Rich Thomas Letter For Pardon

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[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101

February 8, 2022

The Honorable Kathy Hochul NYS Department of Corrections and Community

Office of the Governor of New York State Supervision
633 3rd Avenue Executive Clemency Bureau
New York, NY 10017 The Harriman State Campus – Building 4
1220 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12226-2050

Executive Summary of Restorative Justice Request – Pardon Mayor Thomas (and City
Corporation Counsel Porcari)
Dear Governor Hochul:

I hope you and your staff are staying safe and well during the pandemic. My name is Richard Thomas,
the former Mayor of the City of Mount Vernon. I write to ask that you grant a full and unconditional
pardon to both me and, while he is officially not part of this request as his case is on appeal with no
argument date scheduled, for Mount Vernon’s former Corporation Counsel Lawrence Porcari. I want to
thank you in advance for your thoughtful and careful review of my submission and trust that it will be of
assistance for you and your team to conclude that a pardon is merited.

In justice, there is injustice. As you read our story, you will see that our experience reflects the prequel
to America awakening to social justice issues. Until video showed the killings of George Floyd and
Breonna Taylor, no one believed the victims. The same went for the cover up of sexual abuse with Larry
Nassar and USA Gymnastics. No one believed the financial scandal at the College of New Rochelle until it
went bankrupt. Nothing should scare us more than the use of agencies like the New York State Office of
Comptroller or the Office of Attorney General to retaliate against those whose political views and policy
stances run counter to the New York Democratic establishment.

To put the matter in a blunt context, and as explained more fully in my submission, both Mr. Porcari and
I were victims of a deliberate campaign by certain state officials to overturn the will of the 77% of the
voters of Mount Vernon who had elected me to deal with the systemic corruption that plagues my City
to this very day. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman colluded with State Comptroller DiNapoli to
deprive the State Board of Elections of its primary jurisdiction as part of a plan to turn a civil matter of
mistaken reporting of less than $13,000 in expenses into a criminal one. To set matters in motion,
Comptroller DiNapoli issued a broad criminal referral to AG Schneiderman to Investigate the City’s
finances. This referral was a pretext as no such investigation was ever conducted. Instead, the true
purpose of the referral became clear as my campaign’s payments were the immediate and sole focus of
the criminal investigation. In fact, AG Schneiderman and Comptroller DiNapoli had intentionally
sidelined the State Board of Elections, the very agency to whom the Legislature had given exclusive,
primary jurisdiction over allegations of campaign violations, in order to criminalize conduct that, as was
the case with your Lieutenant Governor, the SBOE would have treated as a civil matter.

This is the crux of my request for a pardon.

[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101

As the New York Times reports, the Attorney General lacks standing to investigate and prosecute
election law matters. 1 In fact, the AG needs a referral from the SBOE before it can open a criminal
investigation into anything related to campaign issues. In my case, that “referral” was never provided by
the SBOE to the AG. This truth caused a Manhattan Justice to rule that the AG’s investigation was
illegal; however, the AG gamed the system by indicting me before the Justice could rule and before I
could testify before that grand jury.

The bottom line is my due process was stolen by the AG who was enabled by the State Comptroller. The
consequences for me, Mr. Porcari, and the City of Mount Vernon are staggering. For the City, this
includes, but is not limited to, losing its municipal credit rating with Moody’s Investor Services, severely
impacting the City from affordably financing its needs.2 (Note: I explain this and more in the long form
request that is attached to this letter and summarized below.)

As the AG spent 4 years and approximately $1 million state tax dollars to illegally prosecute me for
$12,900 in accounting errors, the Mount Vernon Comptroller(s) racked up $170+ million in
unauthorized, non-payroll spending that is now pushing the City to the brink of bankruptcy.3

The sad truth is I brought various corruption issues to the attention of the AG and Comptroller as soon
as I took office in 2016. At the same time, I was working with the SBOE to correct errors in my campaign
filings by volunteers – one of whom was my grandmother’s friend who, stricken with Stage IV cancer did
her very best but passed away during the process. Clerical errors were inevitable, but they were not
criminal. The hard truth is I should have been treated the same way your Lieutenant Governor was
treated in his campaign finance situation, that is, the SBOE worked with his team to resolve issues in a
civil manner as the law requires. Can you imagine if the AG abused her power to criminalize his misstep
(which was twice as much money) as she did to me?

Still, I take and took responsibility for my campaign’s mistakes made and tried to correct these errors by
hiring seasoned professionals to handle these matters. Regardless of my good faith efforts, the AG and
State Comptroller abused their power. They used their investigation into the Mount Vernon’s finances
as a ruse to retaliate against me for disrupting systemic corruption that hurt the People of my

Later, even as Mount Vernon’s financial situation was reaching crisis proportions because of City
Comptroller Deborah Reynolds ongoing dereliction of duty, Governor Cuomo refused to act on our
petition for him to exercise his authority to remove her. Whether discussions with the AG and State
Comptroller persuaded him not to intervene, we do not know. That petition set out in detail how City

“Accord With Comptroller Will Help Attorney General Pursue Corruption Cases,” Nicholas Confessore, New York Times, May
22, 2011 | LINK:
“Rating Action: Moody's places 5 local governments' ratings on review due to insufficient information and withdraws
ratings on Mount Vernon, NY,” Moody’s Investor Service, January 2, 2019 LINK:
“City of Mount Vernon – Non-Payroll Disbursements (2021M-163),” New York State Comptroller’s Office, Issued January 31,
2022 | LINK:
[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101

Comptroller Reynolds was destroying the City’s very financial viability, including but not limited to her
refusal to pay approved bills and her refusal to pay for audits of the City or its agencies (resulting in the
loss of Mount Vernon’s credit rating). In addition, she was found to be paying her favored vendors and
otherwise disbursing City funds without either oversight or authorization. Her pattern of non-payment
created an emergency environment by which the City and its agents had no other choice but to operate
through court orders – which she ignored – or through other Charter granted and lawfully independent

All of these (and other) matters were known at the time, many having been uncovered in reports
submitted by the City’s Inspector General that I then had posted on the City’s website for all to see. Yet,
at no point did AG Schneiderman, AG James, or Comptroller DiNapoli investigate any of it. As my
submission details, when Comptroller DiNapoli was given a later opportunity to audit the City, he
removed the audit team within 24 hours of their arrival, claiming later that no audit could be done in
light of all the litigation going on, including between me and Comptroller Reynolds.

Yet, ongoing litigation proved no impediment to Comptroller DiNapoli finally issuing his January 31, 2022
report finding approximately $170 million in unauthorized, non-payroll transactions, conveniently
released only after City Comptroller Reynold’s term in office ended.4 The report is a classic case of too
little, too late. While it has vindicated my claims in full, albeit without mentioning me, significant but
entirely avoidable damage was done to my beloved City as a result of Comptroller DiNapoli’s political
decision, aided by AG Schneiderman and AG James and with the acquiescence, knowing or unknowing,
of Governor Cuomo, to prioritize removing the squeaky wheel (me) over protecting the wellbeing of the
residents of Mount Vernon.

Comptroller DiNapoli’s findings prove conclusively that my administration ’s attempts to root out
corruption were hamstrung by an out-of-control City Comptroller with respect to whom he took no
timely action. Worse, he deliberately averted his gaze and chose to be complicit with AG Schneiderman
and AG James in their improper criminalization of a campaign finance matter. My due process rights
matter. Had they been respected as required by law, none of this would have happened to me or Mount

As set out in greater detail in my submission, the unmistakable truth is that Mr. Porcari and I were
improperly targeted and railroaded by a network of corrupt, powerful State interests that sought to
shield those implicated in Mount Vernon’s systemic corruption.

This Executive Summary letter provides an overview of what we are asking for and why:

1. Full pardons for myself (and please note that I am asking for Mr. Porcari too) because the whole
matter was poisoned from the beginning. AG Schneiderman abused his lawful authority for
partisan political ends, including: (i) refusing to forward an election law complaint his Office had

“City of Mount Vernon – Non-Payroll Disbursements (2021M-163),” New York State Comptroller’s Office, Issued January 31,
2022 | LINK:
[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101

received to the only state agency given the exclusive jurisdiction to review the matter, the State
Board of Elections; (ii) intentionally depriving a Manhattan Supreme Court Justice of his
jurisdiction so that his finding that the AG investigation was in fact illegal became non-binding;
and (iii) misleading a Westchester County Justice that the campaign matter was unexpectedly
uncovered during an entirely unrelated investigation referred by Comptroller DiNapoli - when it
had been the subject of the very complaint it refused to forward to the State Board of Elections.
2. The broad criminal investigation into Mount Vernon’s Finances never happened as Comptroller
DiNapoli’s referral was entirely pretextual. Had that investigation taken place, the corruption
that I had told them of would have been revealed at a time when action might have been taken
that would have maintained the City’s credit rating and avoided the destruction of financial
accountability that worked to derail my administration from its electoral mandate of tackling the
City’s notorious corruption. Instead, and as a direct result of these political machinations that
put politics over the people of Mount Vernon, substantial and entirely avoidable damage was
inflicted on the City and its residents.
3. City Corporation Counsel Porcari was, in a sense, collateral damage in this campaign. Yet all he
did in this context was to defend the Executive Branch and its prerogatives, as required by the
City Charter and in the same manner as any other Corporation Counsel around the State and
indeed by your own Counsel. One key difference must count in Mr. Porcari’s favor: he worked
under far more trying circumstances, as City Comptroller Reynolds intentionally bled his Office
dry of funding and resources.
4. Mr. Porcari was ultimately prosecuted for rendering a legal opinion that stood in the way of AG
James’ attempt (successfully as it turned out) to interfere with my counsel of choice and my
ability to defend myself. While a grand jury heard my testimony and rejected her attempt to
have me indicted on charges of improperly using City funds to pay my attorneys, Mr. Porcari was
not given the opportunity to be heard and was indicted without ever seeing so much as the
charging instructions given the grand jury. The implications here are deeply troubling as the
door is now open for prosecuting a Corporation Counsel (or Counsel to the Governor) for
rendering legal advice the AG does not like.
5. Comptroller DiNapoli does not deserve a pass for his conduct but must be called to account, as
should AGs Schneiderman and James. They each had a golden opportunity to help my
administration put an end to the financial and other improprieties that have plagued Mount
Vernon. If the 2016 open-ended criminal investigation into Mount Vernon’s finances of the City
of Mount Vernon had been legitimate, that would have happened.
6. Finally, as part of my pardon request, I also respectfully suggest that your Office propose
legislation to prevent the AG from depriving an agency of its exclusive primary jurisdiction to
investigate and determine how a complaint will be handled. The subterfuge employed against
me would never have happened had the Attorney General (or any agency) that receives a
complaint on a matter over which it lacks primary jurisdiction been required by law to forward it
promptly (a specific period which the law should specify) to the agency granted such jurisdiction
by the Legislature.
[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101

Not knowing every detail of New York’s arcane election law is not in the same league as the AG denying
due process.

What happened to Mr. Porcari and me was wrong. Granting me/us a pardon can begin the process of
restoring our good names and reputations as honorable public servants. It can help restore the
confidence of the people of Mount Vernon, who are painfully aware of what was done to their City and
to the two of us, that the State is now at last on their side. Finally, in granting these pardons, your
Administration will signal that the days of tolerating corruption and cronyism and of empty rhetoric
about the need for change and accountability are over and a new day is finally dawning in New York.

Attached to this Executive Summary is a long form request letter with supporting evidence. I look
forward to assisting your staff however I can in advancing this request to a just conclusion. Further, I will
continue to make all the necessary documents available so that we can have a transparent and careful
review. I am hopeful for a complete resolution. I cannot thank you enough for your consideration and

Respectfully submitted,

Richard Thomas
Former Mayor of the City of Mount Vernon
[email protected]


77 Douglas Place
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552
[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101

February 8, 2022

The Honorable Kathy Hochul NYS Department of Corrections and Community

Governor of New York State Supervision
Office of the Governor of New York State Executive Clemency Bureau
633 3rd Avenue The Harriman State Campus – Building 4
New York, NY 10017 1220 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12226-2050

RE: Restorative Justice Request – Pardon Mayor Thomas and City Corporation Counsel Porcari
Dear Governor Hochul:

I write seeking a full pardon for myself as former Mayor of the City of Mount Vernon and for my former
City Corporation Counsel Lawrence Porcari. I respectfully present below information that I trust will help
you and your team rule favorably and expeditiously on this request.

To put things bluntly, soon after my

January 2016 inauguration as Mayor of
Mount Vernon, I was targeted by
certain political figures in Westchester
County and the State, many (but not
all) of whom are no longer in office and
in one case is deceased. My crime and
that of my Corporation Counsel was to
try to end the rule of systemic CAPTION: Governor David A. Paterson with Mt. Vernon Mayor Rich
corruption in Mount Vernon that had Thomas, former governor’s staffer, at 2017 State of the State
Address in Albany, NY. Paterson swore in Thomas as Mayor in 2016.
slowly brought a proud and vibrant city
to its knees.


At several points over many months after my inauguration, Mr. Porcari and I had tried to schedule an
appointment with the Office of the State Attorney General, headed back then by Eric Schneiderman. We
were put off until late-November when we met at the AG’s New York City office and both laid out in
detail various schemes that we had uncovered, including but not limited to: illegal dumping that had
resulted in the decades long closure of Memorial Field; improper contracts; backroom real estate deals;
various financial schemes that provided no real benefit to the City but would instead open it up to
millions of dollars of losses and liabilities; false tax claims; and concerns to authorities about my former
Police Commissioner, Robert Kelly, who had admitted on tape to changing and seeking to delete police
reports. (See Attachment 1 – Kelly Admits to Changing and Seeking to Delete Police Records.) We left a
file of documents perhaps ten inches thick and were assured that the matters would be investigated
promptly. (Attachment 2 Corruption Memo; Attachment 3 – URA Memo; Attachment 4 – Baker Tilly
[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101

Letter.) For reasons best known to

themselves, during my prosecution, the Office
of the Attorney General denied that any such
meeting had taken place.


Instead, two weeks later, I was served with a
grand jury subpoena for documents from my
election committee. I had run a Cinderella
campaign, the youngest and least politically
connected candidate in a field of five, seeking
the Democratic nomination on an anti-
corruption platform. The first problem I faced
was the political interference in my campaign
that caused most of the people I interviewed
to be privately sympathetic while explaining
that they were told that they would never
work in Westchester again if they assisted me.
As a result, my campaign treasurer was an
elderly bookkeeper who was my
grandmother’s friend but had a Stage IV
cancer diagnosis. She did the absolute best
she could, but reporting mistakes were
inevitable. In fact, when she tried to resign
because of her illness (she would in fact pass
away before the year ended), the State Board
of Elections denied her request. After my CAPTION: “Cook Books, Not Cook the Books!” Depicting financial concerns of
Mayor Rich Thomas’ administration with Comptroller Maureen Walker and city
election, I was able to retain Lawrence auditors O’Connor Davies May 2016.
Mandelker and Laurence Laufer, both
respected election law attorneys, to review
and, where necessary, correct any reporting
errors that were made and submit them to the
State Board of Elections. It was during this
ongoing process that the Attorney General’s
Office served the subpoena, much to
everyone’s astonishment.

During the course of the criminal case

subsequently brought against me, and for
which I seek this pardon, we learned the
following. Sometime in February 2016, the
Office of the Attorney General received a

Page 2 of 22
[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101

complaint against me alleging campaign law violations (precisely what was never disclosed). That Office
held the complaint rather than pass along the complaint to the State Board of Elections, the only state
agency to have jurisdiction in such matters, including the power to determine whether it would proceed
civilly with the complaint (as was the case with your Lieutenant Governor) or criminally. The AG’s actions
were calculated to arrogate that determination to itself, in violation of the State Legislature’s clear
intent. 1


Soon thereafter, the AG’s Office
received a corruption complaint (we
believe it to have been a claim of a
“no show” job but this was never
confirmed) which - unlike the election
law complaint - was promptly passed
on to the Office of the State
Comptroller. After a less than two-
week investigation (assuming one
even took place as the Corporation
Counsel who should have been
apprised of such an investigation was
unaware of any attempt to interview
or seek documents from anyone at all
at City Hall or any City Department), a
broad criminal referral was made to
the Attorney General to investigate
Mount Vernon’s finances.

Armed with that broad remit, the

Attorney General investigated one
thing and one thing only: whether I
had criminally violated any campaign
laws, a charge that was eventually
characterized as a public corruption
inquiry against me. The prosecutors
explained to my then criminal defense
attorneys that they were investigating
a complaint over a “no show” job in City Hall. The AG reasoned that this “no show” job must have had a
quid pro quo and so to subpoena my personal bank records and, according to my attorney, pretended to

“Accord With Comptroller Will Help Attorney General Pursue Corruption Cases,” Nicholas Confessore, New York Times, May
22, 2011 | LINK:

Page 3 of 22
[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101

“express surprise” to see that there had been deposits from my campaign committee. They did not
indicate that any investigation into Mount Vernon’s finances, the actual subject of the criminal referral,
had ever taken place. No grand jury investigation into the “no show” allegation seemed to have taken
place either.

Had the Attorney General instead investigated the City’s finances under the referral or had Comptroller
DiNapoli conducted any audit in light of the Attorney General’s failure to proceed on his criminal
referral, all the wrongdoing identified by the City’s Inspector General (whose reports were publicly
available) would have been uncovered by the State Comptroller three years ago instead of in his just
released audit report which found over $170 million in unauthorized, non-payroll transactions by former
Comptroller Deborah Reynolds.2

Yet, State Comptroller DiNapoli had every opportunity to investigate and assist in rooting out the
corruption that was plaguing the City. In early 2019, as part of a statewide review, Mount Vernon had
been randomly selected for an audit of its Board of Ethics that I was told would last several weeks. Yet,
within 24 hours of the team’s arrival, they left explaining that the order came from higher ups. The
eventual public explanation from State Comptroller DiNapoli’s office was that an audit would be
inappropriate given the existence of unrelated litigation involving the City, (many of which I brought to
force City Comptroller Reynolds to do her job properly), and the criminal case against me. Curiously, that
excuse of ongoing litigation did not prevent State Comptroller DiNapoli from performing his current
audit once I was out of office. Apparently, it seems all that was needed was a disclaimer that no legal
views were being expressed.

CAPTION: “Dragon” On March 22, 2019, the MVCSD sued Comptroller Reynolds for not
transferring $31 million in school district funds. LINK:

“City of Mount Vernon – Non-Payroll Disbursements (2021M-163),” New York State Comptroller’s Office, Issued January 31,
2022 | LINK:

Page 4 of 22
[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101


CAPTION: “Vultures” – LR: Councilman Andre Wallace, Comptroller Deborah Reynolds, Reynold’s husband Carl Beasley, and Councilman
Marcus Griffith following Mount Vernon Seniors Occupying City Hall for Toilet Paper and Senior Center bills to be paid, October 2018

Had the Attorney General (at this point, Letitia James) done her job, many of the harms belatedly
identified by the State Comptroller done to the City at the hands of City Comptroller Deborah Reynolds
might have been avoided. Had State Comptroller DiNapoli done the job for which he was elected, all of
those harms to the City would have been avoided. This includes, but is not limited to, the City losing its
municipal credit rating with Moody’s Investor Services, severely impacting the City from affordably
financing its needs.3 Our petition to remove City Comptroller Reynolds went unanswered by your
predecessor Governor Andrew Cuomo, perhaps due to his mistaken belief that AG James and
Comptroller DiNapoli were acting in good faith toward the people of Mount Vernon and would deal with
all the issues raised in our petition. If so, then his reliance on AG James and Comptroller DiNapoli was
grievously misplaced. (See Attachment 5 - Petition to Remove Comptroller Reynolds filed October

Nothing mattered. As featured above and below, even seniors occupying City Hall humiliatingly forced
to demand toilet paper for their senior center was ignored. The level of depravity and inhumanity is a
disgrace. The only explanation for the not so benign neglect shown by these State officials was that any
assistance at the State level would have greatly facilitated my electoral mandate to cleanse Mount
Vernon of its longstanding systemic corruption. Instead, not unlike George Floyd, my beloved City was
left to die its slow death in broad daylight.

“Rating Action: Moody's places 5 local governments' ratings on review due to insufficient information and withdraws
ratings on Mount Vernon, NY,” Moody’s Investor Service, January 2, 2019 LINK:

Page 5 of 22
[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101

CAPTION: Seniors Occupy City Comptroller Office demanding payment for toilet paper and food at the Senior Center.
October 17, 2018 | LINK:



Once Attorney General Schneiderman, with State
Comptroller DiNapoli at his side at the press conference,
announced that the case brought against me was one of
“public corruption” in my governance of Mount Vernon,
the Mount Vernon Law Department followed local law in
its response to my request for a legal opinion and
representation. (See Attachments 6 & 7 - MRT Request for
Legal Opinion and Law Dept Response)

The process followed two parallel tracks. One was through

the City Charter Section 153 and Local Law 17, which does
not require the Corporation Counsel to obtain approval
from the Board of Estimate. (See Attachments 8, 9, & 10 –
MV Charter Section 153, Local Law 17, & Procurement
Policy.) The problem was that City Comptroller Reynolds
would refuse to pay any of these attorney fees under any
condition. The other track followed the Attorney General’s
reference to the Water Department, which as an authority
independent from the City, received a legal opinion from
the City’s Law Department that it was also appropriate for
the agency to defend and indemnify its agents. The Water
Department did not require City Comptroller Reynolds to
authorize any payments but could make payments directly.

Of course, had Corporation Counsel Porcari concluded

otherwise, I would not have retained the firms suggested

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[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101

by the Law Department as they were beyond my financial capabilities, a fact recognized by the Attorney
General at the time given her later efforts to disrupt my attorney-client relationship by threatening my
attorneys with prosecution for accepting unauthorized government funds. Instead, I would have sought
out counsel well within my means or, if I had no alternative, try to defend myself pro se which would
have inevitably impacted my ability to focus on my official duties.



CAPTION: “Who Controls the People’s Money?” – LR: Mount Vernon residents seek federal program funds from Comptroller Deborah
Reynolds who is ignoring U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development on releasing millions in aid to the People of MV, May 2018

In using the criminal referral into the City Finances as a pretext to prosecute me for campaign matters,
the Attorney General needed to sideline the State Board of Election which had primary jurisdiction in
the matter. What was supposedly at issue was approximately $12,900 in reimbursements that the State
Board of Elections would have treated as a civil matter, in a manner perhaps similar to your Lieutenant
Governor’s experience, though the amount he was required to repay his campaign was double mine.4

To be frank, I had and have no incentive to steal money from my campaign, the City, or anyone. I worked too hard in life to
earn what I earned – a wife, kids, advanced academic degrees, and my dream job of becoming Mayor of my hometown.
There was too much at stake to give everything up for petty cash, especially my name. The illegal prosecution was political
and designed to distract from real crimes against my community.

Page 7 of 22
[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101

Because the Assistant Attorney General in charge failed to provide my attorneys with a copy of the
criminal referral from the State Board of Elections he said his Office received (which my attorneys
suspected at the time was a lie, as was later confirmed in a prosecutor’s sworn statement that the State
Board of Elections had never made any referral), my attorneys brought an Article 78 special proceeding
in New York County to prohibit any grand jury action because, we argued, the investigation was illegal
and a violation of the jurisdictional regime created by the State Legislature that gave exclusive primary
jurisdiction over election and campaign matters to the State Board of Elections alone. In response, the
Assistant Attorney General in charge of the matter asked for additional time which was granted as a
professional courtesy, not knowing that this additional time would be used to vote an indictment and
thereby deprive me of my due process rights as well as the New York County Justice of jurisdiction to
consider the matter. In contrast, my attorneys’ request for the reciprocal courtesy of allowing the Court
to decide the issue before rescheduling my grand jury appearance was rejected which we later learned
was the necessary formality to voiding my notice to testify and allowing the grand jury to proceed to its
vote. In retrospect, divesting the Justice of his jurisdiction took precedence over safeguarding my due
process right to testify before the grand jury.

So put out was the judge by the AG’s conduct, that he went on to agree that the investigation was illegal
but could no longer do nothing about it. In his decision, he explained:

“In the final analysis, if this Court were forced to decide whether or not the AG had the
authority to investigate the matters at hand, it would decide that it did not. Applying expressio
unius est exclusio alterius, if the AG can properly investigate matters over which a referring
entity had authority, then the AG, an entity with broad but limited powers, cannot properly
investigate matters over which the referring entity did not have authority. Applying the rule that
the specific controls the general, general language about broad powers cannot overrule the
specific limit here found. Finally, applying Cuttita, the AG simply did not have the power here
claimed.” NYCEF Index No. 154456/2018, Dated: 5/21/2018

It may have been as a result of this litigation that the Assistant Attorney General prosecuting me
decided to interfere with my selection of counsel when he threatened to go after the law firm on the
grounds that the fees paid by Mount Vernon were illegal. Ultimately, my attorney resigned and I had to
scramble to find new counsel. Aware that I could not personally afford to retain the counsel I had but
was relying on a written opinion from my Corporation Counsel, the Attorney General convened another
grand jury timed to vote an indictment near the date of the primary for mayor. After I testified before
the grand jury, having waived my immunity, no true bill was rendered. However, unknown to anyone,
Corporation Counsel Porcari was also targeted. He was not given any opportunity to appear and so was
indicted essentially for providing a good faith legal opinion that the Attorney General opposed. For what
it may be worth, I was told that the court officers who were present at his trial were stunned when the
guilty verdicts were returned.

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[email protected]
77 Douglas Place Tel: 917-703-4564
Mt. Vernon, NY 10552 Fax: 914-668-8101


CAPTION: 1st Deputy Corp. Counsel Brian Johnson explains impacts of Comptroller
withholding payments to the Law Dept and City of Mt. Vernon on May 16, 2019.
Joined by Mayor Thomas, Corp. Counsel Lawrence Porcari and other Law Dept. staff |

City Comptroller Reynolds’ refusal to pay for the City’s subscription to Westlaw and Lexis/Nexis resulted
in those legal research tools becoming unavailable to the Corporation Counsel.

“She now has sole control of the City finances without any oversight from the City Council or the
Mayor,” said Brian Johnson, deputy corporation counsel.5 “That means she can (do), and she has been
doing, anything that she wants. She pays whomever she wants without City Council or mayoral approval,
when ever she wants.”

CAPTION: “Behind Protected Glass,” Comptroller Deborah Reynolds and husband Carl Beasley sit
behind bullet proof glass, hoarding taxpayer money while Mayor Rich Thomas sits frustrated in her
office with Reynold’s $100k/year family-related security guard. November 2018

Department Press Conference with Mayor Richard Thomas,, May 16, 2019 | LINK:

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As a result, invoking the emergency powers granted him under the City Charter, Corporation Counsel
Porcari looked to Arthur “Jerry” Kremer, a well respected partner at Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, for
assistance in researching the issue of, and drafting the legal opinion regarding the legality of Mount
Vernon paying for my defense against the state charges.

Mr. Kremer was also instrumental in crafting the language of the cover memorandum that was to
accompany every request for the Water Department’s payment of my legal fees. Mr. Kremer was an
obvious choice as he and his firm had been ably assisting Mount Vernon and its Water Department for
years and he was specifically aware of all the issues surrounding my case. Under the circumstances, Mr.
Porcari had every reason to seek out his assistance and rely on his conclusions. I later found out that the
two exchanged several emails and had several telephone conversations before reaching the conclusion
that my request was within the law.


I believe in my heart that Mr. Porcari was collateral damage in the by then over three-year campaign to
get me out of office. It was clear that the prosecution against me was politically motivated from the very
first plea offer made at my arraignment: a no jail, no fine misdemeanor with an agreement to resign and
not run for Mayor at the next election. When my attorney suggested that this last condition was a
matter best left to the voters, he was told, “we think he’s unfit to run.”


CAPTION: Snapshot of voter irregularities following the June 2019 Mayoral Primary that AG James specifically asked in July 2019
that Mayor Thomas drop his case proving voter fraud in Mount Vernon.

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On the eve of my trial in 2019, my new set of attorneys demanded a forward payment of fees that I was
unable to make. The judge was not going to delay the trial and, after discussing the matter with my wife
we both recognized that my chances of a fair trial, even if I were to proceed pro se (I am not a lawyer),
were slim to none. I should add that two weeks before, I was a candidate in the primary and, the
weekend before Election Day, I received a call from someone at the County Board of Elections informing
me that I would not come within 200 votes of the winner. I “lost” by roughly 204. I went to court to
contest the result, and the justice asked me to provide sworn testimony or affidavits from persons
whose votes had been improperly rejected. At the next Court session, my attorney told the justice that I
had more than enough affidavits to prevail. He abruptly ruled that no evidence on the issue would be
accepted and dismissed my case.


The U.S. Bill of Rights hangs in the Mayor’s Conference Room in Mount Vernon City Hall. Due Process is an Inalienable Right.

Photo Credit: Mayor Richard Thomas

As Hon. Jed Rakoff observed, the innocent often plead guilty and the guilty go free because the innocent
often cannot afford to defend themselves in our broken justice system.

To protect my wife and my two young children (now 6 and 9) and end this nightmare, I took the plea on
condition that I be allowed to remain as Mayor until September to oversee an orderly transition. The
Office of the Attorney General agreed to this condition but then did nothing when the City Council voted
to remove me from office - an action that contrasted sharply with its treatment of my predecessor Ernie

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Davis who pled guilty to federal tax evasion charges but remained in office for the remaining year and a
half of his term, another data point establishing the political motivations behind the abuse of
prosecutorial authority.


Since my return to private life, I have found
myself vindicated on many of the issues I
had tried to raise with the appropriate
State authorities.

On January 31, 2022, State Comptroller

DiNapoli’s office validated more of our
claims when it released results of a long
overdue audit of “Non-Payroll
Disbursements of the City of Mount
Vernon” that widely faulted former City
Comptroller Reynolds causing financial
uncertainty and risking fiscal insolvency
while jeopardizing the health and welfare
of City residents.6 Among other things, the
recent audit found that former City
Comptroller Deborah Reynolds made $170
million in unauthorized non-payroll
electronic transactions between 2018 and
2019. These findings corroborate the City’s
NOTE: Our discovery of millions in fiscal irregularities
Inspector General reports and findings was verified and shared with the NY AG and State
issued in real time of the City Comptroller’s Comptroller going back to 2016. It is important to
deliberate and willful misconduct.7 (See note that while Baker Tilly’s forensic accounting
investigation began in July 2017, it was led by a
Attachments 11, 12, and 13 – Mount
former FBI Special Agent in charge. The results of
Vernon Inspector General Reports on the their work were scheduled for public release in March
MV URA and Comptroller Reynolds.) 2018. I believe the attacks on us (me and Mr. Porcari)
were announced right before their release to distract
It also strengthens my original claim that from the bombshell findings. Shortly after this letter,
the attacks are correlated to corruption Baker Tilly stopped work because of non-payment by
found in the MV URA agency which was the Comptroller.

“City of Mount Vernon – Non-Payroll Disbursements (2021M-163),” New York State Comptroller’s Office, Issued January 31,
2022 | LINK:
It is important to note that the January 2022 state audit resists acknowledging that the policies and procedures were in
place. As Mayor, I obtained numerous Court Orders to enforce them against the City Comptroller(s) and City Council
between 2016 and 2019; however, I received no systemic support from the State of New York to effectuate such. The
report also fails to explain why the City’s financials are not posted with the State Comptroller going back to Fiscal Year 2016.
Why? Because the problems are bigger and run deeper. (See Attachment 14 – NYS Open Book PDF’s on MV’s Blank Record.)

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amplified by the preliminary findings of Baker Tilly, a forensic accounting firm, whose retention for a full
audit was blocked by the City Council and City Comptroller Reynolds.


By way of personal background, I was born and raised in Mount Vernon. When I decided to run for
Mayor in 2015, I was 32 and had served a term on the City Council which gave me a bird’s eye view of all
the problems my hometown was facing, including the endemic corruption that was strangling it. I was
finishing an executive MBA at NYU Stern School of Business and my wife was pregnant with our second
child. Everyone with experience was warned away and stayed away from my grassroots effort. As I
mentioned earlier, my campaign staff was small and mostly made up of family or friends. I worked
multiple roles from driving volunteers to driving strategy on my campaign for public office. My treasurer
was my grandmother’s friend who knew bookkeeping. She was also diagnosed with cancer and died
during the election. At my first opportunity, as I mentioned earlier, I was able to hire Lawrence
Mandelker and Laurence Laufer to correct what I knew had to be mistakes that I knew we must have
made given everyone’s essential inexperience and resolve the matter directly with the State Board of
Elections. At all times I acted in good faith and only wanted to help my community.


At all times former Corporation Counsel Lawrence Porcari and I felt that our lives were being threatened
and every attempt was being made to frame us by forces that benefited from systemic corruption in
Mount Vernon. We felt an extraordinary amount of pressure from the Mount Vernon Department of
Buildings, Planning Department, and Public Works. We labored to get independent third parties ranging
from the World Economic Forum to the Harvard Kennedy School of Government to issue studies that we
then shared with the City Council and State officials on how we could improve city services and
eliminate corruption by design. We went as far as asking a federal judge to assign monitors to the City to
oversee day to day operations to ensure broken sewers get fixed affordably and timely. I share this to
emphasize the point that Mr. Porcari and I took every step to demonstrate our commitment,
transparency, fairness in following the spirit and letter of all applicable laws, to root out the corruption
that has held Mount Vernon back for so many years.

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As HARVARD pointed out, they too could
not understand why a city of 80,000
people would only have one building
inspector. The New York State Senate
asked the same question and even
offered my administration help in
securing state funding to strengthen
Building Department services. Be very
critical here. Ask… under these
circumstances… under this “operational
crisis by design”… “What is the value of a
permit? How easy would it be to
influence applicants to select associates
of the only Building or Plumbing
Inspector?” These queries may seem far
from the point of this pardon request, but
they are inextricably intertwined. The
truth behind the “Why” offers context on
how vast and lucrative the systemic
corruption is in Mount Vernon. As I
introduced principles of transparency and
fair market competition across City Hall,
that system was threatened and in one
year the revenues generated by Mount Vernon’s Building Department went from a net $17,000 to over
$1.8 million annually along with the average permit time dropping from 8 or more months to less than 8
business days. Those that had until then benefited from the “shadow government” were angry and
stood to lose more than money, that is, had prosecutors been interested in ending these corrupt
practices, quite possibly their freedom.

My professors at the Stern School of Business taught me that systems perform as designed. As Mayor, I
sought to design performance systems that continuously improved operations to benefit the people of
Mount Vernon. The other side, possibly including certain people in the Attorney General’s office, will
point to various city litigations or alleged use of “inaugural funds” to sow doubt about my personal
integrity; however, ask yourself if any of this would have happened if they did not illegally bypass the
State Board of Elections. Why did they lie about that? Recall, they opened an investigation into Mount
Vernon’s finances… but never investigated the City’s finances – they only looked at me. Then
Comptroller DiNapoli used the excuse of “ongoing litigation” as the reason for not even conducting a

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timey audit, let alone push the Attorney General on the broad criminal investigation that he had
supposedly authorized. Instead of protecting the interests of the residents of Mount Vernon, these State
authorities stood idly by as Mount Vernon’s Comptrollers made approximately $170,000,000 in
unauthorized transactions with taxpayer money.

As such, if there is a need to go “tit for tat” on city litigations – both won and others (sabotaged by
entrenched politics and) lost, I would be more than happy to discuss my administration’s efforts to
protect the health and welfare of the people of Mount Vernon, specifically as it relates to extreme
measures taken to comply with federal and state environmental mandates pertaining to the Clean
Water Act. Further, should issues around “Inaugural Funds” creep in, please keep in mind that outside of
New York City, Inaugural Funds are governed differently. The fact is all applicable laws were followed
and taxes paid. The only fee I did not pay was a $50,000 demand made by a recently deceased political
boss. Fast forward, the current Mayor of Mount Vernon has had to use her Inaugural Fund in a similar
manner as I did, including getting wardrobe items for the Inaugural Ball. Yet there is no hint of state
prosecutors scrutinizing her expenses like they did mine. Maybe the new Mayor paid the political entry
fee that I refused? Or, given the massive amount of money mishandled by Mount Vernon’s
Comptrollers, maybe there is another twist to her role as the current Mayor? (See Exhibits 3 and 3A of
Attachment 2)

Mayor Rich Thomas speaks on why “All Lives Matter” to release tension between
police and the community during press conference held at MVHS July 19, 2016 |

Think about it. George Floyd lost his life over an allegedly counterfeit $20 bill. The disgraced Controller
at the College of New Rochelle denied the existence of his Ponzi scheme until it fell apart. What lengths
would corrupt forces go to keep the truth behind hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars in various,
documented schemes secret? Despite what Mr. Porcari and I have endured, I remain convinced that
Mount Vernon can be returned to its former glory. I will not be stopped by the misdemeanor conviction
I was forced to accept. I know that being pardoned will materially assist me in my quest to clean my City
up, because that will be a clear signal that a page has been turned and New York State will help local
government fight corruption wherever and whenever it rears its head.

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Knowing the life and death stakes, my conduct as Mayor of Mount Vernon was and always guided by the
advice of counsel from the Mount Vernon Law Department and its special outside counsel Arthur “Jerry”
Kremer. It was our policy to seek additional outside counsel for virtually everything to protect the best
interests of the City, but also protect ourselves given the extreme circumstances. It was also a necessity
as City Comptroller Reynolds had stripped the Corporation Counsel’s Office of the funding it needed to
operate at the level expected of that office. Further, as previously mentioned, I diligently applied the
same “advice of counsel” approach to my campaign. Legal experts were brought on to correct clerical
reporting mistakes that were made almost inevitable given: (i) the general complexity of our laws; (ii)
the illness and eventual passing of my treasurer; and (iii) the overall inexperience of the volunteers who
handled these matters after she could no longer work. Yet, I was not given a chance (unlike that
afforded your Lieutenant Governor) to address and resolve my campaign issues with the State Board of
Elections (SBOE).

The New York Times warned about the NYAG’s potential abuse of power when they observed that,

“The agreement between Mr. Schneiderman and Mr. DiNapoli has significant limits: The
attorney general will still lack standing to investigate allegations of criminal violations of election
law, or to investigate the Legislature for offenses unrelated to the expenditure of state money,
like a lawmaker’s failure to disclose outside income.”8

The irrefutable truth is that the SBOE did not issue a criminal referral to the NYAG. It is more than likely
that the SBOE never would have given AG Schneiderman what he wanted. This appears to be why AG
Schneiderman used Comptroller DiNapoli’s broad criminal referral to make a false narrative and
criminalize routine election activities that the SBOE would have handled with a civil penalty, if that. This
is a primary reason why we are seeking pardons. Please know that I take and took responsibility for
clerical errors in my 2015 campaign, but they were just that – clerical errors made with no malice or

Specific to Mr. Porcari, it boils down to how legal procedures are applied as opposed to the letter of the
law. The law is clear he had the authority to act as he did under Mount Vernon’s Local Law 17; however,
the AG ignored it all in its attempt to drive me from the Office to which I had been duly elected by 77%
of the voters of Mount Vernon. This is in addition to the legal advice of highly respected Outside Counsel
that Mr. Porcari received, relied upon, and followed through on in authorizing the use of resources of
the Water Department, a quasi-independent agency of the City to defend its agents. (Recall that this
was the agency that was the subject of the AG’s suspiciously short-circuited investigation into a “no-
show” job.) The implications here are deeply troubling as the door is now open for prosecuting a
Corporation Counsel for rendering legal advice the AG does not like.

“Accord With Comptroller Will Help Attorney General Pursue Corruption Cases,” Nicholas Confessore, New York Times, May
22, 2011 | LINK:

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After witnessing AG Schneiderman wrongfully go after NYC Councilman Ruben Wills, you should not be
surprised by another Schneiderman sneak attack. Despite the title of Mayor, I still experienced overt
racism and discrimination during my tenure. As one example among many, I was mistreated by the city’s
bank when they called the cops on me to prevent me for getting information about our City’s financial
affairs even though I had gotten a Court order directing City Comptroller Reynolds to provide access to
those accounts.9

Another example of the double standard in when government can pay for an official’s defense concerns
former Governor Andrew Cuomo. State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, who discussed the State’s
obligation to Governor Cuomo on WAMC Radio earlier this year, said that the State must pay former
Governor Cuomo’s legal fees without exception. 10 Again, the many allegations made against him, for
personal as well as public conduct, go well beyond anything I was accused of in both breadth and
potential severity. Yet, the Counsel to the Governor (or equivalent to a Corporation Counsel) is joining
the State Comptroller to administer payment of his attorneys. By
coincidence, former Governor Cuomo is represented by Randall
Jackson, the same person that the Mount Vernon Law
Department retained on my behalf and who was forced from my
case by the AG’s threats, effectively undermining my case to,
among others, the AG’s political advantage. As you know, the
state’s process for providing legal representation to current and
former officials is very similar to Mount Vernon’s, including its
agencies and authorities that are independent of the City’s Board
of Estimate. As the AG will never prosecute the Governor’s
Counsel, Comptroller DiNapoli, and Cuomo’s state funded
attorneys on a similar claim of improper payments, perhaps there
is a double standard of justice after all?


Based on bank actions and as confirmed by the recent audit
report, the conspiracy to keep Mount Vernon’s financial situation
from Mayoral oversight and control is reality. The city’s bank was
put on notice in January 2016 that, as Mayor, I was seeking a
digital profile so I could gain access to the city’s financial data to
understand what resources were available to accomplish the

“Banking While Black: Chase Calls Cops on Mayor Thomas,” YouTube, 1.3 million views, April 2019, LINK:
“New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapol Interview,” WAMC Northeast Public Radio, September 23, 2021, Link:
comptroller-thomas-dinapoli Note: Within the first 7 minutes of the interview, Comptroller DiNapoli discusses why New York
State is paying former Governor Cuomo’s legal fees without end in sight.

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mission of protecting the health and welfare of the People of the City. I also advised them in 2016 that I,
as the Chief Executive Officer, would be enforcing the provisions of our City Charter which requires a
two-signature process for ALL bank transactions, consistent with our contract with the bank. The bank
refused and told me to get a Court order. Despite multiple Court Orders and the plain language of the
Mount Vernon City Charter on top of the bank’s contract with the City, I was never granted access
because City Comptroller Reynolds had convinced them that she, not Mount Vernon, was the actual
client. Whether this came with an implicit threat to move the City’s banking business elsewhere, I do not

As previously mentioned, instead, the bank called law enforcement (claiming that there was an armed
person on the premises - that person was my police assigned guard whom the bank had been informed
was armed as he was on duty) and allowed the Comptroller Reynolds to remove me from being a
signatory on the City’s accounts – a direct violation of our City Charter. 11

In 2016 and numerous times throughout my tenure as Mayor, I warned the bank that should anything
go awry with Mount Vernon’s money that my administration would hold them liable. Today, we know of
at least $170 million in unauthorized non-payroll transactions by both Comptrollers Maureen Walker
and Deborah Reynolds that the bank should pay for.

For ready reference, a transcript and link to an audio file from my conversation with the bank outlining
the above concerns from May 12, 2017. (See Attachment 15 – Mayor Thomas JP Morgan Convo on
Stopping Bank Wires Solely by Comptroller Walker.) (This is a sampling of what Mr. Porcari and I went
through and more records of this kind will be made available at the appropriate time.) The bottom line is
the bank continued its pattern and practice of reneging and rejecting its obligations to me as Mayor of
the City of Mount Vernon and failed to honor its own fiduciary duties and obligations. It is apparent that
their conduct is not a mistake.


The bigger question is, “Why would JP Morgan Chase not let a predominantly Black City bank?”

We hear chants of “I can’t breathe,” well the truth is Mount Vernon – a city of beautiful color – cannot
bank. It is apparent that the problems that Mr. Porcari and I faced were much bigger than previously
known. For example, as Mayor, my own efforts at rooting out corruption throughout City government,
and specifically in its police department, were routinely hampered by state and local officials with
“investigative powers.” It was the U.S. Department of Justice, not any state or local agency, that
launched an investigation into the Police Department that has finally validated my claims and concerns
dating back to 2012 when I served on the City Council. 12

Thomas,, May 16, 2019 | LINK:
“Justice Department Launches Investigation of the Mount Vernon Police Department,” U.S. Department of Justice Southern
District of New York, December 3, 2021 | Link:

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This begs the necessity to ask more fundamental questions. If we are to believe “Black Lives Matter,”
how can we tell if “Mount Vernon matters” given its (mis)treatment by former and current state

The $170 million fiasco with Mount Vernon’s finances could have been stopped if the State Comptroller
actually investigated the City’s finances in 2016. Additionally, Mount Vernon would not have lost its
credit rating with Moody’s Investor Service. 13, 14

What was so important that the AG had to lie and spend over $1 million (in going beyond its jurisdiction)
to wrongfully prosecute me for campaign accounting errors amounting to $12,900?

Why did the Comptroller DiNapoli ignore our school district when they sued City Comptroller Reynolds
for not transferring over $31 million in education funds?

When the City of Mount Vernon could not pick up residential trash in 2019 because our garbage trucks
ran out of gas and struggled with inoperable equipment, why was the matter dismissed as “political” by
the State of New York - when the State Comptroller’s audit has confirmed what we said all along? What
political advantage in sidelining me and my Administration could justify allowing garbage to pile up and
threaten public health?

In short, why did the State stand idly by and watch while the City of Mount Vernon descended into
political chaos during my tenure as Mayor?

“Rating Action: Moody's places 5 local governments' ratings on review due to insufficient information and withdraws ratings
on Mount Vernon, NY,” Moody’s Investor Service, January 2, 2019 LINK:
Rating with Mayor, Commissioners, Inspector General,, January 29, 2019 | LINK:

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When City Comptroller Reynolds repeatedly closed her office during normal business hours, effectively
shutting down large segments of the real estate industry, why did the State of New York stand idly by?

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Why was Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli missing in action when it came to Mount Vernon?

Why did he only pretend to open an investigation into the City of Mount Vernon’s finances in 2016, but
never pursue any audit into the handling of Mount Vernon’s finances? This could have made a
difference and preserved millions in taxpayer dollars while relieving unnecessary suffering to City
residents, workers, and vendors.
February 2019 Now with the truth out about $170 million
spent on unauthorized transactions,
coupled with a Department of Justice
investigation into the Mount Vernon Police
Department, maybe now someone will
believe us that we never were the criminals
in this story.15 AG Schneiderman resigned
in disgrace once his secret (except around
Albany insiders) history of alcoholism and
abusive conduct toward women was
exposed, yet he should be called to
account for his conduct in this matter. AG
James needs to come clean on why she
pursued my unlawful prosecution while
allowing corruption to run rampant.
Comptroller DiNapoli must also explain the
complete abdication of his responsibilities
toward the people of Mount Vernon. These
officials used their power to manipulate
the levers of government not only against
Mr. Porcari and me but, worse, to the
detriment of every person living in Mount
Vernon. We all deserved better and most
respectfully we are all looking to you to
begin the process of restoring everyone’s
faith in a system that has so far failed so
many in my beloved City.

“Justice Department Launches Investigation of the Mount Vernon Police Department,” U.S. Department of
Justice Southern District of New York, December 3, 2021 | Link:

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Based on the above, I pray that I have made my case for full and complete pardons for me and Lawrence
Porcari, albeit he is not officially a part of this submission. Our lives have been literally destroyed,
affecting our abilities to care for our families. What happened to us was wrong and was retaliation from
larger, darker, dirty political forces. A pardon can begin the process of restoring our good names and
giving us another shot at living a normal life. Perhaps as important, these pardons will serve as a clear
signal that your Administration will not tolerate corruption and abuse of State enforcement powers for
partisan purposes. It will also show that your Administration means to take action and not content itself
with empty rhetoric of clean and ethical government. Should you or your team require more
information or additional submissions from me, I will be more than happy to oblige as much is at stake.


In addition, so that no future criminal referral to the Office of the Attorney General is used as a pretext
to investigate an unrelated complaint over which it otherwise has no jurisdiction, I respectfully request
that you propose legislation requiring (a) the State agency that receives a complaint on a matter over
which it lacks primary jurisdiction to it promptly (within five business days of receipt) to the one granted
such jurisdiction by the Legislature and (b) prohibit that initial agency from taking any action on that
complaint unless duly authorized by the appropriate agency.


Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope you agree that we were treated unfairly and will take
action to right the wrongs committed against us and the people of my beloved Mount Vernon.

Respectfully Submitted,

Richard Thomas
Former Mayor of the City of Mount Vernon

P.S. Each illustration in this document was hand drawn, in real time starting in 2016 by David Abrevaya,
a staff member who served on my communications team to whom I am forever grateful. He and I worked
on these depictions to capture unbelievable moments of my tenure as Mayor of Mount Vernon. This was
done in the spirit of Thomas Nast because we believed then as we do now that we were up against
Modern Day Boss Tweeds. You can find David online at or on
Instagram at IG handle @david_abrevaya

Page 22 of 22
“Scales”, depicting Comptroller
Maureen Walker fighting with then City
Council President Marcus Griffith and
Councilman Andre Wallace hoisting him
up to take Mount Vernon’s money and
power with Mayor Richard Thomas
telling them Mount Vernon belongs to
the People. Issued February 2017 by
David Abrevaya
Attachment 1 – Kelly Admits to Changing and Seeking to Delete Police Records
Attachment 2 – 2017 Corruption Memo Ignored By NYAG
Attachment 3 – URA Memo Raising Massive Fraud Concerns with Federal Tax
Attachment 4 – Baker Tilly Letter Validating Material Misstatement Concerns of
the MV URA
Attachment 5 – Petition to Remove Comptroller Reynolds filed October 2018
Attachment 6 – Mayor Richard Thomas Request for Legal Opinion from CMVNY
Law Department
Attachment 7 – CMVNY Law Dept. Legal Opinion In Response to Mayor Richard
Thomas Request for Legal Opinion
Attachment 8 – Mount Vernon City Charter Section 153
Attachment 9 – Mount Vernon Local Law 17
Attachment 10 – Mount Vernon Procurement Policy
Attachment 11 – Inspector General Report on the Mount Vernon Urban Renewal
Attachment 12 – Inspector General Report on Mount Vernon Comptroller
Deborah Reynolds Detailing her Efforts on Breaking Systems and Defying Charter
Established Procedures
Attachment 13 – Inspector General Report on Mount Vernon Comptroller
Deborah Reynolds Non-Payment of Bills Except Hers
Attachment 14 – NYS Open Book PDF’s of Mount Vernon’s Finances between
2016 and 2020
Attachment 15 – Audio and Transcription of Conversation with Mount Vernon’s
Bank Representative on Comptroller Maureen Walker’s Un-Authorized Use of
Wire Transfers
Attachment 1 – Kelly Admits to
Changing and Seeking to Delete Police
RE: Former Mount Vernon Mayor Richard Thomas (with former senior advisor
and Microsoft Assistant General Counsel Bruce Jackson) conducting a 90 Day
Management Review Discussion With former Police Commissioner Robert Kelly
DATE: April 6, 2016
TIME: 3:00 PM (Approx.)
AUDIO DURATION: 30 Seconds (of 45+ minute meeting)

Mayor Richard Thomas: What was the rational to change the report
from trespasser to something else in the police report?

Police Commissioner Robert Kelly: I regret doing that I will tell you
that I regret doing that because at that time I was trying to not be peace
maker but trying to alleviate anything that’s my mistake and I own that
one hundred percent and I thought I was doing the right thing trying to
put out the fires. Uhm…in retrospect I wouldn’t do it again my mistake
one hundred percent. I own that.
Attachment 2 – 2017 Corruption Memo
Ignored By NYAG
Attachment 3 – URA Memo Raising
Massive Fraud Concerns with Federal
Tax Dollars
Attachment 4 – Baker Tilly Letter
Validating Material Misstatement
Concerns of the MV URA
Attachment 5 – Petition to Remove
Comptroller Reynolds filed October
................................................................................. X



NOW COMES the City of Mount Vernon (“Petitioner”) by and through counsel,

Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, P.C., and, pursuant to Section 26 of the Charter of the

City of Mount Vernon and Section 33 of the New York State Public Officers Law, for the

reasons set forth below, and for other reasons to be adduced, hereby moves the Honorable

Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, for an Order (a) removing from

office Deborah Reynolds, the elected Comptroller of the City of Mount Vernon, and (b)

temporarily suspending her from office pending investigation of these charges.


1. Under Section 13 of the Charter of the City of Mount Vernon, New York (the

“Charter”), the City of Mount Vernon (“Mount Vernon” or the “City”) has an elected


2. Deborah Reynolds is the incumbent Mount Vernon Comptroller. She was

elected in 2017 and took office January 1, 2018. She holds office now.
3. Charter Section 91 states that “the Comptroller shall superintend the financial

affairs of the City and manage the same pursuant to law and ordinances of the City


4. Charter Section 91 states that “no money shall be drawn from a City

depositary except on check or draft signed by the Comptroller or the Deputy Comptroller

and made payable to the person entitled to receive the same.”

5. It is thus the obligation of the Comptroller to oversee the financial affairs of

the City of Mount Vernon and to pay the City’s bills. Her performance of these duties in

a competent and timely fashion is critical to the City’s operation. Mount Vernon depends

upon a constant flow of goods and services in order to serve its residents. If the Comptroller

does not pay the City’s bills, vendors who provide goods and services will cut the City off.

6. Because the Comptroller has, as we describe below, refused to pay vendors

who supply Mount Vernon with goods and services, the City’s operations are on the verge

of breakdown.

7. Mount Vernon also has certain financial reporting obligations. If the

Comptroller fails to meet these obligations, this jeopardizes City funding and puts it at risk

of non-compliance with the law.

8. Because the Comptroller has, as we describe below, failed to meet certain

financial filing requirements, she has jeopardized certain funding opportunities and raised

the possibility that Mount Vernon is not in compliance with mandated legal reporting


9. As we describe below, the Comptroller’s bizarre and inexplicable refusal to

perform her duties puts the health and safety of the citizens of Mount Vernon at risk, it puts

the City of Mount Vernon in legal jeopardy, jeopardizes state funding, and makes it

difficult for Mount Vernon employees to continue to work.

10. The City of Mount Vernon hereby request the extraordinary remedy of

removing the Comptroller from office because her refusal to perform her duties endangers

its residents, and makes it impossible for the City of Mount Vernon to function and to

provide basic services to its citizenry.



11. Under Article 26 of the Charter, “the . . . Comptroller may be removed by

the Governor in the same manner as a Sheriff”

12. Public Officers Law Section 33(2) (“Section 33(2)”) gives the Governor the

power to remove the “chief executive officer of the police force by whatever title he may

be designated, of every city.” Thus, read together. Section 33(2) and Charter Article 26

give the Governor the power to remove the Mount Vernon Comptroller.

13. Charter Article 26 gives the Governor the power to suspend the Comptroller

for up to 60 days “pending the investigation” of removal charges.

14. Under Section 33(2), the Governor must provide “such officer a copy of the

charges against him and an opportunity to be heard in his defense.” Petitioner has served

a copy of these charges on the Comptroller by e-mail, by registered mail, and is serving

her by hand.
15. Under Public Officers Law Section 34(1), the Governor has the power to

“conduct an investigation into the charges.” To do so, he “may take evidence as to the

truth of the charges at the hearing for such purpose,” “or . . . may direct that such

investigation or hearing, or both, ... be conducted by a justice of the supreme court of the

judicial district, or the county judge of the county, in which the officer proceeded against

shall reside.” Section 34(1) also empowers the Governor to appoint a “Commissioner” to

conduct any such investigation or hearing, and Public Officers Law Section 34(2)

empowers the Governor to “direct ... the District Attorney of the County in which the

officer proceeded against resides, to assist the Governor. . . in the conduct of the

investigation . . . and of the hearing into the truth of the charges.” Finally, Section 34(2)

and Charter Section 26 empower the Governor to direct the Attorney General to assist him

in investigating the charges.

16. In short, the Public Officers Law and the Charter give the Governor broad

power to investigate these charges, to hold a hearing on these charges, and to take

appropriate action including removal of the City Comptroller from office.



a. The Comptroller’s Failure To Appoint A First Deputy

17. Charter Section 90 provides in relevant part, that the Comptroller “shall

appoint, to hold office during his pleasure, except as otherwise provided by law, a First
Deputy Comptroller, who shall be an aecountant and shall have had at least three years’

experienee as a bookkeeper.”

18. Comptroller Reynolds is not an accountant. She is not a CPA.

19. Historically, the Mount Vernon First Deputy Comptroller possessing the

required accounting background had taken the day- to-day responsibility for paying City

bills when due.

20. Despite the fact that the Charter requires Comptroller Reynolds to appoint a

First Deputy Comptroller, she has failed to do so. While she has appointed a Second

Deputy Comptroller, that person is not an accountant. Thus, at this point, no one in the

Comptroller’s office is a CPA.

b. The Fuel Vendor Bills

21. Mount Vernon has many municipal vehicles - police cars, fire trucks,

garbage trucks, snow plow trucks, street sweepers, and cars used by municipal employees

to perform their jobs. Those vehicles run on diesel fuel or gasoline.

22. Mount Vernon has two fuel vendors: Sprague Fuel Energy supplies it with

diesel fuel, and Global Montello Group Corp. supplies it with gasoline.

23. As of October 12, 2018, Global Montello was owed approximately $86,700

for fuel delivered to Mount Vernon. In an e-mail dated October 11, 2018, Global Montello

advised the City of Mount Vernon that, pursuant to its contract with the City of Mount

Vernon, it had the option of not supplying the City with fuel, noting that “this location is

always past due and we are constantly calling for collections.”

24. As of October 19, 2018, Mount Vernon owes Sprague Diesel $45,561.85

dollars for diesel fuel aetually delivered to the City. These unpaid charges date back to

July 20, 2018.

25. If either fuel vendor cuts off Mount Vernon, its ability to provide basic

services to the citizens of Mount Vernon will grind to a halt: police cars, fire trucks,

sanitation trucks, and other municipal vehicles will sit idle, their fuel tanks dry.

26. In each instance, the past due fuel vendor invoices have been approved by

the relevant department head and delivered to the Comptroller’s office. In each instance,

there was money in the appropriate budget line to pay the past due fuel vendor invoices.

In each instance, for no apparent reason, the Comptroller has failed and refused to pay these


e. The Street Light And Traffie Light Repair Vehicles

27. Mount Vernon has traffic lights and street lights. Maintaining these lights is

critical to insuring the safety of City residents and those who travel on City streets.

28. Until recently. Mount Vernon had three vehicles which it used to repair and

maintain its street lights and traffic lights. Two of the vehieles were assigned to the

Department of Publie Works (“DPW”): they were used to maintain and repair street lights.

One vehiele was assigned to the Traffie Department. It was used to repair and maintain

traffic lights.

29. One of the two DPW assigned vehicles was leased. The Comptroller failed

and refused to make the required monthly lease payments. For this reason, in or about the

summer of 2018, the leasing eompany terminated the lease and repossessed the vehiele. At
that point, Mount Vernon was left with only two vehieles to repair and maintain its street

lights and traffie lights.

30. Mount Vernon uses Altee Inc. (“Altec”) to repair these vehicles. During

early October, 2018, as both of the two remaining vehicles needed to be repaired, they were

brought to Altec. The staff at Altec advised Mount Vernon that it would not do the repair

work because Mount Vernon owed it money, and that Altec could not work on these

vehicles until outstanding bills were resolved.

31. For several days during early October, after the first vehicle broke down but

before the second one did. Mount Vernon officials scrambled to continue to maintain and

repair City traffic lights and the street lights. They did so by using the single remaining

vehicle to fix traffic lights during the day, between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., and to fix street

lights at night, between 3:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.

32. This was not usual. Normally, street lights and traffic lights are fixed and

maintained during the daylight hours. This is done for safety reasons - because traffic

often needs to be diverted when these repair trucks are making repairs, it is safer for drivers,

pedestrians, and those working to repair street lights and traffic lights if repair work is done

during daylight hours.

33. Repairing street lights between 3:00 p.m. and 11:00p p.m. also caused danger

to drivers and pedestrians because the repairs were done during peak rush hour.

34. Each of the past due lease payments had been approved by the relevant

department head and delivered to the Comptroller’s office. There was money in the
appropriate budget line to pay for each past due lease payment. In each instance, for no

apparent reason, the Comptroller has failed and refused to pay those bills.

35. In each instance, the past due Altec invoices had been approved by the

relevant department head and delivered to the Comptroller’s office. In each instance, there

was money in the appropriate budget line to pay the past due Altec invoices. In each

instance, for no apparent reason, the Comptroller has failed and refused to pay these bills.

d. The Comptroller Refuses To Pay The City’s Hardware Vendors

36. Mount Vernon has a number of municipal buildings. Those buildings

include a City Hall, a police building, a courthouse, an armory, a DPW garage, and parking


37. The Mount Vernon DPW maintains those buildings. DPW employees do

maintenance and repairs on electrical systems, plumbing systems, and other building


38. To do maintenance and repairs, DPW employees often need to buy parts.

Historically, the DPW has relied on hardware stores and suppliers to provide it with those


39. Since taking office, the Comptroller has failed and refused to pay outstanding

bills from these vendors.

40. One such vendor is Champion Wholesale Electrical Distributors, Inc.

(“Champion”). It supplies the City with electrical parts. Because the City has not paid its

outstanding bills. Champion has cut the City off, and will not supply it with any more parts.

For this reason, the City has no ability to make basic electrical repairs because it can’t buy

electric parts. It can’t buy electric parts solely because the Comptroller won’t pay

Champion what it is owed. In each instance, there is money in the budget to pay these

bills. In each instance, the relevant department approved of the bills and submitted them

to the Comptroller. And in each instance, for no apparent reason, the Comptroller has

failed, and refused, to pay the Champion bills.

41. The City of Mount Vernon relies on two hardware stores - Vernon Hardware

& Supply Co. and Gramatan Paint & Hardware Inc. -- to supply it with basic hardware such

as nuts, bolts, door knobs, and other simple hardware items. The City of Mount Vernon

uses these types of supplies to do all manner of repairs and maintenance on municipal


42. Both of these vendors have cut the City of Mount Vernon off because Mount

Vernon has not paid their bills. In each instance, there is money in the proper budget line

to pay these bills. In each instance, the relevant department head has signed off on these

bills. In each instance, the bills have been submitted to the Comptroller who, for no

apparent reasons, has failed, and refused, to pay them.

e. The Comptroller Won’t Pay The Company That Clears Blocked Sewer Lines

43. Mount Vernon has a sewer system. At times, sewer lines become blocked.

44. Mount Vernon contracts with National Water Main Cleaning Co. to clear

blocked sewer lines.

45. Because it is owed approximately $34,000 in unpaid invoices. National

Water Main Cleaning now refuses to do business with Mount Vernon. As a result, if a
Mount Vernon sewer line becomes blocked, the City won’t be able to rely on National

Water Main Service.

46. The unpaid National Water Main Cleaning invoices were approved by the

relevant department head and delivered to the Comptroller. There is money in the proper

budget line to pay these bills. For no apparent reason, the Comptroller has failed, and

refused, to pay these bills.

f The Comptroller Fails To Pay Department Of Recreation Bills

47. The City of Mount Vernon has a Recreation Department.

48. The Comptroller, without reason or justification, has failed and refused to

process and delayed the processing of Recreation Department bills and billing matters.

49. Asa result in the Comptroller’s delay in processing bills, the Commissioner

and Deputy Commissioner of the Recreation Department have been forced to use their

personal credit cards to make payments for Recreation Department activities such as

children’s trips and food for senior citizens programs.

50. The Recreation Department operates two senior centers. Because the

Comptroller has not paid outstanding bills to vendors who supply products, including food

and toilet paper to the senior centers, a senior center was, as of October 17, 2018, out of

toilet papers, and, in or about the first week of October, 2018, a Deputy Commissioner was

forced to spend personal money to pay for lunches for seniors at the center. Again, in each

instance, there was money in the budget to pay these bills and they had been approved of

by the necessary municipal officials.

g- Other Examples Of The Comptroller’s Failure To Pay Bills

i The Westlaw Cutoff

51. The City of Mount Vernon has a Law Department. Lawyers in the Law

Department represent the City in legal proceedings.

52. Like many other lawyers, those lawyers used Westlaw, a recognized standard

computerized research tool. Because the Comptroller failed to pay Westlaw bills due for

the period January 31, 2018 through October 1, 2018, on or about October 8, 2018,

Westlaw cut off service to the City of Mount Vernon Law Department. There was money

in the budget to pay those bills. The bills were approved of by the appropriate department

head, as per normal procedure. However, once submitted to the Comptroller, for no

apparent reason, they were never paid.

ii The City Has Run Out Of Paper

53. The City of Mount Vernon does mailings. In order to do those mailings, it

needs paper to make photocopies. It has a mailroom which makes the necessary


54. On September 25, 2018, the municipal employee who runs the mailroom

submitted a request to the Comptroller to sign a purchase order in order to enable the

mailroom to purchase paper and other copying supplies. Since that time the Comptroller

has refused to sign the necessary paperwork, thus making it impossible for the mailroom

to obtain the necessary supplies. For this reason, as of October 18, the Mount Vernon

mailroom is out of paper and other supplies, and thus had no ability to make photocopies.



a. The Comptroller’s Failure To Make Required State Constitution Tax Limit Filings

55. Under Article VIII (10) of the New York State Constitution, Mount Vernon,

like other cities, has a maximum amount of real property tax that it may levy in a fiscal


56. If Mount Vernon or any other municipality imposes property taxes that

exceed this limit, the State Comptroller must withhold certain assistance payments

otherwise due.

57. Like other cities, Mount Vernon must, annually file with the state

Comptroller a Constitutional Tax Limit form. This form advises the State Comptroller of

information necessary to verify compliance with the tax limit. It must be filed no later than

ten days before adoption of a final budget, and the municipality must file a copy of the

adopted budget within 30 days of its adoption. The Local Government and School

Accountability (“LGSA”) office of the State Comptroller monitors Constitutional Tax

Limit compliance.

58. As the Chief Fiscal Officer of the City of Mount Vernon, it is the

Comptroller’s responsibility to properly file the Constitutional Tax Limit form and the

adopted budget.

59. Mount Vernon’s fiscal year runs from January 1 through December 31. It

adopted its 2018 budget in or about late September 2017.

60. In connection with the 2018 budget, the then incumbent Comptroller did not

file the required Constitutional Tax Limit form or the adopted budget.

61. Upon assuming office in January 2018, it became Comptroller Reynolds’

responsibility to file the Constitutional Tax Limit form and the 2018 budget.

62. Since assuming office, Comptroller Reynolds has failed and refused to file

the required Constitutional Tax Limit form or the adopted 2018 budget.

63. On October 12, 2018, the State Comptrollers’ LGSA office notified Mount

Vernon that it has not filed the 2018 budget Tax Limit Form or the 2018 budget. The City

Comptroller has, to date, failed to correct this.

b. The Failure To Make The Statutory Property Tax Cap Filings

64. In 2011, New York State enacted a statutory property tax cap. This stature

sets a limit of 2% on the annual growth of property taxes levied by local governments. It

is distinct from and in addition to the Constitutional Tax Limit. Each year, each local

government must submit to the State Comptroller a document certifying compliance with

the property tax cap and information regarding proposed and adopted budgets.

65. According to the LGSA office of the State Comptroller, Mount Vernon has

not filed its 2018 property tax cap form.

66. Comptroller Reynolds became responsible for filing the 2018 property tax

cap form once she took office in January 2018. Despite this, she has failed to do so, and

to date has failed to do so.


67. Mount Vernon has a municipal water system. It is operated by the Board of

Water Supply.

68. At a certain point, the City imposes liens on properties with unpaid water

bills. It is the Comptroller’s responsibility to attaeh liens to sueh properties.

69. By letter dated Oetober 12, 2018, Comptroller Reynolds rejeeted the request

of the Commissioner of the Board of Water Supply to attach liens to such properties. In

her Oetober 12, 2018 letter, Comptroller Reynolds states: “please be advised that the liens

you attached were the responsibility of the previous administration. It is my understanding

that the Board of Water Supply has not supplied the City of Mount Vernon with the excess

profits for the years 2015, 2016, and 2017 which sum to approximately $3 million dollars.”

70. The Comptroller has no legal basis for refusing to attaeh liens to properties

with outstanding water bills. By refusing to do so, she prejudiees the ability of Mount

Vernon to collect money it is owed.



71. By refusing to process various personnel forms, and by refusing to release

budgeted funds, the Comptroller has interfered with the City’s ability to funetion.

72. Mount Vernon has a Civil Serviee Commission, which administers Civil

Serviee tests, and proeesses hiring, promotion, and other employment related matters for

Mount Vernon employees. (We refer to the Civil Service Commission as the “Civil Service


73. As part of the Mount Vernon budget, the City Council allocates funds to the

Civil Serviee office for it to earry out its duties.

74. Despite this, the Comptroller refuses to transfer those allocated funds to the

Civil Service office. Here, we give examples of how this has paralyzed the Civil Service


a. The Comptroller Has Made It Impossible To Hire Police Officers

75. As of October 12, 2018, the Civil Service office has no funds in its account.

This is despite the fact that monies allocated to the Civil Service Department by the City

Council are available: unfortunately, the Comptroller will not release them to the Civil

Service Department.

76. On or about October 15, 2018, a representative of the Police Department

contacted the Civil Service office and asked it to schedule appointments for medical and

psychological screening for police officer candidates who are to be hired for the next police

academy class. Because the Comptroller refuses to transfer funds allocated by the City

Council to the Civil Service office, the Civil Service office has no funds actually available,

so is unable to schedule pre-employment medical and psychological evaluations. The

Comptroller has thus made it impossible for Mount Vernon to hire new police officers.

The City’s inability to hire new public officers will have a profound impact on public


b. The Comptroller Won’t Process Overtime Pay

77. Historically, if an employee works overtime, and the head of that employee’s

department approves of that overtime, payroll sheets reflective of that approved overtime

are submitted to the Comptroller’s office for processing, and the employee who worked

the overtime is then paid for that overtime work. To date overtime pay requests have not

been paid.

78. The eurrent DPW Commissioner is Mark Ederer. As DPW Commissioner,

Mr. Ederer has authority to approve overtime work by DPW employees.

79. The prior DPW Commissioner, Mr. Nigro, resigned from employment with

Mount Vernon in September 2018. He was replaeed at that time by Mr. Ederer.

80. The Comptroller initially refused to proeess the relevant forms in conneetion

with both Mr. Nigro’s termination and Mr. Ederer’s appointment as DPW Commissioner.

81. Beeause the Comptroller refused to acknowledge Mr. Nigro’s resignation as

DPW Commissioner or Mr. Ederer’s appointment as DPW Commissioner, she refused to

process payroll and overtime sheets bearing Mr. Ederer’s signature. As a result, it became

likely that payroll and overtime checks for DPW workers would be delayed.

82. If DPW employees were not paid their full wages due in a timely fashion, it

would have violated the Teamsters Union contract and also would have subjected the City

to civil liability for unpaid wages. It would also have jeopardized the ability of the City to

provide basic services to its residents, as employees who don’t receive their full paychecks

are less likely to work.

83. To avoid the above the City was forced to change the relevant forms for

Nigro to a termination as demanded by the Comptroller. Although this was factually

incorrect this was the only way to induce her to process the personnel forms.

c. The Comptroller Fails to Pay Employees On Time

84. At times, the Comptroller’s office simply fails to pay employees in a timely

fashion. A recent example of this involved a City employee named Jennifer Mastrogiorgio.

85. Ms. Mastrogiorgio started working as a Senior Account Clerk in the DPW

on August 27, 2018. Up until that time, she had worked for the City of Mount Vernon as

a cashier in its Finance Department.

86. On or about August 14, 2018, the City Council adopted an ordinance

allocating money to fund the Senior Account Clerk position into which Ms. Mastrogiorgio

was transferring.

87. The relevant Report of Personnel Change (“RPC”) form was signed by the

then DPW Commissioner and the Human Resources Department. By letter dated August

17, 2018, Ms. Mastrogiorgio advised the Comptroller of the fact that she would be

transferring to the positon of Senior Account Clerk in the DPW as of August 27, 2018.

88. Despite the fact that the City Council passed an ordinance funding the Senior

Account Clerk position, despite the fact that the RPC for that positon was properly signed,

and despite the fact that Ms. Mastrogiorgio worked in the Senior Account Clerk position

for the week of August 27 through August 31, 2018, Ms. Mastrogiorgio did not receive a

paycheck for the week of August 31, 2018 in a timely fashion, and was not paid for her

final week of work in the Finance Department.

89. It was not until September 20, 2018 that Ms. Mastrogiorgio received her pay

for these two weeks. Thus, she was paid nearly three weeks late. This is entirely due to

the Comptroller’s office delay in processing Ms. Mastrogiorgio’s pay.

d. The Comptroller’s Refusal To Process RPC Forms

90. On a broader basis, the Comptroller refuses to process RPC forms. RPC

forms are fdled out whenever there is a change in an employee’s status - for instance, an

employee termination, resignation, promotion, or hire.

91. Historically, RPC forms are submitted to the Comptroller’s office for

processing after they have been approved of by the relevant department head and human

resources. At that point, historically, the Comptroller’s office, in a ministerial function,

processed the RPC form. If the form was for a promotion, the Comptroller’s office would

implement the pay raise associated with the promotion. If the form was for a resignation,

the Comptroller’s office would end further pay to the resigning employee. The

Comptroller’s office simply processes personnel decisions which others lawfully had

made. It has no human resources function under the Charter and has never exercised any

human resources function.

92. Since assuming office, the Comptroller has increasingly refused to process

RPC forms. For instance, in the case of an employee out on leave authorized by the

applicable supervisory authority, the Comptroller has refused to process the RPC form

unless provided with information as to why the individual is out. The Comptroller refuses

to process authorized salary increases. The Comptroller does so despite the fact that these

RPC forms have been approved by the relevant department head, and despite the fact that

the Comptroller’s office has no role in human resources decisions.

93. For example, during the first week of October, the Comptroller’s office

refused to process approximately 25 RPC forms, improperly demanding to meet with the

relevant Commissioner before aeeepting any of those forms. This was inconsistent with

past practice, and delayed the ability of the City to implement personnel changes. In

addition, the Comptroller has no duties in connection with personnel, so her demands to

receive explanation for the RPC form changes is not within the scope of her duties.

94. On or about September 15, 2018, the Comptroller advised the Mount Vernon

Civil Service Commission that she would not allow the Civil Service Commission to

deliver RPC forms to the Payroll Department. Instead, the Comptroller directed that all

such forms be provided directly to her. This requirement adds to the delay in processing

of personnel changes. Indeed, the Comptroller will not allow anyone to accept RPC forms

other than herself At times, when Civil Service Commission employees have delivered

RPC forms to others in the Comptroller’s office, they have been rejected.

95. At times during the past months, the Comptroller has refused to process RPC

forms in instances where employees have submitted letters of resignation. In these

instances, the RPC form was properly filled out by the necessary employee, and the

employee has resigned. Notwithstanding this, the Comptroller has failed to process the

RPC forms, thus maintaining on payroll people who have resigned from their City of

Mount Vernon employment and who should no longer be paid.

e. The Comptroller’s Non-Compliance With Civil Service Laws

96. The Comptroller takes it upon herself to assign employees to titles and

provided them with salary increases without complying with the relevant Civil Service

Laws. For instance, on or about September 14, 2018, the Comptroller, without complying

with the Civil Service Law, assigned an employee to the title of Chief Accountant and gave

that employee an illegal salary increase. By assigning that employee to that position and

increasing that employee’s salary, the Comptroller acted in violation of the Civil Service




97. Mount Vernon has a Veterans Service Agency (“VSA”). The VSA provides

services to military veterans who live in Mount Vernon.

98. The Comptroller’s refusal to process requests for payment in the ordinary

course, and her penchant for bizarre behavior when asked to perform her job is perhaps

best illustrated by her interactions with the Director of the Mount Vernon Veterans Service


99. This agency has a budget allocated to it by the City Council. It has a Director.

100. The Comptroller’s tactics vis-a-vis the VSA exemplify her interference in

the operation of municipal affairs.

101. The Comptroller’s office refuses to supply the VSA with basic accounting

information. It refuses to provide the VSA with information regarding the status of checks

and account balances. This negatively affected the VSA’s ability to make plans and

allocate funds. It has had a negative effect on the relationship between the VSA and the

New York State Office of General Services, which is the originating source of much of the

VSA’s funding.

102. Like other City departments, the VSA has experienced delays in the

processing of check and payment to vendors. These delays negatively affect VSA’s

relationship with vendors, and affect the productivity of VSA employees.

103. In the past, before the current Comptroller assumed office, the Director of

this agency would e-mail or hand deliver various documents to the Comptroller’s office

for processing. These documents would need to be processed so that payment of various

invoices can be made.

104. Before the current Comptroller assumed office, this process was simple: the

agency director would either hand deliver or e-mail the relevant documents to the

Comptroller’s office, the Comptroller’s office would process the documents, and payments

would be made.

105. At some point after she assumed office, the current Comptroller changed the

process. When the VSA Director hand delivered documents to staff at the Comptroller’s

office, she was told by the staff members that they could not accept those documents and

provide her with time-stamped copies because “the Comptroller reads it first before it can

be time-stamped.”

106. The Comptroller will not allow the VSA to send vouchers through interoffice


107. The Comptroller’s refusal to perform her job is further illustrated by an

instance in September 2018 when the VSA Director approached the Customer Service

window of the Comptroller’s office and the staff refused to acknowledge or serve her.

108. The Comptroller’s refusal to perform her job again is illustrated by her

refusal to provide the VSA Director with the balance of VSA accounts.

109. The Comptroller’s refusal to do her Job yet again is illustrated by the fact that

she has literally refused to allow the VSA Director into the payroll office.



110. Mount Vernon seeks this extraordinary remedy because there is no other

remedy available to it to ensure that the Comptroller performs her job.

111. It is possible in individual instances for the City to bring Article 78

proceedings to compel the Comptroller to pay bills. Indeed, it has done so in a proceeding

now pending in Supreme Court, Westchester County, entitled Richard Thomas, as the

Mayor of the City of Mount Vernon v. Deborah Reynolds, as the Comptroller of the City

of Mount Vernon, Index No. 64764/2018.

112. However, an Article 78 proceeding can take many months until its

completion. During this time, there is a substantial risk that vendors with unpaid bills will

simply stop supplying the City with goods and services. And, if the City does not have a

reliable supply of goods and services, its ability to provide basic services to its citizens will

be jeopardized.

113. Put another way, if the City can’t fill the gas tanks of its police cars, the

pendency of an Article 78 proceeding to compel the Comptroller to pay the bill to the

gasoline vendor will be scant solace to the citizens of Mount Vernon.


114. For Mount Vernon to function, the Comptroller has to pay the City’s proper

bills, make required filings, and process RPC forms. Her office has to interact with others

in Mount Vernon government in a smooth fashion.

115. Mount Vernon’s Comptroller has failed at these basic functions. She didn’t

pay the vendors who leased and repaired the City’s street light maintenance vehicles, so

one vehicle was repossessed and for several days the City had no vehicles with which to

repair and maintain traffic lights and street lights. She didn’t pay the hardware stores who

provide the City with electrical supplies, so the City can no longer buy parts necessary to

perform basic maintenance on City buildings. She doesn’t process RPC forms, so new

employees can’t be hired and existing employees are not timely paid. She doesn’t make

the required state constitutional and statutory tax limit filings, thus placing Mount Vernon

at risk of losing state funding.

116. A functioning municipal government is needed to assure the basic safety and

security of its citizens. If the City can’t put gas in its police cars, if it can’t fix its traffic

lights, if it can’t buy fuses to fix its electrical problems, if it doesn’t have paper to make

photocopies, it puts the lives, safety, and property of its citizens in jeopardy.

117. Every Mount Vernon citizen is entitled to a functioning municipal

government. Because she has failed to perform her basic duties, the Comptroller has put

Mount Vernon in a positon where it cannot provide its citizens with a functioning

municipal government.

118. Both the Mount Vernon Charter and the New York State Public Officers Law

give the Governor power to remove the Comptroller. While we recognize that this is an

extraordinary remedy, the situation which Mount Vernon faces is equally extraordinary.

119. Only the Governor has the power to remedy this. On behalf of the City of

Mount Vernon and all of its citizens, we respectfully request that the Governor forthwith

temporarily suspend the Comptroller pending an investigation of these charges, remove the

Comptroller from office upon conclusion of that investigation, and take all other

appropriate steps to ensure that the City and citizens of Mount Vernon are provided with a

functioning Comptroller.



1. That the Governor promptly commence an investigation of these charges;

2. That the City of Mount Vernon be permitted to adduce evidence and

witnesses in support of and to expand upon these charges;

3. That the Governor promptly schedule a hearing to adjudicate these charges;

4. That the Governor issue an Order temporarily suspending the Comptroller

for a period of 60 days pending the investigation of these charges;

5. That upon completion of an investigation and hearing, the Governor remove

from office the incumbent City of Mount Vernon Comptroller, Deborah Reynolds; and

6. That the Governor provide the City of Mount Vernon with such other relief

as he deems proper, appropriate, and lawful.

Dated: October 22, 2018
Mount Vernon, New York


(3 ^

Hanan B. Kolko, Member of the Firm

1350 Broadway, Suite 501
P.O. Box 822
New York, New York 10018
[email protected]
Telephone: 212-239-4999
Facsimile: 212-239-1311

Attorneys for City of Mount Vernon


By; X
Lawrence A. Porcari
Corporation Counsel
City of Mount Vernon
One Roosevelt Square
Mount Vernon, New York 10550
lporcari@cmvny. com
Telephone: 914-665-2366

Attorneys for City ofMount Vernon

I, Lawrence A. Porcari, an attorney admitted to practice in the courts of this state,

being Corporation Counsel of Charging Party City of Mount Vernon, and one of the

attorneys of record for the City of Mount Vernon, affirm pursuant to CPLR §3020(d)(2)

that I am acquainted with the facts of this claim and that I have read the foregoing charges

and know their contents. The maters therein are stated upon information and belief, and I

believe them to be tme.


Lawrence A. Porcari

4164571 V.2
Attachment 6 – Mayor Richard Thomas
Request for Legal Opinion from CMVNY
Law Department
Attachment 7 – CMVNY Law Dept. Legal
Opinion In Response to Mayor Richard
Thomas Request for Legal Opinion

TO: Mayor Richard Thomas

FROM: Lawrence A. Porcari

Corporation Counsel

RE: Employment of Special Counsel

DATE: April 3, 2018

Hon. Sir:

This department has reviewed your request regarding the retention of outside counsel. Please
note that pursuant to the City Charter at Section 148, Powers and Duties, (below), the
Corporation Counsel “shall be and act as the legal advisor of the City Council, of the Mayor, and
of the several officers, boards and departments of the City.” Also, the Corporation Counsel
“shall not employ other Counsel, except as otherwise expressly provided in this chapter.”

Further, pursuant to the City Charter at Section 153, Employment of Special Counsel, (below),
the Corporation Counsel, “with the written consent of the Mayor, may employ counsel and
experts at such compensation as may be agreed upon by the Board of Estimate and Contract…”
After evaluating your question, this office has determined that the retention of outside counsel is

Respectfully, the plain reading of the City Charter indicates that this office retains Special
Counsel with the written permission of the Mayor; no other official or body is involved. Upon
doing so, however, the rate of payment for that Special Counsel must be agreed to by the Board
of Estimate and Contract. That said, please also note that this office makes every effort to
convince our Special Counsel to agree to what I would characterize as a municipal rate;
therefore, what we presently pay out to our Special Counsel on an hourly basis is comparatively

Legal Defense Fund

In addition, under NYS Election Law (NYSEL), an elected official is allowed to use campaign
funds to pay for legal fees arising from campaign activities or the holding of a public office or
party position; see NYSEL Section 14-130. In effect, NYS law allows officials to raise funds for
legal defense by raising campaign funds.
While many other States all explicitly provide for, and regulate Legal Defense Funds (LDF’s) in
their election laws, NYS does not address LDF’s specifically in the campaign finance laws. See
NYSEL Section 14-130; McDonald v. NYC Campaign Finance Board, 985 NYS 2d 557(2014);
NYS Atty Gen. Op. No. 97-24 (May 2, 1997).

Note that a local law may provide for the defense of an official regarding actions that fall within
the scope of that municipal officers employment. This affirms the legality of our Charter
provisions, which are discussed below. Corning v. Village of Laurel Hollow, 408 NYS 2d 131.

Legal defense costs in criminal actions may be reimbursed by the State government if the State
(or otherwise listed) officer is acquitted or the case is dismissed; NY Pub. Off. Law Sec 19. This
provision would not apply to the COMV as the elected officials here are not incorporated as
State officials under the statute. While NY Pub. Off. Law Sec 18 sub. 2 would confer such a
benefit to a COMV elected official if adopted, a review of the COMV Charter and Code does not
show a law or ordinance adopting the terms of the statute as would be required.

Campaign contributions may be used to defray legal costs without prejudicing contribution
limits; NYSEL Section 14-130. This means an LDF can be established and the proceeds used
without regard to the contribution limitations that would ordinarily apply. No jurisdiction sets
expenditure limits on LDF’s, and an expenditure from a LDF is not subject to the provisions of
campaign expenditure limits. 2 CCR Section 18530 4(e).

By Charter at Section 148, the Law Department (LD) is charged with appearing on behalf of the
Mayor in “all actions, suits and proceedings.” There is no specification as to the type of action
or proceeding; civil or criminal, and there is no time limitation expressed in the Charter

§ 148 Powers and duties.

[Amended by L.L. No. 31-1961; by L.L. No. 1-1972]
The Corporation Counsel shall be and act as the legal advisor of the City Council, of the Mayor,
and of the several officers, boards and departments of the City. He shall appear for and protect
the rights and interests of the City in all actions, suits and proceedings brought by or against it or
any of the City officers, boards or departments, and such officers, boards or departments shall
not employ other Counsel, except as otherwise expressly provided in this chapter. He shall attend
to all the law business of the City and discharge such other duties as may be prescribed by law or
ordinance of the City Council.[1]
[1] Editor's Note: See also Ch. 42, Notices of Claims.

When the above is read in conjunction with Charter Section 153, the only conclusion is that the
LD can appear on behalf of the Mayor, regardless of the type of proceeding, and that the LD can,
with the permission of the Mayor, retain outside counsel to do so. Note that the standard, the
interest of the City, is a low bar. The City would almost always have an interest of some kind in
any type of proceeding brought against one of its elected officials, especially the Mayor:

§ 153 Employment of special counsel.

The Corporation Counsel, with the written consent of the Mayor, may employ counsel and
experts at such compensation as may be agreed upon by the Board of Estimate and Contract, to
assist him in the argument and conduct of important cases or proceedings in which the City is
interested or a party.

In conclusion, the LD, upon the receipt of a written instruction from your office, would retain the
firm of your choice pursuant to Charter. While the BOE&C would have to vote on the amount
to be paid, the retainer would go into effect immediately. This office considers your letter of
March 20th, 2018, to be a directive and will retain outside counsel accordingly.

Thank you.

cc: Mayor
Attachment 8 – Mount Vernon City
Charter Section 153
2/7/22, 2:59 PM City of Mount Vernon, NY Department of Law

§ 147 Corporation Counsel; assistants; subordinates.

[Amended by L.L. No. 4-1929; L.L. No. 5-1932; L.L. No. 1-1956; L.L. No. 6-1969]

The Corporation Counsel shall be the head of the Department

of Law. He shall appoint, to hold office during his pleasure, a First
Assistant Corporation Counsel; a Second Assistant Corporation Council;
a Third Assistant Corporation Counsel; a Fourth
Assistant Corporation
Counsel; a Fifth Assistant Corporation Counsel: and such other subordinates
as may be prescribed by law,
by this Charter, or by the Board of Estimate
and Contract. In case of the absence or disability of the Corporation
Counsel, or a
vacancy in the office, the First Assistant Corporation
Counsel may discharge the duties of the office until the Corporation
Counsel returns, his disability ceases or the vacancy is filled. In
case of the absence or disability of both the Corporation Counsel
and the First Assistant Corporation Counsel, or a vacancy in both
offices, the Second Assistant Corporation Counsel may
discharge the
duties of the Corporation Counsel until either the Corporation Counsel
or the First Assistant Corporation Counsel
returns, such disabilities
or one of them, cease, or the vacancies, or one of them is filled.
In case of the absence or disability of
the Corporation Counsel and
of each of the First Assistant Corporation Counsel and the Second
Assistant Corporation Counsel
or a vacancy in all three such offices,
the Third Assistant Corporation Counsel may discharge the duties of
the Corporation
Counsel, until either one of the said officers return,
such disabilities or one of them, cease, or the vacancies, or one
of them is
filled. In case of the absence or disability of the Corporation
Counsel and of each of the First Assistant Corporation Counsel, the
Second Assistant Corporation Counsel, and the Third Assistant Corporation
Counsel, or a vacancy in all four of such offices, the
Fourth Assistant
Corporation Counsel may discharge the duties of the Corporation Counsel,
until either one of the said officers
return, such disabilities or
one of them, cease, or the vacancies, or one of them is filled. In
case of the absence or disability of
the Corporation Counsel and of
each of the First Assistant Corporation Counsel, the Second Assistant
Corporation Counsel, the
Third Assistant Corporation Counsel, and
the Fourth Assistant Corporation. Counsel, or a vacancy in all five
of such offices, the
Fifth Assistant Corporation Counsel may discharge
the duties of the Corporation Counsel, until either one of the said
return, such disabilities or one of them, cease, or the vacancies,
or one of them is filled.

§ 148 Powers and duties.

[Amended by L.L. No. 31-1961; by L.L. No. 1-1972]

The Corporation Counsel shall be and act as the legal advisor

of the City Council, of the Mayor, and of the several officers,
and departments of the City. He shall appear for and protect the rights
and interests of the City in all actions, suits and
proceedings brought
by or against it or any of the City officers, boards or departments,
and such officers, boards or
departments shall not employ other Counsel,
except as otherwise expressly provided in this chapter. He shall attend
to all the
law business of the City and discharge such other duties
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance of the City Council.[1]
[1] Editor's Note: See also Ch. 42, Notices of Claims.

§ 149 Costs.
Neither the Corporation Counsel, his Assistant nor any of his
subordinates shall receive any fee or compensation of any kind for
services rendered in an official capacity, other than the salary fixed
by law or by the Board of Estimate and Contract.

§ 150 Payment over of collections; docket.

The Corporation Counsel shall pay over at once to the Comptroller
all moneys collected by him for or in behalf of the City,
fines and penalties; and he shall annually, on the 31st day of December
in each year, file with the Mayor of the City an
inventory of all
the books and property belonging to the City in his custody. He shall
keep a docket in which he shall enter at
length all actions and proceedings
in which he shall appear for the City, and in which docket shall be
shown at all times the
condition of all such actions or legal proceedings.

§ 151 Certification and approval of contracts and conveyances.

No written contract providing for the payment of $500 or more,
entered by the City or any of its officers, boards or
shall become effective or be acted under until there shall be endorsed
thereon by the Corporation Counsel, or his
Assistant a certificate
to the effect that the City officer, board or department which has
executed the same on behalf of the
City, had authority and power to
make such contract, and that such contract is in proper form and properly
executed; he shall
approve all deeds, conveyances, leases and abstracts
of title affecting property acquired, conveyed to or leased by the
City. 1/3
2/7/22, 2:59 PM City of Mount Vernon, NY Department of Law

§ 152 Compromise of claims.

The Corporation Counsel shall whenever he considers that the
interests of the City will be subserved thereby, enter into an
in writing, subject to the approval of the Board of Estimate and Contract,
to compromise and settle any claim
against the City; and the amount
shall constitute a valid obligation against the City; and the amount
therein provided to be paid
shall, with interest thereon from its
date, be included in the next City tax budget; and be collected and
paid the same in all
respects as a judgment against the City.

§ 153 Employment of special counsel.

The Corporation Counsel, with the written consent of the Mayor,
may employ counsel and experts at such compensation as
may be agreed
upon by the Board of Estimate and Contract, to assist him in the argument
and conduct of important cases or
proceedings in which the City is
interested or a party.

§ 154 Foreclosure of tax liens.

[Amended by L.L. No. 8-1933]

Whenever any unpaid taxes and assessments levied against any

property in the City and remaining unpaid more than three
years shall
have been certified by the Comptroller to the Corporation Counsel
as herein provided the Corporation Counsel shall
forth-with bring
an action or actions in a court of record having jurisdiction of actions
for the foreclosure of mortgages in the
name of the City for the foreclosure
of the lien of such unpaid tax or taxes and assessment or assessments
upon such property.
Such action or actions shall be brought and presented
in the same manner as is provided for the foreclosure of mortgages
the provisions of law relating to actions for the foreclosure
of mortgages shall apply to such actions, except as hereinafter

§ 155 Judgments in tax foreclosures.

A conveyance upon a sale made pursuant to the final judgment
in an action brought under this article for the foreclosure of the
lien of the tax or assessment shall vest in the purchaser all the
right, title and interest or equity of redemption in and to said
so sold of all the parties to said action and of all parties claiming
under them, or any of them, whose conveyance or
encumbrance is executed
or recorded subsequent to the filing of the notice of pendency of

§ 156 Procedure in tax foreclosures.

[Amended by L.L. No. 8-1933]

Separate taxes or assessments against the same lot or parcel

of land, or against two or more lots or parcels of land, so certified
to the Corporation Counsel may be foreclosed in one action or in separate
actions, at the option of the Corporation Counsel.
Whenever a cause
of action, defense or counterclaim is made for the foreclosure of
a lien for unpaid taxes or assessments, or is
in any manner founded
upon a lien for unpaid taxes or assessments, the production of evidence
of the certification of the
Comptroller to the Corporation Counsel
as prescribed herein, shall be presumptive evidence that the lien
for unpaid taxes or
assessments certified by such an instrument was
a valid or enforceable lien, and it shall not be necessary to plead
or prove any
act, proceeding, notice or action preceding the certification
of such lien nor to establish the validity of the same. If a party
person in interest in any such action or proceeding claims that
the lien for unpaid taxes or assessments is irregular or invalid or
that there is any defect therein or that the certification is irregular,
invalid, or defective, such invalidity, irregularity or defect
be specifically pleaded or set forth, and must be established affirmatively
by the same party or person pleading or setting
forth the same. In
every action for the foreclosure of a lien for unpaid taxes or assessments,
and in every action or proceeding
in which a cause of action, defense
or counterclaim is, in any manner, founded upon a lien for unpaid
taxes or assessments, such
lien shall be presumed to be valid, regular
and effectual. All taxes and assessments due the City with the interest,
fees, penalties
and other lawful charges thereon, and which are a
lien upon the lands sold, and all sums which the City may theretofore
paid for the purchase of the same lands at any prior sale for
the nonpayment of taxes or assessments thereon made under any
of law existing at or prior to the time of the passage of this Act,
and for which the City may hold a certificate or lease,
with interest
at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of every such prior sale,
respectively, and all expenses incurred thereon
by the City shall
be satisfied from the proceeds of the sale of said lands as far as
possible, and a judgment for the deficiency, if
any, must be granted
against any defendant or defendants in said actions personally liable
therefor; and the final judgments in
said actions may direct the cancellation
or satisfaction of record of any lien or liens of any party or parties
to the action. No
such action shall be discontinued by the court upon
motion of any defendant therein, unless it be upon condition that
he pay to
the City of Mount Vernon all the sums of money it would
be entitled to receive in such action if it were prosecuted to judgment 2/3
2/7/22, 2:59 PM City of Mount Vernon, NY Department of Law

and sale, except that the interest and costs shall, in such event,
be computed only to the date of the making of the order of
The Corporation Counsel may bid for and purchase in the name of the
City any lands sold upon sales under
judgments in actions to foreclose
tax or assessment liens.

§ 157 Costs in foreclosure actions.

[Amended by L.L. 1923, Ch. 617; L.L. No. 8-1933]

Costs in any foreclosure action brought under the provisions

of this Charter shall be in the discretion of the court but in no
event shall costs exceed the amount allowable in an action to foreclose
a mortgage for an equal amount. The award of costs in
any action shall
carry with it the right to recover taxable disbursements, the amount
expended for a search of the title to real
property by a title company
authorized to do business as such by the laws of the State of New
York, together with such amount
as the court shall allow for searches
and investigation as to necessary parties defendant. In the event
that the owners of one or
more parcels are joined as defendants, the
judgment of foreclosure and sale may provide for an equitable division
of the costs
and disbursements against each parcel to be sold in said
judgment provided.

§ 158 Limitations.
In any action or proceeding to which the City of Mount Vernon,
or any of its officers, is a party, and in which it is claimed that
any tax or assessment is due and owing to the City, or in which it
is sought to collect the same, the statute of limitations shall
be a bar or defense. No action shall be maintained to recover real
estate sold under a judgment in an action brought by the
City of Mount
Vernon to foreclose the lien of a tax or assessment, nor to recover
any right, title, interest or equity of
redemption in or to real estate
so sold, unless the action therefor is commenced within one year after
the entry of judgment of
foreclosure and sale. The limitation herein
provided applies to and bars nonresident persons temporarily absent
from the state,
minors, insane persons, persons in prison, and all
other persons and corporations whether under disability or not.

§ 159 Pending proceedings.

Nothing contained in this Act shall in any way interfere with
or impair the rights of the City of Mount Vernon in any action
at the time this Act takes effect to enforce the collection of unpaid
taxes and assessments, pursuant to the provisions
of any existing

§ 160 Judgments against the City.

[Amended by L. 1943, Ch. 710; L. 1945, Ch. 839; L.L. No. 1-1972]

The amount of any judgment recovered against the City and payable
by it, remaining unpaid, with the interest due thereon, in
case the
time to appeal therefrom has expired and no appeal has been taken,
or a certificate of no appeal therefrom has been
given by the Corporation
Counsel, or in case such judgment is finally affirmed, or an appeal
taken and the execution thereon
shall not be stayed, shall be reported
to the City Council immediately after the same shall have become payable,
as aforesaid;
and the amount thereof shall be included in the next
tax budget. Such judgments shall be paid in the order of their recovery
of the moneys first paid into the City treasury on account of
the annual taxes, or prior thereto, out of the proceeds of tax
notes issued in anticipation of the collection of such taxes or out
of the proceeds of budget notes. If, however,
there be any moneys
in the treasury to the credit of any fund derived from City revenues,
other than taxation, in excess of the
estimated revenues from such
source, and not otherwise appropriated, sufficient to satisfy judgments
against the City, the
Comptroller shall issue warrants for the payment
of such judgment out of said funds in the order of their recovery.
Until the
moneys applicable to the payment of a judgment have been
raised and paid into the City treasury and payment of the judgment
has been refused, no execution shall issue against the City unless
the amount of such judgment shall not have been included in
the tax

§ 161 Police to aid Corporation Counsel.

It shall be the duty of every member of the police force of
the City, observing or having any knowledge of an accident from
a cause of action might arise against the City, to report forthwith
the fact of such accident to the Chief of Police who
shall thereupon
report the same to the Corporation Counsel; and upon the request of
the Corporation Counsel, the Chief of
Police shall detail a member
of the force to aid the Corporation Counsel in the investigation of
any such accident. 3/3
Attachment 9 – Mount Vernon Local
Law 17
Attachment 10 – Mount Vernon
Procurement Policy
Attachment 11 – Inspector General
Report on the Mount Vernon Urban
Renewal Agency
Attachment 12 – Inspector General
Report on Mount Vernon Comptroller
Deborah Reynolds Detailing her Efforts
on Breaking Systems and Defying
Charter Established Procedures
Attachment 13 – Inspector General
Report on Mount Vernon Comptroller
Deborah Reynolds Non-Payment of Bills
Except Hers
Attachment 14 – NYS Open Book PDF’s
of Mount Vernon’s Finances between
2016 and 2020
Open Book New York
Office of the State Comptroller
Thomas P. DiNapoli, State Comptroller

Comparison Report for City of Mount Vernon, City of New Rochelle, City of White Plains, and City of
Yonkers for 2016

Revenues and Proceeds of Debt City of Mount Vernon City of New Rochelle City of White Plains City of Yonkers
Total No Data 157,657,618 212,938,585 661,243,657

CHARGES FOR SERVICES - 24,169,007 54,407,982 62,272,378

Community Services Fees - 4,217,047 6,642,667 6,820,052
A2555 Building And Alteration Permits - 1,499,457 - 3,242,905
A2501 Business & Occupational License
- 74,937 - -
A1972 Charges-Programs For The
Aging - 37,428 - -
A2189 Other Home & Community
Services Income - 162,926 40,305 -
A2590 Permits, Other - 94,843 6,261,402 2,080,418
A2115 Planning Board Fees - 391,176 - -
A2565 Plumbing Permits - 141,519 - -
A1710 Public Works Charges - - 180,186 523,043
A2560 Street Opening Permits - 1,795,881 - 973,686
A2110 Zoning Fees - 18,880 160,774 -
Culture And Recreation Fees - 2,330,899 2,113,420 2,674,338
A2070 Contributions, Private
Agencies-Youth - - 712,117 -
L2082 Library Charges - - 76,625 69,849
A2001 Park And Recreational Charges - 684,569 1,250,975 2,604,489
A2012 Recreational Concessions - - 3,500 -
A2025 Special Recreational Facility
Charges - - 70,203 -
ER2025 Special Recreational Facility
Charges - 1,646,330 - -
Economic Development Fees - - 357,878 -
CD2170 Community Development
Income - - 357,878 -
Education Fees - - - -
General Government Fees - 1,949,429 2,022,688 2,589,175
A1250 Assessors Fees - 5,023 - -
A2540 Bingo Licenses - 315 - -
A1255 Clerk Fees - 5,615 - 297,175
A1240 Comptroller Fees - - 5,200 116,789
A2544 Dog Licenses - 15,535 - -
A2545 Licenses, Other - 169,628 29,491 889,919
CD1289 Other General Department Inc - - - 1,090,335
A1289 Other General Departmental
Income - 1,489,475 891,589 -
CM1289 Other General Dept Income - - 921,460 194,957
A1260 Personnel Fees - 3,737 134,948 -
A1232 Tax Collector Fees - 259,515 40,000 -
A1230 Treasurer Fees - 586 - -
Health Fees - 76,646 119,537 -
Health Fees - 76,646 119,537 -
A1603 Vital Statistics Fees - 76,646 119,537 -
Miscellaneous Fees - - - 1,104,918
CM1489 Other Charges For Services - - - 1,104,918
Public Safety Fees - 2,765,877 2,510,619 8,068,607
A1540 Fire Inspection Fees - 827,011 57 3,569,272
A1589 Other Public Safety
Departmental Income - 133,984 - -
CM1589 Other Public Safety Income - - 157,268 -
A1520 Police Fees - 1,760,879 1,865,173 3,671,801
A1525 Prisoner Charges - - 229,041 376,506
A2550 Public Safety Permits - - - 451,028
A1560 Safety Inspection Fees - 44,003 259,080 -
Sanitation Fees - 6,635,623 2,881,136 8,847,065
G2128 Interest & Penalties On Sewer
Accts - - - 207,474
A2130 Refuse & Garbage Charges - 6,635,623 - -
ES2120 Sewer Rents - - 2,881,136 -
G2120 Sewer Rents - - - 8,639,591
Social Services Fees - - 6,466,154 -
CU1989 Other Economic Assist &
Opportunity Income - - 387,717 -
CM1989 Other Economic Assist, &
Opport Income - - 6,078,437 -
Transportation Fees - 6,193,486 15,800,693 -
ET1789 Other Transportation DepT.
Income - 1,476,993 - -
A1789 Other Transportation
Departmental Income - - 15,800,693 -
EP1721 Parking Lots And Garages-No
Tax - 1,078,312 - -
EP1741 Parking Meter Fees
Non-Taxable - 3,638,181 - -
Utility Fees - - 15,493,190 32,168,223
EW2140 Metered Water Sales - - 15,493,190 -
FX2140 Metered Water Sales - - - 32,054,176
FX2144 Water Service Charges - - - 114,047

- 1,954,061 130,615 648,852
Community Services Charges - - - -
Culture And Recreation Charges - 10,530 26,005 -
L2360 Library Services, Other Govts - - 26,005 -
A2351 Programs For Aging, Other
Govts - 10,530 - -
Debt Service Charges - - - -
Education Charges - - - -
General Government Charges - 1,287,863 - 170,514
A2220 Civil Service Charges - - - 170,514
A2210 General Services, Inter
Government - 1,287,863 - -
Health Charges - - - -
Miscellaneous Intergovernmental
- 408,173 63,362 -
A2389 Misc Revenue, Other Govts - 357,581 63,362 -
M2389 Misc Revenue, Other Govts - 50,592 - -
Public Safety Charges - - 41,248 -
A2260 Public Safety Services For Other
Govts - - 41,248 -
Sanitation Charges - - - -
Social Services Charges - - - -
Transportation Charges - 247,495 - 478,338
A2300 Transportation Services, Other
Govts - 247,495 - 478,338
Utility Charges - - - -

FEDERAL AID - 13,042,964 147,054 12,916,537

Federal Aid - Community Services - 1,492,849 63,434 -
CD4989 Fed Aid Other Home And
Community Services - 1,362,104 - -
H4989 Fed Aid Other Home And
Community Services - 2,312 - -
A4772 Fed Aid, Programs For Aging - 128,433 63,434 -
Federal Aid - Culture And Recreation - 145,329 - -
A4820 Fed Aid, Youth Programs - 145,329 - -
Federal Aid - Economic Development - - - 5,902,054
CD4910 Fed Aid, Community
Development Act - - - 5,902,054
Federal Aid - Education - 31,180 - -
A4289 Fed Aid, Other Educ (spec) - 31,180 - -
Federal Aid - General Government - - - -
Federal Aid - Health - - - -
Federal Aid - Public Safety - 940,567 73,270 1,290,361
A4389 Fed Aid Other Public Safety - 19,351 - -
A4305 Fed Aid, Civil Defense - - - -
A4785 Fed Aid, Disaster Assistance - -183,640 - 1,290,361
A4960 Fed Aid, Emergency Disaster
Assistance - - 73,270 -
H4960 Fed Aid, Emergency Disaster
Assistance - 1,104,856 - -
Federal Aid - Sanitation - - - -
Federal Aid - Social Services - 10,378,278 - -
CD4915 Federal Aid Rental Assistance
Program - 10,378,278 - -
Federal Aid - Transportation - 54,761 - -
H4589 Fed Aid Other Transportation - 54,761 - -
Federal Aid - Utilities - - - -
Miscellaneous Federal Aid - - 10,350 5,724,122
A4089 Federal Aid - Other - - 10,350 -
CM4089 Federal Aid, Other - - - 5,724,122

OTHER LOCAL REVENUES - 9,413,624 17,681,190 26,311,978

Compensation For Loss - 115,436 270,086 -
A2680 Insurance Recoveries - 45,777 133,632 -
MS2680 Insurance Recoveries - 46,540 136,454 -
CD2690 Other Compensation For Loss - 23,119 - -
Employee Contributions - - - -
Fines - 3,140,915 8,255,126 19,501,433
A2610 Fines And Forfeited Bail - 3,140,915 8,255,126 19,501,433
Forfeitures - - - -
Gifts - 831,367 226,804 272,026
A2705 Gifts And Donations - 14,694 46,181 -
PN2705 Gifts And Donations - - 180,623 -
TE2705 Gifts And Donations - 816,673 - 272,026
Library Grants From Local
- - - -
Miscellaneous Grants From Local
- 273,490 - -
H2706 Grants From Local Governments - 273,490 - -
Miscellaneous Revenues - 5,052,416 8,929,174 6,538,519
M2801 Interfund Revenues - 2,205,455 - -
MS2801 Interfund Revenues - 2,820,831 7,289,239 -
A2701 Refunds Of Prior Year's
Expenditures - - 327,431 3,066,239
A2700 Reimbursement Of Medicare
Part D Exp - - - -
A2770 Unclassified (specify) - 21,352 401,247 1,390,879
CD2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - 112,353
CM2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - 16,954
EP2770 Unclassified (specify) - 4,778 - -
ES2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 385,059 -
EW2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 109,185 -
FX2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - 112,394
H2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 388,675 245,186
L2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 6,300 94,514
PN2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 1,615 -
V2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 20,423 -
A2725 Vlt/Tribal-State Compact
Moneys - - - 1,500,000

OTHER NON-PROPERTY TAXES - 1,833,163 934,313 55,156,937

City Income Tax - - - 50,810,505
A1101 City Income Tax Surcharge - - - 50,810,505
Emergency Telephone System Surcharge - - - -
Franchises - 1,833,163 934,313 4,179,596
A1170 Franchises - 1,833,163 934,313 4,179,596
Miscellaneous Non-Property Taxes - - - 166,836
A1132 Harness Racing Admissions Tax - - - 28,677
A1150 O.T.B. Surtax - - - 138,159


- 2,252,424 3,231,357 36,371,977
Gain From Sale Of Tax Acquired
- - - -
A1051 Gain From Sale Of Tax Acq
Property - - - -
Interest & Penalties - 1,363,269 317,125 5,055,524
A1090 Interest & Penalties On Real
Prop Taxes - 1,363,269 317,125 5,055,524
Miscellaneous Tax Items - - - 12,331,257
A1089 Other Tax Items - - - 12,331,257
Payments In Lieu Of Taxes - 889,155 2,914,232 18,985,196
A1081 Other Payments In Lieu Of
Taxes - 889,155 2,914,232 18,985,196
Star Payments - - - -

PROCEEDS OF DEBT - 5,008,744 15,115,268 112,840,864

Bans Redeemed From Appropriations - 2,019,719 - -
H5731 Bans Redeemed From
Appropriations - 2,019,719 - -
Miscellaneous Debt Proceeds - - - 1,141,630
H5789 Other Debt - - - 1,141,630
Sale Of Obligations - 2,989,025 15,115,268 111,699,234
V5791 Advanced Refunding Bonds - - 5,892,018 61,514,234
H5740 Capital Notes - - - -
H5785 Installment Purchase Debt - 2,989,025 - -
A5710 Serial Bonds - - - 6,600,000
H5710 Serial Bonds - - 9,223,250 43,585,000


- 56,817,575 56,191,764 112,343,996
Real Property Taxes - 56,372,308 56,191,764 107,327,854
A1001 Real Property Taxes - 56,372,308 50,131,148 107,327,854
L1001 Real Property Taxes - - 6,060,616 -
Special Assessments - 445,267 - 5,016,142
A1030 Special Assessments - 445,267 - -
FX1030 Special Assessments - - - 5,016,142

SALES AND USE TAX - 30,012,658 52,113,515 91,985,428

Miscellaneous Use Taxes - 318,974 1,168,081 722,197
A1113 Tax On Hotel Room Occupancy - 318,974 1,168,081 722,197
Sales Tax - 28,364,976 49,791,542 84,164,326
A1110 Sales And Use Tax - 28,364,976 49,791,542 84,164,326
Sales Tax Distribution - - - -
Utilities Gross Receipts Tax - 1,328,708 1,153,892 7,098,905
A1130 Utilities Gross Receipts Tax - 1,328,708 1,153,892 7,098,905

STATE AID - 10,908,430 8,813,977 125,854,017

Miscellaneous State Aid - - - 9,063,434
A3089 St Aid - Other (specify) - - - 1,213,601
CM3089 State Aid, Other - - - 7,849,833
Mortgage Tax - 2,031,854 2,133,213 8,520,610
A3005 St Aid, Mortgage Tax - 2,031,854 2,133,213 8,520,610
State Aid - Community Services - 274,635 15,000 -
A3989 St Aid - Other Home And
Community Service - 199,343 15,000 -
H3989 St Aid - Other Home And
Community Service - 27,410 - -
A3772 St Aid, Programs For Aging - 47,882 - -
State Aid - Culture And Recreation - 100,686 28,882 54,494
L3840 St Aid For Libraries - - - 54,494
A3820 St Aid, Youth Programs - 100,686 28,882 -
State Aid - Economic Development - - - -
State Aid - Education - - 205,047 -
H3297 St Aid, Other - - 205,047 -
State Aid - General Government - 337,273 - -
A3330 St Aid, Unified Court Budget
Sec Costs - 337,273 - -
State Aid - Health - 219,324 45,260 -
A3490 St Aid, Mental Health - 219,324 45,260 -
A3401 St Aid, Public Health - - - -
State Aid - Public Safety - 226,892 70,253 -
A3785 St Aid, Disaster Assistance - -47 - -
A3315 St Aid, Navigation Law
Enforcement - 178,043 - -
A3389 St Aid, Other Public Safety - 48,896 70,253 -
H3960 State Aid Emergency Disaster - - - -
State Aid - Sanitation - - - -
State Aid - Social Services - - - -
State Aid - Transportation - 1,554,839 853,066 -
A3501 St Aid, Consolidated Highway
Aid - 91,579 - -
H3501 St Aid, Consolidated Highway
Aid - 1,447,794 825,016 -
A3589 St Aid, Other Transportation - 15,130 28,050 -
H3589 St Aid, Other Transportation - 336 - -
State Aid - Utilities - - - -
Unrestricted State Aid - 6,162,927 5,463,256 108,215,479
A3001 St Aid, Revenue Sharing - 6,162,927 5,463,256 108,215,479

USE AND SALE OF PROPERTY - 2,244,968 4,171,550 24,540,693

Interest And Earnings - 378,686 2,019,049 9,387,994
A2401 Interest And Earnings - 156,468 124,957 90,360
CD2401 Interest And Earnings - 246 3 62,401
CM2401 Interest And Earnings - - 1,511 -
EP2401 Interest And Earnings - 4,696 - -
ER2401 Interest And Earnings - 3,073 - -
ES2401 Interest And Earnings - - 8,916 -
ET2401 Interest And Earnings - 6,351 - -
EW2401 Interest And Earnings - - 30,889 -
MS2401 Interest And Earnings - 26,617 39,952 -
PN2401 Interest And Earnings - - 355 -
TE2401 Interest And Earnings - 170 - -
V2401 Interest And Earnings - 21,900 161,900 38,048
A2710 Premium & Accrued Interest On
Obligations - - - -
H2710 Premium & Accrued Interest On
Obligations - - - 6,082,958
V2710 Premium & Accrued Interest On
Obligations - 159,165 1,650,566 3,114,227
Rental Of Property - 846,798 1,847,479 483,529
A2410 Rental Of Real Property - 161,627 1,843,758 483,529
EP2410 Rental Of Real Property - 398,998 - -
ET2410 Rental Of Real Property - 286,173 - -
L2410 Rental Of Real Property,
Individuals - - 3,721 -
Sale Of Property - 1,019,484 305,022 14,669,170
A2450 Commissions - 37,337 - -
L2450 Commissions - - 16,611 -
A2715 Proceeds Of Seized &
Unclaimed Property - - 27,139 -
A2665 Sales Of Equipment - 71,900 - -
A2660 Sales Of Real Property - - - 14,497,609
CD2660 Sales Of Real Property - - - 171,561
V2660 Sales Of Real Property - 903,091 - -
A2650 Sales Of Scrap & Excess
Materials - 7,156 10,954 -
A2655 Sales, Other - - 250,318 -
Expenditures City of Mount Vernon City of New Rochelle City of White Plains City of Yonkers
Total No Data 149,646,542 202,261,777 578,807,010

COMMUNITY SERVICES - 1,874,670 1,100,334 16,874,977

Broadband Improvements - - - -
Constituent Services - - - 476,526
A66101 Consumer Affairs, Pers Serv - - - -
A80404 Human Rights, Contr Expend - - - 40,212
A80401 Human Rights, Pers Serv - - - 20,057
A65104 Veterans Service, Contr Expend - - - 84,420
A65101 Veterans Service, Pers Serv - - - 331,837
Elder Services - 669,461 - 342,958
A67724 Programs For Aging, Contr
Expend - 191,666 - 328,418
A67721 Programs For Aging, Pers Serv - 477,795 - 14,540
Miscellaneous Community Services - 755,979 1,100,334 14,489,664
A89894 Misc Home & Comm Serv,
Contr Expend - - - -
H89892 Misc Home & Comm Serv,
Equip & Cap Outlay - 755,979 - -
A89891 Misc Home & Comm Serv,
Pers Serv - - 11,000 8,920,602
CM89894 Other Home And Community
Service-Contr Exp - - 367,805 5,569,062
CM89891 Other Home And Community
Service-Pers Serv - - 721,529 -
Natural Resources - 449,230 - 1,565,829
A87304 Forestry, Contr Expend - 305,120 - -
A87301 Forestry, Pers Serv - 84,590 - -
A85604 Shade Tree, Contr Expend - - - 83,606
H85602 Shade Tree, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 59,520 - -
A85601 Shade Tree, Pers Serv - - - 1,482,223
Student Census - - - -

CULTURE AND RECREATION - 3,019,115 13,082,272 17,915,986

Adult Recreation - - - -
Cultural Services - - - 210,000
A74501 Museum - Art Gallery, Pers
Serv - - - 210,000
Library - - 4,152,437 8,328,042
L74104 Library, Contr Expend - - 1,252,983 2,064,156
L74102 Library, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 5,891 80,963
L74101 Library, Pers Serv - - 2,893,563 6,182,923
Miscellaneous Cultural And Recreation - 712,747 55,334 205,146
PN79894 Other Culture And Rec, Cont
Expend - - 55,334 -
TE79894 Other Culture And Rec, Cont
Expend - 172,252 - 192,060
A79891 Other Culture And Rec, Pers
Serv - 364,962 - -
H79972 Other Culture And Recreation - 175,533 - -
CM79894 Other Culture And
Recreation-Contr Expend - - - 13,086
Recreation Services - 1,725,069 6,696,578 9,058,658
A76204 Adult Recreation, Contr
Expend - 156,341 - -
A76201 Adult Recreation, Pers Serv - 258,907 - -
A71104 Parks, Contr Expend - 71,326 540,860 324,404
A71102 Parks, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 17,277 14,299
H71102 Parks, Equip & Cap Outlay - 25,630 - -
A71101 Parks, Pers Serv - 142,415 997,732 5,094,780
A71404 Playgr & Rec Centers, Contr
Expend - 10,955 - 280,863
H71402 Playgr & Rec Centers, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - - -
A71401 Playgr & Rec Centers, Pers
Serv - - - 2,325,578
A70204 Recreation Admini, Contr
Expend - 43,408 1,200,829 285,158
A70202 Recreation Admini, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 325 12,792 -
A70201 Recreation Admini, Pers Serv - 299,661 1,850,141 733,576
H71972 Recreation, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 2,076,947 -
ER71804 Special Recreation
Facilities-Contr Expend - 716,101 - -
Youth Recreation - 581,299 2,177,923 114,140
A73104 Youth Prog, Contr Expend - 201,654 182,286 114,140
A73102 Youth Prog, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 26,840 -
A73101 Youth Prog, Pers Serv - 379,645 1,968,797 -

DEBT SERVICE - 9,431,894 13,584,136 49,319,005

Debt Principal - 7,472,919 8,800,004 35,738,529
A97976 Debt Principal Other
Government - - - -
A97306 Debt Principal, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 2,019,719 - -
V97306 Debt Principal, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 610,000 - -
V97856 Debt Principal, Installment
Purchase Debt - - - 842,300
V97106 Debt Principal, Serial Bonds - 4,843,200 8,800,004 29,450,000
V97896 Other Notes Principal - - - 5,446,229
Interest On Debt - 1,958,975 4,784,132 13,580,476
A97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 66,893 - -
ER97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 1,276 - -
V97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 16,305 - -
A97707 Debt Interest, Revenue
Anticipation Notes - - - 266,992
EP97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 509,831 - -
ER97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 2,729 - -
ES97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - - 43,595 -
ET97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 40,876 - -
EW97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - - 720,742 -
V97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 1,321,065 4,019,795 13,077,334
CD97897 Other Debt, Interest - - - 224,785
V97897 Other Notes Interest - - - 11,365

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 3,171,808 6,341,709 8,515,437

Development Infrastructure - 199,264 307,352 8,024,132
CD86761 Prov Of Public Service, Pers
Serv - 199,264 - -
CU86624 Public Works Fac Site, Contr
Expend - - 28,449 -
CD86622 Public Works Fac Site, Equip
& Cap - - - 8,024,132
CD86684 Rehab Loans & Grant, Contr
Expend - - 278,903 -
Economic Development Administration - 1,124,545 - 491,305
CD86864 Administration, Contr Expend - 90,535 - -
CD86861 Administration, Pers Serv - 160,963 - -
A64604 Indus Develop Agency, Contr
Expend - - - -
A64601 Indus Develop Agency, Pers
Serv - - - 491,305
CD86844 Plan & Manage Devel, Contr
Expend - 810,341 - -
CD86842 Plan & Manage Devel, Equip
& Cap Outlay - - - -
CD86841 Plan & Manage Devel, Pers
Serv - 62,706 - -
Economic Development Grants - - - -
Miscellaneous Economic Development - 1,404,394 6,034,357 -
TE69894 Other Eco & Dev, Cont
Expend - - - -
A69894 Other Eco & Dev, Contr
Expend - 621,229 - -
A69891 Other Eco & Dev, Pers Serv - 783,165 - -
CM69892 Other Econ &
Development-Equip & Cap Outla - - 510,592 -
CM69894 Other Economic And
Development-Contr Expen - - 4,118,500 -
CM69891 Other Economic And
Development-Pers Serv - - 1,405,265 -
Promotion - 443,605 - -
A64204 Promotion Of Industry, Contr
Expend - 443,605 - -

Community College - - - -
Education - Transportation - - - -
Instruction - - - -
Instructional Support - - - -
Miscellaneous Education - - - -
Pupil Services - - - -
Student Activities - - - -

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - 36,433,081 51,096,577 139,607,668

Disability Insurance - - - -
Life Insurance - - - 60,900
A90458 Life Insurance, Empl Bnfts - - - 60,900
Losap/Miscellaneous - - - -
Medical Insurance - 7,399,211 - 53,961,680
A90608 Hospital & Medical (dental)
A90608 Hospital & Medical (dental)
Ins, Empl Bnft - 7,399,211 - 53,961,680
Retirement - Police & Fire - - - 34,834,749
A90158 Police & Firemen Retirement,
Empl Bnfts - - - 34,834,749
Retirement - State/Local - - - 12,214,480
A90108 State Retirement System - - - 12,214,480
Retirement - Teacher - - - -
Social Security - - - 16,639,606
A90308 Social Security, Employer Cont - - - 16,639,606
Unclassified Employee Benefits - 27,864,371 47,187,238 856,525
CD86868 Administration, Empl Bnfts - 71,882 - -
CU17108 Administration-Empl Ben - - 91,387 -
ER17108 Administration-Empl Ben - 1,200 - -
MS17108 Administration-Employee
Benefits - - 98,223 -
A76208 Adult Recreation, Empl Bnfts - 68,616 - -
A13558 Assessment, Empl Bnfts - 144,241 199,810 -
A51408 Brush & Weeds, Employee
Benefits - 18,977 - -
A13408 Budget, Empl Bnfts - - 65,259 -
A16808 Central Data Process, Empl
Bnfts - 200,349 - -
A16408 Central Garage Empl Bnfts - 441,726 683,589 -
A16108 Central Services Admin,empl
Bnfts - 1,326 - -
A14108 Clerk,empl Bnfts - 123,128 204,446 -
A13108 Dir Of Finance, Empl Bnfts - 421,964 9,587,592 -
A14508 Elections, Empl Bnfts - 825 - -
A14408 Engineer, Empl Bnfts - 311,071 783,528 -
A34108 Fire, Empl Bnfts - 9,483,445 8,211,542 -
A87308 Forestry, Empl Bnfts - 33,478 - -
A51328 Garage, Empl Bnfts - - 465,966 -
A14208 Law, Empl Bnfts - 126,747 420,190 -
A10108 Legislative Board, Empl Bnfts - 143,472 119,938 -
L74108 Library, Empl Bnfts - - 1,513,011 -
A51108 Maint Of Streets, Empl Bnfts - 931,740 1,887,389 -
A12108 Mayor, Empl Bnfts - 94,971 239,452 -
A43208 Mental Health Prog, Empl
Bnfts - 47,987 - -
PN39898 Misc Public Safety, Empl
Bnfts - - 29,982 -
A11108 Municipal Court, Empl Bnfts - - 2,095 -
A12308 Municipal Exec, Empl Bnfts - 189,742 - -
A56508 Off-Street Parking, Empl Bnfts - 73,671 - -
A16208 Operation Of Plant, Empl Bnfts - 443,966 582,113 -
A79898 Other Culture And Rec, Empl
Bnfts - 170,690 - -
A69898 Other Econ & Dev, Empl Bnfts - 290,809 - -
A90898 Other Employee Benefits (spec) - 249,109 - -
A19898 Other General Govt Support,
Employee Bens - 724,188 245,502 -
G19898 Other General Govt Support,
Employee Bens - - - 856,525
A89898 Other Home & Community
Services, Emp Bnfts - - 1,149 -
A56808 Other Transportation, Empl
Bnfts - - 1,146,093 -
A71108 Parks, Empl Bnfts - 34,253 486,055 -
A14308 Personnel, Empl Bnfts - 114,633 230,448 -
CD86848 Plan & Manage Devel, Empl
Bnfts - 25,980 - -
A80208 Planning, Empl Bnfts - - 240,844 -
A31208 Police, Empl Bnfts - 9,070,334 10,720,887 -
A67728 Programs For Aging, Empl
Bnfts - 214,425 - -
CD86768 Provisions For Public
Services, Emp Bnfts - 63,827 - -
A14808 Public Inform & Services,empl
Bnfts - 61,436 - -
A30108 Public Safety Admin, Empl
Bnfts - - 224,734 -
A30208 Public Safety Comm Sys, Empl
Bnfts - 472,780 - -
A14908 Public Works Admin, Empl
Bnfts - 206,550 368,842 -
A13458 Purchasing, Empl Bnfts - - 178,689 -
A70208 Recreation Admini, Empl Bnfts - 133,390 592,859 -
A81608 Refuse & Garbage, Empl Bnfts - 1,481,605 2,189,084 -
CD86108 Rent Subsidy, Empl Bnfts - 238,192 - -
A56408 Rr Station Maint, Empl Bnfts - 41,487 - -
A36208 Safety Inspection, Empl Bnfts - - 856,809 -
A81208 Sanitary Sewers, Empl Bnfts - - 41,747 -
ES81208 Sanitary Sewers, Empl Bnfts - - 464,758 -
A81108 Sewer Administration, Empl
Bnfts - 300,442 - -
A51428 Snow Removal, Empl Bnfts - 55,024 78,051 -
EW83208 Source Supply Pwr & Pump
Empl Bnfts - - 228,862 -
A13308 Tax Collection,empl Bnfts - 40,466 - -
A33108 Traffic Control, Empl Bnfts - 262,895 378,722 -
A11308 Traffic Viol Bureau, Empl
Bnfts - 93,969 1,107,390 -
EW83408 Transportation And
Distribution-Empl Bnfts - - 560,494 -
EW83108 Water Administration-Empl
Bnfts - - 987,816 -
A73108 Youth Prog, Empl Bnfts - 143,363 631,213 -
A80108 Zoning, Empl Bnfts - - 40,678 -
Unemployment Insurance - 85,126 - 168,655
A90508 Unemployment Insurance,
Empl Bnfts - 85,126 - 168,655
Union Benefits Program - - - 7,135,455
A90708 Union Welfare Benefits - - - 7,135,455
Worker's Compensation - 1,084,373 3,909,339 13,735,618
A90408 Worker's Compensation, Empl
Bnfts - - - 13,735,618
MS90408 Worker's Compensation,
Empl Bnfts - 1,084,373 3,909,339 -
GENERAL GOVERNMENT - 20,449,190 38,212,317 123,094,717
Administration - 7,417,215 20,649,853 37,692,884
EP17104 Administration-Contractual - 1,100,103 - -
MS17104 Administration-Contractual - 121,685 904 -
CU17101 Administration-Personal
Services - - 227,481 -
ER17101 Administration-Personal
Services - 7,187 - -
MS17101 Administration-Personal
Services - - 71,750 -
A13554 Assessment, Contr Expend - 22,115 15,874 37,704
A13552 Assessment, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 16,600 -
A13551 Assessment, Pers Serv - 326,020 449,760 1,084,174
H10302 Board Of Est & Apport, Equip
& Cap Outlay - - - -
A13404 Budget, Contr Expend - - 9,588 4,660
A13402 Budget, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 861 -
A13401 Budget, Pers Serv - - 291,677 651,116
A14104 Clerk,contr Expend - 110,422 100,318 35,467
A14102 Clerk,equip & Cap Outlay - - 1,714 5,210
A14101 Clerk,pers Serv - 307,560 381,179 606,645
A13154 Comptroller, Contr Expend - - - 1,780,924
A13151 Comptroller,pers Serv - - - 4,670,021
EP13754 Credit Card Fees - 195,136 - -
ER13754 Credit Card Fees - 19,329 - -
A13104 Dir Of Finance, Contr Expend - 241,272 9,510,724 -
A13102 Dir Of Finance, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 874 2,019 -
A13101 Dir Of Finance, Pers Serv - 973,881 1,245,438 -
A14504 Elections, Contr Expend - 94,694 - 344,705
A14501 Elections, Pers Serv - 1,729 1,776 -
A14404 Engineer, Contr Expend - 41,028 23,929 -
A14402 Engineer, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 5,784 -
H14402 Engineer, Equip & Cap Outlay - 49,043 - -
A14401 Engineer, Pers Serv - 781,166 1,698,993 -
V13804 Fiscal Agents Fees, Contr
Expend - - 67,078 11,068,461
A14204 Law, Contr Expend - 376,420 569,406 229,229
A14201 Law, Pers Serv - 245,160 1,131,163 2,441,074
A10104 Legislative Board, Contr
Expend - 81,722 75,244 379,340
A10101 Legislative Board, Pers Serv - 203,497 221,326 1,202,510
A12104 Mayor, Contr Expend - 13,516 32,482 74,887
A12101 Mayor, Pers Serv - 182,564 510,086 756,935
A11104 Municipal Court, Contr Expend - - 17,477 2,438,244
A11101 Municipal Court, Pers Serv - - - 3,669,379
A12304 Municipal Exec, Contr Expend - 25,172 - 84,674
A12301 Municipal Exec, Pers Serv - 426,835 - 406,524
A14304 Personnel, Contr Expend - 208,061 44,055 419,485
A14301 Personnel, Pers Serv - 208,893 573,123 3,261,050
A14302 Personnel,equip & Cap Outlay - - - -
A14804 Public Inform & Services,
Contr Expend - 123,189 - 207,707
A14801 Public Inform & Services,pers
Serv - 127,174 - 780,984
A13454 Purchasing, Contr Expend - - 18,559 4,419
A13451 Purchasing, Pers Serv - - 416,459 1,047,356
A17101 Self Insurance Admin, Pers
Serv - 289,813 - -
A13304 Tax Collection,contr Expend - 38,682 - -
A13301 Tax Collection,pers Serv - 151,036 - -
A11304 Traffic Viol Bureau, Contr
Expend - 161,932 627,444 -
A11302 Traffic Viol Bureau, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 544 -
A11301 Traffic Viol Bureau, Pers Serv - 160,305 2,289,038 -
County Distribution Of Sales Tax - - - -
Judgements - 1,242,882 - 8,088,776
MS19304 Judgements And Claims,
Contr Exp - 1,047,680 - -
A19304 Judgements And Claims, Contr
Expend - 195,202 - 8,088,776
Miscellaneous General Government - 1,413,050 1,515,064 -
EP19944 Depreciation - 747,699 - -
ER19944 Depreciation - 116,909 - -
ES19944 Depreciation - - 740,951 -
ET19944 Depreciation - 548,442 - -
EW19944 Depreciation - - 774,113 -
M19944 Depreciation Expense - - - -
Operations - 10,319,898 15,277,568 75,936,139
A16802 Central Data Process & Cap
Outlay - 36,208 - -
H16802 Central Data Process & Cap
Outlay - 287,577 - -
A16801 Central Data Process Pers Serv - 442,346 - 3,412,110
A16804 Central Data Process, Contr
Expend - 235,926 - 2,332,101
A16404 Central Garage Contr Expend - - 144,903 4,162,168
A16402 Central Garage Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 2,835 -
A16401 Central Garage Pers Serv - 889,552 1,360,453 2,954,319
M16404 Central Garage, Contr Expend - 1,061,140 - -
A16104 Central Services Admin,contr
Expend - - - 2,813
A16101 Central Services Admin,pers
Serv - 10,430 - 526,626
MS17224 Excess Insurance - 693,894 - -
H19972 General Govt, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 5,967,707 26,427,284
A19204 Municipal Assn Dues, Contr
Expend - - - 31,973
A16204 Operation Of Plant, Contr
Expend - 219,408 1,640,584 4,753,851
A16202 Operation Of Plant, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 28,420 -
H16202 Operation Of Plant, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 69,277 - -
A16201 Operation Of Plant, Pers Serv - 1,023,551 1,232,766 2,601,089
A19894 Other General Govt Support,
Contract Exp - 2,554,559 499,432 4,156,086
A19892 Other General Govt Support,
Equip∩ Out - 176,226 38,124 -
A19891 Other General Govt Support,
Personal Serv - 1,466,183 624,814 -
A19804 Payment Of Mta Payroll Tax,
Contr Expend - - - 858,821
A14904 Public Works Admin, Contr
Expend - 240,620 58,327 384,334
A14902 Public Works Admin, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 3,069 6,661 -
A14901 Public Works Admin, Pers Serv - 463,171 950,279 736,159
A19504 Taxes & Assess On Munic
Prop, Contr Expend - 395,221 - 22,596,405
EP19504 Taxes & Assess On Munic
Prop, Contr Expend - 51,540 - -
MS19104 Unallocated Insurance, Contr
Expend - - 2,722,263 -
Zoning And Planning - 56,145 769,832 1,376,918
H80902 Environmental Control, Equip
& Cap Outlay - 56,145 - -
A80204 Planning, Contr Expend - - 90,346 499,582
A80202 Planning, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 1,851 -
A80201 Planning, Pers Serv - - 612,757 877,336
A80104 Zoning, Contr Expend - - 510 -
A80101 Zoning, Pers Serv - - 64,368 -

HEALTH - 173,060 - -
Environmental Services - - - -
Mental Health Services - 173,060 - -
A43204 Mental Health Prog,contr
Expend - 44,882 - -
A43201 Mental Health Prog,pers Serv - 128,178 - -
Miscellaneous Public Health - - - -
Public Health Administration - - - -
Public Health Facilities - - - -
Public Health Services - - - -

PUBLIC SAFETY - 44,964,737 46,964,707 168,919,164

Correctional Services - - - -
Disaster Response - - - -
Emergency Response - - - -
Fire Protection - 19,406,068 18,123,591 64,573,565
H34972 Fire Protection, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 387,735 - -
A34104 Fire, Contr Expend - 1,339,906 273,906 1,590,187
A34102 Fire, Equip & Cap Outlay - 71,028 62,531 18,999
H34102 Fire, Equip & Cap Outlay - 564,296 1,116,801 -
A34101 Fire, Pers Serv - 17,043,103 16,670,353 62,964,379
Homeland Security And Civil Defense - - - -
Miscellaneous Public Safety - 195,202 2,336,917 9,013,016
A35104 Control Of Animals, Contr
Expend - 195,202 - 163,940
A35101 Control Of Animals, Pers Serv - - - 742,656
PN39894 Misc Public Safety, Contract
PN39894 Misc Public Safety, Contract
Expend - - 163,906 -
TE39894 Misc Public Safety, Contract
Expend - - - -
CM39892 Other Public Safety, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 57,191 -
CM39894 Other Public Safety-Contr
Expend - - 63,789 5,279,837
CM39891 Other Public Safety-Pers
Serv - - 43,536 -
A36204 Safety Inspection, Contr
Expend - - 61,201 59,288
A36202 Safety Inspection, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 15,154 -
A36201 Safety Inspection, Pers Serv - - 1,932,140 2,767,295
Police - 24,002,178 25,311,590 95,332,583
A31204 Police, Contr Expend - 1,754,855 684,909 2,712,755
A31202 Police, Equip & Cap Outlay - 304,064 249,815 -
A31201 Police, Pers Serv - 20,232,871 23,351,366 92,619,828
A33104 Traffic Control, Contr Expen - 955,775 217,151 -
A33102 Traffic Control, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 33,791 -
H33102 Traffic Control, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 244,118 - -
A33101 Traffic Control, Pers Serv - 510,495 774,558 -
Public Safety Administration - 1,361,289 1,192,609 -
A30104 Public Safety Admin, Contr
Expend - - 600,870 -
A30101 Public Safety Admin, Pers Serv - - 591,739 -
H30972 Public Safety Cap Proj - 85,595 - -
A30204 Public Safety Comm Sys, Contr
Expend - 240,577 - -
A30202 Public Safety Comm Sys,
Equip & Cap Outlay - 47,256 - -
A30201 Public Safety Comm Sys, Pers
Serv - 987,861 - -

SANITATION - 5,289,610 6,898,793 21,958,182

Drainage - - 646,282 -
H85972 Drain & Storm, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 646,282 -
Landfill Closures - - - -
Miscellaneous Sanitation - 841,065 - -
A81894 Other Sanitation, Contr Expend - 841,065 - -
Refuse And Garbage - 3,528,059 5,250,256 19,964,003
A81604 Refuse & Garbage, Contr
Expend - 626,810 1,106,596 4,546,514
A81602 Refuse & Garbage, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 8,713 -
A81601 Refuse & Garbage, Pers Serv - 2,901,249 4,134,947 15,417,489
Sewer - 813,525 1,002,255 1,994,179
A81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr Expend - - 28,731 -
ES81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr
Expend - - 434,996 -
G81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr Expend - - - 51,943
G81202 Sanitary Sewers, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - - 86,615
A81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - 66,305 -
ES81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - 472,223 -
G81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - - 1,855,621
A81104 Sewer Administration, Contr
Expend - 227,476 - -
A81101 Sewer Administration, Pers
Serv - 586,049 - -
Storm Sewer - 106,961 - -
H81402 Storm Sewers, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 106,961 - -

SOCIAL SERVICES - 10,157,494 - 165,760

Employment Services - - - -
Financial Assistance - - - -
Housing Assistance - 10,157,494 - 165,760
A86114 Emergency Tenant Protection - - - 165,760
A86104 Rent Subsidy, Contr Expend - 68,339 - -
CD86104 Rent Subsidy, Contr Expend - 9,567,108 - -
CD86101 Rent Subsidy, Pers Serv - 522,047 - -
Medicaid - - - -
Miscellaneous Social Services - - - -
Non-Medicaid Medical Assistance - - - -
Public Facilities - - - -
Social Service Administration - - - -
Youth Services - - - -

TRANSPORTATION - 14,681,883 14,368,153 8,438,478

Airports - - - -
Bus Service - - - -
Highway Services To Other Govts - - - -
Highways - 10,268,903 10,675,512 4,409,679
A51404 Brush And Weeds, Contr
Expend - 581,119 - -
A51401 Brush And Weeds, Pers Serv - 118,146 - -
A50204 Engineering, Contr Expend - - - 122,247
A50201 Engineering, Pers Serv - - - 2,347,366
A51324 Garage, Contr Expend - - 990,832 -
A51321 Garage, Pers Serv - - 908,387 -
H51972 Highway, Capital Projects - - 1,796,473 -
A51104 Maint Of Streets, Contr Expend - 1,938,696 2,213,830 76,980
A51102 Maint Of Streets, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 5,788 -
H51102 Maint Of Streets, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 2,989,025 - -
A51101 Maint Of Streets, Pers Serv - 1,818,189 3,766,389 597,862
H51122 Perm Improve Highway, Equip
& Cap Outlay - 2,230,512 - -
A51424 Snow Removal, Contr Expend - 382,995 723,804 535,964
A51422 Snow Removal, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - - -
A51421 Snow Removal, Pers Serv - 210,221 270,009 729,260
Miscellaneous Transportation - 237,232 3,535,989 4,028,799
A56804 Other Transportation, Contr
Expend - - 831,526 -
A56802 Other Transportation, Equip &
A56802 Other Transportation, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 325,006 -
H59892 Other Transportation, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 237,232 - -
A56801 Other Transportation, Pers Serv - - 2,379,457 -
CM59894 Other Transportation-Contr
Expend - - - 4,028,799
Rail Service - 1,063,855 - -
A56401 Rr Station Maint, Pers Serv - 99,130 - -
ET56354 Rr-Rapid Transit, Contr
Expend - 964,725 - -
Transportation Ancillary - 2,013,485 156,652 -
EP56504 Off-Street Parking, Cont
Expend - 1,680,814 - -
A56504 Off-Street Parking, Contr
Expend - - 156,652 -
A56501 Off-Street Parking, Pers Serv - 185,859 - -
H54102 Sidewalks, Equip & Cap Outlay - 146,812 - -
Transportation Facilities - 1,098,408 - -
H51302 Machinery, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 1,098,408 - -
Waterways - - - -

UTILITIES - - 10,612,779 23,997,636

Electricity - - - -
Natural Gas - - - -
Steam - - - -
Water - - 10,612,779 23,997,636
EW83204 Source Supply Pwr & Pump
Contr Expend - - 7,021,533 -
EW83201 Source Supply Pwr & Pump,
Pers Serv - - 476,368 -
EW83404 Transportation And
Distribution-Contr Expe - - 173,802 -
EW83401 Transportation And
Distribution-Pers Serv - - 1,095,615 -
FX83104 Water Administration, Contr
Expend - - - 18,639,134
FX83101 Water Administration, Pers
Serv - - - 5,358,502
EW83104 Water Administration-Contr
Expend - - 1,115,262 -
EW83101 Water Administration-Pers
Serv - - 730,199 -
Open Book New York
Office of the State Comptroller
Thomas P. DiNapoli, State Comptroller

Comparison Report for City of Mount Vernon, City of New Rochelle, City of White Plains, and City of
Yonkers for 2017

Revenues and Proceeds of Debt City of Mount Vernon City of New Rochelle City of White Plains City of Yonkers
Total No Data 170,989,636 234,634,759 593,338,824

CHARGES FOR SERVICES - 25,273,681 55,661,002 69,511,565

Community Services Fees - 6,017,375 6,595,712 7,764,247
A2555 Building And Alteration Permits - 2,800,531 - 2,800,861
A2501 Business & Occupational License
- 82,180 - -
A2189 Other Home & Community
Services Income - - 51,955 -
A2590 Permits, Other - 224,703 6,201,838 2,239,617
A2115 Planning Board Fees - 265,175 - -
A2565 Plumbing Permits - 220,222 - -
A1710 Public Works Charges - - 200,732 1,880,287
A2560 Street Opening Permits - 2,331,902 - 843,482
A2110 Zoning Fees - 92,662 141,187 -
Culture And Recreation Fees - 2,599,247 2,203,221 2,619,710
A2070 Contributions, Private
Agencies-Youth - - 744,716 -
L2082 Library Charges - - 68,048 68,909
A2001 Park And Recreational Charges - 758,917 1,313,399 2,550,801
A2012 Recreational Concessions - - 2,000 -
A2025 Special Recreational Facility
Charges - - 75,058 -
ER2025 Special Recreational Facility
Charges - 1,840,330 - -
Economic Development Fees - - 463,254 -
CD2170 Community Development
Income - - 463,254 -
Education Fees - - - -
General Government Fees - 973,727 2,376,859 2,423,406
A1250 Assessors Fees - 7,362 - -
A2540 Bingo Licenses - - - -
A1255 Clerk Fees - 8,731 - 462,361
A1240 Comptroller Fees - - 5,200 98,640
A2544 Dog Licenses - 17,062 - -
A2545 Licenses, Other - 179,841 34,022 1,035,565
CD1289 Other General Department Inc - - - 499,308
A1289 Other General Departmental
Income - 459,702 1,060,962 -
CM1289 Other General Dept Income - - 1,218,825 327,532
A1260 Personnel Fees - 13,460 17,850 -
A1232 Tax Collector Fees - 287,569 40,000 -
A1230 Treasurer Fees - - - -
Health Fees - 79,130 130,032 -
A1603 Vital Statistics Fees - 79,130 130,032 -
Miscellaneous Fees - - - 1,702,118
CM1489 Other Charges For Services - - - 1,702,118
Public Safety Fees - 2,815,467 2,831,106 8,864,773
A1540 Fire Inspection Fees - 827,431 179 3,496,519
A1589 Other Public Safety
Departmental Income - 136,032 - -
CM1589 Other Public Safety Income - - 295,931 -
A1520 Police Fees - 1,802,603 2,050,132 4,409,232
A1525 Prisoner Charges - - 233,622 387,801
A2550 Public Safety Permits - - - 571,221
A1560 Safety Inspection Fees - 49,401 251,242 -
Sanitation Fees - 6,609,498 2,519,694 9,395,407
G2128 Interest & Penalties On Sewer
Accts - - - 204,531
A2130 Refuse & Garbage Charges - 6,609,498 - -
ES2120 Sewer Rents - - 2,519,694 -
G2120 Sewer Rents - - - 9,190,876
Social Services Fees - - 6,823,012 -
CU1989 Other Economic Assist &
Opportunity Income - - 427,604 -
CM1989 Other Economic Assist, &
Opport Income - - 6,395,408 -
Transportation Fees - 6,179,237 16,496,627 -
ET1789 Other Transportation DepT.
Income - 1,254,645 - -
A1789 Other Transportation
Departmental Income - - 16,496,627 -
EP1721 Parking Lots And Garages-No
Tax - 1,199,379 - -
EP1741 Parking Meter Fees
Non-Taxable - 3,725,213 - -
Utility Fees - - 15,221,485 36,741,904
EW2140 Metered Water Sales - - 15,221,485 -
FX2140 Metered Water Sales - - - 36,525,558
FX2144 Water Service Charges - - - 216,346

- 2,316,172 136,594 522,582
Community Services Charges - - - -
Culture And Recreation Charges - - 26,765 -
L2360 Library Services, Other Govts - - 26,765 -
Debt Service Charges - - - -
Education Charges - - - -
General Government Charges - 2,265,659 - 41,677
A2220 Civil Service Charges - 13,460 - 41,677
A2210 General Services, Inter
Government - 2,252,199 - -
Health Charges - - - -
Miscellaneous Intergovernmental
- 50,513 92,330 -
A2389 Misc Revenue, Other Govts - - 92,330 -
M2389 Misc Revenue, Other Govts - 50,513 - -
Public Safety Charges - - 17,499 -
A2260 Public Safety Services For Other
Govts - - 17,499 -
Sanitation Charges - - - -
Social Services Charges - - - -
Transportation Charges - - - 480,905
A2300 Transportation Services, Other
Govts - - - 480,905
Utility Charges - - - -

FEDERAL AID - 12,581,769 116,593 10,325,220

Federal Aid - Community Services - 1,434,470 53,523 -
CD4989 Fed Aid Other Home And
Community Services - 1,315,934 - -
H4989 Fed Aid Other Home And
Community Services - - - -
A4772 Fed Aid, Programs For Aging - 118,536 53,523 -
Federal Aid - Culture And Recreation - 121,459 - -
A4820 Fed Aid, Youth Programs - 121,459 - -
Federal Aid - Economic Development - - - 5,056,334
CD4910 Fed Aid, Community
Development Act - - - 5,056,334
Federal Aid - Education - - - -
Federal Aid - General Government - - - -
Federal Aid - Health - - - -
Federal Aid - Public Safety - 332,154 - -
A4389 Fed Aid Other Public Safety - 214,633 - -
A4785 Fed Aid, Disaster Assistance - - - -
H4960 Fed Aid, Emergency Disaster
Assistance - 117,521 - -
Federal Aid - Sanitation - - - -
Federal Aid - Social Services - 10,642,132 - -
CD4915 Federal Aid Rental Assistance
Program - 10,642,132 - -
Federal Aid - Transportation - 51,554 - -
H4589 Fed Aid Other Transportation - 51,554 - -
Federal Aid - Utilities - - - -
Miscellaneous Federal Aid - - 63,070 5,268,886
A4089 Federal Aid - Other - - 63,070 -
CM4089 Federal Aid, Other - - - 5,268,886

OTHER LOCAL REVENUES - 11,236,132 16,988,335 25,008,737

Compensation For Loss - 141,762 415,249 -
A2680 Insurance Recoveries - 67,106 146,007 -
MS2680 Insurance Recoveries - 46,540 269,242 -
CD2690 Other Compensation For Loss - 28,116 - -
Employee Contributions - - - -
Fines - 4,160,441 8,177,026 19,075,206
A2610 Fines And Forfeited Bail - 4,160,441 8,177,026 19,075,206
Forfeitures - - - -
Gifts - 1,290,799 226,279 153,992
A2705 Gifts And Donations - - 73,068 -
PN2705 Gifts And Donations - - 153,211 -
TE2705 Gifts And Donations - 1,290,799 - 153,992
Library Grants From Local
- - - -
Miscellaneous Grants From Local
- 170,451 102,166 -
EW2706 Grants From Local
Governments - - 102,166 -
H2706 Grants From Local Governments - 170,451 - -
Miscellaneous Revenues - 5,472,679 8,067,615 5,779,539
M2801 Interfund Revenues - 2,294,931 - -
MS2801 Interfund Revenues - 3,132,115 5,932,813 -
A2701 Refunds Of Prior Year's
Expenditures - -10,693 496,754 2,280,343
A2770 Unclassified (specify) - 31,016 358,545 1,312,890
CD2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 470 392,106
CM2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - 8,259
EP2770 Unclassified (specify) - 25,310 - -
ES2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 68,865 -
EW2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 49,956 -
FX2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - 84,891
H2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 1,143,974 138,192
L2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 5,224 62,858
PN2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 1,615 -
V2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 9,399 -
A2725 Vlt/Tribal-State Compact
Moneys - - - 1,500,000

OTHER NON-PROPERTY TAXES - 1,747,227 1,026,760 55,091,224

City Income Tax - - - 49,979,237
A1101 City Income Tax Surcharge - - - 49,979,237
Emergency Telephone System Surcharge - - - -
Franchises - 1,747,227 1,026,760 5,015,831
A1170 Franchises - 1,747,227 1,026,760 5,015,831
Miscellaneous Non-Property Taxes - - - 96,156
A1132 Harness Racing Admissions Tax - - - 24,620
A1150 O.T.B. Surtax - - - 71,536


- 1,871,502 3,533,691 36,010,092
Gain From Sale Of Tax Acquired
- - - -
Interest & Penalties - 1,518,308 428,130 5,443,271
A1090 Interest & Penalties On Real
Prop Taxes - 1,518,308 428,130 5,443,271
Miscellaneous Tax Items - - - 13,520,582
A1089 Other Tax Items - - - 13,520,582
Payments In Lieu Of Taxes - 353,194 3,105,561 17,046,239
A1081 Other Payments In Lieu Of
Taxes - 353,194 3,105,561 17,046,239
Star Payments - - - -

PROCEEDS OF DEBT - 11,957,949 36,548,265 40,770,000

Bans Redeemed From Appropriations - 2,549,949 - -
H5731 Bans Redeemed From
Appropriations - 2,549,949 - -
Miscellaneous Debt Proceeds - - - -
Sale Of Obligations - 9,408,000 36,548,265 40,770,000
V5791 Advanced Refunding Bonds - - 23,546,715 9,945,000
A5730 Bond Anticipation Notes - - - 6,000,000
H5785 Installment Purchase Debt - - - -
A5710 Serial Bonds - - - 7,000,000
H5710 Serial Bonds - 9,408,000 13,001,550 17,825,000


- 60,033,678 55,986,888 125,492,700
Real Property Taxes - 59,555,645 55,986,888 120,413,933
A1001 Real Property Taxes - 59,555,645 49,966,342 120,413,933
L1001 Real Property Taxes - - 6,020,546 -
Special Assessments - 478,033 - 5,078,767
A1030 Special Assessments - 478,033 - -
FX1030 Special Assessments - - - 5,078,767

SALES AND USE TAX - 29,696,756 51,667,942 97,988,152

Miscellaneous Use Taxes - 310,703 1,156,220 838,098
A1113 Tax On Hotel Room Occupancy - 310,703 1,156,220 838,098
Sales Tax - 28,133,118 49,310,346 89,863,811
A1110 Sales And Use Tax - 28,133,118 49,310,346 89,863,811
Sales Tax Distribution - - - -
Utilities Gross Receipts Tax - 1,252,935 1,201,376 7,286,243
A1130 Utilities Gross Receipts Tax - 1,252,935 1,201,376 7,286,243

STATE AID - 11,130,677 8,675,023 122,078,453

Miscellaneous State Aid - 25,000 - 6,738,974
A3089 St Aid - Other (specify) - 25,000 - 874,194
CM3089 State Aid, Other - - - 5,864,780
Mortgage Tax - 2,545,889 1,739,253 7,067,156
A3005 St Aid, Mortgage Tax - 2,545,889 1,739,253 7,067,156
State Aid - Community Services - 4,831 300,000 -
EW3989 St Aid - Other Home And
Community Service - - 300,000 -
H3989 St Aid - Other Home And
Community Service - -11,383 - -
A3772 St Aid, Programs For Aging - 16,214 - -
State Aid - Culture And Recreation - 111,650 29,000 56,844
L3840 St Aid For Libraries - - - 56,844
A3820 St Aid, Youth Programs - 111,650 29,000 -
State Aid - Economic Development - - - -
State Aid - Education - - 135,000 -
H3297 St Aid, Other - - 135,000 -
State Aid - General Government - 259,782 - -
A3330 St Aid, Unified Court Budget
Sec Costs - 259,782 - -
State Aid - Health - 190,669 44,455 -
A3490 St Aid, Mental Health - 179,269 44,455 -
A3401 St Aid, Public Health - 11,400 - -
State Aid - Public Safety - 238,523 72,806 -
A3315 St Aid, Navigation Law
Enforcement - 90,912 - -
A3389 St Aid, Other Public Safety - 135,023 72,806 -
H3960 State Aid Emergency Disaster - 12,588 - -
State Aid - Sanitation - - - -
State Aid - Sanitation - - - -
State Aid - Social Services - - - -
State Aid - Transportation - 1,591,406 891,253 -
A3501 St Aid, Consolidated Highway
Aid - 91,579 163,203 -
H3501 St Aid, Consolidated Highway
Aid - 1,480,286 700,000 -
A3589 St Aid, Other Transportation - - 28,050 -
H3589 St Aid, Other Transportation - 19,541 - -
State Aid - Utilities - - - -
Unrestricted State Aid - 6,162,927 5,463,256 108,215,479
A3001 St Aid, Revenue Sharing - 6,162,927 5,463,256 108,215,479

USE AND SALE OF PROPERTY - 3,144,093 4,293,666 10,540,099

Interest And Earnings - 1,014,114 1,945,920 3,913,393
A2401 Interest And Earnings - 354,859 250,482 173,938
CD2401 Interest And Earnings - 754 57 24,863
CM2401 Interest And Earnings - - 2,974 -
EP2401 Interest And Earnings - 14,741 - -
ER2401 Interest And Earnings - 9,954 - -
ES2401 Interest And Earnings - - 4,361 -
ET2401 Interest And Earnings - 19,445 - -
EW2401 Interest And Earnings - - 43,788 -
MS2401 Interest And Earnings - 46,301 56,715 -
PN2401 Interest And Earnings - - 469 -
TE2401 Interest And Earnings - 432 - -
V2401 Interest And Earnings - 24,502 159,566 94,339
H2710 Premium & Accrued Interest On
Obligations - - - 2,968,440
V2710 Premium & Accrued Interest On
Obligations - 543,126 1,427,508 651,813
Rental Of Property - 1,029,740 1,904,506 103,867
A2410 Rental Of Real Property - 169,229 1,902,944 103,867
EP2410 Rental Of Real Property - 589,409 - -
ET2410 Rental Of Real Property - 271,102 - -
L2410 Rental Of Real Property,
Individuals - - 1,562 -
Sale Of Property - 1,100,239 443,240 6,522,839
A2450 Commissions - 23,077 - -
L2450 Commissions - - 14,936 -
A2715 Proceeds Of Seized &
Unclaimed Property - - 18,330 -
A2665 Sales Of Equipment - 130,507 - -
A2660 Sales Of Real Property - - - 4,396,739
CD2660 Sales Of Real Property - - - 2,126,100
V2660 Sales Of Real Property - 938,157 - -
A2650 Sales Of Scrap & Excess
Materials - 8,498 22,794 -
A2655 Sales, Other - - 387,180 -
Expenditures City of Mount Vernon City of New Rochelle City of White Plains City of Yonkers
Total No Data 160,617,589 202,237,640 604,576,290

COMMUNITY SERVICES - 1,061,154 1,471,762 18,964,351

Broadband Improvements - - - -
Constituent Services - - - 445,096
A80404 Human Rights, Contr Expend - - - 30,632
A80401 Human Rights, Pers Serv - - - 20,115
A65104 Veterans Service, Contr Expend - - - 114,692
A65101 Veterans Service, Pers Serv - - - 279,657
Elder Services - 687,105 - 351,532
A67724 Programs For Aging, Contr
Expend - 196,990 - 336,817
A67721 Programs For Aging, Pers Serv - 490,115 - 14,715
Miscellaneous Community Services - - 1,471,762 16,720,764
A89894 Misc Home & Comm Serv,
Contr Expend - - - 10,635
A89891 Misc Home & Comm Serv,
Pers Serv - - 9,125 12,234,530
CM89894 Other Home And Community
Service-Contr Exp - - 697,292 4,475,599
CM89891 Other Home And Community
Service-Pers Serv - - 765,345 -
Natural Resources - 374,049 - 1,446,959
A87304 Forestry, Contr Expend - 262,015 - -
A87301 Forestry, Pers Serv - 85,912 - -
A85604 Shade Tree, Contr Expend - - - 68,703
H85602 Shade Tree, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 26,122 - -
A85601 Shade Tree, Pers Serv - - - 1,378,256
Student Census - - - -

CULTURE AND RECREATION - 5,331,673 11,693,637 18,663,816

Adult Recreation - - - -
Cultural Services - - - 237,500
A74501 Museum - Art Gallery, Pers
Serv - - - 237,500
Library - - 4,133,370 8,670,225
L74104 Library, Contr Expend - - 1,360,017 2,073,781
L74102 Library, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 13,436 80,804
L74101 Library, Pers Serv - - 2,759,917 6,515,640
Miscellaneous Cultural And Recreation - 774,326 20,064 420,706
PN79894 Other Culture And Rec, Cont
Expend - - 20,064 -
TE79894 Other Culture And Rec, Cont
Expend - 199,749 - 175,706
A79894 Other Culture And Rec, Contr
Expend - 43,209 - -
A79891 Other Culture And Rec, Pers
Serv - 384,221 - -
H79972 Other Culture And Recreation - 147,147 - -
CM79894 Other Culture And
Recreation-Contr Expend - - - 245,000
Recreation Services - 3,761,046 5,401,712 9,205,385
A76204 Adult Recreation, Contr
A76204 Adult Recreation, Contr
Expend - 143,780 - -
A76201 Adult Recreation, Pers Serv - 193,912 - -
A71104 Parks, Contr Expend - 52,848 434,228 440,621
A71102 Parks, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 10,609 12,197
H71102 Parks, Equip & Cap Outlay - 99,600 - -
A71101 Parks, Pers Serv - 180,132 904,861 5,133,749
A71404 Playgr & Rec Centers, Contr
Expend - 9,149 - 317,856
H71402 Playgr & Rec Centers, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 701,889 - -
A71401 Playgr & Rec Centers, Pers
Serv - - - 2,329,986
A70204 Recreation Admini, Contr
Expend - 71,358 1,246,655 221,374
A70202 Recreation Admini, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 6,314 26,267 -
A70201 Recreation Admini, Pers Serv - 328,792 1,832,222 749,602
H71972 Recreation, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 946,870 -
A71804 Special Rec Facility, Contr
Expend - 440,660 - -
A71802 Special Rec Facility, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 10,300 - -
A71801 Special Rec Facility, Pers Serv - 874,395 - -
ER71804 Special Recreation
Facilities-Contr Expend - 647,917 - -
Youth Recreation - 796,301 2,138,491 130,000
A73104 Youth Prog, Contr Expend - 239,633 185,012 130,000
A73102 Youth Prog, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 10,698 -
A73101 Youth Prog, Pers Serv - 556,668 1,942,781 -

DEBT SERVICE - 10,195,180 13,900,082 54,643,781

Debt Principal - 8,231,449 9,231,948 37,616,366
A97306 Debt Principal, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 2,549,949 - -
V97306 Debt Principal, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 320,000 - -
V97856 Debt Principal, Installment
Purchase Debt - - - 842,300
V97106 Debt Principal, Serial Bonds - 4,922,276 9,231,948 36,055,200
A97856 Install Pur Debt, Principal - 439,224 - -
CD97896 Other Debt, Principal - - - 341,770
V97896 Other Notes Principal - - - 377,096
Interest On Debt - 1,963,731 4,668,134 17,027,415
A97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 224,973 - -
ER97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 1,920 - -
V97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 5,233 - -
A97707 Debt Interest, Revenue
Anticipation Notes - - - 416,885
EP97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 455,043 - -
ER97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 1,352 - -
ES97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - - 53,019 -
ET97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 34,871 - -
EW97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - - 781,203 -
V97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 1,189,563 3,833,912 16,361,958
A97857 Install Pur Debt, Interest - 50,776 - -
CD97897 Other Debt, Interest - - - 220,951
V97897 Other Notes Interest - - - 27,621

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 3,583,454 5,879,446 6,255,483

Development Infrastructure - 209,359 235,070 5,749,374
CD86764 Prov Of Public Service, Contr
Expen - 170,577 - -
CD86761 Prov Of Public Service, Pers
Serv - 38,782 - -
CU86624 Public Works Fac Site, Contr
Expend - - 27,873 -
CD86622 Public Works Fac Site, Equip
& Cap - - - 5,749,374
CD86684 Rehab Loans & Grant, Contr
Expend - - 207,197 -
Economic Development Administration - 969,798 - 506,109
CD86864 Administration, Contr Expend - 85,284 - -
CD86861 Administration, Pers Serv - 129,677 - -
A64601 Indus Develop Agency, Pers
Serv - - - 506,109
CD86844 Plan & Manage Devel, Contr
Expend - 237,168 - -
CD86842 Plan & Manage Devel, Equip
& Cap Outlay - 334,691 - -
CD86841 Plan & Manage Devel, Pers
Serv - 182,978 - -
Economic Development Grants - - - -
Miscellaneous Economic Development - 1,926,902 5,644,376 -
A69894 Other Eco & Dev, Contr
Expend - 1,032,438 - -
A69892 Other Eco & Dev, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 1,948 - -
H69892 Other Eco & Dev, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 21,667 - -
A69891 Other Eco & Dev, Pers Serv - 870,849 - -
CM69892 Other Econ &
Development-Equip & Cap Outla - - 41,285 -
CM69894 Other Economic And
Development-Contr Expen - - 4,178,359 -
CM69891 Other Economic And
Development-Pers Serv - - 1,424,732 -
Promotion - 477,395 - -
A64204 Promotion Of Industry, Contr
Expend - 477,395 - -

Community College - - - -
Education - Transportation - - - -
Instruction - - - -
Instructional Support - - - -
Miscellaneous Education - - - -
Pupil Services - - - -
Student Activities - - - -
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - 38,503,136 51,054,622 147,989,859
Disability Insurance - - - -
Life Insurance - - - 50,025
A90458 Life Insurance, Empl Bnfts - - - 50,025
Losap/Miscellaneous - - - -
Medical Insurance - 7,452,780 - 58,113,528
A90608 Hospital & Medical (dental)
Ins, Empl Bnft - 7,452,780 - 58,113,528
Retirement - Police & Fire - - - 38,328,042
A90158 Police & Firemen Retirement,
Empl Bnfts - - - 38,328,042
Retirement - State/Local - - - 13,589,684
A90108 State Retirement System - - - 13,589,684
Retirement - Teacher - - - -
Social Security - - - 16,730,093
A90308 Social Security, Employer Cont - - - 16,730,093
Unclassified Employee Benefits - 30,211,473 48,468,816 892,301
CD86868 Administration, Empl Bnfts - 60,870 - -
CU17108 Administration-Empl Ben - - 99,286 -
ER17108 Administration-Empl Ben - - - -
MS17108 Administration-Employee
Benefits - - 79,824 -
A76208 Adult Recreation, Empl Bnfts - 57,546 - -
A13558 Assessment, Empl Bnfts - 155,898 175,410 -
A51408 Brush & Weeds, Employee
Benefits - 23,019 - -
A13408 Budget, Empl Bnfts - - 63,136 -
A16808 Central Data Process, Empl
Bnfts - 223,441 - -
A16408 Central Garage Empl Bnfts - 414,746 692,470 -
A16108 Central Services Admin,empl
Bnfts - 1,414 - -
A14108 Clerk,empl Bnfts - 134,191 205,838 -
A13108 Dir Of Finance, Empl Bnfts - 441,810 10,039,122 -
A14508 Elections, Empl Bnfts - 590 - -
A14408 Engineer, Empl Bnfts - 342,714 805,593 -
A34108 Fire, Empl Bnfts - 10,573,703 8,545,079 -
A87308 Forestry, Empl Bnfts - 39,234 - -
A51328 Garage, Empl Bnfts - - 510,840 -
A14208 Law, Empl Bnfts - 149,467 394,835 -
A10108 Legislative Board, Empl Bnfts - 167,037 121,885 -
L74108 Library, Empl Bnfts - - 1,447,326 -
A51108 Maint Of Streets, Empl Bnfts - 863,304 1,915,933 -
A12108 Mayor, Empl Bnfts - 103,570 237,304 -
A43208 Mental Health Prog, Empl
Bnfts - 51,252 - -
PN39898 Misc Public Safety, Empl
Bnfts - - 21,533 -
A11108 Municipal Court, Empl Bnfts - - 1,675 -
A12308 Municipal Exec, Empl Bnfts - 195,672 - -
A56508 Off-Street Parking, Empl Bnfts - 74,777 - -
A16208 Operation Of Plant, Empl Bnfts - 504,622 576,485 -
A79898 Other Culture And Rec, Empl
Bnfts - 176,236 - -
A69898 Other Econ & Dev, Empl Bnfts - 326,959 - -
A90898 Other Employee Benefits (spec) - 224,451 - -
A19898 Other General Govt Support,
Employee Bens - 401,823 245,555 -
G19898 Other General Govt Support,
Employee Bens - - - 892,301
A89898 Other Home & Community
Services, Emp Bnfts - - 962 -
A56808 Other Transportation, Empl
Bnfts - - 1,099,669 -
A71108 Parks, Empl Bnfts - 25,154 449,143 -
A14308 Personnel, Empl Bnfts - 194,501 213,977 -
CD86848 Plan & Manage Devel, Empl
Bnfts - 62,275 - -
A80208 Planning, Empl Bnfts - - 241,281 -
A31208 Police, Empl Bnfts - 10,352,909 11,437,716 -
A67728 Programs For Aging, Empl
Bnfts - 222,338 - -
CD86768 Provisions For Public
Services, Emp Bnfts - 13,632 - -
A14808 Public Inform & Services,empl
Bnfts - 80,710 - -
A30108 Public Safety Admin, Empl
Bnfts - - 236,646 -
A30208 Public Safety Comm Sys, Empl
Bnfts - - - -
A14908 Public Works Admin, Empl
Bnfts - 176,413 385,771 -
A13458 Purchasing, Empl Bnfts - - 173,784 -
A70208 Recreation Admini, Empl Bnfts - 146,290 567,227 -
A81608 Refuse & Garbage, Empl Bnfts - 1,505,865 2,128,283 -
CD86108 Rent Subsidy, Empl Bnfts - 257,115 - -
A56408 Rr Station Maint, Empl Bnfts - 52,128 - -
A36208 Safety Inspection, Empl Bnfts - - 844,552 -
A81208 Sanitary Sewers, Empl Bnfts - - 42,458 -
ES81208 Sanitary Sewers, Empl Bnfts - - 475,600 -
A81108 Sewer Administration, Empl
Bnfts - 316,658 - -
A51428 Snow Removal, Empl Bnfts - 77,574 90,476 -
EW83208 Source Supply Pwr & Pump
Empl Bnfts - - 240,581 -
A71808 Special Recreation Facilities,
Empl Bnfts - 389,375 - -
A13308 Tax Collection,empl Bnfts - 77,643 - -
A33108 Traffic Control, Empl Bnfts - 273,224 333,536 -
A11308 Traffic Viol Bureau, Empl
Bnfts - 93,908 1,079,336 -
EW83408 Transportation And
Distribution-Empl Bnfts - - 557,447 -
EW83108 Water Administration-Empl
Bnfts - - 1,020,744 -
A73108 Youth Prog, Empl Bnfts - 185,415 628,981 -
A80108 Zoning, Empl Bnfts - - 41,517 -
Unemployment Insurance - 85,266 - 147,147
A90508 Unemployment Insurance,
A90508 Unemployment Insurance,
Empl Bnfts - 85,266 - 147,147
Union Benefits Program - - - 7,227,845
A90708 Union Welfare Benefits - - - 7,227,845
Worker's Compensation - 753,617 2,585,806 12,911,194
A90408 Worker's Compensation, Empl
Bnfts - - - 12,911,194
MS90408 Worker's Compensation,
Empl Bnfts - 753,617 2,585,806 -

GENERAL GOVERNMENT - 19,694,298 38,515,084 124,780,575

Administration - 8,816,701 19,630,804 27,455,960
EP17104 Administration-Contractual - 947,138 - -
MS17104 Administration-Contractual - 306,403 35 -
CU17101 Administration-Personal
Services - - 248,260 -
ER17101 Administration-Personal
Services - - - -
MS17101 Administration-Personal
Services - - 50,490 -
A13554 Assessment, Contr Expend - 96,342 21,838 35,361
A13552 Assessment, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - - -
A13551 Assessment, Pers Serv - 350,477 420,580 1,102,330
A13404 Budget, Contr Expend - - 8,587 2,724
A13402 Budget, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 1,199 -
A13401 Budget, Pers Serv - - 300,391 683,909
A14104 Clerk,contr Expend - 117,567 96,308 30,939
A14102 Clerk,equip & Cap Outlay - 7,994 - 8,128
A14101 Clerk,pers Serv - 307,771 388,761 629,132
A13154 Comptroller, Contr Expend - - - 1,153,227
A13151 Comptroller,pers Serv - - - 4,882,778
EP13754 Credit Card Fees - 239,770 - -
ER13754 Credit Card Fees - 23,459 - -
A13104 Dir Of Finance, Contr Expend - 435,046 8,308,528 -
A13102 Dir Of Finance, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 30,188 20,828 -
A13101 Dir Of Finance, Pers Serv - 1,037,261 1,311,965 -
A14504 Elections, Contr Expend - 96,804 - 355,047
A14501 Elections, Pers Serv - 1,353 1,563 -
A14404 Engineer, Contr Expend - 32,932 27,521 -
A14402 Engineer, Equip & Cap Outlay - - - -
A14401 Engineer, Pers Serv - 896,291 1,777,486 -
V13804 Fiscal Agents Fees, Contr
Expend - - 195,964 571,045
A14204 Law, Contr Expend - 282,467 422,901 259,978
A14202 Law, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 2,303 -
A14201 Law, Pers Serv - 339,677 1,129,070 2,383,176
A10104 Legislative Board, Contr
Expend - 83,128 65,248 473,632
A10101 Legislative Board, Pers Serv - 235,505 221,326 1,309,530
A12104 Mayor, Contr Expend - 15,209 109,703 60,044
A12101 Mayor, Pers Serv - 198,784 522,916 758,391
A11104 Municipal Court, Contr Expend - - 16,784 2,746,816
A11101 Municipal Court, Pers Serv - - - 3,796,644
A12304 Municipal Exec, Contr Expend - 93,424 - 89,325
A12301 Municipal Exec, Pers Serv - 452,932 - 413,876
A14304 Personnel, Contr Expend - 341,785 41,944 410,253
A14301 Personnel, Pers Serv - 345,934 527,316 3,303,265
A14302 Personnel,equip & Cap Outlay - - 4,047 -
A14804 Public Inform & Services,
Contr Expend - 125,343 - 179,631
A14801 Public Inform & Services,pers
Serv - 131,269 - 804,069
A13454 Purchasing, Contr Expend - - 11,612 6,424
A13451 Purchasing, Pers Serv - - 427,578 1,006,286
A17101 Self Insurance Admin, Pers
Serv - - - -
A13304 Tax Collection,contr Expend - 706,819 - -
A13302 Tax Collection,equip & Cap
Outlay - 8,528 - -
A13301 Tax Collection,pers Serv - 163,031 - -
A11304 Traffic Viol Bureau, Contr
Expend - 200,447 571,990 -
A11302 Traffic Viol Bureau, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 1,276 -
A11301 Traffic Viol Bureau, Pers Serv - 165,623 2,374,486 -
County Distribution Of Sales Tax - - - -
Judgements - 787,786 - 14,482,859
MS19304 Judgements And Claims,
Contr Exp - 787,786 - -
A19304 Judgements And Claims, Contr
Expend - - - 14,482,859
Miscellaneous General Government - 1,416,587 1,891,010 -
EP19944 Depreciation - 744,426 - -
ER19944 Depreciation - 122,210 - -
ES19944 Depreciation - - 765,685 -
ET19944 Depreciation - 549,951 - -
EW19944 Depreciation - - 1,125,325 -
M19944 Depreciation Expense - - - -
Operations - 8,673,224 16,176,570 81,354,675
A16802 Central Data Process & Cap
Outlay - 16,836 - -
H16802 Central Data Process & Cap
Outlay - 314,193 - -
A16801 Central Data Process Pers Serv - 506,413 - 3,717,490
A16804 Central Data Process, Contr
Expend - 279,823 - 3,391,257
A16404 Central Garage Contr Expend - - 127,660 4,210,511
A16402 Central Garage Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 17,432 -
A16401 Central Garage Pers Serv - 889,144 1,408,149 2,916,073
M16404 Central Garage, Contr Expend - 1,039,413 - -
A16104 Central Services Admin,contr
Expend - - - 3,102
A16101 Central Services Admin,pers
Serv - 9,594 - 508,462
MS17224 Excess Insurance - 751,434 - -
H19972 General Govt, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 36,570 7,015,471 27,990,613
A19204 Municipal Assn Dues, Contr
Expend - - - 18,723
A16204 Operation Of Plant, Contr
Expend - 479,345 1,611,869 5,382,060
A16202 Operation Of Plant, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 49,556 6,073 -
H16202 Operation Of Plant, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 10,980 - -
A16201 Operation Of Plant, Pers Serv - 1,089,476 1,247,319 2,854,709
A19894 Other General Govt Support,
Contract Exp - 1,555,115 477,879 3,926,834
A19892 Other General Govt Support,
Equip∩ Out - 189,278 24,638 -
A19891 Other General Govt Support,
Personal Serv - 832,176 648,608 -
A19804 Payment Of Mta Payroll Tax,
Contr Expend - - - 845,393
A14904 Public Works Admin, Contr
Expend - 251,885 55,232 379,994
A14902 Public Works Admin, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 799 - -
A14901 Public Works Admin, Pers Serv - 323,036 1,043,079 691,963
A19504 Taxes & Assess On Munic
Prop, Contr Expend - - - 24,517,491
EP19504 Taxes & Assess On Munic
Prop, Contr Expend - 48,158 - -
MS19104 Unallocated Insurance, Contr
Expend - - 2,493,161 -
Zoning And Planning - - 816,700 1,487,081
A80204 Planning, Contr Expend - - 82,676 602,816
A80202 Planning, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 636 -
A80201 Planning, Pers Serv - - 667,203 884,265
A80104 Zoning, Contr Expend - - 610 -
A80101 Zoning, Pers Serv - - 65,575 -

HEALTH - 192,282 - -
Environmental Services - - - -
Mental Health Services - 192,282 - -
A43204 Mental Health Prog,contr
Expend - 52,997 - -
A43201 Mental Health Prog,pers Serv - 139,285 - -
Miscellaneous Public Health - - - -
Public Health Administration - - - -
Public Health Facilities - - - -
Public Health Services - - - -

PUBLIC SAFETY - 50,216,297 47,304,542 177,424,052

Correctional Services - - - -
Disaster Response - - - -
Emergency Response - - - -
Fire Protection - 22,719,084 17,596,950 68,117,379
A34104 Fire, Contr Expend - 1,539,776 302,356 1,750,820
A34102 Fire, Equip & Cap Outlay - 319,084 47,490 23,434
H34102 Fire, Equip & Cap Outlay - 2,106,411 385,616 -
- 18,753,813 16,861,488 66,343,125
A34101 Fire, Pers Serv - 18,753,813 16,861,488 66,343,125
Homeland Security And Civil Defense - - - -
Miscellaneous Public Safety - 203,918 2,446,316 9,887,641
A35104 Control Of Animals, Contr
Expend - 203,918 - 183,874
A35101 Control Of Animals, Pers Serv - - - 731,755
PN39894 Misc Public Safety, Contract
Expend - - 93,804 -
CM39892 Other Public Safety, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 182,108 -
CM39894 Other Public Safety-Contr
Expend - - 66,792 6,013,619
CM39891 Other Public Safety-Pers
Serv - - 64,887 -
A36204 Safety Inspection, Contr
Expend - - 55,407 58,883
A36202 Safety Inspection, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 18,949 -
A36201 Safety Inspection, Pers Serv - - 1,964,369 2,899,510
Police - 27,293,295 25,817,961 99,419,032
A31204 Police, Contr Expend - 2,236,308 714,840 3,046,295
A31202 Police, Equip & Cap Outlay - 626,843 150,786 -
H31202 Police, Equip & Cap Outlay - 391,525 - -
A31201 Police, Pers Serv - 22,667,850 24,002,440 96,372,737
A33104 Traffic Control, Contr Expen - 551,760 243,363 -
A33102 Traffic Control, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 3,294 7,890 -
H33102 Traffic Control, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 298,680 - -
A33101 Traffic Control, Pers Serv - 517,035 698,642 -
Public Safety Administration - - 1,443,315 -
A30104 Public Safety Admin, Contr
Expend - - 746,082 -
A30101 Public Safety Admin, Pers Serv - - 697,233 -
A30204 Public Safety Comm Sys, Contr
Expend - - - -
A30202 Public Safety Comm Sys,
Equip & Cap Outlay - - - -
A30201 Public Safety Comm Sys, Pers
Serv - - - -

SANITATION - 8,416,657 6,329,085 22,072,261

Drainage - - 217,910 -
H85972 Drain & Storm, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 217,910 -
Landfill Closures - - - -
Miscellaneous Sanitation - 975,447 - -
A81894 Other Sanitation, Contr Expend - 975,447 - -
Refuse And Garbage - 3,639,885 5,232,142 20,132,003
A81604 Refuse & Garbage, Contr
Expend - 590,176 1,185,999 4,191,846
A81601 Refuse & Garbage, Pers Serv - 3,049,709 4,046,143 15,940,157
Sewer - 3,801,325 879,033 1,940,258
A81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr Expend - - 18,330 -
ES81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr
Expend - - 304,438 -
G81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr Expend - - - 62,596
G81202 Sanitary Sewers, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - - 89,979
A81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - 67,720 -
ES81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - 488,545 -
G81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - - 1,787,683
A81104 Sewer Administration, Contr
Expend - 199,528 - -
H81102 Sewer Administration, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 2,976,835 - -
A81101 Sewer Administration, Pers
Serv - 624,962 - -
Storm Sewer - - - -

SOCIAL SERVICES - 10,632,310 - 164,250

Employment Services - - - -
Financial Assistance - - - -
Housing Assistance - 10,632,310 - 164,250
A86114 Emergency Tenant Protection - 114,548 - 164,250
A86104 Rent Subsidy, Contr Expend - 65,138 - -
CD86104 Rent Subsidy, Contr Expend - 9,940,920 - -
CD86101 Rent Subsidy, Pers Serv - 511,704 - -
Medicaid - - - -
Miscellaneous Social Services - - - -
Non-Medicaid Medical Assistance - - - -
Public Facilities - - - -
Social Service Administration - - - -
Youth Services - - - -

TRANSPORTATION - 12,791,148 15,719,277 9,267,792

Airports - - - -
Bus Service - - - -
Highway Services To Other Govts - - - -
Highways - 7,594,434 12,209,903 5,130,435
A51404 Brush And Weeds, Contr
Expend - 593,392 - -
A51401 Brush And Weeds, Pers Serv - 114,948 - -
A50204 Engineering, Contr Expend - - - 172,812
A50201 Engineering, Pers Serv - - - 2,532,090
A51324 Garage, Contr Expend - - 1,188,208 -
A51321 Garage, Pers Serv - - 1,008,771 -
H51972 Highway, Capital Projects - - 2,286,570 -
A51104 Maint Of Streets, Contr Expend - 2,088,989 2,863,967 81,922
A51102 Maint Of Streets, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 23,761 -
H51102 Maint Of Streets, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 2,153,226 - -
A51101 Maint Of Streets, Pers Serv - 1,655,793 3,787,351 603,380
A51424 Snow Removal, Contr Expend - 765,558 724,255 817,351
A51422 Snow Removal, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - - -
A51421 Snow Removal, Pers Serv - 222,528 327,020 922,880
Miscellaneous Transportation - 925,601 3,278,213 4,137,357
A56804 Other Transportation, Contr
Expend - - 908,863 -
A56802 Other Transportation, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 78,270 -
H59892 Other Transportation, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 925,601 - -
A56801 Other Transportation, Pers Serv - - 2,291,080 -
CM59894 Other Transportation-Contr
Expend - - - 4,137,357
Rail Service - 1,049,886 - -
A56401 Rr Station Maint, Pers Serv - 138,995 - -
ET56354 Rr-Rapid Transit, Contr
Expend - 910,891 - -
Transportation Ancillary - 2,180,412 231,161 -
EP56504 Off-Street Parking, Cont
Expend - 1,738,800 - -
A56504 Off-Street Parking, Contr
Expend - - 231,161 -
A56501 Off-Street Parking, Pers Serv - 199,834 - -
H54102 Sidewalks, Equip & Cap Outlay - 241,778 - -
Transportation Facilities - 1,040,815 - -
H51302 Machinery, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 1,040,815 - -
Waterways - - - -

UTILITIES - - 10,370,103 24,350,070

Electricity - - - -
Natural Gas - - - -
Steam - - - -
Water - - 10,370,103 24,350,070
EW83204 Source Supply Pwr & Pump
Contr Expend - - 6,888,657 -
EW83201 Source Supply Pwr & Pump,
Pers Serv - - 529,037 -
EW83404 Transportation And
Distribution-Contr Expe - - 172,714 -
EW83401 Transportation And
Distribution-Pers Serv - - 1,103,634 -
FX83104 Water Administration, Contr
Expend - - - 18,830,106
FX83101 Water Administration, Pers
Serv - - - 5,519,964
EW83104 Water Administration-Contr
Expend - - 951,051 -
EW83101 Water Administration-Pers
Serv - - 725,010 -
Open Book New York
Office of the State Comptroller
Thomas P. DiNapoli, State Comptroller

Comparison Report for City of Mount Vernon, City of New Rochelle, City of White Plains, and City of
Yonkers for 2018

Revenues and Proceeds of Debt City of Mount Vernon City of New Rochelle City of White Plains City of Yonkers
Total No Data 178,165,474 206,067,378 660,921,927

CHARGES FOR SERVICES - 29,339,603 57,860,453 70,015,820

Community Services Fees - 8,253,832 6,604,521 9,037,293
A2555 Building And Alteration Permits - 4,329,401 - 3,496,206
A2501 Business & Occupational License
- 69,833 - -
A2189 Other Home & Community
Services Income - - 51,000 -
A2590 Permits, Other - 318,959 6,108,425 2,432,591
A2115 Planning Board Fees - 987,559 - -
A2565 Plumbing Permits - 433,520 - -
A1710 Public Works Charges - - 183,774 1,984,376
A2560 Street Opening Permits - 2,093,178 - 1,124,120
A2110 Zoning Fees - 21,382 261,322 -
Culture And Recreation Fees - 2,321,911 2,242,382 2,679,910
A2070 Contributions, Private
Agencies-Youth - - 789,628 -
L2082 Library Charges - - 62,125 61,766
A2001 Park And Recreational Charges - 667,728 1,296,383 2,618,144
A2012 Recreational Concessions - - 4,320 -
A2025 Special Recreational Facility
Charges - - 89,926 -
ER2025 Special Recreational Facility
Charges - 1,654,183 - -
Economic Development Fees - - 465,172 -
CD2170 Community Development
Income - - 465,172 -
Education Fees - - - -
General Government Fees - 1,517,586 2,433,770 2,383,164
A1250 Assessors Fees - 8,770 - -
A2540 Bingo Licenses - 20 - -
A1255 Clerk Fees - 18,747 - 304,785
A1240 Comptroller Fees - - 4,000 120,358
A2544 Dog Licenses - 16,782 - -
A2545 Licenses, Other - 167,474 41,711 1,362,385
CD1289 Other General Department Inc - - - 595,636
A1289 Other General Departmental
Income - 1,065,600 1,055,075 -
CM1289 Other General Dept Income - - 1,251,434 -
A1260 Personnel Fees - 3,056 41,550 -
A1232 Tax Collector Fees - 237,137 40,000 -
Health Fees - 79,358 123,783 -
A1603 Vital Statistics Fees - 79,358 123,783 -
Miscellaneous Fees - - - 1,104,350
CM1489 Other Charges For Services - - - 1,104,350
Public Safety Fees - 3,919,844 3,241,714 9,128,297
A1540 Fire Inspection Fees - 824,701 2 3,521,557
A1589 Other Public Safety
Departmental Income - 177,193 - -
CM1589 Other Public Safety Income - - 473,472 -
A1520 Police Fees - 2,849,160 2,298,646 4,841,258
A1525 Prisoner Charges - - 238,294 399,435
A2550 Public Safety Permits - - - 366,047
A1560 Safety Inspection Fees - 68,790 231,300 -
Sanitation Fees - 6,686,863 2,813,978 9,116,135
G2128 Interest & Penalties On Sewer
Accts - - - 212,510
A2130 Refuse & Garbage Charges - 6,686,863 - -
ES2120 Sewer Rents - - 2,813,978 -
G2120 Sewer Rents - - - 8,903,625
Social Services Fees - - 6,433,507 -
CU1989 Other Economic Assist &
Opportunity Income - - 469,587 -
CM1989 Other Economic Assist, &
Opport Income - - 5,963,920 -
Transportation Fees - 6,560,209 16,540,165 -
ET1789 Other Transportation DepT.
Income - 1,329,864 - -
A1789 Other Transportation
Departmental Income - - 16,540,165 -
EP1721 Parking Lots And Garages-No
Tax - 1,358,722 - -
EP1741 Parking Meter Fees
Non-Taxable - 3,871,623 - -
Utility Fees - - 16,961,461 36,566,671
EW2140 Metered Water Sales - - 16,961,461 -
FX2140 Metered Water Sales - - - 36,410,892
FX2144 Water Service Charges - - - 155,779

- 2,071,010 112,326 1,027,570
Community Services Charges - - - -
Culture And Recreation Charges - - 17,738 -
L2360 Library Services, Other Govts - - 17,738 -
Debt Service Charges - - - -
Education Charges - - - -
General Government Charges - 2,006,417 - 543,544
A2220 Civil Service Charges - 3,056 - 543,544
A2210 General Services, Inter
Government - 2,003,361 - -
Health Charges - - - -
Miscellaneous Intergovernmental
- 64,593 90,988 -
A2389 Misc Revenue, Other Govts - - 90,988 -
M2389 Misc Revenue, Other Govts - 64,593 - -
Public Safety Charges - - 3,600 -
A2260 Public Safety Services For Other
Govts - - 3,600 -
Sanitation Charges - - - -
Social Services Charges - - - -
Transportation Charges - - - 484,026
A2300 Transportation Services, Other
Govts - - - 484,026
Utility Charges - - - -

FEDERAL AID - 13,949,961 102,335 14,790,884

Federal Aid - Community Services - 2,040,663 60,043 -
CD4989 Fed Aid Other Home And
Community Services - 1,929,187 - -
A4772 Fed Aid, Programs For Aging - 111,476 60,043 -
Federal Aid - Culture And Recreation - 163,896 - -
A4820 Fed Aid, Youth Programs - 163,896 - -
Federal Aid - Economic Development - - - 4,388,642
CD4910 Fed Aid, Community
Development Act - - - 4,388,642
Federal Aid - Education - - - -
Federal Aid - General Government - - - -
Federal Aid - Health - - - -
Federal Aid - Public Safety - 241,836 - 341,235
A4389 Fed Aid Other Public Safety - 232,816 - -
A4785 Fed Aid, Disaster Assistance - - - 341,235
H4960 Fed Aid, Emergency Disaster
Assistance - 9,020 - -
Federal Aid - Sanitation - - - -
Federal Aid - Social Services - 10,912,731 - -
CD4915 Federal Aid Rental Assistance
Program - 10,912,731 - -
Federal Aid - Transportation - 590,835 - -
H4589 Fed Aid Other Transportation - 590,835 - -
Federal Aid - Utilities - - - -
Miscellaneous Federal Aid - - 42,292 10,061,007
A4089 Federal Aid - Other - - 42,292 -
CM4089 Federal Aid, Other - - - 10,061,007

OTHER LOCAL REVENUES - 12,336,065 17,612,208 24,750,846

Compensation For Loss - 815,051 666,933 -
A2680 Insurance Recoveries - 746,340 115,258 -
MS2680 Insurance Recoveries - 46,530 551,675 -
CD2690 Other Compensation For Loss - 22,181 - -
Employee Contributions - - - -
Fines - 3,563,609 8,240,855 19,528,071
A2610 Fines And Forfeited Bail - 3,563,609 8,240,855 19,528,071
Forfeitures - - - -
Gifts - 1,722,580 271,107 226,879
A2705 Gifts And Donations - - 171,614 -
CM2705 Gifts And Donations - 1,722,580 99,493 -
PN2705 Gifts And Donations - - - -
TE2705 Gifts And Donations - - - 226,879
Library Grants From Local
- - - -
Miscellaneous Grants From Local
- 314,746 75,540 -
EW2706 Grants From Local
EW2706 Grants From Local
Governments - - 75,540 -
H2706 Grants From Local Governments - 314,746 - -
Miscellaneous Revenues - 5,920,079 8,357,773 4,995,896
M2801 Interfund Revenues - 2,520,814 - -
MS2801 Interfund Revenues - 2,919,099 6,893,936 -
A2701 Refunds Of Prior Year's
Expenditures - 11,427 130,169 603,856
A2770 Unclassified (specify) - 396,842 873,924 2,343,626
CD2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - 222,868
CM2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 1,620 53,859
EP2770 Unclassified (specify) - 5,382 - -
ER2770 Unclassified (specify) - 13,650 - -
ES2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 268,337 -
EW2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 76,109 -
FX2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - 172,646
H2770 Unclassified (specify) - 37,850 50,000 67,711
L2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 33,608 31,330
M2770 Unclassified (specify) - 15,015 - -
PN2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - -
V2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 30,070 -
A2725 Vlt/Tribal-State Compact
Moneys - - - 1,500,000

OTHER NON-PROPERTY TAXES - 1,753,328 1,026,944 57,170,151

City Income Tax - - - 52,981,451
A1101 City Income Tax Surcharge - - - 52,981,451
Emergency Telephone System Surcharge - - - -
Franchises - 1,753,328 1,026,944 4,071,349
A1170 Franchises - 1,753,328 1,026,944 4,071,349
Miscellaneous Non-Property Taxes - - - 117,351
A1132 Harness Racing Admissions Tax - - - 22,363
A1150 O.T.B. Surtax - - - 94,988


- 1,635,419 2,490,673 43,699,882
Gain From Sale Of Tax Acquired
- - - -
Interest & Penalties - 1,204,651 556,284 6,618,229
A1090 Interest & Penalties On Real
Prop Taxes - 1,204,651 556,284 6,618,229
Miscellaneous Tax Items - - - 14,985,313
A1089 Other Tax Items - - - 14,985,313
Payments In Lieu Of Taxes - 430,768 1,934,389 22,096,340
A1081 Other Payments In Lieu Of
Taxes - 430,768 1,934,389 22,096,340
Star Payments - - - -

PROCEEDS OF DEBT - 5,718,949 3,217,627 80,713,000

Bans Redeemed From Appropriations - 3,218,949 - -
H5731 Bans Redeemed From
Appropriations - 3,218,949 - -
Miscellaneous Debt Proceeds - - 3,217,627 -
H5789 Other Debt - - 3,217,627 -
Sale Of Obligations - 2,500,000 - 80,713,000
V5791 Advanced Refunding Bonds - - - 49,988,000
H5785 Installment Purchase Debt - - - -
A5710 Serial Bonds - - - -
H5710 Serial Bonds - 2,500,000 - 30,725,000


- 62,176,186 58,171,163 123,385,642
Real Property Taxes - 61,689,108 58,171,163 118,647,086
A1001 Real Property Taxes - 61,689,108 51,841,635 118,647,086
EP1001 Real Property Taxes - - - -
L1001 Real Property Taxes - - 6,329,528 -
Special Assessments - 487,078 - 4,738,556
A1030 Special Assessments - 487,078 - -
FX1030 Special Assessments - - - 4,738,556
A1028 Special Assessments Ad
Valorem - - - -

SALES AND USE TAX - 31,569,721 52,585,600 103,061,515

Miscellaneous Use Taxes - 319,866 1,202,423 1,083,632
A1113 Tax On Hotel Room Occupancy - 319,866 1,202,423 1,083,632
Sales Tax - 29,885,812 50,076,681 93,928,426
A1110 Sales And Use Tax - 29,885,812 50,076,681 93,928,426
Sales Tax Distribution - - - -
Utilities Gross Receipts Tax - 1,364,043 1,306,496 8,049,457
A1130 Utilities Gross Receipts Tax - 1,364,043 1,306,496 8,049,457

STATE AID - 13,784,023 9,805,509 126,384,672

Miscellaneous State Aid - 295,419 - 9,950,556
A3089 St Aid - Other (specify) - 295,419 - 627,119
CM3089 State Aid, Other - - - 9,323,437
Mortgage Tax - 2,129,214 1,998,859 8,161,762
A3005 St Aid, Mortgage Tax - 2,129,214 1,998,859 8,161,762
State Aid - Community Services - 2,747,747 300,000 -
EW3989 St Aid - Other Home And
Community Service - - 300,000 -
H3989 St Aid - Other Home And
Community Service - 2,708,678 - -
A3772 St Aid, Programs For Aging - 39,069 - -
State Aid - Culture And Recreation - 117,746 29,000 56,875
L3840 St Aid For Libraries - - - 56,875
ER3889 St Aid, Other Cul & Rec - 11,213 - -
A3820 St Aid, Youth Programs - 106,533 29,000 -
State Aid - Economic Development - - - -
State Aid - Education - - 858,362 -
H3297 St Aid, Other - - 858,362 -
State Aid - General Government - 123,302 - -
A3330 St Aid, Unified Court Budget
Sec Costs - 123,302 - -
State Aid - Health - 144,147 37,519 -
A3490 St Aid, Mental Health - 129,747 37,519 -
- 14,400 - -
A3401 St Aid, Public Health - 14,400 - -
State Aid - Public Safety - 250,728 107,458 -
A3315 St Aid, Navigation Law
Enforcement - 107,560 - -
A3389 St Aid, Other Public Safety - 67,722 107,458 -
H3960 State Aid Emergency Disaster - 75,446 - -
State Aid - Sanitation - - - -
State Aid - Social Services - - - -
State Aid - Transportation - 1,812,793 1,011,055 -
A3501 St Aid, Consolidated Highway
Aid - 91,579 268,005 -
H3501 St Aid, Consolidated Highway
Aid - 1,540,717 715,000 -
A3589 St Aid, Other Transportation - 35,000 28,050 -
H3589 St Aid, Other Transportation - 145,497 - -
State Aid - Utilities - - - -
Unrestricted State Aid - 6,162,927 5,463,256 108,215,479
A3001 St Aid, Revenue Sharing - 6,162,927 5,463,256 108,215,479

USE AND SALE OF PROPERTY - 3,831,209 3,082,540 15,921,945

Interest And Earnings - 1,447,316 1,001,129 13,532,761
A2401 Interest And Earnings - 929,005 589,253 689,333
CD2401 Interest And Earnings - 1,947 - 31,126
CM2401 Interest And Earnings - 1,303 9,939 -
EP2401 Interest And Earnings - 65,552 - -
ER2401 Interest And Earnings - 28,048 - -
ES2401 Interest And Earnings - - 12,071 -
ET2401 Interest And Earnings - 61,267 - -
EW2401 Interest And Earnings - - 96,914 -
MS2401 Interest And Earnings - 79,383 135,830 -
PN2401 Interest And Earnings - - 93 -
TE2401 Interest And Earnings - - - -
V2401 Interest And Earnings - 47,751 157,029 270,569
H2710 Premium & Accrued Interest On
Obligations - - - 5,654,095
V2710 Premium & Accrued Interest On
Obligations - 233,060 - 6,887,638
Rental Of Property - 971,552 1,940,900 106,053
A2410 Rental Of Real Property - 177,606 1,936,745 106,053
EP2410 Rental Of Real Property - 356,730 - -
ER2410 Rental Of Real Property - 168,824 - -
ET2410 Rental Of Real Property - 268,392 - -
L2410 Rental Of Real Property,
Individuals - - 4,155 -
Sale Of Property - 1,412,341 140,511 2,283,131
A2450 Commissions - 24,923 - -
L2450 Commissions - - 13,853 -
A2715 Proceeds Of Seized &
Unclaimed Property - - 21,615 -
A2665 Sales Of Equipment - 85,945 - -
A2660 Sales Of Real Property - 446,630 - 2,058,131
CD2660 Sales Of Real Property - - - 225,000
- 839,545 - -
V2660 Sales Of Real Property - 839,545 - -
A2650 Sales Of Scrap & Excess
Materials - 15,298 22,757 -
A2655 Sales, Other - - 82,286 -
Expenditures City of Mount Vernon City of New Rochelle City of White Plains City of Yonkers
Total No Data 175,425,520 209,385,062 605,334,315

COMMUNITY SERVICES - 1,053,352 1,730,864 22,808,797

Broadband Improvements - - - -
Constituent Services - - - 490,437
A80404 Human Rights, Contr Expend - - - 51,569
A80401 Human Rights, Pers Serv - - - 15,942
A65104 Veterans Service, Contr Expend - - - 111,537
A65101 Veterans Service, Pers Serv - - - 311,389
Elder Services - 534,882 - 380,603
A67724 Programs For Aging, Contr
Expend - 129,596 - 366,029
A67721 Programs For Aging, Pers Serv - 405,286 - 14,574
Miscellaneous Community Services - - 1,730,864 20,366,378
A89891 Misc Home & Comm Serv,
Pers Serv - - 9,500 11,091,206
CM89894 Other Home And Community
Service-Contr Exp - - 518,414 9,275,172
CM89891 Other Home And Community
Service-Pers Serv - - 1,202,950 -
Natural Resources - 518,470 - 1,571,379
A87304 Forestry, Contr Expend - 376,362 - -
A87301 Forestry, Pers Serv - 95,595 - -
A85604 Shade Tree, Contr Expend - - - 66,502
H85602 Shade Tree, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 46,513 - -
A85601 Shade Tree, Pers Serv - - - 1,504,877
Student Census - - - -

CULTURE AND RECREATION - 5,354,998 11,347,936 19,110,494

Adult Recreation - - - -
Cultural Services - - - 250,000
A74501 Museum - Art Gallery, Pers
Serv - - - 250,000
Library - - 4,275,096 8,992,104
L74104 Library, Contr Expend - - 1,367,727 2,172,620
L74102 Library, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 26,157 80,966
L74101 Library, Pers Serv - - 2,881,212 6,738,518
Miscellaneous Cultural And Recreation - 819,369 29,110 193,017
PN79894 Other Culture And Rec, Cont
Expend - - - -
TE79894 Other Culture And Rec, Cont
Expend - - - 148,017
A79891 Other Culture And Rec, Pers
Serv - 387,101 - -
CM79894 Other Culture And
Recreation-Contr Expend - 432,268 29,110 45,000
Recreation Services - 3,468,790 4,908,149 9,558,914
A76204 Adult Recreation, Contr
Expend - 60,081 - -
A76201 Adult Recreation, Pers Serv - 239,012 - -
A71104 Parks, Contr Expend - 47,319 581,586 487,857
A71102 Parks, Equip & Cap Outlay - - - 10,501
H71102 Parks, Equip & Cap Outlay - 34,753 - -
A71101 Parks, Pers Serv - 170,970 936,876 5,229,603
A71404 Playgr & Rec Centers, Contr
Expend - 6,044 - 342,261
H71402 Playgr & Rec Centers, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 389,628 - -
A71401 Playgr & Rec Centers, Pers
Serv - - - 2,433,203
A70204 Recreation Admini, Contr
Expend - 87,178 1,191,864 288,864
A70202 Recreation Admini, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 1,916 12,891 -
A70201 Recreation Admini, Pers Serv - 340,181 1,879,564 766,625
H71972 Recreation, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 305,368 -
A71804 Special Rec Facility, Contr
Expend - 384,367 - -
A71802 Special Rec Facility, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 22,130 - -
A71801 Special Rec Facility, Pers Serv - 944,245 - -
ER71804 Special Recreation
Facilities-Contr Expend - 740,966 - -
Youth Recreation - 1,066,839 2,135,581 116,459
A73104 Youth Prog, Contr Expend - 250,285 174,958 116,459
A73102 Youth Prog, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 3,211 -
A73101 Youth Prog, Pers Serv - 816,554 1,957,412 -

DEBT SERVICE - 11,369,937 14,589,769 52,986,748

Debt Principal - 9,246,059 9,739,538 38,640,940
A97306 Debt Principal, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 3,218,949 - -
V97306 Debt Principal, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 160,000 - -
V97856 Debt Principal, Installment
Purchase Debt - - - 842,300
V97106 Debt Principal, Serial Bonds - 5,479,856 9,739,538 37,467,646
A97856 Install Pur Debt, Principal - 387,254 - -
A97896 Other Debt, Principal - - - -
V97896 Other Notes Principal - - - 330,994
Interest On Debt - 2,123,878 4,850,231 14,345,808
A97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 261,074 - -
EP97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 20,000 - -
ER97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 1,280 - -
V97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 6,000 - -
A97707 Debt Interest, Revenue
Anticipation Notes - - - 607,635
EP97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 393,729 - -
ER97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 1,120 - -
ES97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - - 58,476 -
ET97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 28,313 - -
EW97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - - 757,904 -
V97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 1,309,616 4,033,851 13,252,995
A97857 Install Pur Debt, Interest - 102,746 - -
A97897 Other Debt, Interest - - - 226,463
CD97897 Other Debt, Interest - - - 217,280
V97897 Other Notes Interest - - - 41,435

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 4,667,864 5,910,329 5,091,017

Development Infrastructure - 260,616 400,502 4,611,328
CD86764 Prov Of Public Service, Contr
Expen - 209,117 - -
CD86761 Prov Of Public Service, Pers
Serv - 51,499 - -
CU86624 Public Works Fac Site, Contr
Expend - - 33,273 -
CD86622 Public Works Fac Site, Equip
& Cap - - - 4,611,328
CD86684 Rehab Loans & Grant, Contr
Expend - - 367,229 -
Economic Development Administration - 1,561,580 - 479,689
CD86864 Administration, Contr Expend - 56,139 - -
CD86861 Administration, Pers Serv - 124,246 - -
A64601 Indus Develop Agency, Pers
Serv - - - 479,689
CD86844 Plan & Manage Devel, Contr
Expend - 271,111 - -
CD86842 Plan & Manage Devel, Equip
& Cap Outlay - 970,027 - -
CD86841 Plan & Manage Devel, Pers
Serv - 140,057 - -
Economic Development Grants - - - -
Miscellaneous Economic Development - 2,358,605 5,509,827 -
A69894 Other Eco & Dev, Contr
Expend - 1,251,035 - -
A69892 Other Eco & Dev, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 114,597 - -
H69892 Other Eco & Dev, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 67,960 - -
A69891 Other Eco & Dev, Pers Serv - 925,013 - -
CM69892 Other Econ &
Development-Equip & Cap Outla - - 30,830 -
CM69894 Other Economic And
Development-Contr Expen - - 4,108,850 -
CM69891 Other Economic And
Development-Pers Serv - - 1,370,147 -
Promotion - 487,063 - -
A64204 Promotion Of Industry, Contr
Expend - 487,063 - -

Community College - - - -
Education - Transportation - - - -
Instruction - - - -
Instructional Support - - - -
Miscellaneous Education - - - -
Pupil Services - - - -
Student Activities - - - -

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - 40,446,287 52,986,920 155,062,250

Disability Insurance - - - -
Life Insurance - - - 38,425
A90458 Life Insurance, Empl Bnfts - - - 38,425
Losap/Miscellaneous - - - -
Medical Insurance - 8,227,724 - 63,380,838
A90608 Hospital & Medical (dental)
Ins, Empl Bnft - 8,227,724 - 63,380,838
Retirement - Police & Fire - - - 39,671,729
A90158 Police & Firemen Retirement,
Empl Bnfts - - - 39,671,729
Retirement - State/Local - - - 14,274,111
A90108 State Retirement System - - - 14,274,111
Retirement - Teacher - - - -
Social Security - - - 16,775,859
A90308 Social Security, Employer Cont - - - 16,775,859
Unclassified Employee Benefits - 31,395,809 50,353,420 1,214,429
CD86868 Administration, Empl Bnfts - 58,315 - -
CU17108 Administration-Empl Ben - - 107,115 -
MS17108 Administration-Employee
Benefits - - 13,076 -
A76208 Adult Recreation, Empl Bnfts - 36,187 - -
A13558 Assessment, Empl Bnfts - 160,699 192,385 -
A51408 Brush & Weeds, Employee
Benefits - 21,974 - -
A13408 Budget, Empl Bnfts - - 47,076 -
A16808 Central Data Process, Empl
Bnfts - 218,633 - -
A16408 Central Garage Empl Bnfts - 503,044 682,624 -
A16108 Central Services Admin,empl
Bnfts - 1,380 - -
A14108 Clerk,empl Bnfts - 115,520 191,880 -
A13108 Dir Of Finance, Empl Bnfts - 477,628 11,190,415 -
A14508 Elections, Empl Bnfts - 1,188 - -
A14408 Engineer, Empl Bnfts - 342,571 836,677 -
A34108 Fire, Empl Bnfts - 10,835,058 8,811,977 -
A87308 Forestry, Empl Bnfts - 30,394 - -
A51328 Garage, Empl Bnfts - - 384,758 -
A14208 Law, Empl Bnfts - 162,649 390,776 -
A10108 Legislative Board, Empl Bnfts - 158,843 130,746 -
L74108 Library, Empl Bnfts - - 1,570,523 -
A51108 Maint Of Streets, Empl Bnfts - 948,054 2,002,501 -
A12108 Mayor, Empl Bnfts - 108,048 227,462 -
A43208 Mental Health Prog, Empl
Bnfts - 56,607 - -
PN39898 Misc Public Safety, Empl
Bnfts - - - -
A11108 Municipal Court, Empl Bnfts - - 2,015 -
A12308 Municipal Exec, Empl Bnfts - 193,622 - -
A56508 Off-Street Parking, Empl Bnfts - 78,273 - -
A16208 Operation Of Plant, Empl Bnfts - 551,235 577,201 -
A79898 Other Culture And Rec, Empl
Bnfts - 174,238 - -
A69898 Other Econ & Dev, Empl Bnfts - 328,541 - -
A90898 Other Employee Benefits (spec) - 223,260 - -
A19898 Other General Govt Support,
Employee Bens - 328,541 265,685 -
G19898 Other General Govt Support,
Employee Bens - - - 1,214,429
A89898 Other Home & Community
Services, Emp Bnfts - - 1,003 -
CM39898 Other Public Safety-Empl
Bnfts - - 21,555 -
A31898 Other Traffic, Empl Bnfts - 6,997 - -
A56808 Other Transportation, Empl
Bnfts - - 1,053,473 -
A71108 Parks, Empl Bnfts - 21,850 453,923 -
A14308 Personnel, Empl Bnfts - 209,852 226,524 -
CD86848 Plan & Manage Devel, Empl
Bnfts - 48,677 - -
A80208 Planning, Empl Bnfts - - 266,737 -
A31208 Police, Empl Bnfts - 10,896,145 11,722,063 -
A67728 Programs For Aging, Empl
Bnfts - 183,243 - -
CD86768 Provisions For Public
Services, Emp Bnfts - - - -
A14808 Public Inform & Services,empl
Bnfts - 78,463 - -
A30108 Public Safety Admin, Empl
Bnfts - - 242,080 -
A14908 Public Works Admin, Empl
Bnfts - 180,061 405,180 -
A13458 Purchasing, Empl Bnfts - - 154,670 -
A70208 Recreation Admini, Empl Bnfts - 120,626 608,160 -
A81608 Refuse & Garbage, Empl Bnfts - 1,629,936 2,232,344 -
CD86108 Rent Subsidy, Empl Bnfts - 255,174 - -
A56408 Rr Station Maint, Empl Bnfts - 89,910 - -
A36208 Safety Inspection, Empl Bnfts - - 875,113 -
A81208 Sanitary Sewers, Empl Bnfts - - 21,142 -
ES81208 Sanitary Sewers, Empl Bnfts - - 510,847 -
A81108 Sewer Administration, Empl
Bnfts - 322,676 - -
A51428 Snow Removal, Empl Bnfts - 130,529 98,019 -
EW83208 Source Supply Pwr & Pump
Empl Bnfts - - 257,039 -
A71808 Special Recreation Facilities,
Empl Bnfts - 381,633 - -
A33158 Stop Dwi, Empl Bnfts - 8,394 - -
A13308 Tax Collection,empl Bnfts - 66,484 - -
A33108 Traffic Control, Empl Bnfts - 311,945 269,331 -
A11308 Traffic Viol Bureau, Empl
Bnfts - 86,955 1,132,130 -
EW83408 Transportation And
Distribution-Empl Bnfts - - 489,846 -
EW83108 Water Administration-Empl
Bnfts - - 1,001,142 -
A73108 Youth Prog, Empl Bnfts - 251,757 640,847 -
A80108 Zoning, Empl Bnfts - - 45,360 -
Unemployment Insurance - 73,525 - 134,904
A90508 Unemployment Insurance,
A90508 Unemployment Insurance,
Empl Bnfts - 73,525 - 134,904
Union Benefits Program - - - 7,572,485
A90708 Union Welfare Benefits - - - 7,572,485
Worker's Compensation - 749,229 2,633,500 11,999,470
A90408 Worker's Compensation, Empl
Bnfts - - - 11,999,470
MS90408 Worker's Compensation,
Empl Bnfts - 749,229 2,633,500 -

GENERAL GOVERNMENT - 22,482,870 38,996,748 107,396,921

Administration - 9,635,319 20,055,718 26,660,010
EP17104 Administration-Contractual - 1,257,319 - -
MS17104 Administration-Contractual - 154,331 35 -
CU17101 Administration-Personal
Services - - 240,618 -
MS17101 Administration-Personal
Services - - 14,472 -
A13554 Assessment, Contr Expend - 50,638 21,545 37,319
A13552 Assessment, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 620 - -
A13551 Assessment, Pers Serv - 377,476 453,477 1,087,434
A13404 Budget, Contr Expend - - 8,281 1,905
A13402 Budget, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 1,485 -
A13401 Budget, Pers Serv - - 222,129 532,357
A14104 Clerk,contr Expend - 118,240 103,216 48,987
A14102 Clerk,equip & Cap Outlay - - - 12,343
A14101 Clerk,pers Serv - 277,312 364,729 639,371
A13154 Comptroller, Contr Expend - - - 435,290
A13151 Comptroller,pers Serv - - - 5,069,989
EP13754 Credit Card Fees - 108,479 - -
ER13754 Credit Card Fees - 23,271 - -
ET13754 Credit Card Fees - 79,433 - -
A13104 Dir Of Finance, Contr Expend - 444,566 9,451,364 -
A13102 Dir Of Finance, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 12,575 5,167 -
A13101 Dir Of Finance, Pers Serv - 1,218,663 1,406,863 -
A14504 Elections, Contr Expend - 107,031 - 350,000
A14501 Elections, Pers Serv - 2,891 1,759 -
A14404 Engineer, Contr Expend - 103,363 28,072 -
A14401 Engineer, Pers Serv - 918,293 1,773,816 -
V13804 Fiscal Agents Fees, Contr
Expend - - - 299,869
A14204 Law, Contr Expend - 269,626 276,107 267,189
A14201 Law, Pers Serv - 363,381 984,206 2,289,412
A10104 Legislative Board, Contr
Expend - 100,658 60,002 468,670
A10101 Legislative Board, Pers Serv - 250,072 221,326 1,314,000
A12104 Mayor, Contr Expend - 15,897 47,130 69,650
A12101 Mayor, Pers Serv - 202,428 500,724 725,320
A11104 Municipal Court, Contr Expend - - 15,916 2,421,608
A11101 Municipal Court, Pers Serv - - - 3,912,126
- 105,327 - 89,349
A12304 Municipal Exec, Contr Expend - 105,327 - 89,349
A12302 Municipal Exec, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 675 - -
A12301 Municipal Exec, Pers Serv - 486,354 - 419,068
A14304 Personnel, Contr Expend - 221,994 35,321 689,406
A14301 Personnel, Pers Serv - 383,683 542,549 3,406,041
A14302 Personnel,equip & Cap Outlay - 689 - -
A14804 Public Inform & Services,
Contr Expend - 169,928 - 198,668
A14802 Public Inform &
Services,equip∩ Outlay - 2,583 - -
A14801 Public Inform & Services,pers
Serv - 143,587 - 837,067
A13454 Purchasing, Contr Expend - - 6,105 8,188
A13452 Purchasing, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 1,072 -
A13451 Purchasing, Pers Serv - - 344,254 1,029,384
A17101 Self Insurance Admin, Pers
Serv - 437,408 - -
A13304 Tax Collection,contr Expend - 653,085 - -
A13302 Tax Collection,equip & Cap
Outlay - 4,252 - -
A13301 Tax Collection,pers Serv - 200,813 - -
A11304 Traffic Viol Bureau, Contr
Expend - 187,500 520,833 -
A11302 Traffic Viol Bureau, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 369 -
A11301 Traffic Viol Bureau, Pers Serv - 180,878 2,402,776 -
County Distribution Of Sales Tax - - - -
Judgements - 1,616,649 - 1,500,000
MS19304 Judgements And Claims,
Contr Exp - 1,616,649 - -
A19304 Judgements And Claims, Contr
Expend - - - 1,500,000
Miscellaneous General Government - 1,483,604 2,308,856 -
EP19944 Depreciation - 794,284 - -
ER19944 Depreciation - 135,369 - -
ES19944 Depreciation - - 825,157 -
ET19944 Depreciation - 553,951 - -
EW19944 Depreciation - - 1,483,699 -
Operations - 9,747,298 15,757,728 78,283,272
A16802 Central Data Process & Cap
Outlay - 22,780 - -
H16802 Central Data Process & Cap
Outlay - 143,246 - -
A16801 Central Data Process Pers Serv - 542,157 - 3,799,101
A16804 Central Data Process, Contr
Expend - 313,724 - 2,699,968
A16404 Central Garage Contr Expend - - 106,824 4,617,051
A16402 Central Garage Equip & Cap
Outlay - - - -
A16401 Central Garage Pers Serv - 989,758 1,379,379 2,800,424
M16404 Central Garage, Contr Expend - 1,338,670 - -
A16104 Central Services Admin,contr
Expend - - - 3,271
A16101 Central Services Admin,pers
A16101 Central Services Admin,pers
Serv - 10,743 - 540,590
MS17224 Excess Insurance - 701,161 - -
H19972 General Govt, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 7,019,023 25,786,003
A19204 Municipal Assn Dues, Contr
Expend - - - 18,723
A16204 Operation Of Plant, Contr
Expend - 764,120 1,844,231 5,408,616
A16202 Operation Of Plant, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 6,973 - -
A16201 Operation Of Plant, Pers Serv - 1,273,829 1,240,474 2,872,300
A19894 Other General Govt Support,
Contract Exp - 1,967,476 480,637 4,434,251
A19892 Other General Govt Support,
Equip∩ Out - 114,597 43,335 -
H19892 Other General Govt Support,
Equip∩ Out - 19,168 - -
A19891 Other General Govt Support,
Personal Serv - 925,013 676,083 -
A19804 Payment Of Mta Payroll Tax,
Contr Expend - - - 904,366
A14904 Public Works Admin, Contr
Expend - 225,302 67,844 395,009
A14902 Public Works Admin, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 508 - -
A14901 Public Works Admin, Pers Serv - 341,678 1,056,668 695,391
A19504 Taxes & Assess On Munic
Prop, Contr Expend - - - 23,308,208
EP19504 Taxes & Assess On Munic
Prop, Contr Expend - 46,395 - -
MS19104 Unallocated Insurance, Contr
Expend - - 1,843,230 -
Zoning And Planning - - 874,446 953,639
A80204 Planning, Contr Expend - - 79,136 58,565
A80202 Planning, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 900 -
A80201 Planning, Pers Serv - - 721,744 895,074
A80104 Zoning, Contr Expend - - 700 -
A80101 Zoning, Pers Serv - - 71,966 -

HEALTH - 205,601 - -
Environmental Services - - - -
Mental Health Services - 205,601 - -
A43204 Mental Health Prog,contr
Expend - 55,270 - -
A43201 Mental Health Prog,pers Serv - 150,331 - -
Miscellaneous Public Health - - - -
Public Health Administration - - - -
Public Health Facilities - - - -
Public Health Services - - - -

PUBLIC SAFETY - 55,179,642 48,005,524 183,526,407

Correctional Services - - - -
Disaster Response - - - -
Emergency Response - - - -
Fire Protection - 24,053,890 17,866,037 71,326,268
A34104 Fire, Contr Expend - 1,597,563 300,737 1,746,361
A34102 Fire, Equip & Cap Outlay - 154,260 1,100 15,746
H34102 Fire, Equip & Cap Outlay - 2,175,507 553,875 -
A34101 Fire, Pers Serv - 20,126,560 17,010,325 69,564,161
Homeland Security And Civil Defense - - - -
Miscellaneous Public Safety - 206,995 2,528,438 9,509,167
A35104 Control Of Animals, Contr
Expend - 206,995 - 182,179
A35101 Control Of Animals, Pers Serv - - - 760,264
PN39894 Misc Public Safety, Contract
Expend - - - -
CM39892 Other Public Safety, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 391,604 -
CM39894 Other Public Safety-Contr
Expend - - 101,326 5,355,850
CM39891 Other Public Safety-Pers
Serv - - 33,534 -
A36204 Safety Inspection, Contr
Expend - - 64,008 57,631
A36202 Safety Inspection, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 4,358 -
A36201 Safety Inspection, Pers Serv - - 1,933,608 3,153,243
Police - 30,918,757 26,127,167 102,690,972
A31891 Other Traffic, Pers Serv - 17,135 - -
A31204 Police, Contr Expend - 2,091,036 690,222 2,874,205
A31202 Police, Equip & Cap Outlay - 571,611 95,623 -
H31202 Police, Equip & Cap Outlay - 1,660,735 - -
A31201 Police, Pers Serv - 24,707,040 24,230,620 99,816,767
A33151 Stop Dwi,pers Serv - 17,129 - -
A33104 Traffic Control, Contr Expen - 1,118,364 365,401 -
A33102 Traffic Control, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 3,294 - -
H33102 Traffic Control, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 175,740 - -
A33101 Traffic Control, Pers Serv - 556,673 745,301 -
Public Safety Administration - - 1,483,882 -
A30104 Public Safety Admin, Contr
Expend - - 777,411 -
A30101 Public Safety Admin, Pers Serv - - 706,471 -

SANITATION - 7,468,940 6,986,030 22,636,124

Drainage - - 321,200 -
H85972 Drain & Storm, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 321,200 -
Landfill Closures - - - -
Miscellaneous Sanitation - 1,043,798 - -
A81894 Other Sanitation, Contr Expend - 1,043,798 - -
Refuse And Garbage - 3,929,256 5,576,794 20,150,540
A81604 Refuse & Garbage, Contr
Expend - 709,522 1,475,444 4,799,350
A81601 Refuse & Garbage, Pers Serv - 3,219,734 4,101,350 15,351,190
Sewer - 2,495,886 1,088,036 2,485,584
A81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr Expend - - 29,290 -
ES81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr
Expend - - 560,763 -
G81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr Expend - - - 34,573
G81202 Sanitary Sewers, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - - 26,124
A81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - 27,471 -
ES81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - 470,512 -
G81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - - 2,424,887
A81104 Sewer Administration, Contr
Expend - 221,665 - -
H81102 Sewer Administration, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 1,612,447 - -
A81101 Sewer Administration, Pers
Serv - 661,774 - -
Storm Sewer - - - -

SOCIAL SERVICES - 10,769,237 - 163,500

Employment Services - - - -
Financial Assistance - - - -
Housing Assistance - 10,769,237 - 163,500
A86114 Emergency Tenant Protection - - - 163,500
A86104 Rent Subsidy, Contr Expend - 115,490 - -
CD86104 Rent Subsidy, Contr Expend - 10,112,101 - -
CD86101 Rent Subsidy, Pers Serv - 541,646 - -
Medicaid - - - -
Miscellaneous Social Services - - - -
Non-Medicaid Medical Assistance - - - -
Public Facilities - - - -
Social Service Administration - - - -
Youth Services - - - -

TRANSPORTATION - 16,426,792 18,416,582 11,192,416

Airports - - - -
Bus Service - - - -
Highway Services To Other Govts - - - -
Highways - 9,017,765 14,904,736 5,325,785
A51404 Brush And Weeds, Contr
Expend - 539,198 - -
A51401 Brush And Weeds, Pers Serv - 120,850 - -
A50204 Engineering, Contr Expend - - - 138,029
A50201 Engineering, Pers Serv - - - 2,759,998
A51324 Garage, Contr Expend - - 1,179,427 -
A51321 Garage, Pers Serv - - 749,159 -
H51972 Highway, Capital Projects - - 5,666,126 -
A51104 Maint Of Streets, Contr Expend - 2,237,681 2,289,930 76,086
H51102 Maint Of Streets, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 3,374,186 - -
A51101 Maint Of Streets, Pers Serv - 1,816,237 3,745,576 632,498
A51424 Snow Removal, Contr Expend - 628,714 849,518 815,911
A51421 Snow Removal, Pers Serv - 300,899 425,000 903,263
Miscellaneous Transportation - 1,441,403 3,272,179 5,866,631
A56804 Other Transportation, Contr
Expend - - 1,033,292 -
A56802 Other Transportation, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 29,631 -
H59892 Other Transportation, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 1,441,403 - -
A56801 Other Transportation, Pers Serv - - 2,209,256 -
CM59894 Other Transportation-Contr
Expend - - - 5,866,631
Rail Service - 1,200,244 - -
A56401 Rr Station Maint, Pers Serv - 243,446 - -
ET56354 Rr-Rapid Transit, Contr
Expend - 956,798 - -
Transportation Ancillary - 2,514,821 239,667 -
EP56504 Off-Street Parking, Cont
Expend - 1,922,784 - -
A56504 Off-Street Parking, Contr
Expend - - 239,667 -
A56501 Off-Street Parking, Pers Serv - 214,851 - -
H54102 Sidewalks, Equip & Cap Outlay - 377,186 - -
Transportation Facilities - 2,252,559 - -
H51302 Machinery, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 2,252,559 - -
Waterways - - - -

UTILITIES - - 10,414,360 25,359,641

Electricity - - - -
Natural Gas - - - -
Steam - - - -
Water - - 10,414,360 25,359,641
EW83204 Source Supply Pwr & Pump
Contr Expend - - 6,773,899 -
EW83201 Source Supply Pwr & Pump,
Pers Serv - - 546,276 -
EW83404 Transportation And
Distribution-Contr Expe - - 345,061 -
EW83401 Transportation And
Distribution-Pers Serv - - 1,021,122 -
FX83104 Water Administration, Contr
Expend - - - 19,074,526
FX83101 Water Administration, Pers
Serv - - - 6,285,115
EW83104 Water Administration-Contr
Expend - - 1,019,043 -
EW83101 Water Administration-Pers
Serv - - 708,959 -
Open Book New York
Office of the State Comptroller
Thomas P. DiNapoli, State Comptroller

Comparison Report for City of Mount Vernon, City of New Rochelle, City of White Plains, and City of
Yonkers for 2019

Revenues and Proceeds of Debt City of Mount Vernon City of New Rochelle City of White Plains City of Yonkers
Total No Data 187,525,524 225,915,314 626,423,795

CHARGES FOR SERVICES - 29,944,129 61,867,799 68,054,582

Community Services Fees - 8,889,521 8,325,409 8,781,903
A2555 Building And Alteration Permits - 4,838,104 - 3,131,792
A2501 Business & Occupational License
- 132,315 - -
A2189 Other Home & Community
Services Income - - 48,700 -
A2590 Permits, Other - 225,485 7,903,673 2,544,368
A2115 Planning Board Fees - 1,242,330 - -
A2565 Plumbing Permits - 329,696 - -
A1710 Public Works Charges - - 191,422 1,970,479
A2560 Street Opening Permits - 2,093,111 - 1,135,264
A2110 Zoning Fees - 28,480 181,614 -
Culture And Recreation Fees - 2,463,367 2,403,824 2,526,667
A2070 Contributions, Private
Agencies-Youth - - 842,896 -
L2082 Library Charges - - 36,346 39,628
A2001 Park And Recreational Charges - 761,921 1,450,179 2,487,039
A2012 Recreational Concessions - - 3,500 -
A2025 Special Recreational Facility
Charges - - 70,903 -
ER2025 Special Recreational Facility
Charges - 1,701,446 - -
Economic Development Fees - - 256,567 -
CD2170 Community Development
Income - - 256,567 -
Education Fees - - - -
General Government Fees - 1,134,389 3,492,197 2,104,868
A1250 Assessors Fees - 3,988 - -
A2540 Bingo Licenses - - - -
A1255 Clerk Fees - 19,300 - 273,062
A1240 Comptroller Fees - - 4,000 239,623
A2544 Dog Licenses - 17,223 - -
A2545 Licenses, Other - 158,619 34,241 1,352,646
CD1289 Other General Department Inc - - - 239,537
A1289 Other General Departmental
Income - 700,552 1,126,832 -
CM1289 Other General Dept Income - - 2,268,287 -
A1260 Personnel Fees - 8,880 18,837 -
A1232 Tax Collector Fees - 225,827 40,000 -
Health Fees - 76,124 119,476 -
A1603 Vital Statistics Fees - 76,124 119,476 -
Miscellaneous Fees - - - 737,173
CM1489 Other Charges For Services - - - 737,173
Public Safety Fees - 4,254,628 3,156,269 10,065,123
A1540 Fire Inspection Fees - 819,451 25 3,400,219
A1589 Other Public Safety
Departmental Income - 110,153 - -
CM1589 Other Public Safety Income - - 670,294 -
A1520 Police Fees - 3,285,299 1,990,097 5,802,822
A1525 Prisoner Charges - - 244,263 411,418
A2550 Public Safety Permits - - - 450,664
A1560 Safety Inspection Fees - 39,725 251,590 -
Sanitation Fees - 6,707,668 2,890,825 8,765,023
G2128 Interest & Penalties On Sewer
Accts - - - 185,064
A2130 Refuse & Garbage Charges - 6,707,668 - -
ES2120 Sewer Rents - - 2,890,825 -
G2120 Sewer Rents - - - 8,579,959
Social Services Fees - - 6,490,571 -
CU1989 Other Economic Assist &
Opportunity Income - - 406,074 -
CM1989 Other Economic Assist, &
Opport Income - - 6,084,497 -
Transportation Fees - 6,418,432 17,253,132 -
ET1789 Other Transportation DepT.
Income - 1,350,013 - -
A1789 Other Transportation
Departmental Income - - 17,253,132 -
EP1721 Parking Lots And Garages-No
Tax - 1,367,595 - -
EP1741 Parking Meter Fees
Non-Taxable - 3,700,824 - -
Utility Fees - - 17,479,529 35,073,825
EW2140 Metered Water Sales - - 17,479,529 -
FX2140 Metered Water Sales - - - 34,858,453
FX2144 Water Service Charges - - - 215,372

- 2,152,101 165,665 542,139
Community Services Charges - - - -
Culture And Recreation Charges - - 17,913 -
L2360 Library Services, Other Govts - - 17,913 -
Debt Service Charges - - - -
Education Charges - - - -
General Government Charges - 2,096,212 - 53,440
A2220 Civil Service Charges - - - 53,440
A2210 General Services, Inter
Government - 2,096,212 - -
Health Charges - - - -
Miscellaneous Intergovernmental
- 55,889 137,033 -
A2389 Misc Revenue, Other Govts - - 137,033 -
M2389 Misc Revenue, Other Govts - 55,889 - -
Public Safety Charges - - 10,719 -
A2260 Public Safety Services For Other
Govts - - 10,719 -
Sanitation Charges - - - -
Social Services Charges - - - -
Transportation Charges - - - 488,699
A2300 Transportation Services, Other
Govts - - - 488,699
Utility Charges - - - -

FEDERAL AID - 12,762,594 121,590 10,654,408

Federal Aid - Community Services - 1,483,744 60,256 -
CD4989 Fed Aid Other Home And
Community Services - 1,350,891 - -
A4772 Fed Aid, Programs For Aging - 132,853 60,256 -
Federal Aid - Culture And Recreation - 152,428 - -
A4820 Fed Aid, Youth Programs - 152,428 - -
Federal Aid - Economic Development - - - 3,460,159
CD4910 Fed Aid, Community
Development Act - - - 3,460,159
Federal Aid - Education - - - -
Federal Aid - General Government - - - -
Federal Aid - Health - - - -
Federal Aid - Public Safety - 123,892 - -
A4389 Fed Aid Other Public Safety - 123,892 - -
A4785 Fed Aid, Disaster Assistance - - - -
H4960 Fed Aid, Emergency Disaster
Assistance - - - -
Federal Aid - Sanitation - - - -
Federal Aid - Social Services - 10,865,864 - -
CD4915 Federal Aid Rental Assistance
Program - 10,865,864 - -
Federal Aid - Transportation - 136,666 - -
H4589 Fed Aid Other Transportation - 136,666 - -
Federal Aid - Utilities - - - -
Miscellaneous Federal Aid - - 61,334 7,194,249
A4089 Federal Aid - Other - - 61,334 -
CM4089 Federal Aid, Other - - - 7,194,249

OTHER LOCAL REVENUES - 14,043,635 19,320,876 27,857,789

Compensation For Loss - 486,920 211,405 -
A2680 Insurance Recoveries - 428,163 175,724 -
MS2680 Insurance Recoveries - 38,096 35,681 -
CD2690 Other Compensation For Loss - 20,661 - -
Employee Contributions - - - -
Fines - 3,480,943 9,075,717 20,840,975
A2610 Fines And Forfeited Bail - 3,480,943 9,075,717 20,840,975
Forfeitures - - - -
Gifts - 1,328,579 360,259 469,052
A2705 Gifts And Donations - - 287,397 -
CM2705 Gifts And Donations - 1,328,579 72,862 -
TE2705 Gifts And Donations - - - 469,052
Library Grants From Local
- - - -
Miscellaneous Grants From Local
- 2,639,685 77,428 -
EW2706 Grants From Local
Governments - - 77,428 -
- 2,639,685 - -
H2706 Grants From Local Governments - 2,639,685 - -
Miscellaneous Revenues - 6,107,508 9,596,067 6,547,762
M2801 Interfund Revenues - 2,537,677 - -
MS2801 Interfund Revenues - 2,997,629 7,018,838 -
A2701 Refunds Of Prior Year's
Expenditures - 103 210,894 1,573,242
A2770 Unclassified (specify) - 413,749 466,665 1,713,578
CD2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - 108,630
CM2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 810 1,499,668
EP2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - -
ER2770 Unclassified (specify) - 13,291 - -
ES2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 151,385 -
ET2770 Unclassified (specify) - 132,000 - -
EW2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 376,336 -
FX2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - 79,550
H2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 1,343,491 60,044
L2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 16,568 13,050
M2770 Unclassified (specify) - 13,059 - -
V2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 11,080 -
A2725 Vlt/Tribal-State Compact
Moneys - - - 1,500,000

OTHER NON-PROPERTY TAXES - 1,722,522 1,049,600 61,911,212

City Income Tax - - - 57,878,497
A1101 City Income Tax Surcharge - - - 57,878,497
Emergency Telephone System Surcharge - - - -
Franchises - 1,722,522 1,049,600 3,921,414
A1170 Franchises - 1,722,522 1,049,600 3,921,414
Miscellaneous Non-Property Taxes - - - 111,301
A1132 Harness Racing Admissions Tax - - - 22,771
A1150 O.T.B. Surtax - - - 88,530


- 1,510,882 2,321,151 53,244,405
Gain From Sale Of Tax Acquired
- - - -
Interest & Penalties - 872,151 415,989 4,472,150
A1090 Interest & Penalties On Real
Prop Taxes - 872,151 415,989 4,472,150
Miscellaneous Tax Items - - - 24,444,196
A1089 Other Tax Items - - - 24,444,196
Payments In Lieu Of Taxes - 638,731 1,905,162 24,328,059
A1081 Other Payments In Lieu Of
Taxes - 638,731 1,905,162 24,328,059
Star Payments - - - -

PROCEEDS OF DEBT - 12,653,947 13,281,350 16,150,000

Bans Redeemed From Appropriations - 4,018,947 - -
H5731 Bans Redeemed From
Appropriations - 4,018,947 - -
Miscellaneous Debt Proceeds - - - -
H5789 Other Debt - - - -
Sale Of Obligations - 8,635,000 13,281,350 16,150,000
V5791 Advanced Refunding Bonds - - - -
A5730 Bond Anticipation Notes - - - 16,150,000
H5710 Serial Bonds - 8,635,000 13,281,350 -


- 62,881,630 59,329,616 133,164,461
Real Property Taxes - 62,383,319 59,329,616 128,560,985
A1001 Real Property Taxes - 62,383,319 52,904,541 128,560,985
L1001 Real Property Taxes - - 6,425,075 -
Special Assessments - 498,311 - 4,603,476
A1030 Special Assessments - 498,311 - -
FX1030 Special Assessments - - - 4,603,476

SALES AND USE TAX - 32,673,826 52,570,779 105,882,413

Miscellaneous Use Taxes - 311,416 1,221,114 1,011,263
A1113 Tax On Hotel Room Occupancy - 311,416 1,221,114 1,011,263
Sales Tax - 31,039,331 50,115,533 96,859,078
A1110 Sales And Use Tax - 31,039,331 50,115,533 96,859,078
Sales Tax Distribution - - - -
Utilities Gross Receipts Tax - 1,323,079 1,234,132 8,012,072
A1130 Utilities Gross Receipts Tax - 1,323,079 1,234,132 8,012,072

STATE AID - 12,285,343 10,109,866 129,579,395

Miscellaneous State Aid - 319,058 - 12,413,843
A3089 St Aid - Other (specify) - 319,058 - 5,579,013
CM3089 State Aid, Other - - - 6,834,830
Mortgage Tax - 2,591,697 2,399,644 8,892,635
A3005 St Aid, Mortgage Tax - 2,591,697 2,399,644 8,892,635
State Aid - Community Services - 266,188 1,000,000 -
EW3989 St Aid - Other Home And
Community Service - - 1,000,000 -
H3989 St Aid - Other Home And
Community Service - 248,713 - -
A3772 St Aid, Programs For Aging - 17,475 - -
State Aid - Culture And Recreation - 133,157 30,828 57,438
L3840 St Aid For Libraries - - - 57,438
ER3889 St Aid, Other Cul & Rec - 60,000 - -
A3820 St Aid, Youth Programs - 73,157 30,828 -
State Aid - Economic Development - - - -
State Aid - Education - - 72,317 -
H3297 St Aid, Other - - 72,317 -
State Aid - General Government - 65,216 - -
A3330 St Aid, Unified Court Budget
Sec Costs - 65,216 - -
State Aid - Health - 179,949 49,121 -
A3490 St Aid, Mental Health - 163,449 49,121 -
A3401 St Aid, Public Health - 16,500 - -
State Aid - Public Safety - 170,700 73,497 -
A3315 St Aid, Navigation Law
Enforcement - 95,440 - -
A3389 St Aid, Other Public Safety - 75,260 73,497 -
State Aid - Sanitation - - - -
State Aid - Social Services - - - -
State Aid - Transportation - 2,396,451 1,021,203 -
A3501 St Aid, Consolidated Highway
Aid - - 268,153 -
H3501 St Aid, Consolidated Highway
Aid - 1,542,749 725,000 -
A3589 St Aid, Other Transportation - 91,579 28,050 -
H3589 St Aid, Other Transportation - 762,123 - -
State Aid - Utilities - - - -
Unrestricted State Aid - 6,162,927 5,463,256 108,215,479
A3001 St Aid, Revenue Sharing - 6,162,927 5,463,256 108,215,479

USE AND SALE OF PROPERTY - 4,894,915 5,777,022 19,382,991

Interest And Earnings - 2,428,955 3,528,318 1,820,499
A2401 Interest And Earnings - 1,563,725 1,341,803 1,506,634
CD2401 Interest And Earnings - 1,476 - 27,623
CM2401 Interest And Earnings - - 22,097 -
EP2401 Interest And Earnings - 76,295 - -
ER2401 Interest And Earnings - 27,113 - -
ES2401 Interest And Earnings - - 62,541 -
ET2401 Interest And Earnings - 66,729 - -
EW2401 Interest And Earnings - - 312,131 -
MS2401 Interest And Earnings - 148,718 272,368 -
PN2401 Interest And Earnings - - 168 -
V2401 Interest And Earnings - 63,215 154,031 41,380
V2710 Premium & Accrued Interest On
Obligations - 481,684 1,363,179 244,862
Rental Of Property - 934,861 2,026,540 109,800
A2410 Rental Of Real Property - 175,018 2,021,632 109,800
EP2410 Rental Of Real Property - 329,873 - -
ER2410 Rental Of Real Property - 168,747 - -
ET2410 Rental Of Real Property - 261,223 - -
L2410 Rental Of Real Property,
Individuals - - 4,908 -
Sale Of Property - 1,531,099 222,164 17,452,692
A2450 Commissions - 26,849 - -
L2450 Commissions - - 17,875 -
A2715 Proceeds Of Seized &
Unclaimed Property - - 49,459 -
A2665 Sales Of Equipment - 206,870 - -
A2660 Sales Of Real Property - 565,373 - 14,185,670
CD2660 Sales Of Real Property - - - 3,267,022
V2660 Sales Of Real Property - 720,292 - -
A2650 Sales Of Scrap & Excess
Materials - 11,715 23,450 -
A2655 Sales, Other - - 131,380 -
Expenditures City of Mount Vernon City of New Rochelle City of White Plains City of Yonkers
Total No Data 179,702,765 213,817,729 641,277,573

COMMUNITY SERVICES - 1,023,921 1,842,752 18,513,364

Broadband Improvements - - - -
Constituent Services - - - 486,776
A80404 Human Rights, Contr Expend - - - 41,918
A80401 Human Rights, Pers Serv - - - 19,999
A65104 Veterans Service, Contr Expend - - - 114,843
A65101 Veterans Service, Pers Serv - - - 310,016
Elder Services - 438,699 - 413,115
A67724 Programs For Aging, Contr
Expend - 36,934 - 396,468
A67721 Programs For Aging, Pers Serv - 401,765 - 16,647
Miscellaneous Community Services - - 1,842,752 16,002,154
A89891 Misc Home & Comm Serv,
Pers Serv - - 9,500 10,105,438
CM89894 Other Home And Community
Service-Contr Exp - - 599,735 5,896,716
CM89891 Other Home And Community
Service-Pers Serv - - 1,233,517 -
Natural Resources - 585,222 - 1,611,319
A87304 Forestry, Contr Expend - 395,073 - -
A87301 Forestry, Pers Serv - 99,697 - -
A85604 Shade Tree, Contr Expend - - - 75,203
H85602 Shade Tree, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 90,452 - -
A85601 Shade Tree, Pers Serv - - - 1,536,116
Student Census - - - -

CULTURE AND RECREATION - 5,781,242 11,260,532 19,827,614

Adult Recreation - - - -
Cultural Services - - - 250,000
A74501 Museum - Art Gallery, Pers
Serv - - - 250,000
Library - - 4,228,174 9,246,531
L74104 Library, Contr Expend - - 1,347,936 2,198,469
L74102 Library, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 20,596 82,000
L74101 Library, Pers Serv - - 2,859,642 6,966,062
Miscellaneous Cultural And Recreation - 1,115,590 11,111 351,086
PN79894 Other Culture And Rec, Cont
Expend - - 250 -
TE79894 Other Culture And Rec, Cont
Expend - - - 219,496
A79891 Other Culture And Rec, Pers
Serv - 425,822 - -
CM79894 Other Culture And
Recreation-Contr Expend - 689,768 10,861 131,590
Recreation Services - 4,021,565 4,863,784 9,852,156
A76204 Adult Recreation, Contr
Expend - 61,883 - -
A76201 Adult Recreation, Pers Serv - 246,182 - -
A71104 Parks, Contr Expend - 51,047 438,157 532,058
A71102 Parks, Equip & Cap Outlay - 3,136 17,344 13,240
H71102 Parks, Equip & Cap Outlay - 474,301 - -
A71101 Parks, Pers Serv - 179,229 911,345 5,265,281
A71404 Playgr & Rec Centers, Contr
Expend - 10,787 - 375,714
H71402 Playgr & Rec Centers, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 214,940 - -
A71401 Playgr & Rec Centers, Pers
Serv - - - 2,600,423
A70204 Recreation Admini, Contr
Expend - 177,072 1,322,363 306,932
A70202 Recreation Admini, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 16,154 19,346 -
A70201 Recreation Admini, Pers Serv - 425,529 1,915,733 758,508
H71972 Recreation, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 239,496 -
A71804 Special Rec Facility, Contr
Expend - 398,957 - -
A71802 Special Rec Facility, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 24,852 - -
A71801 Special Rec Facility, Pers Serv - 988,375 - -
ER71804 Special Recreation
Facilities-Contr Expend - 749,121 - -
Youth Recreation - 644,087 2,157,463 127,841
A73104 Youth Prog, Contr Expend - 164,713 177,081 127,841
A73101 Youth Prog, Pers Serv - 479,374 1,980,382 -

DEBT SERVICE - 11,690,167 15,398,879 54,387,792

Debt Principal - 9,607,707 10,512,844 37,155,538
A97306 Debt Principal, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 4,018,947 - -
V97856 Debt Principal, Installment
Purchase Debt - - - 842,300
V97106 Debt Principal, Serial Bonds - 5,186,016 10,229,377 35,978,781
A97856 Install Pur Debt, Principal - 402,744 - -
V97896 Other Notes Principal - - 283,467 334,457
Interest On Debt - 2,082,460 4,886,035 17,232,254
A97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 384,423 - -
EP97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 19,944 - -
ER97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 798 - -
A97707 Debt Interest, Revenue
Anticipation Notes - - - 1,505,779
EP97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 325,620 - -
ER97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 878 - -
ES97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - - 71,790 -
ET97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 21,555 - -
EW97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - - 976,866 -
V97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 1,241,986 3,752,449 14,733,899
A97857 Install Pur Debt, Interest - 87,256 - -
A97897 Other Debt, Interest - - - 879,712
CD97897 Other Debt, Interest - - - 54,320
V97897 Other Notes Interest - - 84,930 58,544

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 4,300,075 6,282,630 7,119,753

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 4,300,075 6,282,630 7,119,753
Development Infrastructure - - 226,155 6,714,191
CU86624 Public Works Fac Site, Contr
Expend - - 34,848 -
CD86622 Public Works Fac Site, Equip
& Cap - - - 6,714,191
CD86684 Rehab Loans & Grant, Contr
Expend - - 191,307 -
Economic Development Administration - 1,244,993 - 405,562
CD86864 Administration, Contr Expend - 48,549 - -
CD86861 Administration, Pers Serv - 125,640 - -
A64601 Indus Develop Agency, Pers
Serv - - - 405,562
CD86844 Plan & Manage Devel, Contr
Expend - 470,628 - -
CD86842 Plan & Manage Devel, Equip
& Cap Outlay - 457,862 - -
CD86841 Plan & Manage Devel, Pers
Serv - 142,314 - -
Economic Development Grants - - - -
Miscellaneous Economic Development - 2,556,755 6,056,475 -
A69894 Other Eco & Dev, Contr
Expend - 1,444,923 - -
A69892 Other Eco & Dev, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 24,110 - -
H69892 Other Eco & Dev, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 120,608 - -
A69891 Other Eco & Dev, Pers Serv - 967,114 - -
CM69892 Other Econ &
Development-Equip & Cap Outla - - 21,360 -
CM69894 Other Economic And
Development-Contr Expen - - 4,664,471 -
CM69891 Other Economic And
Development-Pers Serv - - 1,370,644 -
Promotion - 498,327 - -
A64204 Promotion Of Industry, Contr
Expend - 498,327 - -

Community College - - - -
Education - Transportation - - - -
Instruction - - - -
Instructional Support - - - -
Miscellaneous Education - - - -
Pupil Services - - - -
Student Activities - - - -

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - 40,597,603 55,004,728 164,700,777

Disability Insurance - - - -
Life Insurance - - - 37,700
A90458 Life Insurance, Empl Bnfts - - - 37,700
Losap/Miscellaneous - - - -
Medical Insurance - 7,530,063 - 66,250,022
A90608 Hospital & Medical (dental)
Ins, Empl Bnft - 7,530,063 - 66,250,022
Retirement - Police & Fire - - - 42,815,755
A90158 Police & Firemen Retirement,
Empl Bnfts - - - 42,815,755
Retirement - State/Local - - - 14,776,187
A90108 State Retirement System - - - 14,776,187
Retirement - Teacher - - - -
Social Security - - - 17,433,794
A90308 Social Security, Employer Cont - - - 17,433,794
Unclassified Employee Benefits - 31,900,995 52,259,807 1,640,308
CD86868 Administration, Empl Bnfts - 58,157 - -
CU17108 Administration-Empl Ben - - 121,602 -
MS17108 Administration-Employee
Benefits - - 37,628 -
A76208 Adult Recreation, Empl Bnfts - 37,273 - -
A13558 Assessment, Empl Bnfts - 164,015 174,430 -
A51408 Brush & Weeds, Employee
Benefits - 15,433 - -
A13408 Budget, Empl Bnfts - - 72,407 -
A16808 Central Data Process, Empl
Bnfts - 248,978 - -
A16408 Central Garage Empl Bnfts - 512,769 723,269 -
A16108 Central Services Admin,empl
Bnfts - 1,425 - -
A14108 Clerk,empl Bnfts - 136,633 215,098 -
A13108 Dir Of Finance, Empl Bnfts - 487,195 12,212,500 -
A14508 Elections, Empl Bnfts - 1,890 - -
A14408 Engineer, Empl Bnfts - 384,786 885,181 -
A34108 Fire, Empl Bnfts - 10,839,549 9,066,704 -
A87308 Forestry, Empl Bnfts - 27,932 - -
A51328 Garage, Empl Bnfts - - 336,326 -
A14208 Law, Empl Bnfts - 201,105 393,055 -
A10108 Legislative Board, Empl Bnfts - 149,084 135,271 -
L74108 Library, Empl Bnfts - - 1,586,401 -
A51108 Maint Of Streets, Empl Bnfts - 923,043 2,063,754 -
A12108 Mayor, Empl Bnfts - 115,202 243,645 -
A43208 Mental Health Prog, Empl
Bnfts - 59,053 - -
A11108 Municipal Court, Empl Bnfts - - 1,445 -
A12308 Municipal Exec, Empl Bnfts - 147,561 - -
A56508 Off-Street Parking, Empl Bnfts - 74,065 - -
A16208 Operation Of Plant, Empl Bnfts - 569,873 582,407 -
A79898 Other Culture And Rec, Empl
Bnfts - 182,986 - -
A69898 Other Econ & Dev, Empl Bnfts - 344,535 - -
A90898 Other Employee Benefits (spec) - 327,672 - -
A19898 Other General Govt Support,
Employee Bens - 338,397 273,700 -
G19898 Other General Govt Support,
Employee Bens - - - 1,640,308
A89898 Other Home & Community
Services, Emp Bnfts - - 1,002 -
CM39898 Other Public Safety-Empl
Bnfts - - 21,773 -
A31898 Other Traffic, Empl Bnfts - 4,344 - -
A56808 Other Transportation, Empl
Bnfts - - 1,077,446 -
- 23,145 453,400 -
A71108 Parks, Empl Bnfts - 23,145 453,400 -
A14308 Personnel, Empl Bnfts - 137,935 236,040 -
CD86848 Plan & Manage Devel, Empl
Bnfts - 47,741 - -
A80208 Planning, Empl Bnfts - - 276,339 -
A31208 Police, Empl Bnfts - 11,285,318 11,937,871 -
A67728 Programs For Aging, Empl
Bnfts - 200,411 - -
A14808 Public Inform & Services,empl
Bnfts - 107,007 - -
A30108 Public Safety Admin, Empl
Bnfts - - 240,263 -
A14908 Public Works Admin, Empl
Bnfts - 180,748 418,121 -
A13458 Purchasing, Empl Bnfts - - 147,656 -
A70208 Recreation Admini, Empl Bnfts - 153,281 618,777 -
A81608 Refuse & Garbage, Empl Bnfts - 1,684,835 2,276,515 -
CD86108 Rent Subsidy, Empl Bnfts - 238,486 - -
A56408 Rr Station Maint, Empl Bnfts - 95,489 - -
A36208 Safety Inspection, Empl Bnfts - - 879,991 -
A81208 Sanitary Sewers, Empl Bnfts - - 5,201 -
ES81208 Sanitary Sewers, Empl Bnfts - - 523,899 -
A81108 Sewer Administration, Empl
Bnfts - 295,355 - -
A51428 Snow Removal, Empl Bnfts - 92,864 108,260 -
EW83208 Source Supply Pwr & Pump
Empl Bnfts - - 248,139 -
A71808 Special Recreation Facilities,
Empl Bnfts - 408,200 - -
A33158 Stop Dwi, Empl Bnfts - 4,791 - -
A13308 Tax Collection,empl Bnfts - 71,892 - -
A33108 Traffic Control, Empl Bnfts - 289,624 408,424 -
A11308 Traffic Viol Bureau, Empl
Bnfts - 86,084 1,139,105 -
EW83408 Transportation And
Distribution-Empl Bnfts - - 486,475 -
EW83108 Water Administration-Empl
Bnfts - - 975,114 -
A73108 Youth Prog, Empl Bnfts - 144,834 654,692 -
A80108 Zoning, Empl Bnfts - - 481 -
Unemployment Insurance - 69,215 - 209,603
A90508 Unemployment Insurance,
Empl Bnfts - 69,215 - 209,603
Union Benefits Program - - - 8,397,937
A90708 Union Welfare Benefits - - - 8,397,937
Worker's Compensation - 1,097,330 2,744,921 13,139,471
A90408 Worker's Compensation, Empl
Bnfts - - - 13,139,471
MS90408 Worker's Compensation,
Empl Bnfts - 1,097,330 2,744,921 -

GENERAL GOVERNMENT - 22,194,127 43,632,095 129,074,018

Administration - 9,384,665 20,118,950 26,171,538
EP17104 Administration-Contractual - 1,043,327 - -
MS17104 Administration-Contractual - 124,758 - -
CU17101 Administration-Personal
Services - - 251,116 -
MS17101 Administration-Personal
Services - - 1,998 -
A13554 Assessment, Contr Expend - 52,262 21,723 34,071
A13552 Assessment, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - - -
A13551 Assessment, Pers Serv - 396,886 429,042 1,072,325
A13404 Budget, Contr Expend - - 8,915 1,321
A13402 Budget, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 1,081 -
A13401 Budget, Pers Serv - - 298,825 513,282
A14104 Clerk,contr Expend - 113,802 106,153 48,832
A14102 Clerk,equip & Cap Outlay - 3,209 - 7,645
A14101 Clerk,pers Serv - 330,379 397,986 674,247
A13154 Comptroller, Contr Expend - - - 561,065
A13151 Comptroller,pers Serv - - - 5,187,526
EP13754 Credit Card Fees - 256,429 - -
ER13754 Credit Card Fees - 28,403 - -
ET13754 Credit Card Fees - 86,686 - -
A13104 Dir Of Finance, Contr Expend - 429,361 8,950,245 -
A13102 Dir Of Finance, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 1,730 - -
A13101 Dir Of Finance, Pers Serv - 1,237,822 1,464,001 -
A14504 Elections, Contr Expend - 100,867 - 365,698
A14501 Elections, Pers Serv - 4,459 1,520 -
A14404 Engineer, Contr Expend - 42,193 21,951 -
A14402 Engineer, Equip & Cap Outlay - - - -
A14401 Engineer, Pers Serv - 865,225 1,806,200 -
A14204 Law, Contr Expend - 352,582 208,216 166,507
A14202 Law, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 300 -
A14201 Law, Pers Serv - 348,211 1,136,635 2,279,855
A10104 Legislative Board, Contr
Expend - 94,281 55,277 443,415
A10101 Legislative Board, Pers Serv - 251,190 221,326 1,297,003
A12104 Mayor, Contr Expend - 20,982 42,303 66,266
A12101 Mayor, Pers Serv - 205,409 525,846 673,328
A11104 Municipal Court, Contr Expend - - 16,294 2,407,295
A11101 Municipal Court, Pers Serv - - - 4,064,513
A12304 Municipal Exec, Contr Expend - 80,350 - 88,795
A12301 Municipal Exec, Pers Serv - 376,793 - 419,068
A14304 Personnel, Contr Expend - 336,005 86,755 336,740
A14301 Personnel, Pers Serv - 375,261 529,066 3,352,667
A14302 Personnel,equip & Cap Outlay - 8,126 2,083 -
A14804 Public Inform & Services,
Contr Expend - 203,431 - 161,077
A14802 Public Inform &
Services,equip∩ Outlay - - - -
A14801 Public Inform & Services,pers
Serv - 153,636 - 868,792
A13454 Purchasing, Contr Expend - - 7,059 5,668
A13452 Purchasing, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 5,474 -
A13451 Purchasing, Pers Serv - - 341,430 1,074,537
A17101 Self Insurance Admin, Pers
Serv - 540,112 - -
A13304 Tax Collection,contr Expend - 322,157 - -
A13301 Tax Collection,pers Serv - 211,318 - -
A11304 Traffic Viol Bureau, Contr
Expend - 199,122 790,454 -
A11302 Traffic Viol Bureau, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 3,713 -
A11301 Traffic Viol Bureau, Pers Serv - 187,901 2,385,963 -
County Distribution Of Sales Tax - - - -
Judgements - 314,612 - 17,650,000
MS19304 Judgements And Claims,
Contr Exp - 314,612 - -
A19304 Judgements And Claims, Contr
Expend - - - 17,650,000
Miscellaneous General Government - 1,583,832 2,380,283 -
EP19944 Depreciation - 881,982 - -
ER19944 Depreciation - 143,366 - -
ES19944 Depreciation - - 854,720 -
ET19944 Depreciation - 558,484 - -
EW19944 Depreciation - - 1,525,563 -
Operations - 10,911,018 20,284,567 84,313,385
A16802 Central Data Process & Cap
Outlay - 25,848 - -
H16802 Central Data Process & Cap
Outlay - 732,103 - -
A16801 Central Data Process Pers Serv - 596,270 - 3,958,762
A16804 Central Data Process, Contr
Expend - 323,857 - 2,643,562
A16404 Central Garage Contr Expend - - 122,466 4,393,007
A16402 Central Garage Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 35,810 -
A16401 Central Garage Pers Serv - 1,035,056 1,394,912 2,877,968
M16404 Central Garage, Contr Expend - 1,207,909 - -
A16104 Central Services Admin,contr
Expend - - - 3,409
A16101 Central Services Admin,pers
Serv - 11,234 - 561,638
MS17224 Excess Insurance - 742,059 - -
H19972 General Govt, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 8,682,174 39,905,729
A19204 Municipal Assn Dues, Contr
Expend - - - 30,965
A16204 Operation Of Plant, Contr
Expend - 741,120 1,919,930 5,178,616
A16202 Operation Of Plant, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 2,408 -
A16201 Operation Of Plant, Pers Serv - 1,335,336 1,242,072 2,889,739
A19894 Other General Govt Support,
Contract Exp - 2,300,892 491,505 2,975,463
A19892 Other General Govt Support,
Equip∩ Out - 118,035 12,594 -
H19892 Other General Govt Support,
Equip∩ Out - 831 - -
A19891 Other General Govt Support,
Personal Serv - 952,763 690,504 -
A19804 Payment Of Mta Payroll Tax,
Contr Expend - - - 872,243
A14904 Public Works Admin, Contr
Expend - 397,599 84,872 406,120
A14902 Public Works Admin, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 816 3,349 -
A14901 Public Works Admin, Pers Serv - 341,797 1,085,308 700,000
A19504 Taxes & Assess On Munic
Prop, Contr Expend - - - 16,916,164
EP19504 Taxes & Assess On Munic
Prop, Contr Expend - 47,493 - -
MS19104 Unallocated Insurance, Contr
Expend - - 4,516,663 -
Zoning And Planning - - 848,295 939,095
A80204 Planning, Contr Expend - - 83,251 89,608
A80201 Planning, Pers Serv - - 762,348 849,487
A80104 Zoning, Contr Expend - - 596 -
A80101 Zoning, Pers Serv - - 2,100 -

HEALTH - 218,191 - -
Environmental Services - - - -
Mental Health Services - 218,191 - -
A43204 Mental Health Prog,contr
Expend - 60,492 - -
A43201 Mental Health Prog,pers Serv - 157,699 - -
Miscellaneous Public Health - - - -
Public Health Administration - - - -
Public Health Facilities - - - -
Public Health Services - - - -

PUBLIC SAFETY - 56,336,879 47,255,774 187,420,861

Correctional Services - - - -
Disaster Response - - - -
Emergency Response - - - -
Fire Protection - 25,622,067 17,361,832 72,344,816
A34104 Fire, Contr Expend - 1,586,562 331,694 2,022,521
A34102 Fire, Equip & Cap Outlay - 138,405 41,250 23,497
H34102 Fire, Equip & Cap Outlay - 3,074,062 347,809 -
A34101 Fire, Pers Serv - 20,823,038 16,641,079 70,298,798
Homeland Security And Civil Defense - - - -
Miscellaneous Public Safety - 210,215 2,677,122 8,359,622
A35104 Control Of Animals, Contr
Expend - 210,215 - 210,306
A35101 Control Of Animals, Pers Serv - - - 764,577
CM39892 Other Public Safety, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 91,012 -
CM39894 Other Public Safety-Contr
Expend - - 202,460 4,258,341
CM39891 Other Public Safety-Pers
Serv - - 276,307 -
A36204 Safety Inspection, Contr
Expend - - 72,074 75,442
A36202 Safety Inspection, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 36,095 -
A36201 Safety Inspection, Pers Serv - - 1,999,174 3,050,956
Police - 30,504,597 25,717,941 106,716,423
A31892 Other Traffic, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 1,929 - -
A31891 Other Traffic, Pers Serv - 13,297 - -
A31204 Police, Contr Expend - 2,170,854 756,074 3,477,087
A31202 Police, Equip & Cap Outlay - 551,058 304,337 -
H31202 Police, Equip & Cap Outlay - 651,312 - -
A31201 Police, Pers Serv - 25,827,963 23,561,797 103,239,336
A33151 Stop Dwi,pers Serv - 12,217 - -
A33104 Traffic Control, Contr Expen - 267,998 285,085 -
A33102 Traffic Control, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 5,282 12,481 -
H33102 Traffic Control, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 466,664 - -
A33101 Traffic Control, Pers Serv - 536,023 798,167 -
Public Safety Administration - - 1,498,879 -
A30104 Public Safety Admin, Contr
Expend - - 798,584 -
A30101 Public Safety Admin, Pers Serv - - 700,295 -

SANITATION - 10,555,071 7,630,276 23,411,338

Drainage - - 642,919 -
H85972 Drain & Storm, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 642,919 -
Landfill Closures - - - -
Miscellaneous Sanitation - 920,543 - -
A81894 Other Sanitation, Contr Expend - 920,543 - -
Refuse And Garbage - 4,088,602 5,319,060 19,717,259
A81604 Refuse & Garbage, Contr
Expend - 695,964 1,247,618 4,713,143
A81602 Refuse & Garbage, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 2,137 -
A81601 Refuse & Garbage, Pers Serv - 3,392,638 4,069,305 15,004,116
Sewer - 5,545,926 1,668,297 3,694,079
A81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr Expend - - 41,536 -
ES81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr
Expend - - 1,119,869 -
G81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr Expend - - - 272,025
G81202 Sanitary Sewers, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - - 93,528
A81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - 20,317 -
ES81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - 486,575 -
G81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - - 3,328,526
A81104 Sewer Administration, Contr
Expend - 233,777 - -
H81102 Sewer Administration, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 4,643,959 - -
A81101 Sewer Administration, Pers
Serv - 668,190 - -
Storm Sewer - - - -

SOCIAL SERVICES - 10,666,692 - 155,310

Employment Services - - - -
Financial Assistance - - - -
Housing Assistance - 10,666,692 - 155,310
A86114 Emergency Tenant Protection - - - 155,310
A86104 Rent Subsidy, Contr Expend - 119,312 - -
CD86104 Rent Subsidy, Contr Expend - 10,009,335 - -
CD86101 Rent Subsidy, Pers Serv - 538,045 - -
Medicaid - - - -
Miscellaneous Social Services - - - -
Non-Medicaid Medical Assistance - - - -
Public Facilities - - - -
Social Service Administration - - - -
Youth Services - - - -

TRANSPORTATION - 16,338,797 15,620,616 11,435,018

Airports - - - -
Bus Service - - - -
Highway Services To Other Govts - - - -
Highways - 9,420,665 11,980,348 5,455,745
A51404 Brush And Weeds, Contr
Expend - 720,322 - -
A51401 Brush And Weeds, Pers Serv - 109,876 - -
A50204 Engineering, Contr Expend - - - 175,283
A50201 Engineering, Pers Serv - - - 2,682,304
A51324 Garage, Contr Expend - - 1,186,230 -
A51321 Garage, Pers Serv - - 667,182 -
H51972 Highway, Capital Projects - - 2,756,412 -
A51104 Maint Of Streets, Contr Expend - 2,109,062 2,199,870 5,129
A51102 Maint Of Streets, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 5,279 -
H51102 Maint Of Streets, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 3,981,394 - -
A51101 Maint Of Streets, Pers Serv - 1,884,701 3,816,054 688,781
A51424 Snow Removal, Contr Expend - 402,180 871,187 1,018,932
A51421 Snow Removal, Pers Serv - 213,130 478,134 885,316
Miscellaneous Transportation - 898,304 3,421,990 5,979,273
A56804 Other Transportation, Contr
Expend - - 1,240,188 -
A56802 Other Transportation, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 23,367 -
H59892 Other Transportation, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 898,304 - -
A56801 Other Transportation, Pers Serv - - 2,158,435 -
CM59894 Other Transportation-Contr
Expend - - - 5,979,273
Rail Service - 1,384,764 - -
A56401 Rr Station Maint, Pers Serv - 279,537 - -
ET56354 Rr-Rapid Transit, Contr
Expend - 1,105,227 - -
Transportation Ancillary - 3,434,723 218,278 -
EP56504 Off-Street Parking, Cont
Expend - 1,968,211 - -
A56504 Off-Street Parking, Contr
Expend - - 218,278 -
A56501 Off-Street Parking, Pers Serv - 206,987 - -
H54102 Sidewalks, Equip & Cap Outlay - 1,259,525 - -
Transportation Facilities - 1,200,341 - -
H51302 Machinery, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 1,200,341 - -
Waterways - - - -

UTILITIES - - 9,889,447 25,231,728

Electricity - - - -
Natural Gas - - - -
Steam - - - -
Water - - 9,889,447 25,231,728
EW83204 Source Supply Pwr & Pump
Contr Expend - - 5,382,958 -
EW83201 Source Supply Pwr & Pump,
Pers Serv - - 551,613 -
EW83404 Transportation And
Distribution-Contr Expe - - 1,171,332 -
EW83401 Transportation And
Distribution-Pers Serv - - 1,023,121 -
FX83104 Water Administration, Contr
Expend - - - 18,489,107
FX83101 Water Administration, Pers
Serv - - - 6,742,621
EW83104 Water Administration-Contr
Expend - - 1,138,699 -
EW83101 Water Administration-Pers
Serv - - 621,724 -
Open Book New York
Office of the State Comptroller
Thomas P. DiNapoli, State Comptroller

Comparison Report for City of Mount Vernon, City of New Rochelle, City of White Plains, and City of
Yonkers for 2020

Revenues and Proceeds of Debt City of Mount Vernon City of New Rochelle City of White Plains City of Yonkers
Total No Data 468,542,815 220,985,332 644,716,937

CHARGES FOR SERVICES - 28,160,342 61,343,638 69,572,794

Community Services Fees - 6,737,351 11,150,889 10,966,641
A2555 Building And Alteration Permits - 3,890,198 - 5,389,736
A2501 Business & Occupational License
- 48,883 - -
A2189 Other Home & Community
Services Income - - 98,099 -
A2590 Permits, Other - 282,525 10,584,457 3,848,144
A2115 Planning Board Fees - 712,297 - -
A2565 Plumbing Permits - 359,573 - -
A1710 Public Works Charges - - 251,460 1,041,421
A2560 Street Opening Permits - 1,397,700 - 687,340
A2110 Zoning Fees - 46,175 216,873 -
Culture And Recreation Fees - 2,129,835 1,992,922 2,019,242
A2070 Contributions, Private
Agencies-Youth - - 659,553 -
L2082 Library Charges - - 20,341 18,944
A2001 Park And Recreational Charges - 392,915 1,243,907 2,000,298
A2012 Recreational Concessions - - 2,900 -
A2025 Special Recreational Facility
Charges - - 66,221 -
ER2025 Special Recreational Facility
Charges - 1,736,920 - -
Economic Development Fees - - 407,066 -
CD2170 Community Development
Income - - 407,066 -
Education Fees - - - -
General Government Fees - 3,172,095 3,498,404 1,946,777
A1250 Assessors Fees - 2,605 - -
A2540 Bingo Licenses - 10 - -
A1255 Clerk Fees - 6,610 - 264,814
A1240 Comptroller Fees - - 4,000 247,378
A2544 Dog Licenses - 15,948 - -
A2545 Licenses, Other - 91,925 32,768 1,169,247
CD1289 Other General Department Inc - - - 265,338
A1289 Other General Departmental
Income - 2,867,878 1,704,578 -
CM1289 Other General Dept Income - - 1,628,806 -
A1260 Personnel Fees - - 88,252 -
A1232 Tax Collector Fees - 187,119 40,000 -
Health Fees - 86,232 127,338 -
A1603 Vital Statistics Fees - 86,232 127,338 -
Miscellaneous Fees - - - 518,198
CM1489 Other Charges For Services - - - 518,198
Public Safety Fees - 3,959,972 2,325,617 9,433,731
A1540 Fire Inspection Fees - 854,101 31 3,391,435
A1589 Other Public Safety
Departmental Income - 499,653 - -
CM1589 Other Public Safety Income - - 269,272 -
A1520 Police Fees - 2,549,098 1,530,654 5,487,424
A1525 Prisoner Charges - - 262,230 417,498
A2550 Public Safety Permits - - - 137,374
A1560 Safety Inspection Fees - 57,120 263,430 -
Sanitation Fees - 8,199,186 3,025,292 8,970,998
G2128 Interest & Penalties On Sewer
Accts - - - 198,268
A2130 Refuse & Garbage Charges - 8,199,186 - -
ES2120 Sewer Rents - - 3,025,292 -
G2120 Sewer Rents - - - 8,772,730
Social Services Fees - - 5,552,461 -
CU1989 Other Economic Assist &
Opportunity Income - - 427,421 -
CM1989 Other Economic Assist, &
Opport Income - - 5,125,040 -
Transportation Fees - 3,875,671 14,715,738 -
ET1789 Other Transportation DepT.
Income - 879,664 - -
A1789 Other Transportation
Departmental Income - - 14,715,738 -
EP1721 Parking Lots And Garages-No
Tax - 1,186,468 - -
EP1741 Parking Meter Fees
Non-Taxable - 1,809,539 - -
Utility Fees - - 18,547,911 35,717,207
EW2140 Metered Water Sales - - 18,547,911 -
FX2140 Metered Water Sales - - - 35,547,435
FX2144 Water Service Charges - - - 169,772

- 3,599,352 109,344 535,406
Community Services Charges - - - -
Culture And Recreation Charges - - 19,922 -
L2360 Library Services, Other Govts - - 19,922 -
Debt Service Charges - - - -
Education Charges - - - -
General Government Charges - 3,591,727 - 41,777
A2220 Civil Service Charges - - - 41,777
A2210 General Services, Inter
Government - 3,591,727 - -
Health Charges - - - -
Miscellaneous Intergovernmental
- 7,625 85,500 -
A2389 Misc Revenue, Other Govts - - 85,500 -
M2389 Misc Revenue, Other Govts - 7,625 - -
Public Safety Charges - - 3,922 -
A2260 Public Safety Services For Other
Govts - - 3,922 -
Sanitation Charges - - - -
Social Services Charges - - - -
Transportation Charges - - - 493,629
A2300 Transportation Services, Other
Govts - - - 493,629
Utility Charges - - - -

FEDERAL AID - 12,866,323 105,729 11,456,039

Federal Aid - Community Services - 1,278,473 72,633 -
CD4989 Fed Aid Other Home And
Community Services - 1,170,323 - -
A4772 Fed Aid, Programs For Aging - 108,150 72,633 -
Federal Aid - Culture And Recreation - 220,548 - -
A4820 Fed Aid, Youth Programs - 220,548 - -
Federal Aid - Economic Development - - - 4,337,004
CD4910 Fed Aid, Community
Development Act - - - 4,337,004
Federal Aid - Education - - - -
Federal Aid - General Government - - - -
Federal Aid - Health - - - -
Federal Aid - Public Safety - 234,155 - -
A4389 Fed Aid Other Public Safety - 234,155 - -
H4960 Fed Aid, Emergency Disaster
Assistance - - - -
Federal Aid - Sanitation - - - -
Federal Aid - Social Services - 11,133,147 - -
CD4915 Federal Aid Rental Assistance
Program - 11,133,147 - -
Federal Aid - Transportation - - - -
H4589 Fed Aid Other Transportation - - - -
Federal Aid - Utilities - - - -
Miscellaneous Federal Aid - - 33,096 7,119,035
A4089 Federal Aid - Other - - 33,096 -
CM4089 Federal Aid, Other - - - 7,119,035

OTHER LOCAL REVENUES - 284,964,109 17,482,587 24,822,609

Compensation For Loss - 195,244 143,562 -
A2680 Insurance Recoveries - 90,996 109,385 -
MS2680 Insurance Recoveries - 53,867 34,177 -
CD2690 Other Compensation For Loss - 50,381 - -
Employee Contributions - - - -
Fines - 2,237,676 8,121,833 19,154,151
A2610 Fines And Forfeited Bail - 2,237,676 8,121,833 19,154,151
Forfeitures - - - -
Gifts - 3,883,985 1,794,104 541,487
A2705 Gifts And Donations - - 1,712,797 -
CM2705 Gifts And Donations - 3,883,985 81,307 -
TE2705 Gifts And Donations - - - 541,487
Library Grants From Local
- - - -
Miscellaneous Grants From Local
- 1,441,746 119,364 -
EW2706 Grants From Local
Governments - - 119,364 -
H2706 Grants From Local Governments - 1,441,746 - -
Miscellaneous Revenues - 277,205,458 7,303,724 5,126,971
M2801 Interfund Revenues - 2,029,685 - -
MS2801 Interfund Revenues - 2,861,456 6,287,250 -
A2701 Refunds Of Prior Year's
Expenditures - -388,225 464,998 1,772,631
A2770 Unclassified (specify) - 2,467,139 375,480 1,291,600
CD2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - 7,500
CM2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - 373,960
EP2770 Unclassified (specify) - 200,000 - -
ER2770 Unclassified (specify) - 14,231 - -
ES2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 26,908 -
ET2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - -
EW2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 10,013 -
FX2770 Unclassified (specify) - - - 169,737
H2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 130,603 8,589
L2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 3,471 2,954
M2770 Unclassified (specify) - 41,325 - -
TC2770 Unclassified (specify) - 269,979,847 - -
V2770 Unclassified (specify) - - 5,001 -
A2725 Vlt/Tribal-State Compact
Moneys - - - 1,500,000

OTHER NON-PROPERTY TAXES - 1,591,039 1,029,713 60,543,126

City Income Tax - - - 56,747,871
A1101 City Income Tax Surcharge - - - 56,747,871
Emergency Telephone System Surcharge - - - -
Franchises - 1,591,039 1,029,713 3,714,893
A1170 Franchises - 1,591,039 1,029,713 3,714,893
Miscellaneous Non-Property Taxes - - - 80,362
A1132 Harness Racing Admissions Tax - - - 4,634
A1150 O.T.B. Surtax - - - 75,728


- 1,719,582 1,867,368 42,263,294
Gain From Sale Of Tax Acquired
- - - -
Interest & Penalties - 907,516 519,200 3,467,476
A1090 Interest & Penalties On Real
Prop Taxes - 907,516 519,200 3,467,476
Miscellaneous Tax Items - - - 12,844,374
A1089 Other Tax Items - - - 12,844,374
Payments In Lieu Of Taxes - 812,066 1,348,168 25,951,444
A1081 Other Payments In Lieu Of
Taxes - 812,066 1,348,168 25,951,444
Star Payments - - - -

PROCEEDS OF DEBT - 27,561,557 11,751,092 79,675,000

Bans Redeemed From Appropriations - 3,568,606 - -
H5731 Bans Redeemed From
Appropriations - 3,568,606 - -
Miscellaneous Debt Proceeds - - - -
Sale Of Obligations - 23,992,951 11,751,092 79,675,000
A5730 Bond Anticipation Notes - - - -
A5710 Serial Bonds - - - 6,175,000
H5710 Serial Bonds - 23,992,951 11,751,092 73,500,000


- 61,866,836 62,053,204 134,124,670
Real Property Taxes - 61,358,568 62,053,204 129,441,890
A1001 Real Property Taxes - 61,358,568 55,755,610 129,441,890
L1001 Real Property Taxes - - 6,297,594 -
Special Assessments - 508,268 - 4,682,780
A1030 Special Assessments - 508,268 - -
FX1030 Special Assessments - - - 4,682,780

SALES AND USE TAX - 32,191,448 49,773,502 101,571,167

Miscellaneous Use Taxes - 152,387 875,487 843,082
A1113 Tax On Hotel Room Occupancy - 152,387 875,487 843,082
Sales Tax - 30,695,289 47,714,693 93,168,979
A1110 Sales And Use Tax - 30,695,289 47,714,693 93,168,979
Sales Tax Distribution - - - -
Utilities Gross Receipts Tax - 1,343,772 1,183,322 7,559,106
A1130 Utilities Gross Receipts Tax - 1,343,772 1,183,322 7,559,106

STATE AID - 10,055,077 9,587,420 99,167,100

Miscellaneous State Aid - 22,798 - 4,014,816
A3089 St Aid - Other (specify) - 22,798 - 452,890
CM3089 State Aid, Other - - - 3,561,926
Mortgage Tax - 2,820,520 3,323,124 8,460,577
A3005 St Aid, Mortgage Tax - 2,820,520 3,323,124 8,460,577
State Aid - Community Services - -287,733 - -
H3989 St Aid - Other Home And
Community Service - -297,733 - -
A3772 St Aid, Programs For Aging - 10,000 - -
State Aid - Culture And Recreation - 38,703 18,333 57,467
L3840 St Aid For Libraries - - - 57,467
ER3889 St Aid, Other Cul & Rec - 7,000 - -
A3820 St Aid, Youth Programs - 31,703 18,333 -
State Aid - Economic Development - - - -
State Aid - Education - - 372,990 -
H3297 St Aid, Other - - 372,990 -
State Aid - General Government - 75,815 - -
A3330 St Aid, Unified Court Budget
Sec Costs - 75,815 - -
State Aid - Health - 76,024 34,220 -
A3490 St Aid, Mental Health - 76,024 34,220 -
A3401 St Aid, Public Health - - - -
State Aid - Public Safety - 127,671 64,603 -
A3315 St Aid, Navigation Law
Enforcement - 95,931 - -
A3389 St Aid, Other Public Safety - 31,740 64,603 -
State Aid - Sanitation - - 204,012 -
ES3901 St Aid, Oper & Main Of Sewer - - 204,012 -
State Aid - Social Services - - - -
State Aid - Transportation - 1,326,498 744,050 -
A3501 St Aid, Consolidated Highway
Aid - - - -
H3501 St Aid, Consolidated Highway
Aid - 906,972 716,000 -
A3589 St Aid, Other Transportation - 91,579 28,050 -
H3589 St Aid, Other Transportation - 327,947 - -
State Aid - Utilities - - - -
Unrestricted State Aid - 5,854,781 4,826,088 86,634,240
A3001 St Aid, Revenue Sharing - 5,854,781 4,826,088 86,634,240

USE AND SALE OF PROPERTY - 3,967,150 5,881,735 20,985,732

Interest And Earnings - 2,108,931 3,585,197 18,447,075
A2401 Interest And Earnings - 617,944 955,662 2,768,538
CD2401 Interest And Earnings - 309 - 57,338
CM2401 Interest And Earnings - 1,261 24,031 -
EP2401 Interest And Earnings - 69,846 - -
ER2401 Interest And Earnings - 24,943 - -
ES2401 Interest And Earnings - - 57,308 -
ET2401 Interest And Earnings - 58,896 - -
EW2401 Interest And Earnings - - 308,086 -
MS2401 Interest And Earnings - 137,149 268,657 -
PN2401 Interest And Earnings - - 184 -
V2401 Interest And Earnings - 66,741 174,984 1,322,388
H2710 Premium & Accrued Interest On
Obligations - - 594,308 14,266,951
V2710 Premium & Accrued Interest On
Obligations - 1,131,842 1,201,977 31,860
Rental Of Property - 950,286 1,928,174 113,547
A2410 Rental Of Real Property - 134,789 1,927,914 113,547
EP2410 Rental Of Real Property - 456,462 - -
ER2410 Rental Of Real Property - 167,109 - -
ET2410 Rental Of Real Property - 191,926 - -
L2410 Rental Of Real Property,
Individuals - - 260 -
Sale Of Property - 907,933 368,364 2,425,110
A2450 Commissions - - - -
L2450 Commissions - - 14,601 -
A2715 Proceeds Of Seized &
Unclaimed Property - - 26,877 -
A2665 Sales Of Equipment - 142,630 - -
A2660 Sales Of Real Property - - - 1,574,980
CD2660 Sales Of Real Property - - - 850,130
V2660 Sales Of Real Property - 751,284 - -
A2650 Sales Of Scrap & Excess
Materials - 14,019 9,586 -
A2655 Sales, Other - - 317,300 -
Expenditures City of Mount Vernon City of New Rochelle City of White Plains City of Yonkers
Total No Data 456,498,051 213,829,640 623,628,097

COMMUNITY SERVICES - 1,043,305 1,305,240 13,948,459

Broadband Improvements - - - -
Constituent Services - - - 480,866
A80404 Human Rights, Contr Expend - - - 52,890
A80401 Human Rights, Pers Serv - - - 27,392
A65104 Veterans Service, Contr Expend - - - 97,098
A65101 Veterans Service, Pers Serv - - - 303,486
Elder Services - 434,772 - 445,308
A67724 Programs For Aging, Contr
Expend - 30,796 - 427,277
A67721 Programs For Aging, Pers Serv - 403,976 - 18,031
Miscellaneous Community Services - - 1,305,240 11,495,563
A89891 Misc Home & Comm Serv,
Pers Serv - - 9,500 4,924,222
CM89894 Other Home And Community
Service-Contr Exp - - 471,335 6,571,341
CM89891 Other Home And Community
Service-Pers Serv - - 824,405 -
Natural Resources - 608,533 - 1,526,722
A87304 Forestry, Contr Expend - 400,867 - -
A87301 Forestry, Pers Serv - 103,028 - -
A85604 Shade Tree, Contr Expend - - - 61,323
H85602 Shade Tree, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 104,638 - -
A85601 Shade Tree, Pers Serv - - - 1,465,399
Student Census - - - -

CULTURE AND RECREATION - 7,753,737 11,164,848 19,359,565

Adult Recreation - - - -
Cultural Services - - - 217,454
A74501 Museum - Art Gallery, Pers
Serv - - - 217,454
Library - - 4,115,566 9,161,297
L74104 Library, Contr Expend - - 1,234,580 2,120,497
L74102 Library, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 18,868 82,000
L74101 Library, Pers Serv - - 2,862,118 6,958,800
Miscellaneous Cultural And Recreation - 1,431,681 20,691 481,778
PN79894 Other Culture And Rec, Cont
Expend - - 250 -
TE79894 Other Culture And Rec, Cont
Expend - - - 238,383
A79891 Other Culture And Rec, Pers
Serv - 462,431 - -
CM79894 Other Culture And
Recreation-Contr Expend - 969,250 20,441 243,395
Recreation Services - 5,465,246 5,122,106 9,449,190
A76204 Adult Recreation, Contr
Expend - 141,112 - -
A76201 Adult Recreation, Pers Serv - 138,822 - -
A71104 Parks, Contr Expend - 306,498 409,471 505,340
A71102 Parks, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 51,965 11,409
H71102 Parks, Equip & Cap Outlay - 1,368,244 - -
A71101 Parks, Pers Serv - 404,337 900,060 5,207,388
A71404 Playgr & Rec Centers, Contr
Expend - - - 244,109
H71402 Playgr & Rec Centers, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 500,094 - -
A71401 Playgr & Rec Centers, Pers
Serv - - - 2,442,752
A70204 Recreation Admini, Contr
Expend - 127,921 1,092,416 259,298
A70202 Recreation Admini, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 1,772 39,087 -
A70201 Recreation Admini, Pers Serv - 508,975 1,753,749 778,894
H71972 Recreation, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 875,358 -
A71804 Special Rec Facility, Contr
Expend - 330,013 - -
A71802 Special Rec Facility, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 9,762 - -
A71801 Special Rec Facility, Pers Serv - 989,757 - -
ER71804 Special Recreation
Facilities-Contr Expend - 637,939 - -
Youth Recreation - 856,810 1,906,485 49,846
A73104 Youth Prog, Contr Expend - 322,164 121,325 49,846
A73102 Youth Prog, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 754 -
A73101 Youth Prog, Pers Serv - 534,646 1,784,406 -

DEBT SERVICE - 11,863,694 17,056,190 52,530,392

Debt Principal - 9,512,720 11,216,604 37,601,069
A97306 Debt Principal, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 3,568,606 - -
V97856 Debt Principal, Installment
Purchase Debt - - - 842,300
V97106 Debt Principal, Serial Bonds - 5,525,260 10,925,689 36,435,346
A97856 Install Pur Debt, Principal - 418,854 - -
A97896 Other Debt, Principal - - - -
V97896 Other Notes Principal - - 290,915 323,423
Interest On Debt - 2,350,974 5,839,586 14,929,323
A97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 447,924 - 1,436,547
EP97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - 18,000 - -
ER97307 Debt Interest, Bond
Anticipation Notes - - - -
A97707 Debt Interest, Revenue
Anticipation Notes - - - 853,889
EP97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 249,460 - -
ER97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 626 - -
ES97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - - 96,142 -
ET97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 14,596 - -
EW97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - - 1,428,843 -
V97107 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds - 1,549,222 4,237,120 12,564,091
A97857 Install Pur Debt, Interest - 71,146 - -
A97897 Other Debt, Interest - - - -
V97897 Other Notes Interest - - 77,481 74,796
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 3,463,750 5,363,672 5,382,041
Development Infrastructure - - 344,676 4,917,066
CU86624 Public Works Fac Site, Contr
Expend - - 40,507 -
CD86622 Public Works Fac Site, Equip
& Cap - - - 4,917,066
CD86684 Rehab Loans & Grant, Contr
Expend - - 304,169 -
Economic Development Administration - 1,029,309 - 464,975
CD86864 Administration, Contr Expend - 50,741 - -
CD86861 Administration, Pers Serv - 189,670 - -
A64601 Indus Develop Agency, Pers
Serv - - - 464,975
CD86844 Plan & Manage Devel, Contr
Expend - 521,921 - -
CD86842 Plan & Manage Devel, Equip
& Cap Outlay - 46,409 - -
CD86841 Plan & Manage Devel, Pers
Serv - 220,568 - -
Economic Development Grants - - - -
Miscellaneous Economic Development - 1,926,170 5,018,996 -
A69894 Other Eco & Dev, Contr
Expend - 735,089 - -
A69892 Other Eco & Dev, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - - -
H69892 Other Eco & Dev, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 199,275 - -
A69891 Other Eco & Dev, Pers Serv - 991,806 - -
CM69892 Other Econ &
Development-Equip & Cap Outla - - 82,452 -
CM69894 Other Economic And
Development-Contr Expen - - 3,549,993 -
CM69891 Other Economic And
Development-Pers Serv - - 1,386,551 -
Promotion - 508,271 - -
A64204 Promotion Of Industry, Contr
Expend - 508,271 - -

Community College - - - -
Education - Transportation - - - -
Instruction - - - -
Instructional Support - - - -
Miscellaneous Education - - - -
Pupil Services - - - -
Student Activities - - - -

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - 41,538,448 55,228,950 166,993,745

Disability Insurance - - - -
Life Insurance - - - 32,625
A90458 Life Insurance, Empl Bnfts - - - 32,625
Losap/Miscellaneous - - - -
Medical Insurance - 8,053,259 - 64,878,207
A90608 Hospital & Medical (dental)
Ins, Empl Bnft - 8,053,259 - 64,878,207
Retirement - Police & Fire - - - 44,131,524
A90158 Police & Firemen Retirement,
A90158 Police & Firemen Retirement,
Empl Bnfts - - - 44,131,524
Retirement - State/Local - - - 13,805,312
A90108 State Retirement System - - - 13,805,312
Retirement - Teacher - - - -
Social Security - - - 16,794,890
A90308 Social Security, Employer Cont - - - 16,794,890
Unclassified Employee Benefits - 31,939,529 52,437,867 5,785,030
CD86868 Administration, Empl Bnfts - 76,402 - -
CU17108 Administration-Empl Ben - - 110,788 -
MS17108 Administration-Employee
Benefits - - -9,980 -
A76208 Adult Recreation, Empl Bnfts - 47,300 - -
A13558 Assessment, Empl Bnfts - 141,660 191,625 -
A51408 Brush & Weeds, Employee
Benefits - 17,191 - -
A13408 Budget, Empl Bnfts - - 109,305 -
A16808 Central Data Process, Empl
Bnfts - 291,835 - -
A16408 Central Garage Empl Bnfts - 522,605 690,471 -
A16108 Central Services Admin,empl
Bnfts - 1,177 - -
A14108 Clerk,empl Bnfts - 100,207 168,113 -
A13108 Dir Of Finance, Empl Bnfts - 520,947 12,336,349 -
A14508 Elections, Empl Bnfts - 638 - -
A14408 Engineer, Empl Bnfts - 274,140 889,337 -
A34108 Fire, Empl Bnfts - 11,304,806 9,226,806 -
A87308 Forestry, Empl Bnfts - 29,259 - -
A51328 Garage, Empl Bnfts - - 356,115 -
A14208 Law, Empl Bnfts - 159,550 363,294 -
A10108 Legislative Board, Empl Bnfts - 119,388 117,800 -
L74108 Library, Empl Bnfts - - 1,539,465 -
A51108 Maint Of Streets, Empl Bnfts - 904,238 2,065,300 -
A12108 Mayor, Empl Bnfts - 117,426 255,200 -
A43208 Mental Health Prog, Empl
Bnfts - 53,242 - -
A11108 Municipal Court, Empl Bnfts - - 1,557 -
A12308 Municipal Exec, Empl Bnfts - 148,439 - -
A56508 Off-Street Parking, Empl Bnfts - 66,612 - -
A16208 Operation Of Plant, Empl Bnfts - 623,166 579,762 -
A79898 Other Culture And Rec, Empl
Bnfts - 184,221 - -
A69898 Other Econ & Dev, Empl Bnfts - 349,170 - -
A90898 Other Employee Benefits (spec) - 223,066 - -
TC90898 Other Employee Benefits
(spec) - - - -
A19898 Other General Govt Support,
Employee Bens - 305,409 280,835 -
G19898 Other General Govt Support,
Employee Bens - - - 1,843,992
A89898 Other Home & Community
Services, Emp Bnfts - - 998 -
CM39898 Other Public Safety-Empl
Bnfts - - 18,410 -
A31898 Other Traffic, Empl Bnfts - - - -
A56808 Other Transportation, Empl
Bnfts - - 1,092,359 -
A71108 Parks, Empl Bnfts - 81,554 450,069 -
A14308 Personnel, Empl Bnfts - 166,631 231,321 -
CD86848 Plan & Manage Devel, Empl
Bnfts - 64,612 - -
A80208 Planning, Empl Bnfts - - 262,539 -
A31208 Police, Empl Bnfts - 11,147,477 11,666,286 -
A67728 Programs For Aging, Empl
Bnfts - 204,942 - -
A14808 Public Inform & Services,empl
Bnfts - 90,710 - -
A30108 Public Safety Admin, Empl
Bnfts - - 221,260 -
A14908 Public Works Admin, Empl
Bnfts - 146,928 443,475 -
A13458 Purchasing, Empl Bnfts - - 129,939 -
A70208 Recreation Admini, Empl Bnfts - 183,824 530,621 -
A81608 Refuse & Garbage, Empl Bnfts - 1,609,667 2,311,749 -
CD86108 Rent Subsidy, Empl Bnfts - 205,930 - -
A56408 Rr Station Maint, Empl Bnfts - 105,646 - -
A36208 Safety Inspection, Empl Bnfts - - 859,468 -
A81208 Sanitary Sewers, Empl Bnfts - - 19,527 -
ES81208 Sanitary Sewers, Empl Bnfts - - 739,353 -
A81108 Sewer Administration, Empl
Bnfts - 305,810 - -
A51428 Snow Removal, Empl Bnfts - 27,933 42,763 -
EW83208 Source Supply Pwr & Pump
Empl Bnfts - - 239,157 -
A71808 Special Recreation Facilities,
Empl Bnfts - 420,904 - -
A33158 Stop Dwi, Empl Bnfts - - - -
A13308 Tax Collection,empl Bnfts - 57,143 - -
A33108 Traffic Control, Empl Bnfts - 280,658 397,269 -
A11308 Traffic Viol Bureau, Empl
Bnfts - 89,385 1,075,120 -
EW83408 Transportation And
Distribution-Empl Bnfts - - 518,383 -
FX83108 Water Administration, Empl
Bnfts - - - 3,941,038
EW83108 Water Administration-Empl
Bnfts - - 1,338,449 -
A73108 Youth Prog, Empl Bnfts - 167,681 576,860 -
A80108 Zoning, Empl Bnfts - - 350 -
Unemployment Insurance - 107,720 - 282,866
A90508 Unemployment Insurance,
Empl Bnfts - 107,720 - 282,866
Union Benefits Program - - - 8,061,080
A90708 Union Welfare Benefits - - - 8,061,080
Worker's Compensation - 1,437,940 2,791,083 13,222,211
A90408 Worker's Compensation, Empl
Bnfts - - - 13,222,211
MS90408 Worker's Compensation,
Empl Bnfts - 1,437,940 2,791,083 -
GENERAL GOVERNMENT - 295,792,120 42,646,665 117,253,743
Administration - 10,461,566 19,977,335 26,957,395
EP17104 Administration-Contractual - 1,172,530 - -
MS17104 Administration-Contractual - 739,074 - -
CU17101 Administration-Personal
Services - - 240,383 -
A13554 Assessment, Contr Expend - 54,762 19,479 34,914
A13552 Assessment, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 1,984 -
A13551 Assessment, Pers Serv - 361,736 440,487 1,218,974
A13404 Budget, Contr Expend - - 8,334 901
A13402 Budget, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 580 -
A13401 Budget, Pers Serv - - 376,261 533,562
A14104 Clerk,contr Expend - 90,286 99,632 48,786
A14102 Clerk,equip & Cap Outlay - - - 10,265
A14101 Clerk,pers Serv - 332,344 370,206 700,657
A13154 Comptroller, Contr Expend - - - 449,958
A13151 Comptroller,pers Serv - - - 5,277,234
EP13754 Credit Card Fees - 142,461 - -
ER13754 Credit Card Fees - 28,289 - -
ET13754 Credit Card Fees - 54,529 - -
A13104 Dir Of Finance, Contr Expend - 1,060,688 8,420,325 -
A13102 Dir Of Finance, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 731 4,356 -
A13101 Dir Of Finance, Pers Serv - 1,259,218 1,505,845 -
A14504 Elections, Contr Expend - 101,341 - 399,560
A14501 Elections, Pers Serv - 1,593 1,855 -
A14404 Engineer, Contr Expend - 53,029 24,831 -
A14402 Engineer, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 38,667 -
A14401 Engineer, Pers Serv - 845,688 1,865,371 -
A14204 Law, Contr Expend - 301,648 177,794 169,602
A14202 Law, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 1,637 -
A14201 Law, Pers Serv - 361,065 1,131,335 2,377,598
A10104 Legislative Board, Contr
Expend - 116,181 40,697 488,363
A10101 Legislative Board, Pers Serv - 257,927 221,325 1,329,084
A12104 Mayor, Contr Expend - 21,780 44,021 29,741
A12101 Mayor, Pers Serv - 209,042 552,812 745,260
A11104 Municipal Court, Contr Expend - - 18,922 2,332,204
A11101 Municipal Court, Pers Serv - - - 4,284,090
A12304 Municipal Exec, Contr Expend - 85,069 - 84,877
A12301 Municipal Exec, Pers Serv - 484,451 - 426,659
A14304 Personnel, Contr Expend - 585,900 59,331 412,148
A14301 Personnel, Pers Serv - 399,856 569,667 3,437,560
A14302 Personnel,equip & Cap Outlay - 3,324 6,179 -
A14804 Public Inform & Services,
Contr Expend - 150,276 - 146,790
A14801 Public Inform & Services,pers
Serv - 160,570 - 892,535
A13454 Purchasing, Contr Expend - - 10,002 10,261
A13452 Purchasing, Equip & Cap
A13452 Purchasing, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 1,256 -
A13451 Purchasing, Pers Serv - - 338,338 1,115,812
A13304 Tax Collection,contr Expend - 521,582 - -
A13301 Tax Collection,pers Serv - 190,946 - -
A11304 Traffic Viol Bureau, Contr
Expend - 116,424 945,665 -
A11302 Traffic Viol Bureau, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 3,928 -
A11301 Traffic Viol Bureau, Pers Serv - 197,226 2,435,830 -
County Distribution Of Sales Tax - - - -
Judgements - 246,660 - 7,500,000
MS19304 Judgements And Claims,
Contr Exp - 246,660 - -
A19304 Judgements And Claims, Contr
Expend - - - 7,500,000
Miscellaneous General Government - 271,643,522 2,338,661 -
EP19944 Depreciation - 931,761 - -
ER19944 Depreciation - 145,107 - -
ES19944 Depreciation - - 865,833 -
ET19944 Depreciation - 586,807 - -
EW19944 Depreciation - - 1,472,828 -
TC19354 Other Custodial Activities
Contractual - 269,979,847 - -
Operations - 13,440,372 19,503,074 81,898,980
A17204 Benefits And Awards - 484,510 - -
A16802 Central Data Process & Cap
Outlay - 67,432 - -
H16802 Central Data Process & Cap
Outlay - 98,345 - -
A16801 Central Data Process Pers Serv - 692,352 - 4,066,361
A16804 Central Data Process, Contr
Expend - 375,659 - 2,437,455
A16404 Central Garage Contr Expend - - 123,354 4,082,164
A16402 Central Garage Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 4,351 -
A16401 Central Garage Pers Serv - 1,074,154 1,416,730 2,868,839
M16404 Central Garage, Contr Expend - 2,715,065 - -
A16104 Central Services Admin,contr
Expend - - - 3,121
A16101 Central Services Admin,pers
Serv - 8,946 - 445,603
MS17224 Excess Insurance - 869,770 - -
H19972 General Govt, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 8,891,135 38,170,654
A19204 Municipal Assn Dues, Contr
Expend - - - 30,965
A16204 Operation Of Plant, Contr
Expend - 820,789 1,921,162 4,685,318
A16202 Operation Of Plant, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 53,989 -
A16201 Operation Of Plant, Pers Serv - 1,471,324 1,278,810 2,888,636
A19894 Other General Govt Support,
Contract Exp - 1,640,415 631,344 3,631,569
EP19894 Other General Govt Support,
Contract Exp - 263,632 - -
ER19894 Other General Govt Support,
ER19894 Other General Govt Support,
Contract Exp - 647,074 - -
ET19894 Other General Govt Support,
Contract Exp - 413,049 - -
A19892 Other General Govt Support,
Equip∩ Out - 195,581 16,034 -
H19892 Other General Govt Support,
Equip∩ Out - 28,838 - -
A19891 Other General Govt Support,
Personal Serv - 562,616 717,364 -
A19804 Payment Of Mta Payroll Tax,
Contr Expend - - - 871,231
A14904 Public Works Admin, Contr
Expend - 570,830 71,057 427,553
A14902 Public Works Admin, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 634 1,970 -
A14901 Public Works Admin, Pers Serv - 396,169 1,117,613 705,140
A19504 Taxes & Assess On Munic
Prop, Contr Expend - - - 16,584,371
EP19504 Taxes & Assess On Munic
Prop, Contr Expend - 43,188 - -
MS19104 Unallocated Insurance, Contr
Expend - - 3,258,161 -
Zoning And Planning - - 827,595 897,368
A80204 Planning, Contr Expend - - 104,894 40,576
A80202 Planning, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 654 -
A80201 Planning, Pers Serv - - 719,379 856,792
A80104 Zoning, Contr Expend - - 568 -
A80101 Zoning, Pers Serv - - 2,100 -

HEALTH - 124,665 - -
Environmental Services - - - -
Mental Health Services - 124,665 - -
A43204 Mental Health Prog,contr
Expend - 19,966 - -
A43201 Mental Health Prog,pers Serv - 104,699 - -
Miscellaneous Public Health - - - -
Public Health Administration - - - -
Public Health Facilities - - - -
Public Health Services - - - -

PUBLIC SAFETY - 55,618,709 47,085,392 188,947,280

Correctional Services - - - -
Disaster Response - - - -
Emergency Response - - - -
Fire Protection - 24,114,822 17,574,329 74,831,234
A34104 Fire, Contr Expend - 1,546,738 319,916 2,211,473
A34102 Fire, Equip & Cap Outlay - 279,178 44,017 10,267
H34102 Fire, Equip & Cap Outlay - 904,248 57,361 -
A34101 Fire, Pers Serv - 21,384,658 17,153,035 72,609,494
Homeland Security And Civil Defense - - - -
Miscellaneous Public Safety - 216,541 2,403,277 7,241,580
A35104 Control Of Animals, Contr
Expend - 216,541 - 145,737
A35101 Control Of Animals, Pers Serv - - - 808,099
CM39892 Other Public Safety, Equip &
CM39892 Other Public Safety, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 156,672 -
CM39894 Other Public Safety-Contr
Expend - - 102,011 2,695,882
CM39891 Other Public Safety-Pers
Serv - - 100,825 -
A36204 Safety Inspection, Contr
Expend - - 49,954 107,594
A36202 Safety Inspection, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 34,631 -
A36201 Safety Inspection, Pers Serv - - 1,959,184 3,484,268
Police - 31,287,346 25,489,080 106,874,466
A31892 Other Traffic, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - - -
A31891 Other Traffic, Pers Serv - - - -
A31204 Police, Contr Expend - 1,913,253 707,740 3,859,040
A31202 Police, Equip & Cap Outlay - 307,244 141,002 -
H31202 Police, Equip & Cap Outlay - 471,179 - -
A31201 Police, Pers Serv - 26,635,595 23,608,813 103,015,426
A33151 Stop Dwi,pers Serv - - - -
A33104 Traffic Control, Contr Expen - 798,112 236,564 -
A33102 Traffic Control, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 17,476 7,436 -
H33102 Traffic Control, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 598,740 - -
A33101 Traffic Control, Pers Serv - 545,747 787,525 -
Public Safety Administration - - 1,618,706 -
A30104 Public Safety Admin, Contr
Expend - - 947,430 -
A30101 Public Safety Admin, Pers Serv - - 671,276 -

SANITATION - 15,376,095 8,343,672 24,303,272

Drainage - - 1,168,786 -
H85972 Drain & Storm, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - 1,168,786 -
Landfill Closures - - - -
Miscellaneous Sanitation - 805,556 5,200 -
A81894 Other Sanitation, Contr Expend - 805,556 - -
H87972 Sanitation, Equip & Cap Outlay - - 5,200 -
Refuse And Garbage - 4,026,267 5,362,346 20,411,512
A81604 Refuse & Garbage, Contr
Expend - 665,959 1,156,893 4,956,009
A81601 Refuse & Garbage, Pers Serv - 3,360,308 4,205,453 15,455,503
Sewer - 10,544,272 1,807,340 3,891,760
A81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr Expend - - 17,618 -
ES81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr
Expend - - 1,225,162 -
G81204 Sanitary Sewers, Contr Expend - - - 302,945
G81202 Sanitary Sewers, Equip & Cap
Outlay - - - 73,163
A81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - 70,550 -
ES81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - 494,010 -
G81201 Sanitary Sewers, Pers Serv - - - 3,515,652
A81104 Sewer Administration, Contr
Expend - 212,980 - -
H81102 Sewer Administration, Equip &
H81102 Sewer Administration, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 9,630,751 - -
A81101 Sewer Administration, Pers
Serv - 700,541 - -
Storm Sewer - - - -

SOCIAL SERVICES - 11,130,741 - 310,540

Employment Services - - - -
Financial Assistance - - - -
Housing Assistance - 11,130,741 - 310,540
A86114 Emergency Tenant Protection - - - 310,540
A86104 Rent Subsidy, Contr Expend - 155,511 - -
CD86104 Rent Subsidy, Contr Expend - 10,455,781 - -
CD86101 Rent Subsidy, Pers Serv - 519,449 - -
Medicaid - - - -
Miscellaneous Social Services - - - -
Non-Medicaid Medical Assistance - - - -
Public Facilities - - - -
Social Service Administration - - - -
Youth Services - - - -

TRANSPORTATION - 12,792,787 15,134,662 6,828,735

Airports - - - -
Bus Service - - - -
Highway Services To Other Govts - - - -
Highways - 6,378,462 11,425,897 4,766,234
A51404 Brush And Weeds, Contr
Expend - 931,758 - -
A51401 Brush And Weeds, Pers Serv - 108,835 - -
A50204 Engineering, Contr Expend - - - 150,017
A50201 Engineering, Pers Serv - - - 2,941,235
A51324 Garage, Contr Expend - - 940,980 -
A51321 Garage, Pers Serv - - 699,674 -
H51972 Highway, Capital Projects - - 2,271,052 -
A51104 Maint Of Streets, Contr Expend - 1,650,327 2,145,072 73,015
H51102 Maint Of Streets, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 567,599 - -
A51101 Maint Of Streets, Pers Serv - 1,903,419 3,882,572 704,097
H51122 Perm Improve Highway, Equip
& Cap Outlay - 906,972 716,000 -
A51424 Snow Removal, Contr Expend - 240,069 577,484 500,535
A51421 Snow Removal, Pers Serv - 69,483 193,063 397,335
Miscellaneous Transportation - 1,884,693 3,466,323 2,062,501
A56804 Other Transportation, Contr
Expend - - 1,125,770 -
A56802 Other Transportation, Equip &
Cap Outlay - - 156,913 -
H59892 Other Transportation, Equip &
Cap Outlay - 1,884,693 - -
A56801 Other Transportation, Pers Serv - - 2,183,640 -
CM59894 Other Transportation-Contr
Expend - - - 2,062,501
Rail Service - 1,250,576 - -
A56401 Rr Station Maint, Pers Serv - 306,474 - -
ET56354 Rr-Rapid Transit, Contr
ET56354 Rr-Rapid Transit, Contr
Expend - 944,102 - -
Transportation Ancillary - 2,023,549 242,442 -
EP56504 Off-Street Parking, Cont
Expend - 1,757,279 - -
A56504 Off-Street Parking, Contr
Expend - - 242,442 -
A56501 Off-Street Parking, Pers Serv - 196,802 - -
H54102 Sidewalks, Equip & Cap Outlay - 69,468 - -
Transportation Facilities - 1,255,507 - -
H51302 Machinery, Equip & Cap
Outlay - 1,255,507 - -
Waterways - - - -

UTILITIES - - 10,500,349 27,770,325

Electricity - - - -
Natural Gas - - - -
Steam - - - -
Water - - 10,500,349 27,770,325
EW83204 Source Supply Pwr & Pump
Contr Expend - - 5,803,258 -
EW83201 Source Supply Pwr & Pump,
Pers Serv - - 530,348 -
EW83404 Transportation And
Distribution-Contr Expe - - 993,794 -
EW83401 Transportation And
Distribution-Pers Serv - - 1,099,525 -
FX83104 Water Administration, Contr
Expend - - - 20,410,983
FX83101 Water Administration, Pers
Serv - - - 7,359,342
EW83104 Water Administration-Contr
Expend - - 1,420,696 -
EW83101 Water Administration-Pers
Serv - - 652,728 -
Attachment 15 – Audio and
Transcription of Conversation with
Mount Vernon’s Bank Representative
on Comptroller Maureen Walker’s Un-
Authorized Use of Wire Transfers
Mayor Rich Thomas Conversation with JP Morgan Chase Bank
Representative Ed Lundell On Stopping Wire Transfers By Mount
Vernon Comptroller Maureen Walker Without Mayor’s Sign Off
May 12, 2017


JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 0:00

And that I believe was communicated back to so on that that was done, then my understanding is the
other request you have is to be included on all of the wires that are transmitted by the city. On the, from
the accounts of JP Morgan?

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 0:21

Well, yeah, it's more than just wires, it's so we can isolate that for a second and say, you know, as per
our charter, I cosign every payment. And in a wire transfer is a payment. And, and I'm being made aware
of that wire transfers are being made without my knowledge or sign off. So that's why, yes, that needs
to be corrected.

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 0:47

Okay. So the way the way the way the wires are transmitted, sir, is they're transmitted electronically
over an online banking platform called JP Morgan access. Okay, yep. Looks I'm sorry, go ahead.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 1:02

No, but I mean, so if the, my only the only here I'm solution and outcome oriented, I can, I can imagine
that you guys have some kind of, you know, nice dashboard. But the there's, there's going to have to be
a profile created for the mayor. And that profile is going to have to basically say, if there's a wire
transfer, there's a secondary, you know, person who has to approve it. So I don't know how you guys
gonna figure that out. Until then, I think we need to, you know, put a note on the account that it can't
happen unless, you know, there, it takes two.

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 1:38

May 12, 2017

TRANSCRIPTION OF Mayor Rich Thomas Conversation with JP Morgan Chase Bank Representative Ed Lundell On
Stopping Wire Transfers By Comptroller Maureen Walker Without Mayors Sign Off


Okay, so that's just bear with me one sec, because that's, I was getting to that. But so so there's the
wires are transmitted via JP Morgan access, and all funds transfers, all monetary transfers, even file
transfers that are done on access, we require as institution dual control. So two people have to touch
the transaction. So if the outside disparity, one more announcement, two more sentences, if the if the
city requires the signers to be the individuals who transmit those wires, then to your point, a full file has
to be created for yourself on JP Morgan access. And the wire can be created in the controller's office
and released in your office. Correct. So we can we do? Well, the security administrator on the system
creates the profile, so we could work with the administrator to do that, that would accomplish that. So I
can certainly pick up the phone, call the comptroller's office and say, Look, you need to create the
profile, you can't do any wires until that second approver. The mayor is set up and has the appropriate
entitlements to be able to do so.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 2:57

Excellent. So that's not a problem. Excellent that that's going to be very helpful, because, you know, I
don't even know who the people that are signing off on it. Is it her? Is it her secretary is it? You know,
because at the end of the day, you know, she could be sending money off to the Cayman Islands. And
nobody knows, except for you guys.

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 3:19

Okay, well, I can, I can tell you that as an institution, any of our municipal clients if they attempt to send
money overseas or outside of the United States, that sets off red flags all over the place, and the entire
banking team is notified.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 3:35

So except for the mayor, except for the mayor. The banking team is notified. I know I'm just giving you

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 3:43

And as I said, Sir, I

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 3:47

got caught in the middle of something that you never expected. That's why.

Page 2 of 9
May 12, 2017

TRANSCRIPTION OF Mayor Rich Thomas Conversation with JP Morgan Chase Bank Representative Ed Lundell On
Stopping Wire Transfers By Comptroller Maureen Walker Without Mayors Sign Off


JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 3:51

And to be honest, I I am interested in helping out any of our municipal clients do things better anyway, I
possibly can. That's my job. Yeah. That's, that's really all I care about. Because if it can be done better for
the constituents and the residents of the city of Mount Vernon, I'll do whatever we need to do.


JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell:

So I don't get to your point. I don't like getting stuck in the middle of these things. And I've been doing
this too long. I do get stuck in the middle occasionally. But I will will do whatever meets the
requirements that you have for the city charter. Okay. So,

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 4:32

so when we hang up, I will call Maureen's office

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 4:36

and say that we were advised that for the city charter, the two signers have to release all payments.
That includes the wires will file has to be established to the mayor so that the dual control consists of
the comptroller's office and the mayor.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 4:54

Excellent. And then

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 4:56

I'm gonna I'm gonna say one thing, though, if I make and I'm not trying to They'll myself out of this.
Yeah, but I can say that if they don't comply by that I might I, you know, there's not much I can do.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 5:11

Well, there there is, I mean, because

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JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 5:15

they're shutting down the profile. Yes. Yeah.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 5:17

And then I mean, that's, that's, that's the step because the the approach that I'm taking is very simple.
You know, there's a, the decisions have been made to, to wire money, no matter how you how you want
to slice it. And, and we were made aware of it after the fact that it's a possibility. We're sitting here and
expecting signing checks. And, and it's kind of like, you know, so we're trying to make sure, from a
quality control standpoint, we're taking all the steps for quality control purposes. But second to that is, if
I'm the signature on the check that cosings if if my name is on that bottom right corner, and our charter
says that I am, quote, unquote, the executive of the city, and I'm supposed to have all this stuff, how
come I don't have it? And so I need to know what the statements are. Now, whether or not she wants to
create a profile for me, or, or or not, I will walk into the nearest JP Morgan and say, I'm here, here's my
license, here's my, you know, my badge from Mount Vernon set me up. But if that can't happen, I'm of
the mindset that then we need to reassess our relationship overall.

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 6:31

While we don't, obviously, we would prefer not to see something like that happen, right? Because we do
have a very well established, long relationship with the city and none of us want to see that happen. So

Mayor Rich Thomas: 6:49

and that's why I'm saying I just want information. I want to know what our statements say, how many
accounts do we have? What's going on here? Because every time we turn around, we're crying poverty.
But I'm looking at this audit, and it says, we have over 25 million in this and then we have x here. And
I'm just like, You know what, guys? Enough of the bullshit, Pardon the language, but we have we have
real issues in this city that needs to be addressed, we can no longer tolerate, you know, smoke and

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 7:17

No understood. And I can tell you that. So for example, in terms of the bank statements, as I'm sure you
can imagine, the bank statements are cut monthly, they're typically cut the second or third business day
of the month, a profile could even be created for a user doesn't necessarily have to be yourself, but

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could be created for a user for the ability to pull the bank statements electronically every month, like
the second or third business day of the month.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 7:44

Yeah, that'd be and

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 7:47

so that user could be at Mondale who's, who's your administrative assistant? I don't have to be a signer.
But I just get the bank statement. I can't do anything else. Yep. But I can see bank statements. That's all I
can say.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 8:00

And that and that's all we want. So if you think you can get us, you know, the, you know, last year, let's
say, you know, 2015 2016, and the first five months of this year, I think that that'll make me very happy
because now I have something to look at that I can say, Okay, I have the past two years, I can look at
what was done in 15 and 16. And now I know where I am in 17 That's it.

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 8:27

Okay, and the well now, my understanding is Sheila had provided Tom with with some states so those
statements that she provided to Tom were they included in that 15,16 and year to date? 17

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 8:41

I don't know I haven't spoken to Tom I've been traveling this week and I was expecting to see you and
then that didn't happen. So that it's alright but but I'm saying so once I once I keep moving I don't I don't
have a chance to come back. Which is why I said let me get this done now. So So where is she was what
does she physically sit if she wants to print them out? I'll send a detective to come pick them up.

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 9:06

Sheila sits in Brooklyn, but you don't have to. You don't have to do that. That's fine. We can when she
pulls them we can overnight up to that's fine.

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CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 9:11

Okay. No, it's it's it's important that we get them today. So I'm trying to figure out, you know, we're in
Brooklyn issue. Is there anybody else closer?

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 9:22

She's she's in Metro Tech.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 9:24

Okay. Is there anybody closer?

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 9:27

Well, my office I sit on what's his revenue, but at the banker, we don't have the ability to print bank
statements. Okay. So we're, yeah, we can do transactions, we can

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 9:37

print banks. So is there. So I know you said that I can. I can ask

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 9:41

Sheila to print, bank statements and scan and email to you.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 9:50

That I mean, look, that'd be wonderful. Okay,

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 9:53

I'll be honest, it's 3030 some odd banks 28 bank statements. I don't know how quickly she's gonna be
Got to do that. So is there a preference you would have in terms of timing?

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CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 10:03

I mean, that's what I'm saying. If she wants to just print them out, we can have someone just come
there and pick them up. You know, I don't I don't mind sending a detective down to Brooklyn. He has
lights and sirens he can cut through traffic.

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 10:18

Alright, I need to just find out from Sheila, how difficult that would be. If she can have somebody, maybe
in the back office, print those bank statements and do them quicker.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 10:30

In that way. I mean, you don't have to worry about email, because I don't want it to, you know, to come
in in unsecured format, you know, unless,

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 10:39

yeah, no, no, we're not. We're not allowed to send anything that has sensitive data in it. Right? account
numbers, anything like that right? Tax ID, none of that can come in an unencrypted email that has to be

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 10:51

right. And then some say if but if you can send an encrypted email great, I just don't know how I'm
gonna get it. I don't have a profile.

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 10:57

Yeah, no, no, she was sure or customer service team, including she'll they work with a client set up a
profile to one time, it's a one time thing, you get a password. If there's no online banking profile, just the
profile to open encrypted emails from

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 11:09

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well, they look, she could do that, that. I mean, we'll do it in parallel. If she can do that. Great. And then
you can still send the guy down to pick it up that way, you know, she sees that it's for real.

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 11:24

We're not gonna we're not gonna question it's for real. I'm fine with this conversation. Excellent. Okay,
so Alright, so next steps for I will pick up the call, Maureen, when we hang up. Have a have the
conversation regarding the wires. What that means likely surge just so you understand is likely no wires
will go out for let's say the next 48 to 72 hours. Because that profile has to be created, you get a key fob.
With a rotating series of digits. It's an RSA token. That's how you access the system. And that's how you
release wires. Got it? Okay, so I will call Maureen's office. And then I will call Sheila,

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 12:15

can you come if you can just call Sheila first, please? Yeah, okay. Just, I want to get that emotion because
she's gonna need time to get those wheels spinning. And I know it's approaching lunchtime. And then
and then Maureen, you know, you can if you don't mind calling after Sheila, because I just think in
sequence, it's helpful to get the wheels turning.

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 12:32

Okay. Yeah. And then I can I mean, once I talked to Maureen, I don't know what's gonna happen from

Mayor Thomas


CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 12:41

She's gonna look, and here's the other thing. She based on the charter, she does not have the, you
know, the right in the title to, to, quote unquote, terminate these relationships in signed contracts. She
has no legal authority to sign contracts, I am the person for the city. So she can't give you the threat of
walking away. Because from what I understand, based on the way our attorneys are reading it, it's the
mayor, not the comptroller. Okay. And, you know, as I've offered before offer, again, our legal teams
available to talk with your legal team. And, and we're more than happy to show you where, where we
brought this issue to court. And, and Maureen got into a lot of trouble for that. So, you know, if we
really push this the way, you know, I, we may have to, we'll bring it back to the judge and show that she
violated the court order.

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JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 13:41

Let's, let's hope we don't have to go that route.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 13:43

Right. Which is why I'm just saying we want to we want to just I want to give you some some
information that will help you deal with her disappointment that, you know, we're enforcing the rules.

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 13:56

Okay. Okay. All right. All right. I appreciate your time, sir.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 14:03

Thank you. So I'm going to expect a call back from Sheila or my Brianna in my office is going to get a call
back from Sheila as to when and where we can pick this stuff up and then the encrypted email stuff. Yes.
Excellent. Thank you.

JP Morgan Chase / Ed Lundell: 14:14

Okay, you're welcome. All right.

CMVNY / Mayor Rich Thomas 14:18

Hey, you like that?

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