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A computer program is a set of instructions that directs a computer to perform


Meaning of Programming Language

A programming language is a set of words, symbols and codes that enables a

programmer to communicate instructions to a computer.

A programmer is someone who writes and modifies computer programs.

Programming is the act of writing instructions for computer to perform a specific


Categories of Programming Languages

There are a number of programming languages existing today. Each language has
its own rule for writing the instructions. Programming languages are designed for
specific purposes, such as scientific applications, business solutions or web page

Programmers must decide which programming languages and tools to use when
they write programs.

Types of Programming Languages

1. Machine language
2. Low level language
3. High level language

Machine Language

A language in which the computer performs the instructions immediately without

any further translation is called machine language. The machine language is the
computer primary language. It is the only language that the computer understands
and does not require interpretation. It is usually written in binary digits (0’s and
1’s). Machine language is referred to as the first-generation programming language
because it was the earliest computer programming language.

Low Level Language

A low-level programming language is a programming language that is almost

similar to the computer language (machine language). Generally, this refers to
either machine code or assembly language. The word “low” refers to the small or
nonexistent amount of difference between the language and machine language;
because of this, low-level languages are sometimes described as being “close to the
hardware”. Programs written in low-level languages tend to be relatively non-
portable, mainly because of the close relationship between the language and the
machine language.

Low-level languages can convert to machine code without a compiler or

interpreter.  Second-generation programming languages use a simpler translator
called an assembler— and the resulting code is understood and executed by the
computer machine. A program written in a low-level language runs very quickly.
An equivalent program in a high-level language can be less efficient and use more
memory. Low-level languages are simple, but considered difficult to use, due to
numerous technical details that the programmer must remember.

Low-level programming languages are sometimes divided into two categories: first
generation and second generation.

High Level Language

High level language is the programming language written by the programmer in

form of English language for better understanding. It uses symbols and words to
give instructions to the computer. High level language must also be translated into
machine language before execution. It is less machine dependent unlike machine
language. The language translator called a Compiler, translates high level source
statements into machine code at once while the interpreter translates the source
program line by line every time the program is executed.

Types of High Level Language

There are five types of high-level language. They are:

1. Scientific language
2. Multi-purpose language
3. Commercial language
4. Command language for operating system
5. Special purpose programming language. 

Scientific Language

This is the language that is used for scientific and engineering purposes. Examples
include FORTRAN – Formula Translator, BASIC – Beginner All-purpose
Symbolic Instruction Codes. It combines the features of the extensive arithmetic
computational ability and the ability to handle mathematical expression.

Multi-Purpose Language

This type of high level programming language can cope with a number of different
types of application areas. Examples of multi-purpose language are Visual BASIC,
PL/I C++, Java etc.

Commercial Language

This type of program was first developed by the American Government Defensive
Department to create a common administrative language for internal and external
use. The prominent language is COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language).

Command for Operating System

This program language is used to control the operating system. An example is

DOS Commands (Disk Operating System commands.)

Special Purpose Language

This is programming language designed for a specific assignment. It is tailored

towards a particular problem. E.g. Structural Query Language

Examples of High Level Programming Languages

(i) BASIC (Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

(ii) FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator)

(iii) PL/1 (Programming Language 1)

(iv) COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language)


(vi) JAVA

(vii) C  etc.

Steps to Writing a Program

Before a program is written, there is need for proper planning on how the problem
at hand will be solved. Steps to follow are;

1. Problem definition
2. Planning the solution
3. Program coding
4. Program testing
5. Program documentation

1. Problem definition: The programmer is expected to study the problem and also
know all inputs to be used in the program and the expected output.

2. Planning the solution: Before a program is written, flowchart for that program
must first be written and tested before the actual coding of the program. A
flowchart is a diagrammatical representation of the step by step method involved
in writing a given program.

3. Program coding: This is the actual coding of the program

4. Program testing: The written program is tested and errors are corrected to
check the workability of the program

5. Program documentation: This involves writing a detailed description about the

program, facts pertaining to the usage and maintenance of the program. 


The Meaning of BASIC

BASIC stands for Beginner All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It is not

only simple but also a very powerful high level programming language. The
original BASIC was designed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz in the mid
1960’s at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, USA. It consists of statements
written in English words and mathematical notation. It is written in English-like
and mathematical notations. 

Rules for BASIC Programming

I. All expressions must be written in capital letters.

II. First character must be alphabet
III. BASIC statement or keyword must start with a line number.
IV. Each line must contain only one BASIC program statement.
V. There must not be full stop at the end of a statement.
VI. The start/begin statement must be the first entry in a program. This does not
mean that there is a statement called START.
VII. The End statement must be the last entry in a program.
VIII. Spaces should be inserted to make the program more readable

BASIC Character Set

1. Character Set: These are the acceptable characters in BASIC programming.


Numbers 0 – 9,

Alphabets A – Z, a – z,

Special characters or symbols   +, -, *, /, <, &,:,; etc.

2. Data Constants & Data Variables

(i) Data Constant (or constants)

These are data that do not change during the course of computation or program

(ii) Data Variables (variables)

They are data that can change in constant numerals versus variable numerals.

Constant data Variable data

10       A = 1 10 INPUT A
20       B = 2 20 INPUT B
30       Sum = A + B 30 Sum = A + B
50       END 50 END

3. Keyword: This is also referred to as a BASIC statement. It is an instruction

which has special meaning to the computer or BASIC interpreter. Examples: REM,
LET, INPUT, READ, PRINT, GOTO, FOR…., NEXT etc. these must not be used
as a variable name during the course of writing any BASIC program.

What is a Variable? A variable is a symbol that can represent any value.

Variables are used to represent values needed for processing during program
executions. A Variable can be any alphabet or combination of alphabets.

Rules Guiding Variable Names:

1. It begins with a letter

2. It does not nave spaces
3. It should not be the same name as a word already used by the BASIC
language such as END, LET, and PRINT etc. 

Types of Variables:   

1. Numeric Variable: these are used to hold numbers, integers, real numbers or
exponential form. Examples are A1, T4, and G9 R2 etc.

2. String Variable ($): String variables are used to hold inputs that are alphabetic.
This kind of variable can be up to 255 characters in length but it must be enclosed
in double quotes (“”). It is represented with the $ sign

Examples of Variables:
Numeric Variable String Variable ($)
A A$
C1 C1$
L L$

Key BASIC Statements

Line Numbers:

In BASIC, we need a line number for each BASIC statement. Line Numbers must
be positive whole numbers from 1 to 99,999. A line number is always in integer
form and this is done to give room for correction when necessary. It is presented in
the format below:

10 ……………………..

20 ……………………..

30 ……………………..

40 …………………….. Etc. 

REM Statement (Remark or Remember)

REM statements stand for remark or Remember. The statement allows you to add
comment and explanatory notes to your program. This may as well include date
and what the program or segment of a program is all about. Computer does not
execute REM hence, it is NOT necessary to use Line Number for REM. It is just a
remark that aids the programmer or whoever reads the program to remember or
understand certain things about the program.





Assignment statements are used to assign values to a Variable. Examples are LET,

INPUT Statement

This allows you to type in data into a variable directly from the keyboard while the
program is running. This program will be able to produce the required result with
given data. The INPUT statement can be used in the following ways; 





Note: if you want to a set of written note to display on your output screen exactly
the way you have typed it in your program, you enclose the text with a double
quote (“”).


PRINT “Hello”

LET Statement

The LET statement permits the programmer to assign numbers and formulas to a
variable name.


10 LET FISAYO = ½ (b*h)

20 LET J$ = “How do you do?”


DATA Statement
The statement (Read and Data) goes hand in hand. Data statement is used to enter
data into a program before running the program or before program execution
occurs. The data to be entered into the program is read from DATA statement.


10 READ A, B, C, D

20 DATA 3, 5, 10, 15

Note: The way you arrange the values on DATA line is exactly how the values
will go into the variables. So be mindful of it.

OUTPUT Statement (PRINT)

The result of the processed data is displayed by output statement. The PRINT
statement brings out the processed data. The print statement has the general format.


20 PRINT D, E, C

25 PRINT A, $, C

30 PRINT “The answer is”, = ADA

Program Terminator (END)

END Statement: this always indicates the end of a BASIC program. When the
computer comes across the end statement in a program, the computer automatically
ends. End should always be the last statement in the program to indicate the
physical end of the program.

END indicates when the logical executions of a program should cease.


40 END

This means CLear Screen. Every BASIC program should begin with CLS to avoid
getting unexpected display on the screen.

Simple BASIC Statements

Structure of BASIC Program

(i) One instruction or statement per line

(ii) Each line must begin with a line number

(iii) Line numbers are unsigned positive integers

(iv) Line number should increase in steps of 10 to allow for insertion of extra lines
during program modification.

Example 1:  Write a BASIC program to find the average of three numbers.



10       READ A, B, C

20       DATA 5, 10, 15

25       LET SUM=A+B+C

30       LET AVE=SUM/3

35       PRINT AVE

40       END

Example 2: Write a BASIC program to calculate the volume of a box.



20       READ L, B, H

30       DATA 3,5,10

40       LET VOLUME =L*B*H


60       END

Conditional Statements

These are statements in BASIC programming that are dependent on some certain
conditions and criteria before they can be obeyed. Example is IF…THEN…ELSE


This is a conditional statement. If the condition is true, the statement following the
“THEN” is executed.





60 END

Sample Program

20 LET A$ = “Spidaworks High School”

30 LET B$ = “Uti Road off DSC Express Way, Warri, Delta State”



60 END

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson the student should be able
- Describe graphic packages
- Identify different types pf computer graphics
Graphic refers to drawings and design using graphical software and packages such
- Instant Artist
- Microsoft Publisher
- Page maker
- Corel Draw
- Freelance Drawing
- Photoshop
- Logo graphic etc.
Features of Graphic packages
a. Menu bar: is used to activate commands of graphic packages and operation,
some packages contain the following, file, edit, view, text, tools, window,
help etc.
b. Toolbar: this is a bar that contain short cut to the menu and other command
c. Tool box is a bar with tools for creating, filling and modifying objects in the
d. Printable area: is referred to as the work space inside the drawing window
e. Colour palette: it is a bar that allows you to fill desired objects or tex with
any colour you want.
Uses of graphic packages
1. They are used to create, edit, display and print graphic images
2. They are used to design letter head paper, birthday cards, wedding cards,
complimentary cards, invitation cards, logo, banner etc.
3. They are used for designing art work
4. They are used for designing cartoons, news, book cover, illustration in the
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the students should be
able to:
- Practically explore graphic package to know what each button and icons
satnds for
Corel Draw
This is one of the well-known graphic packages gotten from Corel Corporation in
Canada. It is the most used package by desktop publisher, media houses, and
graphic students. There are different version of CorelDraw.
Getting started with CorelDraw
i. Boot your computer system
ii. Click start
iii. Move to program
iv. Select the version of CorelDraw installed on your system
v. Click on the selected one
vi. A dialogue box appears where you can choose your option, in that dialog
box you would find
New graphic, open last edited, open graphic, template, Corel Tutor, and
what’s new.
To open an existing file
This can be done in two ways
1. Shortcut by using keyboard press CTRL + O
2. Go to file menu, click on file, click on open
List of all document would appear, you can select the document you want to open
To save your file (Ctrl + S) or
- Go to file menu
- Click on save as
- A dialog box will appear
- Type the name of the file
- Click save
To copy a file (Ctrl + C)
- Go to edit menu
- Click edit
- Click on copy
- Go to the area where you want to paste on
- Click the place
- Go back to edit menu
- Click edit
- Click paste or Ctrl + V

CorelDraw tools from toolbox

Paint is a software from Microsoft Inc. it allows one to create, customize and paint
graphic or images.
Starting Paint program
- Click on start menu
- Navigate to all program and click on it
- Navigate to accessories or window accessories and click on it
- Move to paint program and click on it
The Toolbox

The toolbox is very useful, because it contains the tools you will use in order to
come up with your drawing. It contains the following tools:
a. Free-Form Select and Select Tool: For selecting a specific object, which then
you can copy and paste in another location, or you can opt to delete that
b. Eraser/Colour Eraser: This is for erasing your drawing or the colour you have
c. Pick Colour: This picks a specific colour you want and makes it the active
colour, meaning that whatever you do next will have that colour.
d. Pencil: You will use it for drawing.
e. Airbrush: For spraying your object with colour.
f. Line Tool: For drawing a line. To make your line straight, hold down the Shift
key and then drag your mouse holding the left button. Select the thickness of
the line below the toolbox.
g. Rectangle Tool: For making rectangles. You can also draw a square by holding
the Shift key.
h. Ellipse: For drawing an ellipse, you can also draw a perfect circle by holding
the shift key before you start dragging your mouse.
i. Fill With Colour: As the name suggests, you use this tool to fill an object with
colour at once.
j. Magnifier: This is a zoom tool that you can use to magnify a part of your
k. Brush: Use this for painting, just like you would paint your house.
l. Text: You will use this for entering text.
m. Curve Tool: For drawing a curve.
n. Polygon Tool: For drawing a polygon, but still you can draw a lot of other
o. Rounded Rectangle: This tool helps you to draw a rectangle with rounded


Meaning of ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

ICT is an acronym for information and communication technology. The plural

form is information and communication technologies (ICTs). They are a diverse
set of technological tools and resources used to create process, store, retrieve,
communicate, and manage information. ICTs comprise a range of technology
products and activities that enable the recording, storage, storage, processing,
retrieval, transmission, and reception of information. ICT is also referred to as
technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is
similar to Information Technology (IT), but its primary focus is on communication
technologies. In the past few decades, information and communication
technologies have provided society with a wide range of new communication
capabilities. For example, people can communicate in real-time with others in
different countries using technologies such as instant messaging, voice over IP
(VoIP), and video-conferencing. Social networking sites like Facebook and
Instagram allow users from across the world to remain in contact and communicate
regularly. Modern information and communication technologies have created a
“global village,” in which people can communicate with others all over the world
as if they were neighbours. For this reason, ICT is often studied in the context of
how modern communication technologies affect society.
Examples of ICT Gadgets

1. Computers
2. Telephone (GSM)
3. Cellular network
4. Satellite communications
5. Television
6. The Internet. 


1. What is the meaning of ICT?

2. State 5 examples of ICT gadgets.


The Benefits of ICT

The following are the benefits or advantages of of ICT:

1. Timely, better and cheaper access to knowledge and information.

2. Speeds up transactions and processes.
3. Provides opportunities for human beings to interact with one another in new
ways easily.
4. Makes distance to become irrelevant in business transactions and dealings.
5. ICT has brought about innovative ways of interaction.
6. It provides employment opportunities to people globally
7. It is very useful as a medium of instruction in schools. It also makes people
to acquire knowledge especially in ICT.
8. When used in governance, it leads to efficiency. This is called e-
9. It is useful in medicine for medical diagnosis.

Disadvantages of ICT

The disadvantages of ICT include the following:

1. It can lead to job loss as a result of computerization of transactions in an

2. Youth often abuse the internet by using it mostly for entertainment,
watching pornography and using it to commit crime, notably cybercrime.
3. ICT use often leads to a breakdown in social bonds between people. People
prefer to send e-mails or call their loved ones on phone rather than visiting
4. Repetitive strain injury, strain on tendons in the arms, back problems and
painful eyes are caused by prolonged use of the computer
5. ICT use can lead to computer addiction, obsessive computing behaviour and
6. Advent of ICT has led to infringement of people’s privacy and
confidentiality of information today can no longer be guaranteed.
7. Some software can be difficult for some generations and people to use.
8. Viruses are contacted from the internet and this damages the files in the



GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication)

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications, originally Groupe Spécial

Mobile) is a standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI) to describe the protocols for second-generation digital cellular
networks used by mobile devices and mobile telephones, first deployed in Finland
in December 1991. As of 2014, it has become the global standard for mobile
communications – with over 90% market share, operating in over 219 countries
and territories.

2G networks developed as a replacement for first generation (1G) analog cellular

networks, and the GSM standard originally described as a digital, circuit-switched
network optimized for full duplex voice telephony. This expanded over time to
include data communications, first by circuit-switched transport, then by packet
data transport via GPRS (General Packet Radio Services) and EDGE
(Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution, or EGPRS).

Subsequently, the 3GPP developed third-generation (3G) UMTS standards,

followed by fourth-generation (4G) LTE Advanced standards, which do not form
part of the ETSI GSM standard.

Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)

Subscriber Identity Module or Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) is an

integrated circuit that is intended to securely store the international mobile
subscriber identity (IMSI) number and its related key, which are used to identify
and authenticate subscribers on mobile telephony devices (such as mobile phones
and computers).
One of the key features of GSM is the subscriber identity module (SIM),
commonly known as a SIM card. The SIM is detachable smart card containing the
user’s subscription information and phonebook. This allows the user to retain his
or her information after switching off the handsets. Alternatively, the user can also
change operators while retaining the handset simply by changing the SIM, some
operators will block this by allowing the phone to use only a single SIM  or only a
SIM issued by them; this practice is known as SIM locking, and is illegal in some
countries. SIM cards are always used on GSM phones; for CDMA phones, they are
only needed for newer LTE-capable handsets. SIM cards can also be used in
satellite phones, computers, or cameras.

Fax Machine

Fax (short for facsimile), sometimes called telecopying or telefax (the short form
of telefacsimile), is the telephonic transmission of scanned printed material (both
text and images), normally to a telephone number connected to a printer or other
output device. The original document is scanned with a fax machine (or a
telecopier), which processes the contents (text or images) as a single fixed
graphic image, converting it into a bitmap, and then transmitting it through
the telephone system in the form of audio-frequency tones. The receiving fax
machine interprets the tones and reconstructs the image, printing a paper copy.

Fax machines with additional electronic features can connect to computers; can be
used to scan documents into a computer, and to print documents from the
computer. Such high-end devices are called multifunction printers and cost more
than fax machines.
The Telephone

The telephone is a telecommunication device which is used to transmit and receive

sound (most commonly voice and speech) across distance. Most telephones operate
through transmission of electric signals over a complex telephone network which
allows almost any phone user to communicate with almost any other. Thus, a
telephone is an electronic tool. Using a telephone, two people who are in different
places can talk.

Computer can use a machine called a modem to talk to other computers over a
telephone line. This allows a computer to connect to other computer networks
including the internet.

Early telephones needed to be connected with wires. Now telephone calls can be
sent with radio. This is also called wireless. While the term “wireless” in this
context means radio and can refer to any telephone that uses radio waves, it is
primarily used for cellular mobile phones.
The Differences among GSM, Fax Machine and Telephone

S/n GSM Fax Telephone
It can be used for
Global system of mobile
1. Facsimile transmission sending text and
audio messages
It is used for scanning
It is used for making calls and sending/receiving images It cannot send
and sending text messages. images
and text documents
Presence of a SIM card SIM card is not needed SIM card is not
is essential (Uses telephone line) needed


Steps in Creating and Sending Messages Using GSM

1. Using any handset irrespective of the network

2. Look for an icon that indicate message
3. Click on the icon
4. Sub menu pops up under it
5. Scroll down and look for icon label create a message
6. Click on create a message
7. Type the message and the phone number of the recipient
8. Click the given green button on the handset to send the message.

Storing and Retrieving Information on a GSM

 To store information using GSM

1. Type in the message

2. Click save

To retrieve information using GSM

1. Look for message icon

2. Click on it
3. Scroll down to look for saved items
4. Click on the icon
5. It pops up the information

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