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Point of Distinctions Apprenticeship Learnership

means practical
training on the job refers to any
supplemented by practical training
related theoretical on learnable
instructions occupation which
1. As to their definition may or may not
apprenticeable be supplemented
occupations and by theoretical
trades as may be instructions.
approved by the
DOLE Secretary.

with compulsory
related theoretical
instructions (100 may or may not
hours of theoretical be supplemented
2. As to the requirement of instructions for by a theoretical
Theoretical Instructions every 2000 hours instruction.
of on-the-job

3. Qualifications An apprentice A learner may be

should be: employed:
a.) at least 15 a.) when no
years of age, experienced
provided those workers are
who are at least 15 available
years of age but
b.) the
less than 18 years
employment of
old may be eligible
learner is
for apprenticeship
necessary to
only in non-
curtailment of
b.) physically fit for opportunities
the occupation in
c.) the
which he desires to
employment does
be trained
not create unfair
c.) possess competition in
vocational aptitude terms of labor
and capacity for costs or impair or
the particular lower working
occupation as standards
appropriate tests
d.) possess the
ability to
comprehend and
follow oral and
written instructions
A participating enterprise is allowed to
4. As to the no. of take in learners or apprentices only up
apprentices/learners that to a maximum of 20% of its regular
companies may take in workforce.

it should be more it shall not be

5.  As to the period of than 3 months but more than 3
employment not over 6 months months

entitled to not less

than 75% of the
prevailing statutory
entitled to not less
minimum wage
than 75% of the
rate for the 6
6. As to wage rate months. After the
first months,  an
minimum wage
apprentice should
be paid the full
minimum wage

it is the option of
the employer to
the enterprise is
hire the apprentice
obliged to hire the
7. As to rules on their even prior the
learner after the
rehire completion of the
learnership period

the apprentice
becomes a regular no learnership
8. As to the effect of employee if training will
Apprenticeship/Learnership program is not commence until
Agreement registered. the agreement
has been forged.

PWD: prohibition on
No entity, whether public or private, shall discriminate against a qualified PWD by reason of
disability in regard to job application procedures, the hiring, promotion, or discharge of
employees, employee compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions and privileges
of employment. The following constitutes  acts of discrimination:
a) Limiting, segregating or classifying a job applicant with disability in such a manner that
adversely affects his work opportunities;
b) Using qualification standards, employment tests or other selection criteria that screen out
or tend to screen out a PWD unless such standards, tests or other selection criteria are
shown to be job-related for the position in question and are consistent with business
c) Utilizing standards, criteria, or methods of administration that:

 1) have the effect of discrimination on the basis of disability; or

 2) perpetuate the discrimination of others who are subject to common administrative

d) Providing less compensation, such as salary, wage or other forms of remuneration and
fringe benefits, to a qualified employee with disability, by reason of his disability, than the
amount to which a non-disabled person performing the same work is entitled;
e) Favoring a non-disabled employee over a qualified employee with disability with respect to
promotion, training opportunities, study and scholarship grants, solely on account of the
latter's disability;
f) Re-assigning or transferring an employee with disability to a job or position he cannot
perform by reason of his disability;
g) Dismissing or terminating the services of an employee with disability by reason of his
disability unless the employer can prove that he impairs the satisfactory performance of the
work involved to the prejudice of the business entity; provided, however, the employer first
sought to provide reasonable accommodations for PWDs;
h) Failing to select or administer in the most effective manner employment tests which
accurately reflect the skills, aptitud3 or other factor of the applicant or employee with disability
that such tests purports to measure, rather than the impaired sensory, manual or speaking
skills of such applicant or employees, if any; and
i) Excluding PWDs from membership in labor unions or similar organizations.

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