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👇  MCQ On Research Methodology

 MCQ S. Y. Pharmacognosy

 MCQ T. Y. B. Pharm Sem - V

 MCQ T. Y. B. Pharm Sem VI

 Other

Multiple choice Questions with answers on Gas Chromatography with   Pharmaceutical Analysis

 Pharmaceutical Engineering MCQ

 Pharmacology MCQ
or the separation of which of the following
substances, Gas-solid
 S. Y. B. Pharm Sem IV
chromatography is being used?

 T. Y. B. Pharm Sem V
a) Thermally stable organic components

 T. Y. B. Pharm Sem VI
b) Volatile organic components

c) Thermally stable inorganic components

d) Low molecular weight gaseous species

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 2. Which of the following is not a feature of

carrier gas used in gas

a) It must be chemically inert

b) It should be suitable for the detector


c) It should not be completely pure

d) It should be cheap

3. Which
of the following is the disadvantage of hydrogen, which can be used
as carrier
gas in gas chromatography?

a) Dangerous to use

b) Expensive

c) Reduced sensitivity

d) High density

4.   Which
of the following is the disadvantage of helium, which can be used as
carrier gas
in gas chromatography?

a) Dangerous to use

b) Expensive

c) Reduced sensitivity

d) High density

5.    Which
of the following is the disadvantage of nitrogen, which can be used
as carrier
gas in gas chromatography?

a) Dangerous to use

b) Expensive

c) Reduced sensitivity

d) High density

6. Slow
injection of large samples leads to band broadening and loss of

a) True

b) False

7. In
which of the following methods are liquid samples injected into the
column in
gas chromatography?

a) Gas tight syringe

b) Micro-syringe

c) Rotary sample valve

d) Solid injection syringes

8.  What
must be done to the solid samples for it to be introduced into the
without using solid injection syringes in gas chromatography?

a) Introduced in hot-zone of the column

b) Dissolved in volatile liquids

c) Introduced using rotary sample valve

d) Introduced using sampling loops

 9. Which
of the following is the commonly used support material for the
packed column in
gas chromatography?

a) Glass

b) Metal

c) Diatomaceous earth

d) Stainless steel

of the following is the advantage of a straight packed column?

a) It can be packed uniformly

b) It can be repacked easily

c) It is compact

d) It is easier to heat it evenly

of the following is the disadvantage of coiled or helical shaped
chromatographic column?

a) It cannot be packed uniformly

b) It cannot be repacked easily

c) It is not compact

d) It is not easy to heat it evenly

columns are open tubular columns constructed from which of
the following materials?

a) Glass

b) Metal

c) Stainless steel

d) Fused silica

injection port must be maintained at a temperature at which
rapid vapourisation
occurs but thermal degradation does not occur.

a) True

b) False

of the following is not a desirable feature of the ovens used in gas

a) It must have a fast rate of heating

b) Power consumption should be kept low

c) It must have maximum thermal gradients

d) It should have proper insulation

  15. Derivatization is done in G.C (GATE


a)      to
convert a less polar compound to a more polar compound

b)      to
make the compound non-volatile

c)      to
convert a polar compound to less polar compound

d)     to
liquefy a solid

  16. Gas chromatography techniques can

be used for  (GATE 1998)

a)      Qualitative
analysis only

b)      Quantitative
analysis only

c)      Both
A and B

d)     None
of these

One of the following conditions is maintained in programmed 
temperature gas
chromatography  (GATE 2001)
a)      temperature
of the whole column is raised during analysis

b)      temperature
at the sample injection system is raised

c)      temperature
at the detector is gradually raised

d)     temperature
at the recorder alone is raised

In gas chromatography, derivatization is desirable to (GATE

improve the thermal stability of compounds

enable interaction with carrier gas

introduce a detector-oriented tag into the molecule

remove contaminants

the correct statements.

a)      A,B

b)      B,C

c)      A,

d)     A,D

In gas chromatography, the basis for separation of the components of the
volatile material is the difference in

a)      partition

b)      conductivity

c)      molecular

d)     molarity

Gas chromatography can be performed in which of the following

Only in columns

Only on plane surfaces

Either in columns or on plane surfaces

Neither in columns nor on plane surfaces

In Gas-liquid phase chromatography, the stationary phase is composed
_________ and the mobile phase is made of _________

Solid, liquid

Liquid, liquid

Liquid, gas

Solid, gas

22.  Which of the following is not

used for detection in GC?

a)      Infrared

b)      NMR

c)      Flame

d)     Electrical

Which of these effects result from slow injection of a large sample

a)      Increased

b)      Decreased

c)      Non-linear
detector response

d)     Constant

The GC trace obtained after an experiment is called a

a)      chromatograph

b)      chromatogram

c)      chromatophore

d)     graph

 Which of the following gases is
unsuitable for use as a GC carrier gas?

a)      Nitrogen

b)      Helium
c)      Oxygen

d)     All
of the above

What useful information can be found from a Van Deemter plot?

a)      The
selectivity factor

b)      Optimum
mobile phase flow rate

c)      Optimum
column temperature

d)     Optimum
column length

What is the typical internal diameter of fused silica capillary columns?

a)      0.2-0.3

b)      0.3-0.5mm

c)      0.5-1.0

d)     1.0-2.0

Resolution is proportional to the

a)   number of theoretical plates in a column

b) square root of the number of theoretical

plates in a column

c)  square of the number of theoretical

plates in a column

d)  cube root of the number of theoretical

plates in a column

Derivatisation of a sample is carried out to

a)      reduce
polarity of the analytes

b)      increase
the detector response

c)      increase
volatility of the analytes

d)     all
of the above


Which of the statements is correct?
a)      Gas
chromatography is used to analyse gases

b)      Gas
chromatography is used to analyse solids

c)      Gas
chromatography is used to analyse gases, solutions and solids

d)     All
of the above

A retention gap is placed between the injector and the front of the
column to

a)      retain
contaminants and prevent them from reaching the column

b)      retain
the sample and release it gradually to the column

c)      prevent
backflush of the injected solution

d)     all
of the above

Split injection is carried out by

a)      splitting
the sample into smaller portions to inject sequentially

b)      splitting
the sample into smaller portions to inject at the same time
through parallel

c)      splitting
off some of the sample so that it does not enter the column

d)     none
of the above

Theoretical plates are used to

a)      estimate
the efficiency of a column

b)      determine
the thickness of the stationary phase

c)      measure
the distribution of the analyte between mobile and stationary

d)     None
of the above

What does the selectivity factor describe?

a)      The
proportional difference in widths of two chromatographic peaks

b)      The
maximum number of different species which a column can separate

c)      The
relative separation achieved between two species

d)     None
of the above

Helium is generally preferred as carrier gas over nitrogen and
hydrogen because

a)      it
is inert

b)      it
has a lower viscosity

c)      it
doubles up as a party gas for balloons and funny voices

d)     all
of above

The column is heated to

a)      prevent
analyte condensation within the column

b)      control
elution of the different analytes

c)      reduce
band broadening to get sharper peaks

d)     all
of these

What are the benefits of decreasing the column internal diameter?

a)      Increased
sample capacity

b)      Increased

c)      Reduced
risk of column overloading

d)     All
of the above

Sample retention in the column is measured by

a)      retention

b)      retention

c)      retention

d)     all
of these

Column bleeding occurs when

a)      elution
of the analyte is extended over time
b)      the
column is cracked and stationary phase leaks out

c)      traces
of the stationary phase are eluted

d)     the
column breaks during installation and causes personal injury

Which of the following are not used as stationary phases in a GC column?

a)      Polysiloxanes

b)      Silica

c)      Cyclodextrins

d)     None
are used as stationary phases

Sample injection is considered successful if

a)   all of the sample in the injector has

been added to the column

b) the sample is concentrated at the start

of the column

c) the sample is spread evenly along the


d) the sample is homogenously spread along

the column

d 2.
c 3.
a 4.
b 5.
c 6.
a 7.

b 9.
c 10.
c 11.
b 12.
d 13.
a 14.

a 16.
c 17.
a 18.
c 19.
a 20.
a 21.  c

b 23.
b 24.
b 25.
c 26.
b 27.
a 28.

d 30.
d 31.
a 32.
c 33.
a 34.
c 35.

d 37.
b 38.
d 39.
c 40.
b 41.
b 42.

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