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ISO 14001:2015 and Life Cycle


14th Annual Gatekeeper Regulatory Roundup

March 23rd, 2018

Disha Gadre
Trinity Consultants
˃ Intro to Environmental Management Systems
˃ Overview of changes in ISO 14001:2015 standard
˃ Discussion of key ISO 14001:2015 themes
 Aspects and impacts
 Risk Evaluation
 Life Cycle Perspective
˃ Summary
Intro to Environmental
Management Systems
Environmental Management System
General Definition & Scope
˃ Set of systematic processes and
practices for managing risks &
opportunities associated with
environmental issues
˃ Implemented via following a system
framework or model
˃ Integrates environmental awareness and
performance mindset into company
˃ Exact nature of system must be tailored
to organization’s needs and operations
Environmental Management
System Purposes
˃ An environmental management system helps
organizations take a holistic approach to
environmental issues by
 Identifying;

 Managing;

 Monitoring; and

 Controlling

˃ Increase performance and minimize risk

˃ Includes the need for continual improvement
of an organization’s management system and
environmental performance
Organizational Benefits from EMS
Management systems can have many benefits to your organization
large or small
˃ Promote innovation
˃ Reduces risks and liabilities
˃ Increases likelihood of achieving & maintaining
regulatory compliance
˃ Alignment to company’s KPIs
˃ Improved change management execution
˃ Company branding
˃ Increased employee motivation and engagement
˃ Stakeholder interactions, tracking, and
Overview of Changes in
ISO 14001:2015 Standard
New vs. Old ISO 14001 Comparison
ISO 14001:2015
10 Improvement Red = New Requirements
10.1 General
Blue = Changed Requirements
9 Performance 10.2 Nonconformity and corrective
10.3 Continual improvement 4 Context of Organization
9.1 Monitoring, measurement,
analysis and evaluation 4.1 Understanding the organization and its
9.1.1 General context
9.1.2 Evaluation of 4.2 Understanding the needs &expectations of
compliance interested parties
9.2 Internal audit 4.3 Determining the scope of the EMS
9.3 Management review 4.4 Environmental management system

Continual 5 Leadership
8 Operation Improvement 5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.2 Environmental policy
8.1 Operational planning and 5.3 Organizational roles,
control responsibilities and
8.2 Emergency preparedness and authorities

6 Planning
7 Support 6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
7.1 Resources 6.1.1 General
7.2 Competence 6.1.2 Significant environmental aspects
7.3 Awareness 6.1.3 Compliance obligations
7.4 Communication 6.1.4 Planning to take action
7.4.1 General 6.2 Planning actions to achieve environmental objectives
7.4.2 Internal communication 6.2.1 Environmental objectives
7.4.3 External communication 6.2.2 Planning actions to achieve environmental
7.5 Documented information objectives
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Creating and updating
7.5.3 Control of documented
ISO 14001 Revisions (1 of 2)
˃ Incorporates ISO's new "high level structure" for all its
management system standards (Annex SL)
 Context of the organization
 Leadership
 Planning
 Support
 Operation
 Performance evaluation
 Improvement
ISO 14001 Revisions (2 of 2)
˃ Increased prominence of environmental management in
strategic planning processes;
˃ Greater input from leadership; and
˃ Stronger commitment to proactive initiatives that boost
environmental performance.
˃ Implementation of proactive initiatives to including
sustainable resource use and climate change mitigation
˃ A focus on life-cycle thinking
˃ The addition of a stakeholder-focused communication
Key ISO 14001 Thematic Changes
Area More emphasis compared to current version of ISO 14001

Strategic environmental management • Ensuring that environmental issues are addressed in

strategic planning
• Integrating the EMS into the site’s business model
Leadership • Increasing accountability among management team
Protecting the environment • Implementing proactive initiatives – P2, sustainable
resource use, climate change mitigation, biodiversity

Environmental performance • Improving environmental metrics by establishing

measurable performance indicators
• Focusing on outcomes and results
• Deploying risk based thinking to reduce impacts

Lifecycle thinking • Examining life cycle impacts of products and services

Communications • Focusing on identifying stakeholder needs &

• Improving outreach to address stakeholder concerns

Documentation • Recognizing the use of electronic systems

• Flexibility in establishing procedures to ensure effective
process control
Aspects and Impacts
Aspects and Impacts Purpose
ISO 14001:2015

˃ Core element of EMS

˃ They define areas to focus
˃ Within the defined scope of its management
system an organization shall define the aspects
of its activities, products and services that it
can control…
˃ Develop objectives and targets to address
significant aspects and impacts
Developing List of Aspects

Life Cycle Thinking

Aspects and Impacts Life Cycle Perspective

Every process stream Every process stream

inside facility outside facility
boundary boundary
What to Consider
ISO 14001:2015
˃ Inputs and outputs
˃ Assess controls in place
˃ Aspects that have a significant environmental impact
˃ Abnormal conditions and reasonable foreseeable
emergency situations
˃ Can address compliance items but look beyond
˃ Things you have control over
˃ Update with change
 Planned or new developments
 New or modified activities, products or services
Aspects and Impacts Matrix
LCP - ISO 14001:2015
LCP - Aspects and Impacts Scorecard
Risk Evaluation
Risks - ISO 14001:2015
ISO standard provides the following guidance:
1. Quantify risks for desired outcome
2. Prevent or reduce desired effects
3. Achieve continual improvement
Risks – ISO 14001:2015
Consideration of the following potential risks for large and
small organizations:
˃ Environmental Aspects -> Adverse impacts?
˃ Compliance obligations -> Legal obligations
Damaged Reputation
Beyond Compliance
˃ Expectations of interested parties
˃ Literacy or Language Barriers
˃ Economic Constraints
˃ Potential Emergency Situations – Acts of God (droughts,
floods, etc)
˃ Nature of processes and hazards handled
Emerging Risks
Multi-national organization you want to consider
risks on a global scale:
Major Economic Risks
˃ Environmental
˃ Geopolitical
˃ Societal
˃ Technological

Global Awareness
˃ World Economic Forum
˃ Global Emerging Risk Survey
Risk Evaluation
Evaluate risk based on the complexity of your

Key Elements of Risk Evaluation:

˃ Assign responsibility and accountability
˃ Conduct Research
˃ Consult External Subject Management Expert
˃ Benchmark
˃ Summarize and Report
Risk Management Tools
˃ Risk matrix
Consequence Increasing Annual Frequency

0 A B C D E
Severity Rating


Practically non
Reputation Rare Failure Credible Failure Probable Failure Frequent Failure


credible failure

Could occur but has Has rarely Has occurred Has occurred in May occur several Will occur
not necessarily been occurred in several times in operating times a year in routinely in an
observed in industry industry industry company operating company individual plant

0 Zero Injury Zero Damage Zero Effect Zero Impact

1 Slight Injury Slight Damage Slight Effect Slight Impact Low Risk

2 Minor Injuries Minor Effect Minor Effect Minor Impact Impact Reduction

3 Major Injuries Local Damage Local Effect
Major National
4 Single Fatality Major Damage Major Effect High Risk
Multiple Extensive
5 Extensive Effect International
Fatalities Damage
Implementation of Risk
˃ Other risk management/tools to consider:
 Fish Bone
 Fence Diagram
Risk Management Implementation
˃ Based on Identified Aspects
Risk Assessment

Risk Analysis ˃ Identify the system

˃ Identify hazards and possible harms
˃ Compliance Objectives, Interested
Parties, Economic Constraints etc.

Risk Evaluation ˃ Develop risk assessment based on

significant aspects (probability/severity)

Risk ˃ Compare risk with acceptance criteria
Yes Acceptance ˃ Accept or reject risk

˃ Estimate costs of migration
˃ Management of change (MOC) procedure to
Risk Mitigation/Prevention assist with prevention
˃ Define and take actions for mitigation

˃ Evaluate aspects on a periodic basis

Re-evaluate ˃ Develop risk levels of aspects
˃ Update objective and targets and take
Can MOC Improve Risk
Management Implementation?
˃ MOC is central to risk assessment and
 Lack of change management is a root cause of many
environmental incidents, i.e., change can have a
“domino effect” with unwanted implications
 Best in class EMS have robust change management
Why is Management of Change
˃ MOC should be essential part of an EMS
 An EMS allows a facility/an organization to operate at an
acceptable level of risk (or compliance) and improve aspects
of operation based on system performance and feedback
 Change management keeps the system at the desired level of
Life Cycle Perspective
What is Life Cycle Assessment
What is an LCA?
Evaluation of impacts throughout a product’s entire lifespan
including the following steps:

1. Extraction and Processing of

raw materials
2. Design and Production
3. Transportation and Distribution
4. Use and Maintenance
5. Recycling and Disposal
Why Conduct an LCA?
˃ Production process impact and optimization: Identify the part of a
production process to focus optimization efforts.
˃ Supply Chain Engagement: Large branded companies prompting
manufacturers to conduct LCAs and provide carbon/energy data
˃ Waste management: Used to select a sustainable approach.
˃ Product and packaging development: Draw on LCA methods in product
and packaging design.
˃ Green marketing: Communicating with customers about environmental
performance and progress.
˃ Strategy and risk management: Improve understanding of their
dependence on critical raw materials, the availability of alternative
sources and the impacts of those sources.
˃ Sustainability goals: Support meeting internal or public sustainability
˃ ISO 14001:2015: Element of the new ISO EMS Standard
Business Benefits of LCA
Who is Doing LCAs?
ISO standards and LCAs
˃ ISO 14001:2015
 Introduces Life Cycle Thinking as a requisite of the standard
 Future standards may include “Life Cycle Assessments”
˃ ISO 14040:2006 and ISO 14044:2006 Standard
 Provides a guidance on how to conduct an LCA
Life Cycle Perspective in ISO
14001: 2015
ISO 14001:2015 Standard provides a succinct definition
of “Life Cycle Assessment”
A perspective for assessing the environmental aspects
and potential impacts associated with a product including
˃ Compiling an inventory of relative inputs and outputs of a
product system;
˃ Evaluating the potential environmental impacts associated
with those inputs and outputs; and
˃ Interpreting the results of the Inventory Analysis and Impact
Assessment phases
Steps to Developing an LCA
Developing an LCA Involves Four (4) Key Steps:

Impact Assessment includes a Systematic Approach:

Establishing Boundaries
˃ Establish Boundaries for the Life Cycle
Perspective (LCP)
˃ Importance of your Established Boundary:
 The credibility of the Environmental
Management System (EMS) depends upon the
choice of the organizational boundaries.
 Do not want to exclude activities, products,
services or facilities that have significant
environmental aspects.
Boundary Example
˃ E.g.
 The boundary of the system under consideration
would begin at procurement of raw materials
and end at transportation of final product to
the contracted landfill and/or hazardous waste
 Company ABC has determined that it will not be
able to evaluate any LCP impacts beyond that
point due to unavailability of data and no
influence over supply chain beyond this point.
LCP Analysis – Main Components
˃ Environmental Aspects Register
 Want to determine environmental aspects of
activities, products or services that can be
controlled and/or influenced.
˃ Established Controls
 What controls are established, ensuring that
environmental requirements are being
addressed. in the design and development
process for the product or service.
˃ Exerted Influence
 How much influence is currently being exerted
over external service providers?
LCP Analysis –
Aspects Register Example
LCP Analysis –
Aspects Register Example
˃ Mapping Aspects Outside of
your Facility
 Upstream:
♦ Raw materials
♦ Transportation, etc.
 Downstream:
♦ End-of-life treatment
♦ Final disposal, etc.
˃ Reference your Aspects
 Reference established
controls and influence
associated with
environmental aspects
outside of your facility.
˃ Understanding Life Cycle Perspective
(LCP) very important to getting ISO
˃ LCP can also increase operational
˃ No clear methodology on how to
approach LCP.
˃ Talk to your ISO auditor on his/her
Effective EMS Overview
Questions & Discussion
Disha Gadre
Senior Consultant, Phoenix
[email protected]
(602) 274-2900 x 107
Stay Informed on Emerging Issues
˃ Environmental Training and
Online Registration
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and Online Registration
˃ eNews – Federal and State
Regulatory Updates
˃ Environmental Quarterly
˃ LinkedIn:
Senior Environmental Consultant Phone: 602.274.2900 ext. 107
Trinity Consultants Cell: 480.740.0204
1661 E. Camelback Rd., Suite 290 [email protected]
Phoenix, AZ 85016

 Technical
o Develops permit applications for clients in the cement, mining, aerospace, and refining
industries across multiple states such as Arizona, Texas, Colorado, California and Utah.
o Performs multi-media environmental compliance audits resulting in violation-free agency
o Performs air dispersion modeling (AERMOD) for permitting applications.
o Develops Emission Inventories, TRI Inventories, and support clients on other reporting
o Supports implementation of Environmental Management Information Systems (EMIS).
o Develops Risk Management Plan (RMP) elements.
o Coordinates ownership transfer of environmental permits for clients across multiple states.
o Supports permitting and compliance obligations for semiconductor, steel, and power
 Management
o Serves as a project manager for over 13+ projects till date.
o Manages revenue as a manager/lead consultant on projects worth more than $500,000 till
o Co-Instructs the ‘Clean Air Act for the Mining Industry’ Course.
o Trains and supports development of new hires

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