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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely
claiming that the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice
Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning
Partners’ while completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be
downloaded from the relevant resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* Copper Projects Limited (also known as CPL)
Site location* Abu Dhabi, Mussafah, UAE
Number of workers 70
Copper Projects is a medium sized company with head office located in Abu Dhabi.
We are housed in a Six story building in a business District in downtown.
The business is into Civil and Construction Works. We do business with major
stakeholders in the Oil & Gas and infrastructure sectors

At our Mussafah site, where the risk assessment was conducted, typical activities
undertaken include excavation, steelworks, shuttering, waterproofing, demolition,
General description of the organisation painting, concreting ,installation of precast concrete element and finishes works on
concrete structures and electrical works

Our Mussafah site operates from 8am to 5pm on Sunday to Thursday and is closed on
Fridays. But on Saturdays, workers are allowed to work for 6hrs on an alternate basis.

Description of the area to be included in the The risk assessment will cover the various activities required for the construction of dyke

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risk assessment wall, firewall and valve pit located in ” B” Cluster Area
The Site Manager has direct responsibility for health and safety in the site
Any other relevant information
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided
must be factual.

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
I started into relevant information on health and safety in construction. The ILO Code of
practice safety and health in construction (1992) and the document from HSE website:
“Health and Safety in Construction” (SHG150-Third Edition) were proven and excellent
Outline how the risk assessment was
sources of information in carrying out my risk assessment, especially the section on
carried out this should include:
Excavation works.
 sources of information consulted;
 who you spoke to; and I then did a site safety inspection around the "B" cluster, where various construction activities
 how you identified: were taking place and recording safety and health observations. I was involved in an interactive
- the hazards; session with some workers, where there was some clear information. I also review the accident,
- what is already being done; and incident and ill health records for the past 2 years to determine the types and frequency of injuries
- any additional controls/actions that have occurred.
that may be required.
The structure of the data and the information obtained helps to assess the risks from the identified
hazard and to make decisions for greater control that need to be applied without compromising
existing measures

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: Copper Projects Limited (CPL)

Date of assessment: 1st August , 2021
Scope of risk assessment: Excavation Works, Paving Works, Concrete Works & Waterproofing works, electrical works

Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further Timescales
and hazard and how? doing? controls/actions are for further
required? actions to be
person’s job title
(within …)

Safe movement of Site workers, 1) Pedestrian walkways and 1) Install convex mirror at 1. 2 weeks Site manager
people and contractors and visitors Vehicle’s route are clearly pipe culvert road
vehicles to site could suffer separated using physical crossing junction (where
serious personal injury barriers and markings the elevations of
Collision with and fatality from pipelines vary from 1. 2m
moving vehicle / collision with moving 2) Worksite speed limit of to 1. 7m obscuring
machinery vehicles. 30kmph is enforced and visibility)
2. 2 weeks HSE lead
maintained consistently
2) Faded speed limit
3) Revised alarm system signages should be re-
fitted and activated on all painted for clarity
mobile vehicles

4) Drivers are competent to

operate vehicle safely
with valid driving license

5) Workers and visitors to

site are mandatory to
wear high visibility
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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further Timescales
and hazard and how? doing? controls/actions are for further
required? actions to be
person’s job title
(within …)

clothing and hard hat

Safe movement of Workers and visitors to 1) Barrier with warning 1) Provide pedestrian 1) 1 week Supervisor
people and site could suffer signages being used to access and detour with
vehicles bruises, muscles isolate affected location directional sign to stop
sprains/strains fracture workers using the
People falling into even head injury if they vehicle route
open concrete fall into the open drain
drain along 1) Install the cover slab to 2) 1month Supervisor
walkway the open drain
Hazardous Workers involved in 1) Wet dust suppression 1) Purchase of ‘on tool’ dust 1)2 months Site Manager
Substances cutting and grinding adopted extraction systems (1,4&5)
activities and others 2) Provide regular checks 2) 6 months Mechanical
Exposure to working in close 2) Workers supply with and maintenance for the Engineer
respirable proximity P3 respirator, goggle extraction system.
crystalline silica Silica dust is a known and coverall and are 3) Ensure employees 3) 1 month
from concrete carcinogen leading to trained on their use training and information Supervisor & HSE
cutting and cancer of the lungs and on the safe use of the Lead
grinding of silicosis when inhaled. 3) Ensure adequate system and threats and
concrete structure supervision is mitigations for silica dust
provided and the 4) Provide adequate
control measures hygiene facilities on site
remain valid for the for workers to wash their 4) 1 month
duration of the work. hands and face at end of
the job.

5) Arrange health 5) 6 months HSE Lead

surveillance for the
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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further Timescales
and hazard and how? doing? controls/actions are for further
required? actions to be
person’s job title
(within …)

affected workers.
Noise Operators and nearby 1) Worker are supplied with 1) Carry out employee 1) 1 month HSE Lead-1&3
workers that are suitable ear defender and training and education
Noise exposure exposed to excessive trained on how to use regarding noise hazards
when using plate noise during paving them correctly and protection measures
compactor and cutting and soil
concrete cutter compaction activities. 2) Limiting the time workers 2) Ensure defective ear 2) 2 months Supervisor
spend in noisy area by defenders are removed
Noise level that changing job pattern. and replaced to avoid
exceeds 85db could reuse
cause noise induced
hearing loss 3) Regular health checks up
3) Planned maintenance to be provided to the
programme implemented workers 3) 3 months
for all equipment
4) Source for efficient-low
noise emission Site Manager
equipment through an 4) 6 months
effective purchasing
Vibration Operators using these 1) There is a risk 1) Provide information 1) 1 month HSE lead (1,&2)
equipment could suffer assessment on vibration and train workers in
Exposure to from hand-arm- in place tools maintenance
vibration through vibration syndrome and usage and the
the use of plate (HAVS) conditions such 2) Work rotation and time effect of vibration
compactor for as vibration white limit implementation using these
compacting of finger, nerve/joint system in place to ensure equipment

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further Timescales
and hazard and how? doing? controls/actions are for further
required? actions to be
person’s job title
(within …)

subgrade for damage, muscle exposure limit is not 2) Health check-up for all 2) 3 months
foundation laying weakening exceeded. workers that operates
and power on vibration
concrete vibrator 3) Ensure right equipment equipment
for fresh concrete for the job, well
poking maintained and in good 3) 3 months Site Manager
condition 3) Replace old, high
vibrating tools with new
4) Appropriate work ones
schedules with
adequate rest period.

5) Workers supplied with

anti-vibration hand
Slips and Trips Worker, contractors, 1) Walkways and work 1) Clean up oil spillage 1) Immediately Supervisor (1,2&3)
visitors could suffer areas clear of promptly
Obstructed injuries such as obstructions eg cable
walkways, cable brushing or fractures if trail. 2) Ensure Spill kit in place
trail and oil spill in they trip over object or and workers trained in its 2) 2 weeks
the workplace slip over oil spillage - 2) Worksite materials and use
waste are well managed 3) Train workers in the
and designated storage maintenance of slip and 3) I month
areas available with trip free work
barriers and signages environment.

3) Effective arrangement for

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further Timescales
and hazard and how? doing? controls/actions are for further
required? actions to be
person’s job title
(within …)

both random and routine

housekeeping in place

Working at height Employee working in or 1) Suitable hard barriers 1) Provide standard 1) 2 months Site Manager
near the excavation. along with warning pedestrian steel
People falling into signages and blinker light walkway at designated
excavation trench The consequences provided around the point to allow all time
or materials falling could be bruises, excavation safe access of workers
on workers in the fractured bones, head and others from either
excavation injuries. 2) Ladders used for safe side of the excavation
access to and egress from trench
the excavation are
suitable, maintained and 2) Implement a yearly Supervisor
checked regularly maintenance 2) 4 months
schedule for the
3) Spoil material, tools and access equipment
items stored 1.5m away
from the excavation edge 3) Train workers on the
safe use and 3) 2 months Supervisor/HSE
maintenance of the after lead
access walkway. installation
Working at height Workers involved in 1) Substandard scaffolding 1) Modify the scaffolding to 1) 1 week Scaffolding
steel fixing and platform being used include guard rails, toe Supervisor (1&2)
The risk of fall from shuttering activity for without protection board and fully boarded
unguarded/ firewall construction work platform with
unprotected work appropriate access and
platform Consequences like egress utilizing trained

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further Timescales
and hazard and how? doing? controls/actions are for further
required? actions to be
person’s job title
(within …)

competent workers and

bruises, sprain, head stop its until the
injury or fatality modification is
depending on the completed
impact of the fall
2) Ensure weekly checks 2) 2months
and maintenance of
scaffolding by
competent person.
3) 1 month Supervisor /HSE
3) Provide information and lead
training for affected
workers on safe working
at height
Electricity Workers who are doing 1. Residual current device 1. Provide earth leakage 1. 3 months Electrical engineer
Exposure to the work will be built in to main switch circuit breaker (ELCIB) in 1&2
electrical parts and affected when they 2. Employees working with all electrical circuit in the
general electrical come in contact with electricity are trained and workplace area
installation in the live electrical part, competent.
3. Ensure the fuses are 2. Ensure electrical
The outcome of
correctly fitted and always installation are installed,
electrical shock can 2. 1 month
read and follow the maintained and check
lead to physical
trauma, burn injuries
manufacture instruction regularly by a certified
and can sometimes
4. Use the correct cable Electrician
lead to death.
connectors to join
length of the cable
and do not allow

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Hazard category Who might be harmed What are you already What further Timescales
and hazard and how? doing? controls/actions are for further
required? actions to be
person’s job title
(within …)

tabbed joint.
Fire All workers and visitors 1) There is a Risk well controlled NA NA
to the site may sustain comprehensive fire
Worksite activities burns and/or smoke risk assessment in
such as welding inhalation injuries. place that addresses
and other "hot If anyone is trapped in all of these concerns..
work," smoking, the building and cannot 2) Preventative control
arson, be rescued, the worst- measures are in
malfunctioning case scenario is death. place, as are control
electrical measures to mitigate
equipment, fire damage if a fire
handling fuels and does break out.
other flammable 3) These are regularly
substances, and so tested and
on all contribute to maintained
fires. 4) Emergency
procedures are tested
regularly (weekly
alarm test and
monthly fire drll. Non
routine alarm and drill
in place to test

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial

Moral argument
arguments CPL has a moral responsibility to provide a healthy and safe working atmosphere for its employees
and others in the workplace. Because of the essence of their job practices, our staff do not expect
to return home sick or injured. Suffering from severe diseases or fatal accidents would have a
significant effect not only on the injured personnel, but also on their families and co-workers.

Financial argument
Accidents and ill-health in workplace will have a costly financial consequence. Some of the
cost can be direct (direct measurable consequence of the event or indirect (indirect
consequence of the event).
 Direct cost (worker sick pay, medical costs, product lost or damage, compensation
paid to workers, remedial actions cost for repair of plant, equipment and
infrastructures, etc)
 Indirect cost (business interruption, damage to industrial relation, legal services for
enforcement actions, cost of staff turnover, accident investigation time, damage to
business reputation etc)

Legal argument
Employees made ill or injured at work are able to sue CPL in the civil court for possible
compensation claim. Significant legal fee is associated with employee’s compensation
claim proceedings, and if successful, a substantial amount of compensation could be paid
to the affected worker.
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Our company failure to achieve legal minimum standards (non-compliance) can lead to
enforcement actions by regulating authorities or prosecution before the courts. These
actions could be issued for:
 Improvement notice – mandates to comply with legislation
 Prohibition notice – mandate to stop dangerous activity
Inability to follow formal requirement activity is generally viewed as an offense in itself
 Prosecution - where the criminal courts force fines and detainment for lawful breaks

Any effective arraignment may bring about discipline as a fine or potentially detainment. Should this
occur, it would stretch the organization monetarily or harm our standing which could prompt
conceivable loss of business openings.

Justification for action 1

Modify the scaffolding to include guard rails, toe board and fully boarded work platform with
Action appropriate access and egress utilizing trained competent workers (hazard category ‘work at
The International Labour Organization (ILO) sets out a Recommendation on Occupational
Specific legal arguments
Safety and Health (R164) that supplements Convention C155. Part IV of the
Recommendation specifically states that the undertaking (organization) must:

• provide and maintain workplaces, machinery and equipment, and use work methods,
which are as safe and without risk to health as is reasonably practicable.

At the moment CPL is in contravention of the ILO Convention and Recommendations as

well as the ILO(CoP) on Safety of Workplace

Should we fail to take any action, the likelihood of employee(s) falling is very high. Falls
Consideration of likelihood AND
from a height is the biggest cause of workplace fatality year in year out. Even falls from
relatively small heights (such as using ladders for picking from shelving) can cause serious,
sometimes fatal, injury
How effective the action is likely to be Stopping the immediate use until the scaffolding is modified and safe for use has prevented
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in controlling the risk. This should the fall risk.
Due to the impact of this on the workforce using this workplaform, the time scale of 1 week
 the intended impact of the action;
is justifiable to implement this action since resources are available. The modification will be
 justification for the timescale that
carried out by trained workers under the supervision of a competent personnel.
you indicated in your risk
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will This action will fully prevent the risk of fall as long as the scaffolding access platform is
fully control the risk. properly used, maintained and inspected in accordance with statutory regulations

Justification for action 2

Action Purchase of ‘on tool’ dust extraction systems (hazard category ‘hazardous substances’).

Specific legal arguments The ILO’s Convention C155 and Recommendation (R164) requires employers to make
sure that processes are reasonably safe. The ILO code of practice (CoP) ‘Safety in the use
of chemicals at work’ gives specific advice on the appropriate measures that employers
must make to protect workers against the risks identified by an assessment of risk. The
ILO’s Code of Practice ‘Recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases’
requires employers to report cases of occupational asthma to our country’s health and
safety regulator.
Consideration of likelihood AND Depending solely on the wearing of personal protective equipment doesn’t seem to give the
severity right protection against respiratory hazard, and also considering the fact that the workers
and the public are directly exposed to the dust since these activities are not executed in an
enclosed area. The chances that workers will suffer ill health through breathing in silica
dusts from cutting /grinding operations is very high.
Inhaling silica dust as a known human carcinogen could lead to cancer of the lungs and
How effective the action is likely to be This action will have a significant impact on the majority of the workforce; the extraction tool
in controlling the risk. This should will remove the dust at the source, which means that the amount of dust in the air will be
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include: less concentrated than it is now. Because of the rapid impact on reducing the amount of
dust in the work area, I've given the on-tool extraction systems a timeframe of two months.
 the intended impact of the action;
Consequently, the purchasing budget of the systems has to be agreed upon with the
 justification for the timescale that
Finance Director.
you indicated in your risk
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will This action alone will not completely reduce the risks as it requires the combination of other
fully control the risk. control measures in this risk assessment.

Justification for action 3

Provide standard pedestrian steel walkway at designated point to allow all time safe access
of workers and others from either side of the excavation trench (hazard category ‘work at

The International Labour Organization (ILO) sets out a Recommendation on Occupational

Specific legal arguments
Safety and Health (R164) that supplements Convention C155. Part IV of the
Recommendation specifically states that the undertaking (organization) must:

• provide and maintain workplaces, machinery and equipment, and use work methods,
which are as safe and without risk to health as is reasonably practicable

The ILO code of practice (CoP) ‘safety and health in construction’ gives advice on the
appropriate measures that employers must take to provide safety of workplaces specifically
in section:

3.4.3. All openings through which workers are liable to fall should be kept effectively
covered or fenced and indicated in the most appropriate manner.

At the moment CPL Ltd is in contravention of the ILO Convention and Recommendations
Consideration of likelihood AND The likelihood of injuries occurring from working in and around the excavation trench is
severity very high. This is due to the ongoing excavation activity and others working near this area
for 8 hours daily.
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Therefore, it is very probable that injuries will require hospital treatment eg, broken limbs or
possibly head injuries.
How effective the action is likely to be The pedestrian steel walkway will help promote safe working culture and practice within the
in controlling the risk. This should area of the excavation trench as it will put a stop to workers jumping from one side of the
include: excavation to the other or using other unsafe access to cross the trench
 the intended impact of the action;
I have given a timescale of two months for this action to be implemented. Company has to
 justification for the timescale that
source a supplier and fulfilled all business requirement to take of the access equipment. It
you indicated in your risk is hoped that this project will be accomplished well within the two-month timeline.
assessment; and
 whether you think the action will This action will fully control the risk provided the pedestrian walkway is properly used,
fully control the risk. maintained and inspected in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

Planned review date/period with I have decided that the review date will align with Company annual risk assessment review
reasoning policy. Therefore, the review date will be on 1 th August, 2022.
However, if there is a change in relevant legislation, new work procedure is introduced or
the activity in “B” is completed, the changes will be incorporated in the risk assessment
updated accordingly.
How the risk assessment findings will I will schedule a meeting with the site manager to discuss on the risk assessment findings
be communicated AND who you and to get his approval. Then provide engineers, supervisors and HSE leads with an
need to tell overview of the results and actions. The result of the risk assessment will be included in the
next available toolbox report, which will also advise workers on the next steps. A summary
of the risk assessment and actions taken will also be published on the company's intranet
and will be accessible to all employees.
How you will follow up on the risk I will write a note in my diary about when the action is to be completed. One week before
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assessment to check that the actions the scheduled implementation date, I will check with the responsible person to see if the
have been carried out process is complete. If the action should not be targeted, I liaise with the Site manager to
remedy it. I will also keep the employee's health and safety representative informed of the
progress of the process.

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