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Advantage of TMCP Steel Plates
1. Improvement in Efficiency of Fabrication and Its Reliability
It is able to suppress the weld Weldability
cracking and decrease the 800
Good Bad
preheating temperature because H eat

of its low carbon equivalent HAZ A ffected

Tensile Strength(N/mm2)
700 Water Cooled Type Z one
value, and also improve the TMCP Weld
toughness of welded joint. metal
600 e
yp s Crack
le d T oces
o r
Co lP
500 Air ntiona Plate
Co n
400 Weld cold cracking
0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
Ceq(%) in the welded joint

2. Superior Strength and Toughness

Conventional rolling CR:Controlled Rolling Water-Cooling type TMCP
After rolling process, the plate is Ferrite+Pearlite Ferrite+Pearlite Bainite(+Ferrite)
treated by water cooling device,
Super-OLAC(Online Accelerated
Cooling), and gains finer grain
in microstructure than the
conventional steel.
20μm 20μm 20μm

Coarse grain Fine grain

lower strength & toughness high strength & toughness

Having the finer grain micro-
structure, TMCP steel plate TMCP Steel
achieves higher strength and 450
Min.Yield Strength(N/mm2)

toughness than the conventional
steel. Especially, the higher yield 400
strength generally means the
higher design strength, which is 350 As-rolled Steel
highly useful and effective in
various design aspects. S355JO
300 SM490

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

3. Short Lead Times

Lead time is short because TMCP process consists of a series of rolling processes and online
accelerated cooling process which does not involves off-line procedure.

4. TMCP Steel is online-heat treated and low-alloyed metal

Besides, in case of TMCP, alloy content is quite low because it achieves higher strength by means
of online accelerated cooling method.

1 Advantage of TMCP Steel Plates

Thermo-Mechanical Control Process
“TMCP” stands for “T hermo-M echanical C ontrol P rocess”
Layout of Manufacturing Line

Water-cooling Cooling Bed

Rougher Finisher Hot Leveler



Normalizing Rolling TMCP

Temperature As-Rolled (Controlled Rolling) Water Cooled Type Quenching & Temperring

Slab reheating Off-line

heat treatment
Rolling Rolling
Rolling Rolling
Rolling Rolling
Water +

BS EN10025 BS EN10025
BS EN10025 ex)-3:S355N ex)-4:S460M
ex)-2:S355JO+AR -2:S355JO+N BS EN10025
-5:S355JOW+AR -5:S355JOW+N ex)-6:S690Q

Practical Application
High-rise building
Outrigger truss

Mega column
(composite) Member Weight of Steel Heavy

Transfer girder Total cost * As-rolled Steel

Member Weight

of Steelwork
Total cost

King-post * Incl Material,
(steel & composite) Fabrication
& Erection

TMCP Steel


Minimum cost can be achieved by the best-suited practices

Large spanning structure
Low High
Strength of Steel

Thermo-Mechanical Control Process 2

Chemical Composition
EN 1 0 0 2 5 - 4 : 2004
Chemical composition of the ladle analysis (%) CEV(%)max.
Designation t C Si Mn P S Nb V AI total Ti Cr Ni Mo Cu B N 16< 40< 63<
(mm) ≦16
max. max. max. max. max. max. max. min. max. max. max. max. max. max. max. ≦40 ≦63 ≦120
S355M 0.030 0.025
≦120 0.14 0.50 1.60 0.05 0.10 0.02 0.05 0.30 0.50 0.10 0.55 ー 0.015 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.45
S355ML 0.025 0.020
S420M 0.030 0.025
≦120 0.16 0.50 1.70 0.05 0.12 0.02 0.05 0.30 0.80 0.20 0.55 ー 0.025 0.43 0.45 0.46 0.47
S420ML 0.025 0.020
S460M 0.030 0.025
≦120 0.16 0.60 1.70 0.05 0.12 0.02 0.05 0.30 0.80 0.20 0.55 ー 0.025 0.45* 0.46* 0.47* 0.48*
S460ML 0.025 0.020
Carbon equivalent value CEV(%)=C+Mn/6+(Cr+Mo+V)/5+(Ni+Cu)/15
* S460M can be delivered with Low CEV option(LCE) upon request, which is specially-designed by JFE Steel Corp so that max. CEV is maintained
 equal or lower than 0.43; refer page-5 for the further details.

AS T M A 1 0 6 6 / A 1066M -11( 2015)

Chemical composition of the heat analysis(%)
Designation t C Si Mn P S Nb V AI total Ti Cr Ni Mo Cu B N CEV(%)
max. max. max. max. max. max. max. min. max. max. max. max. max. max. max. max.

0.15 0.70
Grade 50 ≦100 0.14 0.030 0.020 0.05 0.08 0.02 ー 0.30 0.30 0.10 0.35 0.002 ー 0.40
-0.50 -1.60

0.15 0.80
Grade 60 ≦100 0.16 0.030 0.020 0.05 0.08 0.02 ー 0.30 0.70 0.20 0.35 0.002 ー 0.43
-0.50 -1.70

0.15 0.80
Grade 65 ≦75 0.16 0.030 0.020 0.05 0.08 0.02 ー 0.30 0.70 0.25 0.35 0.002 ー 0.45
-0.50 -1.70
Carbon equivalent value CEV(%)=C+Mn/6+(Cr+Mo+V)/5+(Ni+Cu)/15

J IS G 3 1 0 6 : 2 0 15
Chemical composition of the ladle analysis(%)
Designation t C Si Mn P S Nb V AI total Ti Cr Ni Mo Cu B N (%) (%)
max. max. max. max. max. max. max. min. max. max. max. max. max. max. max. max. max.

JIS G3106 t≦50 0.44 0.28

0.18 0.55 1.70 0.035 0.035 Other elements can be added as required.
SM570TMC 50<t≦100 0.47 0.30
Carbon equivalent value: Ceq (%)=C+Mn/6+Si/24+Ni/40+Cr/5+Mo/4+V/14
Weld Cracking Parameter: Pcm (%)=C+Si/30+Mn/20+Cu/20+Ni/60+Cr/20+Mo/15+V/10+5B

J F E B r and o f TM CP St eel Pla t es (HBLT M series products)

Chemical composition of the ladle analysis(%)
Designation t C Si Mn P S Nb V AI total Ti Cr Ni Mo Cu B N (%) (%)
max. max. max. max. max. max. max. min. max. max. max. max. max. max. max. max. max.

HBL325B 40<t≦50 0.18 0.030 0.015 0.38 0.24

0.55 1.60 Other elements can be added as required.
HBL325C 50<t≦100 0.20 0.020* 0.008* 0.40 0.26
HBL355B 40<t≦50 0.030 0.015 0.40 0.26
0.20 0.55 1.60 Other elements can be added as required.
HBL355C 50<t≦100 0.020* 0.008* 0.42 0.27
HBL385B-L 12<t≦19 0.44 0.29
0.030 0.015
HBL385B 19<t≦50 0.20 0.55 1.60 Other elements can be added as required. 0.40 0.26
0.020* 0.008*
HBL385C 50<t≦100 0.42 0.27
HBL440B 19<t≦40 0.030 0.44
0.12 0.55 1.60 0.008 Other elements can be added as required. 0.22
HBL440C 40<t≦100 0.020* 0.47
HBL630B-L 0.030 0.015
12<t≦40 0.12 0.55 2.50 Other elements can be added as required. 0.60 0.30
HBL630C-L 0.015* 0.008*
*: Max. values of P and S content in the case of HBL###C
Carbon equivalent value: Ceq (%)=C+Mn/6+Si/24+Ni/40+Cr/5+Mo/4+V/14
Weld Cracking Parameter: Pcm (%)=C+Si/30+Mn/20+Cu/20+Ni/60+Cr/20+Mo/15+V/10+5B
HBLTM series products are approved and certified by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism.

3 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Chemical Composition

Mechanical Properties
EN 1 0 0 2 5 - 4 : 2004
Yield strength (MPa) min. Tensile strength (MPa) min./max
YR Minimum value of impact energy
Designation 16< 40< 63< 80< 100< 40< 63< 80< 100< (%)
≦16 ≦40 at test temperature
≦40 ≦63 ≦80 ≦100 ≦120 ≦63 ≦80 ≦100 ≦120 max.

S355M 470 450 440 440 430 40J@-20℃

355 345 335 325 325 320 ー
S355M /630 /610 /600 /600 /590 27J@-40℃
S420M 520 500 480 470 460 40J@-20℃
420 400 390 380 370 365 ー
S420ML /680 /660 /640 /630 /620 27J@-40℃
S460M 540 530 510 500 490 40J@-20℃
460 440 430 410 400 385     ー
S460ML /720 /710 /690 /680 /660 27J@-40℃
Minimum values of impact energy are values for impact tests on longitudinal V-notch test pieces.

AS T M A 1 0 6 6 / A 1066M -11( 2015)

Yield strength (MPa) min. Tensile strength (MPa) min.
YR Minimum value of impact energy
Designation (%)
≦75 75< ≦100 ≦75 75< ≦100 at test temperature

Grade 50 345 450 ー

Grade 60 415 520 ー 48J@-23℃

Grade 65 450 ー 550 ー ー

In addition, the following special supplementary requirements are also suitable for use with this specification.
S75. Maximum Yield Point to Tensile Strength Ratio: The max. yield to tensile ratio shall be 0.87 for grade 50 and
0.90 for grade 60. In this case the max. carbon content on the heat analysis can be raised to 0.16% for grade 50.
S76.Maximum Tensile Strength: The max. tensile strength shall be 630MPa for grade 50, 680MPa for grade 60,
720MPa for grade 65.

J IS G 3 1 0 6 : 2 0 15
Yield strength (MPa) min./max Tensile strength (MPa) min./max
YR Minimum value of impact energy
Designation (%)
≦16 16< ≦40 40< ≦75 75< ≦100 ≦16 16< ≦40 40< ≦75 75< ≦100 at test temperature

JIS G3106
460 450 430 420 570/720 ー 47J@-5℃

J F E B r and of TM CP St eel Pla t es (HBLT M series products)

Yield strength (MPa) min./max Tensile strength (MPa) min./max
YR Minimum value of impact energy
Designation (%)
12≦ ≦19 19≦ ≦40 40< ≦100 12≦ ≦19 19≦ ≦40 40< ≦100 at test temperature

ー 325/445 ー 490/610 ≦80 27J@0℃
ー 355/475 ー 520/640 ≦80 27J@0℃
HBL385B-L 385/505 ー 550/670 ー
HBL385B ≦80 70J@0℃
ー 385/505 ー 550/670
ー 440/540 ー 590/740 ≦80 70J@0℃
630/750 ー 780/930 ー ≦85 47J@0℃
*: Max. values of P and S content in the case of HBL###C
Carbon equivalent value: Ceq (%)=C+Mn/6+Si/24+Ni/40+Cr/5+Mo/4+V/14
Weld Cracking Parameter: Pcm (%)=C+Si/30+Mn/20+Cu/20+Ni/60+Cr/20+Mo/15+V/10+5B
HBLTM series products are approved and certified by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism.

Chemical Composition PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 4

Example of Quality Characteristics
M e c h a ni c a l Pro pert i es
Tensile test Charpy impact test Z-direction property
Designation Thickness YP or YS TS EI YR Absorbed energy Reduction of area
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (%) (%) (J) (%)

22 560 652 22 ー 266 @ -20 ℃ ー

50 453 600 29 ー 261 @ -20 ℃ ー

A1066 Gr.65 50 473 593 31 ー 401 @ -23 ℃ ー

50 376 525 36 72 289 @ 0 ℃ 68

100 359 506 38 71 303 @ 0 ℃ 75

50 388 533 36 73 305 @ 0 ℃ 76

100 397 532 36 75 306 @ 0 ℃ 73

35 455 596 31 76 269 @ 0 ℃ 73

100 435 580 31 75 205 @ 0 ℃ 71

19 490 619 18 79 358 @ 0 ℃ ー

50 484 612 31 79 380 @ 0 ℃ ー
YP: Yield point, YS: Yield strength, TS: Tensile strength, El: Elongation, YR: Yield ratio(=YPorYS/TSx100)

S46 0 M / L o w CEV o pt i o n ( L CE) *

s p e c i a l l y - desi gned st eel pla t es f or welding without preheating

S460M can be delivered with Low Cev option(LCE) upon request, which is specially-designed by JFE
Steel Corp., and is avalilable up to 100mm in thickness.
Having the lower contents of CEV than the standard-specified value, S460M(LCE) can be welded with
no-preheating while selecting the suitable weld materials and conditions . According to each particular
project conditions of steelwork, verification test of JIS Z 3158, y-groove weld cracking test, shall be
arranged and executed upon requests.

Min. PreheatingTemp./EN1011-2(℃)

80 S460M_max.CEV=0.47/t=63mm
Max.Cev (%)

0.45 60 (weld conditions)

Hydrogen content 10mg/100ml
Weld Heat Input 2.0kJ/mm

0.35 20
0.3 S460M(LCE) 0
sample values_S460M(LCE)
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 40 100
Thickness(mm) Combined Thickness (mm)

5 Example of Quality Characteristics

Te s t R es ul ts o f Welded Jo i nt

Macro photo
Welding Condition
Groove Single V
Parent Metal S460M – t50mm
Electrode AWS 5.5 E9016-G
Heat Imp. 20kJ/cm
Int Temp 250℃

Bending test photo

Bend Test
No. type of test former diameter Bend Angle results
BLS 1 no defects
BLS 2 no defects
side bend 48mm 180°
BLE 1 no defects
BLE 2 no defects

Tensile test photo

Test Results
item Tested value Criteria
Strength 530

To u g hnes s of Welded Jo i nt
Groove shape V-notch vE0
Welding processes (Sampling position of test pieces) Designation Thickness position (J)
CO2 gas-shielded metal arc welding
W.M 156
Welding consumable: JIS Z 3312 YGW-18 F.L 208

Heat input :30.2 kJ/cm HBL385C 25 HAZ1mm 278


HAZ3mm 280
Interpass temp. : 250℃ R.G=7mm

Shielded Metal arc welding
Welding consumable: AWS 5.5 E9016-G

W.M 207
Heat input : 20kJ/cm S460M 50 HAZ1mm 196

Interpass temp. : 250℃

Flux cored arc welding

Welding consumable: AWS 5.29 E81T1-K2C

W.M 221
Heat input : 20kJ/cm S460M 50 HAZ1mm 225

R.G=6mm (-20℃)
Interpass temp. : 250℃

W.M: Weld metal, F.L: Fusion line, HAZ: Heat affected zone

Example of Quality Characteristics 6


2003R(1509)  JSK
Printed in Japan

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