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“Vaccine” Notice of Liability:

VaxPass: Business Violations of Customers

How to Serve the Notice of Liability

• Print two copies of the Notice of Liability.
• Fill in the name of the person you are serving it to in the space provided at the top of the first
page - on both copies.
• Sign your name and fill in the date in the space provided on the last page - on both copies.
• Keep one copy of the Notice for your records.
• Give the second copy to the person you are serving it to. If they choose not to accept it, then
leave it on the floor at their feet.
• If you are serving the Notice in person, be sure to video record yourself serving it (or audio
record if video is not possible).
• If sending by mail, you must use registered mail as that provides proof of delivery.

Keep all information (eg. Liability Notice copy, video, mailing proof etc.) in a safe place for future use.

NOTE: You do not need a lawyer to serve a Notice of Liability and you do not need consent, or the signature
of the person you are serving it to.

Disclaimer: Action4Canada accepts no responsibility or liability for any harms or losses that occur as result of serving a
notice of liability. If you do not agree to these terms, then please do not use this notice. We do not make any
representations or warranties about the potential consequences of serving a Notice of Liability. This information is not
intended as legal or health advice.

Source: © 2021 All Rights Reserved Rev. November 10th, 2021
VaxPass: Business Violations of Customers

Attn: Business Owner/Franchise/Supervisor/Manager/Staff Member/

Security Guard/Boarding Facility Operator, Etc.


This is your official and personal Notice of Liability.

According to top constitutional lawyer, Rocco Galati, “both government and private businesses cannot impose
mandatory vaccinations…”

I have the right to life, liberty, and security of the person, including the right to access services without discrimination
or hardship. Your unlawful actions are in direct violation of the Canadian Constitution, the Coronation Oath, the
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Bill of Rights, the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights. There are no provisions in any orders of any health minister, doctor, or provincial legislation, that can,
nor pretend that any measures can, override Charter or other pre-Charter constitutional rights.

Even if the Federal Government had invoked the Federal Emergencies Act, which it has not, that Act states:

AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights
thatare not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency.

Vaccination is voluntary in Canada1. Even if the government attempts to mandate it, there is no law, nor can there
be, as it is a violation of Human Rights and International Agreements. Businesses are infringing on human rights and
putting themselves personally at risk of a civil lawsuit for damages, and potential imprisonment, by attempting to
impose ANY vaccine including the COVID-19 experimental injections on patrons in exchange for services.

Canadian Human Rights Act2

Discriminatory Practices
Denial of good, service, facility or accommodation

5 It is a discriminatory practice in the provision of goods, services, facilities or accommodation customarily

available to the general public
(a) to deny, or to deny access to, any such good, service, facility or accommodation to any individual, or
(b) to differentiate adversely in relation to any individual, on a prohibited ground of discrimination.

Be advised that businesses, whether private, public, or membership based, are operating under a business licence
which is an open invitation to the public. Denying service would be violating the terms of that business licence. The
“no shirt, no shoes” argument does not apply in this instance as it is not comparable to enforcing compliance to a
“vaccine” which is a medical intervention.

You are unlawfully practicing medicine by facilitating, enforcing, incentivising, and using coercion to insist patrons
submit to ANY vaccine including the experimental gene therapy injections for COVID-19, commonly referred to as


Source: © 2021 All Rights Reserved Rev. November 10th, 2021 1
Canadian law has long recognized that individuals have the right to control what happens to their bodies.

The citizens of Canada are protected under the medical and legal ethics of express informed consent, and are entitled
to the full protections guaranteed under:
• Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms3 (1982) Section 2a, 2b, 7, 8, 9, 15.
• Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights4 (2005)
• Nuremberg Code5 (1947)
• Helsinki Declaration6 (1964, Revised 2013) Article 25, 26

Citizens are under no moral or legal obligation to comply with any Orders to subject themselves to an experimental
treatment. Neither you, your staff, or contracted security have been directly deputized by the government to enforce
their unlawful orders. The government is using threats of fines or to revoke business/liquor licences, to force business
owners to comply.
Your participation in enforcing the unlawful acts of the government makes you complicit and therefore,
personally liable. The Nuremberg trials are evidence that, “I was just following orders” was not an acceptable
defence and will not exonerate you from responsibility.

Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 19827, clearly states that any law that is inconsistent with the Constitution is of
no force and effect. Therefore, any measures taken by you to compel compliance by means of:
• refusal of service
• instigating confrontation
• threats to remove me
• harassment in an attempt to demean, humiliate, or coerce
• revoking membership

may be met with a personal human rights complaint, civil litigation, and/or potential criminal charges against you.
It is recommended that you advise government officials that you will not be forced to comply with orders that are in
blatant violation of individual guaranteed Human Rights, the Constitution, the Criminal Code, and International
Agreements, as this opens you up to not only personal/civil litigation but also damages.
I, therefore, demand you cease and desist and provide me with service. You are officially on Notice.

Signed: Print Name:


Business Owners:
If you need support in standing up against the government, email: [email protected]
subject line: Business Support Team, for assistance.
For information on how to protect your business visit:


Source: © 2021 All Rights Reserved Rev. November 10th, 2021 2

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