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You are on page 1of 4 2902/1046 218/104 2908/1004 2920/104 2912/104 2921/104 COMMUNICATION July 2019 ‘Time: 3 hours THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL DIPLOMA IN SALES AND MARKETING DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DIPLOMA IN TOURISM MANAGEMENT DIPLOMA IN TOUR GUIDING MANAGEMENT DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA IN PETROLEUM MANAGEMENT MODULEI COMMUNICATION 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This paper consists of FOURTEEN questions in TWO sections; A and B. Answer ALL the questions in BOTH sections in the answer booklet provided. Candidates should answer the questions in English. This paper consists of 4 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing. © 20/9 The Kenya National Examinations Council ‘Turn over SECTION A (32 marks) Answer ALL the questions in this section, 1. Outline four rules of external communication in an organization. (4-marks) 2. List four measures which may be taken to make communication effective in an organization. (4 marks) 3. List three pieces of equipment that may be used to make a meeting effective. (3 marks) 4, Outline three ways of minimising barriers in oral communication, (3 marks) 5, State three barriers to effective non-verbal communication. (3 marks) 6. List three advantages of advertising on FM radio stations. (3:marks) 7. List three informational items that should be contained in the body of an apology letter, (3 marks) $. List three challenges that an interviewee may face during a job selection interview. (3 marks) 9. List three instances when oral reports may be preferred, (3 marks) 10, List three reasons why a manager may be reluctant to use information communication technology to pass information (GQ marks) SECTION B (68 marks) Answer AEE the questions in this section. Hl. fa) Explain four factors that may hinder transmission of information in an organization. (8 marks) (6) Explain four ways in which a chairperson may ensure the success of a meeting. (8 marks) 12. Montana Limited operates taxi services in Nairobi. The management has realised that their client base has been declining for the last one year. As the Assistant Manager you have been asked to investigate the maiter, Assume that you have completed the investigations and write the report. (16 marks) 13. (a) Peal Limited intends to close some of its branches soon, As the Assistant Office ‘Manager, write a leter to the customers informing them about the closure. (12 marks) (b) Explain three benefits of thorough preparation for an employment interview by an interviewee. (6 marks} ro2ios §=—-2912/104—-2920/104 2 208/104 = 2918/104 ——2921/104 Fuly 2019 14. Read the passage below and shen answer the questions that follow it, Cash flow management is essential for small businesses because it is the main factor that determines whether the business thrives or collapses. In accounting terms, cash flow means the difference. between the amount of cash available at the beginning of a period, known as opening balance, and the amount at the end of that period, known as the closing balance. Businesses that lack positive cash flow or those that pay more money out than they are bringing in are almost assured of collapsing sooner later. ‘The businesses should not focus so much on profit but on cash flow. Once they achieve effective cash flow, profits will almost automatically follow. However, without positive cash flow, businesses are unlikely to tap opportunities or react to challenges effectively. Despite the fact that many decision makers understand the necessity of managing their cash flow, two thirds of small businesses still experience cash flow problems from time to time, These businesses can improve their positions using various strategies. To begin with, the businesses need to set cash flaw targets by preparing and maintaining a forecast. Such targets enable credit controllers to put in place mechanisms to achieve their targets. In addition, small businesses ean ask fora deposit ifthe products they provide require substantial capital before delivery. This helps the business to manage liquidity by not tying a lot of its. own money in the venture. Another strategy is prior agreement on payment terms. If a service provider or a supplier does not start off by stating what the payment terms are, then itis difficult to know when they are going tobe paid, Therefore, establishing clear payment terms from the ‘outset is important. Further, it is alwaye prudent for a business to inform its bank whenever it encounters some unexpected issues which may impact on cash flow or capacity to meet financial obligations. Banks are important toa business because they offer essential financial services such as overdrafts es. Hence, it is important for the business to win the confidence of the bank. Morcever, businesses should creatc a payment schedule to manage cash flow. Every business experiences a gap between invoicing and payment. One good way of ensuring cash flow stability is by establishing a direct debit as a business nom for collecting receipts. This enables the business to collect revenue without increasing the cost of collecting debt. It also seamlessly provides a stable inflow of cash from which all payments can be made, Furthermore, use of technology can boost a business’ cash flow. For instance, there are software which can help entrepreneurs to run their businesses if they have limited invoicing is an important technique for cash flow management. A good example is giving vendor discounts for invoices paid within a shorter period than the one agreed in the contract. Making 2902/104 2912/104 = -2920/104 3 Turn over 208/104 = -2918/104 —-2921/104 Sua 2019 Besides, quick ctanother way toentice customers to pay quickly. For example, an enterprise should deliberately try to avoid being paid by cheque for this may result in delay between the time the money is paid and when it is credited in the bank account. Online payment may be the better option here. payments easier i A small business can also seek favourable payment terms from vendors. Since vendors value ‘their clients, they may have a strong incentive to help finance their customer's purchases. In this case vendors can pay the business upfront and then wait for a short while for their customers to pay them, This strategy might make a big difference for a business" cash flow management. Business managers should therefore evaluate the various strategies available and determine which ones work best for their enterprises. Cash flow is the fuel that powers business and therefore understanding the options available equips managers to better run, maintain and grow their businesses. Adapted from: ‘Business Daily’ Tuesday, August 14,2018. fa) State the meaning of the following words and phrase as used in the passage: a ai) ii) terms; (iv) impact on; (wv) entice; (vi) evaluate (6 marks) (b) Inabout 150 words, and according to the passage, write a summary of the strategies that can be used by small businesses to improve their cash flow positions. (12 marks) ‘THIS IS THE LAST PRINTED PAGE. 2902/104 2912/104 2920/104 4 2008104 = 918/104 291/104 July 2019

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