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dwarf bushmen who practise this drrm

THE MODEL HUSBAND, crack to seo if he could discover tho "Amen!" And a!l the congregado
for the swishing souud seemed answered together, "Amen:''
AFRICA'S PIGMY TRIBES. Livingstone said that the d watis he m<
animal, the hitherto raotionlei killed many lions with their írísignif
Most wives will end their story with: drawing Dear. Up sprang BEARDED DWARFS INHABIT THE cant-looking arrows. We know very litt
"Ab, well, men are but human.'' listeners.women to the rear, men t DARK CONTINENT. as yet about their language« and dialest
I long to tell the secret ot Parson Pladley the front.and from the pulpit the oil but the- incomplete vocabularies collecte
In the meeting-house minister, with sword and gun, led th
A truly happy woman. ha i turned his big bosjr-glass twice, and way to the aid of the others, who treeo
The Tribes of Litt le People Are Wide» show that not n, ten of the words of thes
Through all the sunshine-lightod years. now the sands of
almost spent. Before him
the third hour were
row9 of serious beginning to give groundwho before the ly Separat .»il. Bnt Have Striking | widely severed tribes are identical.
In a number of respects the variât
Lived now in retrospection, were fore
y-oainted figuresthe entrance. ltesotnlilarii'cs.Sonic Arc Warllk«».
men, women and children in reverent «iwarf tribes show differences of som
My husband's word brought never tears, their way through
lagThen FORTY years ago no one sup.
Nor caused a sad reflection. attcution,
not once removing their earn¬ came out another side of tu« that tribes of dwarfs existed in importance. In Central Africa tli
est,eyes from the minister. Puritan character. The tier« ; energy. Africa. To-day authorities like Tikki-Tikki dwarfs are a little tal lei
Whate'er the burdens of tho day. The heavy door was flung open and dmost joy.with which the colonist Schlichter, Feikin, and others ha7e darker skins, more vigorous limb«
Unflinching, mini and all 11 v. shut again with a loud bang that startled self only that the ancieut writers and are covered with fewer but coarse
To bear his part.tbe larger hall'-«» every member of the congregation. A
fought wasassusprisingasbutthe astony arlirm not hairs than the Akka, who live a littl
I always tin 1 htm ready. boy, staggering nnd streaming with per¬ control thev had shown mornenl were dealing with fact and not fable north of them. The Akka, 01. the otbe
ran up the broad aisle and
before. Ahead of them all, Parsoi when they wrote of the dwarfs ot Central hand, are o little taller than the Obong
House cleaning season brings no frown, spiration, Pladley swung his mighty sword witti Africa, but alsn that the world derived
No sarcasm, pointed keenly ; fed exhausted at tho foot of the pulpit. cries which betrayed the old horse important geographical factsas from these in West Africa. The average height «
Through carpets up, and tacks head dow.i Every man -notched out his hand to soldier o« Cromwell and BaiTlson, foi nwsrfs. They believe, did the adult men among the Obougo is fou
He makes his way ssrsnslj. the musket that stood beside him; but such he had been and of those who fol¬ late Captain Stairs, tint dwarfs fount] feet three inches, while the averag
uo one ruse, no one said a WOT or ut¬
lowed him, more than one had stood ir among the Akka men is about four fe«
their way in ancient times into Egypt, seven
Our evenings pass in converse sweet. tered an exclamation. the ranks of the pikemen who met the and that they doubtless some infor¬ inches. The Ohonifoare probfbt
Whatever the danger was.and they gave
Or «miet contemplation,
charges of Prino" Rupert's Cavaliers, mation about the "Mountains of the the smallest «Iwarfs in Africa, 'the tribe
IV e never disagree except knew well what it might be.this was differ in color from light brown to black
To ''keep up conversation." God's house, and in it none but I «died them. too. Moon" and the sources of the Nile. The Beards are a feature of all tho dwai
As if he remembered this, the minis¬ upper Nile
theory that dwarfs from isthefortified
And dewy morn of radiant June, servant should raise a voice or venture ter lifted up his strong voice in :« »ten regions did teach E_'ypt in a peoples, but are scantily develope«
Fair moonlight of September. upon any »action unless he »permitted. Psalm which had thundered over th bat recent discovery
striking manner by themonument among some of them, while amort«
April with bird and brook atan -, The minister descended from his tleflelds of Naseby and Marttoi of the others th«î beard is quite long, particu
on an old Egyptian
Stern, pitiless December- place, leaned over the panting Abner the war sung of David the B dwarf with the name Akka
picture of which larly among the Balua south of th
and caught the few words the boy had is the name of the most Congo.
Each seems to my adoring i
strength to whisper: ''Savages.full five joiring over hi? victory; beside it, The dwarfs of the central regions, th
Some new grace to discover, 1" *«I bave pursued miue enemies ami famous of the Central African dwarf
score.stealing ta!:«; us unaware
orertaken them; neither «li«l I turn tribe*; but later centuries had no faith Akka, Wambutti, Tikki-Tikki am
For he unchanging through the years. The minister returned to the pulpit. Batua, form the most important grou|
Is still my tender lover. "Kindle your matches, brethren," again till they were consumed. in dwarf tribes; and the testimony of
have wounded them that wen more than one recent «discovery was
of African pigmies. They are all war
So life no shadows hold, though we said he, in a voice of perfect tranquility. not"Iable to rise; they are :. needed before the interesting subject like, and few of the tribes around then
Have reached the side that's; The riu«: of flint and steel sounded a'l have given explorers so much troubl.
over the hon
der my feet. attracted much attention. Some fifteen the iittlc folks, who have dogget
My husband" Oh a dream is he, "For Thou hast girded me with explorers have within the past few years
And I'm a maiden lady. "Make ready ycuv gun=," continued unto the battle; Thou added many fa-t-i to our knowledge of tuc-ir caravans, skulking iu the forest
Ladies.' Home Wrnal. the minister, taking up a heavy muiket, strengthunder me those that n-t up the dwarfs, ami though our acquaintance
or jungle where they can hardly be seen
anil blowing the match, or fuse, by dyed climbius the treei and swinging them
which it was discharged. "Masketeers, against me." with them is still incomplete, enough selves out on the limbs with the agiiit*
PARSON PLADLEY. to your stations. Ye that have but swords
The Indians were like wolves combat¬ facts have Ixen obtained to enable us to of monkeys, and from this vant.
ing lions. Tliey shrank, wavere 1 and take a general view of these curious lit¬
or pikes, sit fast."
were pressed hack to the door, through tle people. showering down poisoned arrows upon
The congregation obeyed these orders it, of it. Then, by o m but the enemy below. Explorers tell of the
ÏT UaVKLEX ¡I- FIXE. as calmly us they had been given. rush,and outside were broken,
One group of thc-e pigtr.ic?, the Batua .swinging from bram\i to branch,
T was "meeting- Twenty-fire men, headed by Deacon they re not yet been visited I.. as trapeze performers take flight fron
time" in Hudder- True, sue:.- them* 1res the I. They ran io every rer, and yet it is certain that they one bar to another. Grenfell and Voi
were pierced in the
¦heiter of th woo Is; inhabit, approximately, the region as-
Francois were nstauadeito the Batus
field, M:i**:<cliusetts loopholes which
is g the w il .new them fell by the way
un i to them on our map south of out ou boughs overhanging the
Bay Colony, on a swords of their pursuers. I
Sunday moral sition, snd took it without delay and -nia. It i» hoped rivers until tl:e limbs bead low beaeath
June, 1676. The or hesitation; while the iifteen men who Held wai save 1. explorer will visit them iu their '.heir weight. Th se Batua tribes extend
Within the meeting half- home and tell us more about them.
fifty or sixty log ha no firearms sat stiffly on the rms* be
«if ruined, dim with powder-smoke and who;e southern part of the
building« which the women and children, Avanchert, Kxapf and d'Abbadie,
benches, arrow- and travelers
Congo basin, and doubtless much ad
trade up the settle- whom bad not looked behind them heaped with broken of authority, bare met many of liitional information about them will b(
^-Oment stood silent Abner rushed in. looked at the hour- dead bodic, the congregation gathered them, and, independently of one another, home by future explores.
as so many tombi Parson Pladley around itt minister, who, blackened and have borne testimony to their exisl 1-3 is known of them at prcsenl
torn to shred
among the which still continued to run, ami bloody, with gown his forehead, oncu They were d***crib**d by these mcu as that except
the fact of their existence
stumps of the half- quietly resumed his sermon.musketeers Around
more raised up hi» voice.this tirr.
hiving the same characteristics who Schlitcher ¿ays that, like the Akka and
cleared fields, lor every soul in the ihe sides of the* room the »'rain of one of their tri- mark the Equatorial dwarfs were
tha «TamDUtti, their intercourse with
from the old man <>f ninety to the young¬ d at the loopholes amid tha light the glorious not known for years after the Dokos had .ous tribes of ordinary stature
est child, was in the mectiog-hou v.i:)«..«- from their smouldering mat umphant hymns. 1 til«* curiosity of ethnologist-:. whom they live is usualiy of a
On the benches the body ol listeners who All joined ib it.even the woundel, Professor Hartman iu 1S7G collected on among
the hill.every soul, that is, except could scarcely lift their Lea Is from shout friendly nature, partly because the Beata
Abner True. kept their compose:! countenances tb. who sang the east coast trustworthy reports re afraid of them and partly
Abner True, whose father i'. the preacher. Save his voice, the ground, and the dying, the Dokos, conlirraing the earlier r«
the pigmies supply these
i« no sound but on infre
their own breaths away in the grateful ')3kcs ere said to be dark brown in nl skins In e.x-
deacon and titliing-ma::, ,.nd counted rhorus.
second only to the minister himself in mcl allí er a- When the injured had been cared for, color, extremely ugly in ph fov vegetable food, OOOk«
rigid piety, was actually plajiog truant amincd his u- loosen his iroa-hilted about four feet high. They go entirely and other articles that may be
from meeting: and this in a I .. oi t I .r.l. The an I then» was once more time forcalled or-
without clothing and bdild most primi¬ ded as among tue luxuries cf Afri-
which looked upon Plymouth and \\\ _;hoiit «lir.arv matters, Parson Pladley tive huts, which the« «"»ver with skint pigmy atlife.homeMoreover, they ar«
Abaer True to him. or Isai 11 ir only occupation is thoroughly iu the forest, and
mouth as dangerously worldly : m Abner, thou didst well so cun¬
relaxed in morals and manners by over¬ "And even a? aforetime the heathen
to avoid thoäc ruthlcs* tarages, hunting. Theybecomes change their quart are, theretorc, valuable to their JJ.iucu
much prosperity. did furiously rage, ami did compass the ningly soou as game scare», use only friend* as spies and scouts in time of
with and sa 1 privily* warn u» betimes. For this an«.l are expert in
But Abner had worked from sun to children of the covenant ipear thou taeritest reward." poisoned arrows, leii'ls ami warfare. The sites of their
sun every day of the last week, and javelin »ut." m^ animals in traps ami pitfalls. They encampments «>nd village« are always
knew he itiust do the every day of Ah Aboil looke i up, aitón know the us" of lire and eat the «¦areiul'y selected to prevent surprise,
1 "An 1 this shall he thy reward.that flesh of serp tber animait **aw. and Stanley describes their daily lifd as
the next week and the woe!, after that; the air without, an no
and for thy wilful tarrying away from the .¡luted
for the corn b* minister's voice. 1: a Dr. Henry Schlicht":. being similar to that of the Buutu popu¬
was to
crops got in, and a core of other prolonged in .«. thr«»at«. isrjthou -drilT receive oo discipline all the evidence at hand relating to these lation among whom they live. The
.from the church.' tbut although women do all the domestic work, erect
to be done. There came quick, sharp pattenogl on
'.But my father will.'' stammered perfect sav.
their country has never bceu visited, it the beehive huts, collect wood and vege¬
It seemed to him too bard that, on »; und walls, lü.c hailstoi
this one day of rest, he should be o:> Knoeh Brett fell ba I from his the boy.
..<.«' a surety he will," placidly replied
can safely be said tint "cast of the Nile table food, watch the tires, and dry the
to sit upon a backless pl&uk bcuc'.i all loophole with an arrow througli and to the south of Kalla in the unex¬ meat. The men spend most of then
the forenoon, if, indeed, he did BOt ii id brain. Another in in rose from hi«
the minister, "and I trust it muy do plored territories to the south of the time in hunting or in bartering with
him«elf forced to sit there longer; since picked up the :;u:i which Bret river Orno there exists a pigmy race neighboring tribes. They usually speak
and the vacant station. ..Come with mc, Abner," said Deacon similar in lise, appearance and habits to the dialects of their neighbors, but all
Parson Pladley, who rarely preached 1 **
dropped, took
Amos. Youth's Com pinion.
¿han three hours, sometimes prca« be i A dozen muskel the dwarfs of the upper Nile and Congo travelers say that they alss have a «lis-
four, and once or twice bad been kuowu of missels. Their fire seemed to check regions." It is probable that they are tinct language of their own, of which
to* exceed live hours. the advance ol the Indians, inasmuch a« Few lJoutiutop Trunk«. Now. scattered among other tribes of different we have little knowledge.
Abner felt sure that the sermon would the war cry grew fainter, and ¡.the There are comparatively few round- race and customs like their relatives iu It is now very generally believed that
not be a short one this day, even accord¬ teringol the arrows diminishe trunks made now. l'i-e [doa West and Central Africa. all these dwarf tribes are the remnant of
ing to the preacher's ideas of brevity; p.; had not Interrupted his top that greater resisting power could bo It is now possible to divide the dwarfs the original population of Africa, who.
and the more he thought of it the more sermon, although his voice had been but, unfor¬ of Africa into four groups.the pigmies many centuries ago, were decimated and
of the obtained there was weight,
with least
he dreaded it, until he became willing temporarily drowned by the noise tunately, no guarantee that of West Africa, known as the Obongo, widely scattered by the intrusion oí
to incur any punishment for the sake ot : and defence, ezcspt for the ¡n- the baggigf.. smasher would always Akoa, and Babongo, who were first met stronger peoples. While there is no di*
escaping thatDeacon tbat he cist one glance at the mus- stand the trunk the right way up. His In recent times by Du Chaillu; the i rcct evidence proving this hypothesis,
So when Amos, with hit wife kct beside him, and another at the hour¬ failure to do this gave numberless re- dwarfs of the central regions, known as there are circumstances which give it
and younger children, were ready glass. minders of the fact that no box is the Akka, Wambutti, and Batua, dis¬ mueh strength, and among them is th«
lor meeting, no Abner could be found. All the men who could act were at stronger than at its weakest point, and covered and described by Greofell, Von and improbability
that the various scattered
Hidden in the little hay-mow of the their posts; why should he for no', continue
the des¬ the damaged side* became very common. Francois, Lenz, Wolf, Wiseman,known pigmy tribes could have immigrated into
rough barn, he saw the famiiy depart. i to the end, while waiting Now most trunks are made with tl it others; the Ea3t African pigmies, territories already occupied by the Bantu,
his father marching ahead, equipped perate struggle which must come' Ilia and are so strong all over that it as the Dokos, though they probably Nuba aud Hottentot, races..New York
with musket, bandoleer and powder- .sense of duty told office him that he ought not tops, is very diflicult, even for an expert compo-e several tribes speaking several Sun.
horn; for King Philip and his Indians to cease his holy heforo the ap¬ to break one. St. Louis different dialects; and the dwarfs south -«a-aTa-aa-
tinder dompulsion trunk-smasher,

were at war Bgaii***t th., whites, and BO pointed time, except Globe-Democrat. of the Congo basin who are the bushmen Bacteria on Bank Notes.
man throughout the colony went to Held In which he must recognize
the hanil of and their relatives of South Africa. Some singular facts concerning the
or church without his arm-!. <; id. Pure Nickel Currency. Some time ago Mr. Haliburton reported danger of infection by paper money have
Similar groups, similarly accoutred, His hearers understood this as well a the discovery of dwarfs amoug the Atlas been educed by a bacteriological analysis
paced solemnly alonir. toward the rude if he had declared his détermination i It is probable that the Austro-Hua- Mountains of Morocco, but the reports of the bank notes ofjthe Spanish Bank
sanctuary upon the hill, until Aimer, so many words. They did their part b garian Government will The adopt pure about these alleged pigmies are not yet of Havana in general circulation. At-
seeing that all Huddersfield had pa3se«l, listening with steady attention. nickel for its currency. alloyed sufficiently authenticated to be accepted I tention was drawn to the subject by the
ielt that he was safe.for the present. Agaifl the cries grew louder am coin generally used, containing only as fact. lact that circulation increased the weight
and lay down upon the soft hay to pre¬ arrow flights thicker. The guns re twenty-five percent, of nickel, combined Among all these widely separated of the notes in consequenceTheol examina¬ their ac-
time the attack was no with seventy-rive per cent, of copper,
pare for the sound nap he had so louge 1 plied, but this possesses, it is considered, numerous dis¬
dwarf tribes exist resemblances so strik¬ qnlriag foreign matter. notes in u«e
for. repulsed. A ponderous thumping on th advantages, while the favorable points ing that these little peoples are now tion made showed on the
liclow old Fly, the farm horse, stamped door, which shook the whole building believed to be the branches of the same for some time a considerable number of
and munched; without, the hens crowed told that some kind of battering-ram ws of the pure nickel piece are that, not- great family that by otie cause or another microbes, and on some notes as n;I
it c"n easily
in the sunshine, with a drowsy note that aplojed to break it down, i withstanding its hardness,quality of ex¬ wai separated perhaps centuries ago, 10,000 microbes were detected. Eight
should have been favorable enough for fe v more such shocks ami the door mus be coined, that it has the by wear and until to-day its parts are divided by pathogenic species were encountered,
slumber. But between his guilty con¬ fall. traordinary durability, loss
hundreds ot tnilc3 of territory iu which including those of diptheria aud tuber-
sciousness of what he had doue and his Only Binpincb or two more of sand re tear being reduced to a minimum; that uo dwarfs are found. They are all mi¬ ! culosis. The result of the examination
dread of Deacon Amos would do, Abner the hour glass- Still it wa it is preserved clean in circulation and gratory, never remaining long in one was that a general warning was
could not manage to go to sleep. not quite empty and Parson Pladle; that no oxidization worth mentioning place, though they do not often wander to the public against thi«bank active source
He bei;un to wish himself upon that preached on. sets in..Iron Age. far out ot their own district. Although of danger. The OSS of notes is at
Crashl The door was crow half oil it til of them arc savages of the very low¬ all times atteud«'<l with a certain degrés
backlcs« plank bench, even if the sermon I'd be It's the "State of Mninc."
were to last all day, yet a tardy arrival hinges. The
örearm men est typo, their cunning and skill as hun¬ of risk, and especially in Havana, where
would be nearly as great offence as not bind to it and deliverd a
1 for a minute to clear the p I
volley that ap Why do the people of our most North¬
western States always talk or" the State
ters aro most remarkable. They live children have the habit of carrying paper
come at all; and he ha«i not the courage among tribes of ordinary stature whom money in their mouth, and aro thus very
to meet the public reproof which There was jet some sand in the hour of Main«! instead of «imply using the one they supply with dried meat and fishand in liable to swallow the germs of some mor¬
Pladley might administer, that or to hasten The parson's lips could be seer word "Maine?" The explanation is as exchange for vegetable food, knives, tal disease..Courier-Journal.«Uj
the private chastisement Deacon to move, though his voice was no follows: Up to the year 1820 this por¬ other articles. They intermarry only to ¦

Amos would surely inflict. heard. tion of the country was politically at¬ a small extent with their larger neigh¬
Named From Men.
The time went on. The old I A renewed yell and the crashing blow; tached to the State of Massachusetts anil bors, and as a tule arc very shy inwhich their Appended is a list of technical terra«!,
was still now; the hens uttered only an once more beat upon
the door. No shot! was known as the "District of Maine." intercourse with other peoples, common nouns, derived from the names
occasional croak. From the far distance (¦red this time, for the muskets wen After it was incorporated into a State accounts for the fragmentary information of scientific men. I shall be glad to have
the preacher's voice came down on the empty. and admitted into the Uniou the pcoplo we at present possess about them. ommissions pointed out.
warm breeze in a softened murmur. An arrow whistled across the churen from long habit continued to place th< Beards are developed among them more Ampere, coulomb, daguerreotype,
Abner was dozing. and stuck quivering in the front of the preposition "of" before the word largely than among other African tribes. davy, farad, galvanism, hessian, jaco*
What was that? He heard a sound pulpit. Around the edges of the shat- "Maine," and the custom has been con¬ All of them excel their larger neighbors bian, joule, kyanisra, liebcrkuhu, moo*
that wakened him quite, and he sprang tired door inhatchets and club» were tinued to the present time..Boston in dexterity as archers, in nimbleness, criefliau, nonius, oersted, ohm, orr«v/y,
up to listen. brandished the faces of the «lefend- Globe. and in ingenious devicca for catching pfaffiao, talbotype, vernier, volt, watt«
Nothing behind the barn.noth¬ buttsvho
slight swishing soun 1 dashed them aside with tho game. Every schoolboy has seenthem¬ pic¬ weber, wronskian..»Notes and Queries.
but a
of their The women began The street surface roads of New York
in the tall grass J guns. carried 22(5,650,613 passenger: tures of native Africans disguising
fox City selves in ostrich skins to get within bow Girls over twelve can make valid wills
ing but that. It was probably some to screa-m.
The last sand ran out of the hour-glass. during the year S091, a daily average shot oí these shy birds. It i* only tho under the laws of Scotland.
or polecat on the watch to suatch s
chicken. Abner peered out through a IB Pladley bowed his head and said, of 629,157.

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