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Innovation in Aging

cite as: Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1–18

Advance Access publication March 30, 2019

Invited Article

Friendship in Later Life: A Research Agenda

Rosemary Blieszner, PhD,1,*, Aaron M. Ogletree, PhD,2 and Rebecca G. Adams, PhD3
Center for Gerontology, 230 Grove Lane (0555), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. 2American Institutes for Research, Rockville,

Maryland. 3Gerontology Program, University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

*Address correspondence to: Rosemary Blieszner, PhD, Center for Gerontology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061. E-mail: [email protected]

Received: October 10, 2018; Editorial Decision Date: February 11, 2019

Decision Editor: J. Jill Suitor, PhD

Friendship is a relationship that can endure across the entire lifespan, serving a vital role for sustaining social connectedness in
late life when other relationships may become unavailable. This article begins with a description of the importance of studying
friendship in late life and the benefits of friendship for older adults, pointing to the value of additional research for enhancing
knowledge about this crucial bond. Next is discussion of theoretical approaches for conceptualizing friendship research, fol-
lowed by identification of emerging areas of late-life friendship research and novel questions that investigators could explore
fruitfully. We include a presentation of innovative research methods and existing national and international data sets that
can advance late-life friendship research using large samples and cross-national comparisons. The final section advocates for
development and assessment of interventions aimed at improving friendship and reducing social isolation among older adults.

Translational Significance: Social isolation places older adults in jeopardy for both poor health and low
psychological well-being. Detailed research findings on crucial elements of friendship in late life can inform
the design of social interventions aimed at enhancing personal skills and strategies for making and keeping
friends, planning of community programs to foster friend interactions and advocacy for policies that pro-
mote rather than interfere with late-life friendship.

Keywords: Friendship data sets, Friendship in old age, Friendship interventions, Friendship processes, Friendship research methods,
Friendship structure, Friendship theory

Why Is It Important to Study Friendship ages, in the later years the possibility of making new friends
in Late Life? is greater than the likelihood of enlarging the kin network,
at least in one’s own generation.
What Are the Benefits of Friendship to Old
Friend ties have been revered as vital relationships since
ancient times, when Confucius and Aristotle extolled the
Friendship is a relationship that can endure across the benefits of associating with those who encourage moral vir-
entire life span, serving a vital role for sustaining social tue, complement one’s own limitations, and provide cher-
connectedness in late life when other relationships, such as ished companionship. Aristotle, in particular, highlighted
with coworkers and organization members, may be relin- emotional and reciprocal aspects of friendship that are
quished. Although gaining new kin is common at earlier deemed important now (Mullis, 2010), as contemporary

© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. 1
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2 Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1

adults focus on affection, trust, commitment, respect, reci- & Blieszner, 1994; Blieszner & Adams, 1992) and recog-
procity, and the like when defining friendship (Blieszner & nition that friends and interactions with friends involve
Adams, 1992; Dunbar, 2018; Felmlee & Muraco, 2009). individual characteristics that evoke differential responses
At the same time, diversity in perceptions of important according to individual preferences (Adams & Blieszner,
elements of friendship occurs across life cycle stage, gen- 1995). As a result, research on friendship has flourished in
der, marital and parental status, geographic location and recent decades, including studies of friendship in middle-
cultural context, and historical eras (Adams, Blieszner, & age and beyond, yielding a wide-ranging literature on both
de Vries, 2000; Blieszner & Adams, 1992; Gillespie, Lever, traditional (e.g., emerging from face-to-face interactions)
Frederick, & Royce, 2015). Early empirical studies of social and innovative (e.g., formed via social media networking)
relationships, including those in late adulthood, generally aspects of friend ties in later life (Blieszner & Ogletree,
did not focus on friendship per se, so this nuanced aware- 2018).
ness of friendship is a recent phenomenon. Among the friendship and aging topics investigated, a
Although it is clear that friendship has long been an prominent focus has been on the contributions of friends
important part of social life and important to well-being, to psychological well-being (Blieszner, 1995; Blieszner &
this close relationship has not received nearly as much atten- Ogletree, 2018). Late-life adults report liking and caring
tion historically as family ties. In fact, in 1950s and 1960s about their friends, laughing together and having fun,
when sociologists and family scientists examined close rela- feeling satisfied with their relationships, being able to con-
tionships, they tended to investigate marital and kin bonds, fide in each other, and reminding each other to stay healthy
but typically did not include friends in their studies. Not (Blieszner & Adams, 1992). Friend ties alleviate loneliness
until 1970s and 1980s did scholars begin to probe friend- (Chen & Feeley, 2014; Nicolaisen & Thorsen, 2017), offer
ship as a social role in its own right, separate from ties emotional and instrumental support (Felmlee & Muraco,
with colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances, and other non- 2009), and provide companionship through mutual inter-
kin, and to study friendship as a relationship rather than ests and shared activities (Huxhold, Miche, & Schüz,
friendliness as an individual attribute. They uncovered a 2014). The feelings of connectedness that these aspects
range of friendship forms and functions and identified both of friendship convey give meaning to older adults’ lives,
unique aspects of friendship as distinct from other ties as which is important for well-being (ten Bruggencate, Luijkx,
well as similarities between friendship and other informal & Sturm, 2018). Indeed, exchanging many forms of social
and close relationships (Blieszner & Adams, 1992). support is one of the most important benefits of friendship
Studies consistently show that friend relationships in the second half of life.
are as important as family ties in predicting psychologi- The advantages of late adulthood friendship reach be-
cal well-being in adulthood and old age (Chen & Feeley, yond psychological well-being. Research shows that rela-
2014; Dunbar, 2018; Santini, Koyanagi, Tyrovolas, Mason, tional closeness and social support are also important for
& Haro, 2015). Of course, the closeness of both relatives maintaining cognitive functioning and physical health in
and friends varies, so studies examining specific relation- old age (Béland, Zunzunegui, Alvarado, Otero, & del Ser,
ships as opposed to global categories are especially helpful 2005; Holt-Lunstad, Smith, & Layton, 2010). Moreover,
for understanding the relative impact of family members old age poses unique challenges, including health changes
versus friends on well-being in the later years. For exam- that might require assistance or caregiving. Thus, it is
ple, analyses by Lee and Szinovacz (2016) of 6,418 par- particularly important to study old age friendships, espe-
ticipants in the 2008 Health and Retirement study showed cially for those without family members, without proximal
that although relationships with spouses tended to have the family members, or without family members willing to care
strongest association with mental health, ties with friends for them. Indeed, some friends do assume direct caregiving
showed stronger associations with mental health than responsibilities (de Vries, 2018), particularly among les-
those with other relatives. Results such as these suggest the bian, gay, and bisexual older adults who might experience
merits of investigations specifically addressing friendship strain in their family relationships (Muraco & Fredriksen-
and specifically focusing on old age. Goldsen, 2011).
Along with investigation of structural aspects of friend- Although we can point to extensive evidence on the
ship, such as friend roles and interaction frequency, came importance and benefits of friendship, unexplored research
awareness of the need to examine friendship in the con- questions about friendship across the adult years abound.
text of social networks; to view friendship as evolving Key purposes of this article are to provide a comprehen-
over the life course and proceeding through phases over sive yet flexible conceptual framework to guide research
time; and to assess cognitive, affective, and behavioral pro- on late-life friendship, synthesize into one framework the
cesses as dynamic aspects of friend interactions. This more multiple aspects of friendship and its predictors suggested
nuanced approach to friendship research emerged from by various theoretical approaches, point to unanswered
moving beyond laboratory experiments and broad sur- questions and useful research methods, and suggest friend-
veys to using in-depth interviews, which fostered a focus ship-related interventions that could successfully enhance
on quality of friend interactions, not just quantity (Adams experiences of friend partners in their special bonds. Our
Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1 3

goal is to encourage scholars to study this rich and fascinat- exchanges (Dunbar, 2018) are also considered in friendship
ing dimension of aging and engage in relevant translational research conducted from this perspective. Li, Fok, and Fung
science to sustain and enhance the quality of life for all (2011) examined age group differences in the association
elders. We begin with an examination of theories for inves- between emotional and instrumental support balance in re-
tigating friendship. lation to support received from friends versus family, and
the implications for life satisfaction. Friendships were eval-
uated by older and younger adults as more reciprocal than
What Theories Can Guide Friendship family ties, in keeping with the more voluntary nature of
Research Toward Answering Unresolved friendship. However, older adults reported higher life satis-
Questions? faction when they felt emotionally (but not instrumentally)
over-benefited in friendships, whereas younger adults’ life
Foundational Theories satisfaction was associated with reciprocity in emotional
Although many theories of interpersonal attraction and support exchanges with friends. The general assumption
relationship development could inform late-life friendship that equity in exchanges is preferable did not apply to the
research, relatively few have guided these investigations. older adults in this study, reflecting the premises of socio-
Social network theory, which focuses on predictors of the emotional selectivity theory, discussed later.
structure of relationships rather than on their dynamics, The convoy model of relationships (Antonucci &
is relevant to understanding friendship opportunities and Akiyama, 1987) provides another approach to analyzing
constraints at any stage of life. Relatively little is known old age friendship and support interactions, connecting
about structural features of friendship dyads and networks, both interactive and structural aspects of relationships. It
though, because empirical studies guided by social network focuses on differences in perceived level of closeness, allow-
theory usually have not distinguished between friends and ing for comparisons across types and functions of friend-
other close ties. Nevertheless, some research on structural ships as well as across stages of the life span (Antonucci
features of late-life friendship exists. For example, Adams & Akiyama, 1995). Using the convoy model, Piercy and
(1987) studied changes in the friend networks of old Cheek (2004) investigated friendships among middle-aged
women over 3 years and found interesting patterns of both and older women who belonged to quilting bees and guilds.
expansion and contraction (not only contraction) of the They found evidence of strong and supportive friend con-
network membership and also intensification and weak- voys with interaction patterns suggesting these friends
ening (not only weakening) of emotional bonds among would have enduring positive effects on the women’s
friends in the network. These changes in network size and well-being into oldest age. Levitt, Weber, and Guacci (1993)
closeness varied by the women’s demographic characteris- examined social support (e.g., confiding, reassurance and
tics, namely social and marital statuses. Looking at addi- respect, assistance, advice) from friends versus relatives
tional structural features of late-life close friend networks, across the social network structures of family triad mem-
such as similarity of gender, race, religion, age, and extent bers from three generations. The mothers and grandmoth-
of influence on the friend, Adams and Torr (1998) found ers tended to report fewer friends than relatives in their
variation in friend networks of both older women and men networks and to receive less support from friends as com-
based on characteristics of the social and cultural environ- pared with the youngest women. This pattern held across
ments in which the networks were embedded. This finding cultures, as both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking
shows that friend bonds are affected not only by personal women reported similar network structures and sources of
choice, but also by external influences. Thus, investigations support. A recent meta-analysis by Wrzus, Hänel, Wagner,
of structural features of friend networks reveal the range and Neyer (2013) confirmed these cross-generational dif-
of similarities and differences across groups of older adults ferences in network structure (i.e., size) via a meta-analysis
based on cultural contexts, personal characteristics, and sit- of data in 277 studies from 28 countries.
uational features of interactions with current or potential More recently, socioemotional selectivity theory
friends. (Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles (1999) has under-
Social exchange theory, the convoy model of relation- pinned research on friendship in the later years. This theory
ships, and socioemotional selectivity theory have been proposes changes in social interactions as older adults per-
the most common guides for research on the processes of ceive their remaining lifetime becoming shorter. Specifically,
friendship development and sustainment. Early studies of old people adapt to their changing circumstances by reserv-
friendship dynamics in old age were grounded in social ex- ing their emotional energy for their most important rela-
change theory (e.g., Roberto, 1989; Roberto & Scott, 1986), tionships, shedding those with less meaning and value.
which posits that social interactions involve costs and ben- Sander, Schupp, and Richter (2017) found support for this
efits that participants assess as they establish and sustain theory in a study of German adults aged 17–85. Across age
relationships. The types of resources exchanged (Blieszner, groups, the frequency of face-to-face contacts with relatives
1993; Shea, Thompson, & Blieszner, 1988) and the pre- was similar, but such interactions with friends and others
ferred and actual extent of equity and reciprocity in social decreased in frequency. The study by Li and colleagues
4 Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1

(2011) described previously also confirmed socioemotional guide for investigating many intersecting dimensions of
selectivity theory, with findings suggesting that older per- friendship in old age. Propositions and hypotheses from the
sons in the study had higher life satisfaction in the context focal theory can be formulated around the concepts and
of nonreciprocal emotional support, probably because they variables identified in the friendship framework.
prioritize emotionally meaningful exchanges over other As shown in Figure 1, the integrative friendship frame-
interactions. These findings imply that very close friends work posits a series of reciprocal influences on friend part-
can continue as central figures in older adults’ social net- ners that affect their typical modes of interacting and hence,
works even if the networks are shrinking, regardless, per- their emergent and ongoing interaction patterns. The gray
haps, of frequency of face-to-face contact. box and arrows signify that friendship patterns are dynamic
and contextualized in time and space and across cultures;
the dashed lines signify that individuals, friend dyads, and
An Integrative Conceptual Framework friend networks embedded in these contexts affect them
Social network theory highlights the value of examining and are affected by them. The left panel shows that friends
structural features of friendship, how they influence for- bring their individual characteristics to the relationship, in-
mation and retention of friendships, and whether those cluding both social structural positions and psychological
features change over time. Social exchange, convoy, and dispositions, which are mutually influential through the
socioemotional selectivity theories share similar foci on social psychological interpretation and internalization pro-
availability and reciprocity of support in friendship and cesses described by Cooley and Mead (Adams & Blieszner,
other close relationships. They point to numerous indi- 1994; Cooley, 1964; Mead, 1962). That is, propensities
vidual, interpersonal, and interactional characteristics that emerging from socialization experiences and personality af-
can have an impact on friend relationships and outcomes. fect how a person internalizes expectations associated with
Our conceptual framework for friendship research (Adams specific social locations, and social locations affect how
& Blieszner, 1994; Adams, Hahmann, & Blieszner, 2017; a person interprets friendship-related opportunities and
Ueno & Adams, 2006) integrates the psychological and constraints. These personal characteristics lead to choices
sociological perspectives highlighted in social exchange, about where to spend time and how and when to interact
convoy, socioemotional selectivity, social network, and with friends, as well as ways of thinking and feeling about
other theories to provide a flexible and comprehensive friends and friendship, signified as interactive motifs and

Structural, Cultural, Temporal, and Spaal Context

Individual Friendship
Characteriscs Paerns


Social n n
Structural t t
Dyads I e
Posion e I n
n r
r t
t Facilitates e a
n e Constrains r c
a r a t


l a t i
Interacve Mofs i
l v
S e e
t t P
r r r P
u o r
u Modify c
c t Sustain c
t u s e
r e
u e s
Psychological s
r s
e e
Modify s

Figure 1. Integrative conceptual framework for friendship research. From Ueno and Adams (2006), reprinted with permission from Routledge
Publishing, Inc.
Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1 5

depicted in the middle of the figure. Cognitive, affective, behavioral processes, such as provision of instrumental,
and behavioral interactive motifs thus affect the friendship emotional, and social support. Few investigators have
patterns (right panel) that occur between friend pairs and examined the phases of friendship in late life intentionally
in larger friend networks in which the pairs are embedded. and systematically.
For either friend dyads or friend networks, internal struc- Examples of research investigating structural aspects of
tural features (homogeneity and hierarchy in dyads; size, friendship appear in the meta-analysis of social network
density, homogeneity, and hierarchy in networks) facilitate size by Wrzus and colleagues (2013) described previously.
and constrain interactive processes (cognitive, affective, They found reliable cross-cultural evidence that friendship
behavioral), which in turn modify or sustain the internal networks decrease in size across the years of adulthood.
structural features. Social structural position includes age group, and Wrzus
Friendships are not static, so Figure 2 demonstrates that and colleagues noted that both normative and nonnorma-
the patterns exhibited in Figure 1 occur across the phases tive life events occurring at different ages have an impact
of friendship formation, sustainment, and dissolution. on the friend network as needs, other relationships, and
Friendships have a starting point, they can become closer life circumstances modulate social interactions. Indeed,
or less close, and sometimes they end (Adams & Blieszner, Litwin and Shiovitz-Ezra (2006) found that being embed-
1994, 1998; Blieszner & Adams, 1992, 1998). Use of the ded in friend-focused networks was a protective factor
term phases avoids the notion of unidirectional stages of against mortality risk for older adults and de Vries, Utz,
relationships, which does not apply well to friendship. Caserta, and Lund (2014) found that friends were partic-
Rather, movement across phases of friendship is fluid and ularly helpful in providing social support and assistance in
potentially bidirectional. For example, an incipient friend- early widowhood.
ship might wax and wane in the formation phase before Focusing on psychological disposition, Lecce and col-
becoming solidified as an ongoing friendship, or a dis- leagues (2017) showed that individual differences in theory
solved friendship might be resumed later. Within any of the of mind skills (extent of awareness that thoughts, beliefs,
phases, closeness and other process aspects could increase, and emotions affect social interactions) were associated
decrease, or remain stable. Finally, transitions across phases with differences in friend but not family ties among older
are influenced by internal structural features and interac- adults in Italy. Moreover, this theory of mind effect was
tive processes. moderated by social motivation (in this study, the impor-
tance of being liked by others), such that it occurred only
for those who had a high or medium level of social mo-
Studies Illustrating Elements of the Friendship tivation. Thus, understanding others and being motivated
Framework to use social skills to foster positive relationships influence
The most common structural dimensions examined to friendship outcomes. Looking instead at the impact of one’s
date are friendship network size and frequency of con- perceptions of aging on friendship outcomes and employ-
tact (which is merely a proxy for interactive processes, ing a longitudinal design, Menkin, Robles, Gruenewald,
revealing existence of connections, but nothing about the Tanner, and Seeman (2017) found that holding more pos-
type or quality of the interactions). The typical interactive itive expectations about aging to begin with was associ-
dimensions appearing in late-life friendship research are ated with greater perceived availability of social support
from friends a year later and with having made more new
Sustainment friends, with more of them close, 2 years later. Thus, these
findings showed that a personal attribute influenced cogni-
tive, behavioral, and affective friendship processes, respec-
tively over time.
Research on friendship phases as depicted in Figure 2—
how older adults form, sustain, and dissolve friendships—is
scarce. Piercy and Cheek (2004) noted that quilting pro-
vided a context for older women to make new friends and
Menkin and colleagues (2017) noted existence of new
Interacve friends, but these researchers did not delve into aspects of
interaction that contributed to older adults moving from
Internal being acquaintances to being friends. Insight into this phase
Structure transition comes from Blieszner (1989) and Shea and col-
Formaon Dissoluon leagues (1988) who reported on friendship initiation over
5  months among strangers who relocated simultaneously
to a newly constructed retirement community. Key con-
Figure 2. Friendship phases: changes over time in internal structure
tributors to initiation phase transitions involved changes in
and interactive processes. feelings and activities. Spending time together in mutually
6 Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1

appealing activities increased feelings of liking, loving, and provide instrumental support. Both women and men with
commitment to the friendship. These affective processes more resources (e.g., more education) were more likely to
built trust and promoted ongoing exchanges of social and provide help, and after retirement or widowhood, men
instrumental support. increased their help giving.
Blieszner (1989) and Shea and colleagues (1988) also Dunbar (2018) provided an overview of research illus-
found examples of older adults’ efforts to sustain both the trating the intersection of friendship structure at the dyadic
new and previously existing friendships through express- and network levels with cognitive, affective, and behavioral
ing affection, disclosing personal information and feelings, processes. Emotional closeness affects the likelihood of en-
helping one another, and engaging in activities together. gaging in companionship and sharing the social and psy-
Another example of activities and feelings that sustain chological support that typically define friendship. Because
friendship comes from a study of old male veterans by developing emotional closeness and trust requires a signif-
Elder and Clipp (1988). They discovered that the process icant time investment, the number of people in one’s circle
of veterans sharing memories of their intense combat expe- of closest friends is limited. Moreover, cognitive processes—
riences and losses with veteran friends served to perpetuate assessing implicit social contracts related to assumptions of
these very long-term friendships. ongoing support, inhibiting some of one’s own preferences
Finally, in a randomly selected sample of adults aged 55 and behaviors to enable friends to satisfy theirs, and the
and older (n = 53) and data from face-to-face interviews, perspective-taking that fosters understanding of friends’
Blieszner and Adams (1998) inquired about dissolution- needs and motives – are crucial for establishing and sus-
related phases of friendship. Some friendships were fading taining emotionally close and satisfying friendships.
away (mentioned by 68% of participants), either because of As these examples of late-life friendship research show,
circumstances unrelated to the dyad, such as relocation of the integrative conceptual framework supports examina-
one partner, or because one friend was intentionally letting tion of myriad intersecting dimensions of friendship and its
the friendship drift apart due to a problem in the relation- outcomes in a systematic way. Combining this framework
ship. In addition, a small proportion of participants (25%) with relationship theory permits development of hypoth-
had ended a friendship intentionally, usually because of eses to evaluate, and also can illuminate the more subtle
betrayal. As these research examples show, structural, cog- influences on friendship that warrant investigation.
nitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of friendship inter-
actions all came into play in the formation, sustainment,
and dissolution phases of friendship. What Novel Aspects of Friendship Demand
The literature also contains studies relevant to the in- Scholarly Exploration?
tegrative friendship framework that address multiple Despite a breadth of research on social networks across
dimensions simultaneously. Although we did not intend the the life course, friendship in the second half of life remains
friendship framework to be predictive, an early operation- underexplored when compared with information about kin
alization of one component shown in Figure 1 was con- relationships. Moreover, the entrance of new cohorts into
ducted by Dugan and Kivett (1998). Using a sample of 282 old age along with social and cultural change over time
rural and urban adults aged 65–97  years, they sought to suggests the need to examine new dimensions of late-life
determine whether personal characteristics and behavioral friendship. This section provides a brief overview of re-
motifs predicted interactive processes. Results of regression search questions that remain unanswered and are now ripe
analyses showed that two personal characteristics (gender for further exploration.
and education) predicted affective and behavioral pro-
cesses; behavioral motif as indexed by social involvement
in clubs, hobbies, and volunteerism, predicted behavioral Friendship, Health, and Well-Being
processes but not affective or cognitive ones; and proximity Much contemporary research has focused on contributions
predicted all three interactive processes. The effect of cul- of friends to health and psychological well-being among
tural context, assessed by rural or urban residence, was not older adults. At the structural level of analysis, for ex-
significant in this sample. Although this research employed ample, Sander and colleagues (2017) documented a con-
one part of the framework to predict other parts, the work nection between social contact frequency and health across
of other investigators illustrates the application of frame- adulthood. Visits with nonfamily members declined over
work components in studies of a diverse array of outcome the study waves relative to family visits, with an indication
variables. that poorer health in old age explains the less frequent vis-
Using data from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, iting with friends, neighbors, and acquaintances exhibited
Kahn, McGill, and Bianchi (2011) addressed the intersec- at that stage of life.
tions of individual characteristics (age and gender) with Provision of social support is the most common behav-
the friend and other nonkin behavioral interactions (pro- ioral process examined in old age friendship research.
viding assistance) over time. Women were more likely to A useful resource for data on the connection of social sup-
provide emotional support and men were more likely to port from friends and others and health with well-being
Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1 7

outcomes is the review article by ten Bruggencate and col- year of widowhood, whereas Bookwalla and colleagues
leagues (2018). These authors analyzed how having social found that having a friend confidante helped mitigate de-
needs satisfied is a protective influence on the health and pressive symptoms and promote better health as reported
well-being of old people. Unmet social needs can lead to up to 12 years after spousal loss.
loneliness and social isolation, which in turn can cause Examination of friendship among committed partners
health to decline. In contrast, older adults with strong ties comes from the work of Kim, Fredriksen-Goldsen, Bryan,
to family and friends are more likely to retain indepen- and Muraco (2017) who demonstrated the importance of
dence, a sense of meaning and purpose in life, and effec- large and diverse social networks, including the availability
tive physical and psychological functioning longer. Thus, of friends, for mental health among lesbian, gay, bisexual,
understanding the connection between friend support and and transgender older adults. Although these elders may
psychological problems such as depression is important for not have as many family ties as others, having supportive
promoting health and well-being among older adults. social ties within friend networks are as essential for them
A review of 51 studies (published between 2004 and as for anyone in preventing social isolation and reducing
2014)  of associations among social support, social net- the likelihood of depressive symptoms.
works, and depression from around the world by Santini However, marriage is not the only context in which
and colleagues (2015) confirmed that perceived emotional friendship affects psychological well-being. Other struc-
support within large and diverse social networks is pro- tural factors besides marital status, such as cultural back-
tective against depression, as is perceived instrumental ground, gender, racial ethnic status, and socioeconomic
support. More research is needed, however, particularly status, no doubt influence friendship opportunities and
prospective studies, to tease out causality in the associa- constraints that affect social integration or isolation and
tions among social support, social networks, and depres- psychological well-being or depression. Research on the
sion. Are those with fewer depressive symptoms better friendship patterns of such subgroups in the older adult
able to secure large friend networks and receive support population remains to be conducted. The integrative con-
than persons exhibiting depression? Is greater availability ceptual framework for friendship research offers guidance
of social support from a robust social network protective for investigating the effects of social locations and person-
against the development of depressive symptoms? ality characteristics on friendship patterns.
Being engaged in a friend network can also buffer the Another perspective on the connection between friend-
effects of life events that may occur in old age. Marital status ship and well-being in old age is related to the notion that
has traditionally been used as a benchmark for well-being, relational partners are interdependent; the actions of one
so comparing the associations of marital status, friendship, affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of the other
and well-being is one approach to understanding the role (Kelley & Thibaut, 1978). Thus, life events can have an im-
of friends in buffering the effects of negative life events. pact not only on oneself, but also on one’s friends, leading
Studies in this domain contrast friendship effects among to research questions such as whether someone’s misfortune
married old people, those who are formerly married, and rallies friendships or drives friends away. Indeed, Breckman
those who never married, at least in the traditional sense. et  al. (2018) reported that family and friends who know
They also illuminate variation in friendship structure and about an older adult’s mistreatment also suffer distress,
processes across different subgroups of the older adult illustrating how friendship can have negative as well as
population. positive impacts. However, this cross-sectional study did
Han, Kim, and Burr (2017) used longitudinal data from not follow the abuse victims and their social network mem-
the Health and Retirement Study to examine the connec- bers, so how the friends who knew about the abuse fared
tion between friendship and depression among married as time went on could not be assessed. What other personal
couples. Partners who had more frequent social interac- events and circumstances that have not yet been examined
tions with their friends reported fewer depressive symp- for impact on others might interfere with friendship or be
toms than those with fewer friend interactions, particularly buffered by friendship support?
in the context of poorer marital quality. Moreover, dyadic
growth curve models showed that one partner’s responses
to friendship had implications for the well-being of the Friendship and Caregiving
other one, demonstrating that the effects of friendship ex- Another crucial focus for contemporary friendship research is
tend beyond the focal person. the contributions of friends to providing care for older adults.
Concerning older adults who are no longer mar- Given that offspring and other relatives may live a great dis-
ried, both de Vries and colleagues (2014) and Bookwala, tance away from loved ones who require assistance and care-
Marshall, and Manning (2014) studied friendship in the giving, the potential for local friends to fill in when frailty
context of marital loss through widowhood. The findings emerges needs systematic examination. Questions about
from de Vries and colleagues showed that higher friendship interest in helping one’s friends in this way and willingness
satisfaction was associated with more positive self-evalua- to provide more than casual support, and questions about
tion and more positive affective responses in the first half the efficacy of friend caregiving, remain largely unanswered.
8 Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1

Lilly, Richards, and Buckwalter (2003) found that some connection among long-distance older persons? Will social
caregivers of loved ones with dementia mentioned the value media influence the ways in which old people engage in
of their friends in providing the caregivers with emotional friendship? Will completely virtual friendships interactions
support and social integration. No doubt, those helpful differ from past patterns in which friendships typically
friends buoyed the family caregivers as they dealt with mem- began with face-to-face interactions even if they were sus-
ory loss. Of course, friends are not always helpful, as Abel tained over long distances via mail and telephone? Research
(1989) noted. In her interviews with adult daughters caring on social media use among older adults is still in its infancy
for frail elderly parents, some of the participants pointed and will be a burgeoning area of research as digital natives
out that friends (and relatives) often exacerbated caregiv- age into midlife and beyond.
ing stress instead of alleviating it, such as by trivializing
the difficulties of caregiving. This type of research, however,
does not focus directly on care provision by friends. In fact, Friendship in the Age of the Brain
most caregiving studies do not differentiate across family An additional area of innovation for friend research is
and friends when examining helpers for older adults. Our the association between friendship and cognitive func-
literature search on studies related to “friends and caregiv- tioning. Our review of the literature yielded few studies
ing” uncovered 33 articles published since 2012, but all that explicitly explored this topic, which contrasts with
the analyses combined responses for relatives and friends. the preponderance of research on general social re-
Therefore, whether it is practical for health care workers to sources and cognitive functioning in old age (Kuiper
involve friends in care planning, particularly when relatives et al., 2016). The longitudinal study by Béland and col-
do not live nearby, merits additional scholarly attention. leagues (2005) showed that having friends was associ-
ated with slower cognitive decline in women but not
men over the course of 7  years. Béland and colleagues
Friendship in the Digital Age argued that this finding might be due to women’s gen-
A clear avenue for innovative friend research is the inclusion der-based social roles that necessitated greater social in-
of communication technology and social media as mecha- tegration over the years. A more recent study by La Fleur
nisms for understanding how older adults establish and and Salthouse (2017) found that contact with friends,
sustain friendships throughout adulthood. Current findings but not family, was positively associated with general
on Internet use and social media use through websites such intelligence. However, this finding approached nonsig-
as Facebook indicate that older people are less likely than nificance after examining the effects of education, sug-
their younger counterparts to be frequent users (Barbosa gesting that individuals who are better educated spend
Neves, Fonseca, Amaro, & Pasqualotti, 2018; Cotten, more leisure time with friends.
McCullouch, & Adams, 2011; Yu, Ellison, & Lampe, These studies illuminate a path forward for friend
2018). However, older people are adopting technology to research and lead to the following questions: How might
sustain social relationships (Tsai, Shilliar, & Cotten, 2017) cognition and, specifically, problem-solving skills and
and keep in contact with friends and relatives who may be inhibitory control relate to the quality of interactions
geographically distant (Tsai, Shilliar, Cotten, Winstead, & between older adult friends? For example, research dem-
Yost, 2015). Internet use, for example, is associated lower onstrates that inhibitory control is negatively associated
rates of depression and loneliness (Cotten, Ford, Ford, & with impulsivity (Logan, Schachar, & Tannock, 1997),
Hale, 2012) and greater levels of social capital (e.g., quality while additional research documents that impulsivity is
and quantity of social ties) when compared with adults related to negative interpersonal encounters in young
who did not use the Internet at all or who used it less fre- adults (aan het Rot, Moskowitz, & Young, 2015). Are
quently (Barbosa Neves et al., 2018). older adults with poorer inhibitory control more likely
Additional research shows that older Facebook users to report negative interactions with friends? Conversely,
have smaller numbers of online “friends” but a greater are those with better inhibitory control more likely to
proportion of actual friends than younger Facebook users report positive interactions with friends? Similarly,
(Chang, Choi, Bazarova, & Lockenhoff, 2015; Yu et  al., problem-solving skills are associated with memory, rea-
2018), a finding consistent with socioemotional selectiv- soning, processing, and global mental status; each of
ity theory (Carstensen et  al., 1999). Given the prevalence these domains is related to everyday functioning among
of social media, it is important that future work examines older adults and translates to performance on common
the extent to which virtual social networks complement instrumental activities of daily living (Gross, Rebok,
actual friend networks and the types of support exchanged Unverzagt, Willis, & Brandt, 2011). If a key domain
with both types of friends. Will friend networks become of adult friendship is the exchange of instrumental and
increasingly more diverse, including friends both in-person emotional support, then more research is needed to doc-
and online, proximal and distal? Will friendships last lon- ument the implications of cognition in late-life behav-
ger, reducing relationship dissolution, due to the ease of ioral friendship processes.
Table 1.  Friendship Variables in Regional, National, and International Data Sets

Examples of friendship variables/questions

Ages (N) at
Data source Years Wave 1 Friendship structure Cognitive processes Affective processes Behavioral processes

Andrus Study 1993 55–84 (N = 53) “How many friends do you “How willing would “How do you feel about “Has [friend name] done a favor/
of Older Adult have?”; “How close are you with [friend/s] be to provide [different types of friends provided advice or support?”;
Friendship [close friend]? [very close, close, help if needed?”; “How in friend network]?”; “What do you think are some
(Adams & Blieszner, or casual]”; “How far do you live important are [attitudes, “How do you feel barriers to seeing or talking with
1993a) from [close friend]?”; “How long values, and characteristics] when....?”; “What are [friend]?”; “How frequently
have you been friends?”; “How of friends?” your feelings regarding do you [communicate] with
similar are you and [close friend]?” relationships that are [friend]?”; “How do you resolve
Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1

changing or fading?” conflict and disagreements with

Americans’ Changing 1986, 1989, 1994, 25+ (N = 3,617) “About how many friends or other “In your lifetime, have — “How often do you talk with
Lives (ACL)a 2002 in 1986 relatives do you have whom you friends gotten more friends, neighbors, and relatives in
could call on for advice or help if important, less important, a week?”
you needed it?” or stayed the same [in
The Irish Longitudi- 2009–2011 50+ (N = 8,504) “In general, how many close friends “How much do they “How much do they “In the last two years, did your
nal Study on Ageing in 2009 do you have?”; “Have any of your [friends] really understand [friends] get on your neighbors or friends give you any
(TILDA)b close friends died in the past five the way you feel about nerves?” kind of help...”
years?” things?”
Longitudinal Aging 1992, 2002, 2012, 55–84 “How many years have you known — — “How often did it occur in the
Study Amsterdam 2015 (on-going) (N = 3,107) in [friend]?”; “How long does it last year that [friend] helped you
(LASA)c 1992 take you to travel to [friend]?”; with daily chores in and around
“How often are you in touch with the house...?”; “How often did
[friend]?” it occur in the last year that you
quarreled with [friend]?”
Longitudinal Study 1971, 1985, 1988, 60s “How many close friends do you “Please compare your “How satisfied are you —
of Generations 1991, 1994, 1997, (Grandparents) see or hear from?” political views with your with the amount of
(LSG)d 2000, 2005 40s (Parents) close friends’”; “How contact with your close
15–26 (Grand- important is your role friends?”
children) as friend?”; “Rank your
(N = 300 quality of performance in
families) in 1971 your role as a friend.”
Swedish Adoption/ 1984, 1987, 1990, 26–93 “How many friends do you have — “Are you satisfied with —
Twin Study on Aging 1993, 2003, 2007, (N = 2,018) in that can visit you, or who you support from friends?”
(SATSA)e 2010 1984 can visit, anytime and feel right at
home?”; “How often do friends
Table 1.  Continued

Examples of friendship variables/questions

Ages (N) at
Data source Years Wave 1 Friendship structure Cognitive processes Affective processes Behavioral processes

Wisconsin Longitudi- 1957, 1964, 1975, 17+ (N = 10,317) “Could you give me the names “Overall, how do you “How much do [friends “Is there a friend outside your
nal Study (WGS)f 1992, 2004, 2011 in 1957 of some of the [same-sex friends] think you compare with and relatives] make you family with whom you can share
(on-going) who were your best friends in [friend]?” [In reference feel loved and cared for? very private concerns?”; “How
your senior class in high school?”; to work, education, and much are they [friends and
“Think back to 1957...what was finances] relatives] critical of what you do?”
the name of your closest...friend?”;
“During the past 12 months, how
often did you have contact with
National Social Life, 2005–2006, 57–85 [Social network approach] “How — — “How often do they [friends]
Health, and Aging 2010–2011, (N = 3,005) in frequently do [name from network] make too many demands of
Project (NSHAP)g 2015–2016 2005–2006 and [name from network] talk to you?”; “How often do they
(on-going) each other?”; “About how many [friends] criticize you?” “How
friends would you say that you often can you rely on them
have?”; “How close do you feel is [friends] for help if you have a
your relationship with [name from problem?”
Health and 1992, 1994, 1996, 51–61 “How many friends would you say “How much do they “How much do they “On average, how often do you do
Retirement Study 1998, 2000, 2002, (N = 12,652) in you have a close relationship with?” [friends] really understand [friends] get on your each of the following with any of
(HRS)h 2004, 2006, 2008, 1992–1993 the way you feel about nerves?” your friends? (meet up, speak on
2010, 2012, 2014, things?” the phone, write or email)
2016 (on-going)
Midlife in the United 1995, 2004, 2011, 25–74 “Considering only friends you feel “How much do they “How much do they “On average, about how many
States (MIDUS)i 2013 (N = 7,108) in close to, how many friends do you [friends] really understand [friends] get on your hours per month do you spend
1995–1996 have contact with at least once a the way you feel about nerves?” (all waves); “I giving informal emotional support
month?” (2013 only) things?”(all waves); “When often feel lonely because to each of the following people?”
I compare myself to friends I have few close friends [including friends] (2004 only)
and acquaintances, it with whom to share my
makes me feel good about concerns.” (2004 only)
who I am.” (2004 only)
Survey of Health, 2004–2006, 50+ (N = 31,115 “Who gave you help?” — — “Which types of help has this
Ageing, and 2006–2010, from 12 person provided in the last twelve
Retirement in Europe 2011–2012, 2013, countries) in months?”; “In the last twelve
(SHARE)j 2015 (on-going) 2004 months, how often altogether have
you [or your partner] received
such help from this person?”
Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1
Table 1.  Continued

Examples of friendship variables/questions

Ages (N) at
Data source Years Wave 1 Friendship structure Cognitive processes Affective processes Behavioral processes

German Ageing 1996, 2002, 40+ (N = 4,838) “How often do you visit friends or “How much currently “Are there people [in “Which person [in your social net-
Survey (DEAS)k 2008, 2011, 2014 in 1996 acquaintances or invite them over do you think of or do your social network] who work] can you turn to when you
(on-going) to your home?”; “How has your something about...” [sat- are causing you worry or need comfort or cheering up when
relationship with friends or ac- isfying friendships, social concern? If so, who?”; you are feeling sad?”
quaintances changed over the past integration] “Are there people who
6 years?”; “If you think about your give you great joy or hap-
friends and acquaintances, your piness? If so, who?”
Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1

family, and other people that you

have everyday dealings with, which
of these people do you spend most
of your time with?”

Note. Dates in italic font indicate verified availability of friend variables at that wave. Dates in roman font indicate either no verified friend variables or the questionnaire was not available in English.
12 Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1

Friendship as a Unique Relationship These three current limitations point to the value of
Innovative findings on late-life friendship might also be un- linking Adams and Blieszner’s (1994) integrative concep-
covered through the intentional inclusion of friend-related tual framework for friendship with data harmonization
variables as separate from family and neighbor relation- techniques that permit combining regional, national, and
ships. For example, research on social relationships among international data sources. For example, Hofer and Piccinin
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults (2010) described the potential for integrating multiple lev-
has focused on the importance of friendship in aging, com- els of analysis, theories, and designs to enable synthesis
monly using language such as “chosen families” (de Vries of results across multiple data sets, including longitudinal
& Megathlin, 2009). The same attention to the value of studies of aging, to broaden the scope of research on a
friendship in aging has not been applied in non-LGBT given topic; Survey Research Center (2016) provided de-
research. This gap in the literature implies that scholars tailed guidelines for such work. Existing longitudinal data
presume the presence and supremacy of biological kin net- sets could be exploited for secondary analyses using Adams
works in old age, thus ignoring the value of non-biolog- and Blieszner’s framework for guidance on the variable se-
ical relationships. Investigators have used the ambiguous lection, thus enabling scholars to uncover prevailing trends
grouping of friend relationships into categories, such as in friendship as well as idiosyncrasies across data sources
“friends/neighbors,” “friends or other relatives,” and “so- and across cultures and time.
cial resources,” with the latter going so far as to subsume To prompt this new kind of friendship research, we offer
all social relationships into one undifferentiated group. Yet an analysis of the potential for finding structural, cogni-
research clearly shows that friends, neighbors, and kin rela- tive, affective, and behavioral variables as enumerated in
tionships provide varying levels and types of support. For the Adams and Blieszner (1994) conceptual framework
example, LaPierre and Keating (2013) found that among within regional, national, and international data sets. First,
324 nonkin caregivers, friends provided help with personal we used the Inter-university Consortium for Political and
care, bills, banking, and transportation whereas neighbors Social Research to conduct a search of studies that included
were more likely to help with less personal tasks such as middle-aged and older adults. We then examined each data
home maintenance. Further, friends were more involved source for friendship variables and, for those that included
in providing care for nonkin than neighbors were and as- friend variables, reviewed their list of publications for studies
sisted care recipients with a greater number of tasks for with friends as a focal topic. We also searched the major ge-
more hours per week. Such research indicates that friends rontological and relationship journals for articles related
are unique voluntary relationships that are more intimate to older adult friendship and reviewed their data sources.
than more emotionally distal ties that might occur with This process yielded 11 large-scale longitudinal data sets
neighbors. Moreover, friends often contribute more posi- suitable for pursuing cross-national and longitudinal re-
tively to psychological well-being than family relationships search on adult friendship. The data sets are (1) Americans’
do (Huxhold et al., 2014). Thus, it is imperative that future Changing Lives (ACL); (2) The Irish Longitudinal Study on
research on older persons’ social network members focus Ageing (TILDA); (3) Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam
specifically on friendship as a unique relationship and dis- (LASA); (4) Longitudinal Study of Generations (LSG);
tinguish differential structures, functions, processes, and (5) Swedish Adoption/Twin Study on Aging (SATSA); (6)
phases across types of relationships in great detail. Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (WLS); (7) National Social
Life, Health, and Aging Project (NSHAP); (8) Health and
Retirement Study (HRS); (9) Midlife in the United States
What Innovative Designs and Technologies (MIDUS); (10) Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in
Would Reveal Untapped Elements of Europe (SHARE); and (11) German Ageing Survey (DEAS).
Friendship and Its Value? Next, we classified each data source’s friend-related
We identified three main ways in which friendship research questions and variables according to the Adams and
might be advanced, thus revealing untapped elements of Blieszner (1994) integrative conceptual framework,
friend relationships and their value. First, more research is as shown in Table 1. For reference, we also included
needed that goes beyond the structure of friendship (“How the Adams and Blieszner Andrus Study of Older Adult
many close friends do you have?”) to explore interactive Friendship (Adams & Blieszner, 1993a), which guided the
processes that convey deeper perceptions of, feelings about, formulation of the integrative conceptual framework for
and activities within older adult friendships—their cogni- friendship and provides examples of structural, cognitive,
tive, affective, and behavioral dimensions. Second, studies affective, behavioral, and phase questions. Note that the
of friendship have been conducted in regional and cul- information presented in this table is not exhaustive of
tural silos that were not being translated across disciplines each data source’s friend-related questions; rather, it high-
and cultural boundaries. Third, most studies of friendship lights questions corresponding to the integrated conceptual
have incorporated cross-sectional designs, inhibiting un- framework for friendship. The variables derived from these
derstanding of changes and stability in friendship over the questions could be addressed by data harmonization pro-
adult lifespan. cesses to enlarge the size of samples and scope of variables
Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1 13

available for analysis of cognitive, affective, and behav- community, or societal levels. Although in a subsequent
ioral friendship processes and phases over time and across article Adams and Blieszner (1993b, p. 173) stated clearly
cultures. that they did not “necessarily intend to advocate friendship
Review of these longitudinal data sources demonstrates intervention,” they conservatively cautioned policymak-
that, indeed, there is immense potential for the future of ers, program planners, and human service providers not to
older adult friend research using data harmonization tech- design and implement interventions that would inadver-
niques. Almost all the data sources included questions about tently undermine existing social relationships. The reasons
structural components of friendship, including number of for not fully endorsing friendship interventions at the time
friends or close friends. Descriptive analyses might reveal were twofold. First, research on friendship was not robust
similarities or differences in the size and composition of enough to suggest details of what sorts of interventions
friend networks across multiple countries and regions and might be most needed, efficient, and effective. Second was
changes in networks across stages of adulthood. For cog- recognition that friendships were culturally defined as vol-
nitive processes, most (7 out of 11) data sources included untary and, though they are much more structurally con-
reflective or comparative questions in reference to friends. strained than many friends realize, some would find such
For example, three studies (TILDA, HRS, MIDUS) asked, interventions uncomfortable or inappropriate.
“How much do [friends] really understand the way you Although the friendship research literature is now more
feel about things?” Affective processes were assessed in 7 of robust, the literature assessing the effectiveness of inter-
the 11 studies, as well. Four studies (TILDA, HRS, MIDUS, ventions is still scarce. Increased public focus on the con-
DEAS) tapped negative dimensions of friend relationships, sequences of loneliness and isolation is leading to more
inquiring whether friends “get on [their] nerves” or were recognition of the necessity of promoting friendship, but
“causing worry.” Two studies (LSG, SATSA) evaluated systematic interventions into all aspects of friendship pat-
satisfaction with friends, a positive feeling. Finally, most terns described in the previous sections have not been
studies (9 out of 11)  included questions that assessed be- introduced. That is, just as most research on friendship has
havioral processes, such as support exchanged, frequency focused on behavioral processes such as social support to
of contact, and availability of support from friends. Two the relative neglect of examining other behavioral processes
studies (WLS, NSHAP) asked the question, “How much/ as well as cognitive and affective processes, so too friend-
often do [friends] criticize you?” Conversely, four studies ship intervention programs have emphasized behavioral
(TILDA, LASA, MIDUS, SHARE) evaluated actual support strategies such as skill enhancement as approaches to de-
exchanged between friends. veloping friendships, with little attention to addressing the
Exploring these structural elements and cognitive, affec- impact of thoughts and feelings on friendship interactions.
tive, and behavioral friendship processes across large cross- Now that more recent research has demonstrated the im-
national data sources could reveal novel insights regarding portance of friendships to well-being, health, and longevity,
friends and aging. Are there cultural differences in sup- it seems prudent to begin designing, intentionally imple-
port exchanges or in the size, composition, and closeness menting and assessing a broad range of friendship inter-
of friend networks? What groups of older adults are more ventions among older adults. First, we present examples
likely to experience negative interactions with friends and of research assessing intervention programs that address
might these exchanges have implications for health over various parts of the integrative conceptual framework and
time by affecting the availability of supportive resources? levels of intervention, then cite literature pointing to other
Further, how do friendship processes change over time and possibilities for enhancing friendship among older adults.
across places? There are many paths forward for the fu- This section ends with suggestions for enacting and assess-
ture of friend research, but we believe that more robust use ing such friendship interventions.
of existing data sources is a feasible next step. Moreover,
newly launched studies should incorporate friend vari-
ables that assess nuanced dimensions of friendship pro- Examples of Friendship Intervention Research
cesses and phases rather than focusing solely on structural Stevens and colleagues in The Netherlands have been inves-
components. tigating intervention strategies for enhancing friendship
at the individual level of analysis. For example, Stevens,
Martina, & Westerhof (2006) showed that participating
What Interventions Can Be Employed in a 12-week program designed to promote self-esteem
to Increase Satisfaction With Friend (individual characteristic) and relational competence, so-
Relationships and Improve Friend cial skills, and friendship formation skills (behavioral
Interactions? processes) enabled older women to establish new friend-
In 1992, Blieszner and Adams described how programs ships and improve existing ones, thus reducing loneliness
affecting the friendship patterns depicted in Figures 1 and and improving well-being. These outcomes endured for
2, and thus individual outcomes, could be implemented at at least a year. Building on that work, Martina, Stevens,
the individual, dyadic, network, immediate environment, and Westerhof (2012) used self-management of well-being
14 Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1

theory to probe mechanisms underlying friendship-related social network, their residence (community-dwelling, as-
improvements. Interview data from the intervention partic- sisted living, nursing home), and the presence or absence
ipants and control group members revealed that compared of socially isolating chronic health conditions, also affect
with control group members, women who completed the their needs for friends and options available for interven-
friendship enrichment program showed greater increases tions (Blieszner & Ogletree, 2017; Litwin & Shiovitz-Ezra,
in behaviors related to taking the initiative and engaging 2006; Vargheese et al., 2016).
in actions aimed at developing and improving friendships Taken together, these research findings indicate that dif-
(behavioral processes). Extending the in-person friend- ferent friendship-related intervention strategies are needed
ship intervention approach to an online one, Bouwman, for different people and segments of late life. Developing
Aartsen, van Tilburg, and Stevens (2017) demonstrated the interventions that are flexible and take the diversity of ex-
effectiveness of focusing on network development (struc- pectations and preferences among older adults into account
ture), adapting personal standards for friendship, and re- is more likely to be successful than attending only to the
ducing the salience of the discrepancy between actual and practitioner’s perceptions of friendship or assuming a given
desired relationships (cognitive processes). Both follow-up intervention will be equally successful across all elders.
studies showed continued promise for assisting old persons
with honing friendship skills that can improve relation-
ships and boost personal well-being. In related work, re- Enacting and Assessing Interventions
search by both Lecce and colleagues (2017) and Vargheese, We suggest that gerontological researchers form partner-
Sripada, Masthoff, and Oren (2016) suggests interventions ships with service providers interested in increasing the so-
related to cognitive processes. The Lecce team focused on cial connectedness of older adults to plan interventions and
the importance of both increasing theory of mind skills, or appropriate assessment components. Designing research-
the understanding of others’ mental states, and increasing informed interventions aimed at addressing identified needs
social motivation to use those skills in friendship interac- could lead to more nuanced, hence more effective, inter-
tions, which could reduce loneliness and social isolation. ventions. As shown by research findings described in this
The Vargheese group demonstrated that professionals can article, different groups of older adults would likely benefit
employ theoretically derived persuasive strategies to en- from programs targeting specific aspects of friendship struc-
courage older adults to participate in social activities. ture versus interactive processes and dyadic versus network
Development and assessment of additional interventions outcomes. The results of such collaborations could also in-
addressing a broad range of affective, cognitive, and be- form friendship research by increasing knowledge of the
havioral friendship patterns would offer more options for antecedents and consequences of friendship patterns and
assisting lonely or isolated old people with improving their how these change across the life course.
friendships. Acknowledging the dynamic nature of friend- This suggestion also is consonant with Cornwell,
ship, these programs should give attention to skills for ini- Laumann, and Schumm’s (2008) urging increased dialogue
tiating versus sustaining friendships, rejuvenation of faded between social gerontological and social network research-
friendships, and repair of problematic and conflictual ones. ers. The former researchers tend to have a more applied
orientation and to have ties with those in direct contact
with older adults, whereas the latter tend to have more ap-
Directions for New Friendship Interventions preciation for the complexity of friendships. Perhaps so-
Research on associations across older adults’ personal cial gerontological researchers could act as bridges between
preferences for friendships and their social needs, health, professionals who work with older adults and social net-
and well-being point to many possibilities for friendship work researchers.
interventions related to the elements of the integrative con- Gerontological practitioners are more likely to be in-
ceptual framework for friendship research described pre- terested in collaboration on friendship intervention design
viously. Earlier life experiences and current age-related life and evaluation now than in the past because today the im-
events can affect older adults’ social needs, their friend portance of social connectedness for older adults is more
networks, and their friend-related cognitive, affective, and widely recognized and the need for interventions is a sub-
behavioral processes (Blieszner & Ogletree, 2017; Wrzus ject of public dialogue. For example, in the introduction
et al., 2013). Older adults vary with respect to the number to an issue of the Public Policy & Aging Report, Hudson
and types of friends they prefer to have, whether they desire (2017, p.  121) discussed isolation, loneliness, and a lack
only close or more peripheral relationships, the importance of social connection among older adults, noting that “[p]
they place on various friendship interaction processes and olicymakers, practitioners, and researchers have come to
forms of social support, and the amount of reciprocity they focus attention on this little-recognized and dangerous
expect among their friendships—and those preferences can condition facing so many older people.” In the same issue,
change over time (Blieszner, 1995; ten Bruggencate et  al., Ryerson (2017) described AARP’s Connect2Affect ini-
2018). The contexts in which older adults are living, in- tiative (, which is facilitating
cluding the family versus friend composition of their the type of collaboration between researchers and service
Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1 15

providers we recommend. This collaborative effort with Some structural elements of friendship, such as number
the Gerontological Society of America, Give an Hour, the of friends and frequency of contact, may not require fur-
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, and the ther investigation—at least, in Western cultures, yet rela-
UnitedHealth Group provides tools and resources designed tively less information is available on the effects of other
to assess risk and help isolated older adults become more structural features on friendship, such as gender, racial
involved with their communities. The initiatives Ryerson ethnic status, subcultural group, and the contexts in which
described use technology to improve connectedness—de- older adults enact friendship. Likewise, many studies have
velopment of a ride-hailing app to increase the use of public explored various forms of social support, but much less is
transportation, examination of whether the use of hands- understood about other behavioral processes. Data on cog-
free voice-controlled communication devices decreases nitive processes in late-life friendship are scarce, including
isolation, and evaluation of the effectiveness of phone how people think about and analyze their friend relation-
outreach in helping retirees feel more connected to oth- ships or how perceptions of friends and friend interactions
ers. Although these interventions were designed to increase influence friendship initiation, stability, or loss. Similarly,
connectedness in general rather than in friendships per se, it few studies have examined the influence of emotions on
is promising that AARP is facilitating collaboration among friendship quality and phases. An implicit assumption
service providers and researchers, evaluating the effective- seems to be that friend relations are positive and beneficial,
ness of selected interventions, and producing results that which is generally true. After all, being friends with a partic-
could lead to the systematic implementation of programs ular person is optional. Nevertheless, evidence shows that
at the community, state, or national levels. older adults can be quite troubled by problems with friends
The clear benefits of social engagement among old people yet do not necessarily wish to terminate the relationship
and concern about lack of social connectedness point to (Adams & Blieszner, 1998; Blieszner & Adams, 1998). We
the value of and need for continued collaboration among need to know more about any dark sides of friendship.
researchers and service providers. The framework for con- As shown in the section on interventions, most programs
ceptualizing friendship structure, processes, and phases aimed at improving friendship opportunities and outcomes
discussed previously and illustrated in Figures 1 and 2 pro- for older adults address behavioral processes useful in the
vides guidelines for identifying needs and designing tailored phases of forming new ties and enhancing those that exist,
interventions targeted to addressing them. Accumulating in service of preventing or mitigating loneliness and social
evidence that such programs are effective in increasing con- isolation. Certainly more programs like those are needed
nections among friends, improving friendship quality, and as the population of elders increases around the globe.
benefitting older adults’ health and well-being is essential Nevertheless, it also important for community practitio-
prior to advocating for policies to support systematic im- ners to focus on problem-solving in friendships, not just in
plementation of programs across groups of older adults in family relationships, to help elders sustain rewarding friend
need of better social integration. ties that may entail minor disagreements and annoyances,
as well as to provide strategies for dissolving friendships
that are not merely uncomfortable, but actually toxic.
Conclusion Friendship intervention programs must also be assessed
Friendship is a relationship that can last longer over the life for suitability to friendship styles in late adulthood as well
course than any other. The majority of adults participate as programs’ effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes.
in friendship, even as the end of life draws near. The likeli- To build on the intervention research described previously,
hood of older adults continuing to enjoy and benefit from we suggest that expanding research on friendship in old
interactions with friends combined with the potential for age will yield useful data on potential suitability and effec-
social isolation in old age suggests the importance of inves- tiveness of existing programs and might suggest different
tigating friendship in creative new ways to advance un- approaches to explore. It is difficult to plan better-targeted
derstanding of friendship structure, processes, and phases interventions without knowing more about friendship
along with their implications for health and well-being. structure and processes. We need studies on the social and
In turn, findings from research on friendship can inform psychological costs of friendship, not just benefits, and on
strategies for enhancing friendship opportunities and inter- what interferes with friendship enactment and satisfac-
actions in order to prevent or alleviate loneliness, social iso- tion, not just what promotes it. We need investigations of
lation, and depression. similarities and differences in friendship across cultural
As this review of theories relevant to friendship research subgroups both domestically and internationally so inter-
in old age and available literature on late-life friendship ventions can vary by context as needed.
shows, many unanswered questions about the roles of The deeper understanding of friendship in old age will
friends in supporting psychological well-being and health also result from mining the data sets identified in Table 1
of older adults exist. The integrative conceptual framework and exploring data harmonization techniques to conduct
combined with theory pertinent to social relationships cross-national comparisons. In addition to the countries
offers guidance for additional work. represented in Table 1, we cited friendship research from
16 Innovation in Aging, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 1

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