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Question Bank (I scheme)

Name of Subject: Emerging Trends in Computer and Information Technology Unit Test: I
Subject Code: 22618 Courses: IF/CM6I
Semester: VI
Chapter 1- Artificial Intelligence
1. Which of these schools was not among the early leaders in AI research?
A. Dartmouth University
B. Harvard University
C. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
D. Stanford University
E. None of the above

Ans: B
2. DARPA, the agency that has funded a great deal of American AI research, is part of the
Department of:
A. Defense
B. Energy
C. Education
D. Justice
E. None of the above

Ans: A
3. The conference that launched the AI revolution in 1956 was held at:
A. Dartmouth
B. Harvard
C. New York
D. Stanford
E. None of the above

Ans: A
4. What is the term used for describing the judgmental or commonsense part of problem solving?
A. Heuristic
B. Critical
C. Value based
D. Analytical
E. None of the above

Ans: A
5. What of the following is considered to be a pivotal event in the history of AI.
A. 1949, Donald O, The organization of Behavior.
B. 1950, Computing Machinery and Intelligence.
C. 1956, Dartmouth University Conference Organized by John McCarthy.
D. 1961, Computer and Computer Sense.
E. None of the above

Ans: C
6. A certain Professor at the Stanford University coined the word 'artificial intelligence' in 1956 at a
conference held at Dartmouth College. Can you name the Professor?
A. David Levy
B. John McCarthy
C. Joseph Weizenbaum
D. Hans Berliner
E. None of the above

Ans: B
7. The field that investigates the mechanics of human intelligence is:
A. History
B. cognitive science
C. psychology
D. sociology
E. None of the above

Ans: B
8. A.M. turing developed a technique for determining whether a computer could or could not
demonstrate the artificial Intelligence,, Presently, this technique is called
A. Turing Test
B. Algorithm
C. Boolean Algebra
D. Logarithm
E. None of the above

Ans: A
9. The first AI programming language was called:
E. None of the above

Ans: C
10. What is Artificial intelligence?
A. Putting your intelligence into Computer
B. Programming with your own intelligence
C. Making a Machine intelligent
D. Putting more memory into Computer
Ans: C
11. Who is a father of AI?
A. Alain Colmerauer
B. John McCarthy
C. Nicklaus Wirth
D. Seymour Papert
Ans: B
12. Artificial Intelligence has its expansion in the following application.
A. Planning and Scheduling
B. Game Playing
C. Robotics
D. All of the above
Ans: D
13. The characteristics of the computer system capable of thinking, reasoning and learning is known
A. machine intelligence
B. human intelligence
C. artificial intelligence
D. virtual intelligence
Ans: C
14. The first AI programming language was called:
Ans: C
15. The first widely used commercial form of Artificial Intelligence (Al) is being used in many
popular products like microwave ovens, automobiles and plug in circuit boards for desktop PCs.
What is name of AI?
A. Boolean logic
B. Human logic
C. Fuzzy logic
D. Functional logic
Ans: C
16. What is the term used for describing the judgmental or commonsense part of problem solving?
A. Heuristic
B. Critical
C. Value based
D. Analytical
Ans: A
17. ______ is a branch of computer science which deals with helping machines finds solutions to
complex problems in a more human like fashions
A. Artificial Intelligence
B. Internet of Things
C. Embedded System
D. Cyber Security
Ans: A
18. In ____ the goal is for the software to use what it has learned in one area to solve problems in
other areas.
A. Machine Learning
B. Deep Learning
C. Neural Networks
D. None of these
Ans: B
19. Computer programs that mimic the way the human brain processes information is called as
A. Machine Learning
B. Deep Learning
C. Neural Networks
D. None of these
Ans: C
20. A ____ is a rule of thumb, strategy, trick, simplification, or any other kind of device which
drastically limits search for solutions in large problem spaces.
A. Heuristic
B. Critical
C. Value based
D. Analytical
Ans: A
21. ______ do not guarantee optimal/any solutions
A. Heuristic
B. Critical
C. Value based
D. Analytical
Ans: A
22. Cognitive science related with _____
A. Act like human
C. Think like human
D. None of above
Ans: C
23. _____ Model should reflect how results were obtained.
A. Design model
B. Logic model
C. Computational model
D. None of above
Ans: C
24. Communication between man and machine is related with ______
C. All of above
D. None of above
Ans: B
25. ELIZA created by _____
A. John McCarthy
B. Steve Russell
C. Alain Colmerauer
D. Joseph Weizenbaum
Ans: D
26. The concept derived from ________ level are propositional logic, tautology, predicate calculus,
model, temporal logic.
A. Cognition level
B. Logic level
C. Functional level
D. All of above
Ans: B
27. PROLOG is an AI programming language which solves problems with a form of symbolic logic
known as ______.
A. Propositional logic
B. Tautology
C. Predicate calculus
D. Temporal logic
Ans: C
28. The ____ level contains constituents at the third level which are knowledge based system,
heuristic search, automatic theorem proving, multi-agent system.
A. Cognition level
B. Gross level
C. Functional level
D. All of above
Ans: B
29. PROLOG, LISP, NLP are the language of ____
A. Artificial Intelligence
B. Machine Learning
C. Internet of Things
D. Deep Learning
Ans: A
30. ______ is used for AI because it supports the implementation of software that computes with
symbols very well.
Ans: A
31. Symbols, symbolic expressions and computing with those is at the core of ______
Ans: A
32. ______ that deals with the interaction between computers and humans using the natural language
Ans: D
33. The core components are constituents of AI are derived from
A. Concept of logic
B. Cognition
C. Computation
D. All of above
Ans: D
34. Aristotle’s theory of syllogism and Descartes and kant’s critic of pure reasoning made
knowledge on _____.
A. Logic
B. Computation logic
C. Cognition logic
D. All of above
Ans: A
35. Charles Babbage and Boole who demonstrate the power of _______
A. Logic
B. Computation logic
C. Cognition logic
D. All of above
Ans: B
36. In 1960s, _____ pushed the logical formalism to integrate reasoning with knowledge.
A. Marvin Minsky
B. Alain Colmerauer
C. John McCarthy
D. None of above
Ans: A
37. Sensing organs as input, mechanical movement organs as output and central nervous system
(CNS) in brain as control and computing devices is known as _____ of human being
A. Information Control Paradigm
B. Information Processing Paradigm
C. Information Processing Control
D. None of above
Ans: B
38. _____ model were developed and incorporated in machines which mimicked the functionalities
of human origin.
A. Functional model
B. Neural model
C. Computational model
D. None of above
Ans: C
39. Chomsky’s linguistic computational theory generated a model for syntactic analysis through
A. Regular Grammar
B. Regular Expression
C. Regular Word
D. None of these
Ans: A
40. Human to Machine is _____ and Machine to Machine is ______.
A. Process, Process
B. Process, Program
C. Program, Hardware
D. Program, Program
Ans: C
41. Weak AI is also known as ____
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Neural AI
D. None of above
Ans: A
42. _____ AI is able to perform dedicated task.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Neural AI
D. None of above
Ans: A
43. Narrow AI is performs multiple task at a time.
A. True
B. False
Ans: B
44. Weak AI is____________
A. The embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer.
B. A set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence if
it were generated by humans.
C. The study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Ans: C
45. Strong AI is__________
A. The embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer.
B. A set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence if
it were generated by humans.
C. The study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Ans: A
46. Artificial intelligence is___________
A. The embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer.
B. A set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence if
it were generated by humans.
C. The study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Ans: D
47. Apple siri is a good example of ______ AI.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Neural AI
D. None of above
Ans: A
48. IBM Watson supercomputer comes under ____ AI.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Neural AI
D. None of above
Ans: A
49. ____ AI is a type of intelligence which could perform any intellectual task with efficiency like
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above
Ans: B
50. The idea behind _________AI to make such a system which could be smarter and think like a
human by its own.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above
Ans: B
51. The worldwide researchers are now focusing on developing machines with ___ AI.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above
Ans: B
52. Playing chess, purchasing suggestions on e-commerce site, self-driving cars, speech recognition,
and image recognition are the example of ____.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above
Ans: A
53. Machine can perform any task better than human with cognitive properties is known as ___ AI.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above
Ans: C
54. Ability to think, puzzle, make judgments, plan, learn, communication by its own is known as ___
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above
Ans: C
55. ____ AI is hypothetical concept of AI.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above
Ans: C
56. Which AI system not store memories or past experiences for future actions.
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above
Ans: A
57. Which machines only focus on current scenarios and react on it as per as possible best action.
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above
Ans: A
58. IBM’s deep blue system is example of ___.
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above
Ans: A
59. Google Alpha Go is example of ____.
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above
Ans: A
60. Which can stores past experiences or some data for short period time.
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above
Ans: B
61. Self-driving car is example of ____.
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above
Ans: B [Car stores recent speed of nearby cars, distance of others car, speed limit, other
information to navigate the road]
62. Which AI should understand the human emotions, people, and beliefs and be able to interact
socially like humans.
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above
Ans: C
63. Which machines will be smarter than human mind?
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. Self-Awareness
Ans: D
64. _________machines will have their own consciousness and sentiments
A. Reactive machine
B. Theory of mind
C. Self-Awareness
D. Both B & C
Ans: C
65. Which is not the commonly used programming language for AI?
C. Perl
D. Java script
Ans: C
66. What is Machine learning?
A. The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs
B. The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual programs
C. The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs
D. The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual programs
Ans: A
67______________is a branch of science that deals with programing the systems in such a way that
they automatically learn and improve with experience
A. Machine Learning
B. Deep Learning
C. Neural Networks
D. None of these
Ans: A
68. Classifying email as a spam, labeling webpages based on their content, voice recognition are the
example of _____.
A. Supervised learning
B. Unsupervised learning
C. Machine learning
D. Deep learning
Ans: A
69. K-means, self-organizing maps, hierarchical clustering are the example of _____.
A. Supervised learning
B. Unsupervised learning
C. Machine learning
D. Deep learning
Ans: B
70. Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning where concerned algorithms are inspired by the
structured and function of the brain called _____.
A. Machine learning
B. Artificial neural networks
C. Deep learning
D. Robotics
Ans: B
71. Machine learning invent by _____.
A. John McCarthy
B. Nicklaus Wirth
C. Joseph Weizenbaum
D. Arthur Samuel
Ans: D
Chapter-2 Internet of Things
1. Embedded systems are_____
A. General purpose
B. Special purpose
Ans: B
2. Embedded system is______
A. An electronic system
B. A pure mechanical system
C. An electro-mechanical system
D. (A) or (C)
Ans: D
3. Which of the following is not true about embedded systems?
A. Built around specialized hardware
B. Always contain an operating system
C. Execution behavior may be deterministic
D. All of these
E. None of these
Ans: E
4. Which of the following is not an example of a “small-scale embedded system”?
A. Electronic Barbie doll
B. Simple calculator
C. Cell phone
D. Electronic toy car
Ans: C
5. The first recognized modern embedded system is
A. Apple computer
B. Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)
C. Calculator
D. Radio navigation system
Ans: B
6. The first mass produced embedded system is
A. Minuteman-I
B. Minuteman-II
C. Autonetics D-17
D. Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)
Ans: C
7. Which of the following is an (are) an intended purpose(s) of embedded systems?
A. Data collection
B. Data processing
C. Data communication
D. All of these
E. None of these
Ans: D
8. Which of the following is (are) example(s) of embedded system for data communication?
USB Mass Storage device
A. Network router
B. Digital camera
C. Music player
D. All of these
E. None of these

Ans: B
9. What are the essential tight constraint/s related to the design metrics of an embedded system? A.
Ability to fit on a single chip B. Low power consumption C. Fast data processing for real-time
operations D .All of the above
Ans: D
10. A digital multi meter is an example of an embedded system for
A. Data communication
B. Monitoring
C. Control
D. All of these
E. None of these
Ans: B
11. Which of the following is an (are) example(s) of an embedded system for signal processing?
A. Apple iPOD (media player device)
B. SanDisk USB mass storage device
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of these
Ans: D
12. The instruction set of RISC processor is
A. Simple and lesser in number
B. Complex and lesser in number
C. Simple and larger in number
D. Complex and larger in number
Ans: A
13. Which of the following is true about CISC processors?
A. The instruction set is non-orthogonal
B. The number of general purpose registers is limited
C. Instructions are like macros in c language
D. Variable length instructions
E. All of these
F. None of these

Ans: E
14. Main processor chip in computers is_______

Ans: C
15. Processors used in many microcontroller products need to be______
A. high power
B. low power
C. low interrupt response
D. low code density

Ans: B
16. In microcontrollers, UART is acronym of_____
A. Universal Applied Receiver/Transmitter
B. Universal Asynchronous Rectified Transmitter
C. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
D. United Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter

Ans: C
17. Which architecture is followed by general purpose microprocessors?
A. Harvard architecture B. Von Neumann architecture C. None of the mentioned D. All of the
Ans: B
18. Which architecture involves both the volatile and the non-volatile memory?
A. Harvard architecture B. Von Neumann architecture C. None of the mentioned D. All of the
Ans: A
19. Which architecture provides separate buses for program and data memory?
A. Harvard architecture B. Von Neumann architecture C. None of the mentioned D. All of the
Ans: A
20. Harvard architecture allows:
A. Separate program and data memory B. Pipe-ling C. Complex architecture D. All of the mentioned
Ans: D
21. Which of the following processor architecture supports easier instruction pipelining?
A. Harvard
B. Von Neumann
C. Both of them
D. None of these

Ans: A
22. Which of the following is an example for wireless communication interface?
A. RS-232C
B. Wi-Fi
C. Bluetooth
D. EEE1394
E. Both (B) and (C)

Ans: E
23. ARM stands for _________
A. Advanced RISC Machine B. Advanced RISC Methodology C. Advanced Reduced Machine D.
Advanced Reduced Methodology
Ans: A
24. What is the processor used by ARM7?
A. 8-bit CISC B. 8-bit RISC C. 32-bit CISC D. 32-bit RISC
Ans: D
25. The main importance of ARM micro-processors is providing operation with ______
A. Low cost and low power consumption B. Higher degree of multi-tasking C. Lower error or
glitches D. Efficient memory management
Ans: A
26. ARM processors where basically designed for _______
A. Main frame systems B. Distributed systems C. Mobile systems D. Super computers
Ans: C
27. ASIC chip is
A. Simple in design.
B. Manufacturing time is less.
C. It is faster.
D. Both A&C.
Ans: C
28. ASIC stands for
A. Application-System Integrated Circuits
B. Application-Specific Integrated Circuits
C. Application-System Internal Circuits
D. Application-Specific Internal Circuits

Ans: B
29. In microcontrollers, I2C stands for
A. Inter-Integrated Clock
B. Initial-Integrated Clock
C. Intel-Integrated Circuit
D. Inter-Integrated Circuit

Ans: D
30. ______________ is the smallest microcontrollers which can be programmed to perform a large
range of tasks.
A. PIC microcontrollers
B. ARM microcontrollers
C. AVR microcontrollers
D. ASIC microcontrollers

Ans: - A
31. _______________ was developed in the year 1996 by ATMEL Corporation

Ans: - B
32. AVR stands for_____________________.
A. Advanced Virtual RISC.
B. Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan RISC
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

Ans: - C
33. AVR microcontroller executes most of the instruction in _________________.
A. Single execution cycle.
B. Double execution cycle.
C. Both A& B
D. None of the above.

Ans: - A
34. Term "the Internet of things" was coined by
A. Edward L. Schneider
B. Kevin Ashton
C. John H.
D. Charles Anthony

Ans: B
35. The huge numbers of devices connected to the Internet of Things have to communicate
automatically, not via humans, what is this called?
A. Bot to Bot(B2B)
B. Machine to Machine(M2M)
C. InterCloud
D. Skynet

Ans: B
36. What does “Things” in IoT refers to?
A. General device
B. Information
C. IoT devices
D. Object
Ans: C
37. Interconnection of Internet and computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them
to send and receive data is called_____________
A. Internet of Things
B. Network Interconnection
C. Object Determination
D. None of these

Ans: A
38. _____________ is a computing concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects
being connected to the internet.
A. IOT (Internet of Things)

Ans: -A
39 _____ devices may support a number of interoperable communication protocols and
communicate with other device and also with infrastructure.
A. Artificial Intelligence
B. Machine Learning
C. Internet of Things
D. None of above
Ans: C
40. Which one is not element of IOT?
A. Process
B. People
C. Security
D. Things
41. IIOT stands for
A. Information Internet of Things
B. Industrial Internet of Things
C. Inovative Internet of Things
D. None of above
42. Name of the IOT device which is first recognized?
A. Smart Watch
C. Radio
D. Video Game
Ans: B
43. _____ is used by IOT
A. Radio information technology
B. Satellite
C. Cable
D. Broadband
44. ______ consists of communication protocols for electronic devices, typically a mobile device
and a standard device.
D. None of above
45. _____________ refers to establish a proper connection between all the things of IOT.
A. Connectivity
B. Analyzing
C. Sensing
D. Active Engagement

Ans: - A
46. IOT devices which have unique identities and can perform ________________________.
A. Remote sensing
B. Actuating
C. Monitoring capabilities
D. All of the above

Ans: - D
47. The sensed data communicated ___________________.
A. Cloud-based servers/storage.
B. I/O interfaces.
C. Internet connectivity.
D. None of the above

Ans: - A
48. IOT devices are various types, for instance______________.
A. Wearable sensors.
B. Smart watches.
C. LED lights.
D. All of the above

Ans: - D
49. ______________ is a collection of wired Ethernet standard for the link layer.
A. IEEE 802.3
B. IEEE 802.11
C. IEEE 802.16
D. IEEE 802.15.4

Ans: - A
50.______ is a collection of WLAN communication standards.
A. IEEE 802.3
B. IEEE 802.11
C. IEEE 802.16
D. IEEE 802.15.4
51. ____ is a collection of wireless broadband standards (WiMax).
A. IEEE 802.3
B. IEEE 802.11
C. IEEE 802.16
D. IEEE 802.15.4
52 ___ is a collection of standards for LR-WPANs.
A. IEEE 802.3
B. IEEE 802.11
C. IEEE 802.16
D. IEEE 802.15.4
53. LR-WPANs standards from basis of specifications for high level communication protocol such
as ___.
A. Zigbee
B. Allsean
C. Tyrell
D. Microsoft's Azure
54. ______ includes GSM and CDMA.
A. 2G
B. 3G
C. 4G
D. None of above
55. ______include UMTS and CDMA2000.
A. 2G
B. 3G
C. 4G
D. None of above
56 ______include LTE.
A. 2G
B. 3G
C. 4G
D. None of above
57. _____________ layer protocols determine how the data is physically sent over the network’s
physical layer or medium.
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Link layer

Ans: - D
58 _______ layer is responsible for sending of IP datagrams from the source network to the
destination network.
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Link layer
Ans: C
59. ___ layer perform the host addressing and packet routing.
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Link layer
60. _____________ protocols provide end to end message transfer capability independent of the
underlying network.
A. Network layer
B. Transport layer
C. Application layer
D. Link layer

Ans: - B
61. The ___ protocols define how the applications interface with the lower layer protocol to send the
data over the network.
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Link layer
62. 6LOWPAN stands for
A. 6 LOW Personal Area Network
B. IPv6 LOW Personal Area Network
C. IPv6 over Low power wireless personal area network
D. None of above
63. 802.3 is the standard for 10BASE5 Ethernet that uses ___________ cable as shared medium.
A. Twisted pair cable
B. Coaxial cable
C. Fiber optic cable
D. None of the above

Ans: - B
64. IEEE 802.11 standards provide data rates ______________
A. 10 Gbit/s.
B. 1 Gbit/s
C. 1 Mb/s to up to 6.75 Gb/s
D. 250 Kb/s

Ans: - C
65. ________ of the following is a protocol related to IOT
A. Zigbee
D. All of the above

Ans: C
66. _______________ is useful for time-sensitive application that have very small data units to
exchange and do not want the overhead of connection setup.
C. Transport layer
D. None of the above.

Ans: - B
67. ____________ protocol uses Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) to identify HTTP resources.
C. WebSocket

Ans: A
68. The 10/100Mbit Ethernet support enables the board to connect to _________ A. LAN B. MAN
69. Which one out of these is not a data link layer technology?
A. Bluetooth
C. Wi-Fi

Ans: D
70. What is size of the IPv6 Address?
A. 32 bits
B. 64 bits
C. 128 bits
D. 256 bits

Ans: C
71. MQTT stands for _____________ A. MQ Telemetry Things B. MQ Transport Telemetry C. MQ
Transport Things D. MQ Telemetry Transport Ans: D
72. MQTT is better than HTTP for sending and receiving data. A. True B. False
Ans: A
73. MQTT is _________ protocol. A. Machine to Machine B. Internet of Things C. Machine to
Machine and Internet of Things D. Machine Things
Ans: C
74. Which protocol is lightweight? A. MQTT B. HTTP C. CoAP D. SPI
Ans: A
75 MQTT is:
A. Based on client-server architecture
B. Based on publish-subscribe architecture
C. Based on both of the above
D. Based on none of the above
Ans: B
76. XMPP is used for streaming which type of elements? A. XPL B. XML C. XHL D. MPL
Ans: B
77. XMPP creates _________ identity.
A. Device B. Email C. Message D. Data
Ans: A
78. XMPP uses ________ architecture.
A. Decentralized client-server B. Centralized client-server C. Message D. Public/subscriber
Ans: A
79. What does HTTP do? A. Enables network resources and reduces perception of latency B.
Reduces perception of latency and allows multiple concurrency exchange C. Allows multiple
concurrent exchange and enables network resources D. Enables network resources and reduces
perception of latency and Allows multiple concurrent exchange.
Ans: D
80. HTTP expands? A. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol B. Hyper Terminal Transfer Protocol C. Hyper
Text Terminal Protocol D. Hyper Terminal Text Protocol
Ans: A
81. CoAP is specialized in ___________ A. Internet applications B. Device applications C. Wireless
applications D. Wired applications
Ans: A
82. Which protocol is used to link all the devices in the IoT? A. TCP/IP B. Network C. UDP D.
Ans: A
83. Data in network layer is transferred in the form of ____________ A. Layers B. Packets C. Bytes
D. Bits
84. Services provided by application layer? A. Web chat B. Error control C. Connection services D.
Congestion control
Ans: A
85. TCP and UDP are called?
A. Application protocols
B. Session protocols
C. Transport protocols
D. Network protocols

Ans: C
86. Security based connection is provided by which layer?
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Session layer
D. Network layer
Ans: D
87. Using which layer in transport layer data integrity can be assured?
A. Checksum
B. Repetition codes
C. Cyclic redundancy checks
D. Error correction codes
Ans: A
88. Transport layer receives data in the form of?
A. Packets
B. Byte streams
C. Bits stream
D. both packet and Byte stream
Ans: B
89. The network layer is considered as the _______?
A. Backbone
B. packets
C. Bytes
D. bits
Ans: A
90. The network layer consists of which hardware devices?
A. Router
B. Bridges
C. Switches
D. All of the above
Ans: D
91. Network layer protocol exits in_____?
A. Host
B. Switches
C. Packets
D. Bridges
Ans: A
92. Which protocol has a quality of service?
Ans: A
93. _____ is a data-centric middleware standard for device-to-device and machine-to-machine
A. Data Distribution Serviced (DDS)
B. Advance Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)
C. Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)
D. Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)
94. _____ is a bi-directional, fully duplex communication model that uses a persistent connection
between client and server.
A. Request-Response
B. Publish-Subscriber
C. Push-Pull
D. Exclusive Pair Ans:D
95. ___ is a stateful communication model and server is aware of all open connection.
A. Request-Response
B. Publish-Subscriber
C. Push-Pull
D. Exclusive Pair Ans:D
96. Which is not an IoT communication model.
A. Request-Response
B. Publish-Subscribe
C. Push-Producer
D. Exclusive Pair

Ans: C
97. In Node MCU, MCU stands for_____.
A. Micro Control Unit
B. Micro Controller Unit
C. Macro Control Unit
D. Macro Controller Unit
Ans: B
98. REST is acronym for________
A. Representational State Transfer
B. Represent State Transfer
C. Representational State Transmit
D. Representational Store Transfer

Ans: A
99. WSN stands for
A. Wide Sensor Network
B. Wireless Sensor Network
C. Wired Sensor Network
D. None of these

Ans: B
100. Benefit of cloud computing services
A. Fast
B. Anywhere access
C. Higher utilization
D. All of the above

Ans: D
101. PaaS stands for_____
A. Platform as a Service
B. Platform as a Survey
C. People as a Service
D. Platform as a Survey

Ans: A
102. _________ as a Service is a cloud computing infrastructure that creates a development
environment upon which applications may be build. A. Infrastructure B. Service C. Platform D. All
of the mentioned
103. _________ is a cloud computing service model in which hardware is virtualized in the cloud. A.
IaaS B. CaaS C. PaaS D. None of the mentioned
104. Which of the following is the fundamental unit of virtualized client in an IaaS deployment? a)
workunit b) workspace c) workload d) all of the mentioned
105. ______ offering provides the tools and development environment to deploy applications on
another vendor’s application. A. PaaS B. IaaS C. CaaS D. All of the mentioned
106._________ is the most refined and restrictive service model. A. IaaS B. CaaS C. PaaS D. All of
the mentioned
107. _____ is suitable for IOT applications to have low latency or high throughput requirements.
B. Publish-Subscriber
C. Push-Pull
D. WebSocket
108____ is a one of the most popular wireless technologies used by WSNs.
A. Zigbee
B. AllSean
C. Tyrell
D. Z-Wave
109. Zigbee specification are based on ______.
A. 802.3
B. 802.11
C. 802.16
D. 802.15.4
110. ____ is a transformative computing paradigm that involves delivering applications and services
over the internet.
B. Cloud Computing
C. Big Data
D. None of above
111. The process of collecting, organizing and collecting large sets of data called as
B. Cloud Computing
C. Big Data
D. None of above
112. Does Raspberry Pi need external hardware? A. True B. False
113. Does RPi have an internal memory? A. True B. False
114. What do we use to connect TV to RPi? A. Male HDMI B. Female HDMI C. Male HDMI and
Adapter D. Female HDMI and Adapter
115. How power supply is done to RPi? A. USB connection B. Internal battery
C. Charger D. Adapter
116. What is the Ethernet/LAN cable used in RPi? A.Cat5 B.at5e C. cat6 D . RJ45
117. Which instruction set architecture is used in Raspberry Pi? A. X86 B. MSP C. AVR D. ARM
Ans: D
118. Does micro SD card present in all modules? A. True B. False
Ans: A
119. Which characteristics involve the facility the thing to respond in an intelligent way to a
particular situation? A. Intelligence B. Connectivity C. Dynamic Nature D. Enormous Scale
Ans: A
120. ________ empowers IoT by bringing together everyday objects. A. Intelligence B. Connectivity
C. Dynamic Nature D. Enormous Scale
Ans: B
121. The collection of data is achieved with ________ changes. A. Intelligence B. Connectivity C.
Dynamic Nature D. Enormous Scale
Ans: C
122. The number of devices that need to be managed and that communicate with each other will be
much larger. A. Intelligence B. Connectivity C. Dynamic Nature D. Enormous Scale
Ans: D
123. ________ in IoT as one of the key characteristics, devices have different hardware platforms
and networks. A. Sensors B. Heterogeneity C. Security D. Connectivity
Ans: B
124. Devices that transforms electrical signals into physical movements
A. Sensors
B. Actuators
C. Switches
D. Display

Ans: B
125. Stepper motors are_____
A. AC motors
B. DC motors
C. Electromagnets
D. None of above

Ans: B
126. DC motors converts electrical into ___ energy.
A. Mechanical
B. Wind
C. Electric
D. None
Ans: A
127. Linear actuators are used in________
A. Machine tools
B. Industrial machinery
C.both A and B
Ans: A
128. Solenoid is a specially designed ________
A. Actuator
B. Machine
C. Electromagnet
D. none of above
Ans: C
129. Stepper motors are_____
A. AC motors
B. DC motors
C. Electromagnets
D. None of above
Ans: B
130. Accelerometer sensors are used in______
A. Smartphones
B. Aircrafts
C. Both
D. None of above
Ans: C
131. Image sensors are found in_______
A. Cameras
B. Night-vision equipment
C. Sonars
D. All of above
Ans: D
132. Gas sensors are used to detect _____gases.
A. Toxic
B. Natural
C. Oxygen
D. Hydrogen
Ans: A
133. Properties of Arduino are:
A. Inexpensive
B. Independent
C. Simple
D. both A and C

Ans: D
134. Properties of IoT devices.
A. Sense
B. Send and receive data
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

Ans: C
135. IoT devices are ____
A. Standard
B. Non-standard
C. Both
D. None

Ans: B
136. What is the microcontroller used in Arduino UNO? A. ATmega328p B. ATmega2560 C.
ATmega32114 D. AT91SAM3x8E
Ans: A
137. ___ is an open source electronic platform based on easy to used hardware and software.
A. Arduino
B. Uno
C. Raspberry Pi
D. Node
138 ____ is used latching, locking, triggering.
A. Solenoid
B. Relay
C. Linear Actuator
D. Servo motors
139. ____detect the presence or absence of nearby object without any physical contact.
A. Smoke Sensor
B. Pressure Sensor
C. IR Sensor
D. Proximity Sensor
140____ sensors include thermocouples, thermistors, resistor temperature detectors (RTDs) and
integratd circuits (ICs).
A. Smoke Sensor
B. Temperature Sensor
C. IR Sensor
D. Proximity Sensor
141. The measurement of humidity is
D. None of aboved
142 ____ sensor is used for automatic door controls, automatic parking system, automated sinks,
automated toilet flushers, hand dryers.
A. Smoke Sensor
B. Temperature Sensor
C. IR Sensor
D. Motion Sensor
143 ____ sensor measure heat emitted by objects.
A. Smoke Sensor
B. Temperature Sensor
C. IR Sensor
D. Proximity Sensor
Chapter-3 Basics of Digital Forensics
1. Digital forensics is all of them except:
A. Extraction of computer data.
B. Preservation of computer data.
C. Interpretation of computer data.
D. Manipulation of computer data.
2. IDIP stands for
A. Integrated Digital Investigation Process.
B. Integrated Data Investigator Process.
C. Integrated Digital Investigator Process.
D. Independent Digital Investigator Process.
Ans: A
3. Who proposed Road Map for Digital Forensic Research (RMDFR)
A. G.Gunsh.
B. S.Ciardhuain
C. J.Korn.
D. G.Palmar
Ans: D
4. Investigator should satisfy following points:
A. Contribute to society and human being.
B. Avoid harm to others.
C. Honest and trustworthy.
D. All of the above
Ans: D
5. In the past, the method for expressing an opinion has been to frame a ____ question based on
available factual evidence.
A. Hypothetical
B. Nested
C. Challenging
D. Contradictory
Ans: A
6. More subtle because you are not aware that you are running these macros (the document opens
and the application automatically runs); spread via email
A. The purpose of copyright
B. Danger of macro viruses
C. Derivative works
D. computer-specific crime
Ans: B
7. There are three c's in computer forensics. Which is one of the three?
A. Control
B. Chance
C. Chains
D. Core
Ans: A
8. When Federal Bureau Investigation program was created?
Ans: B
9. When the field of PC forensics began?
Ans: C
10. What is Digital Forensic?
A. Process of using scientific knowledge in analysis and presentation of evidence in court
B. The application of computer science and investigative procedures for a legal purpose involving
the analysis of digital evidence after proper search authority, chain of custody, validation with
mathematics, use of validated tools, repeatability, reporting, and possible expert presentation
C. process where we develop and test hypotheses that answer questions about digital events
D. Use of science or technology in the investigation and establishment of the facts or evidence in a
court of law

Ans: B
11. Digital Forensics entails _____.
A. Accessing the system's directories viewing mode and navigating through the various systems files
and folders
B. Undeleting and recovering lost files
C. Identifying and solving computer crimes
D. The identification, preservation, recovery, restoration and presentation of digital evidence from
systems and devices

Ans: D
12. Which of the following is FALSE?
A. The digital forensic investigator must maintain absolute objectivity
B. It is the investigator’s job to determine someone’s guilt or innocence.

C. It is the investigator’s responsibility to accurately report the relevant facts of a case.

D. The investigator must maintain strict confidentiality, discussing the results of an investigation on
only a “need to know”

Ans: B
13. What is the most significant legal issue in computer forensics?
A. Preserving Evidence
B. Seizing Evidence
C. Admissibility of Evidence
D. Discovery of Evidence
Ans: C
14. _______phase includes putting the pieces of a digital puzzle together and developing
investigative hypotheses
A. Preservation phase
B. Survey phase
C. Documentation phase
D. Reconstruction phase
E. Presentation phase

Ans: D
15. In _______phase investigator transfers the relevant data from a venue out of physical or
administrative control of the investigator to a controlled location
A. Preservation phase
B. Survey phase
C. Documentation phase
D. Reconstruction phase
E. Presentation phase

16. In _______phase investigator transfers the relevant data from a venue out of physical or
administrative control of the investigator to a controlled location
F. Preservation phase
G. Survey phase
H. Documentation phase
I. Reconstruction phase
J. Presentation phase

17. Computer forensics do not involve_____activity.
A. Preservation of computer data.
B. Exraction of computer data.
C. Manipulation of computer data.
D. Interpretation of computer data.
Ans: C
18. A set of instruction compiled into a program that perform a particular task is known as:
A. Hardware.
C. Motherboard
D. Software
Ans: D
19. Which of following is not a rule of digital forensics?
A. An examination should be performed on the original data
B. A copy is made onto forensically sterile media. New media should always be used if available.
C. The copy of the evidence must be an exact, bit-by-bit copy
D. The examination must be conducted in such a way as to prevent any modification of the evidence.

Ans: A
20. To collect and analyze the digital evidence that was obtained from the physical investigation
phase, is the goal of which phase?
A. Physical crime investigation
B. Digital crime investigation.
C. Review phase.
D. Deployment phase.
Ans: B
21. To provide mechanism to an incident to be detected and confirmed is purpose of which phase?
A. Physical crime investigation
B. Digital crime investigation.
C. Review phase.
D. Deployment phase.
Ans: D
22. Which phase entails a review of the whole investigation and identifies area of improvement?
A. Physical crime investigation
B. Digital crime investigation.
C. Review phase.
D. Deployment phase
Ans: C
23. ____________is known as father of computer forensic.
A. G. Palmar
B. J. Korn
C. Michael Anderson
D. S.Ciardhuain.
Ans: C
24. ___________is well established science where various contribution have been made
A. Forensic
B. Crime
C. Cyber Crime
D. Evidence
Ans: A
25. Who proposed End to End Digital Investigation Process (EEDIP)?
A. G. Palmar
B. Stephenson
C. Michael Anderson
D. S.Ciardhuain
Ans: B
26. Which model of Investigation proposed by Carrier and Safford?
A. Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigation (EMCI)
B. Integrated Digital Investigation Process(IDIP)
C. Road Map for Digital Forensic Research (RMDFR)
D. Abstract Digital Forensic Model (ADFM)

Ans: B
27. Which of the following is not a property of computer evidence?
A. Authentic and Accurate.
B. Complete and Convincing.
C. Duplicated and Preserved.
D. Conform and Human Readable.
Ans. D
28. _______can makes or breaks investigation.
A. Crime
B. Security
C: Digital Forensic
D: Evidence
Ans: D
29. __________ is software that blocks unauthorized users from connecting to your computer.
A. Firewall
B. Quick lauch
C. OneLogin
D. Centrify
Ans: A
30. Which of following are general Ethical norms for Investigator?
A. To contribute to society and human being.
B. To avoid harm to others.
C. To be honest and trustworthy.
D. All of above
E. None of above
Ans: D
31. Which of following are Unethical norms for Investigator?
A. Uphold any relevant evidence.
B. Declare any confidential matters or knowledge.
C. Distort or falsify education, training, credentials.
D. All of above
E. None of above
Ans: D
32. Which of following is not general ethical norm for Investigator?
A. To contribute to society and human being.
B. Uphold any relevant Evidence.
C. To be honest and trustworthy.
D. To honor confidentially.
Ans: B
33. Which of following is a not unethical norm for Digital Forensics Investigation?
A. Uphold any relevant evidence.
B. Declare any confidential matters or knowledge.
C. Distort or falsify education, training, credentials.
D. To respect the privacy of others.
Ans: D
34. What is called as the process of creation a duplicate of digital media for purpose of examining it?
A. Acquisition.
B. Steganography.
C. Live analysis
D. Hashing.
Ans: A
35. Which term refers for modifying a computer in a way which was not originally intended to view
A. Metadata
B. Live analysis
C. Hacking
D. Bit Copy
Ans: C
36. The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal’s computer is an
example of a law enforcement specialty called?
A. Robotics B. Simulation C. Computer Forensics D. Animation
Ans: C
37. What are the important parts of the mobile device which used in Digital forensic?
D.EMMC chip
Ans: D
38. Using what, data hiding in encrypted images be carried out in digital forensics?
A. Acquisition.
B. Steganography.
C. Live analysis
D. Hashing.
And: B
39. Which of this is not a computer crime?
A. e-mail harassment
B. Falsification of data.
C. Sabotage.
D. Identification of data
Ans. D
40. Which file is used to store the user entered password?
A. .exe
B. .txt
C. .iso
D. .sam
Ans: D
41. __________is the process of recording as much data as possible to create reports and analysis on
user input.
A. Data mining
B. Data carving
C. Meta data
D. Data Spoofing.
Ans: A
42. ________searches through raw data on a hard drive without using a file system.
A. Data mining
B. Data carving
C. Meta data
D. Data Spoofing.
Ans: B
43. What is first step to Handle Retrieving Data from an Encrypted Hard Drive?
A. Formatting disk
B. Storing data
C. Finding configuration files.
D. Deleting files.
Ans: C
MCQ’s Question and Answers (the answers are highlighted in bold)

Q1.When the Federal Bureau of investigation was create ?.

A)1900 B)1980 C)19450 D)1984

Q2.What is The Full form of CART

A)Computer Analysis and Response Team B) Cathode Analog Ray Tube

C)Computer Accessories Repairing team D)None

Q3 When IOCE is Formed

A)1992 B)1980 C)19490 D)1995

Q4Full Form Of IOCE

A)International Organization on Computer Evidence B)Internet of Computer Education

C) Internet of Computer Evidence D)None

Q5When was the first FBI Regional Computer Forensic laboratory was Recognize ?.

A)1992 B)1980 C)19490 D)2000

Q6How Many Rules in Digital forensic

A)12 B)19 C)10 D)6

Q7 What is the Long form of DFI

A)Digital Forensic Investigation B)Digital Fraud Industry 160

A)Office File B)E-mail Messages C)Either A or B D)Both A and 161

Q12 In Computer intrusions the attacker will be leave multiple traces of there presence in: A)File
System B)Registry C)System Logs D)All of the Above Q13 What are the Form of Electronic Evidence:
A)Hard Drive B)E-mail C)Either A or B D)Both A and 161

Q14 How Many Types of the Evidence A)12 B)19 C)10 D)6 161

Q15 What is the full form of BPO A)Business Process Outsourcing Q16 The Digital evidence are used to
established a credible link between………. A)Attacker and victim and the crime scene B)Attacker And
information C)Either A or B D)Both A and 161

Q17 The evidence and proof that can be obtained from the electronic source is called the……. A)Digital
Evidence B)Explainable evidence C)Either A or B D)Both A and 161

C)Defining Form In D)None

Q8 How Many Phases in RDMDFR

A)12 B)19 C)10 D)6

Q9 Investigator should satisfy the following point:

A)Contribute to the society and human being B)Avoid harm to others

C)honest and trustworthy D)All Of the Above

Q10 Who proposed Road Map Model

A)G. Gunsh B)S. Ciardhuain C)J. Korn D)G. Palmar

Q11 Digital Evidence in the form of the:

Q18 Which of the following is not type of volatile evidence:

A)Routing Tables B) Main Memory C)Log Files D) Cached Data

Q19 Digital Evidence must follow the requirement of the

A)Ideal Evidence Rule B)Best Evidence Rule C)Exchange Rule D)All of the mentioned

Q20 White hat Hacker is known as the

A)Cracker B)Ethical C)Grey Hat D)Script Kiddies

Q21 What is an grey hat hacker

A)Black Hat Hacker B)White Hat Hacker C)Combination of White and black hat hackers D)None

Q22 A Hacker who identifies and exploits weakness in telephones instead of computers is known as:

A)Phreaker B)Hacktivist C)Ethical hacker D)Grey Hat hacker

Q23 Long Form of the VPN

A)Virtual Private Network B)Virtual Personal Network C)Both D)None

Q24 Who are use their skill to identify security problem with computer network

A)Black Hat Hacker B)Ethical Hacker C)Grey Hat hacker D)Script Kiddies

Q25 To crack the password you need cracking tool such as:

A)LC4 B)John The Ripper C)pwdump D)All of the above Q26 NMAP known as:

A)Network Mapper B)NetCat C)SuperScan D)NetScan

Q27 What is the most valuable assets of an organization


Q28 What is the full form of SMTP

A)Simple mail Transfer Protocol

Q29 What is the full form of DNS

A)Domain Name System B)Simple mail Transfer Protocol

C)Internet Message Access Protocol D) Network Mapper

Q30 What is the full form of IMAP

A)Internet Message Access Protocol B)Simple mail Transfer Protocol

C)Internet Message Access Protocol D)None

Q31 What is the full form of SNMP

A)Simple Network Management Protocol

Q32 Which of the following used for the Network Testing and port scanning

A)NetCat B)SuperScan C)NetScan D)All of Above

Q33 The whole email server may be targeted for a complete interruption of services with these failure


A)Storage overload and bandwidth blocking

Q34 Which is the top most directory in the server file system

A)Root Directory

Q35 Which list is used in the authorization process

A)Access Control List

Q36 What is the latest version of UNIX


Q37 Which OS is widely used in the world


Q38 Name of network analyzer which support windows and unix OS


Q39 You can grab banner by using

A)Telnet B)NetCat C)Either A or B D)Both A and B

Q40 An attacker can create an …………………………….. attack by sending hundreds or thousands of emails
with very large attachment

A)Attachment Overloading Attack B)Connection Attack C)Auto Responder Attack

D)All of the Above

1. An Artificial Intelligence system developed by Terry A. Winograd to permit an interactive dialogue

about a domain he called blocks-world.





2. What is Artificial intelligence?

a. Programming with your own intelligence

b. Putting your intelligence into Computer

c.Making a Machine intelligent

d.Playing a Game

3. Who is the “father” of artificial intelligence?

a.John McCarthy

b. Fisher Ada

c. Allen Newell
d.Alan Turning

4.Which of the following is a proposed means of testing the intelligence of the machine? Turing

TestTurning TestTuning Test

a.Turing Test

b.Turning Test

c.Tuning Test


5.Which of the following is not a component of a production system?

a.Control System

b.Associative Memory

c.Primary Memory

d.Secondary Memory

6. Zero sum game has player…

a. seven

b. Two

c.three player

d. Multiplayer

7.Which one is used for compute the logical inference algorithm? a.



c. Logical equivalence

d.All of these

8.Single inference rule also called…

a. Resolution

b. Reference

d.None of these 9.Factoring


a.Removal of redundant literal

b.Removal of redundant variable

c.Addition of redundant variable

d.Addition of redundant literal

1. A valid definition of digital evidence is:

a. Data stored or transmitted using a computer
b. Information of probative value
c. Digital data of probative value
d. Any digital evidence on a computer

2. What are the three general categories of computer systems that can contain digital
a. Desktop, laptop, server
b. Personal computer, Internet, mobile telephone
c. Hardware, software, networks
d. Open computer systems, communication systems, embedded systems

3. In terms of digital evidence, a hard drive is an example of:

a. Open computer systems
b. Communication systems
c. Embedded computer systems
d. None of the above

4. In terms of digital evidence, a mobile telephone is an example of:

a. Open computer systems
b. Communication systems
c. Embedded computer systems
d. None of the above

5. In terms of digital evidence, a Smart Card is an example of:

a. Open computer systems
b. Communication systems
c. Embedded computer systems
d. None of the above

6. In terms of digital evidence, the Internet is an example of:

a. Open computer systems
b. Communication systems
c. Embedded computer systems
d. None of the above

7. Computers can be involved in which of the following types of crime?

a. Homicide and sexual assault
b. Computer intrusions and intellectual property theft
c. Civil disputes
d. All of the above

8. A logon record tells us that, at a specific time:

a. An unknown person logged into the system using the account
b. The owner of a specific account logged into the system
c. The account was used to log into the system
d. None of the above

9. Cybertrails are advantageous because:

a. They are not connected to the physical world.
b. Nobody can be harmed by crime on the Internet.
c. They are easy to follow.
d. Offenders who are unaware of them leave behind more clues than they otherwise
would have.

10. Private networks can be a richer source of evidence than the Internet because:
a. They retain data for longer periods of time.
b. Owners of private networks are more cooperative with law enforcement.
c. Private networks contain a higher concentration of digital evidence.
d. All of the above.
Question 1. Which of the following statements best describes a white-hat hacker?

• A. Security professional
• B. Former black hat
• C. Former grey hat
• D. Malicious hacker Answer 1. Option A.

Question 2. A security audit performed on the internal network of an organization

by the network administration is also known as ___________.

• A. Grey-box testing
• B. Black-box testing
• C. White-box testing
• D. Active testing
• E. Passive testing
Answer 2. Option C..

Question 3. What is the first phase of hacking?

• A. Attack
• B. Maintaining access
• C. Gaining access
• D. Reconnaissance
• E. Scanning
Answer 3. Option D.

Question 4. What type of ethical hack tests access to the physical infrastructure?

• A. Internal network
• B. Remote network
• C. External network
• D. Physical access
Answer 4. Option D

Question 5. The security, functionality, and ease of use triangle illustrates which

• A. As security increases, functionality and ease of use increase.

• B. As security decreases, functionality and ease of use increase.
• C. As security decreases, functionality and ease of use decrease.
• D. Security does not affect functionality and ease of use. Answer 5. Option B.

Question 6. Which type of hacker represents the highest risk to your network?
• A. Disgruntled employees
• B. Black-hat hackers
• C. Grey-hat hackers
• D. Script kiddies
Answer 6. Option A.

Question 7. What are the three phases of a security evaluation plan? (Choose
three answers.)

• A. Conduct Security Evaluation

• B. Preparation
• C. Conclusion
• D. Final
• E. Reconnaissance F. Design Security
• G. Vulnerability Assessment Answer 7. Options A, B, C.

Question 8. Hacking for a cause is called __________________.

• A. Active hacking
• B. Hacktivism
• C. Activism
• D. Black-hat hacking Answer 8. Option B.

Question 9. Which federal law is most commonly used to prosecute hackers?

• A. Title 12
• B. Title 18
• C. Title 20
• D. Title 2 Answer 9. Option B.

Question 10. When a hacker attempts to attack a host via the Internet it is known
as what type of attack?

• A. Remote attack
• B. Physical access
• C. Local access
• D. Internal attack
Answer 10. Option A.
1. Hackers who help in finding bugs and vulnerabilities in a system & don’t intend to crack
a system are termed as ________ a) Black Hat hackers
b) White Hat Hackers
c) Grey Hat Hackers
d) Red Hat Hackers
Answer: b

2. Which is the legal form of hacking based on which jobs are provided in IT industries and
a) Cracking
b) Non ethical Hacking
c) Ethical hacking
d) Hactivism

Answer: c

3. They are nefarious hackers, and their main motive is to gain financial profit by doing
cyber crimes. Who are “they” referred to here? a) Gray Hat Hackers
b) White Hat Hackers
c) Hactivists
d) Black Hat Hackers
Answer: d

4. ________ are the combination of both white as well as black hat hackers. a)
Grey Hat hackers
b) Green Hat hackers
c) Blue Hat Hackers
d) Red Hat Hackers
Answer: a
5. The amateur or newbie in the field of hacking who don’t have many skills about coding
and in-depth working of security and hacking tools are called ________ a) Sponsored
b) Hactivists
c) Script Kiddies
d) Whistle Blowers
Answer: c

6. Suicide Hackers are those _________

a) who break a system for some specific purpose with or without keeping in mind that they may
suffer long term imprisonment due to their malicious activity
b) individuals with no knowledge of codes but an expert in using hacking tools
c) who know the consequences of their hacking activities and hence try to prevent them by erasing
their digital footprints
d) who are employed in an organization to do malicious activities on other firms
Answer: a

7. Criminal minded individuals who work for terrorist organizations and steal information
of nations and other secret intelligence are _________ a) State sponsored hackers
b) Blue Hat Hackers
c) Cyber Terrorists
d) Red Hat Hackers
Answer: c

8. One who disclose information to public of a company, organization, firm, government and
private agency and he/she is the member or employee of that organization; such individuals
are termed as ___________ a) Sponsored hackers
b) Crackers
c) Hactivist
d) Whistleblowers
Answer: d
9. These types of hackers are the most skilled hackers in the hackers’ community. Who are
“they” referred to?
a) White hat Hackers
b) Elite Hackers
c) Licensed Penetration Testers
d) Red Hat Hackers
Answer: b

10. _________ are those individuals who maintain and handles IT security in any firm or
a) IT Security Engineer
b) Cyber Security Interns
c) Software Security Specialist
d) Security Auditor
Answer: a

11. Role of security auditor is to ____________

a) secure the network
b) probe for safety and security of organization’s security components and systems
c) detects and prevents cyber attacks and threats to organization
d) does penetration testing on different web applications
Answer: b
Chapter 4 – Digital Evidences
1. Having a member of the search team trained to handle digital evidence:

a. Can reduce the number of people who handle the evidence

b. Can serve to streamline the presentation of the case
c. Can reduce the opportunity for opposing counsel to impugn the integrity of the
d. All of the above

2. An attorney asking a digital investigator to find evidence supporting a particular line of

Inquiry is an example of:

a. Influencing the examiner

b. Due diligence
c. Quid pro quo
d. Voir dire

3. A digital investigator pursuing a line of investigation in a case because that line of

Investigation proved successful in two previous cases is an example of:

a. Logical reasoning
b. Common sense
c. Preconceived theory
d. Investigator’s intuition

4. A scientific truth attempts to identify roles that are universally true. Legal judgment, on
The other hand, has a standard of proof in criminal prosecutions of:

a. Balance of probabilities
b. Beyond a reasonable doubt
c. Acquittal
d. None of the above

5. Regarding the admissibility of evidence, which of the following is not a consideration:

a. Relevance
b. Authenticity
c. Best evidence
d. Nominally prejudicial

6. According to the text, the most common mistake that prevents evidence seized from
Being admitted is:

a. Uninformed consen
b. Forcible entry
c. Obtained without authorization
d. None of the above

7. In obtaining a warrant, an investigator must convince the judge on all of the following
Points except:

a. Evidence of a crime is in existence

b. A crime has been committed
c. The owner or resident of the place to be searched is likely to have committed
The crime
d. The evidence is likely to exist at the place to be searched

8. If, while searching a computer for evidence of a specific crime, evidence of a new,
Unrelated crime is discovered, the best course of action is:

a. Abandon the original search, and pursue the new line of investigation
b. Continue with the original search but also pursue the new inquiry
c. Stop the search and obtain a warrant that addresses the new inquiry
d. Continue with the original search, ignoring the new information

9. The process of documenting the seizure of digital evidence and, in particular, when that
Evidence changes hands, is known as:

a. Chain of custody
b. Field notes
c. Interim report
d. None of the above

10. Evidence contained in a document provided to prove that statements made in court are
True is referred to as:

a. Inadmissible evidence
b. Illegally obtained evidence
c. Hearsay evidence
d. Direct evidence
Chapter 5 Basics of Ethical hacking
1. What is the ethics behind training how to hack a system?
a) To think like hackers and know how to defend such attacks
b) To hack a system without the permission
c) To hack a network that is vulnerable
d) To corrupt software or service using malware
Answer: a

2. Performing a shoulder surfing in order to check other’s password is ____________

ethical practice. a) a good
b) not so good
c) very good social engineering practice
d) a bad
Answer: d

3. ___________ has now evolved to be one of the most popular automated tools for
unethical hacking.
a) Automated apps
b) Database software
c) Malware d) Worms
Answer: c

4. Leaking your company data to the outside network without prior permission of senior
authority is a crime.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a

5. _____________ is the technique used in business organizations and firms to protect IT

a) Ethical hacking
b) Unethical hacking
c) Fixing bugs
d) Internal data-breach
Answer: a
6. The legal risks of ethical hacking include lawsuits due to __________ of personal data.
a) stealing
b) disclosure
c) deleting
d) hacking
Answer: b

7. Before performing any penetration test, through legal procedure, which key points
listed below is not mandatory?
a) Know the nature of the organization
b) Characteristics of work done in the firm
c) System and network
d) Type of broadband company used by the firm
Answer: d

8. An ethical hacker must ensure that proprietary information of the firm does not get
a) True
b) False
Answer: a

9. After performing ____________ the ethical hacker should never disclose client
information to other parties. a) hacking
b) cracking
c) penetration testing
d) exploiting
Answer: c

10. __________ is the branch of cyber security that deals with morality and provides
different theories and a principle regarding the view-points about what is right and
a) Social ethics
b) Ethics in cyber-security
c) Corporate ethics
d) Ethics in black hat hacking
Answer: d
Chapter 5 Basics of Ethical hacking
1. What is the ethics behind training how to hack a system?
a) To think like hackers and know how to defend such attacks
b) To hack a system without the permission
c) To hack a network that is vulnerable
d) To corrupt software or service using malware
Answer: a

2. Performing a shoulder surfing in order to check other’s password is ____________

ethical practice. a) a good
b) not so good
c) very good social engineering practice
d) a bad
Answer: d

3. ___________ has now evolved to be one of the most popular automated tools for
unethical hacking.
a) Automated apps
b) Database software
c) Malware d) Worms
Answer: c

4. Leaking your company data to the outside network without prior permission of senior
authority is a crime.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a

6. _____________ is the technique used in business organizations and firms to protect IT

a) Ethical hacking
b) Unethical hacking
c) Fixing bugs
d) Internal data-breach
Answer: a
7. The legal risks of ethical hacking include lawsuits due to __________ of personal data.
a) stealing
b) disclosure
c) deleting
d) hacking
Answer: b

8. Before performing any penetration test, through legal procedure, which key points
listed below is not mandatory?
a) Know the nature of the organization
b) Characteristics of work done in the firm
c) System and network
d) Type of broadband company used by the firm
Answer: d

9. An ethical hacker must ensure that proprietary information of the firm does not get
a) True
b) False
Answer: a

10. After performing ____________ the ethical hacker should never disclose client
information to other parties. a) hacking
b) cracking
c) penetration testing
d) exploiting
Answer: c

11. __________ is the branch of cyber security that deals with morality and provides
different theories and a principle regarding the view-points about what is right and
a) Social ethics
b) Ethics in cyber-security
c) Corporate ethics
d) Ethics in black hat hacking
Answer: d
Chapter 6 Types of hackers

Question 1. Which of the following statements best describes a white-hat hacker?

A. Security professional
B. Former black hat
C. Former grey hat
D. Malicious hacker Answer. Option A.

Question 2. A security audit performed on the internal network of an organization

by the network administration is also known as ___________.

A. Grey-box testing
B. Black-box testing
C. White-box testing
D. Active testing
E. Passive testing Answer. Option C.

Question 3. What is the first phase of hacking?

A. Attack
B. Maintaining access
C. Gaining access
D. Reconnaissance
E. Scanning
Answer. Option D.

Question 4. What type of ethical hack tests access to the physical infrastructure?

A. Internal network
B. Remote network
C. External network
D. Physical access Answer. Option D.

Question 5. The security, functionality, and ease of use triangle illustrates which
A. As security increases, functionality and ease of use increase.
B. As security decreases, functionality and ease of use increase.
C. As security decreases, functionality and ease of use decrease.
D. Security does not affect functionality and ease of use. Answer. Option B.

Question 6. Which type of hacker represents the highest risk to your network?

A. Disgruntled employees
B. Black-hat hackers
C. Grey-hat hackers
D. Script kiddies Answer. Option A.

Question 7. What are the three phases of a security evaluation plan? (Choose
three answers.)

A. Conduct Security Evaluation

B. Preparation
C. Conclusion
D. Final
E. Reconnaissance
F. Design Security
G. Vulnerability Assessment Answer. Options A, B, C.

Question 8. Hacking for a cause is called __________________.

A. Active hacking
B. Hacktivism
C. Activism
D. Black-hat hacking Answer. Option B.

Question 9. Which federal law is most commonly used to prosecute hackers?

A. Title 12
B. Title 18
C. Title 20
D. Title 2
Answer. Option B.
Question 10. When a hacker attempts to attack a host via the Internet it is known
as what type of attack?

A. Remote attack
B. Physical access
C. Local access
D. Internal attack Answer. Option A.

Chapter-3 Basics of Digital Forensics

1. Digital forensics is all of them except:

A. Extraction of computer data.

B. Preservation of computer data.

C. Interpretation of computer data.

D. Manipulation of computer data.


2. IDIP stands for

A. Integrated Digital Investigation Process.

B. Integrated Data Investigator Process.

C. Integrated Digital Investigator Process.

D. Independent Digital Investigator Process.

Ans: A

3. Who proposed Road Map for Digital Forensic Research (RMDFR) A.


B. S.Ciardhuain

C. J.Korn.

D. G.Palmar
Ans: D

4. Investigator should satisfy following points:

A. Contribute to society and human being.

B. Avoid harm to others.

C. Honest and trustworthy.

D. All of the above

Ans: D

5. In the past, the method for expressing an opinion has been to frame a ____ question based on
available factual evidence.

A. Hypothetical

B. Nested

C. Challenging

D. Contradictory

Ans: A

6. More subtle because you are not aware that you are running these macros (the document
opens and the application automatically runs); spread via email

A. The purpose of copyright

B. Danger of macro viruses

C. Derivative works

D. computer-specific crime

Ans: B

7. There are three c's in computer forensics. Which is one of the three?

A. Control

B. Chance

C. Chains
D. Core

Ans: A

8. When Federal Bureau Investigation program was created?





Ans: B

9. When the field of PC forensics began?





Ans: C

10. _______phase includes putting the pieces of a digital puzzle together and developing
investigative hypotheses

A. Preservation phase

B. Survey phase

C. Documentation phase

D. Reconstruction phase

E. Presentation phase

Ans: D

10 MCQs from Each Chapter of Emerging Trend in Computer Science

Chapter 1 Artificial Intelligence


1. What is Artificial intelligence?

(A) Putting your intelligence into Computer

(B) Programming with your own intelligence

(C) Making a Machine intelligent

(D) Playing a Game

Ans: C

2. Which is not the commonly used programming language for AI?


(B) Java


(D) Perl

Ans: D

3. What is state space?

(A) The whole problem

(B) Your Definition to a problem

(C) Problem you design

(Ď) Representing your problem with variable and parameter

Ans: D

4. A production rule consists of

(A) A set of Rule (B) A sequence of steps

(C) Both (a) and (b) (D) Arbitrary representation to problem

Ans: C

5. Which search method takes less memory?

(A) Depth-First Search (B) Breadth-First search

(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Linear Search.

Ans: A

6.A heuristic is a way of trying

(A) To discover something or an idea embedded in a program

(B) To search and measure how far a node in a search tree seems to be
from a goal

(C) To compare two nodes in a search tree to see if one is better than
the other
(D) Only (a), (b) and (c).

Ans: D

7. A* algorithm is based on

(A) Breadth-First-Search (B) Depth-First –Search

(C) Best-First-Search (D) Hill climbing.

Ans: C

8. Which is the best way to go for Game playing problem?

(A) Linear approach (B) Heuristic approach

(C) Random approach (D) Optimal approach

Ans: B

9. How do you represent “All dogs have tails”.

(A) ۷x: dog(x)àhastail(x) (B) ۷x: dog(x)àhastail(y)

(C) ۷x: dog(y)àhastail(x) (D) ۷x: dog(x)àhasàtail(x)

Ans: A

10. Which is not a property of representation of knowledge?

(A) Representational Verification (B) Representational Adequacy

(C) Inferential Adequacy (D) Inferential Efficiency

Ans: A
Chapter-2 Internet of Things


1. Embedded systems are_____

A. General purpose
B. Special purpose
Ans: B

2. Embedded system is______

A. An electronic system
B. A pure mechanical system
C. An electro-mechanical system
D. (A) or (C) Ans: D

3. Which of the following is not true about embedded systems?

A. Built around specialized hardware
B. Always contain an operating system
C. Execution behavior may be deterministic

D. None of these
Ans: D

4. Which of the following is not an example of a “small-scale

embedded system”?
A. Electronic Barbie doll
B. Simple calculator
C. Cell phone
D. Electronic toy car
Ans: C

5. The first recognized modern embedded system is

A. Apple computer
B. Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)
C. Calculator
D. Radio navigation system
Ans: B

6. The first mass produced embedded system is

A. Minuteman-I
B. Minuteman-II
C. Autonetics D-17
D. Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)
Ans: C

7. Which of the following is an (are) an intended purpose(s) of

embedded systems?
A. Data collection
B. Data processing
C. Data communication

D. All of these
Ans: D

8. Which of the following is (are) example(s) of embedded system for

data communication? A. Network router
B. Digital camera
C. Music player
D. All of these
Ans: B

9. What are the essential tight constraint/s related to the design

metrics of an embedded system?
A. Ability to fit on a single chip
B. Low power consumption
C. Fast data processing for real-time operations
D .All of the above
Ans: D

10. A digital multi meter is an example of an embedded system for

A. Data communication
B. Monitoring
C. Control
D. All of these

Ans: B

Chapter-3 Basics of Digital Forensics


1. Digital forensics is all of them except: (A)

Extraction of computer data.
(B) Preservation of computer data.
(C) Interpretation of computer data.
(D) Manipulation of computer data.

2. IDIP stands for

(A) Integrated Digital Investigation Process.

(B) Integrated Data Investigator Process.
(C) Integrated Digital Investigator Process.
(D)Independent Digital Investigator Process.
Ans: A

3. Who proposed Road Map for Digital Forensic Research (RMDFR)

(A) G.Gunsh. (B) S.Ciardhuain (C) J.Korn.
(D) G.Palmar
Ans: D

4. Investigator should satisfy following points:

(A) Contribute to society and human being.
(B) Avoid harm to others.
(C) Honest and trustworthy.
(D) All of the above
Ans: D

5. In the past, the method for expressing an opinion has been to frame
a ____ question based on available factual evidence.
(A) Hypothetical
(B) Nested

(C) Challenging
(D) Contradictory
Ans: A

6. More subtle because you are not aware that you are running these

(A) The purpose of copyright

(B) Danger of macro viruses
(C) Derivative works
(D) computer-specific crime
Ans: B

7. There are three c's in computer forensics. Which is one of the three?
(A) Control
(B) Chance
(C) Chains
(D) Core
Ans: A

8. When Federal Bureau Investigation program was created?

(A) 1979
(B) 1984
(C) 1995
(D) 1989
Ans: B
9. When the field of PC forensics began?
(A) 1960's (B)
1970's (C)
(D) 1990's
Ans: C

10. What is Digital Forensic?

(A) Process of using scientific knowledge in analysis and presentation of
evidence in court
(B) The application of computer science and investigative procedures
for a legal purpose involving the analysis of digital evidence after
proper search authority, chain of custody, validation with
mathematics, use of validated tools, repeatability, reporting, and
possible expert presentation
(C) process where we develop and test hypotheses that answer
questions about digital events
(D) Use of science or technology in the investigation and establishment
of the facts or evidence in a court of law Ans: B
Chapter 4- Digital Evidence


1. A valid definition of digital evidence is:

A. Data stored or transmitted using a computer

B. Information of probative value

C. Digital data of probative value

D. Any digital evidence on a computer

Ans: C

2. What are the three general categories of computer systems that

can contain digital evidence?

A. Desktop, laptop, server

B. Personal computer, Internet, mobile telephone

C. Hardware, software, networks

D. Open computer systems, communication systems, and embedded


Ans: D

3. In terms of digital evidence, a hard drive is an example of:

A. Open computer systems

B. Communication systems

C. Embedded computer systems

D. None of the above

Ans: A

4. In terms of digital evidence, a mobile telephone is an example of:

A. Open computer systems

B. Communication systems

C. Embedded computer systems

D. None of the above

Ans: C

5. In terms of digital evidence, a Smart Card is an example of:

A. Open computer systems

B. Communication systems

C. Embedded computer systems

D. None of the above

Ans: C

6. In terms of digital evidence, the Internet is an example of:

A. Open computer systems

B. Communication systems

C. Embedded computer systems

D. None of the above

Ans: B

7. Computers can be involved in which of the following types of crime?

A. Homicide and sexual assault

B. Computer intrusions and intellectual property theft

C. Civil disputes

D. All the above

Ans: D

8. A logon record tells us that, at a specific time:

A. An unknown person logged into the system using the account

B. The owner of a specific account logged into the system

C. The account was used to log into the system

D. None of the above

Ans: C

9. Cyber trails are advantageous because:

A. They are not connected to the physical world.

B. Nobody can be harmed by crime on the Internet.

C. They are easy to follow.

D. Offenders who are unaware of them leave behind more clues than
they otherwise would have.

Ans: D

10. Private networks can be a richer source of evidence than the

Internet because:

A. They retain data for longer periods of time.

B. Owners of private networks are more cooperative with law


C. Private networks contain a higher concentration of digital evidence.

D. All the above.

Ans: C

Chapter 5 Basics of Hacking (CO5)


1. Ethical Hacking is also known as _____ A.

Black Hat Hacking.

B. White Hat Hacking.

C. Encryption.

D. None of these.

Ans. B

2. Tool(s) used by ethical hacker_____.

A. Scanner

B. Decoder

C. Proxy

D. All of these.

Ans. D

3. Vulnerability scanning in Ethical hacking finds_____. A.


B. Weakness.

C. A &B

D. None of these.

Ans. B

4. Ethical hacking will allow to____ all the massive security breaches.

A. Remove.

B. Measure.
C. Reject.

D. None of these.

Ans. B

5. Sequential step hackers use are: _ _ _ _. A.

Maintaining Access.

B. Reconnaissance

C. Scanning.

D. Gaining Access.

A. B, C, D, A

B. B, A, C, D

C. A, B, C, D

D. D, C, B, A

Ans. A

6. ______ is the art of exploiting the human elements to gain access to

the authorized user.

A. Social Engineering.

B. IT Engineering.

C. Ethical Hacking.

D. None of the above.

Ans. A

7. Which hacker refers to ethical hacker? A.

Black hat hacker.

B. White hat hacker.

C. Grey hat hacker.

D. None of the above.

Ans. B

8. The term cracker refers to_____ A.

Black hat hacker.

B. White hat hacker.

C. Grey hat hacker.

D. None of the above.

Ans. A

9. Who described a dissertation on fundamentals of hacker’s attitude?

A. G. Palma.

B. Raymond.

C. Either.

D. Jhon Browman.

Ans. B
10.Computer Hackers have been in existence for more than a____. A.


B. Year.

C. Century

D. Era.

Ans. C

Chapter-6 Types of Hacking (CO6)


1. SNMP stands for_____

A. Simple Network Messaging Protocol

B. Simple Network Mailing Protocol

C. Simple Network Management Protocol

D. Simple Network Master Protocol

Ans: C
2. Which of the following tool is used for Network Testing and port

A. NetCat

B. SuperScan

C. NetScan

D. All of above

Ans: D

3. Banner grabbing is used for

A. White Hat Hacking

B. Black Hat Hacking

C. Grey Hat Hacking

D. Script Kiddies

Ans: A

4. An attacker can create an________attack by sending hundreds or

thousands of e-mails a with very large attachments. A. Connection

B. Auto responder Attack

C. Attachment Overloading Attack

D. All the above

Ans: B
5. Which of the following tool is used for Windows for network
queries from DNS lookups to trace routes?

A. Sam Spade

B. SuperScan

C. NetScan D. Netcat

Ans: A

6. Which tool is used for ping sweeps and port scanning?

A. Netcat

B. SamSpade

C. SuperScan

D. All the above

Ans: C

7. Which of the following tool is used for security checks as port

scanning and firewall testing?

A. Netcat

B. Nmap

C. Data communication

D. Netscan

Ans: A
8. What is the most important activity in system cracking?

A. Information gathering

B. Cracking password

C. Escalating privileges

D. Covering tracks

Ans: B

9. Which Nmap scan is does not completely open a TCP connection?

A. SYN stealth scan

B. TCP scan

C. XMAS tree scan

D. ACK scan

Ans: A

10.Key loggers are form of

A. Spyware

B. Shoulder surfing

C. Trojan
D. Social engineering

Ans: A


Chapter 1: - artificial inteligence

1) is a branch of science which deals with helping machine find solution to complex to problem
in a more human like a fashion.
(a) Artificial intelligence
(b) Internet of think
(c) Embided system
(d) Cyber security

2) Is a message that consist relavat meaning , implication , or input for decision and or action.
(a) Data
(b) Information
(c) Knowledge (d) Intelligence

3) The goal is for the software to use what is it is was learned in one area to solve problem in
other area. (a) Machine learning
(b) Deep learning
(c) Neural network
(d) All of above
4) the consist of computer program that mimic the way the human brain process information.
(a) Machine learning
(b) Deep learning
(c) Neural learning
(d) All of this
5) A heuristic is a rule of thumb-------
(a) Strategy
(b) Trick
(c) Simplification
(d) All of above

6) The component of AI concept of------

(a) Logic
(b) Congition
(c) Computation
(d) All of above

7) Is branch of science that deals with programming the system in such that they automatically
learn with experience
(a) Machine learning
(b) Deep earning
(c) Neural learning
(d) All of above

8) The first AI programming language was called

(a) Basic
(b) IPL
(d) LISP

9) The characteristic of the computer system cable of thinking, reasoning and learning is know
(a) Machine intelligence
(b) Human intelligence
(c) Artificial intelligence (d) Virtual intelligence

10) There are how many dimensions of AI

(a) Four
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) One

Chapter 2:- internet of things

1. _________ allows us to control electronic components

a) RETful API
b) RESTful API

2. MQTT stands for _____________

a) MQ Telemetry Things
b) MQ Transport Telemetry
c) MQ Transport Things
d) MQ Telemetry Transport

3. MQTT is better than HTTP for sending and receiving data.

a) True
b) False

4. MQTT is _________ protocol.

a) Machine to Machine
b) Internet of Things
c) Machine to Machine and Internet of Things
d) Machine things

5. Which protocol is lightweight?

c) CoAP

6. PubNub publishes and subscribes _________ in order to send and receive

messages. a) Network
b) Account
c) Portal
d) Keys

7. By clicking which key the PubNub will display public, subscribe, and secret
a) Pane
b) Demo Keyset
c) Portal
d) Network
8. The messageChannel class declares the _________ class attribute that defines
the key string.
a) command_key
b) command-key
c) commandkey
d) Key_command

9. _________ method saves the received arguments in three attributes. a)

b) Init__
c) __Init__
d) _init_

10. _________ and _________ saves the publish and subscribe keys that we have
generated with the PubNub Admin portal. a) public_key and subscribe_key
b) Public-key and subscribe-key
c) publickey and subscribekey
d) Key_public and key_subscribe

Chapter 3:- basic of digital forensic

1) The digital network divided radio frequency into time slots (a) TQMA
(b) COMA
(c) EDMA
(d) EDGE

2) When cases go to trial forensics examiner can play one of role

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 5

3) Forensics is the systematic trucking of incoming and outgoing ruffic on

your network
(a) Network
(b) Computer
(c) Criminal
(d) Server

4) Validate your tools and verify your evidence with to ensure its integrity
(a) Hashing algorithms
(b) Steganography
(c) Watermark
(d) Digital certificates

5) Is a written list of objection to certain testimony are exhibits

(a) Defendant
(b) Plaintiff
(c) Empanelling the jury
(d) Motion in limine

6) Regarding the trail the term means rejecting potential jurors.

(a) Voir dire
(b) Rebuttal
(c) Strikes
(d) Venireman

7) The evidences of proof that can be obtained from the electricity source is
called the
(a) Digital evidence
(b) Demonstrative evidence
(c) Explainable evidence
(d) Substantial evidence

8) If a micro-phone is present during your testimony, placeit to eight to

inches from you
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 4
(d) 6

9) Jurors typically average just over year of education and eight-grade

reading level
(a) 11
(b) 9
(c) 10
(d) 12

10) The digital avoidance are use to stablish a credible link between
(a) Attacker and victim and crime scene
(b) Attacker and the crime scene (c) Victim and crime
scene (d) Attacker and information.

Chapter 4:- digital evidence

1) A valid definition of digital evidence is
(a) data stored or transmitted using a computer
(b) information of probative value
(c) digital data of probative value
(d) any digital evidence an a computer

2) Digital evidence , a hard drive is a example

(a) Open computer system
(b) Communication system
(c) Embedded system
(d) None of these

3) The term of digital evidence the internet is an example of

(a) Open computer system
(b) Communication system
(c) Embedded system
(d) None of these

4) Digital avoidance is a only useful in a counter of law (a) True

(b) False
5) What are the three general categories of computer system that can
contain digital evidence
(a) Desktop ,laptop ,server
(b) Personal computer
(c) Hardware, software
(d) Open computer system

6) In term of digital evidence , a smart card of use of example of

(a) Communication system
(b) Open system
(c) Embedded system
(d) None of above

7) All of forensic examination should be perform on a original digital

(a) True
(b) False

8) The term of digital evidence, the internet is an example of

(a) Open computer system
(b) Communication system
(c) Embedded system
(d) None of these

9) Private network can be a richear sorce of digital evidence than they

(a) They retain data for longer period of time
(b) Owener of private network more cooprative with law enforcement
(c) Private network contain higher concentration of digital evidence (d) None
of these

10) Digital evidence can be duplicate exactly without any change to be

original data
(a) True
(b) False

Chapter 5:- basic of hackings

1). What is the ethics behind training how to hack a system?
a) To think like hackers and know how to defend such attacks
b) To hack a system without the permission
c) To hack a network that is vulnerable
d) To corrupt software or service using malware

2). Performing a shoulder surfing in order to check other’s password is

____________ ethical practice. a) a good
b) not so good
c) very good social engineering practice
d) a bad

3). ___________ has now evolved to be one of the most popular automated tools
for unethical hacking. a) Automated apps
b) Database software
c) Malware
d) Worms

4). Leaking your company data to the outside network without prior permission of
senior authority is a crime. a) True
b) False

5). _____________ is the technique used in business organizations and firms to protect IT
a) Ethical hacking
b) Unethical hacking
c) Fixing bugs
d) Internal data-breach .

6) The legal risks of ethical hacking include lawsuits due to __________ of

personal data. a) stealing
b) disclosure
c) deleting
d) hacking

7). Before performing any penetration test, through legal procedure, which key
points listed below is not mandatory? a) Know the nature of the organization
b) Characteristics of work done in the firm
c) System and network
d) Type of broadband company used by the firm
8). An ethical hacker must ensure that proprietary information of the firm does
not get leaked. a) True
b) False

9). After performing ____________ the ethical hacker should never disclose client
information to other parties. a) hacking
b) cracking
c) penetration testing
d) exploiting

10). __________ is the branch of cyber security that deals with morality and
provides different theories and a principle regarding the view-points about what
is right and wrong. a) Social ethics
b) Ethics in cyber-security
c) Corporate ethics
d) Ethics in black hat hacking

Chapter 6:- type of hacking

1) Which of the following statement based describe a white hat hackers (a)
Security professional
(b) Former black hat
(c) Former grey hat
(d) Malicious hackers

2) SNMP stand for

(a) simple network messeging protocol
(b) simple network mailing protocol
(c) simple network management protocol
(d) simple network master protocol

3) what is the first phase of hacking

(a) attack
(b) maintaining access
(c) gaining access
(d) reconnaissance

4) banner grabbing is often use for

(a) white hat hacking
(b) black hat hacking
(c) gray hat hacking
(d) script kiddies
5) an attack can create and attack by sending hundreds or thousand of e-mail
with very large attachment (a) connection attack
(b) auto responder attack
(c) attachment overloading attack
(d) all of the above

6) what type of ethical hack test access to the physical infra structure
(a) internal network
(b) remote network
(c) external network
(d) physical network

7) the security functinallity and ease of use triangle illustrated which concept
(a) a security increase, functionality and ease of use increase
(b) a security decrease, functionality and ease of use increase
(c) a security increase, functionality and ease of use decrease (d) security does not
affect functionality and ease of use

8) which type of hackers represent the highest risk to your network

(a) black hat hackers
(b) grey hat hackers
(c) disgruntled employees
(d) script kiddies

9) hackings for a causes is called

(a) active hacking
(b) hacktivism
(c) activism
(d) black-hat-hackers

10) when a hackers attempt to attack a host via the internet is the know as
what type of attack (a) remote attack
(b) local access
(c) internal attack
(d) physical access

Unit3. basics of digital forensics

1. What is Digital Forensic?
a. Process of using scientific knowledge in analysis and presentation of evidence in court

b. The application of computer science and investigative procedures for a legal purpose
involving the analysis of digital evidence after proper search authority, chain of
custody, validation with mathematics, use of validated tools, repeatability, reporting,
and possible expert presentation

c. A process where we develop and test hypotheses that answer questions about digital

d. Use of science or technology in the investigation and establishment of the facts or

evidence in a court of law

2. Digital forensics is all of them except:

a. Extraction of computer data.
b. Preservation of computer data.
c. Interpretation of computer data.
d. Manipulation of computer data.

3. Which of the following is NOT focus of digital forensic analysis?

a. Authenticity
b. Comparison
c. Proving
d. Enhancement
4. Which of the following represents the step of scientific method?
I- Develop hypothesis based on evidence
II- Calculate hash value of evidence
III- Test the hypothesis to look for additional evidence
IV-make an imaging of the original evidence

a. I and IV
b. I and II
c. II, III and IV
d. All of above

5. What is the Primary Objectives of Digital Forensic for Business and Industry?
a. Availability of service
b. Prosecution
c. Continuity of operation
d. Security
6. Which of the following hold the highest value of evidence in the court?

a. Documentary
b. Demonstrativ
c. e
d. Testimonial
6. Which of the following is FALSE?
a. The digital forensic investigator must maintain absolute objectivity
b. It is the investigator’s job to determine someone’s guilt or innocence.
c. It is the investigator’s responsibility to accurately report the relevant facts of a case.
d. The investigator must maintain strict confidentiality, discussing the results of an
investigation on only a “need to know” ba

7. which is following father of computer forensics

a. M. Anderson
b. G. Gunsh
c. S. Ciardhuain
d. G. Palmar

8. Who proposed Road map model?

a. G. Gunsh
b. S. Ciardhuain
c. J. Korn
d. G. Palmar

9. IDIP stands for

a. Integrated Digital Investigation Process
b. Integrated Data Investigation Process
c. Integrated Digital Investigator Process
d. Independent Digital Investigation Process

10. When you give ____ testimony, you present this evidence and explain what it is and how
it was obtained.
a. technical/scientific
b. expert
c. lay witness
d. deposition
Unit-4 Digital Evidences
1. A valid definition of digital evidence is:
a. Data stored or transmitted using a computer
b. Information of probative value
c. Digital data of probative value
d. Any digital evidence on a computer
2. What are the three general categories of computer systems that can contain digital
evidence? a. Desktop, laptop, server
b. Personal computer, Internet, mobile telephone
c. Hardware, software, networks
d. Open computer systems, communication systems, embedded systems
3. In terms of digital evidence, a hard drive is an example of:
a. Open computer systems
b. Communication systems
c. Embedded computer systems
d. None of the above
4. In terms of digital evidence, a mobile telephone is an example of:
a. Open computer systems
b. Communication systems
c. Embedded computer systems
d. None of the above
5. In terms of digital evidence, a Smart Card is an example of:
a. Open computer systems
b. Communication systems
c. Embedded computer systems
d. None of the above
6. Digital evidence alone can be used to build a solid case.
a. True
b. False
7. Personal computers and networks are often a valuable source of evidence. Those involved
with _______ should be comfortable with this technology.
a. Criminal investigation
b. Prosecution
c. Defense work
d. All of the above

8. An argument for including computer forensic training computer security specialists is:
a. It provides an additional credential.
b. It provides them with the tools to conduct their own investigations.
c. It teaches them when it is time to call in law enforcement.
d. None of the above.

9. Digital evidence is only useful in a court of law.

a. True
b. False
10. In terms of digital evidence, the Internet is an example of:
a. Open computer systems
b. Communication systems
c. Embedded computer systems
d. None of the above

Unit-5 Basics of Hacking

1. __________ is the branch of cyber security that deals with morality and provides
different theories and a principle regarding the view-points about what is right and
a) Social ethics
b) Ethics in cyber-security
c) Corporate ethics
d) Ethics in black hat hacking

2. What is the first phase of hacking?

a) Attack
b) Maintaining access
c) Gaining access
d) Reconnaissance
e) Scanning
3. What is the one thing that old hackers were fond of or find interests in?
a) Breaking Other’s system
b) Voracious thirst for knowledge
c) Cracking Phone calls
d) Learning new languages
4. A penetration tester must identify and keep in mind the ___________ & ___________
requirements of a firm while evaluating the security postures. a) privacy and security
b) rules and regulations
c) hacking techniques
d) ethics to talk to seniors
5. What is the name of the first hacker’s conference?

6. After performing ____________ the ethical hacker should never disclose client
information to other parties. a) hacking
b) cracking
c) penetration testing
d) exploiting
7. In which year the term hacking was coined?
a) 1965-67
b) 1955-60
c) 1970-80
d) 1980-82
8. From where the term ‘hacker’ first came to existence?
a) MIT
b) Stanford University
c) California
d) Bell’s Lab
9. In which year, hacking became a practical crime and a matter of concern in the field of

a) 1971
b) 1973
c) 1970
d) 1974
10. When a hacker attempts to attack a host via the Internet it is known as what type of
a. Local access
b. Remote attack
c. Internal attack
d. Physical access
11. Which tool can be used to perform a DNS zone transfer on Windows?
a. DNSlookup
b. nslookup
c. whois
d. ipconfig
Unit-6 Types of Hacking
1. Why would a hacker use a proxy server?
a. To create a stronger connection with the target.
b. To create a ghost server on the network.
c. To obtain a remote access connection.
d. To hide malicious activity on the network.
2. A security audit performed on the internal network of an organization by the network
administration is also known as ___________.
a. Grey-box testing
b. Black-box testing
c. White-box testing
d. Active testing E. Passive testing
3. Which are the four regional Internet registries?

4. Attempting to gain access to a network using an employee’s credentials is called the _____________
mode of ethical hacking.
a. Local networking
b. Social engineering
c. Physical entry
d. Remote networking
5. What tool can be used to perform SNMP enumeration?

a. DNSlookup
b. Whois
c. Nslookup
d. IP Network Browser

6. What is the purpose of a Denial of Service attack?

a. Exploit a weakness in the TCP/IP stack
b. To execute a Trojan on a system
c. To overload a system so it is no longer operational
d. To shutdown services by turning them off
7. What port does Telnet use?
a. 22
b. 80
c. 20
d. 23

8. Performing hacking activities with the intent on gaining visibility for an unfair situation is called
a. Cracking
b. Analysis
c. Hacktivism
d. Exploitation

9. What protocol is the Active Directory database based on?

b. TCP
c. SQL
10 Which databases is queried by Whois?

d. DNS

MCQ Chapter 01
1) Which is the first AI program?
a) The Logical Brain
b) AlphaSense
c) The Jarvis
d) The Logic Theorist
Ans: d) The Logical Theorist

2) Who is regarded as “The Father of AI?”

a) Allan Turin
b) John Mc Carthy
c) J. C. Shaw
d) Allen Newell
Ans: b) John Mc Carthy

3) Which among this, is an AI created by IBM partner with Fluid PVT. Used specially for
‘Data Analysis?’ a) EVE AI
b) Watson
c) Siri
d) Novel AI
Ans: b) Watson

4) What is PROLOG and LISP?

a) Examples of super AI
b) Languages of AI
c) Concepts of AI
d) Type of AI

Ans: b) Languages of AI
5) The given illustrative diagram is related to which topic?

a) Machine Learning
b) Neural Network Processing
c) Reasoning
d) Deep learning
Ans: a) Machine Learning

6) There are how many dimensions of AI?

a) Four
b) Three
c) Two
d) One
Ans: b) Three

7) The term “Strong” or “Super” AI comes under which ‘type’ of AI?

a) Type-1
b) Type-2
c) None of the above
d) All of the above
Ans: a) Type-1

8) These machines can use stored data for a limited time period only.
a) Reactive Machine
b) Self-Awareness
c) Limited machine
d) Theory of mind
Ans: c) Limited machine

9) “KBS” in AI stands for?

a) Knowledge Based Scenario
b) Knowledge Based System
c) Knowledge Based Segments
d) Knowing Best System
Ans: b) Knowledge Based System

10) There are how many ‘AI Approaches?’

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
Ans: d) Four

MCQ Chapter 03

1. When was International Organization on Computer Evidence (IOCE) formed?

a. 1980
b. 1997
c. 1995
d. 1984
Ans: c. 1995

2. CART is referred as…

a. Computer Art and Response Team
b. Common Analysis and Response Team
c. Computer Analysis and Reasoning Team
d. Computer Analysis and Response Team
Ans: d. Computer Analysis and Response Team

3. How many Rules are there of Digital Forensics?

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 4
Ans: b. 6
4. Fill in the blanks.

Digital Forensics is a series of steps to _________ and _________ electronic data through
________ method.

a. Solve, analyses, Intelligent

b. Uncover, analyses, scientific
c. Uncover, analyses, electronic
d. Solve, analyses, electronic
Ans: b. Uncover, analyses, scientific

5. There are how many models of digital forensics?

a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 8
Ans: c. 6

6. Which of the following is not a model of digital forensics?

b. DFI
Ans: b. DFI

7. Who proposed EEDIP?

a. Gunsh
b. Korn
c. Stepenson
d. Palmer
Ans: c. Stepenson

8. There are hoe many phases in RMDFR model of digital forensics?

a. Four
b. Six
c. Eight
d. Ten

Ans: b. Six

9. When was pc forensics began?

a. 1980
b. 1984
c. 1995
d. 1997
Ans: a. 1980

10. Who is the father of Computer Forensics?

a. Anderson
b. Palmer
c. Ciardhuain
d. Korn
Ans: a. Anderson

MCQ Chapter 04

1. The digital evidence is used to establish the credible link between …

a. System, evidence and victim
b. Attacker, victim, and crime scene
c. Attacker, victim and case file
d. Attacker, system and victim
Ans: b. Attacker, victim and crime scene

2. An original copy of the document is considered as…

a. Best evidence
b. Original evidence
c. Superior evidence
d. True evidence
Ans: c. Superior evidence

3. Best Evidence Rule states that…

a. It states that multiple copies of electronic files may be a part of the “original” or equivalent
to the “original.”
b. It states that copy of evidence may be considered as original evidence.
c. It states that the multiple copies of evidence may be part of the “original” or equivalent to
the “original.”
d. It states that multiple copies of electronic files may be a part of the “original” or same as

Ans: a. It states that multiple copies of electronic files may be a part of the “original” or equivalent
to the “original.”

4. According to Locard’s Exchange Principle, contact between two items will result in an _________.
a. War
b. Love
c. Exchange
d. Failure
Ans: c. Exchange

5. Which of the following is used to portray data more specifically and is helpful in determining
the background of digital evidence? a. Data
b. Metadata
c. Cookies
d. History

Ans: b. Metadata

6. Testimonial is the major type of Evidence.

a. True
b. False
c. None
d. N/A
Ans: a. True

7. When collecting evidence, you should always try to proceed from

a. Least volatile to most volatile evidence
b. Most volatile to least volatile evidence
c. All evidence at same priority
d. Least then medium then most volatile evidence
Ans: b. most volatile to least volatile evidence

8. You must have both ____ and ____ to validate your evidence.
a. Proof and victim
b. Power and skill
c. Power and proof
d. Proof and skill
Ans: b. power and skill

9. There are how many major types of evidence?

a. Two
b. Four
c. Six
d. Seven
Ans: c. six

10. Physical evidence is also called as.

a. Illustrative evidence
b. Explainable evidence
c. Substantial evidence
d. Real evidence
Ans: c. substantial evidence
MCQ Chapter 05
1. Select the most appropriate definition of Ethical hacking.
a. Ethical hacking is the science of testing computer and network for security vulnerabilities
and plugging the hole before the viruses get chance to exploit them.
b. Ethical hacking is the art of hacking computer and network for security vulnerabilities and
plugging the hole before the viruses get chance to exploit them.
c. Ethical hacking is the science of testing computer and network for security vulnerabilities
and plugging the hole before the unauthorized peoples get a chance to exploit them.
d. Ethical hacking is the art of testing computer and network for security vulnerabilities and
plugging the hole before the viruses get chance to handle them.
Ans: c. Ethical hacking is the science of testing computer and network for security vulnerabilities
and plugging the hole before the unauthorized peoples get a chance to exploit them.

2. A hacker who gains access to system with a view to fix the identified weaknesses is known as a.
White hat hackers
b. Grey hath hackers
c. Red hat hackers
d. Hacktivist
Ans: a. white hat hackers

3. Complete the sentence below

To catch a thief, think like a _______.

a. Police
b. Victim
c. Thief
d. Hacker
Ans: c. Thief

4. SATAN stands for_

a. Security Advanced Tool for Analysis Networks
b. Security Admin Tool for Analysis Networks
c. Security Administrator Tool for Analysis Networks
d. Security Administrator Tool for Analysing Network

Ans: c. Security Administrator for Analysis Networks

5. Which type of hackers are invited by the software vendors to find the security flaws in their
a. White hat hackers
b. Black hat hackers
c. Grey hat hackers
d. Blue hat hackers
Ans: d. Blue hat hackers

6. IRC stands for

a. Internet Rules Chat
b. Internet Relay Chat
c. Internet Ready Chat
d. Internet Readable chat
Ans: b. Internet Relay chat

7. A non-skilled person who gains access to computer system using already made tools are known
a. Grey hat hackers
b. Hacktivist
c. Script kiddies
d. Phreakers
Ans: c. Script kiddies
8. Identifying weakness in computer system or network to exploit its weaknesses to gain access is
known as
a. Cracking
b. Cybersecurity
c. Hacking
d. Threatening
Ans: c. Hacking

9. Exploration of a phone network without authorization is known as a.

b. Phreaking
c. Phone hacking
d. Call tracing

Ans: b. Phreaking

10. Social engineering the ____ of exploiting the human elements to gain access to unauthorized
resources. a. Art
b. Science
c. Hacking
d. Skill
Ans: a. Art

MCQ Chapter 06

1. Which of the following is not a network testing and port scanning tool?
a. Nmap
b. SuperScan
c. John the ripper
d. NetCat
Ans: c. John the Rippers

2. Select the most appropriate option for the below two statements.
I. A Dos attack can take down your internet connection II.
A Dos attack can take down your entire system

a. Both I and II are true

b. I is true II is false
c. I is false II is True
d. Both I and II are false
Ans: a. Both I and II are true

3. SNMP stands for

a. Simple Network Message Protocol
b. Simple New Message Protocol
c. Simple Network Management Protocol
d. Simple Network Managing Protocol

Ans: c. Simple Network Management Protocol

4. Which protocol does hackers use to make their system seems as your system or another allowed
host on your network? a. SNMP protocol
b. TCP protocol
c. ARP protocol
d. ICMP protocol
Ans: c. ARP protocol

5. Letter bomb is also known as

a. Official bomb
b. Hacking bomb
c. Mail bomb
d. E-mail bomb
Ans: d. Email Bomb

6. Which attack allows the attacker to execute the scripts on the victim’s browser? a.
SSL attack
b. Cookie attack
c. Banner grabbing
d. XSS attack
Ans: d. XSS attack

7. ACL stands for.

a. Application Control Language
b. Application Control list
c. Access control List
d. Access Command List
Ans: c. Access Control List

8. As an ethical hacker, you should scan all ________ UDP and TCP port on each network host
that’s found by your scanner.
a. 65535
b. 65353
c. 65333
d. 65555
Ans: a. 65535

9. Which of the following are the foundation of all the technical security issues in your information
a. Network Infrastructure vulnerabilities
b. Information vulnerabilities
c. System Infrastructure vulnerabilities
d. Network Information vulnerabilities
Ans: a. Network infrastructure vulnerabilities

10. Which attack is an HTTP attack which allows attackers to access restricted directories and
execute commands outside the web servers root directory?
a. XSS attack
b. Path Traversal attack
c. MITM attack
d. SQL Injection attack
Ans: b. Path traversal Attack

1What allows digital devices to interconnect and transmit data?

a. a sensor
b.a global positioning sensor

c.a smart phone

d.a network

2. Which command is used to test network connectivity and provide a response to each packet
received by the remote host?




3. What type of device could allow a refrigerator to place a replacement order for an item contained
within it? network

b.generator phone


4. True or False?

Once connected to the home gateway, smart devices can be controlled from a smartphone, tablet, or



5. What information is conveyed by the SSID that is configured on an IoT device? a.the registration


b.he default gateway

c.the wireless network

d.the home gateway

6. What is comprised of millions of smart devices and sensors connected to the internet? a.the fog

b.the internet of things

c.the data center

d.the cloud

7. Which tool allows a user to simulate real networks?

a.artificial intelligence

b.Packet Tracer



8. True or False?

The Internet of Things will connect inanimate objects to the network with intelligent sensors. a.true


9. Which type of network is used to connect a company located in one area of a city to another
location in a city far away?





10. Which type of computing is located at the edge of a business or corporate network and that
allows data from sensors to be preprocessed?





1. Artificial Intelligence system developed by Terry A. Winograd to permit an

interactive dialogue about a domain he called blocks-world.


2. What is Artificial intelligence?

➢ Programming with your own intelligence

➢ Putting your intelligence into Computer
➢ Making a Machine intelligent ➢ Playing a Game

And:- Making a Machine intelligent

3. DARPA, the agency that has funded a great deal of American Artificial
Intelligence research, is part of the Department of

➢ Education
➢ Defense
➢ Energy
➢ Justice

And:- Defense.

4. Who is the “father” of artificial intelligence?

➢ John McCarthy
➢ Fisher Ada
➢ Allen Newell
➢ Alan Turning

And:- Fisher Ada .

5. KEE is a product of

➢ IntelliCorpn
➢ Teknowledge
➢ Texas Instruments
➢ Tech knowledge

Ans:- IntelliCorpn .

6. Default reasoning is another type of

➢ Analogical reasoning
➢ Bitonic reasoning
➢ Non-monotonic reasoning
➢ Monotonic reas

Ans:- Non-monotonic reasoning.

7. Weak AI is

➢ a set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered

to reflect intelligence if it were generated by humans.
➢ the study of mental faculties through the use of mental models
implemented on a computer.
➢ the embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer. ➢ All
of the above

Ans:- Weak AI is the study of mental faculties through the use of mental models
implemented on a computer.

8. If a robot can alter its own trajectory in response to external conditions, it is

considered to be:

➢ mobile
➢ open loop ➢ intelligent
➢ non-servo

Ans:- intelligent .

9. One of the leading American robotics centers is the Robotics Institute located





And:- CMU

10. What is the name of the computer program that contains the distilled
knowledge of an expert?

➢ Management information System

➢ Expert system
➢ Data base management system
➢ Artificial intelligence

Ans:- expert system.

11. In LISP, the function evaluates both <variable> and <object> is -

➢ setq
➢ add
➢ set
➢ eva

Ans:- setq
12. What is Artificial intelligence?

➢ Making a Machine intelligent

➢ Putting your intelligence into Computer
➢ Programming with your own intelligence
➢ putting more memory into Computer

Ans:- Making a Machine intelligent.

13. Which is not the commonly used programming language for AI?

➢ Perl
➢ Java script

And:- Perl

14. Which is not a property of representation of knowledge?

➢ Inferential Adequacy
➢ Representational Adequacy
➢ Representational Verification
➢ Inferential Efficiency

Ans:- Representational Verification .

15. A Hybrid Bayesian network contains

➢ Both discrete and continuous variables

➢ Only Discontinuous variable ➢ Both Discrete and Discontinuous variable ➢
Continous variable only.

And:- Both discrete and continuous variables

3. Basics of Digital Forensic
1. When cases go to trial, you as a forensics examiner can play one of ____ roles.

a. 2 c. 4

b. 3 d.5

Ans:- 2

2. When you give ____ testimony, you present this evidence and explain what it is and how it
was obtained.

a. technical/scientific. c. lay witness

b. expert d. deposition

And:- technical/scientific.

3. Validate your tools and verify your evidence with ____ to ensure its integrity

a. hashing algorithms c. steganography

b. watermarks d. digital certificates

And:- hashing algorithms

4. For forensics specialists, keeping the ____ updated and complete is crucial to supporting
your role as an expert and showing that you’re constantly enhancing your skills through
training, teaching, and experience.

a. testimony c. examination plan

b. CV d. deposition

Ans:- CV

5. If your CV is more than ____ months old, you probably need to update it to reflect new
cases and additional training.

a. 2 c. 4

b. 3 d. 5

Ans:- 3

6. __ is a written list of objections to certain testimony or exhibits.

a. Defendant c. Plaintiff

b. Empanelling the jury d. Motion in limine

Ans:- Motion in limine

7. Regarding a trial, the term ____ means rejecting potential jurors.

a. voir dire c. strikes

b. rebuttal d. venireman

Ans:- strikes

8. ____ from both plaintiff and defense is an optional phase of the trial. Generally, it’s allowed
to cover an issue raised during cross-examination

a. Rebuttal c. Closing arguments

b. Plaintiff d. Opening statements

Ans:- Rebuttal

9. If a microphone is present during your testimony, place it ____ to eight inches from you. a.

3 c. 5
b. 4 d. 6

Ans:- 6

10. Jurors typically average just over ____ years of education and an eighth-grade reading
level. a. 9 c. 11

b. 10 d. 12

Ans:- 12

4. Digital Evidences

1. A valid definition of digital evidence is:

a. Data stored or transmitted using a computer

b. Information of probative value

c. Digital data of probative value

d. Any digital evidence on a computer

2. What are the three general categories of computer systems that can contain digital evidence?

a. Desktop, laptop, server

b. Personal computer, Internet, mobile telephone

c. Hardware, software, networks

d. Open computer systems, communication systems, embedded systems

3. In terms of digital evidence, a hard drive is an example of:

a. Open computer systems

b. Communication systems

c. Embedded computer systems

d. None of the above

4. In terms of digital evidence, a mobile telephone is an example of:

a. Open computer systems

b. Communication systems

c. Embedded computer systems

d. None of the above

5. In terms of digital evidence, a Smart Card is an example of:

a. Open computer systems

b. Communication systems

c. Embedded computer systems

d. None of the above

6. In terms of digital evidence, the Internet is an example of:

a. Open computer systems

b. Communication systems

c. Embedded computer systems

d. None of the above

7. Computers can be involved in which of the following types of crime?

a. Homicide and sexual assault

b. Computer intrusions and intellectual property theft

c. Civil disputes
d. All of the above

8. A logon record tells us that, at a specific time:

a. An unknown person logged into the system using the account

b. The owner of a specific account logged into the system

c. The account was used to log into the system

d. None of the above

9. Cybertrails are advantageous because:

a. They are not connected to the physical world.

b. Nobody can be harmed by crime on the Internet.

c. They are easy to follow.

d. Offenders who are unaware of them leave behind more clues than they otherwise would have.

10. Private networks can be a richer source of evidence than the Internet because:

a. They retain data for longer periods of time.

b. Owners of private networks are more cooperative with law enforcement.

c. Private networks contain a higher concentration of digital Evidences

d. None of the above.

5. Basic of Hacking

1. What is the attack called “evil twin”?

➢ Rogue access point
➢ ARP poisoning
➢ Session hijacking
➢ MAC spoofing

2. What are the forms of password cracking techniques?

➢ AttackSyllable
➢ AttackBrute Forcing
➢ AttacksHybrid
➢ All of the above

3. what is the primary goal of an Ethical Hacker ?

➢ Avoiding detection
➢ Testing security controls
➢ Resolving security vulnerabilities
➢ Determining return on investment for security measures

4. What is the first phase of hacking?

➢ Maintaining access
➢ Gaining access
➢ Reconnaissance
➢ Scanning

5. Which type of hacker represents the highest risk to your network?

➢ Black-hat hackers
➢ Grey-hat hackers
➢ Script kiddies
➢ Disgruntled employees
6. Hacking for a cause is called ..................

➢ Hacktivism
➢ Black-hat hacking
➢ Active hacking
➢ Activism

7. When a hacker attempts to attack a host via the Internet it is known as what type of attack?

➢ Local access
➢ Remote attack
➢ Internal attack
➢ Physical access

8. Which are the four regional Internet registries?



9. What port number does HTTPS use?

➢ 53
➢ 443
➢ 80
➢ 21

10. Banner grabbing is an example of what?

➢ Footprinting
➢ Active operating system fingerprinting
➢ Passive operating system fingerprinting
➢ Application analysis

6. Types of Hacking

1 . Which of the following statements best describes a white-hat


A. Security professional

B. Former black hat C. Former grey hat

D. Malicious hacker

2. A security audit performed on the internal network of an organization

by the network administration is also known as ___________.

A. Grey-box testing

B. Black-box testing
C. White-box testing

D. Active testing

E. Passive testing

3. What is the first phase of hacking?

A. Attack

B. Maintaining access

C. Gaining access

D. Reconnaissance

E. Scanning

4. What type of ethical hack tests access to the physical infrastructure?

A. Internal network

B. Remote network

C. External network

D. Physical access

5. The security, functionality, and ease of use triangle illustrates which


A. As security increases, functionality and ease of use increase.

B. As security decreases, functionality and ease of use increase.

C. As security decreases, functionality and ease of use decrease.

D. Security does not affect functionality and ease of use.

6. Which type of hacker represents the highest risk to your network?

A. Disgruntled employees

B. Black-hat hackers

C. Grey-hat hackers

D. Script kiddies

7. What are the three phases of a security evaluation plan? (Choose

three answers.)

A. Conduct Security Evaluation

B. Preparation

C. Conclusion

D. Final

E. Reconnaissance

F. Design Security

G. Vulnerability Assessment

Answer :- A, B, C.

8. Hacking for a cause is called __________________.

A. Active hacking

B. Hacktivism

C. Activism
D. Black-hat hacking

9. Which federal law is most commonly used to prosecute hackers?

A. Title 12

B. Title 18

C. Title 20

D. Title 2

10. When a hacker attempts to attack a host via the Internet it is known
as what type of attack?

A. Remote attack

B. Physical access

C. Local access

D. Internal attack

CHAPTER 3: Basics of Digital Forensics

1. IOCE is …………………..?
a. Organization on computer evidence
b. Organization on communication evidence
c. Organization on country education
d. Organization on crime evidence

Ans : a)Organization on computer evidence

2. Digital forensic applied both ……………. ?

a. Analysis and response action
b. Computer crime and civil action
c. Criminal and civil action
d. Regional and forensic action
Ans : c) criminal and civil action
3. How many rules are there in Digital Forensics :
a. 5
b. 2
c. 7
d. 6
Ans : d) 6

4. Compliance with the law and ………….

a. Professional norms.
b. Collection
c. Prevention
d. Examination
Ans : a) Professional norms

5. What is the full form of ADFM

a. Abstract defining forensic model
b. Abstract digital forensic model
c. Abstract digital forensic media
d. Analysis digital forensic model
Ans : b) Abstract digital forensic model

6. The whole process is trigged by …………..

a. Investigator
b. Society
c. Digital forensic
d. Criminal activity
Ans : d) Criminal activity
7. Digital forensic is all of them except:
a. Extraction of computer data
b. Preservation of computer data
c. Interpretation of computer data
d. Manipulation of computer data
Ans: b) Preservation of computer data

8. IDIP stand for

a. Integrated digital investigation process
b. Integrated data investigation process
c. Integrated digital investigator process
d. None of the above
Ans : a) Integrated digital investigation process
9. Who proposed Road map model ?
a. G.Gunsh
b. S.Ciardhuain
c. J.Korn
d. G.Palmar
Ans : d) G.Palmar

10. Field of PC forensics began in which year ?

a. 1975
b. 1944
c. 1971
d. 1980

Ans : d) 1980


CHAPTER 4: Digital Evidences

1. Which of the following is not a digital device ?

a. Computer
b. Phone
c. Guitar
d. Internet

Ans : c) Guitar
2. Rule of evidence is called as ………….
a. Digital Evidence
b. Law of Evidence
c. Hidden Evidence
d. Electronic Evidence
Ans : b) Law Of Evidence

3. BPO stand for …………..

a. Business profile outsourcing
b. Business profile outcome
c. Business process outsourcing
d. Business process outcome
Ans : c) Businesses process outsourcing

4. The digital evidence are used to establish a credible link between……

a. Attacker and victim and the crime scene
b. Attacker and the crime scene
c. Victim and the crime scene
d. Attacker and information
Ans : a) Attacker and victim and the crime scene

5. Which of the following is not a type of volatile evidence?

a. Routing Table
b. Main memory
c. Log files
d. Cached Data
Ans : c) Log files

5. Will volatile evidences last forever

a. No
b. Not Sure
c. Yes
d. None of the above
Ans : a) No

6. Investigation means :
a. Collection of information
b. A procedure to find the Digital Evidence
c. Searching over internet
d. Hacking computer systems
Ans : b) A procedure to find the Digital Evidence

7. The evidence or proof that can be obtained from the electronic source is called the ……… a.
Digital evidence
b. Demonstrative evidence
c. Explainable evidence
d. Substantial evidence

Ans : a) Digital evidence

8. Which one is not a 103 rule of evidence

a. Maintaining a claim of error
b. Aim of an offer of proof
c. Plain error taken
d. Destroying data
Ans : d) Destroying data
9. Digital evidence must follow the requirements of the ……..
a. Ideal evidence
b. Best evidence
c. Exchange evidence
d. All of the mentioned
Ans : b) Best evidence


CHAPTER 5: Basics of Hacking

1. What is hacking ?
a. Identifying weakness in computer system or networks
b. Refers to act of locating vulnerabilities
c. A security to your personal data
d. Protocols of corrupting data

Ans : a) Identifying weakness in computer system or networks

2. Ethical Hacking is known as ………..
a. White Hat hacking
b. Black Hat hacking
c. Encrypting
d. None of these
Ans : a) white Hat hacking

3. How many steps are there the legality of ethical hacking ?

a. 5
b. 2
c. 7
d. 6
Ans : a) 5

4. Tools used by ethical hackers………..

a. Scanner
b. Decoder
c. Proxy
d. All of these
Ans : a) scanner

5. Hackers are also called as

a. Good Guys
b. Bad Guys
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Ans : b) Bad Guys

6. Vulnerability scanning in Ethical hacking finds……….

a. Strengths
b. Weakness
c. A&B
d. None of these

Ans : b) weakness
7. What is the required education to be an ethical hacker ?
a. Diploma holder
b. 10+2 passed
c. Bachelor’s degree in the related field
d. Nothing needed
Ans : c) Bachelor’s degree in related field

8. Ethical hacking will allow to ………all the massive security breaches.

a. Reject
b. Measure
c. Remove
d. None of these

Ans : d) None of these

9. Security tools that are widely used are :

a. Nmap
b. WebInspect
c. Network Strumbler
d. All of the above
Ans : d) All of the above

10. TCP stand for………

a. Transmission Control Protocol
b. Transfer Control Protocol
c. Travel Control Protocol
d. Tracking Control Protocol
Ans : a) Transmission Control Protocol


CHAPTER 6: Types of Hacking

1. SNMP stand for…………

a. Simple network messaging protocol
b. Simple network Mailing protocol
c. Simple network management protocol
d. Simple network Master protocol
Ans : c) Simple network management protocol

2. What is the full form of NIV Foundation?

a. Network Infrastructure Violation
b. Network Issue Vulnerabilities
c. Network Infrastructure Vulnerabilities
d. Network Information Vulnerabilities Ans : c) Network Infrastructure Vulnerabilities

3. Banner grabbing is often used for…….

a. White hat hacking
b. Black hat hacking
c. Gray hat hacking
d. Script kiddies
Ans : a) white hat hacking

4. What is the full form of UDP

a. Union Development Program
b. User Data Program
c. User Datagram Protocol
d. Unified Datagram Provider
Ans : c) User Datagram Protocol

5. IMAP stand for…………

a. Internet message access protocol
b. Internet mailing access protocol
c. Information access protocol
d. None of these
Ans : a) Internet message access protocol

6. What is full form of MAC

a. Model Access Communication
b. Media Access Control
c. Multimedia Access Control
d. Modern Access Control
Ans : b) Media Access Control

7. Which IEEE standards specify the technologies for wireless LANs 802.11
a. IEEE 802.11
b. IEEE 802.10
c. IEEE 279.6
d. IEEE 275.4
Ans : a) 802.11

8. An attackers can create an …....attack by sending hundreds or thousand of e-mail with very
large attachment.
a. Connection Attack
b. Auto responder Attack
c. Attachment overloading Attack
d. All of the above
Ans : c) Attachment overloading attack

9. Port no.(6346,6347) Gnutella service having which protocols …..

a. TCP
b. UDP
Ans : c) TCP,UDP

10. What is the full form of DMZ

a. Demilitarized Zone
b. Demonetized Zone
c. Demand Zone
d. Demoralized Zone
Ans : a) Demilitarized Zone
CHAPTER 1: Artificial Intelligence

1) Which is the first AI program?

a) The Logical Brain
b) AlphaSense
c) The Jarvis
d) The Logic Theorist

Ans: d) The Logical Theorist

2) Who is regarded as “The Father of AI?”

a) Allan Turin
b) John Mc Carthy
c) J. C. Shaw
d) Allen Newell

Ans: b) John Mc Carthy

3) Which among this, is an AI created by IBM partner with Fluid PVT. Used specially for ‘Data
b) Watson
c) Siri
d) Novel AI Ans: b)


4) What is PROLOG and LISP?

a) Examples of super AI
b) Languages of AI
c) Concepts of AI
d) Type of AI

Ans: b) Languages of AI

5) The given illustrative diagram is related to which topic?

a) Machine Learning
b) Neural Network Processing
c) Reasoning
d) Deep learning

Ans: a) Machine Learning

6) There are how many dimensions of AI?
a) Four
b) Three
c) Two
d) One

Ans: b) Three
7) The term “Strong” or “Super” AI comes under which ‘type’ of AI?
a) Type-1
b) Type-2
c) None of the above
d) All of the above

Ans: a) Type-1

8) These machines can use stored data for a limited time period only.
a) Reactive Machine
b) Self-Awareness
c) Limited machine
d) Theory of mind Ans: c)

Limited machine

9) “KBS” in AI stands for?

a) Knowledge Based Scenario
b) Knowledge Based System
c) Knowledge Based Segments
d) Knowing Best System

Ans: b) Knowledge Based System

10) There are how many ‘AI Approaches?’

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

Ans: d) Four
CHAPTER 2: Internet of Things
1) Raspbian is:

a) Assembler

b) Language

c) Compiler

d) OS

Ans:- d. OS

2) Which one out of these is not LPWAN technologies:

a) SigFox

b) WiFi

c) NB-oT

d) LoRa

Ans:- b. WiFi

3) Computer programs that mimic the way the human brain processes information is called as:-

a) Machine learning

b) Deep learning

c) Neural networks

d) None of the above Ans:- c. Neural networks

4) is a branch of Science which deals with the helping machine find solutions to complex
problems in a more human like fashion

a. Artificial Intelligence

b. Internet Od Things

c. Embedded system

d. cyber Security

Ans:- a. Artificial Intelligence

5) What does LTE stands for:-

a) Long Terms Errors

b) Long Term Evolution

c) Lengthy terminal Estimation

d) Long term Estimates

Ans:- b. Long Term Evolution

6) Which transport layer protocols is used by DHCP:-




d. UDP

Ans:- d. UDP

7) Which one out of these is not a data link layer technology:-

a) Bluetooth


c) WiFi

Ans:- d. HTTP

8) IoT stands for:-

a) Internet of Technology

b) Intranet of Things

c) Internet of Things

d) Information of Things

Ans:- c. Internet of


9) WSN stands for:-

a) Wide Sensor Network

b) Wireless Sensor Network

c) Wired Sensor Network

d) None of these

Ans:- b. Wireless Sensor Network

10) Which is not the feature of IoT:-

a. Connectivity

b. Self-configuring

c. Endpoint Management

d. Artificial Intelligence

Ans:- b. Self-configuring
CHAPTER 3: Basics of Digital Forensics

11) Which of the following sciences pay vital role in criminal justice systems ?
a. Digital Forensics
b. Forensic Science
c. PC Forensics
d. INTERPOL Forensic

Ans : b) Forensic Science

12) The full form of DFI is :

e. Digital Forensic Investigation
f. Digitalized Forensic Investigation
g. Digital Foreign Investment
h. Direct Forensic Investigation
Ans : a) Digital Forensic Science

13) How many rules are there in Digital Forensics :

a. 5
b. 2
c. 7
d. 6
Ans : d) 6

14) Which of the following is not involved in DFI’s road map :

a. Identification
b. Collection
c. Prevention
d. Examination
Ans : c) Prevention

15) What is the full form of EEDIP

a. End to End Digital Investigation Program
b. End to End Digital Investigation Process
c. End to End Digital Forensic Investigation
d. End to End Digital Forensic Investment
Ans : b) End to End Digital Investigation Process
16. Ethical Issues in Digital Forensic means :
a. Set of moral principals that regulate the use of computers
b. Related to ethical hacking
c. Honesty towards investigation
d. Compliance with law
Ans : a) Set of moral principals that regulate the use of computers

17. What do primary investigator consider from the original source :

a. Summarize and hold the data
b. Whether to analyze more data or to extract more data
c. Examine the data and store it
d. Compress the data
Ans : b) Whether to analyze more data or to extract more data

18. Who proposed the UML Modelling of Digital Forensic Process Model
a. Kohn, Eloff and Oliver
b. Response Team
c. Only (a)
d. None of the above

Ans : a) Kohn, Eloff and Oliver

19. From what should the digital data must be protected ?

a. Copied
b. Deleted
c. Modified
d. Destroyed
Ans : c) Modified

20. Field of PC forensics began in which year ?

a. 1975
b. 1944
c. 1971
d. 1980
Ans : d) 1980

CHAPTER 4: Digital Evidences

10. Which of the following is not a digital device ?

a. Computer
b. Phone
c. Guitar
d. Internet

Ans : c) Guitar

11. Digital evidences are also called as :

a. Digital proof
b. Evidence
c. Hidden Truth
d. Electronic Evidence
Ans : d) Electronic Evidence

12. Which of the following is not the form of digital

a. Text messages
b. Emails
c. Pictures
d. Paper
Ans : d) Paper

13. According to Edmond Locard, there will be interchange

if :
a. Two items interchange with each other
b. Two items make contact
c. No interaction needed
d. No devices needed
Ans : b) Two items make contact

14. What is digital evidence according to Cohen ?

a. Baggage of proofs
b. Collection of evidences
c. Bag of bits
d. Backpack of Bytes
Ans : c) Bag of bits
15. Will volatile evidences last forever
a. No
b. Not Sure
c. Yes
d. None of the above
Ans : a) No

16. Investigation means :

a. Collection of information
b. A procedure to find the Digital Evidence
c. Searching over internet
d. Hacking computer systems
Ans : b) A procedure to find the Digital Evidence

17. To whom is the IP addresses were traced ?

a. Internet Service Provider
b. Cyber Crime Office
c. Only (a)
d. None of the above

Ans : a) Internet Service Provider

18. Which one is not a 103 rule of evidence

a. Maintaining a claim of error
b. Aim of an offer of proof
c. Plain error taken
d. Destroying data
Ans : d) Destroying data

19. Which one of the following locates data on network devices :

a. ARP Cache
b. Kernel Statistics
c. Routing Table
d. Memory
Ans : c) Routing Table

CHAPTER 5: Basics of Hacking

11. What is hacking ?

a. Identifying weakness in computer system or networks

b. Refers to act of locating vulnerabilities

c. A security to your personal data
d. Protocols of corrupting data

Ans : a) Identifying weakness in computer system or networks

12. Malicious users are also called as :

a. External attackers
b. Trusted users
c. hacker
d. Internal attackers
Ans : d) Internal attackers

13. How many steps are there the legality of ethical hacking ?
a. 5
b. 2
c. 7
d. 6

Ans : a) 5

14. What is PayPal ?

a. Pay through Pal
b. NetBanking
c. Payment Gateway
d. Information app
Ans : c) Payment Gateway
15. Hackers are also called as
a. Good Guys
b. Bad Guys
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
Ans : b) Bad Guys
16. Ethical hackers are
a. Trained hackers
b. Related to ethical hacking
c. Bad guys
d. Good guys
Ans : a) Trained hackers

17. What is the required education to be an ethical hacker ?

a. Diploma holder
b. 10+2 passed
c. Bachelor’s degree in the related field
d. Nothing needed
Ans : c) Bachelor’s degree in related field

18. Which is not an Ethical Hacking related career

a. Back-End Developer
b. Software Tester
c. Software Developer
d. Computer Networking Specialist Ans : a) Software Tester

19. Security tools that are widely used are :

a. Nmap
b. WebInspect
c. Network Strumbler
d. All of the above Ans : d) All of the above

20. What is the full form of TCP :

a. Transmission Control Protocol
b. Transfer Control Protocol
c. Travel Control Protocol
d. Tracking Control Protocol
Ans : a) Transmission Control Protocol

CHAPTER 6: Types of Hacking

11. Network Testing and port scanning tools are :

a. Sam Spade
b. SuperScan
c. NetScan
d. All of the above

Ans : d) All of the above

12. What is the full form of NIV Foundation?

a. Network Infrastructure Violation
b. Network Issue Vulnerabilities
c. Network Infrastructure Vulnerabilities
d. Network Information Vulnerabilities Ans : c)
Network Infrastructure Vulnerabilities

13. Number of Successful NetBIOS queries :

a. 5
b. 13
c. 12
d. 17

Ans : b) 13

14. What is the full form of UDP

a. Union Development Program
b. User Data Program
c. User Datagram Protocol
d. Unified Datagram Provider
Ans : c) User Datagram Protocol
15. What is Banner Grabbing ?
a. Act of capturing the information by banners
b. Grabbing Information
c. Information Sharing
d. Sharing Information
Ans : a) Act of capturing the information by banners
16. What is full form of MAC
a. Model Access Communication
b. Media Access Control
c. Multimedia Access Control
d. Modern Access Control
Ans : b) Media Access Control

17. Which IEEE standards specify the technologies for wireless LANs
a. IEEE 802.11
b. IEEE 802.10
c. IEEE 279.6
d. IEEE 275.4
Ans : a) 802.11

18. LINUX is an
a. Application
b. Software
c. Toolkit
d. Operating System

Ans : d) Operating System

19. Which of the following is an Email attack :

a. Hacking
b. Decrypting
c. Bomb
d. Banner
Ans : d) Banner

20. What is the full form of DMZ

a. Demilitarized Zone

b. Demonetized Zone
c. Demand Zone
d. Demoralized Zone
Ans : a) Demilitarized Zone
MCQ’s Question and Answers (the answers are highlighted in bold)

Q1.When the Federal Bureau of investigation was create ?.

A)1900 B)1980 C)19450 D)1984

Q2.What is The Full form of CART

A)Computer Analysis and Response Team B) Cathode Analog Ray Tube

C)Computer Accessories Repairing team D)None

Q3 When IOCE is Formed

A)1992 B)1980 C)19490 D)1995

Q4Full Form Of IOCE

A)International Organization on Computer Evidence B)Internet of Computer Education

C) Internet of Computer Evidence D)None

Q5When was the first FBI Regional Computer Forensic laboratory was Recognize ?.

A)1992 B)1980 C)19490 D)2000

Q6How Many Rules in Digital forensic

A)12 B)19 C)10 D)6

Q7 What is the Long form of DFI

A)Digital Forensic Investigation B)Digital Fraud Industry

C)Defining Form In D)None

Q8 How Many Phases in RDMDFR

A)12 B)19 C)10 D)6

Q9 Investigator should satisfy the following point:

A)Contribute to the society and human being B)Avoid harm to others

C)honest and trustworthy D)All Of the Above

Q10 Who proposed Road Map Model

A)G. Gunsh B)S. Ciardhuain C)J. Korn D)G. Palmar

Q11 Digital Evidence in the form of the:

A)Office File B)E-mail Messages C)Either A or B D)Both A and B

Q12 In Computer intrusions the attacker will be leave multiple traces of there presence in:
A)File System B)Registry C)System Logs D)All of the Above

Q13 What are the Form of Electronic Evidence:

A)Hard Drive B)E-mail C)Either A or B D)Both A and B

Q14 How Many Types of the Evidence A)12 B)19 C)10 D)6

Q15 What is the full form of BPO A)Business

Process Outsourcing

Q16 The Digital evidence are used to established a credible link between……….

A)Attacker and victim and the crime scene B)Attacker And information

C)Either A or B D)Both A and B

Q17 The evidence and proof that can be obtained from the electronic source is called the…….

A)Digital Evidence B)Explainable evidence C)Either A or B D)Both A and B

Q18 Which of the following is not type of volatile evidence:

A)Routing Tables B) Main Memory C)Log Files D) Cached Data

Q19 Digital Evidence must follow the requirement of the

A)Ideal Evidence Rule B)Best Evidence Rule C)Exchange Rule D)All of the mentioned

Q20 White hat Hacker is known as the

A)Cracker B)Ethical C)Grey Hat D)Script Kiddies

Q21 What is an grey hat hacker

A)Black Hat Hacker B)White Hat Hacker C)Combination of White and black hat hackers D)None

Q22 A Hacker who identifies and exploits weakness in telephones instead of computers is known as:

A)Phreaker B)Hacktivist C)Ethical hacker D)Grey Hat hacker

Q23 Long Form of the VPN

A)Virtual Private Network B)Virtual Personal Network C)Both D)None

Q24 Who are use their skill to identify security problem with computer network
A)Black Hat Hacker B)Ethical Hacker C)Grey Hat hacker D)Script Kiddies

Q25 To crack the password you need cracking tool such as:

A)LC4 B)John The Ripper C)pwdump D)All of the above Q26 NMAP known as:

A)Network Mapper B)NetCat C)SuperScan D)NetScan

Q27 What is the most valuable assets of an organization


Q28 What is the full form of SMTP

A)Simple mail Transfer Protocol

Q29 What is the full form of DNS

A)Domain Name System B)Simple mail Transfer Protocol

C)Internet Message Access Protocol D) Network Mapper

Q30 What is the full form of IMAP

A)Internet Message Access Protocol B)Simple mail Transfer Protocol

C)Internet Message Access Protocol D)None

Q31 What is the full form of SNMP

A)Simple Network Management Protocol

Q32 Which of the following used for the Network Testing and port scanning

A)NetCat B)SuperScan C)NetScan D)All of Above

Q33 The whole email server may be targeted for a complete interruption of services with these failure

A)Storage overload and bandwidth blocking

Q34 Which is the top most directory in the server file system

A)Root Directory

Q35 Which list is used in the authorization process

A)Access Control List

Q36 What is the latest version of UNIX


Q37 Which OS is widely used in the world


Q38 Name of network analyzer which support windows and unix OS


Q39 You can grab banner by using

A)Telnet B)NetCat C)Either A or B D)Both A and B

Q40 An attacker can create an …………………………….. attack by sending hundreds or thousands of emails
with very large attachment

A)Attachment Overloading Attack B)Connection Attack C)Auto Responder Attack

D)All of the Above

1. What is the first phase of hacking?

A. Attack
B. Maintaining access
C. Gaining access
D. Reconnaissance
E. Scanning

2. What type of ethical hack tests access to the physical infrastructure?

A. Internal network
B. Remote network
C. External network
D. Physical access

3. Which type of hacker represents the highest risk to your network?

A. Disgruntled employees
B. Black-hat hackers
C. Grey-hat hackers
D. Script kiddies

4. Hacking for a cause is called __________________.

A. Active hacking
B. Hacktivism
C. Activism
D. Black-hat hacking

5. When a hacker attempts to attack a host via the Internet it is known as what
type of attack?

A. Remote attack
B. Physical access
C. Local access
D. Internal attack

6. Which are the four regional Internet registries?



7.How does traceroute work?

A. It uses an ICMP destination-unreachable message to elicit the name of a router.

B. It sends a specially crafted IP packet to a router to locate the number of hops from the
sender to the destination network.
C. It uses a protocol that will be rejected by the gateway to determine the location.
D. It uses the TTL value in an ICMP message to determine the number of hops from the
sender to the router.

8. Nslookup can be used to gather information regarding which of the following?

A. Host names and IP addresses

B. Whois information
C. DNS server locations
D. Name server types and operating systems

9.What is it called when a hacker pretends to be a valid user on the system?

A. Impersonation
B. Third-person authorization
C. Help desk
D. Valid user

10.What is the best reason to implement a security policy?

A. It increases security.
B. It makes security harder to enforce.
C. It removes the employee’s responsibility to make judgments.
D. It decreases security.
Chapter No 3 : Basics Of Digital Forensic

1. What is Digital Forensic?

A. Process of using scientific knowledge in analysis and presentation of evidence
in court

B. The application of computer science and investigative procedures for a legal

purpose involving the analysis of digital evidence after proper search authority,
chain of custody, validation with mathematics, use of validated tools,
repeatability, reporting, and possible expert presentation

C. A process where we develop and test hypotheses that answer questions

about digital events

D. Use of science or technology in the investigation and establishment of the

facts or evidence in a court of law
2. Does database forensic include in Digital Forensic application
A. True

B. False
3. Which of the following is NOT focus of digital forensic analysis?
A. Authenticity

B. Comparison

C. Proving

D. Enhancement
4. Which of the following represents the step of scientific methodI- Develop hypothesis
based on evidenceII- Calculate hash value of evidenceIII- Test the hypothesis to look for
additional evidence IV-make an imaging of the original evidence
A. All above

B. I and III

C. II and IV

D. II, III and IV

5. What is the Primary Objectives of Digital Forensic for Business and Industry
A. Availability of service

B. Continuity of operation

C. Prosecution

D. Security
6. Which of the following hold the highest value of evidence in the court?
A. Documentary

B. Demonstrative

C. Testimonial

D. Real
7. Which of the following is FALSE
A. The digital forensic investigator must maintain absolute objectivity

B. It is the investigator’s job to determine someone’s guilt or innocence.

C. It is the investigator’s responsibility to accurately report the relevant

facts of a case.

D. The investigator must maintain strict confidentiality, discussing the

results of an investigation on only a “need to know” ba

8. ____ is a written list of objections to certain testimony or exhibits.


b.Empanelling the jury


d.Motion in limine
9. Attorneys can now submit documents electronically in many courts; the standard
format in federal courts is ____.

a. Microsoft Word (DOC)

b. Portable Document Format (PDF)

c. Encapsulated Postscript (EPS)

d. Postscript (PS)

10. A(n) ____is a document that lets you know what questions to expect when you are
a.written report


c.examination plan


Chapter No 4 : Digital Evidences

1. A valid definition of digital evidence is:

a. Data stored or transmitted using a computer

b. Information of probative value

c. Digital data of probative value

d. Any digital evidence on a computer

2. What are the three general categories of computer systems that can contain digital


a. Desktop, laptop, server

b. Personal computer, Internet, mobile telephone

c. Hardware, software, networks

d. Open computer systems, communication systems, embedded systems

3. In terms of digital evidence, a hard drive is an example of:

a. Open computer systems

b. Communication systems

c. Embedded computer systems

d. None of the above

4. In terms of digital evidence, a mobile telephone is an example of:

a. Open computer systems

b. Communication systems

c. Embedded computer systems

d. None of the above

5. In terms of digital evidence, a Smart Card is an example of:

a. Open computer systems

b. Communication systems

c. Embedded computer systems

d. None of the above

6. In terms of digital evidence, the Internet is an example of:

a. Open computer systems

b. Communication systems
c. Embedded computer systems

d. None of the above

7. Computers can be involved in which of the following types of crime?

a. Homicide and sexual assault

b. Computer intrusions and intellectual property theft

c. Civil disputes

d. All of the above

8. A logon record tells us that, at a specific time:

a. An unknown person logged into the system using the account

b. The owner of a specific account logged into the system

c. The account was used to log into the system

d. None of the above

9. Cybertrails are advantageous because:

a. They are not connected to the physical world.

b. Nobody can be harmed by crime on the Internet.

c. They are easy to follow.

d. Offenders who are unaware of them leave behind more clues than they otherwise would

10. Private networks can be a richer source of evidence than the Internet because:

a. They retain data for longer periods of time.

b. Owners of private networks are more cooperative with law enforcement.

c. Private networks contain a higher concentration of digital evidence. d. All of the above.

Chapter No 5 : Basics of hacking

1. What is the ethics behind training how to hack a system?

a) To think like hackers and know how to defend such attacks
b) To hack a system without the permission
c) To hack a network that is vulnerable
d) To corrupt software or service using malware

2. Performing a shoulder surfing in order to check other’s password is ____________ ethical

a) a good
b) not so good
c) very good social engineering practice
d) a bad

3. ___________ has now evolved to be one of the most popular automated tools for unethical
a) Automated apps
b) Database software
c) Malware
d) Worms

4. Leaking your company data to the outside network without prior permission of
senior authority is a crime. a) True
b) False

5. _____________ is the technique used in business organizations and firms to protect IT

a) Ethical hacking
b) Unethical hacking
c) Fixing bugs
d) Internal data-breach

6. The legal risks of ethical hacking include lawsuits due to __________ of personal data.
a) stealing
b) disclosure
c) deleting
d) hacking

7. Before performing any penetration test, through legal procedure, which key points listed
below is not mandatory?
a) Know the nature of the organization
b) Characteristics of work done in the firm
c) System and network
d) Type of broadband company used by the firm

8. An ethical hacker must ensure that proprietary information of the firm does not get leaked.
a) True
b) False

9. After performing ____________ the ethical hacker should never disclose client
information to other parties. a) hacking
b) cracking
c) penetration testing
d) exploiting

10. __________ is the branch of cyber security that deals with morality and provides
different theories and a principle regarding the view-points about what is right and wrong. a)
Social ethics
b) Ethics in cyber-security
c) Corporate ethics
d) Ethics in black hat hacking

1.In terms of digital evidence, the Internet is an example of:

a. Open computer systems
b. Communication systems
c. Embedded computer systems
d. None of the above

2. Computers can be involved in which of the following types of crime?

a. Homicide and sexual assault
b. Computer intrusions and intellectual property theft
c. Civil disputes
d. All of the above

4. What are the three general categories of computer systems that can contain digital
a. Desktop, laptop, server
b. Personal computer, Internet, mobile telephone
c. Hardware, software, networks
d. Open computer systems, communication systems, embedded systems

5. In terms of digital evidence, a hard drive is an example of:

a. Open computer systems
b. Communication systems
c. Embedded computer systems
d. None of the above

7. Computers can be involved in which of the following types of crime?

a. Homicide and sexual assault
b. Computer intrusions and intellectual property theft
c. Civil disputes

d. All of the above

8. A logon record tells us that, at a specific time:

a. An unknown person logged into the system using the account
b. The owner of a specific account logged into the system

c. The account was used to log into the system

d. None of the above

9. Cybertrails are advantageous because:

a. They are not connected to the physical world.
b. Nobody can be harmed by crime on the Internet.
c. They are easy to follow.
d. Offenders who are unaware of them leave behind more clues than they otherwise would have.


Chapter 1- Artificial Intelligence

1. A ____ is a rule of thumb, strategy, trick, simplification, or any other kind of device which
drastically limits search for solutions in large problem spaces.
A. Heuristic
B. Critical

C. Value based
D. Analytical

Ans: A

2. ______ do not guarantee optimal/any solutions

A. Heuristic
B. Critical
C. Value based
D. Analytical
Ans: A

3. Cognitive science related with _____

A. Act like human


C. Think like human

D. None of above

Ans: C

4. _____ Model should reflect how results were

obtained. A. Design model
B. Logic model

C. Computational model
D. None of above

Ans: C

5. Communication between man and machine is related with ______

C. All of above D. None
of above

Ans: B

6. ELIZA created by _____

A. John McCarthy

B. Steve Russell

C. Alain Colmerauer

D. Joseph Weizenbaum

Ans: D
7. The concept derived from ________ level are propositional logic, tautology,
predicate calculus, model, temporal logic.
A. Cognition level
B. Logic level

C. Functional level
D. All of above

Ans: B

8. PROLOG is an AI programming language which solves problems with a form of symbolic logic
known as ______.
A. Propositional logic
B. Tautology

C. Predicate calculus
D. Temporal logic

Ans: C

9. The ____ level contains constituents at the third level which are knowledge based
system, heuristic search, automatic theorem proving, multi-agent system.
A. Cognition level
B. Gross level

C. Functional level
D. All of above

Ans: B

10. PROLOG, LISP, NLP are the language of ____

B. Machine Learning
C. Internet of Things
D. Deep Learning
Ans: A
11. ______ is used for AI because it supports the implementation of software that computes
with symbols very well.

Ans: A

Chapter-2 Internet of Things

1. MQTT stands for _____________
A. MQ Telemetry Things

B. MQ Transport Telemetry

C. MQ Transport Things

D. MQ Telemetry Transport

Ans: D

2. MQTT is better than HTTP for sending and receiving data.

A. True

B. False

Ans: A

3. MQTT is _________ protocol.

A. Machine to Machine

B. Internet of Things

C. Machine to Machine and Internet of

Things D. Machine Things

Ans: C

4. Which protocol is lightweight?

Ans: A

5. MQTT is:
A. Based on client-server architecture
B. Based on publish-subscribe architecture
C. Based on both of the above
D. Based on none of the above
Ans: B

6. XMPP is used for streaming which type of elements?



Ans: B

7. XMPP creates _________ identity.

A. Device
B. Email
C. Message
D. Data
Ans: A

8. XMPP uses ________ architecture.

A. Decentralized client-server

B. Centralized client-server
C. Message

D. Public/subscriber

Ans: A

9. What does HTTP do?

A. Enables network resources and reduces perception of latency

B. Reduces perception of latency and allows multiple concurrency exchange
C. Allows multiple concurrent exchange and enables network resources
D. Enables network resources and reduces perception of latency and Allows multiple
concurrent exchange.
Ans: D

10. HTTP expands?

A. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
B. Hyper Terminal Transfer Protocol
C. Hyper Text Terminal Protocol
D. Hyper Terminal Text Protocol Ans: A
Chapter-3 Basics of Digital Forensics

1. Which of following are Unethical norms for Investigator?

A. Uphold any relevant evidence.
B. Declare any confidential matters or knowledge.
C. Distort or falsify education, training, credentials.
D. All of above

E. None of above

Ans: D

2. Which of following is not general ethical norm for

Investigator? A. To contribute to society and human being.
B. Uphold any relevant Evidence. C.
To be honest and trustworthy.
D. To honor confidentially.

Ans: B

3. Which of following is a not unethical norm for Digital Forensics Investigation? A.

Uphold any relevant evidence.
B. Declare any confidential matters or knowledge.
C. Distort or falsify education, training, credentials.
D. To respect the privacy of others.

Ans: D

4. What is called as the process of creation a duplicate of digital media for purpose
of examining it? A. Acquisition.

B. Steganography.
C. Live analysis

D. Hashing.

Ans: A

5. Which term refers for modifying a computer in a way which was not originally intended
to view Information?
A. Metadata

B. Live analysis
C. Hacking

D. Bit Copy

Ans: C

6. The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal’s computer is
an example of a law enforcement specialty called?

D.Animation Ans:

7. What are the important parts of the mobile device which used in Digital forensic?
D.EMMC chip
Ans: D

Using what, data hiding in encrypted images be carried out in digital forensics?

A. Acquisition.

B.Steganogrhy. C. Liveanalysis

D. Hashing.

And: B
Which of this is not a computer crime?

C. Sabotage.
D. Identification of data
Ans. D

Which file is used to store the user entered password?

A. .exe
B. .txt
C. .iso
D. .asm

Ans: D


1. A Valid Definition of Digital Evidence is

a. Data Stored or transmitted using a computer
b. Information of Probative value
c. Digital dada of probative Value
d. Any digital evidence on computer

2. In term of Digital evidence, a hard drive is example.of

a. Open Computer System
b. Communication System
c. Embedded Computer System
d. None of the Above

3. In term of Digital evidence, a mobile telephone is an example.of

a. Open Computer System
b. Communication System
c. Embedded Computer System
d. None of the Above

4. In term of Digital evidence, the internet is an example of

a. Open computer System
b. Communication System
c. Embedded Computer System
d. None of the above

5. Digital Evidence is only useful in court of law

a. True
b. False

6. Video Surveillance can be form of Digital evidence

a. True
b. False

7. Computer Can be Involved in which of the following types of crime

a. Homicide and sexual Assault
b. Computer intrusions and intellectual property theft
c. Civil disputes
d. All of the above

8. A logon record tells us that, at a specific time:

a. An unknown person logged into the system using the account
b. The owner of a specific account logged into the system
c. The account was used to log into the system
d. None of the above

9. Private networks can be a richer source of evidence than the Internet because:
a. They retain data for longer periods of time.
b. Owners of private networks are more cooperative with law enforcement.
c. Private networks contain a higher concentration of digital evidence.
d. All of the above

10. Digital evidence can be duplicated exactly without any changes to the original data. a. True
b. False

Chapter-5 Basics of Hacking

1. Which of the following statements best describes a white-hat hacker?

A. Security professional
B. Former black hat
C. Former grey hat
D. Malicious hacker
2. What is the first phase of hacking?

A. Attack
B. Maintaining access
C. Gaining access
D. Reconnaissance
E. Scanning

3. What type of ethical hack tests access to the physical infrastructure?

A. Internal network
B. Remote network
C. External network
D. Physical access

4. Which type of hacker represents the highest risk to your network?

A. Disgruntled employees
B. Black-hat hackers
C. Grey-hat hackers
D. Script kiddies
5. Hacking for a cause is called __________________

A. Active hacking
B. Hacktivism
C. Activism
D. Black-hat hacking

6. Which federal law is most commonly used to prosecute hackers?

A. Title 12
B. Title 18
C. Title 20
D. Title 2

8. port number does FTP use?

A. 21
B. 25
C. 23
D. 80

9. What is the primary goal of an Ethical Hacker?

a. Avoiding Detection
b. Determining return on investment (ROI) for security measure
c. Resolving security vulnerabilities
d. Testing Security Controls

10. Leaking your company data to the outside network without prior permission of senior
authority is a crime. a) True
b) False

Chapter-6 Types Of Hacking

1. Hackers who help in finding bugs and vulnerabilities in a system & don’t intend to
crack a system are termed as ________ a) Black Hat hackers
b) White Hat Hackers
c) Grey Hat Hackers
d) Red Hat Hackers

2. Which is the legal form of hacking based on which jobs are provided in IT industries
and firms?
a) Cracking
b) Non ethical Hacking
c) Ethical hacking
d) Hactivism

3. They are nefarious hackers, and their main motive is to gain financial profit by doing
cyber crimes. Who are “they” referred to here? a) Gray Hat Hackers
b) White Hat Hackers
c) Hactivists
d) Black Hat Hackers

4. ________ are the combination of both white as well as black hat hackers.
a) Grey Hat hackers
b) Green Hat hackers
c) Blue Hat Hackers
d) Red Hat Hackers

5. The amateur or newbie in the field of hacking who don’t have many skills about
coding and in-depth working of security and hacking tools are called ________ a)
Sponsored Hackers
b) Hactivists
c) Script Kiddies
d) Whistle Blowers

6. Criminal minded individuals who work for terrorist organizations and steal
information of nations and other secret intelligence are _________ a) State
sponsored hackers
b) Blue Hat Hackers
c) Cyber Terrorists
d) Red Hat Hackers

7. These types of hackers are the most skilled hackers in the hackers’ community. Who
are “they” referred to? a) White hat Hackers
b) Elite Hackers
c) Licensed Penetration Testers
d) Red Hat Hackers

8. _________ are those individuals who maintain and handles IT security in any firm or
a) IT Security Engineer
b) Cyber Security Interns
c) Software Security Specialist
d) Security Auditor

9. Governments hired some highly skilled hackers. These types of hackers are termed
as _______
a) Special Hackers
b) Government Hackers
c) Cyber Intelligence Agents
d) Nation / State sponsored hackers

10. __________ security consultants uses database security monitoring & scanning
tools to maintain security to different data residing in the database / servers / cloud.
a) Database
b) Network
c) System
d) Hardware
Unit-1 Artificial intelligence
1. The Strategic Computing Program is a project of the:
a. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
b. National Science Foundation
c. Jet Propulsion Laboratory
d. All of the above

Ans:a) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

2. Weak AI is

a. the embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer.

b. a set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence
if it were generated by humans.

c. the study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer.
d. All of the above

Ans: c) the study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a
3. A bidirectional feedback loop links computer modelling with:

a. artificial science
b. heuristic processing
c. human intelligence
d. cognitive science

Ans: d) cognitive science

4. Who is considered to be the "father" of artificial intelligence?

a. Fisher Ada
b. John McCarthy
c. Allen Newell
d. Alan Turning

Ans: b) John McCarthy

5. An AI technique that allows computers to understand associations and relationships between
objects and events is called:
a. heuristic processing
b. cognitive science
c. relative symbolism
d. pattern matching

Ans:d) pattern matching

6. What is Artificial intelligence?
a. Putting your intelligence into Computer
b. Programming with your own intelligence
c. Making a Machine intelligent
d. Putting more memory into Computer

Ans: c) Making a Machine intelligent

7. Artificial Intelligence has its expansion in the following application.
a. Planning and Scheduling
b. Game Playing
c. Robotics
d. All of the above

Ans: d) All of the above

8. The first AI programming language was called:
c. IPL

Ans:c) IPL
9. Which kind of planning consists of successive representations of different levels of a plan?
a. hierarchical planning
b. non-hierarchical planning
c. All of the above
d. project planning

Ans:a) hierarchical planning

10. To invoke the LISP system, you must enter
a. AI
c. both b and c
d. None of the above

Ans:d) None of the above

Unit-2 Internet of Things
1. Which one out of these is not a data link layer technology:
a. Bluetooth

Ans:d) HTTP
2. Which transport layer protocols is used by DHCP?
b. TCP
d. UDP

Ans: d) UDP
3. Which layer is called a port layer in OSI model?
a. Session
b. Application
c. Presentation
d. Transport

Ans: a) Session
4 .Frequency band used by 802.11 ah standard is:
a. 60 GHz
b. 2.4 GHz
c. Sub 1 GHz
d. 5 GHz

Ans: c) Sub 1 GHz

5. Machine learning is
a. The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual programs
b. The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual programs
c. The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs
d. The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs

Ans: d) The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs
6. HTTP resources are located by
a. unique resource locator
b. unique resource identifier
c. none of the mentioned
d. uniform resource identifier

Ans: d) uniform resource identifier

7. MQTT is:
a. Based on client-server architecture
b. Based on publish-subscribe architecture
c. Based on both of the above
d. Based on none of the above

Ans: b) Based on publish-subscribe architecture

8. Which multiple access technique is used by IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless LAN? a. ALOHA
d. none of the mentioned

Ans: b) CSMA/CA
9. Which IEEE standard is developed for CSMA/CD
a. IEEE 802.1
b. IEEE 802.2
c. IEEE 802.3
d. IEEE 802.4

Ans: c) IEEE 802.3

10. Which is the part of Data Link Layer:
a. LLC
b. MAC
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

Ans:c) Both a and b

Unit-3 : Basics of Digital Forensic
1. The Father of Computer Forensics is
a) Michasel Anderson
b) J.Korn
c) S.Ciardhuain
d) G.Gunsh

Ans: a) Michasel Anderson

2. IDIP stands for
a) Integrated Digital Investigation Process
b) Integrrated Digital Investigator Process
c) Integrated Digital Investigator Process
d) Independent Digital Investigator Process

Ans: a) Integrated Digital Investigation Process

3. Who proposed Road map model
a) G.Gunsh
b) S.Ciardhuain
c) J.Korn
d) G.Palmar

Ans: d) G.Palmar
4. Who proposed Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigation
a) G.Gunsh
b) S.Ciardhuain
c) J.Korn
d) G.Palmar

Ans: b) S.Ciardhuain
5. Digital forensics is all of them except
a) Extraction of computer data
b) Preservation of computer data
c) Interpretation of computer data
d) Manipulation of computer data

6. Investigator should satisfy the following point
a) Contribute to the society and human being
b) Avoid harm to others
c) Honest and trustworthy
d) All of the above

Ans: d) All of the above

7. Does database forensic include in Digital Forensic application
a) True
b) False

Ans: a) True
8. Who proposed Abstract Digital Forensic Model
a) G.Gunsh
b) S.Ciardhuain
c) Kohn , Eloff
d) G.Palmar

Ans: G.Gunsh
9. International Organization on Compter Evidence was formed in
a) 1980
b) 1995
c) 1997
d) 1998

Ans: b) 1995
10. Abstract Digital Forensic model in
a) 2000
b) 2001
c) 2002
d) 2003

Ans: c) 2002
Unit-4: Digital Evidences
1. A valid definition of digital evidence is
a) Data stored or transmitted using a computer
b) Information of probative value
c) Digital data probative value
d) Any digital evidence on a computer

Ans: c) Digital data probative value

2. Digital evidence is only useful in a court of law
a) True
b) False

Ans: b) False
3. In terms of digital evidence the Internet is an example of
a) Open computer systems
b) Communication systems
c) Embedded computer system
d) None of the above

Ans: b) Communication systems

4. The digital evidences are used to establish a credible link between
a) Attacker and victim and the crime scene
b) Attacker and the crime scene
c) Victim and the crime scene
d) Attacker and Information

Ans: a) Attacker and victim and the crime scene

5. Digital evidences must follow the requirements of the
a) Ideal Evidence rule
b) Best Evidence Rule
c) Exchange Rule
d) All of the mentioned

6. Which of the following is not a type of volatile evidence
a) Routing Tables
b) Main Memory
c) Log files
d) Cached Data

Ans: c) Log files

7. Which of the following is not a type of Evidences
a) Electronic evidence
b) Documented evidence
c) Substantial Evidence
d) Main memory

Ans: d) Main memory

8. Rule of evidence is also called as
a) Law of evidence
b) Documented evidence
c) Electronic evidence
d) Illustrative evidence

Ans: a) Law of evidence

9. The IP address was traced to a cable Internet services provider in city are of
a) Hyderabad
b) Nagpur
c) Aurangabad
d) Ahmednagar

Ans: a) Hyderabad
10. The major forensic categories of devices where evidence can be found:
a) Internet-based
b) Stand-alone computers
c) Mobile devices
d) All of the above

Ans: d) All of the above

Unit-5 : Basics of Hacking
1. Most computer crimes are committed by
a) Hackers
b) Inteenational spies
c) Highly paid computer consultants
d) Web designers

Ans: a) hackers
2. Ethical hacking is also known as
a) Black hat hacking
b) White hat hacking
c) Encrypting
d) None of these

Ans: b) White hat hacking

3. Types of hackers as follows:
a) White hat hacker
b) Black hat hacker
c) Grey hat hacker
d) All of the above

Ans: d) All of the above

4. CEH stands for
a) Certified Ethical Hackers
b) Cyber Ethical Hackers
c) Computer Ethical Hackers
d) None of these

Ans: a) Certified Ethical Hackers

5. Vulnerability scanning in Ethical hacking finds
a) Strengths
b) Weakness
c) a & b
d) None of these

Ans: b) Weakness
6. Cracker is known as
a) Black hat
b) White hat
c) Encrypting
d) None of these

Ans: a) Black hat

7. _____is used to detect wireless networks on the windows platform
a) Medusa
b) NetStumbler
c) SQLMap
d) Iraon WASP

Ans: b) NetStumbler
8. It is powered by ______ encryption tools
b) WEP
c) WPA
d) None of these

Ans: a) WEP WPA & WPA2

9. What port number does HTTPS use
a) 53
b) 443
c) 80
d) 21

Ans: b) 443
10. What is the attack called “evil twin”
a) Rogue access point
b) ARP poisoning
c) Session hijacking
d) MAC spoofing

Ans: a) Rogue access point

Unit-6 : Types of Hacking
1. Which of the following tools is used for Networks Testing and port Scanning
a) NetCat
b) SuperScan
c) NetScan
d) All of Above

Ans: d) All of Above

2. SNMP stands for
a) Simple Networks Messaging Protocol
b) Simple Networks Mailing Protocol
c) Simple Networks Management Protocol
d) Simple Networks Master Protocol

Ans: c) Simple Networks Management Protocol

3. What port number does DNS use
a) 37
b) 53
c) 69
d) 79

Ans: b) 53
4. What port number does HTTP use
a) 53
b) 69
c) 80
d) 79

Ans: c) 80
5. An email bomb is also known as a ___
a) Letter bomb
b) Internet
c) Banner
d) Attack

Ans: a) letter bomb

6. An attacker can create an _____attack by sending hundreds or thousands of email with
very large attachments
a) Connection Attacks
b) Auto responder attacks
c) Attachment Overloading Attacks
d) All of the above
Ans: c) Attachment Overloading Attacks
7. Cross Site Scripting is also shortly khown as
a) XSS
d) DNS

Ans: a) XSS
8. Banner grabbing is often used for
a) White hat hacking
b) Black hat hacking
c) Gray hat hacking
d) Scepit Kiddies

Ans: a) White hat hacking

9. ____for ping sweeps and port scanning
a) Sam Spade
b) SuperScan
c) NetScan
d) NetCat

Ans: b) SuperScan
10. SNMP port is
a) 37
b) 53
c) 111
d) 161

Ans: d) 161
Question Bank (I scheme)
Name of Subject: Emerging Trends in Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Subject Code: 22618 Courses: CW6I Semester: VI
1- Artificial Intelligence
1. Which of these schools was not among the early leaders in AI research?
A. Dartmouth University
B. Harvard University
C. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
D. Stanford University
E. None of the above

Ans: B
2. DARPA, the agency that has funded a great deal of American AI research, is part of the
Department of:
A. Defense
B. Energy
C. Education
D. Justice
E. None of the above

Ans: A
3. The conference that launched the AI revolution in 1956 was held at:
A. Dartmouth
B. Harvard
C. New York
D. Stanford
E. None of the above

Ans: A
4. What is the term used for describing the judgmental or commonsense part of problem solving? A.
B. Critical
C. Value based
D. Analytical
E. None of the above

Ans: A
5. What of the following is considered to be a pivotal event in the history of AI. A. 1949, Donald O,
The organization of Behavior.
B. 1950, Computing Machinery and Intelligence.
C. 1956, Dartmouth University Conference Organized by John McCarthy.
D. 1961, Computer and Computer Sense.
E. None of the above

Ans: C
6. A certain Professor at the Stanford University coined the word 'artificial intelligence' in 1956 at a
conference held at Dartmouth College. Can you name the Professor?
A. David Levy
B. John McCarthy
C. Joseph Weizenbaum
D. Hans Berliner
E. None of the above

Ans: B
7. The field that investigates the mechanics of human intelligence is:
A. History
B. cognitive science
C. psychology
D. sociology
E. None of the above

Ans: B
8. A.M. turing developed a technique for determining whether a computer could or could not
demonstrate the artificial Intelligence,, Presently, this technique is called
A. Turing Test
B. Algorithm
C. Boolean Algebra
D. Logarithm
E. None of the above

Ans: A
9. The first AI programming language was called:
E. None of the above

Ans: C
10. What is Artificial intelligence?
A. Putting your intelligence into Computer
B. Programming with your own intelligence
C. Making a Machine intelligent
D. Putting more memory into Computer

Ans: C
11. Who is a father of AI?
A. Alain Colmerauer
B. John McCarthy
C. Nicklaus Wirth
D. Seymour Papert

Ans: B
12. Artificial Intelligence has its expansion in the following application.
A. Planning and Scheduling
B. Game Playing
C. Robotics
D. All of the above

Ans: D
13. The characteristics of the computer system capable of thinking, reasoning and learning is known
A. machine intelligence
B. human intelligence
C. artificial intelligence
D. virtual intelligence

Ans: C
14. The first AI programming language was called:

Ans: C
15. The first widely used commercial form of Artificial Intelligence (Al) is being used in many
popular products like microwave ovens, automobiles and plug in circuit boards for desktop PCs.
What is name of AI?
A. Boolean logic
B. Human logic
C. Fuzzy logic
D. Functional logic

Ans: C
16. What is the term used for describing the judgmental or commonsense part of problem solving?
A. Heuristic
B. Critical
C. Value based
D. Analytical

Ans: A
17. ______ is a branch of computer science which deals with helping machines finds solutions to
complex problems in a more human like fashions
A. Artificial Intelligence
B. Internet of Things
C. Embedded System
D. Cyber Security

Ans: A
18. In ____ the goal is for the software to use what it has learned in one area to solve problems in
other areas.
A. Machine Learning
B. Deep Learning
C. Neural Networks
D. None of these

Ans: B
19. Computer programs that mimic the way the human brain processes information is called as A.
Machine Learning
B. Deep Learning
C. Neural Networks
D. None of these

Ans: C
20. A ____ is a rule of thumb, strategy, trick, simplification, or any other kind of device which
drastically limits search for solutions in large problem spaces.
A. Heuristic
B. Critical
C. Value based
D. Analytical

Ans: A
21. ______ do not guarantee optimal/any solutions
A. Heuristic
B. Critical
C. Value based
D. Analytical

Ans: A
22. Cognitive science related with _____
A. Act like human
C. Think like human
D. None of above

Ans: C
23. _____ Model should reflect how results were obtained.
A. Design model
B. Logic model
C. Computational model
D. None of above

Ans: C
24. Communication between man and machine is related with ______
C. All of above
D. None of above

Ans: B
25. ELIZA created by _____
A. John McCarthy
B. Steve Russell
C. Alain Colmerauer
D. Joseph Weizenbaum

Ans: D
26. The concept derived from ________ level are propositional logic, tautology, predicate calculus,
model, temporal logic.
A. Cognition level
B. Logic level
C. Functional level
D. All of above

Ans: B
27. PROLOG is an AI programming language which solves problems with a form of symbolic logic
known as ______.
A. Propositional logic
B. Tautology
C. Predicate calculus
D. Temporal logic

Ans: C
28. The ____ level contains constituents at the third level which are knowledge based system,
heuristic search, automatic theorem proving, multi-agent system.
A. Cognition level
B. Gross level
C. Functional level
D. All of above

Ans: B
29. PROLOG, LISP, NLP are the language of ____
A. Artificial Intelligence
B. Machine Learning
C. Internet of Things
D. Deep Learning

Ans: A
30. ______ is used for AI because it supports the implementation of software that computes with
symbols very well.

Ans: A
31. Symbols, symbolic expressions and computing with those is at the core of ______ A. LISP

Ans: A
32. ______ that deals with the interaction between computers and humans using the natural language

Ans: D
33. The core components are constituents of AI are derived from
A. Concept of logic
B. Cognition
C. Computation
D. All of above

Ans: D
34. Aristotle’s theory of syllogism and Descartes and kant’s critic of pure reasoning made knowledge
on _____.
A. Logic
B. Computation logic
C. Cognition logic
D. All of above
Ans: A
35. Charles Babbage and Boole who demonstrate the power of _______
A. Logic
B. Computation logic
C. Cognition logic
D. All of above

Ans: B
36. In 1960s, _____ pushed the logical formalism to integrate reasoning with knowledge.
A. Marvin Minsky
B. Alain Colmerauer
C. John McCarthy
D. None of above

Ans: A
37. Sensing organs as input, mechanical movement organs as output and central nervous system
(CNS) in brain as control and computing devices is known as _____ of human being
A. Information Control Paradigm
B. Information Processing Paradigm
C. Information Processing Control
D. None of above

Ans: B
38. _____ model were developed and incorporated in machines which mimicked the functionalities
of human origin.
A. Functional model
B. Neural model
C. Computational model
D. None of above

Ans: C
39. Chomsky’s linguistic computational theory generated a model for syntactic analysis through
A. Regular Grammar
B. Regular Expression
C. Regular Word
D. None of these

Ans: A
40. Human to Machine is _____ and Machine to Machine is ______.
A. Process, Process
B. Process, Program
C. Program, Hardware
D. Program, Program
Ans: C
41. Weak AI is also known as ____
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Neural AI
D. None of above

Ans: A
42. _____ AI is able to perform dedicated task.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Neural AI
D. None of above

Ans: A
43. Narrow AI is performs multiple task at a time.
A. True
B. False

Ans: B
44. Weak AI is____________
A. The embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer.
B. A set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence if
it were generated by humans.

C. The study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer D.
All of the above

E. None of the above

Ans: C
45. Strong AI is__________
A. The embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer.
B. A set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence if
it were generated by humans.

C. The study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer D.
All of the above

E. None of the above

Ans: A
46. Artificial intelligence is___________
A. The embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer.
Ans: A
B. A set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence if
it were generated by humans.
C. The study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer D.
All of the above

E. None of the above

Ans: D
47. Apple siri is a good example of ______ AI.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Neural AI
D. None of above

Ans: A
48. IBM Watson supercomputer comes under ____ AI.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Neural AI
D. None of above

Ans: A
49. ____ AI is a type of intelligence which could perform any intellectual task with efficiency like
human. A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above

Ans: B
50. The idea behind _________AI to make such a system which could be smarter and think like a
human by its own.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above

Ans: B
51. The worldwide researchers are now focusing on developing machines with ___ AI.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above

Ans: B
52. Playing chess, purchasing suggestions on e-commerce site, self-driving cars, speech recognition,
and image recognition are the example of ____. Ans: A
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above

53. Machine can perform any task better than human with cognitive properties is known as ___ AI.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above

Ans: C
54. Ability to think, puzzle, make judgments, plan, learn, communication by its own is known as ___
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above

Ans: C
55. ____ AI is hypothetical concept of AI.
A. Narrow AI
B. General AI
C. Super AI
D. None of above

Ans: C
56. Which AI system not store memories or past experiences for future actions.
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above

Ans: A
57. Which machines only focus on current scenarios and react on it as per as possible best
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above

Ans: A
58. IBM’s deep blue system is example of ___.
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
Ans: A
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above

Ans: A
59. Google Alpha Go is example of ____.
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above

60. Which can stores past experiences or some data for short period time.
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above

Ans: B
61. Self-driving car is example of ____.
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above

Ans: B [Car stores recent speed of nearby cars, distance of others car, speed limit, other
information to navigate the road]
62. Which AI should understand the human emotions, people, and beliefs and be able to interact
socially like humans. A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. None of above

Ans: C
63. Which machines will be smarter than human mind?
A. Reactive machine
B. Limited memory
C. Theory of mind
D. Self-Awareness

Ans: D
64. _________machines will have their own consciousness and sentiments
A. Reactive machine
B. Theory of mind
C. Self-Awareness
D. Both B & C
Ans: A
Ans: C
65. Which is not the commonly used programming language for AI?
C. Perl
D. Java script

Ans: C
66. What is Machine learning?
A. The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs
B. The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual programs
C. The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer programs
D. The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual programs
67______________is a branch of science that deals with programing the systems in such a way that
they automatically learn and improve with experience
A. Machine Learning
B. Deep Learning
C. Neural Networks
D. None of these

Ans: A
68. Classifying email as a spam, labeling webpages based on their content, voice recognition are the
example of _____. A. Supervised learning
B. Unsupervised learning
C. Machine learning
D. Deep learning

Ans: A
69. K-means, self-organizing maps, hierarchical clustering are the example of _____.
A. Supervised learning
B. Unsupervised learning
C. Machine learning
D. Deep learning

Ans: B
70. Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning where concerned algorithms are inspired by the
structured and function of the brain called _____.
A. Machine learning
B. Artificial neural networks
C. Deep learning
D. Robotics

Ans: B
71. Machine learning invent by _____.
A. John McCarthy
B. Nicklaus Wirth
C. Joseph Weizenbaum
D. Arthur Samuel

Ans: D
Chapter-2 Internet of Things
1. Embedded systems are_____
A. General purpose
B. Special purpose

Ans: B
2. Embedded system is______
A. An electronic system
B. A pure mechanical system
C. An electro-mechanical system
D. (A) or (C)

Ans: D
3. Which of the following is not true about embedded systems?
A. Built around specialized hardware
B. Always contain an operating system
C. Execution behavior may be deterministic
D. All of these
E. None of these

Ans: E
4. Which of the following is not an example of a “small-scale embedded system”?
A. Electronic Barbie doll
B. Simple calculator
C. Cell phone
D. Electronic toy car

Ans: C
5. The first recognized modern embedded system is
A. Apple computer
B. Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)
C. Calculator
D. Radio navigation system

Ans: B
6. The first mass produced embedded system is
A. Minuteman-I
B. Minuteman-II
C. Autonetics D-17
D. Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)

Ans: C
7. Which of the following is an (are) an intended purpose(s) of embedded systems?
A. Data collection
B. Data processing
C. Data communication
D. All of these
E. None of these

Ans: D
8. Which of the following is (are) example(s) of embedded system for data communication?
USB Mass Storage device
A. Network router
B. Digital camera
C. Music player
D. All of these
E. None of these

Ans: B
9. What are the essential tight constraint/s related to the design metrics of an embedded system? A.
Ability to fit on a single chip
B. Low power consumption
C. Fast data processing for real-time operations

D .All of the above

Ans: D
10. A digital multi meter is an example of an embedded system for
A. Data communication
B. Monitoring
C. Control
D. All of these
E. None of these

Ans: B
11. Which of the following is an (are) example(s) of an embedded system for signal processing?
A. Apple iPOD (media player device)
B. SanDisk USB mass storage device
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of these

Ans: D
12. The instruction set of RISC processor is
A. Simple and lesser in number
B. Complex and lesser in number
C. Simple and larger in number
D. Complex and larger in number

Ans: A
13. Which of the following is true about CISC processors?
A. The instruction set is non-orthogonal
B. The number of general purpose registers is limited
C. Instructions are like macros in c language
D. Variable length instructions
E. All of these
F. None of these

Ans: E
14. Main processor chip in computers is_______

Ans: C
15. Processors used in many microcontroller products need to be______
A. high power
B. low power
C. low interrupt response
D. low code density

Ans: B
16. In microcontrollers, UART is acronym of_____
A. Universal Applied Receiver/Transmitter
B. Universal Asynchronous Rectified Transmitter
C. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
D. United Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Ans: C

17. Which architecture is followed by general purpose microprocessors?

A. Harvard architecture
B. Von Neumann architecture
C. None of the mentioned
D. All of the mentioned

Ans: B
18. Which architecture involves both the volatile and the non-volatile memory?
A. Harvard architecture
B. Von Neumann architecture

C. None of the mentioned

D. All of the mentioned

Ans: A
19. Which architecture provides separate buses for program and data memory?
A. Harvard architecture
B. Von Neumann architecture
C. None of the mentioned
D. All of the mentioned

Ans: A
20. Harvard architecture allows:
A. Separate program and data memory

B. Pipe-ling

C. Complex architecture

D. All of the mentioned

Ans: D
21. Which of the following processor architecture supports easier instruction pipelining?
A. Harvard
B. Von Neumann
C. Both of them
D. None of these

Ans: A
22. Which of the following is an example for wireless communication interface?
A. RS-232C
B. Wi-Fi
C. Bluetooth
D. EEE1394
E. Both (B) and (C)

Ans: E
23. ARM stands for _________
A. Advanced RISC Machine
B. Advanced RISC Methodology
C. Advanced Reduced Machine
D. Advanced Reduced Methodology

Ans: A
24. What is the processor used by ARM7?
A. 8-bit CISC
B. 8-bit RISC
C. 32-bit CISC
D. 32-bit RISC

Ans: D
25. The main importance of ARM micro-processors is providing operation with ______
A. Low cost and low power consumption
B. Higher degree of multi-tasking

C. Lower error or glitches

D. Efficient memory management

Ans: A
26. ARM processors where basically designed for _______
A. Main frame systems
B. Distributed systems
C. Mobile systems
D. Super computers

Ans: C
27. ASIC chip is
A. Simple in design.
B. Manufacturing time is less.
C. It is faster.
D. Both A&C.

Ans: C
28. ASIC stands for
A. Application-System Integrated Circuits
B. Application-Specific Integrated Circuits
C. Application-System Internal Circuits
D. Application-Specific Internal Circuits

Ans: B
29. In microcontrollers, I2C stands for
A. Inter-Integrated Clock
B. Initial-Integrated Clock
C. Intel-Integrated Circuit
D. Inter-Integrated Circuit

Ans: D
30. ______________ is the smallest microcontrollers which can be programmed to perform a large
range of tasks. A. PIC microcontrollers
B. ARM microcontrollers
C. AVR microcontrollers
D. ASIC microcontrollers

Ans: - A
31. _______________ was developed in the year 1996 by ATMEL Corporation

Ans: - B
32. AVR stands for_____________________. A. Advanced Virtual RISC.
B. Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan RISC
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

Ans: - C
33. AVR microcontroller executes most of the instruction in _________________. A. Single
execution cycle.
B. Double execution cycle.
C. Both A& B
D. None of the above.
Ans: - A
34. Term "the Internet of things" was coined by
A. Edward L. Schneider B. Kevin Ashton
C. John H.
D. Charles Anthony

Ans: B
35. The huge numbers of devices connected to the Internet of Things have to communicate
automatically, not via humans, what is this called?
A. Bot to Bot(B2B)
B. Machine to Machine(M2M)
C. InterCloud
D. Skynet

Ans: B
36. What does “Things” in IoT refers to?
A. General device
B. Information
C. IoT devices
D. Object

Ans: C
37. Interconnection of Internet and computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them
to send and receive data is called_____________
A. Internet of Things
B. Network Interconnection
C. Object Determination
D. None of these

Ans: A
38. _____________ is a computing concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects
being connected to the internet.
A. IOT (Internet of Things)

Ans: -A
39 _____ devices may support a number of interoperable communication protocols and
communicate with other device and also with infrastructure.
A. Artificial Intelligence
B. Machine Learning
C. Internet of Things
D. None of above

Ans: C
40. Which one is not element of IOT?
A. Process
B. People
C. Security
D. Things

41. IIOT stands for
A. Information Internet of Things
B. Industrial Internet of Things
C. Inovative Internet of Things
D. None of above

42. Name of the IOT device which is first recognized?
A. Smart Watch
C. Radio
D. Video Game

Ans: B
43. _____ is used by IOT
A. Radio information technology
B. Satellite
C. Cable
D. Broadband

44. ______ consists of communication protocols for electronic devices, typically a mobile device and
a standard device.
D. None of above

45. _____________ refers to establish a proper connection between all the things of IOT.
A. Connectivity
B. Analyzing
C. Sensing
D. Active Engagement
Ans: - A
46. IOT devices which have unique identities and can perform ________________________.
A. Remote sensing
B. Actuating
C. Monitoring capabilities
D. All of the above

Ans: - D
47. The sensed data communicated ___________________. A. Cloud-based servers/storage.
B. I/O interfaces.
C. Internet connectivity.
D. None of the above

Ans: - A
48. IOT devices are various types, for instance______________. A. Wearable sensors.
B. Smart watches.
C. LED lights.
D. All of the above

Ans: - D
49. ______________ is a collection of wired Ethernet standard for the link layer.
A. IEEE 802.3
B. IEEE 802.11
C. IEEE 802.16
D. IEEE 802.15.4

Ans: - A
50.______ is a collection of WLAN communication standards.
A. IEEE 802.3
B. IEEE 802.11
C. IEEE 802.16
D. IEEE 802.15.4

51. ____ is a collection of wireless broadband standards (WiMax).
A. IEEE 802.3
B. IEEE 802.11
C. IEEE 802.16
D. IEEE 802.15.4

52 ___ is a collection of standards for LR-WPANs.
A. IEEE 802.3
B. IEEE 802.11
C. IEEE 802.16
D. IEEE 802.15.4 Ans:D

53. LR-WPANs standards from basis of specifications for high level communication protocol such
as ___. A. Zigbee
B. Allsean
C. Tyrell
D. Microsoft's Azure

54. ______ includes GSM and CDMA.
A. 2G
B. 3G
C. 4G
D. None of above

55. ______include UMTS and CDMA2000.
A. 2G
B. 3G
C. 4G
D. None of above

56 ______include LTE.
A. 2G
B. 3G
C. 4G
D. None of above

57. _____________ layer protocols determine how the data is physically sent over the network’s
physical layer or medium.
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Link layer Ans: - D

58 _______ layer is responsible for sending of IP datagrams from the source network to the
destination network.
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Link layer
Ans: C
59. ___ layer perform the host addressing and packet routing.
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Link layer

60. _____________ protocols provide end to end message transfer capability independent of the
underlying network. A. Network layer
B. Transport layer
C. Application layer
D. Link layer

Ans: - B
61. The ___ protocols define how the applications interface with the lower layer protocol to send the
data over the network.
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Link layer

62. 6LOWPAN stands for
A. 6 LOW Personal Area Network
B. IPv6 LOW Personal Area Network
C. IPv6 over Low power wireless personal area network
D. None of above

63. 802.3 is the standard for 10BASE5 Ethernet that uses ___________ cable as shared medium. A.
Twisted pair cable
B. Coaxial cable
C. Fiber optic cable
D. None of the above

Ans: - B
64. IEEE 802.11 standards provide data rates ______________ A. 10 Gbit/s.
B. 1 Gbit/s
C. 1 Mb/s to up to 6.75 Gb/s
D. 250 Kb/s

Ans: - C
65. ________ of the following is a protocol related to IOT
A. Zigbee
D. All of the above

Ans: C
66. _______________ is useful for time-sensitive application that have very small data units to
exchange and do not want the overhead of connection setup.
C. Transport layer D. None of the above.

Ans: - B
67. ____________ protocol uses Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) to identify HTTP resources.
C. WebSocket

Ans: A
68. The 10/100Mbit Ethernet support enables the board to connect to _________

Ans: A
69. Which one out of these is not a data link layer technology?
A. Bluetooth
C. Wi-Fi

Ans: D
70. What is size of the IPv6 Address?
A. 32 bits
B. 64 bits
C. 128 bits
D. 256 bits

Ans: C
71. MQTT stands for _____________
A. MQ Telemetry Things
B. MQ Transport Telemetry
C. MQ Transport Things
D. MQ Telemetry Transport

Ans: D
72. MQTT is better than HTTP for sending and receiving data.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A
73. MQTT is _________ protocol.
A. Machine to Machine
B. Internet of Things
C. Machine to Machine and Internet of Things
D. Machine Things

Ans: C
74. Which protocol is lightweight?

Ans: A
75 MQTT is:
A. Based on client-server architecture
B. Based on publish-subscribe architecture
C. Based on both of the above
D. Based on none of the above

Ans: B
76. XMPP is used for streaming which type of elements?

Ans: B
77. XMPP creates _________ identity.
A. Device
B. Email
C. Message
D. Data

Ans: A
78. XMPP uses ________ architecture.
A. Decentralized client-server
B. Centralized client-server
C. Message
D. Public/subscriber

Ans: A
79. What does HTTP do?
A. Enables network resources and reduces perception of latency
B. Reduces perception of latency and allows multiple concurrency exchange
C. Allows multiple concurrent exchange and enables network resources
D. Enables network resources and reduces perception of latency and Allows multiple concurrent

Ans: D
80. HTTP expands?
A. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
B. Hyper Terminal Transfer Protocol
C. Hyper Text Terminal Protocol
D. Hyper Terminal Text Protocol

Ans: A
81. CoAP is specialized in ___________
A. Internet applications
B. Device applications
C. Wireless applications
D. Wired applications

Ans: A
82. Which protocol is used to link all the devices in the IoT?
B. Network

Ans: A
83. Data in network layer is transferred in the form of ____________
A. Layers
B. Packets
C. Bytes
D. Bits Ans:B

84. Services provided by application layer?

A. Web chat
B. Error control
C. Connection services
D. Congestion control

Ans: A
85. TCP and UDP are called?
A. Application protocols
B. Session protocols
C. Transport protocols
D. Network protocols

Ans: C
86. Security based connection is provided by which layer?
A. Application layer
B. Transport layer
C. Session layer
D. Network layer

Ans: D
87. Using which layer in transport layer data integrity can be assured?
A. Checksum
B. Repetition codes
C. Cyclic redundancy checks
D. Error correction codes

Ans: A
88. Transport layer receives data in the form of?
A. Packets
B. Byte streams
C. Bits stream
D. both packet and Byte stream

Ans: B
89. The network layer is considered as the _______?
A. Backbone
B. packets
C. Bytes
D. bits

Ans: A
90. The network layer consists of which hardware devices?
A. Router
B. Bridges
C. Switches
D. All of the above

Ans: D
91. Network layer protocol exits in_____?
A. Host
B. Switches
C. Packets
D. Bridges

Ans: A
92. Which protocol has a quality of service?

Ans: A
93. _____ is a data-centric middleware standard for device-to-device and machine-to-machine
A. Data Distribution Serviced (DDS)
B. Advance Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)
C. Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)
D. Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)

94. _____ is a bi-directional, fully duplex communication model that uses a persistent connection
between client and server. A. Request-Response
B. Publish-Subscriber
C. Push-Pull
D. Exclusive Pair

95. ___ is a stateful communication model and server is aware of all open connection.
A. Request-Response
B. Publish-Subscriber
C. Push-Pull
D. Exclusive Pair

96. Which is not an IoT communication model.
A. Request-Response
B. Publish-Subscribe
C. Push-Producer
D. Exclusive Pair
Ans: C
97. In Node MCU, MCU stands for_____.
A. Micro Control Unit
B. Micro Controller Unit
C. Macro Control Unit
D. Macro Controller Unit

Ans: B
98. REST is acronym for________
A. Representational State Transfer
B. Represent State Transfer
C. Representational State Transmit
D. Representational Store Transfer

Ans: A
99. WSN stands for
A. Wide Sensor Network
B. Wireless Sensor Network
C. Wired Sensor Network
D. None of these

Ans: B
100. Benefit of cloud computing services
A. Fast
B. Anywhere access
C. Higher utilization
D. All of the above

Ans: D
101. PaaS stands for_____
A. Platform as a Service
B. Platform as a Survey
C. People as a Service
D. Platform as a Survey

Ans: A
102. _________ as a Service is a cloud computing infrastructure that creates a development
environment upon which applications may be build.
A. Infrastructure
B. Service
C. Platform
D. All of the mentioned
103. _________ is a cloud computing service model in which hardware is virtualized in the cloud. A.
B. CaaS
C. PaaS
D. None of the mentioned

104. Which of the following is the fundamental unit of virtualized client in an IaaS deployment? a)
b) workspace
c) workload
d) all of the mentioned

105. ______ offering provides the tools and development environment to deploy applications on
another vendor’s application.
A. PaaS
B. IaaS
C. CaaS
D. All of the mentioned

106._________ is the most refined and restrictive service model.
A. IaaS
B. CaaS
C. PaaS
D. All of the mentioned

107. _____ is suitable for IOT applications to have low latency or high throughput requirements.
B. Publish-Subscriber

C. Push-Pull

D. WebSocket

108____ is a one of the most popular wireless technologies used by WSNs.
A. Zigbee
B. AllSean
C. Tyrell
D. Z-Wave

109. Zigbee specification are based on ______.
A. 802.3
B. 802.11
C. 802.16
D. 802.15.4

110. ____ is a transformative computing paradigm that involves delivering applications and services
over the internet.
B. Cloud Computing
C. Big Data
D. None of above

111. The process of collecting, organizing and collecting large sets of data called as
B. Cloud Computing
C. Big Data
D. None of above

112. Does Raspberry Pi need external hardware?
A. True
B. False

113. Does RPi have an internal memory?
A. True
B. False

114. What do we use to connect TV to RPi?
A. Male HDMI
B. Female HDMI
C. Male HDMI and Adapter
D. Female HDMI and Adapter

115. How power supply is done to RPi?
A. USB connection
B. Internal battery
C. Charger
D. Adapter
116. What is the Ethernet/LAN cable used in RPi?
C. cat6
D . RJ45
117. Which instruction set architecture is used in Raspberry Pi?
A. X86

Ans: D
118. Does micro SD card present in all modules?
A. True
B. False

Ans: A
119. Which characteristics involve the facility the thing to respond in an intelligent way to a
particular situation? A. Intelligence
B. Connectivity
C. Dynamic Nature
D. Enormous Scale

Ans: A
120. ________ empowers IoT by bringing together everyday objects.
A. Intelligence
B. Connectivity
C. Dynamic Nature
D. Enormous Scale

Ans: B
121. The collection of data is achieved with ________ changes.
A. Intelligence
B. Connectivity
C. Dynamic Nature
D. Enormous Scale

Ans: C
122. The number of devices that need to be managed and that communicate with each other will be
much larger. A. Intelligence
B. Connectivity
C. Dynamic Nature
D. Enormous Scale

Ans: D
123. ________ in IoT as one of the key characteristics, devices have different hardware platforms
and networks.
A. Sensors
B. Heterogeneity
C. Security
D. Connectivity

Ans: B
124. Devices that transforms electrical signals into physical movements
A. Sensors
B. Actuators
C. Switches
D. Display

Ans: B
125. Stepper motors are_____
A. AC motors
B. DC motors
C. Electromagnets
D. None of above

Ans: B
126. DC motors converts electrical into ___ energy.
A. Mechanical
B. Wind
C. Electric
D. None

Ans: A
127. Linear actuators are used in________
A. Machine tools
B. Industrial machinery

C.both A and B
Ans: A
128. Solenoid is a specially designed ________
A. Actuator
B. Machine
C. Electromagnet
D. none of above
Ans: C
129. Stepper motors are_____
A. AC motors
B. DC motors
C. Electromagnets
D. None of above

Ans: B
130. Accelerometer sensors are used in______
A. Smartphones
B. Aircrafts
C. Both
D. None of above

Ans: C
131. Image sensors are found in_______
A. Cameras
B. Night-vision equipment

C. Sonars
D. All of above

Ans: D
132. Gas sensors are used to detect _____gases.
A. Toxic
B. Natural
C. Oxygen
D. Hydrogen

Ans: A
133. Properties of Arduino are:
A. Inexpensive
B. Independent
C. Simple
D. both A and C

Ans: D
134. Properties of IoT devices.
A. Sense
B. Send and receive data
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

Ans: C
135. IoT devices are ____
A. Standard
B. Non-standard
C. Both
D. None Ans: B

136. What is the microcontroller used in Arduino UNO?

A. ATmega328p
B. ATmega2560
C. ATmega32114
D. AT91SAM3x8E

Ans: A
137. ___ is an open source electronic platform based on easy to used hardware and software. A.
B. Uno
C. Raspberry Pi
D. Node

138 ____ is used latching, locking, triggering.
A. Solenoid
B. Relay
C. Linear Actuator
D. Servo motors

139. ____detect the presence or absence of nearby object without any physical contact.
A. Smoke Sensor
B. Pressure Sensor
C. IR Sensor
D. Proximity Sensor

140____ sensors include thermocouples, thermistors, resistor temperature detectors (RTDs) and
integratd circuits (ICs).
A. Smoke Sensor
B. Temperature Sensor
C. IR Sensor
D. Proximity Sensor

141. The measurement of humidity is
D. None of aboved

142 ____ sensor is used for automatic door controls, automatic parking system, automated sinks,
automated toilet flushers, hand dryers.
A. Smoke Sensor
B. Temperature Sensor
C. IR Sensor
D. Motion Sensor

143 ____ sensor measure heat emitted by objects.
A. Smoke Sensor
B. Temperature Sensor
C. IR Sensor
D. Proximity Sensor

Chapter-3 Basics of Digital Forensics
1. Digital forensics is all of them except: A. Extraction of computer data.
B. Preservation of computer data.
C. Interpretation of computer data.
D. Manipulation of computer data.

2. IDIP stands for
A. Integrated Digital Investigation Process.
B. Integrated Data Investigator Process.
C. Integrated Digital Investigator Process.
D. Independent Digital Investigator Process.

Ans: A
3. Who proposed Road Map for Digital Forensic Research (RMDFR) A. G.Gunsh.
B. S.Ciardhuain
C. J.Korn.
D. G.Palmar

Ans: D
4. Investigator should satisfy following points: A. Contribute to society and human being.
B. Avoid harm to others.
C. Honest and trustworthy.
D. All of the above

Ans: D
5. In the past, the method for expressing an opinion has been to frame a ____ question based on
available factual evidence.
A. Hypothetical
B. Nested
C. Challenging
D. Contradictory

Ans: A
6. More subtle because you are not aware that you are running these macros (the document opens
and the application automatically runs); spread via email
A. The purpose of copyright
B. Danger of macro viruses
C. Derivative works
D. computer-specific crime Ans: B

7. There are three c's in computer forensics. Which is one of the three?
A. Control
B. Chance
C. Chains
D. Core

Ans: A
8. When Federal Bureau Investigation program was created?

D.1989 Ans: B
9. When the field of PC forensics began?

D.1990's Ans: C
10. What is Digital Forensic?
A. Process of using scientific knowledge in analysis and presentation of evidence in court
B. The application of computer science and investigative procedures for a legal purpose involving
the analysis of digital evidence after proper search authority, chain of custody, validation with
mathematics, use of validated tools, repeatability, reporting, and possible expert presentation

C. process where we develop and test hypotheses that answer questions about digital events
D. Use of science or technology in the investigation and establishment of the facts or evidence in a
court of law

Ans: B
11. Digital Forensics entails _____.
A. Accessing the system's directories viewing mode and navigating through the various systems files
and folders
B. Undeleting and recovering lost files
C. Identifying and solving computer crimes
D. The identification, preservation, recovery, restoration and presentation of digital evidence from
systems and devices

Ans: D
12. Which of the following is FALSE?
A. The digital forensic investigator must maintain absolute objectivity
B. It is the investigator’s job to determine someone’s guilt or innocence.
C. It is the investigator’s responsibility to accurately report the relevant facts of a case.
D. The investigator must maintain strict confidentiality, discussing the results of an investigation on
only a “need to know”

Ans: B
13. What is the most significant legal issue in computer forensics?
A. Preserving Evidence
B. Seizing Evidence
C. Admissibility of Evidence
D. Discovery of Evidence

Ans: C
14. _______phase includes putting the pieces of a digital puzzle together and developing
investigative hypotheses
A. Preservation phase
B. Survey phase
C. Documentation phase
D. Reconstruction phase
E. Presentation phase

Ans: D
15. In _______phase investigator transfers the relevant data from a venue out of physical or
administrative control of the investigator to a controlled location
A. Preservation phase
B. Survey phase
C. Documentation phase
D. Reconstruction phase
E. Presentation phase
16. In _______phase investigator transfers the relevant data from a venue out of physical or
administrative control of the investigator to a controlled location
F. Preservation phase
G. Survey phase
H. Documentation phase
I. Reconstruction phase
J. Presentation phase

17. Computer forensics do not involve_____activity. A. Preservation of computer data.
B. Exraction of computer data.
C. Manipulation of computer data.
D. Interpretation of computer data.

Ans: C
18. A set of instruction compiled into a program that perform a particular task is known as: A.
C. Motherboard
D. Software

Ans: D
19. Which of following is not a rule of digital forensics?
A. An examination should be performed on the original data
B. A copy is made onto forensically sterile media. New media should always be used if available.

C. The copy of the evidence must be an exact, bit-by-bit copy

D. The examination must be conducted in such a way as to prevent any modification of the evidence.

Ans: A
20. To collect and analyze the digital evidence that was obtained from the physical investigation
phase, is the goal of which phase? A. Physical crime investigation
B. Digital crime investigation.
C. Review phase.
D. Deployment phase.

Ans: B
21. To provide mechanism to an incident to be detected and confirmed is purpose of which phase?
A. Physical crime investigation
B. Digital crime investigation.
C. Review phase.
D. Deployment phase.

Ans: D
22. Which phase entails a review of the whole investigation and identifies area of improvement? A.
Physical crime investigation
B. Digital crime investigation.
C. Review phase.
D. Deployment phase

Ans: C
23. ____________is known as father of computer forensic.
A. G. Palmar
B. J. Korn
C. Michael Anderson
D. S.Ciardhuain.

Ans: C
24. ___________is well established science where various contribution have been made A. Forensic
B. Crime
C. Cyber Crime
D. Evidence

Ans: A
25. Who proposed End to End Digital Investigation Process (EEDIP)?
A. G. Palmar
B. Stephenson
C. Michael Anderson
D. S.Ciardhuain

Ans: B
26. Which model of Investigation proposed by Carrier and Safford?
A. Extended Model of Cybercrime Investigation (EMCI)
B. Integrated Digital Investigation Process(IDIP)
C. Road Map for Digital Forensic Research (RMDFR)
D. Abstract Digital Forensic Model (ADFM)

Ans: B
27. Which of the following is not a property of computer evidence? A. Authentic and Accurate.
B. Complete and Convincing.
C. Duplicated and Preserved.
D. Conform and Human Readable. Ans. D

28. _______can makes or breaks investigation.

A. Crime
B. Security

C: Digital Forensic
D: Evidence
Ans: D
29. __________ is software that blocks unauthorized users from connecting to your computer. A.
B. Quick lauch
C. OneLogin
D. Centrify

Ans: A
30. Which of following are general Ethical norms for Investigator? A. To contribute to society and
human being.
B. To avoid harm to others.
C. To be honest and trustworthy.
D. All of above
E. None of above

Ans: D
31. Which of following are Unethical norms for Investigator? A. Uphold any relevant evidence.
B. Declare any confidential matters or knowledge.
C. Distort or falsify education, training, credentials.
D. All of above
E. None of above

Ans: D
32. Which of following is not general ethical norm for Investigator? A. To contribute to society and
human being.
B. Uphold any relevant Evidence.
C. To be honest and trustworthy.
D. To honor confidentially.

Ans: B
33. Which of following is a not unethical norm for Digital Forensics Investigation? A. Uphold any
relevant evidence.
B. Declare any confidential matters or knowledge.
C. Distort or falsify education, training, credentials.
D. To respect the privacy of others. Ans: D

34. What is called as the process of creation a duplicate of digital media for purpose of examining it?
A. Acquisition.
B. Steganography. C. Live analysis

D. Hashing.
Ans: A
35. Which term refers for modifying a computer in a way which was not originally intended to view
Information? A. Metadata
B. Live analysis
C. Hacking
D. Bit Copy

Ans: C
36. The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal’s computer is an
example of a law enforcement specialty called?
A. Robotics
B. Simulation
C. Computer Forensics
D. Animation

Ans: C
37. What are the important parts of the mobile device which used in Digital forensic?

D.EMMC chip
Ans: D
38. Using what, data hiding in encrypted images be carried out in digital forensics? A. Acquisition.
B. Steganography. C. Live analysis
D. Hashing.
And: B
39. Which of this is not a computer crime?
A. e-mail harassment B. Falsification of data.
C. Sabotage.
D. Identification of data

Ans. D
40. Which file is used to store the user entered password?
A. .exe
B. .txt
C. .iso
D. .sam

Ans: D
41. __________is the process of recording as much data as possible to create reports and analysis on
user input. A. Data mining
B. Data carving
C. Meta data D. Data Spoofing.

Ans: A
42. ________searches through raw data on a hard drive without using a file system.
A. Data mining
B. Data carving
C. Meta data D. Data Spoofing.

Ans: B
43. What is first step to Handle Retrieving Data from an Encrypted Hard Drive?
A. Formatting disk
B. Storing data
C. Finding configuration files.
D. Deleting files.

Ans: C
Unit Test-II
Program: - Computer Engineering Group Program Code:- CM/IF
Course Title: -Emerging Trends in Computer Technology Semester: - Sixth
ETI (22618) Scheme: I
Chapter 4- Digital Evidence (CO4)
1. A valid definition of digital evidence is: A. Data stored or transmitted using a computer
B. Information of probative value
C. Digital data of probative value
D. Any digital evidence on a computer

Ans: C
2. What are the three general categories of computer systems that can contain digital evidence?
A. Desktop, laptop, server
B. Personal computer, Internet, mobile telephone
C. Hardware, software, networks
D. Open computer systems, communication systems, and embedded systems

Ans: D
3. In terms of digital evidence, a hard drive is an example of:
A. Open computer systems
B. Communication systems
C. Embedded computer systems
D. None of the above

Ans: A
4. In terms of digital evidence, a mobile telephone is an example of:
A. Open computer systems
B. Communication systems
C. Embedded computer systems
D. None of the above

Ans: C
5. In terms of digital evidence, a Smart Card is an example of:
A. Open computer systems
B. Communication systems
C. Embedded computer systems
D. None of the above

Ans: C
6. In terms of digital evidence, the Internet is an example of:
A. Open computer systems
B. Communication systems
C. Embedded computer systems
D. None of the above

Ans: B
7. Computers can be involved in which of the following types of crime?
A. Homicide and sexual assault
B. Computer intrusions and intellectual property theft
C. Civil disputes
D. All the above

Ans: D
8. A logon record tells us that, at a specific time:
A. An unknown person logged into the system using the account
B. The owner of a specific account logged into the system
C. The account was used to log into the system
D. None of the above

Ans: C
9. Cyber trails are advantageous because:
A. They are not connected to the physical world.
B. Nobody can be harmed by crime on the Internet.
C. They are easy to follow.
D. Offenders who are unaware of them leave behind more clues than they otherwise would

Ans: D
10. Private networks can be a richer source of evidence than the Internet because: A. They retain data
for longer periods of time.
B. Owners of private networks are more cooperative with law enforcement.
C. Private networks contain a higher concentration of digital evidence.
D. All the above.

Ans: C
11. Due to caseload and budget constraints, often computer security professionals attempt to limit the
damage and close each investigation as quickly as possible. Which of the following is NOT a
significant drawback to this approach?
A. Each unreported incident robs attorneys and law enforcement personnel of an opportunity to learn
about the basics of computer-related crime.
B. Responsibility for incident resolution frequently does not reside with the security
professional, but with management.
C. This approach results in under-reporting of criminal activity, deflating statistics that are used to
allocate corporate and government spending on combating computer-related crime.
D. Computer security professionals develop loose evidence processing habits that can make it more
difficult for law enforcement personnel and attorneys to prosecute an offender. None of the above

Ans: B
12. The criminological principle which states that, when anyone, or anything, enters a crime scene
he/she takes something of the scene with him/her, and leaves something of himself/herself behind, is:
A. Locard’s Exchange Principle
B. Differential Association Theory
C. Beccaria’s Social Contract
D. None of the above

Ans: A
13. The author of a series of threatening e-mails consistently uses “im” instead of “I’m.” This is an
example of:
A. An individual characteristic
B. An incidental characteristic
C. A class characteristic
D. An indeterminate characteristic

Ans: A
14. Personal computers and networks are often a valuable source of evidence. Those involved with
_______ should be comfortable with this technology.
A. Criminal investigation
B. Prosecution
C. Defense work
D. All of the above Ans:
15. An argument for including computer forensic training computer security specialists is: A. It
provides an additional credential.
B. It provides them with the tools to conduct their own investigations.
C. It teaches them when it is time to call in law enforcement.
D. None of the above. Ans: C

16. The digital evidence are used to establish a credible link between____________
A. Attacker and victim and the crime scene
B. Attacker and the crime scene
C. Victim and the crime scene
D. Attacker and Information

Ans: A
17. Digital evidences must follow the requirements of the ___________
A. Ideal Evidence rule
B. Best Evidence rule
C. Exchange rule
D. All the mentioned

Ans: B
18. From the two given statements 1 and 2, select the correct option from a-d.
a. Original media can be used to carry out digital investigation process.
b. By default, every part of the victim’s computer is considered as unreliable.

A. a and b both are true

B. a is true and b is false
C. a and b both are false
D. a is false and b is true

Ans: B
19. The evidences or proof can be obtained from the electronic source is called the ___________
A. digital evidence
B. demonstrative evidence
C. Explainable evidence
D. substantial evidence

Ans: A
20. Which of the following is not a type of volatile evidence?
A. Routing tables
B. Main memory
C. Log files
D. Cached data
Ans: C
21. The evidence must be usable in the court which is called as_______
A. Admissible
B. Authentic
C. Complete
D. Reliable

Ans: A
22. Photographs, videos, sound recordings, X-rays, maps drawing, graphs, charts is a a type of
A. Illustrative evidence
B. Electronic evidence
C. Documented evidence
D. Explainable evidence

Ans: A
23. Email, hard drives are examples of ____________
A. Illustrative evidence
B. Electronic evidence
C. Documented evidence
D. Explainable evidence

Ans: B
24. Blood, fingerprints, DNA these are examples of____________
A. Illustrative evidence
B. Electronic evidence
C. Documented evidence
D. Substantial evidence

Ans: D
25. When an incident takes place, a criminal will leave a hint evidence at the scene and remove a hint
from the scene which is called as ____________
A. Locard’s Exchange principle
B. Anderson’s Exchange principle
C. Charles’s Anthony principle
D. Kevin Ashton principle

Ans: A
26. Which is not procedure to establish a chain of custody? A. Save the original materials. B. Take
photos of physical evidence.
C. Don’t take screenshots of digital evidence content.
D. Document date, time, and any other information of receipt.

Ans: C
27. Which is not related with digital evidence?
A. Work with the original evidence to develop procedures.
B. Use clean collecting media.
C. Document any extra scope.
D. Consider safety of personnel at the scene.

Ans: A
28. Which is example of non-volatile memory.
A. Flash memory
B. Registers and Cache
C. Process table
D. Arp cache

Ans: A
29._________ is known as testimonial.
A. Oath affidavit
B. DNA samples
C. Fingerprint
D. Dried blood

Ans: A
30.The process of ensuring that providing or obtaining the data that you have collected is similar to
the data provided or presented in a court is known as___________
A. Evidence validation
B. Relative evidence
C. Best evidence
D. Illustrative evidence

Ans: A
31.When cases got to trial your forensics examiner play one of ____ role.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3 D. 5

Ans. A
32.Types of digital evidence
A. Eye witness
B. Picture and video
C. Paper work
D. None of the above

Ans B
33.Rule of evidence is also known as __________
A. Law of witness
B. Law of litigation
C. Law of evidence
D. All of the above

Ans. C
True or False Questions
1. Digital evidence is only useful in a court of law.
A. True
B. False

Ans: B
2. Attorneys and police are encountering progressively more digital evidence in their work.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A
3. Video surveillance can be a form of digital evidence.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A
4. All forensic examinations should be performed on the original digital evidence.
A. True
B. False

Ans: B
5. Digital evidence can be duplicated exactly without any changes to the original data. A. True

B. False
Ans: B
6. Computers were involved in the investigations into both World Trade Center attacks. A. True B.
Ans: A
7. Digital evidence is always circumstantial.
A. True
B. False

Ans: B
8. Digital evidence alone can be used to build a solid case.
A. True
B. False

Ans: B
9. Computers can be used by terrorists to detonate bombs. A. True

B. False
Ans: A
10. The aim of a forensic examination is to prove with certainty what occurred. A. True B. False

Ans: B
11. Even digital investigations that do not result in legal action can benefit from principles of
forensic science.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A
12. Forensic science is the application of science to investigation and prosecution of crime or to the
just resolution of conflict.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A
Chapter 5
Basics of Hacking (CO5)
1. Ethical Hacking is also known as _____ A. Black Hat Hacking.
B. White Hat Hacking.
C. Encryption.
D. None of these. Ans. B

2. Tool(s) used by ethical hacker_____.

A. Scanner
B. Decoder
C. Proxy
D. All of these.

Ans. D
3. Vulnerability scanning in Ethical hacking finds_____. A.

B. Weakness.
C. A &B
D. None of these.

Ans. B
4. Ethical hacking will allow to____ all the massive security breaches. A. Remove.
B. Measure.
C. Reject.
D. None of these.

Ans. B
5. Sequential step hackers use are: _ _ _ _. A. Maintaining Access. B. Reconnaissance C. Scanning.
D. Gaining Access.
A. B, C, D, A
B. B, A, C, D C. A, B, C, D

D. D, C, B, A
Ans. A
6. ______ is the art of exploiting the human elements to gain access to the authorized user. A. Social
Engineering. B. IT Engineering.
C. Ethical Hacking.
D. None of the above.

Ans. A
7. Which hacker refers to ethical hacker? A. Black hat hacker.
B. White hat hacker.
C. Grey hat hacker.
D. None of the above.

Ans. B
8. The term cracker refers to_____ A. Black hat hacker.
B. White hat hacker.
C. Grey hat hacker.
D. None of the above.

Ans. A
9. Who described a dissertation on fundamentals of hacker’s attitude? A. G. Palma.
B. Raymond.
C. Either.
D. Jhon Browman.

Ans. B
10.Computer Hackers have been in existence for more than a____. A.
B. Year.
C. Century
D. Era.

Ans. C
11.Hackers do hack for? A. Fame.
B. Profit.
C. Revenge.
D. All the above

Ans. D
12.The intent of ethical hacker is to discover vulnerabilities from a_____ point of view to better
secure system.
A. Victims.
B. Attackers.
C. Both A & B D. None of these.

Ans. B
13.Security audits are usually based on___ A. Entries.
B. Checklists.
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

Ans. B
14.Ethical hacking consist of _______ A.
Penetration testing.
B. Intrusion testing.
C. Red teaming.
D. All of the above.

Ans. D
15._______ is a person who find and exploits the weakness in computer system.
A. Victim
B. Hacker
C. Developer
D. None of the above.

Ans. B
16. A white hat hacker is the one who _____
A. Fix identifies weakness
B. Steal the data
C. Identifies the weakness and leave message to owner
D. None of the above

Ans. A
17.A black hat hacker is the one who _______ A. Fix identifies weakness
B. Steal the data
C. Identifies the weakness and leave message to owner
D. None of the above. Ans. B
18. A grey hat hacker is the one who_______
A. Fix identifies weakness
B. Steal the data
C. Identifies the weakness and leave message to owner
D. None of the above

Ans. C
19. Keeping information secured can protect an organization image and save and organization lot of
A. True
B. False

Ans. A
20.Information is a one of the most valuable assets of organization
A. True
B. False

Ans. A
21. To catch a thief, think like _____
A. Police
B. Forensics
C. Thief
D. Hacker

Ans. C
22._______can create false feeling of safety
A. Firewall
B. Encryption
D. All the above

Ans. D
23.______ exploits that involves manipulating people and user even your self are the greatest
vulnerability within any computer
A. Nontechnical attacks
B. Network infrastructure attack
C. Operating system attack
D. Application and other specialized attack

Ans. A
24.Connecting into network through a rogue modem attached to computer behind a firewall is an
example of ____-
A. Nontechnical attacks
B. Network infrastructure attack
C. Operating system attack
D. Application and other specialized attack

Ans. B
25.______ comprise of large portion of hacker attacks simply because every computer has one and
so well know exploits can be used against them
A. Nontechnical attacks
B. Network infrastructure attack
C. Operating system attack
D. Application and other specialized attack

Ans. C
26.______ should be done before ethical hacking process. A.
Data gathering.
B. Attacking C. Planning
D. Research
Ans. C
27.Which permission is necessary before ethical hacking? A.
Written permission.
B. Decision maker permission C. Privacy permission D. Risk permission.
Ans. A
28. Which tool is used to crack the password?
A. Nmap
B. LC4
C. ToneLOC
D. Nessus

Ans. B
29. Which tool is used for depth analysis of a web application?
A. Whisker
B. Super scan
C. Nikto
D. Kismet Ans. A
30. Which tool is used to encrypt Email?
A. WebInspect
B. QualyGuard
C. PGP (pretty good privacy)
D. None of the above.

Ans. C
31.Malicious attacker often think like?
A. Thieves
B. Kidnapper
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

Ans. C
32.Which hacker try to distribute political or social message through their work?
A. Black hat hacker
B. Hactivist
C. Script kiddes
D. White hat hacker

Ans. B
33._______ are part of organized crime on internet.
A. Criminal
B. Antinationalist
C. Hacker for hire
D. None of the above

Ans. C
34. Which magazines releases the latest hacking methods?
A. 2600
B. Hackin9
D. All the above

Ans. D
35. Performing a shoulder surfing in order to check other’s password is ____________ ethical
A. a good
B. not so good
C. very good social engineering practice
D. a bad Ans. D
36. ___________ has now evolved to be one of the most popular automated tools for unethical
A. Automated apps
B. Database software
C. Malware
D. Worms

Ans. C
37. Leaking your company data to the outside network without prior permission of senior authority is
a crime.
A. True
B. False

Ans. A
38. A penetration tester must identify and keep in mind the ___________ & ___________
requirements of a firm while evaluating the security postures.
A. privacy and security
B. rules and regulations
C. hacking techniques
D. ethics to talk to seniors

Ans. A
39. The legal risks of ethical hacking include lawsuits due to __________ of personal data. A.

B. disclosure
C. deleting
D. hacking

Ans. B
40. Before performing any penetration test, through legal procedure, which key points listed below is
not mandatory?
A. Know the nature of the organization
B. Characteristics of work done in the firm
C. System and network
D. Type of broadband company used by the firm

Ans. D
Types of Hacking (CO6)
1. SNMP stands for_____
A. Simple Network Messaging Protocol
B. Simple Network Mailing Protocol
C. Simple Network Management Protocol
D. Simple Network Master Protocol

Ans: C
2. Which of the following tool is used for Network Testing and port Scanning______
A. NetCat
B. SuperScan
C. NetScan
D. All of above

Ans: D
3. Banner grabbing is used for A. White Hat Hacking
B. Black Hat Hacking
C. Grey Hat Hacking
D. Script Kiddies

Ans: A
4. An attacker can create an________attack by sending hundreds or thousands of e-mails a with very
large attachments.
A. Connection Attack
B. Auto responder Attack
C. Attachment Overloading Attack
D. All the above

Ans: B
5. Which of the following tool is used for Windows for network queries from DNS lookups to trace
A. Sam Spade
B. SuperScan
C. NetScan
D. Netcat
Ans: A
6. Which tool is used for ping sweeps and port scanning?
A. Netcat
B. SamSpade
C. SuperScan
D. All the above

Ans: C
7. Which of the following tool is used for security checks as port scanning and firewall testing? A.
B. Nmap
C. Data communication
D. Netscan

Ans: A
8. What is the most important activity in system cracking? A. Information gathering
B. Cracking password
C. Escalating privileges
D. Covering tracks

Ans: B
9. Which Nmap scan is does not completely open a TCP connection?
A. SYN stealth scan
B. TCP scan
C. XMAS tree scan
D. ACK scan

Ans: A
10.Key loggers are form of
A. Spyware
B. Shoulder surfing
C. Trojan
D. Social engineering

Ans: A
11. Nmap is abbreviated as Network Mapper.
A. True
B. False

Ans: A
12. _________is a popular tool used for discovering network as well as security auditing.
A. Ettercap
B. Metasploit
C. Nmap
D. Burp Suit Ans: C
13. Which of this Nmap do not check?
A. Services different hosts are offering
B. On what OS they are running.
C. What kind of firewall in use?
D. What type of antivirus in use?

Ans: D
14. What is purpose of Denial of Service attacks? A. Exploit weakness in TCP/IP attack. B. To
execute a trojan horse on a system.
C. To overload a system so it is no longer operational.
D. To shutdown services by turning them off.

Ans: C
15. What are the some of the most common vulnerabilities that exist in a network system? A.

Changing manufacturer, or recommended settings of newly installed application.

B. Additional unused feature on commercial software package.
C. Utilizing open source application code.
D. Balancing security and ease of use of system.

Ans: B
16. Which of the following is not a characteristic of ethical hacker? A. Excellent knowledge of
B. Understands the process of exploiting network vulnerabilities.
C. Patience, persistence and perseverance.
D. Has the highest level of security for the organization.

Ans: D
17. Attempting to gain access to a network using an employee’s credentials is called the
_____________ mode of ethical hacking.
A. Local networking
B. Social engineering
C. Physical entry
D. Remote networking

Ans: A
18. The first phase of hacking an IT system is compromise of which foundation of security?
A. Availability
B. Confidentiality
C. Integrity
D. Authentication Ans: B
19. Why would a ping sweep be used?
A. To identify live systems
B. To locate live systems
C. To identify open ports
D. To locate firewalls

Ans: A
20. What are the port states determined by Nmap?
A. Active, inactive, standby
B. Open, half-open, closed

C. Open, filtered, unfiltered

D. Active, closed, unused

Ans: C
21. What port does Telnet use?

A. 22 B. 80
C. 20
D. 23

Ans: D
22. Which of the following will allow foot printing to be conducted without detection?
A. PingSweep
B. Traceroute
C. War Dialers

Ans: D
23. Performing hacking activities with the intent on gaining visibility for an unfair situation is called
A. Cracking
B. Analysis
C. Hacktivism
D. Exploitation

Ans: C
24. Why would a hacker use a proxy server?
A. To create a stronger connection with the target.
B. To create a ghost server on the network.
C. To obtain a remote access connection
D. To hide malicious activity on the network Ans: A

25. Which phase of hacking performs actual attack on a network or system?

A. Reconnaissance
B. Maintaining Access
C. Scanning
D. Gaining Access

Ans: D
26. Sniffing is used to perform ______________ fingerprinting.
A. Passive stack
B. Active stack
C. Passive banner grabbing
D. Scanned

Ans: A
27. Services running on a system are determined by _____________.
A. The system’s IP address
B. The Active Directory
C. The system’s network name
D. The port assigned

Ans: D
28. What are the types of scanning? A. Port, network, and services
B. Network, vulnerability, and port
C. Passive, active, and interactive
D. Server, client, and network

Ans: B
29. Enumeration is part of what phase of ethical hacking?
A. Reconnaissance
B. Maintaining Access
C. Gaining Access
D. Scanning

Ans: C
30. ______________ framework made cracking of vulnerabilities easy like point and click.
A. Net
B. Metasploit
C. Zeus
D. Ettercap Ans: B

31.__________ is a popular IP address and port scanner.

A. Cain and Abel
B. Snort
C. Angry IP Scanner
D. Ettercap

Ans: C
32.________ is a popular tool used for network analysis in multiprotocol diverse network
A. Snort
B. SuperScan
C. Burp Suit
D. EtterPeak

Ans: D
33___________ scans TCP ports and resolves different hostnames.
A. SuperScan
B. Snort
C. Ettercap D. QualysGuard .

Ans: A
34. What tool can be used to perform SNMP enumeration?
A. DNSlookup
B. Whois
C. Nslookup
D. IP Network Browser

Ans: D
35. Wireshark is a ____________ tool.
A. network protocol analysis
B. network connection security
C. connection analysis
D. defending malicious packet-filtering

Ans: A
36. Aircrack-ng is used for ____________
A. Firewall bypassing
B. Wi-Fi attacks
C. Packet filtering
D. System password cracking

Ans: B
37. Phishing is a form of ____________________.
A. Spamming
B. Identify Theft
C. Impersonation
D. Scanning

Ans: C
38. What are the types of scanning?
A. Port, network, and services
B. Network, vulnerability, and port
C. Passive, active, and interactive
D. Server, client, and network

Ans: B
39 _____ is used for searching of multiple hosts in order to target just one specific open port.
A. Ping Sweep
B. Port scan
C. Ipconfig
D. Spamming

Ans: A
40. ARP spoofing is often referred to as_____
A. Man-in-the-
Middle attack
B. Denial-of-Service
C. Sniffing
D. Ans: A Spoofing

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