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How to get the DBI for DFF I created using

the Flexfield PER_ASG_DF. The column I

selected while cre

2771072 Posts: 73
May 21, 2015 6:41PM edited May 22, 2015 3:44PM 7 comments Accepted Answer
I created a DFF using PER_ASG_DF flexfield. I trying to pull the DBI of this DFF into Fast

I tried searching for PER_ASN_ASS_ATTRIBUTE1 but I couldn't find one.

I tried submitting the Create DBI process and selected the names Assignment EIT Information
EFF, Legislative Assignment Attribute and ran the process successfully. But no result I was not
able to search the DBI in Fast Formula section.
Can someone help me in getting the DBI for this.

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Best Answer

Pawankumar630817-Oracle Posts: 691 Bronze Trophy
May 22, 2015 1:52PM edited May 22, 2015 1:52PM Accepted Answer
This process doesn't support this flex PER_ASG_DF. As mentioned above, you can use already
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Srikanth P - Oracle Posts: 99 Red Ribbon
May 22, 2015 12:18AM edited May 22, 2015 12:18AM

I have a question here, you have created the segment in PER_ASG_DF and ran the process for

Am i missing anything here ?

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Soma M - Oracle-Oracle Posts: 88 Red Ribbon
May 22, 2015 2:44AM edited May 22, 2015 2:53AM

For flexfields (such as DDFs, EFFs, and KFFs)  you should Generate the DBI’s by running the
‘Generate Database Items’ process and the same set of

parameters used in the source instance.

You need to go to

Checklist > Submit Process or Report > Select 'Generate Database Items' > Choose your DFF>
Provide context name  and run the process

If process goes to success , DBI would have been generated.

If you have created multi row context you can use those DBI as Array DBi in fast formula.


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Pawankumar630817-Oracle Posts: 691 Bronze Trophy
May 22, 2015 2:59AM edited May 22, 2015 3:01AM
That's the issue here, you have created a segment in one flex(PER_ASG_DF) and ran process for

You can use this DBI PER_ASG_ATTRIBUTE1 instead of PER_ASN_ASS_ATTRIBUTE1 to get

the attribute value. I mean this DBI is already there, you don't need to generate a new one.
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2771072 Posts: 73
May 22, 2015 1:42PM edited May 22, 2015 1:42PM

You are not missing anything. What you said is right. I'm not able to find PER_ASG_DF in the
names list in the Create DBI Process so I'm trying whatever showing up there.

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Pawankumar630817-Oracle Posts: 691 Bronze Trophy
May 22, 2015 1:52PM edited May 22, 2015 1:52PM Accepted Answer
This process doesn't support this flex PER_ASG_DF. As mentioned above, you can use already
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2771072 Posts: 73
May 22, 2015 3:37PM edited May 22, 2015 3:37PM
Hi Soma,
I already did what you said, but I couldn't find my DFF name in the names search list.
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2771072 Posts: 73
May 22, 2015 3:42PM edited May 22, 2015 3:42PM
I was able to find this. I'm storing a flag 'Y' or 'N' in this. Do you know if we can establish an
Eligibility Criteria based on the values present in the DFF? If so can you let me know how

Hi Zongyan,

This is everything I can tell you about EIT's:

Extensible Flexfields

An extensible flexfield is similar to a descriptive flexfield, but does not have a fixed number of segments,
and allows grouping of segments into contexts. Can be either single

row or multiple row format.

In Manage Person there is a dedicated page called Extra Information where al the context for the Person
EIT Information flexfield are grouped together. When defining your

Person EIT Information flexfields you must also be sure to add your context to the Pages tab so that it
will display on the EIT page. The following note should help:

Newly added context of EFF Person EIT Information not displayed (Doc ID 1573610.1)

Extensible Flexfields include:

Person EIT Information – (PER_PERSON_EIT_EFF)

Assignment EIT Information – (PER_ASSIGNMENT_EIT_EFF)


Setup by Navigating to Setup and Maintenance -> Manage Extensible Flexfields task

Search for EIT e.g Person EIT Information, Edit and Click on Manage Contexts button and search to see

existing contexts. Need to Create new context, and segments then add to Associated Contexts in
previous page.



Hi Zongyan ,

The Assignment EIT would be appearing in the Manage Employment UI , below the Supervisor Field.

This would appear once you are able to create and deploy the EIT structure successfully ( including
associating the Custom Category/segments in the PAGE tab ).

I believe there is recently bug that was introduced recently by which we are unable to associate the the
custom segments to the Page context which is getting fixed very soon.
To answer your question on the thread , the Assignment EIT , after it has been created successfully
following all the required steps for an EIT would appear in the Manage Employment UI below the
Supervisor field.



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