application Settings option to disable
View calculations. This option disables computation and storing of YTD, HYTD, and
QTD data for data input (through forms, data import, Data Management, and so on) in
the YTD, HYTD, and QTD members. Turning this setting to "Yes" will help in improving
the performance of data loads.
This setting is applicable only for applications with hybrid Essbase (Essbase 5xx).
Important! This setting is powerful, and it is recommended that you assess the
potential impact before enabling the setting.

Chapter 18
Updating View Calculations

See Specifying Application Settings.

Once this setting is set to "Yes" and data is loaded, you should use the required
YTD_RULE, HYTD_RULE, and QTD_RULE members to see the respective View data
after data load. Data will not be populated and updated in the YTD, HYTD, and QTD
members after data load.
The best practice is to use the _RULE members if you set this setting to "Yes".
However, if you still want to use the YTD, HYTD, and QTD members and not the
_RULE members, you can use the Update View Calculations rule to populate these
after data load.
To disable View calculations:
1. Click Application, and then click Settings.
2. Set the Disable To-Date View Calculations option to Yes.
3. Load data.
4. Use the YTD_RULE, HYTD_RULE and QTD_RULE members to see the YTD,
HYTD and QTD data.
5. If you still want to use the original YTD, HYTD and QTD members, run the
Update View Calculations rule for the given Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, Entity
Currency, and respective View members.
See Updating View Calculations.
Once this option to set to "Yes", do not turn this option back to "No". If you do want
to change the setting to "No", you will have to use the Update View Calculations rule
for all the Scenario/Year/Period/Entities for which data was loaded when this option
was set to "Yes", and pass QTD, HYTD, and YTD as parameters so that the values
are correctly computed and stored. This will make sure future data loads will correctly
populate the "Never Share" YTD, QTD, and HYTD members.

Updating View Calculations

You can disable the View calculations and storage of YTD, HYTD, and QTD data for
data input in the YTD, HYTD, and QTD members.
See Disabling View Calculations.
If you disable View calculations, you should use the required YTD_RULE,
HYTD_RULE, and QTD_RULE members to see the respective View data after data
However, if you want to use the YTD, HYTD, and QTD members, you can run the
Update View Calculations rule to populate the YTD, HYTD, and QTD "Never Share"
members so that you can see the respective View data after the data load process.
You can run the Update View Calculations rule at any time, regardless of the
calculation status.
To update View calculations:
1. On the Home page, click Rules.
2. From the Business Rules list, select UpdateViewCalculations.
3. Select or enter dimension members for Entities, Period, Scenario, Year, View,
and Currency, and click OK.

Chapter 18
Working with Override Translation Rules

4. Click Launch to run the rule.

You can check the progress of the rule in the Jobs console.

Working with Override Translation Rules

By default, the system provides standard translation methods on all accounts with
either a time balance property of Flow or Balance. You can select to change these
settings and specify a default translation method and rate account for the application.
See Specifying Default Translation Settings.
You can also create translation rules to override the default translations. Use these
guidelines for override translation rules.
For the procedures on creating and deploying override translation rules, see Creating
Override Translation Rules and Deploying Override Translation Rules.

Starting with the 21.04 update, the sequence in which Financial
Consolidation and Close executes translation steps has changed.
Translation Override rules are now executed before Amount / Rate override
entries. The new default translation sequence may reduce the need to
amend a translation rule when applying an override amount or rate that
occurs within the scope of the translation rule.False.
If you want to retain the older translation sequence, you can create a
Substitution Variable named skipTransRulesIfOverrideRatesExist and set
the value to False.

Starting with the 21.04 update, the sequence in which Financial Consolidation and
Close executes translation steps has changed. Translation Override rules are now
executed before Amount / Rate entries. If you want to retain the older translation
sequence, you can create a Substitution Variable named

Security Rights for Override Translation Rules

• Only Service Administrators can create, modify, deploy, or delete translation rules.
• Power users have view access for translation rules.
• Users and Viewers cannot view or access translation rules.

Types of Override Translation Rules

You can create these types of override translation rules.
Using a different translation method
You can create a rule to specify a different translation method (Periodic or YTD) than
the default translation setting.
Using a different translation method and rate account
You can create a translation rule with a different method and rate account than the
default translation for a specific POV.

Chapter 18
Working with Override Translation Rules

Referencing a different Scenario, Year and Period

You can create translation rules using a rate account referencing a different Scenario,
Year and Period. By default, the rate account data is from the same Scenario, Year
and Period for which the translation is being processed. For example, if you are
translating data for Actual, 2016, January, the system uses the rate account data from
Actual, 2016, January. You can specify a rate account from a different Scenario, Year
and Period, such as Budget, 2016, January.
When you select the Scenario, Year and Period for the rate account, you can use a
relative references and keyword for the Year and Period. These keywords and relative
references are supported:
• Current
• Prior
• Next
• First
• Last
• Current + n
• Current - n
Any rate account which contains no data is translated using the value 0.
Using multiple dimensions
Translation override rules do not have a default Source POV dimension. You can add
any of the following dimensions to restrict the data set to which the translation is
• Scenario
• Year
• Period
• Entity
• Account
• Intercompany
• Movement
• Data Source
• Multi-GAAP (if enabled)
• Additional custom dimensions (if enabled)
You should define at least one dimension when you create a rule. If no dimensions are
selected, the system applies the rule to all members of all dimensions.
You can create translation rules that contain multiple dimensions (for example,
Account, Custom, and so on). You can select multiple members for the selection, and
use functions such as IDescendant and IChildren.
Note that in the Source POV, you cannot select a single Parent member. The Parent
member can only be selected as part of a function list.
Using redirection to a different member

Chapter 18
Working with Override Translation Rules

When you create a translation rule, you can specify redirection to a different
destination member. The Source POV can include any members, including parent
or system members. The Parent member can only be selected as part of a function
list and must have redirection to a base member. You cannot select a single Parent
The Redirection POV must be a base member and not a system-calculated member,
such as Opening Balance or FX Opening. If you do not specify a redirection member,
the system will process the translation and write to the same dimension members as
the source.

Historical Account Override Versus Translation Override

Historical accounts can use the default translation method, or use an override rate
or amount. If the application also contains translation override rules for the historical
account, then the translation override rule overwrites the default translation.

Valid Members for Override Rules

You can select single members, multiple members or a function list for the source for
each specified dimension and redirect to only one base member of that dimension.
The View and Consolidation dimensions are not applicable when creating translation
Overrides are allowed against Intercompany Eliminations at parent entity levels when
the data is against Entity Consolidation.
Overrides are not allowed against Intercompany Eliminations with the Elimination
member of the Consolidation dimension.
The availability of other dimensions is based on the features enabled for the
application. You cannot select redirection members from Scenario, Year, Period, Entity
and Data Source dimensions.
You cannot select a parent member for the POV, as a parent is aggregated from
translated base members.
You cannot select level 0 members that have the data storage property set to Dynamic
Calc; these are members that are calculated using Member Formulas or a system or
user-defined calculation script.

Reporting Currency
The translation rule applies to the selected entity when translating to all of its parents
with the same currency. For example, if Entity1 has two parents P1 and P2, and both
P1 and P2 have the same currency, the translation rule applies to both P1.Entity1, and
P2.Entity1. The translation rule also applies to all reporting currencies.

Processing Options for Multiple Override Rules (Replace, Add, Subtract)

When you create translation rules, you select the translation method and rate account
to use for the translation. The translation rule overrides the default translation setting
for the selected POV. However, if you have multiple translation rules, and there is
a conflict in the rules (for example, they reference the same cell with a different
translation method or rate account), the system uses the processing option that you
selected for the rule: (Replace, Add or Subtract) to process the correct translation
override amount to and replace the original default translation amount.

Chapter 18
Working with Override Translation Rules

Replace Option
If you have multiple transaction rules with the same referenced POV and select the
Replace option, the system uses the last translation rule.
For example, the first translation rule contains Acct1 that translates using PERIODIC
and MyRate. A second translation rule contains the same Acct1, but translates using
YTD and MyRate. The third translation rule contains the same Acct1 using PERIODIC
and NewRate. Since the third translation rule is the last one with Acct1 reference, the
system uses the third rule for translation.
Add Option
The Add option is used for accumulating translation override rules.
If you have multiple transaction rules with the same referenced POV and select the
Add option, the rule accumulates to the override translation amount.
For example, the first translation rule contains Acct1 that translates using PERIODIC
and MyRate. A second translation rule contains the same Acct1 but translates
using YTD and MyRate. The third translation rule contains the same Acct1 and
uses PERIODIC and NewRate. If all these rules have the Add option, the system
accumulates all the translation override results. The override translation will always
replace the default translation value.
Subtract Option
If you have multiple transaction rules with the same referenced POV and select the
Subtract option, the rule subtracts from the previous override translation amount.
For example, the first translation rule contains Acct1 that translates using PERIODIC
and MyRate. A second translation rule contains the same Acct1 but translates using
YTD and MyRate. If these rules have the Subtract option, the system will subtract from
the previous translated override result. The override translation will always replace the
default translation.

Creating Override Translation Rules

For guidelines on override translation rules, see Working with Override Translation
To create override translation rules:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Translated tab.
3. From the list of rules, select Translation Overrides.
By default, the Manage Translation Override Rules page lists all the translation
rules available in the application. This view is the To Be Deployed view. If you
create a new rule, the rule is displayed in the list with a blue icon indicating that
there has been a change and that it has not yet been deployed.
If you modify and save an existing rule, the rule is displayed with a yellow triangle
indicating that there is a change. After the rule is deployed again, the change icon
is no longer displayed.
From this view, you can add new translation rules and also deploy them.
4. Optional: To display all deployed rules, click Show Deployed Rules.

Chapter 18
Working with Override Translation Rules

The Deployed view displays all the rules that are currently deployed to the system.
This view is read-only. You cannot remove or modify any rules from this view.
5. To add a new translation rule, click the Add (+) icon.
6. Enter a name for the translation rule and a description.
7. From Translation Method, select Periodic or Year to Date.
8. From Rate Information, select a Rate account or a specific amount:
• FX Rates - Average
• FX Rates - Ending
• Specific Rate, then enter a rate.
By default, the current Scenario, Year and Period are used to determine the rate
account value.
Optional: Click Advanced to specify different values for these dimensions.
9. Click Scope, and then select the Source members for the rule.
You must select at least one dimension to create the rule. You can select
additional dimensions using the Add (+) icon, or remove dimensions using the
Remove (X) icon. The members specified in the source are written to the same
member as the target unless you select Redirect Members.
You cannot create an override translation rule with parent or calculated members.
The View dimension is not available for override translation rules.
10. Optional: To enable redirection to a target, click Redirect Members, then click
the Add + icon to display the member selector and select members for the Target
Scenario, Year, Period, Entity and Data Source dimensions are not available for
From the Actions menu on the right side, you can click Add Exclusion to exclude
specific members, or Delete or Clear members.
For each dimension that you add to source, you can select the Redirect Members
option. If you want to later remove redirection, click Remove Redirection to clear
the redirection information.
11. From Processing Option, select an option:

• Replace
• Add
• Subtract
12. Click Save and Close or Save and Continue.

13. To deploy rules, see Deploying Override Translation Rules.

Deploying Override Translation Rules

You can create multiple translation rules, but select only specific ones for deployment.
For example, you may have created five translation rules, but only deploy three of
them. After deployment, the Deployed view shows the three deployed rules. The To
Be Deployed view displays all five rules.

Chapter 18
Working with Override Translation Rules

When a translation rule is deployed, the calculation status changes from OK
to System Change. This applies to both locked and unlocked entities.

Internally, when a rule is first created, it will not be part of the consolidation process.
However, once a rule is deployed in the application, it will be included in the
consolidation process.
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Translated tab.
3. From the list of rules, select Translation Overrides.
By default, the Manage Translation Override Rules page lists all the translation
rules available in the application.
4. Click Deploy to open the Deploy Rules window.
The Deploy Translation Rules window is displayed, and all the rules that were
previously deployed are automatically selected.
5. Select the rules you want to deploy, and unselect rules that you no longer want
If you uncheck an already selected rule and deploy the rules, the unchecked rule
will be un-deployed from the system.
6. From the Deploy Rules window, click Deploy to deploy the rules.

Creating Rate Accounts for Translation Overrides

In addition to the "Average Rate" and "Ending Rate" system Rate accounts that are
created as part of the application, you can create additional Rate accounts. These
user-defined Rate accounts are used for Translation Override rules to perform special
translations using a different set of Rate data. You can create, edit, or delete user-
defined Rate accounts.

You must be a Service Administrator to create, edit, or delete user-defined
Rate accounts.
Power Users and other Users are not able to access Translation Rules and
cannot view or modify any user-defined Rate accounts.
See these topics:
• Editing User-Defined Rate Accounts
• Deleting User-Defined Rate Accounts

You can create these types of Rate accounts:

• Global Rate

Chapter 18
Working with Override Translation Rules

• Local Rate
Guidelines for Global Rate Accounts
You can create a maximum of three new Global Rate accounts (for a total of five
Global Rate accounts).
After you create a new Global Rate account, or perform any account maintenance
on one, you must perform a Refresh Database. When you refresh the database, the
system updates the "Entered Exchange Rates" and the "Exchange Rates" account
The new user-defined Global Rate account is inserted as a child member of "Entered
Exchange Rates". It is a level 0 member of that hierarchy, and a sibling to the two
existing system Rate accounts - Average Rate and Ending Rate. It has the same
properties as the system Rate accounts.
When you create new Global Rate accounts, these seeded system Rate forms
automatically include the newly defined accounts:
• Enter Exchange Rates – Multi Period
• Enter Exchange Rates – Single Period
• Exchange Rates
Rate data entered to Global Rate accounts is applied to all entities.
The system automatically computes rates if any cell has been edited on a form
targeting the Rates cube. It computes the rates for all Global Rate accounts, including
the new user-defined Global accounts. All of the computed Global Rate data is stored
in the Rates cube and can be viewed in the seeded Data Forms.
Guidelines for Local Rate Accounts
After you create a new Local Rate account, or perform any account maintenance
on one, you must perform a Refresh Database. When you refresh the database, the
system updates the "Entered Exchange Rates"and the "Exchange Rates" account
The new user-defined Local Rate account is inserted as a child member of Exchange
Rates -> Local rates. It is a level 0 member of that hierarchy.
When you create new Local Rate accounts, the Local Exchange Rates seeded Rate
form automatically includes the newly defined accounts.
The seeded Local Exchange Rates data form allows you to enter rate data related to
the different currencies being translated. Only Direct rate is supported for Local Rate
accounts. No indirect rates or cross rates are computed.
You can enter Local Rate data for a base or a Parent entity. You can specify different
Local Rates when translating to different Reporting Currencies.

The "Global Assumptions" entity is not valid for Local Rate data.

All of the computed Local Rate data is stored in the Consol cube.

Chapter 18
Working with Override Translation Rules

To create user-defined Rate accounts:

1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Translated tab.
3. From the list of rules, select Translation Overrides.
4. Click Manage Rate Accounts.
The system opens a popup box listing all available user-defined Rate accounts.
5. Click (+) to create a new Rate account.
6. Enter a Name, Description, and Alias.

The Alias information is used in the Default Alias table.

7. For Rate Type, select Global Rate or Local Rate.

Note that if a total of five Global Rate accounts already exist (the maximum
permitted), the Rate Type will default to Local Rate and cannot be changed. To
add a new Global Rate account, an existing Global Rate account must first be
8. Click OK.
9. Click Close to close the Manage Rate Accounts dialog box.
If the system detects that changes have been made, this message is displayed:
"To apply Rate account changes to the application, you must refresh the database.
Would you like the System to perform Database Refresh upon close?"
• If you select Close and Refresh, the system opens the Refresh Database
• If you select Close (without a Database Refresh), the system displays this
warning message: "You must manually perform Database Refresh so that
Rate account changes can take effect." Click OK to exit the message box.

Editing User-Defined Rate Accounts

You must be a Service Administrator to create, edit, or delete user-defined
Rate accounts.

1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.

2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Translated tab.
3. From the list of rules, select Translation Overrides.
4. Click Manage Rate Accounts.
The system opens a popup box listing all available user-defined Rate accounts.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

5. Select a Rate account and click the Edit icon.

6. Edit the account as needed. and click OK.
7. Click Close to close the Manage Rate Accounts dialog box.
If you made changes to the account, the system displays this message:
"To apply Rate account changes to the application, you must refresh the database.
Would you like the System to perform Database Refresh upon close?"
• If you select Close and Refresh, the system opens the Refresh Database
• If you select Close (without a Database Refresh), the system displays this
warning message: "You must manually perform Database Refresh so that
Rate account changes can take effect.". Click OK to exit the message box.

Deleting User-Defined Rate Accounts

You can only delete a user-defined Rate account if it is not referenced in Translation
Override rules.

You must be a Service Administrator to create, edit, or delete user-defined
Rate accounts.

1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Consolidation.

2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the Translated tab.
3. From the list of rules, select Translation Overrides.
4. Click Manage Rate Accounts.
The system opens a popup box listing all available user-defined Rate accounts.
5. Select the Rate account from the list and click the Delete icon (X) to delete it.
6. At the confirmation prompt to delete the account, click Confirm.

Working with Configurable Calculations

Within the consolidation process, internally Financial Consolidation and Close
performs a set of calculations, then performs the standard translations and FX
calculations, and finally performs the standard consolidation and elimination.
In addition, Financial Consolidation and Close allows you to include additional
calculation rules for your applications. The system provides insertion points within the
default consolidation process where you can include your own calculation rules.
You write rules in script format using Calculation Manager, and then deploy them to
Financial Consolidation and Close. For information on using Calculation Manager, see
Designing with Calculation Manager for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Cloud .
The following security access is required for configurable calculations:

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

• To create, modify, and delete rules, you must be the Service Administrator.
• To view rules, you must be a Service Administrator or Power User.
See these topics:
• Creating Configurable Calculations
• Configurable Calculation Rules
• System Calculations

Creating Configurable Calculations

To create your own calculations, you write rules using Calculation Manager, and then
deploy them to Financial Consolidation and Close.
To create your own calculations, you write rules using Calculation Manager, and then
deploy them to Financial Consolidation and Close.
For information on using Calculation Manager, see Working within Calculation
Manager and the Designing with Calculation Manager for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud guide.

To create calculations, you must be a Service Administrator.

You can edit an existing calculation rule at any time if you have the Service
Administrator role. You cannot remove any of the seeded calculation rules. If the rule is
no longer needed, you can delete the content from the rule.
You can only create calculations at the pre-defined insertion points.
You cannot modify the calculations that are performed by the system. However, you
can override some system calculations. See System Calculations.
To create configurable calculations:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Consolidation.
2. From the Consolidation Process page, select the tab for which to create
calculations: Local Currency, Translated (if multi-currency application), or
The Consolidation Process page displays a list of applicable system and user-
defined calculations in the order in which they are executed.
3. When you select a rule, the rule Properties are displayed in the right panel. To
view the description of a rule, on the right panel, click the Information tab .
4. On the Consolidation Process page, click on an insertion point in the list of rules

indicated by a User icon:

If you are not a Service Administrator, the insertion point links are not enabled.
5. Optional: If you are using a non-Extended Dimension application, from Auto
Create Blocks, click the link for No to change it to Yes and enable the system

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

to create missing blocks for the configurable calculation. Changing this value will
mark the Calculation Status as System Change. To continue, click OK.

This option applies to non-Extended Dimension applications only.
Enabling the Auto Create Blocks option may affect calculation
performance. For details on this option, see Enabling Auto Create Blocks
for Configurable Calculations.

6. The system opens Calculation Manager in a separate tab in the browser. Expand
the "Planning" folder and navigate to the "FCCS Consol Rules" folder rules. These
are the rules that you are allowed to edit.
7. Drill down to the rule that corresponds to the insertion point.
For example, the Calculation Manager rule: FCCS_10_After Opening Balance
Carry Forward_LocalCurrency
corresponds to the After Opening Balance Carry Forward insertion point.
For a list of rules and corresponding insertion points, see Configurable Calculation

8. Edit the script and click Save, then click OK.

You can also edit a rule by importing a Calculation Manager rule, and you can
export rules.
For guidance on applicable dimension members for each rule, see the comments
in the rule script.
9. When you are done editing a rule, from the menu bar, click Validate and Deploy.
The system validates the rule and ensures that members and syntax are valid. It
must pass validation before deployment.
If it passes validation, Calculation Manager deploys the rule. From the Deploy
status message, click OK.
Deployed insertion rules are included as part of the consolidation script.
10. If it fails validation, deployment fails and errors are logged in the Jobs console.
Navigate to Jobs, then Recent Activity, and select the name of the rule to see
the error.
11. After you deploy a rule, the system changes the Calculation Status of the
applicable entities from OK to SC (System Change). Calculation Status of No Data

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

or Impacted remains the same. You must run the consolidation process to see the
impact of the new calculations.

Enabling Auto Create Blocks for Configurable Calculations

When you create configurable calculations, you can enable the Auto Create Blocks
option to have the system automatically create missing blocks. This can resolve issues
with missing data when you run configurable calculations.
This option applies to non-Extended Dimension applications only.
See Creating Configurable Calculations.

If you are using Bottom-Up processing (@CALCMODE(BOTTOMUP) in your
custom calculation, do not enable Auto Create Blocks for that custom
calculation. Bottom-Up processing (@CALCMODE(BOTTOMUP) and Auto
Create Blocks are mutually exclusive features.

The system creates a data block for each unique combination of Sparse standard
dimension members. The data block represents all the Dense dimension members for
its combination of Sparse dimension members.
Assume you have four dimensions in your application:

Table 18-1 Example of Dimensions

S. No. Dimension Type Members Total Members

1 Scenario Sparse Actual, Budget 2
2 Year Sparse FY17, FY18 2
3 Period Sparse Jan, Feb 2
4 Account Dense Sales, Cash 2

The application has six Sparse and two Dense members. Assume all Sparse members
are of the Stored type.
All members of a Dense dimension constitute a block. So a block for this application
will look like this:
Data for ‘Sales’

Data for ‘Cash'

This type of block will exist for each combination of stored Sparse members in your

Table 18-2 Example Block

S. No. Indexes Blocks

1 Actual FY17 Jan Sales Cash
(#Missing) (#Missing

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Table 18-2 (Cont.) Example Block

S. No. Indexes Blocks

2 Actual FY17 Feb Sales Cash
(#Missing) (#Missing
3 Actual FY18 Jan Sales Cash
(#Missing) (#Missing
4 Actual FY18 Feb Sales Cash
(#Missing) (#Missing
5 Budget FY17 Jan Sales Cash
(#Missing) (#Missing
6 Budget FY17 Feb Sales Cash
(#Missing) (#Missing
7 Budget FY18 Jan Sales Cash
(#Missing) (#Missing
8 Budget FY18 Feb Sales Cash
(#Missing) (#Missing

So your application has a total of eight blocks. As a general rule:

Total number of blocks = Product of all STORED sparse members of your

In this application example, 2 members from Scenario x 2 members from Year x 2

members from Period = 8 blocks
Financial Consolidation and Close internally creates blocks in advance for
consolidation during the consolidation script generation. When you create additional
configurable calculations, some additional blocks may need to be created. When
you enable Auto Create Blocks, missing blocks will be automatically created by the

Enabling the Auto Create Blocks option may affect calculation performance.

Configurable Calculation Rules

You manage configurable calculation rules from the Consolidation Process page.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Multi-Currency Applications
If you have a multi-currency application, the Consolidation Process page displays
three tabs: Local Currency, Translated, and Consolidated.
The tabs depict the consolidation flow that Financial Consolidation and Close follows.
It first performs calculations for base-level members in their local currency, then
performs the translation to parent currency, and finally performs the consolidation.
Single Currency Applications
If you have a single currency application, the Consolidation Process page displays two
tabs: Local Currency and Consolidated.

Calculation Rows
Each of the tabs on the Consolidation Process page displays multiple rows that depict
in order, the flow of calculations that are performed. Each row is marked by one of
these icons:

• — System. Represents that this calculation is done by Financial

Consolidation and Close.

• — Insertion point for user-defined rule. Represents the point in the process
where you can insert your calculations from Calculation Manager.
When you select any of the rules in the list, the system displays a Properties panel on
the right with information such as the rule name, the consolidation members for which
the rule would be processed, and any override specifications, if applicable.
When you click on a row where you can insert a user-defined calculation, Calculation
Manager opens in a separate tab in the browser.
1. From the Local Currency tab, click on either After Opening Balance Carry
Forward or Final Calculations.
The system opens Calculation Manager.
2. Expand the "Planning" folder on the left side until you see the FCCS Consol
seeded rules in Calculation Manager, for example:
• FCCS_10_After Opening Balance Carry Forward_LocalCurrency
• FCCS_20_Final Calculations_LocalCurrency
3. The Calculation Manager rules correspond to the Configurable Calculation rows.
For example:
• The Calculation Manager rule: FCCS_10_After Opening Balance Carry
corresponds to the: After Opening Balance Carry Forward row, where you
can add your own calculations. These are calculations to be performed after
the Opening Balance Carry Forward calculations, but before balancing the
Balance Sheet.
• The Calculation Manager rule: FCCS_20_Final Calculations_LocalCurrency

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

corresponds to the Final Calculations row, where you can add your own
additional calculations to be performed after the Balance Sheet is balanced.
The following table lists the Financial Consolidation and Close rows for each tab and
the corresponding Calculation Manager rules.
Summary of Configurable Calculation Rules

Table 18-3 Multi-Currency Calculations

FCCS Tab FCCS Row Rule in Calculation Manager

Local Currency After Balance Carry Forward FCCS_10_After Opening
Balance Carry Forward
Local Currency Final Calculations FCCS_20_Final_Calculations
Local Currency insertion
rules are restricted to:
Entity Currency / Entity Input /
Entity Elimination Adj / Entity
In addition to Entity Input for
the Consolidation dimension,
you can also specify
FCCS_Amount Override or
FCCS_Rate Override as a
valid Consolidation member.
If you want to use
FCCS_Amount Override or
FCCS_Rate Override, you
must first set the following
substitution variable for the
Consol cube to enable it.
See Creating and Assigning
Values to Substitution
Translated Before Foreign Exchange (FX) FCCS_25_Before FX_Calcs
Translated After Opening Balance Carry FCCS_30_After Opening
Forward Balance Carry Forward
Translated Final Calculations FCCS_40_Final_Calculations
Translated insertion rules are
restricted to: Parent Currency /
Entity Input / Entity Elimination
Adj / Entity Consolidation
Consolidated After Opening Balance Carry FCCS_50_After Opening
Forward Balance Carry Forward
Consolidated Final Calculations FCCS_60_Final_Calculations
Consolidated insertion rules
are restricted to: Parent
Currency / Elimination.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Table 18-4 Single Currency Calculations

FCCS Tab FCCS Row Rule in Calculation Manager

Local Currency After Balance Carry Forward FCCS_110_After Opening
Balance Carry Forward
Local Currency Final Calculations FCCS_120_Final_Calculation
Consolidated After Balance Carry Forward FCCS_130_After Opening
Balance Carry Forward
Consolidated Final Calculations FCCS_140_Final_Calculation

Disabling CALC DIM Logic

When you create configurable calculation scripts, by default CALC DIM logic will be
generated for the insertion points.
If you want the system to not generate CALC DIM logic for multi-currency applications,
you should define the following Substitution Variables and set them to True:
For example, if you have written custom logic in the FCCS_10 and FCCS_20
configurable calculation rules. If you want to disable CALC DIM logic for
FCCS_20, but not for FCCS_10, you should define a Substitution Variable named
If you want the system to not generate CALC DIM logic for a single-currency
application, you should define the following Substitution Variables and set the to True:
Be aware that since disabling CALC DIM logic affects the consolidation script
generation, you should carefully check your consolidation results.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

System Calculations
If you are a Service Administrator, you can override or disable some system
See these topics:
• System Calculation Option for Custom Dimension Top Member
• Opening Balance Carry Forward
• Opening Balance Override Rules
• Balance the Balance Sheet Calculation
• Ratio Calculation
You can also create your own calculation rules to be inserted into the default
consolidation calculation process. See Creating Configurable Calculations.
To override or disable system calculations:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Consolidation.
2. Select the Consolidation Process tab if it is not already selected.
3. Select the tab for which to configure calculations: Local Currency, Translated (if
multi-currency application), or Consolidated.
The Consolidation Process page displays a list of applicable system and user-
defined calculations in the order in which they are executed.
4. When you select a rule, the Properties of the rule are displayed in the right panel.
To view the description of a rule, on the right panel, click the Information tab .
5. Optional: To disable the Balance system calculation for a scenario:
a. From the Local Currency tab, select the "Balance the Balance Sheet" rule.
b. From the right panel, under Disable by Scenario, select a Scenario member
using the Member Selector.
c. Click Save to save the rule.
6. Optional: To enable a disabled system calculation:
a. Select the disabled calculation.
b. Remove the override entry.
c. Click Save to save the rule.

System Calculation Option for Custom Dimension Top Member

For user-defined Custom dimensions, Service Administrators can select to process
System Calculations using the Top Member of the Custom dimension, instead of all
level 0 members, for faster performance. You can select specific Custom dimensions
for which the option would apply.
Note that the System Calculation option applies only to user-defined Custom
dimensions, and does not apply to the Multi-GAAP dimension.
When selected, the System Calculation option applies to all scenarios and years.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

If your application includes additional alterative hierarchies outside of the "Total

Custom XX" member, the Top Member option would not apply to the alternative
hierarchies. To benefit from the Top Member processing option, you should redesign
the Custom dimension to include all hierarchies as part of the "Total Custom XX"
member if applicable.

If your application is an Extended Dimension application, you may want to
turn this feature off for better consolidation performance.

The option applies to the following System Calculations for all applicable currency
members such as Entity Currency, Parent Currency and Reporting Currency:
• Opening Balance
– Includes both Opening Balance for movement and Retained Earnings Prior
– Opening Balance Ownership Change
• Foreign Exchange (FX) Calculations (for multi-currency applications)
– FX Opening
– FX Movement
– FX to Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA)
• Balance Calculation
During the Translation process, the translation from Entity Currency to Parent
Currency, and from Parent Currency to Reporting Currency, will continue to calculate
at the Custom detail level. For any Translation Override rules and Configurable
Consolidation rules, the system will process them according to the rule definition.
You can change the option at any time for an existing application. By default, the
option is disabled for all Custom dimensions. When the option is changed, the
system will change the Calculation Status to SC (System Changed), and you can
reconsolidate if needed. Any new system calculations will be performed based on the
currently selected option.
The Task Audit log contains the history of changes to the System Calculation option.
It includes the user who performed the setting change, the date and time it was
performed, and the information that was changed - the original setting and the newly
updated setting.
To set the System Calculation option:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Consolidation.
2. Select the Consolidation Process tab.
3. Select the tab for which to configure calculations: Local Currency, Translated (if
multi-currency application), or Consolidated.
4. Click the Options menu at the top of the page.
5. From System Calculation Options, select the dimensions for which Top Member
processing will be applied, then click Save.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Opening Balance Carry Forward

Opening Balance Carry Forward is a built-in system calculation to automatically
carry forward the Opening Balance. It retrieves the Closing Balance from the prior
period and stores it in the Opening Balance member for all financial accounts. It will
dynamically retrieve the proper Closing Balance based on the view (Periodic, QTD,
Applicable Consolidation Members
Each member in the Consolidation dimension represents data in different stages within
the consolidation process.
For each rule, you can see the Consolidation dimension members for which the
calculation will be processed.
In this rule where you are processing local currency data, you would run the
calculation for these members:
• Entity Input
• Entity Consolidation (for Parent entity)
• Elimination Adjustment (member for Ownership Management)

Opening Balance Override Rules

The system default behavior for the Opening Balance is to carry forward the Closing
Balance from the same Scenario as the Opening Balance to which the data is being
For the Opening Balance, you can specify a different scenario from which to source
the Closing Balance data in the first period of each year.
For example, when recording projected future data such as a forecast, plan or budget,
the reported Opening Balance is generally based on the most current actual data, to
ensure that the Closing Balances of the projected period reflect as accurate a result as
possible. It is also common to update a forecast with actual results of the transactions
during the reporting periods as the actual data for those periods becomes available.
The override source scenario that you specify can be applied to all years, or can be
limited to only specified years.
For all years in-the scope, any prior period relationship assumes that the prior period
for any reporting period except the first reporting period is the immediately preceding
reporting period of the same View and from the same scenario.
For the first reporting period of the year, the immediately preceding reporting period
(the prior period) is the last reporting period of the prior year from the override source

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

The general requirements of the Closing Balance carry forward to Opening
Balance are not applied to any of the accounts within the Retained Earnings
(Total) hierarchy including the Income Statement, Retained Earnings Current,
Retained Earnings Prior, Dividends Declared or any additional accounts
added within the Retained Earnings (Total) hierarchy. The carry forward of
Total Retained Earnings at the end of a year to the Opening Balance of the
following year is always applied to the following year first period Retained
Earnings – Prior account only.

Opening Balance Adjustments Translation

Translation of Opening Balance Adjustments applies the exchange rate (or entity
currency / translated currency ratio for historical accounts) from the prior period. For
Period 1, the rate / ratio applied is taken from the last period of the prior year from an
override source scenario other than the current scenario.
Opening Balance Translation for Reporting Currencies
Opening Balance for Reporting Currencies is carried forward from the Closing Balance
of the prior period. If the Closing Balance of the prior period is not available in the first
reporting period, then the untranslated Opening Balance is translated at the exchange
rate (or entity currency / translated currency ratio for historical accounts) from the prior
period from an override source scenario other than the current scenario. If the rate /
ratio is not available, then no translation occurs. When you run the translation process,
the system prompts you to first translate the period(s) in the override source scenario.
Calculation and Consolidation Status
If one or more periods in a prior year of the override source scenario do not have
an OK status, then a consolidation is not executed. When you run the consolidation
process, the system prompts you to first consolidate the period(s) in the override
source scenario.
Ownership Management Accounts
If any override rules have been added or deleted for Ownership Management
accounts, the system prompts you to Recompute Ownership Data.
For the percentage accounts, the change account equals the current period value less
the prior period value except in the first periodic period of the year in which the change
account equals the current period value less the prior period value of the override
For the Consolidation Method account, if the method has changed from period to
period, then the change account value is true, otherwise the account value is false. In
the first periodic period of the year, the prior period referred to is that of the override
The prior perod accounts reflect the values of the account in the prior period except in
the first periodic period of the year in which the prior period account reflects the value
from the override scenario.
To specify an Opening Balance calculation override rule:
1. On the Home page, click Application, then click Consolidation.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

2. Select the Consolidation Process tab if it is not already selected.

3. From the Local Currency tab, select the Opening Balance Carry Forward
The Opening Balance Override rules will display on the Translated and
Consolidated tabs, but must be edited in the Local Currency tab.
4. From the right panel, under Overrides, click the Add (+) icon.
Note that multiple override rules can be created, but the settings for each rule
cannot conflict with those of other rules.
5. In Override Name, enter the name of the rule.
6. Select options for the Opening Balance override:
• Year - Enter or select one or more years from the Member Selector. If no year
is selected, then the override applies to all years.
• Current Scenario - Enter or select one or more scenarios from the Member
• Source Scenario - Enter or select one scenario from the Member Selector.
7. Click Save.
8. Optional: To delete an override rule, select the rule name and then select the
Delete (X) icon.
For the Forecast scenario for FY18, you can specify the Opening Balance to be
retrieved from the Closing Balance of the prior period (Dec FY17) of the Actual

Watch the following tutorial for more details on how to specify a different scenario from
which to source the Closing Balance.

Carrying Forward Opening Balances with Scenario Override in Financial Consolidation

and Close

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Balance the Balance Sheet Calculation

When you create a new application, the system includes an entry for the Balance
Calculation on the Consolidation Process page. The system can perform this
calculation to ensure that the Balance Sheet is balanced (Total Assets = Total
Liabilities and Equity).
If the Balance Sheet is out of balance, a balancing amount is calculated and posted
to a seeded account called "Balance" with the Movement dimension member "Other
Current Liabilities". This is a predefined miscellaneous Liability account which is used
solely for the purpose of keeping the Balance Sheet balanced. You have the option
to disable this calculation if you do not want the system to automatically balance the
Balance Sheet for you.
Balance Account intersection:
• Account: FCCS_Balance
• Movement: FCCS_Mvmts_OtherCurrentLiabilities
• Data Source: FCCS_No Data Source
The FCCS_Balance account should populate correctly as long as all accounts fall
within the Total Assets, Total Liabilities and Total Equity parent accounts.
The aggregation operator (Addition / Subtraction) must match correctly with the
parent / child account types.
The system writes the FCCS_Balance entry to the "No Data Source" Data Source
dimension member, so to see the balanced results, you will need to view the Total
Data Source and Total Movement members.

To disable the Balance Sheet calculation:

1. On the Home page, click Application, then click Consolidation.
2. Select the Consolidation Process tab if it is not already selected.
3. From the Local Currency tab, select the Balance the Balance Sheet calculation.
4. From the right panel, under Disable by Scenario, use one of these methods:
• Add the selected Scenarios to the EXCLUDE clause (for example,
Budget,Actual). This means that all Scenarios are disabled EXCEPT for
Budget and Actual.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

• Modify the entry by including only the Scenarios for which you want the
calculation disabled, for example, Consol,Forecast,ActBudDiff.
Note that there are two lines in the Member Selector.
• The first line is the list of Scenarios that should be disabled. Add the Scenario
that you want to disable on this line.
• The second line is an Exclusion line, which means that any Scenario listed in
the second line is effectively enabled (not disabled).
5. Click Save to save the rule.
6. Re-run the consolidation process.
Applicable Consolidation Members
The system will only process this calculation with local currency data for the Entity
Input Consolidation member.

Ratio Calculation
Most ratios, including Liquidity Ratios, Asset Management Ratios, Profitability Ratios,
and Leverage Ratios, are dynamically calculated as needed. The two performance
Ratios - Days Sales in Inventory, and Days Sales in Receivables, are calculated as
part of the consolidation process.
These performance ratios are calculated as follows.
Days Sales in Inventory = (average inventory/annual cost of sales) * 365
Average inventory equals the inventory balance of the last 13 periods summed and
then divided by 13.
Annual Cost of Sales equals the sum of Cost of Sales for the current period, plus the
preceding 12 periods.
Days Sales in Receivables = 365/ (annual sales/average receivables)
Average receivables equals the receivables balance of the last 13 periods summed
and then divided by 13.
Annual sales equal the sum of sales for the current period, plus the preceding 12
Applicable Consolidation Members
• Entity Input
• Entity Consolidation
• Elimination Adjustment (member for Ownership Management)
To improve consolidation performance, you can disable the Ratio calculations of
"FCCS_Days Sales in Receivables" and "FCCS_Days Sales in Inventory" for selected
scenarios if you do not use these calculations. This option is only available when the
Asset Management feature is enabled.
To disable the ratio calculations:
1. On the Home page, click Application, then click Consolidation.
2. Select the Consolidation Process tab if it is not already selected.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

3. From the Local Currency tab, select the Ratios calculation.

4. From the right panel, under Disabled Scenarios, click Add Scenario.
5. From Select Members, select the Scenario for which you want the calculations
disabled, for example, Forecast, and click OK.
Note that there are two lines in the Member Selector.
• The first line is the list of Scenarios that should be disabled. Add the Scenario
that you want to disable on this line.
• The second line is an Exclusion line, which means that any Scenario listed in
the second line is effectively enabled (not disabled).
6. Click Save to save the rule.
7. Re-run the consolidation process.

Working within Calculation Manager

When you click on a Configurable Calculation rule from the Consolidation Process
page, the system opens Calculation Manager and you can work with the rule. By
default, the content of the seeded rule is empty, and only contains comments. You can
create calculation logic using either of these methods:
• Use the graphical UI to drag and drop objects to the rules
In Graphical mode, you can use a Function Selector and Member Selector. You
can drag and drop objects to the Designer.
• Edit rules using Essbase script
In Script mode, you can use a Function Selector and Member Selector. You can
cut and paste, find and replace, show or hide comments, and import or export.
The Function Selector and Member Selector are fully supported in both the graphical
and script mode. You can always switch between the graphical and script mode by
selecting the applicable option in the View drop-down:
• Designer
• Edit Script
• View Script
You can also comment out a section of the code for testing purposes (add or remove
Calculation Manager features are enabled for Configurable Calculations.
For custom-defined functions supported by Calculation Manager, see Working with
Calculation Manager Custom Defined Functions.
For detailed information on using Calculation Manager, see Designing with Calculation
Manager for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud .
You can perform validation at any time before or during the save process. The system
ensures that the members and functions are valid and that the syntax is correct.
In order for your custom calculations to be part of the process, you must Deploy the
rule. If you encounter any errors during deployment, you can see the error detail in the
Job console error log. After the rule is deployed, the system changes the calculation

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

status to "System Change" (SC). You must reconsolidate data based on the changes
made to the rule that has been deployed.
Note that the calculations that you define in Calculation Manager cannot be executed
standalone. When the rule is deployed, Financial Consolidation and Close will
insert the script statements of the seeded rule into the appropriate places of the
consolidation logic.
You do not launch rules from within Calculation Manager. In addition, you cannot
include Scenario/Year/Period/Entity as the OUTER FIX statement in your seeded rule
because the selection of Scenario/Year/Period/Entity is determined by the user who
invokes the consolidation from Financial Consolidation and Close. See Working with
Essbase Calc Script.

Configurable Calculations Best Practices

Calculation Concepts
These are the essential concepts for creating calculations:
• Data Blocks
• Basic Script Format
• BottomUp versus TopDown Calculations
• Block versus Cell Mode

Data Blocks
The following figure shows a Data Block from a sample application.

• Stored members of dense dimensions constitute a Data Block. Block size for the
sample application above is 2 (Sales and Cash) x 8 bytes = 16 bytes.
• Unique combinations of sparse dimensions members constitute INDEXes and
point to Data Blocks. In the sample application above, there are total of 2 (Actual,
Budget) x 2 (FY17, FY18) x 2 (Jan, Feb)= 8 indexes.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

In Essbase Block Structured Outlines (BSO) databases, a block constitutes stored

members of a Dense dimension. In Financial Consolidation and Close, by default,
Account is the only Dense dimension.
In this example, the Account dimension is Dense, and has 1977 stored members. This
indicates a single BSO Database Consol’s block has 1977 cells - each represents an
Account member.
The Block size, in bytes will be:
• Block Size (Bytes) = Number of Stored members in Account * 8
• Block Size (Bytes) = 1977 * 8 = 15,816 bytes

Note: To view the database properties, from Calculation Manager, select Action, and
then Database Properties.

Best Practices for Creating Data Blocks

When a configurable calculation that writes to a data cell is executed, a data block
must exist for data to be written to the database.
Data blocks are combinations of stored Sparse and Dense dimension members.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Separate data blocks are created for each combination of stored Sparse dimensions.
The members in a Dense dimension equal one block.
When you create configurable calculations, you may need to create additional blocks
to store the calculated results and resolve issues with missing data.
You can enable the Auto-Create Blocks option to have the system automatically create
missing blocks. See Enabling Auto Create Blocks for Configurable Calculations.
If you use Bottom-Up processing in your configurable calculations, you should
manually create data blocks or ensure that data blocks already exist.
You can manually create data blocks using one of these methods:
• Assigning data during the data load process. For example, write a "Zero" to a
single Dense member intersection, and then write "#missing" to clear the "Zero"
after block creation.

• Using the Essbase DATACOPY command, in which all blocks from the source are
copied to the destination, including the missing cells. However, this method can
potentially create unnecessary blocks and slow the consolidation process.

When to use Auto-Create Blocks

Auto-Create Blocks is a provided setting to create missing blocks during a
Configurable Calculation.
This setting has a big performance impact, because it uses the potential block
algorithm to search the entire database for the presence of blocks and accordingly
creates a missing block, if one does not exist.
Use this setting only when you are completely sure that none of the other block
creation techniques are appropriate.
The @CALCMODE(BOTTOMUP) function (if used in an insertion point) and Auto-
Create Blocks are mutually exclusive.

Creating Target Data Blocks for @SHIFT and @PRIOR Functions

When you use the @SHIFT or @PRIOR functions in calculation scripts, the target
data blocks must exist before you can run the calculation. The target data blocks must
exist as either part of another calculation or data load, or must be created using the
@CREATEBLOCK function.
Example Use Case:

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Data exists in Actual, FY16, P12, ML_HFM. The data is being pulled from Oracle
Hyperion Financial Management, and has not been loaded in Actual, FY16, P1,
ML_HFM. The data must be retrieved from the prior year's P12 period, and a reversal
entry should be reflected at Actual, FY17, P1, ML_HFM_Calc.
The calculation script is as follows:

No journals have been posted ("FCCS_Journal Input" in P13. The code is expected to
take the following path, with "ML_HFM_Calc" as the sparse member anchor:
@SHIFT("P12"->"ML_HFM", -1, @CHILDREN("Years"));
However, this returns #MISSING.
Workaround 1:

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Workaround 2:

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

ClearEmptyBlocks Rule Guidelines

The ClearEmptyBlocks business rule helps to scavenge the Consol cube for any
empty data blocks. Empty data blocks could be generated as part of:
• OnDemand rule execution that generates empty blocks. For example, using the
@CREATEBLOCK function, and then possibly a generated empty data block
never gets utilized.
• An insertion point code (for example, FCCS_20) that possibly has block leaks
due to TOPDOWN calculations, perhaps from assigning #MISSING; using sparse
anchors, instead of using @CALCMODE(BOTTOM UP)

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

• Financial Consolidation and Close System Calculations

Recommended Practice to Run ClearEmptyBlocks Rule
• A best practice is to run the rule after finishing any OnDemand Rule/insertion point
tests, when the script is in development phase. The ClearEmptyBlocks rule helps
to measure block statistics before and after execution of the calculation under
• In production phase, execute the rule after finishing a full year consolidation for a
given year.
An EPM Automate script could be scheduled to run after office hours, every weekend*:

call epmautomate runbusinessrule ClearEmptyBlocks Scenario

="<Scenario>" Year = "<Particular Year>"

Period = "ILv10Descendants(YearTotal)"

call epmautomate restructurecube Consol

*The schedule for this scavenge activity must maintain at least a gap of 3-4 hours with
the Daily Maintenance Cycle.

Basic Script Format

The following figure shows sample Calc Script format.

Writing Configurable Calculations

The following figure shows the Configurable Calculation rules on the Consolidation
Process Local Currency tab.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

The following figure shows the correspnding Configurable Calculation rules from the
Consolidation Process Local Currency tab.

A configurable calculation helps you perform customized calculations that involve

three categories of data:
• Un-translated Data: Entity Currency + (FCCS_Entity Input or FCCS_Entity
• Translated Data: Parent Currency + (FCCS_Entity Input or FCCS_Entity
• Eliminated Data: Parent Currency + FCCS_Elimination
It is important to understand the Currency and Consolidation combination, to write a
configurable calculation within the correct Configurable Calculation Rule template, also
known as an Insertion Point.
As an example, FCCS_30_After Opening Balance Carry Forward_Translated is
supposed to be used, if and only if, FCCS default translation and FX calculation have
already processed the data that needs special attention in FCCS_30.

Writing Configurable Calculation Examples

Consider an example of a Block Creation issue and the different approaches to solve
the same calculation.
Use Case:

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

• Add values in two accounts: Warehouse_Stock and Showroom_Stock loaded to

FCCS_Managed Data, FCCS_Mvmts_NetIncome, FCCS_Local GAAP and No
• Store the result of the calculation to Account Inventory_Stock at FCCS_Other
Data, FCCS_Mvmts_NetIncome, FCCS_Local GAAP and No Product
• Use the FCCS_10 configurable calculation
Approach 1: Using No Member Block (Anchor)

Disadvantages of this approach:

1. This is a dense calculation, considering that Inventory_Stock is an account on
the left-hand side. Although the calculation is written correctly, the result of the
calculation will not be seen, if no prior block exists at FCCS_Other Data and
associated other FIX members to hold the result.
2. Cannot enforce conditional calculation restrictions, for example, IF..ELSE..ENDIF.
3. Workaround is required to manually introduce zero data blocks to above
Approach 2: Using Dense Member Block (anchor)

Disadvantages of this approach:

1. This is a dense calculation, because member block Inventory_Stock is an
account. Although calculation is written correctly, the result of the calculation will
not be seen, if no prior block exists atFCCS_Other Data and associated other
2. Workaround is required to manually introduce zero data blocks to above
Approach 3: Using Sparse Member Block (anchor)

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Advantage of this approach:

This is a sparse calculation, because member block FCCS_Other Data is Data Source
which is a sparse dimension. Calculation results in a block.
Disadvantage of this approach:
Member block calculation runs top-down, as cross-dimension operator is being used.
Approach 4: Using Sparse Member Block and BottomUp Calculation

Advantages of this approach:

1. This is a sparse calculation, because member block FCCS_Managed Data is Data
Source, a sparse dimension.
2. Member block calculation runs BottomUp.
3. FCCS_Managed Data is the source of this calculation. The resulting block is created
at FCCS_Other Data, if and only if the data block exists at source.
4. No cross-dim operator is required on the right-hand side of the calculation.
5. There is a need to explicitly specify the calculation as BottomUp, because there
exists a cross-dim operator at the left-hand side of this assignment.

Block Versus Cell Mode Calculations

• BLOCK mode: (default mode) In this calculation mode, Essbase groups the cells
within a block and simultaneously calculates the cells in each group.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

• Block calculation mode is fast, but you need to carefully consider data
dependencies within the block to ensure that the resulting data is accurate.
• CELL mode: In this calculation mode, Essbase calculates each cell sequentially,
following the calculation order, which is based on the outline.
• Cell calculation mode is slower for obvious reasons. However, it ensures accurate
results where data dependencies are concerned.
• When Essbase compiles a formula, it prints a message in the application log file
explaining the mode of execution for the formula similar to the following message:
Formula on member Profit % will be executed in CELL and TOPDOWN mode.
Essbase uses Block mode while calculating a formula, unless it uses functions such
• @ISMBR on a dense member
To manually induce Block mode, use @CALCMODE(BLOCK). Ensure there are no
data dependencies within your dense block.
Example of Block Mode
Perform the following calculation, based on month:
• January - Sales Synergies is the sum of the children of Returns and Allowances
• Februrary - Sales Synergies is the sum of children of Returns and Allowances -
multiply by 20%
• Remaining months - Sales Synergies is the sum of the children of Returns and
Allowances - multiply by 10%
Block Mode

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Cell Mode versus Induced Block Mode

Perform the following calculation, based on the month:
January - Sales Synergies is the sum of the children of Returns and Allowances

February - Sales Synergies is the sum of the children of Returns and Allowances -
multiply by 20%
Remaining months - Sales Synergies is the sum of the children of Returns and
Allowances plus the prior period's Sales Synergies. Multiply the entire result by

Block Mode

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Customer A Use Case

• Reclassify Managed Data loaded from FDMEE for Income Statement accounts, to
a different calculated Data Source member, based on journal adjustments
• Performance was slow –180 minutes for an entire year
Customer A - Script Example

Customer A - Script Improvements

• Use @REMOVE to remove Account instead of using @ISMBR check on Account
Dense dimension
• BottomUp processing
• Use Boolean @ISLEV instead of @LEV and @CURRMEMBER
• Performance improved by 90%

Customer B Use Case

• Objective - move the data from some Source entities to a Target entity
• Data was not being calculated
• Performance was slow - 3.5 hours
Customer B - Script Example

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Customer B - Script Improvements

• Use Copy to create the target block
• Calculation remains TopDown
• Calculation performed only on one target Custom dimension member
• Use @LIKE to make the script generic
• Timing reduced from 3.5 hours to a few minutes

Customer C Use Case

• Reclassify movements based on FCCS_Closing_Balance_Input entered through
the user interface
• Performance was slow - 15 minutes

Customer C - Script Example continued

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Customer C - Script Improvements

• Remove restricted members from the FIX
• BottomUp processing
• Check for edge cases
• Check for common cases first
• Performance improved by 40%

Customer D Use Case

• Reclassify data pulled from Hyperion Financial Management, data source
ML_HFM, and store it at ML_HFM_Calc data source member
• Performance was slow –24 hours for a single period
• Data was not tying out, as blocks were not being created as expected
Customer D - Script Example

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Customer D - Script Improvements

• Use @REMOVE to remove Account instead of using @ISMBR check on Account
Dense dimension
• BottomUp processing
• Use Boolean @ISLEV instead of @LEV and @CURRMEMBER
• Performance improved by 90%

Customer E Use Case

• The Consolidation method changed in the current period, wanted to remove all the
cumulative CTA and elimination treatments of the earlier periods
• Performance was slow - 90 minutes

Customer E - Script Improvements

• Use Data_Input in the target to avoid the validation error about writing to
• Use BottomUp on traverse ICP members which had Closing Balance Input
• Timing reduced from 90 minutes to 11 minutes

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Summary of Best Practices

• BottomUp processing
• Use @REMOVE to remove account instead of using @ISMBR check on Account
dense dimension
• Use Boolean @ISLEV instead of @LEV and @CURRMBR
• Remove restricted members from the FIX
• Use Copy to create the target block if anchor approach does not work
• Calculation performed only on one target Custom dimension member
• Use @LIKE to make the script generic
• Avoid Auto Block creation
• Check for edge cases
• Check for common cases first

Best Practices for Performance

Multiple Passes to Essbase
Every time the FIX statement is used in a rule, each FIX will trigger a separate pass
to the database. It would be best for performance reasons to avoid multiple passes to
Essbase by not including too many separate FIX statements.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Writing to Restricted Members

In this example, suppose you want to reclassify "FCCS_Intercompany Eliminations" >
"FCCS_Eliminations" > "Mvmts_NewBusiness" to "Data Input" > "FCCS_Eliminations"
> "Mvmts Reclass."
However, since "FCCS_Intercompany Eliminations" is a restricted member for the
Data Source dimension, if you try to use a FIX on this member, the system returns an
You can try to write the following statements, which force the system to use Top Down
Example: Working with restricted members

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Example: Rewrite the statements using Bottom-Up Processing

Note that in this example, you have a FIX on "FCCS_Intercompany Eliminations", but
override it with "Data Input" in the member block, and the system will not return an
error during validation.

Entering Data in Closing Balance Input and Calculating Movement Based on

In this example, suppose you want to move Closing Balance Input into a specific
Movement member. You could write a custom calculation with these requirements:
• Fix on sparse dimension member combinations together for Bottom-Up
processing. Bottom-Up processing is related to blocks, and sparse dimensions
define a block.
• User-defined attributes (UDAs) are best processed together with a FIX on the UDA
accounts, to perform the same calculation.
• The example below assumes that all specified UDAs are defined on ASSET /
• FIX on level zero Account dimension members relative to FCCS_Net Income
• Use a Boolean function rather than calculate member's level using @LEV for
performance improvement
• Use Boolean function @ISDESC to check if the member is a descendant. It will
always be a leaf member.
Example: Entering Data in Closing Balance Input and Calculating Movement
Based on UDAs

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Best Way to Use IF Condition

Below is a common example when you write the conditional statements using IF. In
this example, you want to do a specific process in January, but do something different
for the other months. If the calculation is written as below, the system will go through
the check 12 times for all periods other than January, since it always checks for
January first, and then branch off to the ELSE clause.
Example: IF statement

Example: Rewrite using NOT IF

You can rewrite the IF statement so that 11 out of the 12 periods will get executed
with the IF clause and then drop out of the conditional branch. Only January will get
executed in the ELSE clause once.

Using Top Custom Member System Calculation Option with Extended

For user-defined Custom dimensions, Service Administrators can select to process
System Calculations using the Top Member of the Custom dimension, instead of all
level 0 members, for faster performance. You can select specific Custom dimensions
for which the option would apply. See System Calculations.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

If you are using an Extended Dimensionality environment, to make sure using the
Custom Top Member does not slow down performance, you can create an empty block
at "NoCustomX" at the beginning of the consolidation based on the Entity Input and
Entity Currency data, and use that block to perform all the calculations. For example,
if you have 1000 Custom members in the Product Custom dimension, you can create
one block @"No Product", FIX on "No Product", and use Bottom-Up processing.
The system then does not need to loop through all 1000 members of the Product
dimension, and you can use "Total Product" for the total value to improve overall
The following example shows a sample Calc Script:

Calculating FCCS_10 Member Blocks using Bottom-Up Processing

1. Use @CALCMODE(BOTTOMUP) and combine member block calculations.
2. Combine calculations in multiple FIX...ENDFIX into a single FIX...ENDFIX, if FIX
members are the same across calculations.
Avoid FIX within FIX, if it is just a single calculation.
The following examples show running the calculation using Top-Down processing, and
then a modified example using Bottom-Up processing to improve query processing on
the right-hand side.
Example: Running FCCS_20 C1_Validation Using Top-Down Processing

Example: Running FCCS_20 C1_Validation Using Bottom-Up Processing

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Calculation Dependency
You should avoid dependencies between entities when calculations are done in
Insertion Points and On-Demand Rules. If you try to reference Entity A's value in the
calculation, and if Entity A has not yet been calculated, Entity A would have no value.
For example, if you try to reclassify data from "Entity A" > "ICP_B" > "Entity Currency"
(source) to "Entity B" > "ICP_A" > "Entity Currency" (destination), data in Entity A
(source) may not be available, since it may not have been calculated, if both entities
Entity A and Entity B are being calculated in parallel.
Therefore, in such cases, the reclassification should be attempted by first calculating
Entity A and then dependent Entity B.

Best Practices for Calculations in Extended Dimensionality

Extended Dimensionality Scripting Techniques
In Extended Dimensionality base applications, there are changes on the application
modeling side. Some of the key changes include:
1. Dimension order. The Movement dimension is the first Sparse dimension in the
dimension order, known as a bitmap dimension.
2. Intercompany dimension’s parent members are Dynamic Calc.
3. All Custom dimensions must have their parent members set to Dynamic Calc.
4. The idea is to have minimal upper level block count, and achieve dynamic
aggregations during spreadsheet operations.
5. Points 2 and 3 above play a significant role while writing customized calculations,
apart from the need to rewrite existing calculations, if Top/Parent members are
used in existing calculations.

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations



Avoid the following constructs:

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

1. CALC DIM, CALC ALL, AGG, and any other assignment-free expressions that
calculate a sub-tree. A best practice is to limit use of CALC DIM and AGG to
dimensions where no stored members are dependent on dynamic members.
calculation scripts.
3. Avoid using these functions inside insertion points:
• @PTD
• @SYD

Using a Sparse Member Block and BOTTOMUP

The Movement member "FCCS_Mvmts_NetIncome" is used as an anchor. The

Movement dimension is considered a bitmap dimension. It is the first sparse
dimension after the Account dense dimension. As much as possible, calculations
involving a single Movement dimension member should use the Movement member as
member block (known as an anchor).

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Calculation Involving Top/Parent Members as Source

1. Top members are Dynamic Calc, and cannot be used in FIX expressions, so use
them on the right hand side of calculation and redirect result to "No <member>".
2. A single dense dimension member that stores the result of calculation, is to be
placed in FIX.

Best Practices for Calculations in Extended Dimensionality Applications

• Use BottomUp processing only when the right hand side calculation does not
involve Top/Parent member(s).
• Use @Remove to remove Account instead of using @ISMBR check on Account
dense dimension.
• Use Boolean @ISLEV instead of @LEV and @CURRMBR.
• Remove restricted members from the FIX.
• Use Copy to create the target block if anchor approach does not work.
• Calculation should be performed only on one target Custom dimension member.
• Use @LIKE to make the script generic.
• Check for edge cases.
• Check for common cases first
• When calculations write to a single Movement dimension member, use the
Movement member as a member block, known as an anchor.
• When calculations write to a single Account dimension member, move Account
member to FIX.
Extended Dimension applications use a Hybrid aggregation mode. The SET
HYBRIDBSOINCALCSCRIPT construct is available as part of Calculation Manager
and controls whether cubes in the application use hybrid aggregation mode in
calculation scripts when stored members depend on dynamic members.
For a list of Essbase Functions supported in Extended Dimensionality applications,
see "Functions Supported in Hybrid Aggregation Mode" in Oracle Essbase Technical
Reference .

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

Customer A Use Case

In this use case, the original calculations included these issues:
• Manual Cash Flow calculations
• Performance was slow when Cash Flow calculations were inserted in insertion
points versus without the calculations. One entity took two minues to consolidate,
versus 40 seconds without the calculation.
• The calculation could not use the seeded Cash Flow due to their statutory
Original Calculations

The calculation does not perform well due to the following reasons:
1. The right-hand side calculations are basically queries to Essbase, because most
parent members of the respective dimensions are Dynamic Calc.
2. In the above case, two simultaneous queries are being launched, and only when
results are fetched, will the actual calculation initiate., which leads to a slow
formula cache.
3. The above script executes for every entity, during a consolidation, irrespective of
entity level.
Revised Calculation
The following example shows a revised calculation.

Script Improvements
• Each query calculation is segregated as a separate FIX, and destination dense
member is moved to FIX
• Script executes only on level zero entity, during a consolidation

Chapter 18
Working with Configurable Calculations

• Movement member is used as anchor

• Performance improved from two minutes to 30 seconds per entity

Calculate Movements (from Closing Balance Input)

The Calculate Movements rule is optional and is based on Movement and Account
dimension settings.
Level 0 Movement dimension members can be configured for use as the calculated
movement member for one or more accounts. Accounts can then be configured to
calculate the current period movement based on a Closing Balance Input amount. The
calculated movement amount is posted to the selected movement for that account. A
default movement can be applied whenever an individual level 0 account has not been
assigned a calculated movement member.
The rule calculates the difference between the Closing Balance Input amount and
the sum of the current period Opening Balance plus any other movement data
already posted to the account. The calculated difference is posted to the movement
member designated for the account. Note that the data posted by the system rule is
treated as if it had been entered by a user. If subsequent data entry populates other
movement members, the calculated member is not reset or recalculated until this rule
is re-executed. If the designated movement for an account has been changed through
metadata maintenance after the rule has been executed once, the originally calculated
amount will not be cleared when the rule re-executes but will retain its value, as if a
user had entered the data.
The Calculate Movements system rule can be enabled or disabled at any time from
the Local Currency tab on the Consolidation: Process screen. Enabling or disabling
of the rule is only editable on the Local Currency tab. If the rule is enabled at Local
Currency, it is also enabled for Parent Input on the Translated tab, and Contribution
Input on the Consolidated tab. If disabled on the Local Currency tab, it is disabled for
all Input members on all tabs.
The Calculate Movements rule is only displayed on the Translated tab if Parent Input
has been enabled from Application Creation or Enable Features. It is only displayed on
the Consolidated tab if Contribution Input has been enabled.
To enable the Calculate Movements system rule:
1. On the Home page, click Application, then click Consolidation.
2. Select the Consolidation: Process tab if it is not already selected.
3. To calculate movements from Closing Balance Input entries:
a. Select the Local Currency tab.
b. Select the Calculate Movements rule.
c. From the right panel, change Enabled to Yes.
For details of how to configure the Movement and Account metadata settings, see
Defining Account Properties and Setting Account Attribute Values.
Watch the following video to learn more about the Calculate Movements rule:

Calculating Movements from Closing Balance Input

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

Equity Pickup Overview

A legal entity can be defined as:
An association, corporation, partnership, proprietorship, trust, or individual that has
legal standing in the eyes of law. A legal entity has legal capacity to enter into
agreements or contracts, assume obligations, incur and pay debts, sue and be sued in
its own right, and to be held responsible for its actions.
A limited company (LC) is a form of incorporation that limits the amount of liability
undertaken by the company's shareholders. A public limited company (PLC) is a
company whose securities are traded on a stock exchange and can be bought and
sold by anyone.
Most major corporations consist of many companies that were brought together over
a series of years to create a corporate enterprise. The business combination of these
companies is carried out through share ownership between the companies.
Each company must report financial statements in accordance with the requirements
of the jurisdiction in which they operate. For example, all limited companies
incorporated in the UK must report to "Companies House", the government
organization that is responsible for registering limited companies. Public limited
companies must also report in accordance with the requirements of the stock
exchange on which they are registered. These public limited companies are required
to report the consolidated financial results not only of the individual company but also
of the companies in which they have an ownership interest.
A company that owns shares of other companies can be referred to as a "holding"
company. This holding company might directly own all shares of another company,
many shares or only a few shares. A holding company might also own shares in a
company that itself owns shares in another company, creating indirect ownership. The
extent to which a holding company controls the owned company determines how the
results of the owned company are to be combined with the results of the holding
company when presenting the consolidated results.
Generally, if a holding company owns in excess of 50% of another company’s voting
shares then the owned company is controlled by the holding company. If a holding
company owns in excess of 20% but no more than 50% of the voting shares of
another company then the holding company is deemed to have significant influence
but not control of the owned company. If a holding company owns up to 20% of
the voting shares of another company then the holding company is deemed to have
neither significant influence nor control of the owned company.
A legal company generally records their investments in other legal companies using
the Cost method of accounting, except where required by local regulation. Under the
cost method of accounting, the share purchase is recorded by the holding company
at the initial cost on the date of acquisition and generally remains without change
until disposal. When the shares are sold, any gain or loss on the investment is duly
recorded. An alternative investment accounting method is the equity method. Under
the equity method, the initial cost recorded at the time of acquisition is adjusted
periodically based on the holding company’s share of profits or losses recorded by the
company in which the investment is held.

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

This accounting method when applied to reporting by a legal company will be referred
to as Equity Pickup (EPU) to distinguish it from the equity consolidation method.
Equity Pickup is applied to the investments made and recorded by a legal company
in their legal company records. The equity consolidation method is used when a legal
company aggregates data from the companies in which it has a direct or indirect
ownership and reports the consolidated results. The principle behind Equity Pickup
accounting and the equity consolidation method is essentially the same but is applied
under different circumstances (legal company results vs. consolidated results).
To record the results of Equity Pickup, the holding company’s share of the change
in Owner’s Equity for the period (generally profit or loss of the owned company, less
the holding company’s share of any dividends declared), is recorded in the holding
company’s accounting records as income and as a corresponding increase in the
value of the investment in the associated company. Any share of earnings of indirectly
held companies is recorded by virtue of the owned company’s reported income having
already recorded their equity earnings of all companies that they own.
In complex multi-level ownership structures, a specific sequence of Equity Pickup
calculations is required in order to achieve the correct results. For example, if
company A owns shares in Company B and Company B in turn owns shares in
company C, then the Equity Pickup for company B must be calculated before the
Equity Pickup for company A is calculated, to ensure that the earnings and investment
adjustment made in company B is subsequently reflected accurately in company A.

The Equity Pickup feature of Financial Consolidation and Close is based on the
following configuration settings and requirements:
• The Entity dimension hierarchy accurately represents the direct ownership
relationships between holding companies and companies for which EPU will be
• The entities in the Entity dimension can be identified as legal companies.
• There is only one Holding method company under each parent entity and the
entity currency of the Holding company and the parent entity is the same currency.
• If the EPU reported for each Holding company is to be identified by each legal
company in which the holding company has either a direct or indirect ownership
interest then:
All legal companies in the Entity dimension must be flagged as intercompany in
the Entity dimension and exist as level 0 entities in the Intercompany dimension
• If the EPU reported for each Holding company is to be identified by each legal
company in which the holding company has only a direct ownership interest,
with indirect ownership being grouped within "interim" directly owned holding
companies, then:
All legal companies and all parent entities in the Entity dimension must be
specified as Intercompany in the Entity dimension and exist as level 0 entities
in the Intercompany dimension.
See these topics:
• Enabling Equity Pickup
• Equity Pickup Processing
Watch the following video for information on equity pickup:

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

Equity Pickup

Enabling Equity Pickup

Before you can use the Equity Pickup feature, you must enable it from one of these
• Application creation. See Creating an Application.

• From the Enablement screen after application creation. See Enabling Application

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

You can only enable Equity Pickup if the Ownership Management feature is

Metadata Changes for Equity Pickup

Enabling Equity-Pick-up will:
• Create the required metadata:
– Equity Pickup Income Statement and Balance Sheet accounts
– Equity Pickup source account (memo account)
– Equity Pickup DataSource member
• Accounts:

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

Data Source:

Once enabled, the seeded Equity Pickup metadata cannot be subsequently

• Add an EPU System Calculation rule in the Local Currency tab of the
Consolidation: Process screen.

The Calculation Setting for the rule will be "Yes"( Active) when EPU is first
If the Equity Pickup Calculation Setting is changed to "No" (Inactive), then the
application will revert to non-EPU behavior.
For the Equity Pickup system rule, you can select an alternative Movement
member other than the default member. By default, the system rule uses the
FCCS_Mvmts NetIncome member. An administrator can change the default
entries to single level 0 members under FCCS_Mvmts Subtotal from the
Movements dimension. From Equity Pickup Movement Members, click the Edit
icon to open the Member Selector and select members from the Movements
dimension, and then click OK.
• Add four seeded Configurable Consolidation rule-sets (three in a Deployed state,
one un-deployed)

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

Consolidation Rules for Equity Pickup

The consolidation rule-sets deployed will determine:
• What source data set is used to generate the EPU results posted to each holding
• How the EPU results will be identified (all directly / indirectly owned companies
identified separately or indirectly owned companies grouped within directly owned
• Whether the EPU results should be posted to a single member in each user-
created Custom dimension (if any) or on a level 0 member-by-member basis
The four seeded consolidation rule-sets provide the following options:
EPU – Prepare Data Source

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

This rule-set gathers source data from the owned company for Total Equity excluding
Equity Company Income.
For each client-created custom dimension, combines all level 0 data into a single "No
<custom>" member for subsequent reporting.
This rule-set can be copied and the copy modified and deployed if required (for further
details on copying and modifying rule-sets, see Managing Consolidation Rule-sets
and Rules). For example, if data is to be reported separately for all level 0 members
of an application-specific custom dimension, then that dimension should be removed
from the Scope of the copied rule-set. The EPU data will then be processed for each
member of that dimension instead of being grouped into a single member. Be aware
that this might have a performance impact on the application.
EPU – Consolidate EPU Source Data

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

This rule-set consolidates the source data initially gathered by the first rule-set at the
Ownership % and identifies the source directly or indirectly owned legal company from
which the data was derived
The source legal company is identified by the Intercompany member used when
consolidating the data.
Note that all legal companies must therefore be identified is ICP_Entity_Yes in the
Entity dimension such that a matching base member is created in the Intercompany
EPU – Consolidate EPU Source Data Indirect Grouping

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

This rule-set consolidates the source data initially gathered by the first rule-set at the
Ownership % and identifies the source directly owned legal company from which the
data was derived.
The source legal company is identified by the Intercompany member used when
consolidating the data.
Note that all legal companies and all parent entities must therefore be identified is
IC_Entity_Yes in the Entity dimension such that a matching base member is created in
the Intercompany dimension.
Either the EPU – Consolidate EPU Source Data rule-set or the EPU – Consolidate
EPU Source Data Indirect Grouping rule-set should be deployed, but not both.
EPU – Reverse Holding Company Data

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

This rule-set reverses the Equity Pickup results posted to the holding company when
consolidating to its parent.
The parent member represents the consolidated results of the holding company.
The investment in subsidiaries is recorded by different methods and calculations in
consolidated statements than those used in the legal (holding) company results.
The Reverse Holding Company Data rule-set will be applied to any movements to
which the system rule has written data.
Three of the four seeded consolidation rule-sets provided will be deployed when
Equity Pickup is initially enabled. If the Equity Pickup Calculation Setting is changed
from "Yes" to "No", the deployed EPU rule-sets should be un-deployed by the system
administrator. If the Calculation Setting is changed from "No" to "Yes", then the
required rule-sets (seeded or copied / modified) must be deployed by the system

Equity Pickup Processing

During a regular consolidation process, the calculation of entities is based on a
bottom-up level-by-level approach starting from the lowest level of the entity hierarchy.
The first group of entities to be calculated are all base (level 0) members (those
entities that have no children). The next group to be processed are the level 1 parent
entities (those entities with no more than one level of descendants below them). Then
level 2 parents, and so on. This process ensures that all children of a parent entity are
processed before that parent entity.
The sequence of processing required for correct Equity Pickup calculations is based
instead on a bottom-up generation-by-generation approach. The top member is
generation 0 and then each subsequent step down adds a generation. With this
approach, each holding company is in the same generation as its siblings, whether
those siblings are parent or base members. All level 0 non-holding entities are
processed first. Then the highest generation of holding companies are processed,
followed by the highest generation of parent entities, followed by the next highest

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

generation of holding company entities and then the next highest generation of parent
entities... and so on..
The following diagrams show the difference in processing in a very simple hierarchy
(where legal company A owns legal companies B and D, and legal company B owns
legal company C). Equity Pickup processes by generation from the bottom up. The
standard sequencing processes by level from the bottom up:

Entities in scope for processing

Consolidation considers the calculation status of each entity when determining which
entities are "in scope" for processing. When an entity is "Impacted", that entity needs
to be re-calculated to take into account any changes that caused the impacting. In
addition, all ancestors of the entity are also impacted because their results need
to be re-calculated due to the re-calculation of an entity on which their results are
dependent. Similarly, subsequent periods of the same scenario al also impacted.
Example 1 – data entry to entity C
For the standard consolidation process, if data is entered to entity C in the example
above, then entities C, B Consolidated and A Consolidated are impacted. If A
Consolidated is selected for consolidation, all three entities (C, B Consolidated and
A Consolidated) will be re-calculated in sequence from level 0 to level 2.
For the Equity Pickup process, if data is entered to entity C, then entities C, B
Consolidated and A Consolidated are all impacted, but in addition, entities B and A
also need to be re-calculated because their data is dependent on the re-calculated
data from entity C. If A Consolidated is selected for consolidation, all entities (C,
B, B Consolidated, A and A Consolidated) will be re-calculated in sequence from
Generation 3 to Generation 1.
Example 2 – data entry to entity A and entity C
For the standard consolidation process, if data is entered to entities A and C in the
example above, then entities C, B Consolidated, A and A Consolidated are impacted.
If A is selected for consolidation, only A will be re-calculated.
For the Equity Pickup process, if data is entered to entities A and C, then entities
C, B Consolidated, A and A Consolidated are all impacted, but in addition, entity B
also needs to be re-calculated because its data is dependent on the re-calculated
data from entity C. If A is selected for consolidation, all entities except A Consolidated
(C, B, B Consolidated and A) will be re-calculated in sequence from Generation 3 to
Generation 2 Holding. Consolidating entity A brings B Consolidated and its impacted
descendants into the scope of the consolidation process.

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

However, note that if no data is entered to A, selecting A for consolidation will not
process a consolidation because A itself is not impacted. In this case, to update all
entities, A Consolidated would need to be selected for consolidation as described in
Example 1.
Example Equity Pickup calculation flow and required results
In order to ensure that when an Equity Pickup calculation is executed, the sibling
source entity data has already been updated, entities need to be calculated in the
required sequence as determined by the ownership chain.
Following is an example ownership chain:

Chapter 18
Equity Pickup Overview

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules

Working with On-Demand Rules

On-Demand Rules are ad-hoc rules that can be used for calculations outside of the
consolidation process. An administrator can create on-demand rules to be executed by
other users at any time.
Users who have launch permissions can invoke on-demand rules from data
forms, Oracle Smart View for Office, post-Data Load processing, journal posting,
Supplemental Data posting, or from the Rules card. You can verify or adjust
an on-demand rule before invoking consolidation, since it is independent from
the consolidation process. You can execute calculations regardless of the current
calculation status.
Using on-demand rules outside of the consolidation process reduces consolidation
time, since these calculations do not need to be repeated for each consolidation.
For example, reclassification or adjustments, or loading life-to-date balances and
redirecting them to the appropriate Movement members are calculations that may only
need to be executed one time. They are not required to be calculated every time a
consolidation process is launched.
You can attach on-demand rules to a data form so that you can execute the
calculations and verify the results while viewing the data in the form. This method
is faster than running a consolidation to view the results.
See Creating On-Demand Rules, and Adding On-Demand Rules to Data Forms.
You can also create customized calculations using Configurable Calculation rules. See
Creating Configurable Calculations.
You create both on-demand rules and Configurable Calculation rules in Calculation
Manager using Essbase script statements.
• On-demand rules are executed on an as-needed basis outside of the consolidation
• Configurable Calculation rules are always executed as part of the consolidation
The following table is a summary of the features of On-Demand Rules and
Configurable Calculations.

Feature Summary On-Demand Rules Configurable Calculations

Rule content created by Yes Yes
No restriction of number of Yes
rules created
Always executed as part of Yes
Consolidation Process
Execute stand-alone on Yes
Execute regardless of existing Yes
Calculation Status
Launch from Data Form/ Yes
Smart View /Rules card

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules

Feature Summary On-Demand Rules Configurable Calculations

Calculation Manager support Yes Yes
Support most Essbase Yes Yes
Ability to write to Parent Yes
Ability to write to Elimination Yes
Consolidation member
Ability to write to Intercompany Yes
Eliminations Data Source
User handling of Yes
housekeeping logic (SET,
Block, Calc Dim)
Calculation Status Update Yes Yes
Validate and Deploy Rule Yes Yes
Import and Export Rule Yes Yes
Follow same best practices for Yes Yes
rule writing

Guidelines for On-Demand Rules

You create on-demand rules using Calculation Manager.
Templates can be dragged and dropped inside a rule. You can deploy a rule that uses
templates, but templates cannot be deployed standalone.

Replacement Variables
When you add a new rule, Calculation Manager automatically creates six system
Replacement Variables for the rule as Run-Time Prompts for the Scenario, Year,
Period, Entity, Consolidation, and Currency dimensions. Users use the run-time
prompts to select members for these dimensions when they launch the rule. You can
change the run-time prompt texts for these variables, but you cannot remove them.
Users can override the default member at run-time.
You can define additional Replacement Variables if needed for your rule.
When you launch an on-demand rule from the Rules card for the first time, if a default
member was not specified for a run-time prompt, the prompt is blank. On subsequent
launches of the rule, the prompt displays the last member used.
When you launch on-demand rules from a form, the Run-Time Prompts by default
display the members from the Point of View of the currently selected cell. However,
if you would like the system to always use a specific member for the dimension, you
can select the option to override with a specified value for the variable. If you specify a
value in Use as Override Value, it will also be used in the Rules card.
If you select the Is Hidden option for the replacement variable, the system will
not prompt the user for the value at run time, but will use the value specified in
the Replacement Variable definition for that variable. This option is the same when
invoking from a Data Form or from the Rules card.

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules

You can view all six system replacement variables as part of the rule in the Variable
tab of the rule.
You must a enter a Value in the Validation column for the variable so that rule can be
validated before deployment.
When you validate the rule, you must provide members for any of the Run-Time
Prompt dimensions for which you did not provide a default in the Value column.

Dimension Members Supported for On-Demand Rules

On-Demand rules automatically insert the OUTER FIX statements for the following
dimensions as part of the rule script. You do not need to include these dimensions as
part of the FIX statement in the script. The value for these dimensions is provided in
the popup prompt where the users enters the values. The system uses default values
from the source (for example, the cell POV if launched from a data form or a Oracle
Smart View for Office grid), but users can change the value before executing the rule.
See Working with Essbase Calc Script.
These members are supported for Run-Time Prompts in on-demand rules:
• Scenario - you must select one base member.
• Year - you must select one year.
• Period - you must select one base member.
• Entity - you can select one or more base or parent entities or functions.
• Currency - you can select Entity Currency or Input Currency
• Consolidation - you can select FCCS_Entity Input, FCCS_Translated Currency
Input, FCCS_Amount Override, or FCCS_Rate Override.

For the Consolidation dimension, if you want to use FCCS_Amount Override
or FCCS_Rate Override, you must first set the following substitution variable
for the Consol cube to enable it:

See Creating and Assigning Values to Substitution Variables.

The following dimensions are not available for Run-Time Prompts, but are also
supported for on-demand rules:
• View - you can only select Periodic view. The Periodic View member must be
specified in either the FIX statement or as a Target.
• Account and Movement - see Working with Essbase Calc Script. If you do not
specify members for any of these dimensions, the system processes the rule
for all members. You should exclude any system-restricted members in the FIX
• Data Source - see Working with Essbase Calc Script.

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules

The FCCS_Intercompany Eliminations member is not valid for on-
demand rules.

• Multi-GAAP, Intercompany and Custom - If you do not specify members for these
dimensions, the system will process rules for all members in the dimension.

Best Practices for On-Demand Rules

For best practices on creating rules, see Configurable Calculations Best Practices,
Working with Essbase Calc Script, and Supported Essbase Functions.
When you create an on-demand rule, you may need to include this logic:
• Include any SET commands required for Essbase to ensure proper settings
• Include any CREATE blocks or CLEAR Blocks command
• Include an appropriate CALC DIM statement for non-aggregated dimensions
The system will include the following sections in on-demand rules:
• Include OUTER FIX statement from the prompt
• Include any status handling routine
Running On-Demand Rules in a FIX
By default, On-Demand Rules are run in FIXPARALLEL. The FIXPARALLEL command
will include members from the six Run Time Prompts (RTP): Scenario, Year, Period,
Entity, Consolidation and Currency. If you need to run the same On-Demand Rule
in a FIX, you can define a substitution variable. You can add a substitution variable
named <RuleName>_FP on the Consol cube and set its value to False. For
example, if rule name is ODR- Calculate Sales, you should name the variable as
ODR_CALCULATE_SALES_FP. Note that the hyphen in the rule name is replaced
with an underscore in the variable name and there are no spaces in the variable name.

Creating On-Demand Rules

You can add custom rules to your application either to the consolidation process or as
on-demand rules. Configurable Consolidation and Configurable Calculation rules run
automatically during consolidation. On-demand rules run when a user launches them
from the Rules card or from a data form. They do not run as part of consolidation.
On-demand rules are also available in Oracle Smart View for Office, and as part of
post-data load processing from Data Load.
You must be an Administrator to create, edit, or delete on-demand rules.
Administrators can run on-demand rules, but Power Users and Users can only run
them if the Administrator provides launch permissions, and if they have access to the
POV dimension members.
You can also add on-demand rules to forms. See Adding On-Demand Rules to Data

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules

You add on-demand rules to the Consol cube. You cannot add them to
the Rates cube. The Consol cube is seeded with six placeholder rules for
Configurable Calculations. You cannot delete or rename these rules.

To create on-demand rules:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Rules.
Calculation Manager opens and displays both System-created rules and User-
defined rules.
3. Expand the "Planning" folder and navigate to the "FCCS Consol Rules" folder.
4. Right-click on the Rules folder and select New.
5. Enter a rule name and click OK.
The name must be unique and cannot start with the FCCS_ prefix. This prefix is
reserved for seeded rules. You also cannot use the name of an existing system
rule, including ClearEmptyBlocks, Consolidate, ForceConsolidate, ForceTranslate,
or Translate.
6. For Application Type, use "Planning". For Application, use the name of your
7. For Cube, use the default setting of Consol.
The system will open to the Script editor where you can enter your script
statements. If you prefer to work in the graphical mode, you can change to
Designer in the drop-down list.
For a list of supported functions, see Working with Calculation Manager Custom
Defined Functions and Supported Essbase Functions.
8. In the Properties pane, you can enter an optional description and comment for the
9. In the Value column, select default members for the Run-Time Prompts for the
Consolidation, Currency, Entity, Period, Scenario, and Year dimensions:
• You must have Write access to the Scenario, Year, Period and Entity.
• For the Currency dimension, select Entity Currency or Input Currency.
• For the Consolidation dimension, you can select"FCCS_Entity
Input", "FCCS_Translated Currency Input","FCCS_Amount Override", or
"FCCS_Rate Override".

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules

For the Consolidation dimension, if you want to use FCCS_Amount
Override or FCCS_Rate Override, you must first set the following
substitution variable for the Consol cube to enable it:
See Creating and Assigning Values to Substitution Variables.

• For the Entity dimension, if you use shared entities, you must explicitly define
both the primary and shared entities in the Run-Time Prompt, in order for the
shared entities to be impacted.
• For the Entity dimension, to run the On-Demand rule on all Level 0
descendants, you must select the Level 0 descendants function from the
Member Selector. For example, to run the rule on all Level 0 descendants
of "FCCS_Total Geography", select the Level 0 descendants function
with"FCCS_Total Geography" as its parameter. Example: IDescendants
("FCCS_Total Geography".
• Note that the FIX statements in on-demand rules cannot include any run-time
prompt dimensions. You also cannot use run-time prompt dimensions in the
left side or Target side of formulas, although you can use these dimensions on
the right side or Source side.
10. To validate the rule, from the Actions menu, select Validate and Save.

You must specify members for any of the Run-Time Prompt dimensions for which
you did not previously specify a default value.
If validation fails, from the Home page, click Application, and then click Jobs to
view the job details.
11. From the confirmation prompt, click OK.

12. To view the rule, navigate to the Rules folder and right-click Refresh.

The new rule is displayed in the Rules list. On-demand rules are listed in
alphabetical order after the seeded configurable calculation rules.
It does not become active until it is deployed.
13. To deploy the rule, from the Actions menu, select Deploy.

You cannot undeploy a rule after it has been deployed. If the rule is no longer
needed, you can delete it.
14. From the confirmation prompt, click OK.

15. To verify that the rule was deployed, on the Home page, click Rules and click
The deployed rule will be displayed in the list of rules after the system rules.

Adding On-Demand Rules to Data Forms

You can add on-demand rules to forms, by adding menu options to the Action menu
for a form, or by adding the rules to the list of rules in the Business Rules dialog box.

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules

When users are viewing or entering data in the form, they can execute the assigned
on-demand rule from within the form so that they can see the calculated results in the
form after execution.
To launch rules from a form, users must be assigned both access to the form and
launch permissions for the rule. See Assigning Access to Rules.
To create Custom Menus for the calculation to be included as part of the form
Action menu, see "Defining Action Menu Items" in Administering Planning Using the
Simplified Interface .
To include on-demand rules as part of the Business Rules menu, you use the
Business Rules tab of the Form designer.
You can decide how you want the on-demand rule to be processed for the form based
on the properties assigned for the business rule. For example, you can define an
on-demand rule for the form with these actions:
• Run before loading the form
• Run after the form is loaded with data
• Run before saving the form data
• Use the members invoked from form
• Hide Run-Time Prompts
To add on-demand rules to a data form:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Action Menus.
3. Click New and enter a rule name, then click OK.
4. Select the menu, click Edit, and then click Add Child.
5. For Menu Item, enter a name for the menu option.
6. For Label, enter the menu text that you want to display to users.
Optional: You can provide a path to a graphic file on the server in the Icon field.
7. For Type, select Business Rule.
8. For Cube list, select Consol.
9. In the Business Rules list, select an on-demand rule.
You can enter a description or instructions for the rule in the Launch Confirmation
Message field.
10. Use the Hide Prompt option to suppress the run-time prompts for the rule. If you
hide the run-time prompts, the members in the current cell point of view are used
for the run time prompt dimensions when the rule is launched. If override values
have been defined in Calculation Manager, the override values are used.
11. Click Save to save the menu item, and then click Save again to save the menu.

12. Click the Navigator icon

13. Under Create and Manage, click Forms to open the form editor.

14. Select the Other Options tab to assign the menu to a form.

15. Click Finish.

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules

To add on-demand rules to the list of business rules available from the Business
Rules dialog box:

1. Click the Navigator icon

2. Under Create and Manage, click Forms to open the form editor.
3. Select the Business Rules tab to add on demand rules to the list of business
4. In the Business Rules Properties area, specify options for the rule.
5. Click Finish.
To view and launch the rule in a form, see Launching On-Demand Rules.

Importing and Exporting On Demand Rules

Administrators can use the options available in Calculation Manager to import or
export on-demand rules.
To import on-demand rules:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Rules.
3. Expand the "Planning" folder and navigate to the "FCCS Consol Rules" folder.
4. Right-click Rules and select Import.
5. Click Browse and select the rule file to import.
To export on-demand rules:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Rules.
3. Expand the "Planning" folder and navigate to the "FCCS Consol Rules" folder.
4. Right-click Rules and select Export.
When you select the Export option, the system automatically exports all rules
within the folder, including the seeded calculation rules as well as the on-demand
To export an individual on-demand rule, right-click on the rule and then select the
Export option.
5. Specify a location in which to save the exported file.

Launching On-Demand Rules

By default, only Administrators can run on-demand rules. Other users can view and
run on-demand rules only if the Administrator assigns them launch access and if they
have security access to the Scenario, Year, Period and Entity. See Assigning Access
to Rules.
You can launch on-demand rules using:
• Rules card
• Data forms

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules

• Oracle Smart View for Office

Locked data may be impacted after running on-demand rules. Be cautious
when executing these for desired results.

Launching On-Demand Rules from the Rules Card

The Rules card displays a list of both System rules and User-defined On-Demand
Users who have Launch permissions to rules can launch the rules.
To launch on-demand rules from the Rules card:
1. On the Home page, click Rules.
2. To filter the list of rules, click the Filter icon.
Only on-demand rules that have been deployed are displayed.
3. From the Cube drop-down list, select Consol.
On-demand rules are listed in alphabetical order after the system rules, and are

identified by a User icon:

4. From the list of rules, select an on-demand rule and click Launch.
To launch business rules, the rules must be deployed from Calculation Manager.
5. The system displays a popup window for you to enter dimension member values
for the Run-Time Prompts defined for the rule. If the rule is launched for the first
time, the values in the prompt will be blank. Once a value has been entered for the
rule, the system will display the last value used as the default, but you can change
it if needed.

For the Entity dimension, you can specify multiple entities or a member
list, but for all other dimensions, you specify only one member.

Launching On-Demand Rules from Data Forms

Administrators can attach an on-demand rule to a data entry form. When users view or
enter data in the form, they can execute the on-demand rule from within the data form,
so that the calculated results are displayed in the form after execution.
When you create on-demand rules, you specify Run-Time Prompts for Scenario, Year,
Period, Entity, Currency, and Consolidation dimension members. You cannnot remove
any system Run-Time Prompts, but you can modify them before launching the rule.
If the setting is selected to use the members in the form, the system automatically
displays the current members of the selected cell for the popup when the rule is
invoked. Only one member from each dimension is displayed in the run-time prompt.

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules

The system will display only the Business Rules you have assigned to the form for
user to select. After selection, the system will display the Run-Time Prompt values
based on your POV selection.
If the user selects a block of cells by selecting an entire row or column when they
launch the rule, the system uses the cell from upper-top-left corner as the selection
cell for the Run-Time Prompts.
You can launch on-demand rules either from the Action Menu drop-down list using a
Custom Menu, or from the Business Rules option.
After you run on-demand rules, all entities included in the calculation process have a
calculation status of Impacted, regardless of the original status. The system will not
run on-demand rules for entities that are locked. All applicable parent and ancestor
members are Impacted, and all future periods that have data are also Impacted.
To launch an on-demand rule in a form:
1. On the Home page, click Data, and then open the form.
2. From the Action menu, select Business Rules, and select the rule.
3. From the Launch Confirmation message, click OK.
4. In the Run-Time Prompt dialog box, click Launch, then specify values or use the
default values for the prompts, and click OK.

Launching On-Demand Rules from Smart View

When you open a form in Smart View, the same options are available to launch
on-demand rules as in data forms. You can launch the rule using the Business Rules
option or from a Custom Menu.
To launch a rule using the Business Rule option:
1. Open a data form and select the Calculate menu option.
2. Select Business Rules, or select Rules on Form to view only the rules defined
for the form.
3. Select a business rule to launch.
4. When the system displays the Run-Time Prompt, select members for the
dimensions, then click OK. By default, the system uses the members from the
POV cell. You can change the default values during execution time.
To launch a rule from the Custom Menu:
1. Open a data form, then right-click in a cell and select Smart View.
2. Select the menu option from the Custom Menu attached to the form.
3. From the Launch Confirmation message, click OK.
4. Select the members for the dimensions in the Run-Time Prompt, and click OK.

Calculation Status for On-Demand Rules

When you launch an on-demand rule and specify the entities for the calculation, the
system will process all entities from the list, regardless of the current calculation status
of the entity.

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules

After an on-demand rule is executed, the status for all entities in the rule changes to
When entities are Impacted, the system follows these rules for applicable parent
members and ancestors as well as future periods.
Locked Entities
If an entity is Locked, the system does not execute the rule on the locked entity. If the
rule Run-Time Prompt contains multiple entities and only some are Locked, the system
skips those entities but continues to run the rule for the other valid entities.
Entities with View or None Access
If a user has View or None access to the entity, the system will not run the rule for
these entities and they will not be impacted.
Entities with Errors
If an entity in a rule does not pass validation, the system will not run the rule for the
entity and it will not be impacted. Rules are run only for valid entities.
Reference of Source Entities
When a rule references a source entity for data, the system ignores the status of the
source entity and processes the data at the time of retrieval.

Debugging On-Demand Rules

You can use the Debug option when working with On-Demand rules in Calculation
Manager. The Debug option enables you to run the On-Demand rule and examine
the calculation script line by line to see how the script executes, ensure there are no
validation errors, and check the before and after values.
The Debug process always works on the currently saved rule. If a rule was first
deployed and then subsequently changed and saved, the Debug process will execute
the latest saved rule – not the last deployed version.

You cannot edit the rule while you are debugging it.

To debug an On-Demand rule:

1. Open the On-Demand rule in Calculation Manager.
2. In the Rule Designer, select Actions, and then Debug.
The rule calculation script is displayed in the script debugger. Each statement in
the script is displayed on a separate line.
You must have previously entered and saved the Run-Time Prompt values for the
On-Demand rule in order for the Debug process to run correctly.
3. Debug the statements in the calculation script.
As you debug statements, you can:

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules

• Insert and remove break points where you want to stop the execution of the
script to examine the values of the intersections of members in the statement.
When the execution stops at a break point, the values of the intersection of all
members in the statement are displayed.
To add a break point, right-click to the right of the break point, and then select
Add Break Point. You can add a break point only in lines of the script that
show the break point grayed out. To remove a break point, right-click it, and
then select Remove Break Point.
• Add a condition to a break point to stop the execution of the statement only if
the condition is met. Only members used in the statement with the breakpoint
can be used in the condition.
To add a condition to a break point, right-click to the right of the break point,
and then select Add Condition. In the Add Condition dialog box, click ,
and then enter the condition in the Condition Builder.
These functions are available for conditional testing:
Sample conditions to invoke debugging of specific breakpoint:
– @isCURRMBR("Feb") – when the current period is "Feb"
– @BEFORE("Cash") > 1000 – when the before value of "Cash" is greater
than 1000
– @AFTER("Cash") < 2000 – when the after value of "Cash" is less than
To edit a condition, right-click it, and then select Edit Condition.
You can have one or more conditional statements.
You can also group the conditional statements.
Note that if a condition is not met, the Debug process will skip the breakpoint,
but still execute the statement.
• Debug statements with break points.
To debug a statement with a break point, right-click the statement, and then
select Start Debug. The statement you are debugging is highlighted. The
members of the statement, the break points, and the values of the intersection
of the members before and after execution are displayed in the following tabs:
– Members—Shows the current intersection of members at the debug
breakpoint. To see the next intersection of members, click Resume
– Breakpoints—Shows the expressions from the script that contain
breakpoints. The Values at the Break Point tab displays the expression
members with the values as they were before and after the debug was

Chapter 18
Working with On-Demand Rules


To resume debugging, click Resume Debugging . You must

continue clicking the Resume Debugging icon until all of the
member intersections are debugged. After all of the member
intersections are debugged, the system displays this message: "The
script debugging is complete".

Renaming On-Demand Rules

You can rename a rule if it has not been deployed, since the rule resides only in
Calculation Manager before deployment.
After a rule is deployed, a copy of the rule resides in Calculation Manager and the
deployed rule exists in your Financial Consolidation and Close application. If you
rename a rule after it has been deployed, the deployed rule in the application retains
the original name, but it will have a new name in Calculation Manager. Although you
can continue to execute the rule with the old name in your application, you cannot edit
the rule in Calculation Manager since the rule with the original name no longer exists
in Calculation Manager. You will not be able to remove the deployed rule from your
If you need to rename a deployed rule, you must create a new rule in Calculation
Manager with the same name as the deployed rule in Financial Consolidation and
Close with the old rule name. You can leave the rule content empty but you need to
deploy the new rule to replace the previously deployed rule. You can then delete this
rule in Calculation Manager and select the option to also delete the deployed object.
After it is deleted, the old rule will no longer exist in Calculation Manager or Financial
Consolidation and Close.
Another workaround to rename a deployed rule is to assign a different label to a
rule object using an Artifact Label. In Calculation Manager, the rule will exist with the
original name, but when it is associated with the deployed rule object in Financial
Consolidation and Close, it is linked to a new name using the artifact label created for
the rule. Using this method you will see the new artifact label for the original rule rather
than the old rule name.

Deleting On-Demand Rules

You can delete on-demand rules that you no longer need. When you delete a rule, you
should always select the option to include the deployed object as part of the deletion if
the rule has been deployed.
If you do not select this option, the rule will be deleted from Calculation Manager,
but still deployed in your application and you will no longer be able to edit it. If you
want to remove the deployed rule, you must create a new rule with the same name in
Calculation Manager. You deploy the new rule so that both Calculation Manager and
your Financial Consolidation and Close are synchronized. Then you can delete the
newly created rule from Calculation Manager.
If you delete a rule that is referenced in a Custom menu attached to a data form, when
you edit the Custom menu, the rule name will be blank. If the Custom menu is used

Chapter 18
Working with Essbase Calc Script

in a data form, when you open the data form, you will no longer see the menu option
because no rule has been associated with the menu.
To delete on-demand rules:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Create and Manage, click Rules.
3. Expand the "Planning" folder and navigate to the "FCCS Consol Rules" folder.
4. Select a rule, right-click and select Delete.
5. From the warning message, click OK to continue.

If the rule has been deployed, the system warns you that the some of the
selected objects have been deployed. Select the option to include the
deployed object as part of the deletion.

6. From the confirmation message that the rule was deleted, click OK.
7. To confirm that the rule was deleted from the list, right-click on the Rules folder,
and click Refresh.

Working with Essbase Calc Script

Essbase Calc Script is the language available to you to write your own custom
business logic in Financial Consolidation and Close.
Essbase Calc Script is the language available to you to write your own custom
business logic in Financial Consolidation and Close. This section provides some basic
Essbase constructs as well as restrictions applied to Financial Consolidation and
Close. For details regarding Essbase Calc Script, see Getting Started with Essbase
Cloud for Administrators .

Common Syntax
• Semicolon
– Required at end of each statement
– Example: Sales = Sales * 1.50;
– Not needed after FIX and ENDFIX
• Double Quotes
– Member names with spaces / special characters / start with number
– Best practice is to always use double quotes around a member name
– Example: "Cash Ratio" = "Cash"/"Current Liabilities";
• Cross-dimensional Operator
– Use > to specify intersection of more than one dimension
– Example: "Sales" > "Changes In Net Income" > "Product1"

Chapter 18
Working with Essbase Calc Script

Comments start with /* and end with */.

Single or multi-line comments are supported.
You can use the toolbar icon to set or remove comment blocks.

FIX/ENDFIX is one of the basic building blocks of any calc script. To do any
calculation, you must define a FIX/ENDFIX section and then place the actual business
calculations within it.
Example: Assume "Products" is your custom dimension and you want to calculate
number of Televisions sold. You could use the following syntax:

"Units_Sold" = "LED_TVs" + "UHD_TVs";


The actual business calculation is:

"Units_Sold = "LED_TVs" + "UHD_TVs";, which calculates the number of Televisions

You must put a semi-colon at the end of each calculation statement, but not
for FIX or ENDFIX.

The FIX/ENDFIX section limits members from various dimensions that participate
in calculations within it. In this example, only "Televisions" are participating in the
You can define nested FIXes also, such as the following:

The above calculation can also be written as shown below:

For example, @List is an Essbase function. Essbase provides many functions.

However, Financial Consolidation and Close does not support all Essbase functions.
See the "Essbase Function List" section for a list of supported functions.

Chapter 18
Working with Essbase Calc Script

FIX on Financial Consolidation and Close Dimensions

An Financial Consolidation and Close application can contain 13 dimensions,
depending on the application features that are enabled. Out of the possible 13
dimensions, you are not allowed to FIX on the following dimensions because the
system automatically applies a FIX on them when a user invokes the consolidation
• Scenario
• Year
• Period
• View
• Entity
For example, suppose you have the following statement:

The system will fail deployment and an error message will be logged in the Jobs
console with the appropriate information.
However, this does not mean that you cannot use these dimensions in the script.
Generally, a calculation will have something like the syntax below:

Note that in FIX and "Left hand side", you cannot use any member from the Scenario,
Year, Period, Entity and View dimensions. But there is no such restriction on the "Right
hand side" of the equation.
The following syntax would be allowed:

For the remaining eight dimensions, if you do not FIX on a particular dimension, the
system will assume all the members from that dimension. For example, suppose you
have the following statement:

In this example, all remaining dimensions have a FIX except Account. In this case,
Essbase will consider all members from the Account dimension for the calculations
within FIX/ENDFIX.

Chapter 18
Working with Essbase Calc Script

Restricted Financial Consolidation and Close Members

Certain system members within each Financial Consolidation and Close are restricted
from being used or calculated in the calculation script. If restricted members are used
in the calculation, the system will fail validation or deployment and an error message
will be logged in the Jobs console.
Remember that if no members are specified for the dimension, the system assumes
ALL members within the dimension. However, since restricted members are not
allowed to be included as part of the process, you must explicitly exclude these
restricted members in your FIX dimension statements or on the Left-hand side of the
The following table is a complete listing of the restricted Financial Consolidation and
Close members from these dimensions. Note that for the Currency and Consolidation
dimensions, they are restricted based on the insertion rule being used. Note that
each seeded insertion rule includes information in the Comment section as to which
member of the Currency and Consolidation dimension can be included for that rule.

Table 18-5 Restricted Dimension Members

Dimension Member Expression Expression

Left-Hand Side Right-Hand Side
Scenario All Members No Yes
Year All Members No Yes
Period All Members No Yes
View All Members No Yes
Entity All Members No Yes
FX Rates - Ending No Yes
FX Rates - Average No Yes
Average Rate No Yes
Ending Rate No Yes
SrcAverageRate No Yes
TgtAverageRate No Yes
SrcEndingRate No Yes
TgtEndingRate No Yes
FCCS_Balance No Yes
FCCS_Percent No Yes
FCCS_Current Ratio No Yes
FCCS_Quick Ratio No Yes
FCCS_Cash Ratio No Yes
FCCS_Inventory No Yes
FCCS_Asset Turnover No Yes

Chapter 18
Working with Essbase Calc Script

Table 18-5 (Cont.) Restricted Dimension Members

Dimension Member Expression Expression

Left-Hand Side Right-Hand Side
FCCS_Days Sales In No Yes
FCCS_Days Sales In No Yes
FCCS_Gross Profit No Yes
FCCS_Return on No Yes
FCCS_Return on No Yes
FCCS_Debt to Equity No Yes
FCCS_Debt Ratio No Yes
Data Source FCCS_System Types No Yes
FCCS_Rate Override No Yes
FCCS_Account No Yes
FCCS_Driver Source No Yes
Movement FCCS_Opening No Yes
FCCS_OpeningBalan No Yes
FCCS_FX_Total_Non No Yes
FCCS_ClosingBalanc No Yes

FIX On All Members of a Dimension Except Restricted Members

It is a common use case where you need to FIX on all level 0 members of a
dimension and that dimension may have restricted members. This example show
how to optimally FIX on all level 0 members except the restricted members of that
For example, the Account dimension has the highest number of restricted members.
Following is the calc script code snippet that can be used to FIX on all level 0 Account
members except restricted members:
@REMOVE( @LEVMBRS( "Account", 0 ), @LIST( @RELATIVE( "FCCS_System
Account", 0 ),@RELATIVE( "FCCS_Drivers", 0 ),@RELATIVE( "FCCS_Ratios",
0 ),@RELATIVE( "Exchange Rates", 0 ) ) )

FIX on Sparse versus Dense dimensions

FIX is more effective when it is done on Sparse dimensions. In this case, FIX will make
Essbase pull blocks only for the combination of Sparse dimension members that are
defined in the FIX and skip the rest.

Chapter 18
Working with Essbase Calc Script

These sparse combinations work as indexes for Essbase to search the data blocks
that match indexes and pull them for calculations. Therefore, not all blocks are pulled
for the system to perform.
When FIX is used on a Dense dimension, dense members will be present in each
data block in Essbase. Therefore, this would have a performance impact if not used
correctly. Note than when FIX is on the Dense dimension, Essbase will pull all data
blocks without limit to the number of blocks and will only limit to a portion within
each block. Therefore, it may require multiple passes to the database to return the
For example, you could reference "Sales" and "PostSales" from the Account
dimension with the following statements:

When the system processes the first fix on "Sales", Essbase pulls all data blocks of the
Account dimension but only works on the one "Sales" account.
Later in the FIX statement on "PostSales", Essbase again pulls all data blocks of the
Account dimension but only works on the one "PostSales" account. In this case, two
passes are made to the database for these two accounts.
To avoid a performance issue, you can avoid using FIX on the Account dimension, but
use IF...THEN for a Dense dimension.

In this example where you are not using the FIX statement, you only need to make
one pass to the Essbase database.
The recommendation is to use FIX on Sparse dimensions, and use IF..THEN for
Dense dimensions to help calculation performance.

Member Block
Member blocks are also known as calculation blocks. Sometimes you will see the term
"anchor" used for Member blocks. The syntax of a member block is as follows:

Chapter 18
Supported Essbase Functions

Following is an example of member block statements:

In this example, "My Total Opening Balance" is known as a calculation block member
or anchor. Whenever possible, this member should be a member from a Dense
In the above calculation, we will only limit to the member "My FX Opening" and the
calculations are performed on the member specified in the FIX statement.
Note that when using IF statements, you will need a member block. You cannot write
IF statements outside of Member blocks.

Supported Essbase Functions

This section lists the Essbase functions that are supported for configurable
calculations in Financial Consolidation and Close. "Y" (for Yes) indicates that the
function is supported.
For detailed function information, see Oracle Essbase Technical Reference .
Common Essbase Functions
• FIX / ENDFIX - control scope
• Calculation Member Block
• Conditional and Logical Operators: IF...ENDIF, < >, +, AND, OR, NOT
• Relationship: @GEN, @LEV, @CURGEN, @CURLEV
• Mathematical: @ABS, @SUM, @VAR, @ROUND, @MAX, + - * /

Chapter 18
Supported Essbase Functions

Essbase Construct Category Sub Category Supported

IF Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
ELSE Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
ELSE IF Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
ENDIF Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
> Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
>= Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
< Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
<= Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
== Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
<> Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
!= Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
AND Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
OR Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
NOT Calculation Functions Conditional and Y
Logical Operators
@ISACCTYPE Calculation Functions Boolean Y (See Note following
@ISANCEST Calculation Functions Boolean N
@ISCHILD Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISDESC Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISGEN Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISIANCEST Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISICHILD Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISIDESC Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISIPARENT Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISISIBLING Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISLEV Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISMBR Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISMBRUDA Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISPARENT Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISRANGENONEMP Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISSAMEGEN Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISSAMELEV Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISSIBLING Calculation Functions Boolean Y
@ISUDA Calculation Functions Boolean Y

Chapter 18
Supported Essbase Functions

Essbase Construct Category Sub Category Supported

@ANCESTVAL Calculation Functions Relationship N
@ATTRIBUTEBVAL Calculation Functions Relationship N
@ATTRIBUTESVAL Calculation Functions Relationship N
@ATTRIBUTEVAL Calculation Functions Relationship N
@CURGEN Calculation Functions Relationship Y
@CURLEV Calculation Functions Relationship Y
@GEN Calculation Functions Relationship Y
@LEV Calculation Functions Relationship Y
@MDANCESTVAL Calculation Functions Relationship N
@MDPARENTVAL Calculation Functions Relationship N
@PARENTVAL Calculation Functions Relationship Y
@SANCESTVAL Calculation Functions Relationship N
@SPARENTVAL Calculation Functions Relationship N
@XREF Calculation Functions Relationship Y
@XWRITE Calculation Functions Relationship N
@ABS Calculation Functions Mathematical Y
@AVG Calculation Functions Mathematical N
@EXP Calculation Functions Mathematical N
@FACTORIAL Calculation Functions Mathematical N
@INT Calculation Functions Mathematical N
@LN Calculation Functions Mathematical N
@LOG Calculation Functions Mathematical N
@LOG10 Calculation Functions Mathematical N
@MAX Calculation Functions Mathematical N
@MAXS Calculation Functions Mathematical N
@MIN Calculation Functions Mathematical Y
@MINS Calculation Functions Mathematical N
@MOD Calculation Functions Mathematical Y
@POWER Calculation Functions Mathematical Y
@REMAINDER Calculation Functions Mathematical Y
@ROUND Calculation Functions Mathematical Y
@SUM Calculation Functions Mathematical Y
@TRUNCATE Calculation Functions Mathematical Y
@VAR Calculation Functions Mathematical Y
@VARPER Calculation Functions Mathematical N
@ALLANCESTORS Calculation Functions Member set N
@ANCEST Calculation Functions Member set Y
@ANCESTORS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@ATTRIBUTE Calculation Functions Member set Y
@BETWEEN Calculation Functions Member set N
@CHILDREN Calculation Functions Member set Y
@CURRMBR Calculation Functions Member set Y
@DESCENDANTS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@EQUAL Calculation Functions Member set Y
@EXPAND Calculation Functions Member set N

Chapter 18
Supported Essbase Functions

Essbase Construct Category Sub Category Supported

@GENMBRS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@IALLANCESTORS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@IANCESTORS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@ICHILDREN Calculation Functions Member set Y
@IDESCENDANTS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@ILANCESTORS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@ILDESCENDANTS Calculation Functions Member set N
@ILSIBLINGS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@INTERSECT Calculation Functions Member set Y
@IRSIBLINGS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@IRDESCENDANTS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@ISIBLINGS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@LANCESTORS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@LDESCENDANTS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@LEVMBRS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@LIST Calculation Functions Member set Y
@LSIBLINGS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@MATCH Calculation Functions Member set Y
@MBRCOMPARE Calculation Functions Member set Y
@MBRPARENT Calculation Functions Member set Y
@MEMBER Calculation Functions Member set Y
@MEMBERAT Calculation Functions Member set Y
@MERGE Calculation Functions Member set Y
@NEXTSIBLING Calculation Functions Member set Y
@NOTEQUAL Calculation Functions Member set Y
@PARENT Calculation Functions Member set Y
@PREVSIBLING Calculation Functions Member set Y
@RANGE Calculation Functions Member set Y
@RDESCENDANTS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@RELATIVE Calculation Functions Member set Y
@REMOVE Calculation Functions Member set Y
@RSIBLINGS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@SHIFTSIBLING Calculation Functions Member set N
@SIBLINGS Calculation Functions Member set Y
@UDA Calculation Functions Member set Y
@WITHATTR Calculation Functions Member set N
@ACCUM Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@AVGRANGE Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@COMPOUND Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@COMPOUNDGRO Calculation Functions Range and Financial N
@CURRMBRRANGE Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@DECLINE Calculation Functions Range and Financial N
@GROWTH Calculation Functions Range and Financial N
@INTEREST Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y

Chapter 18
Supported Essbase Functions

Essbase Construct Category Sub Category Supported

@IRR Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@IRREX Calculation Functions Range and Financial N
@MAXRANGE Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@MAXSRANGE Calculation Functions Range and Financial N
@MDSHIFT Calculation Functions Range and Financial N
@MINRANGE Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@MINSRANGE Calculation Functions Range and Financial N
@NEXT Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@NEXTS Calculation Functions Range and Financial N
@NPV Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@PTD Calculation Functions Range and Financial N
@PRIOR Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@PRIORS Calculation Functions Range and Financial N
@RANGE Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@RANGEFIRSTVAL Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@RANGELASTVAL Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@SHIFT Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@SHIFTPLUS Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@SHIFTMINUS Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@SLN Calculation Functions Range and Financial N
@SUMRANGE Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@SYD Calculation Functions Range and Financial N
@XRANGE Calculation Functions Range and Financial Y
@ALLOCATE Calculation Functions Allocation N
@MDALLOCATE Calculation Functions Allocation N
@MOVAVG Calculation Functions Forecasting N
@MOVMAX Calculation Functions Forecasting N
@MOVMED Calculation Functions Forecasting N
@MOVMIN Calculation Functions Forecasting N
@MOVSUM Calculation Functions Forecasting N
@MOVSUMX Calculation Functions Forecasting N
@SPLINE Calculation Functions Forecasting N
@TREND Calculation Functions Forecasting N
@CORRELATION Calculation Functions Statistical N
@COUNT Calculation Functions Statistical Y
@MEDIAN Calculation Functions Statistical N
@MODE Calculation Functions Statistical N
@RANK Calculation Functions Statistical N
@STDEV Calculation Functions Statistical N
@STDEVP Calculation Functions Statistical N
@STDEVRANGE Calculation Functions Statistical N
@VARIANCE Calculation Functions Statistical N
@VARIANCEP Calculation Functions Statistical N
@TODATE Calculation Functions Date & Time Y
@CALCMODE Calculation Functions Misc Y

Chapter 18
Supported Essbase Functions

Essbase Construct Category Sub Category Supported

@CONCATENATE Calculation Functions Misc Y
@SUBSTRING Calculation Functions Misc Y
@NAME Calculation Functions Misc Y
@RETURN Calculation Functions Misc N
@CREATEBLOCK Calculation Functions Misc Y
+ (Adds) Calculation Mathematical Y
- (Subtracts) Calculation Mathematical Y
* (Multiplies) Calculation Mathematical Y
/ (Divides) Calculation Mathematical Y
% (Evaluates Calculation Mathematical Y
Percentage) Commands
( ) (Controls the Calculation Mathematical Y
calculation order) Commands
AGG Calculation Misc N
ARRAY Calculation Misc Y
CALC ALL Calculation CALC N
CALC DIM Calculation CALC Y (See Note following
Commands table)
CALC LAST Calculation CALC N
CALC TWOPASS Calculation Misc N
CCONV Calculation CLEAR N

Chapter 18
Supported Essbase Functions

Essbase Construct Category Sub Category Supported

LUDE Commands
FIX...ENDFIX Calculation BLOCK Y
SET CACHE Calculation SET N
SET Calculation SET N
SET Calculation SET N
SET Calculation SET N
SET Calculation SET N
SET Calculation SET N
SET Calculation SET N
SET Calculation SET N
SET Calculation SET N
SET Calculation SET N
SET Calculation SET N
SET MSG Calculation SET N

Chapter 18
Financial Consolidation and Close Custom Functions

Essbase Construct Category Sub Category Supported

SET NOTICE Calculation SET N
SET Calculation SET N
SET Calculation SET N
THREADVAR Calculation Misc N
VAR Calculation Misc Y

@ISACCTYPE: This function only applies to Expense accounts. Any of these
values may be used: First, Last, Average, Expense, and Twopass.
CALC DIM: You should only use CALC DIM on non-aggregated dimensions
(for example, Movement, Intercompany, Multi-GAAP and Custom(s). It is
required only if you need to reference an aggregated intersection in the
middle of your custom calculation.

Financial Consolidation and Close Custom Functions

Related Topics
• FCCSImpact Status Function

FCCSImpact Status Function

The @FCCSImpactStatus function allows you to manually change the status of a
specified Scenario, Year, Period and Entity combination to Impacted based on certain
calculations. For example, if the system is calculating the value of Net Income for the
Actual scenario for a specific entity, you may want the system to impact the same
entity for the same year and period in another scenario called Forecast. The function
changes the calculation status to Impacted regardless of the current status.
The @FCCSImpactStatus function can be used in Configurable Calculations (insertion
rules) and On Demand rules. See Working with Configurable Calculations and
Working with On-Demand Rules.
@FCCSImpactStatus(Scenario, Year, Period, Entity)

Chapter 18
Financial Consolidation and Close Custom Functions

You select these parameters for the function:

• Scenario - single member. The selection must be a level 0 member.
• Year - single member. The selection must be a level 0 member.
• Period - single member. The selection must be a level 0 member (and not a parent
such as Q1 or HY1).
• Entity - single member or function or list. Both level 0 and parent members are
It supports functions such as: @CURRMBR, @PREVSIBLING, @NEXTSIBLING,
For Entity, the list type of Member Set functions are supported using the specific
Member Name instead of @CURRMBR("Entity"). For example:
• Descendant (inc)
• Children (inc)
• Ancestors (inc)
• Siblings (inc)
• Parents (inc)
• Level 0 Descendants
• Left Siblings (inc)
• Right Siblings (inc)
• Previous Level 0 Member
• Next Level 0 Member
• Previous Generation
• Next Generation
• @List
For Scenario, Year, Period, and Entity dimensions, @CURRMBR is supported to
indicate the same as current member being processed.
For Scenario, Year, Period, and Entity dimensions, @NEXTSIBLING and
@PREVSIBLING functions are only supported when directly combined with
@CURRMBR function. The following three combinations are supported using the
@CURRMBR(..) function:
• @CURRMBR(" Scenario/Years/Period/Entity ")
For Entity dimension, the @LIST function is supported where the item can be
@CURRMBR("Entity") or its valid combinations. For example, the following statements
on the Entity field are valid:
• @LIST(@CURRMBR("Entity"), "LE-0011-EUR" @SIBLINGS("LE-0016-BRL"))
• @NEXTSIBLING(@CURRMBR("Entity")), @IAncestors("LE-0011-EUR"));

Chapter 18
Financial Consolidation and Close Custom Functions

The system impacts the Scenario/Year/Period/Entity as specified in the

@FCCSImpactStatus function regardless of its current calculation status, and impacts
all applicable parents and ancestors. All future periods with data are impacted.
If the entity has shared entities, the primary entity and all of its shared entities are
impacted, and their corresponding parents and ancestors are also impacted. The
system does not impact entities that are locked.
Example: Using the @FCCSImpactStatus function in Configurable Calculations

The following example shows a sample Impact Status calculation script.

Chapter 18
Financial Consolidation and Close Custom Functions

The following examples show the impact of the @FCCSImpactStatus function on

various Scenario/Year/Period/Entity combinations.
Example 1: Explicit Impact for a specific Scenario/Year/Period/Entity
•@FCCSImpactStatus("Budget", "FY16", "Jan", "GBP E2")

Select "Actual/FY16/Jan/EUR #1" to run the OnDemand Rule.

The function will explicitly impact "Budget/FY16/Jan/GBP E2" and ancestors of GBP2
E2 in Budget/FY16/Jan.
The parent member "EUR D1" will also be impacted.

Chapter 18
Financial Consolidation and Close Custom Functions

Example 2: Impact a different Scenario, but the same Year/Period/Entity


Select "Actual/FY16/Feb/EUR E1" to run the OnDemand Rule.

It will explicitly impact "Budget/FY16/Feb/EUR E1" and ancestors of EUR E1 in
The parent member "EUR D1" will also be impacted for February.

Example 3: Impact current Scenario/Year/Period but different Entities using

@List function
@FCCSImpactStatus("@CURRMBR"("Scenario"), @CURRMBR("Years"),
@CURRMBR("Period"),@LIST("EUR E3", "USD E4")

Select "Actual / FY16 / Mar / EUR E1" to run the OnDemand Rule.
It will explicity impact"Actual / FY16 / Mar / EUR E3 and USD E4" and ancestors of
EUR E3 and USD E4 in Actual/FY16/Mar.
The corresponding Parent "USD D2" will also be impacted for March.

Chapter 18
Financial Consolidation and Close Custom Functions

Example 4: Impact current Scenario/Year/Entity, but next Period

@FCCSImpactStatus("@CURRMBR"("Scenario"), @CURRMBR("Years"),

Select "Actual/FY16/Apr/EUR E1" to run the OnDemand Rule

It will explicity impact "Actual / FY16 / May / EUR E1" and ancestors of EUR E1 in
The corresponding Parent "EUR D1" will also be impacted for May.

The following example shows additional use cases for the @FCCSImpactStatus
function and its results.

Chapter 18
Financial Consolidation and Close Custom Functions

Suppose you are using this Entity Hierarchy, consolidating Actual / FY19 / Nov / P02,
and using the @FCCSImpactStatus function:
Use case 1: @FCCSImpactStatus("Actual", "FY19", "Nov", "E03")
As Entity E03 is a descendant of P02 (and Scenario, Year and Period are same),
impacting will not be done.
Use case 2: @FCCSImpactStatus("Actual", "FY19","Nov", "E04")
Entity E04 is not a descendant of P02. Impacting will be done.
Use case 3: @FCCSImpactStatus("Actual", "FY19","Dec", "E03")
Even though Entity E03 is a descendant of P02, Dec. is a period after November, so it
will be impacted.
Use case 4: @FCCSImpactStatus("Actual", "FY19", "Oct", "E03")
No impacting will be done. We are consolidating Actual / FY19 / Nov / P02, which
means P02 and all its descendants including E03 will become OK in Actual / FY19 /
Use case 5: @FCCSImpactStatus("Actual", "FY19", "Oct", "E04")
Impacting will be done. Entity E04 is not a descendant of P02.

Managing Approval Unit Hierarchies
Related Topics
• Creating Approval Unit Hierarchies
• Editing Approval Unit Hierarchies
• Viewing Approval Unit Hierarchy Usage
• Synchronizing Approval Unit Hierarchies
• Deleting and Renaming Approval Unit Hierarchies
• Exporting Approval Unit Hierarchies
• Importing Approval Unit Hierarchies

Creating Approval Unit Hierarchies

Administrators can set up an approval process and organize data into approval units
for the purpose of review. See Managing the Approval Process.
The Approval Unit hierarchy contains the entities that are part of the review process.
An approval unit consists of a combination of Scenario, Year, Period and Entity.
You must be a Service Administrator to create, modify or delete an Approval Unit
Watch the following video to learn more about approval unit hierarchies:

Managing the Approval Unit Hierarchy

To create an approval unit hierarchy:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Workflow, click Approval Unit.
3. Click Create.
4. Set up the hierarchy with an approval name, approval options, and template.
See Setting Up the Approval Unit Hierarchy.
5. Select the members to include in the approval process.
See Selecting Approval Unit Hierarchy Members.
6. Assign owners and reviewers for each stage of the approval process and create
the approval unit promotional path.
See Assigning Approval Unit Owners and Reviewers.
7. Click Save.

Chapter 19
Creating Approval Unit Hierarchies

Setting Up the Approval Unit Hierarchy

Default Approval Unit Hierarchy Assignment
When an application is created, the system automatically creates an Approval Unit
Hierarchy named "Total Geography". This Approval Unit Hierarchy contains all entities
under the "Total Geography" hierarchy. The approval template assigned to this
Approval Unit Hierarchy is "Consolidation". This template is used for the purpose of
Locking and Unlocking.
Existing Applications
To start using the review process available for Process Management, you can either:
• Modify the existing "Total Geography" Approval Unit Hierarchy to use a new
approval template named "Consolidation - Bottom Up"
• Create a new Approval Unit Hierarchy and assign the entities which you like to be
included in the Approval Unit Hierarchy for the review process.
It is recommended that you create a new Approval Unit Hierarchy using the new
approval template - "Consolidation - Bottom Up" for the approval process.
New Applications
If you are creating a new application , you can modify the default "Total Geography"
Approval Unit Hierarchy to use the new approval template - "Consolidation Bottom
Up". If any of the periods have already been started, you must Restart the review
process so that the system uses the new approval template for the workflow.
To set up an approval unit hierarchy:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Workflow, click Approval Unit.
3. Take an action:
• To create a new hierarchy, click Create.
• To edit an existing hierarchy, select a hierarchy and click Edit.
4. Select Approvals Dimension.
5. In Hierarchy Name, specify the approval unit hierarchy name.
6. Optional: Specify a description.
7. In Enable Approvals, select:
• All to add all entities to the approval process
• Custom to include the parent entity and the generation level of entities
specified as approval units. Based upon the selection, the required entities
are added to the hierarchy.
• None - this will not automatically include any entities as approval units. You
can manually select the entities to be included in the hierarchy.
8. From Approvals Template, select a template.
9. For Cube, leave the default setting of "Consol".
10. Take an action:

Chapter 19
Creating Approval Unit Hierarchies

• Click Next or select Primary and Subhierarchy Selection to select the approval
unit members (see Selecting Approval Unit Hierarchy Members.
• Click Save and then OK to save changes and close the approval unit hierarchy.

Selecting Approval Unit Hierarchy Members

To select approval unit hierarchy members:
1. Take an action:
• From Approvals Dimension, click Next or select Primary and Subhierarchy
Selection to continue defining an approval unit hierarchy.
• Select Workflow, and then Approval Unit to edit an approval unit hierarchy.
• At any time during approval unit hierarchy member selection, you can click
Reset to Default Hierarchy to reset it to its default membership defined in the
Approvals Dimension page.
• Shared members are displayed in the primary hierarchy, but are not displayed
in the alternate hierarchy. For example, if entity E1 is under parent P1, which
is the "primary" hierarchy in the Entity dimension, and if E1 is also defined
under another parent P2 in an alternate hierarchy in the Entity dimension,
when you try to select E1 to be part of the Approval Unit Hierarchy, the
system only displays the E1 that is under P1. If you expand P2, E1 will not be
2. Define how to display the entities in the approval unit hierarchy:
• Right-click and select Expand to expand the display.
• Right-click and select Collapse to collapse the display.
• Select All Entities to display all available entities for selection.
• Select Approval Units to display only the approval units that you enabled
• For Search, select Name, Alias, or Both. Enter any part or all of a name in
Search to locate an entity, then click Search Up or Down in the hierarchy.
• To move from page to page in a multipage approval unit hierarchy, enter a
page number in Page and click Go, or click Start (first page), Prev (previous
page), Next, or End (last page).
3. Optional: For approval units not included in the default settings for the approval
process, check the box to the left of the approval unit name to include it in the
approval process.
4. Optional: Right-click an approval unit name to define subhierarchy members for
the approval process, and then select one Include/Exclude option:
• Include Children to include the children of the approval unit.
• Include Member to include only the approval unit, but none of its
• Include All Descendants to include all descendants of the approval unit.
• Include Generation to include one or more approval unit generations. Specify
the generations to include when prompted.

Chapter 19
Creating Approval Unit Hierarchies

• Exclude Children to exclude the children of the approval unit.

• Exclude Member to exclude only the approval unit, but none of its
• Exclude All Descendants to exclude all descendants of the approval unit.
• Exclude Generation to exclude approval unit generations. Specify the
generations to exclude when prompted.
5. Take an action:
• Click Next or select Assign Owners to specify approval unit ownership.
• Click Save and then OK to save changes and close the approval unit

Assigning Approval Unit Owners and Reviewers

Approval unit ownership is inherited from the approval unit parents. Approval unit
reviewers are also inherited. You can specify different approval unit owners and
reviewers other than those inherited by the approval units.
You must be a Service Administrator to assign approval unit Owners and Reviewers.
• For Owner, you must assign one user or group as the Owner of the approval
unit. The Owner should be assigned to the top level entity of the approval unit
• For Reviewer, you can assign one or more users or groups as Reviewers of the
approval unit.
If you select individual users as Reviewers, all users must perform the Approve action,
and the approvals must follow the order in which the users are entered. If you select a
group (or groups) as a Reviewer, any user within the group can be the Reviewer and
can promote to the next level.
To assign approval unit owners and reviewers:
1. Take an action:
• From Primary and Subhierarchy Selection, click Next or select Assign
Owners to continue defining an approval unit hierarchy.
• Select Workflow, and then Approval Unit to edit an approval unit hierarchy.
2. Select an approval unit, then under Owner, click the Select Owner icon to search
for and select an owner.
An approval unit can have only one owner. Either a user or a group can be the
owner. Select the Users tab to assign an individual user as the owner. Select the
Groups tab to assign a group as the owner.
3. Under Reviewer, click Search and select approval unit reviewers.
Reviewers can be individual users, a single group, or multiple groups. Select the
Users tab to assign individual users as reviewers. Select the Groups tab to assign
a single group or multiple groups as reviewers.

Chapter 19
Creating Approval Unit Hierarchies

If the reviewers are individual users, select the reviewers in the order
that you want them to review the approval unit. The first reviewer in the
list is the first user to work on the approval unit. When the first reviewer
promotes the approval unit, the second reviewer selected becomes the
approval unit owner, and so on through the list of reviewers that you

4. Under Promotional Path, click to display the approval unit promotional path
for the entity, verify that it is correct, and then correct any errors.
For an entity to be approved and locked, the entity must have gone through the
promotional path and reached the last owner or reviewer in the path. Only the last
owner/reviewer on the promotional path can approve or lock the entity.
5. Optional: Under Notify These Users, click Search to select the users to notify
whenever an approval action is performed for the approval unit.
In order to receive notifications, the user to be notified must set up email ID
and enable approval notifications in User Preferences. See "Setting Up Email for
Notifications" in Working with Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud.
6. Optional: Repeat these steps for other approval units to assign owners and
7. Click Save to save your work and continue, or click OK to save your work and
close the approval unit hierarchy.

Assigning Approval Unit Hierarchies to Scenarios

After you have defined your Approval Unit, you can assign the Approval Unit Hierarchy
to a specific Scenario, Year and Period combination. Only Scenarios that have
Approvals Enabled in metadata are available for selection.

You assign only one Approval Unit Hierarchy to a specific Scenario/Year/
Period. You cannot assign multiple Approval Unit Hierarchies to the same

To assign approval unit hierarchy Scenario, Year, and Period combinations:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Workflow, click Approval Unit Assignment.
3. Add a Scenario, Year and Period assignment:

a. Click in the Actions column for the approval unit.

b. From the Scenario column drop-down, select the scenario to associate with
the approval unit hierarchy.

Chapter 19
Editing Approval Unit Hierarchies

c. From the Years column drop-down, select the year to associate with the
approval unit hierarchy.
d. From the Period column drop-down, select the periods to associate with the
approval unit hierarchy.
You can select multiple periods at once, for example, Actual, FY19, January,
February, March, and so on.
e. Click OK.
A new assignment row is displayed.


To remove an assignment, click Delete .

4. Click Save to save the assignments and continue.

Editing Approval Unit Hierarchies

You must be a Service Administrator to edit an approval unit hierarchy.
To edit an approval hierarchy:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Workflow, click Approval Unit.
3. Select an approval unit hierarchy, and click Edit.
4. Select the appropriate tab for the changes that you want to make:
• Approvals Dimension
See Setting Up the Approval Unit Hierarchy.
• Primary and Subhierarchy Selection
See Selecting Approval Unit Hierarchy Members.
• Assign Owners
See Assigning Approval Unit Owners and Reviewers.
• Usage
See Viewing Approval Unit Hierarchy Usage.
5. Click Save when done.

Viewing Approval Unit Hierarchy Usage

Approval unit hierarchies might have dependencies such as Scenario, Year and Period
assignments or data validation rules which are defined in forms. If dependencies exist
for an approval unit hierarchy, the hierarchy cannot be deleted until the dependencies
are removed. The Usage tab enables you to view approval unit hierarchies so that you
can see and remove the dependencies if needed.
To view approval unit hierarchy usage:

Chapter 19
Synchronizing Approval Unit Hierarchies

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Workflow, click Approval Unit.
3. Select an approval unit hierarchy, click Edit, and then select Usage to view
approval unit hierarchy dependencies.
4. Select Forms to view associated data validation rules in forms, or select Approval
Unit Assignment to view associated scenario assignments.
• If data validation rules are associated, they are listed by form. Click the link to
display the form in edit mode in a new tab. You can then update or delete the
rule to disassociate it from the hierarchy.
• If a Scenario, Year and Period combination is associated, they are listed by
scenario. Click the link to display the assignment in a new tab. You can then
remove the assignment to disassociate it from the hierarchy.
5. If you remove dependencies, click Refresh on the Usage tab to refresh the list.
6. If you are deleting an approval unit hierarchy, repeat these steps until all
dependencies are removed.

Synchronizing Approval Unit Hierarchies

When you add, delete, or modify dimension members that are used in approval
unit hierarchies, the affected approval unit hierarchy must be synchronized with the
changes. When you display the list of approval unit hierarchies, the entry for each
approval unit hierarchy specifies whether recent changes are reflected in the approval
unit hierarchy. Use this procedure to synchronize dimension member changes with the
approval unit hierarchy.

When you add dimension members, they are added as approval units
only if they meet the criteria in the inclusion rules for the approval unit
hierarchy. For example, if the added entity is a fourth-generation entity, and
the inclusion rules specify generations one through three as approval units,
the entity is not added as an approval unit. If the entity is a third-generation
member, however, it is added as an approval unit the next time the approval
unit hierarchy is edited and saved, or synchronized.

To synchronize changes to approval unit hierarchies:

1. Click the Navigator icon , and then under Workflow, click Approval Unit.
2. In the Synchronized column, approval unit hierarchies are labeled as follows:
• Synchronized—Changes are synchronized with the approval unit hierarchy
• Not Synchronized—Changes are not synchronized with the approval unit
• Locked By user—A user is editing or synchronizing the approval unit

Chapter 19
Deleting and Renaming Approval Unit Hierarchies

If a user begins editing or synchronizing an approval unit hierarchy after
you display the approval unit hierarchy list, the approval unit hierarchy
list does not display "Locked" for the approval unit hierarchy. If you try
to synchronize this approval unit hierarchy, the synchronization does not
occur, and an error message states that it is being edited.

3. Select an approval unit hierarchy listed as Not Synchronized, and click

Changes are applied to the approval unit hierarchy, and the list of approval units
is updated according to the inclusion rules defined for the approval unit hierarchy.
The system will synchronize all the approval unit hierarchies in the application to
avoid any conflict when an entity belongs to multiple hierarchies.

You cannot synchronize changes to an approval unit hierarchy that
another user is editing or synchronizing.

4. To view the status of the synchronization process, navigate to the Jobs console.
The Jobs list includes the status of each approval unit hierarchy being processed
and details of any errors.

Deleting and Renaming Approval Unit Hierarchies

You can delete an approval unit hierarchy if it is not referenced by data validation rules
or scenario assignments. The Usage tab displays objects that reference the hierarchy
so that you can disassociate them from the hierarchy if needed.
You can also change the name of an approval unit hierarchy. Renaming an approval
unit hierarchy does not affect the objects that reference it.
To delete or rename approval unit hierarchies:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Workflow, click Approval Unit.
3. Take an action:
• To delete, select the approval unit hierarchy to delete, and then click Delete.
• To rename, select the approval unit hierarchy to rename, click Rename, and
enter a new name.
4. Click OK.

Exporting Approval Unit Hierarchies

When you export an approval unit hierarchy, you create a file that contains
the approval unit hierarchy information, including the definition and assignment

Chapter 19
Importing Approval Unit Hierarchies

information. After you create this file, you can copy its contents to an existing approval
unit hierarchy (see Importing Approval Unit Hierarchies).
To export approval unit hierarchies:

1. Click the Navigator icon , and then under Workflow, click Import and Export.
2. Select Export Approval Unit Hierarchy.
3. In Existing Approval Unit Hierarchy Name, select an approval unit hierarchy to
4. Click OK.
5. When the Save dialog box is displayed, save the export file to a location of your
6. Click Export or Done. Export performs the action, and Done closes the dialog

Importing Approval Unit Hierarchies

An approval unit hierarchy can be populated with the contents of an approval unit
hierarchy import file, including the definition and assignment information. The import
file is the result of exporting an existing approval unit hierarchy. See Exporting
Approval Unit Hierarchies.
Importing the approval unit hierarchy information doesn't create an approval unit
hierarchy. The approval unit hierarchy populated from the export file must exist and
have at least a name before the import. The import process always uses Replace
mode, which means it first deletes all members of the approval unit hierarchy, and then
adds each member specified as a new member in the load file.

An approval unit hierarchy load deletes an existing member and its children
from the hierarchy if the member isn't specified in the input file.

To import an approval unit hierarchy:

1. Click the Navigator icon , and then under Workflow, click Import and Export.
2. Select Import Approval Unit Hierarchy.
3. In Existing Approval Unit Hierarchy Name, select the approval unit hierarchy
receiving the exported information.

Chapter 19
Importing Approval Unit Hierarchies

The imported approval unit hierarchy includes the defined owner,
reviewers, and rules for determining the promotional path.
If your Approval Unit Hierarchy is already started and you import an
Approval Unit Hierarchy which may contain changes to assigned entities,
errors will result. Before you import an Approval Unit Hierarchy file,
ensure that the Approval Unit Hierarchy is not started by performing
Exclude, which resets the hierarchy to Not Started status.

4. For Approval Unit Hierarchy with Ownership, click Browse to select the
exported approval unit hierarchy file to import.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Import or Done. Import performs the action, and Done closes the dialog
If the message Import successful is displayed, the approval unit hierarchy
information in the exported file was successfully copied to the approval unit
hierarchy that you selected in Existing Approval Unit Hierarchy Name.
If the message Import not successful. Some items have not been imported is
displayed, click Details to view the log file. Correct the errors and retry importing
the approval unit hierarchy.

Managing the Approval Process
Related Topics
• Approval Process Overview
• Enabling Approvals
• Starting the Approval Process
• Approval Unit Promotional Path
• Creating Approval Unit Annotation Reports
• Creating Approval Status Reports
• Data Validation Rules
• Locking and Unlocking Entities
• Troubleshooting Approval Process Issues

Approval Process Overview

Administrators can set up an approval process to transfer ownership of data, provide
review control, and ensure data privacy.
For the purpose of review, data is organized into approval units. An approval unit is the
combination of data for a specific Scenario, Year, Period, and Entity. For example:
• Actual/FY18/Jan/Massachusetts
• Budget/FY19/Feb/New York
The approval process generally follows these steps:
• The administrator sets up the approval unit hierarchy.
• The administrator assigns a Scenario, Year and Period combination to the
approval unit hierarchy.
• The administrator starts the approval process.
• Owners and Reviewers promote approval units according to the promotional path.
• The last reviewer in the approval hierarchy approves the approval unit. It changes
to Approved status. After an approval unit is Approved, no more changes can be
made to it.
• The administrator can optionally lock entities before closing the period.

Enabling Approvals
Before you can use the Approvals process, you must enable approvals for the
Scenario dimension in the metadata file. When the Enabled for Approvals option
is enabled, the Scenario is available for selection in the Approval Unit Assignment

Chapter 20
Starting the Approval Process

To enable approvals:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Overview.
2. Click Dimensions, and then select the Scenario dimension.
3. Click Edit Member Properties.
4. Select Enabled for Approvals.
5. Click Save.

Starting the Approval Process

An administrator manages the approval process, including setting up approval unit
hierarchies, assigning the approval unit hierarchy to a specific Scenario, Year and
Period, setting up validation rules, and starting the review process.
See Creating Approval Unit Hierarchies.
During the approval process, the administrator can monitor the status of each entity
within the approval unit hierarchy and perform approval actions for these entities. The
Process Status is only available to the administrator. Other users perform approval
actions from the Approvals card on the Home page. See "Reviewing and Approving
Data" in Working with Financial Consolidation and Close .
After you have defined an Approval Unit Hierarchy and assigned it to a specific
Scenario, Year and Period, the approval process can be started. Only an Administrator
can start the approval process. After the process is started, the approval unit moves
from one reviewer to another until the process is complete.
By default, the approval status is "Not Started". The Start process changes the
approval unit status to "Under Review".
When you start the approval process, the system starts the process for the entities
within the Approval Unit Hierarchy. You can instead start each base entity separately,
however, when you start a base entity, its parent and ancestors will also be started.
If you start a parent entity, all of its descendants will be started.
After the Start process, the current owner for each entity is set to the first owner in
the promotional path, as displayed in the "Current Owner" column. As the approval
unit is promoted within the promotional path, the Current Owner and Location are
updated accordingly. The Administrator can monitor the status of each entity within
the Approval Unit Hierarchy and perform approval action for these entities from the
Process Status screen.
An Administrator can restart the process at any time by selecting a specific entity to
Exclude. The system clears all approval history for the entity, and you can select Start
again to restart the review process, which moves the entity to the first owner of the
promotional path.
To start the approval process:

1. Click the Navigator icon .

2. Under Workflow, click Manage Approvals.
3. From Scenario, Year, and Period, select a valid scenario, year, and period.
4. Click Go.

Chapter 20
Approval Unit Promotional Path

In the graphical pie chart, you will see "no data displayed" if the Approval Unit
Hierarchy has not yet started.
5. From the View drop-down on the top right, select Tree View.
6. Select an approval unit and click Start to begin the approval process.
7. From the confirmation message that the approval unit has been started, click OK.
The Approved Status changes to Under Review.
For a list of all Approval Unit levels and available actions, see "Reviewing and
Approving Data" in Working with Financial Consolidation and Close .
8. Optional: If you want to re-start the approval process for a specific entity, you
can select Exclude to remove an approval unit from the process, and reset the
approval status to "Not Started".

After you exclude an approval unit, all associated annotations and
history are discarded. Data values are retained.

Approval Unit Promotional Path

When you select an Owner and Reviewers for an approval unit and its parents, you set
the approval unit promotional path.
After the review process has started for the Scenario, Year and Period for the approval
unit, the approval status is "Under Review" for the entity, and a current Owner is
assigned to the entity according to the promotional path defined for the approval unit
At this stage, only the current Owner of the approval unit with Write access can enter
or modify data for the entity.
However, anyone either in the promotional path or outside of it with Read or Write
access can view the data.
The current Owner of the approval unit changes as the entity is promoted within the
promotional path. After an entity has been promoted to the next level, you no longer
have Write access to the data, although you continue to have Read access to the
entity's data.

Chapter 20
Creating Approval Unit Annotation Reports

Creating Approval Unit Annotation Reports

Administrators can check Approval Unit status by reporting on annotations for a set of
Scenarios and Approval Unit members. Annotation text displays chronologically, with
the most recent entry first.
To create reports for Approval Unit annotations:
1. Click the Navigator icon

, and then under Monitor and Explore, click System Reports.

2. Select the Approval Unit tab, and then click Annotations.
3. From Select Report Options, select the Scenario, Years,
Period, and Entity combination for which you want to
generate a report. If Custom is selected, click the

Member Selector icon to select the custom members.

4. From Approval Status, select the status to display in the report.
5. Click Create Report and select where to save the report.

Creating Approval Status Reports

You can view detailed status of the approval process using approval status reports. All
users can access this report, however you will see only the approval units to which you
have Write access.
Approvals status reports provide the following information:
• Approval Unit
• Parent
• Status
• Previous, Current, and Next Owner

Chapter 20
Data Validation Rules

• Current Location
• Total Value
• Last Status Change Date
Sample Approval Status Report

To create Approval Status reports:

1. Click the Navigator icon

, and then under Monitor and Explore, click System Reports.

2. Select the Approval Unit tab, and then click Approval Status.
3. From Select Approval Status, select the status to display in the report, or select
4. From Filters, select dimension members for Scenario, Years, and Period.
5. Optional: Select an Approval Unit Hierarchy if you want to filter on a subset of
an Approval Unit hierarchy.
6. Optional: Select Current Location's Generation.
7. Select a Format for the report:
8. Click Create Report and select where to save the report.

Data Validation Rules

To implement business policies and practices, administrators can build data validation
rules that are checked when conditions are met in forms. Rules can generate

Chapter 20
Locking and Unlocking Entities

validation messages, enforce limits on submitted approval unit data, and designate
a specific reviewer or owner to review data that meets some condition.
For example:
• Conditionalizing the approval unit promotional path
• Preventing the promotion of approval units that include invalid data
You define validation rules within a data form, and can specify options for validating
approval units. See Including Data Validation Rules in Forms.
In the approval process, validation is run only for these actions:
• Promote
• Approve
• Lock
• Unlock
• Exclude (Administrator action; checks to ensure that the current period is not
Validation is not run when these actions are performed:
• Sign Off
• Reject
• Reopen
• Originate
• Take Ownership
• Start (administrator action)

Locking and Unlocking Entities

You can view the lock status, and lock and unlock entities on the Approvals page. You
can also view the lock status and calculation status on the Data Status form.
During the data load process, the system does not load locked entities. If an entity is
locked, or approved, you cannot submit, post, unpost a journal, or modify a data form
that contains that entity.
Watch the following video for information on the locking and unlocking process:

Promoting, Approving and Locking Data

To lock or unlock an entity, you must create an approval unit hierarchy containing the
entities you want to lock. By default, Financial Consolidation and Close provides an
approval unit named "Total Geography".
To lock or unlock entities, you must be a Service Administrator or a Power User.
When an application is created, an owner is automatically defined for the "FCCS_Total
Geography" approval unit. The owner is the same as the Service Administrator.

Chapter 20
Locking and Unlocking Entities

You can modify the owner information for the default approval unit hierarchy
"FCCS_Total Geography" as long as the owner is a valid Service Administrator or
a Power User with Write access to the entities within the approval unit hierarchy.
It is not necessary to define any reviewer for "FCCS_Total Geography" as reviewer
is optional. All descendants of "FCCS_Total Geography" will inherit the same owner
information as its parent unless you choose to have a different owner or reviewer for
an individual entity within the approval unit hierarchy.
If you create any hierarchy outside of "FCCS_Total Geography", you must define a
valid owner for that hierarchy.

Locking Entities
You can lock data only if these conditions are met:
• The entity’s calculation status must be OK, No Data, or System Change. You
cannot lock an entity with Impacted calculation status.
• The prior period data must be locked. For example, you can only lock an entity in
the February period if it is locked in January.
To lock entities:
1. On the Home page, click Approvals.
2. Select the Total Geography approval unit.
By default, the Total Geography approval unit has a status of Not Synchronized,
and must be synchronized.
3. Click the Synchronize icon to synchronize the approval unit.

You must repeat this step each time after you add or remove an entity
and perform a database refresh.

4. To start the approval unit, click the Navigator con, and then select Manage
If you do not start an approval unit, the entities in that approval unit will remain in
"Not Started" status.
5. Select the Scenario, Year and Period that you want to start and click Go.
6. From the View list on the right, select Tree View.
7. Expand "Total Geography" until you see FCCS_Total Geography.
FCCS_Total Geography is in "Not Started" state.
8. Click Start to start "FCCS_Total Geography ".
The system then moves it and all its descendants to "Unlocked" state.
9. On the Home page, click Approvals.
10. Click an unlocked approval unit.

11. On the Change Status page, click Change Status to change the status to Locked.

12. Click Done.

Chapter 20
Locking and Unlocking Entities

If an error occurs during the locking or unlocking process, the Approvals page displays
a Failed status next to the approval unit. Click the link to view a detailed validation
report and resolve the error.

Unlocking Entities
You can only unlock data for a period if the next period is unlocked. For example, you
can only unlock an entity in February if the entity is unlocked in March.
You can select the Unlock or Unlock Single option:
• Unlock - If you select the Unlock action on a parent entity, the system unlocks the
parent entity and all its descendants.
• Unlock Single- If you select the Unlock Single action on a parent entity, the
system unlocks only the parent entity, but not its descendants.
When you unlock an entity and select the owner for the entity, it can be any owner
in the previous promotional path, including the current owner. If you select the
Automatic option for the owner, the new owner will be the current owner of the entity.
To unlock entities:
1. From the Approvals page, click a locked approval unit.
2. On the Change Status page, from the Actions drop-down, select an option:
• Unlock - unlock the parent entity and all its descendants
• Unlock Single - unlock the parent entity only.
3. Click Done.
If an error occurs during the locking or unlocking process, the Approvals page displays
a Failed status next to the approval unit. Click the link to view a detailed validation
report and resolve the error.

Locking New Entities

When you add a new entity to a hierarchy, the system implements locking as a part of
the Synchronization process. The new entity inherits the locked status from its parent
for the previous periods. The system performs a check from the first period of the
application where the parent is locked. The new entity is automatically locked if the
parent is locked.
The system locks the entity if the following conditions are met:
• The new entity has NODATA and Not Started status.
• The parent of the new entity is Locked.
• The new entity's prior period is Locked.
If you do not want the new entity to be locked, you will need to manually unlock the
new entity, which will cause the parent to be unlocked.
After you add a new entity, the approval unit hierarchy will have a "Not Synchronized"
status, because you have changed the metadata.
To synchronize approval unit hierarchies:

1. Click the Navigator icon , and then under Workflow, click Approval Unit.

Chapter 20
Troubleshooting Approval Process Issues

2. Select an approval unit hierarchy listed as Not Synchronized, and click

The system will synchronize all the approval unit hierarchies in the application to
avoid any conflict when an entity belongs to multiple hierarchies.
3. To view the status of the synchronization process, navigate to the Jobs console.
The Jobs list includes the status of each approval unit hierarchy being processed,
and details of any errors.

Guidelines for Starting Entities

If an entity is part of an approval unit hierarchy and if the approval unit hierarchy
is assigned to any Scenario/Year/ Period combination, then the entity is considered
participating in the review process.
If an entity is not part of an approval unit hierarchy, or if the approval unit hierarchy
is not assigned to any Scenario/Year/Period, then the entity is not considered
participating in the review process.
For any entity that participates in the review process, the system only allows data entry
to the entity after the entity has started the review process (status is either Unlocked
for the Consolidation template, or Under Review for the Bottom Up template). This
check is done to prevent impacting a locked parent. Therefore, you will need to start
the entity before you can enter data for the entity.
This guideline for Starting Entities applies to all data modification processes. This
includes Data entry via Data Forms and SmartView, Data Load, Copy and Clear
data, Journals Posting, Supplemental Data Posting, Consolidation, Translation, and
On-Demand Rule calculation.
If you have not yet started entities because you are loading historical data, this will
affect the data load because the system prevents data entry unless the entity has
started. If you do not want to start the review process while loading and reconciling
historical data, you can manually remove the approval unit assignment for the
approval unit hierarchy. When you are ready to lock the entities, you will need to
manually add the approval unit hierarchy assignment and start the review process.

Troubleshooting Approval Process Issues

This section lists some of the most common reasons that errors can occur in the
Approval process.

Locking failure due to Invalid Data error

You may encounter an"Invalid Data" error when you try to lock an entity. If you are
using the Approval card to perform the lock action, you can click the error message
"Invalid Data" to view the error detail in the form. This error can occur for the following
• Prior period of this target entity and / or its descendants is not locked.
• Any of the previous periods of the current year of this target entity and/or its
descendants is not locked.
See Locking and Unlocking Entities.

Chapter 20
Troubleshooting Approval Process Issues

Unlocking failure due to Invalid Data error

You may encounter an "Invalid Data" error when you try to unlock an entity. If you are
using the Approval card to perform the unlock action, you can click the error message
"Invalid Data" to view the error detail in the form. This error can occur for the following
Any of the future periods of the current year of this target entity and/or its descendants
is locked.
See Locking and Unlocking Entities.

Intermittent failure during the Approval process

While performing Approval actions such as Lock, Unlock, Promote, Approve, or other
actions, sometimes the action may fail.
To work around this known issue before a fix is available, in the Approval card after the
action is taken, do not refresh the page continuously. You may need to wait for some
time until the action is completed and then refresh the page.

Start action failure due to Failed: Ambiguous Automatic User error

Starting an entity for the Approval process is an action performed by the Administrator.
This process will assign the owner for the entity and place it in the correct location of
the promotional path.
However, if there is no specific owner assigned to this entity, or if there is no owner
assigned at the root level of the Approval Unit Hierarchy, there will be no owner
assigned to this target entity as part of the Start process.
To avoid the potential error of not being able to assign an owner to the entity, be sure
to assign at least one owner at the root level entity of the Approval Unit Hierarchy.
As long as there’s at least one owner assigned at the root level entity, any of the
descendants will be able to inherit the owner assignment from the root if there’s no
specific owner assigned to this entity.
See Assigning Approval Unit Owners and Reviewers.

Setting Up Task Manager
Related Topics
• Task Manager Terms
• Task Manager Overview
• Sample Task Flows
• Managing Task Manager System Settings
• Managing Task Manager Attributes

Task Manager Terms

A unit of action in the application, for example, data entry or data consolidation.
Power users define the tasks that comprise a business process. Users can read task
instructions, answer questions, submit, reassign, approve, and reject tasks, and can
access tasks from email notifications or by logging on to the application.

A definition of a service provided by an application.

Task Types
Identify and categorize commonly performed tasks; for example, Data Entry, or G/L
Extract. The Task Type enables you to set default information, such as settings that
need to be input by the user, and questions or instructions that are shared by all tasks
of that type. Task Types are often based on Integration Types.

Execution Types
End-users, System-Automated Task, Event Monitoring Task

Business processes that are repeatable. Administrators can create templates for
different types of business processes, such as monthly or quarterly.

Defines the chronologically ordered set of tasks that must be executed for a specific
business process, and is the alignment of a template's generic business process
days, to calendar dates.

This view presents a portal-style interface with views into schedules and task lists,
and high-level summaries into which you can drill down for greater detail.

Notifications from users on issues that they encounter during the process, such as
hardware or software issues. Users create alerts identifying a problem and assign
them to be resolved.

Chapter 21
Task Manager Overview

Task Manager Overview

Task Manager helps you define, execute, and report on the interdependent activities
of a business process. It provides centralized monitoring of all tasks and provides a
visible, automated, repeatable system of record for running a business process.
You can:
• Define the tasks and schedule to ensure the most efficient task flow
• Automate the business process, track status, and provide notifications and alerts
• Notify users by email for delinquencies, due dates, status changes
• Monitor business process status from a dashboard
• Act quickly to fix errors and delays
• Analyze the effectiveness of the business process
A business process requires these steps:
1. The administrator sets up users. See "Managing Users and Roles" in the Getting
Started with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for Administrators
2. The administrator completes the required setup procedures:
• Set up organizational units. See Managing Task Manager Organizational
• Set up global integration tokens. See Managing Global Integration Tokens.
• Set up holiday rules. See Managing Holiday Rules for Tasks.
• Set up attachment size and other system settings.Setting Task Manager
• Enable email notifications. See "Setting Up Email for Notifications".
3. The administrator reviews the tasks required for a business process and sets up
Task Types to ensure consistency across tasks and to leverage predefined product
See Managing Task Types.
4. Because many business processes are repeatable, the administrator saves a set
of tasks as a template to use for future periods. See Managing Task Templates.
For example, an administrator can set up a monthly or quarterly business process
once and then use it for all months or quarters. Tasks are defined with task
predecessors, Assignees, and Approvers.
5. To initiate a business process, administrators generate a schedule (a chronological
set of tasks) by selecting a template and assigning calendar dates. The generic
tasks in the template are applied to calendar dates. See Managing Schedules.
6. To begin a business process, the administrator changes the schedule status from
Pending to Open.
7. The administrator can also modify and monitor the schedule as needed.
8. During the business process, users receive email notifications of assigned tasks
and can click links in the email for direct access to assigned tasks.

Chapter 21
Sample Task Flows

9. Alternatively, users can log on to review and access assigned tasks in different
types of views.
10. When users complete tasks, the tasks are sent to approvers and can be viewed by
other users.
11. Users can create alerts for issues, such as hardware or software issues, that they
encounter. Alerts are forwarded to Assignees and Approvers for resolution.
Watch this overview video to learn more.

Overview Video

Sample Task Flows

Scenario 1: Power User
The Power User sets up a template and tasks for an upcoming business process.
• The Power User logs on and opens the Manage Templates page.
• The Power User selects the template for the business process.
• The Power User selects the calendar dates on which to line up the template tasks,
and creates a schedule.
• The Power User then adds a task to the template.
• The Power User opens the schedule, which begins the process.

Scenario 2: Power User

The Power User monitors the status of activities through the Dashboard.
• The Power User logs on and checks the status of activities through Day 3.
• The user drills down to see the details of incomplete tasks.
• The Power User reviews open tasks for comments or attachments provided by
assigned users.

Scenario 3: Approver
A user assigned as an Approver reviews a current task to determine whether it can be
• The assigned Approver receives an email notification of an outstanding task.
• From the email, the Approver selects the link for the task.
• The Task Actions page is launched outlining the process.
• The Approver reviews the document that the user submitted when completing the
task to ensure completeness.
• The Approver enters additional comments and approves the submission.
• If another level of approval is required, the task is forwarded to the next approver.
If the task was the last requiring approval, then the task completes, and the
system runs the next task if it is ready.

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager System Settings

• The Approver can reject a task instead of approving it, and the task is reassigned
to the Assignee.

Scenario 4: User
A user logs on to the application and reviews and completes an assigned task.
• The user logs on and reviews their tasks.
• The user clicks the link for an assigned task.
• The task page is launched with instructions for the task, and a reference
• The user reviews the instructions and the reference document, processes the
updates, enters a comment about the task, and submits it for approval.
• The system automatically updates the task status and sends a notification to the
assigned approver.

Scenario 5: User
A user responds to an email notification of a task to load data, clicks a link in the email,
and then completes the task.
• The user receives an email notification of an outstanding task.
• From the email, the user selects the link for the page where the required process
is documented.
• The user reviews the instructions for the task and opens the task.
• The user loads data into the system.
• The user enters a comment about the task and submits it for approval.

Managing Task Manager System Settings

Related Topics
• Managing Global Integration Tokens
• Managing Task Manager Organizational Units
• Managing Holiday Rules for Tasks
• Changing Configuration Settings

Managing Global Integration Tokens

The Global Integration Tokens feature enables creation of parameterized URLs. The
URLs can be used for a variety of purposes.
When creating the URL, the parameters are inserted into the URL. When the URL is
clicked, the parameters are replaced with the appropriate values.
For example, the following is an excerpt of the parameters:


Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager System Settings

ScheduleName $%22


$YearName$ = 2012
$PeriodName$ = Jan12
$ScheduleName$ = DemoSchedule

The URL becomes:


Parameters can be configured from static parameters defined in your application,

attributes of type Text and List, and the following native attributes assigned to Tasks,
Templates, and Schedules:
• Period Name
• Schedule Name
• Task Name
• Task ID
• Year Name
You can access URLs from the following locations:
• Templates: After an administrator or power user adds a reference URL to a
template in the Instructions section, the URL is clickable on the Instruction tab.
• Schedule: After an administrator or power user adds a reference URL to a
schedule in the Instructions section, the URL is clickable in Instructions.
• Task Details: After an administrator or power user or task owner adds a reference
URL to a task in the Instructions section, the URL is clickable in Instructions.
• Task Types: After an administrator adds a reference URL to a Task Type in the
Instructions section, the URL is clickable on the Instruction tab.
• Task Actions: Viewers of Task Actions can click the reference URLs.

Creating a Global Integration Token

Use these guidelines for creating Global Integration Tokens:
• The token name must be unique.
• Tokens can't be modified.
• Tokens shouldn't be deleted. When you try to delete a token, a warning is
displayed: "Deleting a Global Integration Token will invalidate the URLs that are
referencing it. Are you sure you want to continue?"
To create a Global Integration token:

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager System Settings

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the System Settings tab on the left, and then select Global Integration
3. Click New.
4. Enter:
• Name: A unique token name
• Type: Static or Task Attribute
• Token Value:
– If Task Attribute is selected as the Parameter Type, select the value that
is passed when the URL is rendered.
– If Static Attribute is selected as the Parameter Type, enter the value that
is passed when the URL is rendered.
5. Click Save.

Deleting a Token
To delete a token:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the System Settings tab on the left, and then select Global Integration
3. Select a token, then click Actions, and click Delete.
A warning message is displayed: "Deleting a Global Integration Token will
invalidate the URLs that are referencing it. Are you sure you want to continue?"
4. Click Yes to delete.

Managing Task Manager Organizational Units

Organizational Units enable administrators to model regions, entities, business units,
divisions, departments, or any other entity that might be affiliated with a task.
Organizational units are hierarchical to facilitate reporting.
When viewing a hierarchy, administrators can expand and collapse it to work with
different sections of the hierarchy.

Adding Organizational Units

To add an organization:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Organizations tab on the left and then select Organizational Units.
3. Click Add Sibling.
4. On the Properties tab, enter:
• Name
Administrators can change the name, and it need not be unique.
• Organizational Unit ID

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager System Settings

A unique ID used to identify the transaction for Migration purposes.

Organizational Unit ID can't be changed after an organizational unit is set.
• Optional: Parent Organization
Enables Administrators to change the hierarchy.
• Description
• Time Zone
Determines which time zone applies to the organizational unit. Selection of a
time zone is optional. If a time zone is not selected, the task time zone will
revert to the user’s time zone.
• Holiday Rule
Determines which list of holidays applies to the organizational unit. Selection
of a Holiday Rule is optional.
• Work Days
Determines which days of the week are work days.
5. The Access tab enables Administrators to assign viewer and commentator access
in a centralized location, rather than having to assign it to each task.
To select a user:
a. Select Actions, and then Add.
b. In Select Viewers, enter the First Name and Last Name, or click Search
Users, then select Users, Groups, or Teams.
c. In Search Results, select the users and click Add or Add All to move them to
the Selected list.

Importing Organizational Units

To import organizational units:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Organizations tab on the left and select Organizational Units.

3. Click Import .
• Click Browse to navigate to the CSV import file.
Sample Organizational import format:

The following section shows the import format. This example
requires a pre-existing parent organizational unit named "Americas",
a holiday rule named "US", and a Viewer named "fm_user5".


Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager System Settings

"US2","US2","Americas","Import Organization US2 Example","ET

• For Import Type, click one:
– Replace— Replaces the Organizational Unit detail with the Organizational
Unit that is in the file that you are importing. It does not affect other units
that are not specified in the import file.
– Replace All— Imports a new set of Organizational Units that replaces the
existing Units. This option is seful when you want to replace a unit in one
system with an updated definition from another system. Organizational
Units that are not specified in the import file are deleted.
4. Click Import.

Selecting an Organizational Unit

Administrators define organizational units in Organizations to help organize and
schedule tasks.
To select an organization:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Organizations tab on the left, and then select Organizational Units.
3. Select an organization. An arrow indicates a child organization exists. Expand the
parent to select a child organization.

Managing Holiday Rules for Tasks

Holiday Rules are collections of holiday dates that Administrators use when scheduling
After you create a holiday rule, you can apply the rule to an organizational unit and
then apply the organizational unit to the schedule template.
See Applying a Holiday Rule to an Organizational Unit and Applying a Holiday Rule to
a Schedule Template.

Creating Holiday Rules

To create holiday rules:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Organizations tab on the left.
3. Click Holiday Rules.
4. Click New.
5. Enter:
• Holiday Rule ID
Holiday Rule ID is mandatory and must be unique.
• Name
The name of the holiday rule is mandatory and can be up to 50 characters. It
does not need to be unique.

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager System Settings

• Year
The Year attribute behaves as a filter option. You do not need toselect a value
for this attribute. If you do, the table is filtered to display the dates associated
with the selected year.

6. To name a holiday, in the Holiday section, click Import ( ) to import the list of
holidays or click Add and enter the date and name of the holiday.

Applying a Holiday Rule to an Organizational Unit

After you create a holiday rule, you can apply it to an organizational unit, and then
apply it to a schedule.
To apply a holiday rule:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Organizations tab on the left.
3. Click Organizational Units.
4. Create or edit an organization.
5. On Properties, from the Holiday Rule drop-down, select your holiday rule.
6. Click Save and Close to save your changes.

Applying a Holiday Rule to a Schedule Template

After you create a holiday rule and apply it to an organizational unit, you can apply the
organizational unit to a schedule template.
To apply a holiday rule:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Task Manager.
3. Click the Templates tab on the left.
4. Select a template and select Actions, and then Create Schedule.
5. For Schedule Parameters, specify the Schedule, Year, Period, and Day Zero
6. Under Date Mapping, click Advanced Configuration.
7. Select Set Value To next to Organizational Unit, and click the Search icon.
8. Select the organizational unit that you created or edited that contains the holiday
rule and click OK.
9. Click OK.
The Schedule Parameters Date Mapping now shows the holiday.

Importing Holiday Dates

You can import dates into a holiday rule.
To import holiday dates:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Task Manager.

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager System Settings

2. Click the Organizations tab on the left.

3. Click Holiday Rules.
4. Create or select a holiday rule.

5. From the Holiday Rules section, click Import .

• Click Browse to navigate to the CSV import file.
• For Import Type, click one:
– Replace—Replaces the holiday dates with the holiday dates in the file that
you are importing. Does not affect other units that are not specified in the
import file.
– Replace All—Imports a new set of holiday dates that replaces the
existing holiday dates. Use this option to replace unit in one system with
an updated definition from another system. Holiday dates that are not
specified in the import file are deleted.
6. Date Format
Select a Date Format from the drop-down list of allowed date formats. Date
formats are not translated. By default, the date format is set to the locale date
format of the exported file location.
7. From the File Delimiter drop-down, select Comma or Tab.
8. Click Import.

Editing Holiday Rules

To edit holiday rules:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Organizations tab on the left and then select Holiday Rules.
3. Select a rule.
4. Edit:
• Holiday Rule ID
Holiday Rule ID is mandatory and must be unique.
• Name
The name can be a maximum of 50 characters. It does not need to be unique.
• Year
The Year attribute behaves as a filter option. You do not need to select a value
for this attribute. If you do, the table is filtered to display the dates associated
with the selected year.
• Click Save

Duplicating Holiday Rules

To duplicate holiday rules:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager System Settings

2. Click the Organizations tab on the left.

3. Click Holiday Rules.
4. Select a rule and click Duplicate.
5. Edit the rule as needed.

Deleting Holiday Rules

You cannot delete a holiday rule associated with an organizational unit that is not
logically deleted. A list of organizational units to which the holiday rule was assigned is
To delete holiday rules:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Organizations tab and then select Holiday Rules.
3. Select a rule, select Actions, and then Delete.

Changing Configuration Settings

Related Topics
• Allowing Comment Deletions
• Allowing Task Deletions
• Displaying Upcoming Tasks
• Enabling Email Notifications in Task Manager
• Setting Task Manager Governors
• Allowing Reassignment Request Approvals
• Reopening Tasks
• Specifying Task Display in Smart View

Allowing Comment Deletions

A Service Administrator can decide to allow deletions of comments in tasks by using
the Allow Comment Deletion configuration settings option. By default, this option is
To allow users to delete comments:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the System Settings tab on the left.
3. Select Allow Comment Deletion.
4. Select Turn On to enable deletions, and then click Save.

Allowing Task Deletions

Service Administrators can specify whether to allow tasks to be deleted. By default,
this option is Off.

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager System Settings

The setting affects only running and closed tasks.

To allow users to delete tasks:

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the System Settings tab on the left.
3. Select Allow Task Deletion.
4. Select Turn On to enable deletions.

Displaying Upcoming Tasks

As an administrator, you can decide whether to show only Current Tasks, or Current
and Upcoming Tasks on the Work List and Welcome Panel.
If you enable Current and Upcoming Tasks, users can see items currently available
to work on, and also items in the upcoming workflow. For example, users can see an
upcoming task that is due for them to approve, but not immediately available, as the
preparer has not yet finished the task.
By default, the system displays only Current Tasks.
To set the display for tasks:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the System Settings tab on the left.
3. Select Allow Upcoming Tasks.
4. Select an option for the Work List and Welcome Panel:
• Show Current Tasks Only
• Show Current and Upcoming Tasks

Enabling Email Notifications in Task Manager

Service Administrators can set up Email Notifications for Task Manager users. When
you enable email notifications, batch notifications are generated. When the notification
is no longer required, you can deactivate email notifications and reminders.

By default, email notifications are not enabled.

Administrators can also assign the number of days before a due date to send reminder
Due Date reminder notifications are emailed to Assignees and Approvers in these

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager System Settings

• Responsibility for a Task Manager action changes - sent based on information in

the action
• A due date is missed - sent based on information in the action
• A due date is approaching - sent based on the number of days in advance that you
To enable email notifications:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the System Settings tab on the left.
3. Select Email Notifications.
4. For Email Notifications, select Turn On to initiate the notification, or Turn Off to
deactivate the notification.
5. Enter an email for the From Address. You can edit the address to supply a
specific address, or to include a product acronym to alert the user where the
notification is coming from.
Email notifications also include the service name in the footer of the email. For
example: "Note - This is an automated email notification generated from EPM Task
Manager on efim.arcs".
6. Enter the Number of days before due date to send reminder.

Setting Task Manager Governors

In Task Manager, you can set governors on various system settings and the system
provides default settings which you can decrease or increase up to the maximum
value. For example, you can specify the maximum number of rows to display in lists.
• Maximum number of items displayed in a list - determines the maximum number of
rows displayed in a List view, for example, Schedule Tasks.
• Maximum Approver Levels - determine the number of levels that a task might be
• Maximum file upload size (in MB) determines the maximum attachment file that
users can upload. This setting helps administrators adapt to work within limitations
of the environment in which the application is installed.
To set Task Manager governors:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the System Settings tab on the left.
3. On the System Settings page, click the Governors link.
4. Specify a maximum value or leave the default setting:
• Maximum Number of Items displayed in a List (default is 10000).
• Maximum Approver Levels - select a value from 1 to 10.
• Select maximum file upload size (MB) - select a value from 5 MB, with
incremental values of 5 MB, up to 100 MB.
5. Click Save.

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager System Settings

Allowing Reassignment Request Approvals

As an Administrator, you can specify which workflow users can directly perform and
approve reassignment requests rather than submitting requests to an Administrator or
Power User for approval.
Users can then approve reassignment requests from their Worklist.
Service Administrators should also see the reassignment requests if they are required
to approve the requests in case the Task Owner is unavailable.
To allow workflow users to perform reassignments:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the System Settings tab on the left.
3. Select Reassignment Requests.
4. For Allow reassignment request approval by, select one or more options:
• Administrator
• Power User
• Users

Reopening Tasks
In Task Manager, there might be times when users need to reopen a task.
Administrators can specify whether to allow open or closed tasks to be reopened.
To allow reopening of tasks:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the System Settings tab on the left.
3. Select Reopen.
4. Set the conditions to allow reopening of a task that is Open with an Assignee or
• Not Allowed - this is the default option and assignees or approvers cannot
change the workflow of an open task after it has been submitted or approved.
• Allowed for all approvers - allows approvers who have approved a task to
return the workflow to themselves.
• Allowed for all assignees and approvers -- allows an assignee who has
submitted a task or an approver who has approved a task to return the
workflow to themselves.
5. Set the conditions to allow reopening closed tasks:
• Not Allowed - this is the default option and users will not be able to reopen a
closed task.
• Allowed for final approver- allows only the final approver to reopen and
return the workflow to themselves.
• Allowed for all approvers- allows an approver to reopen and return the
workflow to themselves.

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager Attributes

• Allowed for all assignees and approvers - allows assignees and approvers
of a task to reopen and return the workflow to themselves.

Specifying Task Display in Smart View

You can configure the display of Task Manager tasks when they are launched from
Oracle Smart View for Office by selecting columns to display, for example, Task
To select columns to display in Smart View:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the System Settings tab.
3. Select Smart View.
4. Under Columns, from the Available list, select the columns to display, then click
the Add arrow keys to move them to the Selected column, or Remove to remove
You can select a maximum of 30 columns, and reorder the columns as needed.
5. Click Save to save your selection.

Managing Task Manager Attributes

Attributes are user-defined fields defined centrally by administrators and used in many
You can specify different value types for attributes: Date, Date/Time, Integer, List,
Multi-Line Text, Number, True/False, Text, User, and Yes/No. For example, you can
define a custom attribute named Auto Submit with a value type of Yes or No. When
you assign the Auto Submit attribute to an item, you can set it to Yes for tasks required
by external users.
If you select the List type, you can define a pick list of values. For example, you can
define a List attribute named Sales Region, with North, South, East, and West as
You can create, edit, and delete attributes.

The maximum number of Task Manager attributes that you can create or
import is 10,000.

Defining Task Manager Attributes

To define a Task Manager attribute:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Attributes tab on the left.
3. Click New, and on the Properties tab, enter:

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager Attributes

• Name
• Type:
– Date
– Date/Time
– Integer
– List
If you select List, enter a list of valid responses to the question.
– Multi-Line Text
If you select Multi-Line Text, enter the Number of Lines, from 3 to 50
lines. Multi-Line Text determines how many lines of text are visible, without
scrolling, on the Actions dialog boxes. The maximum length should be
less than 4,000 characters.
Select Include Attachments if you want to include an Attachments
section on the Actions dialog box.
– Number
If you select Number, click the Format tab and select number formatting
* For Decimal Places, enter a value for the number of decimal places
to display.
* For Display As Percentage, check the box if you want a percentage
to display.
* Select the Thousands Separator option if you want numbers to
display a thousands separator (for example, 1,000.00)
* From the Currency Symbol list, select a currency symbol, for
example, Dollars ($).
* From the Negative Number list, select how to display negative
numbers, for example, (123).
* From the Scale list, select a scale value for numbers, for example,
– Text
– True/False
– User
– Yes/No
– Calculation - Select to add logical and mathematical functions for
See Defining Calculation Attributes.

Defining Calculation Attributes

Calculation attributes enable you to add logical and mathematical functions to derive
values for attributes. They can be embedded within other calculated attributes to
produce complex functions. Calculated attributes are read-only. They can only be
evaluated against Schedules.

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager Attributes

Schedules: You can add any Calculation and the calculation is evaluated, regardless
of whether or not it was explicitly assigned to the task.
Templates: You cannot add a custom attribute that has the Calculation option selected
as a column or a filterable attribute.
When administrators add attributes to the Attributes sections in the Actions dialogs,
they are viewable by workflow users. Administrators can restrict access to certain roles
by setting the access to Do Not Display. For example, for calculated attribute XYZ,
an administrator could set the access to Viewer: Do Not Display so that the XYZ
attribute is not displayed for users with only the Viewer role.
Any user role can add calculated attributes as columns in views and portlets. They can
also be added as filterable attributes in the Filter Panel.
To define a calculation attribute:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Attributes tab on the left.
3. Click New, and on the Properties tab, enter:
4. Enter a Name for the attribute.
5. Select a Type from the drop-down list.
6. Select the Calculation option.
7. On the Calculation tab, select a Calculation Type.
You can select from the following calculation types. The available types are
determined by the Attribute Type (Text, Integer, and so on).
• Assign Value to List—Assign custom values to a List type attribute
• Assign List To Value—Assign custom list values to the values of a different
attribute. Only available for List type attributes.
• Conditional—A conditional calculation (If – Then – Else)
• Scripted—A free-form scripted calculation. Only available for attributes of type
Integer, Multi-line Text, Number, or Text.
The following table lists the Calculation types available for each Attribute type.

Attribute Type Assign Value to List Conditional Scripted Assign List to Value
Integer X X X
List X X
Multi-Line Text X X X
Number X X X
Text X X X
True/False X
Yes/No X

Calculation Definition

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager Attributes

The Scripted Calculation type enables you to enter a free-form calculation equation.
You can use the Add Attribute and Add Function.
• Add Attribute—Select an attribute and insert the attribute into the Calculation
Definition box at the location of the cursor. If the cursor is in the middle of a word
or attribute, the word/attribute will be replaced in the definition. The script format
adds brackets {} around the name of the new attribute.
The only available attributes are Schedule attributes.
• Add Function—Select a function and add the function to the Calculation
Definition. The Function is added with placeholders for each parameter.
For example: Insert the DATE_DIFF function in the calculation definition:
DATE_DIFF(<Date1>, <Date2>, <Type>)

Then replace the placeholders with attributes:

DATE_DIFF( {Start Date}, {End Date}, 'DAYS')

Numeric and Date Functions

• Absolute Value: Returns the absolute value of a specified number. If a number
is less than zero, the positive value of the number is returned. If the specified
number is equal to or greater than zero, the specified number is returned.
• Add Month: Returns a date offset a specified number of months from the starting
date. The date will always fall in the specified month offset. If the starting date
has a day value beyond what is in the offset month, the last day of the offset
month will be used. For example, EDate (31-Jan-2017, 1) returns (28-Feb-2017).
For Months, enter the number of months before or after the start date. A positive
value for months yields a future date. A negative value yields a past date.
ADD_MONTH(<Start Date>, <Months>, <Length>)
Example: ADD_MONTH(DATE(2017, 2, 15) 3)
• Date: Returns a date value based on specified integer values for the year, month
and day.
DATE(<Year>, <Month>, <Day>)
• Date Difference: Returns the difference in years, months, days, hours, minutes,
or seconds between two dates. For DATE 1 and DATE 2, the values TODAY and
NOW can be used, which denote the current date (with no time component) and
date-time, respectively.
DATE_DIFF(<Date1>, <Date2>, <Type>)
Example: DATE_DIFF( {Start Date}, 'TODAY', 'DAYS')
• Day: Returns the day value of a date as an integer number
• Extract Text: Returns the substring within the value, from the specified positions.
SUBSTRING(<Value>, <Location>, <Length>)
Example: SUBSTRING( {Name}, 4, 10)

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager Attributes

• If Then Else: Allows you to insert a conditional calculation into the scripted
calculation. IF_THEN_ELSE calculations can also be nested to support ELSE IF
type calculations.
IF_THEN_ELSE(<Condition>, <Value1>, <Value2>)
Example: IF_THEN_ELSE( ( {Priority} = 'Low'),
1,IF_THEN_ELSE( ( {Priority} = 'Medium'), 2,
IF_THEN_ELSE( ( {Priority} = 'High'), 3, 0)))
Example: IF_THEN_ELSE( ( {Priority} = 'Low'), 'Good'
IF_THEN_ELSE( ( {Priority} = 'Medium'), 'Better'. 'Best') )
• Instring: Returns the index of the substring within the value.
INSTRING(<Value1>, <Value to Search>)
Example: INSTRING({Name}, 'a')
• Length: Takes a text value as a parameter and returns an integer which is the
number of characters in the text. If the value is empty/null, the calculation will
return 0.
Length ({<attribute>})
Example: LENGTH("Value") would return 5, and LENGTH({Name}) would return the
number of characters in the name of the object.
Use the calculation with SUBSTRING to extract the last four characters of a text
SUBSTRING( {MyString}, LENGTH ({MyString}) - 4
• Lowercase: Returns the value in lower case
Example: LOWERCASE ({Task Code})
• Maximum: Returns the maximum value from a list of attributes. There can be any
number of parameters.
MAX <Value1>, <Value2>, <ValueN>)
Example: MAX( {Scripted Substring Loc a}, {Scripted Substring Loc s},
{Scripted Substring Loc t} )
• Minimum: Returns the minimum value from a list of attributes. There can be any
number of parameters.
MIN (<Value1>, <Value2>, <ValueN>)
Example: MIN( {Scripted Substring Loc a}, {Scripted Substring Loc s},
{Scripted Substring Loc t} )
• Month: Returns the month value of a date as an integer number (1-12)
• Power: Raises one number to the exponential power of another.
POWER(x,y) where x=BASE NUMBER,and y=EXPONENT and x and y can be attributes
or calculations, as long as they are numeric.
Example: POWER(3,4)=81

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager Attributes

Fractional values will reduce the number to its root. For example,
POWER(27, 1/3) = 3 the cube root.
Negative values will perform an inverse of the exponential calculation.
For example, POWER(2, -2) = 1 / (2^2) = 1 / 4 = .25.

• Round: Returns the value rounded to the decimal places specified

ROUND <Attribute>, <Decimal Places>)
Example: ROUND( ({Scripted Substring Loc t} / 7), '4')
• Text Location: Returns the index of the substring within the value, starting at 1 as
the first position.
INSTRING(<Value>, <Value To Search>)
Example: INSTRING( UPPERCASE( {Name} ), 'TAX' )
• Uppercase: Returns the value in upper case.
Example: UPPERCASE( {Name} )
• Year: Returns the year value of a date as an integer number.

Calculation Validation
The following validation checks are performed when you save the Calculation:
• The syntax of the Calculation is correct.
• The Attributes and Functions specified in the Calculation exist.
• Parameters to Functions are correct.
• No Circular Loops exist.

Importing List Attributes

To import Task Manager attributes of the List type:
1. Create an import file of List attributes in a TXT file format, with each value on a
separate line.
For example:


The import option is always "Replace All".

2. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager Attributes

3. Click the Attributes tab on the left.

4. Select an attribute of type List, and click Edit.

5. Click Import .
6. Browse to a TXT import file.
7. Click Import. Import List Values displays the values: Total List Values,
Completed, Errored, List Values Created, and List Values Updated.
If Completed Successfully, click OK.
If Completed with Errors, the errors are listed. To export the error list, click
Export to Excel .

Editing Attributes
You can edit the name of a custom Task Manager attribute. If the attribute type is a
List, you can also add, rename, or delete list values.
To edit Task Manager attributes:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Attributes tab on the left.
3. Select an attribute and click Edit.
4. Edit the attribute name.

If the attribute is a List type, you can add, rename, or delete list values.
After a custom attribute is saved, you can't change its type.

5. Click OK.
All related templates, schedules, task types, or tasks are updated.

Duplicating Attributes
You can duplicate attributes.
To duplicate attributes:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Attributes tab on the left.
3. Select an attribute to duplicate, and click Duplicate.
4. Click Close.

Deleting Attributes
You can delete attributes that you no longer need. When you delete an attribute, the
system removes all references to the attribute.

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager Attributes

To delete attributes:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Attributes tab on the left.
3. Select the attributes to delete, and click Delete.
4. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

Viewing Attributes
In Attributes, you can specify which columns to display for the list of attributes, or show
all. You can also reorder columns, sort columns by ascending or descending order,
and change the column widths.
To display columns:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Attributes tab on the left.
3. Do one or more of the following tasks:
• To display all columns, select View, then Columns, and then select Show All.
• To display specific columns, select View, then Columns, and select or deselect
the column names.
• To reorder columns, select View, and then Reorder Columns, select columns
and use the Up or Down arrows or drag them to change the order.
• To sort columns, hover over a column header until the Sort icons are
displayed, and then click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
• To change column widths, hover over the column header dividers until the
arrows display, and drag the columns to the desired width.

Searching for Attributes

You can use the Search function in the Attributes list to find attributes for Task
Manager tasks. You can enter full or partial names on which to search. Using the
filter bar, you can control the attributes that you see in the list. By default, all attributes
are displayed.
To search for Task Manager attributes:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Attributes tab on the left.
3. To search for an attribute, enter search criteria in the Search text box.
4. Optional: From the filter bar, click on a category to display additional search
operators such as Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains, Does Not Contain,
Starts With, and Ends With.
You can filter attributes using these categories: Name, Type, Calculation,
Created By, Created On, Last Updated By, or Last Updated On.

Chapter 21
Managing Task Manager Attributes


• Click Add a Filter to view all categories.

• To hide the filter bar, click the Filter icon.
• To clear all filters, click Clear All Filters in the


Managing Teams for Task Manager
Teams are defined and provisioned with Owners, Assignees, Approvers, and Viewers
roles. Then, rather than assigning named users these roles on a task, the role is
assigned to the Team. Administrators and Power Users can add, edit, and delete
See these topics:
Adding Teams and Members for Task Manager
Editing Teams and Members for Task Manager
Deleting Teams and Removing Members
Managing Backup Assignments
Requesting a Reassignment in Task Manager

Adding Teams and Members for Task Manager

To add teams and members:
1. On the Home page, click Tools..
2. Click Access Control.
3. Click the Teams tab.
4. Click New.
5. On the Define Team screen, for each team, enter:
• Name
• Description
• Select the Task Manager tab and then select one or more roles for the team:
– Administrator
– Power User
– User
– Viewer
• To add members:

a. Under Members, click Add.

b. Enter the partial or full First Name, Last Name, or click Search to select
the names.
c. In the Search Results section, click Add, or Add All to add the selections
to the Selected list.
d. Click OK.

Chapter 22
Editing Teams and Members for Task Manager

6. On the Team dialog box, select Primary User to have the tasks default to a
Claimed status with that user.

Other team members can then claim the task.

7. Click OK.

Editing Teams and Members for Task Manager

To edit teams or members:
1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Access Control.
2. Click the Teams tab.

3. Select a team, and click Edit .

4. Edit the teams and members and click OK.
5. Click OK.

Searching and Filtering Teams and Members

Using the search field and filter options, you can control the records that you see in the
list of teams and members.
To search for teams or members:
1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Access Control.
2. Click the Manage Teams tab.
3. To search for a team, enter search criteria in the Search text box.
4. Optional: From the filter bar, click on a category to display additional search
operators such as Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains, Does Not Contain,
Starts With, and Ends With.
You can filter teams using these categories: Name, Description, Created By,
Created On, Last Updated By, or Last Updated On.


• To hide the filter bar, click the Filter icon

• To clear all filters, click Clear All Filters in the


Chapter 22
Deleting Teams and Removing Members

Deleting Teams and Removing Members

The following guidelines apply to deleting teams that are used in templates or
• If a team has been assigned to a task in a template, then it cannot be deleted. To
delete the team, first remove it from all tasks to which it is assigned.
• If teams are used in schedule tasks, then the deletion is allowed. The schedule
task can still see the team even though no new tasks can use the team.
To delete teams or members:
1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Access Control.
2. Click the Teams tab.
3. To delete teams, select a team, click Delete, and from the confirmation prompt,
click Yes.
4. To remove members, double-click a team name, and on the Edit Team dialog box,
select a member and then click Remove.
5. Click OK.
6. On Manage Teams, click Close.

Managing Backup Assignments

You can assign backups for the Assignee and Approver roles only when the primary
user is a named user, not a team or group.
• Assignee: For basic tasks (not automated tasks)
• Approver: For both basic and automated tasks

Administrators cannot back up owner assignments on templates, schedules,
and tasks.

To assign a backup for a task:

1. Open the task for which you want to assign a backup.
2. Select the Workflow tab and select both an Assignee and Backup user.
3. Click Save and Close.

Requesting a Reassignment in Task Manager

Reassignment requests can only be initiated by users explicitly assigned the primary
workflow role (as a named user). They cannot be submitted for backup roles, or by
members of Teams/Groups assigned primary roles.

Chapter 22
Requesting a Reassignment in Task Manager

Assignees and Approvers can dispute an Assignee or Approver assignment on one or

more tasks by submitting a request to reassign the tasks.
From the Task Actions dialog box, workflow users (Assignees and Approvers) can
request reassignment of their workflow role for selected or selected and future tasks.
These requests require approval. Administrators and schedule/template Owners can
still reassign the task using the Edit Task dialog box without requiring approval.
To request reassignment for a task:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks.
2. Select the Schedule Tasks tab on the left.
3. From Actions, select Request Reassignment.

4. If you know the reassigned user, enable To User, and then enter or
search for the name.

If you do not know the new user, then submit a request without
specifying the name of the user.

5. Reassign the task by completing these options:

• Selected Tasks to reassign just the schedule task
• Selected and Future Tasks to reassign tasks for the schedule task and the
corresponding task in the source template
6. Enter a Justification for the reassignment.
7. Click OK.

Managing Task Types
Related Topics
• Task Types
• Creating Task Types
• Viewing Task Type History
• Editing Task Types
• Viewing Task Types
• Searching for Task Types
• Importing Task Types
• Exporting Task Types
• Deleting Task Types

Task Types
Task Types are saved definitions of commonly performed tasks. They identify and
categorize tasks commonly performed during a business process, for example, Data
Entry or General Ledger Extract. Task Types enable you to set default information,
such as settings that must be input by the user, and questions or instructions that are
shared by all tasks of that type. For example, if you have a set of required questions
to be answered by users responsible for data loads, you can create a Data Load Task
Type with the required questions. When you create data load tasks, you can select the
Data Load Task Type and the questions are automatically included in the tasks.
Two predefined Task Types are installed by default:
• Basic Task: Basic Task Type that does not contain instructions, questions, or
• Parent Task: Enables you to create parent tasks to define task hierarchies.
To create and manage Task Types, you must be assigned the Service Administrator or
Power User security role. Power Users can create their own Task Types, but can only
view those of others.

Creating Task Types

Task Types enable you to set default information for a task, such as settings that need
to be input by the user, or questions or instructions that are shared by all tasks of that
To create a Task Type:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types tab on the left.

Chapter 23
Creating Task Types

3. Click New.
4. See also:
• Setting Task Type Properties
• Setting Task Type Parameters
• Specifying Task Type Instructions
• Specifying Task Type Questions
• Working With Task Type Rules
• Viewing Task Type History

Setting Task Type Properties

The Properties tab enables you to set the name, ID, and description, and associate an
Integration Type.
For End User Types, you can allow an Assignee to open a pending task prior to the
scheduled time, if all task predecessor conditions have been met.
To set Task Type properties:
1. Create a new Task Type.
The Properties tab is displayed by default.
2. Enter a Name for the Task Type.
3. Enter a Task Type ID that can be used to identify the Task Type.
4. Enter a Task Type description.
5. To specify an Integration, click the magnifying glass to search for and select
an Integration, then click OK. Selecting an Integration enables the Task Type to
inherit the parameters from that Integration.
6. Optional: For an End-User Type, select Allow Early Start to allow the Assignee
to open the task before the scheduled start time.
7. See also:
• Setting Task Type Parameters
• Specifying Task Type Instructions
• Specifying Task Type Questions
• Working With Task Type Rules
• Viewing Task Type History

Setting Task Type Parameters

The Parameters tab enables you to set the parameters for the Task Type.

Chapter 23
Creating Task Types

The Parameters tab is available only if you have selected an Integration that
has parameters that must be defined. Parameter values can be set at the
Task Type level or at the task level.

Some tasks contain parameters that need to be changed each time that they are
applied to a schedule. For example, date-driven parameters for Data Entry tasks may
need to be set to the current month each time they are added to a schedule. When
you set Task Type parameters, you can specify which parameters can be overridden
during the scheduling process.
To set Task Type parameters:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types tab, and then click New.
3. Enter Task Type Name and Task Type ID.
4. Select the Parameters tab.
5. Enter parameter values as required.
6. Optional: To enable the parameter to be overridden at scheduling time, select
Override at scheduling.
7. See also:
• Setting Task Type Properties
• Specifying Task Type Instructions
• Specifying Task Type Questions
• Working With Task Type Rules
• Viewing Task Type History

Specifying Task Type Instructions

You can create a set of instructions for completing tasks. You can also add references
to documents, files, or URLs to websites. For example, you can attach a policy
document as a reference, or a link to a product instruction guide.
To specify instructions:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types tab, and then click New.
3. Enter the Task Type Name and Task Type ID.
4. Select the Instructions tab.
5. In Instructions, enter the instruction text.
To add a reference:
1. In the References section, click Add.
2. From the Type list, select one of these types:

Chapter 23
Creating Task Types

• Local File
Enter a name, click Browse to select and attach the file, and click OK.
Enter a URL name, then enter the URL, for example: Oracle, http://, and click OK.

You can add one or more attachments by using drag and drop
functionality available from the Add Attachments dialog box. You can
rename the attachment in the Name field, if desired. If you drag and drop
multiple attachments, you can upload them at one time.
You must access the Add Attachments dialog box to properly drag and
drop attachments.

3. See also:
• Setting Task Type Properties
• Setting Task Type Parameters
• Specifying Task Type Questions
• Working With Task Type Rules
• Viewing Task Type History

To delete a reference, select the reference, and click Delete.

Specifying Task Type Questions

You can specify Task Type questions that apply to all tasks with that Task Type.

The Questions tab is not available for a Task Type that uses an automated

To specify questions:
1. Create a new Task Type.
2. Select the Questions tab.
3. Click New.
4. From the New Question dialog box, for Question, enter the text for the question.
5. From the Type list, select a question type:

Chapter 23
Creating Task Types

• Date
• Date and Time
• Integer
• List
Enter a list of valid responses to the question.
• Multi-Line Text
The maximum length should be less than 4,000 characters.
Enter the Number of Lines, from 3 to 50 lines. Multi-Line text determines how
many lines of text are visible, without scrolling, on the Actions dialog boxes.
Include Attachments- select if you want the custom attribute to include an
attachments section.
6. Assign a Role. The purpose of assigning a role is to determine which role can
answer the question:
• Assignee
• Approver
• Owner
• Viewer
When re-ordering questions, you can only re-order within a role.
7. If the question is required, select Required.
The Required checkbox is disabled for Questions assigned to Owner or Viewer
8. Click OK to save the question.
9. Optional: To change the order of questions, select a question, then click Move to
Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Move to Bottom.
10. Optional: To edit a question, select the question and click Edit. To remove a
question, select the question and click Delete.
11. Click Save and Close to save the Task Type.

12. See also:

• Setting Task Type Properties

• Setting Task Type Parameters
• Specifying Task Type Instructions
• Working With Task Type Rules
• Viewing Task Type History

Assigning Task Type Attributes

To locate Task Types in the system, you can apply attributes to the Task Type. When
you select an attribute, you can set a value for the attribute based on the attribute type.
You can later filter by the attribute value.

Chapter 23
Creating Task Types

For example, you may have a List attribute named Sales Region with the values of
North, South, East, and West. The current Task Type applies only to the West Sales
Region, so you can add the Sales Region attribute and set it to "West".
To apply an attribute:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types tab on the left, and then click New.
3. Enter the Task Type Name and the Task Type ID.
4. Select the Attributes tab.
Enables administrators to assign attributes and provide values for the attributes.
To add an attribute, click Add. Enter:
• Attribute
Select an attribute from the list of defined attributes.
• Type
This field is not editable - it is populated by the Attribute.
• Value
Select a value associated with the type of attribute; for example, a numeric
value for Formatted Number attribute, a List for List attribute, multiple lines of
displayed text without scrolling for Multi-Line Text, a name of a person, User,
or Yes or No for the Yes/No attribute.
• Access
All roles have view access unless otherwise specified in the Access box.
To add an access, for each of the roles:
a. Click Add.
b. Select a role: Owner, Assignee, Approver, with separate roles for each
Approver level currently in use in the application, or Viewer.
c. Select one of the Role access types.
– Do Not Display—Does not see this attribute on the Task Actions
dialog box, or in any of the dashboards, list views, or reports.
– Allow Edits—Has the ability to add, change, and remove values for
the attribute, but subject to the editability rules.
– Required—Requires a value for the attribute. The Required option
is available for Assignees and Approvers. Until a value is provided,
Assignees are prevented from submitting, and Approvers are
prevented from approving.
d. Click OK.
5. Click OK.
6. See also:
• Setting Task Type Properties
• Setting Task Type Parameters
• Specifying Task Type Instructions

Chapter 23
Creating Task Types

• Specifying Task Type Questions

• Working With Task Type Rules
• Viewing Task Type History

Working With Task Type Rules

Task Type Rules apply to all Tasks of the same Task Type and thus serve as a
convenient mechanism to apply rules to groups of Tasks. Rules configured on the Task
Type dialog propagate down to the Edit Task Dialog, appearing on the Rules tab in that
dialog, in read-only form for template tasks, and copied to schedule tasks.
Available task type rules:
Auto Approve Task - Automatically completes specified approvals only if specified
conditions have been met.
Example of conditions that could apply to this rule: If attributes have specified values
(including calculated attributes)
When conditions are satisfied, the specified approver levels are marked as complete,
thus progressing workflow to the next approval level, or to Closed if no additional
approval levels exist.
Auto Approve Task runs when the Task status changes to Open with Approver.
Auto Submit Task - Causes a task to be submitted automatically if specified
conditions are met.
When conditions are satisfied, the assignee role is marked as complete, thus
progressing workflow to the first approval level, or to Closed if no approval levels
Auto-Submit Task rule runs when the Task status changes from Pending to Open with

Prevent Task Approval

This rule prevents approval of a task based on attribute values, or other
characteristics. This rule runs when the Approver clicks Approve.

Prevent Task Submission

This rule prevents submission of a task based on attribute values, or other
characteristics. This rule runs when the Assignee clicks Submit.

To work with task type rules:

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types tab on the left.
3. Click a task type and then click Edit.
4. Select the Rules tab. You can view the following information:
• Order—The order of precedence.
• Rule—Name of the Rule
• Conditions—The choice of what conditions must exist before running the rule
5. To edit a rule, on the Rules tab, click Edit and update:

Chapter 23
Viewing Task Type History

• Rule—Select a rule.
• Description—Optional. Explain why you configured the rule and how should
be used.
• Message (On some rules)
– Message to Approver—Define an optional message to approver in a
prevent task approval rule.
– Message to Assignee—Define an optional message to assignee in a
prevent task submission rule.
• Approver Level—Select the rule for all levels or select the Approver levels.

The Approver Level must be set on the Auto Approve Task rule, and
the Prevent Task Approval rule.

• Select Create Filter and populate the conditions section or select Use Saved
Filter, and then select a filter. The filter selected and configured for the rule
determines the conditions that trigger the rule to apply.
• Conditions—Select one:
– Use Saved Filter—The Conditions section displays a read-only version of
the conditions associated with the saved filter.
– Create Filter—The Condition section is enabled.
Conjunction, Source, Attribute, Operand, and Value behave as they do for
the existing advanced filter feature.
• Filter Task—Specify on which task the conditions should be selected: Current
Task, Any Predecessor, Specific Task (Provide the Task ID).
6. See also:
• Setting Task Type Properties
• Setting Task Type Parameters
• Specifying Task Type Instructions
• Specifying Task Type Questions
• Viewing Task Type History

Viewing Task Type History

The system maintains a history of Task Type actions, which you can view from the
View Task Types dialog box. The History tab displays the components that were
updated, the modification type, the old and new values, the user who made the
modification, and the change date. The information on the History tab is read-only
and cannot be changed.
To view Task Type history:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types. tab on the left.

Chapter 23
Editing Task Types

3. Select a Task Type and click Edit.

4. Select the History tab.
5. When you finish, click Save and Close or Cancel.

Editing Task Types

From the Task Types dialog box, you can edit Task Types. For example, you can
add or delete attributes, edit parameters, add or delete questions, edit instructions, or
change the order of questions.
Editing Task Types may have an effect on tasks that are created from the Task
Type. For tasks in a template, the effect is immediate. Changes to the Task Type
(instructions, questions, and so on), are automatically updated in tasks of that type.
There is no effect if you edit a Task Type in a schedule.
To edit a Task Type:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types tab on the left.
3. Select the Task Type that you want to edit.
4. Use one of these methods:
• Select Actions, and then Edit.
• Click the Edit icon.
• Right-click and select Edit.
5. Select the tab for the information you want to edit and edit the Task Type.
6. Click Save and Close.

Viewing Task Types

In Task Types, you can specify columns to display for the list of Task Types, or show
all. You can reorder columns, sort columns by ascending or descending order, or
change the column widths.
To display columns:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types tab on the left.
3. Do one or more of the following tasks:
• To display all columns, select View, then Columns, and then select Show All.
• To display specific columns, select View, then Columns, and select or deselect
the column names.
• To reorder columns, select View, and then Reorder Columns, select columns
and use the Up or Down arrows or drag them to change the order.
• To sort columns, hover over a column header until the Sort icons are
displayed, and then click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
• To change column widths, hover over the column header dividers until the
arrows display, and drag the columns to the desired width.

Chapter 23
Searching for Task Types

Searching for Task Types

You can use the Search function in the Task Types list to find Task Types. You can
enter full or partial names on which to search. Using the filter bar, you can control the
task types that you see in the list. By default, all task types are displayed.
To search for task types:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types tab on the left.
3. To search for a task type, enter search criteria in the Search text box.
4. Optional: From the filter bar, click on a category to display additional search
operators such as Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains, Does Not Contain,
Starts With, and Ends With.
You can filter task types using these categories: Name, Task Type ID, Execution
Type, User Created, Description, Created By, Created On, Last Updated By,
or Last Updated On.


• Click Add a Filter to view all categories.

• To hide the filter bar, click the Filter icon.
• To clear all filters, click Clear All Filters in the


Importing Task Types

You can import Task Types or partial Task Type information from text files. The process
is similar to importing tasks into a template.

Task Type rules cannot be imported. Use Migration to import Task Type

To import Task Types, you must have the Service Administrator or Power User security
To import Task Types:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types tab on the left.
3. Click Actions, and then Import.

Chapter 23
Exporting Task Types

4. Click Browse and navigate to the file.

5. Select an import option:
• Replace—Completely replaces the definition of a Task Type with the definition
in the import file. This option replaces all Task Type detail with the information
that is in the file that you are importing. It does not affect Task Types that are
not specified in the import file.
The system displays a warning that task types matching a task type ID in the
import file will be modified. If you do not want to overwrite the task type, click

You can select the Keep Attachments checkbox to retain
attachments to task types that are being replaced.

• Update—Updates partial information for Task Types. This option is not a full
replacement of the Task Type details. Only details for the Task Type properties
specified in the file are updated.
• Delete—Deletes task types based on a list of task IDs provided in a file. The
required information to perform a delete is a file with a column of task IDs.
6. Select a Date Format.
Select a format from the drop-down list of allowed date formats. Date formats are
not translated. By default, the date format is set to the locale date format of the
exported file location.
7. Select a File Delimiter for the import file: Comma or Tab. or choose Other to
specify any single character as the delimiter.
8. Click Import.

Exporting Task Types

You can export Task Types to a comma-separated values (CSV) file, which can be
read by Excel, then modify and reimport the file.

Task Type rules can't be exported. Use Migration to export Task Type rules.

To export Task Types:

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types tab on the left.
3. Select a Task Type, then select Actions, and click Export.
4. Click Save File, and then OK.
5. Select a location in which to save the file, and click Save.

Chapter 23
Deleting Task Types

Deleting Task Types

You can delete Task Types that you no longer need. To delete a Task Type, you must
have Service Administrator or Power User security rights.

You cannot delete a Task Type if tasks belong to it.

To delete a Task Type:

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types tab on the left.
3. Select the Task Type that you want to delete.
4. Use one of these methods:
• Select Actions, and then Delete.
• Click the Delete icon.
• Right-click and select Delete.
5. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

Managing Task Templates
A task template defines a repeatable set of tasks required for a business process. It is
used as a basis for creating schedules. You can create templates for different types of
Template tasks are not assigned to specific days on a calendar, but are defined using
generic days, for example, day-3, day-2, day-1, day 0, based on the process activities.
You apply the task flow defined in the template to calendar dates when you create
If you are a Service Administrator or Power User, you can view, create, edit, and
delete templates.

The maximum number of task templates that you can create or import is

Creating Task Templates

You can create templates for specific tasks in a business process.
When you create a template, you can assign users or groups as viewers.
Watch this video to learn more about creating task templates.

Creating Task Templates.

To create a template:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Task Manager.
3. Click the Templates tab on the left.
4. Click New.
5. Enter the necessary information in the template sections:
• Setting Template Properties
• Specifying Template Instructions
• Assigning Viewers to Templates
• Applying Template Attributes
• Specifying Day Labels
• Embedding Templates

Chapter 24
Creating Task Templates

• Working With Template Rules

Setting Template Properties

The Properties tab enables you to specify the template name, description, owner, and
time span.
You must assign a template owner to every template, which must be a Service
Administrator or Power User. The current ID is the default owner. The template owner
is also the default owner of all tasks in the template unless overridden at the task level.
Tasks in a template are organized by numeric template days. Each template has a Day
Zero. You can specify the number of days a template tracks before and after the Zero
day. Days before Day Zero are represented as Day-5, Day-4, and so on. Days after
Day Zero are represented as Day 3, Day 4, and so on. A template has at least one day
(Day Zero), even if you do not specify days before or after it.
To set template properties:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. From the New or Edit Template dialog, on the Properties tab, enter:
• Name
• Description
• Organizational Unit
4. Enter the time span for the template.
• For Number of Days Before Day 0, select a number.
• For Number of Days After Day 0, select a number.
5. Optional: Select Embedded Only if the template is only to be used as an
embedded template.
If this option is enabled, the template is not allowed to be deployed. This prevents
supporting templates from being deployed by mistake.

6. For Owner, use the default owner or click Select Owner . Administrators,
or Power Users configured with the Administrator or Power User roles are the
only roles that will display when you click Search to select a user to assign as an
Owner. Any member of the Shared Services group can perform the role, but the
same person cannot perform more than one role.
7. Enter the necessary information in the template sections:
• Specifying Template Instructions
• Assigning Viewers to Templates
• Applying Template Attributes
• Specifying Day Labels
• Embedding Templates
• Working With Template Rules

Chapter 24
Creating Task Templates

Specifying Template Instructions

You can specify instructions in the template for completing the business process.
Users can view the instructions from tasks in the template. The instructions are also
transferred to each schedule.
You may want to supply additional detail to help users understand the purpose of the
template and how to complete the tasks. You can attach additional references.
You can easily see if a task includes instructions within the Schedule Task and
Template Task lists. You can add the Instructions column to your list view and see
the textual instructions for the task.
To specify template instructions:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. From the New or Edit Template dialog, select the Instructions tab.
4. In Instructions, enter instruction text for each task in the template to include.
5. Click OK.
To add a reference:
1. In the References section, click Add.
2. From the Type list, select one of these types:
• Local File
Enter a name, click Browse to select and attach the file, and click OK.
Enter a URL name, then enter the URL, for example: Oracle, http:// and click OK.
To add a reference file or URL to multiple templates at one time:
a. Navigate to the templates main page.
b. You can multi-select (either highlight more than one row or select more than
one using the SHIFT key), and then click Actions, then Add Reference, then
File or URL.
You can also add one or more attachments by using drag and drop functionality
available from the Add Attachments dialog box. You can rename the attachment
in the Name field, if desired. If you drag and drop multiple attachments, you can
upload them at one time.
You must access the Add Attachments dialog box to properly drag and drop
3. Enter the necessary information in the template sections:
• Setting Template Properties
• Assigning Viewers to Templates
• Applying Template Attributes
• Specifying Day Labels

Chapter 24
Creating Task Templates

• Embedding Templates
• Working With Template Rules

Assigning Viewers to Templates

The Viewers tab enables you to assign viewer rights to users who may view tasks in
the schedule and schedule tasks that are generated from the template. You can assign
multiple users to a template as viewers. Viewers can be a team or group assignment.
A Power User viewer can view the template details and template tasks as read-only.
A Viewer has no template access, and only read-only access to schedules produced
from the template.

Only users who have the task Viewer role can respond to questions.

To assign viewer rights:

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. From the New or Edit Template dialog, select the Viewers tab.
4. Click Add.
5. To search by users, groups, or teams, click Search Users, then select Users,
Groups, or Teams.
6. Enter a full or partial user name, then click Search.
7. To specifically identify a user, click Advanced, then enter a User ID, Email
address, or Description.
8. From the Search Results list, select IDs, then move them to the Selected box.
9. For additional details about the user, such as teams, groups, and roles, click
10. Click Add or Add All to move users to the Selected list.

To remove users, select them and click Remove or Remove All.

11. Enter the necessary information in the template sections:

• Setting Template Properties

• Specifying Template Instructions
• Applying Template Attributes
• Specifying Day Labels
• Embedding Templates
• Working With Template Rules

Chapter 24
Creating Task Templates

Applying Template Attributes

To locate templates in the system, you can apply attributes to the template. When you
select an attribute, you can set a value for the attribute based on the attribute type.
You can later filter by the attribute value.
For example, you may have a List attribute named Sales Region with the values of
North, South, East, and West. The current template applies only to the West Sales
Region, so you can add the Sales Region attribute and set it to "West".
To apply an attribute:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. From the New or Edit Template dialog, select the Attributes tab.
4. Click Add.
5. From the Attribute list, select an attribute.
6. For Value, depending on the attribute, select a value for the attribute from a
drop-down list, or enter a value.
7. Click OK.
8. Enter the necessary information in the template sections:
• Setting Template Properties
• Specifying Template Instructions
• Assigning Viewers to Templates
• Specifying Day Labels
• Embedding Templates
• Working With Template Rules

Specifying Day Labels

You can customize the names of days in the template. Editing the name of the day
does not change its sequential order.
Day Labels created in a template are copied to any schedule created from the
To specify day labels:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. From the New or Edit Template dialog, select the Day Labels tab.
4. Select a day to rename.
5. Rename the day from its default value to a custom name.
6. Click OK.
7. Enter the necessary information in the template sections:

Chapter 24
Creating Task Templates

• Setting Template Properties

• Specifying Template Instructions
• Assigning Viewers to Templates
• Applying Template Attributes
• Embedding Templates
• Working With Template Rules

Embedding Templates
You can reuse tasks from one task template in another by embedding one template
into another template. When you schedule tasks for a template, tasks for embedded
templates are also scheduled.
For example, you may have two processes that are essentially the same, with some
additional tasks for one of the processes. You can specify that one template embeds
the second template so if you change one template, you do not need to update the
other one. When you generate a schedule, it will include the tasks from the other

Only one level of embedding is possible. For example, if Template A is
embedded in Template B, then Template B cannot be embedded in another

Embedded template are task templates that are not designed to be deployed directly,
but rather to be used by other templates that are directly deployed. The Manage
Templates screen includes these columns to identify embedded templates:
• Embedded: a list of templates that are embedded in the current template. Blank if
• Embedded In: a list of templates that the current template is embedded in. Blank if
The columns are not displayed by default, but are available from the View menu.
To embed templates:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. From the New or Edit Template dialog, select the Embedded Templates tab.
4. To identify previously embedded templates, from the top menu, select View, then
Columns, and select Embedded In or Embedded Templates.
5. From the Available Templates list, select a template to embed.
6. Click Move to move the template to the Embedded Templates list.

Chapter 24
Creating Task Templates

To remove a template or templates, select the template from the
Embedded Templates list and click Remove or Remove All to move
it to the Available Templates list.

7. Click OK.
8. Enter the necessary information in the template sections:
• Setting Template Properties
• Specifying Template Instructions
• Assigning Viewers to Templates
• Applying Template Attributes
• Specifying Day Labels
• Working With Template Rules

Working With Template Rules

Template rules apply to all tasks in the template, and rules are also applied to groups
of tasks. Rules that you configure in the Template dialog box apply to the Schedule
dialog box and the Edit Task dialog box, and they are displayed on the Rules tabs, in
read-only form.
Template rules:
Auto Approve Task - Automatically completes specified approvals if specified
conditions have been met.
Examples of conditions that could apply to this rule:
• Attributes have specified values (including calculated attributes)
• Predecessor task contains an attribute with a specified value
When conditions are satisfied, the rule causes the specified approver levels to be
marked as complete, and workflow progresses to the next approval level or is closed if
no additional approval levels exist.
This rule runs when the Task status changes to Open with Approver.
Auto Submit Task - Automatically submits a task if specified conditions are met.
When conditions have been satisfied, the rule causes the assignee role to be marked
as complete, thus progressing workflow to the first approval level, or to Closed if no
approval levels exist.

1. Auto Submit Task runs when the Task status changes from Pending to Open
with Assignee. Auto Submit Task rule honors predecessor relationship. It will
only run when Finish-To-Finish predecessors have completed without error and
Finish Error-To-Finish predecessors have completed. When a Finish-To-Finish
predecessor is Closed by either user or rules, it should check for its Running
successors and trigger Auto Submit Task rules if necessary.

Chapter 24
Creating Task Templates

2. Auto Submit Task rule is not triggered when the task has missing parameters.

Prevent Task Approval

This rule prevents approval of a task based on attribute values, or other
characteristics. This rule runs when the Approver clicks Approve.

Prevent Task Submission

This rule prevents submission of a task based on attribute values, or other
characteristics. This rule runs when the Assignee clicks Submit.

To work with template rules:

1. On the Home page, click Application, then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. Double-click a template.
4. Select the Rules tab. You can view the following information:
• Order—The order of precedence.
• Rule—Select the Rule
• Conditions—The choice of what conditions must exist before running the rule
5. To create or edit a rule, on the Rules tab, click Create or Edit and update:
• Rule— Select a rule.
• Description—Optional. Explain why you configured the rule and how should
be used.
• Approver Level—Select the rule for all levels or select the Approver levels.
• Select Create Filter and populate the conditions section or select Use Saved
Filter, and then select a filter. The filter selected and configured for the rule
determines the conditions that trigger the rule to apply.
• Conditions—Select one:
– Use Saved Filter—The Conditions section displays a read-only version of
the conditions associated with the saved filter.
– Create Filter—The Condition section is enabled.
Conjunction, Source, Attribute, Operand, and Value behave as they do for
the existing advanced filter feature.
• Filter Task— Specify on which task the condition should be selected: Current
Task, Any Predecessor, Specific Task (Provide the Task ID).
6. To delete, duplicate, or reorder a rule, click the appropriate button and follow the
7. Enter the necessary information in the template sections:
• Setting Template Properties
• Specifying Template Instructions
• Assigning Viewers to Templates
• Applying Template Attributes
• Specifying Day Labels
• Embedding Templates

Chapter 24
Opening Templates

Viewing Template History

The system maintains a history of template actions, which you can view from the
Template dialog box. The History tab displays the components that were created
or updated, the modification type, the old and new values, the user who made the
modification, and the change date. The information on the History tab is read-only.
To view template history:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. Select a template for which to view history and click Edit.
4. Select the History tab.
5. Click OK.

Opening Templates
You can open and work with templates from the Templates dialog box.
To open a template:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. From Templates, select a template.
4. Use one of these methods:
• Select Actions, and then Edit.
• Click the template.
• Right-click and select Edit.

Adding Tasks to Templates

You can add tasks to Task Manager templates. Each task has a start date and time.
End-User tasks also have an end date and time when added to a template. The start
day in a template corresponds to template days, rather than to calendar days.

The maximum number of tasks that you can add to a Task Manager template
is 500,000.

To add a task to a Task Manager template:

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. Select and open a template.

Chapter 24
Editing Templates

If you have a large list of templates, enter a full or partial name in the Search box
to search for templates from a list in the selection dialog.
4. Add tasks as required.
5. Click OK.

Editing Templates
You can edit Task Manager templates to change the properties, such as the name of a
template and the number of days before and after Day Zero. If you reduce the number
of days before or after the Day Zero, tasks associated with those days are removed.
Editing a template has no effect on schedules previously generated from that template.
You can edit, copy, and delete tasks in a template.
You must be working in the source template to edit tasks from embedded templates.
To edit a Task Manager template:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. Select a template and click Edit.
4. Edit the template properties.
5. Click OK.

Importing Tasks into Templates

You can import tasks, or partial task data, from text files such as a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet, into a template. For example, you can enter task definitions as rows in
Excel, save the file as a comma-separated values (CSV) file, and then import it into a
template. You can also use the Import feature to quickly add many repetitive tasks by
editing the fields in a text file and importing it, rather than creating individual tasks.

Before you import tasks into a template, you must specify task IDs that are
unique in the template to ensure that no two tasks have the same ID.

To import tasks, you must have security rights to edit the template.
These options are available for importing tasks into a template:
• Replace
Replaces the definition of a task with the definition in the import file. This option
replaces the task detail with the detail that is in the file that you are importing. It
does not affect other tasks in the template that are not specified in the import file.
• Update
Updates partial information for tasks. For example, in the import file, you might
have made changes to task instructions, reassigned Owners, Assignees, and

Chapter 24
Importing Tasks into Templates

Approvers, or removed some attributes and added new attributes. You might also
have made the same change to a large number of tasks, for example, adding a
new attribute to 100 of 400 tasks. The update option is not a full replacement
of the task details. Only details for the task properties specified in the file are
updated. For example, if the import file has only a column for a task instructions,
the task name, Assignee, attributes, and other properties are not affected.
• Delete
Deletes tasks and associated information based on a list of task IDs provided in a
file. The required information to perform a delete is a file with a column of task IDs.
To import tasks into a template:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager,
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. Select a template into which to import tasks.
4. Click Import Tasks.
5. Enter the name of the file to import, or click Browse to find the file.
6. Select an import option:
• Replace— Replaces the definition of a task with the definition in the import
files. It does not affect other tasks that are not specified in the import file.

You can select the Keep Attachments checkbox to retain
attachments to tasks that are being replaced.

• Update— Updates partial information for tasks. For example, in the import
file, you might have made changes to task instructions, reassigned Owners,
Assignees, and Approvers, or removed some attributes and added new
attributes. You might also have made the same change to a large number
of tasks, for example, adding a new attribute to 100 of 400 tasks. The update
option is not a full replacement of the task details. Only details for the task
properties specified in the file are updated. For example, if the import file has
only a column for a task instructions, the task name, Assignee, attributes, and
other properties are not affected.

The system displays a warning that tasks in the template that match
a task ID in the import file will be modified. If you do not want to
overwrite the task, click Cancel to cancel the import process.

• Delete—Deletes tasks and associated information based on a list of task IDs

provided in a file. The required information to perform a delete is a file with a
column of task IDs.
7. Select a Date Format.

Chapter 24
Task Import File Format

Select a format from the drop-down list of allowed date formats. Date formats are
not translated. By default, the date format is set to the locale date format of the
exported file location.
8. Select a File Delimiter for the import file: Comma or Tab. or choose Other to
specify any single character as the delimiter.
9. Click Import.
• If the import is successful, the Import Success dialog box is displayed, indicating
the template name, the name of the file containing the tasks, and the total number
of tasks imported. Click OK.
• If errors are found, the import process is not run, and the Import Errors dialog box
displays errors. View the errors, then click OK to return to Manage Templates.

Table 24-1 Troubleshooting Import Errors

Error Resolution
Duplicate Task ID Check for duplicate Task IDs. Task IDs must
be unique within the template or schedule. See
Creating Tasks.
Task Name is too long The Task Name can contain a maximum of 80
characters. See Setting Task Properties.
Organizational Value - "Invalid Value" The Organizational Value cannot be blank,
contain bullet points or multiple lines.

Task Import File Format

The task import file enables you to specify the task information that you want to import
into a template. The first row contains only the column headings that identify the data
in that column, for example, TaskName. Separate rows are used to define each task.
Each task in the file must be given a unique ID in the TaskID column. You use the
numeric IDs to uniquely identify predecessors and parent tasks. For example, when
you enter a parent task in the Parent column, you enter the numeric ID of the task
rather than the task name.
When you use the Replace or Replace All options, you can add, remove, and shift the
columns but you cannot remove required columns. When you use the Update option,
there are no required columns except TaskID, or TaskTypeID when you are importing
Task Types. The data in each column must match the column ID in the first row.
Many column IDs may have an indeterminate amount of values. For example, a task
may have many viewers. You can add parameters by modifying the ending number, for
example, Viewer4, Viewer5, and so on.
The numbers that you append to the column IDs for Approvers, Questions, or
References only represent the relative order with the other approvers, questions, or
references. When you update these, the system matches by the name of the approver,
question, or reference without regard to the number in the file format column. To
replace question text, approvers, or reference names, you must use Replace mode.
When you select Update mode, the system only adds a new question, approver, or
reference if the file names do not match.
All Text Lookup rows in the file must match values stored in the application. For
example, if you are importing Task Types, you must have specified values for them

Chapter 24
Task Import File Format

when you set up the application. For groups of column headings, if you have a certain
number of one of the group, you must have the same number for other members. For
example, if you have QText5, there must be a corresponding QType5.

When you need to create multiple lines of text in the import file (for example,
in Instructions), use this syntax to indicate a new line: '\n'. Do not use hard
returns to separate lines of text.

Column ID Description Type

TaskID ID of task. Maximum of 80 Text
TaskName Name of task Text
TaskType Task Type Text Lookup
Description Full description of task. Maximum of Text
1000 characters.
Priority Task priority (High, Medium, Low) Text Lookup
StartDate Start date, in template days (for Integer
example, -5, 0, 1, 12)
For schedules, the start date must be
a calendar date in the locale format.
StartTime Start time in HH:MM (24-hour), for Integer
example: 13:00
EndDate User tasks only, in template days (for Integer
example, -5, 0, 1, 12)
For schedules, the end date must be
a calendar date in the locale format.
EndTime User tasks only, in HH:MM (24-hour), Integer
for example, 13:00
Duration Task duration in minutes (automated Number
tasks only)
Owner Task owner Text Lookup
Assignee Task Assignee (user tasks only) Text Lookup
Active Whether the task is active. Only Boolean
applies to template import.
StartEarly Whether the Assignee is allowed to Boolean
open a pending task prior to the
scheduled start time
RunAs RunAs user name. Only applicable Text Lookup
for system-automated tasks.
Instruction Instruction text. Maximum of 2 GB. Text
Reference# Instruction reference (URL and URL
Content Server references)
RefText# Reference name, for URL references Text
RefType# Reference type (URL, Document) Text Lookup
RefURL# Reference URL, for URL references URL

Chapter 24
Task Import File Format

Column ID Description Type

RefDocId# Reference document ID, for Integer
document references
Approver# Approver Level User Name
Viewer# Task viewer User Name
QText# Required for question. Text Text
of question. Maximum of 255
QType# Required for question. Data type of Text Lookup
question (Text, Member, True/False,
and so on)
QReq# Required for question. Question Boolean
required? (Yes or No)
QList# List of values for question, separated Text Lookup
by | symbol, for example, Red|Green|
QCurrSymbol# Currency format for question X Text
QDecPlaces# Number of significant digits after the Number
decimal places for question X
QNegNumFmt# Negative number format for question Text: - or ( )
QScale# Scale format for question X Number, in magnitude: 1000 and so
QThouSep# Thousand separator indicator for Boolean
question X
Attribute# Attribute name, for example, Color Text Lookup
AttrVal# Attribute value, for example, Red. Text
Maximum of 255 characters.
AttrDisplay Display to user (in task action dialog Boolean
box) for attribute
Param# Parameter name Text Lookup
ParmVal# Parameter value Text
Parent Task ID of the task parent Task ID
Predecessor# Predecessor task ID (from column A) Task ID
PredType# Required. Predecessor type (for Text Lookup
example, Finish to Start).
PredTemplate# Name of the predecessor template or Text
schedule, if the predecessor belongs
to a different template or schedule

When you import Task Types, these columns are used:

• TaskTypeID
• IntegrationType
• ParamOverride# - whether the parameter can be overridden
A sample task import file is provided. It contains these dynamic parameters, which you
can modify:

Chapter 24
Exporting Tasks to Microsoft Excel

• Two questions
• Two attributes
• Two instructional references
• Three predecessor tasks
• Three approver levels

Exporting Tasks to Microsoft Excel

You can export tasks from a template to a flat file in CSV format, then use Microsoft
Excel to modify the file. For example, you can export the tasks from a template in a
test installation and import them to a template in a production installation. When you
export tasks from a template, they are saved to a CSV file.
To export tasks:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. From Templates, select a template from which to export tasks.
4. Click Export Tasks.
5. Click Save File, then click OK.
6. Select a location in which to save the file, and click Save.

Reassigning Users in Templates

You may periodically need to reassign users to different tasks. For example, you may
create a template and assign a user to certain tasks; however, later that employee
leaves the company and another employee assumes those tasks. You can use the
Reassign feature in the Templates dialog box to automatically change assignments
instead of manually searching for, opening, and editing individual tasks. The Reassign
feature enables you to quickly find the tasks associated with one user and reassign
them to another.
You can reassign users for multiple templates at a time. This can be helpful if your
application has a large number of templates.
You can select the roles for which to reassign users. For example, if you select
the Owner role, the system reassigns the user only in tasks in which the user was
assigned as the owner.
When tasks are reassigned, email notifications are sent immediately to reassigned
To reassign users:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. Select one for more templates for which you want to reassign users.
4. Select Actions, and then Reassign User.
5. Click Find User and enter the search criteria for the user that you want to replace:

Chapter 24
Creating Schedules from Templates

a. From the Select User dialog box, enter the first or last name for the user, and
click Search.
b. Select the user from the results, then click OK.
6. Click Replace with and enter search criteria for the user to whom you want to
reassign tasks.
7. Select roles for the user that must be reassigned:
• Owner
• Assignee
• Approver
• Viewer
8. Click Reassign.
When the process ends, the system displays a "Reassign Users - Success"
message that indicates that the user reassignment is complete, and displays the
template name and total number of user reassignments made.

Creating Schedules from Templates

You can create schedules from templates. Creating a schedule from a template
populates the schedule with the tasks in the template. If the source template has
embedded templates, the tasks in the embedded templates are included. Template
instructions, viewers, and attributes are also added to the schedule.
You create schedules from templates from the Edit Templates dialog box. The Last
Schedule column shows the last schedule created from each template. The Schedules
column shows the total number of schedules created from each template.
To create a schedule from a template, you must have the Service Administrator or
Power User role.
The schedule starts in a Pending status, which gives you the opportunity to make final
changes in the definition.
When template tasks are added from a template to a schedule, they are assigned
calendar dates based on their relationship to the template Day Zero. The dates can
also account for non-working days of the schedule if you specified them. For example,
if Day 0 is a Friday, the tasks for Day 1 are placed on the following Monday if you
selected to exclude weekend days. The Date Map displays the default calendar date
assigned to each template day. You can use the Date Map feature to adjust the date
A task in one template can have predecessor tasks in other templates. When you
create a schedule from a template, you can select predecessor tasks in schedules as
predecessors for tasks with predecessors in other templates. You use the Predecessor
Task Links tab to select predecessor tasks in schedules. The Predecessor Task Links
tab lists all tasks with predecessors in other templates, and enables you to select a
predecessor in a schedule for these tasks.

Chapter 24
Creating Schedules from Templates

When you create a schedule from a template, you can globally update the
task parameters for a Task Type if the parameters have the override option
enabled. See Setting Task Type Parameters.

To create a schedule from a template:

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. Select the template that you want to schedule.
4. If the template was successfully validated, create the schedule: Click the Actions
icon on the right side, and then select Create Schedule, or click the Create
Schedule icon in the top menu.
On the Schedule Parameters tab, enter the following fields:
• Schedule Name
• Year
• Period
Select a period for the schedule.
• Day Zero Date
Select the calendar date to assign to the template Day Zero.
• Date Mapping
– Organizational Unit
– Calendar days
– Working days
– Advanced Configuration dialog box:
Click Advanced Configuration to override the Organizational Unit and
Work Days configuration for all tasks in the schedule.

You can create one global template and have that template
create the proper schedules for each regional entity, taking into
consideration the holiday calendars, time zones, and work day
configurations of the entity.

* Organizational Unit
Select one:
* Use Task Value—Select a value from the Organizational Unit
* Set Value To—The selected organizational unit is applied to all
tasks in the Schedule (even if the task in the template contained a

Chapter 24
Manually Validating Templates

different Organizational Unit value). Since all tasks have the same
Organizational Unit, the Organizational Unit in the Date Mapping
panel on the Schedule from Template dialog box displays as Read
* Work Days—If you do not assign an organizational unit to a task, and
you do not use the Override Work Days feature, than the application
uses the following default: Monday – Friday are working days, and
Saturday and Sunday are non-working days.
– Date Map—For each template day whose date assignment you want to
modify, in the Date column, enter the new date.
5. Optional: Select the Predecessor Task Links tab, select the schedule that
contains the predecessor task and in the Assigned Task list, select the
predecessor task.
6. Optional: Select the Override Parameters tab, review the parameters, and for
each parameter that you want to modify, in the New Value column, enter a new

This Override Parameters tab displays only tasks that use a Task Type in
which at least one parameter has the Override option enabled.

7. Click Create Schedule.

A schedule is created and populated with the tasks, instructions and viewers from
the template. It has a status of Pending. By default the schedule is opened into a
view when created.
Review the schedule and make adjustments as needed.

Manually Validating Templates

When you generate a schedule from a template, the system automatically validates
the template first to check for uniqueness violations, tasks that directly or indirectly
depend on each other, or a date-precedence mismatch. For example, you cannot have
circular predecessors.
You can manually validate templates. Validation is particularly useful to check for
problems after you import tasks into a template from a file.
The validation results show the template names, status, and error messages. You can
sort the list of validation results by Template Name or Status.
To manually validate templates:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. From Templates, select one or more templates to validate.
4. Click Validate.
If no errors exist, the validation results show a "Template is valid" message. If
errors exist, it shows the error details.

Chapter 24
Viewing Task Manager Templates

Viewing Task Manager Templates

In the Templates dialog box, you can specify which columns to display for the list of
templates, or show all. You can also reorder columns, sort columns by ascending or
descending order, or change the column widths.
To display columns:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. Do one or more of the following tasks:
• To display all columns, select View, then Columns, and then select Show All.
• To display specific columns, select View, then Columns, and select or deselect
the column names.
• To reorder columns, select View, and then Reorder Columns, select columns
and use the Up or Down arrows or drag them to change the order.
• To sort columns, hover over a column header until the Sort icons are
displayed, and then click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
• To change column widths, hover over the column header dividers until the
arrows display, and drag the columns to the desired width.

Searching for Templates

You can use the Search function in a Templates list to quickly find Task Manager
templates. You can enter full or partial names on which to search. Using the filter bar,
you can control the templates that you see in the list. By default, all templates are
To search for templates:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. To search a template, enter search criteria in the Search text box.

Chapter 24
Deleting Templates

4. Optional: From the filter bar, click on a category to display additional search
operators such as Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains, Does Not Contain,
Starts With, and Ends With.
You can filter templates using these categories: Name, Owner, Organizational
Unit, Days After Day 0, Days Before Day 0, Embedded In, Embedded Only,
Embedded Templates, Description, Created By, Created On, Last Updated
By, or Last Updated On.


• Click Add a Filter to view all categories.

• To hide the filter bar, click the Filter icon.
• To clear all filters, click Clear All Filters in the


Deleting Templates
You can delete Task Manager templates that you no longer need. To delete a template,
you must have security rights to the template.
Deleting a template removes it from the list of available templates and removes
tasks associated with it. It does not directly affect a running schedule, however some
reporting and dashboard metrics may use the template to link various schedule runs
together, which are not possible if the template is deleted.
To delete a Task Manager template:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
3. Select the template, and click Delete.
4. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

Managing Tasks
Tasks are the core units of action in a business process, such as data entry or data
Each task has different parameters depending on the Task Type. If you have Service
Administrator or Power User security rights, you can create, edit, or delete tasks.
See Creating Tasks.

Creating Tasks
You can add tasks to templates or schedules. If you create a task in a template, you
assign the start and end date as days before or after Day Zero. If you create a task in
a schedule, you select calendar dates for the start and end dates.
You can group tasks under parent tasks to provide a simpler view of the business
process. After viewing upper-level parent tasks, you can then drill into the underlying
tasks. Child tasks of parent tasks may have different owners than the parent task.
You can create a task using any of these methods:
• Drag and drop the Task Type onto a template or schedule in a view.
• Right-click on a task and select New.
Then enter the task information:
• Setting Task Properties
• Setting Task Parameters
• Specifying Task Instructions
• Selecting the Workflow
• Adding Task Questions
• Setting Task Access
• Setting Task Predecessors
• Applying Task Attributes
• Working With Task Rules
• Viewing Task History
Watch this video to learn more about creating tasks.

Creating Tasks

Chapter 25
Creating Tasks

Setting Task Properties

The Properties dialog enables you to set the task name, task ID, description, task type,
priority, start and end date or duration.
You also use Properties to specify task Owners and Assignees. If an Owner or
Assignee is not available to work on the task (due to sick time, vacation, has left
the company, or is simply too busy), you can reassign users associated with a
task, template, or schedule. Template, schedule, and task Owners, Assignees, and
Approvers may also reassign their tasks.
For end-user tasks, you can allow an Assignee to open a pending task prior to the
scheduled time, if all task predecessor conditions have been met.
Automated tasks have no Assignees, however you can specify Run As users for users
under which tasks of that type are run.
Event Monitoring tasks have no Assignees and Run As users.
To set task properties:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left and then click Tasks.
3. Open a task.
4. Click Properties and enter this information:
• Enter a Task Name of 80 characters or less.
• Enter a Task ID that can be used to identify the task (required). Task IDs must
be unique within the template or schedule.
• Enter a Description of 1000 characters or less.

You can use carriage returns and URLs in Descriptions, Questions,
and Instructions.

• Organizational Unit
Represents a hierarchical entity-type structure that you can use to model
your organization. Define a separate organizational unit for each entity for
which separate reporting is required, or for entities that require different
configurations for any of the following: time zones, holidays, work days,
or viewer or commentator assignments. Organizational Units are defined in
system settings.
• Task Type (required)
Click Browse and select a Task Type.
• Priority
Select a priority for the task:
– High

Chapter 25
Creating Tasks

– Medium
– Low
• Owner

Use the default owner or click Select Owner to select a user or Shared
Services group.
• Select Active to include this task in schedules generated from the template.

This option is not available for tasks created in schedules.

5. Click Save and Close.

6. See also:
• Setting Task Parameters
• Specifying Task Instructions
• Selecting the Workflow
• Adding Task Questions
• Setting Task Access
• Setting Task Predecessors
• Applying Task Attributes
• Working With Task Rules
• Viewing Task History

Setting Task Parameters

The Parameters dialog only contains data for tasks that are associated with an
Integration Type and have parameters. Integration Types provide links to external
applications. From Parameters, you can set specific information about the task and
how it is run. The parameters are passed to the external application. For example, if
the task contains a link to a data grid, you might use the Parameters dialog to select a
point of view for the grid.
To set task parameters:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left and then click Tasks.
3. From the New or Edit Task dialog box, click Parameters.
4. If the parameter values are not entered by the task type, you may enter the
required parameter values.

Chapter 25
Creating Tasks

If the parameters are not defined when the task is ready to start, an
email is sent to the task owner. The task waits to start until the values
are provided.

5. See also:
• Setting Task Properties
• Specifying Task Instructions
• Selecting the Workflow
• Adding Task Questions
• Setting Task Access
• Setting Task Predecessors
• Applying Task Attributes
• Working With Task Rules
• Viewing Task History

Specifying Task Instructions

Task owners can create a set of instructions for completing the task. All other users
who have access to the task are only able to read the instructions. If there are
task instructions that are inherited from the Task Type, template, or schedule, that
instruction text is displayed above the instruction text box and is read-only.
For template tasks, the Template and Task Types instructions are viewable but not
To specify instructions:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left, and then click Tasks.
3. From the New or Edit Task dialog box, click Instructions.
4. Enter the Instructions which can have unlimited characters.
To add a reference:
1. In the References section, select Actions, and then Add, or select the Add icon.
2. From the Type list, select one of these types:
• Local File
Enter a name, click Browse to select and attach the file, and click OK.
Enter a URL name, then enter the URL, for example: Oracle, http://

Chapter 25
Creating Tasks

To add a reference file or URL to multiple tasks at one time:
a. Navigate to the Tasks page.
b. You can multi-select (either highlight more than one row or select
more than one using the SHIFT key), and then click Actions, then
Add Reference, then File or URL.

You can also add one or more attachments by using drag and drop
functionality available from the Add Attachments dialog box. You can
rename the attachment in the Name field, if desired. If you drag and drop
multiple attachments, you can upload them at one time.
You must access the Add Attachments dialog box to properly drag and
drop attachments.

3. See also:
• Setting Task Properties
• Setting Task Parameters
• Selecting the Workflow
• Adding Task Questions
• Setting Task Access
• Setting Task Predecessors
• Applying Task Attributes
• Working With Task Rules
• Viewing Task History

Selecting the Workflow

To select the Task Manager workflow:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left and then click Tasks.
3. From the Task dialog box, click Workflow.
4. The Workflow section contains the Assignee and Approver assignments. Enter this
information for the Assignee:
• Assignee—To select to assign an Assignee to a named user or Shared

Services Group, click .

The "Actual" attribute is available for each workflow stage, showing the
actual user for the completed workflow, for example Assignee (Actual). In

Chapter 25
Creating Tasks

the workflow, the Actual column shows who performed work on the task,
regardless of the user status.

The additional user information only appears if the task is reassigned
after it was completed by the initial user.

For an End-User task, for Assignee, click Select Assignee to find a

If you do not select an Assignee, the owner becomes the default Assignee.
Parent and automated tasks have no Assignees.

For a Process-Automated task, click Run As, search for and select a
user under which tasks of this type are run, and click OK.
If the selected Run As user is the user creating the task,
authorization is not required.

• Backup—If you assigned a user for the primary Assignee, you can assign a
backup user authorized as an Assignee:

a. Click Backup .
b. Enter the First Name and Last Name or click Search to select a backup
c. Click OK.
• Starts
Select a start date, then select the time of day, in increments of 15 minutes, for
the task to start.
• Ends
Select an end date, then select the time of day, in increments of 15 minutes,
for the task to end.
• Optional: For Minimum Duration, enter the minimum duration of a task in the
form of Days, Hours, and Minutes. An At Risk criteria is based on the condition
if the Start date was missed and (the End_date minus the Current_date is less
than the minimum task duration or the End_Date minus the Start_Date is less
than the minimum duration). The At Risk tasks display in the Needs Attention
Graph in the Status Chart of the Dashboard.
• Optional: For an End-User task, select Allow Early Start to allow the
Assignee to open the task before the scheduled start time.
Enter this information for the Approver:
• Level Name

Chapter 25
Creating Tasks

• Backup
• End Date
5. See also:
• Setting Task Properties
• Setting Task Parameters
• Adding Task Questions
• Setting Task Access
• Setting Task Predecessors
• Applying Task Attributes
• Working With Task Rules
• Viewing Task History

Adding Task Questions

The Questions tab is not displayed for automated tasks or parent tasks.

When you create a task, you may want the Assignee to answer questions about their
actions before they indicate a task is complete. For example, you may ask if a certain
process was followed when completing that task.
You can specify questions on the task. You can specify various types of questions,
such as Text, Number, or True/False, and indicate whether they are required. If
a question is required, the user must respond or they cannot submit the task for
approval. You can also order the questions by using the Move Up and Move Down
For schedule tasks, users can respond to the questions from the Task Actions page.
If you are creating or updating a task in a template, an additional column displays,
showing whether the row is locked or unlocked to indicate whether the user can
remove or update the questions. Rows that are locked cannot be edited or deleted
because they are inherited from the Task Type.
In templates, the Task Type questions are displayed, but are not editable.

Only users who have the task Viewer role can respond to questions.

To add a question:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left and then click Tasks.

Chapter 25
Creating Tasks

3. From the Task dialog box, click Questions.

4. Click Add.
5. Enter the Question with 4000 characters or less.
6. From the Type list, select a type:
• Date
• Date and Time
• Integer
• List
Enter a list of valid responses to the question.
• Multi-Line Text
The maximum length should be less than 4,000 characters.
Select Multi-Line Text, and then enter the Number of Lines, from 3 to 50
lines. Multi-Line Text determines how many lines of text are visible without
scrolling, on the Actions dialog boxes.
Select Include Attachments if you want to include an attachments section.
• Number
If you select Number, select number formatting options:
– For Decimal Places, enter a value for the number of decimal places to
– Select the Thousands Separator option if you want numbers to display a
thousands separator (for example, 1,000.00)
– From the Currency Symbol list, select a currency symbol, for example,
Dollars ($).
– From the Negative Number list, select how to display negative numbers,
for example, (123).
– From the Scale list, select a scale value for numbers, for example, 1000.
• Text
• True or False
• User
• Yes or No
7. Assign a Role (Assignee, Approvers, Owner, Viewer) to the question. Access is
based on responsibilities.
8. If the question is required, select Required.
The Required checkbox is disabled for Questions assigned to Owner or Viewer
9. Click OK.
10. Optional: To change the order of questions, select a question, then click Move to
Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Move to Bottom.
11. Optional: To edit a question, select the question and click Edit. To remove a
question, select the question and click Delete.

Chapter 25
Creating Tasks

12. See also:

• Setting Task Properties

• Setting Task Parameters
• Specifying Task Instructions
• Adding Task Questions
• Setting Task Access
• Setting Task Predecessors
• Applying Task Attributes
• Working With Task Rules
• Viewing Task History

Setting Task Access

The Access tab enables you to add or remove Viewers and Approvers for the current
task. It also enables you to specify the order of approvers. You can specify up to ten
approvers and an unlimited number of viewers.
To set task access:
1. From the New Task dialog box, select the Access tab.
2. Enter the first or last name of the user, then click Search.
To specifically identify a user, click Advance, then enter a User ID, Email address,
or Description.

For additional details about the user, such as groups and roles, click

3. Optional: To change the order of approvers, select users, then click Move to Top,
Move Up, Move Down, or Move to Bottom.

To remove a user from the Approvers or Viewers list, select the user,
then click Remove.

4. See also:
• Setting Task Properties
• Setting Task Parameters
• Specifying Task Instructions
• Selecting the Workflow
• Adding Task Questions
• Setting Task Predecessors

Chapter 25
Creating Tasks

• Applying Task Attributes

• Working With Task Rules
• Viewing Task History

Setting Task Predecessors

The Predecessors tab enables you to set predecessors for the current task. For
template tasks, you can choose a predecessor from another template, and for
schedule tasks, you can choose a predecessor from another schedule. You must
assign a condition to the predecessor/successor relationship.
A task does not need predecessor tasks as long as a start date and time is specified.
If both are specified, the task begins when the predecessor tasks are started or
complete (for Finish-to-Start) and the start date and time is reached.
You can set these conditions under which the predecessor relationship is established:

Condition Description
Finish to Start Default. The task starts as soon as the
predecessor task completes or finishes with
Finish Error to Start The task starts as soon as the predecessor
task completes, even it is in error.
Finish Error to Finish The task completes as soon as the
predecessor task completes, even it is in error.
Finish to Finish The task cannot be marked as Complete
until the predecessor task is marked as
complete. This is primarily used for user tasks.
For example, a user can start a document
summary, but cannot mark it complete until the
consolidated data is final.

To set task predecessors:

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Templates tab on the left and then click Tasks.
3. From the New or Edit Task dialog box, select the Predecessors tab.
4. Click Add.
5. To search for a Predecessor:
a. Click Basic.
b. To refine the search, click Add Fields and select search fields; for example:
Execution Type, Start Date, End Date.
c. From each of the Condition lists, select a condition.
d. Click OK.
6. Select a predecessor task(s) and click OK.
7. See also:
• Setting Task Properties

Chapter 25
Creating Tasks

• Setting Task Parameters

• Specifying Task Instructions
• Selecting the Workflow
• Adding Task Questions
• Setting Task Access
• Applying Task Attributes
• Working With Task Rules
• Viewing Task History

Applying Task Attributes

To locate tasks in the system, you can apply attributes to the task. When you select an
attribute, you can set a value for the attribute based on the attribute type. You can later
filter by the attribute value.
For example, you may have a List attribute named Sales Region with the values of
North, South, East, and West. The current task applies only to the West Sales Region,
so you can add the Sales Region attribute and set it to "West".
To apply task attributes:
1. Open a task and select the Attributes tab.
To add an attribute, select Actions, and then Add. Enter:
• Attribute
Select an attribute from the list of defined attributes.
• Type
This field is not editable - it is populated by the Attribute.
• Value
Select a value associated with the type of attribute; for example: a numeric
value for Formatted Number attribute, a List for List attribute, multiple lines of
displayed text without scrolling for Multi-Line Text, a name of a person, User,
or Yes or No for the Yes/No attribute.
• Access
All roles have view access unless otherwise specified in the table below.
To add an access, for each of the Text Box and Attachments tabs:
a. Click Add.
b. Select a role.
c. Select one of the Role access types:
– Do Not Display—Does not see this attribute in any of the
dashboards, list views, or reports.
– Allow Edits—Has the ability to add, change, and remove values for
the attribute, but subject to the editability rules.
– Required—Requires a value for the attribute.
2. Click OK.

Chapter 25
Creating Tasks

3. See also:
• Setting Task Properties
• Setting Task Parameters
• Specifying Task Instructions
• Selecting the Workflow
• Adding Task Questions
• Setting Task Access
• Setting Task Predecessors
• Working With Task Rules
• Viewing Task History

Working With Task Rules

Task rules affect task behavior. These rules enable users to assign rules directly
to tasks, especially when, because a rule is unique to a task, assigning rules isn’t
appropriate at the Template, Schedule, or Task Type level. These rules apply to the
Tasks for which the rules were configured.
Available task rules:
Auto Approve Task - Automatically completes specified approvals only if specified
conditions have been met.
Examples of conditions that could apply to this rule include:
• Attributes have specified values (including calculated attributes)
• Predecessor task contains an attribute with a specified value
When conditions are satisfied, the specified approver levels are marked as complete,
thus progressing workflow to the next approval level, or to Closed if no additional
approval levels exist.
This rule runs when the Task status changes to Open with Approver.
Auto Submit Task - Automatically submits a task if specified conditions are met.
When conditions are satisfied, the assignee role is marked as complete, thus
progressing workflow to the first approval level, or to Closed if no approval levels
This rule runs when the Task status changes from Pending to Open with Assignee.

Prevent Task Approval

Prevents approval of a task based on attribute values, or other characteristics. This
rule runs when the Approver clicks Approve.

Prevent Task Submission

Prevents submission of a task based on attribute values, or other characteristics. This
rule runs when the Assignee clicks Submit.

To work with task rules:

1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and then select the Schedule Tasks tab.

Chapter 25
Creating Tasks

2. Create a task.
3. Select the Rules tab to open a New Rule.
• Order—The order of precedence.
• Rule—Name of the Rule
• Conditions—The choice of what conditions must exist before running the rule
4. Under Rule, select the type of rule you want to use:
• Auto Approve Task
• Auto Submit Task
• Prevent Task Submission
• Prevent Task Approval
• Prevent Task Rejection
• Send Email on Update
• Select Create Filter and populate the conditions section or select Use Saved
Filter, and then select a filter. The filter selected and configured for the rule
determines the conditions that trigger the rule to apply.
5. Optional: Under Description, explain why you configured the rule and how it
should be used.
6. For Approver Level, select the rule for all levels or select the Approver levels.
7. Select the Filter to determine the conditions that trigger the rule to apply:
• Use Saved Filter—The Condition section displays a read-only version of the
conditions associated with the saved filter.
• Create Filter—The Create Condition section is enabled. Select the
conditions that apply for the advanced filter: Conjunction, Source, Attribute,
Operand, and Value
8. Under Filter Task, select the task to which the conditions should be applied:
Current Task, Any Predecessor, Specific Task (Provide the Task ID).
9. See also:
• Setting Task Properties
• Setting Task Parameters
• Specifying Task Instructions
• Selecting the Workflow
• Adding Task Questions
• Setting Task Access
• Setting Task Predecessors
• Applying Task Attributes
• Viewing Task History

Chapter 25
Viewing Task History

Viewing Task History

For each task, the system retains a history of the changes made to it; for example,
a shift in dates or change in ownership. Each change record includes the field,
modification type such as added, created, or changed, the old and new values, the
user who made the change, and the date on which the change was made. The
information on this tab is read-only.
To view task history:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and then click the Schedule Task tab.
2. Select a task.
3. Select the History tab on the right.
4. When you finish, click Save and Close.

Working with the Task Dialog Box

You can view a list of tasks from the Schedule Tasks page. You can filter the available
schedule list by date or status.
To view the Tasks from the Schedule Tasks page:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and then Schedule Tasks.
2. For Schedule, select a schedule, or select All if you do not want to filter the list.
3. Optional: To filter the schedule list by year or period, select a Year and Period.
4. Optional: To filter the schedule list by status, from Schedule Status, select a
5. Select a task.
6. Click the Properties tab on the right to view the following fields:
• Name
• Task ID
• Status
• Schedule
• Priority
• Task Type
• Task Type
• Description
• Owner
• Start Date
• End Date
• Duration
• Actual Start Date
• Actual End Date

Chapter 25
Importing and Exporting Tasks

• Actual Duration
7. Click Instructions to display any instructions.
8. Click Alerts to display current alerts.
9. Click Workflow to view assignees for the tesk.
10. Click Attributes to view any attributes for the task.

11. Click Questions to view any questions that have been posted for the task.

12. Click Comments to view any comments that have been posted for the task.

13. Click Related Tasks to view any related tasks. You can view Predecessors or
Successor tasks.
14. Click Parameters to view dashboard, cluster, application, and so on.

15. Click History to capture an audit trail of changes to the task. You can view the
activity for the task, including All Activity, Last 7 Days, and Today.
16. Click Actions, then select one of the following actions:

• Submit Task
• Abort Task - The purpose of aborting a task (instead of performing a forced
close) is to prevent successors from continuing and to keep the process
• Force Close Task
• Refresh
17. Click Close.

Importing and Exporting Tasks

Importing Tasks
To import tasks:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and then click Schedule Tasks.
2. Select a task, click Actions, and then Import.
3. Click Browse to find the import file.
4. Select an Import Type:
• Replace —Replaces the definition of a task with the definition in the import
file. This option replaces the task detail with the detail that is in the file that
you are importing. It does not affect other tasks in the schedule that are not
specified in the import file.
The system displays a warning that tasks in a schedule that match a task ID
in the import file will be modified. If you do not want to overwrite the task, click
You can select the Keep Attachments checkbox to retain attachments to
tasks that are being replaced.
• Update—Updates partial information for tasks. For example, in the import
file, you might have made changes to task instructions, reassigned Owners,
Assignees, and Approvers, or removed some attributes and added new
attributes. You might also have made the same change to a large number

Chapter 25
Editing Tasks

of tasks, for example, adding a new attribute to 100 of 400 tasks. The update
option is not a full replacement of the task details. Only details for the task
properties specified in the file are updated. For example, if the import file has
only a column for a task instructions, the task name, assignee, attributes, and
other properties are not affected.
• Delete—Deletes tasks and associated information based on a list of task IDs
provided in a file. The required information to perform a delete is a file with a
column of task IDs.
5. Select a Date Format.
Select a format from the drop-down list of allowed date formats. Date formats are
not translated. By default, the date format is set to the locale date format of the
exported file location.
6. Select a File Delimiter for the import file: Comma or Tab. or choose Other to
specify any single character as the delimiter.
7. Click Import.

Exporting Tasks
To export tasks:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and then click Schedule Tasks.
2. Select a task, click Actions, and then select Export.
3. Select Export options:
• Select All Tasks or Selected Tasks
• For Format: Select Formatted data (visible columns only) or Unformatted
data for future import

If you are an Administrator or Power User, you can select the format. If
you have User security rights, by default the Format option is Formatted
data (visible columns only), and it cannot be changed.

4. Click Export.
5. Select Open with Microsoft Office Excel (default), or Save File.
6. Click Close.

Editing Tasks
You can edit tasks depending on their status and your security rights. For example,
you can edit a task description, attributes, or end date.
For an Open task in a Task List, you cannot edit the start date, because the task
has started. You can only change the duration or the end date. You also cannot
edit instructions, questions, Assignee, or approver, and you cannot add, delete, or
edit predecessors. You can reassign the Assignee or approver from the Task Actions

Chapter 25
Adding Attachments

To edit a task:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and highlight the task that you want to edit. The
Edit icon is enabled.
2. Click the Edit icon.
3. To edit task attributes:
Select the Attributes tab.
To add an attribute, click the Add icon to display the Add Attribute Assignment
dialog box., and make the following selections:
• Attribute
Select an attribute from the list of defined attributes.
• Type
This noneditable field is populated by the Attribute.
• Value
Select a value associated with the type of attribute; for example: a numeric
value for Formatted Number attribute, a List for List attribute, multiple lines of
displayed text without scrolling for Multi-Line Text, a name of a person, User,
or Yes or No for the Yes/No attribute.
• Access
Select the access to the attribute.
4. Click OK.

Adding Attachments
If you have an attachment you want to include with your task, such as a Word file,
Excel spreadsheet or other document, you can use one of the following methods to
attach the document to the task. You can attach multiple items at the same time. When
you click OK, the system uploads all the documents that you attached.
To add an attachment to a task:
1. From the Home page, click Tasks, and then click Schedule Tasks.
2. Select a task.
3. Select the Comments tab.
4. Click the Attachment icon to open the Add Attachment dialog box.
5. Select one of the following options to attach the document:
• Browse to the location of the document.
• Drag and drop the document directly from your local directory.
6. Optional: Rename the document.
7. Click OK.

Chapter 25
Sorting Tasks

Sorting Tasks
From the Task List, you can sort tasks by ascending or descending order. You can sort
by Schedule Name, Status, Owner, Start or End Date, or Duration.
To sort tasks:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and then click Schedule Tasks.
2. Hover over a column header until the Sort icons display, and then click Sort
Ascending or Sort Descending.

Searching for Tasks

You can use the Task Find feature to find specific tasks. For example, you might enter
"load" to find load tasks. You can search using full or partial words. You can scroll
through the results using the Previous and Next buttons.
To search for a task:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and then select Schedule Tasks.
2. Enter a task name in the Search field.
3. Click Previous or Next to find the previous or next task that matches the search

Moving Tasks
You can use views to move tasks. For example, you can move tasks in the Gantt view.
To move a task:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and then click Schedule Tasks.
2. Select a task.
3. Right-click on the task and drag it to a new location, or cut, copy, and paste the
4. Navigate to the target destination for the task and click OK.

Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Tasks

You can use views to cut and copy tasks in templates and schedules. For example,
you can copy a task from one schedule or template and paste it into another.
When you paste a task, the Task Details dialog box opens and enables you to modify
the task that you are pasting.
If you paste a task onto a parent task, the pasted task becomes a child of the parent
task. If you paste a task onto a child task, the pasted task becomes a sibling of the
child task.

Chapter 25
Reopening Tasks

Cut, Copy, and Paste features are not available for parent tasks. The Cut
function is not available for scheduled (open or closed) tasks.

To cut, copy, or paste a task:

1. On the Home page, click Tasks and select a task.
2. Right-click on the task and select an action, or from the main toolbar, click a
toolbar button:
• Select Cut to cut the task and store it on the clipboard.
• Select Copy to copy the task and store it on the clipboard.
3. Right-click on the task, then select Paste, or from the main menu toolbar, select
The Task Details dialog box opens and enables you to make changes to the task
that you are pasting.
4. Click OK to complete the paste operation.
The task is inserted and the views and filter views are refreshed to display the
pasted task.

Reopening Tasks
You can reopen tasks and choose to reestablish the predecessor and successor
To reopen a task:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks and then click Schedule Tasks.
2. Select a closed task and double-click it.
3. On the Properties tab, under Actions , select Reopen Task. The Task is now
4. Add or delete predecessors and then click Save and Close.
Designate relationships:
• Designate predecessor tasks. Choose one:
– If there are predecessors, then you can choose this option: Re-establish
predecessor relationships - Tasks will open in original order.
– Ignore predecessor relationships - All tasks will re-open immediately.
• Designate successor tasks:
a. Select Re-Open Successor Tasks. The successor list is displayed.
b. Select the successor tasks.
5. Click OK to close. The task details dialog box closes and the task reopens based
on your selections. Click OK, otherwise, click Cancel.

Chapter 25
Submitting Tasks

Submitting Tasks
To submit tasks:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and then click Schedule Tasks.
2. Select the tasks that you need to submit.
To multiselect, press Ctrl for random selection or press Shift while you click the
first and last row in a range.
3. Select Submit Task. A warning is displayed that this will complete the task. Click
Yes to proceed.
4. Review any errors, and click OK

Approving or Rejecting Tasks

To approve or reject tasks:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and select the tasks that you need to submit.
To multiselect, press Ctrl for random selection or press Shift while you click the
first and last row in a range.
2. Highlight the selected Task, and under Actions, select Set Status, and then select
Approve or Reject.
3. Review any errors, and click OK

Managing Task Reassignments

You can use the Actions panel to work on multiple tasks simultaneously.
From the Task Actions dialog box, workflow users (Assignees and Approvers) can
request reassignment of their workflow role for a single task. These requests require
approval. Administrators and schedule/template Owners can reassign the task using
the Edit Task dialog box without requiring approval.
When tasks are reassigned, email notifications are sent immediately to reassigned
To request a reassignment:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and then click Schedule Tasks.
2. Click on a task to open the Task Properties.
3. Click the Actions menu and select Request Reassignment.
4. Enter or click Search to find the reassignment.
5. On the Create Reassignment Request, click the Select User button to select To
6. Under Reassign, and select the tasks to be reassiged:
• Selected Tasks
• Selected and Future Tasks

Chapter 25
Aborting Tasks

7. Enter a Justification for the reassignment.

8. Click OK and then Close.

Aborting Tasks
The purpose of aborting a task (instead of performing a forced close) is to prevent
successors from continuing and to keep the process moving:
• When a Finish-to-Start or Finish-Error-to-Start predecessor is aborted, its
successors remain as Pending. To keep the process moving, you must edit the
successors to remove the aborted predecessor and to start the successors.
• When a Finish-to-Finish or Finish-Error-to-Finish predecessor is aborted, to keep
the process moving, the task owner/schedule owner/administrator must force a
close of the successor.

Deleting Tasks
You can delete tasks that you no longer need. To delete a task, you must have Service
Administrator or Power User security rights.
In schedules, you can delete only tasks that have a status of Pending. You cannot
delete tasks that have a status of Open or Closed. If you delete a parent task, you can
choose to delete just the parent, or the parent and its children.
You can delete the schedule tasks using the actions menu on the task . (Delete will not
appear in the menu when the task is open or completed.)
To delete a task:
1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and select a task.
2. From Actions, and then select Delete.
3. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

Managing Schedules
A schedule defines a chronologically ordered set of tasks that must be executed for a
specific business process, and is the application of a template into the calendar. For
example, you can apply the Quarterly template as Q1FY19 for the first Quarter, then
apply the template again as Q2FY19 for the second quarter.
The maximum number of schedules that you can create, import, or deploy is 100,000.
Schedules have a status of Pending, Open, Closed, or Locked. You can change the
status of a schedule from Pending to Open, or from Open to Closed or Locked.

After a schedule is set to Open, it cannot be reset to Pending.
After a schedule is set to Locked, its status cannot be changed.

Manually Creating Schedules

To create a schedule, you must be an Administrator or Power User. A Power User can
run Create Schedule on a template or select New from Manage Schedules. You can
manually define a schedule from the Manage Schedules page, or create a schedule
from a template. When you create a schedule from a template, all values are inherited
from the template definition.
Watch this video to learn more about creating schedules.

Creating Schedules
To manually create a schedule:
1. On the Home page, click Application.
2. Click Task Manager.
3. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
4. Click New.
5. Enter schedule information on the schedule tabs:
• Setting Schedule Properties
• Adding Instructions to Schedules
• Assigning Schedule Viewers
• Applying Schedule Attributes
• Adding Day Labels

Chapter 26
Manually Creating Schedules

• Working With Schedule Rules

• Viewing Schedule History

Setting Schedule Properties

The Properties tab enables you to set the name, description, start and end dates, and
owners for schedules. The schedule owner must be an Administrator or Power User.
The default owner is the current user. The start and end dates specify the initial date
range for the schedule, however, after the schedule is created, you can add tasks with
dates earlier or later and the properties are updated to reflect the earliest and latest
To set schedule properties:
1. Create a new schedule and select the Properties tab:
• Name
• Description
• Organizational Unit
• Start Date—Starting date for the schedule
• End Date—Ending date for the schedule
• Year
• Period
• Day Zero Date—The date to assign as day zero

• For Owner, use the default owner or click Select Owner .

• Status

The schedule status is initially set to Pending and is display only.

• Source Template
2. To save and close, click OK or click the another tab; all entries are saved.
3. Enter schedule information on the schedule tabs:
• Adding Instructions to Schedules
• Assigning Schedule Viewers
• Applying Schedule Attributes
• Adding Day Labels
• Working With Schedule Rules
• Viewing Schedule History

Chapter 26
Manually Creating Schedules

Adding Instructions to Schedules

You can specify instructions and supporting documents for a schedule, which are then
inherited by all tasks in the schedule.
To add instructions to a schedule:
1. Create a new schedule and select the Instructions tab.
2. In Instructions, enter instructions for the schedule.
3. To add a reference:
a. In the References section, Click Add.
b. From the Type list, select one of these types:
• Local File
Enter a name, click Browse to select and attach the file, and click OK.
Enter a URL name, then enter the URL, for example: Oracle, http://, and click OK.
To add a reference file or URL to multiple schedules at one time:
i. Navigate to the Schedules main page.
ii. You can multi-select (either highlight more than one row or select more
than one using the SHIFT key), and then click Actions, then Add
Reference, then File or URL.
You can also add one or more attachments by using drag and drop
functionality available from the Add Attachments dialog box. You can rename
the attachment in the Name field, if desired. If you drag and drop multiple
attachments, you can upload them at one time.
You must access the Add Attachments dialog box to properly drag and drop
4. To save and close, click OK or click the Viewers tab; all entries are saved.
5. Enter schedule information on the schedule tabs:
• Setting Schedule Properties
• Assigning Schedule Viewers
• Applying Schedule Attributes
• Adding Day Labels
• Working With Schedule Rules
• Viewing Schedule History

Assigning Schedule Viewers

The Viewers tab enables you to assign viewer rights for schedules. A schedule can
have multiple viewers, however they must have the product security roles. Viewers
receive read-only access to all tasks in the schedule.

Chapter 26
Manually Creating Schedules

Only users who have the task Viewer role can respond to questions.

To assign viewer rights:

1. Create a new schedule and select the Viewers tab.
2. Click Add.
3. To search by users, groups, or teams, click the Search Users button, then select
Users, Groups, or Teams.
4. Enter a user name, or part of the name, then click Search.
5. To identify a user, click Advanced, then enter a User ID, Email address, or
6. From the Search Results list, select users.
7. For additional details about the user, such as teams, groups, and roles, click
8. Click Add or Add All to move users to the Selected list.

To remove users, select users, then click Remove or Remove All.

9. To save and close, click OK or click the Attributes tab; all entries are saved.
10. Enter schedule information on the schedule tabs:

• Setting Schedule Properties

• Adding Instructions to Schedules
• Applying Schedule Attributes
• Adding Day Labels
• Working With Schedule Rules
• Viewing Schedule History

Applying Schedule Attributes

To locate schedules in the system, you can apply attributes to the schedule. When you
select an attribute, you can set a value for the attribute based on the attribute type.
You can later filter by the attribute value.
For example, you may have a List attribute named Sales Region with the values of
North, South, East, and West. The current schedule applies only to the West Sales
Region, so you can add the Sales Region attribute and set it to "West".
To apply an attribute:
1. Create a new schedule and select the Attributes tab.

Chapter 26
Manually Creating Schedules

2. Click Add.
3. From the Attribute list, select an attribute.
4. For Value, depending on the attribute, select a value for the attribute from a
drop-down list, or enter a value.
5. To save and close, click OK or click the Day Labels tab; all entries are saved.
6. Enter schedule information on the Schedule tabs:
• Setting Schedule Properties
• Adding Instructions to Schedules
• Assigning Schedule Viewers
• Adding Day Labels
• Working With Schedule Rules
• Viewing Schedule History

Adding Day Labels

You use business day labels in the business activity for a calendar day. Labels can
mark a milestone day or specify the purpose of the day.
To add a day label to a schedule:
1. Create a new schedule and select the Day Labels tab.
2. Add a day label to a specific date.
3. To save and close, click OK or click the History tab; all entries are saved.
4. Enter schedule information on the schedule tabs:
• Setting Schedule Properties
• Adding Instructions to Schedules
• Assigning Schedule Viewers
• Applying Schedule Attributes
• Working With Schedule Rules
• Viewing Schedule History

Working With Schedule Rules

Schedule rules apply to all tasks in the schedule and thus apply rules to groups of
tasks. Rules configured in the Schedule dialog box are copied to new schedule tasks.
Available schedule rules:
Auto Approve Task - Automatically completes specified approvals only if specified
conditions have been met.
Example of conditions that could apply to this rule include: Attributes have specified
values (including calculated attributes).
When conditions are satisfied, the specified approver levels are marked complete, and
workflow progresses to the next approval level, or closes if no additional approval
levels exist.

Chapter 26
Manually Creating Schedules

Auto Submit Task - Automatically submits a task if specified conditions are met.
When conditions are satisfied, the Assignee role is marked complete, and workflow
progresses to the first Approval level, or closes if no Approval levels exist.

Prevent Task Approval

Prevents approval of a task based on attribute values, or other characteristics.

Prevent Task Submission

Prevents submission of a task based on attribute values, or other characteristics.

To view schedule rules:

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
3. Double-click a schedule.
4. Select the Rules tab. You can view the following information:
• Order—The order of precedence.
• Rule—Name of the Rule
• Conditions—The choice of what conditions must exist before running the rule
5. To edit a rule, on the Rules tab, click Edit and update:
• Rule—Select a rule.
• Description—Optional. Explain why you configured the rule and how should
be used.
• Approver Level—Select the rule for all levels or select the Approver levels.
• Select Create Filter and populate the conditions section, or select Use Saved
Filter, and then select a filter. The filter selected and configured for the rule
determines the conditions that trigger the rule to apply.
• Conditions—Select one:
– Use Saved Filter—The Condition section displays a read-only version of
the conditions associated with the saved file.
– Create Filter—The Condition section is enabled.
Conjunction, Source, Attribute, Operand, and Value behave as they do for
the existing advanced filter feature.
• Filter Task—Specify on which task the conditions should be selected: Current
Task, Any Predecessor, Specific Task (Provide the Task ID).
6. Enter schedule information on the schedule tabs:
• Setting Schedule Properties
• Adding Instructions to Schedules
• Assigning Schedule Viewers
• Applying Schedule Attributes
• Adding Day Labels
• Viewing Schedule History

Chapter 26
Setting Required Task Parameters

Setting Required Task Parameters

The task is in a pending state until the required parameters are filled in. If they are
not filled in before the specified start date, then an email notification is sent to the
task owner. In addition, the task shows up in views under Needs Attention. After the
required parameters are filled in, the task starts.

Opening Schedules
You open schedules to add, edit, or work on tasks.
To open a schedule:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
3. Use one of these methods:
• Select Actions, and then Open.
• Click the Open icon.
• Right-click and select Open.

Editing Schedules
You can edit schedules to change the properties, such as the name or the schedule
or the start and end dates. You cannot change the start date to a date later than the
first task in the schedule, or the end date to a date earlier than the last task in the
schedule. You can make changes to an Open or Pending schedule to modify pending
tasks. You cannot add, change, or delete tasks in a Closed or Locked schedule. To
edit a schedule, you must be the schedule owner or an Administrator.
To edit a schedule:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
3. Select a schedule and click Edit.
4. Edit the schedule.
5. Click OK.

Adding Tasks to Schedules

You can add tasks to a schedule if it is Pending or Open. You cannot add tasks to a
Closed or Locked schedule.

Chapter 26
Importing Tasks into Schedules

The maximum number of tasks that you can add to a Task Manager
schedule is 500,000.

To add a task to a schedule:

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
3. Open a schedule.
4. Add tasks.

Importing Tasks into Schedules

You can import tasks, or partial task data, from text files into a schedule with a status
of Pending or Open. For example, if you have a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with task
definitions, you can save the file as a CSV file, then import it into a schedule. You can
also use the Import feature to quickly add many repetitive tasks by editing the fields in
a CSV file and importing it, rather than creating individual new tasks.
You cannot import tasks into schedules that have a Closed or Locked status.

Before you import a file to a schedule using the Update option for a closed
task, remove the Owner, Assignee, Approver, and Start Date and Time fields
from the import file, or an error occurs.

If you import information on an End-User task that has started running, it is reset to
Open with Assignee status, and the answers to questions are cleared.
To import tasks into a schedule:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
3. Click Import Tasks.
4. Enter the name of the file to import, or click Browse to find the file.
5. Select an import option:
• Replace— Replaces the definition of a task with the definition in the import
file. This option replaces the task detail with the detail that is in the file that
you are importing. It does not affect other tasks in the schedule that are not
specified in the import file.

Chapter 26
Importing Tasks into Schedules

You can select the Keep Attachments checkbox to retain
attachments to tasks that are being replaced.

• Update— Updates partial information for tasks. For example, in the import
file, you might have made changes to task instructions, reassigned Owners,
Assignees, and Approvers, or removed some attributes and added new
attributes. You might also have made the same change to a large number
of tasks, for example, adding a new attribute to 100 of 400 tasks. The update
option is not a full replacement of the task details. Only details for the task
properties specified in the file are updated. For example, if the import file has
only a column for a task instructions, the task name, Assignee, attributes, and
other properties are not affected.

The system displays a warning that tasks in the schedule that match
a task ID in the import file will be modified. If you do not want to
overwrite the task, click Cancel.

• Delete—Deletes tasks and associated information based on a list of task IDs

provided in a file. The required information to perform a delete is a file with a
column of task IDs.
6. Optional: Select Keep Attachments to retain any attachments associated with a
task that is being replaced.
7. Select a Date Format.
Select a format from the drop-down list of allowed date formats. Date formats are
not translated. By default, the date format is set to the locale date format of the
exported file location.
8. Select a File Delimiter for the import file: Comma or Tab. or choose Other to
specify any single character as the delimiter.
9. Click Import.
• If the import is successful, the Import Success dialog box is displayed,
indicating the schedule name, the name of the file containing the tasks, and
the total number of tasks imported. Click OK.
• If errors are found, the import process is not run, and the Import Errors dialog
box displays the errors. View the errors, then click OK to return to Manage

Table 26-1 Troubleshooting Import Errors

Error Resolution
Duplicate Task ID Check for duplicate Task IDs. Task IDs must
be unique within the template or schedule.
See Creating Tasks.
Task Name is too long The Task Name can contain a maximum of
80 characters. See Setting Task Properties.

Chapter 26
Updating Tasks in Schedules

Table 26-1 (Cont.) Troubleshooting Import Errors

Error Resolution
Organizational value - "Invalid Value" The Organizational value cannot be blank,
contain bullet points or multiple lines.

Updating Tasks in Schedules

You may need to manually update information on a task that is running, and in this
case, you can reopen it. When you reopen a task, it is reset to Open with Assignee
status, and you can edit the information. For example, you can change the instructions
and references, attributes, and questions. If you make changes, previous answers to
questions are cleared.
Reopening a series of tasks does not reestablish the predecessor relationships. All
end-user tasks are reset to Open with Assignee. No tasks are reverted to Pending
You can reopen tasks under these conditions:

Table 26-2 Conditions for Reopening Tasks

Task Status End-User

With Assignee/Running You can edit or import data into the Instruction, Attribute,
or Question sections. When you save the task, it is
reset to the Assignee, and the answers to questions are
With Approver You can edit or import data in to the Instruction,
Attribute, or Question sections. When you save the task,
it is reset to the Assignee, and the answers to questions
are cleared.
Closed/Error From Task Details, the task owner can click Reopen to
reopen the task and make changes. When you save the
task, it is reset to the Assignee.

To update tasks in a schedule:

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
3. Open a schedule.
4. Select a task with a Closed or Error status, right-click, and then select View.
The View Task dialog box is displayed.
5. Click Reopen.
6. Edit the task.
7. If the system displays a warning that the Assignee must complete the task again,
or that the service will be executed again, click Yes to continue or No to cancel.
8. Perform an action:
• For a Closed task, click Close.
• For an Error task, click Save and Close.

Chapter 26
Reassigning Users in Schedules

Reassigning Users in Schedules

You may periodically need to reassign users to different schedules. For example,
you may create a schedule and assign a user to certain rights; however, later that
employee leaves the company and another employee assumes those schedules.
You can use the Reassign feature in the Schedules dialog box to automatically
change assignments instead of manually searching for, opening, and editing individual
schedules. The Reassign feature enables you to quickly find the schedules associated
with one user and reassign them to another.
You can reassign users for multiple schedules at a time. This can be helpful if your
application has a large number of schedules.
To reassign users:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
3. Select one for more schedules for which you want to reassign users.
4. Select Actions, and then Reassign User.
5. For Find User, click Find User and enter search criteria for the user that you want
to replace:
a. From the Select User dialog box, enter the first or last name for the user, and
click Search.
b. Select the user from the results, then click OK.
6. For Replace with, click Find User and enter search criteria for the user to whom
you want to reassign tasks:
a. From the Select User dialog box, enter the first or last name for the user, and
click Search.
b. Select the user from the results, then click OK.
7. Select the Ending Between dates.
8. Select roles for the user that must be reassigned:
• Owner
• Assignee
• Approver
• Viewer
9. Click Reassign.
When the process ends, the system displays a Reassign Users - Success
message that indicates that the user reassignment is complete, and displays the
schedule name and total number of user reassignments made.

Authorizing Process-Automated Tasks

When you create Process-Automated tasks, for security purposes, you specify a
user account under which the task is run. To preserve security, you may require
authorization to perform the task if any of these conditions occurs:

Chapter 26
Setting Schedule Status

• If you add a Process-Automated task with an alternate runtime user known as the
Run As user to a schedule, from a template or by manually adding the task
• When you set a schedule to Open status, the system automatically issues a
request for authorization if it has not been completed.
If the parameters of a task are modified by a user other than the Assignee (or task
owner if the owner is also the Assignee), the authorization is reset to Unauthorized
and must be obtained by entering a password. For Process-Automated tasks, if a user
other than the specified or default Run As user modifies the parameters, the task is
reset to Unauthorized.
Authorization ensures that the user performing the Process Automated task has
security privileges for the application and data for which the task runs. An
administrator who knows the credentials of the runtime user can perform the
authorization or issue a request to the user to obtain authorization.
When the Process Automated task is scheduled to run, if authorization is not provided,
the task is not run, and its status changes to Needs Attention. If an owner or Assignee
edits the task, the task details indicate that authorization is required. In this case, only
the Run As user can authorize the task.
A user who receives a request for authorization can access the authorization on the
Worklist from a link in the email or by logging on to the application.
To authorize a task:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager
2. Select Manage, then Schedules.
3. Select a schedule.
4. Select Actions, and then Authorize Tasks, or select the Authorize Tasks icon.
The system displays a Users selection list and a table of unauthorized tasks for
the selected schedule. The user selection list is populated with users that have
pending Process-Automated tasks assigned to them that require authorization.
5. From the user selection list, select a user.
The system displays a list of unauthorized tasks for that user. Your user name
displays first on the list in bold by default. If you have no unauthorized tasks, the
list is blank.
6. Select a task that needs authorization.
7. To view task details, click a task name and review the task parameters.
Tip: To contact the task owner by email, click the Owner name next to the task
and view the user details.

Setting Schedule Status

You manage the schedule lifecycle by setting the schedule status. You can set the
status of a schedule to Open, Closed, or Locked, depending on its current status. To
set schedule status, you must be the schedule owner or Service Administrator.
You can set the status for multiple schedules at a time. This can be helpful if your
application has a large number of schedules.
These are the available statuses:

Chapter 26
Setting Schedule Status

The schedule is not yet active. This is the default status of the schedule when it is
created. For a schedule in Pending status, you cannot close or lock the schedule.

The schedule is open for work to be performed. Tasks in the schedule can be run.

The schedule is no longer active but follow-up work may be required. Tasks in the
schedule continue to proceed based on their definitions, but you cannot add tasks
to the schedule. Schedule owners or administrators can reopen a Closed schedule,
which changes its status to Open.

The schedule is locked and cannot be modified. You can reopen a locked schedule, if

When you create a schedule, it has a status of Pending by default so that you can
make final adjustments to it, and add, edit, or delete tasks.
To run a schedule, you change the status from Pending to Open. When the schedule
is opened, tasks begin to execute according to their definition. Status for tasks that
have met their starting condition are set to Open, and task notifications are sent to
their Assignees.

If a schedule task start time is reached and authorization has not been
provided for a system-automated task, the task remains in the Pending
status and requires authorization.

When work on the schedule has reached a stage when follow-up work is all that
is required, you set the status to Closed. You cannot add new tasks to a Closed
schedule, however users can continue to work on tasks that are not complete. You can
reopen a Closed schedule, which changes its status to Open.
When all tasks are completed, you set the status to Locked. You cannot edit a Locked
schedule, but you can set the status back to Open, if required.
To set schedule status:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
3. Select one or more schedules for which to set status.
4. Select Actions, and then Set Status, or select the Set Status dropdown.
5. Click one of these status options, depending on the current status:
• Open
• Closed
• Locked

Chapter 26
Viewing Schedule History

Viewing Schedule History

The system maintains a history of schedule actions, which you can view from the Edit
Schedules dialog box. The History tab displays the components that were updated, the
modification type, the old and new values, the user who made the modification, and
the change date. The information is read-only.
To view schedule history:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click Schedules.
3. Select a schedule.
4. Select the History tab and review the schedule history.
• Modification Type—Indicates the type of change: Created, Changed, Added,
• Modified On—Date of the modification
• Modified By—Name of user who modified the schedule
• Old Value
• New Value
5. Click OK.

Validating Schedules
You can validate schedules with a status of Pending or Open. Validating a schedule
checks for problems with start and end dates, predecessor relationships, parent-
child relationships, and missing task parameters for product integrations. You cannot
change a schedule status from Pending to Open until all validation errors are resolved.
To validate schedules, you must be the schedule owner or Service Administrator.
The validation results show the schedule names, status, and error messages. You can
sort the results by Schedule Name or Status.
To validate schedules:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
3. Select one or more schedules to validate.
4. Select Actions, and then Validate, or select the Validate icon.
If no errors exist, the validation results show a "Schedule is valid " message. If
errors exist, it shows the error details.

Locking Schedules
You can lock a schedule to prevent users from making further changes.
To lock a schedule:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.

Chapter 26
Viewing Schedules

2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.

3. From the list of schedules, select a schedule.
4. Select Actions, and then Set Status, or from the Set Status dropdown, select
5. Click Close.
6. Optional: If you need to reopen the Locked schedule, select Actions, and then
Set Status, or from the Set Status dropdown, select Open.

Viewing Schedules
In Schedules, you can specify which columns to display for the list of schedules, or
show all. You can also reorder columns, sort columns by ascending or descending
order, or change the column widths.
To display columns:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
3. Do one or more of the following tasks:
• To display all columns, select View, then Columns, and then select Show All.
• To display specific columns, select View, then Columns, and select or deselect
the column names.
• To reorder columns, select View, and then Reorder Columns, select columns
and use the Up or Down arrows or drag them to change the order.
• To sort columns, hover over a column header until the Sort icons are
displayed, and then click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
• To change column widths, hover over the column header dividers until the
arrows display, and drag the columns to the desired width.

Searching for Schedules

You can use the Search text box in a Schedules list to quickly find schedules. You can
enter full or partial names on which to search. Using the filter bar, you can control the
schedules that you see in the list. By default, all schedules are displayed.
To search for a schedule:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
3. To search for a schedule, enter search criteria in the Search text box.
4. Optional: From the filter bar, click on a category to display additional search
operators such as Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains, Does Not Contain,
Starts With, and Ends With.
You can filter schedules using these categories: Name, Year, Period, Status,
Owner, Organizational Unit, Description, Day Zero Date, Last Updated By,
Last Updated on, Created By, Created On, Start Date, or End Date.

Chapter 26
Deleting Schedules


• Click Add a Filter to view all categories.

• To hide the filter bar, click the Filter icon.
• To clear all filters, click Clear All Filters in the


Deleting Schedules
You can delete a schedule that you no longer need. To delete a schedule, you must be
the schedule owner or Service Administrator. Deleting a schedule removes it and all
references to it from the system.
To delete a schedule:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Schedules tab on the left.
3. From Schedules, select the schedule that you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
The system displays a warning that if you delete a schedule, it will also
permanently delete all tasks within the schedule, and the only way to recover
is from a backup.
5. To delete the schedule, click Yes.

Managing Task Manager Integrations
You can enable Task Manager tasks to include integrations with external applications.
An Integration requires an execution URL for user tasks and an optional set of
parameters. The execution URL launches the external program, and the parameters
pass information required for the task to the external program. For example,
the Approve Journals Integration contains parameters such as the Point of View
dimension values for the journal.
To manage Task Manager Integrations, you must have the Service Administrator role.
When you create an Integration, you select one of these task types:
End User
Users must perform and validate the task. For example, the task may be a generic
task such as submitting data, or it may require product integration to facilitate or
validate its completion.
Process Automation
These integrations are automatically executed in external applications when their Start
date and time are reached, and their predecessor tasks are completed, for example,
an overnight feed from a General Ledger. These tasks are often executed after
working hours. They require limited user interaction and do not have Assignees.
Event Monitoring
These are based on events that occur in external applications, for example Approve
Task Manager provides these pre-built Integrations:
• Cloud Integrations: End User and Process Automation integrations for EPM Cloud
Connections. See Task Manager Integrations with EPM Cloud Services.
• Cloud Integrations: Oracle Fusion integrations. See Task Manager Integrations
with Cloud and On-Premises Applications.
• On-Premises End User and Event Monitoring Integrations. See Task Manager
Integrations with Cloud and On-Premises Applications.
• On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite General Ledger, Accounts Payable, and
Accounts Receivable Integrations. See Task Manager Integrations with Cloud and
On-Premises Applications.
If you require any other Integrations for Cloud or On Premises, you can create Custom
Integrations. See Creating Custom Task Manager Integrations.

Creating Integrations
When you create Integrations, you select End-User as the Execution type. Users can
then create task types based on the defined Integrations, or validate the Integrations.

Chapter 27
Creating Integrations

To create an Integration:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left.
3. Click New.
Add information to the following sections:
• Setting Integration Properties
• Setting Integration Parameters

Setting Integration Properties

You can set properties for the Integration such as the associated application and
End-User tasks.
For an End-User task, you can select the single sign-on (SSO) Parameter option
to enable users to access an external web application without being prompted for
authentication. You can use an SSO parameter for an external application if that
application is integrated with the Oracle EPM System SSO framework.
To set Integration properties:
1. Select the Integration to edit.
2. In Properties, for Name, enter a name for the Integration.
3. Enter a Code, for example, HFM_CONS for the Hyperion Financial Management
Consolidate integration task.
The code is used to execute the Integration and to map updates to an Integration.
4. Optional: In Description, enter a description for the integration task.
5. In Connection, select an application to which the task belongs.

You can maintain the list of applications from the Manage Connections
icon in the Manage Connections dialog box.

6. For Execution Type, select End User Task and select options:
• End User Endpoint: To enter parameters for an End-User task, the End User
Endpoint should contain those parameters in these formats:
$ Parameter Type Code $, for example $COLORS$. The system replaces the
parameter tokens in the End User Endpoint with the information you specified
for the task parameters.
• Optional: Show in-line: Select whether to display the URL in line within the
Task Actions dialog.
• Optional: SSO Parameter: Specify the name of the SSO parameter for your
application to include when executing the End-User task URL to the external
application. If you do not specify an SSO parameter, the system uses the End
User URL.

Chapter 27
Editing Integrations

7. Optional: Click Parameters.

Setting Integration Parameters

Task Manager Integration parameters enable the application to pass information to
the end point to control how the end point should perform its action. For example,
when you run a consolidation, your program can pass which application to run the
consolidation against, and the dimension selections for the consolidation. You set
the parameter values defined in the Integrations in the task or Task Type using the
Each parameter definition requires a name, description, unique code, type, and
whether a value is required. The parameter code is the token that replaces the
parameter in the execution URL for user tasks, or the parameter name that is passed
to the execution web service for system-automated integrations. Required values must
have a value for all tasks in a schedule before the schedule can be set to Open.
The Parameter Type controls the parameter value and how the user enters the value
in the task field. Supported parameter types:
To set Integration parameters:
1. In the Integrations dialog box, click Parameters.
2. Click New.
3. Enter a name for the parameter.
4. Enter a parameter code.
5. Enter a parameter tooltip.
6. From the Parameter Type list, select a type, and enter additional information for
the parameter:
• Check box: Boolean value
• Date: Date value
• Integer: Numeric value in whole numbers
• Number: Numeric value in whole numbers or fractions
• Options Group: Check box for a predefined set of values
• Static List: Predefined set of text values
• Task Information: Task information, for example, Assignee, duration, start
and end dates
• Text: Free-form text value.
• EPM Artifact: Name of the artifact, such as the form or report
7. If the parameter requires a value, select Required.
8. Click OK to save the parameter.
9. Click Save and Close to save the Integration.

Editing Integrations
You can't edit the pre-built Integrations provided by default by the system. You can
only edit custom-built integrations that you created.

Chapter 27
Validating Integrations

For an End-User type, you can edit the endpoint, change the point of view, or change
the list of values.
To edit an Integration:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left.
3. Select an Integration, and click Edit.
4. Edit the Integration.
5. Click Save and Close.

Validating Integrations
You can test and validate Task Manager Integration definitions from the Integrations
module before you create and execute tasks. You can provide parameter values for
the parameter definition, and then test those parameters. For End-User tasks, the
system displays the end result URL web page.
The Validation results can contain any or all sections:
• Security Settings—Security settings for this Integration; includes the Request
and Response Security Policy and Keystore Alias specified in the application, and
the End-User URL and SSO Parameter of the Integration. These settings are set
in the application of the Integration.
• Application Tokens—Lists the application-level tokens that exist for the
Integration. If there are no application-level tokens, this section is not displayed.
• Registry Settings—Displays the values from the installation registry, for example:
– Web Application settings, displayed only if the Web App setting is defined in
the application
– Web Service application settings, displayed only if the web service application
setting is defined in the application
• Parameters—This section is identical to the Parameters section for tasks and
task details, and enables you to provide values for Integration parameters. Task
Information parameters are also displayed and editable, and parameter errors are
• Results—Displays the current End-User Endpoint URL with the tokens that you
specified. Click Refresh to update the URL.
To validate an Integration:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left.
3. Select an Integration.
4. Click Validate.
End-User Integration Type: The system displays the security settings,
Application Tokens if applicable, parameters, and results. Click Validate to open
the URL in a browser window.

Chapter 27
Deleting Integrations

If you need to cancel the process, you can click Cancel Validation when
the validation is in the Invoking or Waiting for Response stage.

5. When you finish running validations, click Close.

Deleting Integrations
You can delete Integrations that you no longer need. However, you can't delete pre-
built Integrations provided by default and you can't delete an Integration while it is
associated with a Task Type.
To delete an Integration:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left.
3. Select an Integration to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

Managing Connections
Integrations are assigned connections for the external products to which they link.
From the Manage Connections module, you can maintain a list of connections
associated with the Integrations. You can search on and sort the list by connection.
• Adding Connections
• Editing Connections
• Deleting Connections

Adding Connections
You can add connections to associate with an Integration Type. You can also specify
the security policy to use for an Integration Type.
In addition, you can specify application-level tokens and values for all Integration
Types in an application. When you specify an application-level token in an end-user
URL or web service WSDL, the system replaces the token with the value defined
for that token in the application. For example, you can specify tokens with values for
server and port, and the system automatically applies those values to the Integration
Types in the application.
To add a connection:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left.
3. Click Manage Connections.
4. Click New.

Chapter 27
Managing Connections

5. Enter the connection.

6. Optional: Enter additional application properties.
7. Optional: To add an application-level token, in the Application Tokens table, click
Add. Enter a token name and optionally a token value, and then click OK.

To remove a token, click Delete.

Editing Connections
You can edit the name of a connection, the security information, and application-level

You cannot add or modify application tokens for seeded applications. You
can only edit the token values.

You also use the Edit Connections dialog to enable pre-built Integrations. After you
enable the Integration and fill in the parameters, you can then create tasks using Task
Types for the enabled Integrations.
To edit a connection:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left.
3. Click Manage Connections.
4. Select a connection, and click Edit.
5. To enable a pre-built Integration, select the connection, select Enabled, and fill in
the parameters.
You can enable or disable a connection at any time.
6. Edit the settings or tokens as needed, and click OK.

Deleting Connections
You can delete connections that you no longer need for Integrations. You cannot
delete a connection while it is associated with an Integration Type. You must modify
the properties for each Integration Type that references the connection before you can
delete the connection.

You cannot delete seeded Integration connections.

Chapter 27
Viewing Integrations

To delete a connection:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left.
3. Click Manage Connections.
4. Select a connection, and click Delete.

Viewing Integrations
You can view the properties and parameters of imported Integrations. You can specify
which columns to display, or show all. You can also reorder columns, sort columns by
ascending or descending order, or change the column widths.
To display columns:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left.
3. Select View, then Columns, and then select an option:
• To display all columns, select Show All.
• To display specific columns, select or deselect the column names.
To reorder columns:
1. Click Integrations.
2. Select View, and then Reorder Columns.
3. Select columns and use the Up and Down arrows to change the order.
To sort columns:
1. Click Integrations.
2. Hover over a column header until the Sort icons display, then click Sort
Ascending or Sort Descending.
To change column widths:
1. Hover over the column header dividers until the arrows display.
2. Drag the columns to the desired width.

Searching for Integrations

You can use the Integrations dialog box to find Integrations. You can enter full or partial
names on which to search.
To search for Integrations:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left.
3. Enter full or partial search criteria for the Integration.
4. Optional: For additional search operators (such as Contains, Starts with, Ends
with), click Advanced, and enter search criteria.

Chapter 27
Creating Custom Task Manager Integrations

Click Add Fields to select additional fields for search criteria.

5. Click Search.
To reset the list to display all Integrations, click Reset.

Creating Custom Task Manager Integrations

In Task Manager, you can create and manage custom Process Automation or Event
Monitoring integrations with external applications. An EPM Adapter enables you to
create connections and integration flows in Integration Cloud Service using Oracle
EPM Cloud and other cloud and on-premises applications.
The following diagram shows the user and system flow for creating custom

See these topics:

• Creating Custom Process Automation Integrations
• Creating Custom Event Monitoring Integrations

Creating Custom Process Automation Integrations

In Task Manager, you can create custom process automation integrations with external
applications. In a Process Automation integration, a task is automatically executed
in an external application when its start date and time are reached, and when any
predecessor tasks are completed, for example, an overnight feed from a General
When you create a Process Automation task, if you have set up email notifications,
the task Owner automatically receives an email notification when the task starts or
is completed. The Assignee that is specified when you set up a workflow receive an
action notification when there is a change in the task status and an action needs to
be performed, such as an approval, and the Owner receives a notification when the
approval is completed.

Chapter 27
Creating Custom Task Manager Integrations

Make sure you have the prerequisites and follow these steps to set up an integration
between Task Manager and an external application.
For an overview of the custom integrations flow, see Creating Custom Task Manager

To integrate Task Manager with an external application, you need:
• A subscription to Oracle Integration Cloud Service, to integrate with on-premises
and non-EPM Cloud services.

You need one Integration Cloud instance per Oracle EPM cloud

• The external application set up.

1. Subscribe to Oracle Integration Cloud/Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud.
See Integration Cloud Service Documentation for detailed information.
2. Install Integration Cloud Agent in your application environment to communicate
with your Oracle EPM cloud instance. For details on setting up Integration Cloud
Agent, see Managing Agent Groups.

If the on-premises application services are deployed in an environment
set up in a demilitarized zone (DMZ) configuration so that these services
are publicly accessible through the Internet, you do not need to install
Integration Cloud Agent.

Creating a Connection in Task Manager

1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left, and then click Manage Connections.
3. Click New.
4. For Connection enter a name for the connection.
5. Select Enabled to enable the connection.
6. Select Cloud if the external application is a Cloud service.
7. Click OK to save the connection.

Setting Up the Integration in Task Manager

1. On the Home page, click Applications, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left, and then click New.
3. On the Properties tab, specify the required information:
a. For Name, enter a name for the Integration.

Chapter 27
Creating Custom Task Manager Integrations

b. For Code, enter an Integration Code for the integration task.

The code is used to execute the Integration and to map updates to an
Integration from a file import.
c. Optional: In Description, enter a description for the integration task.
d. For Connection, select an application to which the task belongs.
You can maintain the list of applications from the Manage Connections icon in
the Manage Connections dialog box.
e. For Execution Type, select Process Automation.
4. On the Parameters tab, specify the required information:
a. For Name, enter a name for the parameter.
b. For Parameter Code, enter a parameter code.
c. Optional: Enter a parameter tooltip.
d. From the Parameter Type list, select a type, and enter additional information
for the parameter:
• Check box: Boolean value
• Date: Date value
• Integer: Numeric value in whole numbers
• Number: Numeric value in whole numbers or fractions
• Options Group: Check box for a predefined set of values
• Static List: Predefined set of text values
• Task Information: Task information, for example, Assignee, duration, start
and end dates
• Text: Free-form text value.
• EPM Artifact: Name of the artifact, such as the form or report.
e. If the parameter requires a value, select Required.
f. Click OK to save the parameter.
g. Click Save and Close to save the Integration.

Creating a Task Type for the Integration

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Task Types tab on the left.
3. Click New.
4. On the Properties tab, specify a Task Type Name and Task Type ID.
5. For Integration, click Search, select the Integration, and then click OK.
6. On the Parameters tab, set the Task Type parameters.

Setting Up a Connection in Task Manager

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left.

Chapter 27
Creating Custom Task Manager Integrations

3. Click Manage Connections, and then from Actions, select Integration Cloud
4. Specify the Integration Cloud connection URL and credentials and click Validate.
After validation is successful, click Save. This saves the server and credentials of
the connection.

Creating a Connection and Integration in Integration Cloud

1. Log in to Integration Cloud.
2. On the left, click Connections, and then click Create.
3. From Create Connection - Select Adapter, search for "Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud", and then click Select.
4. In Create New Connection, enter a Name and Identifier, and click Create.
5. Under Connection Properties, click Configure Connectivity.
6. Select the Service Type, enter the Connection URL, and click OK.
7. Click Configure Security.
8. In Credentials, for Security Policy, leave the default of Basic Authentication.
9. Enter the User name and Password, confirm the Password, and then click OK.
10. From the EPM Connection page, click Test, and then click Save.

11. From Integrations, click Create.

12. Enter a name and description for the integration.

13. Click Create.

14. Navigate to Connections.

15. From the list of Triggers, select the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Adapter and drag it to the diagram as the Start trigger.
16. From the list of Triggers, drag and drop the external application connection that
triggers the event.
17. From Operation Selection, select the operation for the external application.

18. Navigate to Mapping, and complete the mapping between the Source parameter
and Target parameter.
19. From the list of Invokes, drag and drop the service connection and select Update
Task Status Operation.
20. Edit and complete mapping the parameters.

21. Navigate to Tracking, and specify the Business Identifier for Tracking, for
example taskID, integrationCode, and parameters.
22. From the list of Integrations, select and activate the integration.

Completing the Integration Setup in Task Manager

Use these steps to complete the Integration setup in Task Manager.
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left and verify that the new Integration is
displayed on the Integrations list.

Chapter 27
Creating Custom Task Manager Integrations

3. In Task Manager, select Schedules, and create a new Schedule in Pending state.
See Manually Creating Schedules.
4. Create the process automation task and add it to the schedule. See Creating
5. From Schedules, select and open the schedule.

Creating Custom Event Monitoring Integrations

In Task Manager, you can create an Event Monitoring integration for an external
application. The Event Monitoring integration is triggered when an external event
occurs in another Cloud service or on-premises application. An example of an Event
Monitoring integration is a trigger from Oracle E-Business Suite - General Ledger
when a period, for example, January 2018, is closed.
Make sure you have the prerequisites and follow these steps to set up an integration
between Task Manager and an external application.
For an overview of the custom integrations flow, see Creating Custom Task Manager

To integrate Task Manager with an external application, you need:
• A subscription to Oracle Integration Cloud Service, to integrate with on-premises
and non-EPM Cloud services.

You need one Integration Cloud instance per Oracle EPM cloud

• The external application set up.

1. Subscribe to Oracle Integration Cloud / Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud. See
Integration Cloud Service Documentation for detailed information.
2. Install Integration Cloud Agent in your application environment to communicate
with your Oracle EPM cloud instance. For details on setting up Integration Cloud
Agent, see Managing Agent Groups.

If the on-premises application services are deployed in an environment
set up in a demilitarized zone (DMZ) configuration so that these services
are publicly accessible through the Internet, you do not need to install
Integration Cloud Agent.

Setting Up the Integration in Task Manager

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left, and then click New.

Chapter 27
Creating Custom Task Manager Integrations

3. On the Properties tab, specify the required information:

a. For Name, enter a name for the Integration.
b. For Code, enter an Integration Code for the integration task.
The code is used to execute the Integration and to map updates to an
Integration from a file import.
c. Optional: In Description, enter a description for the integration task.
d. For Connection, select an application to which the task belongs.
You can maintain the list of applications from the Manage Connections icon in
the Manage Connections dialog box.
e. For Execution Type, select Event Monitoring.
f. For Event Name, enter a name for the event.
4. On the Parameters tab, click New and specify the required information:
a. For Name, enter a name for the parameter.
b. For Parameter Code, enter a parameter code.
c. Optional: Enter a parameter tooltip.
d. From the Parameter Type list, select a type, and enter additional information
for the parameter:
• Check box: Boolean value
• Date: Date value
• Integer: Numeric value in whole numbers
• Number: Numeric value in whole numbers or fractions
• Options Group: Check box for a predefined set of values
• Static List: Predefined set of text values
• Task Information: Task information, for example, Assignee, duration, start
and end dates
• Text: Free-form text value
• EPM Artifact: Name of the artifact, such as the form or report
e. If the parameter requires a value, select Required.
f. Click OK to save the parameter.
g. Click Save and Close to save the Integration.

Setting Up the Integration in Integration Cloud

To set up the integration in Integration Cloud:
1. Log in to Integration Cloud Services.
2. Navigate to Connections.
3. From the list of Triggers, select the connection that triggers the event.
4. From the list of Triggers, select the service connection.
5. Navigate to Mapping, and complete the mapping between the Source parameter
and Target parameter.

Chapter 27
Creating Custom Task Manager Integrations

6. Navigate to Tracking, and specify the Business Identifier for Tracking.

7. From the list of Integrations, select and activate the integration.

Completing the Integration Setup in Task Manager

Use these steps to complete the Integration setup in Task Manager.
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left, and verify that the new Integration is
3. In Task Manager, click Schedules, and create a new Schedule in Pending state.
See Manually Creating Schedules.
4. Create the event monitoring task and add it to the schedule. See Creating Tasks.
5. From Schedules, select and open the schedule.
6. Trigger the action that generates the event in the external application (for example,
7. Wait for the task to be completed.
8. Optional: To monitor the status of the Integration in Integration Cloud Services,
log in to Integration Cloud and navigate to Monitoring.

Managing Alert Types for Task Manager
and Supplemental Data Manager

The Alert Types feature is only available to administrators.

When performing a business process, users might encounter roadblocks such as a

hardware failure, software issues, system failure, and so on. They can create an alert
identifying the problem, and attach it to the task.
For example, a user is running a business process and can’t log on to the system. The
user selects an alert type, which directs the alert to the proper resources to resolve
their issue.
See these topics:
• Creating Alert Types
• Editing Alert Types
• Viewing Alert Types
• Searching for Alert Types
• Deleting Alert Types

Creating Alert Types

When users encounter roadblocks during a business process, they can create alerts
identifying a problem.
You can define Alert Types for stored procedures which capture critical information
and assign key personnel for issue resolution. Using Alert Types, you can analyze the
types of issues that users encounter during the business cycle and make changes to
prevent them in future cycles.
To create an alert type:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Alert Types tab on the left.
3. Click New.
4. Enter the necessary information on the Alert Type tabs:
• Setting Alert Type Properties
• Specifying Alert Type Instructions
• Selecting the Alert Type Workflow

Chapter 28
Creating Alert Types

• Assigning Alert Type Viewers

• Adding Questions for Alert Types
• Applying Alert Type Attributes
• Viewing Alert Type History

Setting Alert Type Properties

The Properties tab enables you to specify the alert type name and description, and
associate it with a Task Manager or Supplemental Data Manager object, such as a
task or schedule. An individual alert can be associated with multiple objects.
You can place restrictions on the relationship between the alert and its associated
object. Not all restrictions can be applied to all objects.

Table 28-1 Alert Restrictions

Restriction Description Example

None No restrictions on the status A user raises a ‘slow
of the object and the status of performance’ alert while
the alert working on a reporting task.
While this affects how long the
task takes, it does not prevent
the task from completing
normally. Even if the task
completes, the user still wants
the alert open until the
performance issue is resolved.
Prevent Workflow Workflow on the object cannot A user raises an alert that
proceed forward (no submits, the reporting system is down.
approvals, and so on) until theThis will prevent any work
alert is closed. on reporting tasks until the
This does not prevent claims alert is resolved. Preventing
or rejections (workflow moving workflow includes preventing
backward). It also does status changes from Pending
not prevent an Administrator to Open and Open to Closed.
or Owner from forcing the
workflow forward.
Prevent Close The object cannot be moved A user raises an alert that
into a closed state until some comparison data is
the alert is closed. However, missing for a reporting task.
intermediate workflow may While this does not prevent
proceed. the report from being created
This does not prevent an and going through initial
Administator or Owner from approvals, the report should
closing or ‘force closing’. not be fully signed off until
it can be compared to the
missing data.

An object may have multiple alerts with different restrictions. If this is the case, the
following rules will apply in order of precedent:
1. If any open alert associated with the object has a Prevent Workflow restriction,
Prevent Workflow will stop the object's (for example, a Task) workflow until the
alert is closed.

Chapter 28
Creating Alert Types

2. If any open alert associated with the object has a Prevent Close restriction, then
the object cannot be closed until the alert(s) is closed.
In addition, an alert may be associated with multiple objects. If it has more than one
Prevent Close restriction to different objects, the alert will only be closed when the last
object is closed.
To set alert type properties:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Alert Types tab on the left.
3. Click New to open New Alert Type, which will default to the Properties tab.
4. For Name, enter an alert type name.
5. Enter an Alert Type ID.
An Alert Type ID is required, and must be unique.
6. Optional: For Description, enter an alert type description.
7. Optional: From the Associated With drop-down list, select an object, such as a
task, with which to associate the alert.
8. Optional: For Restrictions, enter any restrictions for the alert. For example, if you
select Prevent Close for an alert on a task, the user can't complete the close task
until the alert is complete.
If you select All Types for Associated With, no restrictions are available.
9. Click Enabled to enable the alert type.
Only alert types that are Enabled are displayed in the list of available Alert Types
and available for selection when creating new alerts.
10. Click an Alert Type tab and continue entering information.

When you are done entering the Alert Type information, click Save and Close.
• Specifying Alert Type Instructions
• Selecting the Alert Type Workflow
• Assigning Alert Type Viewers
• Adding Questions for Alert Types
• Applying Alert Type Attributes

Specifying Alert Type Instructions

You can specify instructions in an alert type to help users understand what they need
to do for the alert. You can add additional references from File and URL attachments.
To specify instructions for an alert type:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Alert Types tab on the left.
3. From the New or Edit dialog, select the Instructions tab.
4. In Instructions, enter instruction text for the alert type.
To add a reference:

Chapter 28
Creating Alert Types

1. In the References section, click Local File or URL.

2. From the Type list, select one of these types:
• Attach a File
Enter a name, click Browse to select and attach the file, and click OK.
• Attach a Link
Enter a URL name, then enter the URL, for example: Oracle, http:// and click OK.
3. Click an Alert Type tab and continue entering information.
When you are done entering the alert type information, click Save and Close.
• Selecting the Alert Type Workflow
• Assigning Alert Type Viewers
• Adding Questions for Alert Types
• Applying Alert Type Attributes

Selecting the Alert Type Workflow

The Workflow section contains the Assignee and Approver assignments. You can also
select Backup users.
To select the Alert Type workflow:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Alert Types tab on the left.
3. From the New or Edit dialog, click the Workflow tab.
4. For Assignee, click the Member Selector and select an assignee.
The assignee is the user, team, or group assigned to work on the alert when one
is created of this type. If you do not specify an assignee, the user who creates the
alert will need to fill one in.
5. Optional: For Backup User, select a backup user for the assignee:
a. On the Home page, select Tools, then Access Control, and then Task
Manager Users.
b. Edit the assignee ID and change the Status field to Unavailable.
c. Then from the Alert Types Workflow tab, you can select a backup user.
The Backup User is the backup individual assigned to work on the alert if the main
assignee is out of office. You must have previously assigned an assignee and a
backup assignee.
If an assignee or approver is set to a team ID, then the Backup User field will be
6. Click Add (+) to add an Approver, and enter this information for the Approver:
• Level
• User Name
• Backup User - you can specify a default backup Approver user for the alert if
the main Approver is out of the office. This is not required.

Chapter 28
Creating Alert Types

You can add one or more levels of default Approver users, groups, or teams for
the alert when one is created of this type. These are not required. If you do not
specify Approvers, the user who creates the alert has the option to add them.
7. Click an Alert Type tab and continue entering information.
When you are done entering the Alert Type information, click Save and Close.
• Assigning Alert Type Viewers
• Adding Questions for Alert Types
• Applying Alert Type Attributes

Assigning Alert Type Viewers

The Viewers tab enables you to assign Viewer rights for alert types. Viewers have
read-only access.
To assign Viewer rights:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Alert Types tab on the left.
3. Click New or Edit and click on the Viewers tab.
4. Click Add and select the name of the user, group, or team that will have View
access to the alert.
The system opens the Member Selector. It is editable for external Viewers.
5. Optional: Click Add External User to add a user outside the system who needs
to be notified about the alert.
The external user will not have any visibility to the alert, they will only receive
notifications. No service access is granted.
6. Specify an Email Address for the viewer.
The email address is editable for external Viewers. If there are duplicate email
addresses in the list, you cannot save changes to the alert type.
7. Select a Notification Priority to indicate at what alert priority the users will be
alerted via email.
Notifications will be sent for the priority level or higher. So if set to High,
notifications will be sent only when the alert is set to High. If set to Low, then they
will be notified for all priority types (Low, Medium, High). If this is blank (default),
no notification will be sent.
8. Click an Alert Type tab and continue entering information.
When you are done entering the Alert Type information, click Save and Close.
• Adding Questions for Alert Types
• Applying Alert Type Attributes

Adding Questions for Alert Types

When you create an Alert Type, you may want a user to answer questions about their
actions before they indicate the Alert Type is complete. For example, you may ask if a
certain process was followed when completing that task. Questions can be set to the

Chapter 28
Creating Alert Types

Administrator, Assignee, Approver, Owner, or Viewer roles. This allows key details to
be gathered from the user experiencing the issue.
You can specify various types of questions, such as Text, Number, or True/False, and
indicate whether they are required. If a question is required, the user must respond or
they cannot submit the task for approval. You can also order the questions by using
the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
To add a question:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Alert Types tab on the left.
3. From the New or Edit dialog, select the Questions tab.
4. Click Add.
5. For Question, enter text for the question, with a maximum of 4000 characters.
6. From the Type list, select a question type:
• Date
• Date and Time
• Integer
• List
Enter a list of valid responses to the question.
• Multi-Line Text
The maximum length should be less than 4,000 characters.
Select Multi-Line Text, and then enter the Number of Lines, from 3 to 50
lines. Multi-Line Text determines how many lines of text are visible without
scrolling, on the Actions dialog boxes.
• Number
If you select Number, select number formatting options:
– For Decimal Places, enter a value for the number of decimal places to
– Select the Thousands Separator option if you want numbers to display a
thousands separator (for example, 1,000.00)
– From the Currency Symbol list, select a currency symbol, for example,
Dollars ($).
– From the Negative Number list, select how to display negative numbers,
for example, (123).
– From the Scale list, select a scale value for numbers, for example, 1000.
• Text
• True or False
• User
• Yes or No
7. Assign a Role (Owner, Assignee, Approver, Viewer) of the user who should
answer the question..

Chapter 28
Creating Alert Types

8. If the question is required, select Required.

Required indicates that the question must be answered by the user before they
can proceed. Required questions can be set for Assignees, Approvers, and
Owners. This is disabled for the System Administrator and Viewer role.
9. Click OK.
10. Optional: To change the order of questions, select a question, then click Move to
Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Move to Bottom.
11. Optional: To edit a question, select the question and click Edit. To remove a
question, select the question and click Delete.
12. Click an Alert Type tab and continue entering information.

When you are done entering the Alert Type information, click Save and Close.
• Applying Alert Type Attributes
• Viewing Alert Type History

Applying Alert Type Attributes

When you select an attribute, you can set a value for the attribute based on the
attribute type. You can later filter by the attribute value.
For example, you may have a List attribute named Sales Region with the values of
North, South, East, and West. The current alert type applies only to the West Sales
Region, so you can add the Sales Region attribute and set it to "West".
To apply an attribute:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Alert Types tab on the left.
3. Click New or Edit , and select the Attributes tab.
4. Click Add.
5. From the Attribute list, select an attribute.
6. From Value, depending on the attribute, select a value for the attribute from a
drop-down list, or enter a value.
7. Optional: To change access for the attribute, select a Role and Access.
8. Click Save and Close.
9. To edit other alert type information, see these topics:
• Setting Alert Type Properties
• Specifying Alert Type Instructions
• Selecting the Alert Type Workflow
• Assigning Alert Type Viewers
• Adding Questions for Alert Types

Chapter 28
Viewing Alert Type History

Viewing Alert Type History

The system maintains a history of alert type actions. The History tab displays the
components that were created or updated, the modification type, the old and new
values, the user who made the modification, and the change date. The information on
the History tab is read-only.
To view alert type history:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Alert Types tab on the left.
3. Edit an alert type and select the History tab.
4. View the history, then click Save and Close.

Viewing Alert Types

In Alert Types, you can specify which columns to display for the list of alert types, or
show all. You can also reorder columns, sort columns by ascending or descending
order, or change the column widths.
To display columns:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Alert Types tab on the left.
3. Do one or more of the following tasks:
• To display all columns, select View, then Columns, and then select Show All.
• To display specific columns, select View, then Columns, and select or deselect
the column names.
• To reorder columns, select View, and then Reorder Columns, select columns
and use the Up or Down arrows or drag them to change the order.
• To sort columns, hover over a column header until the Sort icons are
displayed, and then click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
• To change column widths, hover over the column header dividers until the
arrows display, and drag the columns to the desired width.

Chapter 28
Editing Alert Types

Editing Alert Types

You can edit the names and descriptions of alert types, and specify whether they are
Enabled. When you enable an alert type, it is displayed in the list of available Alert
Normally, items in a locked schedule cannot be edited or modified. However, alerts
associated with a locked schedule can be updated, have their workflow progress and
even be removed from the schedule or deleted.
To edit an alert type:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Alert Types tab on the left.
3. Select the alert type and click Edit.
4. Edit the alert type.
5. Click Save and Close.

Searching for Alert Types

You can use the Search function in the Alert Types list to quickly find alert types. You
can enter full or partial names on which to search. Using the filter bar, you can control
the alert types that you see in the list. By default, all alert types are displayed.
To search for alert types:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Alert Types tab on the left.
3. To search for an alert type, enter search criteria in the Search text box.
4. Optional: From the filter bar, click on a category to display additional search
operators such as Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains, Does Not Contain,
Starts With, and Ends With.
You can filter alert types using these categories: Name, Alert Type ID, Enabled,
Description, Created By, Created On, Last Updated By, or Last Updated On.


• Click Add a Filter to view all categories.

• To hide the filter bar, click the Filter icon.
• To clear all filters, click Clear All Filters in the


Chapter 28
Deleting Alert Types

Deleting Alert Types

You can delete alert types. When an alert type is deleted, the alert is not deleted;
rather it loses its alert type assignment.
To delete an alert type:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Alert Types tab on the left.
3. Select the alert type.
4. Click Delete, and then click OK.

Using Task Manager and Supplemental
Data Manager Reports
Related Topics
• Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager
• Creating a Task Manager Query
• Creating a Supplemental Data Query
• Creating a Template
• Setting Up a Report Group
• Creating a Report
• Searching and Filtering Queries, Report Groups, or Reports
• Generating the Report
• Using Task Manager Report Binders
• Generating Report Binders
• Viewing Report Binders

Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and

Supplemental Data Manager
You can create reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager. The
reports can be generated in PDF, CSV, HTML, or XLSX format.

Task Manager provides sample reports to assist you in getting started. You
can use them as templates and can duplicate them as needed, then make
modifications or extend access to users. To duplicate a report, select the
report, then select Duplicate from the ellipsis button . You can then edit
the newly created report.

You can also create custom reports. Building custom reports involves four steps and
can only be performed by a Service Administrator:
• Create a Task Manager or Supplemental Data Query from the New button of the
Queries tab. See Creating a Task Manager Query or Creating a Supplemental
Data Query.
• Create a template. See Creating a Template.
• Set up a report group.

Chapter 29
Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager

• Set up the report.

To build custom reports, you create a query whose definition can then be exported as
an XML file. Import the XML file into Word and use it to create a template document,
which must be in RTF format. Then you can set up a report group to group individual
reports. Finally, generate the report, which uses both the query and the template you
created and can be set with a default output of CSV, PDF, HTML, or XLSX.
After you have built a custom report, the Service Administrator or other users who
have been granted access can generate the report. See Generating the Report.

Creating a Task Manager Query

Creating a query is the first step in creating a custom report.
To create queries:
1. From the Home Page, select Application, and then select the report (for example,
Non-Consolidation Reports).
2. From the Queries tab, select New.
3. Select Task Manager Query.
4. On the New Query screen, enter a Name and an optional Description.
5. From Type, select an option:
• Parameter Query
A Parameter Query type is used to present a list of options that you can
specify for this parameter's value. Parameter Query allows you to present a
list of options used when filling in a parameter's value for a Report Query,
where the list of options is not a simple Attribute already defined, but is instead
a complex query that you need to define.
This parameter query example provides a list of all Task Manager periods:
• Report Query for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Reports
Select the records to be included in the report. You can apply a security filter,
so users see only the data that they are authorized to see based on their
roles and the reports to which they are assigned. To apply a Security Filter
to a report query, add the following syntax to the end of the query WHERE
CLAUSE statement.
When using$FCC_SECURITY_CLAUSE$ in the query, the FCC_TASKS must be
aliased to TaskEO
Because many predefined queries included with Task Manager have the
Security Filter applied, you can use them as examples when building your
For example, the following Report Query specifies scheduled tasks to display
Task Code, Name, Assignee and Schedule for all High Priority tasks in the
selected schedule.

Chapter 29
Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager


AssigneeEO.USER_ID))))AS "$ASSIGNEE$" ,
6. Click Generate Query to build the query from the New Query dialog. The dialog
assists you in creating a query against the database by allowing you to select any
existing attribute in the product to be queried and/or filtered against. The system
then generates the SQL to match the specified attributes and filters, at which time
you can modify and enhance it.
a. On the Select Type screen, select options:
• From Query, select Template Tasks or Schedule Tasks.
• Optional: Select the Apply Security checkbox to automatically apply
the user security filter to the generated query. This applies the Security
token to the query, to be filled in with the correct SQL when the report is
b. Click Next.

7. From Select Columns, select the columns to display in the query, and then click

Chapter 29
Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager

8. From Select Filters, click Create Condition or Create Condition Group and
select the conditions to create the filters to create the query.

9. Select OK.
10. Optional: If you want to use the report in the future, click Generate Sample XML.

11. Click Save.

12. To test the query for errors, click Validate from the New Query dialog. The query
displays in the Queries tab.

Chapter 29
Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager

You can easily delete a query, or duplicate a query using the Action

Modifying A Query
A system administrator can edit a Task Manager query or Supplemental Data query.
1. From the Home Page, select Applications, then Reports.

2. In Reports, select Queries if is not already selected, and then Edit from next
to the query you are editing.

If it is locked, ask the System Administrator to unlock.

3. Select an option:
• Task Manager Query
• Supplemental Data Query
4. In Edit Query, edit the information as needed.
5. After you are done with your changes, click Save and Close.

Creating a Supplemental Data Query

Creating a query is the first step in creating a custom report.
To create queries:
1. From the Home Page, select Application, and then select the report (for example,
Non-Consolidation Reports).
2. From the Queries tab, select New.
3. Select Supplemental Data Query.
4. On the New Query screen, enter a Name and an optional Description.
5. From Type, select an option:
• Parameter Query
A Parameter Query type is used to present a list of options that you can
specify for this parameter's value. Parameter Query allows you to present a
list of options used when filling in a parameter's value for a Report Query,
where the list of options is not a simple Attribute already defined, but is instead
a complex query that you need to define.
This parameter query example provides a list of all Supplemental Data
Manager Query periods:
• Report Query for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager Reports

Chapter 29
Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager

Select the records to be included in the report. You can apply a security filter,
so users see only the data that they are authorized to see based on their
roles and the reports to which they are assigned. To apply a Security Filter
to a report query, add the following syntax to the end of the query WHERE
CLAUSE statement.

Because many predefined queries included with Task Manager have
the Security Filter applied, you can use them as examples when
building your own.

For example, the following Report Query specifies scheduled tasks to display
Task Code, Name, Assignee and Schedule for all High Priority tasks in the
selected schedule.
AssigneeEO.USER_ID))))AS "$ASSIGNEE$" ,
6. Click Generate Query to build the query from the New Query dialog. The dialog
assists you in creating a query against the database by allowing you to select any
existing attribute in the product to be queried and/or filtered against. The system
then generates the SQL to match the specified attributes and filters, at which time
you can modify and enhance it.
a. On the Select Type screen, select the following:
• From Query, select Workflow.
• Optional: Select the Apply Security checkbox to automatically apply
the user security filter to the generated query. This applies the Security
token to the query, to be filled in with the correct SQL when the report is
b. Click Next.

Chapter 29
Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager

7. From Select Columns, select the columns to display in query, and then click

8. From Select Filters, click Create Condition or Create Condition Group and
select the conditions to create the filters to create the query.

Chapter 29
Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager

9. Select OK.
10. Optional: If you want to use the report in the future, click Generate Sample XML.

11. Click Save.

12. To test the query for errors, click Validate from the New Query dialog. The query
displays in the Queries tab.

You can easily delete a query, or duplicate a query using the Action

Modifying A Query
A system administrator can edit a Supplemental Data Query.
1. From the Home Page, select Applications, then Non-Consolidation Reports.

2. From the Queries tab, select Edit from next to the query you are editing.

If it is locked, ask the System Administrator to unlock.

3. Select an option:
• Task Manager Query
• Supplemental Data Query
4. In Edit Query, edit the information as needed.

Chapter 29
Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager

5. After you are done with your changes, click Save and Close.

Creating a Template
Creating report templates is the second step in generating custom reports. Report
templates are created in Microsoft Word with Oracle BI Publisher Desktop for 32/64
bit Office on Windows installed. Template creation also requires that you already
generated the Sample XML during query creation.
To create a report template:
1. Open Microsoft Word with a new document.
2. Select the BI Publisher tab, then the Sample XML folder above Load Data
3. Locate theSampleQuery.xml that was generated when you created the query and
click Open.
A message displays, " Data Loaded Successfully ". Click OK.
4. Select Insert, and then Table Wizard.
5. Select Table and click Next.
6. Select the default data set and click Next.
7. Select the desired fields to show in the report and click Next.
8. Select the Group By, then select the fields to group by, and then click Next.
9. Select the Sort By, then select the fields to sort by, and then click Finish.
10. Save the template as an *.rft file; for example: SampleQuery.rtf.

Setting Up a Report Group

Creating report groups is the third step in generating custom reports. A report group
enables you to group individual reports together for Task Manager and Supplemental
Data Manager so that you can organize reports in folder structures.

Nested Report Groups are not supported.

After a report group has been created, you can modify it if necessary. You can
duplicate a report group but its name must be unique. You can also delete a report
group, however, deleting a report group deletes all reports associated with that group.
To create report groups:
1. From the Home Page, click Application, and then select Non-Consolidation
2. From the Report Groups tab, click New.
3. In the New Report Group, enter:
• Name
Enter a group name for the group of reports.

Chapter 29
Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager

• Description
• Display to User
Select Display to User if you want this report group displayed to the user.
The Display to User option enables report writers to have a group of reports
hidden while they are working on them.
4. On the Reports tab, reorder or edit reports that have been added to the report
group using the Move icons

5. Click Save and Close.

Creating a Report
Creating report definitions is the fourth step in generating reports. Users can create
reports from the queries and assign them to groups.
To create report definitions:
1. From the Home Page, click Application, and then select Non-Consolidation
2. Select Reports, then New, and then Task Manager Report.

3. In New Report, enter:

• Name
• Description
• Query - select a query.
• Template

Chapter 29
Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager

Click Browse and then browse to a report template. You can upload
any supported Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher template format. See
Creating a Template.
• Report Group
Select the Group Name for the report from the drop-down menu.
• Display to User
Select if you want the report displayed to a user.
• Output Format
Select a report output format BI Publisher from one of the following:
– XLSX - not supported for graphs.
– HTML - not supported for graphs and charts.
– CSV - does not use a template and is better at faster data retrieval.
– CSV (Formatted) - is best suited for a simple data table with formatted
data and does not support images, graphics, or styling in the template.

The CSV (Formatted) format takes additional time to generate
the report to honor template formatting when compared to the
CSV format. Therefore, you can select CSV to generate the
data quickly or CSV (Formatted) to generate formatted template
based data.

4. To complete the report definition, you must set the parameters and access:
a. For Parameters, select the Parameters tab.
Parameters from the query are identified and added to the list. Update the
• Display Name
• Parameter Type - The available options are:
– Task Manager/ Supplemental Data Attribute
– Text
– Date
– Date/Time
– Number
– Query
– Integer
– True/False
– Yes/No
– User

Chapter 29
Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager

• Display To User - Uncheck the checkbox if you do not want the

parameter to be displayed and want the value to be used. You can use a
single query to create multiple reports. In such scenarios, few parameters
are hidden and values defined in the Parameters tab are used.
• Attribute/Query - For Attributes, the drop-down lists the attributes for
Task Manager. For Query, the drop-down lists all queries of the Parameter
Type. This can be used to make parameters such as dynamic LOVs. See
Creating a Task Manager Query
• Parameter Value - The default value is displayed.
b. For Access, select the Access tab.
c. Select the Application Module and the Role from the drop-downs.

The report must be granted access to at least one application
module for the report to display in the corresponding Reports tab.

5. Select Save and Close.

Searching and Filtering Queries, Report Groups, or Reports

Using the search field and filter options, you can control the records that you see in the
list of queries, report groups, or reports.
To filter queries, report groups, or reports:
1. From the Home Page, click Application, and then select Non-Consolidation
2. Click the Queries, Report Groups, or Reports tab.
3. Enter search criteria in the Search text box.
4. Optional: From the filter bar, click on a category to display additional search
operators such as Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains, Does Not Contain,
Starts With, and Ends With.


• Click Add a Filter to view all categories.

• To hide the filter bar, click the Filter icon.
• To clear all filters, click Clear All Filters in the


Chapter 29
Generating Custom Reports for Task Manager and Supplemental Data Manager

Generating the Report

Generating reports is the final step in the process. After a Service Administrator has
built the custom report, any user, group, or team granted access can generate the
A Service Administrator can also use REST API commands to generate a report. For
detailed information, see Generate Report for Financial Consolidation and Close and
Tax Reporting in REST API for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
For large reports, the runAsync parameter for report generation in REST API allows
reports to run asynchronously (value of true).
To generate reports:
1. From the Home Page, click Reports.
2. Select a tab:
• Task Manager Reports
• Supplemental Data Reports
3. Select the report you want to generate.
4. Select the Output Format from one of the following:
• XLSX - not supported for graphs.
• HTML - not supported for graphs and charts.
• CSV - does not use a template and is better at faster data retrieval.

For reports that contain more than 10,000 records, it is
recommended to use the CSV format.

• CSV (Formatted) - is best suited for a simple data table with formatted data
and does not support images, graphics, or styling in the template.

The CSV (Formatted) format takes additional time to generate the
report to honor template formatting when compared to the CSV
format. Therefore, you can select CSV to generate the data quickly
or CSV (Formatted) to generate formatted template based data.

5. Click Generate.
6. Enter the Name, Schedule, and Period from the drop down menus.
7. Click Generate.
When done, the system displays a "Completed Successfully" status message.
8. Select Open with or Save File to save the ZIP file.

Chapter 29
Using Task Manager Report Binders

The report generation process uses a backend job framework that runs report jobs
in the background. If the report has an error, for example, if the size is greater than
the recommended size, you see a message stating the error in the Generate Report
dialog before the report is generated. For reports with very large number of records, it
is recommended to use filtering to break the report down to fewer records.

Using Task Manager Report Binders

Task Manager report binders enable you to create a history of all activities that
occurred as part of a schedule, for example, the Corporate Q1 Close. You use filters to
specify the schedule, tasks to include, and which task information to include.
Information for all tasks that meet the binder filter criteria are output in HTML to a
ZIP file. They contain HTML and other files. When you extract the ZIP file, a directory
structure is formed, in which you can access the HTML file to view the report binder.
Because the report is self-contained in one file, it can easily be copied, printed, or
emailed for internal or external reviews.

Generating Report Binders

The Generate Report Binder dialog box enables you to specify the parameters needed
to create a report. When you open a schedule in a view and run Generate Report
Binder, the report binder is applied to the current view and incorporates only the tasks
within the current filtered view.
The report binder is generated and returned through the browser as a document.
When you run Generate Report Binder, you have the option to open it immediately or
to save it to disk as a ZIP file.
You can generate report binders for multiple schedules at a time. This can be helpful if
your application has a large number of schedules.
To generate a report binder:
1. From the list of Schedules, select one or more schedules for which to generate a
report binder.
2. From the Actions dropdown, select Generate Report Binder.
3. In Report Binder Name, enter a name.
4. In Description, enter a binder description.
For Schedule Name, the system automatically displays the name of the current
5. From Optional Components, select the task components that you want to display
in the report:
• Alerts
• Comments
• Attachments

Chapter 29
Using Task Manager Report Binders

Including attachments in the report greatly increases the size of the
report and may impact the performance.

6. Click Generate.
7. From File Download, select Save.
The Save As dialog box is displayed, and the ZIP file name is displayed at the
8. Select a directory for the ZIP file, click Save, then Close.

Viewing Report Binders

When you generate a report binder, it is output in one zipped file. The ZIP file name
is the name that you specified for the Report Binder. The report pages are merged
into an HTML report, with page breaks for sections as required, so that the report can
be printed with a print command. If you choose to include attachments, a separate
attachment appendix, containing links to attachments with corresponding tasks and
alerts, is created, which you can print separately. All attachments are downloaded to
separate folders.
If you saved the report binder as a ZIP file, you can extract everything from the ZIP,
which creates a directory structure with the same name as the report binder. You can
see the report binder by opening the HTML page in the directory. The first report page
contains information on the report binder, the schedule, and displays a list of tasks and
alerts available in the report binder. You can navigate to the Tasks section to see task
details such as status, Assignee, start and end dates, and duration. If a task has not
started, the projected (scheduled) date is displayed. Each task is a link to a Task Detail
page. By default, it includes sections for Attributes, Instructions, Questions, Workflow,
Predecessors, and History. If you selected the options to include Alerts and Comments
when you generated the report binder, those sections are also displayed.
The first page also contains a list of alerts into which you can drill further. From the
Alert Detail page, you can navigate to the associated task.
To view report binders:
1. Navigate to the directory in which you downloaded the ZIP file, and double-click
the file.
2. Extract the ZIP files to the desired directory.
3. Navigate to that directory and locate the subdirectory that matches the ZIP file
4. From the subdirectory, double-click report_binder_name.html to view the report

Managing Supplemental Data
Related Topics
• Supplemental Data Process Overview
• Managing Supplemental Data System Settings
• Working with the Supplemental Data Analysis Dashboard
• Managing Dimension Attributes in Supplemental Data Manager
• Working with Collection Intervals
• Working with Supplemental Data Collections
• Creating Supplemental Data Manager Form Templates
• Editing Form Templates
• Duplicating Form Templates
• Deleting Form Templates
• Deploying a Form Template to a Data Collection Period
• Un-Deploying a Form Template to a Data Collection Period
• Re-opening Supplemental Data Forms
• Validating Supplemental Data Total Against an Account Balance
• Working with Supplemental Data in Smart View
• Using Currency Translation

Supplemental Data Process Overview

Supplemental Data Manager helps you organize, update, edit, and manage
supplemental data, typically financial transactions. It is a robust ad hoc data collection
process useful for footnotes, disclosures, and supporting details.
1. The Administrator creates an application enabling the Supplemental Data feature,
and refreshes the database, which sets up the system settings information.
2. The Power User performs these procedures:
• Creates additional Dimensions which may be required within their data
• Creates the collection interval to define the frequency of the data collection
process, and the workflow dimensions on which their forms will be based.
• Creates collections and subcollections to store the data as part of the data
collection process.
• Creates attributes, and calculation and validation rules for the attributes.
• Creates Data Form Templates to ensure a consistent and repeatable data
collection process.

Chapter 30
Managing Supplemental Data System Settings

• Assigns workflow and access for each data form template.

• Deploys the form template to a specific data collection period to be ready for
the collection process.
– If the period is not open, then the form instances are in Pending status.
– If the period is open, then the form instance is active and available for data
3. The Administrator opens the Period after dimensions, collections, and forms are
created in the system, and opens a Period to start the data collection process.
4. The User then performs these tasks:
• Loads data manually once the Period is open or uses a CSV file to import
form data. Users can also act on any actions to be done, for example, entering
comments and answering questions.
• Performs validation and ensures correctness of data.
• Submits data for approval.
5. The User assigned as the approver reviews and approves or rejects the data (may
have multiple levels of approval).
6. The User views summarized data after the data is approved (depends on the
workflow option), and posts data.
7. The Administrator or Power User sends email alerts to assigned users for their
related data forms.
8. The Administrator closes and locks the Period for the data collection:
• Closes the Period for Data Collection (prevents additional form instances to
• Locks the Period for Data Collection (allows no additional changes)
You can also manage the data collection process and work with supplemental data
forms using the Supplemental Data option in Oracle Smart View for Office. You must
first install the Smart View Extension for Supplemental Data. To install the extension,
see "Downloading and Installing Clients " in the Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud for Administrators guide.
Watch the following video for information on Supplemental Data:

Supplemental Data.

Managing Supplemental Data System Settings

Related Topics
• Setting Email Notifications in Supplemental Data Manager
• Setting Preferences for Supplemental Data
• Setting Supplemental Data Governors

Chapter 30
Managing Supplemental Data System Settings

Setting Email Notifications in Supplemental Data Manager

Service Administrators can set up Email Notifications for Supplemental Data Manager
users. When you enable email notifications, batch notifications are generated. When
the notification is no longer required, you can deactivate email notifications and

By default, email notifications are not enabled.

You can also add an email as the From Address. Customize the from address, or
perhaps include a product acronym to alert the user where the notification is coming
To set email notifications:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the System Settings tab on the left.
3. Select Email Notifications.
4. For Email Notifications, select Turn On to initiate the notification, or Turn Off to
deactivate the notification.
5. Enter the email From Address. You can edit the email address to supply a
specific address, or to include a product acronym to alert the user where the
notification is coming from, for example, SDM.
6. Click Save.

Setting Preferences for Supplemental Data

You can specify preferences for the number and cell formats to be displayed for
Supplemental Data. You can specify the number of decimal places to display, how you
want to display negative numbers, cell styles, fonts, and colors.
To set Supplemental Data preferences:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the System Settings tab on the left.
3. On the System Settings page, click the Preferences link.
4. For Number Format, select these options:
• Decimal Places
• Negative Number
5. For Cell Format, select these options:
• Cell Styles
• Font, and then select Bold, Italic, or Underline
• Font size

Chapter 30
Working with the Supplemental Data Analysis Dashboard

• Text Color
• Background Color
6. Click Save.

Setting Supplemental Data Governors

In Supplemental Data, you can set governors on Collection attributes to improve
application performance. The system provides default settings, which you can
decrease or increase up to the maximum value. It enforces the maximum limits when
objects are created.
For example, you can specify the maximum number of Calculated attributes per
Collection. When you create Calculated attributes, if the number of attributes is below
the maximum value, the system creates the attributes. If the maximum limit has been
reached, the attributes are not created and the system returns a validation message
that the number is out of range. You can also specify the maximum number of
Dimension attributes, number of sections per Form Template, and number of attributes
per Form Template Section, number of attributes displayed on Data Analysis, and
maximum number of items displayed in a list.
To set Supplemental Data governors:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the System Settings tab on the left.
3. On the System Settings page, click the Governors link.
4. Specify a maximum value of attributes or leave the default setting:
• Maximum Number of Calculated attributes
• Maximum Number of Dimension attributes
• Maximum Number of Sections per Form Template
• Maximum Number of attributes per tabular Form Template Section
• Maximum Number of attributes displayed on Data Analysis
• Maximum Number of Items displayed in a List (default is 10000).
5. Click Save.

Working with the Supplemental Data Analysis Dashboard

The Supplemental Data Analysis dashboard contains the details of collections and
sub-collections, making it easy to view and filter the information. You can also select
and sort columns, and save lists.
To view Collections in the Data Analysis dashboard:
1. On the Home page, click Data.
2. From the left, click Supplemental Data Analysis.
3. From the Collection dropdown list, select a collection/subcollection and the data
collection period (frequency dimension member combination) for which you want
to access and analyze data.
For example:

Chapter 30
Managing Dimension Attributes in Supplemental Data Manager

Collection Name: Debt Details

Data Collection Period parameters: Year: 2020, Period: April, Scenario: Actual
4. Optional: Click Add a Filter, then enter a filter value. Available filters are based
on the collection you selected.
5. Optional: For more detailed filtering, from Add a Filter, click Advanced, then
define filter criteria and create conditions.
To define a condition or group:
a. Click Create Condition or Create Condition Group.
b. Conjunction: Select And or Or. These state how this condition or group relate
to prior sibling conditions or groups.
c. Attribute: An attribute is a field or value that a condition compares to a value
for inclusion in the result set of a filter. An attribute denotes more than the list
of user-defined attributes.
d. Operand: States what kind of evaluation to perform against the attribute.
e. Value: Specifies what values to compare the attribute against. The type of
attribute determines what input field is available.
f. To save, clear, or manage filters, click the Filters (...) button on the right of the
6. From Actions, choose Select Columns to select columns for the data that you
want to display.
7. Optional: To export data from the Collection, from Actions, select Export, and
select Export to Excel or Export to CSV.
8. Optional: From Actions, select Import to import data into the Collection.
a. Click Browse to select the file.
b. Select to Replace or Update the existing file.
c. Select a Date Format.
d. For File Delimiter, select Comma, Tab, or select Other, then enter a
e. Click Import.
9. Optional: From List, select another available saved list. The system displays the
filters and columns that you previously saved.

Managing Dimension Attributes in Supplemental Data

Related Topics
• Adding Dimension Attributes
• Editing Dimension Attributes
• Deleting Dimension Attributes

Chapter 30
Managing Dimension Attributes in Supplemental Data Manager

Adding Dimension Attributes

To add dimension attributes:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Dimensions tab on the left.
3. Select a dimension, then click Actions, and then Edit.
4. On the Attributes tab, click Actions, then New, and then Add Attribute.
Enter the following values:
• Name
• Description
• Key Attribute
Select the Key Attribute check box if this attribute is the key attribute.

If you want to use the dimension for collection intervals, the attribute
should be a key attribute and the dimension should have only one
key attribute.

• Data Type
Select one:
– Date
– Date and Time
– Integer
– List
Select a method:
* Click Add, and then enter values for the attribute.
* To import list items from a CSV file, click Import , then browse to the
CSV file.
* To export list items from a CSV file, click Export, then follow the
– Number
If you select Number, select formatting options (The defaults are set in the
Preferences section of the System Settings).
* For Decimal Places, enter a value for the number of decimal places
to be displayed.
* Select Display as Percentage to display a percent sign.
* Select Thousands Separator to display a thousands separator (for
example, 1,000.00). The system displays the thousands separator
symbol for the user locale.

Chapter 30
Managing Dimension Attributes in Supplemental Data Manager

* In Negative Number, select how to display negative numbers; for

example, (123).
– Text (255 characters maximum)
– True or False
– Yes or No
• Default Value
The attribute is populated with this value by default, which you can override.
5. Click OK.
6. In Update Dimension, to select the new attribute as a "Key Attribute" for the
dimension, select Key Attribute.

The system allows multiple attributes as key for a dimension.

Editing Dimension Attributes

The Members and Attributes section lists dimension members, descriptions and
attributes, including leaf attributes and parent node, and the corresponding cube for
the dimension member.
To edit dimension attributes:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Dimensions tab on the left.
The Members and Attributes section displays dimension members, descriptions
and attributes, including leaf and parent node information, and corresponding
dimension cubes.
3. Select a Local dimension, then click Actions, and then Edit.
4. On the Attributes tab, select an attribute, and then click Edit.
5. Edit the attribute as needed.
You can't change the data type if a member already exists for the dimension or if
the attribute is referenced in a collection.
6. Click OK.

Deleting Dimension Attributes

To delete dimension attributes:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Dimensions tab on the left.
3. Select a Local dimension, then click Actions, and then Edit.
4. On the Attribute tab, select an attribute, and then click Delete.

Chapter 30
Working with Collection Intervals

You can't delete an attribute if it is referenced in a collection.

5. From the confirmation prompt to delete the attribute, click Yes.

Working with Collection Intervals

The Supplemental Data collection interval allows you to customize your data
collections by tailoring the POV to your specific collection needs. The collection
interval includes these dimension types:
• Frequency Dimension - defines the frequency of the data collection process.
• Workflow Dimension - determines the dimensions used for forms. For example, if
you select entities, your forms will be by Entity.
To view collection intervals:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Collection Interval tab on the left.
The system displays a list of available collection intervals. You can select which
columns to display, sort the list by column, or sort it by alphabetical ascending or
descending order.
A Default collection interval is included within the service. The default collection
interval includes Year, Period, and Scenario as the frequency dimensions and Entity as
the workflow dimension.
You can create collection intervals, or use the Default collection interval. To create a
collection interval, see Creating Collection Intervals.

Creating Collection Intervals

You create a collection interval using Frequency dimensions and Workflow
dimensions. The Frequency Dimension defines the frequency of the data collection
process. The Workflow Dimension defines the number of workflow instances for data
You may configure a maximum of four Frequency Dimensions (including Year and
Period) and five Workflow Dimensions.
To create a collection interval:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Collection Interval tab on the left.
3. Click Add (+) to create a collection interval.
4. On Create Collection Interval, enter the information:
• Name—Enter a unique name.
• Description
• Frequency Dimensions—Select one or two dimensions from Available
Dimensions and use the shuttle keys to move them to Selected Dimensions.

Chapter 30
Working with Collection Intervals

The Year and Period dimensions are selected by default.

You can select a maximum of two additional frequency dimensions along with
the default Year and Period dimension.
The frequency dimensions that you select will not be available for further data
collection and management in Collections.
• Workflow Dimensions—Select the dimensions from Available Dimensions
and use the shuttle keys to move them to Selected Dimensions.
You must select at least one workflow dimension.
You can select a maximum of five workflow dimensions. The workflow
dimensions that you select will not be available for further data collection and
management in Collections.
5. Click OK.
6. To edit a collection interval, select the collection interval, then click Actions, and
then Edit.
You cannot edit a collection interval referenced in a Collection.
You cannot edit the Default collection interval.
7. To delete a collection interval, select the collection interval, then click Actions, and
then Delete.
You cannot delete the Default collection interval.

Configuring Data Collection Periods

After you create a collection interval for the data collection process, you configure data
collection periods by selecting members of the Frequency dimension. The Year and
Period Frequency dimensions are available by default.
You can have different data collection periods across your collection intervals.
To configure the data collection period:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Data Collection Period tab on the left.
3. Click Collection Interval and select the interval from the drop-down.
This displays the Frequency dimensions that you defined in the selected collection
interval. The Year and Period dimensions display by default.
4. Select members in each of the Frequency dimensions.
This displays the corresponding data collection periods.
5. Select the period and enter the Start Date, End Date, and Close Date to open the
6. Click Save.

After defining a data collection period, you cannot make changes to the
selected collection interval in the Collection Interval tab.

Chapter 30
Working with Supplemental Data Collections

Working with Supplemental Data Collections

Supplemental Data collections contain definitions of data tables. A collection consists
of attributes of information for any data record. Collections can contain attributes from
Dimensions, and you can enter attributes. You can also create sub-collections that
allow finer detail data collections. Only Administrators or Power Users can create and
update the collection definition.
To view collections:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Collections tab on the left.
The system displays a list of available collections with their name, description, type,
collection interval, attributes, associated form templates, and other information such as
the date last updated. You can select which columns to display, sort the list by column,
or sort it by alphabetical ascending or descending order.
To create collections, see Creating Collections.

Creating Collections
When you work with Supplemental Data, you create a collection to define the data
for the collection process. You can also create sub-collections, which allow finer
detail data collection. You can ensure data collection security by specifying whether
to prevent sharing of data across data forms.
Watch the following video about creating collections for Supplemental Data:

Creating Collections for Supplemental Data

To create a collection:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Collections tab on the left.
3. Select Actions, and then New.
4. On the Properties tab, enter the collection information:
• Name—Enter a unique name.
• Description
• Sub Collection—Select this checkbox to create a sub-collection. You can
create a sub-collection only after creating a collection. See Creating Sub-
• Collection Interval—Select a collection interval from the drop-down.
• Associated Sub Collections—This is not editable and displays the sub-
collection associated with the collection.
• Share data records among Templates/Forms—The default selection is Yes
which means the data is shared among templates/forms within the same
Workflow selection. If you do not wish to share the data, click the No

Chapter 30
Working with Supplemental Data Collections

5. On the Attributes tab, add attributes for the collection.

See Adding Collection Attributes.

Creating Sub-Collections
Sub-Collections allow you to obtain detailed data collections. You create a sub-
collection for an existing collection, which then becomes the parent collection.
The sub-collection is linked to the parent collection and displays under the parent
collection. You can create a maximum of five sub-collections for a parent collection.
To create sub-collections:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Collections tab on the left.
3. Click + (plus sign).
4. On the Properties tab, enter the sub-collection information:
• Name—Enter a unique name.
• Description
• Sub Collection—Click the checkbox.
• Collection Interval—This is not editable after you click the Sub-Collection
• Collection—Select the parent collection for which you want to create a sub-
collection. On selecting the parent collection, the Collection Interval auto-
populates the collection interval associated with the parent collection.
• Share data records among Templates/Forms—This is not editable after you
select the parent collection in Collection.
• On the Attributes tab, add attributes for the sub-collection.

The attributes in the parent collection are linked to the sub-collection
by default. When you create an attribute for the sub-collection, the
new attribute links to the parent collection and the associated collection

Adding Collection Attributes

Attributes are user-defined fields defined centrally by administrators and used in many
places. You can specify different value types for attributes: Date, Date and Time, List,
Number, Text, and True or False.
For collections, you can add date calculation attributes such as a Start Date and End
Date for a data collection period.
To add collection attributes:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Collections tab on the left.

Chapter 30
Working with Supplemental Data Collections

3. Select a collection, and then click Edit.

4. Select the Attributes tab, which has the following columns:
• Key Identifier
If no data exists for this collection, you can modify the Key Identifier and
The Key Identifier and Assign Workflow check box option for Entity is selected
by default. As you add attributes, you can select one or more as the Key

Supplemental Data Manager does not support the Calculated
attribute as a Key Identifier attribute.
If you select the Calculated attribute as a Key Identifier, you may
encounter unexpected behavior and errors in collections.

• Assign Workflow
Displays the workflow defined in the collection interval. It is not editable.
• Name
• Dimension Name
• Attribute Type (displayed if there are existing attributes)
• Data Type—Date, Date and Time, Integer, List, Number, Text, True or False,
Yes or No
• Total—Enables you to specify the totaling method for the attribute:
– Sum: Additive total
– Average: The average of the rows with data. Rows without data are not
counted in the denominator
– Count: The count of the rows with data
– None: No total is calculated
5. Click Actions, then New, and then select:
• Add Attribute: Go to step 5.
• Add Attribute from Dimension:
a. Select a Dimension.
b. Select attributes from the Available Attributes list and Move them to the
Selected Attribute list.
The system includes the key attribute of the dimension as a Selected
Attribute. You cannot clear the key attribute.
c. Click OK and then Save or Save and Close.
6. If you selected Add Attribute, on Create New Attribute, enter the Properties tab
• Name

Chapter 30
Working with Supplemental Data Collections

• Description
• Specify the Attribute Type:
Changing the Attribute Type overrides previously specified Validations or
Calculations. You cannot change this setting after the attribute is created.
– Input: Input is the default, and the Validations tab is enabled.
For periods that have been opened and form instances created, the
modified validation rule does not apply. Changes made apply only to new
form instances.
– Calculated: If type is Calculated, then the Calculated tab is enabled.
• Data Type
Select one:
– Date
– Date and Time
– Integer
– List
Click Add and enter values for the attribute. List is local to the collection
and can't be shared among other collections.
– Number
If you select Number, select formatting options to override the defaults set
in the Preferences section of System Settings.

You can only enter numeric values for this attribute.

* For Decimal Places, enter the number of decimal places to display.

* Select Display as Percentage to display a percent sign.
* Select Use Thousands Separator to display a thousands separator
(for example, 1,000.00). The system displays the thousands separator
symbol for the user locale.
* In Currency, select the currency, for example, (INR)
* In Negative Number Format, select how to display negative
numbers; for example, (123).
* To scale a number, in Scale, select from 1000 to 1000000000000
– Text (255 characters maximum)
– True or False
– Yes or No
• Required
If the attribute is required, you must enter a value in this field during data entry.
• Use Value

Chapter 30
Working with Supplemental Data Collections

If Use Value is populated, the system applies the value entered by the
designer for any record created by the user.
You can change the default value during data entry.
7. Click OK to save the attribute.
You must save the attribute before including it in a calculation.
8. To continue adding an attribute:
• If you selected Input for the Attribute Type, then select the Validations tab.
To add a conditional expression:
You can create a special validation rule for the value entered by the user.
a. Click Add.
b. Select an Operand and enter Value1 and Value2.
c. If you need a second condition, select from the following lists:
– Conjunction; for example, And, Or
– Operand; for example, Equals, Between, Does not Equal, Greater
than, Is blank, Is not blank, Less than, Not between
– Value1 and Value2
d. Click OK.
• If you selected Calculated for the Attribute Type, then select the Calculations
The following section is an example of how to add a calculation attribute.
a. Create a collection with these attributes:
Int1 Input and Data Type: Integer. Click OK, and from Edit Collection,
select Int1 as a Key Identifier.
TextInput: Input and Data Type: Text.
b. To use the attribute in TextCalc, save the data.
c. Create an attribute TextCalc: Calculated and Data Type: Text.
d. On the Calculations tab, enter the following fields:
i. Calculation Type: Select Scripted.
ii. Add Function: Select TextLocation, and then click Add.
iii. INSTRING(<Value>, <Value To Search>) is added to Calculation
iv. Click <Value> and either enter a value (enclosed in single quotation
marks and case sensitive), or, in Add Attribute, select an attribute,
TextInput, and then click Add.
<Value> changes to {TextInput}.
v. Replace <Value to Search> with 'tion'
Ensure that you replace <xxx> with single quotation marks: 'xxx'.
Example INSTRING({TextInput}, 'tion')
9. To add a calculation expression, select a data type and calculation type as
described in the following table, and then click OK.

Chapter 30
Working with Supplemental Data Collections

Table 30-1 Data Type and Calculation Type

Data Type selected on Properties Calculation Type Description

For all data types Assign Value to List, and then Return an attribute value based on
select the Attribute value. the assignment to a List member.
You must have saved the List
attribute values.
For all data types Conditional For a given attribute, return attribute
value A if specified conditions have
been met. If the conditions have not
been met, return attribute value B.
List Assign List To Value Based on the value of an attribute,
return the related member from the
Numeric, Integer Formula Calculate an attribute using common
mathematical expressions.
Example: (A+B)/C
Numeric, Integer Round Round attribute to the specified
number of digits. The default is 2.
Text Concatenate Paste together text attributes.
This includes literal strings and
automatically converting non-text
attributes to strings.
Example: First_Name+"
Integer, Number, Text Scripted A free-form scripted calculation.
See the following section: Scripted is available for attributes of
type Integer, Multi-line Text, Number,
Scripted Functions
or Text.

10. Click Save, Save and Close, or Close.

Changes to attributes apply only to subsequent data collection periods.

Scripted Functions
• Absolute Value: Returns the absolute value of a specified number. If a
number is less than zero, the positive value of the number is returned. If
the specified number is equal to or greater than zero, the specified number is
• Add Month: Returns a date offset a specified number of months from the
starting date. The date will always fall in the specified month offset. If the
starting date has a day value beyond what is in the offset month, the last day
of the offset month will be used. For example, EDate (31-Jan-2017, 1) returns
(28-Feb-2017). For Months, enter the number of months before or after the
start date. A positive value for months yields a future date. A negative value
yields a past date.

Chapter 30
Working with Supplemental Data Collections

ADD_MONTH(<Start Date>, <Months>, <Length>)

Example: ADD_MONTH(DATE(2017, 2, 15) 3)
• Average Prior: Averages a numeric amount over the prior X periods.
AVERAGE_PRIOR(<Value>, <Number of Periods>, <To Currency*>
Example: AVERAGE_PRIOR( {Balance (Reporting)}, '2', 'EUR'
• Date: Returns a date value based on specified integer values for the year,
month and day.
DATE(<Year>, <Month>, <Day>)
• Date Difference: Returns the difference in days, hours minutes, or seconds
between two dates. For DATE 1 and DATE 2, the values TODAY and NOW
can be used, which denote the current date (with no time component) and
date-time, respectively.
DATE_DIFF(<Date1>, <Date2>, <Type>)
Example: DATE_DIFF('TODAY', {Preparer End Date}, 'DAYS') or
DATE_DIFF({Preparer End Date}, 'NOW', 'HOURS')
• Day: Returns the day value of a date as an integer number
• Extract Text: Returns the substring within the value, from the positions
SUBSTRING(<Value>, <Location>, <Length>)
Example: SUBSTRING( {Name} , 5, 10)
• If Then Else: Allows the user to insert a conditional calculation into the
scripted calculation. IF_THEN_ELSE calculations can also be nested to
support ELSE IF type calculations.
IF_THEN_ELSE(<Condition>, <Value1>, <Value2>)

IF_THEN_ELSE( {Risk Rating} = 'Low', 'Good',

IF_THEN_ELSE( {Risk Rating} = 'Medium', 'Better',
IF_THEN_ELSE({Risk Rating} = 'High', 'Best','Bad')))

• Length: Takes a text value as a parameter and returns an integer which is the
number of characters in the text. If the value is empty/null, the calculation will
return 0.
Length ({<attribute>})
Example: LENGTH('Value') would return 5, and LENGTH({Name}) would return
the number of characters in the name of the object.
Use the calculation with SUBSTRING to extract the last four characters of a
text value.
SUBSTRING( {MyString}, LENGTH ({MyString}) - 4
• Lowercase: Returns the value in lower case.

Chapter 30
Working with Supplemental Data Collections

Example: LOWERCASE( {Description} )

• Maximum: Returns the maximum value from a list of attributes. There can be
any number of parameters.
MAX(<Value1>, <Value2>,<ValueN>)
Example: MAX( TRANSLATE( {Source System Balance (Entered)}, 'USD',
'Accounting'), TRANSLATE( {Source System Balance (Functional)},
'USD', 'Accounting'), TRANSLATE( {Source System Balance
(Reporting)}, 'USD', 'Accounting') )
• Maximum Prior: Returns the maximum value over the prior X periods.
MAX_PRIOR (<Value>, <Number of Periods>)
Example: MAX_PRIOR( {Balance (Functional)}, '6', 'CAD', 'REC')
• Minimum: Returns the minimum value from a list of attributes. There can be
any number of parameters.
MIN(<Value1>, <Value2>,<ValueN>)
Example: MIN( TRANSLATE( { Balance (Entered)}, 'CAD',
'REC'), TRANSLATE( {Balance (Functional)}, 'CAD', 'REC'),
TRANSLATE( {Balance (Reporting)}, 'CAD', 'REC') )
• Minimum Prior: Returns the minimum value over the prior X periods.
MIN_PRIOR (<Value>, (<Value>, <Number of Periods>)
Example: MIN_PRIOR( {Source System Balance (Functional)}, '6',
'EUR', 'Simplified')
• Month: Returns the month value of a date as an integer number (1-12)
• Power: Raises one number to the exponential power of another.
POWER(x,y) where x=BASE NUMBER,and y=EXPONENT and x and y can be
attributes or calculations, as long as they are numeric.
Example: POWER(3,4)=81

Fractional values will reduce the number to its root. For example,
POWER(27, 1/3) = 3 the cube root.
Negative values will perform an inverse of the exponential
calculation. For example, POWER(2, -2) = 1 / (2^2) = 1 / 4
= .25.

• Prior: Returns the value of the specified prior period.

PRIOR(<Value>, <Number of Periods Prior>)
Example: PRIOR( {Source System Balance (Entered)}, '1', 'EUR'')
• Round: Returns the value rounded to the decimal places specified.
ROUND(<Value>, <Decimal Places>)

Chapter 30
Working with Supplemental Data Collections

Example: ROUND( ({Scripted Translate} /7), 4)

• Sum Prior: Returns the sum of a value over the prior X periods.
SUM_PRIOR(<Value>, <Number of Periods>)
Example: SUM_PRIOR( {Balance (Reporting)}, '3', 'EUR')
• Text Location: Returns the location of the substring within the attribute value,
starting at 1 as the first position.
INSTRING(<Value>, <Value To Search>)
Example: INSTRING( UPPERCASE( {Name} ), 'TAX' )
• Translate: Translates a currency attribute to a numeric attribute using a
specified rate type.
TRANSLATE(<Value>, <To Currency>, <Rate Type>)
Example: TRANSLATE( {Balance (Entered)}, 'EUR', 'Acct')
• Uppercase: Returns the value in upper case.
Example: UPPERCASE( {Name} )
• Year: Returns the year value of a date as an integer number.

Importing Collection List Attributes

To import attributes of type List:
1. Create an import file of type List, with each value on a separate line.
For example:


2. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
3. Click the Collections tab on the left.

4. Create or select an attribute of type List, and then click Edit from the
Associated Form Templates area. The Edit Form dialog is displayed.
5. Click Import from the Users area.
6. Browse to select the import file.
7. Select an Import Type - Update to update only the members in the source file, or
Replace to replace the users with members from the source file.
8. Select a File Delimiter for the import file from the drop-down list: Comma or Tab.
9. Click Import.
Import List Values displays the values: Total List Values, Completed, Errored, List
Values Created, and List Values Updated.

Chapter 30
Working with Supplemental Data Collections

If Completed Successfully, click OK.

If Completed with Errors, the errors are listed. To export the error list, click
Export to Excel.

Viewing Collection History

The system maintains a history of collection activity, including the user, date, action,
and the old and new values.
To view Collection history:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Collections tab on the left.
3. Select a collection, and then click Edit.
4. View the following fields:
• Field
• Modification Type
• Supporting Object
• Modified By
• Modified On
• Old Value
• New Value

Deleting Collection Attributes

To delete collection attributes:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Collections tab on the left.
3. Select a collection, and then click Edit.
4. Select the Attributes tab, select an attribute, then Actions, and then Delete:
• If data exists, you cannot delete the attribute.
• If no data exists, but the attribute is referenced in a form template, you cannot
delete the attribute without first removing the attribute from the form template.
5. From the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

Editing Collections
You can edit the description and the attributes of a collection.
To edit collections:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Collections tab on the left.
3. Select a collection, then click Actions, and then Edit.

Chapter 30
Creating Supplemental Data Manager Form Templates

The associated sub collection will be displayed if defined.

4. Click the Properties tab, and modify the Description as needed.
5. Click the Attributes tab and edit attributes as needed.
If data exists for the collection, you can modify the Key Identifier and attributes of
the collection.
You cannot edit attributes referenced from Dimensions.

Copying Collections
You can copy a collection by using the Supplemental Data Analysis dashboard. From
the dashboard, you can export the data from one POV and import it into another POV.
To copy a collection:
1. On the Home page, click Data.
2. From the left, click Supplementeal Data Analysis.
3. From the Collections drop-down, select a collection that you want to copy.
4. From the POV on the Supplemental Data Analysis page, select POV members for
the data that you want to copy.
5. From Actions, select Export to Excel to export data from the collection.
6. From the POV on the Supplemental Data Analysis page, select POV members for
the data that you want to paste.
7. From Actions, select Import to import data into the collection.

Deleting Collections
To delete collections:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Collections tab on the left.
3. Select a collection, select Actions, and then Delete.
• If data exists, you cannot delete the collection.
• If no data exists, but form instances are created, you cannot delete the
4. From the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

Creating Supplemental Data Manager Form Templates

To create and work with Supplemental Data form templates, you must be an
Administrator or Power User.
When creating Form Templates, you can specify whether the template can be used
for creating Ad-Hoc Forms, and then select the users who are allowed to create them.
You can select individual users, groups, or teams.
For information on entering data into Supplemental Data forms, see the Working with
Financial Consolidation and Close guide.

Chapter 30
Creating Supplemental Data Manager Form Templates

To create form templates:

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.
3. Click New.
4. On the Properties tab, provide information:
• Name - Enter a unique form template name.
• Description
• Collection Interval - Select a Collection Interval from the drop-down list.
• Optional: Select Allow Ad-Hoc Forms to allow users to create forms from
the template.
From Users for Ad-Hoc Forms, click the Add (+) icon to open the Member
Selector, then select and add the users, groups, or teams who can create
forms, and click OK.
5. See these topics:
• Working with Supplemental Data Manager Form Sections
• Specifying Form Template Instructions
• Assigning the Workflow
• Specifying Form Template Questions
• Setting Form Template Access

Specifying Form Template Instructions

Administrators provide instructions on how to use the form. Instructions can include
text, attached files, and links to files in document repositories.
To specify form template instructions:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.
3. In New Form Template or Edit Form Template, select the Instructions tab.
4. In Instructions, enter instruction text.
To add a reference to a file:
1. In the References section, click Add.

To delete a reference, select the reference, and then click Delete.

2. Select a reference type:

• Local File—Browse the local file system and select a file. You must specify
a Name. Click OK to upload the file to the system and store it with the form

Chapter 30
Creating Supplemental Data Manager Form Templates

• URL—Enter an external URL reference and give it a descriptive Name. Click

OK to store the URL in the application.

Working with Supplemental Data Manager Form Sections

Each section of a form can collect data from different collections or attribute
combinations. Sections can have overlapping collections or attributes. An attribute
can be writable only in one section if the "Shared Data" attribute is set to True in the
corresponding collection.
You can create a maximum of five sections with sub-collections for each collection.
After you create sections with collections and sub-collections, you cannot change the
collection and sub-collection objects.
To create or edit sections:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.
3. In New Form Template or Edit Form Template, select the Sections tab.
4. Click New or select a section and click Edit. The Edit Form Template Section is
5. On the Properties tab:
• Name - enter a name for the section.
• Collection - select a collection from the drop-down list. Based on the
collection selected, the drop down will also list its sub collections, which are
The collections that are listed belong to the same collection interval. If you
select a collection thas has an associated sub-collection, the Data Records
will be set to Columns and a new section object with the corresponding Sub
Collection will be created when you save the section.
Note that the collection and sub collection must belong to the same collection
• Data Records
Select one:
– Rows (for Sub-Collections): The attributes of the form are displayed as
a table; you make entries in the row. The system always displays the
attribute name as the header.
– Columns— (for Collections): The attributes of the form are displayed in
the row and columns where the user enters the value for each attribute
of the form. The fields include one data entry record per attribute. The
system displays the attribute description as the row header of the form.
6. Enter information for additional Section tabs as needed.
7. When you are done creating a section, click OK to save the section.
A section will be created for Collection, and a section will be created for Sub-
Collection with key attributes selected. You can edit it to include attributes as

Chapter 30
Creating Supplemental Data Manager Form Templates

Form Template Sections: Columns Tab

For a Form Template section, you can specify the number of columns in the layout and
how they are displayed.
For example, if you select 3 as the number of columns in the layout, you can provide a
maximum of three for each of the attributes as column indexes.
To update the Columns tab:
1. Open a Supplemental Data form.
2. On the Columns tab, select a value for the number of columns in the layout.
3. In New Form Template or Edit Form Template, select the Section tab.
4. Click New, or select a section and click Edit.
5. In the Edit Form Template Section, click the Columns tab
6. From Columns In Layout, select the number of columns for sections. The
maximum is a 3-column layout.
7. Specify information for the columns:
• Included
Select other attributes to be included in the form.
• Name
The name of the Collection attribute.
• Dimension
The column from an attribute of a specific dimension. This is read-only.
• Data Type
The corresponding data type for the column (read-only).
• Column Width
The column width specified in pixels. The default value is Size to Fit.
The width does not include the space as padding for the cells in the column.
– Small: Fixed pixel width of 70
– Medium: Fixed pixel width of 100
– Large: Fixed pixel width of 300
– Size to Fit: Fit the width of the column based on the longest text in the
– Custom: Specify a width. Minimum value: 20. Maximum value: 999.
• Total
Total method for the attribute as specified in the Collection. It is always read-
• Total Validation POV
Validation of Supplemental Data against account balances.
From the drop-down icons, select the Cube and then the POV.

Chapter 30
Creating Supplemental Data Manager Form Templates

View Only column for each dimension attribute must be deselected
to validate against account balances.

• View Only
The column is for view only. If multiple forms are created for the same
Collection, then only one form can contain the column for input, including key
8. Total Row
How the total row should be displayed:
• Top: Total row is displayed at the top of the table
• Bottom: Total row is displayed at the bottom of the table
• None: Total row is not displayed
9. Optional: To add new attributes to a Form Template Section, click the Add (+)
icon, select Add Attribute and specify the attribute information.
The procedure for adding attributes in Form Template Sections is the same as
adding attributes in a Collection. See Adding Collection Attributes.
10. Click OK to save the data.

Form Template Sections: Group By Tab

To update the Supplemental Data Form template Group By tab:
1. Open a Supplemental Data form.
2. In New Form Template or Edit Form Template, select the Section tab.
3. Click New, or select a section and click Edit.
4. In the Edit Form Template Section, click the Group By tab.
5. Click the Columns, and then select or view the following columns:
• Include
Select other columns to be included in the Group By.
• Group By
Data in the main table should be grouped by the selected columns.
• Name
The name of the collection.
• Dimension
The column from an attribute of a specific dimension (read-only).
• Data Type
The corresponding data type for the column (read-only).
• Total
Total method for the attribute as specified in the collection (read-only).

Chapter 30
Creating Supplemental Data Manager Form Templates

6. Total Row:
Indicates how the total row should be displayed:
• Top: Total row is displayed at the top of the table
• Bottom: Total row is displayed at the bottom of the table
• None: Total row is not displayed
7. Enter information on other Section tabs as needed.
8. To save your updates and go back to the Form Template Sections tab, click OK.

Form Template Sections: Mapping Tab

In a Form Template, you use the Mapping tab to specify the POV to which to post the
form data. You can map Supplemental Data Manager form entries based on attributes
selected in the Group By tab. The attribute amounts are summed using the attribute
selected in the Group By tab.
If you are using a List data type for an attribute on the Group By tab, you can map
individual items on the list. In this case, edit the Mapping text to include @Listname.
The @Listname will be used as a replacement for each child in the List attribute. Be
sure that all of the list members are identical to dimension members so there are no
invalid POVs.

As a best practice, clear the browser cache and re-login before creating or
editing mapping.

To update the Mapping tab:

1. Open a Supplemental Data form.
2. In New Form Template or Edit Form Template, select the Sections tab.
3. Click New, or select a section and click Edit. The Edit Form Template Section is
4. Select the Connection.
The Source column defaults to the column that was selected when the assign
mapping menu was chosen. Change to a different source column if needed.
5. From the Cube dropdown, select a cube from the list of available cubes.
6. Click the Member Selector to select members for the Point of View.
You must specify a member for each POV dimension. Make sure that the POV is
valid before mapping.
The member selector displays the dimensions excluding the Frequency and
workflow dimensions of the collection interval. The values for the interval
dimensions are dynamically set during posting, based on the data collection period
for which the form is deployed.
7. In Mapping, enter the POV.
8. To save your updates and go back to the Form Template Sections tab, click OK.

Chapter 30
Creating Supplemental Data Manager Form Templates

Deleting Form Templates

You can delete form templates that you no longer need.
To delete form templates:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.
3. Select a form template, then from the menu bar, select Delete.
4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the template.

Form Template Sections: History Tab

The History tab displays changes to the form template sections, including the user who
modified it, the date, the type of modification, and old and new values.
To view the History tab:
1. Open a Supplemental Data form.
2. In New Form Template or Edit Form Template, select the Section tab.
3. Click New, or select a section and click Edit.
4. In the Edit Form Template Section, click the History tab.
5. Click View to select the columns to display from the list, or select More Columns
to manage the visible columns and the order in which they display.
6. You can view the following information:
• Field
• Modification Type
• Supporting Object
• Modified By
• Modified On
• Old Value
• New Value
7. To go back to the Form Template Sections tab, click OK.

Assigning the Workflow

Use the Workflow tab to assign the workflow for the form.
To assign the workflow for the form:
1. Open a Supplemental Data form.
2. In New Form or Edit Form, click the Workflow tab.
3. In When to Start, select values from the drop-down lists:
• Frequency—How often the data is collected for the form.
• Schedule from—The collection date:

Chapter 30
Creating Supplemental Data Manager Form Templates

– End Date––The end date of the period.

– Close Date––The closing date specified for the period.
• Start day Offset––The start date for the data collection of the form. This
determines the number of days after the End date or Close Date that the data
collection date is authorized to begin. It can be a positive or negative number.
For example, you can prepare data a few days before the start day, and set -3
for the collection to start 3 days from then.
4. In Workflow, select values for the following:
• Workflow option––Select an option:
– Prepare
– Prepare and then Approve
– Prepare, then Approve, and then Post
– Prepare and then Post
– Post
• Level of Approval—Select up to 10 levels of approvers.
• Duration for—The maximum number of days allowed for a specific action per
This data determines the scheduled completion date for submission, approval,
and posting depending on the workflow option.
5. In the Users section, add users in the enabled fields.
• Click New.
• Select a Workflow, then select users, groups, or teams. The Workflow member
selector is dynamic based on the workflow dimension selected.
• To import users from a CSV file, click Import:
– Click Browse to select the file.
– For File Delimiter, select Comma, Tab, or select Other, then enter a
– Click Import.
• To remove a user, select the user, then from the menu bar, click Delete.

Specifying Form Template Questions

Questions are automatically grouped with roles. Within a role, the individual questions
are ordered. The order indicates the question’s order within the role.
To create questions:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.
3. In New Form or Edit Form, click the Questions tab.
4. Click New or Edit.
5. Enter the following information:
• Question

Chapter 30
Creating Supplemental Data Manager Form Templates

Enter a question that prompts the user of the form's response.

• Data Type
Select a question type:
– Date
– Date and Time
– List
Click Add and enter values for the attribute.
– Integer
– Number
If you select Number, select formatting options:
* For Decimal Places, enter the number of decimal places to display.
The default value is defined in System Preferences.
* Select Thousands Separator to display a thousands separator (for
example, 1,000.00). The system displays the thousands separator
symbol for the user locale.
* From Currency, select the currency, for example, (INR)
If no currency is selected, the amount is not translated.
* From Negative Number, select how to display negative numbers; for
example, (123).
– Text (255 characters maximum)
– True or False
– Yes or No
• Role—Specifies the role that the question is for.
• Required—Determines whether the question is mandatory or optional.
To delete questions:
1. In New Form or Edit Form, select the Questions tab.
2. Select a question and click Delete.

Setting Form Template Access

On the Supplemental Data Form template Access tab, you determine which users are
authorized and what function they perform on the form.
• The top panel of the Access tab shows the list of users with View access.
• The bottom panel displaysthe workflows that the user has access to.
You can import lists of viewers in CSV files to quickly assign access to multiple users.
Viewers can be users, groups, or teams. You then use the View option to determine
the stage at which they can access a form. You can also export the list of users for
analysis by administrators.

Chapter 30
Editing Form Templates

You must define a Workflow before you assign Viewer access.

To add access:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.
3. Click New Form or Edit Form, and click the Access tab.
4. Click New, or select a user and click Edit.
5. In Viewers Access, select a user, group, or team.
6. From Workflow, select members of theWorkflow Dimension.
The system lists all the combination of the members of the Workflow Dimensions.
7. Select a View Option:
• Always—You can view the data at any time even if the data entry is not
complete or has not been submitted for approval.
• After Submission—You can view the data as soon as the data is submitted,
even before it has been approved.
• After Approval—You can't view the data until after all levels of approvals are
8. Optional: To load Viewer Access for multiple users from a CSV file:
a. From the menu bar, click Import.
b. Browse to select the file.
c. For Import Type, select Replace All or Update.
d. For File Delimiter, select Comma, Tab, or select Other, then enter a
e. Click Import.

Viewing Form Template History

The History tab logs changes to the form template. It displays the fields that were
created or updated, the modification type, the old and new values, the user who made
the modification, and the change date. The information on the History tab is read-only.
To view form template history:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.
3. In New Form or Edit Form, click the History tab.

Editing Form Templates

To edit form templates:

Chapter 30
Duplicating Form Templates

1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.
3. Select a form template, then from the menu bar, select Edit.

Duplicating Form Templates

To duplicate form templates:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.
3. Select a form template, then from the menu bar, selectDuplicate.
The Duplicate action creates a copy with a "copy" suffix added to the form name.
In addition, all attributes are read-only to prevent multiple form templates having
write access to the same Collection.

Deleting Form Templates

You can delete form templates that you no longer need.
To delete form templates:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.
3. Select a form template, then from the menu bar, select Delete.
4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the template.

Deploying a Form Template to a Data Collection Period

After you create a Supplemental Data form, you can deploy it.
You can also redeploy a previously deployed form. You can specify how workflows
should be impacted. For example, you may have added more workflow items (without
a change in the Collection or Template properties and attributes) which may be the
only ones needed to deploy. If you select to reset all form workflows, the template will
be deployed and data will be retained, but all other workflow items, such as comments,
will be reset.
To deploy a form template to a data collection period:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.

3. From the Actions menu, click Deploy .

4. From To Data Collection period, click the Search icon.
5. In the Select Data Collection Period dialog:
a. Click Interval and select a collection interval.
When you select the collection interval, the POV dimensions reflect the
frequency dimensions defined in that collection interval.

Chapter 30
Deploying a Form Template to a Data Collection Period

b. Select members for the POV dimensions and click OK.

The system displays Pending Period and Open Period data collection periods.
c. From Period, select a data collection period and click OK.
When you select the collection interval and POV dimension members, the list
of Form Templates is filtered to display only the templates available for the
selected interval.
6. Select one or more form templates to deploy.
7. Click Deploy.
8. The Deploy Information Dialog is displayed that shows all the form templates
related to the collection interval.
• The dialog lists values for Create, Reset, and Delete for each template. If a
form template has not already been deployed, these values will be zero.
– Create- Displays a count of all forms which will be created during deploy
(and also re-deploy) based on the workflow definition.
– Reset - Displays updates for the Collection / Template copy, such as
newly added properties and attributes.
– Delete - For Un-deploy and Re-deploy, displays the deleted form count
based on workflow members.
• If you are redeploying a form, the system displays this option: Reset all form
If you select this option, when the form template is reployed, existing data will
be retained, but all other workflow items, such as comments, will be reset.
If you have made changes to the key attributes (add, remove, edit), existing
data is also deleted.
9. Click Deploy.
10. From the Deploy confirmation prompt, click Yes.

11. After deployment is completed, a confirmation dialog box indicates the following
• Total Form Templates from Collections: Total number of form templates
from the Deploy Information dialog.
• Form Template and Period frequency or Interval do not match: Number of
Form Templates that do not match the collection interval frequency. Click View
Details to display the form template missing the frequency.
• Form Templates with Errors: Total number of form templates with errors. If
there are errors, no copying is done.
• Collections with Errors: Collections that contain errors. Click View Details
for error details.
• Deployed Form Templates: Templates that have already been deployed.
• Total Forms to deploy: Total number of forms specified on each of the form
• Successfully Deployed: Total number of forms deployed.
• Unsuccessfully Deployed: Total number of forms unsuccessfully deployed.

Chapter 30
Un-Deploying a Form Template to a Data Collection Period

Un-Deploying a Form Template to a Data Collection Period

To un-deploy a form template to a data collection period:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.

3. From the Actions menu, select Un-Deploy .

The Un-Deploy Form Template is displayed.
4. In the Select Data Collection Period dialog:
a. Click Interval and select a collection interval.
When you select the collection interval, the POV dimensions reflect the
frequency dimensions defined in that collection interval.
b. Select members for the POV dimensions and click OK.
c. From Period, select a data collection period and click OK.
When you select the collection interval and POV dimension members, the list
of Form Templates is filtered to display only the templates available for the
selected interval.
5. Select one or more form templates to un-deploy and click Un-Deploy.
6. The Deploy Information Dialog is displayed that shows all the form templates
related to the collection interval.
• If the Share Data option was selected when the template was created, the
system displays a message and lists the form templates that need to be
undeployed together.
• The Create, Delete, and Reset values are displayed for each template.
– Create- Displays a count of all forms which will be created during deploy
(and also re-deploy) based on the workflow definition.
– Reset - Displays updates for the Collection / Template copy, such as
newly added properties and attributes.
– Delete - For Un-deploy and Re-deploy, displays the deleted form count
based on workflow members.
7. Select a form template and click Un-Deploy.
A message displays that as a result of un-deployment, all the existing data for the
period and all forms will be deleted permanently.
8. Click Un-Deploy.
After undeployment is completed, a confirmation dialog box indicates the total
number of forms successfully undeployed.
For forms that were unsuccessfully deployed, the form names are displayed with
the error information.

Chapter 30
Re-opening Supplemental Data Forms

Re-opening Supplemental Data Forms

You can re-open a deployed Supplemental Data Form to correct data and continue
working with the form.
To re-open a Supplemental Data Form:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.
3. Click the Actions ellipsis button (...) for the form template, and select Forms.
The system displays a list of associated forms.
4. Click the Actions ellipsis button (...) and then select Re-Open.
This action will reset the workflow status back to Open with Preparer.

Validating Supplemental Data Total Against an Account

You can validate the supplemental data total against an account balance in Financial
Consolidation and Close. This is useful when you are loading account balances from
various General Ledger systems into your consolidation system and use Supplemental
Data Manager to collect parts or the sum of that account balance. Once collected, the
total of the supplemental data must match the account balance before a preparer can
submit the data form.
The POV setup is done during form template definition. The account balance is
fetched during runtime, for example, during form opening. The advantage is that
validation of data is done in real time.
The first step in the validation process is that an administrator sets up the validation of
supplemental data against the consolidation system through Form Template definition.
After that, a Preparer of a form will see the Validation row on the form, and the system
ensures that the form will not be submitted until the attribute and the account balance

Setting Up the Validation

To set up the validation:
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Form Templates tab on the left.
3. Select a template.
4. In Edit Form Template, select Sections and then select the Column tab.
5. From the Total Validation POV column dropdown, select a cube from the list of
available cubes.
6. Specify the POV by clicking on the Member Selector in the Total Validation POV
column next to the attribute that you are validating against.

Chapter 30
Validating Supplemental Data Total Against an Account Balance

You can only select leaf-level members, not parent members.
Make sure View Only is deselected.

Working with the Form

After you set up the validation and deploy a form, the account balance is displayed in
the Validation row with the POV.

If you try to add data and submit the form, the system checks and will only permit the
submission if the total of the attribute equals the account balance. For example, if you
add data for Stationery:

If you add a Travel Expense of $100, you will see that the attribute value now matches
the account balance, and the form is submitted.

Chapter 30
Working with Supplemental Data in Smart View

Working with Supplemental Data in Smart View

You can use Oracle Smart View for Office for the data collection process. When
you install the Smart View Extension for Supplemental Data Management, you can
manage the data collection process and work with supplemental data forms using the
Supplemental Data menu option in Smart View.
To install the extension, see see "Downloading and Installing Clients " in Getting
Started with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for Administrators.
After you install the extension and create a connection, you can perform these
Supplemental Data tasks in Smart View:
• View a worklist of the forms that you need to act on for preparation, approval and
• View a list of the Collections in the system for which you have View security rights
• Apply filters on the data collected as part of the data collection process
Any filters or lists that you previously created for supplemental data are available
in Smart View.

Security Considerations
• Service Administrators can view all Collections regardless of which legal entities
are specified in the data collection.
• Power Users and Users can see all Collections for which they are eligible as part
of the workflow and according to their access roles for the legal entities.
• Users will see only the forms for which they are authorized. Depending on the
security role, the available options such as Save Data, Approve, or Reject change
to match the associated role.

Connecting to Smart View

1. From the Home page, select Downloads and download Smart View Extension
for Supplemental Data Management.
2. In Smart View, create a connection and enter the URL.
3. In the right panel, from Private Connections, select the Supplemental Data
Manager connection that you created.
4. In the Connection dialog box, enter a user name and password, then click

Chapter 30
Using Currency Translation

Working with Supplemental Data Forms

1. From the Private Connections list, select the Supplemental Data Manager
2. Select the Supplemental Data tab and then click Refresh.
The Worklist and Collections nodes display.
3. Under Worklist, select a form from the list of forms.
• Each form is a parent node in the format, <Form Name> - <Workflow
Dimension: Member 1>| <Workflow Dimension: Member 5>.
Example: Debt Details Form – New York
• Hover over the form to see additional details in the format, <Form Name>
- <Workflow Dimension: Member 1>| <Workflow Dimension: Member 5>
(<Responsible role> - <Due Date>), <Frequency Dimension: Member 1>|
<Frequency Dimension: Member 4>.
Example: Loan Detail – Entity: LE101 | Account: Sales (Preparer – Jan 10,
2020), Year: 2020 | Period: Jan | Scenario: Actual
a. Double-click the leaf node to view the form header or summary section. Each
section is a leaf node in the format, <Section name>.
Example: Loan Collection Data Entry
b. Click the header section to view the detail section in Excel. You can view or
modify forms, answer questions, and enter comments.
Detail sections or sub-collections display in a separate worksheet.
4. Under Collections, select the interval from the list of collection intervals.
Each leaf node lists the collection interval first and then the collections and sub-

Only collections that contain data display for each data collection period.

5. When you are finished, select the appropriate action for the form:
• Save Data
• Submit Data
• Approve
• Reject
• Post Data

Using Currency Translation

Often stakeholders in a data collection process in a company are based across
multiple geographical regions. The data preparers usually prepare the data in their
local currency while submitted data needs to be analyzed in the local currency of the
parent company (for example, Headquarters.) Almost always, the final financial reports

Chapter 30
Using Currency Translation

are generated in the currency of the parent company. The currency translation feature
gives you the capability to translate currency attributes from local to parent currency
within Supplemental Data Management.
Currency translation uses the following process:
• The system stores the base currency (or default currency) of entity members in
Supplemental Data Manager.
• If you are using a multi-currency application, the system also stores Currency Rate
Types, and currency rates, using the Exchange Rates member of the Account
dimension in the Rates cube. The Rate Types and Currency Rates are read-only
in Supplemental Data Manager.

Selecting Default Currency for Entity Members

You can select the default currency for each member of the Entity Dimension.
To select the default currency:
1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Dimensions tab on the left.
3. In Dimensions, select Entity.
4. From Actions, select Members and Attributes.
5. For each member, select a currency in the Currency attribute. In the Currency
drop-down, you will only see the currencies that are enabled in System Settings.

If you do not make a selection and you have chosen the currency property
of an attribute as Entity currency, translation will not work when forms are
deployed to this particular entity, since it has no currency to inherit.

Setting Up Currency Attributes for Translation

To use currency translation, you create an attribute for amounts (or monetary value)
in local currency of the entity. In the Edit Attribute dialog, there is a property named
Currency. If you choose the Entity Currency value for that property, that particular
attribute will inherit the currency from the entity to which the form template is being
deployed to. You can override it by selecting a different currency that is displayed.
To demonstrate, here's an example with a collection of Employee Meal Expenses
that inputs meal expense data values manually in the local currency from entities
around the globe. You can choose whether to use the Entity currency or override it.
The attributes include: Employee ID, Employee Name, Meal Type, Amount, and
Amount in HQ Currency. The goal is to take the Amount and translate into Amount in
HQ Currency which is USD (dollars).

Chapter 30
Using Currency Translation

To translate local currency of input values into HQ currency:

1. On the Home page, click Application and then click Supplemental Data.
2. Click the Collections tab on the left.
3. Select the Collection and select Actions, then Edit.

4. From the Attributes tab, select the attribute (for example, Amount which is the
input value for the meal expenses from various teams around the globe), and click
Actions, then Edit.
5. In Currency, selecting Entity Currency means that this attribute (Amount) will
inherit the currency of the Entity that the form is deployed to, which is "USD"
(dollars) in this example.
6. The calculated attribute, Amount in HQ Currency, was set up with Currency in
USD (dollars).
7. In Calculations, the Translate function has been set up to translate the values in
"Amount" to USD currency using the "Average" exchange rate type.

Chapter 30
Using Currency Translation

8. Once the setup is complete, you can see the translation work in a deployed
form. In this example, a form template has been deployed to four different entities
having four different currencies.

For Monthly Meal Expenses for India, after you enter the Amount, the translated
currency value displays after you Save it. Note that the translation is calculated to
the HQ currency.

9. You can also view this in Supplemental Data Analysis. Note the currency symbol
in the "Amount" column and the translated values in the "Amount in HQ Currency"

Chapter 30
Using Currency Translation

Managing Supplemental Data Manager
Teams are defined and provisioned with Owner, Assignee, and Approver roles. Then,
rather than assigning named users these roles on a task, the role is assigned to the
Team. Administrators and Power Users can add, edit, and delete teams.

Adding Teams and Members for Supplemental Data

You can create teams specifically for Supplemental Data, for example, for working on
Supplemental Data forms. You can then determine which users or teams can claim
a form, and from Access, you can assign teams for workflow stages. Each team is
assigned a role. By default, the User role is created.
When adding teams, you should maintain unique names for User IDs and teams. Do
not add a team that has the same name as a User ID.
To add teams and members for Supplemental Data:
1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Access Control.

2. Click the Teams tab, and then click New.

3. Enter a Name and Description for the team.
4. Select the Supplemental Data tab.
5. Select User.
6. To add members:

a. From the Members section, click Add.

b. Enter the partial or full First Name, Last Name, or select Search to select the
c. In the Search Results section, select Add, or Add All to add the selections to
the Selected list.
d. Click OK.
7. On the Define Team dialog box, select Primary User to have the tasks default to a
Claimed status with that user.

Other team members can then claim the task.

8. Click OK.

Chapter 31
Importing and Exporting Teams and Members for Supplemental Data Manager

Importing and Exporting Teams and Members for

Supplemental Data Manager
Administrators and Power Users can perform a bulk update of teams and members
by exporting a file, making changes and re-importing the file, rather than updating
teams and members individually. When the teams.csv file is exported, it provides a
report of the teams and the members for each team. You can change the name of the
default .csv file as required.
You need to perform the following steps:
• Create the export .csv file. See the format in "Supplemental Data Manager Team
File Format" below.
• You can perform bulk edits for existing teams, or create new teams by editing the
teams.csv file.
• Import the information back to the application.

Exporting Teams and Members

To perform a bulk export of Teams and Members:
1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Access Control.
2. Click the Manage Teams tab.
3. Select a team.

4. Click the Export File icon

5. Click Save to save the teams.csv file. The file provides a listing of all teams and
the members for each team.

Importing Teams and Members

When you import teams, the system merges the Team list. For example, if the
application has Team 1, Team 2, and Team 3 defined, and the CSV file has Team
2 and Team 4 defined, after the import process, Team 2 will be updated and Team 4
will be added.
Team membership will be replaced by the contents of the CSV file. For example, if
the application has Team 1 with membership of UserA, UserB, and UserC, and the
CSV file has a membership of UserB and UserD, after the import process, Team 1
membership will include UserB and UserD.
To perform a bulk import of Teams and Members:
1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Access Control.
2. Click the Manage Teams tab.
3. Select a team.

4. Click Import , and complete the following information:

• Under File, browse to the exported .csv file.

Chapter 31
Importing and Exporting Teams and Members for Supplemental Data Manager

• Under Import Type, select one of the following options:

– Click Replace to replace the rows that are in the export .csv file.
– Click Replace All to perform the import as follows:
* If the team exists in both the UI and the .csv file, the import will
overwrite to update the team in the UI.
* If additional teams exist in the UI but not in the .csv file, those teams
will be deleted.
* If additional teams exist in the .csv file but not in the UI, those teams
will be imported.

Any entries that are not included in the import file will be deleted.

• Under File Delimiter, select Comma or Tab. The default is comma.

5. Click Import.
The import runs, providing statistics on the progress of the import.
6. When the import is complete, verify the results in the Import Teams message box
and then click OK.

Supplemental Data Manager Team File Format

When you create a .csv file to import or export teams, it must use the following format:

CSV Element Required Description

#team Yes List of teams with team
description and roles
#team_children No List of team members
Roles No If team has specific roles,
allowed values are Yes and
No. Default value is No.
Allowed roles are
Administrator, Power User,
User and Viewer.
id Yes Uniquely identifies a team or
team name
Primary_user No Allowed values are Yes and
No. Default value is No if
either the column or value is
not specified.

A sample CSV file is shown below.

Chapter 31
Exporting Supplemental Data Manager Users

Exporting Supplemental Data Manager Users

Administrators and Power Users can export a list of users to a CSV file. You cannot
import the list of users, however the user information such as the user login can be
helpful in creating a Team import file.
To export a list of Supplemental Data Manager users:
1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Access Control.
2. Click Manage Users.
3. Click Export to CSV.
4. Click Save to save the export.csv file.

Name User Login Status Teams Description

AppUser1 app1 Available Team1, Team 2 User1
AppUser2 app2 Available Team1 User2
View User1 view1 Available Team3, Team4, Viewer1

Editing Teams and Members for Supplemental Data

To edit teams or members for Supplemental Data:
1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then select Access Control.
2. Click the Teams tab

3. Select a team, and click Edit.

Chapter 31
Deleting Teams and Removing Members for Supplemental Data Manager

4. Edit the teams and members and select OK.

Deleting Teams and Removing Members for Supplemental

Data Manager
To delete teams or members for Supplemental Data:
1. On the Home page, click Tools, and then click Access Control.
2. Click the Teams tab.

3. To delete teams, select a team, click Delete, and from the confirmation
prompt, click Yes.
4. To remove members, double click a team name, and on the Edit Team dialog box,
select a member and then click Remove from the Actions drop-down.
5. Click OK.

Task Manager Integrations with EPM Cloud
If you are using Task Manager and have subscriptions to other EPM Cloud services,
you can create connections between services and enable integrations using Task
Manager functionality.
Pre-built integrations enable you to perform Task Manager tasks that access other
EPM Cloud functionality.
Pre-built integrations are provided within Task Manager for these EPM Cloud services:
• Account Reconciliation
• Planning
• Planning Modules
• Financial Consolidation and Close
• Tax Reporting
• Profitability and Cost Management
To learn more about how to set up integrations, see Setting Up an Integration.
To learn more about which pre-built integrations are available, see Pre-Built EPM
Cloud Integrations.
To learn more about which end user integrations are available, see End User
Integrations for EPM Cloud.

Setting Up an Integration
Make sure you have the prerequisites and follow these steps to set up an integration
between Task Manager and other EPM Cloud services.

To create integrations between EPM Cloud services, you need to:
• Obtain a subscription to the EPM Cloud service you want to integrate with.
• Set up connections between Task Manager and other EPM Cloud subscriptions.

To Create the Integration Type and Task Type

To set up the integration and create the Integration Type and Task Type:
1. Create the connection between Task Manager and the other services.
• Name the EPM Connect connection. For example, if integrating with Account
Reconciliation (ARCS), a possible Connection Name could be ARCS.
• Specify the connection URL.

Appendix A
Uploading and Downloading Files Within EPM Services

• Specify the user credentials.

• For Enterprise Data Management:
– Click Advanced Options.
– For Type, select Parameter.
– For Name, enter SERVICE_TYPE (this is a fixed value).
– For Value, enter EDMCS (this is a fixed value).
For more information about connecting EPM Cloud subscriptions, see "Connecting
EPM Cloud Subscriptions" in the Financial Consolidation and Close or Tax
Reporting Administrator's Guide.
2. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
3. Click the Integrations tab on the left.
4. From the Integrations page, click Manage Connections.
5. On Manage Connections, from Actions, select Sync EPM Connections.

A message displays the progress of the synchronization, and the system creates
the Integration Type and Task Type.
See Managing Task Manager Integrations for details on using Integration Types.

Uploading and Downloading Files Within EPM Services

In Task Manager, you can use pre-built integration tasks to upload and download files
within the system. Using Task Manager integrations, you can automate a data extract
from one service to import into another service. For example, you can copy data from
Financial Consolidation and Close and import it into Tax Reporting.
To upload or download files within EPM services:
1. From the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left.
3. Click Manage Connections.

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

4. Select a connection.
5. From the list of pre-built integrations, select to upload or download a file. For
example, select Copy File from FCCS to copy the file from the current FCCS
machine to a remote machine.
6. For File Name, browse to and select the file that you want to copy.
7. In Save File As, enter a file name (which can be different than the original file
8. Optional: For External Directory Name, select the name of a directory.
9. Click Save and Close.

Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

These pre-built integrations are available for EPM Cloud services:
• Account Reconciliation
• Enterprise Data Management
• Financial Consolidation and Close
• Planning
• Planning Modules
• Profitability and Cost Management
• Tax Reporting
To use the pre-built EPM Cloud Integrations, you must specify parameters for the
integration. Many parameters for automated integrations are selectable from drop-
down lists, which eliminates the need to manually enter values. For example, to run a
rule or ruleset, you can select from a list of business rules, such as ForceConsolidate
or ForceTranslate.

Pre-Built Integrations for Account Reconciliation

Integration Name / Module Description Parameters/ Description

Change Period Reconciliation Changes the status of Period: The name of the
Status Compliance a period (Open, Closed, period, such as April 2016
Pending, Locked). Status: Pending, Open,
Closed, Locked
Create Period End Reconciliation Copies all selected Period:(String):The name
Reconciliations Compliance profiles to a period and of the period, such as
returns success or failure April 2016
status. Filter (String): The name
of the filter that matches
the reconciliation
Import Balances Reconciliation Imports balance data Period: The name of the
Compliance using Data Management period, such as April 2016
from a previously created dl_Definition: The name
Data Load definition. of a previously saved
data load using the
format DL_name such as

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name / Module Description Parameters/ Description

Import Pre-Mapped Reconciliation Imports pre-mapped Period (String): The name
Balances Compliance balances. of the period, such as
April 2016
balanceType (LOV): SUB|
SRC for sub system or
source system
Currency bucket, such as
file (String): The name
of the file relative to
the inbox, for example,
balances.csv. The file has
to be uploaded to ARCS
using EPM Automate or
Import Pre-Mapped Reconciliation Imports pre-mapped transactionType: Allowed
Transactions Compliance transactions for a Transaction Types are
particular period. BEX (Explained Balance),
SRC (Adjustment to
Source System), and
SUB (Adjustment to
file (String): The name
of the file relative to
the inbox, for example,
transactions.csv. The file
has to be uploaded
to ARCS using EPM
Automate or REST API.
dateFormat: Date Format,
such as MM/dd/yyyy,
dd/MM/yyyy, dd-MMM-yy,
MMM d.yyyy, or All
Import Pre-Mapped Transaction Imports a file of pre- dataSource: Text ID of
Transactions Matching mapped transactions into the data source where
Transaction Matching. the transaction will be
imported to
file (String): The name
of the file relative to
the inbox, for example,
transactions.csv. The file
has to be uploaded
to ARCS using EPM
Automate or REST API.
reconciliationType: Text ID
of the reconciliation type
where the transaction file
will be imported to, such
as Bank to GL

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name / Module Description Parameters/ Description

Import Profiles Reconciliation Imports profiles for a importType: The import
Compliance particular period. type. Supported values
are Replace and
period: The period for
which to import, such as
April 2016
profileType: The profile
type. Supported values
are Profiles and Children
file (String): The name
of the file relative to
the inbox, for example,
profiles.csv. The file has
to be uploaded to ARCS
using EPM Automate or
dateFormat: Date Format,
such as MM/dd/yyyy,
dd/MM/yyyy, dd-MMM-yy,
MMM d.yyyy, or All
Import Rates Reconciliation Imports rates for a Period: The name of the
Compliance particular period and rate period, such as April 2016
type. rateType: The rate type,
such as Accounting
Import Rates
file (String): The name
of the file relative to
the inbox, for example,
rates.csv. The file has to
be uploaded to ARCS
using EPM Automate or
importType: Supported
import types are Replace
and ReplaceAll
Monitor Reconciliation Monitors list of periodName (String):
Reconciliations Compliance reconciliations in ARCS. name of the period
filter (String): filter string
used to query list of
Run Auto Match Transaction Runs the auto match ReconTypeId: The Text ID
Matching process in Transaction of the Reconciliation type
Matching. to be auto matched

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Pre-Built Integrations for Enterprise Data Management

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Export Data Mapping Exports a Data Mapping defined dimension: The dimension name
in Data Management to a for a specific dimension to
specified location. This is a import, such as ACCOUNT, or
process-automated integration. ALL to import all dimensions.
See Setting Up an Integration. fileName: The file and
Member mappings define path from which to export
relationships between source mappings. The file format can
members and target dimension be .CSV, .TXT, .XLS, or .XLSX.
members within a single Include the outbox in the
dimension. file path, for example, outbox/
locationName: The name of the
location to which to export.
Export Dimension Exports a dimension from applicationName: The name
Enterprise Data Management of the Enterprise Data
to a configured connection. Management application from
This is a process-automated which to export the dimension.
integration. See Setting Up an dimensionName: The name of
Integration. the dimension to export.
connectionName: Optional. The
name of the connection to which
to export the dimension.
fileName: The file and path from
which to export the dimension.
Import Dimension Imports a Dimension from a applicationName: The name
configured connection to an of the Enterprise Data
Enterprise Data Management Management application to
application. This is a process- which to import the dimension.
automated integration. See dimensionName: The name of
Setting Up an Integration. the dimension to import.
connectionName: The name of
the connection from which to
import the dimension.
fileName: The file and path from
which to import the dimension.
importOption: Optional.
Determines how the data is
imported into Enterprise Data

Pre-Built Integrations for Financial Consolidation and Close and Tax Reporting

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Clear Cube Clears specific data within jobName: Name of the clear
input and reporting cubes. cube job.
Cube Refresh Refreshes the OLAP cube. jobName: Name of the refresh
cube job.

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Export Data Exports application data into jobName: Name of the export
a file using the export data job.
data settings, including file exportFileName: Optional. File
name, specified in a job of name to which data is to be
type export data. The file exported.
containing the exported data is
stored in the repository.
Export Dimension Mapping Exports a Dimension Mapping applicationName: The name
from Enterprise Data of the Enterprise Data
Management to a configured Management application from
connection. This is a process- which to export the Dimension
automated integration. Mapping.
dimensionName: The name
of the Dimension Mapping to
connectionName: Optional.
The name of the connection to
which to export the Dimension
mappingLocation: The location
to which to export the
Dimension Mapping.
fileName: The file and path
from which to export the
Dimension Mapping.
Import Data Imports data from a file in the jobName: Name of the import
repository into the application data job.
using the import data settings importFileName: Optional. File
specified in a job of type name from which data is to be
import data. imported.

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Import Data Mapping Imports a Data Mapping jobType: The job type,
defined in Data Management MAPPINGIMPORT.
to a specified location. jobName: The dimension
This is a process-automated name for a specific dimension
integration. to import, such as ACCOUNT,
Member mappings define or ALL to import all
relationships between source dimensions.
members and target fileName: The file and
dimension members within a path from which to import
single dimension. mappings. The file format
You can import member can be .CSV, .TXT, .XLS,
mappings from a selected or .XLSX. The file must be
Excel, .CSV or .TXT file. uploaded prior to importing,
either to the inbox or to a
sub-directory of the inbox.
Include the inbox in the
file path, for example,inbox/
importMode: MERGE to add
new rules or replace existing
rules, or REPLACE to clear
prior mapping rules before
validationMode: Whether to
use validation mode: true
or false. An entry of true
validates the target members
against the target application;
false loads the mapping file
without any validations. Note
that the validation process is
resource intensive and takes
longer than the validation
mode of false; the option
selected by most customers is
locationName: The Data
Management location where
the mapping rules should be
loaded. Mapping rules are
specific to a location in Data
Import Metadata Imports metadata from a file jobName:The name of a batch
in the repository into the defined in import metadata.
application using the import
metadata settings specified in
a job of type import metadata.

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Journal Period Opens or closes a journal Scenario: The name of the
period automatically. scenario, such as Actual
The system will close the Year: The year, such as FY20
period only if there are Period: The name of the
no Approved and Unposted period, such as January
journals. If there are Approved
Action: Open or Close
and Unposted journals, the
system will not close the
period, and returns an error.
If there are Unposted journals
in Working and Submitted
status, the system will close
the period, with a warning.
Run Batch Rule Executes a batch of jobs that jobName: The name of the
have been defined in Data report to be executed, such
Management. as Dimension Map For POV
(Dimension, Cat, Per) Path
reportFormatType: The file
format of the report - PDF,
parameters: Can vary in count
and values based on the
Location: The location
of the report, such as
Run As: You must specify this
parameter in the Workflow tab.
Run Business Rule Launches a business rule. jobName: The name of a
business rule exactly as it is
parameters: run time prompts
in JSON syntax.
Run Business Rule Set Launches a business rule set. jobName: The name of a
Rule sets with no runtime business rule set exactly as it
prompts or runtime prompts is defined.
with default values will be parameters: Run time prompts
supported. in JSON syntax
Run Consolidation This task is a utility task to run Scenario
consolidation. Task will prompt Year
user to enter parameters for
running the tasks such as
Scenario, Year, Period and Entity: Multiple entities can be
Entity. added with comma separator.

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Run Data Rule Executes a Data Management jobName: The name of a
data load rule based on the data load rule defined in Data
start period and end period, Management.
and import or export options startPeriod: The first period for
that you specify. which data is to be loaded.
This period name must be
defined in Data Management
period mapping.
endPeriod: The last period for
which data is to be loaded.
This period name must be
defined in Data Management
period mapping.
importMode: Determines how
the data is imported into Data
APPEND to add to the existing
POV data in Data
REPLACE to delete the POV
data and replace it with the
data from the file
importing the data, but re-
process the data with updated
Mappings and Logic Accounts.
NONE to skip data import
into Data Management staging
exportMode: Determines how
the data is exported into Data
STORE_DATA to merge the
data in the Data Management
staging table with the existing
Oracle Hyperion Planning data
ADD_DATA to add the data in
the Data Management staging
table to Planning
SUBTRACT_DATA to subtract
the data in the Data
Management staging table
from existing Planning data
REPLACE_DATA to clear the
POV data and replace it with
data in the Data Management
staging table. The data is
cleared for Scenario, Version,
Year, Period, and Entity
NONE to skip data export from
Data Management to Planning
fileName: An optional file
name. If you do not specify

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

a file name, this API imports
the data contained in the file
name specified in the load
data rule. The data file must
already reside in the INBOX
prior to data rule execution.
Run As: You must specify this
parameter in the Workflow tab.
Run Force Consolidation This task is a utility task to Scenario
run force consolidation. The Year
task will prompt the user to
enter parameters for running
the tasks such as Scenario, Entity: Multiple entities can
Year, Period and Entity. be added using a comma
Run Force Translation This task is a utility task Scenario
to run force translation. The Year
task will prompt user to enter
parameters for running the
tasks such as Scenario, Year, Entity: Multiple entities can be
Period and Entity. added with comma separator.
Run Translation This task is a utility task Scenario
to run translation. The task Year
will prompt user to enter
parameters for running the
tasks such as Scenario, Year, Entity: Multiple entities can be
Period and Entity. added with comma separator.

Pre-Built Integrations for Planning and Planning Modules

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Clear Cube Clears specific data within jobName: Name of the clear
input and reporting cubes. cube job.
Cube Refresh Refreshes the OLAP cube. jobName: Name of the refresh
cube job.
Export Data Exports application data into jobName: Name of the export
a file using the export data job.
data settings, including file exportFileName: Optional. File
name, specified in a job of name to which data is to be
type export data. The file exported.
containing the exported data is
stored in the repository.
Import Data Imports data from a file in the jobName: Name of the import
repository into the application data job.
using the import data settings importFileName: Optional. File
specified in a job of type name from which data is to be
import data. imported.
Import Metadata Imports metadata from a file jobName: The name of
in the repository into the a batch defined in import
application using the import metadata.
metadata settings specified in
a job of type import metadata.

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Run Batch Rule Executes a batch of jobs that jobName: The name of the
have been defined in Data report to be executed, such
Management. as Dimension Map For POV
(Dimension, Cat, Per) Path
reportFormatType: The file
format of the report, PDF,
parameters: Can vary in count
and values based on the
Location: The location
of the report, such as
Run Business Rule Launches a business rule. jobName: The name of a
business rule exactly as it is
parameters: run time prompts
in JSON syntax.
Run Business Rule Set Launches a business rule jobName: The name of a
set. Rule sets with no business rule set exactly as it
runtime prompts or runtime is defined.
prompts with default values parameters: Run time prompts
are supported. in JSON syntax

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Run Data Rule Executes a Data Management jobName: The name of a
data load rule based on the data load rule defined in Data
start period and end period, Management.
and import or export options startPeriod: The first period for
that you specify. which data is to be loaded.
This period name must be
defined in Data Management
period mapping.
endPeriod: The last period for
which data is to be loaded.
This period name must be
defined in Data Management
period mapping.
importMode: Determines how
the data is imported into Data
APPEND to add to the existing
POV data in Data
REPLACE to delete the POV
data and replace it with the
data from the file
importing the data, but re-
process the data with updated
Mappings and Logic Accounts.
NONE to skip data import
into Data Management staging
exportMode: Determines how
the data is exported into Data
STORE_DATA to merge the
data in the Data Management
staging table with the existing
Oracle Hyperion Planning data
ADD_DATA to add the data in
the Data Management staging
table to Planning
SUBTRACT_DATA to subtract
the data in the Data
Management staging table
from existing Planning data
REPLACE_DATA to clear the
POV data and replace it with
data in the Data Management
staging table. The data is
cleared for Scenario, Version,
Year, Period, and Entity
NONE to skip data export from
Data Management to Planning
fileName: An optional file
name. If you do not specify

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

a file name, this API imports
the data contained in the file
name specified in the load
data rule. The data file must
already reside in the INBOX
prior to data rule execution.

Pre-Built Integrations for Profitability and Cost Management

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Apply Data Grants Applies data grants for a None
given Oracle Profitability and
Cost Management Cloud
application. This API submits
a job to create and apply
the data grants in Essbase.
This API removes all existing
data grants in Essbase and
recreates them with the
latest information from the
application. It can also be
used to repair data grants if
there are any issues.
Deploy ML Cube Deploy or redeploy the isKeepData: Specify whether
calculation cube for a to preserve existing data
selected Oracle Profitability isReplacecube: Specify
and Cost Management Cloud whether to replace existing
comment: Any user comments

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Run ML Calc Run or clear calculations for a povGroupMember:The POV
selected application. Use with group member for which to
Management Ledger. run calculations, such as
isClearCalculated: Whether to
clear the calculation data, true
or false
subsetStart: Rule Set Starting
Sequence Number
subsetEnd: Rule Set Ending
Sequence Number
ruleName: Rule Name for a
ruleSetName: Rule Set Name
for a SINGLE_RULE option
exeType: The execution
type specifies which
rules to run; possible
values are ALL_RULES,
parameters are required
based on the exeType value.
exeType: ALL_RULES
overrides all other options
such as subsetStart,
subsetEnd, ruleSetName,
ruleName, and so on.
considers only subsetStart
and subsetEnd.
considers only ruleSetName
and ruleName.
comment: Use comment text.
stringDelimiter: String
delimiter for POV group
members, such as an
underscore (_).
Clear ML POV Clear model artifacts and data povGroupMember: The POV
from a POV combination for group member for which to
any application. run calculations, such as
isManageRule: Whether to
clear the program rule details
isInputData: Whether to clear
input data
IsAllocatedValues: Whether to
clear allocated values
stringDelimiter: String
delimiter for POV group

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Copy ML POV Copy model artifacts and povs: Included in the path
data from a Source srcPOVMemberGroup: Source
POV combination to a POV member group, such as
Destination POV combination 2014_January_Actual
for any application. Use
with Management Ledger
Destination POV member
group, such as
isManageRule: Whether to
copy the program rule details
isInputData: Whether to copy
input data
modelViewName: To copy a
slice of data from source POV
to destination POV
createDestPOV: Whether to
create the destination POV if
it does not already exist
stringDelimiter: String
delimiter for POV group

Appendix A
Pre-Built EPM Cloud Integrations

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

Run Data Rule Executes a Data Management jobName: The name of a
data load rule based on the data load rule defined in Data
start period and end period, Management.
and import or export options startPeriod: The first period for
that you specify. which data is to be loaded.
This period name must be
defined in Data Management
period mapping.
endPeriod: The last period for
which data is to be loaded.
This period name must be
defined in Data Management
period mapping.
importMode: Determines how
the data is imported into Data
APPEND to add to the existing
POV data in Data
REPLACE to delete the POV
data and replace it with the
data from the file
importing the data, but re-
process the data with updated
Mappings and Logic Accounts.
NONE to skip data import
into Data Management staging
exportMode: Determines how
the data is exported into Data
STORE_DATA to merge the
data in the Data Management
staging table with the existing
Oracle Hyperion Planning data
ADD_DATA to add the data in
the Data Management staging
table to Planning
SUBTRACT_DATA to subtract
the data in the Data
Management staging table
from existing Planning data
REPLACE_DATA to clear the
POV data and replace it with
data in the Data Management
staging table. The data is
cleared for Scenario, Version,
Year, Period, and Entity
NONE to skip data export from
Data Management to Planning
fileName: An optional file
name. If you do not specify

Appendix A
End User Integrations for EPM Cloud

Integration Name Description Parameters/ Description

a file name, this API imports
the data contained in the file
name specified in the load
data rule. The data file must
already reside in the INBOX
prior to data rule execution.
Run Batch Rule Executes a batch of jobs that jobName: The name of
have been defined in Data a batch defined in Data
Management. Management.

End User Integrations for EPM Cloud

End user integrations allow you to access functionality in other remote EPM Cloud
environments while using Task Manager. This section lists the available end user
integrations for these EPM Cloud services:
• Account Reconciliation
• Planning and Planning Modules
• Financial Consolidation and Close and Tax Reporting
• Profitability and Cost Management
For a description of the remote EPM Cloud functionality, see the documentation for
that EPM Cloud service.

End User Integration Tasks for Account Reconciliation

• Console
• Reconciliation List (Period, Saved List)
• Reports
• Transaction List (Period, Saved List)

End User Integrations for Financial Consolidation and Close

• Approvals
• Configure Application
• Enter Form Data (Form)
Required parameter is Form (EPM Artifact Type) displayed in drop down list in
Task Details dialog.
• Export Data
• Export Metadata
• Export Journal
• Generate Financial Report
Required parameter is the choice of report from drop down.
• Import Data
• Import Metadata

Appendix A
End User Integrations for EPM Cloud

• Import Journal
• Invalid Intersections Report
• Generate Intercompany Matching Report
• Generate Journal Report
• Manage Approvals
• Manage Dimensions
• Manage Forms
• Manage Journals
• Manage Ownership
• Manage Periods
• Manage Valid Intersections
• Refresh Application
• View Dashboard (Dashboard)
Required parameter is Dashboard (EPM Artifact Type) displayed in the drop down
list in the Task Details dialog.
• View Financial Reports

End User Integrations for Tax Reporting

• Approvals
• Configure Application
• Enter Form Data (Form)
Required parameter Form (EPM Artifact Type) displayed in drop down list in Task
Details dialog.
• Export Data
• Export Metadata
• Generate Financial Report
Required parameter is the choice of report from drop down.
• Import Data
• Import Metadata
• Invalid Intersections Report
• Manage Approvals
• Manage Dimensions
• Manage Forms
• Manage Periods
• Manage Valid Intersections
• Refresh Application
• View Dashboard (Dashboard).
Required parameter is Dashboard (EPM Artifact Type) displayed in the drop down
list in the Task Details dialog
• View Financial Reports

Appendix A
End User Integrations for EPM Cloud

End User Integrations for Planning and Planning Modules

• Approvals
• Enter Form Data (Form)
Required parameter is Form (EPM Artifact Type) displayed in drop down list in
Task Details dialog.
• Generate Financial Report
Required parameter is the choice of report from drop down.
• Invalid Intersections Report
• Manage Approvals
• Manage Dimensions
• Manage Rules
• Manage Valid Intersections
• View Dashboard (Dashboard).
Required parameter is Dashboard (EPM Artifact Type) displayed in the drop down
list in the Task Details dialog
• View Financial Reports

End User Integrations for Profitability and Cost Management

• Dashboards
• Generate Profitability Report
• Profit Curves (Profit Curve)
Required parameter is Profit Curve (EPM Artifact Type) displayed in drop down list
in Task Details dialog.
• View Dashboard (Dashboard).
Required parameter is Dashboard (EPM Artifact Type) displayed in the drop down
list in the Task Details dialog.
View Report (Report)

Task Manager Integrations with Cloud and
On-Premises Applications
This appendix describes how to set up theseTask Manager Integrations:
• Oracle Fusion Cloud Integrations
• On-Premises Integrations
• On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Event Monitoring Integrations
Oracle Integration Cloud Service is used to connect securely and exchange messages
between applications and services in the Cloud and on-premises. EPM Cloud uses
Integration Cloud as an integration platform forTask Manager to connect to non-EPM
Cloud services.
The following diagram shows the system and user flow that applies to Financial
Consolidation and Close and Tax Reporting:

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Cloud

Task Manager end user integrations allow you to access functionality in remote Cloud
environments. This section lists the availableTask Manager end user integrations
available for Oracle Fusion Cloud.
For a description of the remote Cloud functionality, see the documentation for that
Cloud service.

Appendix B
End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Cloud

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Assets

• Asset Balances Reconciliation with General Ledger
• Calculate Depreciation
• Periodic Mass Copy for Tax Books
• Journal Entry Reserve Ledger Report
• Calculate Deferred Depreciation
• Create Assets Accounting
• Asset Cost Summary
• Asset Reserve Summary
• Period Close Exception Report

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Cash Management

• Create Accounting
• Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report
• Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion General Ledger

• Import Journals
• AutoPost Journals
• AutoReverse Journals
• Generate Allocation Rules
• General Ledger Trial Balance
• General Ledger Average Trial Balance
• General Ledger Journals Report
• General Ledger Journals Check Report
• General Ledger Journals Day Book Report
• General Ledger Journals Batch Summary Report
• General Ledger Report
• General Ledger Account Analysis for Contra Account Report
• General Ledger Average Balance Audit Account Analysis Report
• Revalue Balances
• Translation
• Extract Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation Data
• Extract Receivables to General Ledger Reconciliation Data
• Create Balance Sheet Closing Journals
• Create Income Statement Closing Journals
• Close General Ledger Periods

Appendix B
End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Cloud

• Open General Ledger Periods

• Transfer Balances to Secondary Ledger
• Transfer Balances Cross Ledgers
• Review Journals Dashboard
• General Ledger Account Analysis Report
• General Ledger Trial Balance Report

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Intercompany

• Transfer Intercompany Transactions to General Ledger
• Transfer Intercompany Transactions to Receivables
• Transfer Intercompany Transactions to Payables
• Intercompany Account Details Report
• Intercompany Transaction Summary Report

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Payables

• Import Transactions from External Systems
• Import Intercompany Transactions
• Import Expense Reports
• Validate Unvalidated Transactions
• Approve Transactions Requiring Approval
• Update Matured Bills Payable Status
• Apply Missing Conversion Rates
• Create Payables Accounting
• Payables Unaccounted Transactions Report
• Payables Unaccounted Transactions Report with Sweep Option
• Period Close Exceptions Report
• Open Items Revaluation Report
• Period End Reconciliation Reports
• Payables Trial Balance Report
• Extract Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation Data
• Create Mass Additions
• Transfer Cost to Cost Management

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Receivables

• Import AutoInvoice: Master
• Process Receipts Through Lockbox
• Create Automatic Receipt Batch
• Create Receipts Remittance Batch
• Clear Receipts Automatically

Appendix B
End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Cloud

• Create Late Charge Batch

• Create Automatic Receipt Write-Offs
• Recognition Revenue
• Create Receivables Accounting
• Submit Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report
• Extract Reconciliation Data From Receivables to General Ledger
• Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account Report
• Run Period Close Reports
• Approve or Reject Customer Credits

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Tax

• Tax Reconciliation Report
• Tax Reconciliation by Taxable Account Report

Application Token Values for Fusion Integrations

Token Name Token Description

PORT Property used for URL-based integration.
The port used to access General Ledger
Application server. Example: 443. Default port
number for http is 80 and https is 443
PROTOCOL Property used for URL-based integration. The
web-based protocol used to access General
Ledger Application server. Example: https
SERVER Property used for URL-based integration. The
General Ledger Application server. Example:
PORT_BI Property used for URL-based integration.
The port used to access Oracle Fusion BI
Foundations server. Example: 443. Default
port number for http is 80 and https is 443
PROTOCOL_BI Property used for URL-based integration. The
web-based protocol used to access Oracle
Fusion BI Foundations server. Example: https
SERVER_BI Property used for URL-based integration.
The Oracle Fusion BI Foundations server.
PORT_ESS Property used for URL-based integration. The
port used to access ESS server. Example:
443. Default port number for http is 80 and
https is 443
PROTOCOL_ESS Property used for URL-based integration. The
web-based protocol used to access ESS
server. Example: https
SERVER_ESS Property used for URL-based integration.The
ESS server. Example: ucf6-abc-fa-

Appendix B
Event Monitoring Integration Tasks for Oracle Fusion General Ledger

Event Monitoring Integration Tasks for Oracle Fusion

General Ledger
This section lists the out of box Task Manager Integrations for Oracle Fusion General
Ledger Event Monitoring.

For custom process automation or event monitoring integration to Fusion
cloud, see Creating Custom Task Manager Integrations.

Supported Events for Oracle Fusion General Ledger

The following events are supported for General Ledger:

Source Event Description

General Ledger Accounting Period Signals when a general ledger accounting period
Closed is closed.
General Ledger Accounting Period Signals when a general ledger accounting period
Opened is opened.
General Ledger Accounting Period Signals when a general ledger accounting period
Reopened is reopened.
General Ledger Journal Batch Signals when a journal batch is approved.
General Ledger Journal Batch Signals when a journal batch is posted.
Posting Completed

To integrate Task Manager with the business events, you need:
• Fusion Version R13 (update 19B) (
• Oracle Integration Cloud Standard Edition (

Integrations Added to Existing Out of Box Connection

The table lists integrations that are added to monitor these business events from Task
Manager, which includes:
• Integration Types in Task Manager
• Task Types in Task Manager
• Integration Flows in Integration Cloud

Appendix B
Event Monitoring Integration Tasks for Oracle Fusion General Ledger

Connection Integration Integration Event Name Description Parameter(s)

Name Name Code
Oracle Fusion Period Close R13GLPeriod Accounting Fusion LedgerName -
R13 General Event Close Period Closed General Name of the
Ledger Ledger Ledger. For
Period Close example, US
Event Primary
Monitoring Ledger.
Period - Name
of Period. For
example, 01-19
Oracle Fusion Period Open R13GLPeriod Account Fusion LedgerName -
R13 General Event Open Period General Name of the
Ledger Opened Ledger Ledger. For
Period Open example, US
Event Primary
Monitoring Ledger.
Period - Name
of Period. For
example, 01-19
Oracle Fusion Period R13GLPeriod Accounting Fusion LedgerName -
R13 General Reopen Event Reopen Period General Name of the
Ledger Reopened Ledger Ledger. For
Period example, US
Reopen Primary
Event Ledger.
Monitoring Period - Name
of Period. For
example, 01-19
Oracle Fusion Journal R13GLJournal Journal Batch Fusion BatchName -
R13 General Approve Event BatchApprove Approved General Journal Batch
Ledger Ledger Name
Journal Batch Period - Name
Approve of Period. For
Event example, 01-19
Oracle Fusion Journal Post R13GLJournal Journal Batch Fusion BatchName -
R13 General Event BatchPost Posted General Journal Batch
Ledger Ledger Name
Journal Batch Period - Name
Post Event of Period. For
Monitoring example, 01-19

Setting Up the Integration in Task Manager

In Task Manager, you can create an Event Monitoring integration for Oracle Fusion
General Ledger. The Event Monitoring integration is triggered when an external event
occurs in another Cloud service or on-premises application.
Make sure the business events are enabled in Oracle Fusion Cloud. You can verify
the events using REST API. See these topics in in the"ERP Business Events REST
Endpoints" section of the REST API for Oracle Financials Cloud guide:
To verify the events, see Get All Business Event Records.

Appendix B
Event Monitoring Integration Tasks for Oracle Fusion General Ledger

If any event is not enabled, see Update the Enabled Indicator for a Business Event.
Follow these steps to set up an integration between Task Manager and Oracle Fusion:
1. On the Home page, click Application, then Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left, Manage Connection, then Integration
Cloud Connection.
3. On the Integration Cloud Connection dialog, add the required information:
a. For URL, enter the Oracle Integration Cloud URL.
b. For Service Administrator and Password, enter the Service Administrator
c. Click Validate.
d. After successful validation, click Save and close the dialog.

Enabling the Oracle Fusion R13 General Ledger Connection

To enable the Oracle Fusion R13 General Ledger connection:
1. On the Home page, click Application, then Task Manager.
2. Click the Integrations tab on the left, then Manage Connection.
3. Select Oracle Fusion R13 General Ledger from the list, click Actions, and then
4. In the Edit Connection dialog, select Enabled, then click OK.
5. In the Deploy to Integration Cloud dialog, click Generate.
If the Oracle Fusion R13 General Ledger connection is already enabled, deploy
the integration flow to Oracle Integration Cloud by selecting the event monitoring
integrations from the Integrations screen, and clicking Deploy to Integration
Cloud from the toolbar. Then click Generate in the Deploy to Integration Cloud
The integration flow is deployed to the Integration Cloud and you can view the flow
by logging in to Integration Cloud Services.

The first time you enable the connection to Integration Cloud, all Integration
Cloud deployments will fail during activation. The Administrator must activate
the integrations in Integration Cloud. Before activating the integrations, the
Administrator must set up the integration in Integration Cloud.

Setting Up the Integration Flow in Integration Cloud

To set up the integration flow in Integration Cloud:
1. Log in to Integration Cloud Services.
2. Navigate to Connections.
EPM Fusion Connection and EPM Connection are automatically created.

Appendix B
Event Monitoring Integration Tasks for Oracle Fusion General Ledger

3. Edit the connections by providing the environment and credential information. For
details on prerequisites for creating a connection, see Prerequisites for Creating a
• EPM Fusion Connection is the connection to the Fusion Cloud. See Using
the Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter for more details.
• EPM Connection is the connection to the EPM Cloud Service in Task
Manager. See Using the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
Adapter with Oracle Integration for more details.
After configuring, testing, and saving the connections, you see a green check mark
next to the connections.

4. Return to Task Manager and select Integrations.

5. Select the integration from the list, then click Deploy to Integration Cloud from
the toolbar.
6. In the Deploy to Integration Cloud dialog, click Generate.
The Cloud Integration deployment is successful. Verify the activation status in
the Integration Cloud by logging into the Oracle Integration Cloud service, then

Adding Event Monitoring Task to Template or Schedule

After the set up is complete, you can add the event monitoring tasks to a schedule or a
1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
2. Click Templates and create a new template, for example ERP Event Template.
3. Create the event monitoring task. See Creating Tasks.
In the Task Type, make sure to select Oracle Fusion R13 General Ledger, then
select the event monitoring task, for example, Period Open Event.

Appendix B
Event Monitoring Integration Tasks for Oracle Fusion General Ledger

4. In Task Manager, click Template, select the ERP Event Template and create a
schedule. See Creating Schedules from Templates.
5. In Task Manager, click Schedules, select the schedule, and change the status to
You can monitor the schedule task in the Schedule Tasks screen.

Triggering the Period Close Event in Fusion Cloud

To raise the Period Close event in Fusion Cloud:
1. Login to Fusion Cloud.
2. Select the General Accounting tab, then Period Close.
3. Click General Ledger and select the period, then click Close Period.

4. Wait for a few minutes for the task to be completed. Then navigate to the
Schedule Tasks screen in Tasks to verify the task is closed.

Triggering the Period Open/Reopen Event in Fusion Cloud

To raise the Period Open event in Fusion Cloud:
1. Login to Fusion Cloud.
2. Select the General Accounting tab, then Period Close.
3. Click General Ledger and select the period, then click Open Period.
4. Wait for a few minutes for the task to be completed. Then navigate to the
Schedule Tasks screen in Tasks to verify the task is closed.

If you open a period that has never been opened, the Period Open Event
is triggered. If you open a period that has been closed before, the Period
Reopen Event is triggered.

Triggering the Journal Batch Approved Event in Fusion Cloud

To raise the Journal Batch Approved event in Fusion Cloud:
1. Login to Fusion Cloud.
2. Select the General Accounting tab, then Journals.

Appendix B
End User Integrations for On-Premises Applications

3. Click Requiring My Approval and select the journal batch, then click Approve.
4. Wait for a few minutes for the task to be completed. Then navigate to the
Schedule Tasks screen in Tasks to verify the task is closed.

You can trigger the Journal Batch Approved event only if it is the last
approval in the multi level approval process.

Triggering the Journal Post Event in Fusion Cloud

To raise the Journal Batch Approved event in Fusion Cloud:
1. Login to Fusion Cloud.
2. Select the General Accounting tab, then Journals.
3. Click Tasks and select Create Journal.
4. In Create Journal screen, specify the required information, then click Save.

The journal batch name and accounting period should match the
parameters of the task in the Task Manager schedule.

5. Wait for a few minutes for the task to be completed. Then navigate to the
Schedule Tasks screen in Tasks to verify the task is closed.

End User Integrations for On-Premises Applications

Task Manager end user integrations allow you to access functionality in on-premises
environments. This section lists the availableTask Manager end user integrations for
on-premises applications.
For a description of the on-premises functionality, see the documentation for that

End User Integrations for Financial Management

• Load Data
• Load IC Transactions
• Load Journals
• Manage Documents
• Approve Journals
• Create Journals
• Data Grids
• Extract Data
• Extract ICT

Appendix B
End User Integrations for On-Premises Applications

• Extract Journals
• IC Matching Template Report
• Intercompany Match By Account Report
• Intercompany Match By Transaction ID Report
• Intercompany Reports
• Intercompany Transaction Report
• Journal Reports
• Ownership Management
• Post Journals
• Process Control
• Process ICT
• Task List
• Web Data Entry Forms

End User Integrations for Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)

Accounts Payable Tasks
• Close Payable Period
• Expense Report Import
• Open Next Payable Period
• Payables Approval Workflow
• Review Holds and Release
• Open Interface Import (Payables Open Interface Import)
• Import Intercompany trans (Payables Open Interface Import)
• Validate All unvalidated Invoices (Invoice validation)
• Invoice on Hold Report
• Update Matured Payment Status (Update Matured Bills Payable Status)
• Transfer Journal Entries to GL
• Run Unaccounted Transaction Report (Unaccounted Transactions Report (XML)
• Run Unaccounted Transactions Sweep (Unaccounted Transactions Report (XML)
• Run Unaccounted Transactions Sweep Program (Unaccounted Transactions
Report (XML)
• Invoice Posted Register Report (Payables Posted Invoice Register)
• Payment Posted Register Report (Payables Posted Payment Register)
• Run Payables Trial Balance Report (Accounts Payable Trial Balance)
• Mass Additions Create
• Run Payables Key Indicators Report (Key Indicators Report)
• Run Financial Tax Register (RX-only: Financial Tax Register)
• Run Tax Audit Trail Report

Appendix B
End User Integrations for On-Premises Applications

• Run Use Tax Liability Report

• Run Intra-EU VAT Audit Trail Report
• Run Withholding Tax Report (AP Withholding Tax Report)
• Generate Withholding Tax Letters (AP Withholding Tax Letter)
Accounts Receivable Tasks
• Approval Fina; AR Transaction Adjustments
• Create Final AR Transaction Adjustments
• Create Periodic Write-off
• Lock Box Receipts
• Open Subsequent Period Task
• Remove Manual Contingencies on Revenue
• Set Period to Close Pending
• Manually Apply Receipts
• Close Accounts Receivables Period
• Import Order Line Information for Invoice Creation (Autoinvoice Import Program)
• Import Order Line Information for Invoice Creation - Non-Oracle (Autoinvoice
Import Program)
• Run Revenue Recognition (Revenue Recognition)
• Create Accounting
• Run Unposted AR Items Report (Unposted Items Report)
• Run Receipts Register Report (Applied Receipts Register)
• Create Final Accounting and Transfer to GL (Create Accounting)
• Generate Receivables to GL Reconciliation (AR Reconciliation Report)
• Run Receivables Analytic Reports (Key Indicators Report - Summary)
General Ledger Tasks
• Accounts Receivable Reconciliation
• Generate AutoAllocation to allocate rent expense
• Consolidate financial results to corporate
• Maintain revaluation currency rates
• Review allocation formula for rent expense
• Subledger source journals review
• Generate recurring journal for bad debt accrual
• Open New Accounting Period/Close Accounting Period
• Post subledger source journals
• Review revaluation set for foreign currency holdings
• Reverse prior period accruals
• Run preliminary income statement reports

Appendix B
End User Integrations for On-Premises Applications

• Consolidate financial results to corporate

• Run translation to parent currency
• Run preliminary detail trial balance reports (Trial Balance - Detail)
• Run foreign currency journals report (Journals - Entered Currency)

End User Integrations for Profitability and Cost Management

• Job Library
• Manage Calculation
• Manage Database
• Manage Model Views
• Manage Queries
• Manage Rules
• Model Summary
• Model Validation
• POV Manager
• Rule Balancing
• System Reports
• Trace Allocations

End User Integrations for Calculation Manager

• System View
• Deployment View

End User Integrations for Planning and Budgeting Cloud Workspace

• Application Library
• Dimension Library
• Job Console
• Data Synchronization

End User Integrations for FDM

• Import Data
• Import Journals
• Import Multi-Period Data

End User Integrations for Financial Reporting

• Execute Book
• Execute Report
• Execute Snapshot Book
• Execute Snapshot Report

Appendix B
End User Integrations for On-Premises Applications

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Assets

• Prepare Source Lines and Submit Post Mass Additions
• Capitalize CIP Assets
• Manage Asset Financial Transactions
• Manage Asset Assignments
• Retire Assets
• Reinstate Assets
• Manage Mass Financial Transactions
• Manage Mass Retirements
• Manage Mass Transfers
• Asset Balances Reconciliation with General Ledger
• Calculate Depreciation
• Periodic Mass Copy for Tax Books
• Journal Entry Reserve Ledger Report
• Calculate Deferred Depreciation
• Create Assets Accounting
• Asset Cost Summary
• Asset Reserve Summary
• Period Close Exception Report

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Cash Management

• Bank Reconciliations
• Create Accounting
• Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report
• Cash to General Ledger Reconciliation Report

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion General Ledger

• Import Journals
• AutoPost Journals
• AutoReverse Journals
• General Allocation Rules
• General Ledger Trial Balance
• General Ledger Average Trial Balance
• General Ledger Journals Report
• General Ledger Journals Check Report
• General Ledger Journals Day Book Report
• General Ledger Journals Batch Summary Report

Appendix B
End User Integrations for On-Premises Applications

• General Ledger Report

• General Ledger Account Analysis for Contra Account Report
• General Ledger Average Balance Audit Account Analysis Report
• Revalue Balances
• Translation
• Extract Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation Data
• Extract Receivables to General Ledger Reconciliation Data
• Create Balance Sheet Closing Journals
• Create Income Statement Closing Journals
• Close General Ledger Periods
• Open General Ledger Periods
• Transfer Balances to Secondary Ledger
• Transfer Balances Cross Ledgers
• Review Journals Dashboard
• Manage Journals
• Period Close Dashboard
• Financial Reporting Center Work Area
• Launch Workspace for Financial Reports
• Reconcile Payables to General Ledger
• Reconcile Receivables to General Ledger
• Manage General Ledger Accounting Periods
• Create Allocation Rules
• General Ledger Account Analysis Report
• General Ledger General Journals Report
• General Ledger Trial Balance Report

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Intercompany

• Intercompany Transactions Work Area
• Manage Intercompany Period Status
• Transfer Intercompany Transactions to General Ledger
• Transfer Intercompany Transactions to Receivables
• Transfer Intercompany Transactions to Payables
• Intercompany Account Details Report
• Intercompany Transaction Summary Report

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Payables

• Import Transactions from External Systems
• Import Intercompany Transactions

Appendix B
End User Integrations for On-Premises Applications

• Import Expense Reports

• Validate Unvalidated Transactions
• Approve Transactions Requiring Approval
• Update Matured Bills Payable Status
• Apply Missing Conversion Rates
• Create Payables Accounting
• Payables Unaccounted Transactions Report
• Payables Unaccounted Transactions Report with Sweep Option
• Period Close Exceptions Report
• Open Items Revaluation Report
• Period End Reconciliation Reports
• Payables Trial Balance Report
• Extract Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation Data
• Create Mass Additions
• Transfer Cost to Cost Management
• Complete or Cancel Incomplete Payment Process Requests
• Close Payables Period
• Open Next Payables Period
• Review Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation Report

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Accounts Receivable

• Import AutoInvoice: Master
• Process Receipts Through Lockbox
• Create Automatic Receipt Batch
• Create Receipts Remittance Batch
• Clear Receipts Automatically
• Create Late Charge Batch
• Create Automatic Receipt Write-Offs
• Recognition Revenue
• Create Receivables Accounting
• Submit Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report
• Extract Reconciliation Data From Receivables to General Ledger
• Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account Report
• Run Period Close Reports
• Approve or Reject Customer Credits

End User Integrations for Oracle Fusion Tax

• Tax Reconciliation Report

Appendix B
End User Integrations for On-Premises Applications

• Tax Reconciliation by Taxable Account Report

End User Integrations for Planning

• Business Rules
• Clear Cell Details
• Copy Data
• Copy Version
• Custom Links
• Data Form
• Data Load Settings
• Manage Currency Conversion
• Manage Data Forms
• Manage Dimensions
• Manage Exchange Rates
• Manage Menus
• Manage Process
• Manage Security Filters
• Manage Smart Lists
• Manage Task Lists
• Manage User Variables
• Planning Unit Hierarchy
• Scenario and Version Assignment
• Tasklists

End User Integrations for PeopleSoft 9.0

• Close Period for GL and Subsystems
• Run and Review PS/nVision Reports
• Process Subsystem and External Journals (Journal Generator)
• Enter Any Manual Journals
• Book Expense Accruals
• Enter Any Adjustment Vouchers
• Review/Correct Vouchers with Errors
• Review/Correct Match Exceptions
• Review Incomplete Deposits
• Resolve Pending Item Posting Errors
• Write Off Balances as Appropriate
• Update Doubtful Receivables
• Book Unbilled Revenue Accrual

Appendix B
End User Integrations for On-Premises Applications

• Finalize Unprocessed Bills

• Correct Billing Interface Errors
• Reconcile AP Control Accounts to GL
• Review Trial Balance report
• Reconcile AR Control Accounts to GL
• Reconcile Revenue (Billing) Accounts to GL
• Reconcile Asset Control Accounts to GL
• Review Expense Accruals
• Reconcile Open AP Liability Report to GL
• Review Aged AR Trial Balance

End User Integrations for PeopleSoft 9.1

• Close Period for GL and Subsystems
• Run and Review PS/nVision Reports
• Process Subsystem and External Journals (Journal Generator)
• Enter Any Manual Journals
• Book Expense Accruals
• Enter Any Adjustment Vouchers
• Review/Correct Vouchers with Errors
• Review/Correct Match Exceptions
• Review Incomplete Deposits
• Resolve Pending Item Posting Errors
• Write Off Balances as Appropriate
• Update Doubtful Receivables
• Book Unbilled Revenue Accrual
• Finalize Unprocessed Bills
• Correct Billing Interface Errors
• Reconcile AP Control Accounts to GL
• Review Trial Balance report
• Reconcile AR Control Accounts to GL
• Reconcile Revenue (Billing) Accounts to GL
• Reconcile Asset Control Accounts to GL
• Review Expense Accruals
• Reconcile Open AP Liability Report to GL
• Review Aged AR Trial Balance

Appendix B
Setting Up an Integration

Setting Up an Integration
Make sure you have the prerequisites and follow these steps to set up an integration
between Task Manager and an external application.

To integrate Task Manager with an on-premises application such as E-Business Suite,
you need:
• A subscription to Oracle Integration Cloud Service.

You need one Integration Cloud instance per FCCS or TRCS instance.

• The on-premises application such as Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) set up.
1. Subscribe to Oracle Integration Cloud / Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud. See
Integration Cloud Service Documentation for detailed information.
2. Review and complete the pre-requisites in "Use Oracle E-Business Suite Business
Events to Trigger Integration Endpoint in Oracle Integration Cloud" for EBS
adapter in Oracle Integration Cloud:
3. In Financial Consolidation and Close or Tax Reporting, from the Home page,
select Application, and then click Task Manager.
4. Click the Integrations tab on the left.
5. Click Manage Connections.
6. From Manage Connections, under Actions, select Integration Cloud

7. Specify the Integration Cloud connection URL and credentials and click Validate.
After validation is successful, click Save. This saves the server and credential of
the FCCS or TRCS connection.

Appendix B
Setting Up an Integration

Task Manager uses Integration Cloud for all the integrations to external
applications that are non-EPM Cloud. The external applications can be
another Cloud service or an on-premises application such as E-Business
Suite. These can be Process Automation or Event Monitoring integration

8. Do one of the following depending on whether the EBS connections for General
Ledger and Account Payable connections are already enabled:
• If the EBS connections for General Ledger and Account Payable is already
enabled, click Deploy and then Generate to deploy the corresponding
Integration Cloud integrations to Integration Cloud
• If the EBS connections for General Ledger and Account Payable connections
were not enabled:
a. In Task Manager within Financial Consolidation and Close orTax
Reporting , go to Manage Integrations, then from Action menu, select
Manage Connections.
b. Select and edit Oracle E-Business Suite - General Ledger. Select the
Enabled check box and click OK. Then click Deploy and then Generate.
c. Repeat steps for Oracle E-Business Suite - Account Payable.
The system creates the Integration Task Type and also deploys Integration
Cloud integrations to Integration Cloud service.

Appendix B
Setting Up an Integration

If you are doing this for first time and the connections in Integration
Cloud are not completed, all the Integration Cloud deployments will fail
during activation. This is expected. To fix this:
a. Log in to Integration Cloud.
b. Navigate to Connections. You will see two connections named
FCCS and EBS. Optionally use Search.
Edit FCCS connection:
• Click Configure Connectivity and enter FCCS url as <FCCS
• Click Configure Security and enter the Service Administrator
credential of your FCCS service. Then click Test and then Save.

The Service administrator user ID should be in the format
specified in the following link:

Edit EBS connection:

• Enter connection URL and credentials of your Oracle E-Business
• Click Test and then Save.
c. From FCCS, open Task Manager and select Manage Integrations.
d. In Manage Connections, in Actions menu, select Integration
Cloud Connection and click Deploy and then Generate. This time
the deployment should complete without any errors.

9. Verify that the Integration - EBS linking is done properly. You can do this by
logging in to Oracle E-Business Suite as administrator and verify the Integration
Cloud REST service is added as subscriber for Business event. Here's an

Appendix B
On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Integration

Check that the Integration Cloud service was added. For example:

On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Integration

These are theTask Manager Integrations for EBS Event Monitoring:
• EBSJournalApprove
• EBSJournalPost
• EBSJournalPeriodClose
• EBSJournalPeriodOpen
• EBSJournalPeriodReopen
• EBSAPJournalPeriodOpenClose

Appendix B
On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Integration

These are the events that can be monitored:

Table B-1 Oracle E-Business Suite Events and Descriptions

Integration Name Event Name Description

Journal Approve Event General
ve Ledger: Journal
Journal Post Event General
Ledger: Posting
Journal Period Close Event General
ose Ledger: Period
Journal Period Open Event General
en Ledger: Period
Journal Period Reopen General
Event open Ledger: Period
Payables Period Open/ oracle.apps.ap.CloseProcess.period Accounts
Close Event Payables:
Period Open/

Table B-2 General Ledger Journals Integration Type Parameters

Name Type Required Order Hidden

Batch ID Text Yes 1 N

Table B-3 General Ledger Close Process Period Integration Types Parameters

Name Type Required Order Hidden

LedgerID Text Yes 1 N
PeriodName Text Yes 2 N

Table B-4 Accounts Payable Integration Types Parameters

Name Type Required Order Hidden

LedgerID Text Yes 1 N
PeriodName Text Yes 2 N
Action Static List Yes 3 N

Verifying Results by Raising Business Events

Once you have configured the EBS Business event system to subscribe to the
required events, you can verify your results by raising business events. The following
sections describe how to run the EBS tasks that raise the events you track.

Appendix B
On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Integration

General Ledger - Journal Approved
EBS Steps
1. Log on to EBS.
2. Select General Ledger, and then the Vision Operations (USA) role from the left
3. Select Journals, and then Enter and wait for Oracle Applications to start.
4. Click No for the "Find records in this folder?" message.
5. On the Find Journals screen, click New Batch.
Window (Vision Operation (USA)) displays.
6. In Batch, enter a unique batch name.

When you click Save, the cursor needs to be inside the Batch field.

7. Select File and then click Save to save the batch.

When you save, the cursor needs to be inside the Batch field.

8. Click OK for the " Please enter one or more Journals " message.
9. Click Journals.
10. Enter a unique name in Journal field.

11. Provide Line entries starting with Line 1. Provide debit and credit values for the
12. After you finish entering the line values, move the cursor into the Journal field.

13. Navigate to the File menu and click New.

14. Click Yes for " Do you want to save the changes you made? " message.

By clicking Yes, you will be able to add multiple Journal entries into the

After you finish the journal entries for the last Journal, move the cursor into the
Journal field.
15. Select File and then click Save to save the last journal entry.

16. Focus on the Batch (Vision Operation (USA) and select Batch field.

Appendix B
On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Integration

17. Click Help and select Diagnostics, and then Examine.

18. Enter Oracle password:APPS.

19. In Field, enter JE_BATCH_ID and click inside Value to get the unique Journal
batch ID. For example,
• Block: BATCH
• Field: JE_BATCH_ID
• Value: 4776732
Copy this value to Notepad. This batch ID will be used as the value for the Batch
ID parameter of the Event Monitoring task.
Next Steps in Task Manager
1. Create a new Schedule in Pending state.
2. Create a task for event monitoring task to monitor Journal Approve Event
3. On the Parameters tab, provide a value for Batch ID as the journal batch ID from
4. Save the task and set the schedule to Open state.
Next Steps in EBS
1. On Batch (Vision Operation (USA), the Approve button is now enabled for the
specified batch.
2. Click Approve to raise the journal approval event.
Next Steps in Task Manager
1. Wait for the task to be set to Open state. It takes a few minutes to capture the EBS
2. After 2-3 minutes, click Refresh in Task Manager.
Refer to this document for further information on Journal Batch Approval
related information:

General Ledger - Journal Post Event
EBS steps
1. Log on to EBS.
2. Select General Ledger, and then the Vision Operations (USA) role from the left
3. Select Journals, and then Enter and wait for Oracle Applications to start.
4. Click No for the "Find records in this folder?" message.
5. On the Find Journals screen, click New Batch.
Window (Vision Operation (USA) displays.
6. In Batch, enter a unique batch name.

Appendix B
On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Integration

When you click Save, the cursor needs to be inside the Batch field.

7. Select File and then click Save to save the batch.

When you save, the cursor needs to be inside the Batch field.

8. Click OK for the " Please enter one or more Journals " message.
9. Click Journals.
10. Enter a unique name in the Journal field.

11. Provide Line entries starting with Line 1. Provide debit and credit values for the
12. After you finish entering the line values, move the cursor into the Journal field.

13. Navigate to File and then click New.

14. Click Yes for " Do you want to save the changes you made? " message.

By clicking Yes, you will be able to add multiple Journal entries into the

After you finish the journal entries for the last Journal, move the cursor into the
Journal field.
15. Select File and then click Save to save the last journal entry.

16. Focus on the Batch (Vision Operation (USA) and select the Batch field.

17. Click Help and select Diagnostics, and then Examine.

18. Enter Oracle password: APPS.

19. In Field, enter JE_BATCH_ID and click inside Value to get the unique Journal
batch ID. For example,
• Block: BATCH
• Field: JE_BATCH_ID
• Value: 4776732
Copy this value to Notepad. This batch ID will be used as the value for the Batch
ID parameter of the Event Monitoring task.
Next Steps in Task Manager
1. Create a new Schedule in Pending state.

Appendix B
On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Integration

2. Create a task for event monitoring task to monitor Journal Approve Event
3. On the Parameters tab, provide a value for Batch ID as the journal batch ID from
4. Save task and set the schedule to Open state.
Next Steps in EBS
1. On the Batch (Vision Operation (USA), the Approve button is now enabled for the
specified batch.
2. Click Post to raise the journal approval event.
3. Examine the status of EBS request by selecting the View, then Requests, then
Specific Requests.
4. Specify the Request ID that was noted earlier.
Next Steps in Task Manager
1. Wait for the task to be set to Open state. It takes a few minutes to capture the EBS
2. After 2-3 minutes, click Refresh in Task Manager.
Refer to this document for further information on Journal Batch Post
related information:

General Ledger - Journal Period Close

EBS Steps
1. Log on to EBS.
2. Select General Ledger, and then the Vision Operations (USA) role from the left
3. Select Open/Close, and then Enter and wait for Oracle Applications to start.
The Find Periods dialog displays.
4. Click Find. The Open and Close Period dialog displays.
5. From the list of displayed periods, choose which one you want to close.
6. Select the Status column for that period.
7. Click Status Options. The status list box opens.
8. Select the Closed status and click OK. Then note the period in Notepad.
9. To save the status, select File and then click Save.
10. Select the Status column for that period.

11. Click Help and select Diagnostics, and then Examine.

12. Enter Oracle password: APPS.

13. In Field, enter LEDGER_ID and click inside Valueto get the unique Ledger ID. For

Appendix B
On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Integration

• Field: LEDGER_ID
• Value: 1
Copy this value to Notepad. This Ledger ID will be used as the value for the
LEDGER_ID parameter of the Event Monitoring task.
Next Steps in Task Manager
1. Create a new Schedule in Pending state.
2. Create a task for event monitoring task to monitor Journal Close Event
3. On the Parameters tab, provide a value for Ledger ID and Period Name from
EBS. For example: Period Name: Dec-10 and Ledger ID: 1
4. Save the task and set the schedule to Open state.
Next Steps in EBS
1. Close the Open and Close Period dialog.
2. Click OK in the Submit Request Node message box.
3. Examine the status of EBS request by selecting View, then Requests, and then
Specific Requests.
Next Steps in Task Manager
1. Wait for the task to be set to Open state. It takes a few minutes to capture the EBS
2. After 2-3 minutes, click Refresh in Task Manager.
Refer to this document for more information on General Ledger Periods:

General Ledger - Journal Period Open

EBS Steps
1. Log on to EBS.
2. Select General Ledger, and then the Vision Operations (USA) role from the left
3. Select Open/Close, and then Enter and wait for Oracle Applications to start.
The Find Periods dialog displays.
4. Click Find. The Open and Close Period dialog displays.
5. From the list of displayed periods, choose which one you want to open.
6. Copy the period you want to open in Notepad.
7. Select the Status column for that period.
8. Click Help and select Diagnostics, and then Examine.
9. Enter Oracle password:APPS.
10. In Field, enter LEDGER_ID and click inside Value to get the unique Ledger ID.
For example,

Appendix B
On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Integration

• Field: LEDGER_ID
• Value: 1
Copy this value to Notepad. This Ledger ID will be used as the value for
theLEDGER_ID parameter of the Event Monitoring task.
Next Steps in Task Manager
1. Create a new Schedule in Pending state.
2. Create a task for an event monitoring task to monitor Journal Period Open Event
3. On the Parameters tab, provide a value for Ledger ID and Period Name from
EBS. For example: Period Name: Dec-10 and Ledger ID: 1
4. Save the task and set the schedule to Open state.
Next Steps in EBS
1. Click Open Period.
2. Select the period to open and click OK to raise the event.
3. Examine the status of EBS request by selecting View, then Requests, and then
Specific Requests.
Next Steps in Task Manager
1. Wait for the task to be set to open state. It takes a few minutes to capture the EBS
2. After 2-3 minutes, click Refresh in Task Manager.
Refer to this document for more information on General Ledger Periods:

General Ledger - Journal Period Reopen

EBS Steps
1. Log on to EBS.
2. Select General Ledger, and then theVision Operations (USA) role from the left
3. Select Open/Close, and then Enter and wait for Oracle Applications to start.
The Find Periods dialog displays.
4. Click Find. The Open and Close Period dialog displays.
5. From the list of displayed periods, choose which one you want to reopen.
6. Copy the period you want to reopen in Notepad.
7. Select the Status column for that period.
8. Click Help and select Diagnostics, and then Examine.
9. Enter Oracle password:APPS.

Appendix B
On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Integration

10. In Field, enter LEDGER_ID and click inside Value to get the unique Ledger ID.
For example,
• Field: LEDGER_ID
• Value: 1
Copy this value to Notepad. This Ledger ID will be used as the value for the
LEDGER_ID parameter of the Event Monitoring task.
Next Steps in Task Manager
1. Create a new Schedule in Pending state.
2. Create a task for an event monitoring task to monitor Journal Period Reopen
Event (
3. On the Parameters tab, provide a value for Ledger ID and Period Name from
EBS. For example: Period Name: Dec-10 and Ledger ID: 1
4. Save task and set the schedule to Open state.
Next Steps in EBS
1. Click Open Period.
2. Select the closed period to open and click OK to raise the event.
3. Examine the status of EBS request by selecting View, then Requests, and then
Specific Requests.
Next Steps in Task Manager
1. Wait for the task to be set to Open state. It takes a few minutes to capture the EBS
2. After 2-3 minutes, click Refresh in Task Manager.
Refer to this document for more information on General Ledger Periods:

Account Payables Period Open/Close


EBS Steps
1. Log on to EBS.
2. Expand Payables, and then the Vision Operations (USA) role from the left tree.
3. Expand Accounting, and select Control Payables Periods. This launches the
Control Payables Periods form.
4. Specify the Ledger and Operation Unit. Do not close the Find Payables Periods
dialog. Instead, perform the following steps to identify the Ledger ID value.
5. Click Help and select Diagnostics, and then Examine.
6. If requested for credentials, specify the APPS schema credentials. The Examine
Fields and Variable Values form displays.
7. In Block, enter PERIOD_QF. In Field, enter SET OF BOOKS, and click inside
Value, to get the unique Ledger ID numeric value. For example,

Appendix B
On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Integration

• Block: PERIOD_QF
• Value: 1
Copy this value to Notepad. This Ledger ID will be used as the value for the
LEDGER_ID parameter of the Event Monitoring task.
Next Steps in Task Manager
1. Create a new Schedule in Pending state.
2. Create a task for an event monitoring task to monitor Payables Period Open/
Close Event (oracle.apps.ap.CloseProcess.period).
3. On the Parameters tab, provide a value for Ledger ID, Period Name and Action
from EBS. For example, Ledger ID: 1, Period Name: Dec-10 and Action: Closed
4. Save the task and set the schedule to Open state.
Next Steps in EBS
1. Find the period in EBS Control Payables Periods.
2. Click on Period Status column for that period.
3. In Control Statuses form, select the appropriate status.
4. Select File, and then Save to raise the event.
Next Steps in Task Manager
1. Wait for the task to be set to Open state. It takes a few minutes to capture the EBS
2. After 2-3 minutes, click Refresh in Task Manager.

The EBS implementation raises the events only for Closed and Open
statuses. Permanently Closed status will not raise any event.

Refer to this document for further information on Payables Periods:

Financial Consolidation and Close Best
Best practices describe effective ways to use a feature. The following table provides
links to the best practices mentioned in this guide.

Category Best Practice For See this Section

Validating Metadata Validating metadata Validating Metadata
Creating Alternate Working with shared Creating Shared Members
Hierarchies hierarchies
Account Dimensions Defining accounts Account Hierarchy Order
Dimension Hierarchies Setting up dimension Working with Dimension Hierarchies
hierarchy levels
Loading Data Importing the data file Loading the Data Import File
Application Database Working with the application Refreshing the Database
Using Member Formulas Defining or editing member Working with Member Formulas
formulas in the Simplified
dimension editor
Configurable Creating configurable Configurable Calculations Best
Calculations calculations Practices
Essbase Calc Script Essbase calc script Working with Essbase Calc Script
common syntax
Extended Dimensionality Extended dimensionality Best Practices for Calculations in
Applications scripting techniques Extended Dimensionality Applications
Auditing Data Maintaining audit tables Viewing Audit Details
Auditing Tasks Working with audit tables Viewing Task Manager Audit Details
Monitoring Your Monitoring your application Working with Activity Reports and
Application to understand application Access Logs
Managing Applications Deleting an application Removing an Application
On-Demand Rules Creating on-demand rules Best Practices for On-Demand Rules
Consolidation Rule-sets Working with consolidation Creating Consolidation Rule-sets
Supplemental Data Mapping supplemental data Form Template Sections: Mapping
Manager Form Tab
Task Manager Overriding parameters when Setting Task Type Parameters
Schedules creating schedules from Creating Schedules from Templates


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