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Experiment 2.

Student Name: Shivam Sharma UID: 20MSM3049
Branch: M.Sc. Data Science Section/Group: B
Semester: II Date of Performance: 02/04/2021
Subject Name: Data Visualization Lab Subject Code: 20SDP-656

1. Aim of the practical: To connect and visualize our data in TABLEAU.

2. Overview of the practical:

 Connect to your data Step
 Drag and drop to take a first look Step
 Focus your results Step
 Explore your data geographically Step
 Build a dashboard to show your insights Step
 Build a story to present Step
 Share your findings

3. Software required: Tableau 2021.1

 Dataset used: College-enrollment-rates / Global Superstore Orders 2016

4. Practical steps:
a) To connect the dataset: The first thing we see after opening Tableau Desktop is
the start page.
The start page gives us several options to choose from:

A. Tableau icon. Click in the upper left-hand corner of any page to toggle between the start page and
the authoring workspace.

B. Connect pane. Under Connect, we can:

 Connect to data that is stored in a file, such as Microsoft Excel, PDF, Spatial files, and more.
 Connect to data that is stored on a server, such as Tableau Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Google
Analytics, and more.
 Connect to a data source that you’ve connected to before.

Tableau supports the ability to connect to a wide variety of data stored in a wide variety of places. The Connect
pane lists the most common places that you might want to connect to, or click the More links to see more
options. More on connecting to data sources in the Learning Library (in the top menu)

C. Under Sample Workbooks, view sample dashboards and worksheets that come with Tableau Desktop.

D. Under Open, you can open workbooks that you have already created.

E. Under Discover, find additional resources like video tutorials, forums, or the “Viz of the week” to get
ideas about what you can build.
For connect the data click on “Microsoft Excel “and prompt us file location and
double click to open it.

After connecting, window will look like and connection will show with the file name in
upper left corner. Then, drag the table into given area as shown in picture
After, dragging the given table in dataset you can connect more table by again dragging
different table with establishing a relation between two or more tables.
b) Drag and drop to take a first look Step

From the Data pane, drag Order Date to the Columns shelf.

From the Data pane, drag Sales to the Rows shelf.

This line chart shows that sales look pretty good and seem to be increasing over time.
This is good information, but it doesn't really tell you much about which products have
the strongest sales and if there are some products that might be performing better than
others. Since you just got started, you decide to explore further and see what else you can
find out.
c) Focus your results Step:

d) Explore your data geographically Step:

In the Data pane, double-click State to add it to Detail on the Marks card.

We got a map view.

e) Build a dashboard to show your insights

Click the New dashboard button, From the Dashboard pane on the left, drag created
Map to the empty dashboard.

view will update to look like this:

f) Build a story to present Step:

Click the New story button.

view will update to look like this:

g) Share your findings:
click Share on the toolbar

Enter the name of the server (or IP address) you want to connect to in the dialog
box and click Connect.
Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

1. Connecting to Data.
2. Drag and drop to take a first look.
3. Create a chart in a view that works for you.
4. Add fields to get the right level of detail in your view.

Evaluation Grid (To be created as per the SOP and Assessment guidelines by the faculty):

Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks


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