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Enchanted Tattoos for D&D 5e

Enchanted Tattoos

or centuries, Orcish warriors have adorned The design the player provides will determine the size
their bodies with marks that offer them and location of the tattoo. This effects the supplies and skill
unrivalled power and combat prowess. Given level needed to apply the tattoo which, in turn, effects the
the curious nature of these markings, it was costs of the process. DMs should set the pricing at their
only a matter of time before the magical own discretion but can use the following tables as a
community, in particular the enchanting guideline depending on the factors present in the design.
community, banded together to discover the These factors can add up to a cumulative total or, probably
secrets that Orcs have kept to themselves for centuries. more aptly, be figures to find a balance between.
Mastering this ‘new’ enchanting art has so far been a slow
process but gradually we’re beginning to see an established
professional field around the enchanting of tattoos. Temporary Tattoos
Players can now seek out a professional to gain If your players don't necessarily want to commit
proficiency in 'Tattooist Tools'. Alternatively, at the DM's to getting a tattoo, you can consider giving
discretion, a character may gain this proficiency via their temporary tattoos which can also be enchanted.
background. If you choose this, settle on a time the tattoo
Players may pay a tattoo artist a fee in exchange for a hangs around for and perhaps a time the
enchantment has an effect distinct from the time
tattoo of their own. Certain professionals will be able to the tattoo lingers for. Temporary tattoos should
enchant these tattoos with magical effects that provide also be cheaper to reflect their finite nature.
boosts to stats, allow for the casting of spells, and more.
Tattooist Tools
Components. Tattooist Tools include 5 bone and thorn Tattoo Costs
needles which can be interchanged for different patterns Location Pricing
and effects, a comb of needles to cover larger areas, a
chisel to apply pressure to the needles, and 3 pots of black Face 50 gp
ink. Additional colours of ink as well as enchanted inks can Chest 40 gp
be purchased from vendors. Back 45 gp
Arcana. Proficiency in tattooist tools allows you
proficiency in checks that have you detect enchantments Arms 25 gp
that involve ink whether it be a tattoo or otherwise. For Legs 25 gp
example, identifying an enchantment that has been placed
on a letter to conceal information. Tail/Unique Feature 75 gp
Sleight of Hand. This tool proficiency provides
additional insight in checks concerning intricate/artistic Size Pricing
designs. For example, recognising a distinct handwriting Small 25 gp
design or an artistic signature across multiple works. Medium 50 gp
Ink/Dye Crafting. You can use this proficiency to, over
the period of a short rest, mix Dyes and Inks using ash, Large 100 gp
dirt, blood, heavy metal extracts for colouring, etc. You can
also use bone or plant materials to repair your tools. Tools Design Type Pricing
degrade at a rate specified at the DM’s discretion. Simple 20 gp
Tattooist Tools Tribal 30 gp
Activity DC Typical 40 gp
Design a simple tattoo 5 Intricate 65 gp
Design a typical tattoo 10 Ornate 100 gp
Design an intricate tattoo 15
Colour Pricing
Acquiring a Tattoo Black 5 gp
The process of acquiring a tattoo that will become the base White 10 gp
of this enchantment process is straightfoward. PCs must Brown 10 gp
seek out a Tattoo Artist with the knowledge of tattoo
application (read as a proficiency with tattooist tools). This Red 15 gp
artist can be an NPC the DM has inserted into the world or Other 25 gp
another PC. Once the PC has found someone capable of -
and willing to - tattoo them, they will provide a design.
These designs can be designed with a harder DC check by
someone not proficient with tattooist tools or designed in
conjunction with someone proficient in attempt to make
the process easier.
Artist Skill Pricing Key to the process of enchanting a tattoo is the system
Beginner 50 gp through which the enchantment can be utilised. In order to
make use of the enchantment, PCs must attune to the
Intermediate 100 gp tattoo over the period of a short rest as they would an item.
Master 250 gp This system allows players a new source of magical effects
while preventing late game parties from purchasing full
body tattoos that give them intense stat boosts. Through
The Dangers that lurk in back this system, PCs will not be able to attune to more than
alleys three tattoos at a time, however, will be able to benefit from
Occassionally, the process of getting a tattoo can
the magical effects of items that do not require attunement
be dangerous. At a DM's discretion, they can add in slots that they would otherwise be utilising attunement
checks to see how well this process goes over. If items. Additionally, they can tattoo themselves with as
you believe the player is getting inked with many tattoos as their body will allow meaning they can
unsanitary equipment, then add a Con save. Or customise their active enchantments to suit a situation over
perhaps you add a DC check to see if the tattoo a short rest.
looks how it should. Perhaps the artist you hired The final factor that comes into play in the enchanting
is still in training and now you've got the name of process is the power an enchantment can reach.
a dead team mate written across your neck with a Depending on the game, you might want to gate
few too many Rs in there. enchantments into three tiers with three different price
points. A low tier enchantment being available at level 5,
medium at level 10, and high at level 15. If a player recieves
The second factor to take into account in the process of a low level enchantment that becomes redundant at a
acquiring a tatto is time. Once again this is something that higher level, a second visit to an enchanter could perhaps
can be established at the DM's discretion as not every upgrade the enchantment. You could also gate the
game will have downtime in excess that it may sometimes enchantment power depending on the size and location of
take to acquire a tattoo. For those that do have time to fill the tattoo if you so choose. Perhaps you give players access
however, the tables provided can be used as a suggestion. to a high level enchantment early but in return they had to
commit to a full back tattoo that restricts further tattoos in
Time to tattoo completion that location.
Size Timing (in hours) Ultimately, if you're using this system it is incredibly
important to consider what exactly would amount to an
Small 1d4 enchantment that hurts game balance in your setting.
Medium 2d4
Enchanting costs
Large 4d4 Enchantment Strength Pricing
Design Type Timing (in hours) Low 500 gp
Simple 1d4 Medium 1500 gp
Tribal 1d4 High 5000 gp
Typical 2d4 Enchanter Skill Pricing
Intricate 4d4 Beginner 250 gp
Ornate 5d4 Intermediate 500 gp
Artist Skill Timing (in hours) Master 1000 gp
Beginner 4d4
Intermediate 2d4
Master 1d4

Enchanting a Tattoo
The Process of enchanting a tattoo is not wholly different
from the process of acquiring a tattoo. DM's can decide at
their own discretion who has the power to enchant tattoos
for their players; either fold the practice into the artists,
give specialist wizards and sorcerers the power, or find
another way to hand out enchantments.
The enchanting process should ultimately be more
expensive than the process of acquiring a tattoo in order to
gate the more powerful enchantments from lower level
Enchantments Mark of Darkvision
The following enchantments should not be considered Enchantment Difficulty: Low
sacrosant, tweak and create your own as you please these Tattoo Size: Small or greater
only exist to provide ideas. Players that want to create your Tattoo Location: Head/face
own, check with your DM! Tattoo Style: Simple or greater
Creature gains Darkvision up to 60 feet. If the character
Mark of Enhanced Skill already has darkvision, add 60 feet to their total darkvision.
Enchantment Difficulty: Low
Tattoo Size: Any Mark of True Sight
Tattoo Location: Anywhere Enchantment Difficulty: Master
Tattoo Style: Any Tattoo Size: Medium or greater
Increase any skill by one. Once skill has been selected, it Tattoo Location: Head/face
cannot be changed without upgrading the enchantment. Tattoo Style: Ornate
Creature can utilise True Sight for up to 30 minutes per
Mark of Greater Skill short rest. a creature with truesight can see in normal and
Enchantment Difficulty: Intermediate magical darkness, up to 60 feet, see invisible creatures and
Tattoo Size: Medium or greater objects, automatically detect visual illusions and succeed
Tattoo Location: Anywhere on saving throws against them, and perceives the original
Tattoo Style: Typical or greater form of a shapechanger or a creature that is transformed
Increase any skill by two or any two skills by one. Once by magic. Furthermore, the creature can see into the
skill(s) has been selected, it cannot be changed without Ethereal Plane.
upgrading the enchantment. Mark of Indentification
Mark of Superior Skill Enchantment Difficulty: Low
Enchantment Difficulty: Master Tattoo Size: Small or greater
Tattoo Size: Medium or greater Tattoo Location: Anywhere
Tattoo Location: Anywhere Tattoo Style: Simple or greater
Tattoo Style: Typical or greater Once per long rest, you can cast the Identify spell
Increase any skill by three or any two skills by two and without S/M components
one respectively. Once skill(s) has been selected, it cannot Mark of Haste
be changed. Enchantment Difficulty: Medium
Mark of Lesser Shielding Tattoo Size: Medium or greater
Enchantment Difficulty: Low Tattoo Location: Legs
Tattoo Size: Medium or greater Tattoo Style: Typical or greater
Tattoo Location: Chest/back Once per short rest, you can caste the Haste spell on
Tattoo Style: Simple or greater yourself only without the need for S/M components
Creature gains a bonus of 1 to their AC while wearing Mark of Enlarge/Reduce
light armour or no armour Enchantment Difficulty: Low
Mark of Greater Shielding Tattoo Size: Small or greater
Enchantment Difficulty: Medium Tattoo Location: Chest/Back
Tattoo Size: Medium or greater Tattoo Style: Simple or greater
Tattoo Location: Chest/back Once per short rest, you can caste the Enlarge/Reduce
Tattoo Style: Typical or greater spell on yourself only without the need for S/M
Creature gains a bonus of 2 to their AC while wearing components
light armour or no armour Mark of the Familiar
Mark of Many Cantrips Enchantment Difficulty: Low
Enchantment Difficulty: Low Tattoo Size: Small or greater
Tattoo Size: Medium or greater Tattoo Location: Anywhere
Tattoo Location: Arm Tattoo Style: Simple or greater
Tattoo Style: Simple or greater You can cast Find Familiar without the need for S/M
Select up to three cantrips from a spell list outside of components.
your class. You can now cast these cantrips up to three
times per short rest. These cantrips cannot be changed
once they have been selected.
Mark of Summoning
Enchantment Difficulty: Medium
Tattoo Size: Medium or greater
Tattoo Location: Anywhere
Tattoo Style: Typical or greater
You can summon a friendly creature you have seen
before up to challenge rating 6. The creature appears in an
unocuppied space within 30 feet of the caster.
Mark of Wish
Enchantment Difficulty: Master
Tattoo Size: Full Body
Tattoo Location: Full Body
Tattoo Style: Ornate
You can cast the Wish spell once per long rest. The
stress of casting this spell increases the chances that you
will not be able to cast it again to fifty percent. In the event
that you lose the ability to cast this spell, the tattoo that
provided the enchantment is painfully burnt off and you
suffer 8d10 damage.

thanks to which was

the program used to create this homebrew rule set and get
it looking good!.

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