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Introduction to Spells/Rituals
A Spell is an action that elicits an outcome or a change. A Ritual is an action performed with an
intention. But a Spell also needs intention to work, and a Ritual can also elicit an outcome or a change. It
is for this reason that both the terms, Spells and Rituals are used interchangeably. Many Rituals contain
a Spell as the central working, but all Rituals need not contain a Spell. Ritual is a structured action with a
defined intention, and can be complex or simple, lengthy or short. A Spell directs energy towards a goal,
much like a prayer, but is usually accompanied by an explicit action, like lighting a candle, burning a sigil,
or some other physical representation that acts as a focus for the Spell. It is in this way that one can
include a Spell at the heart of a Ritual.

A Spell is less formal, usually cast for a specific purpose or need, for a specified length of time. The
energies are raised and then released so they bounce back to activate the purpose of the Spell. In
contrast, a Ritual is based on a more general or long-lasting focus. Rituals may be carried out at specified
times, and follow a more structured format. A Spell builds up to a climax to release energy, while Ritual
releases energy more evenly throughout the weeks and months ahead. Spells are temporary measures,
and performing a Ritual around a Spell makes it more profound and the resulting outcome more long-

Rituals are based on the tapestry of the interconnectivity between us and the natural world. It is a
threefold process.

1. Desire (Intention)
Our desires are mere intentions until we put them into action. An intention is nothing but a thought or
an idea about what we want/seek.

2. Feeling (Pathworking/Meditation/Visualization)
Once we are clear about what we desire, we align ourselves to that thought/idea. We do so by
visualizing which is all about imagining that we are already experiencing our desires being met.

3. Action (Ritual/Spell)
Acting on our desires, makes our wants clearly known to the Universe. It gives our intention a definitive
form and structure. As we live in a three-dimensional world, actions set the ball rolling in the physical

Tarot is a perfect tool that can be used for Divination. It is metaphysical in nature, and deeply rooted in
the human consciousness. The archetypes and symbols used in Tarot are deeply embedded in our
psyche. Tarot connects us to our subconscious mind, which is a field of infinite possibilities, which
unlocks our potency to create what we desire.

Tarot Spells/Rituals are templates/formats. They are not written in stone, and each one of us can create
something unique to our belief system, and our understanding of the interpretations of the 78 Tarot
cards. Each one of you is invited to change the Tarot Rituals discussed in the workshop, to suit your
needs – whether it’s the choice of appropriate card/s or other ingredients. Feel free to omit that which
doesn’t resonate with you, and to add anything you feel fits your requirement.


Cautionary Note:
1.Tarot Rituals are not a substitute for professional medical advice/treatment, legal advice, or financial

2.They are not a shortcut or a quick-fix. You need to work to back up your Spell/Ritual and set things in

3.Refrain from casting a negative Spell, or using Rituals to cause harm. Karma remembers, and you will
surely have to pay a hefty price for such actions.

Pathworking, Meditation and Visualization

Pathworking, Meditation and/or Visualization are an integral part of every Tarot ritual. These terms are
often used interchangeably; but there are differences between these practices. Pathworking works
great with Tarot Rituals that require you to imbibe or draw from the energy of the card, or to perform
specific action to achieve your desire – Six of Swords card to release pain and guilt from the past. When
the outcome of a Tarot Ritual is something intangible, then Meditation works well – Strength card to
find courage and power. With Tarot Rituals that have a tangible outcome, visualization is a good choice
to go with – Four of Wands and Ace of Pentacles cards for a new house. If you are using more than one
Tarot card in your Ritual, you may use a suitable combination of all the above.



Pathworking is a Kabbalistic concept that is similar to the process of a journey. It is akin to ‘guided
imagery’, and relates to adventures of the inner landscape, and is deeply nourishing. Pathworking with
Tarot is an astonishing practice. It is the process of entering a Tarot card and interacting with the
symbols and the characters within it. With the right Tarot deck, you can easily step into the landscape of
a particular card and explore it deeply. Pathworking is a powerful way to visualize your goals, and plot
your course from where you are to where you want to be. This technique gives you a way to actively
interact with the Universe and co-create your life. The process also cultivates spiritual development, and
opens our psychic senses. This practice in turn, develops a deeper and more personal understanding of
the card and the meanings associated with that card, thereby making it easy to draw from the energy of
the card to assist in the process of manifesting the purpose of a Tarot Ritual

Sample for Pathworking

1.Sit or lie down comfortably. If you do have a tendency to fall asleep easily, choose to sit down. It is
best to do this sort of work at least an hour after a meal, because a full stomach may encourage sleep,
and tends to discourage astral vision. One the other hand, being hungry can be a distraction as well. Plan
to have a snack available after you are done; it will help ground you.

2.Use the bathroom if required. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. Take off your shoes. Most
importantly, put aside all worries and mental distractions. Keep writing materials handy, to note down
your experiences and messages if you receive any.

3.Place your chosen card on the altar. With your eyes closed, project yourself into the landscape of the
card and imbibe everything that it has to offer. For example, if you are performing a Tarot Ritual to
strengthen your work ethic, place the Eight of Pentacles on your altar. Imagine yourself bent over the
work bench, hammer in hand striking the metal of the pentacles to design them perfectly. Imagine the
sounds and sensations you would experience when your tool strikes the metal, the sweat on your brow,
and the callus on your palms. As you watch the completed pentacle, imagine breathing deeply with
exhaustion and pride. In this way, internalize the effort before you actually begin with your project, and
this will help you to push through when things will become challenging and when obstacles arise.

4. Relax and allow your breath to return to normal, imbibing the energy of the card while doing so.


Meditation is more about feeling (and following the feeling), in unraveling the sensation to a point of
mental clarity. Meditation offers a way to go even deeper into the meaning and symbolism of each Tarot
card as it allows us to bypass the conscious mind and dive into the subconscious mind. During
meditation our mind relaxes, we let go the continuous thoughts that raid our minds, and the pathway to
our subconscious mind opens up which helps us to tap into a higher level of knowledge and insight. Our
intuition gets sharpened and this helps us to understand the scope of the situation at hand, which in
turn is very helpful while performing a Tarot Ritual.

Sample for Meditation

1.After grounding and centering yourself, light the flame of your working candle. Take a deep breath in,
and then breathe out, through your nose.

2.At this stage, if you notice any random thoughts coming into your mind, just observe them and then
imagine them floating away like clouds. Bring your attention back to your breath.

3.Now, shift your attention to your body. As you breathe in, feel a wave of relaxation entering your
body and filling you with pure energy. And as you breathe out, imagine relaxation simply flowing
through your entire body.

4.Gaze the Tarot card on the altar for about a minute or so and close your eyes. Make note of the
feelings that accompany your initial first impression of the card. Stay with that feeling for a moment.
Breathe in and out, and sit with it, allowing it to move through you.

5.When you are ready, bring your attention back into the room, taking in two deep breaths and feeling
the energy returning to your feet, your hands and your body. Open your eyes feeling refreshed and

. 6. Note down in your journal, the feelings, thoughts and other experiences you encountered during the


Visualization is about focus. It is about using your mind to create a mental image of you realizing your
goal. When the focus of a Meditation is an image, the Meditation becomes Visualization. Visualization is
more active wherein you guide the breath and mind in a specific direction for a desired result.
Visualization with Tarot cards can open new gateways to self awareness and personal transformation.
Information held in the subconscious can be accessed with visualizations based on the rich archetypal
symbolism and the imagery on the Tarot cards.

Sample for Visualization

1.After grounding and centering yourself, light the flame of your working candle. Take a deep breath in,
and then breathe out, through your nose.

2.Sit with the Tarot card that represents the goal that you are working towards, or the desire you want
to be fulfilled. Look at the card and soak in the imagery on the card. When you're ready, allow the
symbolism of the card to speak to you.

3.Write down in your journal, any messages that you feel are coming through to you in this moment
that align with your goal and the attainment of your goal. Once you feel clear on what you need to do,
write down your intention on a piece of paper. Once you have done this, you will have completed the
triangle - the Tarot card that represents your goal/desire, your journal entry, your intention which is the
result of your visualization.

4.Arrange your card, journal entry, and written intention into a triangle on a surface in front of you. In
the middle you may place a suitable crystal or any other object/s you feel reflects the nature of your
goal. This arrangement can now be used as your alter setup for the Tarot Ritual.


Choosing the Right Tarot Deck

It is recommended that you choose a Tarot Deck that you are comfortable with, and feel strongly
connected to. It is advisable not to use decks that are designed for specific purpose or only for particular
type of readings – for instance, decks created only for relationship readings, or spiritual readings. This
also means that, if you have assigned certain decks for specific type of readings, avoid using them.
Rather use a Tarot deck that you use for all type of readings. Use a deck that has imagery that activates
your psyche.
Ideally, dedicate one Tarot Deck only for the purpose of Rituals. In this way, your regular work is not
affected when your deck is being used for Rituals, especially if you need to leave your cards/s at the
altar after a Ritual, carry it with you, sleep with it, or meditate with it. If your work space is spacious, and
if you will be using just one or two cards, then you may opt for large cards. A mini version of the RWS is
also available for those with space constraints, and for Rituals that need more than just two cards.

Cleansing, Consecration and Dedication

To cleanse is to clean/clear, to consecrate is to make holy/sanctify, to dedicate is to program the deck
for a specific purpose.

The best way to cleanse a Tarot deck is by using the Element of Air or Earth. Water and Fire may cause
damage to the cards. It’s far more practical to work the realm of Air by smudging.
Smudging an object means to allow the object to pass through the smoke of herb, wood, gum, resin
etc., thereby clearing it of any unwanted energy. You can work with Sage, Palo Santo, dhoop, or any
other ingredient/s that you usually use. Choose ingredients that are easily accessible and simple to use.

Sample Ritual for Cleansing, Consecration and Dedication

1.Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, ground and centre yourself. Light a candle, an incense
stick if you choose to.

2.Light your smudge blend, whether that is a smudge stick or a loose blend burned over a lit charcoal

3.As the smoke begins to rise, honor the element of Air with a small prayer of your choosing – words of
gratitude are good enough.

4. Smudge your Tarot deck. You can do this one card at a time or the entire deck at once.
5.Once you have smudged your deck, place both hands over it, and speak a dedication/prayer to imbue
your deck with purpose and meaning, and assist you to deepen your bond with it.


The Role of Four Suits of Tarot in Rituals

The four Suits of the Tarot represent an Element as well as a direction. This information can be useful
when it comes to choosing Tarot card/s for Rituals, and for choosing the direction in which you need to
set up the altar.

 Element – Fire
 Direction - South
 Wands represent the world of the Spirit and the realm of pure ideas. Wands have everything to
do with motivation, inspiration, action and passion.

 Element – Earth
 Direction – North
 Pentacles have to do with all matters of health and well-being in the material world. They
represent money, career, property and health.

 Element – Air
 Direction - East
 Mental and psychological activity is shown in Swords, including communication issues and
conflict resolution. It emphasizes the decision-making process

 Element - Water
 Direction – West
 Cups dwell in the realm of creativity and emotional depth. The subconscious mind and hidden
wisdom are represented here. Cups also represent emotions, love, joy, intuition and empathy.


Choosing the right Tarot card/s for a Ritual

It is important to choose the right Tarot card/s for performing a Tarot Ritual. Tarot cards do have standard
interpretations, yet we connect to each card in our own personal, unique way. Therefore, it is important
to choose cards that resonate with your situation, as well as with your understanding of the Tarot cards.
Using a Tarot spread to understand a situation and to receive guidance to resolve it, gives us a clear idea
about which cards need to be chosen. A simple three-card spread like ‘Situation-Guidance-Outcome’ gives
sufficient information. Sometimes, situations that apparently look alike may require different Tarot cards.
For example if a person seeks a promotion for fame and power, the King of Wands may be used, but for
someone looking only for material gain, the King of Pentacles may be a more suitable choice. This is the
very reason why personalizing Tarot Rituals is a very important aspect that cannot be overlooked.

Based on the Suits of the Tarot the following can be used for Rituals.

 Wands - action, inspiration, passion, hobbies

 Swords – intelligence, ideas, communication, vision
 Cups - love, empathy, intuition, joy, creativity
 Pentacles - money, career, home, property, body/health
 Aces are like seed and can be used in Rituals that require new beginnings and fresh energy.

Major Arcana cards are powerful, and their contribution in a Ritual is invaluable.
1. The Fool: to experience wonder, new beginnings
2. The Magician: to increase personal power
3. The High Priestess: to develop intuition
4. The Empress: pregnancy, abundance
5. The Emperor: to bring order and structure, to develop leadership
6. The Hierophant: to find a guide or mentor
7. The Lovers: for love and marriage
8. The Chariot: to gain control, to gain clarity, to reinforce goals
9. Strength: to enhance inner strength, to deal with a difficult situation
10. The Hermit: for self understanding, introspection, learning about human psychology
11. The Wheel of Fortune: to bring radical change, to turn a situation in your favour
12. Justice: to bring a successful conclusion to any legal matter, to bring fairness to an unfair situation
13. Hanged Man: to slow down fast moving events, to gain more time


14. Death: to bring an unwanted situation to a close

15. Temperance: to calm a disagreement, to find balance, to restore good habits.
16. The Devil: use reversed to break a habit, end an addiction, end unhealthy relationship
17. The Tower: use reversed to come out of a crisis situation
18. The Star: to promote love in families, to bring hope, peace and serenity
19. The Moon: to increase psychic powers, to enhance intuitive abilities
20. The Sun: to attract life improvement, to heal, to bring happiness and contentment
21. Judgment: to discover your calling, to find your life path
22. The World: to bring opportunity, for a fresh start

Court Cards can represent actual people or character traits. They can be used in Tarot Rituals where
certain qualities or personality traits need to be imbibed by a person to manifest something or resolve
the situation at hand. They can also represent people in Rituals where you need someone to take action,
or bring two people together. In such cases, Astrological correspondences in terms of the Sun Sign of the
person/s can be taken into account to choose the right Court Card. The characteristics of the Court Cards
are briefly mentioned below to help make an appropriate choice.

1. Page of Wands – Young, adventurer, messenger, enthusiastic, bright, active

2. Knight of Wands - Entrepreneur, temperamental, unreliable
3. Queen of Wands - Independent, vivacious, passionate, fun-loving, career-minded
4. King of Wands – Leader, strong, charismatic, believable
5. Page of Cups – Connected to feeling, emotional, gentle child, artistic, easy-going
6. Knight of Cups - Lover, romancer, self-absorbed, attracted by the superficial
7. Queen of Cups - Intuitive, empathic, emotional, creative, nurturing
8. King of Cups - Introvert, kind, generous, emotionally balanced
9. Page of Swords - Carrier of messages and ideas, inventor, inquisitive, thinke
10. r Knight of Swords – Justice seeker, warrior, spirited, clever, witty, snarky
11. Queen of Swords - Truth-seeker, sharp, focused, honest, indecisive
12. King of Swords - Intellectual, professional, excellent communicator
13. Page of Pentacles - Student, rational, logical, pays attention to details
14. Knight of Pentacles - Trustworthy, loyal, hard working, dedicated, peaceful
15. Queen of Pentacles - Practical, pragmatic, home-loving, sensible, frugal
16. King of Pentacles – Businessman, leader, self-made, enjoys luxury, family oriented


Some suggestions for choosing the right Tarot Cards for Tarot Rituals

1. To attract love: Ace of Cups, Two of Cups, Lovers

2. To get a new job: Ace of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles, Magician

3. To take your career to the next level: Eight of Pentacles, Six of Wands

4. To get a promotion: Three of Pentacles, Six of Wands

5. To receive a windfall: Ace of Pentacles, Wheel of Fortune

6. To make friends: Three of Cups

7. To improve mental health: Page of Swords, Ace of Swords, Six of Swords

8. To heal an illness: Queen of Cups, Two of Pentacles

9. To relieve a long-term condition: The Sun

10. To develop psychic abilities: The High Priestess, Two of Swords, The Moon
11. To pass an exam: Ace of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles, Six of wands

12. To find a new home: Ace of Pentacles, Four of Wands

13. To have a child: The Empress, Queen of Pentacles, Ace of Wands, Six of Cups

14. To get married: The Hierophant, Four of Wands, Ten of Cups

15. To bring peace to a home: The Star, Temperance


Some additional Tarot card combinations that can be used for Tarot Rituals

1. Action/to set things in motion: The Chariot, Ace of Wands, Eight of Wands

2. To overcome a bad habit: Strength, Temperance, Judgement, The World

3. For inspiration, ideas and creativity: The Magician, The Moon, The Star

4. New business/project success: The Magician, The Sun, Ace of Wands

5. Business prosperity: Three of Wands, The Sun, Ace of Pentacles

6. To bring about change: Wheel of Fortune, The Magician, Eight of Wands, Judgement

7. Fertility: The Sun, Ten of Cups, Ace of Wands

8. For success: The Chariot, Six of Wands, Five of Wands

9. For courage: The Star, Strength, The Chariot

10. To help with a decision: Justice, The Hermit, The Star, The Lovers

11. For dream work: The Star, The Moon, Ace of Cups, High Priestess

12. Happiness and positive energy: The Sun, The World, Ace of Cups

13. To release guilt and pain: The Moon, Judgement, The World

14. For binding spells: Temperance, Two of Swords, Eight of Swords, Hanged Man

15. Healing and good health: Strength, The World, The Magician, The Sun, The Star, Three of Cups
16. For employment: Eight of Pentacles, The Emperor, Judgement, Page of Wands

17. For knowledge: The Hermit, High Priestess, The Moon

18. For love: The Lovers, Knight of Cups, The Star

19. Luck: The World, The Star, Wheel of Fortune

20.Prosperity and money: Ten of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, Six of Pentacles, Ace
of Pentacles

21. Overcoming obstacles: Two of Cups, The Chariot, Strength

22. For protection: The Star, The Chariot, Temperance, Four of Wands
23.Self-improvement and transformation: Temperance, The World, Judgement, The Magician,
Strength, High Priestess, The Chariot

24. Stress relief: Hanged Man, Ace of Cups, Temperance, Four of Cups


Sacred Space
Creating your sacred space helps to align focus. Such a sacred space is the representation of sacred
space within us. It separates the routine from the spiritual, and allows us to express ourselves with
authenticity. It helps you to connect to the Divine, and the sacred energies that are present within that
space, to watch over you, guide you, and inspire you. Try and include something that belongs to the four
sacred elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water, in your sacred space/work space.

Earth – crystals, stones, salt

Air – incense sticks, feathers

Fire – candle, lamp

Water – a glass of water

Some things to consider when assembling your Ritual Tarot space are as follows:

 a small table/or part of a large table

 Spread cloth
 Tarot deck
 journal
 pen
 a candle, ideally a white one, choose pillar candles over taper candles
 smudging ingredients
 incense sticks
 charcoal discs, if you are burning herbs in a cauldron
 cauldron, if you are using charcoal for smudging
 elemental representations
 additional items of your choice, like flowers, images of Deities/Archangels, your favorite crystals


Tarot Rituals and Candles

Candles are the most commonly used and easily available items that can be used during Tarot Rituals. It
is recommended but not mandatory, to anoint the candles with oil, and you can use simple Olive oil or
specific essential oils to dress the candle and increase their effectiveness. You need to completely focus
on the intention while rubbing the oil on the wax of the candle. If you want to invite something in your
life, rub the oil on the candle in a downward motion from the top to the middle, and then from the
bottom to the middle. To banish/remove something away from your life, rub the oil from the middle of
the candle out to the ends. Dab the remaining oil from your fingers onto your third eye and on your
breast bone. Then say a small prayer. Additionally, you can write names, dates, birthdates and certain
symbols on the candle to reaffirm one’s intentions. The same principle as dressing the candle is used - to
invite something into your life, write from the top to the middle, and then from the bottom to the
middle; and to banish/remove something away from your life, write from the middle to the ends. You
can use an Athame, a straight pin or knife for inscribing.

One can choose the colour of the candle based upon the intention or purpose of the Tarot Ritual. If
coloured candles are not available, a white candle works just as well, as long as you set your intention in
a very clear manner.

1.Red: to maintain health, increase strength, promote passion, to employ defensive magic, sex, vitality,

2. Pink: to promote self-love, spells for weddings and emotional unions, relaxation, love, and friendship
3. Orange: joy, energy, education, strength attraction, stimulation
4.Yellow: to heighten visualization abilities, intelligence, confidence, eloquence, confidence, bringing
plans into action, creativity, mental clarity, clairvoyance.

5. Green: money and prosperity, in spells for fertility, healing, growth, abundance

6. Blue: spells to affect sleep, to awaken the psychic mind.

7.Purple: to enhance spiritual activities, for wisdom, increase your magical powers, in combination with
blue candles, they can be used in healing rituals

8.White: protection and purification, white candles contain all colors and are used for positive purposes,
destruction of negative energy, peace, truth

9. Black: absorb negativity, to absorb illness or stop bad habits

10. Brown: in combination with other candles when spells invoke animals

11. Silver – to enhance feminine energy, remove negativity, psychic development

12. Gold – to enhance masculine energy, solar energy, fortune, victory, confidence, spiritual attainment

13. Grey – to neutralize negative influences, protection, stabilization of energy


Tarot Rituals and Crystals

Though it’s not necessary, one can make use of suitable crystals in their Tarot Rituals. One can find
thousands of crystals in nature, but it helps to have a small selection that you resonate with, ideally at
least one of each colour. Crystals have to be rinsed in water to which sea salt has been added, smudged,
and charged in sunlight or moonlight. They also have to be programmed for a specific intention or
purpose, which can be easily done by holding the crystal in your hand while meditating. The best way to
incorporate crystals in a tarot Ritual is to hold them in your palms when you engage in Pathworking,
Meditation and/or Visualization. The crystals can then be left on the altar, or even carried with you in
your bag or purse once you disengage the altar.

Some of the crystals that can be used during Tarot Rituals are as follows.
1.Agate: restoring of energy and healing, enhancing creativity and intellect, a grounding stone used in
spells of protection for children

2. Amber: provides a calming energy to spells, draws out negativity, used to release physical pain.
3.Amethyst: to calm and sooth ailments, controlling harmful behaviors, scrying work – as it helps with
psychic awareness

4.Citrine: cleanses negative energy, provides focus and mental stimulation, used in spells for jobs,
business, it promotes honesty and communication

5. Emerald: enhancing creativity and imagination, spells for love, fertility, domestic matters, prosperity.

6. Hematite: provides protection, grounding, balancing body, mind, and spirit

7. Jade: helps with dream interpretations, brings confidence, and self-sufficiency

8. Jasper: Red Jasper for protection, yellow to clear the mind, and brown for concentration and grounding.
9.Moonstone: brings out the feminine aspects of the owner, bring calmness, awareness, brings

10. Obsidian: grounding, protection, and clarity

11. Onyx: dispel negativity, help with making good decisions, and encourage happiness and fortune
12.Clear Quartz: to clear the mind, amplify the properties of other crystals, logic, healing, to create a safe
space for medication.

13. Rose Quartz: protection, opens imagination, promotes love and happiness

. 14. Blue Quartz: concentration – great for students

15. Selenite: provides clarity of the mind, expands ones awareness of the self, helps to accesses higher
guidance from Spirit Guides.


Herbs and Tarot Rituals

Herbs are magical in the sense that they help in expanding spirituality, and also help in practical things
like creating more success and prosperity, and protection from negative influences. There are a various
ways in which herbs are included in a Ritual. Sometimes they are burned on charcoal discs in a cauldron,
or ingested in the form of tea. Olive oil (or any other suitable oil) is infused with different herbs, and this
oil is used for application to the body, and to anoint the candles used in Rituals

Here’s a list of some herbs and their uses.

1. Agrimony –healing, restoration, protection

2. Alfalfa – good fortune, money, healing cleansing

3. Angelica – warding and banishing, summoning Angels, strength

4. Astragalus - vital energy, protection (shielding), promoting health, mental clarity, concentration

5. Basil - blessings, love, money, happiness

6. Bay Leaf – confers wisdom, strength, visions

7. Bearberry – psychic awareness, dreams, courage, smudging

8. Birch Bark – new beginnings, psychic protection, strength, devotion

9. Blessed Thistle – consecration, protection, healing, cleansing by fire

10. Blue Sage – smudging, meditation, relaxation, ancestral wisdom, peace

11. Blue Vervain –love, advancement, astral travel, initiation

12. Burdock Root – warding, cleansing, uncrossing

13. Calendula – solar rites, divination, remembrance, honoring the dead

14. Catnip – love-drawing, relaxation, trance work

15. Cedar – ancient wisdom, protection, maturity, strength, power

16. Cinnamon – passion, shielding, quick success, spirit evocation

17. Cinquefoil (Five Finger Grass) – for the five blessings: health, money, love, power, and wisdom

18. Coltsfoot – divination, visions, love, healing

19.Comfrey – healing, restoration, lucky herb of travelers 20. Damiana – sexual love, psychic abilities,
energy work, spirit quests


21. Dandelion – wishes, divination, calling spirits, charisma, success

22. Devil's Claw - protection, exorcism, banishing spells, keeping away evil, confounding enemies

23. Dill - sexual love, luck, protection against disease

24. Elderberry – hidden wisdom, banishing

25. Eucalyptus – cleansing, healing, ritual baths

26. Fennel Seed – psychic protection, confidence, adaptability

27. Galangal – strength, power, victory, luck, hex-breaking, male potency

28. Ginger –passion, success, personal power

29. Hawthorn Berry – fidelity, shielding, clarity, ancestral healing

30. Hibiscus – love, passion, independence, confidence

31. Horehound – mental clarity, dispelling illusion, quick action, healing

32. Hyssop – purification, innocence, blessings, sacred baths and washes

33. Irish Moss – financial luck, safety during travel

34. Jasmine – love, dreams, divination, sensuality, luxury, kindness

35. Juniper Berry – good luck, prosperity, masculine energy, protection at home

36. Juniper Leaf – purification, protection, bringing luck, exposing truth

37. Lavender – love, attraction, purification, relaxation, restful sleep

38. Lemon Balm – tranquility, attraction, fidelity, teamwork, harmonious home

39. Lemon Peel – cleansing, purifying, boosting energy, sweetness, charm

40. Licorice Root – domination, advantage over others, passion, power, persuasion
41. Lobelia – spirit communication, love, trance, blessings

42. Mandrake –love, protection, reverse curses

43. Marjoram - protection, married love, calming the mind, easing grief

44. Marshmallow Root – love, psychic powers, protection

45. Meadowsweet – sacred

46. Mistletoe – good luck, love, money

47. Mugwort – scrying, divination, psychic ability, lucid dreaming

48. Mullein – protection, illumination, courage


49. Nettle – courage, consecration, protection, healing, deterring evil

50. Orange Peel – uplifting and centering, joy, blessings, good luck

51. Orris Root –love, persuasion, popularity, charisma, success

52. Patchouli – love, sex, attraction, fertility

53. Pennyroyal – calmness, endurance, patience, dispelling anger, warding

54. Peppermint – healing, purification, psychic awareness, love, energy

55. Pine - persistence, moderation, prosperity, good health

56. Raspberry Leaf – love, enjoyment, divination

57. Red Sandalwood –meditation, healing, trance work

58. Rose – love, beauty, harmony

59. Rosemary – cleansing, purification, vitality, wisdom, protection

60. Rue – warding, exorcism, cleansing, protection

61. Spearmint – love, psychic ability, cleansing, renewal, house blessing

62. Star Anise – clairvoyance, good luck, psychic dreams, travels

63. Thyme - beauty, strength, courage

64. Valerian – warding, reversing harmful spells, transmuting negativity

65. Vervain –wisdom, healing, intuition

66. White Sage – cleansing, house blessing, meditation, healing

67. White Willow Bark – solace, wisdom, long-lasting love, divination

68. Wild Lettuce – visions, trance, dreams, peaceful sleep

69. Witch Hazel – comfort and healing, wisdom, protection, soothing of anger

70. Wood Betony – reverse bad luck, remove anxiety and despair

71. Wormwood – psychic vision, reverse hexes and curses

72. Yarrow –courage, divination, good fortune


Here’s a list of Essential Oils and their uses.

1. Anise Oil: increase clairvoyance, purification, protection

2. Benzoin Oil: purification, prosperity add benzoin to any oil blend as it acts like a preservative

3. Camphor Oil: divination, prophetic dreams, psychic awareness, banish ill health

4. Cinnamon Oil: astral projection, prosperity, riches and lust potions

5. Civit Oil: attract love, return a lost lover.

6. Clary Sage Oil: protection, cleansing from negativity, banishing rituals, to remove bad spirits

7. Clove Oil: banishing rituals, to enhance wisdom, ward of negative thoughts, inspiration

8. Dragon’s Blood Oil: love attraction potions, exorcism, protection rituals

9. Eucalyptus Oil: purification, healing

10. Frankincense Oil: spirituality, exorcism, purification, luck and protection rituals

11. Geranium Oil: to break hexes uplifting of burdened souls

12. Ginger Oil: success, success of love, prosperity

13. Jasmine Oil: love, money spells, dreams, to hold attraction.

14. Lavender Oil: cleansing, healing, love

15. Lemongrass Oil: improves psychic ability, mental clarity

16. Lime Oil: to increase energy, fidelity, loyalty, to keep a relationship faithful
17. Lotus Oil: elevating physical awareness, protection, cleansing

18. Orange Oil: attract male companion, peace, personal power, luck

19. Patchouli Oil: mastering skills, growth, love, physical attraction

20. Peppermint Oil: energy, mental stimulation, enhances vitality

21. Pine Oil: grounding, strengthening, cleansing

22. Rue Oil: protection from hexes, jinxes, blocks powerful psychic attacks 2

3. Sandalwood Oil: spirituality, self healing, healing rituals to banish illness, to ward off disease

24. Vanilla Oil: mental powers, sexual prowess, personal power

25. Ylang-Ylang Oil: peace, love and sex spells


Tarot Rituals and Moon Phases

When it comes to Tarot Rituals and the Moon phases, the approach can be simple or as complicated as
you want to make them. If you have an in-depth understanding of Astrology, then your approach can be
more advanced. For others, to work with a more simplified approach is the way to go. However, it’s
important to note that the approach you employ will not influence the authenticity or the outcome of
your Tarot Ritual.

The Moon is considered feminine and controls water, which includes humans as our bodies are made up
of over 60% of water. The Moon is known to have the ability to enhance our psychic/intuitive faculties.
For those not comfortable with the term psychic, then perhaps you would prefer the term "intuitive".
Therefore, working in harmony with the phases of the Moon can prove most beneficial when Tarot Ritual
concerned. Choosing the right day of the week to perform a Tarot Ritual also adds value to it.

Any ritual which is aimed at increase, such as attracting love or money, should be carried out during a
waxing (growing) Moon. Anything that is aimed at decrease, such as losing weight, getting rid of disease,
or banishing something from your life is best carried out during a waning (shrinking) Moon. You can get
quite specific with Moon phases. For example, if you are starting a business, then carry out a Tarot Ritual
on New Moon, or if you want to get pregnant, then Full Moon is the best time.

The phases of the Moon are as follows:

 New Moon: great for starting projects, setting intention, planning, beginning new work
 Waxing Moon: is great for fortifying intentions, cementing manifestation, drawing opportunity
towards you, brainstorming, gathering momentum for ritual work
 Full Moon: great for all types of work, and is fantastic for fertility, drawing abundance to you,
raising energy and empowering magical workings

 Waning Moon: is great for cleanings and clearing, drawing things away from you, release,
introspection, reorganizing, de-cluttering
 Dark Moon: divination, scrying (crystal ball gazing), study and rest

The Moon is considered Dark when not a sliver of the moon can be seen by the naked eye. The New Moon
is when you can see that very first sliver with the naked eye. Some do not make this distinction, and you
are free to follow a system that you resonate with.


Weekdays and their corresponding Tarot Rituals

 Monday (The Moon): Rituals for love, fertility glamour, sleep, peace, beauty, dreams, emotions,
travel, fertility, insight, wisdom

Colours – silver, white, blue

 Tuesday (Mars): Rituals for ambition, sexual potency, protection, reversing hexes and psychic
attack, personal strength, skill, courage, victory, success, conviction

Colours – red, black, orange

 Wednesday (Mercury): Rituals for learning, luck, travel, trade, improve communication, increase
focus and alertness, prosper in business luck, gambling, fortune, chance, creativity

Colours - purple, orange

 Thursday (Jupiter): Rituals for good fortune, health, prosperity, win contracts, acquire property,
justice, protection, restoration, abundance, strength, wealth, healing

Colours – blue, purple, green

 Friday (Venus): Rituals for attracting a love interest, to bring your lover closer, friendship,
sympathy, reconciliation, self-love, birth, fertility, romance, gentleness, pregnancy, passion

Colours – pink, aqua

 Saturday (Saturn): Rituals for binding, banishing, communicating with ancestors, contacting
spirits, cultivate patience and wisdom, recover from grief, overcome addictions, protection, sever
unhealthy bonds, wisdom, spirituality, cleansing

Colours – black, purple

 Sunday (Sun): success, promotion, fame, wealth, prosperity.

Colours – gold, yellow

** The colour guide will help to choose the right candle and crystals. **


An incantation is a set of words which are used to invoke that which is desired/or being sought. It is very
much like a hymn, a prayer, or a mantra. Using the right words and appropriate phrases gives us power
over and above our own limited field of personal action. Therefore, incantations are of great importance
while performing Spells and Rituals. The language used for writing incantations is often archaic, and makes
use of metaphors that establish symbols. However, a simple prayer that invokes a Divine Being/s of your
choice, and encompasses your intention clearly, works very well.

Incantations are to be spoken aloud, not read silently. Writing your own spell makes it personal, and it
holds a special amount of power because of the energy that you put into it. The sound of your voice
conveys the meaning of the words to the Universe, allowing your desire to begin to manifest. The words
used should be specific enough to describe your desire or goal clearly and succinctly. Using more formal
and archaic wording helps to differentiate the incantation from everyday conversation thereby making it
stand out, and puts it on another level of communication. Some prefer to keep the wording natural, as
they would usually speak, and that works too! Incantations that rhyme are great, but they work even if
they have no cadence.

The easiest way to write an incantation is to break it down into three sections; past (or issue), present (or
request) and future (intention/desired outcome). Adding something like, “May this spell work for the good
of all, harming none”, either to the beginning or the end, keeps the intent clear that the Ritual is being
done for the ultimate good and not to harm someone. "So mote it be" or "And so it shall be" are phrases
that can be used to wrap up an incantation.

Have your incantation written and available on the altar so you can refer to it as part of your preparations
for the ritual.


The breath of life

And the light of my mind

Creates an enchantment

Of protection and comfort

As the air I breathe is purified

I surround myself with an orb of gold

This golden haze Is constantly purified

And separated from any negativity

May my space be protected


Bringing it together…
Performing an effective Tarot Ritual is all about bringing together all the components mentioned herein.
Starting a Ritual by doing a Tarot reading helps you to understand the situation better, thereby helping
you with choosing the right cards. Choose a simple spread, nothing too elaborate or with too many

1.Step One: Pre-ritual Choose the right day for performing the Tarot Ritual, depending on the issue
being addressed. Bathing with water to which suitable essential oils and/or sea salt cleanses your body,
and relaxes you to get ready to perform the Tarot Ritual. Meditation, chanting, sipping some herbal tea
are some of the ways in which you can relax yourself.

2.Step Two: Set your intention Write the purpose/intention of the Tarot Ritual clearly on a piece of
paper. Also, note down the incantation you will use while performing the Ritual. This piece of paper can
be kept on the altar during the Ritual. In your journal, note down briefly the steps you will be following
during the Ritual, and the ingredients/tools you will need. Do a Tarot reading to understand the
situation for which the Tarot Ritual is being performed, and set aside the Tarot cards you choose to use
for the Ritual.

3.Step Three: Gather Your Ingredients/Tools Set up your altar with the basic items, crystals, candles, the
chosen Tarot cards and any other item that you plan to use while performing the Ritual. Inscribe the
candle/s that are being used for the Ritual with name, symbols, and anything else you deem fit. Infuse
some olive oil with the herbs and/or essential oils of your choice, and anoint the candle/s with it.

4.Step Four: Ground and Center Take a moment to gather your energies, then ground and center
yourself. Light your working candle and incense sticks. Smudge your working space, altar and all the
other items being used in the Tarot Ritual.

5.Step Five: Work the Spell Follow the steps noted in your journal and perform the Tarot Ritual. It is
recommended to include Pathworking and/or Meditation and/or Visualization as part of the process.
You may continue to do so for 21 days from the day the Ritual has been performed.

6.Step Eight: Finale Remove all traces of the process when your working is complete. Dispose of
materials (herbs, candles, etc.) using the appropriate elemental means: burning, burying in the earth,
dissolving in water, etc. Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. Express your gratitude and
appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or eat something to ground yourself.


Stepwise Instructions to perform a Tarot Ritual

A. Pre –Ritual

1. Choose the right day for performing the Tarot Ritual, depending on the issue being addressed.
2.On the chosen day, bathe with water to which suitable essential oils and/or sea salt cleanses your
body, and relax you to get ready to perform the Tarot Ritual. Meditation, chanting, sipping some herbal
tea are some of the ways in which you can relax yourself.

3.Do a Tarot reading to understand the situation for which the Tarot Ritual is being performed, and
choose the Tarot cards for the Ritual. Use the ‘Situation-GuidanceOutcome’, or any other suitable

4.In your journal, write the purpose/intention of the Tarot Ritual. Note down the Tarot cards you have
chosen for the Ritual. Write down the incantation you will use while performing the Ritual. Also, note
down briefly the steps you will be following during the Ritual, and the detailed list of ingredients/tools
you will need.

5.If you are using crystals, cleanse them with water to which sea salt has been added. Charge them in
sunlight or moonlight if possible.

6.If you are using herbs or essential oils, add them to some olive oil and set aside for anointing the


B. Setting up the Basic Altar


1. Spread the spread-cloth on the table being used for the Tarot Ritual. Place the idol/picture of the Deity,
Archangel, Ascended master or any other Divine Being/s that you connect with.

2. Place your working candle/lamp by the idol/picture.

3. At this point, you may place a crystal (Obsidian/black Tourmaline) on the altar. Charge it, and
programme it to remove all negativity from your sacred space, by holding it in between your palms, setting
the intention, and visualizing Divine Light passing through it. You can also use Clear Quartz in the same
way, by setting an intention for a successful Ritual.


4. Try and include something that belongs to the four sacred Elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water, in your
sacred space/work space, placed in the right direction.

Earth – North - crystals, stones, salt

Air – East - incense sticks, feathers

Fire – South - candle, lamp

Water – West - a glass of water

Use the candle and crystals you will be using for the Ritual to represent the Elements, inscribe and anoint
the candles, charge and programme the crystals before keeping them on the altar. If you are not using
specific candles and crystals, place your working candle/lamp in the South to represent Fire, and sea salt
in a small glass bowl in the North to represent Earth. Place incense sticks/feather in the East, and water
in the West to represent the Air and Water respectively.

5. Place flowers, additional crystals and any other adornments you wish to use in the Ritual.


C. Steps for Performing the Tarot Rituals

1. Place the chosen Tarot cards on the altar according to the setup.

2. Place the Rune/s, images of Zibu symbols, images of Reiki symbols, images of Energy Circles etc. on the


3. Take a moment to gather your energies, then ground and center yourself. Smudge your working space,
altar and all the other items being used in the Tarot Ritual.

4.Light your working candle/lamp and incense stick, then light the candle being specifically used for the

5.Follow the steps noted in your journal and perform the Tarot Ritual. It is recommended to include
Pathworking and/or Meditation and/or Visualization as part of the process. You may continue to do so for
21 days from the day the Ritual has been performed.

6.Remove all traces of the process when your working is complete. Dispose of materials (herbs, candles,
etc.) using the appropriate elemental means: burning, burying in the earth, dissolving in water, etc.

7. Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items.

8.Express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or eat something to ground


Tarot Ritual for General Protection


a.) Tarot cards

1. 1. Two of Swords
2. 2. Queen of Swords
3. 3. King of Swords
4. 4. Knight of Swords
5. 5. Ace of Swords

b.) Crystals – Hematite, Red Jasper

c.) Herbs/Essential Oils – agrimony, thistle, cedar, fennel, marjoram, lotus oil, primrose oil, lavender oil,
sandalwood oil – use what is available
d.) White Candle

e.) Algiz/Elhaz Rune

f.) Zibu symbol for Angelic protection

g.) Energy Circle/s

h.) Tarot card representing the subject (Signifactor)- you can choose the Court card based on Astrological
correspondences, or photo of the subject


Best time to perform this Ritual – Full Moon day, or the Tuesday immediately after the Full Moon

1. Place the Signifactor/photo in the centre of the altar setup, and the Two of Swords above it.
2.Place the Queen of Swords on the right, the King of Swords on the below, the Knight of Swords on the
left, and the Ace of Swords above the Signifacator card.

3. Light the white candle.

4.Mirror the posture of the person in the two of Swords, and close your eyes. Focus on yourself and know
that nothing can harm you, you are protected.

5.Open your eyes and focus on the Queen of Swords – visualize that all the new things you plan to begin
are protected. Then focus on the King – visualize that all your passion and energy is protected. Turn to
focus on the Knight of Swords – visualize that everything you manifest is protected. Finally, focus on the
Ace of Sword – visualize that it protects your truth.

6. Close your eyes, and once again visualize yourself in the position of the person in the Two of Swords.
7. Chant the following incantation.


I call upon the Divine Light, Angels and Masters.

I call upon the light within me.

I command protection and safety,

To be shielded from harm and danger, at all times.

I command all Shadows to flee,

And negativity to be dispersed into the Light.

I am protected, so is my family.

My home is protected, so is my workplace.

My path is protected, so is my journey.

So it is, and so it shall be!

8.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

9.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
You can replace the Ace of Swords with the Chariot, for protection during travel. You can replace the other
cards with the Temperance and Star for being protected by the Divine, especially while doing healing
work. If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use
print outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using.Infuse some olive oil with
the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You can use
just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.


Algiz/Elhaz Rune

Energy Circles for General Protection


Tarot Ritual for Psychic Protection


a.) Tarot cards

1. 1. The Moon
2. 2. Page of Cups
3. 3. All four Knights

b.) Crystals – Hematite, Red Jasper

c.) Herbs/Essential Oils – valerian, rosemary, nettle, mandrake, hyssop, fennel, rue oil, frankincense oil,
dragon blood’s oil, sandalwood oil – use what is available White Candle

d.) Algiz/Elhaz Rune

e.) Zibu symbol for Angelic protection

f.) Energy Circle/s


Best time to perform this Ritual – Full Moon day, or the Tuesday immediately after the Full Moon

1. Set up the Tarot cards on the altar as shown in the above image. Light the white candle.
2.Do a Pathworking exercise with the Moon card. Enter the Moon card, and see yourself basking in the
moonlight. Honour and validate your psychic abilities, and see all of your fear, confusion and doubts

3.Visualize being the Page of Cups, looking into the Cup he is holding. Imagine that the fish pokes its head
out out of the Cup and blows a bubble. Put the Cup down and visualize this bubble growing in size till it is
large enough for you to step into it. Step into the bubble. This transparent bubble protects you from all
negative thought forms, negative feelings and invasive energies.

4.Visualize each of the Knight protecting you from all the harm that comes your way from all of the four
directions their Suits represent.

5. Chant the following incantation.


Reflective bubble

Rebound and refract Deflect all energy,

Negative and malevolent

Keep me protected

Safe from all harm

Forever, this spell

Will certainly last

So mote it be!

6.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

7.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.


Tarot Ritual for Strength


a.) Tarot cards

1. Strength

2. Ace of Pentacles – North

3. Ace of Wands – South

4. Ace of Swords – East

5. Ace of Cups – West

b.) Crystals – Citrine, Amber

c.) Herbs/Essential Oils – cedar, galangal, licorice root, thyme, pine oil, vanilla oil – use what is available

d.) Red Candle

e.) Uruz Rune

f.) Zibu symbol for Angelic protection

g.) Energy Circle/s


Best time to perform this Ritual – New Moon day, or the Tuesday immediately after the New Moon
1.Set up the Tarot cards on the altar with the Strength card in the centre, as shown in the above image.
Position the Aces corresponding to the correct direction represented by their Suits. Light the red candle.

2.Do a Pathworking exercise with the Strength card. Visualize entering the Strength card, and place your
left hand on the lion’s head, and support his jaw with your right hand. Gently stroke the lion, and feel the
strength he possesses, and see how he has this strength even without having to be aggressive. Allow every
cell in your body to be filled by this strength and compassion. Honour and validate your own inner strength
and ability to be compassionate, and see all of your weakness dissipating.

3.Gaze at the Ace of Wands, close your eyes and meditate upon the card. Feel the passion and energy
supporting you. Repeat the process with the other Aces – feel the Ace of Pentacles supporting you
physically and materially, feel the Ace of Swords guarding you from harm and supporting you with clear
thinking, feel the Ace of Cups supporting you with creativity, intuition and emotional balance.

4. Chant the following incantation.

Sparks of passion


Steel of thought

Emotional poise

Resolution strong

Seeds of creativity

Power abounds

Nothing and no one

Can do me wrong

So mote it be!

5.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

6.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil with
the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You can use
just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.

Zibu Symbol for Strength


Energy Circles for Strength


Tarot Ritual for Banishing Negativity


a.) Tarot cards - The Star

b.) Crystals – Obsidian, Black Tourmaline

c.) Herbs/Essential Oils – angelica, juniper, lemon peel, frankincense, rue, rosemary, sage, clove oil, lotus
oil, primrose oil, lavender oil– use what is available
d.) Candles – Black, White Candle

e.) Hagalaz Rune

f.) Energy Circle/s Best time to perform this Ritual – Waning Moon on the Saturday

1. Light the black candle. Place the Star card in the centre of the altar.
2.Focus on the Star card for a minute or so, and then close your eyes. Visualize being engulfed by the
energy of the card. Make note that now you are feeling light and expansive. Allow the starlight forming a
protective ball of light all around you. This is your shield against all negativity.

3. Chant the following incantation.

Negative and harmful

Are forever bygone

Darkness and gloom

Replaced with light

Nights of storm

See the break of dawn

Evil rests in dirt

No longer the power


To wound and hurt

So it is, and so it shall be!

4. Light the white candle

5.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself. 6. Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of
the candle can be surrendered to flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil with
the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You can use
just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.


Energy Circles to Banish Negativty


Energy Circle to Banish Negativity from Home/Office


Tarot Ritual to Attract a Lover


i.) Tarot cards

1. 6. The Empress
2. 7. Ace of Cups
3. 8. Ace of Wands
4. 9. Tarot card representing of lover you wish to attract

j.) Crystals – Rose Quartz, Garnet, Emerald, Jade

k.) Herbs/Essential Oils – basil, dill, hibiscus, jasmine, marjoram, lavender, patchouli oil, rose oil, lavender
oil, vanilla oil – use what is available
l.) Pink and Red Candles

m.) Kenaz and Gebo Rune

n.) Energy Circle/s


Best time to perform this Ritual – New Moon day, Waxing Moon on a Friday


1. Arrange the Tarot cards as shown in the above image on the altar. Light the pink and red candles.
2.Visualize entering the Empress card and embodying the energy of the card. Imagine yourself reclining
on a couch in a meadow on a bright, sunny day. Get in touch with your inner beauty and feel your beauty
and charisma overflowing from your body. Imagine that you are collecting it in the cup in the Ace of Cups
card kept sideways. This cup now contains the power of your emotions for the person you desire.

3.Now, imagine yourself holding the wand from the Ace of Wands card kept sideways next to the Ace of
Cups. Visualize it reverberating with passion and energy, internalize them in your body and collect it in
the shape of a ball, and place it on your Sacral Chakra.

4.Finally, visualize sending all your love, beauty, passion and magnetism towards the card signifying your
love interest. Feel the creation of a bond between the two of you.

5. Close your eyes, and chant the following incantation.


O, my beloved

Come to me

Ignite your light

To see my plight

See my beauty

Feel my love

Love me more

Than anything

You’ve loved before

It is done, it is done, it is done!
6.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

7.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil with
the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You can use
just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.

Gebo Rune


Energy Circles to Attract a Lover


Tarot Ritual for Getting Married


1. a.) Tarot cards

2. 1. Two of Cups
3. 2. The Hierophant
4. 3. Four of Wands
5. 4. The Lovers
6. 5. Ten of Cups

b.) Crystals – Rose Quartz, Garnet, Emerald, Jade

c.) Herbs/Essential Oils – basil, dill, hibiscus, jasmine, marjoram, lavender, rosemary, patchouli oil, rose
oil, lavender oil, vanilla oil – use what is available

d.) Pink and Red Candles

e.) Hagalaz, Ehwaz and Gebo Rune

f.) Energy Circle/s


Best time to perform this Ritual – New Moon day, Waxing Moon on a Friday

1. Arrange the Tarot cards as shown in the above image on the altar. Light the pink and red candles.
2.Visualize yourself standing with your prospective husband holding the cups in the Two of Cups card,
and gazing into each other’s eyes. See how you are two complete individuals, and yet complement each

3.Now, visualize the Hierophant giving solidity and structure to your relationship by formalizing it with a
wedding. Walk through the celebration of the wedding in the Four of Wands card. Feel the energy of
laughter and joy filling the air.

4.The next step is to gaze at the Lovers card, and visualize the consummation of your marriage. Finally,
look into the future with the eyes of your mind within the scene on the Ten of Cups, that of a happy and
content family.

5. Close your eyes, and chant the following incantation.


Union of two souls

Life of lasting love

Blessed by Divinity above

Being together

Is work and play

Consider each other

Night and day

It is done, it is done, it is done!

6.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

7.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
This Ritual can be performed by those seeking a suitable marriage alliance, and also by those in a
relationship looking to get married. If you are already in a relationship and are looking for a commitment,
you can include pictures of both of you in the Tarot Ritual. If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki
etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can
also include the name of the subject in the Energy Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various
symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual,
and use it for anointing the candle/s. You can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.

Ehwaz Rune


Energy Circles for Getting Married


Tarot Ritual to Mend/Heal a Broken Heart


1. a.) Tarot cards

2. 1. Three of Swords
3. 2. Six of Swords
4. 3. Nine of Pentacles
5. 4. The Fool

b.) Crystals – Hematite, Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz

c.) Herbs/Essential Oils – agrimony, comfrey, marjoram, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, sandalwood oil,
lavender oil – use what is available
d.) Grey Candle

e.) Dagaz Rune

f.) Energy Circle/s


Best time to perform this Ritual – Waning Moon on a Saturday


1. Arrange the Tarot cards as shown in the above image on the altar. Light the grey candle.
2.Enter the Three of Swords card, and feel the pain moving through your entire body. Feel the emotions
flowing freely. With both your hands, remove all the three swords from your heart and place them on the
ground next to you. Let the heart float away into the Divine light.

3.Now, imagine yourself picking up your swords and stepping into the boat on the Six of Swords card –
take your life lessons with you, let that pain make you wiser. Look across the river, and push off from the
shore. Visualize yourself sailing in a new direction. Know that your path is safe and secure

4.Finally, visualize arriving on to the Nine of Pentacles card. You are healed, and a safe in a secure garden.
You are more strong and beautiful because of what you have endured.

5.Focus on the Fool card for a minute, close your eyes and visualize a new beginning, your life as you
would desire it to be.

6. Chant the following incantation.

Mystical and magical Three,

six and nine

Heartbreak and ache

Cannot destroy me

I still survive

Rejuvenation is mine

Three plus three Is six,

then nine Happiness,

forever mine

7.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

8.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes


If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil with
the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You can use
just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.

Energy Circle to Mend/Heal a Broken Heart


Tarot Ritual for Peace & Harmony at Home

a.) Tarot cards – Ten of Cups

b.) Crystals – Amethyst, Onyx

c.) Herbs/Essential Oils – agrimony, basil, catnip, lemon peel, orange peel, white sage, eucalyptus oil,
rose oil, spearmint oil– use what is available
d.) Pink, Blue and White Candles

e.) Bell

f.) Gebo and Wunjo Runes

g.) Energy Circle/s

Best time to perform this Ritual – New Moon day, Waxing Moon on a Monday


1. Light the pink, blue and white candles.

2.Place the Ten of Cups on the altar and visualize entering the card. Picture yourself enjoying the mist
and feeling the breeze across your cheeks. Look up at the sky, and see yourself standing beneath the
glorious colours of the rainbow. Hear the sweet sounds of the children giggling and playing.

3.Visualize your life partner/head of the family standing by your side. Imagine both of you have a
beautiful, white light coming from your Heart Chakras. Let this light radiate outwards and engulf the
entire family and home including you both, feel the peace and calm this light brings.

4.Beginning in the east, ring the bell thrice in each corner, moving clockwise around your home, to clear
the space.

5. Close your eyes, and chant the following incantation.

House of bricks

Home of love

Calm and light

Peace of dove

Darkness gone


Prevailing light

Space is clear

So is my sight It is done!

6.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

7.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.

Circle for Peace & Harmony at Home


Tarot Ritual to Mend/Heal a Relationship


a.) Tarot cards

1. 1.) Ten of Cups

2. 2.) Ace of Cups
3. 3.) Cards representing the two people

b.) Crystals – Amethyst, Onyx

c.) Herbs/Essential Oils – agrimony, basil, catnip, lemon peel, orange peel, white sage, eucalyptus oil,
rose oil, spearmint oil– use what is available
d.) Pink, Blue and White Candles

e.) Gebo and Wunjo Runes

f.) Energy Circle/s

Best time to perform this Ritual – New Moon day, Waxing Moon on a Monday



1.Arrange the Tarot cards on the altar, as shown in the image above. Light the pink, blue and white

2.Visualize entering the Two of Cups card. Picture yourself standing in front of the other person, and
see them as they were when you met them for the first time. Gaze into each other’s eyes, and
remember all the good times spent together. Focus on everything you like about each other. Smile at

3.Imagine that whatever is bottled up in now set free, and is flowing out of your heart, leaving a void.
Visualize the emotions of love, respect and understanding flowing from the Ace of Cups, into the void
created in your heart.

4. Close your eyes, and chant the following incantation.

The two of us

are clear of strife

We walk upon

The path of new life

Reunited with love

Harmony and peace

Let strength of

our bond Now increase

So mote it be!

5.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

6.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.

Chanting the H’oponopono prayer 28 times for 21 days will strengthen this Tarot ritual



Circles to Mend/Heal a Relationship


Tarot Ritual for a Windfall


o.) Tarot cards – Ace of Pentacles

p.) Crystals – Citrine, Amethyst, Clear Quartz

q.) Herbs/Essential Oils – basil, alfalfa, juniper berry, mistletoe, star anise, cinnamon oil, jasmine oil –
use what is available
r.) Bowl

s.) Water

t.) Silver coin

u.) Green and Gold Candles

Best time to perform this Ritual – Full Moon night


10. Light the anointed candles. Place the Ace of pentacles card on the altar.
11.Visualize money coming to you from all directions. Think of what you would do with all the money,
how you would spend and invest it.

12. While gazing at the Ace of Cups, fill the bowl with water halfway. Place the silver coin at the bottom.
Place the bowl in moonlight so that the moon’s reflection can be seen on the surface of the water.


13. Sweep your fingers across the surface of the water, symbolically gathering the moon’s silver.

14. Close your eyes, and chant the following incantation thrice.

Lovely lady Of

the moon

Bring to me

Abundance soon

Fill my hands

With silver and gold

All the wealth

My purse can hold

It is done, it is done, it is done!

15. Surrender the water and the residue of the candle into the earth. Keep the coin in your purse.
16.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

17. Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items.
18. Sleep with the Ace of pentacles card under your pillow.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.


Energy Circles for a Windfall


Tarot Ritual for Financial Manifestation/Abundance


a.) Tarot cards – Ten of Pentacles

b.) Crystals – Citrine, Amethyst, Clear Quartz

c.) Herbs/Essential Oils – basil, alfalfa, juniper berry, mistletoe, star anise, cinnamon oil, jasmine oil – use
what is available
d.) Peppermint Tea

e.) Ten coins

f.) Green Candle

Best time to perform this Ritual – Full Moon



1. Light the anointed green candle. Pour hot water in a cup, and add the peppermint teabag to it.
2.Place the Ten of pentacles card on the altar. This card has the diagram of the Tree of Life drawn with
ten pentacles.
3.Begin with top pentacle and work your way down, placing one coin on each pentacle.

Say the following while placing the coins.

 1.) Crown – This coin represents abundance I already possess.

 2.) Wisdom – This coin represents acquired financial knowledge.
 3.) Understanding – This coin is the utilization and culmination of financial knowledge.
 4.) Mercy – This coin is compassion with which I donate money.
 5.) Severity – This coin is the limit I place upon my financial Universe.
 6.) Beauty – This is the joy I experience attracting money.
 7.) Victory – This coin is assured success with money.
 8.) Splendor – This coin is the incandescence with which I radiate.
 9.) Foundation – This coin is the manifestation of funds in the material world and the basis on
which my spiritual and material world lives.
 10.)Kingdom – This coin is the life in which I manifest riches.

4. Close your eyes, and chant the following incantation thrice.

Money flows

Down the tree

Gushing fast

Towards me

I have all

I need

And more

to spare With

friends and family

I shall share

It is done, it is done, it is done!

5. Drink the peppermint tea and visualize enjoying your financial abundance.

6. Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done.


7. Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.


Energy Circles for Financial Manifestion/Abundance


Tarot Ritual for Success in New Business


a.) Tarot cards

1. 10. Ace of Wands

2. 11. The Magician
3. 12. Ten of Pentacles

b.) 13-inch cord or rope

c.) Crystals – Rose Quartz, Garnet, Emerald, Jade

g.) Herbs/Essential Oils – basil, alfalfa, juniper berry, mistletoe, star anise, cinnamon oil, jasmine oil ,
peppermint oil– use what is available
d.) Green and Gold Candles

e.) Fehu and Gera Rune

f.) Energy Circle/s

Best time to perform this Ritual – New Moon day, Waxing Moon on a Wednesday


1.Arrange the Tarot cards as shown in the above image on the altar. Anoint and light the green and gold

2.Visualize entering the Ace of Wands, recall conceiving the idea of this business. See your brilliant idea
radiating your originality and passion.

3.Now, imagine yourself as the Magician from the Tarot, holding the Wand in your left hand and
channeling your energy to manifest your visions. The tools on the table represent all your skills, talents
and abilities to make your success a reality.

4.Finally, visualize your project being launched. See yourself in the Ten of Pentacles card. See your
money growing as time passes. Your wealth and success empowers everyone around you. You have
reached a position where you have a legacy to leave behind.

5. Tie nine knots in the 13-inch chord/rope while chanting the following incantation.
Knot of one, business begun

Knot of two, this is a coup

Knot of three, brings luck to me

Knot of four, prosperity at my door

Knot of five, come alive

Knot of six, strong as brick

knot of seven, feels like heaven

Knot of eight, reward is great

Knot of nine, success is mine

It is done, it is done, it is done!

6.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

7.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.


Circles for Success in New Business

Jera Rune


Tarot Ritual for Business Growth


a.) Tarot cards

 1. Queen of Wands
 2. Ten of Pentacles
 3. King of Wands
b.) ½ cup fresh basil leaves (Tulsi leaves)

c.) 1 large glass jar

d.) 2 cups warm water

e.) Crystals – Rose Quartz, Garnet, Emerald, Jade

f.) Herbs/Essential Oils – basil, alfalfa, juniper berry, mistletoe, star anise, cinnamon oil, jasmine oil ,
peppermint oil– use what is available
g.) Green and Gold Candles

h.) Fehu and Gera Rune

i.) Energy Circle/s

Best time to perform this Ritual – New Moon day, Waxing Moon on a Thursday or Sunday


1.Shred the basil leaves while visualizing incoming money. Place the leaves in the glass jar. Pour two
cups of warm water over the leaves.

2.When cool enough to handle, place the jar on the altar. Arrange the Tarot cards as shown in the
above image, in front of the jar. Anoint and light the green and gold candles.

3.Enter the Queen of Wands card, and embody her energy. Feel the power of feminine fire glowing
within you. Direct this radiant and powerful energy to the basil water.

4.Now, enter the King of Wands card, and feel the masculine expansion of fire. When it reaches its
optimum, send the energy to the basil water.

5.Finally, step into the Ten of pentacles card and visualize enjoying the abundance and prosperity. Bask
in the glory of your success.

6. Chant the following incantation.

Success comes to me

From every direction

I see Wealth comes to me

Like leaves falling from a tree

Abundance rains over me

Prosperity fills me with glee

It is done, it is done, it is done!

7.Let the basil water steep for three days. Sprinkle at thresholds of your home, work place, place of
business, and where you receive payments.

8.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

9.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy


Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.

jera rune

Circles for Business Growth


Tarot Ritual to Find a New Job


a.) Tarot cards

 1. Seven of Pentacles
 2. Eight of Pentacles
 3. Nine of Pentacles
b.) Crystals – Citrine, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, green Aventurine

c.) Green and Red Candles

d.) Uruz and Tiwaz Runes

e.) Energy Circle/s

f.) Herbs/Essential Oils – basil, frankincense, mugworth, vervain, cinnamon oil, clove oil– use what is

Best time to perform this Ritual – New Moon day

1. Arrange the Tarot cards as shown in the above image on the altar. Anoint and light the green and red


2.Visualize entering the Seven of Pentacles card; observe the abundance in the form of pentacles at the
your feet. Your hard work has paid off. Look at your achievements. Think of how far you have reached;
know that you are ready for something bigger and better.

3.Now, enter the Eight of Pentacles card, see yourself happy at your new job. You enjoy working with
your skills, and make the best of your talents and abilities. Your work is on display; others can see the
quality of your work and appreciate it.

4.Finally, visualize yourself in the Nine of Pentacles card. See your hard work bearing fruits. Your work
gives you the financial stability and security for a better future. Your new job feeds your heart and soul,
and this multiplies the happiness in your personal life as well.

5. Chant the following incantation thrice.

A good job awaits me

Reveal yourself now

Allow me in Success

and growth Are mine

to win I do

what I love

I do my very best
I shine big and bright

Leaving behind the rest.

It is done, it is done, it is done!

6.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

7.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.


Energy Circles to Find a New Job


Tarot Ritual for Job Promotion


a.) Tarot cards

1. Two of Wands

2. The Tower

3. The World
b.) Crystals – Citrine, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, green Aventurine

c.) Green, Red, and/or Gold Candles

d.) Uruz and Tiwaz Runes

e.) Energy Circle/s

F.) Herbs/Essential Oils – bayleaf, basil, frankincense, mugworth, vervain, cinnamon oil, clove oil– use
what is available

Best time to perform this Ritual – New Moon day



1.Arrange the Tarot cards as shown in the above image on the altar. Anoint and light the candles you
are using.

2.Visualize entering the Two of Wands card, and see yourself holding the globe – the world is your
oyster. Transform the globe into a glass ball with the power of visualization, and imagine yourself in that
ball. Look at how you are caught up with a holding pattern, see how you are stuck. Think of what needs
to change for something bigger and better to enter your life.

3.Now, enter the Tower card with the glass ball in your hand. Know that you need to destroy the
behavior that is keeping you in the holding pattern, and raise this ball above your head and send it
crashing down over the wall. Hear the crashing and shattering of the glass. See that you are set free

4.Finally, see yourself in the World card. Place the card on the Tower card. You have unleashed enough
energy to change the direction of your career. You see new opportunities, and new doors open for you.
See yourself like the way you would like to be.

5. Chant the following incantation thrice.

Fire and passion

Clear the way

Bring the change

Today’s the day

Fiery energy
Is the key

Now that I am

Finally free

It is done, it is done, it is done!

6.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

7.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.


Energy Circles for Job



Tarot Ritual for Weight-Loss


g.) Tarot cards

 13. The Sun

 14. The Magician
 15. The Star

h.) Apple

i.) Crystals – Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Tiger’s Eye

k.) Herbs/Essential Oils – pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cumin, cardamom, bergamot oil, grapefruit oil, lemon
oil, rosemary oil– use what is available
j.) Orange and Green Candles

k.) Energy Circle/s

Best time to perform this Ritual – New Moon day, Waning Moon

8.Arrange the Tarot cards as shown in the above image on the altar. Anoint and light the orange and
green candles.

9.Visualize entering the Sun card, look at the Sun and feel the heat radiating from it, entering your body.
Your body feels warm; you now have the power to do everything you want. Keep one hand on your heart,
the other on your belly, and allow this warmth to spread and fill your entire body. Envision the healthiest
version of yourself. Decide that you will nourish your body with the right food and exercise.


10.Now, imagine yourself as the Magician from the Tarot, a conduit who is channeling healthy energy of
the sun into your body.

11.Finally, visualize yourself standing naked under the night sky. Embody the peace and calm. You know
who you are, and you know that you are perfect. See yourself achieving your weight-loss goal effortlessly.

12. Chant the following incantation.

Cells grow small

Excess fat release

Negative habits

Forever will cease

Feed myself

With fitness and health

My body becomes

Swift and stealth

It is done, it is done, it is done!

13. Eat your apple, you are energy consuming energy. Know that you have already achieved your goal.
14.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

15.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil with
the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You can use
just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.


Energy Circles for Weight – Loss


Tarot Ritual for Sending Healing


a.) Tarot cards

 1. Tarot card representing your healing energy – The Sun/Temperance

 2. Eight of Wands
 3. Tarot card representing the person receiving the healing
b.) Crystals – Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Green Aventurine, Turquoise. Choose crystals based
on the ailment being addressed, by corresponding with the Chakras.

l.) Herbs/Essential Oils – mint, ginger, turmeric, chamomile, lemongrass, fennel, thyme, bergamot oil,
ylang ylang oil, lavender oil, rose oil - use what is available

c.) Candles based on the following correspondences

 Allergies- Violet
 Anxiety- Rose
 Colds- Green/violet
 Depression- Orange/Indigo/Rose
 Insomnia- Blue
 Indigestion- Yellow
 Fever- Blue
 Headaches- Green/Blue
 Diabetes- Yellow

d.) Energy Circle/s depending on the health issue to be addressed


Best time to perform this Ritual – Thursdays


1. Arrange the Tarot cards as shown in the above image on the altar. Anoint and light the candle/s.
2.Visualize entering the Sun card/Temperance card, align yourself with the energies and the healing
properties of the card. Take all those properties and molding them into a ball of energy.

3.Now, imagine yourself in the Eight of wands card, visualize that you are sending this ball to the person
in need of healing.

4.Finally, visualize the other person receiving the healing energies. See this energy entering every cell of
their body, healing them completely, and making them whole again.

5. Chant the following incantation.

Pure and warm

Right and true

I send healing

And vitality to you

Cease the discomfort

Stop the pain

Good health and peace

Is what you gain

So be it !

6.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

7.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.



Tarot Ritual to Conceive a Baby


a.) Tarot cards

 1. The Wheel of Fortune

 2. The Sun
 3. The Empress

b.) Crystals – Rose Quartz, Jade, Green Aventurine, Carnelian, Flourite

m.) Herbs/Essential Oils –sage, anise seed, fennel, liquorice, shatavari, geranium oil, ylang ylang oil,
clary sage oil, yarrow oil– use what is available
c.) Orange and Green Candles

d.) Perthro and Berkana Rune

e.) Energy Circle/s


Best time to perform this Ritual – Full Moon day

1.Arrange the Tarot cards as shown in the above image on the altar. Anoint and light the orange and
green candles.

2.Visualize entering the Wheel of Fortune card; see the wheel spinning, and hypnotizing you. It’s a
circle, the essential shape of all life. See the wheel as an ovary, then as an egg – soft, healthy and strong.
Invite the snake on the card, and see it slithering down and enter the centre of the wheel. Life ignites,
cell division begins.

3.Now, imagine the solar energy from the Sun card filling the wheel. See the formation a child from the
cells that are dividing and multiplying. Feel the warmth of the sun in your body, move it to your belly
and feel it there.

4.Finally, enter the Empress card and embody her energy. Imagine the baby inside you, warm and cozy,
growing. You both are happy, safe and comfortable. Know that this will happen in the right way and at
the right time.


5. Chant the following incantation.

Wheel of life

Revolving fast

In this life

The good will last

Invite a life

To join my own

I give their soul

A loving home

Love and nurture

Feed and care

This mother’s heart

Is wise and sound

In your reflection

I am found So be it!

6.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

7.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.



Tarot Ritual to Release Stress and Invoke Peace


a.) Tarot cards

 1. Nine of Swords
 2. Ace of Swords
 3. The High Priestess

b.) Crystals – Blue Lace Agate, Rose Quartz, Angelite, Flourite, Amethyst, Black Tourmaline
n.) Herbs/Essential Oils – ashwagandha, chamomile, kava kava, valerian, passion flower, marjoram,
lemon balm, lavender oil, jasmine oil, frankincense oil, patchouli oil – use what is available
c.) Blue, White/Cream Candles

d.) Energy Circle/s

Best time to perform this Ritual – New Moon day, Waning Moon

1.Arrange the Tarot cards as shown in the above image on the altar. Anoint and light the white/cream
and green candles.

2.Visualize entering the Nine of Swords card, and embody the energy of the card. Feel the soft cotton
nightgown against your skin, make note of how the springs of the mattress support you. You are unable


to sleep, and are sitting on the bed, holding your head in your hands. You are experiencing mental stress
and emotional despair. Raise your head and look at the swords on the wall, each sword triggers stress of
some kind. Know that you have the power to change your thoughts. Grasp one sword, and strike all the

3.Place the Ace of Swords card on the Nine of Swords card. You have harnessed the power of clear
thinking, and positive thoughts. Hold the sword in your hand, now you have command over all the
thoughts that enter your mind. You have the ability to notice every thought that comes to your mind,

4.Finally, gaze at the High Priestess card, and visualize that you are directing all your mental energy to
the calm resting place of your intuition. Feel yourself basking in the moonlight, and see how your
nightgown turns into regal robes shimmering in the moonlight. Sit on the chair, at peace and calm. Know
that this is your natural state of being, and you have the power to be so every moment.

5. Chant the following incantation.

Release the stress
Invoke the calm Tonight,

I am Safe and warm

Night fades softly

I see a peaceful Calm reality

So mote it be!

6.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

7.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered
to flowing water, or buried in the soil.

Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.


Energy Circles to Release

Stress and Invoke Peace


Tarot Ritual to Banish Bad Habits


a.) Tarot cards

 1. Eight of Swords
 2. Six of Swords
 3. The Sun

b.) Eucalyptus oil

c.) Crystals – Obsidian, Amethyst, Carnelian, Tiger’s Eye, Clear Quartz , Howlite
o.) Herbs/Essential Oils – milk thistle, bergamot, rosemary, germanium, chamomile, eucalyptus oil,
lemon oil, – use what is available
d.) Black, White Candles

e.) Energy Circle/s

Best time to perform this Ritual – Dark Moon day, Waning Moon

1. Arrange the Tarot cards as shown in the above image on the altar. Anoint both the candles and light
the black candle.


2.Visualize entering the Eight of Swords card, the ground is damp, and the weather is cloudy. Feel the
emotions swelling up within your heart as you notice how you are bound and blindfolded by a white
piece of cloth. Experience the helplessness you feel, as you see how you are trapped by the prison of
swords that surround you. Know that you can move even if your hands are tied, kick the first sword
down, as it falls to the ground, feel the rope that binds your hands becoming loose. You work quickly,
kicking down all the swords, one after the other; and as the last sword touches the ground, you are fee,
you remove your blindfold. You have the power to break all the shackles that control you. You realize
that bad habits control you only when you give them power.

3.Place the Six of Swords card on the Eight of Swords card. You are now ready to release all old
behaviour patterns that are no longer serving you, and are ready to make the transition. Step onto the
boat, feel it moving. Find your balance as the boat begins to move ahead. Your old behavior patterns
and bad habits lie on the floor of the boat, wrapped in a bundle. These habits taught you valuable
lessons, set an intention to retain the lessons, but not the habits. Thrown the bundle into the water,
watch as it sinks into the depths of the water.

4.Finally, gaze at the Sun card, and visualize that you are drenched in yellow light and feel it healing you
from head to toe. This is a new beginning, you are like the child riding a horse freely, and enjoying the
bounty Mother Nature has to offer. You are filled with wonder, ready to create a life that is healthy and
peaceful, embrace that energy.

5.Light the white candle. Add a few drops of the Eucalyptus oil to your bath water. Chant the following
incantation while bathing with this water.
Habits grown like

Wretched weed

I cut and throw

And sow new seed

I’m done with you

Our time is through

Bid you adieu

Time to renew

So mote it be!

6.Once the Ritual is completed, express your gratitude and appreciation. Know that it is done. Drink or
eat something to ground yourself.

7.Cleanse and store your tools, replace any used items. The residue of the candle can be surrendered to
flowing water, or buried in the soil.


Additional Notes
If you practice Runes, Energy Circles, Zibu, Reiki etc.; they can be used in the Rituals. You can use print
outs or draw by hand on a piece of paper. You can also include the name of the subject in the Energy
Circle/s. Candle/s can also be inscribed with the various symbols you are using. Infuse some olive oil
with the herbs that are available and suitable for the Ritual, and use it for anointing the candle/s. You
can use just olive oil, if herbs and essential oils are not available.

Energy Circles to Banish Bad Habits/Addictions.


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