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Mathematics 10


Quarter 1- Week 2-Lesson 2
Arithmetic Sequences, Means and Series
Grade Level Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sequences,
polynomials and polynomial equations.
Most Essential Learning Competency: The learners illustrates an arithmetic sequence.
Determines arithmetic means, nth term of an arithmetic sequence and sum of the terms of a given
arithmetic sequence
Learning Outcomes:
• To determine arithmetic sequence and its nth term
• To solve problems involving arithmetic sequence.
• To learn the significance of learning arithmetic sequence

Encircle the best answer that suits to each question.

1. What is the next term in the arithmetic sequence 7, 15, 23, 31, ____?
a. 35 b. 32 c. 39 d. 41
2. Which of the following is an example of an arithmetic sequence?
a. ½, ¼, 1/6, 1/8,… b. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,… c. 2, 6, 18, 54,… d. 64, 32, 16, 8,…
3. The general term for the arithmetic sequence 9, 15, 21, 27, 33,... is given as __________.
a. an = 9 + (n-1)d b. an = n + 9d c. an = 9 + nd d. an = 9d + n
4. Find the first five terms of the sequence an = 4 + 5n.
a. 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 b. 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 c. 9, 14, 19, 24, 29 d. 4, 6, 8, 12, 14
5. Ellen earns P200 on the first day of work and additional P50 on every succeeding day. How much is
his salary in the fourth day?
a. P300 b. P350 c. P400 d. 450

If you wish to find any term (also known as the nth term) in the arithmetic sequence, the arithmetic
sequence formula should help you to do so. The critical step is to be able to identify or extract known
values from the problem that will eventually be substituted into the formula itself.
Sequences are useful in our daily lives as well as in higher mathematics. For example, the interest
portion of monthly payments made to pay off an automobile or home loan, and the list of maximum daily
temperatures in one area for a month are sequences. We can also say that arithmetic progression can
applied in real life by analyzing a certain pattern that we see in our daily life. For example, when you are
waiting for a bus.
As we go through with this module we will learn to generates pattern and sequences, illustrates
arithmetic sequence and also know the importance of learning it as we can apply it to our daily living.

An arithmetic sequence, also known as an arithmetic progression, is a sequence in which any term,
except the first term, can be obtained by adding a constant number to the preceding term.
The constant number in the arithmetic sequence is called the common difference (d) between any two
consecutive terms. In symbols,
d = an – an -1
Thus the nth term of an arithmetic sequence can be expressed generally as
an = an-1 + d
If the first term of an arithmetic sequence is a 1 and the common difference is d, then the nth term of the
sequence is given by:
an = a1 + (n − 1)d
An arithmetic sequence is a sequence where every term after the first is obtained by adding a constant
called the common difference.
a. Is the pattern 9, 16, 23, 30, 37,… an arithmetic sequence?
The answer is yes because every term after 9 is obtained by adding 7.
a1 = 9 a2 = 9 + 7 = 16 a3 = 16 + 7 = 23 a4 = 23 + 7 = 30 a5 = 30 + 7 = 37
The common difference is the constant amount of change between numbers in an arithmetic sequence.
a. What is the common difference in the 18, 25, 32, 39, 46?

The answer is 7 since it is the number constantly added to each term to obtain the succeeding number.

46 – 39 = 7 39 – 32 = 7 32 – 25 = 7 25 – 18 = 7
Parts of the Arithmetic Sequence Formula
An = the term that you want to find
A1 = first term in the list of ordered numbers
n = the term position (ex: for 5th term, n = 5 )
d = common difference of any pair of consecutive or adjacent numbers

Let’s put this formula in action!

The nth term of an arithmetic sequence is a rule for a particular sequence. The rule for finding the nth
term of an arithmetic sequence is very useful in solving problems involving arithmetic sequence.
Example1: What is the 10th term of the arithmetic sequence 4, 8, 12, 16, …?
Step 1. Let us identify the values of a1, n, and d.
a1 = 4, n = 10 terms, d = 4
Step 2. Substitute the given values to the rule. Then, solve.
a10 = 4 + ( 10 -1 )(4)
a10 = 40
Answer. The 10th term of the arithmetic sequence 4, 8, 12, 16, …, is 40
Example 2: What is the 15th term of the arithmetic sequence 3, 8, 13, 18, …?
Step 1. Let us identify the values of a1, n, and d.
a1 = 3, n = 15 terms, d = 5
Step 2. Substitute the given values to the rule. Then, solve.
a15 = 3 + ( 15 -1 )(5)
a15 = 73
Answer. The 15th term of the arithmetic sequence 3, 8, 13, 18, …, is 73.
Here are important terminologies, notations and symbols that you must learn and remember about the
arithmetic means, nth term of an arithmetic sequence and the sum of the terms of a given arithmetic
One of the common tasks in studying arithmetic sequence is finding the arithmetic means. The
arithmetic means are the terms between any two nonconsecutive terms of an arithmetic sequence.
Examples 1: Insert 2 arithmetic means between 4 and 19.
Solution: Since we are required to insert 2 terms, then there will be 4 terms in all.
Step 1: Let a1 = 4 and a4 = 19. Then we will insert a2, a3 as shown below:
4, a2, a3, 19
Step 2: Get the common difference. Let us use a4 = a1 + 3d
Step 3: Substitute the given values of a4 and a1. That is 19 = 4 + 3d.
Step 4: Solve for d.
19 – 4 = 3d
15 = 3d
Step 5: Using the value of d, we can now get the values of a 2, and a3. Thus,
a2 = 4 + 5(1) = 9
a3 = 4 + 5(2) = 14
Answer: The 2 arithmetic means between 4 and 19 are 9 and 14.

The Sum of n terms of an arithmetic sequence a1, a2, a3, + … + an is denoted by Sn. This is given

Sn = 2 [2𝑎1 + (𝑛 − 1)d]

Example 1: Find the sum of the first 10 terms of the arithmetic sequence 3, 9, 15, 21,…
Step 1: Let us identify the given values:
n = 10 terms
a1 = 3
Step 2: Substitute the given values in the formula, then solve
S10 = [2(3) + (10 − 1)(6)] = 300
Answer: The sum of the first 10 terms of the arithmetic sequence 3, 9, 15, 21,… is 300.

Example 2: Find the sum of the 30 terms of the arithmetic sequence -5, -9, -13, -17,…
Step 1: Let us identify the given values:
n = 30 terms
a1 = -5
d = -4
Step 2: Substitute the given values in the formula, then solve
S10 = [2(−5) + (30 − 1)(−4)] = −1890
Answer: The sum of the first 10 terms of the arithmetic sequence -5, -9, -13, -17,… is -1890.

Exercise 1: Use me!

A. Use the nth term of an arithmetic sequence an = a1 + (n-1)d to answer the following questions. Show
brief and clear solutions.
1. Find the 25th term of the arithmetic sequence 3, 7, 11, 15, …
2. How many terms are there in an arithmetic sequence with common difference of 4 and with first
and last terms 3 and 59, respectively?
3. Find p so that p+7, 3p + 9, p + 3, … form an arithmetic sequence.
4. The second term of an arithmetic sequence is 24 and the fifth term is 3. Find the first term.
5. Find the 9th term of the arithmetic sequence with a 1 = 10 and d = -

ADDITIONAL LEARNING GUIDE: English Learning Portal Textbook Page 10-22

 Practical Math 10 Learning Portal Textbook


The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
Proverbs 16:9


Use this space provided for exercise 1 in enhancement part. Answer only, provide and attache
separate bond paper for solutions.

Week 1 & 2 (Assessment)
Directions: Write your answer on the answer sheet provided. Show your solutions make it neat.
Use long bond paper for solutions if necessary.

Test I.
I. Do what is asked in each item.
1. Generate the first 5 terms of the sequence defined by a n =3n + 5.
2. Find a7 in the sequence { 3, 6, 9, …}
3. Find the missing terms in the sequece 4, ___, ____, 10.
4. Find the sum of the first 8 terms in the sequence a n = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, …}
5. Find the sum of the first 6 terms of the sequence defined by a n = 3n2 – 1.

II. On your own words, what is the difference between asequence and a series?
Test II.

I. Do what is asked in each item.

A. Given the arithmetic sequence 2, 5, 8, 11, …,

1. Formulate the general rule of the sequence.
2. Find the common difference of the terms in the sequence.
3. Find 10th term

B. Find the indicated term of the arithmetic sequences given the conditions.
1. a1 = 5, d = 3, a4 = ___
2. a1 = 3, d = -5, a6 = ___
3. a2 = 3, d = 8, a7 = ___

C. Find three arithmetic means for each arithmethic sequence.

1. 4, ____, ____, ____, 16
2. 7, ____, ____, ____, 15

D. Find the sum of the given terms in each arithmetic sequence.

1. a1 =5, d = -4, n=10
2. first 10 positve multiple of 5.

E. Relate an experience where common or individual differences exist. How did you manage? What
lesson(s) have you learned from that situation?

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

Prepared by: Ms. Micaella M. Olivar, LPT

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