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Section 3

Group Number 5
Clients NHL

Team Details
FT Number Name
FT223035 Pravesh Tripathi
FT223036 Preksha Gupta
FT223037 Priyadarshini B

8 Key E







Team owners
Player agents
European Hockey Clubs

8 Key Elements

Players can participate in European or other leagues.

Other sports can be pursued as a career.

Careers of Players
Increased salary ceiling
You don't want your compensation to be tied to your earnings.
As soon as possible, begin the league.
Getting the season back on track
Careers of players
Revenue loss for players
There is little to no faith in the league.

A lack of understanding of the game (upper management)

They have a lot of support from the players.

It's difficult to get the season started without the help of the players.

Even if the league can acquire players through the free market and other
means, it will reduce the league's viewership and appeal.

Executive Director: Bob Goodenow (Boycott salary cap and the linking)

Trevor Linden is the President of the Union (Restart season as soon as

Agents for Players - (minimize losses)
Revenue increased by 120 percent, but player compensation increased
by 240 percent (this is greedy)
Players' careers are on the line, therefore it's critical to get the season
back on track as soon as possible.
8 Key Elements
Look for players on the free market or through other means, and set up temporary
Allow for other sports to take place in the arena.
Make use of the available resources to launch a new sports league
Set a salary ceiling.
Establishing a Relationship Between Salary and Revenue
Reduce your losses.
As soon as possible, begin the league.
Getting the season back on track
Loss can be minimised.
Perspectives and requirements differ.
Union's lack of faith in the league
Players aren't given enough thought.
The league has suffered a number of setbacks.

Players are eager for the season to begin since their careers are now in jeopardy.

Even with a lot of losses, they can afford a lockout.

It is not a good BATNA for players to play in European leagues.

Commissioner Gary Bettman (Get a salary cap, link salary to revenue, other cost cutting

Owners of teams - (minimize losses)

Allow the Union to see the financial statements in their entirety.

Players' careers are on the line, therefore it's critical to get the season back on track as
soon as possible.
Solution strategies for NHL

Own Batna

Own RV
Other's RV


Scenario Analysis and framing on Max Value Scenario

From the dual concern model presented, we can see what possibilities are feasible.
When all parties interact and strive toward resuming the season, the scenario has the
most value.
Collaborating would include the league attempting to acquire the trust of the union, which
may lead to a salary-to-revenue relationship. The union has agreed to a reasonable pay
ceiling as well as other problems.

Solution suggested to NHL

Do not link salary and revenue
Salary cap - $45 million
Allow union to review league financials to build trust.
Solution strategies for NHL
Rent an arena for other sports.
Temporary players to hire - Matches that are only for a short time
$42.5 million salary cap and other cost-cutting measures
Leagues in Europe and elsewhere
Go pro in a different sport.
Salary is not linked to revenue, and there is a salary cap of $49 million.

There are a slew of other challenges at hand as well. Analyzing an effective

ZOPA is difficult.

Scenario Analysis and framing on Max Value Scenario

m the dual concern model presented, we can see what possibilities are feasible.
en all parties interact and strive toward resuming the season, the scenario has the
t value.
aborating would include the league attempting to acquire the trust of the union, which
lead to a salary-to-revenue relationship. The union has agreed to a reasonable pay
ng as well as other problems.

Solution suggested to NHL

not link salary and revenue
ry cap - $45 million
w union to review league financials to build trust.
Solution strategies for NHL





Solution strategies for NHL

Recognizing that the athletes' careers are on the line, finding a win-win solution for both parties

Accepts the Union's requests and orders the season to be restarted

Restarting the season by using the league's ability to compel the union to accept the league's term

Going for the BATNA while allowing the players to leave

In the aforementioned scenario, only the partnership case is viable. If they pursue any other metho
suffer enormous losses. The parties appear to have overlooked the most crucial party - the players
conversations. Keeping the players in mind, it's critical to collaborate, reach an amicable solution, a
soon as possible.
1 Dilemma of integrity
2 Conflict of interest
Psychological Barriers 3 Dilemma of faith
1 Role of media
2 Disparity of Power
3 Role of hockey fans
Strucutral Barriers 4 Ego and Disputable positions
1 Threats
2 Both Parties Behaviour
3 Cynical behaviour of players
Tactical Barriers 4 Leadership style

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