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Drug Name Classification and Mechanism of Indications and Side Effects and Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities

Action Contraindications Adverse Effects

Generic Name: Classifications: Indications: Side Effects: ● Observe 10 Rights in giving or
Used to treat bacteria Should be only given while administering medication.
Co- Amoxiclav * Penicillin-like antibiotics. infection. Diarrhea, Nausea, breastfeeding. ● Inform the patient of the side
Vomiting, Headache, effects and this medication can
Used to treat cystitis, Should not be taken when cause
Trade/ Brand Name: urethritis, pyelonephritis, having glandular fever, ● Assess bowel pattern before and
Mechanism of Actions: female genital infections. Adverse Effects: allergies, have liver or during treatment as
Augmentin Co-amoxiclav is a broad-spectrum kidney problems, and water pseudomembranous colitis may
Clavulin antibiotic that kills a wide variety Contraindications: Dizziness, Kidney not passing regularly. occur.
of bacteria that cause a wide variety History of hypersensitivity to problems, Skin rash, ● Monitor if patient have
of commonly-occurring infections. beta-lactams. (penicillins and Vaginal yeast infection, Should be taken with a hypersensitivity to the drug.
Dosage: it has always reserved for treating cephalosporins) Hepatitis, Vasculitis, meal or a snack to avoid ● Notify physician if the patient
infections caused by bacteria that Thrush gastrointestinal irritation. develops a rash, wheezing,
1 Tablet are immune to amoxicillin. Previous history of itching, fever or swelling in the
amoxicillin-clavulanate- Only take this medication if joints
Co-amoxiclav is a Combination of associated jaundice/hepatic only endorsed by the ● Instruct the patient to not do
Route: clavulanic acid and amoxicillin. Doctor since Co- strenuous activities since it may
Oral Amoxicillin is a penicillin-type Amoxiclav passes through cause Nausea.
antibiotic, and clavulanic acid is a milk in breastfeeding and ● Instruct the patient to
Drug that stops bacteria from can cause infection to the ensure they take the full course
Frequency inactivating the amoxicillin. baby. of the medicine.

7 days

Drug Name Classification and Indications and Side Effects and Adverse Effects Special Nursing Responsibilities
Mechanism of Action Contraindications Precautions
Generic Name: Classifications: Indications: *CNS: Headache, dizziness, somnolence, Use cautiously in  Inform patient about some side effects in order to
insomnia, fatigue, tiredness, dizziness, patients that is be aware and avoid panic.
Mefenamic acid NSAID *Relief of moderate tinnitus, ophthalmic effects. pregnant, a  Give mefenamic acid after meals.
pain when therapy lactating mother,  Monitor if patient have hypersensitivity to the
Mechanism of will not exceed 1 *Dermatologic: Rash, pruritus, sweating, patients with drug.
Trade/ Brand Name: Actions: week. dry mucous membranes, stomatitis. asthma, renal or  Monitor/inspect for sudden bruises, it indicates
hepatic thrombocytopenia.
Apo-Mefenamic (CAN), Mefenamic acid as an *GI: Nausea, dyspepsia, GI pain, impairment,  Assess patients who develop severe diarrhea and
Ponstel NSAID works by diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, peptic ulcer vomiting for dehydration and electrolyte
stopping the body’s Contraindications: flatulence, ulcers, GI bleed. disease, GI imbalance.
Dosage: production of a bleeding,  Discontinue drug promptly if diarrhea, dark
substance that causes *Contraindicated *GU: Dysuria, Renal Impairment. hypertension and stools, hematemesis, ecchymosis, epistaxis, or
500 mg pain, fever and with pregnancy and heart failure. rash occur and do not use again. Contact
inflammation. lactation, *Hematologic: Bleeding, platelet physician.
Route: hypersensitivity to inhibition with higher doses, neutropenia, Can be taken after  Notify physician if persistent GI discomfort, sore
mefenamic acid, eosinophilia, leukopenia, pancytopenia, meals. The throat, fever, or malaise occur on patient.
Oral aspirin allergy and as thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia, mefenamic acid  Instruct patient not to drive or engage in
a treatment of aplastic anemia, decreased Hgb or Hct, with full stomach potentially hazardous activities until response to
Frequency and Timing perioperative pain bone marrow depression, menorrhagia. can cause drug is known. It may cause dizziness and
with coronary artery gastrointestinal drowsiness.
q6h prn for pain bypass grafting. irritation.  Monitor blood glucose for loss of glycemic
*Respiratory: Dyspnea, hemoptysis, control if diabetic. Inform patient not to breast
pharyngitis, bronchospasm, rhinitis. feed while taking this drug without consulting
*Other: Peripheral edema, anaphylactoid
reactions to anaphylactic shock.

Drug Name Classification and Indications and Side Effects and Adverse Effects Special Nursing Responsibilities
Mechanism of Action Contraindications Precautions
Generic Name: Classifications: Indications: Side Effects: ● Observe 10 Rights in giving or
Obimin plus Multivitamins/dietary  A pre- and Gastrointestinal effects (e.g. nausea, Do not take administering medication.
supplement postnatal vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal more than the ● Ask if the client is allergic to any
supplements to discomfort, constipation), halitosis, recommended component of the drug.
Trade/ Brand Name: help provide eructation, “fishy”-smelling breath, skin or prescribed ● Check doctor’s order
Obimin plus Mechanism of Actions: adequate supply and urine, black stools. dose. ● Inform patient about some
Unilab Elevate the blood of vitamins, possible adverse and side effects.
homocysteinemia that is minerals and Adverse Effects: ● Assess the bowel functioning that
associated with common omega-3 fatty  Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Rare she may experience diarrhea or
Dosage: pregnancy complications acids, DHA and minor side effects that have been constipation and if this happen let
1 tablet such as preeclamsia and EPA, during reported include mild the doctor know and immediately
adverse pregnancy pregnancy and gastrointestinal upset such as use appropriate nursing measures.
outcomes such as lactation. nausea and diarrhea, halitosis (bad ● Encourage the client to take the
Route: prematurity and very low breath), eructation (belching) and drug with a food or with a full
Oral birth weight. Contraindications: "fishy" smelling breath, skin and stomach to avoid gastrointestinal
 If the patient is urine. discomforts.
allergic to any  Zinc: Gastrointestinal side effects ● Give teachings about proper oral
Frequency and Timing component of the such as nausea and vomiting. hygiene to prevent halitosis which
OD for 1 month product.  Iron: Gastrointestinal side effects includes perform oral care at least
 Hypersensitivity such as nausea, vomiting, twice a day. Use a toothbrush with
bloating, and upper abdominal flouride toothpaste to brush all
discomfort. teeth, gums, tongue, palate areas
 Other undesirable effects may for at least 2 minutes. Gargle with
include black stools, diarrhea or sodium chloride solution or water
constipation. twice a day or after every meal.
Also, keeping the mouth hydrated
can reduce mouth odor. 

Drug Name Classification and Mechanism of Indications and Side Effects and Adverse Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Action Contraindications Effects
Generic Classifications: *Oral Iron Bivalent Indications: CNS: Take ferrous sulfate on an  Observe 10 Rights in
 Therapeutic- antianemic and an  Prevent and treat iron Syncope, Headaches, empty stomach at least 1 giving or administering
Name: oral supplement. deficiency anemia. Seizures, Dizziness hour before of 2 hours after medication.
 PharmacologicHematinic and  A dietary supplement for a meal. Yet iron  Advice the patient to
Ferrous an iron supplement. iron. CV: Hypertension, supplements may cause take the medicine as
 Provide iron supplement to Hypotension, Tachycardia stomach cramps, nausea and prescribed by the Doctor
Sulfate Actions: pregnant women. diarrhea in some people. while explaining the
Prevention and treatment of iron GI: Nausea, Constipation, possible side effects.
deficiency anemia in adults and Contraindications: Dark or Black Stool, Patient should avoid taking  Encourage the client to
children. Allows for more rapid Diarrhea, Diarrhoea, Upset antacids or some antibiotics eat healthy foods while
Trade/ Brand increases in iron levels when dietary  Contraindicated with patient and Painful Stomach. within 2 hours after taking maintaining the healthy
Name: Faesol, supply and stores are not sufficient. that experiences hemolytic the iron supplement. Take diet.
Fer-In-Sol, Iron combines with porphyrin and anemia and gastritis. Dermatologic: Urticaria, the medication with a full  Assess and monitor the
Ferrousal, globin chains to form hemoglobin,  Contraindicated to person Flushing glass of water without laboratory result and
Slow Fe which is critical for oxygen delivery who is hypertensive and crushing, chewing, breaking possible activity
from the lungs to other tissue. have severe hypotension. Respiratory: Cough, Dyspnea or opening an extended intolerance that she
Dosage: Replenishes iron while elevating serum  Not advisable for patient or Difficulty of Breathing release tablet or capsule. might experience.
1 Tablet iron concentration that helps to trapped with hemochromatosis and  Assess the bowel
in reticuloendothelial cells for storage. hypersensitivity to iron salts MS: Arthralgia, Myalgia, functioning that she may
Route: or other components. Muscle Cramps experience constipation
Oral and diarrhea and if this
Frequency happen let the Doctor
and Timing: know and immediately
O.D for 1 use appropriate nursing
Month  Don’t give supplement
together with milk,
calcium and antacids.

Drug Name Classification and Indications and Side Effects and Adverse Special Nursing Responsibilities
Mechanism of Action Contraindications Effects Precautions
Generic Name: Classifications: Indications: Side Effects: ● Monitor vital signs (particularly BP) and
Methylergonovine * Ergot Alkaloid *Following delivery of Nausea, uterine cramping, *Contraindicated uterine response, Notify physician if BP
maleate placenta, for routine vomiting, abdominal pain, during pregnancy. suddenly increases or if there are frequent
Small amounts
management of uterine diarrhea, dizziness, diaphoresis, periods of uterine relaxation
Trade/ Brand atony, hemorrhage and tinnitus, bradycardia, chest distributed in breast ● Assess evidence of bleeding before
Name: Methergine Mechanism of Actions: subinvolution of the uterus. pain, allergic reaction. milk. administration.
It acts directly on the *For control of uterine ● Assess extremities for color, warmth,
smooth muscle of the hemorrhage in the second Adverse Effects: *Also use with caution movement, pain. Report chest pain
Dosage: uterus and increases the stage of labor following Severe hypertensive episodes during the second promptly.
0.2mg tone, rate, and amplitude delivery of the anterior may result in CVA, serious stage of labor. The ● Provide support with ambulation if
of rhythmic shoulder. arrhythmias, seizures, necessity for manual dizziness occurs
contractions. Thus, it *prevention/treatment of hypertensive, rapid IV removal of a retained ● Avoid smoking because of added
Route: induces a rapid and postpartum, postabortion administration, concurrent use placenta should occur vasoconstriction
Oral sustained tetanic hemorrhage due to atony, of regional anesthesia, only rarely with proper ● Report increased cramping, bleeding,
uterotonic effect which involution (not for vasoconstrictors. Peripheral technique and adequate foul-smelling lochia
shortens the third stage induction, augmentation of ischemia. allowance of time for ● Report pale, cold hands/feet (possibility of
Frequency and of labor and reduces labor). its spontaneous diminished circulation).
Timing blood loss. separation ● Instruct to report any of the following:
1tablet TID x 9 Contraindications: Cold or numb fingers or toes, nausea or
doses *hypertension, pregnancy, vomiting, chest or muscle pain.
toxemia, renal/hepatic ● Explain and educate patient not to breast
impairment, cardiovascular feed while taking this drug.
disease, occlusive ● Inform patient about some adverse effect
peripheral vascular disease, to avoid panic and stress.
sepsis, second stage of

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