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This chapter outlines the researcher's research methodology, which includes a

variety of themes as research design, respondents of the study, data gathering
procedures, an instrument used, reliability of the instrument, and statistical treatment
of data.
Research Design

The researchers used a descriptive-correlational kind of research. It aims to

determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of selected
second year college students of Technological University of the Philippines. A
descriptive type of research describes what exists and may help to uncover new facts
and meaning. A descriptive study aims to observe, describe, and document (Polit and
Hunger 2010). A correlational research is a nonexperimental research method in
which a researcher examines two variables, understands and evaluates their statistical
relationship, and does so without any other variables.

A combination of quantitative and qualitative study was conducted to meet the

dissertation's objectives. Quantitative research is defined as a systematic investigation
of phenomena by collecting quantifiable data and applying statistical, mathematical,
or computational techniques. Quantitative research collects information through
sampling methods and the distribution of online surveys, online polls, questionnaires,
and other similar tools, the results of which can be represented numerically.

Data was collected in a structured manner and on larger samples that

represented the entire population. On the other hand, qualitative research involves
gathering and analyzing non-digital data to understand concepts, experiences, and
opinions better. The questionnaires will serve as a major data gathering instrument for
the study.

Respondents of the Study

In this study, each respondent's purpose, impact, explained, and provided the
informed consent form, and all the information indicated will be kept confidential.
The study respondents include fifty (50) criminology students of DCWW. The
researchers conducted a survey disseminated through Google forms. The gathered
data from the respondents will help researchers organize a well-developed and valid
Research Instrument

The researchers formulated a self-made questionnaire. In this study, a Google

forms-based online survey questionnaire was employed as the research tool
administered through Google. The questionnaires were the primary method used by
the researchers to collect the data required to complete the study.

Scaling and Quantification

The researchers used the Likert scale, which will help them measure the
responses. The researchers must verbally interpret the mean value and the
corresponding weighted mean to use the Likert scale.

Mean Value Ranges for Perception Verbal Interpretation

5.00 4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

4.00 3.41 – 4.20 Agree

3.00 2.61 – 3.40 Neutral

2.00 1.81 – 2.60 Disagree

1.00 1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers surveyed fifty (50) criminology students from the DCWW
using a questionnaire related to the research topic. A survey is a data-gathering
method utilized to collect, analyze and interpret the opinion or the views of the
selected group of people from a target population.
The survey form is composed of the needed questions to gather important
information that will help in the study. The researchers will approach the respondents
professionally and respectfully, which will lead to good communication and honest
responses to the survey. 
All of the respondents' responses were sorted and tabulated. This information
was evaluated and interpreted by the researchers.
Statistical Treatment Data

Once the data is collected, the researchers will tabulate and interpret the data.
They will use tools like percentage, average mean, and weighted mean.

● Percentage

The percentage will help the researchers to determine the frequency counts
and the percentage distribution of the data. The researchers will divide the frequency
(f) over the total number of respondents (n) to calculate the percentage. Then the
quotient will be multiplied by 100.

Formula: %= x 100

● Averaged Mean

The averaged mean will help the researchers to determine the average of the
given data. To calculate the averaged mean, the researchers will get the sum of the
frequency (f) then the sum will be divided by the total number of questions (n).

Formula: X =

● Weighted Mean

The weighted mean will help the researchers to determine the average of the
given data. To calculate the weighted mean, the researchers will get the summation of
the product of the frequency (f) and the weight of the responses (x) then the sum will
be divided by the total number of respondents (n).

∑ [(f )(x )]
Formula: x̅ =

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