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Paul R. Rider, Plane & Spherical Trigonometry. The McMillan Co. New York
William L. Hart, College Algebra. Fourth Edition
Kern and Bland, Solid Mensuration, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York INSTRUCTOR: JEROME B. PATILLA, REE
Problem 2
WORK PROBLEM Worker men A and B complete a certain job if they work
together for 6days, or if A works for 12days and B works for
Rate of work * time worked = part of task completed 3days. How long would it take each man, alone, to complete
the job?
For example, if a painter can paint a wall in 15 minutes, then the
painter can paint of the wall in 1 / 15 minute. The painter’s rate of
work is 1/ 15 of the wall each minute. In general, if a task can be
completed in x minutes, then the rate of work is 1 / x of the task
each minute.

Problem 1 Problem 3
Pump A can fill a pool in 6 hours, and pump B can fill the X and Y can do a piece of work in 42 days, Y and Z in 31
same pool in 3 hours. How long will it take to fill the pool if days and Z and X in 20 days. In how many days can all of them
both pumps are used? do the work together.
The sum of the ages of Jomari and Wendel is three times
One application of linear equations is what are termed age Wendel’s age. Seven years ago, Jomari was three less than
problems. When solving age problems, generally the age of two four times as old as Wendel. How old are they now?
different people (or objects) both now and in the future (or past)
are compared. The objective of these problems is usually to
find each subject's current age.

This type of problems must be solved meticulously by giving

more emphasis to the tenses (i.e. past, present or future) of the

Problem 3
Problem 1
A girl is one-third as old as her brother and 8 years younger
Tanya is 28 years older than Marcus. In 6 years, Tanya will
than her sister. The sum of their ages is 38 years. How old is
be three times as old as Marcus. How old is Tanya now?
the girl?

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