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Taguig City University

Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



I. Title: Managing Office Communication

II. Introduction

The term “communication” is derived from latin word communis which

means common. The process of communication which takes place between
one human mind and another establishes a common meeting ground for
understanding. Communication is any means by which a thought is
transferred from one person to another. It involves receiving information and
giving information.

III. Overview

Communication Process is the transmission of a message as intended

from one person to another person. Formal Communication Network is based
on the chain of command and its line of authority flows from the top of the
organization down. Informal Communication Network as any office manager
knows, office workers transmit messages every day that do not flow through a
formal network.

IV. Objectives

After studying
this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 1

1. Define communication,

2. Discuss the importance of communication, and

3. Explain the elements of communication.

V. Lesson 10. Business Communication

Communication Process is the transmission of a message as

intended from one person to another person.

Importance of business communication

1. efficient operation

2. basis of planning

3. aids in decision making

4. facilitates control

5. effective co-ordination

Types of Communication

1. Internal communication

2. External communication

3. Written communication

4. Oral communication

Five Elements of the Process of Communication

1. Sender

2. Message

3. Media

4. Receiver

5. Feedback

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 2

Means of Communication

1. Oral means of communication

2. Written means of communication

3. Electronic means of communication

4. Visual means of communication

Business Communication

Business communication can be defined as the network of

information existed among the insiders and outsiders to solve the
problems of business organization. Business communication is
regulated by certain rules and norms. In early times, business
communication was limited to paperwork, telephone calls etc. but now
with the advent of technology, we have cell phones, video
conferencing, emails and satellite communication to support business

Seven C’s in Business Communication

1. Correctness

2. Conciseness

3. Clarity

4. Completeness

5. Concreteness

6. Consideration

7. Courtesy

Business Letter

The letter which is drafted by one business organization to

another organization or for correspondence between two such
organization and their customers , clients and other external parties.

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 3

The letter is an important medium of business. It is traditional form of
business messages.

Qualities of a Good Letter

1. Simplicity

2. Completeness

3. Clarity

4. Correctness

5. Attractiveness

Characteristics of Effective Business Letter

1. Definite purpose

2. Consideration for the readers

3. Natural style

4. Correct usage and form

5. Attractive appearance

Structure of a Business Letter

1. Heading

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 4

2. Dateline

3. Inside name and address

4. Subject

5. Body of the letter

6. Complimentary close

7. Signature, name and position

8. Enclose/enclosure

9. Carbon copy (cc)

VI. References and Supplementary Links

Miranda and Gow, 2012 Office Management Principles And Practices
Medina, 2015 Office Basics Made Easy by: Learning Express Editors
Jessie F. Sergote, LPT, MBA, MRIBA (Sr.), DBA, 2016 Essentials of
Administrative Office Management

Taguig City University

Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City


OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 5


I. Title: Office Meetings

II. Introduction
Meetings in today’s organizations are a fact of organizational life. Holding
effective meetings is one of the essential managerial skills. Meetings are at
the heart of management. At least 60% of manager’s time is spent in
meetings. But a lot of managers find that meetings are a waste of time. It can
be inspiring, energizing, and fun. They can also be dispiriting, demotivating
and deadly dull.

III. Overview
Meetings in today’s organization are a fact of organizational life. Holding
effective meetings is one of the essential managerial skills. Meetings are the
heart of management. (Barker, 1997)
“When the outcome of a meeting of a meeting is to have another meeting,
it has been a lousy meeting” (Stewart et al 1996)

IV. Objectives
After studying this lesson, you are expected to be able to:
1. Explain the purpose and objectives of meeting,
2. Define the essentials of company meetings, and

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 6

3. Discuss the importance of keeping the minutes of the meeting..

V. Lesson 11. Office Meetings

Meeting is defined as the gathering of two or more people to discuss
matters of mutual concern, and to take and implement any necessary
decisions relating to these matters.

Essentials of Company Meetings

1. Two or more persons
2. Lawful assembly
3. Previous notice
4. To transact a business
Types of Meetings
1. Meetings of stockholders
2. Meetings of the board of directors and their committees
3. Meetings of the debenture holders
4. Meetings of the creditors

Meetings provide the opportunity for communication on any subject and

1. To accept reports from participants
2. To reach a group judgment of decision
3. To analyze or solve a problem
4. To gain acceptability for an idea, program or decision
5. To achieve a training objective
6. To reconcile conflicting views
7. To communicate essential information to a group
8. To relieve tension or insecurity by providing information and management’s
9. To ensure that everyone has the same understanding of information
10. To obtain quick reactions
11. To reactivate a stalled project
12. To demonstrate a product or system and

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 7

13. To generate new ideas or concept.

Agenda – is a document that outlines the content of a shortcoming meeting. It

is usually sent along with the notice of the meeting. Sometimes the agenda is
prepared after the circulation of the notice in order to enable the members to
get any item included that they would like to discuss at the meeting.
Occasionally, if the chairperson and the secretary do not want the members to
know the items to be discussed, the agenda is not circulated.

Minutes of the Meeting – Minutes serves as official records of meetings or

proceedings. In deliberative assemblies or organizations, the need for
preparing and documenting the proceedings of the meetings is highly
imperative. Often times new secretaries are at quandary on how to handle the
format of agenda and the minutes of the meetings. Some companies and
religious institutions have their peculiarities in presenting these items. It is
always safe to follow the standard format of a given establishment.

Importance of keeping minutes of the meeting

1. Minutes contain a record of the business transacted and decisions taken at
a meeting. They serve as a permanent record for future reference.
2. Minutes serve as a reminder for the actions to be taken to implement the
decisions arrived at a meeting.
3. Minutes can be produced as evidence of the proceedings in a court of Law
4. Minutes help in the efficient conduct of business. If proper minutes are not
kept, the decisions arrived at meeting may be questioned by any member or
auditor and therefore, they cannot be proved in a court of Law.

VI. References and Supplementary Links

Miranda and Gow, 2012 Office Management Principles And Practices
Medina, 2015 Office Basics Made Easy by: Learning Express Editors

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 8

Jessie F. Sergote, LPT, MBA, MRIBA (Sr.), DBA, 2016 Essentials of
Administrative Office Management

Taguig City University

Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City


OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 9

I. Title: Forms Design and Control

II. Introduction
Because the forms used within an organization often have
multiple uses and destinations, they must be well designed and be
effective for their intended purpose. An effectively designed form does
not just happen, rather its design is a result of diligent, purposely effort.
The efficient and economic operation of an office is based on the forms
designing. Likewise the form should be in such a way that it can be
easily filled up and processed. For that the office forms should be
designed properly.

III. Overview
According to J.C. Denyer, it is a “printed piece of paper or card
on which entries are usually made against marked headings”.

Office form may be defined as a vehicle which the required

information is collected briefly for the effective and economical function
of an office.

IV. Objectives:
After studying this module, you are expected to be able to;
1. define business forms,
2. explain the importance of forms designing, and
3. describe the principles of forms designing.

V. Lesson 12. Forms Design and Control

A form is printed or cyclostyled piece of paper containing some
information with blanks spaces left for the entry of required information
briefly by the persons using it.

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 10

A form designing means deciding the contents and layout of
forms for the purpose of collecting and processing the required
information economically and efficiently.

Importance of forms Designing

1. These are used to collect record and communicate the

required information according to the expectations of the needy
persons. Therefore, forms are treated as tools of office work. If the
forms are badly designed, it reduces the speed of operation of office

2. It creates psychological impact on the people who use it. The

people may be frustrated and get tired if the forms are not designed

3. The badly designed forms results in more number of mistakes

in clerical work. Hence, there is a need of well-designed forms to avoid
mistakes in clerical work.

4. If the designed from project a poor image in the minds of the

customers, sometimes it may adversely affect the good will of the

5. System is the basis for form design. Hence, the forms are
designed according to the needs of the system. If forms are badly
designed, they can ruin a whole system.

6. Forms contribute much to the efficiency of employees of an

organization and efficiency of the system particularly if it is well-

7. Cost of forms is less than the cost of completing office forms,

transporting and filling of office forms. The ratio will be greater if the
forms are badly designed.

Principles of Forms Designing

a. Principles of Use: A form may be designed based on need aroused.

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 11

b. Principle of Standardization: A standard form is not only reducing
cost but also eliminates chances of confusion. A form may be
standardized in respect of

a. Paper Quality

b. Number of prints

c. paper color

c. Method used to produce forms, etc.

d. Principle of Centralized Control: The office manager should

nominate a person who is responsible for the designing of forms, use
and replacement.

VI. References and Supplementary Links

Miranda and Gow, 2012 Office Management Principles And Practices

Medina, 2015 Office Basics Made Easy by: Learning Express Editors

Jessie F. Sergote, LPT, MBA, MRIBA (Sr.), DBA, 2016 Essentials of

Administrative Office Management

Taguig City University

Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 12


I. Title: Quality Administrative Office System And Control

II. Introduction

The backbone of sound administration is well-designed policies and

procedures that provide a framework for administrative decisions to be made
and executed in terms of the systems and processes involved in the execution
of the procedures. Being an administrative office manager means being
leader of administrative activities of an organization.

III. Overview

Effective leadership in administration requires that the

administrative manager provide direction in terms of developments in
administrative management as well as creating a stable environment by
means of managing the quality in the administrative policies, procedures,
systems and processes as part of the total quality management of the

IV. Objectives:

After reading this lesson, you are expected to be able to;

1. Discuss the meaning of office system,

2. Explain the importance of office system,
3. Assess the importance and types of office manuals, and
4. Define the concepts of quality management and total quality

V. Lesson 13. Office System

Meaning of Office System
Office system means planning of an office work systematically to
achieve the main and subsidiary objectives of an organization within minimum
efforts and costs.

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 13

Definition of Office System
An office system can be defined as an orderly arrangement of
whole activities of an office and framing of procedures to be followed for the
effective and economic performance of work. In other words, it is a planned
way of completing any particular task. When the term system is used in
connection with office work, it refers to the planned.

Importance of Systems
1. Improve operating efficiency
2. Maintain uniform procedures
3. Optimum utilization of resources
4. Reduce office expenses
5. Minimize the operating expenses
6. Fixation of responsibility
7. Facilitating the introduction of new checks
8. Achieving organization goals
9. Simplify the training
10. Errors reduced
11. Smooth running of an office
12. Prevention of fraud
13. Better coordination

Meaning of Procedure
According to Carl Heyel, “a procedure is a series of logical steps
by which all repetitive business actions is initiated, performed, controlled and
finalized. A procedure establishes what action is required? Who is required to
act? and when the action is to take place? Its essence is laying down the
chronological sequence and its implementation is translated into results or
A procedure is a planned sequence of operations for handling
recurring business transactions uniformly and consistently. It is a series of
operations directing towards achieving a particular objective, such as placing
the order, receiving the goods and inspection of the same. Every system is

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 14

composed of a number of procedures for determining of wage rate,
calculation of time spent on the job, wages and subsequently preparation of

Benefits of Procedures
1. Procedures provide the sequence of action
2. Facilitates coordination
3. Economizes the uses of resources
4. It serves as the basis for control
5. Training systems can be used to train the new employees
6. Ensures smooth operations

Limitations of Procedures
1. Limitation of planning
2. Limitation of rigidity
3. Limitation of situation
4. Limitation of integration

Control – it helps ensure that actual operational results conform with desired
or anticipated results.

Steps in the Process of Control

1. Define the parameters of the work being subjected to the control process
2. Determine actual results
3. Evaluate actual results
4. Compare actual results with expected results
5. Apply corrective measures when needed.

Objectives of Control
1. To increase the operating efficiency of the organization
2. To assess the degree to which anticipated results and actual results
3. To coordinate the various elements of a program or a task
4. To increase the likelihood that the organization’s objectives will be achieved
OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 15
5. To assist the office employees in performing their jobs more efficiently
6. To maximize the organization’s profits by decreasing the amount of work
that has to be redone and by reducing the misuse of supplies and materials.

Elements of Control
1. Identification of anticipated results
2. Measurement devices
3. Application of corrective measures

Quality Control
It is used to help organization improve their operating efficiency
when employees fail to produce error-free work. Without quality control
measures, errors are likely to go unnoticed.

Quality Control Techniques

1. Total inspection
2. Spot checking
3. Statistical quality control
4. Zero defects

TQM or Total Quality Management

It is a widely encompassing program. It is concerned with the quality

of an organization’s products and or services as well as the delivery of those
goods/services to the customers.

Components of TQM
1. Customer satisfaction
2. Accurate statistical measurement
3. Ongoing improvement of products and/ or services
4. New employee relations

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 16

Top Ten (10) Steps to Implement Total Quality in Organization
1. Monitoring and evaluation
2. Briefing quality
3. Consultation
4. Lateral communication
5. External communication
6. Structure
7. Quality targets
8. Harmonization
9. Training
10. Continuous improvement
Office Manual
An office manual is a written record of information and instructions
regarding policies, regulations, functions, systems, procedures and methods
framed with the view to guide the efforts of the employees in the organization.
In other words, an office manual is a guide book containing enough guidelines
necessary for the highest performance of the job.
Different Types of Office Manual
1. Policy manual
2. Organizational manual
3. Administrative manual
4. Departmental practice manual
5. Mailing manual
6. Filing manual
7. Rules and regulations manual
8. Historical manual
9. Multi-Purpose manual or handbook

VI. References and Supplementary Links

Miranda and Gow, 2012 Office Management Principles And Practices
Medina, 2015 Office Basics Made Easy by: Learning Express Editors
Jessie F. Sergote, LPT, MBA, MRIBA (Sr.), DBA, 2016 Essentials of
Administrative Office Management
OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 17

Taguig City University

Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 18

I. Title: Budgetary Control

II. Introduction
Modern business world is full of competition, uncertainty and
exposed to different types of risks. This complexity of managerial
problems has led to the development of various managerial tools,
techniques and procedures useful for the management in managing
the business successfully. Budgeting is the most common, useful and
widely used standard device of planning and control. The budgetary
control has now become an essential tool of the management for
controlling costs and maximizing profit. Costs can be reduced,
wastages can be prevented and proper relationship between costs and
income can be established only when the various factors or production
are combined in profitable way. The resource of a business can be
effectively utilized by efficient conduct of its operations. This requires
careful working out of proper plans in advance, coordination and
control of activities on the part of management.
III. Overview
According to Brown and Howard, "Budgetary control is a
system of controlling costs which includes the preparation of budgets,
coordinating the departments and establishing responsibilities,
comparing actual performance with the budgeted and acting upon
results to achieve maximum profitability"

IV. Objectives:
After studying this lesson, you are expected to be able to;
1. Define and explain budgeting,
2. Discuss the purpose, advantages and limitations of budgeting, and
3. Identify the elements for preparing budgets.

V. Lesson 14. Budgetary Control

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 19

Weldon characterizes budgetary control as planning in advance of the
various functions of a business so that the business as a whole is

Budgeting is a planning process. It is a formal statement of the

financial resources set aside for carrying out specific activities in a
given period of time. It helps to co-ordinate the activities of the

Purposes of Budgeting
1. Helps ensure that the organization’s operations are
performed more efficiently
2. Helps management maintain the cost effectiveness of the
organization’s operations
3. Helps the organization better plan for the future.

Advantages of budgeting
1. It requires adequate management consideration of the
organization’s policies.
2. It requires that department-level managers develop
practice that facilitate the attainment of budgetary goals
3. It requires that managers identify the resources
necessary for accomplishing the organization’s goals

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4. It helps management make accurate, timely decisions
regarding various organizational operations.
5. It helps management determine which functions are not
operating efficiently
6. It helps management determine which functions are
experiencing difficulty in achieving goals and objectives.
Limitations of Budgeting
1. Because budgeting is based on estimates, the validity of
the budget is to a large extent determined by the accuracy with
which the estimates are made.
2. The operating effectiveness of an organization is clearly
dependent upon how well management is able to motivate
employees to operate within the budgeted allowances.
3. The effectiveness of the budget is to a large extent
dependent upon the accuracy with which budget revisions are
Prerequisites for a successful budgeting
1. Proper organization
2. Financial data
3. Commitment of top management
Types of budgets
1. Materials budget
2. Production budget
3. Sales budget
4. Selling and distribution cost budget
5. Cost of production budget
6. Cash budget

Elements of Budget Preparation

1. Determining the budget period
2. Developing the budget
3. Revising the budget

VI. References and Supplementary Links

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 21
Miranda and Gow, 2012 Office Management Principles And Practices

Medina, 2015 Office Basics Made Easy by: Learning Express Editors

Jessie F. Sergote, LPT, MBA, MRIBA (Sr.), DBA, 2016 Essentials of

Administrative Office Management

Taguig City University

Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 22

I. Title: Purchase of Stationery and Office Supplies

II. Introduction
Every office work is performed with the help of office stationery
and forms. These are also known as “office supplies”. In modern office,
computer is also used to reduce the need and importance of office
stationery and forms. Even though, office supplies are treated as an
integral part of any office organization.

III. Overview
Office supplies as needed in every office activities, it should be
always ready and available in all times. For the employee to perform at
their best – availability of office supplies is one of the factors to be

IV. Objectives:
After studying this lesson, you are expected to be able to;
1. Develop effective strategies in the purchase of stationery and
office supplies;
2. Understand the factors to be considered in selecting stationery;
3. Differentiate between centralized and decentralized purchasing
4. Identify any methods of purchasing office stationery.

V. Lesson 15. Purchase of Stationery and Office Supplies

Factors to be Considered for Selecting Stationery
1. Discovering sources of supplies
2. Purchase of lowest price
3. Purchase of correct quantity
4. Purchase of desired quality of supplies

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5. Purchase at the right time
Three Categories of Office Stationery
1. Consumables are those items, which are used by the
office very quickly, in a very short period of time and which
cannot be re-used.
2. Durables are those items, which find a constant use and
which remain in its shape, form and size for a very longer period
of time. These items can be re-used or theses are often used.
3. Adhesives are those items, which are used to stick, paste
or fix something. These items are usually chemicals or made of
chemicals used on a particular surface for affixing , or fixing or
pasting a commodity.
Discovering sources of supplies
1. Manufacturing capacities
2. Reliability of the supplier
3. Financial condition of the supplier
4. The management of the supplying firm
5. Price quoted
6. Quantity for which price quoted is applicable
7. Terms of payment
8. Terms of delivery
9. Specifications to which the products are manufactured.

Office Stationery
A stationery, precisely the office stationeries, is a group of
commodity which is used to, or which is needed to, do the office job for
completing the office job, as per the requirement and specification.

Centralized Purchasing - It refers to the purchase of office

stationery by the purchase department of the large business
organization. The purchase department has to decide the purchase
procedure, items of stationery, quantity, quality, placing of an order,
receiving of stationery, verification of receiving stationery, storage,

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 24

stock verification and distribution of stationery to all the departments
and branches on need basis.
Decentralized Purchasing - It refers to the purchase of stationery
by each department according to its requirements.

Policy of Stationery Purchase

1. The purchase of office stationery is based on the
purchasing policy of the concerned organization. Any one of the
following policy can be followed by the organization.
2. Economic order quantity has to be fixed and purchased
for easy handling and storing.
3. Quantity discount, cash discount and other discount are
available from bulk purchase. Therefore, bulk purchase has to
be made
4. Quantity of stationery purchased depends upon the
usage of the respective stationery. The specified stationery is
purchased more if the respective stationery is used in large
quantity and vice versa.
5. The financial soundness of the organization influences
the purchase of stationery.
6. The possible utility of the stationery should also be

Stationery Purchase Methods

1. Tender system
2. Quotations
3. Fixed supplier
4. Travelling Salesman

Vouching of Purchase Returns

Purchase returns – sometimes, goods purchased are returned back to
the suppliers for various reasons such as goods are not as per sample,
inferior quality of the goods, etc.

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 25

VI. References and Supplementary Links
Miranda and Gow, 2012 Office Management Principles And Practices

Medina, 2015 Office Basics Made Easy by: Learning Express Editors

Jessie F. Sergote, LPT, MBA, MRIBA (Sr.), DBA, 2016 Essentials of

Administrative Office Management

Taguig City University

Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City



OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 26


I. Title: Supervising Office Employees

II. Introduction
Employee training and development are integral parts of the HR
function of management. Training implies a systematic procedure
whereby employees are imparted technical knowledge and skill for
specific jobs. It emphasizes improvements of the abilities of employees
to handle specific jobs and operations more effectively.
III. Overview
Training and development programs are generally designed in
accordance with the nature of the job, personnel concerned and the
purpose in view. The programs can be broadly divided into two
categories: On-the-Job Programs and Off-the-Job Programs.

IV. Objectives:
After studying this lesson, you are expected to be able to;
1. Develop effective strategies for supervising subordinates,
2. Assess the benefits of employee development, and
3. Understand the benefits of training.

V. Lesson 16. Supervising Office Employees

Benefits of Employee Development
1. It prevents managerial obsolescence by exposing executives to
latest concepts and techniques in their respective fields of

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 27

2. It ensures that the company is staffed with a sufficient number of
managers who have requisite knowledge and skills
3. It ensures long-term survival and growth of the organization
4. It replaces old executives with younger ones, it develops a second
line of competent officers for future replacement.
5. It creates group cohesiveness and encourages teamwork
6. It ensures that managerial resources of the organization are properly
and fully used.

Benefits of Orientation
1. It has a positive impact on employee productivity
2. Employees make fewer errors
3. Employees experience greater job satisfaction
4. It helps employees become more familiar with the organizational
values, standards, appropriate attitudes and behavior patterns
5. It helps employees feel more at home
6. It enhance their understanding of the nature of their job duties.

Items Often Included in Orientation Kits

1. Organization chart
2. Map of the premises
3. Copy of employee handbook
4. Copy of the union contract
5. List of fringe benefits
6. Copy of insurance plans
7.Copy of performance appraisal form and outline of appraisal
8. Copy of emergency and evacuation procedures
9. List of names and telephone numbers of key organizational
employees and units

Benefits of Training
1. It helps to improve the quantity and quality of workforce. It increases
the knowledge and skills of employees and improves their performance
OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 28
2. It helps to reduce the time and cost required to reach the acceptable
level of performance. It prevents employees’ obsolescence. Accidents
are also reduced.
3. It enables the organization to fill manpower needs. Promising
employees can be spotted and trained for higher level jobs.
4. Trained employees make better and economic use of materials and
equipment. Maintenance cost is reduced and the life of machines and
equipment is increased.
5. It helps to reduce the need for constant and close supervision of
workers. It facilitates management by exception.
6. It helps to give more job satisfaction and boosts the morale of the
employees which results in the enhancement of their earnings,
provides job security and better career prospects.
7. It facilitates delegation and decentralization of authority. Trained
employees are willing to accept new and challenging assignments.

Steps in Developing Training Programs

1. Determine need for training program
2. Define objectives of training program
3. Determine type of training program
4. Determine appropriate training techniques
5. Provide training experiences
6. Conduct follow up studies.

Types of Training Program

1. Basic knowledge
2. Job exposure
3. Refresher

Principles of Learning that Affect Training

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 29
1. Learning by doing
2. Motivation
3. Knowledge of results
4. Individual differences

Simulation Techniques
1. Role playing-trainees assume the role of someone in an existing
2. Case method-trainees are given a description of organizational
conditions involving either a hypothetical situation or a real situation.
3. Incident method-trainees are given a few details about a given
situation; they continue to ask questions of trainer until they have
sufficient information to make an informed decision.
4. Business games-trainees use realistic games in learning about the
concept being taught. Are an effective technique in helping employees
acquire an understanding of the various interrelations within the
5. In basket focuses on decision making and problem solving. Trainee
determines the priority of each situation and devises a solution to each
6. Computer assisted instruction-is a training process that involves the
use of the computer. Often resembles, as a process, the programmed
instruction technique.
7. Audio cassette training-involves the use of audio cassettes in
training employees. Trainees are able to listen to the cassette as many
times as they need to achieve mastery.
8. Video training-uses one of the new media (tapes, lasers, video disks,
etc.) in presenting the trainee with training experiences.
9. Interactive video instruction-is a new training technique. Trainee
carries on a dialogue with a computer. Results in a fast learning
10. Virtual reality-trainees view television monitor or computer screen
that displays images closely resembling reality. Lends itself well to
tasks that require practice and redundancy.
OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 30
Special-purpose Training
Involves providing trainees with information about a variety of areas,
including diversity, AIDS, teamwork, etc.

Legal Considerations
Training experiences must not discriminate against employees on the
basis of provisions of Bill of Rights.

Predicting when employees will need counseling is difficult.
Nondirective approach is generally preferred. Gives employee the
opportunity to determine the scope of the counseling session.

Ways to improve office employee’s growth through training and

1. Support succession planning
2. Increase employee value
3. Reduce attrition rates
4. Enhance operational efficiency

VI. References and Supplementary Links

Miranda and Gow, 2012 Office Management Principles And Practices

Medina, 2015 Office Basics Made Easy by: Learning Express Editors

Jessie F. Sergote, LPT, MBA, MRIBA (Sr.), DBA, 2016 Essentials of

Administrative Office Management

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 31

Taguig City University

Gen. Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan, Taguig City


OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 32
I. Title: Supervising Office Employees

II. Introduction

The safety and general welfare of the employees is the general

responsibility of human resource management. Satisfactory working
conditions and effective supervision are provided to maintain employee
morale and reduce absenteeism and labor run-over.

III. Overview

Employees attitudes and their needs and wants, including adequate

and equitable compensation programs, are vital concerns of human resource
management. Effective and well-understood grievance procedures are
essential for maintaining high levels of morale.

IV. Objectives:

After reading this module, you are expected to be able to

1. Define and explain the meaning of discipline.

2. Assess the types of disciplinary problems.
3. Describe the process of disciplinary action.

V. Lesson 17. Employee Discipline

Discipline is a quality that employee of an organization shows in terms
of behavior. Discipline is needed for effective human resource management.
Organization is formed by designing a structure of employees from the top
level to bottom level. Each level needs people with discipline for effective
operation of an organization. Discipline regulates employee’s behavior.
Acceptable behavior in a certain order line is needed by the organization from

OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 33

each employee. Discipline is a condition prevailing among the employee with
respect to rules and regulation of an organization.
According to the Decenzo and Robbins. ”Discipline is a condition in an
organization when employees conduct themselves in accordance with the
organization’s rules and standards of acceptable behavior.”
According to Garry Dessler, “Discipline is a procedure that corrects or
punishes subordinates because a rule or procedure has been violated.”
Refers simply to “the measures taken to punish subordinates with a
view to make them comfort to desired standards in the future.”
Discipline is a training that corrects, mold, strengthens or perfects.
Refers to the development of an individual, his efforts at self-control for the
purpose of adjusting himself to a certain needs and demands. The necessary
condition for orderly behavior. The condition necessary to obtained orderly
behavior in organization. Implies keeping order and individual employee
control among a group of workers by using methods that build morale and
Esprit De Corps.
The act of training and punishing. Judicial process based upon training
and punishing. This discipline is a form of punishment which a person incurs
as a result of an undesirable act or behavior.

Types of Disciplinary Problems

1. Attendance related problems
2. On-the-job behavior related problems
3. Dishonesty related problems
4. Outside activities

Causes of Employee Disciplinary Problem

1. Mismanagement
2. Distraction
3. Outside forces

Process of Disciplinary Action

1. Oral warning
OFA 2 Administrative Office Procedures and Management Page 34
2. Written warning
3. Suspension
4. Pay-cut
5. Demotion
6. Dismissal

VI. References and Supplementary Links

Miranda and Gow, 2012 Office Management Principles And Practices
Medina, 2015 Office Basics Made Easy by: Learning Express Editors
Jessie F. Sergote, LPT, MBA, MRIBA (Sr.), DBA, 2016 Essentials of
Administrative Office Management

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